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Publisher's Message


appy Holidays and Happy Kwanzaa to all! As we close the chapter on 2014 and look forward to the challenges of 2015, my hope is that we embrace and utilize the empowering messages of these celebrations in preparation for a prosperous New Year. In our final edition, the BBN salutes the late Civil Rights Activist - Mayor Marion Berry; features the thought provoking editorial “It’s Time to Revolutionize Race Relations” by Bernard J. Tyson, Chairman and CEO, Kaiser Permanente; and joins the congregation at the White House celebrating singer Al Green’s legendary career. You’ll also learn why some believe female entrepreneurs may hold the key to future economic growth; get user friendly business advice on marketing your Christmas products; and a suggestion on what to do with your discretionary entertainment dollar after reading a take on Director Ridley Scott’s new film, “Exodus: God of Kings” and much more. But first, let the giving spirit of this season translate into a renewed commitment to giving back to our communities by supporting black business growth and economic development. And as The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa suggest let’s resolve to move forward with Unity, SelfDetermination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. “Cooperative Economics” has long been an essential plank in the Black Business News (BBN) ongoing campaign to combine our vast resources in the development of businesses, institutions and programs that benefit the African American community. This holiday season events in Ferguson, MO. triggered a call to stage a Black Friday shopping boycott and to buy Black wherever possible. As tensions continue to grow following the death of Eric Garner and yet another Grand Jury non-indictment decision, some protesters are calling for boycotting the entire Christmas shopping period. While the National Retail Federation (NRF) reports an 11 percent decline in Black Friday sales compared to last year, representing a drop-off of nearly $7 billion, there is at this point, no “official” data tying the decline to the boycotts. Historically, economic boycotts and sit-ins have been used to effectively reshape the political, civic and social landscape of America to benefit African Americans and other minorities. Hopefully this latest effort, along with the necessary political support, will bring changes to both the criminal justice system and the way in which our communities are served by law enforcement. Let’s continue to use “Cooperative Economics” in the area of supporting the development of African American businesses and patronizing corporations with proven diversity employment practices so when and if the call goes out for another economic boycott, during a season

Black Business News Group P.O. Box 43159 Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA 323-291-7819 Fax: 323-298-5064

www.blackbusinessnews.net PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

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ABOUT THE BLACK BUSINESS NEWS GROUP… The mission of The Black Business News is to inspire and inform public and private sector industry representatives on the importance of smart small business growth. As a versatile source of socioeconomic development activity news, the publications of the Black Business News Group impart current local, national and international industry and social trends and news affecting small businesses across the United States of America (USA), providing guides to greater access to financial capital, management efficiencies, business education, mentorship opportunities and social media networks. The goals of the Black Business News Group include: •

promoting USA-based black-owned business enterprises to a world wide audience.

offering business growth enhancing information on education, exhibitioning, international trading, technology, industry trends, and more.

exploring major public and private sector contracting methods to educate black-owned and operated enterprises.

gproviding an affirmative influence for emerging entrepreneurs by sharing innovative de-sign and creative cultural content that expos-es them to the history of black enterprisess and urges them to participate in the USA’s future.

advocating and promoting on behalf of black-owned businesses by promoting the need for expanding an economic foundation that supports an unfettered and self-sustained urban society with USA job creation and economic opportunity, where ss enterprises. blacks work, live and operate viable business


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Strenthening Community Policing Net Neutrality: Free and Open Internet ConnectED Initiative Course Change for USA on Cuba Kennedy Center Honor for Rev. Al Green Pentagon Ups Technology Profile



BNN Show Biz Buz8

BUSINESS… 32 36 43 44 48 66

Corporate Giving Be Future Ready: Internet of Things Innovation Management Training Online Female Entrepreneurs Key to Overall Growth


"I Can't Breath." Can You? Seires


3 - Publisher's Message 76 - Take A Look! 118 - Books to Consider... 121 - Calendar 123- Resources

Content Marketing Using Holiday Themes Tech-Diversity Campaign



Holidays in the White House Obituaries-Tracey Lee Pinson, Marion Berry

SPONSORS 6 - Black Business Association

SPECIAL SECTION… 101 Shopping Gallery Cover image - Phallu Morgan


American Business Corner - India Somalia Gets Its First ATM


THIS HOLIDAY SEASON START ON PAGE 101 5  December Dece De cemb mber er 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.nett  1-323-291-7819 1-32 13233-29 2911-78 7819 19



Building Trust Between Communities and Local Police By David Hudson


ecent events in Ferguson, Missouri and around the country have grabbed the attention of the nation and the world, and have highlighted the importance of strong, collaborative relationships between local police and the communities that they protect. In response, the Administration announced new steps we’re taking to strengthen the relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they are obligated to protect and serve, including: • Advancing the use of body worn cameras and promoting proven community policing initiatives • Creating a new task force to promote expansion of the community-oriented policing model, which encourages strong relationships between law enforcement and the communities that they serve as a

proven method of fighting crime • Reforming how the federal government equips state and local law enforcement – particularly with military-style equipment

Increasing the use of body worn cameras, and improving community policing The President has proposed a three-year, $263 million investment package that will: • Increase police officers’ use of body worn cameras • Expand training for law enforcement agencies (LEAs) • Add more resources for police department reform • Multiply the number of cities where the Department of Justice facilitates community and local LEA engagement Part of the proposal is a new

Body Worn Camera Partnership Program, which would provide a 50% match to states and localities that purchase body worn cameras and requisite storage. In fact, the proposed $75 million, three-year investment could help purchase 50,000 body worn cameras. As noted in a recent report released by Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), evidence shows that body worn cameras help strengthen accountability and transparency, and that officers and civilians both act in a more positive manner when they're aware that a camera is present.

Building public trust while keeping crime rates down The President is planning to create a Task Force on 21st Century Policing, chaired by

8  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. meet with Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and Laurie Robinson, professor of criminology, law and society at George Mason University, and a former assistant attorney general, who will be co-chairing a Presidential task force on how communities and law enforcement can work together to build trust to strengthen neighborhoods across the country, in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who also serves as President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association; and Laurie Robinson, professor at George Mason University and former Assistant Attorney General for DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs. The task force – which will include law enforcement representatives and community leaders, among others – has a threefold purpose: • Build on the extensive research that’s being conducted by DOJ’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) • Examine how to promote effective crime reduction while building public trust • Prepare a report and recommendations within 90 days of the task force’s creation

Reforming how the federal government equips local law enforcement

In August, the President ordered a review of federal funding and programs that help equip state and local law enforcement agencies (LEAs). Over the course of the review, the White House explored whether existing federal programs: • Provide LEAs with equipment that is appropriate for what their communities need • Ensure that LEAs have adequate policies in place for use of the equipment, and that their personnel are trained and certified on how to use this equipment • Encourage LEAs to employ practices and standards that prevent misuse or abuse of this equipment The final report, released today, finds inconsistencies in how these federal programs are structured, implemented, and audited. The report also identifies four areas of further focus that could help ensure that these programs help maximize the safety and security of both police

officers and their communities: 1. Local community engagement 2. Federal coordination and oversight 3. Training requirements 4. The community-policing model In light of this review, President Obama is planning to issue an Executive Order directing relevant agencies to work together and with law enforcement and civil rights and civil liberties organizations to develop specific recommendations within four months.  www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2014/12/01/building-trustbetween-communities-and-localpolice www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/2014/12/01/fact-sheetstrengthening-community-policing www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/ files/docs/federal_support_ for_local_law_enforcement_ equipment_acquisition.pdf

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Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet By David Hudson


ore than any other invention of our time, the Internet has unlocked possibilities we could just barely imagine a generation ago. And here's a big reason we've seen such incredible growth and innovation: Most Internet providers have treated Internet traffic equally. That's a principle known as "net neutrality" — and it says that an entrepreneur's fledgling company should have the same chance to succeed as established corporations, and that access to a high school student's blog shouldn't be unfairly slowed down to make way for advertisers with more money. That's what President Obama believes, and what he means when he says there should be no gatekeepers between you and your favorite online sites and services. Ensuring a free and open Internet is the only way we can preserve the Internet's power to connect our world. That's why the President has laid out a plan to do it, and is asking the FCC to implement it.

The President's Statement An open Internet is essential to the American economy, and increasingly to our very way of life. By lowering the cost of launching a new idea, igniting new political movements, and bringing communities closer together, it has been one of the most significant democratizing influences the world has ever known. “Net neutrality” has been built into

the fabric of the Internet since its creation — but it is also a principle that we cannot take for granted. We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas. That is why today, I am asking the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to answer the call of almost 4 million public comments, and implement the strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality. When I was a candidate for this office, I made clear my commitment to a free and open Internet, and my commitment remains as strong as ever. Four years ago, the FCC tried to implement rules that would protect net neutrality with little to no impact on the telecommunications companies that make important investments in our economy. After the rules were challenged, the court reviewing the rules agreed with the FCC that net neutrality was essential for preserving an environment that encourages new investment in the network, new online services and content, and everything else that makes up the Internet as we now know it. Unfortunately, the court ultimately struck down the rules — not because it disagreed with the need to protect net neutrality, but because it believed the FCC had taken the wrong legal approach. The FCC is an independent agency, and ultimately this decision is theirs alone. I believe the FCC should create a new set of rules protecting net neutrality and

ensuring that neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online. The rules I am asking for are simple, common-sense steps that reflect the Internet you and I use every day, and that some ISPs already observe. These bright-line rules include: • No blocking. If a consumer requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal, your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way, every player — not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP — gets a fair shot at your business. • No throttling. Nor should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content or speed up others — through a process often called “throttling” — based on the type of service or your ISP’s preferences. • Increased transparency. The connection between consumers and ISPs — the so-called “last mile” — is not the only place some sites might get special treatment. So, I am also asking the FCC to make full use of the transparency authorities the court recently upheld, and if necessary to apply net neutrality rules to points of interconnection between the ISP and the rest of the Internet. • No paid prioritization. Simply put: No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet’s growth. So, as I have before, I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect. If carefully designed, these rules should not create any undue burden for ISPs, and can have clear, monitored exceptions for reasonable network management

10  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

and for specialized services such as dedicated, mission-critical networks serving a hospital. But combined, these rules mean everything for preserving the Internet’s openness. The rules also have to reflect the way people use the Internet today, which increasingly means on a mobile device. I believe the FCC should make these rules fully applicable to mobile broadband as well, while recognizing the special challenges that come with managing wireless networks. To be current, these rules must also build on the lessons of the past. For almost a century, our law has recognized that companies who connect you to the world have special obligations not to exploit the monopoly they enjoy over access in and out of your home or business. That is why a phone call from a customer of one phone company can reliably reach a customer of a different one, and why you will not be penalized solely for calling someone who is using another provider. It is common sense that the same philosophy should guide any service that is based on the

transmission of information — whether a phone call, or a packet of data. So the time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do. To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services. This is a basic acknowledgment of the services ISPs provide to American homes and businesses, and the straightforward obligations necessary to ensure the network works for everyone — not just one or two companies. Investment in wired and wireless networks has supported jobs and made America the center of a vibrant ecosystem of digital devices, apps, and platforms that fuel growth and expand opportunity. Importantly, network investment remained strong under the previous net neutrality regime, before it was

struck down by the court; in fact, the court agreed that protecting net neutrality helps foster more investment and innovation. If the FCC appropriately forbears from the Title II regulations that are not needed to implement the principles above — principles that most ISPs have followed for years — it will help ensure new rules are consistent with incentives for further investment in the infrastructure of the Internet. The Internet has been one of the greatest gifts our economy — and our society — has ever known. The FCC was chartered to promote competition, innovation, and investment in our networks. In service of that mission, there is no higher calling than protecting an open, accessible, and free Internet. I thank the Commissioners for having served this cause with distinction and integrity, and I respectfully ask them to adopt the policies I have outlined here, to preserve this technology’s promise for today, and future generations to come.  www.whitehouse.gov/net-neutrality

11  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


More than 1,200 School Superintendents Take the Future Ready District Pledge

President Barack Obama at the launch of "Future Ready Digital Pledge" in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)


ecenty, speaking to more than 100 school superintendents in the East Room of the White House, President Obama launched a new effort to assist school leaders in their transition to digital learning with the Future Ready Digital Pledge (//tech. ed.gov/pledge/?src=fbusedgov). The Future Ready Digital Pledge is part of the President’s ConnectED initiative (www.whitehouse.gov/ issues/education/k-12/connected), which empowers teachers with the best technology and the training to make the most of it, and empowers

students through individualized learning and rich, digital content. ConnectED also seeks to connect 99% of America’s students with high-speed broadband internet in their schools and libraries. During his remarks, the President highlighted the significant gains our country has made in improving education during the last six years: “Dropout rates are down. The graduation rate is the highest on record. More young people are earning college degrees than ever before.” But he also noted that in a

21st century economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is knowledge — and the capacity to learn new knowledge — we still have work to do: Right now, fewer than 40 percent of public schools have high-speed Internet in their classrooms — less than half. That’s not good, since we invented the Internet. That’s not good. It means that in most American schools, teachers cannot use the cutting-edge software and programs that are available today. They literally don’t have the bandwidth.

12  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

And even in schools where there is high-speed Internet, so often there aren’t enough computers to go around, so only a small

• Provide teachers and principals the support needed to use technology in innovative ways Together, they will reach

percentage of our classrooms have the one-to-one ratio of students to computers or tablets. And that means that, in too many schools, if a teacher wants to use the Internet for a lesson, then kids have to crowd around one desk to follow along, or they have to break up into groups and sequentially come in. More than 1,200 school superintendents have already signed the pledge, and have agreed to: • Foster a culture of learning through technology across their schools • Assist their students and families in the transition to high-speed connectivity • Provide their learners greater access to high-quality digital devices and content

approximately 10 million students across more than 16,000 schools across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. “In a country where we expect free Wi-Fi with our coffee, the least we can do is expect that our schools are properly wired.” Today’s “ConnectED to the Future” convening also featured new commitments from private and non-profit partners and from the U.S. Department of Education to support educators as they transition to digital learning. Learn more about today’s commitments here (www.whitehouse.gov/thepress-office/2014/11/19/fact-sheetconnected-future). The President called the Future Ready Digital Pledge “a vision for digital learning in classrooms

From the Black Business News Group

across America,” but cautioned that the pledge can’t stop with the superintendents: Every kid needs every superintendent in America to sign this pledge — and then follow through on the pledge. Our kids need every school district to make these commitments. Every child — whether they live in a big city, quiet suburb, the furthest reaches of rural America, poor districts, rich districts — every child deserves a shot at a worldclass education. That’s the promise we make as a nation great. That’s what makes our nation great — this fundamental belief that no matter who you are, where you come from, what you look like, you can make it in this country if you work hard. You have access to the tools to achieve. If we keep working at this, that’s a promise we can make real for this generation and generations to come. Read the Future Ready Digital Pledge here, and find out more about the ConnectED initiative here.  www.ed.gov/blog/2014/11/more-than1200-school-superintendents-take-thefuture-ready-district-pledge www.youtube.com/ watch?v=hPJoYue0sOI

13  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


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President Obama Charts a New Course on Cuba: 5 Things to Know By Tanya Somanader

We are separated by no more than 90 miles of water.


nd yet, for more than 50 years, an ideological and economic barrier hardened between our two countries. Today, President Obama took historic steps to tear down that ideological wall and end an outdated approach that, for decades, has failed to advance our interests. Fulfilling a promise he made when he came into office in 2009, President Obama will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Here are five takeaways from today's announcement:

President Barack Obama delivers a statement on Cub Cabinet Room of the White House. (Official White House

1. The U.S. will re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba that have been severed since January of 1961. Going forward, the U.S. will re-establish an Embassy in Havana, and high-ranking officials will visit Cuba. We will work together to advance our interests on issues including health, migration, counter-terrorism, drug trafficking, and disaster response. Indeed, we’ve seen the benefits of cooperation between our countries before. It was a Cuban, Carlos Finlay, who discovered that mosquitoes carry yellow fever; his work helped Walter Reed fight it. Cuba has sent hundreds of health care workers to Africa to fight Ebola, and I believe American and Cuban health care workers should work side by side to stop the spread of this deadly disease. Now, where we disagree, we will raise those differences directly -– as we will continue to do on issues related to democracy and human rights in Cuba. But I believe that we can do more to support the Cuban people and promote our values through engagement. After all, these 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It’s time for a new approach.

2. The U.S. will review Cuba's designation as

American president Barack Obama speaks with his C Oval Office of the White House in Washington DC, Dece

16  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

a State Sponsor of Terrorism. This review, conducted by the State Department, will be guided by the facts and the law. At a time when we are focused on threats from al Qaeda to ISIL, a nation that meets our conditions and renounces the use of terrorism should not face this sanction.

3. The U.S. will take steps to increase travel, commerce, and the flow of information to and from Cuba. This is fundamentally about freedom and openness, and also expresses my belief in the power of people-to-people engagement. With the changes I’m announcing today, it will be easier for Americans to travel to Cuba, and Americans will be able to use American credit and debit cards on the island. Nobody represents America’s values better than the American people, and I believe this contact will ultimately do more to empower the Cuban people.

4. The return of Alan Gross and other Americans detained in Cuba cleared the way for this progress in relations.

ba and the release of American Alan Gross, in the e Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

While the President has been prepared to take additional steps for some time, a major obstacle stood in the way: the wrongful imprisonment, in Cuba, of U.S. citizen and USAID sub-contractor Alan Gross for five years. Over many months, the Administration has held discussions with the Cuban government about Alan’s case, and other aspects of our relationship. Today, Alan returned home and was reunited with his family at long last. President Obama also secured the release of one of the most important intelligence agents that the U.S. has ever had in Cuba. Imprisoned for nearly two decades, he is now home on U.S. soil. Cuba also released a substantial number of prisoners whose cases were directly raised with the Cuban government by the President's team.

5. Pope Francis helped facilitate the release of Alan Gross and thawing of relations between the U.S. and Cuba. His Holiness Pope Francis issued a personal appeal to President Obama and to Cuba's President Raul Castro, urging them to resolve the obstacles that prevented the countries from moving forward in restoring diplomatic relations. I want to thank His Holiness Pope Francis, whose moral example shows us the importance of pursuing the world as it should be, rather than simply settling for the world as it is. Canada and a bipartisan group of Congress members were also instrumental in securing the release of prisoners and in advancing our interests and values in Cuba. Find more information on the President's historic actions here: www.whitehouse.gov/cuba-policy. 

Cuban counterpart, Raúl Castro, by phone from the ember 16, 2014 (White House/Pete Souza)


17  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Rev. Al Green Receives Kennedy Center Honor


ow, I’m going to start with somebody who I know all of you think about whenever I sing, and that’s Reverend Al Green. (Laughter.) I’ve been keeping his traditions alive. (Laughter.) AUDIENCE MEMBER: Do it again. THE PRESIDENT: No, I’m not going to do it again. (Laughter.) No. No. That was like a one-time thing. My voice didn’t crack. It was a fluke. I can sing a little, but I cannot sing like Al Green. Nobody can sing like Al Green. (Applause.) Nobody can sing like Al Green. That soul, that light falsetto. His music can bring people together. In fact, he says he can hardly go anywhere without a fan coming up to him, pulling out a picture of one of their kids, and telling him which of his songs helped that child enter the world. (Laughter.) I embarrassed the Reverend. Al was born in Forrest City, Arkansas, one of 10 kids packed into a two-bedroom house. In his early 20s, he signed with Hi Records and

helped bring Memphis soul into the spotlight with songs like “Tired of Being Alone,” “Let’s Stay Together,” and “Take Me to the River.” In the 1970s, he became a pastor at his church in Memphis, and later he started churning out a string of gospel hits that earned him eight Grammys. And as the years passed, he’s woven together his gospel and soul careers, recently collaborating with the Roots, John Legend, and his Memphis neighbor, Justin Timberlake. And of course, he’s still singing from the pulpit on Sunday. As he says, “The greatest thing that ever happened to me…the little boy from Arkansas, was that amidst all the doubts…I found peace.” For the peace he found and the soul he has shared with all of us, tonight we honor the Reverend, Al Green.


• Dec. 2—First Class mail international/Priority Mail international • Dec. 10—Priority Mail Express International • Dec. 15—Standard Post

or expected delivery of holiday mail and packages by Christmas, the Postal Service recommends keeping the following mailing and shipping deadlines in mind:

(Applause.) Other 2014 honorees are: Tom Hanks, Sting, Lily Tomlin, and Patricia McBride.  www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/2014/12/07/remarkspresident-kennedy-center-honorsreception www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6BA9 8ZNmv4&feature=youtube_gdata

• Dec. 17—Global Express Guaranteed • Dec. 20—First Class mail/Priority Mail (domestic) • Dec. 23—Priority Mail Express (domestic) 

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Pentagon to Sharpen Tech Edge with Robotics, 3D Printing, Weaponry By Charlie Osborne for Between the Lines

President Barack Obama Image: CBS News


S Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has warned that the Pentagon's technological edge is eroding, and the development of new technologies is necessary to maintain military dominance in the 21st century. In a speech delivered at the Reagan National Defense Forum recently, as reported by Reuters, Hagel announced new, ambitious plans to keep the US military sharp. The new "Defense Innovation Initiative" will include "an effort to develop and field new systems using technologies such as robotics, autonomous systems, miniaturization, big data and threedimensional printing," according to the publication. For example, the US military has already designed its own 3D printer as an alternative to commercial models, and low-cost models were sent to the front line to allow soldiers

to repair weapons on the ground rather than wait weeks for parts to arrive, as noted by Dezeen. However, these technologies are far from the military's usual domain, and both research and commercialization in these fields are dominated by universities, colleges, research institutes and IT companies. Hagel acknowledged this, and said the Pentagon plans to turn to these entities for help in the future. "We are entering an era where American dominance in key warfighting domains is eroding, and we must find new and creative ways to sustain, and in some areas expand, our advantages," Hagel said in a memo to Pentagon officials. While investment in these technologies certainly has the potential to lower budget strain in the future — for example, switching expensive unmanned aerial

vehicles (UAVs) for cheap 3D printed variations alone could save thousands upon thousands a year — but while crawling out of a recession, such an initiative may not be feasible or advisable. Hagel said "new resources" would be poured into the plans, but considering the United States' debt has reached $17.075 trillion, those plans may be stopped in their tracks. Hagel did not say how much would be spent on the Defense Innovation Initiative, and the figure is likely to be based on the country's fiscal 2016 defense budget — which is currently being drafted before being submitted to Congress in early 2015. IHS Aerospace, Defense & Security analysts project that by 2020, the next five biggest spending countries will devote a combined $546 billion to defense, compared to $540 billion by the United States. The project will be led by US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work.  www.zdnet.com/pentagonto-sharpen-tech-edge-withrobotics-3d-printing-weaponry7000035850/?s_cid=e232&ttag=e2 32&ftag=TRE6a12a91

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BBN Show Biz Buzz By Linda Ware


he 2014 Glamour Women of the Year Awards include several of our favoirte performers and personalities - Lupita Nyong'o (The Breakthrough), Laverne Cox (The Advocate) and Robin Roberts (The Survivor). Read their stories in the December 2014 issue of Glamour Magazine (with Lupita on the cover). Robin Roberts is a Woman of the Year because of the courage and grace with which she has shared her multi-year battles with cancers with the public. In her role as anchor of Good Morning America, she has personalized and humanized the struggle that so many endure and given hope and encouragement to those that are in the battle now. Laverne Cox, now appearing as Sophia Burset on Orange is the New Black, is an advocate on behalf of the transgender community. Recognizing that education is one of the key routes to normalizing how we all see and interact with each other, Laverne is now using the platform offer by her transgender character Sophia to give speeches across the nation and is producing a documentary on CeCe McDonald.

Laverne Cox

Lupita Nyong'o

Robin Roberts

22  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Lupita Nyong'o is Glamour's Breakthrough Woman of the Year because of her sudden splash into the limelight winning an Academy Award for her role in 12 Years a Slave and the resulting smashing of the beauty color-line. As the new face of Lancôme, she joins Halle Berry, Queen Latifah and Alicia Keys as

representatives of major cosmetic lines. Look for her in fashion spreads for years to come and in upcoming film projects: The Jungle Book, Star Wars: Episode VII, and Americanah. 

feature. Williams' partnership with composer Hans Zimmer has already begun to yield impressive fruit and he still has a fashion line, a record label, a YouTube channel show "Artst Tlk" and a charity, From One Hand to Another, to keep him occupied. 


ollywood Superstar Samuel L. Jackson has called on all celebrities (and all people who care) to join in the Struggle for Justice. From his Facebook page, Mr. Jackson asked celebrities to sing a few lines of the protest song "We Ain't Gonna Stop." See the challenge at www.facebook. com/video.php?v=101524350 99126954&set=vb.110641569 53&type=2&theater then join the struggle. 


his December the upcoming movie Selma is set to hit the big screen. The movie is directed by Ana DeVernay and produced by Oprah Winfrey and Brad Pitt. Selma give an account of the march from Selma to Montgomery it also conveys how explosively violence helped shape the nonviolent

I Samuel L. Jackson

n February 2015, the songwriting team of Holland-DozierHolland will be awarded a star on Hollywood Boulevard. The trio of writers began their music business careers at Motown Records in Detroit 

civil-rights movement. David Oyelowo portrays Martin Luther King, Jr. 


harrell Williams. The prolific record producer received his brass star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on December 4. Williams is seen weekly on “The Voice,” a reality TV singing competition broadcast by NBC. He’s committed to producing Snoop’s next album from top to bottom, and he and Hugo are making music for the upcoming “SpongeBob SquarePants”

Pharrell Williams

Daniel Oyelowo portrays Dr. Martin Luther King in the film Selma

Exodus: God of Kings Ridley Scott’s new film - to see or not to see? By Veronica Hendrix, BBN Contributor

ust in time for the holiday season, famed movie and television director/producer Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox Studios releases the epic film Exodus: God of Kings. It’s a story we all know well, particularly


fighting scenes. It’s got a starring cast too with Christian Bale, who plays Moses; Austrian born Joel Edgerton as Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses; Sigourney Weaver plays Egyptian Queen Tuya and Aaron Paul is Joshua, an Egyptian

Decidedly is the key word here. In several interviews Scott didn’t shuck and jive nor try to sugar coat his intentions in telling this story. When asked in a recent interview why he decided to cast the leading Egyptian roles and other roles with

the religious community, about the rise of Moses and his war against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses to liberate his people from bondage. This film was made at an estimated $140 million, is set against the backdrop of Egypt and told with all the grandeur and pageantry Hollywood can delivery. It’s got a cast of thousands - probably literally - with its spectacular, Gladiator-like

and Moses’ right hand. It opened December 12, 2014 nationwide. Seems like a let’s all go see it kind of box office hit right? Not so fast. The storyline along with the starring cast has raised the eyebrows and ire of the religious and the African American communities because of its “decidedly” inaccurate interpretation and whitewashed casting of leading roles.

white actors instead of ethnically accurate depictions including African Americans he stated, “I can’t mount a film of this budget, where I have to rely on tax rebates in Spain, and say that my lead actor is Mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such. I’m just not going to get it financed.” Despite the existence of many accomplished, established and

24  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

up and coming African American actors who would be a viable box office draw, whose careers and body of work have prepared them “for a time such as this,” it was a choice he didn’t make or perhaps a choice he wasn’t interested in fighting for. Maybe the 77-year-old Scott was haunted by the memory

of the late Armenian director Rouben Mamoulian who was fired because he set out to inject more authenticity in his story telling when wanted to hire African American actress Dorothy Dandridge to play the lead role in the 1963 movie Cleopatra. Inquiring minds may never know.

Sure he casted a lot of African American performers in background roles, playing slaves and criminals. What is message here? Is he a sacrilegious dogmatist? The message is: Hollywood is not in the business of being a historian or documentarian. They are not in the

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see Exodus on page 26


from page 25

business of being fair or balanced. They are in the business of telling their stories - absent accuracy or inclusiveness - the way they want for profit and promulgation. Money is important, you can say it’s God. But, he who holds the power to tell these stories, holds the power to shape mass public opinion, manipulate reality, and bend the arc of truth. Paula Madison, Lifetime National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) member, former NBC Universal and General Manager for KNBC-TV Channel 4 in Los Angeles once told those at a Black Journalists Association of Southern California (BJASC) meeting that the real power is behind the camera, yet too many of us seek to be in front of it. Danny Bakewell, Sr., Los Angeles Sentinel publisher and owner of Bakewell Media once said that his objective is to tell our stories and document our history. That’s why having teeth, skin and blood in this mass media game is paramount. That is why people like Shondra Rhimes, Spike Lee, Ophra Winfery, John Singleton, Ava DuVernay, Julie Dash, Gina Prince-Bythewood, Samuel Pollard, Carl Franklin,

Lee Daniels, Allan and Albert Hughes, Malcom D., Antoine Fuqua, Angela Robinson and yes Tyler Perry - all matter. These are the high level players that are behind the lens, playing a key role in telling stories about Africans and making sure African Americans are not left out of modern day, historical and even whimsical story telling. And a few “village treasures” to herald and support are those like Wave Newspapers publisher Pluria Marshall, Jr. who early this year purchased three FOX-affiliated television stations – KLJB-TV in Davenport, Iowa; KMSS-TV in Shreveport, Louisiana, and KPEJTV in Odessa, Texas; Television and Radio owner Cathy Hughes who founded and owns media companies Radio One and TV One; and singer, song writer and humanitarian Stevie Wonder who owns and operates Urban Adult Contemporary radio station KHLH. They embody what Madison and Bakewell speak about. They are uniquely positioned to deliver content that can “shape public opinion, present reality, and “bend the arc” toward truth in storytelling and mass communication.” Exodus: God of Kings seemed to have an uphill battle before it opened on December 12th. It’s taken quite a tongue lashing by critics and reviewers. A critic on

Forbes.com recently wrote, “It is a badly acted and badly written melodrama that takes what should be a passionate and emotionally wrenching story and drains it of all life and all dramatic interest.” The second uphill battle rests at the sword of the decision to disenfranchise two segments of its potential viewing population – Christians and African Americans – by the less that inclusive and biblically inaccurate depiction of the story. The final uphill battle is being played out right now on the internet with a robust boycott campaign with the hashtag #boycotexodusmovie, which is kicking up a lot of dust in social media because of the outrage many feel in the lack black actors playing Egyptians. Will these battles affect box office receipts? Any effect will probably be negligible. Overall, the general viewing public loves these big, epic productions. But it should affect the conscious viewer, more specifically the African American viewer who expects more and should demand more from Hollywood. 


eronica Hendrix is a journalist and columnist whose work has covered the span of the human continuum – from clinical trials of male contraceptives, to the gang violence. She is the project manager and co-writer of the Taste of Soul Cookbook. Her latest project is the blog collardgreensandcaviar.com which features a range of human interest stories about food featuring home cooks to food enthusiasts, and culinary experts. For interviews, speaking engagements or moderator requests please send an email to collardgreensandcaviar. com and follow her on Twitter @ collardscaviar.

26  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


It’s Time to Revolutionize Race Relations By Bernard J. Tyson, Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente


ith the entire country seeing demonstrations following the Ferguson decision, I’ve had colleagues and business partners ask me my thoughts — not from my perspective as the Chairman and CEO of a $55 billion organization — but as a black man in America. You would think my experience as a top executive would be different from a black man who is working in a retail or food service job to support his family. Yet, he and I both understand the commonality of the black male experience that remains consistent no matter what the economic status or job title. This post is not to complain about what is, but instead offer hope that we can harness the positive energy from the demonstrations for change and start a new chapter in America based on better understanding of race relations. As Americans, we must deal with behavior that is unacceptable in today’s global world. The first step in changing negative behavior is to understand the underlying imagery of the black male, which doesn’t represent reality. Whether it’s Michael Brown in Ferguson, Trayvon Martin with his Skittles®, Eric Garner who died after a chokehold, or the 12-year old killed because he was waving a toy gun, when you see a black man killed, the imagery is more complicated than one might think. For example, words used by the white police officer to describe Michael Brown included adjectives such as hulking

and demonic — words that bring up images going back to the days of slavery. If you’re not black, it’s hard to relate to situations as a black man might. So you know I’m speaking from a realistic rather than theoretical standpoint, here are a few personal examples I’ve experienced in the past couple of months: Recently I was shopping in an upscale store and I was being watched and also followed by an overly anxious person. This was not someone trying to be helpful, but someone who was assessing why I was there. Other shoppers did not have “help” following them throughout the store. I have gone to dinner at fine restaurants and had the food server explain the tipping program, since apparently black men don’t understand this concept. Sometimes I observe two or three white customers ahead of me and after me pay by credit card — and I am the only one singled out to provide proof of who I am before I can make my purchase. Most CEOs don’t leave their corporate offices, change clothes, and have car doors locked as they walk by or women move to the other side of the street hugging their purses as they see me out exercising. Even as a CEO, the black male experience is my reality. Years ago, my father taught me

explicitly how to behave myself if ever confronted by a police officer and I experienced being disrespected in my early twenties by someone who was supposed to protect my rights. I hold to this day

that the biggest battle within me was the rage at how I was being treated while having to do what my father told me and respond appropriately. If I acted out how I was feeling at the time, I might not be here today. So where do we go from here? In the Ferguson situation, we need to see Race Relations on page 31

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Choked Out

By Ron Busby, Sr., President/CEO, U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.


his one is different. We didn't see George Zimmerman kill Trayvon Martin or Darren Wilson murder Michael Brown. Having only the perpetrators' accounts to go by, we were left mercilessly at the Hands of Lady Justice. But the WHOLE WORLD saw a gang of New York's police force literally choke the life from Eric Garner. And again, Lady Justice turned a blind eye to the truth and declared that despite the viral social media phenomenon that graphically proved the murderous intent of those modern-day "paddy rollers," Eric Garner's death deserved no finding of fault. Is there really any wonder why Black Americans are beyond frustrated? When you combine scant employment opportunities, ineffective public education, sparse healthcare options and cap it off with legally sanctioned murder, what should America really expect? As we move from the everfestering sense of outrage to the critical work necessary to determine what's next, let's consider, what are the real options? Without

question we'll have to learn to more effectively exercise our political strength - such as it is. But political solutions generally require longterm negotiations -- and lots of patience...and nobody is feeling patient right now. Social activism and civil unrest clearly have a role to play in drawing attention and highlighting injustices like the deaths of Black men at the hands of police. Fickle media, though, have a strange way of turning even the righteous indignation of Black America into a referendum on who's guilty of the worst behavior -- killer cops or angry Black folk. So that leaves us with impacting the economy as our one sure-fire strategy. The year-long Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956) proved beyond all doubt that Black folk withholding their financial support could cripple even Jim Crow. The devastation heaped on Montgomery's economy even made the U.S. Supreme Court cave in! There is no question that America today NEEDS the trillion dollars Black Americans pump so

willingly into the economy. What would happen if those dollars went missing? One thing is certain, Black-owned businesses would appreciate the opportunity to supply the goods and services we -- literally -- spend our last dimes on. And this is no fairy tale, make-believe scenario. This may just be the defining moment in reasserting our right to be -- not just heard -- but truly listened to. The lessons learned over a half-century ago about organized action are just as valid today. Did those poor folk in Montgomery suffer while having to walk instead of riding the bus? Absolutely! But they suffered because they knew their cause was right and just. The question, then, is whether we've learned enough over the last 60 years to know how to suffer for a short term in order to build a better future for others? Could we stand not having that Starbucks in the morning? Could we live without that weekend shopping spree? Could we have a festive holiday without Crown Royal and Ciroc? Do we see Race Relations on page 31

29  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Keep On Marching


he protests began in Ferguson, exploding after the prosecutor announced that the policeman who killed Michael Brown would not be brought to trial. They spread across the country after the Staten Island grand jury refused to charge the policeman who strangled Eric Garner, killing him on camera. Now, as others – Tamir Rice, John Crawford III, Akai Gurley – are added to the list of casualties, the marches keep on building. Professional and college athletes don shirts saying, “We can’t breathe.” Congressional aides go on strike to stand on the steps of the House, calling “hands up, don’t shoot.” From Boston to Denver to Miami, die-ins and protests tie up major intersections in big cities. Non-violent protestors chain themselves to a Bart car, declaring they want to stop the line for four and one-half hours, the time Michael Brown was left on the street in Ferguson. This weekend, tens of thousands marched in Washington, Boston, New York and elsewhere.

Why March? Marching is a public protest, a witness demanding attention be paid. Marching is a public classroom, teaching millions about what has long been true about police violence and racial injustice, but too seldom acknowledged. Marching forges community, an

evolving community of ordinary heroes who put their bodies on the line to call the powerful to account. Marching involves moving from spectator to participant in history, going from being on the sidelines to being on the field. It is exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. These marches are spreading, in part because many share Eric Garner’s final plea, “I can’t breathe.” African American outrage is clear. We experience police abuse as a daily reality. African American males are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than white males. To even out the disparity over the last three years, according to Propublica, police would have to shoot an additional white male a week -- for three years. But this isn’t just a black male problem. According to Propublica, 44% of those shot and killed by police are white. And even this data is incomplete, since many police departments do not file fatal police shooting reports at all. These marches reflect the reality that many can’t breathe in this current arrangement. The unjust judicial system reflects an unjust economic order. The day after the first Garner

demonstrations that shut down much of New York City, low wage workers walked off their jobs in over 190 cities. They came from McDonalds and Wal-Mart, Dollar Stores and discount chains. They too can’t breathe in jobs that offer low wages, few benefits and less security.

We Need Fundamental Change The protests have now gained national attention. The White House has promised reforms in sentencing, in police practices and in police equipment, with millions promised for new cameras. Even conservatives have joined in speaking out against police abuse.

30  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Editorial This is all good, but merely a first, baby step. We need fundamental reform not simply of police practices but of economic and educational policies if we are to meet the challenge exposed by Ferguson and Florida and New York and more. And all of our history teaches that real reform comes only if the people are in the street demanding it. Those who are comfortable with the current arrangement will not lead the change. Those who can’t breathe must lead the change. And now, they are. 


ollywood Superstar Samuel L. Jackson has called on all celebrities (and all people who care) to join in the Struggle for Justice. From his Facebook page, Mr. Jackson is asking celebrities to sing a few lines of the protest song "We Ain't Gonna Stop." See the challenge at www. facebook.com/video.php?v=1015 2435099126954&set=vb.110641 56953&type=2&theater then join

the struggle. 

www.rainbowpush.org www.suntimes.com Choked Out

from page 29

really need that Benz, Lexus or Rover? Is the latest 4G smartphone really that crucial? Are we really serious about letting America know that #BlackLivesMatter, or is that just a catchy slogan that makes you feel better - right along with #HandsUp and #ICantBreathe? The U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. is absolutely certain that economic

Race Relations

from page 28

disregard the small percentage of criminals who are getting publicity for their destruction of property and instead pay attention to the sincere marchers and protestors who are voicing their demands for change. This is our opportunity to focus on improving race relations for the future, especially for young black men and also for those picked up to be deported based on their race. A few ideas have great potential to revolutionize race relations: I endorse the idea that every police officer videotapes interactions as the first major step to protect both individuals and the police officers.

Samuel L. Jackson

impact is the one tool at our disposal that works every time. It requires organization, it requires commitment, it requires more than lip-service. We recognize that there is no "magic wand." We know that going to jail and burning our own communities is attention-grabbing, but these are ONLY reactions. Our nationwide distress calls for ACTION! One last thought: it's kinda dated,

but dust off your copy of Douglas Turner Ward's Day of Absence...

We must engage community activists to sit down with police, the government and local businesses to work together in different ways. Over time we will see the current environment of police officers going to white neighborhoods to “protect and resolve issues” and going into black neighborhoods to “combat and control” change to become a culture of police officers being in all neighborhoods to protect and participate. We must collectively support local school and church leaders as they reach out to youth and adults to start a more positive dialogue to make all our neighborhoods safer. We can ask businesses in our

communities for their support as we build a greater sense of community, both locally and nationally. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness can become a reality for everyone if we eliminate issues standing in the way of improved race relations. I love this country and we’ve made so much progress, but we're not there yet. With deeper understanding and thoughtful and positive participation, America — and Americans — can live up to our full potential in a country built on diversity of thought, spirit, race and experience.

(http://nationalhumanitiescenter. org/pds/maai3/protest/text12/ warddayofabsence.pdf). What if, just

what if, nobody showed up for work tomorrow? When they call to check on you to see why you're not at work, tell 'em "...I can't breathe..." In the Spirit of Success.  www.usblackchambers.org

www.linkedin.com/today/post/ article/20141204174020-261404895it-s-time-to-revolutionize-race-relations

31  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


'Tis the Season of Corporate Giving By Black Business News Staff


ost companies, large or small, make donations to or support in some way programs and projects operating in their communities or industries. The End-of-the-Year holiday season is the time to reach out beyond the local organizations and offer support to national and international organizations that provide services through charitable programs, cultural exposures, educational opportunities and wellbeing supports. Granted, this is also the time in which business leaders take a detailed look at the business bottom line and think hard about that tax payment coming up soon. Charitable, tax-deductible gifts can help mitigate the severity of the annual tax-bite. Black Business News is suggesting a few organizations that will benefit from your financial support and will inturn give you the benefit of a tax deduction. Don't forget to work out your giving budget with your accountant. You may be able to be more generous than you think.

supplies and reach 100,000 West Africans with Ebola behavior change messages. Please help us reach our new goal of $100,000 to do more to stop the outbreak! Visit Africare. org.

Glamour's Women of the Year Fund Initiative The Fund Initiative has partnered with CARE, Plan International USA, Girls Inc. and Communities In Schools to send girls all over the world to secondary school. A gift of $5 helps with school supplies while a gift of $150 can help pay for a year of school fees. Visit glamour. com/wothfund for details.

Kids In Need of Desks (K.I.N.D.) Every day, millions of children throughout Africa struggle to learn while sitting on the floor or ground outdoors. Giving them a desk, where

Happy Holidays to All!!! Africare Protect health care workers and educate communities to stop the spread of Ebola and save lives. With more than $50,000 contributed, our donors have helped us send $1.4 million in necessary medical

they can write and concentrate, is a step toward improving their education possibilities. • A gift of $32.50 can pick one student off the floor. • A gift of $65 will buy a desk and bench for two students. • A gift of $130 can pick four

students off the floor. • A gift of $1,300 will buy supplies for an entire classroom. Visit the UNICEF/KIND website for detailed information and to make a donation: www.unicefusa.org/ donate/be-kind-student-malawidonate-desk.

Doctors Without Borders We are Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). We help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from health care. MSF has been delivering medical aid around the world since 1971. .87 cents of every donated dollar supports our programs. We strive to operate effciently and minimize advertising and fundraising costs. The Ebola situation has improved in Lofa County and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) can now withdraw from the area. The success of MSF’s intervention in northern Liberia can be considered a model of response, benefitting from a comprehensive approach and constant community involvement. 

32  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


www.africare.org/how-you-can-help/africare-ebola-outbreak-relief Urgent: Protect health care workers and educate communities to stop the spread of Ebola and save lives. With more than $50,000 contributed, our donors have helped us send $1.4 million in necessary medical supplies and reach 100,000 West Africans with Ebola behavior change messages. Please help us reach our new goal of $100,000 to do more to stop the outbreak! Donate $50 or more to receive a free t-shirt and email info@africare.org with your name and shirt size to be sure it fits!

How Your Donation Will Help: • $500.00 = 5 cases of face masks and 10 boxes of sterile syringes and needles • $250.00 = 10 pairs of rubber boots • $100.00 = 1 complete set of protective equipment, including a body suit, goggles, gloves and shoe/boot covers • $50.00 = 5 isolation gowns • $25.00 = 200 exam gloves 33  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Position Your Business for Future Growth & Success - The Internet of Things By Samuel Greengard


ne of the remarkable yet sobering realities of business is how quickly the world has become networked— and interconnected. Over the last decade, wireless technologies have extended the reach of computers to almost every corner of the planet and have left no enterprise untouched. A spate of machines—including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones—makes data available and accessible in real time. As people and computers become inextricably linked through these technologies, the next phase of computing is already taking shape: connected objects that are part of the Internet of things (IoE). Increasingly sophisticated devices and apps—along with sensors embedded into everything from ordinary household objects to industrial machinery—are enabling businesses, government agencies and other institutions to collect information and act on it in ways that promises to redefine technology and business. "We are witnessing a very fast transition to embedded intelligence in all sorts of items," explains Chris Curran, chief technologist at consulting firm PwC. "The ability to extract data from a wide array of objects and devices helps businesses analyze things and gain far better insights. Instead of making educated guesses, it's possible to tap into data and analytics in order to understand patterns, trends and

behavior in a more thorough and comprehensive way." The Internet of things (also called the Internet of everything and, in the business world, the Industrial Internet) is expanding at a rapid clip. Cisco Systems predicts that the number of Internet-connected devices will reach 25 billion by 2015 and top 50 billion by 2020. The firm also forecasts that 99% of physical objects will eventually become part of a network through technologies such as cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID and Near Field Communication (NFC). Almost anything and everything— from trees, milk cartons and medical equipment to roads, bridges, vehicles and power generators—can be equipped with sensors that collect and transmit data about consumption, usage patterns, location and more. The IoT beckons with the promise of helping manufacturers, health care providers, the military, retailers and others better track equipment, supplies and people; ratchet up marketing; understand behavior; build smarter vehicles; detect machine failures and, quite simply, understand the world in ways that weren't possible only a few years

ago. "What's special about connected devices is that they can continuously report about usage, operating behavior, conditions and other information," says Vijitha Kaduwela, founder and CEO of consulting firm Kavi Associates. "They generate a lot of data that can be analyzed and acted upon." He points out that there are a

huge number of potential sources of data and enormous diversity in the type of data that organizations can collect. "In terms of business value, this data is very complimentary to the data generated by operations, sales, marketing, finance and other departments in the enterprise," Kaduwela explains.

Embracing the Opportunities Businesses are beginning to spot the opportunities offered by the IoT. For example, Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). The

36  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Portland, Ore.-based health and research institution tags assets ranging from infusion pumps to crutches so they can be easily located. Using passive RFID and WiFi, its nurses, physical therapists and technicians can see exactly where an item is at any given moment. "The system helps us manage the flow of devices," says Dennis Minsent, director of clinical technology. Later this year, OHSU

plans to tag patients and clinicians to better understand where they spend time, how they move around within the facility and how long patients wait in a room before a clinician arrives. "It will provide

insights into how we can operate more efficiently," he explains. PwC's Curran says that the IoT creates entirely new capabilities for businesses, opening the door to new types of products and services that extend throughout the supply chain and out to customers. "The technology has the potential to create far more active and engaged relationships," he adds. "It offers enormous possibilities revolving around big data and analytics." In fact, by plugging in data from other sources— including social media and crowdsourcing—it's possible to create a much deeper and broader view of fast-changing events, conditions and behaviors. Kavi's Kaduwela says that machine-generated data currently accounts for about 15% of the overall data organizations hold, and he expects the figure to rise to around 50% within the next decade. The value proposition for the industrial Internet a l r e a d y e x i s t s , he says. Optimizing a n d streamlining operations— even by a percent or two—can result in substantial gains. The key to success is by effectively integrating and managing the data and developing the right analytical solutions. Kaduwela believes that, for now, the value proposition is

much stronger in the industrial space than it is in the consumer space. However, the IoT also creates n e w security and privacy risks that organizations cannot ignore, notes Robert Stroud, chair of the ISO liaison subcommittee for the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). "Information could be aggregated or shared in a way that a person or an organization isn't aware of—or in a way they don't approve," he says. Part of the problem, Stroud notes, is that many connection points and vulnerabilities are not well-tested or understood. "A failure could lead to unintended implications and serious consequences," he explains, "so there needs to be an understanding of how to mitigate risks and secure the data." Already, hackers have demonstrated that it's possible to breach automobiles, baby monitors and medical devices. PwC's Curran says that, in the end, it's crucial to formulate a strategy for the industrial Internet and IoT. It's important to begin thinking about how to connect devices or sell products that fit into a larger ecosystem of intelligent devices. This means identifying opportunities and problems that connected technologies can solve and understanding how they can provide deeper insights into a business, including customer touch points. "It's important to begin building prototypes, testing and piloting systems, and learning how to harness the technology," Curran concludes. "The Internet of things will play a major role in the future of business."  www.baselinemag.com/innovation/ the-internet-of-things-meansbusiness.html

37  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Happy Holidays!


Upgrade Your Twitter Prescence in 5 Easy Steps


ocial media is the best and easiest way for your wants to follow you, follow back as well. 3. Tweet What You Reap: Don’t be shy about your business to gain recognition. There are several options when dealing with social media outlets; accomplishments. Use Twitter to announce any accolades. Establish credibility while building Facebook, Pintrest, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube are all trendy marketing platforms. Twitter has over 271 buzz for your brand. million users a month and is rapidly becoming the most 4. Put You Back Into It: Acknowledge, Tweet and Retweet. Cultivate relationships on Twitter. “I’ll popular marketing tool to communicate globally. Your marketing strategy is incomplete without social scratch your back if you scratch mine.” media. Twitter will boost exposure and gain customers. 5. Make Some Noise: Tweet daily at peak times, Check out these five easy steps to grow your twitter participate in Twitter chats and use content and presence: giveaways to bring the noise. 1. Show up and Show Out: Have an eye-catching Twitter is a low-cost strategy that will bring visibility professional photo that stylishly reflects your to your brand; it will drive sales and get customers. For brand. Give a clear and unique description of more on this article visit www.blackenterprise.com.  who you are and what you do. www.whoswhopublishing.com/index.php/newsroom/ 2. Be a Leader and a Follower: To build your top-news/1021-twitter-turn-up-5-easy-tips-forfollowing, you have to “lead” ideal consumers to entrepreneurs-to-upgrade-your-presence you. But you must follow them first. If someone

Quote of Note "Change is hard -- in our own lives, and in the lives of nations. And change is even harder when we carry the heavy weight of history on our shoulders. But today we are making these changes because it is the right thing to do. Today, American chooses to cut loose the shackles of the past so as to reach for a better future -- for the Cuban people, for the American people, for our entire hemisphere, and for the world."

Barack Obama

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It Can Wait. http://itcanwait.com


Stanford Takes New Executive Innovation Training Program Online By Dian Schaffhauser


tanford University (www. stanford.edu) , which has long been in the business of training industry leaders, is

offering a new online model for its executive learning programs. The Stanford Graduate School of Business (www.gsb.stanford.edu) is introducing a certificate program, "Stanford LEAD Certificate: Corporate Innovation," (www. gsb.stanford.edu) that uses video lecture, online discussions, group projects and live interaction with faculty members to help cohorts of students "learn, engage, accelerate and disrupt" or "LEAD" change within their organizations. The program consists of eight courses over 200 hours and costs $16,000. Content will include personal development tools, direct faculty access, workshops, live-streamed Stanford events, interactive exercises and experiential and project-based activities. The program is designed to be completed within a year, at a pace of two courses per quarter and about five hours of school work each week. Successful students will earn a paper certificate

and a digital badge for use on their LinkedIn profiles and elsewhere. The new model launches with a focus on corporate innovation, intended to help participants develop the skills they need to identify highvalue ideas for their businesses and overcome organizational barriers for pursuing those new projects and products. The program includes foundational courses covering Financing Innovation: Creating Value, Critical Analytical Thinking and Strategic Leadership. Then students will choose from among several electives, such as Design Thinking: Building Brands Inside Out, doing internal innovation, designing business models and using neuroscience to influence behavior. Over the next several years, the school expects to offer other

certificate tracks using the same model as this one. The courses will be delivered through NovoEd (https://novoed.com), an online learning management system that incorporates collaboration technology. "Developing an online pedagogy gave us the freedom to think anew about how people can best learn, retain, and use this material," said Peter DeMarzo, faculty director for Educational Technology at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. "We've created a Stanford experience that people can digest on their own turf, at their own pace and apply in real time." Applications are open now through March 25, 2015 (www. gsb.stanford.edu/exed/lead/index. html?ViewFullSite=true&utm_ source=bbuell&utm_medium=pr&utm_ campaign=LEAD2015&utm_ content=ProgramAnnouncement). The

program will begin on May 5, 2015. Applicants, who may be located anywhere in the world, are being asked to upload a short video about why they want to be in the program and where in their organization they hope to implement change. No more than 100 participants will be admitted to the first 2015 cohort.  http://campustechnology.com/ articles/2014/11/06/stanford-takesnew-executive-innovation-trainingprogram-online.aspx

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Female Entrepreneurs Key to Economic Growth By Mark Marich


uring Global Entrepreneurship Week hundreds of events and activities around the world focused on the unique challenges facing female entrepreneurs. Women are largely seen as an untapped resource when it comes to driving economic growth -- not just in countries where the basic rights of women are a struggle, but in the United States as well. A new study released by the Kauffman Foundation argues that female entrepreneurs, especially those in high-growth fields, could be a "catalyst for growth in America." "Sources of Economic Hope: Women's Entrepreneurship," (www. kauffman.org/~/media/kauffman_ org/research%20reports%20 and%20covers/2014/11/sources_ of_economic_hope_womens_ entrepreneurship.pdf) authored

by Alicia Robb, a senior fellow at the Kauffman Foundation, suggests that accelerating female entrepreneurship could have the same positive effect on the U.S. economy that the large-scale entry of women into the labor force had during the 20th century. While women represent more than half of the educated U.S. population, they have far lower levels of participation in growthoriented entrepreneurship than men do. Women-owned businesses account for only about 16% of the nation's employer firms and, among high-growth firms, they typically account for fewer than 10% of founders.

"Female entrepreneurs have untapped economic potential, and policymakers and relevant organizations need to empower them to pursue high-growth opportunities," said Robb. "By opening the doors for women to have greater access to bank, venture and angel financing and by preparing more women to become investors, we can engage this greatly underutilized resource in the engine of growth and innovation," said Vivek Wadhwa, fellow at Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Stanford University; director of Research at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization at the Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University; and distinguished fellow at Singularity University, who conducted the survey with the support of the Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance, the Pratt School of Engineering, Women 2.0 and Neesha Bapat, Innovating Women project director at Singularity University. Wadhwa recently published Innovating Women: The Changing Face of Technology ( www.kauffman. org/what-we-do/resources/books/ innovating-women-the-changing-faceof-technology), a book that features

a collection of more than 500 candid first-hand interviews and essays from women in technology that explores gender discrimination. The survey of nearly 350 female tech startup leaders investigated what contributes to the low

percentage of women running high-growth firms. Regardless of gender, entrepreneurs face many of the same challenges in starting businesses, but the survey showed three primary differentiators in female entrepreneurs: Women lack role models who would motivate them to start companies. Because mentorship is important for successful entrepreneurs, this finding could contribute to the low share of women in growth entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurs say that lessons learned from failures are a greater factor in their success than lessons from successes are. Layering these survey findings with previous studies about how entrepreneurs of both genders experience failure may show that women are more likely to regroup and apply knowledge gained from failures to future ventures. Women experience a greater financing gap than men do. Nearly 80 percent of the women in the study used personal savings as their top funding source, even though 31% of them had angel investors and 14% had venture capital funding. The report also suggested that programs for female entrepreneurs should offer more opportunities to learn about starting and growing businesses and engage successful women business owners in mentoring.  www.kauffman.org/blogs/policy-dialogue/2014/ november/womens-entrepreneurship?utm_ source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_ campaign=PDE2014-11-24

44  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


RECOGNIZING LEADERSHIP A tinge of sadness comes with acknowledging the imminent departure of California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) President Michael Peevey who is leaving the Commission after twelve years of hard work and dedicated service. Commissioner Peevey's record of accomplishments with the PUC includes masterfully guiding California's utilities recovery from the energy crisis of the early 2000s, providing unprecedented support for greenenergy programs and vigilantly overseeing fair implementation of business contracting regulations to level the playing field for minority and women entrepreneurs. Unequivocally, Mike Peevey will be regarded as having the strongest environmental and pro-small business record ever created by a California commissioner. His presence and influence will be sorely missed. Mr. Peevey was appointed President of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) by Governor Gray Davis on December 31, 2002. As President of the CPUC, Mr. Peevey was committed to protecting the public interest by promoting consumer needs, while challenging utilities to embrace new technologies and provide safe, high quality services. Mr. Peevey was committed to maximizing energy efficiency and demand response opportunities and ensuring that California's environment was protected. He was also a strong supporter of renewable energy and renewable procurement requirements for utilities, and a leader in implementing California's Solar and Greenhouse Gas Initiatives. He also served as Chairman of the California Emerging Technology Fund. Mr. Peevey made it a priority to work closely with sister agencies, such as the California Department of Water Resources, the Independent System Operator, the California Energy Commission, and the Air Resources Board - agencies in which the CPUC has overlapping or complementary responsibilities, to assure that California had adequate energy resources and transmission facilities to support its growing population and improving economy.

45  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Covered California

Affordable Insurance Is a National Priority In 2010, the federal government

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46  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

A Short History, an Ambitious Future California has an important role to play in ensuring that Covered California is successful. Working together with federal, state and community partners, Covered California wants millions of Californians to get aÎ?ordaEle health care coverage. With more Californians covered, the state, our neighEors and our families will all Ee aEle to make healthy choices that EeneČ´t us all.

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47 ď‚ą December 2014 ď‚ą Black Business News ď‚ą www.blackbbusinessnews.net ď‚ą 1-323-291-7819


Five Content Marketing Tips for Every Holiday by Kelvin Dang


his holiday season provides the perfect time to ramp up your marketing. After all, the season brings in more sales than the rest of the year. Competition is fierce in practically every niche,

your customers' problems • Articles that showcase promos related to the holiday season Content should be related to your niche and targeted to your audience. Additionally, craft your articles so that they are amusing or interesting, and worth your customers' time. Otherwise, your content marketing will probably be useless.

2. Make your content shareworthy Some ways to inspire sharing from your audience however, so you have to take advantage of every holiday and not assume that customers will just come in. But how do you engage customers during every holiday season throughout the year? Here are some tried and tested tips that will make your holiday content marketing a success.

is to: • Design your articles or emails so that they are aesthetically pleasing and relate to the holiday theme

• Use holiday-related images and/ or short videos, especially for promos and deals • Highlight the benefits of your promo Whether your content is a blog post or an e-newsletter, include share buttons for the most common social networks. For example, if you're running a blog on WordPress

1. Create content that your customers will find useful and interesting You've heard that said so many times, and there is a reason for that: The cornerstone of your marketing campaign is content that your customers will want to read. What are some examples of content you should write? • Articles that answers common questions your customers may have during this season • Articles that provide solutions to

48  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

to-action in your content. Make it visible so that readers can't miss it, but don't oversell. There are various ways to do this. One example would be to ask readers to share a post on Facebook to get a coupon that gives them a discount code. Make the discount so that it can't be ignored, but still not affect your business negatively. The same thing can apply for a tweet or follow.

4. Run a holiday giveaway You can do this on your blog or other blogs in your network. That will get the attention of your customers and spread the word about your business as well. I suggest using

(wordpress.org), take a look at plugins like ShareThis (www. sharethis.com).

3. Encourage action from your customers More than writing shareworthy content and making it easy for readers to share, make sure you convert shares into something concrete for you. Include a compelling call-



com) to run your giveaway as it provides the social sharing options as well as random choosing of winners.

5. Prepare as early as possible What holidays are coming up next? You might want to start making plans as early as now. Think about the content that you will be writing, the giveaways that you will be running, and promotions you will be offering. If you're personally to busy for all the preparations, assign someone in your team to lead brainstorming sessions, so you'll have something to work with later on, instead of starting from scratch.

*** Marketing for the holidays is not a no-brainer, but it is not that difficult either. If you make plans, know your target audience, and be as creative as you can, then your marketing campaign will be a success.  www.marketingprofs.com/ opinions/2014/26580/fivecontent-marketing-tips-for-everyholiday?adref=nl120114

49  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819



t’s a great time to be a consumer. It would be difficult to find a major retailer that doesn’t offer e-commerce on its website and more retail apps are hitting the market all the time. That’s why nearly 150 million Americans will use their mobile phones to make a purchase this year, and that number is only growing. In fact, mobile commerce will grow more than 37 percent in 2014 according to eMarketer, which compiles data from 120 sources that track commerce. While mobile commerce can make holiday shopping a breeze, it can also open the door to new mobile threats that could put your personal and financial information at risk. Luckily these threats can be easily avoided with a little common sense and these tips:

Tips for Safer Mobile Holiday Shopping By Amy Johnsonbaugh

1. Stick to window shopping on public Wi-Fi Public Wi-Fi networks are everywhere, but security for these networks tends to be scarce. When making purchases and entering personal information on your wireless device, rely on a secure network rather than public Wi-Fi.

2. Looks matter If you feel like a website doesn’t look professional, there’s a good chance their security measures are just as lax. Stick to professional, brand-name e-commerce sites for the best results.

3. Go big That doesn’t mean you can’t buy a hand-knit sweater from the sweet old lady down the street. Check to see if she's on a professional shopping platform like Etsy or Society 6 before you trust her homegrown website with your info.

Available for Android and iOS.

4. Look for the https://

7. Be cautious with apps

Website URLs either start with http:// or https://. A quick way to check if the website you’re on is secure is to make sure the “s” is present in the URL.

More and more stores are developing apps to make shopping from your phone easier. Don’t forget that you can encounter the same threats that exist on e-commerce sites on mobile apps.

5. Don't click "save my info" unless you're sure Many sites will give you the option to save your credit card info for future purchases. Don’t let websites store your information unless you’re sure it will be encrypted. If you must store your credit card number, make sure your login password is very strong.

6. Don’t get phished If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Watch out when clicking unknown links from email and web banners so that you don’t end up unknowingly disclosing private information to scammers. Download Lookout Premium to stay safer from phishing links.

8. Download mobile security Whether you’re using a retail app or an e-commerce website on your mobile phone, you may be checking out with more than you bargained for if you’re accidentally downloading malicious apps. Lookout will alert you if malware shows up on your phone and its Safe Browsing feature will let you know if you come across a website that may be phishing for your personal info.  http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/devices-apps-andservices/sprint-offers-tips-for-safer-mobile-holidayshopping.htm

51  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Use Your Senses to Spot a Gas Leak To help keep your community safe and secure, use your senses of sight, hearing or smell to alert you to any of the following signs of a natural gas leak. LOOK


• A damaged connection to a gas appliance

• Remain calm

• Exposed pipeline after an earthquake, fire, flood or other disaster

• Don’t light a match, candle or cigarette • Don’t turn electrical appliances or lights on or off or use any device that could cause a spark • Natural gas leaking from a plastic pipe can create static electricity which can ignite the gas • Immediately evacuate the area, and from a safe location, call 800-427-2200, 24 hours a day, seven days a week; or call 911

© 2014 Southern California Gas Company. All rights reserved.

• Dirt or water being blown in the air • Dead or dying vegetation (in an otherwise moist area) over or near gas pipeline areas • A fire or explosion near a pipeline

LISTEN • An unusual sound, such as a hissing, whistling or roaring sound near a gas line or appliance

SMELL • The distinctive odor* of natural gas *Some people may not be able to smell the odor because they have a diminished sense of smell, olfactory fatigue (normal, temporary inability to distinguish an odor after prolonged exposure to it) or because the odor is being masked or hidden by other odors that are present, such as cooking, damp, musty or chemical odors. In addition, certain conditions in pipe and soil can cause odor fade – the loss of odorant so that it is not detectable by smell.



The Permanence Project is Rapidly Growing! During the 44th Annual Legislative Conference, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) launched enrollment for our new online community of policy makers, thought leaders and civically engaged people: the Permanence Project. The Permanence Project is built on a cloud-based platform, enabling users to exchange ideas and information to address critical, long-term challenges affecting black communities. The Permanence Project will offer resources and real-time updates on public policy issues including health care, employment, education and more. It will also feature news, reports, research materials, commentary, editorials, updates, and customizable alerts. Our inaugural partner in this initiative, Young Invincibles, is a national organization committed to mobilizing and expanding opportunities for young Americans between 18 and 34 years of age. As of today, more than 400 people have signed up. Be among the pioneers who have already joined this oneof-kind online community.

Sign up for the Permanence Project today! www.cbcfinc.org/permanenceproject

Spring 2015 Internships! Calling all scholars! The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Leadership Institute for Public Service is now accepting applications for the Spring 2015 Communications and Emerging Leaders Internship Programs. Program participants receive housing in Washington, D.C., a stipend, office placements, and opportunities to meet and interact with lawmakers and leaders working in all branches of government. The application deadline is November 14, 2014. Apply today at: www.cbcfinc.org/what-we-do/leadership-institute/internships.html

Faison Wealth & Retirement Regina Faison Senior Financial Advisor 3070 Bristol Street Suite 500 949-200-8212 714-329-7184 regina@faisonwealth.com www.faisonwealth.com

Getting Help from a Financial Professional Are you suddenly on your own or forced to assume greater responsibility for your financial future? Unsure about whether you're on the right track with your savings and investments? Finding yourself with new responsibilities, such as the care of a child or an aging parent? Facing other life events, such as marriage, divorce, the sale of a family business, or a career change? Too busy to become a financial expert but needing to make sure your assets are being managed appropriately? Or maybe you simply feel your assets could be invested or protected better than they are now.

When considering employing a financial professional, try to determine whether the individual or firm has experience in dealing with situations similar to yours. If you have substantial assets, you may require someone with a broader range of expertise than would be needed if your finances were relatively simple.

These are only some of the many circumstances that prompt people to contact someone who can help them address their financial questions and issues. This may be especially true for women, who live longer than men on average and therefore may face an even greater challenge in making their assets last over that longer life span. In fact, one study found that women often value advice from a professional in their financial decision-making even more than men do.*

Why work with a financial professional? • A financial professional can apply his or her skills to your specific needs. Just as important, you have someone who can answer questions about things that you may find confusing or anxiety-provoking. When the financial markets go through one of their periodic downturns, having someone you can turn to may help you make sense of it all. • If you don't feel confident about your knowledge of investing or specific financial products and services, having someone who monitors the financial markets every day can be helpful. After all, if you hire people to do things like cut your hair, work on your car, and tend to medical issues, it might just make sense to get some help when dealing with important financial issues. • Even if you have the knowledge and ability to manage your own finances, the financial world grows more intricate every day as new products

and services are introduced. Also, legislative changes can have a substantial impact on your investment and tax planning strategy. A professional can monitor such developments on an ongoing basis and assess how they might affect your portfolio. • A financial professional may be able to help you see the big picture and make sure the various aspects of your financial life are integrated in a way that makes sense for you. That can be especially important if you own your own business or have complex tax issues. • If you already have a financial plan, a financial professional can act as a sounding board, giving you a reality check to make sure your assumptions and expectations are realistic. For example, if you've been investing far more conservatively than is appropriate for your goals and circumstances, either out of fear of making a mistake or from not being aware of how risks can be managed, a financial professional can help you assess whether and how your portfolio might need adjusting to improve your chances of reaching those goals.

When should you consult a professional? You don't have to wait until an event occurs before consulting a financial professional. Having someone help you develop an overall strategy for approaching your financial goals can be useful at any time. However, in some cases, a specific life event or perceived need can serve as a catalyst for seeking advice. Such events might include: • Marriage, divorce, or the death of a spouse • Having a baby or adopting a child • Planning for a child's or grandchild's college education • Buying or selling a family business • Changing jobs or careers • Planning your retirement December 05, 2014 Page 1 of 2, see disclaimer on final page

• Developing an estate plan • Receiving an inheritance or financial windfall

Making the most of a professional's expertise

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to be prepared to manage your finances responsibly. Even if you see investing as overwhelming or complicated and boring, you need to know the basics behind a well-thought-out investment strategy--at least enough to protect yourself from fraud and/or communicate effectively with a financial professional or spouse.

• You'll need to understand how a financial professional is compensated for his or her services. Some receive a fee based on an hourly rate (usually for specific advice or a financial plan), or on a percentage of your portfolio's assets and/or income. Some receive a commission from a third party for any products you may purchase. Still others may receive some combination of fees and commissions, while still others may simply receive a salary from their financial services employer. Don't be reluctant to ask about fees; any reputable financial professional shouldn't hesitate to explain how he or she is compensated. • Even if you're a relative novice when it comes to finances, don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand what's being presented to you. You're not being rude; you're simply trying to prevent misunderstandings that could backfire later. • Don't let yourself be pressured into making a financial decision you're not comfortable with or don't understand. This is your money, and you have the right to take whatever time you need. However, give yourself a deadline for your decision so you don't get caught in "analysis paralysis." • If you think your financial life simply needs a checkup rather than a complete overhaul, you'll need to clarify the areas in which you're looking for assistance. That can help you decide what type of advice you're looking for from your financial professional, though you should also pay attention to any additional suggestions raised during your discussions. Your plans should take into consideration your financial goals, your time horizon for achieving each one, your current financial and emotional ability to tolerate risk, and any recent changes in your circumstances.

• Don't assume you have to be wealthy to make use of a financial professional. While some do focus on clients with assets above a certain level, others do not. • Think about the scope of the services you'll need. Do you want comprehensive help in a variety of areas, or would you be better off assembling a team of specialists? Do you need an ongoing relationship, or can your needs be taken care of on a one-time basis? If you're a relative novice or having to deal with decisions you've never had to make before, someone with broad-based expertise might be a good place to start. • Even if you feel you need detailed advice from several different specialists--for example, if you own your own business--consider whether you might benefit from having someone who can coordinate among them. A financial professional can sometimes be a gateway to other professionals who can help with specific aspects of your finances, such as accounting, tax and/or estate planning, insurance, and investments. • If you want comprehensive management, you may be able to give a financial professional the independent authority to make trading decisions for your portfolio without checking with you first. In that case, you'll likely be asked to help develop and sign an investment policy statement that spells out the specifics of the firm's decision-making authority and the guidelines to be followed when making those decisions. If you feel that consulting an expert might be helpful, don't postpone making that call. The sooner you get your questions answered, the sooner you'll be able to pay more attention to the things--family, friends, career, hobbies--that an organized financial life could help you enjoy. *June 2014 study of affluent individuals conducted by Spectrem Group, a research/consulting firm focused on the affluent and retirement markets.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Regina L. Faison Senior Financial Advisor Faison Wealth & Retirement Services C/O Woodbury Financial Services 3070 Bristol Suite 500 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Office Direct -949-200-8212 * Efax - 949-556-9806 * Regina cell - 714-329-7184 Customer Service Email- service@faisonwealth.com Ph# - 949-939-1194 Website - http://faisonwealth.com "Helping businesses and individuals achieve their life goals" Securities, and Investment Advisory Services offered through Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor. Woodbury Financial Services P.O. Box 64284*St. Paul, MN 55164*-800-800-2638 Faison Wealth and Retirement Services and Woodbury Financial are not affiliated entities.

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Discover Sustainable Solutions Export Opportunities Make plans to be in Silicon Valley at the Santa Clara Convention Center, February 9-11, 2015, to kick off the first Discover Global Markets conference of 2015! Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will focus on the link between advanced research and innovation, global business and planetary sustainability. U.S. companies can take advantage of increasing global opportunities with their world-class technologies, products, and services. Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will provide the access, information, and forum for U.S. companies to discover new international market opportunities, as well as the tools and business relationships to effectively pursue those opportunities. Unique to Discover Global Markets: One-on-One Consultations with U.S. Commercial Diplomats Only at Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will your firm have the opportunity to sign up for pre-scheduled, private meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats serving in key international markets. Experts serving at U.S. embassies and consulates in more than 20 countries have been invited to attend: Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, India, Norway, Turkey, Brazil, Central America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Canada, European Union, Japan, Singapore, U.K., Chile, France, Korea, 64  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

South Africa • Plenary sessions led by Fortune 500 executives addressing the business case for sustainability • Break-out sessions featuring market insights on advanced transportation, water and land use, green regulations, smart grid and more • Technical sessions on IP protection, venture and project financing, winning foreign government contracts, and implementing sustainable supply chains • Multiple networking opportunities Registration/Information: www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?EventId=1611267&MethodId=0&EventSessionId=&startnewreg=1


Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC)

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Publisher's Message Publisher's Message from page 3

of traditional celebration, we’ll have viable options. Whether these protests are viewed from race, income, social status, wealth or health inequalities, there is a disparaging gap between white and black in America. By every major statistical measurement, over the past 30 years inequality is growing markedly. Today, when viewed by the street protestors, inequality is a mounting social problem that has a tremendous price to pay on inclusive American prosperity. Although the racial gap in median income has closed slightly, nonwhite families only earn about half of what white families earn. This gap runs much wider when assets are measured by wealth, as white families claim about six times the net worth of non-white families, a gap that has changed little over the past generation. More opportunities for African Americans and other minorities in the technology industry was the message delivered by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition at the Microsoft annual meeting this month in San Francisco. Jackson met with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to urge the company to release its Equal Employment Opportunity Report (EE0-1) and make a firm commitment to recruit more women and people of color to the board as well as the executive and employee ranks. Looking at Microsoft’s hierarchy one might think diversity was not an issue with the industry giant. Chairman John Thompson is African American, CEO Nadella is Indian-born and the company's chief financial officer, Amy Hood, is a woman. Still, Microsoft mirrors other

firms in the technology industry whose make-up is 61% white and 71% male. Jackson summed up his presentation by saying "the tech industry is data driven. And the diversity and inclusion data are indisputable and undeniable: the leadership and workforce of the technology industry do not look like America or reflect the population and consumers that it relies upon for success." Microsoft has agreed to release its EE0-1 by the end of December 2014. Last but not least, as you consider the items on your New Year’s resolution list here is a recommendation: Support Black

Business by practicing “Cooperative Economics” because "Black Business Matters." Share the resolution on all of your media platforms and let us all look forward to a prosperous 2015! 

Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

Pubisher/Chief Executive Officer

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Tech Diversity-Making It Happen story By Michael Liedtke, AP Technology Writer We've started an open forum on our website for your feedback, comments, questions and posts go to rainbowpushsv.org/forums & join the conversation. Keep PUSHing.....to change the face of technology. Thank you all.

into an occupation dominated by white and Asian men. "It definitely feels like we are entering a new phase," says Laura Weidman Powers, CEO of Code2040, a San Francisco nonprofit that has been lining up technology internships for black and Latino college students for the past three summers. "When we first started, diversity just wasn't on the

have publicly addressed their lack of diversity since acknowledging the problem earlier this year in contrite blog posts accompanying the ethnic and gender breakdowns of their workforces. Gwen Houston, Microsoft Corp.'s general manager of global diversity, said she welcomed the opportunity because she believes technology companies and their top executives

list of these large companies that have power and potential to make change. Now, it really feels like it is. They may not know exactly what to do yet, but they are interested in taking steps in the right direction. Wednesday's forum marked the first time that many tech companies

need to be held more accountable for the lack of women and non-Asian minorities on their payrolls. She pointed to Microsoft's appointment of John Thompson, an AfricanAmerican, as its chairman earlier this year as a sign of progress. "Change is happening, but not


ivil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson spent most of this year pressuring the technology industry into facing up to the glaring scarcity of women, blacks and Latinos at companies renowned as great places to work. Now comes Diversity 2.0 — finding ways to reverse a deep-rooted problem that isn't going to be as easy to fix as writing new lines of code for a computer bug. The challenges, along with some of the potential solutions, were explored Wednesday at a Silicon Valley summit organized by Jackson and his group, Rainbow Push. In a show of their commitment, Google, Apple, Facebook and more than other 20 other tech companies sent representatives to the forum held at the Santa Clara, California, headquarters of a Silicon Valley pioneer, computer chipmaker Intel Corp. The crowd of roughly 300 people also included entrepreneurs, academics and nonprofit groups eager to change the cultural and educational milieu that turned computer programming

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as fast as we want," Houston said. With a few notable exceptions like Intel Corp. and HewlettPackard Co., most major technology employers had long resisted requests to release the employment data that they regularly file with federal labor regulators. Although Google says it had been planning to share its diversity number for months, the company didn't release the data until shortly after Jackson demanded the information in May. That breakthrough triggered a domino effect across the industry. Jackson, 73, says he intends to hold the companies accountable for promises to make their workforces look more like the overall population. He met with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella last week and had what he described as a "positive and productive dialogue" Monday with

Apple CEO Tim Cook. He has another closed-door meeting scheduled Thursday with Intel CEO Brian Krzanich. Next month, Rainbow PUSH will release the first of what Jackson promises will be an annual scorecard rating the diversity progress of major tech companies. "Many of these companies had an unfounded fear that we wanted to disrupt them," Jackson said in an interview. "We came not to disrupt, but to build. Inclusion will lead to growth." Silicon Valley, a place that prides itself on progressive thinking and meritocratic policies, has a lot of ground to make up. For instance, only 2% of the U.S. workers at Google and Facebook are black and the number of Hispanics is below 5 percent at both companies. Cutting across the U.S. in all industries, 12% of the workforce is black and 14% is Hispanic. Meanwhile, less than one-third of the worldwide workforces at most major technology companies, including Google, Apple and Facebook, are comprised of women. Google already has underscored its commitment to bringing more women into the technology industry

by pouring $50 million into a program called "Made With Code" during the next three years and partnering with nonprofits such as Girls Who Code, which has been running summer educational programs for girls since 2012. In October, Google launched an effort to diversify the gender and ethnic mix of its suppliers, said Yolanda Mangolini, the company's director of global diversity. "It's not just about the numbers," Mangolini said. "It's about cultural change and cultural changes take a long time. It's like moving an aircraft carrier." President Barack Obama also is trying to prepare more teenage girls and minority boys for technology careers as part of educational programs unveiled this week. The initiative calls for major school districts encompassing New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas, Houston and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to starting offering introductory computer science courses to all students in high school or middle school. Microsoft and most other major tech companies are pouring money and time this week into the "Hour of Code" in classrooms across the country. The program encourages teachers to set aside at least one hour this week to teach students about computer coding. Liliana Monge, who runs a Los Angeles computer coding camp called Sabio.la for women and minorities, likens the technology industry's reckoning with its diversity issue to what happens after a habitual drinker finally starts to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. "First you have to understand you have a problem," Monge says. "Now, we are entering the second phase where (the companies) have to take the next steps to change." 

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rade Missions are listed on the Trade Mission Calendar when their official trade mission statements are approved for release to the public based on the U.S. Department of Commerce's Trade Mission Policy. The U.S. Government, in keeping with the National Export Initiative, is committed to sponsoring an unprecedented number of trade missions focusing on the most innovative and competitive sectors of our economy. The renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies focused missions, for example, will be among those listed on this site. Visit http://export.gov/ trademissions/eg_main_023185. asp for detailed information on the trade missions listed here.

Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique February 23-27, 2015 Trade Mission to Kenya, South Africa and Mozambique will put you front and center with the key decision makers looking for technologies and solutions like yours.

Trade Mission Features • Meetings with potential partners, distributors and end-users • Receptions with the local business communities • Briefings from local experts on doing business in Africa • Media exposure

Target Sectors Energy Equipment and Services: Power generation, including renewable; transmission and distribution, energy efficiency, oil and gas exploration and production and project

development. Transportation Infrastructure and Equipment: Road, bridge and dam construction; railroad equipment and rolling fleets, port mobile, weighbridges and quayside systems and upgrades to port equipment. Agricultural Equipment: Crop production equipment and machinery, irrigation equipment and technology, crop storage and handling, precision farming technologies and fertilizers. Medical Technologies: Diagnostic imaging equipment, laboratory equipment, patient aids, innovative minimally invasive devices and dental and optometry equipment. Contact: Anne Novak at Anne.Novak@trade.gov or (202) 482-8178. Application deadline: December 31, 2014.

Morocco, Algieria, Egypt March 4-12, 2015 Safety and Security Mission to Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. The purpose of this mission is to help U.S. firms in the safety and security industry find business partners and sell products and services in North Africa. The targeted sector for participation in this Business Development Mission is safety and security, including U.S.-based manufacturers of safety and security equipment, U.S. based providers of safety and security services, and U.S. trade associations promoting U.S. safety and security products and services. Contact: Frank Spector or (202) 482-2054 or Arica Young or (613) 688-5176

Application deadline: January 15, 2015.

Egypt, Jordan, Israel May 16-21, 2015 Healthcare Mission to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. This is a healthcare equipment, services, and technologies business development mission to introduce representatives from U.S. firms and related trade associations to the region and to promote exports of U.S. healthcare products and services. Delegates will receive market briefings and participate in customized meetings with prospective partners. Companies may also participate in a stop in the West Bank city of Ramallah at an additional cost.

Targeted sectors include: • Maternal and child health needs • Medical equipment and supplies, including diagnostic, monitoring, and imaging equipment • Hospital and outpatient clinic design • Hospital management • E-health: healthcare management systems/software/network design • Laboratory and scientific equipment • Specialty areas such as oncology, cardiology, wound care, and plastic surgery • Products and services for implementing quality standards and accreditation • Robotics • Mobile clinics Contact: Patricia.Molinaro@trade. gov or call (973) 645-4682. Application deadline: March 13, 2015.

71  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Business Technology:

Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities.


intelligently combines its own measurements with yours to create a perfect plan. Add doors as you walk around the room by touching the door frames, and select from a variety of door types. Rooms are automatically connected together to create a plan of the whole floor. Save as an image or export to PDF, DXF for AutoCAD or SketchUp or a range of other formats. Add notes and photos to the floor plans - RoomScan can even take photos automatically and place them in the correct position on the plan. Choose your own custom floor plan colours. Measurements are available in metric, feet & inches and East Asian units ( / / ).




he RoomScan Pro app draws floor plans all by itself just touch each wall with your iPhone! The floor plan appears in seconds, with approximate wall lengths and floor area. Unlike some floor plan apps, RoomScan can draw floor plans of complex rooms just as easily as small rectangular rooms. Measurements are estimated to the nearest 10cm (or half a foot). For super-accurate instant floor plans, use RoomScan in conjunction with a laser measure. Just tap a wall on the finished floor plan and input your measurement. RoomScan

hyp, an app for the iPhone (an Android version will launch soon) works like this: Snap a photo of what you need shipped and enter the destination address; a Shyp employee will showup and take care of the rest. The service is currently available in New York City, San Francisco and Miami; plans to expand to more U.S. cities are in the works. Cost: the price of shipping (via the lowestcost, most reliable option) to anywhere in the world, plus $5 for packaging and handling. Volume discounts are available for business accounts.

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ookout is a cybersecurity company that predicts and stops mobile attacks before they do harm. Computing

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ith Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge. Scratch is designed especially for

ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages. Millions of people are creating Scratch projects in a wide variety of settings, including homes, schools, museums, libraries, and community centers. The ability to code computer

programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas. Special Event: Scratch Day (look for it in May 2015) is a global network of events celebrating the popular computer-coding language—and the kids who use it.



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77  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest

Holidays 2014 at the White House

First Lady Michelle Obama poses with the 2014 White House Christmas ornament. (Official WH Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

The Obama Holidays With themes like, "Joy to All", "Shine, Give, Share" and "Simple Gifts", the holiday customs celebrated by the Obama family in the White House have centered around reflecting on our many blessings as Americans, rejoicing in the pleasure of spending time with family and friends, and renewing commitments to one another and to the causes that we believe in. One of the First Lady's most cherished traditions are the trees that honor the service of our armed forces, which have pride of place

in the East Landing and the Blue Room each year. And visitors during the holiday season have been enchanted by the representations of the First Dog, Bo Obama, who has been recreated using pipe cleaners, trash bags, buttons, pompoms and even chocolate. This year’s theme is ‘A Children’s Winter Wonderland’. It celebrates the pureness that the holidays bring, as seen through the eyes of children. The magic and joy of a Winter Wonderland through a child’s eyes transform the White House and its stately, storied rooms, reminding us all of the beauty of this holiday season and the blessings

we have experienced over the past year.

Technology This year, innovative technologies like 3D printing are playing a role in creating a unique and interactive holiday experience at the White House. In October, the White House announced the 3D Printed Ornament Challenge i(www. whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/10/30/ calling-all-makers-announcingfirst-ever-white-house-3d-printedornament-challenge) n partnership with the Smithsonian. Makers, see White House Holidays on page 80

78  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

President Barack Obama walks through the Ground Floor Corridor following a White House holiday reception, Dec. 12, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed military families to the East Room for the first viewing of the 2014 holiday decorations at the White House in Washington. The theme of this year's White House Christmas is "A Children's Wonderland." Picture: REUTERS/ Kevin Lamarque

Gingerbread Cookies A recipe from the White House Pastry Kitchen 5 ½ sticks of soft butter 1 ⅓ cups dark brown sugar 1 ½ cups light brown sugar ½ cup molasses 1 tbsp honey

3 whole eggs 1 egg yolk 8 cups all-purpose flour 1 tbsp + ½ tsp baking soda 1 ¼ tsp salt

1 tbsp ground cinnamon 1 tbsp + ½ tsp ground ginger 1 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp ground allspice

Preheat oven to 3400. Using an electric mixer, cream butter, dark brown sugar, light brown sugar, molasses, and honey. Add eggs gradually. Scrape the bottom of the bowl and mix again. Pour in the remaining dry ingredients and thoroughly mix. Remove dough from bowl and press onto a half sheet pan (11” x 16”) lined with parchment paper. Cover the pan with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to sit in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Roll the cold dough between two pieces of floured parchment paper to ⅛ inch thickness. Use desired gingerbread cookie cutters. Bake at 3400 for 8-12 minutes, or until golden around edges. If using cookie cutouts as decoration on a tree, omit the baking soda and bake the cookies until dark brown all over. Decorate by piping icing around edge.... ADd

White House Holidays from page 78

innovators and students around the country, from New Hampshire and Texas to California and Michigan, submitted more than 300 creative, whimsical and beautiful winterinspired designs. Twenty innovative designs were chosen as finalists and

1 2 lb. bag of 10x powdered sugar ¾ cup pasteurized egg whites 1 tsp fresh lemon juice ....then trim with your favorite candies.

five of these designs were selected for display in the White House. Read more about the winning designs at www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2014/12/03/announcingwinners-first-ever-white-house-3dprinted-ornament-challenge. For the first time ever, the Book Sellers Room will feature an interactive digital snowscape. The interactive installation captures

visitors’ movements, showing them abstractly projected onto the wall as a flurry of snowflakes in a serene winter wonderland scene. The piece aims to connect new technology directly with the White House as a historical landmark and home, while encouraging movement and play.  www.whitehouse.gov/about/insidewhite-house/holidays-2014

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Community/Public Interest-Obituary

Tracey Lee Pinson 1957-2014

(l-r) Tracey L. Pinson, Esquire with Representative Parren J. Mitchell


racey Lee Pinson transitioned to eternal life on Sunday, December 14, 2014. Tracey Pinson was born in Washington D.C. on September 18, 1957. She was the loving daughter of the late Ms. Valerie F. Pinson and Dr. Thomas J. Pinson. She attended Tots Developmental School, Georgetown Day School and Woodrow Wilson High School. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from Howard University and a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center. From 1982-1986, Tracey served as counsel to the Committee on Small Business, US House

of Representatives, for Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, Congressman Parren J. Mitchell. From 19861995, Tracey served as Assistant to the Director, Office of Small Business Programs, Office of the S Secretary t of Defense. In April 1995, Tracey was appointed by Secretary of the Army, the Honorable Togo West, as the Director, Office of Small Business Programs, Office of the Secretary of the Army. She was a principal member of the Army Secretariat and was the highest-ranking female civil servant in the Army acquisition career field. Tracey retired from the Department of Army in June 2014 and joined the Boeing Company in July 2014 as the Director of Small/Diverse Business and Strategic Alliances for the Boeing Defense, Space and Security division. Ms. Pinson authored an article honorng the life and work of Rep. Parren Mitchel that was published

(l-r) Young “Skip” Cooper with Rep. Parren J. Mitchell in the May 2009 issue of the Black Business News. You may read that issue on the Black Business Association website at www.bbala. org under Black Business News.  www.legacy.com/obituaries/ washingtonpost/obituary. aspx?pid=173494538

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"Crown of Jewels" The Eulogy at “Mayor For Life” Marion Barry’s Funeral By Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Saturday, December 6, 2014


reetings: To Cora, Marion’s beloved, and Christopher, his heart and soul, Congresswoman Norton, Mayor Gray, Mayorelect Bowser, former mayors Anthony Williams, Sharon Pratt, Adrian Fenty, Prince Georges County Executive Rushern Baker, III, Marc Morial, former Congressman Walter Fauntroy, City Council officials. Ministers of the Gospel for all that you’ve done to make this a glorious send-off, the family wishes to thank you. Scripture: II Timothy 4:6-8 “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; Henceforth there is a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” That’s the Blue Ribbon – the ticket to the Kingdom. There’s a song in our tradition that says, “Watch ye therefore. We know not the day when the Lord shall call your soul away. If you fight, striving for the right, you shall ware a robe and crown. I’m going to wear a crown. I’m going to wear a crown

when the trumpet sounds just as soon as my feet strike Zion. Gonna lay down my heavy burden. Put on my robe in Glory. I’m gonna wear a crown.” For a crown, to be authentic, it must have jewels in it. What are Marion’s jewels? Marion Barry was born in Itta Bena, Mississippi, on a cotton plantation in 1936 - eighteen years before the 1954 Brown decision; 19 years before the lynching of Emmitt Till (August 28, 1955), which was 8 years before the March on Washington, which was August 28, 1963; 19 years before Dr. King and Rosa The R Parks emerged in Montgomery, December, 1955; 21 Maste years before the Little Rock 9; 27 years before the Marion assassination of Medgar Evers, June, 1963; and as a result of that struggle, August 28, 2008 Barack Obama gave his Party’s acceptance speech in Denver, Colorado. Marion was born in the fertile soil and the ugliness of the Deep South in the throes of a revolution that continues to reverberate in the streets of our cities. He was nearly 30 years old before his family had the right to vote. How does one sum up the life journey of one who went from indignity and disgrace to amazing

82  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest-Obituary grace? I never thought I would live long enough to say “good evening” and “farewell” to this fellow traveler. I met Marion in 1960. We shared scars and stories about the odds we had to fight. But in retrospect, it seems as if we were so certain of victory that the risks we took - going to jail, dogs biting, horses kicking, blasted by the press – that it seemed not to matter. After the Greensboro 4 sit-in, a student uprising, Marion became chairman of SNCC in Raleigh, North Carolina and, along with 7 classmates I was jailed trying to use a public library in Greenville, South Carolina. We immediately became

passing, I keep thinking about a baseball analogy. In a baseball game there are 9 innings for a regular game and there are hits and errors. It’s usually played in the hot sun, 9 innings packed with drama and sometimes trauma. And in the big leagues, it’s always against stiff competition. When you challenge the U.S. Congress and White House to change laws and ancient habits of oppression, that’s the big league of politics. The game is so tough that if you get 3 hits out of 10 atbats it’s enough to take you all the way to the Hall of Fame. Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson were two of the greatest home run hitters, but they also struck out a lot. But whenever they came to the plate there were always expectations in the air. You hit some, strike out some, catch some balls and drop some. And you are judged, not by the hit in one inning and the strike out in the other, not by the catch or the dropped ball. You are judged by the box score when it’s all over. Are you a winner or a loser? When the game is real tight, sometimes you play extra innings. Some pitchers get knocked out early, some players only hit, and they’re called designated hitters. Some pitchers only pitch in relief. Some games go into extra innings. Marion played Rev. Jesse Jackson (2nd L) and current Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (C), escort Cora extra innings. Some ers Barry (R) into a viewing service at the Wilson Building in Washington for former Mayor players play with such n Barry enthusiasm they lift others as they climb. friends and blood brothers in the struggle. When the odds were against him, and the game was We live as if life is certain and death is uncertain. threatened with a rainout - because storms and thunder The fact is, death is certain and life is uncertain. and lightening often come in the summer time - neither Sometimes death comes suddenly and sometimes clear skies nor rain stopped him. He knew in the heat later - but always certain. you had to take the heat or get out of the kitchen. He As Marion and I walked through our 50-year+ journey knew deep water didn’t drown you. You only drown together, on Kathy Hughes radio station, Radio One when you stop kicking. He never stopped kicking. with Ebony McMorris – two weeks ago – and after his see Marion Barry on page 84

83  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest-Obituary Marion Barry

referee - was when I was hungry did you feed me, and the least of these? When I was naked, did you clothe the naked? When in prison, did you visit? On Malcolm X and Dr. King were down here for 39 years. this basis, he separated the sheep from the goats, the Marion lived twice that long. He had his highs and his wheat from the chaff, the real players from the alsolows. Like Job, Marion’s worst fears came upon him. rans, the champions from the heroes. His enemies laughed. His friends cringed. But he never Marion kept on getting re-elected and the crowds lost the faith. He went down, way down, but he got up stood in the rain to watch him go by yesterday because because he knew that nothing was too hard for God. he was a hero – which is more than a champion. When As Job said, “I know that my Redeemer lives, because champions win a contest they ride on the peoples’ he lives within my soul. Though you slay me, yet will I shoulders. When heroes prevail, they put the people trust you!” He lost his footing, but not his will to serve. of their shoulders and lift the quality of the whole game. He got up again because he knew the ground was no Marion was a freedom fighter! There is a select place for a champion. He did his best. His back was group of players who volunteered to sacrifice, risk their against the wall. He had three options. One, he could careers, and risk their lives, walked away from fearful have adjusted and chose the easy way. But Martin told friends and hostile adversaries – a freedom fighter that us to remain maladjusted to oppression. Two, he could had smelled the stench of jail cells. A freedom fighter that had looked at the whips and guns of terrorists empowered by an oath, a badge and a gun. He gave up pursuing his Ph.D. for those who had “No D” whose backs were against the wall. He was a freedom fighter. Many pick up apples from trees they never shook. A few are grateful, but many are parasites. They assume a gentle wind blew the apples from Mayor Marion Barry with former New York Mayor David Dinkins the tree. Few are have walked around full of resentment and anger with willing to shake the tree. Marion was a tree shaker and no action. He could have become bitter. But he chose a jelly maker. a third way - to resist and run on. He never stopped He was one of the architects of the new South. The running. He never stopped serving. Tired feet, aching day Dr. King gave his address in Washington the shins, in the evening of his years a slower pace of South was under military occupation. DC was under walking, but he never stopped his focus on the poor military lockdown. Federal troops had been ordered and those with their backs against the wall. That’s why to be on guard at the train station, the bus stations, at the people loved him and the Lord kept blessing him. the airport, and cars that didn’t have a tag from DC, In this game, Jesus set the standards - the righteous Virginia or Maryland they were stopped and profiled judge - for choosing who made the all-star team. and put under suspicion. The day Dr. King gave The standard is not perfection, but dependability. Do that speech from Texas across to Florida and up to you show up when the game is on the line? Jesus’ southern Maryland, we couldn’t use a single public standard - the standard of the righteous judge, a fair toilet; couldn’t rent a room at a Holiday Inn; couldn’t buy from page 83

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ice cream at a Howard Johnson. Black soldiers and any authority; who never served on commissions Hispanic soldiers had to sit behind Nazi POWs. Against those odds, Marion volunteered to be an unarmed soldier in an army for justice. He was not killed as was Medgar Evers and Jimmie Lee Jackson, Dr. King and Malcolm, but there are no unwounded soldiers. But when the war was over, the unarmed soldiers had won the war. Today, in that same South, the Carolina Panthers can play the Atlanta Falcons, the Cowboys can play the Dolphins and in the South, Boeing and Toyota can build their plants. He helped to make the South investment worthy and attractive. Atlanta can host the Olympics in that new South. Blacks (l-r) Mayor Marion Barry, Minister Farakkhan, Rev. Al Sharpton can preside in City Halls, state legislatures and the Congress. I repeat, no southern airport and commerce – and denied contracts. Marion governor or senator or congressman or publisher have helped to emancipate DC and much of southern his or her name on that honor roll of being an architect Maryland and Northern Virginia. of the New South. Marion also never stopped fighting for DC Statehood Daisy Bates, the Little Rock 9, led by Ernie Green, - 660,000 people living under occupation. He had to get the Greensboro 4, SCLC led by a 26-year-old Martin a budget passed by people approved by a Congress King, Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, John with alien and hostile attitudes. Congress governs DC Lewis, Julian Bond, Ivanhoe Donaldson, Julius without the consent of the governed. But Marion never Hopson, Hilda Mason, Harry Thomas, Dorothy Height, stopped exposing the contradiction. From Havana, September Clark, Marian Wright Edelman, Stokely Cuba, to Beijing, China, to Moscow, Russia, their Carmichael (Kwame Toure), Rap Brown, Jim Farmer, capitols are all represented in the national legislatures. Vernon Jordan, Bernard Lafayette, Charlene Hunter- DC still pays the second highest taxes, our children are Gault, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Walter Fauntroy, C. T. still sent to jail more often than those in most states, and Vivian, Wyatt T. Walker, Percy Sutton, James Bevel, we volunteer to serve, bleed and die in the military. We Roger Wilkins, Mary Berry, Hosea Williams, Ella Baker, deserve more than taxation without representation. He Floyd McKissick, Dorothy Height, A. Phillip Randolph, never fought small battles. He always had big dreams. Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young and Marion Barry. Marion was a builder. For the first time we got legal These are but a few of the honor roll of freedom righters contracts - accounting contracts, cable contracts, and sacrificial servants of the New South. No southern radio stations, TV stations, construction contracts and governor or senator or congressman or publisher have architectural contracts. Marion was a builder. Sometimes his or her name on that honor roll of being an architect they would laugh at him because he was not always as of the New South. eloquent as an English teacher or a speech therapist. But that wasn’t enough. Many started in 1960 and My name is “Mar’n Brry.” But remember, Moses had stopped in 1963 and some in 1965 and cashed in a stammering tongue. We shouldn’t judge him for his their pensions. MARION WAS A LONG-DISTRANCE eloquence but for his dependability and production and RUNNER! He had the will to run and the skill to build. service and love for the people. In that zone of mayors When Blacks in DC didn’t have much and much of DC - Maynard Jackson, Dutch Moral, Dick Hatcher, Carl was off limits; when Black Congressmen Robert Nix, Stokes, and Coleman Young – he was among those William Dawson, Adam Clayton Powell, Charles Diggs who broke down walls and built bridges and ushered couldn’t get their hair cut in the Capitol; when Blacks in in a new day. Marion was a freedom fighter and a long DC could only live in certain parts of town; when Blacks distance runner. in DC had never walked the corridors of City Hall with see Marion Barry on page 86 85  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest-Obituary Marion Barry

from page 85

He lifted as he climbed. You can get across the finished line with a resume, an ad campaign and some money. You may be a show horse. Marion came across more than ad campaigns. He came ground up. He faced whizzing bullets, was shot once himself but he came across that line with a wagon full. He was a workhorse not a show horse. He was a hero because he got his stars from his scars. Some don’t have on a uniform because they didn’t volunteer for the team. Political change is a contact sport. Some make the team but never come on the field. Those on the field have grass stains and blood on their uniforms. No one ever hit a home run or scored a touch down from the bench or from the stands. But it you play baseball, you get hit with a fastball or a curveball sometimes and if you play football you get tackled over and over again. Marion Barry got bloodied, but he didn’t bow. He died in office still serving. I started by asking the question, does “Mayor for Life” Marion Barry have any jewels in his crown according to the Jesus standard. Well he hired the most young people – that’s a jewel. He gave the most jobs to those who had been locked out before – that’s a jewel. He gave the most contracts to those who had been denied them – that’s a jewel. He was hope for the most downtrodden - jewels. He embraced African culture. He visited the most hospitals. He visited the most jails. He endured the longest. Some might say, well he went to jail. So did Joseph, but he got out and fed the family. So did Paul and Silas. They got out and healed broken hearts. So did Malcolm, but he came out a redeemer. So did Dr. King, but he wrote a letter and scripted out a new future. Well Marion. You got a crown full of jewels. You’re still leading. We’re right behind you. It won’t be long. By the way, Marion, you can feel good because we know the righteous judge will welcome you. You can now reconnect with your friends that you had here that most of us never got the chance to meet. So say hello to the people you knew and worked with who’ll be at the welcoming ceremony - Medgar Evers. Give a hug to Emmitt Till - who made you cry. Tell Julius Hopson we miss him on the marches. Tell John Wilson howdy. Tell Hilda Mason we’re still working on statehood. Tell Calvin and Wilhelmina Rolark, Maynard Jackson, Coleman Young, Fannie Lou Hamer, Bevel, Hosea, Harold Washington, Ralph Abernathy, Coretta, Dr. Height. Tell Mia Angelo, your friend, we miss her so much. Tell them, their old friends John Lewis, Julian

A young Marion Barry with Dr. Martin Luther King Bond, Andy Young, Roger Wilkins, Mary Berry, Maxine Waters, Eleanor Norton, John Conyers and a small crowd of us are still hanging in there. Give them your report card. Tell them, it’s not over. Tell them terrorists are shooting us, though unarmed, choking us to death, and juries are finding no justification to indict the shooters. Though they choked Eric, we have a second wind now. Tell them that we have a brother beloved in the White House, but they call him names and reject his health plan to heal the sick. We have a stand-up Attorney General. They’re keeping him busy. Tell them we’ve made progress, but down in the red zone, it’s getting meaner down here. Tell them, though we have targets are on our backs and the jails are overcrowded, but neither jails nor graves can hold us down. The resurrection of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and Eric Garner and Tavir Rice, in the linage of Emmitt Till and Medgar Evers drives us on. Tell them we are free but equality is being resisted. Tell them banks are robbing the people of their homes and small businesses, but never charged. But tell them there’s a new generation - their children and grandchildren - the young dreamers who are standing up and fighting back, marching, standing up by

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lying down, dying in, fearless and smart. Tell them that some young rappers, some standup preachers, high school and college students and some ballplayers in the linage of Tommy Smith, John Carlos and Muhammad Ali are still marching up the King’s highway. And, by the way, tell them that we celebrated Mrs. Parks birthday this week. Say hello to Mr. Mandela who just got to Heaven a-year-ago yesterday. And when they see your report card, they’ll see that you are at the top of your class again, as you always were – you fed the most, you hired the most, you lifted the most, you endured the longest - they’ll see the jewels of service in your crown. Somebody has got to tell them that Cora is still fighting for justice and Christopher has a business now. They’ll be proud to hear this. Tell them, and rest assured, they’ll say well done. The songwriter said it best when he said, if when you give the best of your service, he’ll say well done. You never stopped talking poor peoples’ talk. You continued to disturb the confortable and comfort the disturbed. You fought the good fight, kept the faith and finished your course. Perhaps the songwriter said it best.

If when you give the best of your service Telling the world that the Saviour has come Be not dismayed when men don't believe you He'll understand and say well done Chorus: Oh when I come to the end of my journey Weary of life and the battle is won Carrying the staff and the cross of redemption He'll understand and say well done Misunderstood the Saviour of sinners Hung on the cross He was God's only son Oh, hear Him calling His Father in Heaven Lord, not my will, but Thine be done. Chorus: Oh when this life of labor is ended And the reward of the race you have run Oh the sweet rest that's prepared for the faithful Will be his blest and final "Well done" Chorus: If when you've tried and failed in your trying, hands sore and scarred from the work you've begun Take up your cross and come quickly to Jesus, He'll understand and say well done. 

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Lusaka, Zambia 4th to 5th December 2014 Radisson Blu Hotel www.pangaeaconferences.com/register/

Explore new business and investment opportunities in mining, energy and more.....

World Class Speakers Sylvia Banda President, AWEP

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• • • • • • • •

• Discuss real investment opportunities • Share knowledge and experiences • Engage, share views and gain invaluable information on the Zambian market • Put Zambian businesses in direct contact with key people in the regulatory entities, with providers of different forms of capital and with potential local or international partners • Discover and network with new business partners • Match local opportunities to international capital/expertise

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he U.S. Commercial Service has partnered with various business chambers across India to open American Business Corners (ABC). This initiative by the U.S. Commercial Service is to reach out to the business community in the 2nd and 3rd tier cities where the U.S. Commercial Service does not have a physical presence. The ABC will offer opportunities to Indian importers in these cities to learn about our services and programs and make connecting with American businesses as easy as A..B..C… These centers provide information on U.S. companies through booklets, brochures, newsletters, magazines and CDs; and upcoming business


opportunities. Points of contact at the nearest U.S. Commercial Service office can also be obtained from these centers. Currently, ABCs have been launched in the cities of Madurai, Coimbatore, Vishakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, and Mangaluru in South India; Guwahati, Bhubaneswar and Patna in Eastern India; Surat, and Pune in Western India; Jaipur, and Chandigarh in North India, and Indore in Central India. Promote your brand in India’s fastest growing cities. To register online visit http://export.gov/india/ americanbusinesscorners/abcregistrationform/index. asp.

SOUTH INDIA Tamil Nadu: ABC Madurai Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce & Industry 4th Floor, 178-B Kamarajar Salai Madurai 625 009 Ph: +91-452-262 6751 Fax: +91-452-262 6750 http://tnchamber.in/ ABC Coimbatore Coimbatore District Small Industries Association (CODISSIA) Secretariat G.D. Naidu Towers, Huzur Road Coimbatore 641 018 Ph: +91-422-222 1582/2409 Fax: +91-422-222 2131 http://www.codissia.com/ Andhra Pradesh: ABC Vishakapatnam The Vizagapatam Chamber of Commerce & Industry Flat 206, Dutt Island Complex, Near Siripuram Jn. Vishakapatnam 530 003, Andhra Pradesh Tel: 91-891-250 2154

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Fax: 91-891-270 1141 http://vizagchamber.com/ Kerala: ABC Thiruvananthapuram Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry No. A-80, Deepam, Desabhimani Road Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695 001 Tel: +91-471-232 1888/321 0967 http://www.iccicochin.com/ ABC Kochi Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Indian Chamber Road, Mattancherry Cochin 682 002 Tel: +91 484 2224335/2225960 http://www.iccicochin.com/ Karnataka: ABC Mangaluru Kanara Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) Chamber Building, Chamber Road Bunder, Mangaluru - 575 001, Karnataka State Tel: +91-824 242 0128, 4260 128 http://www.kanarachamber.com

EAST INDIA Assam: ABC Guwahati Indian Chamber of Commerce North East Inintiative, House # 209, 2nd Floor, Near AIDC R. G. Baruah Road, Guwahati- 781 024 Tel: +91-361-246 4767 http://www.indianchamber.org Orissa: ABC Bhubaneswar Indian Chamber of Commerce ICC State Office 32-East Ashok Nagar, 2nd Floor Bhubaneswar-751 009 Tel: 91-674-2532 744 Fax: 91-674-2533 744 http://www.indianchamber.org

Bihar: ABC Patna Indian Chamber of Commerce Bihar State office 11/B, Dumri House, Kavi Raman Path East Boring Road, Patna- 800 001

Tel: 91-612-6500357 http://www.indianchamber.org

WEST INDIA Gujarat: ABC Surat Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry “Samruddhi” Nanpura, Surat 395 001 Tel: 0261-3917777 www.sgcci.in Maharashtra: ABC Pune Indo-American Chamber of Commerce – Pune Chapter 303, Amit-Samruddhi, 3rd Floor, Near Pizza Hut, Jungli Maharaj Road Pune 411004 Tel: 91-20-25537263 Email: Pune@iaccindia.com https://www.iaccindia.com/page.asp?pageid=162

NORTH INDIA Rajasthan: ABC Jaipur Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber Bhawan, M.I.Road Jaipur- 302 003, Rajasthan Tel : +91-141-256 5163/256 7899/257 4714/256 2189 http://www.rajchamber.com/ Punjab: ABC Chandigarh Mohali Industries Association Bay No. 143-144, Industrial Area Phase VII, Opp ESI Hospital S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali 160055 Punjab Tel: +91-172-2236576/5091399 http://mohaliindustries.com/

CENTRAL INDIA Madhya Pradesh: ABC Indore Indore Management Association 56/1 Jall Auditorium South Tukoganj, Indore Ph: +91-731- 4069546 Website: www.imaindore.com 

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Empowering Entrepreneurs to Advance Economic Opportunity in Africa THE CHALLENGE Early-stage SMEs in Africa operate in a gap where traditional forms of financing are scarce. Few angel investors are active in Africa, and those who are frequently lack the resources to identify and evaluate viable business proposals. Given these obstacles, there is a need for a vehicle that selects and supports innovative entrepreneurs as they grow their businesses.

OUR APPROACH Launched in 2009 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Western Union, the African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM) aims to encourage sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting African diaspora entrepreneurs. ADM entrepreneurs are individuals with demonstrable connections to or experience in Africa, and who have innovative and high-impact start-ups or established businesses on the continent. ADM is also collaborating with the African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP), a network of 1600 women across 22 chapters supported by the U.S. Department of State and USAID. Given the parallel objectives of the two initiatives, this partnership aims to leverage the ADM and AWEP platforms to support women entrepreneurs and encourage their participation in the ADM program. ADM by the Numbers 34 winners across Africa were awarded match-grant funding and technical assistance. 8 companies owned/operated by women $4 million in partner contributions 3 SME Financing Events: 106 SMEs presented to bankers during the 2013 event while 72 presented in 2012; and 13 SMEs pitched to prospective investors 850 Africa-based businesses that have participated in business development trainings or workshops through ADM ADM enterprises from top: EcoPower Liberia’s new GEK Power Pallet, which is able to convert local biomass material into clean energy; CEO and staff of Oribags, which manufactures hand-made biodegradable packaging out of agricultural waste, during an exhibition at an American Chamber of Commerce event in Uganda; Demonstrations of OTG Playa tablets during a launch event at the Lagos Digital Library (Nigeria). OTG Playa was also recognized by LLGA Cities Pilot the Future, an effort to highlight innovative solutions to the challenges affecting major global cities.

For more information about ADM, please visit our website. To contact us directly, please email info@diasporamarketplace.org.


AN INVITATION The U.S. Agency for International Development & Western Union cordially invite you to business networking receptions to launch the

Africa Diaspora Marketplace III A Business Plan Competition In New York City, Monday, December 15, 2014 In Philadelphia, Tuesday, December 16, 2014 In Chicago, To Be Announced In Los Angeles, To Be Announced In Houston, To Be Announced In Atlanta, To Be Announced In Washington, DC, To Be Announced For information contact: adey@africansymposium.com

The African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM) aims to encourage sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting African diaspora entrepreneurs. ADM entrepreneurs are individuals with demonstrable connections to or experience in Africa, and who have innovative and high impact start-ups or established businesses on the continent. Information about ADM and past winners can be found at www. diasporamarketplace.org. Dress: Business Attire | Bring a photo ID About ADM III: http://www.diasporamarketplace.org

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Download the Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce App from the

Apple App Store or

Google Play Store Search: "Zambia USA Chamber"

Find links to the chamber website and facebook page, and embassies; access business resources; receive breaking news; view relevant video presentations; communicate via Twitter, smartphone and e-mail.


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TRADE MISSION TO CHINA Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker & Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz to Co-lead

Trade Mission to China Visiting: Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou April 12-17, 2015 This mission will promote U.S. clean technology products and services in the areas of green building/construction, energy efficiency, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and environmental technologies in support of the Smart Cities-Smart Growth theme.

Space is Limited!

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www.Export.gov/ChinaMission2015 DEADLINE: Jan 23, 2015

QUICK FACTS: www.export.gov/chinamission2015/eg_ main_080754.asp MISSION AGENDA: www.export.gov/chinamission2015/eg_ main_080755.asp APPLY ONLINE: www.export.gov/chinamission2015/eg_ main_080758.asp

African Stock Exchanges • Bolsa de Valores of Cape Verde - www.bvc.cv (in Portuguese) • Bond Exchange of South Africa - www.bondexchange. co.za • Botswana Stock Exchange www.bse.co.bw • Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres - UEMOA (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) - www.brvm.org • Casablanca Stock Exchange (Morocco) - www.casablancabourse.com/bourseweb/index. aspx • Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (Tanzania) - www. dse.co.tz • Douala Stock Exchange (Cameroon) - www.douala-stockexchange.com/index_us.php • The Egyptian Exchange - www.

• • •

• • •

egx.com.eg/English/homepage. aspx Ethiopia Commodity Exchange - www.ecx.com.et Ghana Stock Exchange - www. gse.com.gh Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) - www. jse.co.za/Home.aspx Khartoum Stock Exchange (Sudan, in Arabic) - www.kse. com.sd Libyan Stock Market - www. lsm.ly/_layouts/membership/ login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fEnglis h%2fPages%2fdefault.aspx Lusaka Stock Exchange (Zambia) - www.luse.co.zm Nairobi Stock Exchange (Kenya) - www.luse.co.zm Malawi Stock Exchange - www. mse.co.mw

• Mozambique Stock Exchange (in Portuguese) - www. bolsadevalores.co.mz • Namibian Stock Exchange www.nsx.com.na • Nigerian Stock Exchange www.nse.com.ng/Pages/default. aspx • Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.stockexchangeofmauritius. com • Swaziland Stock Exchange www.ssx.org.sz • Tunisia Stock Exchange - www. bvmt.com.tn • Uganda Securities Exchange www.use.or.ug Read the lastest issue of The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke/media-center/ecommunique/exchange-magazine/ category/50-free-version.html

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About HRA Expo (www.hraexpo.org) The HRA Business Investment Expo & Conference, now in its sixth edition promoting business development & investment, has established itself as the premier and the largest network event gathering high profile government officials, private sector, investors, NGOs, bankers, funders, entrepreneurs to discuss investment opportunities, form partnerships, share experiences, knowledge, passion and commitment to promoting sustainable development in the Caribbean. The 2015 Business Expo will broaden its reach to include other Caribbean Diaspora businesses and investors interested in investing in emerging markets. This year's key topics and theme will address global development solutions to the regions pressing problems around Energy and agriculture; other sessions will include social business and investment opportunities in infrastructure, technology, Tourism and improving Diaspora engagement strategies. Exhibitor Registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9xrotnzb140aa05&oseq=&c=&ch=

Visitor Registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9wp9y2ude7f4524&oseq=&c=&ch= 97  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819





One Africa:

Tell the US Government that North Africa is Africa Too!


oin with and support the United Africa Organization’s campaign to petition the U.S. Department of State to include the whole African continent under its Bureau of African Affairs.

Why? The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, currently excludes Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Western Sahara from its agenda. Instead, the aforementioned countries are grouped with the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, together with Iran, Iraq, Israel and others. This artificial distinction between North Africa and the rest of Africa

negatively impacts US foreign policy relations throughout the entire continent of Africa. We unequivocally reject the argument that North African countries are outside the scope of African affairs. North Africa is geographically and historically part of the African continent, and all fifty-three (53) independent African states, including North African countries, are represented in the African Union (AU). It would be far more productive for the State Department to engage with the entire continent of Africa, including North Africa, under its Bureau of African Affairs. We are one Africa, from the Cape to Cairo, indivisible and bound together! Therefore, no square inch of African

land should be excluded from African affairs.

Sign The Petition!!! Go to www.change.org/petitions/ one-africa-tell-us-state-departmentthat-north-africa-is-part-of-africa and sign the online petition to support this important proposition. Next tell everyone you know to sign. 


Somali Capital Gets First Cash Machine By Alex Court, for CNN


omalia's capital Mogadishu now has its first-ever ATM bank machine -- and it dispenses U.S. dollars. The machine was installed in late September in the upscale Jazeera Palace Hotel, which is located 300 meters from Aden Adde International Airport in the south-west of the city Justus Mulinge Kisaulu, the hotel's general manager, said that he had seen people using the new machine but it had not been widely adopted. "Most of the customers were not aware there is an ATM in

Somalia," Kisaulu explained. "Local residents, most of them don't have a debit credit or a credit card to use the ATM." The U.S. dollar is "widely accepted" in Mogadishu and is used in local trading, according to the African Development Bank. The country's official currency, the Somali shilling, has seen a sustained decline in value following decades of conflict in the war-torn nation. Said Moallim Abukar, marketing manager of Salaam Somali Bank, which operates the ATM, said that other currencies would be available from the machine "in the near future." But Michael Walls, senior lecturer at the Development Planning Unit at University College London, says that it's unlikely the bank is aiming for local Somali people at this stage. "Diaspora Somalis will use it for sure," he explains, refer-

ring to people of Somali origin who will probably have a bank account overseas. "It is likely to be a bit longer before locally based Somalis start using it." This is the first ATM in Somalia proper, but cash withdrawal machines already exist in the city of Hargeisa in the breakaway state of Somaliland, according to Salaam Somali Bank's Abukar. Somaliland remains internationally unrecognized despite unilaterally declaring independence in 1991. According to local media outlet Somalilandsun, ATM facilities were available in the city from March. According to the Africa Research Institute, a British think-tank focused on sub-Saharan Africa, more than $1.2 billion is remitted to Somalia each year. This is more than half of Somalia's gross national income, and also more than the total amount of international aid sent to

100  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

the region. While the recently-installed ATM could be seen as a sign of progress and stability, Walls says it is also an important development for remittance companies, who are also trying to adapt to mobile money transfers and cashless transactions. Indeed, he described the new ATM as presenting "some kind of challenge" to remittance companies. However, Dahabshiil, a remittance company with 286 locations in Somalia, said they are "in the process of rolling out an ATM project" in Hargeisa and Mogadishu, but that these facilitates wouldn't "replace the need for our traditional remittance services." While a great many obstacles still exist for Somalia, it is projects like this ATM that illustrate how business confidence is slowly returning to the war-ravaged city.  http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/09/ business/mogadishu-first-everatm/index.html

Mali Ends Last Ebola Quarantine


ali has released from quarantine the last 13 people being monitored for Ebola, and the country could be declared free of the virus next month if no further cases are recorded, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday. Mali has recorded six deaths from Ebola, which, according to the latest WHO data published on Monday, has killed some 6,841 people in neighbouring Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in

Skateboard Journey In Ethiopia by Radass Staff follow @radassdotcom on twitter.


Skateboarders unite! We just want to skate. the worst epidemic of the viral haemorrhagic fever. Mali’s last infected patient recovered and left hospital last week, while the remaining individuals who came in contact with an infected person finished a mandatory 21-day quarantine at midnight on Monday. “There is no more contact-tracing. No sick person is being treated, and there is no suspected case of Ebola,” Abdoulaye Cisse, a spokesman for the WHO told Reuters. At one point the West African nation had been monitoring over 300 contact cases. If no new Ebola infections are recorded, Mali will be declared free of the disease on Jan. 18, the U.N. health agency said. Mali’s prime minister’s office said in a statement that authorities will now keep focus around Ebola

t really put a big smile on my face seeing the joy in these kids while skating. It’s awesome to see them enjoying life and hats off to the guys at Ethiopia Skate for pushing such a great cause. Ethiopia Skate was started as a peer group of young skaters led by Abenezer Temesgen and with the help of Sean Stromsoe has grown to be a city-wide group of skaters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We wish to establish a non-profit organization and we have collected an international team of skateboarders and organizers to help promote skateboarding in Ethiopia. If you would like to volunteer to help build the park, organize events, or teach the youth how to skate. If you run a board shop and would like to donate boards, pads, or anything skate related please reach out to us to Ethiopia Skate at ethiopiaskate@gmail.com.  awareness and prevention efforts. Mali became the sixth West African country to record a case of Ebola when a two-year-old girl

from Guinea died in October. It was close to being declared Ebola free in November before a second wave of infections.  - Reuters


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Books to Consider... Display of Power: How FUBU Changed a World of Fashion, Branding and Lifestyle by Daymond John


n Display of Power: How FUBU Changed a World of Fashion, Branding and Lifestyle, Daymond John (Founder and CEO) gets to the heart of his unlikely run to the top of the fashion world, and shines compelling light on what it takes to succeed-from the dizzying street corners of his old neighborhood to the dazzling corner offices of corporate America-and what it takes to harness and display the power that resides in us all. Offered as an E-Book by: C-Suite Book Club. 


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself: by Harriet Ann Jacobs Editor: L. Marie Childs


rom the Editor: The author of the following autobiography is personally known to me, and her conversation and manners inspire me with confidence. During the last seventeen years, she has lived the greater part of the time with a distinguished family in New York, and has so deported herself as to be highly esteemed by them. This fact is sufficient, without further credentials of her character. I believe

those who know her will not be disposed to doubt her veracity, though some incidents in her story are more romantic than fiction. At her request, I have revised her manuscript; but such changes as I have made have been mainly for purposes of condensation and orderly arrangement. I have not added any thing to the incidents, or changed the import of her very pertinent remarks. With trifling exceptions, both the ideas and the language are her own. I pruned excrescences a little, but otherwise I had no reason for changing her lively and dramatic way of telling her own story. The names of both persons and places are known to me; but for good reasons I suppress them. It will naturally excite surprise that a woman reared in Slavery should be able to write so well. But circumstances will explain this. In the first place, nature endowed her with quick perceptions. Secondly, the mistress, with whom she lived till she was twelve years old, was a kind, considerate friend, who taught her to read and spell. Thirdly, she was placed in favorable circumstances after she came to the North; having frequent intercourse with intelligent persons, who felt a friendly interest in her welfare, and were disposed to give her opportunities for self-improvement. I am well aware that many will accuse me of indecorum for presenting these pages to the public; for the experiences of this intelligent and much-injured woman belong to a class which some call delicate subjects, and others indelicate. This peculiar phase

120  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Mission Unstoppable: Extraordinary Stories of Failure's Blessings by George Fraser & Les Brown


ach and every one of us has a mission we were born to fulfill. In their game-changing new book, Mission Unstoppable, renowned visionaries Les Brown and Dr. George Fraser share inspirational stories and wisdom from more than two dozen successful business leaders who answered their calling and stayed the course. Along with their co-authors, Brown and Fraser reveal how to: • Find your true path, even if you're afraid to walk it. • Take a chance, even if the odds are stacked against you. • Raise your voice, even if the naysayers are loud and numerous. • Fight for your vision, even if you stand alone. • Succeed, even if you've failed more times than you can count.

of Slavery has generally been kept veiled; but the public ought to be made acquainted with its monstrous features, and I willingly take the responsibility of presenting them with the veil withdrawn. I do this for the sake of my sisters in bondage, who are suffering wrongs so foul, that our ears are too delicate to listen to them. I do it with the hope of arousing conscientious and reflecting women at the North to a sense of their duty in the exertion of moral influence on the question of Slavery, on all possible occasions. I do it with the hope that every man who reads this narrative will swear solemnly before God that, so far as he has power to prevent it, no fugitive from Slavery shall ever be sent back to suffer in that loathsome den of corruption and cruelty.  www.amazon.com/Incidents-Slave-Dover-ThriftEditions/dp/0486419312 EBook: www.docsouth.unc.edu/fpn/jacobs/jacobs. html

If you have a dream, a mission, or a goal that at times seems impossible to realize, Mission Unstoppable is the book that will help you achieve it. The world is waiting. The time is now. Named one of the "Top 50 Power Brokers in Black America" by UPSCALE Magazine, Dr. George Fraser is one of the foremost authorities on economic development, networking and building effective relationships. Growing up on the streets of New York with little hope and vision for the future, he defied expectations and paid his way through Dartmouth College mopping floors at LaGuardia Airport. He was later awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Humane Letters from Jarvis Christian College. One of the world's most renowned motivational speakers, Les Brown is a leading authority on achievement, energizing audiences as large as 80,000 to step beyond their limitations and into their greatness. Mistakenly labeled "educable mentally retarded" in elementary school, Brown eventually rose above his position as a sanitation worker to become a broadcast station manager, political commentator and a multiterm State Representative in Ohio.  www.amazon.com/Mission-Unstoppable-Brown-GeorgeFraser/dp/0989179265/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid =1417558438&sr=1-2&keywords=mission+unstoppable

121  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

From the California Governor's Office...

California Competes Tax Credit

ABOUT THE TAX CREDIT: The California Competes Tax Credit is an income tax credit available to businesses that want to locate in California or stay and grow in the state. Instructions/FAQs: www.business.ca.gov/calcompetes.aspx Apply here: www.calcompetes.ca.gov 122  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Calendar December 4th-5th The Future of Civil Rights The Rainbow Push Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund Symposium and Legacy Affair will be held at the Capitol Hilton, Washington, DC. For details call 1-202-393-3913 or inquiry at info@rainbowpsh.org.


Annnual Awards Dinner The BBA's salute to African American business men and women past and present and to the corporate and govenment entities that chamption the Black economy will be held on February 28th in Los Angeles. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala.org.

March 28th BBA's Salute to Black Women The annual program includes business development workshops, a vendor faire and the awards luncheon featuring the BBA's unique Dessert Buffet. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala. org.

April Zambia Investment Conference Pangaea Securities and the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) invite investors from around the world to explore opportunities t. For do conduct business in Zambia. For details visit www.pangaeaconferences.com/register.

January 2015 6th Annual Business Investment Expo & Conference - Haiti The expo and conference will be held on the 15th-16th at the Karibe Convention Center in Petion-Ville, Hait. Visit www.hraexpo.org for details.

February Black Business Association

25th 12th ANNUAL AFRICAN GOODWILL AWARDS & INDUCTION CEREMONY This will be an exciting event that will showcase great African cultures and honorable achievements in the humanitarian community at the Concourse Hotel LAX. We are always grateful for the work and sacrifice of people of goodwill for the less privileged. For information on the organization or participation and sponsorship of the event visit www.africanfocus. org.

Salute to Black Busic Awards Dinner The BBA's annual highlighting of the importance of Black music and culture to our economic viability. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala.org. 


123  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Resources Media Africa Interactive Multimedia Press/Content Agency in Africa www.africa-interactive.com Africa World Press Books www.africaworldpressbooks.com African Vibes Magazine www.africanvibes.com The African World www.theafricanworld.tv Africast TV www.africast.tv AllAfrica http://allafrica.com Black Wall Street Times http://bwstimes.com Black Business News Group www.blackbusinessnews.net Black Press USA www.blackpressusa.com BridesNoir www.bridesnoir.com CuisineNoir www.cuisinenoirmag.com DiasporaVoice www.blogtalkradio.com/diasporavoice Publish Africa http://wow.gm/publishafrica Rock Me Africa //rockmeafrica.com

www.causecast.com www.causecastfornonprofits.com Continental African Chamber of Commerce www.continentalacc.org Pan African Film Festival www.paff.org United African Organization http://uniteafricans.org Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce www.zambiausachamber.org

Investment/Development Africa Reports www.africareports.com African Development Bank www.afdb.org African Export - Import Bank //afreximbank.com/afrexim/en AfrigadgetTV www.afrigadget.com The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke YouTube Educational Channels http://teacherswithapps.com/197-educational-youtube-channels-know Ventures www.ventures-africa.com

U.S. Government

Organizations Africa Leadership Forum http://africaleadership.org The African Union www.au.int/en Black Business Association www.bbala.org CauseCast

Commerce Department www.doc.gov International Trade Administration http://trade.gov Minority Business Development Agency www.mbda.gov Small Business Administration www.sba.gov State Department www.dos.gov White House www.whitehouse.gov

125  December 2014  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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