13 nov

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Publisher’s Message

Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

Pubisher/Chief Executive Officer


am disappointed by the lack of awareness of the plight and condition of Black entrepreneurship by corporate America. Shame on those executive boards for forgetting that disparity in contracting opportunity still exists, and discrimination is alive and well and affecting our various ethnic groups. In particular, no ethnic group has had to face as many obstacles and barriers to gaining a piece of our country's economic pie as African Americans. If Blacks had not marched, boycotted and died, for African American Civil Rights we would not have the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or Executive Order 11246. However, I have witnessed firsthand a continuing diminishment of commitment from corporate America to the African American business agenda across this country. Those companies and organizations that discriminate, as well as fail to demonstrate a commitment for the inclusion of all races and groups that makeup their market should be sanctioned and embarassed into changing their ways. Such is the situation that is being illuminated by the California Department of Insurance.

The Department of Insurance has issued a series of reports (Insurer Supplier Diversity Data Call – 2013 Reports) indicating that a substantial number of California's largest insurance companies, which each year collect some $125 billion in insurance premiums, aren't taking steps to increase and improve efforts toward more supplier diversity. Moreover, many have no plans to support any type diversity in the way they conduct business even though they are operating in a state in which the "minority" population is officially now the majority. I urge all interested parties to review the California Department of Insurance reports by visiting www. insurance.ca.gov/diversity-new/3dc. Then make your voice heard. Let the Calfornia Department of Insurance that you want sanctions against those firms that do not have active programs of supplier diversity. If your insurance provider is not "Doing The Right Thing," let them know that you will be moving your policy to another provider. I know they will hear the collective voice of the readers of the Black Business News! You might ask why I still spend an exorbitant amount of time and effort on the issue of race and institutionalized discrimination? I

do it because I see little change. Every federal agency and state administration has some form of Office on Civil Rights. Most corporations have a supplier diversity program to promote diversity in their contracting. Yet, there isn’t a state agency or federal agency that can boast more than 4% consistent Black business participation anywhere in this nation in real capacity building for African American firms. As individuals and business owners/managers, we have the power to effect change. We can and should: • withhold our business dollars from those entities that do not have committed supplier diversity programs. • withhold our shopping dollars from those entities that finance forces that advocate and promote negative policies toward minority communities in an effort to limit our access to the voting booth. • spend our shopping dollars with those Black-owned businesses in our neighborhoods and in central business districts. Our dollars and time, spent wisely, make a difference.  See page 36 for more economic news.

3  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


ABOUT THE BLACK BUSINESS NEWS… The mission of The Black Business News is to inspire and inform public and private sector industry representatives on the importance of smart small business growth. As a versatile source of socioeconomic development activity, the Black Business News imparts current local, national and international industry trends related to small businesses across the United States of America (USA), detailing greater access to financial capital, management efficiencies, business education, mentors and networks. The goals of the Black Business News include: •

• • •

Black Business News P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-291-7819 Fax: 323-298-5064 www.blackbusinessnews.net


ASSOCIATE EDITORS Sarah Harris • Dean L. Jones


increasing the use of business enterprises owned by USA-based blacks, by advocating for greater access to leading finance lenders and successful business managers.


working to merge resources, values, profits, technology throughout the public and private sectors.


balancing major public and private sector contracting methods with positive outcomes of black-owned and operated enterprises.

LaSandra Stratton • Dean Jones • Linda Ware

gproviding an affirmative influence for emergn ing entrepreneurs sharing innovative design and creative cultural content that exposess d them to the history of black enterprises and excite them to participate in the USA’s future.. advocating and promoting on behalf off black-owned businesses by promoting the need for expanding an economic foundation that supports an unfettered and self-sustained urban society with USA job creation and economic opportunity, where blacks work, live and operate viable business enterprises.


Kim Anthony Belinda Foster Narishima Osei


STORY EDITORS Wanda Flagg ▪ Jennifer Marie Hamilton

PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx ▪ Sabir • Narishima Osei


LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2012 by Black Business News All Rights Reserved. The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.




Publisher's Message

GOVERNMENT… 12 13 16 17 21

Why The Affordable Care Act Climate Change Preparedness Pass ENDA Corey Booker, Newest US Senator Jeh Johnson Nominated to Lead DHS

BUSINESS… 28 29 30 38 50 56


Uptown Unplugged Video Channel Launches Real Times Media Digital Network Underway Bernard J. Tyson, Kaiser Permanente CEO New Trade Show Marketing Rules for Success New SEC Crowdfunding Rules African Americans Big Users of Online Job Search


First Lady & Sesame Street Promote Heathy Meals for Kids


Exhibit Honors Haitian Music in World Culture

INTERNATIONAL… 72 74 COLUMNS 60 - Take A Look! 106 - Books to Consider... 108 - Calendar 110 - Resources ACTION ALERTS 27 - AEG Supplier Portal SPONSORS 8 - Black Business Association Cover image - Phallu Morgan


EU Lifts Sanctions on Zimbabwe Diamond Mine Fast Food Chains Growing ng in Africa Forbes Now Publishes 3 Africa Focused Magazines


Kenyans win 2013 New York Marathon


Holiday Shopping Opportunities


7  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Why We Passed the Affordable Care Act in the First Place by David Simas

President Barack Obama delivers remarks regarding the Affordable Care Act, at Faneuil Hall in Boston, Mass. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)


ecently, President Obama spoke at Faneuil Hall in Boston. While Boston is home to Big Papi and the beloved Red Sox, it's also home to the birthplace of health reform in America. The state's progressive vision of universal coverage and the conservative idea of market competition are what formed the blueprint for Obamacare: that everyone should have access to

quality, affordable health care, and no one should ever go broke just because they get sick. And we're seeing the benefits of reform extended nationally: According to a new report this week, nearly half of single, uninsured Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 can get coverage for $50 or less, often lower than the cost of their cable bill. That comes on top of the new benefits -- including free preventive services like

mammograms, and a prohibition against denying coverage for preexisting conditions. Now HealthCare.gov has experienced its share of bumps in the road, to all of our frustration, but every day people are signing up and getting insurance. President Obama has said many times that he's open to making the health care law work better. If folks could leave the politics aside for a bit -- if see Affordable Care Act on page 13

12  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Affordable Care Act from page 12

Republicans spent as much energy trying to make the law work as they do attacking it -- we could be much further than we are today. Last week we sat down and spoke with folks who have applied through the Marketplace, and their stories remind me why we fought so hard to pass this law in the first place. Will you take two minutes to watch this video -- and then forward it to a friend? If you want an example of the difference this law will make in someone's life, you don't have to look any further than Janice -- a new registrant from Selbyville, Delaware. She was the first woman to enroll in the Delaware exchange, and she says her new policy will save her $150 a month for more coverage benefits than ever before. Or David -- a self-employed IT consultant and Air Force veteran living in Washington, DC. David picked his plan the morning D.C.'s online health insurance marketplace opened. His previous plan was $600 a month. His new one? $250 cheaper. That's who we're fighting for here. And while it can get lost in the fray of the 24-hour news cycle, I hope you'll keep folks like Janice and David in mind in the weeks and months ahead. It's just too important to lose sight of the big picture.  www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2013/10/30/i-know-game-6starts-soon

View 2 minute video on Affordable Care Act Beneficiaries www.whitehouse.gov/share/davidjanice-and-zohre-are-gettingcovered

Executive Order on Climate Preparedness resident Obama established a Task Force on Climate Preparedness


The President signed an Executive Order that directs Federal agencies to take a series of steps to make it

and Resilience to advise the Administration on how the Federal Government can respond to the needs of communities nationwide that are dealing with the impacts of climate change. The Task Force members include state, local and tribal leaders from across the country who will use their first-hand experiences in building climate preparedness and resilience in their communities to inform their recommendations to the Administration.

easier for American communities to strengthen their resilience to extreme weather and prepare for other impacts of climate change. President Obama has said that we have a moral obligation to our children and future generations to leave them a planet that is not polluted or damaged. That is why in June, the President launched a Climate Action Plan to cut carbon pollution, prepare communities for see Climate Change on page 14

13  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Climate Change from page 13

the impacts of climate change, and lead international efforts to address this global challenge. The Climate Action Plan recognizes that even as we act to curb the carbon pollution that is driving climate change, we must also improve our ability to prepare for the climate impacts we are already seeing across the country. Across America, states,

for rapid recovery from damages that nonetheless occur. The Federal Government has an important role to play in supporting community-based preparedness and resilience efforts by establishing policies and prioritizing investments that promote preparedness, protecting critical infrastructure and public resources, supporting science and research needed to prepare for climate impacts, and ensuring that Federal operations

Resilience State, local and tribal leaders across the country are already contending with more frequent or severe heat waves, droughts, wildfires, storms and floods, and other impacts of climate change. The Task Force will provide recommendations to the President on removing barriers to resilient investments, modernizing Federal grant and loan programs to better support local efforts, and developing

President Barack Obama signs Executive Order cities, and communities are taking steps to protect themselves from extreme weather and other climate impacts by updating building codes, adjusting the way they manage natural resources, investing in more resilient infrastructure, and planning

and facilities continue to protect and serve citizens in a changing climate.

State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and

the information and tools they need to prepare. Task Force members comprise governors, mayors, county officials and tribal leaders, representing a diverse range of communities.

14  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Climate Change from page 14

The Obama Administration has taken significant steps to strengthen the climate resilience of America’s communities and economy. More than 30 Federal agencies developed their firstever Climate Change Adaptation Plans, outlining strategies to protect their operations, programs, and investments to better serve communities and safeguard our public resources in the face of climate change. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the Administration has provided resources to rebuild the affected area to be more resilient than before, including support for more climate-resilient roads and infrastructure, and projects that protect drinking water and buffer communities from flooding. In addition, Federal agencies have partnered with states, cities, tribes, and the private sector to develop strategies to address the impacts of climate change on our freshwater resources, oceans and coasts, and wildlife. Agencies have also built new, data-driven tools to help decision makers and resource managers map and plan for future sea level rise. From Florida to Minnesota, and from Alaska to New York, Federal agencies have partnered with communities to provide funding and technical assistance to address local climate impacts such as sea level rise, flooding, and water scarcity. To build on this progress, the Executive Order (E.O.) “Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change,” directs Federal agencies to:

• Modernize Federal programs to support climate-resilient investments: Agencies will examine their policies and programs and find ways to make it easier for cities and towns to build smarter and stronger. Agencies will identify and remove any barriers to resilience-focused actions and investments– for example, policies that encourage communities to rebuild to past standards after disasters instead of to stronger s t a n d a r d s – including through agency grants, technical assistance, and other programs in sectors from transportation and water management to conservation and disaster relief. • Manage lands and waters for climate preparedness and resilience: America’s natural resources are critical to our Nation’s economy, health and quality of life. The E.O. directs agencies to identify changes that must be made to land- and water-related policies, programs, and regulations to strengthen the climate resilience of our watersheds, natural resources, and ecosystems, and the communities and economies that depend on them. Federal agencies will also evaluate how to better promote natural storm barriers such as dunes and wetlands, as well as how to protect the carbon sequestration benefits of forests and lands to help reduce the carbon pollution that causes climate change. • Provide information, data and tools for climate change preparedness and resilience:

Scientific data and insights are essential to help communities and businesses better understand and manage the risks associated with extreme weather and other impacts of climate change. The E.O. instructs Federal agencies to work together and with information users to develop new climate preparedness tools and information that state, local, and private-sector leaders need to make smart decisions. In keeping with the President’s Open Data initiative, agencies will also make extensive Federal climate data accessible to the public through an easy-to-use online portal. • Plan for climate change related risk: Recognizing the threat that climate change poses to Federal facilities, operations and programs, the E.O. builds on the first-ever set of Federal agency adaptation plans released earlier this year and directs Federal agencies to develop and implement strategies to evaluate and address their most significant climate change related risks. To implement these actions, the E.O. establishes an interagency Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, chaired by the White House and composed of more than 25 agencies. To assist in achieving the goals of the E.O., these agencies are directed to consider the recommendations of the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. www.whitehouse.gov/thepress-office/2013/11/01/factsheet-executive-order-climatepreparedness

15  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Congress Needs to Pass the Employment NonDiscrimination Act

strong bipartisan support and the support of a vast majority of Americans. It ought to be the law of the land. By President Barack Obama Americans ought to be judged by one thing only in their ere in the United States, workplaces: their ability to get their we're united by a jobs done. Does it make a difference fundamental principle: we're if the firefighter who rescues you is all created equal and every single gay -- or the accountant who does American deserves to be treated your taxes, or the mechanic who equally in the eyes of the law. We fixes your car? If someone works believe that no matter who you hard every day, does everything he are, if you work hard and play by or she is asked, is responsible and the rules, you deserve the chance trustworthy and a good colleague, to follow your dreams and pursue that's all that should matter. your happiness. That's America's Business agrees. The majority promise. of Fortune 500 companies and That's why, for instance, small businesses already have Americans can't be fired from their nondiscrimination policies that jobs just because of the color of protect LGBT employees. These their skin or for being Christian or companies know that it's both the Jewish or a woman or an individual right thing to do and makes good with a disability. That kind of economic sense. They want to discrimination has no place in our attract and retain the best workers, nation. And yet, right now, in 2013, and discrimination makes it harder in many states a person can be to do that. fired simply for being lesbian, gay, So too with our nation. If we want bisexual, or transgender. to create more jobs and economic As a result, millions of LGBT growth and keep our country Americans go to work every day competitive in the global economy, fearing that, without any warning, we need everyone working hard, they could lose their jobs -- not contributing their ideas, and putting because of anything they've done, their abilities to use doing what but simply because of who they are. they do best. We need to harness It's offensive. It's wrong. And the creativity and talents of every it needs to stop, because in the American. United States of America, who you So I urge the Senate to vote are and who you love should never yes on ENDA and the House of be a fireable offense. Representatives to do the same. That's why Congress needs Several Republican Senators to pass the Employment Nonhave already voiced their support, Discrimination Act, also known as have a number of Republicans as ENDA, which would provide in the House. If more members of strong federal protections against Congress step up, we can put an discrimination, making it explicitly end to this form of discrimination illegal to fire someone because once and for all. of their sexual orientation or Passing ENDA would build on gender identity. This bill has the progress we've made in recent


years. We stood up against hate crimes with the Matthew Shepard Act and lifted the entry ban for travelers with HIV. We ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" so our brave servicemen and women can serve openly the country they love, no matter who they love. We prohibited discrimination in housing and hospitals that receive federal funding, and we passed the Violence Against Women Act, which includes protections for LGBT Americans. My Administration had stopped defending the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, and earlier this year the U.S. Supreme Court struck down that discriminatory law. Now we're implementing that ruling, giving married couples access to the federal benefits they were long denied. And across the nation, as more and more states recognize marriage equality, we're seeing loving couples -- some who have been together for decades -- finally join their hands in marriage. America is at a turning point. We're not only becoming more accepting and loving as a people, we're becoming more just as a nation. But we still have a way to go before our laws are equal to our Founding ideals. As I said in my second inaugural address, our nation's journey toward equality isn't complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. In America of all places, people should be judged on the merits: on the contributions they make in their workplaces and communities, and on what Martin Luther King Jr. called "the content of their character." That's what ENDA helps us do. When Congress passes it, I will sign it into law, and our nation

16  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

see ENDA on page 17

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) administers a ceremonial swearing for Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) (L) as his mother Carolyn Booker holds a Bible in the Old Senate Chamber at the U.S. Captiol in Washington, DC.

Cory Booker Sworn in as US Senator


ormer Newark, NJ., Mayor Cory Booker is starting his new job in an unusual position — a freshman Democratic senator with celebrity status. He was sworn in during a brief ceremony on the Senate floor. He won a special election in midOctober to fill the seat of longtime Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who died in June.


from page 16

will be fairer and stronger for generations to come.  www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/11/04/ president-obama-speaks-out-supportenda

Photographers and reporters followed Booker around the Capitol, from a photo opportunity with Majority Leader Harry Reid to a ceremonial swearing-in in the Old Senate Chamber to a private reception thrown by the state's other senator, Robert Menendez. Booker also had a private meeting with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office in the afternoon. Booker walked into the Senate chamber a bit before noon, a family Bible tucked under his left arm. Vice President Joe Biden administered the oath during the official ceremony. He placed his hand on the Bible, the same one he used for his swearing-in as Newark

mayor, and it appeared to tremble at times. Booker got right to work, participating in a roll call vote to support an attempt by Democrats to advance the nomination of Rep. Mel Watt, D-N.C., to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency. His election gave Democrats control of 55 Senate seats, counting two held by independents. Republicans hold 45. "This is a really special day for me," Booker told reporters, "And I'm really blown away." Booker, 44, is the first AfricanAmerican to be elected to the Senate since Barack Obama. He was elected mayor of Newark in 2006 and re-elected in 2010.  http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ wireStory/cory-booker-swornnewest-us-senator-20740827

17  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

President Barack Obama is greeted by Bill Russell during a stop to view the statue of Russell at City Hall Plaza in Boston, Mass. The statue was unveiled at a ceremony. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Bill Russell and Barack Obama Hug Next to Bill Russell Statue by John Ferensen


ill Russell is in Boston to celebrate the long-overdue unveiling of a statue erected in his honor. The statue remained hidden under a tent before the unveiling ceremony at City Hall, and out of the public’s view — save for a handful of Very Important People. One of those important people was President Barack Obama, who was last seen with Russell in 2010, draping a Presidential Medal

Govenor Deval Patrick, President Barack Obama, and Bill Russell leaving viewing of the statue of Russell at City Hall Plaza in Boston, MA.

of Freedom around the Hall of Famer’s neck. President Obama stopped by City Hall for a special sneak preview, and shared a touching moment with the NBA legend. 

www.whitehouse.gov/photos-andvideo/photo/2013/11/bill-russell-statue http://nextimpulsesports. com/2013/11/01/bill-russell-barackobama-hug-next-bill-russell-statue

20  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Former Top Pentagon Lawyer is Obama Pick for DHS By Pete Williams Jeh Johnson

and Chuck Todd, NBC News


enior administration officials confirm that President Barack Obama has chosen former Defense Department general counsel Jeh Johnson to succeed Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary. Obama is expected to formally nominate Johnson for the position. If confirmed, Johnson, 56, would become the first African-American to lead DHS. As the Pentagon's top lawyer from 2009 until last year, Johnson was at the center of many of the Obama administration's major decisions on issues like counterterrorism, the use of drones, and the repeal of

Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. He co-authored a report that helped pave the way for repeal of the ban on gays serving openly in the military. He also won headlines in 2012 for a speech at Oxford University for describing a future "tipping point" at which al Qaeda would be so weakened that it would be unable to mount an attack on the United States and would be "effectively destroyed." During the Clinton Administration, Johnson served as the general counsel of the Department of the Air Force from 1998 to 2001. Previously, he has also served as

Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York. He left the Pentagon last year to return to New York law firm Paul Weiss. In his role there, he has represented Citigroup and Gillette, among other major companies, according to the firm's web site. Napolitano stepped down in early September to lead the University of California system. The department has been without a leader for six weeks, prompting many to call for a swift nomination and confirmation of a new secretary.  http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_ news/2013/10/17/21011317-formertop-pentagon-lawyer-is-obama-pickfor-dhs?lite

21  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


President Obama Commemorates Veterans Day by Zara Rahim


he President hosted a breakfast in the East Room of the White House for veterans and their families. In attendance was Richard Overton from Austin, Texas. Richard is the oldest living World War II veteran. The President honored the veteran in his remarks at Arlington National Cemetery,

and thanked Richard for his selfless dedication and his courage when he faced adversity. That’s what we owe veterans like Richard Overton, who served in the Army in World War II. He was there at Pearl Harbor, when the battleships were still smoldering. He was there at Okinawa. He was there at Iwo Jima, where he said, “I only got out of there by the grace

of God.” When the war ended, Richard headed home to Texas to a nation bitterly divided by race. And his service on the battlefield was not always matched by the respect that he deserved at home. But this veteran held his head high. He carried on and lived his life with honor and dignity.  www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2013/11/12/president-obamacommemorates-veterans-day

President Barack Obama greets Richard Overton, with Earlene Love-Karo, in the Blue Room of the White House. Mr. Overton,107 years old and the oldest living World War II veteran, attended the Veteran's Day Breakfast at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) 22  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


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UPTOWN Magazine Partners P with Marriott tto Launch the “Uptown Unplugged” Video Channel Digital Web Series to Provide Original Content Targeted to African Americans


PTOWN Magazine (http://uptownmagazine. com), the only luxury lifestyle magazine for the affluent African American consumer, has announced it has launched “Uptown Unplugged,” a digital channel featuring original content. As a part of this new venture with Uptown Media Ventures, Marriott International is proud to be the presenting sponsor of “Uptown Studio,” “Uptown ProFiles” and “The H List.” “Uptown Unplugged offers Marriott the unique opportunity to reach an audience in a significant way that not only educates, but entertains” "We are thrilled to be expanding our brand experience to the digital space and very excited to have Marriott International as our partner in this venture,” said Len Burnett,

UPTOWN Magazine Co-Founder C a and Group Publisher. P " O u r strategy s is to t create a strong mix of original and curated content co and provide our clients with the best in class production, programming and custom branded entertainment.” Each episode will be filmed in the Uptown Studio located in the Renaissance New York Hotel 57 located at Lexington Avenue and 57th Street in New York City. The channel will also feature branded entertainment segments from brand partners Marriott International and Ciroc, among others to be announced shortly. “Each episode will run approximately 3-5 minutes and the first show will launch in November 2013,” said Executive Producer Lynne McDaniel. “With a strong social media push, the channel will allow Uptown to connect with consumers utilizing online digital content and social engagement tools.” “Uptown Unplugged offers Marriott the unique opportunity to reach an

audience in a significant way that not only educates, but entertains," said Kristine Friend, Senior Director of Segment Marketing for Marriott International.

About UPTOWN Magazine Founded in 2004, UPTOWN is the only luxury lifestyle brand that targets the Affluent African American (AAA) Market. UPTOWN Magazine affords luxury purveyors the broadest access to this highly sought-after male and female demographic. Uptown Media Group, LLC offers both traditional and innovative strategies across multiple platforms including UPTOWN Magazine, UptownLife. net, Uptown Social event updates, Uptown's signature events and digital production.

About Marriott International, Inc. Marriott International, Inc. (NYSE: MAR) is a leading lodging company based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, with more than 3,800 properties in 72 countries and territories and reported revenues of nearly $12 billion in fiscal year 2012. For more information, please visit www. marriott.com.  Squeakywheel Promotions Jackie Saril, 914-393-7043 jackie@squeakywheelpromotions.com

28  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Real Times Media to Launch New Interactive OneSupported Digtial Network


eal Times Media (RTM), a multimedia company focused on urban marketing, media and entertainment is set to officially introduce the Real Times Media Digital Network with the launch of the first of its new Interactive One-supported websites in November. The initial sites to launch under the new Real Times Media digital platform will be the company’s www. AtlantaDailyWorld.com and www.NewPittsburghCourier.com properties. The launch of the two sites is the first milestone of the partnership RTM developed with Interactive One Studios (iOne Studios http:// interactiveone.com/ione-studios), a division of Radio One, which assists external brands with developing highly profitable digital businesses

through world-class sales, platform, content and distribution services. “Partnering with Interactive One Studios presents a tremendous opportunity for the Real Times Media digital platform,” said Hiram E. Jackson, CEO, Real Times Media. “For the past few years our company has had a laser focus on Re-positioning our brands into Multi-media platforms With emphasis on digital content, special events and marketing services. We’ve been able to make significant headway on our own; however, this partnership with Interactive One will certainly help us to reach new levels of success.” Under the terms of the full partnership, Real Times Media is migrating its Atlanta Daily World (www.AtlantaDailyWorld. com), Chicago Defender

(www.ChicagoDefender.com), Michigan Chronicle (www. MichiganChronicle.com), and New Pittsburgh Courier (www. N e w P i t t s b u r g h C o u r i e r. c o m ) websites to Interactive One's proprietary content and mobile platforms. The transition will benefit the Real Times Media brands through increased audience reach, world-class advertising, media management and operations, guaranteed uptimes and tech support, and a unique set of features and functions that have made the channels within the Interactive One network a leader in the space.  www.whoswhopublishing. com/index.php/newsroom/topnews/887-real-times-media-setslaunch-date-for-new-interactiveone-supported-digtial-network

29  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Bernard J. Tyson

Bernard J. Tyson, CEO of Kaiser Permanente


ernard J. Tyson is chief executive officer of Kaiser Permanente, one of America’s most innovative integrated health care providers and not-for-profit health plans. With annual operating revenue of more than $50 billion, Kaiser Permanente serves 9.1 million members in eight states and the District of Columbia. During Tyson’s nearly 30-year career at Kaiser Permanente, he has successfully managed all major aspects of the organization. Since 2010, Tyson has served as president and chief operating officer of the Oakland, California-based health care organization. Under his leadership, Kaiser Permanente has delivered on its “Thrive” promise by bringing a fully integrated approach to health care and

coverage that is helping members to achieve their aspirations of total health. Tyson believes Kaiser Permanente’s ability to deliver quality and affordable care through a combination of prevention, innovation and integrated care can serve as the model for the future of health care in America. Today, the strength of Kaiser Permanente’s approach is evident in the significant increase in consolidation and partnerships across the health care industry designed to create greater integration between health plans, hospitals and medical practices. As CEO, Tyson is dedicated to ensuring Kaiser Permanente is recognized for its accomplishments both as a leader in preventive care, and as a center of excellence in treating serious health conditions.

Today, Kaiser Permanente’s more than 175,000 employees and 17,000 physicians deliver some of the best cancer care, cardiovascular care and neuroscience outcomes while also leading the nation in infection prevention, cancer screenings, patient safety and quality. Tyson has been a strong advocate for the elimination of health care disparities among individuals by using data aggregated from members’ electronic medical records to determine the most effective treatment for optimal outcomes. He is dedicated to upholding Kaiser Permanente’s mission to provide high-quality, affordable health care services for all the organization’s members and to improve the health of members and communities see Tyson, CEO on page 31

30  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Tyson, CEO from page 30

served. During Tyson’s career at Kaiser Permanente, he has served in roles from hospital administrator to division president, leading Kaiser Permanente’s business in California and in its other regions. Before his current position, he served as

executive vice president for Health Plan and Hospital Operations, responsible for both the care and coverage for members within one of the nation’s largest health plans and hospital systems — 38 Kaiser Permanente-owned hospitals and more than 600 medical offices across America. A San Francisco Bay Area native, Tyson earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Service Management and

a Master of Business in Health Service Administration from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. He earned a Leadership Certificate from Harvard University. He serves on the board of directors of the American Heart Association and as chairman of the board of the Executive Leadership Council. tp://share.kaiserpermanente.org/bio/ bernard-j-tyson/#sthash.m4I6IOHS. dpuf

Quote of Note... “We haven’t just been recovering from a crisis. What we’ve been trying to do is rebuild a new foundation for growth and prosperity to protect ourselves from future crises.” President Barack H. Obama

31  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


RIO 2016 OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Partnership & Contract Opportunities For a list of current Rio 2016 Olympic Sponsors visit: http://rio2016.com/en/organising-committee/partners

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Cyber Monday is December 2nd:

What are you waiting for?

For information on participating in or supporting the Voting Rights Act restoration movement visit these and other organization websites: • 50th Anniversary March on Washington - http://50thanniversarymarchonwashington.com.

• National Action Network - http://nationalactionnetwork.net/mow/

• NAACP - www.naacp.org

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32  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819




Kauffman Foundation Reveals ‘The Secret Process of Today’s Successful Ventures’ in Six Animated Episodes Educational videos offer simple, step-by-step method for developing an idea into a tested business model


ntrepreneurs often find it challenging to go from idea to a valid business model, which is essential for a business to get off the ground, let alone survive and grow. Today the Kauffman Foundation, in collaboration with Strategyzer, unveiled the "From

Idea to Business" video series that teaches entrepreneurs how to design and test business models that help their ideas have a better chance of succeeding. Developed by the founders of Strategyzer.com — the makers of the best-selling book Business Model Generation and the inventors

of the breakthrough Business Model Canvas methodology — the animated, short videos tell the story of Beth and Carl as they develop their business idea into a tangible business model. The best idea in the world can flop if the entrepreneur doesn't have a sustainable, financially stable business model," said Dominique Pahud, director of Innovation & Networks at the Kauffman Foundation. "This series of videos present the steps to creating an efficient and systematic approach to prototype and test their business models and iterate as the company evolves through time." Geared toward anyone looking to start or grow a business, the videos aim to boost executives' and entrepreneurs' chances of success in their search for a scalable and profitable business model. The six video series covers topics including: • Getting from business idea to business model • Visualizing your business model • Prototyping • Navigating your environment • Proving it • Telling your story/Pitching your business "This is a tool to help entrepreneurs replace business plans with a more dynamic approach: the systematic design, testing and pivoting of

Business Model Canvases," said Alex Osterwalder, cofounder of Strategyzer.com. "The video series brings business strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship to a larger audience and provides entrepreneurs with a new generation of business tools that they can immediately apply." The "From Idea to Business" video series is housed on the Kauffman Foundation's newly enhanced Entrepreneurship.org web platform, which offers a wealth of resources, educational information and tools for entrepreneurs. It can be accessed at http://www. entrepreneurship.org/bmc.

About Strategyzer Strategyzer was founded by the makers of the best-selling book Business Model Generation and the inventors of the breakthrough Business Model Canvas methodology. Strategyzer believes that in the future business people will operate like surgeons, prototype like architects and experiment like scientists. Based on this vision, the company is building tools to help organizations systematically design, test and build strategic innovations.

About Kauffman Established in the mid-1960s by the late entrepreneur and philanthropist Ewing Marion Kauffman, the Kauffman Foundation is based in Kansas City, Mo., and is among the largest private foundations in the United States with an asset base of approximately $2 billion. Our vision is to foster a society of economically independent individuals who are engaged citizens in their communities.  http://www.kauffman.org/ newsroom/2013/10/kauffmanfoundation-reveals-the-secret-processof-todays-successful-ventures?utm_ source=Newsletter&utm_ medium=Opticast&utm_ campaign=Ideas_At_Work_10_25_13

34  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Small Business Saturday, November 30, 2013 American Express Sponsors Nationwide Campaign


mall Businesses are the heartbeat of our communities. They're the corner stores that create jobs. The hardware stores that help build our economy. And the mom-and-pop shops whose very presence makes a neighborhood your neighborhood. Small Business Saturday (www.americanexpress.com/us/ small-business/Shop-Small) is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses across the country. Founded by American Express ( w w w. a m e r i c a n e x p r e s s . c o m ) in 2010, this day is celebrated every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year, Small Business Saturday is on November 30th.

THE HISTORY OF SHOP SMALL S m a l l B u s i n e s s Saturday has grown into a movement that millions of individuals, businesses, and communities have embraced nationwide. The Shop Small® Movement inspires people to shop with and support these small businesses as well as give back to the places that have given

their communities so much. Go to the Small Business Saturday website and join in. 

35  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Growth in Black Buying Power Continues

of African Americans and other underserved communities.” To download a full copy of the report, please visit www.nielsen. com.

from PYMNTS.com

About Nielsen


frican-American buying power continues to increase and is expected to rise from its current $1 trillion level to $1.3 trillion by 2017, according to Resilient, Receptive and Relevant: The African-American Consumer 2013 Report. The report was released today by Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what consumers watch and buy, in collaboration with the NNPA during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 43rd Annual Legislative Conference. Highlights from the report include: • 53% of the 43 million Blacks in the U.S. are under the age of 35, and the Black population has grown 63% faster than the general market population • Blacks watch more television (37%); make more shopping trips (eight), purchase more ethnic beauty and grooming products (nine times more), read more financial magazines (28%) and spend more than twice the time on personal hosted websites than any other group • Although 81% of Blacks said they believed that products advertised using Black media are more relevant to them, only 3% or $2.24 billion of the $75 billion spent on television, magazine, Internet and radio advertising was with media focused specifically on Black audiences • How companies can avoid a “onesize-fits-all” approach to better connect with Black consumers

The findings were announced by Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, senior vicepresident, public affairs and government relations for Nielsen, Cloves Campbell, chairman of the NNPA, a 73-year-old federation of 200 Black community newspapers; and A. Shuanise Washington, president and chief executive officer of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. “The consumer insights this year are some of the most varied yet,” said Pearson-McNeil. “From store brand loyalty, to top watched television networks, which mobile apps are most popular, a deep dive into how Blacks spend their digital time, and how companies can reach 10 million Black consumers by developing a southern regional strategy – this year’s report is really a compelling read for both advertisers and marketers.” “This year, the report goes a step further and lists the premier 50 companies, in the top five categories committed to the Black community economically,” said Campbell. “This type of information helps the NNPA continue our efforts to create conscious consumers who better understand how their economic power has a direct impact on the marketplace overall and that kind of information is invaluable.” Beyond the business impact Blacks have on the economy, the report also provides more granular insights into its population growth, and demographic uniqueness, which was of particular interest to Washington. “The CBCFs mission is to advance the global Black community by developing leaders, informing policy and educating the public,” said Washington. “Nielsen's report will prove helpful as we continue our efforts to improve the socioeconomic circumstances

Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence and mobile measurement. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA and Diemen, the Netherlands. For more information, visit www.nielsen.com.

About NNPA The National Newspaper Publishers Association, also known as the Black Press of America, is a 73-year-old federation of nearly 200 Black community newspapers from across the United States. Since World War II, it has also served as the industry’s news service, a position that it has held without peer or competitor since the associated Negro Press dissolved by 1970. In 2000, the NNPA launched NNPA Media Services – a print and web advertising – placement and press release distribution service. In 2001, the NNPA and its foundation began building the BlackPressUSA Network – the nation’s premier network of local Black community news and information portals. The BlackPressNetwork anchored by BlackPressUSA.com – the national web portal for the Black Press of America.  www.pymnts.com/news/ businesswire-feed/2013/ september/20/growthin-black-buying-powercontinues-20130920005582

36  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Directory of African American Owned Banks From hbcumoney.com


here are now 21 African American owned banks with assets totaling approximately $4.7 billion in assets or approximately 0.43 percent of African America’s $1.1 trillion in buying power. In 1994, there were 54 African American owned banks according to the FDIC. Whatever the number, let us step up to the challenge to keep the banks we have, establish new banking units, and grow the value and capacity of our African American financial system. http://hbcumoney. com/2013/03/01/2013s-africanamerican-owned-bank-directory

DIRECTORY ALAMERICA BANK Location: Birmingham, Alabama Founded: January 28, 2000 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $35,404,000

BROADWAY FEDERAL BANK FSB Location: Los Angeles, California

from page 43

Founded: February 26, 1947 FDIC Region: San Francisco Assets: $385,055,000

CAPITAL CITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY Location: Atlanta, Georgia Founded: October 3, 1994 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $294,572,000

CARVER STATE BANK Location: Savannah, Georgia Founded: January 1, 1927 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $41,573,000

CITIZENS TRUST BANK Location: Atlanta, Georgia Founded: June 18, 1921 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $392,286,000

CITY NB OF NEW JERSEY Location: Newark, New Jersey Founded: June 11, 1973 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $340,301,000

COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK Location: Mobile, Alabama Founded: February 19, 1976 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $63,244,000 Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: June 20, 1977 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $59,842,000

FIRST INDEPENDENCE BANK through business ownership. He is the organizer of the Beauty Supply Entrepreneurship Conference (BeautySupplyConference. com) and speaks at conferences regularly. He is a trainer for the National Urban League and Program Director of Beauty Supply Academy (BeautySupplyInstitute. com).  www.DevinRobinson.com

Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: November 09, 1970 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $84,948,000



Impacting Black Entrepreneurs

Assets: $63,127,000


Location: Detroit, Michigan Founded: May 14, 1970 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $215,924,000

FIRST STATE BANK Location: Danville, Virginia Founded: September 08, 1919 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $38,882,000

FIRST TUSKEGEE BANK Location:Tuskegee, Alabama Founded: October 11, 1991 FDIC Region: Atlanta

Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: January 01, 1934 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $140 148 000

INDUSTRIAL BANK Location: Washington, DC Founded: August 18, 1934 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $342,524,000

LIBERTY BANK & TRUST COMPANY Location: New Orleans, Louisiana Founded: November 16, 1972 FDIC Region: Dallas Assets: $545,019,000

MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK Location: Durham, North Carolina Founded: March 01, 1908 FDIC Region: Atlanta Assets: $304,809,000

NORTH MILWAUKEE STATE BANK Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Founded: February 12, 1971 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $91,490,000

ONEUNITED BANK Location: Boston, Massachusetts Founded: August 02, 1982 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $590,624,000

SEAWAY BANK & TRUST COMPANY Location: Chicago, Illinois Founded: January 02, 1965 FDIC Region: Chicago Assets: $573 168 000

UNITED BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Founded: March 23, 1992 FDIC Region: New York Assets: $67,930,000

UNITY NB OF HOUSTON Location: Houston, Texas Founded: August 01, 1985 FDIC Region: Dallas Assets: $68,125,000 

37  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Source: FDIC


11 New Rules of Trade Show Marketing From Skyline Exhibits


n the last 10 years or so there have been fundamental technological and economic changes that have rewritten the trade show rule book. Not rules like how close to the aisle your exhibit structure can be or how loud your music can play, but rules about what it takes to succeed on the show floor. Some changes evolved slowly over the years, and some were wrenched into place almost at once. Here’s what’s changed – and how you can adapt to those changes:

1. More Uncertainty: Economic uncertainty has lasted

You have to balance their need for financial flexibility by waiting longer to commit to shows and vendors, and yet still avoid more expensive rush charges. (I sincerely wish you luck walking that tightrope.) Rental exhibits help avoid capital expenses, too.

2. Measurement A Must: Gone are the days when you could end the show by saying to your boss, “We had a good show, didn’t we?” and that would be enough. Your trade show spending is being compared to more explicitly measurable electronic marketing

the minds of your bosses, and your budget is in jeopardy. Here’s a free tool to help you measure your trade show results.

3. Trade Shows Stronger Than Some Expected: Trade shows are one of the winners in the marketing media wars. Along w i t h electronic media, trade shows have retained a greater share of B2B marketing b u d g e t s than print and direct mail. That’s because trade shows still provide what all marketers want: face time with lots of real buyers in one place. So be sure to take full advantage of your face time at shows, because it’s harder to reach buyers elsewhere.

4. More Knowledgeable Buyers:

for years, and shows little signs of going away. This makes your top company executives reluctant to commit early to trade shows, and buy capital-intensive larger exhibits.

mediums. So even if your trade show is producing greater results, if you don’t prove it with real numbers, such as ROI ratios or sales generated, it didn’t happen in

Attendees now look up potential suppliers on the internet before the show, so they arrive already knowing about your products. If they visit you, it’s because they want to know if your product really does what you say it can, who your people are and how trustworthy your company is. You will need to provide more hospitality, have more space for longer meetings, and bring people who can answer detailed questions, but also deepen relationships.

5. Pre-Show Promotions Harder: see Trade Show Marketing on page 39

38  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Trade Show Marketing from page 38

Pre-show promotions with traditional media don’t bring in as many attendees as they used to. Your pre-show mailers get ignored, emails get deleted, calls get screened, and magazine ads are left unread. Buyers are just too busy before the show to pay much attention to your pre-show promotions. To get attendees into your booth, you have to do more at-show promotions, to grab their attention when they are focused on the show.

6. Social Media Rising: Social media is where people now spend their time. Fortunately, social media is not a replacement for trade shows, but is a great conduit to people who have tuned out of direct mail, email, ads, and phone calls. Social media can also help you extend the conversation that peaked at the show. Your activities in your booth (new products, product demonstrations, customer testimonials) are great content to share via social media after the show.

7. Which Promotions Work Now: Trade show attendees may walk the show floor, but it’s harder to get them out of the aisle and into your booth space. The internet has given them control of the buying process, so they don’t like to easily give

it up at a show, either. So your promotions have to be better. To get them into your booth, you have to give them one of these three things: an exchange of value, an experience, or learning. Otherwise, they will keep walking.

8. Vertical Market Messages Love Flat Screens: In the old days, exhibitors would design their exhibit with a main message for the company overall, but swap out a portion of the exhibit graphics to customize their message for different industry trade shows. Now, with the price of large LED flat screen monitors about 25% of what they were when introduced (and lighter, too), exhibitors tailor their vertical market messages with pixels, not printed graphics.

9. Even Island Exhibits Are Lighter: While portable trade show displays have been the standard for decades, the high cost of shipping and especially drayage (up 488% from 1982 to 2010) have caused big-booth exhibitors to try to lighten their load, too. The improved style and flexibility of metal frame exhibit systems and the brilliant, sharp fabric graphics of today are taking over many trade shows.

10. Unqualified Leads Will Be Ignored: Your overworked sales force no longer has the time to work through a pile of business cards. Give them basically a list, and after several calls they will stop calling,

if they start at all. You have to give them more qualifying information about each lead than just contact information, and you should only give them the qualified leads that are ready to talk to a sales person – or at least tell them which leads are the higher quality ones, so they can start there first.

11. Technology Everywhere: Technology has infiltrated trade show marketing. From iPads to enhance one-on-one interactive conversations and revolutionize lead management to flat screen integrated into exhibit designs to wireless internet hubs, and social media to entice booth visitors, technology is everywhere on the show floor. That means you have to know the difference between an HDMI and a VGA cable, a .csv and a .txt file, and a wireless or a hardwired internet connection. Because even in face-to-face marketing, technology boosts results. If your trade show marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be, see if you haven’t adapted your program to the new rules of the show hall. Take these new rules into account, and rejuvenate and enhance your program and your results.  www.skylinetradeshowtips.com/11-newrules-of-trade-show-marketing

39  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Angela Avant Leads National Association of Black Accountants Interview by Vanessa Small


have not shied away from challenging roles or career paths. I knew that accounting was challenging before I entered the field. It has historically been, and still is, a male-dominated profession. I knew that when I chose my major. It’s why I chose my profession. I became interested in accounting through my aunt, who told me about the first African American certified public accountant in Virginia. I began to see more images of successful women who were dressed as business professionals. It was very appealing. So, after doing some research, I decided to major in accounting. I never looked back. I began my career with Arthur Andersen, which at the time was the largest accounting firm in the world. When I started out, there weren’t a lot of people who looked like me. Finding a role model was not easy.

So I decided to focus on doing a great job. I would always have to do better than the best. I demonstrated technical skills, people skills, leadership ability, responsibility and a c c o u n t a b i l i t y, and I represented the firm well. That’s when I got involved with the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA). The group helped me develop the tools I needed to be successful in the workplace. After five years, I became the firm’s first African American manager. The next step would have been partner, the ultimate position. But it became unclear whether I would make partner. At that point, there was only one other African American female who made partner in the Washington region. I decided to pursue other opportunities to gain additional skills that would make me more marketable. I left the firm and went to Corning, a Fortune 100 company. I was the worldwide director of internal audit and worked on mergers and acquisitions. Then I was appointed inspector general of the District of Columbia. I had no idea of the challenges I faced.

The city was on the brink of financial collapse. Everyone was worried that fraud, waste and financial abuses were rampant. A control board, appointed by the president, was put in place to oversee the operations and spending of the city. Being a young, accomplished African American female in that role was pretty incredible. What I didn’t know at the time was the politics involved. I was used to being in a clientservice environment. But it was an incredible experience to have had that opportunity to do some important work. From there I went to KPMG. I created the Washington-Baltimore internal audit practice from scratch. I ultimately became partner at KPMG and was eventually tapped to be the partner in charge of diversity. I helped the company demonstrate the importance of diversity. We created skill-building programs, conducted webinars and regional symposiums, and created opportunities for minority employees to solve problems and discuss issues they were facing. In three years, we added four African American female partners, bringing the total to six. We also reported better retention rates for African Americans. After 11 years, I left the firm and the partnership. Now here I am. see Angela Avant on page 41

40  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Angela Avant

general, District of Columbia; manager of mergers and acquisitions, director of worldwide internal audit, Corning; senior manager of audit, Arthur Andersen. Education: BS, accounting and finance, Virginia State University.

from page 40

Some would say I’ve come full circle. NABA has been my second career. It’s something I am passionate about. I do consider it a blessing that I get to lead an organization that has meant so much to me and has helped others like me.

Angela Avant Position: President and chief executive of the National Association of Black Accountants, a professional membership organization that represents the interests of African Americans and other minorities in accounting, auditing, taxation, finance, consulting, government

and information technology. Career highlights: Partner in charge of diversity and partner of advisory services, KPMG; inspector

www.washingtonpost. com/business/ economy/new-at-thetop-angela-avanttakes-the-helm-atnational-associationof-black-accountants/2013/11/17/ ee0afe9c-4dfc-11e3-9890a1e0997fb0c0_story.html

Civil Rights Activist Fred Davis, who marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., paid $6,000 for this billboard. Davis believes men who sag their pants portray an image of crime and poor education. 41  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Professor Impacts Black Entrepreneurs Outside of the Classroom

an urban McDonald's to remove toy guns from their happy meals for boys after President Barack Obama's election, citing the action of McDonald's as reckless and promoting male violence. He was on the frontlines

2004, Robinson opened his first of 3 stores after being threatened by a Korean owner with a golf club while he was shopping for his salon. He has been an adjunct business & economics professor since 2008 and has been continuously making entrepreneurship the focus of his


evin Robinson, widely known for his activism in the beauty supply business, continues to use his experience for a broader audience of blacks. In 2007, he founded Beauty Supply Institute to train aspiring store owners how to run a successful store after writing the book, Taking it Back: How to Become a Successful Black Beauty Supply Store Owner. The book sold over 25,000 copies in its first year with no major publishing deal. He did it with the help of the Michael Baisden show, where he acted as a quarterly subject matter commentator. When asked what motivates him to do what he does, he said, "Every time I handed the keys of a new store over to an owner, they had questions about business that I found to be basic. They were questions that I expected our community to have the answers to but I soon realized that these answers weren't that easy. It came easy with experience. As I assessed our community, I observed that much of these questions were hard to answer simply because our community does not have an entrepreneurial culture. This was the light bulb moment for me! This became my mission." His activism track record is solid. In 2008, he protested against

Devin Robinson in 2009 as the president of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network Atlanta fighting for justice for Jaheem Herrera, an 11 yearold Dekalb County, Georgia student who committed suicide after being bullied at school. His mother, Masika Bermudez complained of the bullying 9 times and each time the school refused to intervene. The school superintendent was eventually fired. He launched a one-week boycott against non-black-owned beauty supply stores in November 2009, which led to him opening over 50 stores for others and training over 2,000 aspiring entrepreneurs under his organization, Beauty Supply Institute. He labels the actions of the industry, an economic hate crime. In

activism. He said, "Not everyone can be an entrepreneur or employer, but everyone can be an owner. Diversifying your income through ownership is something not only every individual should endeavor to do but it is also something every employer should support." Robinson wrote his 8th book in 2012, Power M.O.V.E.: How to Transition from Employee to Employer as an instructional tool and launched www. PowerMoveProfessionals.com to make entrepreneurial resources and training available to individuals in urban communities around the country. In 2012, he officially became responsible for bringing $10 Million to the urban community see Shaqramento on page 37

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44  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Affordable Care Act from the exchange. Keep in mind, depending on the type of employment coverage available to you, you may not qualify for certain savings offered by the exchanges.

8. Can I buy insurance through Covered California if I already have a serious health problem? Yes. The amount you pay for a health plan will not be affected by your health status. This means that you can’t be charged more because of your health problem. It also means you will not have to wait to get the coverage you need.


resident Obama’s Affordable Care Act “insurance exchangeâ€? opened throughout the nation, with “Covered Californiaâ€? serving as the State of California’s insurance. For information pertaining to your speFLÂżF KHDOWK FDUH LQVXUDQFH FRQFHUQV visit www.coveredca.com or call 800300-1506.

1506. Multilingual call centers will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays. You can also ask that information be sent to you by mail.

4. Does every California resident need to buy health insurance through this marketplace? No. Peo1. Exactly what happened on ple who already have insurance Tuesday, October 1, 2013? For the through their employer or through ÂżUVW WLPH $PHULFDQV EHFDPH DEOH government programs such as Vetto buy health insurance online, by erans Affairs, Medicare or Medi-Cal phone or in person through a new can keep their insurance. marketplace exchange created by President Obama’s Affordable Care 5. Is there a deadline to enroll? Act. The “open enrollmentâ€? period doesn’t end until March 31. But if you want 2. Who is eligible to buy on the the insurance to take effect Jan. 1, marketplace? Can I buy on the ex- you’ll need to buy it by Dec. 15. change even if I am not eligible for subsidies? The exchange can be 6. What does Covered Calused by individuals, families, as well LIRUQLD RIIHU" <RXÂśOO ÂżQG D YDULHW\ RI as small business owners who have private insurance plans with familiar 50 or fewer employees. Many small names such as Anthem Blue Cross, businesses will also be eligible for Kaiser and Health Net. You can enroll substantial tax credits if they use the in the newly expanded Medi-Cal proexchange. gram if your income is low enough. 3. What’s the California market- 7. If I have insurance from my SODFH FDOOHG DQG KRZ GR , ÂżQG LW" employer, do I have to do anything? Covered California, and its website No, you don’t have to, but if you is http://coveredca.com. If you prefer choose to do so, you can drop your to sign up by phone, call 800-300- employer’s coverage and buy a plan

9. If I have Medicare, can I purchase a plan on Covered California? Yes, but you can’t get help paying for it. Also, getting extra coverage on the exchange may not make sense. That’s because Medicare will be your main coverage, but you would still have to pay for a full health plan. Talk about this with an exchange helper WR ¿JXUH RXW WKH ULJKW VWUDWHJ\ IRU you. 10. Some groups are exempt from being required to have coverage. Who are they? The categories include people who would have to pay more than 8% of their income for health insurance, people with incomes below the threshold required IRU ¿OLQJ WD[HV WKRVH ZKR TXDOLI\ IRU religious exemptions, members of Indian tribes, undocumented immigrants, and people who are incarcerated. Also the plan is for residents who are citizens or legal permanent residents. Illegal immigrants are not eligible. www.mercurynews.com http://www.contracostatimes.com

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The Parisian Book Fair 2014 When: March 21-24, 2014 (Friday to Monday) Where: Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles, Paris France A U.S. Presence organized by the American Embassy/Commercial Service in Paris

Who attends: Publishers, Distributors, Agents, Bookstores, Teachers, Students? Best Prospects for U.S. Publishers: Contemporary American Literature; Thrillers and Suspense books; Arts, Life Style & Design; Travel & Tourism; Nature & Wildlife; Spiritual and Self-Help Books; Comics, and Children’s Books. U.S Embassy/Commercial Service Paris is proposing 4 Booth Categories: 1. Exhibitor: Small Publishing House - Price: $ 2,405 (the furniture is not included) 2. Booster Package: Small Booth - Price: $ 908 3. A Table in the Right Center Pavilion: - Price: $ 549 4. Catalogue Display (display of 8 titles): - Price: $ 440 For information, registration contact: Valérie Ferrière, Trade Specialist, Books & Publishing Tel: 33-1-43-12-70-77 Valerie.Ferriere@trade.gov AMERICAN EMBASSY PARIS Bobby Hines, International Trade Specialist 444 S. Flower ST, 37th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-894-4231, Cell: 213-276-3675, Fax: 213-894-8789 Bobby.hines@trade.gov  Free Webinar: Export Opportunities in Mexico for Textiles and Apparel Thursday, November 7, 2PM EST: Covering: Market, Business culture, NAFTA Overview, Rules of Origins, Q&A https://emenuapps.ita.doc.gov/ePublic/event/editWebReg.do?SmartCode=4Q0K laurie.mease@trade.gov Featured U.S. Exporter – FUSE features your company on U.S. Commercial Service Websites around the world. U.S. exporters seeking trade leads or representation in over 50 markets around the world should register for FUSE at: http:// www.buyusa.gov/home/fuse.html RIO 2016 OLYMPIC COMMITTEE is looking to work with international companies as partners. For a list of current Rio 2016 Olympic Sponsors visit: http://rio2016.com/en/organising-committee/partners Your American Contact: joel. Reynoso@trade.gov For information on Games visit http://export.gov/brazil/games/index.asp Cosmetic Catalog Show Czech Republic. Coming Soon

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Entrepreneurs' Confidence Rises Despite Economic Uncertainties by Mark Marich


easeless uncertainty in Washington and mixed signals from economic indicators have not dampened the outlook of new business owners, who express rising confidence in their prospects in the third-quarter

way in which new business creation constantly creates a new economic future, even as the surrounding economy appears stuck,” said Dane Stangler, director of Research and Policy at the Kauffman Foundation. “Business owners are trying to lead

2013 Startup

us forward.” The youngest entrepreneurs, in particular, expressed the most confidence in achieving greater profitability over the next 12 months. 95% of the 18-30-yearolds and 94% of the 31-40-yearolds feel certain about near-term profitability. This is the highest confidence level reported by the 31-40-year-old age group in any of the previous surveys. The youngest entrepreneurs’ confidence in future profitability, which had fallen in the second-quarter survey, rose by 2

Kauffman/LegalZoom Confidence Index

( w w w. k a u ff m a n . o r g / m u l t i m e d i a / infographics/2013/kauffmanlegalzoom-startup-confidenceindex-2013/kauffman-legalzoomstartup-confidence-index-q3-2013) .

Released by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and LegalZoom, the Index reports that entrepreneurs’ confidence climbed to 86%, setting a new high for the study, which was initiated in first quarter 2012. “This helps illustrate the resilience of the American economy and the

percent. Startup owners’ positive expectations increased despite the fact that they are less confident about the nation’s economic growth and about consumer demand than they were in the previous survey. 70% are confident the economy will improve or stay the same in the next 12 months, a decrease of 4% from the second-quarter survey. 42% of the entrepreneurs expect consumer demand to increase moderately to significantly in the next 12 months, a 7% decrease from the previous survey and the lowest percentage all year. “Entrepreneurial drive does not always correlate to ups and downs of the economy, as illustrated by so many companies that have famously started in the most difficult of times,” said John Suh, CEO of LegalZoom. “The younger generation of small business owners is indicating extremely high confidence in their ability to achieve near-term profits while acknowledging weakening consumer demand.” Expectations of hiring additional employees also fell slightly, from 37% in the second quarter to 36% in the most recent survey. The Kauffman Foundation sponsors the Startup Confidence Index surveys in conjunction with LegalZoom, a leading national provider of online legal solutions and legal plans to young companies. The third-quarter findings are based on 1,250 responses to a nationwide, September 2013 survey distributed via email to LegalZoom customers who formed their entities within the last six months. The Index is conducted quarterly to gauge entrepreneurial confidence.  http://entrepreneurship.org/ Blogs/Policy-Forum-Blog/2013/ November/EntrepreneursConfidence-Rises-DespiteEconomic-Uncertainties.aspx

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How to Benefit From New SEC Crowdfunding Rules by Chad Brooks


mall businesses in search of funding may soon be able to turn to the Internet to find investors. The Securities and Exchange Commission has unveiled a proposal under the JOBS Act that would allow companies to use crowdfunding (http:// innovationamerica.us/index.php/ innovation-daily/33508-how-tobenefit-from-new-sec-crowdfundingrules?utm_source=innovationweekly&utm_medium=gazetty&utm_ campaign=11-03-2013) as a way to

raise money by offering a stake in their business. While businesses have previously been able to raise money through crowdfunding, they haven't had the ability to sell shares of the company in exchange for a donation. The new Title III of the JOBS Act creates an exemption under the securities laws so that this type of funding method can be easily used to offer and sell stakes in a company. With the proposal on the table, the SEC is now asking for public opinion. SEC chairwoman Mary Jo White said the intent of the JOBS Act is to make it easier for startups and small businesses to raise capital from a wide range of potential investors and provide additional investment opportunities for investors. "There is a great deal of excitement in the marketplace about the crowdfunding exemption, and I'm pleased that we're in a position to seek public comment on a proposal to permit crowdfunding," White said. "We want this market to thrive in a safe manner for investors."

Bill Clark, president and founder of MicroVentures (http:// innovationamerica.us/index.php/ innovation-daily/33508-how-tobenefit-from-new-sec-crowdfundingrules?utm_source=innovationweekly&utm_medium=gazetty&utm_ campaign=11-03-2013), an online

equity crowdfunding platform for startups and investors, said the proposal offers a lot of benefits to small businesses in need of capital. "I think it is definitely a positive. "The benefits are that you have this access to capital that wasn't previously available." Alejandro Cremadas, co-founder and CEO of the crowdfunding site Rock The Post (http://

envisions established businesses, with a loyal following, as those that will be most able to take advantage of the new crowdfunding rules. The SEC proposal does eliminate some businesses from raising capital through crowdfunding, including non-U.S. companies, companies that already are SEC reporting companies, certain investment companies, companies that have failed to comply with the annual reporting requirements in the proposed rules, and companies that have no specific business plan or have indicated their business plan is to engage in a merger or

innovationamerica.us/index.php/ innovation-daily/33508-how-tobenefit-from-new-sec-crowdfundingrules?utm_source=innovationweekly&utm_medium=gazetty&utm_ campaign=11-03-2013), said the

new rules will add millions of new investors into the mix for small businesses. "When Title III of the JOBS Act is implemented, all Americans, regardless of income or net worth, will be able to invest in private companies," Cremadas said. "Currently, only the 8.7 million households that qualify as accredited investors are able to invest in private offerings, but that will increase at least tenfold with the new guidelines, providing a whole new asset class for nonaccredited investors." Under the proposal, many small businesses will have the opportunity to raise as much as $1 million via crowdfunding each year. Rather than startups, Clark

acquisition with an unidentified company or companies. Under the SEC proposal, there are a number of guidelines for how much investors can invest in small businesses. Specifically, over a 12-month period they would be able to invest up to: • $2,000, or 5% of their annual income or net worth, whichever is greater, if both their annual income and net worth are less than $100,000. • 10% of their annual income or net worth, whichever is greater, see New Crowding Rules on page 51

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New Crowdfunding Rules

Clark said it will be up to each company to put a value on their shares and then determine how investors will be paid back. He said options could include paying out dividends when certain financial goals are met or when or if the

have unrealistic expectations on a return." Richard Swart, director of research for the Innovation in Entrepreneurial and Social Finance Program at the Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership at UC Berkeley and a leading authority on crowdfunding data, said the new crowdfunding rules could be most beneficial to those who have the toughest time accessing capital through more traditional means, such as women, minorities and those living in rural areas. "Women and minority founders

company is ever bought out or given a new influx of capital through someone such as an angel investor. Investors will also be able to sell back their shares, but not for at least a year. Regardless of which route companies choose to take, Clark said investors would be wise to go in not expecting a big day in return and especially not a quick payday. "Pretend like the money is gone," Clark advised, adding it could be several years before investors see any financial gain from the investment. "Only invest a small (amount of money) and don't

should be evaluating this (option) very carefully," Swart said. Both Clark and Swart, however, see some downsides to the proposal. One is the $1 million cap on how much businesses can raise in a year. Swart said Congress' original plan called for a $5 million limit. "I think you will see some pressure to raise the cap," Swart said. Another problem for some businesses in the proposal is the need to have audited financial statements if they plan on raising more than $500,000. Clark said because of that he envisions many

from page 50

if either their annual income or net worth is equal to or more than $100,000. Over the course of one year, these investors would not be able to invest more than $100,000 through crowdfunding.

companies will try to raise just under the half-million dollar threshold. "That is a huge burden on companies," Clark said. "(Audits) take a lot of time and money and that's capital that could be spent in other places." Cremades said it will also be up to the investors to do their own research into the company to make sure they are making a sound financial decision when buying shares through crowdfunding. Swart said business owners wanting to take advantage of these new crowdfunding regulations must now start promoting their business. He said companies should use social media and other marketing means to build up new clients and a network of possible investors well before the proposal goes into effect as way to increase interest in their venture. Currently, the SEC is seeking public comment on the proposed rules for 90 days. The commission will then review the comments and determine whether to adopt the rules, which Swart said could take several months. In addition, once a proposal is adopted, it would be at least 60 days before businesses could start taking action on it. Swart believes a best-case scenario is that companies will be able to start raising money from crowdfunding no earlier than the third quarter of 2014. A full version of proposed rules are available on the SEC website (http://innovationamerica.us/index. php/innovation-daily/33508-how-tobenefit-from-new-sec-crowdfundingrules?utm_source=innovationweekly&utm_medium=gazetty&utm_ campaign=11-03-2013).  http://innovationamerica.us/index. php/innovation-daily/33508-how-tobenefit-from-new-sec-crowdfundingrules?utm_source=innovationweekly&utm_medium=gazetty&utm_ campaign=11-03-2013

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November 28th



Is Desktop E-retail Faltering Before Tablet and Mobile?



reports (www.brc. org.uk/brc_news_detail. asp?id=2530&kCat=&kData=1),

released this week on projected retail revenue this Christmas from the British Retail Consortium and KPMG have underscored not just positive signs for the retail market and consumer economy in general, but also the meteoric growth of online shopping. Specifically, the BRC-KPMG authored report projected that more Britons than ever before would use online channels for shopping, spurred in large part by the mass adoption of mobile devices. Last month’s statistics put the proportion of online transactions in total at 18.3%, the highest since the BRC first started keeping records of digital to non-digital transactions. The BRC’s General Director, Helen Dickinson, summed up the figures: “It’s expected that many of us will ‘click into Christmas’ more than ever before this year, and retailers have invested significantly in userfriendly websites, fast deliveries and convenient ways of buying instore, at home or on the move.” A separate report by IMRG and Capegemini (www.uk.capgemini.

e-retail transactions (which forced them to revise their previously more conservative projections for mobile retail growth). Tim Spooner, Chief Information Officer at IMRG summarized what the report means with a statement: “Online retail is a sector that sometimes receives a strong boost from supporting technology and mobile is certainly providing that at the moment. The latest findings, together with the continuing trend of triple-digit growth in mobile commerce, provide clear evidence

of a culture change in digital shopping. Smartphones and tablets offer the kind of experience the modern consumer wants – quick access, wherever and whenever they want it. Second screening in front of the TV has turned online shopping into a leisure activity that is fully compatible with our home entertainment lifestyles.” The above data acts as a vindication for those who have been pushing mobile devices as a viable e-retail platform, the real question now is how far that growth can be driven.  http://blog.yudu.com/2013/11/05/isdesktop-e-retail-faltering-before-tabletand-mobile

com/tipping-point-reached-in-e-retailas-mobile-now-accounts-for-allonline-growth) added further fuel for

discussion and emphasized the way mobile devices continue to disrupt established hardware paradigms, suggesting that desktop-based purchases were now “flatlining” and that mobile devices such as phones and tablets were now the main engines of e-retail growth. Q2 data from the Capegemini analysis suggested that mobile devices now accounted for 23% of all 55  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Study: AfricanAmericans Biggest Users of Online Job Search

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies


frican-Americans are more likely than the public at large to use the Internet to look for a job, particularly when it comes to using mobile devices and social media for that purpose, according to research unveiled recently by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (http://jointcenter. org). The study, Broadband and Jobs: African Americans Rely Heavily on Mobile Access and Social Networking in Job Search (http://jointcenter. org/research/broadband-and-jobs), funded by the Joyce Foundation (www.joycefdn.org), explores the importance of Internet access to job searching among African-Americans. It found that African-Americans are more likely than other segments of the population to use the Internet to seek and apply for employment, and are also more likely to consider the Internet very important to the success of their job search. In addition, the report found that confidence in one's own digital skills correlates with a higher likelihood of using the Internet for a job search, suggesting that efforts to improve digital literacy would allow more people to take advantage of the dynamic employment tools that the Internet has to offer. This is particularly important given the high and ever-growing proportion of job openings that can be found only through online platforms. The study's other key findings include: • African-Americans rely on social media and on mobile devices for job search at higher rates than the general population.

Internet was very important to them in finding a job, significantly higher than the 36% average for the entire sample. • About 46% of African-American Internet users used the Internet at some point when they were last looking for a job, either by online search, emailing

potential employers or using social networking sites. This compares to 41% for all respondents. • 36% of African-Americans said they applied for a job online the last time they were in the job market, compared with 26% for all respondents. • About a third of African-Americans said social networking sites are very important to a job search, which is seven percentage points greater than the entire sample (24%).  www.diversity-executive.com/articles/view/studyafrican-americans-biggest-users-of-online-jobsearch0&ttag=e660&ftag=TRE4eb29b5

• Half of African-American Internet users said the 56  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Global Economic Recovery: How the Poor Can Help Save Capitalism

November 13-14, 2013 Atlanta, GA //summit.operationhope.org

DEBRA L. REED RANKED AMONG FORTUNE’S “50 MOST POWERFUL WOMEN IN BUSINESS” FOR 2013 Fortune magazine has named Debra L. Reed, chairman and CEO of Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE), to the magazine’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” list for 2013. This is the third consecutive year Reed has been named to the list. Fortune’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” was launched in 1998 to recognize the most successful women in the nation. In compiling the list, Fortune’s editors consider four criteria: the size and importance of the woman's business in the global economy; the health and direction of the business; the arc of the woman's career; and social and cultural influence. Fortune's "50 Most Powerful Women in Business" list is available online and will be published in the Oct. 28 print edition of the magazine. Reed, 57, has served as Sempra Energy’s CEO since 2011 and as the company’s chairman since 2012. She has spent her entire 35-year career with the Sempra Energy companies. Previously, Reed was executive vice president of Sempra Energy. From 2006 to 2010, she served as president and CEO of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), Sempra Energy’s two California utilities. Reed first joined SoCalGas in 1978 and became the company’s first female officer 10 years later. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Southern California. Sempra Energy’s four principal subsidiaries are SDG&E, SoCalGas, Sempra U.S. Gas & Power and Sempra International. Sempra Energy, based in San Diego, is a Fortune 500 energy services holding company with 2012 revenues of approximately $10 billion. The Sempra Energy companies’ nearly 17,000 employees serve more than 31 million consumers worldwide. Media Contact: Art Larson, Sempra Energy (877) 3408875 www.sempra.com

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Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities. http://justdelete.me/# Many companies use dark pattern techniques to make it difficult to find how to delete your account. JustDelete.me aims to be a directory of urls to enable you to easily delete your account from web services. The url links shown on the website are colour-coded to indicate the difficulty level of account deletion: •Easy - Simple process •Medium - Some extra steps involved •Hard - Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer services •Impossible - Cannot be deleted JustDelete.me is self-financed. The team appreciates donations.

is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends. In addition to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages. Download the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger and enjoy our service free for 1 year! During, or after free trial period you can purchase service for $0.99 USD/year. www.foldifyapp.com Foldify gives you a fun way to create 3D figures on iPad! But what if we told you that fun doesn’t need to end there? You can print figures from the app, then it’s as easy as

www.whatsapp.com WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange

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Print using AirPrint or e-mail PDF: Fun with the app doesn't have to end on your device. Print your figure using AirPrint or send

as a PDF by e-mail. Online: Share your creations with other users, browse and like Figures from around the world! You can also print all figures you see online! Templates: Foldify includes a collection of figure templates and coloring books www.thingiverse.com MakerBot's Thingiverse is a thriving design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things. As the world's largest 3D printing community, we believe that everyone should be encouraged to create and remix 3D things, no matter their technical expertise or previous experience. In the spirit of maintaining an open platform, all designs are encouraged to be licensed under a Creative Commons license (http://creativecommons.org), meaning that anyone can use or alter any design. The best way to get involved with Thingiverse is to try your hand at 3D designing. Thingiverse isn't just of designers, engineers, or CAD drawing experts: anyone can learn. But that's not the only way to participate... Gaining street cred can be as simple as posting your "makes" (prints of an existing design), or creating your own mod template see Take A Look! on page 61

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Take a Look! from page 60

for your favorite 3D design in Customizer, our first app that uses the Thingiverse API. www.jackeryusa.com With Jackery's advanced battery solutions, your smartphones and tablets will work and play longer than ever. We are a leading technology company specializing in innovative and high quality products for smartphones and tablets. The highlights of the Jackery line of external rechargeable batteries include: Fast Charging, Small Size, High Capacity, Stylish Design, Standby Time of up to 6 Months, LED Charge Indicators, Secured Battery Safety, Compatible with Most Devices, Extra Hours Operation Time, and Very Lightweight. The products may be ordered through the Jackery website or through Amazon.com. www.drawspace.com Drawspace is more than just another art website; we are an international community of over

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FOR A BETTER NIGHT'S SLEEP According to the Centers for Disease Control, An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder. Although some of these issues may be part of a bigger medical problem, there are some simple things many people can do to help make their surroundings more conducive to a better night's sleep. The following infographic offers some helpful tips:

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Community/Public Interest

Celebrating the Release of Kevin Scott Sutay A Statement from the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.


join in celebrating with the U.S. State Department (www. state.gov) the release of Kevin Scott Sutay (www.reuters.com/ article/2013/10/27/us-colombia-rebelshostage-idUSBRE99Q07V20131027) .

very soon. I thank the FARC leadership for keeping to their commitment to free Kevin. I also thank President Juan Manuel Santos whom I met with in Bogota, Colombia regarding Kevin. His role was vital in the joy

we celebrate today. I commend the Norwegians and Cubans for their leadership in Kevin’s release and especially their role in the vital peace process. I hope that the cooperation between FARC and the Colombian government will continue to resolve their long standing dispute and thus a united peaceful and developed Colombia. I would like to extend a special thanks to our host while on this mission The Cuban Council of Churches (www.oikoumene.org/ es/member-churches/caribbean/ cuba/cic). I hope and pray that all parties to the Colombian conflict will agree to move from the battle field and embrace a political solution to this long and devastating conflict. 

A month ago, we met with FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) STATEMENT BY leadership in Cuba U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY and they agreed to release Kevin to me On the Release of Kevin Sutay from Captivity by the FARC with no conditions. The release did not occur due to logistic issues We welcome the release today of Kevin Scott Sutay from captivity at the hands of the FARC. between the Colombian The United States is profoundly grateful to the Government of Colombia and commends government and the its tireless efforts to secure his release. We offer special thanks to President Juan Manuel FARC. I never gave up on advocating for Santos for his assistance. Kevin’s freedom and it We also appreciate the contributions of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and is a joy to know that he the Governments of Norway and Cuba in securing Mr. Sutay’s freedom. And we thank the is finally free and will be united with his family Reverend Jesse Jackson for his efforts in consistently advocating for Mr. Sutay’s release. 65  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest

Sesame Street Characters joined the First Lady Today to Announce a Commitment to Promote Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption to Kids

First Lady Michelle Obama, with Sesame Street Muppets Elmo and Rosita, makes a "Let's Move!" announcement about marketing healthier foods to children, in the State Dining Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson).


irst Lady Michelle Obama was joined by Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita to announce that Sesame Workshop and the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) joined the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) in a two-year agreement to help promote fresh fruit and vegetable consumption to kids, making those healthy choices a little easier for busy parents and families to make. The agreement allows PMA’s community of growers, suppliers and retailers to utilize the strength and influence of

the Sesame Street brand without a licensing fee, using characters like Big Bird, Elmo, Rosita and Abby Cadabby to help deliver messages about fresh fruits and vegetables. Sesame Street characters may be on produce in stores as early as mid-2014. The announcement comes on the heels of the first ever White House Convening on Food Marketing to Children, during which Mrs. Obama called on stakeholders to leverage the power of marketing to promote healthy products and decrease the marketing of unhealthy products to

kids. Today’s announcement responded to the First Lady’s call to action and recognized an incredible commitment to leverage the power of marketing to promote healthier foods to kids. Sesame Workshop is taking an unprecedented step of enabling produce companies to use the power of their characters to encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables. In a recent study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the number of children see Promoting Fresh Fruits/Veggies on page 67

66  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest

Promoting Fresh Fruits/ Veggies from page 66

who chose apples over cookies nearly doubled when an Elmo sticker was placed on the apple. Popular characters can play a strong role in influencing kids’ food choices and this commitment aims to influence healthy choices. CEO of PHA Larry Soler, President and CEO of Sesame Workshop Mel Ming, and past PMA Chairman Jan DeLyser joined the First Lady to announce this incredible collaboration Sesame Workshop will also provide PMA the tools and training necessary to effectively market its products and consumer sales. These new efforts are so incredibly important, because right now, when it comes to marketing food to our kids, as you all know, the deck is stacked against healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. But while Sesame Workshop and PMA might be the first to answer our call, there is plenty of work left to be done, and there are plenty of different ways to show leadership on this issue. So I am looking forward to celebrating more companies and more organizations as they step up on behalf of our children.” Following the announcement, the First Lady joined Elmo, Rosita, and Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass for the White House Kitchen Garden Fall Harvest. Students from DC, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland spent the afternoon harvesting and preparing vegetables from the garden located on the South Lawn of the White House. The schools that participated in the Harvest are all making healthy changes to their schools, including ensuring kids have healthy snack options. Starting next school year, all schools will be required to follow

First Lady Michelle Obama, with Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita, join students for the annual fall harvest of the White House Kitchen Garden on the South Lawn. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy) the “Smart Snacks in School” nutrition standards, which make vending machines and a la carte line healthier. 

www.letsmove.gov/blog/2013/10/30/ sesame-street-characters-joined-firstlady-today-announce-commitmentpromote-fresh-f

President Barack Obama talks with Nelson Mandela's daughters Zindzi and Zenani Mandela prior to a screening of "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom" in the White House Family Theater. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

67  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest

The Exhibition "The Odyssey of Black Music" on the American Continent

President Michel Martelly, accompanied by the First Lady, Sophia Martelly, officially opened at the National Museum of Haiti Pantheon (MUPANAH), the first presentation in the Caribbean of the traveling exhibition "The Odyssey of Black Music ".


rom November 8 to 27, 2013, the French Institute in Haiti, in partnership with the Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH), Mondomix and the Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL) invites you to discover the multimedia exhibition "The Odyssey of Black Music". Produced by Mondomix (www. mondomix.com), French production

company of reference in the field of world cultures, the multimedia exhibition "Odyssey of black music" has already been successfully presented in many countries. Created on the occasion of the 3rd World Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar in December 2010, it was also presented to Saint Denis on Reunion Island and South Africa. Reduced formula, also designed by

Mondomix, was then programmed in Ghana and Burkina Faso. It's this version that will be presented to MUPANAH for the first time on the American continent. Workshops, conferences, debates, film screenings and concerts accompany the Haitian step in different sites: the see Odyssey of Black Music on page 69

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Odyssey of Black Music from page 68

National Bureau of Ethnology (BNE), the National School of Arts (ENARTS), Kay Mizik La, FOKAL at MUPANAH and IFH. The exhibition "The Odyssey of Black Music" will offer visitors of interactive audiovisual facilities and a dedicated projection room. It proposes a route with the big names and events of black music, classified by music genres. Archival documents will be presented in the projection room. Three big names of Haitian music will be featured in this exhibition: Toto Bissainthe, Tabou Combo and Azor. Today, black music is global and transcends the geographical distance. Their history, their wealth and their incredible diversity, that music is a world intangible heritage, to defend and to promote to the

general public. This music does not belong to one country or one region of the world, but remind everyone, the rich heritage issued of the quest for black freedom in the New World, worn by world famous names and diverse as Billie Holiday, Bob Marley, Louis Armstrong or Youssou N'Dour, to name a few. It finds particular resonance in Haiti, the first black republic in the Americas. The "Odyssey of Black Music" exhibition is also an opportunity to celebrate the rich musical heritage of Haiti, where compass, root and troubadour rhythm the daily life. In this perspective, MUPANAH will present in parallel of this exhibition, an exhibition-tribute to the great icons of Haitian music: Azor, the Orchestre Septentrional, Sweet Micky, Tabou Combo, Toto Bissainthe, Tropicana... Download the event program "Odyssey of Black Music" : http://www.haitilibre.com/docs/

Travelers Can Expect Visible Police Presence at Airports Following LAX Shooting by Bill Chapin

Calendrier-Odyssee-desmusiques-noires.pdf.  www.haitilibre.com/en/news-9815haiti-culture-the-exhibition-theodyssey-of-black-music-stop-in-haiti. html


irline passengers likely won’t see any changes to security procedures at U.S. airports as a result of the recent shooting at Los Angeles International Airport, but they will notice more local police on patrol for a while. After a gunman killed a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officer and wounded two other officers plus a passenger, Los Angeles Airport Police Chief Patrick Gannon said there would be additional security at LAX for the foreseeable future. Across the country, officials at airports large and small said there also were increasing patrols. TSA Administrator John Pistole says the agency would be reviewing its officer-safety policies. TSA agents are responsible for airport screening but do not make arrests or carry weapons. More than 1,100 flights were canceled or delayed as a result of the incident and subsequent closure of Terminal 3 as law enforcement officials conducted an investigation. 

70  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Harvesting Opportunities in the Agribusiness Value Chain

....Food, Farma, Fish, Fuel November 21-22, 2013 J.W. MARRIOTT HOTEL 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC Questions? icsdcorg@gmail.com or (202) 638-0460 November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


EU to Lift Sanctions on Zimbabwe Diamond Mining Firm By Adrian Croft


he European Union (http:// europa.eu/index_en.htm) has agreed to lift sanctions on a Zimbabwean diamond-mining

power. The 28-nation bloc has begun the process of removing Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation

The decision gives a boost to Mugabe, whose ZANU-PF party calls EU sanctions illegal, and will allow the mining firm to sell its diamonds in Europe, potentially raising its revenues. Belgium, centre of the global diamond trade, had pushed hard for the EU to lift sanctions on ZMDC, in line with an earlier agreement. Britain, Zimbabwe's former colonial power, resisted the step so as not to be seen to be rewarding Mugabe. The EU had targeted ZMDC with an asset freeze, alleging it was

Marange diamond mining operations are situated at Chiadzwa, Mutare West, Zimbabwe. Marange is the richest diamond mine in the world and is situated 350 kilometers south west of the capital Harare. All Marange Diamond Fields are open pit operations and the Marange mine is undergoing a landmark expansion which will see the pit elevated to the status of a superpit. A project dubbed Cut 8 will see the Marange pit go to a depth of over 800 meters.

firm despite concerns over alleged fraud in a July election that kept President Robert Mugabe in

(ZMDC) from the sanctions list, EU foreign affairs spokesman Michael Mann said.

"associated with the faction of government".


see Sanctions Lifted on page 73

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Sanctions Lifted from page 72

The decision to remove ZMDC from the sanctions list must be endorsed by EU ministers. That is expected to be a formality and to happen quickly, an EU diplomat said. ZMDC operates five joint-venture

that state diamond revenues may have been directly spent on securing Mugabe's re-election through intimidation of voters and vote-rigging. The EU suspended most sanctions on Zimbabwe in March to encourage free elections. However, sanctions on Mugabe and nine others remain in place. Non-certified Marange Diamonds.

Diamonds being sorted in a glass case.

mines in the rich Marange diamond fields (www.marangediamonds. com), producing eight million carats last year and generating $685 million in exports, the state-owned Herald newspaper reported earlier this year. Belgium says lifting EU sanctions on ZMDC would increase Zimbabwe's tax revenues by $400 million a year.

CONCERNS Anti-corruption watchdog Global Witness (www.globalwitness. org), citing links between mining companies, insiders in Mugabe's ZANU-PF party and Zimbabwe's pro-Mugabe military, has alleged

ZANU-PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo said lifting the sanctions on ZMDC was "too late and too little". "They want to help their commercial enterprises, the diamond-cutting companies (in Belgium). That's the reason. They do not care about the suffering people of Zimbabwe," he said. EU diplomats concluded there was no indication that ZMDC's activities were linked to violence during the election period, Mann said. But he said the EU remained very concerned about the issues highlighted by election observers which raised "serious questions about the fairness and credibility of

the process". A British diplomat said London had made clear to its EU partners that remaining sanctions on Zimbabwe were justified. "In the months ahead we'll keep working with our partners to ensure that the EU maintains a robust approach," he said.  (Additional reporting by Justyna Pawlak in Brussels, William James in London and MacDonald Dzirutwe in Harare; Editing by Paul Taylor) www.reuters.com/ article/2013/09/17/ zimbabwe-elections-euidUSL5N0HD2FE20130917

73  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Fast Food Giants Opening up in African Growth Markets By Oliver Joy and Tatiana Nassar


ub-Saharan Africa's economic renaissance is fueling an investment drive by fast food joints looking to tap the continent's growing middle class. The likes of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Domino's pizza are opening up in African growth markets from Nigeria to Angola to give consumers a taste of U.S. cuisine. Elias Schulze, managing partner of The Africa Group, a boutique Africa-focused investment consultancy, said U.S. takeout stores are rapidly becoming "aspirational brands" for cosmopolitan Africans with disposable income. He said: "An upwardly mobile, confident, Western-leaning and young consumer class bodes well for an American burger boom." And the battle for the African market is well underway. This year, Yum! Brands -- owner of KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut (http:// yum.com) -- is expanding into Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The Louisville-based restaurant giant already has outlets in 14 African countries, with more than 700 KFCs in South Africa and plans to open a further 45 stores in 2013. And with growing political and economic stability, Western fast food brands are approaching the region with a renewed sense of optimism, according to Schulze. He said KFC is an established brand on the continent today, adding: "My general sense is that markets beyond South Africa in sub-Saharan Africa are in the investing phase given their level of infancy and may not have reached

food brands in many parts of Africa relative to wages remains high, excluding many people, who simply cannot afford it. For example, the cost of a KFC

The opening of a new KFC in payback Ibadan, Nigeria

a point quite yet." And more big players are beginning to follow suit. In May 2013, Burger King opened for business in South Africa and last year Domino's -- the U.S. pizza chain -opened its first African store in Nigeria, the continent's most populous nation. With two stores already, Domino's is planning to launch three more African branches by the end of this year. To cater to local tastes, the pizza chain launched a Chicken Jollof Pizza -- a rice-based dish popular to West Africa -- and a Suya special, consisting of spicy marinated meat. Charbel Antoun, partner at Eat N Go, which helped launch Domino's in Nigeria, said that adapting the menu to the local culture and food was crucial to the brand's success. He added: "To compete in the market we have very competitive prices. 95% of our customers are Nigerian ... and these are the consumers we're looking to attract."

Price competitive However, the cost of Western fast

Domino's Hero Chicken Suya pizza.

meal in Malawi -- including a burger, fries and drink -- is more than $9 but with 50% of the country's population below the World Bank's poverty line, fast food is an unaffordable luxury for most. A McKinsey & Company 2012 report on African consumers projects $410 billion in growth for consumer-facing industries across Africa by 2020; of this roughly 45% or $185 billion will flow from apparel, consumer goods and food businesses. The report also found Africans remain "exceptionally optimistic about their economic future" and very brand conscious in purchasing decisions.  http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/04/ business/fast-food-giants-africa/index. html?iid=article_sidebar

November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Aitec Africa’s Conferences

Empowering Africa’s ICT Community with Knowledge http://aitecafrica.com

75  November  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Aliko Dangote

Black Wealth Is Increasing: Africa Now Has 55+ Billionaires From Forbes


entures Africa, a panAfrican magazine, reports that the continent of Africa has 55+ billionaires with a combined worth of more than $143 billion. Amongst them is Nigerian manufacturer Aliko Dangote, who is the richest African in the world worth more than $20 billion. The average net worth of each of the African billionaires is reportedly $2.6 billion, and their average age at 65. The oldest ones are Kenyan

industrialist Manu Chandaria and Egyptian property tycoon Mohammed Al-Fayed, who are both 84-years old. The youngest billionaires are Mohammed Dewji of Tanzania and Nigerian oil trader Igho Sanomi, who are both 38-years old. Uzodinma Iweala, Editor-in-chief of the magazine, said that during his research, he found that each of the billionaires strongly believe that Africa is the best environment

to make fortunes and to make changes. He also found that they are not becoming more transparent about their wealth, but are more formally returning wealth to the community. He comments, "As people have more and more money we’re seeing more and more foundations putting money back, and in a more structured way."

New Forbes Africa see Forbes Africa Magazine on page 77

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Forbes Africa Magazines from page 76

Magazines Tap Into Female Audience The new magazines will profile trailblazers and pioneers in the business industry and focus on the economy and high culture of Africa and the world. By Patrice Peck


he pan-African magazines Forbes Women Africa and Forbes Life Africa launched on Oct. 2, provide new platforms to highlight the continent's wealth, opportunities and vitality. South Sudanese supermodel Alek Wek is featured on the cover of the first African issue of Forbes Life. The cover story claims to give readers a glimpse into the model's life at New York Fashion Week, further emphasizing the impact globalization has had on the magazine's cosmopolitan African demographic. The first-ever issue of Forbes Women Africa includes a cover story about the life of Dr. Precious MoloiMotsepe, a South African-based businesswomen, philanthropist and fashion entrepreneur. A list of the world's 100 most powerful women and a story on the United Nations Under-SecretaryGeneral and Executive Director of UN Women for South Africa Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka are also featured. “There are so many stories of success on the African continent that we will never be able to do justice to all the women making a difference in the corporate world, which is the principal reason why I took the decision to have a separate magazine for women," said Rakesh Wahi, founder and vice chairman of ABN Group, the company publishing the magazines.

"We are looking forward l ki f d to t making this the most sought-after business magazine for women on the continent.” 

www.bet.com/news/ b t / global/2013/10/02/new-forbesafrica-magazines-tap-into-femaleaudience.html


77  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Kenyans Take 1st Place in 2013 New York Marathon - Geoffrey Mutai successfully defended his 2011 title, while fellow Kenyan Priscah Jeptoo came from behind to win the women's race. AP Associated Press


One Africa:

Tell the US Government that North Africa is Africa Too!


oin with and support the United Africa Organization’s campaign to petition the U.S. Department of State to include the whole African continent under its Bureau of African Affairs.

Why? The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, currently excludes Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Western Sahara from its agenda. Instead, the aforementioned countries are grouped with the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, together with Iran, Iraq, Israel and others. This artificial distinction between North Africa and the rest of Africa

negatively impacts US foreign policy relations throughout the entire continent of Africa. We unequivocally reject the argument that North African countries are outside the scope of African affairs. North Africa is geographically and historically part of the African continent, and all fifty-three (53) independent African states, including North African countries, are represented in the African Union (AU). It would be far more productive for the State Department to engage with the entire continent of Africa, including North Africa, under its Bureau of African Affairs. We are one Africa, from the Cape to Cairo, indivisible and bound together! Therefore, no square inch of African

land should be excluded from African affairs.

Sign The Petition!!! Go to www.change.org/petitions/ one-africa-tell-us-state-departmentthat-north-africa-is-part-of-africa and sign the online petition to support this important proposition. Next tell everyone you know to sign. 


Investing in Nigeria's Non-Oil Sectors Forum We are pleased to invite you to attend our special investment forum tagged 'Investing in Nigeria's NonOil Sectors of the Economy' Forum to showcase the huge untapped investment potentials in Africa's largest market. The event which is billed to hold from November 15 - 16 2013 at The W Downtown Hotel, Atlanta would have as theme "unlocking Nigeria's untapped investment Potentials for Development". The 2-day forum, which is supported by the Nigeria Ministry of the Federal Capital Territory and Megarice Nigeria Limited - an emerging Nigerian Agribusiness company, shall feature presentations from select state governments, keynote presentations, panel discussions, Business to Business matchmaking, networking sessions, visits to industrial sites, and a dinner Gala. Already confirmed to participate at this forum are the Executive Governor of Kaduna State, Alhaji Mukhtar Yero; Nigerian Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Sen. Bala Mohammed, several Nigerian government agencies, business leaders and the diplomatic community. The Forum shall focus on the following sectors of the Nigerian Economy: Agriculture Infrastructure & Construction Solid Minerals Real Estate Development Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals & Health Services Transportation & Aviation Security Telecoms and ICT, Finance Environmental services When: Friday November 15, 2013 at 10:00 AM CST -to- Saturday November 16, 2013 at 9:00 PM CST Where: W Downtown Hotel, 45 Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30308

• All Nigerian businesses and organizations who want to participate at this event should contact Kingsley on +234 703 682 7724 or via email on kingsley@africanleadership.co.uk • All US business people who wish to participate at this event should register via PayPal by clicking https:// events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=gzzbx7kab&oeidk=a07e8e20zkse35e4c33&oseq= a022o2h8n32k0g For any clarifications, or inquiries please contact The Team below or call Angela Moore on +1 424 204 2203. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to welcoming you in Atlanta!

Sincerely, The Team African Leadership Magazine info@africanleadership.co.uk +234-803 792 0639



African Stock Exchanges • Bolsa de Valores of Cape Verde - www.bvc.cv (in Portuguese) • Bond Exchange of South Africa - www.bondexchange. co.za • Botswana Stock Exchange www.bse.co.bw • Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres - UEMOA (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) - www.brvm.org • Casablanca Stock Exchange (Morocco) - www.casablancabourse.com/bourseweb/index. aspx • Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (Tanzania) - www. dse.co.tz

• Douala Stock Exchange (Cameroon) - www.douala-stockexchange.com/index_us.php • The Egyptian Exchange - www. egx.com.eg/English/homepage. aspx • Ethiopia Commodity Exchange - www.ecx.com.et • Ghana Stock Exchange - www. gse.com.gh • Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) - www. jse.co.za/Home.aspx • Khartoum Stock Exchange (Sudan, in Arabic) - www.kse. com.sd • Libyan Stock Market - www. lsm.ly/_layouts/membership/

• • • •

• •

• • •

login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fEnglis h%2fPages%2fdefault.aspx Lusaka Stock Exchange (Zambia) - www.luse.co.zm Nairobi Stock Exchange (Kenya) - www.luse.co.zm Malawi Stock Exchange - www. mse.co.mw Mozambique Stock Exchange (in Portuguese) - www. bolsadevalores.co.mz Namibian Stock Exchange www.nsx.com.na Nigerian Stock Exchange www.nse.com.ng/Pages/default. aspx Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.stockexchangeofmauritius. com Swaziland Stock Exchange www.ssx.org.sz Tunisia Stock Exchange - www. bvmt.com.tn Uganda Securities Exchange www.use.or.ug

Read the last issue of The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke/media-center/ecommunique/exchange-magazine/ category/50-free-version.html)

81  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

see On The Rise on page 82 82  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Thursday Blues at Uncle Darrow‛s High Noon-2pm Every Thursday

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www.uncledarrows.com 83  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

RESOURCES FOR GOING GLOBAL Dear International Executive,


f you have any questions about these initiatives, please contact your local U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist. To find the trade specialist nearest you please visit http://export.gov/usoffices/ index.asp. And, remember to use these outreach tools to grow your international business: Sell Worldwide in the USA Product Showcase; Commercial News USA: Buy 2, Get 1 Free; and Read the Digital Edition of America’s Export Promotion Magazine. Happy Exporting! *************************

Event: 2013 Export Workshop Series Location: Crowell and Moring, 3 Park Plaza, 20th Floor, Irvine, California 92614 Date/Time: August 15-Nov 21, 2013 Times: 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Cost: $35.00 a class Register: Jean Coronel at jcoronel@ portla.org or register at: http://tinyurl. com/ExportUSFValley Workshop Series

• Is Exporting for Me? - August 15 • Finding and Entering New Export Markets/Int'l Matchmaking August 29

• International Business CultureInternet - September 12 • Internet Export Marketing September 26 • Export Sales Techniques and Documentation - October 10 • Export Trade Finance and Insurance - Getting Paid October 24 • Legal Do's and Don’ts for Exporters - November 7 • Freight and Logistics /Export Planning and Counseling November 21 Sell Worldwide in the USA Product Showcase for Just $499 Commercial News USA, the official

export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. Now, you can advertise in the USA Product Showcase section of the magazine for just $499. Commercial News USA reaches more than a quarter-million buyers worldwide in print and 23,000 per month online. Reserve your space in the next issue today. For more information, call 1-800-581-8533 x 822, go online to http://www.thinkglobal.us, or send e-mail to export@thinkglobal.us. Follow Commercial News USA on

LinkedIn and Twitter @comnewsusa Commercial News USA: Buy 2, Get 1 Free Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, offers exporters an inexpensive way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. In addition to free Portuguese translation, you can take advantage of a special offer: Buy two ads and get the third ad for free (Based on one-time rates. Does not include Showcase section). Commercial News USA reaches more than a quarter million buyers worldwide. Reserve your space in the next issue today. For more information, call 1-800-581-8533 x 822, go online to http://www.thinkglobal. us, or send e-mail to advertise@ thinkglobal.us. Follow Commercial News USA on LinkedIn and Twitter @ comnewsusa. Read the Digital Edition of Commercial News USA Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, has launched a new interactive PDF edition. The new edition is available for free at http://cnusa.thinkglobal. us Commercial News USA offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. Now, you can take advantage of a special offer: Buy two ads and get the third ad for free (Based on one-time rates. Does not include Showcase section). Moreover, you will receive a free online listing in see Going Global on page 85

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Going Global from page 84

Portuguese. Commercial News USA reaches more than a quarter-million buyers worldwide. Reserve your space in the next issue today. For more information, contact your U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist, call 1-800-581-8533 x 822, go online to http://www.thinkglobal.us, or send e-mail to advertise@thinkglobal.us The U.S. Commercial Service - Your Global Business Partner. With offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration uses its global Network and international resources to connect U.S companies with international buyers worldwide. If you have any questions about these initiatives, please contact your local U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist. To find the trade specialist nearest you please visit http:// export.gov/usoffices/index.asp. Your privacy is important to us. Please note that we do not share our lists with parties outside of the U.S. Department of Commerce. You may review our privacy policy at http://www. commerce.gov/Privacy/index.htm **************************** Interested in a Career in International Affairs, Foreign Relations, Trade Promotion and Commercial Diplomacy? The U.S. Commercial Service is looking for dedicated professionals to add to its complement of nearly 250 Foreign Service Officers serving in Embassies and Consulates around the globe. The U.S. Commercial Service will take applications for Foreign Service Officers starting August 2012 and will hold the Foreign Service Officer Assessment in Winter 2012/2013. To read a detailed description of the position and application process, express your interest and sign up to receive alerts, please visit http:// simplesend.com/simple/t.asp?S=221& ID=55171&NL=5996&N=69348&SI=2 676111&URL=http://www.trade.gov/cs/ employment.asp or e-mail CSCareers@ trade.gov.

Africa- Middle East- Asia Women's Summit On behalf of the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development, an NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), we are pleased to inform you that all is now set for the Africa- Middle EastAsia Women's Summit holding from December 16 - 18 2013 at the 8th Wonder of the World, Atlantis the Palm, Dubai- UAE, with the theme "Emerging Economies: Women as the Next Frontier". Emerging countries are playing a growing role in the world economy. It is a role that is expected to be even greater in the future. At a time when restoring sustainable growth after the great recession is a key priority, the role of emerging markets and nations in the global economy cannot be overstated. However, perhaps, the biggest and most exciting new market of all is an overlooked one - Women in Emerging Economies. Women are the largest emerging market in the world. It is estimated that in the next five years, the global incomes of women will grow from US$13 trillion to US$18 trillion and over the next decade, they will wield enormous influence over politics, sport, business and society. Women own about a third of all businesses in the world, and nearly half of those businesses are in developing markets. It is now time to take another look at the role of women in the emerging economies' story of growth. The Summit shall bring together a group of leading women from across Africa, Asia and the Middle East in the spirit of cooperation, and also leverage on this platform to celebrate and recognize the outstanding success stories and achievements of the women of influence in politics, business and society during the Awards Gala/Dinner ceremony. Summit Highlights: • An Ambassadors round-table highlighting the ways that women can benefit from the initiatives and multilateral co-operations of government in these regions. • A Business & Investment Forum. • An Africa-Middle East- Asia Women Entrepreneurs Exhibition & Cultural Exchange. • An Ambassador's Spouses Cultural Exhibition and International Food & Wine Tasting Festival. • Africa-Middle East-Asia Amazons (AMEAA) Awards. • CELD Global Women Leaders Hall of Fame Induction. To register for this all-important summit, make nominations for AMEAA awards or for speaking opportunity during the summit, please email info@celdng.org or call Mrs. Furo on +234 803 909 5696. To make your accommodation reservation, kindly contact Kirsty Thompson, Manager Events, Atlantis the Palm at kirsty.thompson@ atlantisthepalm.com. We look forward to welcoming you to the 8th wonder of the world, Atlantis The Palm Dubai, for an unforgettable meeting of the best of the women's world from all over the world. Sincerely, Mrs Alhamdu Nyam, Programs Director, CELD info@celdng.org www.celdng.org

85  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Returning to Africa? African Repatriation is an invaluable online resource for any African national who is thinking about returning to Africa. Our industry articles and specialist editorials provide the latest sector information. Why not find out for yourself and become a part of our growing community today? www.africanrepatriation. com

Career Opportunities in Africa Search and apply online for the latest vacancies in Africa with African Talent. We provide candidates and employers with the tools and resources needed in today’s competitive job market. For employers, we offer numerous options to feature your jobs in Africa and for candidates, reviewing the most recent job vacancies in Africa is a fast, easy process. Uploading your CV is simple and takes just a few moments. www.africantalent.com 86  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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Holiday Shopping Guide CATERING, SPECIALTY FOODS & RESTAURANTS Aliza’s Cookies Holiday Gift Packs www.alizascookies.com Big Man Bakes 413 Main Street, 90013 213-500-4351 www.bigmanbakes.com Gwen’s Specialty Cakes 820 N. LaBrea Ave., #D Inglewood, CA 90302 310-677-9979 Harold & Belle’s 2920 W. Jefferson Blvd., 90018 323-735-9918

Heritage Link Brands Wines of Black South African Vintners www.heritagelinkbrands.com Honey’s Kettle Culver City & Compton, CA www.honeyskettle.com Messob Ethiopian Restaurant 1041 S. Fairfax Ave., 90019 www.messob.com PIP’s Restaurant & Lounge 1365 S. La Brea Ave, 90019 323-954-PIPS www.pizzapastasalads.com Rideau Vineyard 1562 Alamo Pintado Road Solvang, CA 93463 805-688-0717 www.rideauvineyard.com Romeo’s Full Service Catering 310-733-9997 Rooibos Tea House 533 N Fairfax Ave., 90008 www.africaredtea.com Southern Girl Desserts www.southerngirldesserts.com Sweet Beginnings 323-575-3892

www.sweet-beginnings.com The Cork TownHouse at LaTijera 6835 LaTijera Blvd., 90045 310-410-9200 www.townhousela.com Wing Stop 3825 Crenshaw Blvd., 90008 323-296-WING

TRANSPORTATION Norman Lewis Limousine 800-400-9771

BOOKS, BOOK STORES Eso Won Books 4331 Degnan Ave., 90008 www.esowonbooks.com Malik’s Books Online www.Malikbooks.com Quackenworth Publishing P.O. Box 4747 Culver City, CA 90230 www.quackenworth.com

ZINES Jewel Magazine www.jewelagonline.com Bride Noir www.bridesnoir.com Essence www.essence.com Ebony/Jet www.ebonyjet.com Cuisine Noir www.cuisinenoir.com

GIFTS-CARDS-CLOTHING C.J.’s Elegance Clothing 4446 West Slauson Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-299-1141 California African American Museum Exposition Park 600 State Drive, 90037 www.caamuseum.org Luxe Boutique

11724 West Pico Blvd., 90064 310-481-9914 www.shopluxeonline.com Mayme A. Clayton Museum 4130 Overland Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 www.claytonmuseum.org Museum of African American Art Macy’s 3rd Flr in Crenshaw Mall 4005 Crenshaw Blvd., 90008 www.maaala.org nobody jones boutique 4703 Crenshaw Blvd., 90043 323-291-7177 www.nobodyjones.com Runway Boutique 807 S La Brea Ave., 90036 323-965-1877 www.runwayboutiquela.com

SHOPPING CENTERS Crenshaw Mall Crenshaw & King Blvds. Los Angeles, CA 90008 Leimert Park Crenshaw & Leimert Blvds. 43rd Street-43rd Place Los Angeles, CA 90008 Little Ethiopia Fairfax Boulevard between Pico & Olympic Los Angeles, CA Lucy Florence Culture Center 3351 W 43rd Street Leimert Park Village, 90008

PERSONAL SERVICES Carol Lewis Certified Trainer Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Aid & Certified Personal Trainer. Nutrition and mobility educator/motivator. Your Health is Your First Wealth 323-445-8633 Los Angeles, CA


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Buy Black  Save Black  Invest Black 95  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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101  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors, LLC M a n a g i n g We a l t h I n t e l l i g e n t l y

WHY OWN GOLD IN YOUR IRA/401k Changing jobs creates a great opportunity for you to switch, or rollover, your former employer’s retirement plan into an IRA. Plus, it usually provides you with more investment options than if you left the money in your former employer’s plan or rolled the money into your new employer's retirement plan. The early 1980s presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy stocks. Today, economic and political conditions appear to offer a similar opportunity in tangible assets such as physical gold. With the global economic environment growing more uncertain, physical gold has become the #1 alternative for IRA, 401k, 403b, and Pension Plans, as well as for non-retirement funds. Gold is produced primarily for accumulation while other commodities are produced primarily for consumption. Gold’s value does not arise from its usefulness in industrial or consumable applications. It arises from its use and historical worldwide acceptance as a store of value. Gold is money. A healthy measure of gold clearly belongs in every portfolio for the “Four Ps” – Personal Purchasing Power Protection. There are six primary reasons why investors own gold: As a hedge against inflation. As a hedge against a declining dollar. As a safe haven in times of geopolitical and financial market instability. As a commodity based on gold’s supply and demand fundamentals. As a store of value. As a portfolio diversifier. According to Bloomberg.com, on October 15, 2009, Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investment Corp, who manages about $11.6 billion out of Greenwich, Connecticut, told its investors, “I have never been a gold bug… but Gold is just an asset that, like everything else in life, has its time and place. And now is that time…Gold appears to be cheap. In our view, gold’s value should increase as its scarcity relative to printed currencies increases.” JAMAAL WILKES FINANCIAL ADVISORS makes 401(k) rollovers easy with just a few simple steps. Please call us at (310)209-8298 or email gold@jamaalwilkes.com for a web seminar presentation. Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors is an independent Registered Investment Advisor www.jamaalwilkes.com Phone: (310)209-8330 6601 Center Drive West, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90045

105  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

How to Do Business with Metro - Monthly Workshop DECEMBER10, 11,2013 2012 9:30am – 12:00 pm December ǣ x x x x


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Ǧ Ȁ Ǥ ǯ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǯ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ ͻǣ͵Ͳ ǤǤ For further questions, please contact Sherman Gay, Ph.D. (HC) at gays@metro.net or at (213)922-3502. Ǥ ሺ ̷ Ǥ ሻ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ȁ Ǥ

106  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Books to Consider...

Never, in almost 12 years, does he reveal his true history to a single slave or owner. Finally he confides his story in Samuel Bass, a white carpenter from Canada. Bass sends a letter to Northup’s wife, who calls on Henry Northup, a white attorney whose family once held and then freed Solomon Northup's father. Henry Northup contacts New York state officials and the governor appoints him as an agent to travel to Louisiana and free Solomon Northup. He succeeds, and Solomon Northup leaves the plantation. After instigating a court case against the men who sold him into slavery, Northup is reunited

Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana)


n Upstate New York, black freeman Solomon Northup, a skilled carpenter and violinist, is approached by two circus promoters who offer him a brief, high-paying job with their traveling

circus. Without informing his wife, who is away at work in the next town, he travels with the strangers towards Washington, DC in good spirits. One morning, he wakes to find himself drugged, bound, and in the cell of a slave pen. When

Northup asserts his rights as a freeman, he is beaten and warned never again to mention his free life in New York. Transported by ship to New Orleans, Northup and other enslaved blacks contract smallpox and some die. In transit, Northup implores a sympathetic sailor to send a letter to his family. The letter arrives safely, but, lacking knowledge of his final destination, Northup's family is unable to effect his rescue. Northup's first owner is William Ford, a cotton planter on a bayou of tthe Red River, and he subsequently has several other owners during his twelve-year bondage. At times, his carpentry and other skills mean he is treated relatively well, but he also suffers extreme cruelty. On two occasions, he is attacked by a man w who is to become his owner, John Tibeats, and finds himself unable tto resist retaliating, for which he suffers great reprisals. Later he is sold to Edwin Epps, a notoriously cruel planter, who gives Northup the role of driver, requiring him to oversee the work of fellow slaves and punish them for undesirable behavior.

with his family in New York. The most credible and telling contemporaneous portrait of American slavery. This true, shocking story of the twelve years Northup spent in slavery is a testimony to the strength of one man s spirit and his remarkable will to survive.  http://twelveyearsaslave.org www.barnesandnoble.com/s/ Twelve+Years+A+Slave?dref=1 www.amazon.com/TwelveYears-Slave-Solomon-Northup/ dp/1492137049

107  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Calendar November…

December… 6th Los Angeles OIC Breakfast of Champions Call or email www.LAOIC.Org for

14th BBA Procurement Exchange Summit Plan to attend the 10th Annual Procurement Exchange Summit to take full advantage of the One-onOne Matchmaking opportunity and the informational workshops. Enjoy the Awards Luncheon and Keynote Speaker. Information on participation as a sponsor, vendor, advertiser, procurement representative or

sponsor packages, invitations or to register to attend. The LAOIC agency has a 17 year history in Los angeles assisting those who desire to help themselves and better their communities. The Breakfast will be held at the JW Marriott Hotel at LA Live in downtown Los Angeles.


attendee is available at www.bbala. org or send an inquiry to the BBA using mail@bbala.org.

Africa- Middle East- Asia Women's Summit Women are the largest emerging market in the world. It is estimated that in the next five years, the global incomes of women will grow from US$13 trillion to US$18 trillion and over the next decade, they will

wield enormous influence over politics, sport, business a n d socie t y. Women own about a third of all businesses in the world, and nearly half of those businesses are in developing markets. During the summit at the Atlantis The Palm Dubai we will take another look at the role of women in the emerging economies' story of growth For information and registration visit www.celdng.org.

March 2014… 29th BBA Salute to Black Women Plan to attend the Annual Salute Conference and Awards Luncheon. Participation and sponsorship information is available at www.bbala. org or send an inquiry to the BBA using mail@bbala.org. 

Contact: icsdcorg@gmail.com or (202) 638-0460

Resources Media Africa Interactive Multimedia Press/Content Agency in Africa www.africa-interactive.com Africa World Press Books www.africaworldpressbooks.com African Vibes Magazine www.africanvibes.com The African World www.theafricanworld.tv Africast TV www.africast.tv AllAfrica http://allafrica.com Black Wall Street Times http://bwstimes.com Black Business News Group www.blackbusinessnews.net Black Press USA www.blackpressusa.com BridesNoir www.bridesnoir.com CuisineNoir www.cuisinenoirmag.com DiasporaVoice www.blogtalkradio.com/diasporavoice Rock Me Africa //rockmeafrica.com

www.causecastfornonprofits.com Continental African Chamber of Commerce www.continentalacc.org Pan African Film Festival www.paff.org United African Organization http://uniteafricans.org Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce www.zambiausachamber.org

Investment/Development Africa Reports www.africareports.com African Development Bank www.afdb.org African Export - Import Bank //afreximbank.com/afrexim/en AfrigadgetTV www.afrigadget.com The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke Ventures www.ventures-africa.com

U.S. Government Commerce Department www.doc.gov International Trade Administration http://trade.gov

Organizations Africa Leadership Forum http://africaleadership.org The African Union www.au.int/en Black Business Association www.bbala.org CauseCast www.causecast.com

Minority Business Development Agency www.mbda.gov Small Business Administration www.sba.gov State Department www.dos.gov White House www.whitehouse.gov

111  November 2013  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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