15 jan

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Publisher's Message


t is 2015, and the Black Business News (BBN) is poised for the challenges facing black economic development in the New Year. We will provide you with inside information needed to not only overcome the challenges of institutionalized racism in both the public and private sectors that has kept Black entrepreneurship from flourishing, but to develop and implement successful strategies for future success. At a time in our history when thousands across the country and around the world are rallying behind protest cries of “#Black Lives Matter” and “#I Can’t Breathe,” let us not forget one of the most important aspects of the civil rights struggle: the war against economic injustice impacts black business Pubisher/Chief Executive Officer prosperity and “#Black Business Matters.” As the BBN joins the world in celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday this month, and resolving to empower our communities, let us not forget and be motivated by his words, "You can't win against a political structure where you don't have the votes. But you can win against an economic power structure when you have the...power to make the difference between a merchant's profit and loss." Moving forward, we must add to the list of slogans “#Black Business Matters,” and use our immense consumer clout to selectively support Black business growth and development while sending a “bottom-line” message that capitalists understand. Not just on “#NotOneDime” day, but every day. While it’s important that the black consumer supports black businesses, it’s equally important that black businesses and institutions support each other. If these three entities, black consumer, black businesses and black institutions, were in supportive sync with one another, black dollars - recycling through our businesses and institutions - in our communities could conceivably increase by 1015%. That’s a strong economic building block for our growth and empowerment. Inside this edition of the BBN you’ll find homage to Dr. King, and more thoughts and opinions on the subject of “Black Business Matters” from Ernest Owens, an Award-Winning Multimedia Journalist & Editor in Chief of Au'loni Magazine. who proposes “5 Real Ways to Actually Support Black-Owned Businesses.” Also, Armstrong Williams, owner/manager of Howard Stirk Holdings and executive editor of American CurrentSee online magazine, offers “Black America’s Economic Decline Betrays King’s Legacy”. BBN also joins the international congregation in saying goodbye to the legendary gospel minister Andrae Crouch, along with international (Ebola Halts West Africa’s Economic Growth and Select USA Investment Mission), national (State of the Union) and regional business news you can use to chart your course (6 Habits of Ineffective Entrepreneurs). What’s a New Year without a Save-the-Date request? The Black Business Association (BBA), headquartered in Los Angeles and one of the oldest African American business organizations in the nation, will host its 45st Anniversary Year Dinner in recognition of African

Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

Black Business News Group P.O. Box 43159 Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA 323-291-7819 Fax: 323-298-5064

www.blackbusinessnews.net PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Earl “Skip” Cooper, II

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Sarah Harris Dean L. Jones




CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dean Jones Linda Ware Ralph D. Sutton Veronica Hendrix LaSandra Stratton

GRAPHIC DESIGN Sarah Harris Phallu Morgan

STORY EDITORS Wanda Flagg Jennifer Marie Hamilton

PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx Sabir Narishima Osei


LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2015 by Black Business News All Rights Reserved. The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein. 

see Publisher's Message on page 62 3  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


ABOUT THE BLACK BUSINESS NEWS GROUP… The mission of The Black Business News is to inspire and inform public and private sector industry representatives on the importance of smart small business growth. As a versatile source of socioeconomic development activity news, the publications of the Black Business News Group impart current local, national and international industry and social trends and news affecting small businesses across the United States of America (USA), providing guides to greater access to financial capital, management efficiencies, business education, mentorship opportunities and social media networks. The goals of the Black Business News Group include: •

promoting USA-based black-owned business enterprises to a world wide audience.

offering business growth enhancing information on education, exhibitioning, international trading, technology, industry trends, and more.

or exploring major public and private sector pmethods to educate black-owned and operated enterprises.

providing an affirmative influence forr emerging entrepreneurs by sharing in-novative design and creative cultural con-tent that exposes them to the history off black enterprises and urges them to participate in the USA’s future.

advocating and promoting on behalf of black-owned businesses by promoting the need for expanding an economic foundation that supports an unfettered and self-sustained urban society with USA job creation and economic opportunity, where blacks work, live and operate viable business enterprises.



2015 Black Business Association Events


Annual Awards Dinner


Salute to Black Women


Salute to Black Music Awards Dinner Black Business News Group Publications Black Business News Black Business News International Black Business News Travel Africa




American Homeowners Can Save Heartbeat of American Manufacturing Select USA Investment Mission

10 26 28 30 38

State of the Union "Racisim is Alive & Well" The Destruction of Black Wall Street "Where Do We Go From Here" Black America's Economic Decline


BNN Show Biz Buz8


3 - Publisher's Message 80 - Take A Look! 118 - Books to Consider... 122 - Calendar 123- Resources


BUSINESS… 44 49 55 56 60 78

CES 2015 Flowers Receives Federal Appointment 6 Habits of Ineffective Entrepreneurs

SPONSORS 42 - Black Business Association

SPECIAL SECTION… 103 Shopping Gallery Cover image - Phallu Morgan

eBoks in Motion Support Black Owned Businesses Nanotech Material Breakthrough


In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obituaries-Andrae Crouch

INTERNATIONAL… 90 Playing Polo in Haiti 100 Cameroon Seeks Help to Fight Boko Haram 102 Ebola Halts West Africa's Economic Growth 5  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819



The State of the Union is a Tale of Two Americas By Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.


he State of the Union is a tale of two Americas. One America has unprecedented income, profits and wealth, while the other America’s real unemployment rate is over 11%, wages and income for basic workers are frozen in place, poverty is growing and the disparity in income and wealth between the haves and have-nots has not been this big since the Great Depression. First, the American people must commend President Obama for what he has achieved in spite of Republican opposition that has resisted everything he has proposed and there is every indication that they will continue to oppose his proposals tonight. But his direction is sound and should be supported. He proposes to eliminate the biggest tax loopholes and ensure that the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations pay their fair share. As the president knows, the top 1% and major corporations are enjoying a historic period of prosperity, while the wages of the average American family have flat-lined. He proposes to use the savings produced by these measures to reinvest in the education and other needs of the middle class. He is proposing to make the first two years at a community college free, which would include more students in

economic need. After a record 58 months of continuous economic growth in which the official unemployment rate has fallen to 5.6%, he is focused on raising the minimum wage, lifting the income of average workers

10  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

lots, poverty, dysfunctional schools, closing emergency rooms and hospitals, and urban abandonment present in today’s America. Dr. King was right - we need direct investments. President Obama must not only defend voting rights using the present “structure” of our voting system - states rights and local control. In his 2013 State of the Union Address, President Obama announced a plan to convene a commission on improving the voting experience of Americans. Yet since then, 21 state legislatures have proposed and passed a range of laws that make it harder for some people to vote – including restrictive photo ID requirements, cuts to early voting and limitations on same-day registration. The President should support adding a right to vote amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that every American has, not just a “state right” to vote, but a fundamental individual citizenship right to vote, with Congress having the authority to establish a uniform national voting system with common sense minimum standards. The American people must also insist that the President fight for police reform that includes more than just car and body cameras. So we must commend and challenge President Obama at the same time. Commend him for moving in the right direction and challenge him to do even more.  and providing paid sick days for all. The number of uninsured Americans is at an all-time low, health care costs are falling, in coalition with China he’s taken important steps toward curbing climate change and he has moved forward on reforming our immigration system. He has ended a U.S. fighting role in Iraq and Afghanistan, is gradually reducing the prisoners held in Guantanamo and taken dramatic steps to normalize relations with Cuba. He is challenging the huge sums of money in our politics fostered by the Citizens United decision and vows to protect voting rights. He has vowed to protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for future generations. Now that Republicans are in charge of the House and Senate they have wasted no time in attacking Social Security, attempting to derail President Obama’s immigration plan and destroy his achievement of the Affordable Care Act. Tomorrow, rather than respond to the positive agenda of President Obama, they will continue their negative agenda and vote to make abortion choice more difficult. Second, however, the American people must also challenge President Obama on several fronts. We need a comprehensive urban policy. Tax hikes for the wealthy and tax cuts for the middle class do not address the zones of catastrophic housing foreclosures, vacant


11  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


President Obama Announces Plans to Save Americans Money on Homeownership By Jenna Brayton


resident Obama and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro visited Phoenix, Arizona to put a spotlight on the recovering

housing sector. Restoring security to homeownership has always been one of the President's top economic priorities, and the results are clear

-- the housing market has greatly improved since President Obama took office. The President’s push for new consumer protections and tough

12  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

enforcement on abuses have given Americans more confidence in investing in homeownership: • Home sales are up. • Home building has more than doubled since 2009. • Home values have risen for the past three years. But there's more work to do. Mortgages need to be more accessible and affordable for creditworthy families. That's why, at Central High School in Phoenix, the President announced a responsible reduction in the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) Mortgage Insurance Premium program. The Federal Housing Administration will reduce annual mortgage insurance premiums by 0.5 percentage points, from 1.35 percent to 0.85 percent. The President’s new proposal to reduce the fees associated with buying a home would help firsttime homebuyers save an average of $900 on their annual mortgage payment. More people buying

homes would also strengthen the market, helping everyone who already owns a home. In Phoenix, President Obama explained that homeownership was a dream that should be open to all Americans. Not only will the President’s actions help numerous families realize the American Dream and get a place they can finally call

home, but millions of families will save billions of dollars in mortgage payments in the coming years, helping to support and stabilize the housing market recovery.  www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2015/01/08/president-obamaannounces-plans-save-americansmoney-homeownership

From the Black Business News Group

13  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


The President Speaks About America's Auto Industry — the "Heartbeat of American Manufacturing" By David Hudson


ecently, President Obama stopped by the Ford assembly plant in Wayne, Michigan to talk about the auto bailout, and the resurgence of America's auto industry over the past few years. "I wanted to come here to Michigan because this state proves no matter how tough times get, Americans are tougher," he said. President Obama explained how, a few years ago, almost 20 % of auto workers were laid off, and 400,000 auto industry jobs vanished in the year before he took office. "And then as the financial crisis built," he added, "we faced what once seemed unimaginable when just two of the Big Three -GM and Chrysler -- were on the brink of failure." "This is the heartbeat of American manufacturing right here. And it was flat-lining. And we had a choice to make." Noting that the bailout wasn't a very popular decision at the time -- even in Michigan -- the President made clear that his job is not to just do the easy or popular things, but instead to do the right thing. "And saving the American auto industry was the right thing to do," he said. "Betting on you was the right thing to do. It was the right thing to do. And that bet has paid off for America, because the American auto industry is back." "When our assembly lines grind to a halt, we work together, we get

President Barack Obama makes remarks at Ford's Michigan Assembly Plant in W Photo by Pete Souza) them going again. We don’t give up. We get up, we fight back. We come back stronger than before." President Obama added, however, that in exchange for the help provided throughout the bailout, we demanded responsibility. "We said to the auto industry, you’ve got to change with the times," he said. "Plants retooled. Plants restructured. Labor and management worked together, settled their differences. Everybody

put some skin in the game." As a result, some of the world's most high-tech, fuel-efficient, and welldesigned cars are once again being designed, engineered, and forged right here in America. The President also noted an important milestone we reached in December 2014 -- the official end of the rescue of the auto industry. "The auto companies have now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my Administration

14  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

President Barack Obama sits in a Mustang with Ford CEO Mark Fields during a tour of the Ford Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Mich. Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford stands outside the car. President Barack Obama delivers remarks at the Ford Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Mich. (Official White House Photos by Lawrence Jackson)

Wayne, Mich. (Official White House

invested in you," he said -- adding that the auto industry has created about 500,000 jobs over the past five years. "Plants like this one built more than just cars -- they built the middle class in this country. And that was worth fighting for."  www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/01/08/ heartbeat-american-manufacturingpresident-obama-heads-michigan-talk-


www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/01/05/ resurgence-american-auto-industrythree-gifs

15  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


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Swiss Business and Government Leaders Participate in White House Investment Mission By Jason Miller


enior White House and Cabinet officials recently hosted a delegation of leaders of eight Swiss companies in the Roosevelt Room to discuss opportunities to spur new investments and create jobs for American workers. As part of the meeting, the companies announced their plans to invest about $8 billion into their combined U.S. operations in 2015. These new job-creating investments build on the roughly $140 billion in Swiss foreign direct investment (FDI) stock that makes Switzerland the sixth-largest source of FDI in the United States and a crucial commercial partner. Many of the executives, who were joined today by senior Swiss government officials, also announced their firms’ plans to expand or launch apprenticeship programs in the United States, reinforcing President Obama’s goal of doubling registered apprenticeships in the U.S. over the next five years. For details on the companies and their specific announcements, please see the Commerce Department’s fact sheet (www. commerce.gov/news/fact-sheets/2015/01/13/factsheet-white-house-swiss-foreign-direct-investmentunited-states). The discussion, hosted by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, National Economic Council Director Jeff Zients, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, and Labor Secretary Tom Perez, was an important opportunity to engage with these companies on the mutual benefits of job-creating FDI while discussing

the additional steps we can take together to make the United States an increasingly competitive location for companies from around the world to locate, grow, and hire. One of the key messages we heard in the discussion, and which we hear from our commercial partners around the world, is that the fundamental strengths of the U.S. economy — an educated workforce, large middle class, reliable infrastructure, transparent regulatory system — are the very qualities that make us so attractive to foreign investors looking to grow their businesses and create jobs. In 2014, the U.S. economy added nearly 3 million jobs, the most since the 1990s. Our economic growth in the last two quarters was the strongest in more than a decade. Our manufacturing sector is growing faster than the economy and adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s. And low energy costs, and our status as the world’s top oil and gas producer, are reinforcing the United States as the top destination for investment. Among the steps discussed today to further this progress were increasing our innovative capacity, investing in workforce skills that connect Americans to jobs, strengthening our intellectual property protections, and negotiating strong trade agreements that expand markets for U.S.-based operations and American workers. Thanks to the leadership of U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Suzi LeVine, the

18  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Register NOW for the 2015 SelectUSA Investment Summit! Mark your calendar for the second SelectUSA Investment Summit on March 23-24, 2015, in the Washington, DC area. We’re bringing together investors from all over the world, as well as economic development organizations from every corner of the United States, highlevel government officials, and others working to facilitate investment in the United States. As one of 2,500 participants, you’ll get access to unique networking opportunities, online matchmaking, insight from global CEOs and senior U.S. leaders, and discussions on the latest issues affecting investments. We hope to see you there!

http://selectusasummit.com investment mission builds on this Administration’s commitment to do everything we can to bring jobcreating investment from around the world to the United States. That is why President Obama in 2011 launched SelectUSA, a global team in embassies abroad and agencies at home that has so far helped about 1,000 companies seeking to make investments in the United States. Building on the success of the 2013 SelectUSA Investment Summit, the National Harbor this March will play host to a second SelectUSA Investment Summit almost double the size of the first. The conference is an opportunity to demonstrate U.S. investment advantages while providing matchmaking between investors and U.S. states and communities.

For more information on SelectUSA and the 2015 Investment Summit, please visit the registration site (www.selectusasummit.com). Despite the continued progress to strengthen and grow our economy, there is more that we need to do, including beefing up investments in infrastructure, education, and skills — and in the innovative capacity that underpins our ability to compete. The Administration is committed to build on this progress, to make the SelectUSA effort a legacy, and to ensure that the United States continues to be the top location for job-creating investment from around the world.  www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/12/17/presidentobama-charts-new-course-cuba-5-things-know

19  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

BBN Show Biz Buzz By Linda Ware


ulsing with the rhythm of his greatest standup, Chris Rock’s TOP FIVE takes things to the next level, reveling in the high and the low, and blending a star-studded comedic romp with an irresistible romance. TOP FIVE digs under the surface of show business, politics, rap, and the exigencies of being black and famous today—holding it all up to the light in the way only Chris Rock can. Mingling echoes of Woody Allen and Dick Gregory with the energy of Kanye West and Jay Z, TOP FIVE is an original and radically new kind of American movie. Written, directed, and starring Chris Rock, TOP FIVE tells the story of New York City comedian-turned-film

Shawn “Jay Z” Carter and Kanye West; the Executive M u s i c Producer is Questlove. 


lack or White, which will release Anthony Mackie in select theaters on Jan. 30, showcases a white grandfather whose daughter dies in childbirth and wife passes away soon after, leaving him as the sole caretaker of his young mixed-race granddaughter. Jillian Estell Sole caretaker, that is, until the young girl’s father’s side of the family raises a custody challenge, which leads to all sorts of discussions and debates about many of the racial tensions that exist in America. Featured perfomers are Jillian Estall, Octavia Spencer, Anthony Mackie and Kevin Costner. 


Rosario Dawson & Chris Rock

entric is an American general interest cable television channel geared towards AfricanAmerican women. A Black Entertainment Television channel, it was formerly known as BET on Jazz, BET Jazz, and BET J and showcased jazz music-related

star Andre Allen, whose unexpected encounter with a journalist (Rosario Dawson) forces him to confront the comedy career—and the past—that he’s left behind. Starring Chris Rock, Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union, Cedric The Entertainer, JB Smoove, Tracy Morgan, Kevin Hart, Anders Holm, Jay Pharaoh, Michael Che, Sherri Shepherd, Leslie Jones. The film is produced by Scott Rudin and Eli Bush. The Co-Producers are 22  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Garbrielle Unio Chris Rock

on &


ormer American Idol contestant Joanne Borgella has lost her battle with cancer. The 32-year-old plus-size model was diagnosed with endometrial cancer a year ago, according to her family’s Facebook post announcing her death. “Since her diagnosis over a year ago, Joanne made a choice to also be a fighter and share her

Octavia Spencer programming, especially that of black jazz musicians. Centric is on DirecTV, Dish Network, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Time Warner Cable, and many other digital cable providers as part of the MTV Digital Suite. 

obstacle she encountered.” 


ommon and John Legend’s grasping for “Glory” for the Selma soundtrack has earned the G.O.O.D. Music artists their first 2015 Golden Globe awards. Taking home the trophy for “Best Original Song,” they were presented with the win by none other than Prince. Fitting for the moment and social climate, Common – who also starred in the film – addressed the country’s heightened tensions in his speech. “The first day I stepped on the set of Selma, I began to feel like this is bigger than a movie,” he said. “As I got to know the people of the Civil Rights Movement, I realized, I am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote. I am the caring white reporter, killed on the front lines of freedom. I am the unarmed black kid, who maybe

Joanne Borgella journey with the world,” read the post. “Her faith, courage and strength were unshaken throughout every



obel laureate and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Toni Morrison has an eleventh novel coming out late April titled God Help the Child. “Spare and unsparing, God Help the Child is a searing tale about the way childhood trauma shapes and misshapes the life of the adult." Ms. Morrison’s previous novels include The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved, for which she received an American Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. 

needed a hand, but instead was given a bullet. I am the two fallen police officers, murdered in the line of duty. Selma has awakened my humanity.” John Legend expressed his support for the current widespread protests taking place after the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and other victims. He expressed a hope that “Glory” would inspire their movement. “We still are in solidarity with those

Toni Morrison

see Show Biz Buzz on page 24

23  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

BNN Show Biz Buzz from page 23

that are out there fighting for justice right now and we’re so grateful to write this song hopefully as an inspiration to them.” www.vibe.com/article/ common-john-legendwin-best-original-song-goldenglobes-2015 


edric the Entertainer and Niecy Nash return to the TVLAND airwaves for a 12 episode fourth season of their hit series, “Soul Man.” The series was created by Suzanne Martin and Cedric the Entertainer. The series stars Cedric the Entertainer, Niecy Nash, Wesley Jonathan, Jazz Raycole and John Beasley. 


lues guitarist and three time Grammy Winning recording Artist, Keb Mo’, is up on the Grammy ballot for Best Americana Album with his recent hit release, "Blues Americana." The 57th

A n n u a l G r a m m y Awards are set to take place Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015 at 8 p.m. ET/ PT on CBS. 


amela a n d David Mann are set to hit the airwaves in a new reality series, "It’s a Mann’s World". The show is scheduled for a network premiere on Jan. 14th on BET Network. The show will take viewers and fans behind the scenes of the day in and day out lives of Tamela and David. The Manns are best known for their comedic acting in Tyler Perry projects including the television series Meet The Browns and House of Payne. The series debuts Wednesday, January 14th at 9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central Standard Time on BET Network. 

hit television series CSI: CYBER. The one time rapper and co-host of BET’s 106 & Park stars as the character of Brody “Baby Face” Nelson, a cyber intrusion savant alongside an all star cast including Will Smith


ill Smith is set to star in a new comedy-crime-drama all in one film entitled, “FOCUS.” The film is directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. Will stars as a veteran grafter who takes a young woman under his wing leading to suspense, drama and more. The movie will debut on February 27th in theaters nationwide. 


zo Aduba, star of “Orange is the new Black,” stepped out in style on the 2015 Golden Globes wearing a Randi Rahm original gown. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a miniseries or television film. 

Uzo Aduba

John Legend and Common


had Moss best known as the rapper Bow Wow is finding success as a television actor since joining the cast of the

Patricia Arquette. The series makes its 2015 season premiere on March 4, 2015 on CBS Network. 


he Game premieres on January 14th for its 8th season on BET Network. The game stars Tasha Mack, Malik Wright, Jason Pitts, Chardonnay Pitts, Bryce “The Blueprint” Westbrook and Keira Whitaker. The series is created by Mara Brock Akil. 

24  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819



Racism is Alive and Well!


vents of two months ago have demonstrated again that deep in the American psyche lies the ugly stain of racial bigotry. Think of how the police shootings of just three young African American men — one a 12 year old child — sheds new light on the saddest episode of US history. Conservatives have fallen all over themselves blaming the victims of these killings. “He resisted arrest.” “He was avoiding taxes by selling cigarettes one at a time.” “He was playing with something that looked like a gun.” Running out of those arguments they turn to black on black killings and looting as inappropriate responses.

Perhaps we need to listen more carefully to sensitive people who have experienced and continue to experience America’s virulent racism. The rest of this column has come to me from a multi-ethnic activist political activist, writing in response to my earlier column in which I held that racism has not disappeared, it has just gone underground. Racism never went underground for those who have been the target of racism. However, racist people found it necessary to become more sophisticated with its use and have used it quite effectively. For others who have not been the target of racism but do not overtly

By Charles Bayer

support it they have just either been in denial or ignored it or simply could not identify it as racism in its sophisticated form. Many people are still in the 50’s and 60’s mode so they look for racism to still be in the form of “colored and white” water fountains and bathrooms. Racism directed toward this mulatto President is so strong. Regardless of what he does-good, bad or indifferent, the haters cannot see past their hatred. A person of color, especially if he is perceived to be African-American, might be voted or selected for a position of authority, but when he/she attempts to exercise that authority he/she discovers that the authority was

26  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

U.S. President Barack Husein Obama

not transferred to him/her. Only the responsibility was transferred. Racism subconsciously has taught us that one of the prerequisites to hiring a “man of color” who is classified only as African-American (even though in this situation he was never raised by any AfricanAmericans) is that the situation has to be in a mess. Therefore, he has to come in, put out the fire and after

Charles Bayer

he does that he has no purpose. However, if he does not create the “miracle” of totally solving the problem to everyone’s satisfaction, then he is ineffective, unqualified, angry, a problem himself, etc. Many have even blamed President Obama for the recession; dismissing the role of former President Bush. Obstructionism by the right-wingers has been effective because most white Americans refuse to even classify it as obstructionism. They dance around the term and explain it away by discussing the politics of the issue. Right wingers hate President Obama more than they love this country and the economic well being of this country. It is not that President Obama is too academic and does not have the intestinal fortitude to do what should be done in some instances. It is because “no one” has ever “had his back”. The American people voted him in and have not stood by him. The Democrats have not “had his

back.” Also racism has dictated a code of conduct among most white Americans that you stand with other whites and never against whites if it is a conflict involving an AfricanAmerican. They will sometimes support the truth and righteousness of the position on issues but will not step forth as a group to support an African-American if it involves a group of whites (the right wing obstructionists). When people discuss and explain this conduct as racist, others want to dismiss it by saying it is race baiting, reverse racism, playing the race card as if the card was taken out of the deck or never existed. — Zephyr Tate Mann J.D. As hard as it may be to listen to someone who sees racism from the inside, this may be the only way to understand what people of color continue to feel and experience. www.seniorcorrespondent.com/ articles/2015/01/08/racism-is-aliveand-well.1301645

27  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


The events that destroyed a thriving Black Oklahoma community 92 years ago were much more than a 'race riot'

The Destruction of Black Wall Street By Josie Pickens

The "Little Africa” section of Tulsa, OK in flames during the 192


reenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild. It was modern, majestic, sophisticated and unapologetically Black. Tragically, it was also the site of one of the bloodiest and most horrendous race riots (and acts of terrorism) that the United States has ever experienced. Today marks ninety-two (92) years since as many as 300 African Americans lost their lives and more than 9,000 were left homeless when the small town was attacked, looted and literally burned to the ground beginning in 1921. It’s impossible, however, to realize what was lost in Greenwood, which was affectionately known as "Black Wall Street." The Greenwood community seems almost imagined when we examine it through a historical lens. The oil booms of the early 1900’s had many moving to Tulsa for a shot at quick economic gains and high life, and African Americans hoped to prosper from the new industry as well. Tulsa, like many cities and towns throughout the US, was hostilely segregated, with African Americans settling into the northern region of the city. As we often saw before integration, Blacks in the area created entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves, which housed an impressive business center that included banks, hotels, cafes, clothiers, movie theaters, and contemporary homes. Greenwood residents enjoyed many luxuries that their White neighbors did not, including indoor plumbing and a remarkable school system that superiorly educated Black children. It was pure envy, and a vow to put progressive, high achieving African Americans in their place that would cause the demise of the Black Mecca many called “Little Africa”, and its destruction began the way much terrorism, violence and dispossession against

John and Loula Williams and family. The Williamses owned a a popular confectionery, residential quarters, rental space for an 800-seat movie theater. African Americans did during that era. A young White woman accused a young Black man of attempted sexual assault, which gave local mobs and White men acting as police just cause to invade the unsuspecting community. On the malevolent and horrifying attack, Linda Christenson writes the following: "The term “race riot” does not adequately describe the

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events of May 31—June 1, 1921 in Greenwood... In fact, the term itself implies that both blacks and whites might be equally to blame for the lawlessness and violence. The historical record documents a sustained and murderous assault on black lives and property. This assault was met by a brave but unsuccessful armed defense of their community by some black World War I veterans and others. During the night and day of the riot, deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans. They looted and burned to the ground 40 square blocks of 1,265 African American homes, including hospitals, schools, and churches, and destroyed 150 businesses. White deputies and members of 21 race riot the National Guard arrested and detained 6,000 black Tulsans who were released only upon being vouched for by a white employer or other white citizen. Nine thousand African Americans were left homeless and lived in tents well into the winter of 1921." Why has it been that African Americans haven't fought harder for reparations? It was a difficult

question to answer, but my most immediate response centered on the historical erasure of communities like Greenwood and the state-sponsored violence against African Americans that created its expiry. Even after slavery was abolished, any advancements towards the American dream, that Blacks paid most dearly to establish, was met with revulsion and terror, often from those whose legal obligation was to serve and protect. For that a debt is surely owed. Further, when we consider the deaths of those Black Tulsans and the inevitable property loss that followed, we again see one example of many that proves how wealth inequities and disparities became a part of the substance of this nation- inequities and disparities that must be considered before we go blaming Black youth for the catastrophes this nation has endorsed. And as we consider what has become the new face of terror, and deal with current race problems facing our country, we should never forget that Greenwood, the Black Wall Street, was destroyed, and much of its history went with it. It is up to us to maintain its historic place in the minds of black America.  www.ebony.com/photos/black-history/black-wallstreet-a-look-back-photos-987#axzz3POMj5xU8

a successful auto shop, attorneys offices, and  The O.W. Gurley Hotel was one of the finest hotels in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Built by O.W. Gurley, Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois stayed there when he visited in 1921, before the deadly riots

All photos courtesy of www www.greenwoodculturalcenter.com. greenwoodcul 29  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Historial Presentation

"Where Do We Go From Here"

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference Presidential Address By Reverand Martin Luther King, Jr. 16 August 1967


ow, in order to answer the question, “Where do we go from here?” which is our theme, we must first honestly recognize where we are now. When the Constitution was written, a strange formula to determine taxes and representation declared that the Negro was sixty percent of a person. Today another curious formula seems to declare that he is fifty percent of a person. Of the good things in life, the Negro has approximately one half those of whites. of the bad things of life, he has twice those of whites. Thus half of all Negroes live in substandard housing. And Negroes have half the income of whites. When we view the negative experiences of life, the Negro has a double share. There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality among Negroes is double that of whites and there are twice as many Negroes dying in Vietnam as whites in proportion to their size in the population. In other spheres, the figures are equally alarming. In elementary schools, Negroes lag one to three years behind whites, and their segregated schools receive substantially less money per student than the white schools. One-twentieth as many Negroes as whites attend college. Of employed Negroes, seventy-five percent hold menial jobs.

there are 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, as for example, blot, soot, grim, devil and foul. And there are some 134 synoyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is a “black sheep.” Ossie Davis has

This is where we are. Where do we go from here?

suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child sixty ways to despise himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority. The tendency to ignore the Negro's contribution to American life and to strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning's newspaper. To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Any movement for the

First, we must massively assert our dignity and worth. We must stand up amidst a systemthat still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of values. We must no longer be ashamed of being black. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy. Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading. In Roget's Thesaurus

SCLC: Andrew Young with Martin Luther King, Jr.

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a life of voicelessness and powerlessness. Stripped of the right to make decisions concerning his life and destiny he has been subject to the authoritarian and sometimes whimsical decisions of this white power structure. The plantation and ghetto were created by those who had power, both to confine those who had no power and to perpetuate their powerlessness. The problem of transforming the ghetto, therefore, is a problem of power— confrontation of the forces of power demanding change and the forces of power dedicated to the SCLC: Martin Luther King, Jr., Joseph Lowery, Ralph Abernathy, A. D. King preserving of the status quo. Now power properly Negro's freedom that overlooks this necessity is only understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose. waiting to be buried. As long as the mind is enslaved, It is the strength required to bring about social, political the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, and economic change. Walter Reuther defined power a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful one day. He said, “Power is the ability of a labor union weapon against the long night of physical slavery. No like the UAW to make the most powerful corporation in Lincolnian emancipation proclamation or Johnsonian the world, General Motors, say, ‘Yes’ when it wants to civil rights bill can totally bring this kind of freedom. The say ‘No.’ That's power.” negro will only be free when he reaches down to the Now a lot of us are preachers, and all of us have inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen our moral convictions and concerns, and so often have and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation problems with power. There is nothing wrong with power proclamation. And, with a spirit straining toward true if power is used correctly. You see, what happened is self-esteem, the Negro must boldly throw off the that some of our philosophers got off base. And one manacles of self-abnegation and say to himself and to of the great problems of history is that the concepts the world, “I am somebody. I am a person. I am a man of love and power have usually been contrasted as with dignity and honor. I have a rich and noble history. opposites—polar opposites—so that love is identified How painful and exploited that history has been. Yes, with a resignation of power, and power with a denial I was a slave through my foreparents and I am not of love. ashamed of that. I'm ashamed of the people who were It was this misinterpretation that caused Nietzsche, so sinful to make me a slave.” Yes, we must stand up who was a philosopher of the will to power, to reject and say, “I'm black and I'm beautiful,” and this selfthe Christian concept of love. It was this same affirmation is the black man's need, made compelling misinterpretation which induced Christian theologians by the white man's crimes against him. to reject the Nietzschean philosophy of the will to power Another basic challenge is to discover how to in the name of the Christian idea of love. Now, we've organize our strength in terms of economic and political got to get this thing right. What is needed is a realization power. No one can deny that the Negro is in dire need that power without love is reckless and abusive, and of this kind of legitimate power. Indeed, one of the love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power great problems that the Negro confronts is his lack at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, of power. From old plantations of the South to newer ghettoes of the North, the Negro has been confined to see Where Do We Go From Here on page 32 31  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. And this is what we must see as we move on. What has happened is that we have had it wrong and confused in our own country, and this has led Negro Americans in the past to seek their goals through power devoid of love and conscience. This is leading a few extremists today to advocate for Negroes the same destructive and conscienceless power that they have justly abhorred in whites. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our times. We must develop a program that will drive the nation to a guaranteed annual income. Now, early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule and denunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual's ability and talents. And, in the thinking of that day, the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber. We've come a long way in our understanding of human motivation and of the blind operation of our economic system. Now we realize that dislocations in the market operations of our economy and the prevalence of discrimination thrust people into idleness and bind them in constant or frequent unemployment against their will. Today the poor are less often dismissed, I hope, from our consciences by being branded as inferior or incompetent. We also know that no matter how dynamically the economy develops and expands, it does not eliminate all poverty. The problem indicates that our emphasis must be twofold. We must create full employment or we must create incomes. People must be made consumers by one method or the other. Once they are placed in this position we need to be concerned that the potential of the individual is not wasted. New forms of work that enhance the social good will have to be devised for those for whom traditional jobs are not available. In 1879 Henry George anticipated this state of affairs when he wrote in Progress and Poverty: “The fact is that the work which improves the condition of mankind, the work which extends knowledge and increases power and enriches literature and elevates thought, is not done to secure a living. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity. It is the work of men who somehow find a form of work that brings a security for its own sake and a state of society where want is abolished.” Work of this sort could be enormously increased, and we are likely to find that the problems of housing

SCLC: Ralph Abernathy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jack and education, instead of preceding the elimination of poverty, will themselves be affected if poverty is first abolished. The poor transformed into purchasers will do a great deal on their own to alter housing decay. Negroes who have a double disability will have a greater effect on discrimination when they have the additional weapon of cash to use in their struggle. Beyond these advantages, a host of positive psychological changes inevitably will result from widespread economic security. The dignity of the individual will flourish when the decisions concerning his life are in his own hands, when he has the means to seek self-improvement. Personal conflicts among husbands, wives and children will diminish when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated. Now our country can do this. John Kenneth Galbraith said that a guaranteed annual income could be done for about twenty billion dollars a year. And I say to you today, that if our nation can spend thirtyfive billion dollars a year to fight an unjust, evil war in Vietnam, and twenty billion dollars to put a man on the moon, it can spend billions of dollars to put God's children on their own two feet right here on earth. Now, let me say briefly that we must reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence. I want to stress this. The futility of violence in the struggle for racial justice has been tragically etched in all the recent Negro riots.

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Yesterday, I tried to analyze the riots and deal with theircauses. Today I want to give the other side. There is certainly something painfully sad about a riot. One sees screaming youngsters and angry adults fighting hopelessly and aimlessly against impossible odds. And deep down within them, you can see a desire for self-destruction, a kind of suicidal longing. Occasionally Negroes contend that the 1965 Watts riot and the other riots in various cities represented effective civil rights action. But those who express this view always end up with stumbling words when asked what concrete gains have been won as a result. At best, the riots have produced a little additional antipoverty money allotted by frightened government officials, and a few water-sprinklers to cool the children of the ghettoes. It is something like improving the food in prison while the people remain securely incarcerated kie Robinson behind bars. Nowhere have the riots won any concrete improvement such as have the organized protest demonstrations. When one tries to pin down advocates of violence as to what acts would be effective, the answers are blatantly illogical. Sometimes they talk of overthrowing racist state and local governments and they talk about guerrilla warfare. They fail to see that no internal revolution has ever succeeded in overthrowing a government by violence unless the government had already lost

the allegiance and effective control of its armed forces. Anyone in his right mind knows that this will not happen in the United States. In a violent racial situation, the power structure has the local police, the state troopers, the National Guard and, finally, the army to call on—all of which are predominantly white. Furthermore, few if any violent revolutions have been successful unless the violent minority had the sympathy and support of the nonresistant majority. Castro may have had only a few Cubans actually fighting with him up in the hills, but he could never have overthrown the Batista regime unless he had the sympathy of the vast majority of Cuban people. It is perfectly clear that a violent revolution on the part of American blacks would find no sympathy and support from the white population and very little from the majority of Negroes themselves. This is no time for romantic illusions and empty philosophical debates about freedom. This is a time for action. What is needed is a strategy for change, a tactical program that will bring the Negro into the mainstream of American life as quickly as possible. So far, this has only been offered by the nonviolent movement. Without recognizing this we will end up with solutions that don't solve, answers that don't answer and explanations that don't explain. And so I say to you today that I still stand by see Where Do We Go From Here on page 34

SCLC: Announcing the founding of SCLC in 1957 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Fred Shuttlesworth, Ralph Abernathy

Where Do We Go From Here

from page 33

nonviolence. And I am still convinced that it is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for justice in this country. And the other thing is that I am concerned about a better world. I'm concerned about justice. I'm concerned about brotherhood. I'm concerned about truth. And when one is concerned about these, he can never advocate violence. For through violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate. Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that. And I say to you, I have also decided to stick to love. For I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems. And I'm going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn't popular to talk about it in some circles today. I'm not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love, I'm talking about a strong, demanding love. And I have seen too much hate. I've seen to much hate on the faces of sheriffs in the South. I've seen hate on the faces of too many Klansmen and too many White Citizens Councilors in the South to want to hate myself, because every time I see it, I know that it does something to their faces and their personalities and I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love. And the beautiful thing is that we are moving against wrong when we do it, because John was right, God is love. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality. I want to say to you as I move to my conclusion, as we talk about “Where do we go from here,” that we honestly face the fact that the movement must address itself to the question of restructuring the whole of American society. There are forty million poor people here. And one day we must ask the question, “Why are there forty million poor people in America?” And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I'm simply saying that more and more, we've got to begin to ask questions about the whole society. We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life's marketplace. But one day we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. It means

SCLC: Correta Scott King, Martin Luther King, Jr., Constance

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Baker Motley

that questions must be raised. You see, my friends, when you deal with this, you begin to ask the question, “Who owns the oil?” You begin to ask the question, “Who owns the iron ore?” You begin to ask the question, “Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two-thirds water?” These are questions that must be asked. Now, don't think that you have me in a “bind” today. I'm not talkingabout communism. What I'm saying to you this morning is that communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say question the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated. If you will let me be a preacher just a little bit—One night, a juror came to Jesus and he wanted to know what he could do to be saved. Jesus didn't get bogged down in the kind of isolated approach of what he shouldn't do. Jesus didn't say, “Now Nicodemus, you must stop lying.” He didn't say, “Nicodemus, you must stop cheating if you are doing that.” He didn't say, “Nicodemus, you must not commit adultery.” He didn't say, “Nicodemus, now you must stop drinking liquor if you are doing that excessively.” He said something altogether different, because Jesus realized something basic—that if a man will lie, he will steal. And if a man will steal, he will kill. So instead of just getting bogged down in one thing, Jesus looked at him and said, “Nicodemus, you must be born again.” He said, in other words, “Your whole structure must be changed.” A nation that will keep people in slavery for 244 years will “thingify” them—make them things. Therefore they will exploit them, and poor people generally, economically. And a nation that will exploit economically will

have foreign investments and everything else, and will ahve to use its military to protect them. All of these problems are tied together. What I am saying today is that we must go from this convention and say, “America, you must be born again!” So, I conclude by saying again today that we have a task and let us go out with a “divine dissatisfaction.” Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds. Let us be dissatisfied until the tragic walls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty and despair shall be crushed by the battering rams of the forces of justice. Let us be dissatisfied until those that live on the outskirts of hope are brought into the metropolis of daily security. Let us be dissatisfied until slums are cast into the junk heaps of history, and every family is living in adecent sanitary home. Let us be dissatisfied until the dark yesterdays of segregated schools will be transformed into bright tomorrows of quality,integrated education. Let us be dissatisfied until integration is not seen as a problem but as an opportunity to participate in the beauty of diversity. Let us be dissatisfied until men and women, however black they may be, will be judged on the basis of the content of their character and not on the basis of the color of their skin. Let us be dissatisfied. Let us be dissatisfied until every state capitol houses a governor who will do justly, who will love mercy and who will walk humbly with his God. Let us be dissatisfied until from every city hall, justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. Let us be dissatisfied until that day when the lion and the lamb shall lie down together, and every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid. Let us be dissatisfied. And men will recognize that out of one blood God made all men to dwell upon the face of the earth. Let us be dissatisfied until that day when nobody will shout “White Power!” -- when nobody will shout “Black Power!”—but everybody will talk about God's power and human power. I must confess, my friends, the road ahead will not always be smooth. There will be still rocky places of frustration and meandering points of bewilderment. There will be inevitable setbacks here and there. There will be those moments when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of despair. Our dreams will sometimes be shattered and our ethereal hopes blasted. We may again with tear-drenched eyes have to stand before the bier of some courageous civil rights worker whose life will be snuffed out by the dastardly acts of bloodthirsty mobs. Difficult and painful as it is, see Where Do We Go From Here on page 36

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Where Do We Go From Here from page 35

we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future. And as we continue our chartered course, we may gain consolation in the words so nobly left by that great black bard who was also a great freedom fighter of yesterday, James Weldon Johnson: Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chastening rod Felt in the days When hope unborn had died. Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place For which our fathers sighed? We have come over the way That with tears hath been watered. We have come treading our paths Through the blood of the slaughtered,

SCLC: Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Abernathy, Malcolm X

Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at last Where the bright gleam Of our bright star is cast. Let this affirmation be our ringing cry. It will give us the courage to face the uncertainties of the future. It will give our tired feet new strength as we continue our forward stride toward the city of freedom. When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of now way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. Let us realize that William Cullen Bryant is right: “Truth crushed to earth will rise again.” Let us go out realizing that the Bible is right: “Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” This is for hope for the future, and with this faith we will be able to sing in some not too distant tomorrow with a cosmic past tense, “We have overcome, we have overcome, deep in my heart, I did believe we would overcome.” 


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• A damaged connection to a gas appliance • Dirt or water being blown in the air • Dead or dying vegetation (in an otherwise moist area) over or near gas pipeline areas • A fire or explosion near a pipeline • Exposed pipeline after an earthquake, fire, flood or other disaster

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Black America’s Economic Decline Betrays King’s Legacy By Armstrong Williams


n this anniversary of the birth of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., his legacy is in sure hands. His youngest daughter, pastor Bernice King, has taken over leadership of The King Center (www. thekingcenter.org) Atlanta and is already doing great things. Notably, she has spent time working with youths in Ferguson to channel their rage and frustration over the Michael Brown shooting into positive action, just as her father helped channel black rage over social marginalization into a movement that fundamentally transformed America. But Ms. King’s work needs to be viewed within the context of King’s overall message, or it might fall short of its intended impact. While a major thrust of King’s movement was to eradicate legal barriers to full participation in the American enterprise, his push for economic empowerment has been largely ignored, much to the detriment of those in whose name he fought and died. When he came to Washington to deliver the “I Have a Dream” speech on the National Mall, he started out by decrying “the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” Most of the push for civil rights since his passing has focused on eradicating discrimination and challenging the social stigma of racism. But in the very next sentence, King lamented the economic dislocation of Black America, calling it “a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.” Addressing the economic challenges of Black America was just as essential to King as the social challenges. In fact, they were inseparable. Later in the speech, King continues to hit home on the theme of economic justice. “In a sense,” he said, “we have come to our nation’s Capital to cash a check a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.’” This analogy is as apropos today as it was in 1963. No American today is denied the right to vote or forced by law to attend segregated schools or refused a seat at a lunch counter. Yet dire economic challenges remain. Unemployment among black men is at an all-

time high. The great wealth disparity between black and white households remains intransigent. So one wonders: What good is social equality without economic means? What’s the use of having the right to sit at a lunch counter if one can’t afford to pay for a meal? It is precisely these issues that John Hope Bryant addresses in his new book, “How the Poor Can Save Capitalism.” In the book, Mr. Bryant, a brilliant public intellectual and social entrepreneur, highlights the irony that the primary driver of American capitalism is the consumer spending of the poor and middle class. He chronicles the problem for capitalism when the poor are so disenfranchised that they cannot get access even to the basic tools of financial literacy and citizenship. He addresses some of the root causes, then begins to chart a way forward. He discusses issues of financial literacy designed to teach people how to improve their credit and build a wealth consciousness. He also points out some of the pernicious consequences of a poverty mindset, including the pathological behaviors that can result from a lack of hope. But the thing that stands out in Mr. Bryant’s work is what it doesn’t contain: a recipe for social agitation and protest for more laws to address economic inequality. His vision is that rather than taking from the rich and

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giving to the poor, one should instead equip the poor with the tools necessary to build economic wealth. Mr. Bryant’s Los Angeles-based nonprofit, Operation Hope (www. operationhope.org), is rightly characterized as a civil rights organization — but not in the traditional sense. It does not intend to achieve its aims by giving voice to victimization. Rather, it has adopted a more audacious mission: to create the largest private bank for the poor and middle class in the U.S. The goal of the institution would be not only to provide capital for small businesses, but also to teach financial literacy and improve the economic status of the poor by increasing their credit scores. Access to credit on equal terms is a form of financial dignity, and dignity is the cornerstone of true aspiration. In truth, innovative entrepreneurs such as Mr. Bryant who identify a need and find a way to fill it are also valiant guardians of King’s vision and legacy. The spirit of entrepreneurship really lies in seeing opportunity where others see only destruction. It is a creative ethic that gets beyond the zero-sum game of “more for you means less for me” and vice versa. That’s the part of King’s transcendent vision that often gets lost in the debate. Toward the end, King’s life had evolved from a focus on civil rights to a focus on fighting poverty. King was not an entrepreneur himself, but like entrepreneurs, he had the vision to see beyond the social constraints of society at that time. He did not believe that wealth was a four-letter

word. Rather, he wanted to bring the fruits of American prosperity to a broader segment of the population. We also need to address the images that our children see of themselves in the media and help promote positive examples that counteract the negative stereotypes that have become so pervasive. Through the privilege of television ownership, my company Howard Stirk Holdings (http://howardstirkholdings. com) is leading the effort to change stereotypes by developing independent, positive programming directed at children of color. Programming in development and soon to be rolled out in six local markets around the country will highlight and celebrate the achievements of academically talented youths. I believe that too often media owners have reverted to the lowest common denominator in promoting sex and violence to sell advertising. My mission is also to demonstrate to the business community that promoting positive images and messages is also great for the bottom line. King’s social and economic visions feed into each other. The vision for American prosperity is inextricably linked to the fate of the poorest Americans. When they are lifted out of poverty, they help fuel the greatest economic engine the world has ever known. The brilliance of King’s concept is that it does not pit the capitalist against the laborer in a Marxist death spiral. Rather, it urges a broader consciousness of the “ecology of prosperity” in which each segment of society plays a critical role in the overall health of the American society.  www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/18/ armstrong-williams-black-americas-economicdecline/#!

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'Tis the Season of Corporate Giving

us towards what we can become. www.nmaahc.si.edu

Obama Presidential Foundation


he Obama Presidential Foundation will both plan and develop the Project and engage in activities reflecting President Obama’s values and priorities throughout his career in public service: expanding economic opportunity, inspiring an ethic of American citizenship and promoting peace, justice and dignity throughout the world. The Project will be an anchor for

By Black Business News Staff


ost companies, large or small, make donations to or support in some way programs and projects operating in their communities or industries. The End-of-the-Year holiday season is the time to reach out beyond the local organizations and offer support to national and international organizations that provide services through charitable programs, cultural exposures, educational opportunities and wellbeing supports. Granted, this is also the time in which business leaders take a detailed look at the business bottom line and think hard about that tax payment coming up soon. Charitable, tax-deductible gifts can help mitigate the severity of the annual tax-bite. Black Business News is suggesting a few organizations that will benefit from your financial support and will inturn give you the benefit of a tax deduction. Don't forget to work out your giving budget with your accountant. You may be able to be more generous than you think.

Happy New Year to All!!! The Memorial Foundation


ecent events and activities around the country indicate that Dr. King's dream is still a work in progress. The Memorial Foundation remains committed to its mission, and its vision is to

be a global beacon that inspires people around the globe to apply the principles of Democracy, Justice, Hope, and Love in their lives. We can't do it alone. Your participation and support is vital to continuing this work in the coming year. Please your contributions to the Foundation at: https:// ef145.infusionsoft.com/app/ manageCart/showManageOrder.

National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)


he museum seeks to help all Americans remember, and by remembering, this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing. Ultimately, the museum should be a place of meaning, of memory, of reflection, of laughter, and of hope. It should be a beacon that reminds us of what we were; what challenges we still face; and point

economic development and help cultivate a strong relationship in the surrounding community. In addition to the Library and Museum, it will include an Institute that will enhance the pursuit of the President’s initiatives beyond 2017 and have local, regional and global impacts. The Foundation will raise private funds, convene partners who share the President’s goals and vision, serve as a repository of information and otherwise marshal resources to address present and future global and domestic challenges of interest to the President. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and chaired by civic leader Martin Nesbitt. www. obamapresidentialfoundation. org. 

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www.africare.org/how-you-can-help/africare-ebola-outbreak-relief Urgent: Protect health care workers and educate communities to stop the spread of Ebola and save lives. With more than $50,000 contributed, our donors have helped us send $1.4 million in necessary medical supplies and reach 100,000 West Africans with Ebola behavior change messages. Please help us reach our new goal of $100,000 to do more to stop the outbreak! Donate $50 or more to receive a free t-shirt and email info@africare.org with your name and shirt size to be sure it fits!

How Your Donation Will Help: • $500.00 = 5 cases of face masks and 10 boxes of sterile syringes and needles • $250.00 = 10 pairs of rubber boots • $100.00 = 1 complete set of protective equipment, including a body suit, goggles, gloves and shoe/boot covers • $50.00 = 5 isolation gowns • $25.00 = 200 exam gloves 41  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


CES 2015: Five Big 3D Printing Trends to Shape the Year Ahead By Lyndsey Gilpin


hen it comes to 3D printing, the theme of 2015 is simple: make it useful. The last couple years has been exciting for fans of the technology and people in the industry, as it has developed so rapidly it has been hard to keep up with. At Consumer Electronic Show (CES) this year, we still saw a lot of that hype, but there was also a lot of evidence to prove that 3D printing is a smart investment. The technology is democratizing every industry, allowing people at home -- and at work -- to customize and create their own products. And because of new materials, better software, and more developed companies, the technology is starting to become more realistic. Based on what we saw at CES, these are the trends to watch in 3D printing this year.

1. Simpler Software

For instance, Matter and Form is a crowdfunded portable scanner that allows designs to be uploaded to any desktop 3D printer model. The company, which is only about a year and a half old, is also launching Cashew 3D, their version of an open source platform for 3D designs. Unlike Thingiverse, the most popular maker platform, Cashew will use 3D imaging and also be mobile friendly. It's set to launch this spring.

2. More Materials To kick off CES, MakerBot announced it will offer spools of PLA composite materials like wood, stone, and metal, starting this year. 3D Systems is also offering a nylon

filament for its desktop 3D printers, and other startups are using carbon fiber and experimenting with metal, ceramic, and more. The fact that most desktop printers only worked with plastic filament made it seem like home 3D printing was just a novelty -- all for printing fun toys. With the advent of new materials for home printing, the technology actually will become more useful and reach a broader audience beyond makers and hobbyists. With better materials, people can print spare parts, customize things, and create more useful objects.

3. Focusing on Small Businesses Since its invention 30 years ago, 3D printing has been mainly used for manufacturing processes. Those 3D printers are giant, and cost thousands of dollars. The other side of 3D printing -- the side that went gangbusters in 2014 -- is small, compact desktop 3D printers.



Almost every 3D printing vendor at CES was showing off their software platform. Through the end of 2014, the main hurdle 3D printing needed to jump to become mainstream was CAD software. The learning curve is just too steep for most people. It's made for engineers. This year, though, many different companies are making solutions for that. A part of those solutions are scanners that can take any object and turn it into a 3D design.

3D Printing - Food

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What was missing was a reason for businesses to use them, and mainly businesses that don't have a need for extraordinarily expensive professional printers, but want to print parts for products or do rapid prototyping This year will be telling for 3D printing as the technology is targeted toward small businesses. Companies like Ultimaker are aiming certain models toward a workplace setting, and new materials to print products with offers a better incentive to make an

D Printer

bureaus will also be an option. UPS is already offering on-site 3D printing, and we expect that trend to continue to grow in 2015. According to 3D Systems CEO Avi Reichental, service bureaus and home/business printing don't have to be at odds. In fact, he said, he sees plenty of room for both to grow this year.

4. Making Wearables More Wearable Wearables and 3D printing rose at a similar rate in 2014, and both were major draws at CES this year. The main complaint about wearables -- especially for women -- is that they are bulky and sometimes just downright ugly. And that's where 3D printing comes in. Home desktop printers and services like Shapeways are an ideal way to customize wearables and turn them into fashionable pieces of jewelry or accessories. 3D Systems, for instance, is really promoting this highfashion, high-tech side of

3Doodler investment in a printer. If businesses don't want to buy their own printer, service

3D printing by offering partnerships with designers and artists to create unique 3D designs and pieces.

Both wearables and 3D printing are becoming even more popular with the average consumer and more therefore m o r e useful in everyday life, and this year, it will be interesting to see how people use them in conjunction with one another.

5. 3D Printing in the Classroom This year at CES, several companies talked about their plans to take 3D printing into the classroom. MakerBot, for example, is putting a lot of resources into its Innovation Centers, which are facilities at universities where there are 30 to 100 MakerBot Replicators and scanners. The company is working with universities to educate students on the design process and potential with the technology to start to create courses that utilize 3D printing. Another example we saw was the 3Doodler, a crowdfunded 3D printer pen that draws in the air. The company is on its second generation pen (which is much sleeker and more intuitive than the first one) and is aiming a new Kickstarter campaign toward classrooms that want to teach more STEM subjects. Taking 3D printing to the classroom in grade school will continue to be important because it's an easy way to integrate STEM subjects into the curriculum while offering another artistic outlet. At the collegiate level, 3D printing labs offer another entry point into engineering and design, which will be critical in the years to come as the demand for STEM jobs increases.  www.techrepublic.com/article/ces2015-five-big-3d-printing-trendsto-shape-the-year-ahead/?tag=nl. e101&s_cid=e101&ttag=e101&ftag =TRE684d531

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Carolyn Flowers, Charlotte, NC Transit Chief, Receives Federal Appointment By Jen Wilson


arolyn Flowers, who has been CEO of the Charlotte Area Transit System since early 2010, has received a presidential appointment with the Federal Transit Administration as a senior adviser to the FTA. Flowers joined the city as CATS' chief executive in January 2010 after serving as chief operating officer of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, known as Metro. During her tenure, Flowers helped move the Blue Line Extension forward, reducing the engineering cost by $200 million in order to obtain approval for federal and state funding. That section of the light-rail line is now under construction. She also slashed CATS' operating expenses by $23 million while maintaining service levels, improved the system's overall safety record and advanced the CityLYNX Gold Line streetcar project, according to a city news release. www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/ news/2014/12/08/charlotte-transitchief-carolyn-flowers-leaving. html?surround=etf&ana=e_article

Quote of Note “Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?”

Barack Obama

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2015: The “experimentation” year of mobile payments By Ralph Dangelmaier, BlueSnap


015 will be the “experimenting” years for shoppers. Merchants will hit shoppers with options they never had before, and shoppers are going to try it all out because … why not? Waving your iPhone 6 in front of a NFC sensor to pay for stuff is entertaining and it makes good conversation. If your sisterin-law bought you a bottle of wine with Apple Pay, I promise you’re going to hear all about it. When I use Apple Pay at Whole Foods, McDonald’s and Walgreens, other people in line are curious to see it in action.

enabled devices allow retailers to push location-based offers, collect data about how people navigate their stores, and link data from in-store purchases with online purchases in order to make personalized recommendations — just the way Amazon does. If you’re in the dental hygiene aisle, beacons can detect this and send electronic toothbrush discounts right to your phone. If you’re due to renew a prescription, beacons at a pharmacy could send a reminder the moment you walk into the store. If retailers use beacons tactfully, they will boost sales and pave the way for integrating payments into mobile apps. Starbucks has gone that direction and many retailers will follow.

rates Visa and MasterCard set the rules on card processing, and currently, they charge a higher rate when consumers buy online. These Card Not Present (CNP) rates face some gray areas now that people can pay online and in-store at the same time. Say a restaurant guest uses OpenTable to pay for the meal: Should the transaction face a higher rate even if customer is present in the restaurant? With the lines of CNP blurring, Visa and MasterCard will have to somehow address or eliminate the rate disparity in 2015. Otherwise, they will lose ground to Merchant Customer Exchange, a consortium led by Walmart that is trying to fight back against Apple Pay, Visa and

New checkout methods

2015 is about experimentation because tech companies are trying to displace the old card swipe system that facilitates a huge chunk of commerce in the U.S. These experiments will have ripple effects that change the underlying mechanics, rules and alliances of the payments industry. Here’s what you can look forward to in 2015:

From beacons to payments Retailers are salivating over beacons, and 2015 will be the year we see them used here and there. Combined with a mobile app, these internet-connected, Bluetooth-

Most shoppers with an iPhone 6 will try out Apple Pay, but the experimentation won’t stop there. PayPal in-store, Google Wallet, Alibaba’s Alipay, Coin, Current C and dozens of other checkout technologies will be tested (or re-tested) in 2015. Stratos, a company trying to build an all-inone credit card, found that 30% of U.S. smartphone owners plan to use a mobile payment offering during the holidays. Consumers don’t necessarily find mag-strip credit cards inconvenient or lacking, but the sheer variety of payment technologies and accompanying buzz create a “cool” factor that adds social pressure to try them out.

“Card not present” rates will converge with card present

NFC iBeacon MasterCard with its own mobile payment system, CurrentC, which could save retailers billions in transaction fees.

Social payments will find a purpose Twitter and Facebook are in

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RIO 2016 OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Partnership & Contract Opportunities For a list of current Rio 2016 Olympic Sponsors visit: http://rio2016.com/en/organising-committee/partners

Your American Contact: joel.Reynoso@trade.gov

For information on the Games visit http://export.gov/brazil/games/index.asp

Grow With

A crowdfunding platform for projects and ideas benefiting the AfricanAmerican community. www.blackstartup.com

Verizon is joining forces with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and a number of other businesses and community organizations to help promote safe driving through

It Can Wait. http://itcanwait.com Mobile Payments

from page 50

the process of launching payment services, and in 2015, they will figure out how to make them profitable. Initially, Twitter and Facebook Messenger will feature peer-to-peer payments, but both companies must know that the real jackpot is serving merchants. They could take a “social commerce” approach and let people complete transactions from branded pages, posts and tweets instead of linking

people to external websites. Like Visa and MasterCard, Facebook and Twitter could take a cut of each transaction. Shortening the gap between discovering and buying products would probably raise conversion rates for merchants and finally give the social networks a chunk of the e-commerce pie. The upside to “experimenting” is that anything can happen in 2015. By the end of the year, I believe we’ll see an even clearer division between a pro-credit card group that

partners with Visa and MasterCard, and an anti-credit card camp that tries to overturn their dominance in the payments industry. The current tension between Apple Pay (pro) and CurrentC (anti) is just a taste of what’s to come. Individual merchants, payment technologies and social networks will all have to figure out how to navigate this divide.  https://gigaom.com/2014/12/27/2015the-college-experimentation-year-ofmobile-payments

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Top 5 Social Media Scams By Jennifer Martinez


e’re wired to be social creatures, and sites like Twitter and Facebook have capitalized on this to great success. According to its COO Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook draws 175 million logins every day. But with this tremendous popularity comes a dark side as well. Virus writers and other cybercriminals go where the numbers are -- and that includes popular social media sites. To help you avoid a con or viral infection, we’ve put together this list of the top five social media scams.

5. Chain Letters You’ve likely seen this one before -- the dreaded chain letter has returned. It may appear in the form of, "Retweet this and Bill Gates will donate $5 million to charity!" But hold on, let’s think about this. Bill Gates already does a lot for charity. Why would he wait for something like this to take action? Answer: He wouldn’t. Both the cause and claim are fake. So why would someone post this? Good question. It could be some prankster looking for a laugh, or a spammer needing "friends" to hit up later. Many well-meaning people pass these fake claims onto others. Break the chain and inform them of the likely ruse.

4. Cash Grabs By their very nature, social media sites make it easy for us to stay in touch with friends, while reaching out to meet new ones. But how well do you really know these new acquaintances? That person with the attractive profile picture who just friended you -- and suddenly needs money -- is probably some cybercriminal looking for easy cash. Think twice before acting. In fact,

the same advice applies even if you know the person. Picture this: You just received an urgent request from one of your real friends who "lost his wallet on vacation and needs some cash to get home." So, being the helpful person you are, you send some money right away, per his instructions. But there’s a problem: Your friend never sent this request. In fact, he isn’t even aware of it. His malwareinfected computer grabbed all of his contacts and forwarded the bogus email to everyone, waiting to see who would bite. Again, think before acting. Call your friend. Inform him of the request and see if it's true. Next, make sure your computer isn't infected as well.

you to your Twitter or Facebook login page. There, you enter your account info -- and a cybercriminal now has your password, along with total control of your account. How did this happen? Both the email and landing page were fake. That link you clicked took you to a page that only looked like your intended social site. It's called phishing, and you've just been had. To prevent this, make sure your Internet security includes antiphishing defenses. Many freeware programs don't include this essential protection.

1. Hidden URLs Beware of blindly clicking on shortened URLs. You'll see them everywhere on Twitter, but you never know where you're going to go

3. Hidden Charges "What type of STAR WARS character are you? Find out with our quiz! All of your friends have taken it!" Hmm, this sounds interesting, so you enter your info and cell number, as instructed. After a few minutes, a text turns up. It turns out you’re more Yoda than Darth Vader. Well, that’s interesting … but not as much as your next month’s cell bill will be. You’ve also just unwittingly subscribed to some dubious service that charges $9.95 every month. As it turns out, that "free, fun service" is neither. Be wary of these bait-and-switch games. They tend to thrive on social sites.

2. Phishing Requests "Somebody just put up these pictures of you drunk at this wild party! Check 'em out here!" Huh? Let me see that! Immediately, you click on the enclosed link, which takes

since the URL ("Uniform Resource Locator," the Web address) hides the full location. Clicking on such a link could direct you to your intended site, or one that installs all sorts of malware on your computer. URL shorteners can be quite useful. Just be aware of their potential pitfalls and make sure you have real-time protection against spyware and viruses. Bottom line: Sites that attract a significant number of visitors are going to lure in a criminal element, too. If you take security precautions ahead of time, such as using antivirus and anti-spyware

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6 Habits of "Ineffective" Entrepreneurs by Teri Harrison


n 1989, one of my favorite books, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, was published. It became a national best-seller, making author Stephen Covey a household name. Covey wrote the book as a guide to help readers achieve self-mastery. As business owners, we must also achieve self-mastery. Mastering ourselves involves mastering our habits and making sure they are in alignment with the outcomes we desire. If you want a thriving business, examine your habits and make sure they’re not sabotaging your success. Make sure you are not practicing the six habits of ineffective entrepreneurs, as detailed below. Habit 1: They Don’t Plan. In business, setbacks will occur. The best way to manage them is with prudence and foresight. We all know the familiar saying, If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Yet many entrepreneurs fail to implement strategic game plans to handle business mishaps. Illness, employee turnover, litigation, economic downturns, and financial crises adversely affect business. Rather than be reactive, be proactive and put risk management plans in place. Habit 2: They Waste Time. Highly ineffective entrepreneurs fail to command their day. They lack the discipline to manage their time and get things done. What business legends and successful startups have in common is the ability to be productive and master their time. Business icon Jim Rohn said, “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” For entrepreneurs, this could not be more true. There’s far too much innovation and competition in the market to be idle. Therefore, minimizing distractions is a must. Try checking your e-mail and social media only at specific times each day. Look at your cellphone only on breaks. And, of course, wake up earlier and complete your most important tasks first. Habit 3: They Wear Too Many Hats. You have one head, yet you’re wearing several hats. Can you imagine someone walking into your office wearing 10 hats?

Social Media Scams

from page 53

Wouldn’t they look crazy? Perhaps that’s how we look to the outside world when we take on so many roles in our business. We overextend ourselves, get out of balance, and on many nights lose sleep. When you’re the office manager, bookkeeper, and sales force, you don’t have time to be the owner. All your time is spent working in the business and not on it. Habit 4: They Give Away Services. If you’re a service professional, listen up. Your expertise is your greatest commodity. It is not to be undervalued, devalued, or handed away free of charge. Your strategy and knowhow, like any other product, must be monetized. If not, you may have a business now, but you won’t have one later. Remember, sustainability is built on sales, and sales make or break your business. So sell your services and never compromise your worth. Habit 5: They Don’t Network. Not networking is another habit of ineffective entrepreneurs. I know that conversing with people you don’t know and hobnobbing with strangers aren’t always fun. However, sitting in your office tucked away in your own familiar world is counterproductive to your business. Getting out and building relationships is key to your success. The more you do it, the better you will be. Executive leadership expert Karima Mariama-Arthur says networking requires courage. She refers to courage as a muscle that must be used in order to get stronger. MariamaArthur recommends introducing yourself first, leaving a powerful impression, and most importantly, being yourself. Habit 6: They Don’t Market. The marketplace is noisy with sounds from your competitors. From Facebook ads to YouTube channels, entrepreneurs are creating new avenues to market their business. What are you doing to compete? What marketing strategies will you implement to get the attention of consumers? This habit is not only ineffective but also adversarial to your success. Marketing is fundamental. Without it, your brand and your sales suffer.

protection, you can defend yourself against these dangers and surf with confidence. 

Remember, building great habits that support your vision will ensure your success. 

www.yoursecurityresource.com/nortonpc/feature/social_ networking/social_media_scams/index.html#axzz3NlAu1yed


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eBooks in Motion – The Global Platform for Digital Publishers – Goes Live by Kelvin Dang


he eBooks in Motion (www. ebooksinmotion.com) online platform that produces multilingual, multimedia-enhanced e-Publications across multiple devices has recently been released. The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) will be among the first customers in collaboration with the New York

chapter of USDLA (NYDLA.org). The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based technology creates flawless e-publications within minutes, which can be read on most established devices, including brands like Apple, Amazon or Barnes & Noble. In contrast to standard conversion practices, eBooks in Motion provides an

entirely new way to present media within or layered above the body of text. This addresses publishers of classical and multimedia enhanced e-books, as well as e-publications for eLearning or corporate communications - in any language. The ease-of-use and full control of the look-and-feel of e-publications enables publishers to produce more

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Business Blogging

The Internet of Things Isn't a Slam Dunk by Samuel Greengard


t's clear that the hype cycle for the Internet of things (IoT) has now reached maximum velocity. This year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas was rife with devices—everything from connected lights and water kettles to smart toothbrushes and locks—

digital titles in a fraction of time and costs without additional resources, allowing higher margins. "Distance Learning demands the availability of educational content for mobile devices which allows the presentation of rich-media like video, audio and animation. Furthermore, the industry needs an interactive solution for time sensitive test materials," says Thomas Capone, Director Sales & Marketing USDLA / Executive Director at NYDLA.

that are supposed to simplify and improve our lives in so many ways. There's no question that over the long run—perhaps even in the short-run—most of these devices will have about as much impact as a 5-watt light bulb on the Las Vegas Strip. About 40% of U.S consumers believe that the smart devices they've seen so far are nothing more than gimmicks, according to research firm Nielsen Affinnova. Yet, at the same time, the company found that 57% of consumers believe the Internet of things will be revolutionary, and another 47% indicated that companies that aren't trying to connect their products to the Internet are missing a big opportunity. Here's the deal: The Internet of things will be huge. It's already worming its way into our lives in ways that are both obvious and invisible. Yet, too many products and interfaces remain clunky, junky and require too much monkeying around. We're moving in the right direction but, in order to fully succeed, apps and controls must be drop-dead simple. Think voice commands and sensing capabilities. For now, engineers, developers and IT professionals need to focus on a few key issues: ensuring that

users feel in control of connected devices, making systems more contextually and situationally aware, providing actual benefits and protecting private data within connected systems. If the history of the Internet has taught us anything—and it's a message that escapes a lot of business and IT executives—it's that our ability to invent things exceeds our ability to make them useful, workable and secure. That means focusing on real-world solutions and understanding the nuances of how people—including employees and customers—use devices in their daily lives. An Internet-enabled lock that relies on a smartphone for authentication is no good if it can automatically lock even when you leave the house without the phone. Clothing or costumes tagged with RFID or other sensors are essentially useless if they can't stand up to washers, dryers and daily abuse. The IoT is not about simply connecting things. It's about connecting them in smarter and better ways. 

"We've co-created this service with a large publishing and authoring community to make it as intuitive and easy as possible," states Michael J. Fisher, CEO and founder of eBooks in Motion. "We are proud to support the global educational community via our patent pending technology. All of which confirms the value of automated production, where preparation prior to auto assembly is conducted within the text file." More information about eBooks

in Motion is provided on www. ebooksinmotion.com. 

www.baselinemag.com/blogs/theinternet-of-things-isnt-a-slam-dunk. html?utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=BL_NL_BB_20150109_ BLOGS1&dni=202634489&r ni=25652266

www.bookbusinessmag. com/article/ebooks-motionthe-global-platform-digitalpublishers-goes-live/1?e=lion. comm@hotmail.com#utm_ source=publishing-businesstoday&utm_medium=enewsletter_ headline_story10&utm_ campaign=2015-01-09

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5 Real Ways to Actually Support Black-Owned Businesses by Ernest Owens


n the current national push for making black lives matter, economic support for black-owned businesses doesn't get its fair share of dialogue. True, social justice and political activism can help solve many of the continuous problems facing our community, but what about economic growth and stability to help heal our struggling neighborhoods? There is only so much we can expect at the federal level before we start doing our own part outside protest. Yes, boycotting mainstream industry on Black Friday last year was commendable. But that #NotOneDime should have been a dime helping to empower a blackowned business rather than go back into your accounts instead. As an editor-in-chief of a black-owned publication, one pattern that I have noticed working with clients and associates of other sibling organizations is that our community has all the desire to support us but don't understand how to do so effectively. After several months of observation and serious thought, I've come up with five real ways one can actually support black-owned businesses:

1. Don't automatically expect or demand a

discount. When the latest technological device comes out or the hottest name-brand designer releases a product, many of us save up and don't question the price. We do this because we believe that the item is valued appropriately. Black products matter and should not be treated as less. If you want to support the economy of your community, you should give it equal fiscal respect and not look for racial familiarity as a default coupon when making the purchase. Black business owners work hard just like anyone else in their field and should be duly respected.

2. Know that having black endorsements isn't the same as being black-owned. When you see your favorite black celebrity endorsing a product, buying that product doesn't necessarily mean you're supporting a black business. While it may be fantastic for their personal careers, many black celebrities are endorsing white-owned businesses that give them a hefty paycheck because they can afford it. Most black businesses don't get the same level of highend buzz, and as a result, black consumers continue to flock to European fashion brands and mainstream commercial brands because we see our favorite black see Support Black-Owned Businesses on page 61 60  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Support Black-Owned Business from page 60

musicians or athletes rocking them. If it doesn't say that it's blackowned, double-check its source.

businesses face tough back-end obstacles to simply staying afloat. So don't give them a hard time when they run out of shipments or have to change location; it's an indication of a societal disadvantage that many of these businesses face in a time of great gentrification and cultural appropriation.

and appreciate black products like we do those that have been forced upon us in mainstream media.

5. Recommend or promote a black-owned business when given the opportunity.

In fact, you might have to make an inconvenient trek in order to support certain culinary or artistic

In fact, because it is made by us, it might actually be better for us. When it comes to hair products

If your friend is having an event and needs catering, take a chance and reach out to that black-owned business you have been interested in trying. Everyone knows the power of word of mouth, and it's surprising how much we are promoting so many brands on our social-media pages and through our professional endeavors that are not black-

endeavors. But regardless of the extra effort made, know that the work they do to keep their business alive is even harder. From housing discrimination to constant financial hurdles that are tied to a deep history of black disenfranchisement since Reconstruction, black-owned

and cosmetics, this already rings true for many. But other services can also do the same too if you give it a shot. In order to eradicate the stereotypes about us that have been ingrained in everyone by the dominant culture, we must treat

owned. We need to fix that. Let's stop trying to be the new black face of a predominately white brand and embrace a black one that needs us and would welcome us more readily. Breaking barriers is great, but creating permanent solutions is

3. Recognize the struggle, and don't knock it. 4. Accept that a product or Black business owners and service being black-owned their products are not at every doesn't imply that it's of lower single store around every block. quality.

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Publisher's Message

even better. In closing, these recommendations are intended to help fill a current void in the national dialogue around making black lives matter. In all aspects -- socially, politically, and economically -- they matter. Communities facing injustice across the country can only strengthen themselves when their streets off viable opportunities and jobs for the people that live on them. Now more than ever, with black unemployment rates still higher than those of any other group, we should be

emphasizing the importance of effectively supporting black-owned businesses. It is not enough just to practice social resistance to discrimination; we must also practice black empowerment and economic enrichment, because when the news stop airing the demonstrations and move to another headline that is more relevant to their agenda, we have to go back to our communities, and only then will we realize that much work needs to be done. So let's get serious about that right now. It doesn't take much to start implementing positive steps toward helping make black-owned businesses matter, because in essence this is making black lives matter as well. When it's all said and done, blacks are still one of the most powerful and influential consumer demographics in America. Let's take back that influence and reclaim the power of the dollar!

#BlackBusinessesMatter Au'loni Magazine http://aulonimagazine.com www.twitter.com/MrErnestOwens

from page 3

American History Month: “A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture”. The evening will honor a century of contributions made by African Americans entrepreneurs and other outstanding individuals. The salute will be held on Saturday, February 28th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, downtown Los Angeles. As the Publisher, I would be remiss in closing this message without again wishing you a very Happy New Year, and expressing my sincere thanks to those of you who shared your concern and demonstrated your support and goodwill during my health issues. I was diagnosed with complete heart blockage, went through corrective surgery, and received a pacemaker. Your prayers saw me through. Please know that my gratitude runs deep and strengthens my resolve to continue building the BBN as a strong ally in our struggle for economic parity, and in our campaign to establish that “#Black Business Matters.” Spread the BBN word on all platforms including word of mouth, and share this link www. bbala.org. 


Valentine's Day



Faison Wealth & Retirement Regina Faison Senior Financial Advisor 3070 Bristol Street Suite 500 949-200-8212 714-329-7184 regina@faisonwealth.com www.faisonwealth.com

Financial Planning: Helping You See the Big Picture Do you picture yourself owning a new home, starting a business, or retiring comfortably? These are a few of the financial goals that may be important to you, and each comes with a price tag attached.

to prioritize your goals, implement specific strategies, and choose suitable products or services. Best of all, you'll know that your financial life is headed in the right direction.

That's where financial planning comes in. Financial planning is a process that can help you target your goals by evaluating your whole financial picture, then outlining strategies that are tailored to your individual needs and available resources.

The financial planning process

Why is financial planning important?

• Develop a clear picture of your current financial situation by reviewing your income, assets, and liabilities, and evaluating your insurance coverage, your investment portfolio, your tax exposure, and your estate plan • Establish and prioritize financial goals and time frames for achieving these goals • Implement strategies that address your current financial weaknesses and build on your financial strengths • Choose specific products and services that are tailored to meet your financial objectives • Monitor your plan, making adjustments as your goals, time frames, or circumstances change

A comprehensive financial plan serves as a framework for organizing the pieces of your financial picture. With a financial plan in place, you'll be better able to focus on your goals and understand what it will take to reach them. Common financial goals • Saving and investing for retirement • Saving and investing for college • Establishing an emergency fund • Providing for your family in the event of your death • Minimizing income or estate taxes

Creating and implementing a comprehensive financial plan generally involves working with financial professionals to:

Some members of the team The financial planning process can involve a number of professionals. Financial planners typically play a central role in the process, focusing on your overall financial plan, and often coordinating the activities of other professionals who have expertise in specific areas. Accountants or tax attorneys provide advice on federal and state tax issues. One of the main benefits of having a financial plan is that it can help you balance competing financial priorities. A financial plan will clearly show you how your financial goals are related--for example, how saving for your children's college education might impact your ability to save for retirement. Then you can use the information you've gleaned to decide how

Estate planning attorneys help you plan your estate and give advice on transferring and managing your assets before and after your death. Insurance professionals evaluate insurance needs and recommend appropriate products and strategies. Investment advisors provide advice about investment January 09, 2015 Page 1 of 2, see disclaimer on final page

68  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

options and asset allocation, and can help you plan a strategy to manage your investment portfolio. The most important member of the team, however, is you. Your needs and objectives drive the team, and once you've carefully considered any recommendations, all decisions lie in your hands.

Why can't I do it myself? You can, if you have enough time and knowledge, but developing a comprehensive financial plan may require expertise in several areas. A financial professional can give you objective information and help you weigh your alternatives, saving you time and ensuring that all angles of your financial picture are covered.

Staying on track

Common questions about financial planning What if I'm too busy? Don't wait until you're in the midst of a financial crisis before beginning the planning process. The sooner you start, the more options you may have. Is the financial planning process complicated? Each financial plan is tailored to the needs of the individual, so how complicated the process will be depends on your individual circumstances. But no matter what type of help you need, a financial professional will work hard to make the process as easy as possible, and will gladly answer all of your questions. What if my spouse and I disagree?

The financial planning process doesn't end once your initial plan has been created. Your plan should generally be reviewed at least once a year to make sure that it's up-to-date. It's also possible that you'll need to modify your plan due to changes in your personal circumstances or the economy. Here are some of the events that might trigger a review of your financial plan: • Your goals or time horizons change • You experience a life-changing event such as marriage, the birth of a child, health problems, or a job loss • You have a specific or immediate financial planning need (e.g., drafting a will, managing a distribution from a retirement account, paying long-term care expenses) • Your income or expenses substantially increase or decrease • Your portfolio hasn't performed as expected • You're affected by changes to the economy or tax laws

A financial professional is trained to listen to your concerns, identify any underlying issues, and help you find common ground. Can I still control my own finances? Financial planning professionals make recommendations, not decisions. You retain control over your finances. Recommendations will be based on your needs, values, goals, and time frames. You decide which recommendations to follow, then work with a financial professional to implement them.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Regina L. Faison Senior Financial Advisor Faison Wealth & Retirement Services C/O Woodbury Financial Services 3070 Bristol Suite 500 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Office Direct -949-200-8212 * Efax - 949-556-9806 * Regina cell - 714-329-7184 Customer Service Email- service@faisonwealth.com Ph# - 949-939-1194 Website - http://faisonwealth.com "Helping businesses and individuals achieve their life goals" Securities, and Investment Advisory Services offered through Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor. Woodbury Financial Services P.O. Box 64284*St. Paul, MN 55164*-800-800-2638 Faison Wealth and Retirement Services and Woodbury Financial are not affiliated entities.

Page 2 of 2 Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2015

69  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Discover Sustainable Solutions Export Opportunities Make plans to be in Silicon Valley at the Santa Clara Convention Center, February 9-11, 2015, to kick off the first Discover Global Markets conference of 2015! Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will focus on the link between advanced research and innovation, global business and planetary sustainability. U.S. companies can take advantage of increasing global opportunities with their world-class technologies, products, and services. Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will provide the access, information, and forum for U.S. companies to discover new international market opportunities, as well as the tools and business relationships to effectively pursue those opportunities. Unique to Discover Global Markets: One-on-One Consultations with U.S. Commercial Diplomats Only at Discover Global Markets: Sustainable Solutions will your firm have the opportunity to sign up for pre-scheduled, private meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats serving in key international markets. Experts serving at U.S. embassies and consulates in more than 20 countries have been invited to attend: Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, India, Norway, Turkey, Brazil, Central America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Canada, European Union, Japan, Singapore, U.K., Chile, France, Korea, South Africa 70  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

USTDA Names Enoh T. Ebong as New Deputy Director


he U.S. Trade and Development Agency announces the appointment of Enoh T. Ebong as the Agency’s new Deputy Director. Ms. Ebong will help lead the Agency’s efforts to link U.S. businesses to global infrastructure opportunities. Since joining USTDA in 2004, Ms. Ebong has served in several capacities, including acting Regional Director for sub-Saharan Africa, Deputy General Counsel and General Counsel. As the Agency’s chief legal officer, Ms. Ebong provided authoritative legal advice and direction on all USTDA program and operations activities; represented USTDA in connection with matters affecting the Agency and provided legal advice and guidance to the Director on broad issues related to the mission, overall conduct, strategic direction and effectiveness of the Agency. Prior to joining USTDA, Ms. Ebong practiced law at the Boston office of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and OPopeo, P.C. in the area of business and finance. Her practice included the representation of public and private companies, with an emphasis on financing transactions for both start-ups and established businesses; mergers and acquisitions; and corporate governance issues. Ms. Ebong received her undergraduate degree from The University of Edinburgh, and her Master of Arts in Communication from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School. 

• Plenary sessions led by Fortune 500 executives addressing the business case for sustainability • Break-out sessions featuring market insights on advanced transportation, water and land use, green regulations, smart grid and more • Technical sessions on IP protection, venture and project financing, winning foreign government contracts, and implementing sustainable supply chains • Multiple networking opportunities Registration/Information: www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?EventId=1611267&MethodId=0&EventSessionId=&startnewreg=1

Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz Joint Business Development Mission to China Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou | April 12-17, 2015 Smart Cities – Smart Growth: Exciting Opportunity to Expand Your Business in Asia

This mission will promote U.S. clean technology products and services in the areas of green building/construction, energy efficiency, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) and environmental technologies in support of the Smart Cities-Smart Growth theme. On November 12, President Obama and President Xi jointly announced the two countries’ respective post-2020 climate targets in Beijing. This announcement is a pivotal step in addressing the global challenge of climate change and movement towards achieving the deep decarbonization of the global economy. The mission will build on strong climate change progress during the first six years of the Obama Administration, and supports the intent of the announcement, as it will help to achieve its ambitious goals. It is one of several measures that will strengthen and expand U.S.-China clean energy cooperation, and will support the deployment of cutting edge, innovative technologies to combat and adapt to climate change. Additionally, the recent announcements from President Obama and President Xi will spur new opportunities for U.S. clean technology companies in China. If you’re interested in participating in the upcoming business development mission, please visit the mission website to apply:

http://www.export.gov/ChinaMission2015 72  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


How to Fight Digital Ad Fraud A Practical Guide By Dean Harris


he fight against digital ad fraud is important to everyone in the advertising, marketing and media industries. Since the first banner ad ran in 1994, digital advertising has shown unprecedented growth, now exceeding $50 Billion in the U.S. alone. Sustaining this growth can and will be impacted by the specter of ad fraud, which is estimated to total anywhere from 10% to more than 40% of the total impressions delivered in the marketplace. It's clear as to why fraudsters are targeting digital media. Ad fraud is lucrative, relatively easy to commit and, todate, has gone unpunished by both U.S. and international authorities. That's the bad news. The good news is we have the tools and the technologies to help thwart digital ad fraud today. Here are some practical steps for digital buyers and sellers that will help fight ad fraud now. 1. Monitor Marketing in Real Time. It's easy and inexpensive to use ad fraud monitoring services to ensure that the impressions you are buying and selling are fraud-free. It's smart business too, because fraud-free impressions will perform better. Fraud-free campaigns mean marketers will continue to reinvest

in what works and publishers will be able to charge more for their superior inventory. The real-time monitoring component of this statement is equally important. Fraudsters tend to move around from site to site and from device to device. This suggests that one-time audits and tactics like whitelists and blacklists are less than effective. What counts most are recency, constant vigilance and a superior fraud detection service. 2. Don't Fall for a Deal That's Too Good to Be True. Beware of media

deals or traffic traffic offers that seem way below going market rates. For example, if online video CPMs are averaging $20/CPM and you are presented with an offer for $2/CPM inventory, there's a good chance that it's dirty inventory. Similarly, publishers who buy cheap traffic at the end of the month to ensure monthly guarantees can be pretty well-guaranteed that this traffic is suspect. There are some bargains

in life, but hugely discounted media bargains are rare and often represent nothing but scams. 3. Insist on Transparency. Now, transparency is a word that's thrown around a lot in the digital marketing world. With respect to ad fraud, it means understanding what you are buying, from whom, at what price and how this inventory scores for fraud/risk before, during and after the campaign is run. Use this approach and it will go a long way toward ending the cycle of ad fraud that exists in the current digital media ecosystem. e 4. Join In. There's T a movement within the key w advertising t r a d e organizations o tto end ad fraud. Most recently, M a joint initiative among the a DMA, D IAB, AAAA A and ANA has been A fformed to end digital ad fraud d as we know it. a So if you are a mark marketer, publisher, agency or ad tech player and you are not a member of one of these organizations, do join at least one of them today. As an industry, this is a problem we can address and help solve now.  www.targetmarketingmag.com/ article/how-fight-digital-ad-fraud-apractical-guide/1

73  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC)

favorable rates through the federal government. •And the national economy benefits as the small businesses financed by SBICs continue to create jobs and generate tax revenues.

Where can I learn more? Visit the SBIC Program pages ( w w w. s b a . g o v / c o n t e n t / s b i c program-overview-0), including the FAQ, for more information about the SBIC Program. Still have questions? Email askSBIC@sba. gov. 


id you know that the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program has been helping high-growth small businesses get financing since 1958? That's right – for more than 50 years, SBICs have facilitated the flow of long-term capital to America’s businesses. There are thousands of small business success stories, but here are a few you probably recognize: Costco, Apple and Staples – just to name a few.

funds (the SBICs) that finance small businesses.

How does it work?

What are the perks?

SBA doesn't finance businesses directly. For the SBIC program, the Small Business Administration (SBA) partners with private investors to capitalize professionally-managed investment

•Small businesses can receive equity capital, long-term loans and expert management assistance. •Investment managers can add to their own private investment capital with funds borrowed at










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rade Missions are listed on the Trade Mission Calendar when their official trade mission statements are approved for release to the public based on the U.S. Department of Commerce's Trade Mission Policy. The U.S. Government, in keeping with the National Export Initiative, is committed to sponsoring an unprecedented number of trade missions focusing on the most innovative and competitive sectors of our economy. The renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies focused missions, for example, will be among those listed on this site. Visit http://export.gov/ trademissions/eg_main_023185. asp for detailed information on the trade missions listed here.

Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique February 23-27, 2015 Trade Mission to Kenya, South Africa and Mozambique will put you front and center with the key decision makers looking for technologies and solutions like yours.

Trade Mission Features • Meetings with potential partners, distributors and end-users • Receptions with the local business communities • Briefings from local experts on doing business in Africa • Media exposure

Target Sectors Energy Equipment and Services: Power generation, including renewable; transmission and distribution, energy efficiency, oil and gas exploration and production and project

development. Transportation Infrastructure and Equipment: Road, bridge and dam construction; railroad equipment and rolling fleets, port mobile, weighbridges and quayside systems and upgrades to port equipment. Agricultural Equipment: Crop production equipment and machinery, irrigation equipment and technology, crop storage and handling, precision farming technologies and fertilizers. Medical Technologies: Diagnostic imaging equipment, laboratory equipment, patient aids, innovative minimally invasive devices and dental and optometry equipment. Contact: Anne Novak at Anne.Novak@trade.gov or (202) 482-8178. Application deadline: December 31, 2014.

Morocco, Algieria, Egypt March 4-12, 2015 Safety and Security Mission to Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. The purpose of this mission is to help U.S. firms in the safety and security industry find business partners and sell products and services in North Africa. The targeted sector for participation in this Business Development Mission is safety and security, including U.S.-based manufacturers of safety and security equipment, U.S. based providers of safety and security services, and U.S. trade associations promoting U.S. safety and security products and services. Contact: Frank Spector or (202) 482-2054 or Arica Young or (613) 688-5176

Application deadline: January 15, 2015.

Egypt, Jordan, Israel May 16-21, 2015 Healthcare Mission to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. This is a healthcare equipment, services, and technologies business development mission to introduce representatives from U.S. firms and related trade associations to the region and to promote exports of U.S. healthcare products and services. Delegates will receive market briefings and participate in customized meetings with prospective partners. Companies may also participate in a stop in the West Bank city of Ramallah at an additional cost.

Targeted sectors include: • Maternal and child health needs • Medical equipment and supplies, including diagnostic, monitoring, and imaging equipment • Hospital and outpatient clinic design • Hospital management • E-health: healthcare management systems/software/network design • Laboratory and scientific equipment • Specialty areas such as oncology, cardiology, wound care, and plastic surgery • Products and services for implementing quality standards and accreditation • Robotics • Mobile clinics Contact: Patricia.Molinaro@trade. gov or call (973) 645-4682. Application deadline: March 13, 2015.

76  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Stretchy, Bendy, Breakthrough Nanotech Material Brings Touch Control to any Surface By Eeva Haaramo for Norse Code


an you imagine touchsensitive displays and surfaces for everything from wearable devices and home appliances to mobile devices and car dashboards? These are just some of the applications Finnish nanotechnology company Canatu sees for its touchsensitive and transparent carbon nanobud (CNB) films, which can make almost any surface into a touchscreen. Canatu's films are stretchable, conductive, and formable, which means they can be used to add touch sensors to areas where physical buttons or controls would be difficult to place - on wristbands, for example. The sensors can be repeatedly flexed or bent across tight curves without any significant effect on their electrical conductivity, and the sensors can detect up to 10 touches simultaneously. Now the company is launching a touch-responsive film that can be stretched to cover virtually any 3D shape. "The main benefit of our new CNB In-Mold film is the possibility of a 3D-shaped and curved design for touch. Never before has touch been accessible on almost any surface," says Ilkka Varjos, director of engineering at Canatu. "This gives product designers new

design freedom and allows them to move beyond mechanical buttons." Canatu has been developing its proprietary 'carbon nanobud' technology since the company was founded in 2004 as a spinoff from the Helsinki University of Technology (now the Aalto University).

Bends but won't break According to Canatu, traditional nanotubes don't bond well to other molecules. However, nanobuds have useful properties displayed by both nanotubes and fullerenes, including the high thermal and electrical conductivity, high strength, and low density of traditional carbon nanotubes plus the high reactivity, low work function, and chemical functionalisability (meaning different functional chemical compounds can easily be incorporated to the molecule) of fullerenes. "To our knowledge, no other carbon based material can reach the high transmission of 96% at 150 ohms/square sheet resistivity, whether traditional carbon nanotubes or graphene," Varjos adds. CNB films have optical benefits too, according to Canatu, most notably low reflectance, high clarity, and a haze of less than 0.1%. That means the film can maintain outdoor

readability and contrast with the underlying display. High contrast also enables low backlight power which can lead to long battery life, the holy grail for many device manufacturers.

First products in 2015 The material has already piqued the interest of electronics companies, against the background of many manufacturers tinkering with launching flexible and bending devices. There have been plenty of prototypes revealed over the last year. Samsung announced a flexible display that can be bent in half in November and it's predicting that a consumer device with the new display will arrive by the end of 2015. According to the company, more than 40 companies are currently working with its materials, testing them and preparing for mass production. The first wearable devices using CNB films for touch sensors, such as fitness trackers, are scheduled to be released next spring. The next step for the company will be in portable devices and gaming, and it estimates its films could be seen in car dashboards by 2016. As a small company, employing 27 people across its headquarters

One of Canatu's touch sensors. Image: Matti Pirhonen/Canatu

in Finland and offices in China, Japan, and the US, Canatu is facing more demand than it can handle. As a result, it's been scaling up its manufacturing capabilities from prototype quantities to a roll-to-roll manufacturing line for producing continuous rolls of CNB film. Canatu says this upgrade means it can soon produce enough film to cover hundreds of thousands of smartphone screens every month. Its capacity will be incrementally increased during 2015 with the addition of new modules to the production line. To combat manufacturing costs, Canatu uses direct dry printing, its own production method. DDP reduces production steps by allowing direct synthesis and placing of CNB films onto any

substrate material (Canatu itself uses plastic substrate). The coated substrates can then be shipped to display manufacturers. Fierce competition Canatu is well aware of the competition in flexible and bendable touch sensors, but feels it is the first to offer a complete package. According to the company, alternative materials, like silver nanowire, break when stretched and lose their conductivity while nanobuds can be stretched up to 100 percent without a significant effect on electrical conductivity. "Our products differ from metallic nanowires and metal meshes as our products are truly formable and stretchable," says Varjos. "Furthermore, CNB films do not suffer from the reflecting nature of the metallic competitors which

results in visible touch sensor patterns and are not so readable in sunlight due to haze." One current limitation of CNB is it cannot yet be used in screen sizes in excess of 15 inches as the conductivity of nanobuds isn't high enough to extend across the screens. But Canatu doesn't see this as a major problem at this stage and will release new products later this year. "The market is driven by new design and the need for innovative solutions. Traditional flat surfaced devices are products of the past," Varjos concludes. ď ƒ www.zdnet.com/article/stretchybendy-breakthrough-nanotechmaterial-brings-touch-control-toany-surface/?tag=nl.e232&s_cid=e 232&ttag=e232&ftag=TRE6a12a91

Business Technology:

Take a Look!

by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities.



enmo is a simple cashless and paperless digital payment service through a mobile app that replaces the traditional methods of cash, checks, or cards, within a social network of known friends, and to people in close geographical proximity.

• Here is a simple step-by-step process flow of how Venmo works for the end-user: • The “Bill Your Friend” concept allows indirect payment reminders, further encouraging

transactions for payment collection. There are no charges to individuals to send or receive most money. This is one of the Venmo’s unique selling points over competitors like PayPal or Google Wallet, which charge to receive money. Please note that Venmo debit card/bank accountbased payments are free, but credit card-based payments are charged. Venmo offers free and quick access to money when needed (next business day credit to bank accounts, if cashed out before 7 pm, while other services have withdrawal charges and longer timings). There are no multiple hops for money transfers. One can still make a payment despite having insufficient amount in Venmo balance, as the deficit amount is sourced from the linked primary funding source (bank account, credit card, or debit card). There is an easy-to-use mobile app (available for both iOS and Android) and easy sign-up using Facebook or email. One can pay a friend using a credit or debit card as a source, which is a hit with the teens and across college campuses. Payments can be made even to those who don’t use Venmo, though the recipient will have to sign up to accept money. A newly launched feature – Nearby Payment – allows payments to people outside your friends group, provided they are in geographical proximity. Venmo claims bank-grade security.

• There is a “trust” feature for autopay for recurring payments, like the monthly share of rent, to a friend.



reate and publish complete online courses, quick homework assignments, engaging product tutorials/howto guides, and informative training

programs with Versal. Versal's intuitive interface makes it simple to structure and organize lessons, build a complete curriculum and teach new concepts in a new and effective way. Don't go it alone. Ask friends and colleagues to join in and contribute to your course. Across the hall or on the opposite sides of the world, work together in real time. Share your course with anyone. Send a direct link or post to social media, embed it in a website/ blog, or add it to the Versal course catalog. It's free and open to everyone. Upgrades to Versal Pro and Versal for Organizations offering more features are also available.



eople who love what they do help you get everything done at an unbeatable value (from $5.00). People who want to build their client-base can promote what they do best to service seekers. Create your Gig and start selling. It's free, and only takes 5 minutes. Some of the skills areas to search are: Graphics & Design, Online

80  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819



marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Advertising, and Business. The Fiverr team has your (buyer and seller) safety as their top priority. Secure transactions and the safety team protect you at all times.

The Fiverr team also offers business news and success stories in support of its buyers and sellers. Your success is their success. Need a service to help grow your business? Need a means to promote your skills and talents and earn some income? Try Fiverr.com.

ower your information and marketing resources, social content or campaigns with an Uberflip content Hub. The most powerful way to connect with your audience is through a compelling content marketing experience. Uberflip empowers marketers to create that experience and leverage their content to drive growth. • Aggregate Content: Centralize your content (blog, social, eBooks, whitepapers, video and more) into a beautiful, responsive content Hub. • Tailor Experiences: Show your audience the right content with tailored content streams to increase engagement and conversion. • Convert Customers: Convert visitors to customers with dynamic Calls To Action that integrate with MailChimp, HubSpot, Marketo and Eloqua. • Measure Performance: Score your content to discover what's working and how people consume your content. Send key insights directly to your marketing automation tool. Check out the offering, determine if this software will work for you but check the fees before you signup..

Submitted by LaSandra Stratton, Chief Content Administrator of the Black Business News.

81  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest

In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


onoring the life of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Obama issued a proclamation commemorating the federal holiday marking Dr. King's birthday, and encouraged all Americans to honor his legacy through their own service. President Obama called attention to Dr. King's courage and strength during his long battle for equality, and asked the nation to pause and pay tribute to his "extraordinary life and legacy." The President added that in order to truly honor Dr. King, we must continue our own work to bring forth a better America: We have more to do to bring Dr. King's dream within reach of all our daughters and sons. We must stand

First Lady Michelle Obama works with a young girl during a community service project at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington, in celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

together for good jobs, fair wages, safe neighborhoods, and quality education. With one voice, we must ensure the scales of justice work equally for all -- considering not only how justice is applied, but also how it is perceived and experienced. As Dr. King told us, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," and this remains our great unfinished business. In 1994, Congress designated this holiday as a national day of service -- a "day on, not a day off." The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service is an opportunity for all Americans to honor Dr. King by coming together to help meet the needs of their communities and recommit to service throughout the

year. Throughout the day, the President and the First Lady, the Vice President, Cabinet secretaries, and other senior Administration officials are participated in a number of community service projects. The President and the First Lady headed to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington, where they were joined by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary Broderick Johnson, and Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Wendy Spencer.  www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/2015/01/19/president-obamareflects-dr-kings-legacy

82  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

THE WHITE HOUSE MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., FEDERAL HOLIDAY, 2015 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION A champion for justice, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., helped awaken our Nation's long-slumbering conscience and inspired a generation. Through a cacophony of division and hatred, his voice rang out, challenging America to make freedom a reality for all of God's children and prophesying a day when the discord of our Union would be transformed into a symphony of brotherhood. His clarion call echoed the promise of our founding -- that each of us are created equal -- and every day he worked to give meaning to this timeless creed. Today, we pause to pay tribute to the extraordinary life and legacy of Dr. King, and we reflect on the lessons he taught us. Dr. King understood that equality requires more than the absence of oppression; it requires the presence of economic opportunity. He recognized that "we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny." In a world full of poverty, he called for empathy; in the face of brutality, he placed his faith in non-violence. His teachings remind us we have a duty to fight against poverty, even if we are wealthy; to care about the child in the decrepit school long after our own children have found success; and to show compassion toward the immigrant family, knowing that we were strangers once, too. Dr. King transformed the concepts of justice, liberty, and equality, and as he led marches and protests and raised his voice, he changed the course of history. From Dr. King's courage, we draw strength and the resolve to continue climbing toward the promised land. Our Nation has made undeniable progress since his time, but securing these gains requires constant vigilance, not complacency. We have more to do to bring Dr. King's dream within reach of all our daughters and sons. We must stand together for good jobs, fair wages, safe neighborhoods, and quality education. With one voice, we must ensure the scales of justice work equally for all -- considering not only how justice is applied, but also how it is perceived and experienced. As Dr. King told us, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," and this remains our great unfinished business. Through struggle and discipline, persistence and faith, patriots and prophetic leaders like Dr. King have driven our country inexorably forward. In every chapter of our great story, giants of history and unheralded foot soldiers for justice have fought to bridge the gap between our founding ideals and the realities of the time. We will never forget all who endured and sacrificed, or those who gave their lives, so that our children might live in a freer, fairer, and more just society. In sermons and speeches, Dr. King's voice rang out with a call for us to work toward a better tomorrow. As we honor his legacy, Americans across the country will join one another for a day of service, picking up the baton handed to us by past generations and carrying forward their efforts. As one people, we will show when ordinary citizens come together to participate in the democracy we love, justice will not be denied. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 19, 2015, as the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. I encourage all Americans to observe this day with appropriate civic, community, and service projects in honor of Dr. King and to visit www.MLKDay.gov to find Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service projects across our country. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth


Andrae Crouch performs on Saturday Night Live in 1980 Alan Singer/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Remembering Andrae Crouch, Dead at 72 The gospel music legend combined Saturday night with Sunday morning. By Robert Darden, Personal Story


n the stage of Waco Hall, I was worried that the world was about to come to an end way too soon and I just wasn’t ready. In 1972, I saw— for the first time—Andrae Crouch and the Disciples performing “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power,” “Soon and Very Soon,” “My Tribute,” “Through It All,” and “Bless His Holy Name.” I was both mesmerized and a little frightened. I had been a fan of black gospel music since childhood. But as a freshman at Baylor University, I knew that this was something different. I just knew. And it was something different for Jesus Rock (the term “contemporary Christian music” or CCM wasn’t in wide usage back then). Crouch was an innovator, a path-finder, a precursor in an industry noted for its conservative, often derivative approach to popular music. He combined gospel and rock, flavored it with jazz and calypso as the mood struck him and the song called for it, and is even one of the founders of what is now called “praise and worship” music. He took risks with his art and was very, very funky when he wanted to be. Tonight he died at age 72 from complications from Saturday's heart attack. Naturally, years later, when I became gospel music

editor for Billboard magazine, one of my first columns was on Crouch. When I wrote People Get Ready: A New History of Black Gospel Music, Andrae was featured in his own chapter (along with Alex Bradford and James Cleveland). When Michael Jackson or Madonna or Quincy Jones needed a gospel song or a gospel chorus, they called Andrae. That’s his music on the soundtrack to The Color Purple (where he earned an Oscar nomination), the Broadway musical The Lion King, and the pop songs “Man in the Middle” and “Like a Prayer.” Not surprisingly, great swathes of the religious audience voiced their displeasure. How dare he combine Saturday night with Sunday morning? As he told interviewers, the criticism from the church sometimes hurt, but he soldiered on. Then again, we’ve never been shy about shooting our wounded in CCM, have we? So, with his untimely passing, what should you know about the musical legacy of Andrae Crouch? Besides the fact that he wrote the standard “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power” (commonly called “The Blood”) at age 14, of course. Not to mention that his first gospel group included Billy Preston, Edna Wright (later with

84  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Community/Public Interest-Obituary the Honeycombs), Gloria Jones (later a Motown songwriter), and his twin sister Sandra Crouch (who would have a wonderful gospel career as well). And perhaps you already know that Elvis recorded one of his songs, that Paul Simon’s live show included “Jesus is the Answer” for years, and that his compositions are featured in a host of white and African American hymnals. But what you need to know is that Andrae Crouch was musically and lyrically fearless, endlessly inventive, always searching for better ways to express the gospel in music. Perhaps that fearlessness came from growing up in the Compton area of Los A Angeles. Perhaps it came ffrom a life spent in the Church o of God in Christ, the most m musically adventuresome of a all Protestant denominations, w which embraced electric g guitars and drum kits when o other denominations were ssplitting over whether or not to h have pianos in the sanctuary. O Or perhaps it came from living iin the rich musical stew that w was Southern California in tthe post-World War II years. When Crouch founded the Di i l i the th early l 1960s, 19 Disciples in it was another all-star aggregation with sister Sandra, percussionist Bill Maxwell (later a noted music producer), horn player Fletch Wiley, and Danniebelle Hall (another gospel soloist). The Disciples also just so happened to have both black and white members. Not surprisingly, various members have told of frightening experiences the band suffered in the South, including a run-in with the KKK. Like Sly and the Family Stone, concertgoers, black, white, Christian or secular, had never heard or seen anything like them before. And, as a freshman at Baylor, neither had I. Yes, I had been to Explo 72 in Dallas, but Kris Kristofferson, Love Song, and Larry Norman hadn’t prepared me for this. An Andrae Crouch and the Disciples concert was explosive, unpredictable, decidedly evangelical, and it had a great, unrelenting beat. That night, the air in the drafty old hall appeared to shimmer, like it was going to explode. It seems funny now, but I was afraid that the Second Coming was nigh. Seriously. That’s how much the concert moved me. Like most kids from the ’60s and early ’70s, I was really into music. While my passion lay in gospel, soul, and R&B, I also loved the white artists who sounded

black—Steve Winwood and Van Morrison. That weekend, I began adding Andrae Crouch and the Disciples records to my collection. My favorite was Live in London, which boasted an extraordinary (for the time) cover—an air-brushed Mothership-sized piano, hovering above the United Kingdom, with the LP title and band name emblazoned in lights. I loved it. Controversial, ambitious, aggressive, Live in London featured old-school gospel, rock, R&B, even praise and worship. I played it as often as I played my Black Sabbath and Wilson Pickett LPs. Today, numerous gospel artists still praise Live in London as the most influential piece of vinyl from their past. It is certainly hard to imagine a Kirk Franklin or a Tye Tribbett without a Live from London. And now I’m 60. Andrae’s passing makes me a little older. It makes contemporary religious music a little more washed-out, flat, and placid. Andrae was all about joy. The joy of his salvation and the joy of creation. His prodigious gifts challenged and transformed an industry. Still, I’m not ready for Live in London right now. Instead, I’m turning to the solo albums Just Andrae and Another Live. The Rev. Stephen Newby calls these more introspective, more musically diverse LPs the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band of gospel music. I didn’t “get” them at the time. I wanted more COGIC-infused thumping bass and drum rave-ups. But today, Just Andrae, in particular, speaks to me. I’m recalling the first time I heard “In Remembrance,” “Come on Back, My Child,” “If Heaven Was Never Promised to Me,” the chilling “Lullabye of the Deceived,” and, of course, “Bless His Holy Name.” Stephen Newby recently helped me to see these compositions as a song-cycle of uncommon insight, of uncommon depth. It’s a mature statement by an artist at the peak of his powers. And it’s a fitting coda to a life well lived, a musician who seemed to have a special gift for combining the sacred text with the profane beat: But if heaven never was promised to me, Neither God's promise to live eternally, It's been worth just having the Lord in my life. Living in a world of darkness, You came along and brought me the light.  www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/january-web-only/ remembering-andrae-crouch-dead-at-72.html Robert Darden is an associate professor of journalism, public relations & new media at Baylor University. His latest book is Nothing But Love in God’s Water: Black Sacred Music from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement (Penn State University Press, 2014).

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The U.S. - Angola Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce its upcoming trade mission to Angola, March 20 - 28, 2015. The main objectives of the mission are to provide interested U.S. businesses with an opportunity to visit, experience and gain first-hand information about Angola and the many possible trade and investment opportunities this dynamic market holds, as well as to promote U.S. partnerships and investments in Angola's rapidly emerging sectors such as: •Agriculture •Construction •Education •Financial Services •Manufacturing and Textiles •Mining •Oil Services •Transportation Angola's position as the third largest sub-Saharan African economy, its rank as the United States' second largest trading partner in Africa, its preferred status with the U.S. Exim Bank, all make it prime for U.S. trade and investment. The trade mission will offer an exceptional opportunity to travel Business class on the chartered flight from Houston to Luanda called the "Houston Express" operated by Sonair. The program will include visits to Cabinda and Luanda Provinces, participation in the Angola - U.S. Business Summit & Roundtable, briefings, meetings with potential customers, agents and/or joint venture partners and access key Angolan government and industry officials. PARTICIPATION FEE: USD$10,000 (ten thousand dollars) to include roundtrip Business class airfare to Angola on the Houston Express; or USD$5,000* (five thousand dollars) without airfare. PARTICIPATION FEE INCLUDES: Only included with registration fee that includes airfare. •Round-trip airfare (business class) transportation from Houston, TX to Luanda, ANGOLA on the Houston Express; •Round-trip airfare transportation from Luanda to Cabinda; •Ground transportation in Luanda and Cabinda (program related); •Hotel accommodations in Cabinda and Luanda; •Interpretation services; •Participation in the Angola - U.S. Business Summit; •Meetings with Angolan government officials, organizations, institutions and companies; •Match-making sessions with companies in your sector; •Admission to all scheduled Trade Mission programs; •All breakfast meals; •Lunch and dinner meals where indicated on mission program; •Assistance with visa to Angola; •Opportunity to promote your business in the Trade Mission booklet.

Kindly confirm your participation with Mrs. Maria da Cruz Gabriel by submitting a company profile and completing the registration form by email (mdgabriel@us-angola.org) by February 13, 2015. REGISTRATION FORM: http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1117133342776-109/TradeMission2015.pdf * Participants that do not travel on the Houston Express must arrive in Luanda no later than March 22, 2014.


Download the Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce App from the

Apple App Store or

Google Play Store Search: "Zambia USA Chamber"

Find links to the chamber website and facebook page, and embassies; access business resources; receive breaking news; view relevant video presentations; communicate via Twitter, smartphone and e-mail.


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Playing Polo in Haiti By Carine Fabius is rare. Why? Tragedy, wretchedness and insurmountable problems make for sexier headlines. Only 10 people killed in that quake? Who cares? Over 250,000 dead bodies, with 300,000 injured; now that's something! But, at the risk of putting readers to sleep, I must now report another rather astounding piece of news about Haiti's blooming renaissance. The country now boasts the internationallyrecognized, championship-winning Haiti Polo team, along with the construction of a five-star, full-service polo resort, school and spa in Côte De Fer, on Haiti's south-eastern coast. Polo? You're thinking. In Haiti? What in the world? Come on, admit it. You're thinking that what Haiti needs is education, not polo, right? As I mentioned, there are too-many-tocount progressive initiatives currently targeting the island's many ills. A multi-pronged approach is what's needed. The "sport of kings," as polo is sometimes referred to, was once a part of Haiti's social landscape in the 20s and 30s. What's wrong with now? Tennis, another "elitist" sport, has been around forever in Haiti. The impressive Haiti Polo team*, conceived and spearheaded by captain Claude-Alix Bertrand --recently appointed Ambassador UNESCO of Goodwill-at-Large for Haiti by Haitian Claude-Alix Bertrand, Captain, Haiti Polo Team President Michel Martelly -- has scored a win in the finals against the U.S. in n December 2014, Travel + Leisure magazine listed the San Francisco International Polo Classic. The Haiti as one of the "Best Places to Travel in 2015." team also made headlines with championship wins Wow! That really made my day. I forwarded the link at the China Open Polo Tournament in Shanghai; the to a bunch of people I know, while trying very hard not Cordoba International Polo tournament in Cordoba, to pepper my note with multiple exclamation points. Argentina; and at the International Masters Cup in Pilar, Good news about Haiti, while common to those who Argentina. Team Haiti's presenting sponsor is Audi follow the country's progress since the earthquake, Sportscar Experience. Other sponsors include Duty


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Claude-Alix Bertrand (r), Captain, with Haiti Polo Team members Fernando Cordoba, Francisco Pizarro and Juan Pizarro

Free America and Digicel; and it also has a healthy working relationship with the ministry of tourism in Haiti led by Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin. The 8000acre polo resort complex will also offer golf, sailing and Formula One car racing, in addition to polo lessons to young Haitians, and anyone else wanting to learn. In the process, the project will generate 18,000 jobs in Haiti. Not bad, eh? Sports and the arts speak to the culture of a place. For 24 years I have represented Haitian artists through my gallery in Hollywood, California, and have previously written on HuffPost about Haiti's distinctive arts tradition as one of the most potent local forces we can harness to bring tourism and culture enthusiasts back to Haiti. A project now playing at my house is my sculptor husband Pascal Giacomini's documentaryin-progress on the remarkable and feverish artistic

production pouring out of Haiti before, during and after the seism that changed everything. Currently on view at the Grand Palais in Paris is a major traveling exhibition titled Haiti, Two Centuries of Artistic Creation. This nation of artists has some of the best beaches on the planet; its French-influenced cuisine is downright gourmet. The sport of polo already exists on many islands in the Caribbean; but soon, Haiti will be the only place where the sport of polo will be available on a grand scale, without the customary club membership requirement. How fabulous.  www.huffingtonpost.com/carine-fabius/playing-poloin-haiti_b_6419634.html www.travelandleisure.com/articles/best-places-totravel-in-2015/41

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Empowering Entrepreneurs to Advance Economic Opportunity in Africa THE CHALLENGE Early-stage SMEs in Africa operate in a gap where traditional forms of financing are scarce. Few angel investors are active in Africa, and those who are frequently lack the resources to identify and evaluate viable business proposals. Given these obstacles, there is a need for a vehicle that selects and supports innovative entrepreneurs as they grow their businesses.

OUR APPROACH Launched in 2009 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Western Union, the African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM) aims to encourage sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting African diaspora entrepreneurs. ADM entrepreneurs are individuals with demonstrable connections to or experience in Africa, and who have innovative and high-impact start-ups or established businesses on the continent. ADM is also collaborating with the African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP), a network of 1600 women across 22 chapters supported by the U.S. Department of State and USAID. Given the parallel objectives of the two initiatives, this partnership aims to leverage the ADM and AWEP platforms to support women entrepreneurs and encourage their participation in the ADM program. ADM by the Numbers 34 winners across Africa were awarded match-grant funding and technical assistance. 8 companies owned/operated by women $4 million in partner contributions 3 SME Financing Events: 106 SMEs presented to bankers during the 2013 event while 72 presented in 2012; and 13 SMEs pitched to prospective investors 850 Africa-based businesses that have participated in business development trainings or workshops through ADM ADM enterprises from top: EcoPower Liberia’s new GEK Power Pallet, which is able to convert local biomass material into clean energy; CEO and staff of Oribags, which manufactures hand-made biodegradable packaging out of agricultural waste, during an exhibition at an American Chamber of Commerce event in Uganda; Demonstrations of OTG Playa tablets during a launch event at the Lagos Digital Library (Nigeria). OTG Playa was also recognized by LLGA Cities Pilot the Future, an effort to highlight innovative solutions to the challenges affecting major global cities.

For more information about ADM, please visit our website. To contact us directly, please email info@diasporamarketplace.org.


AN INVITATION The U.S. Agency for International Development & Western Union cordially invite you to business networking receptions to launch the

Africa Diaspora Marketplace III A Business Plan Competition In New York City, Monday, December 15, 2014 In Philadelphia, Tuesday, December 16, 2014 In Chicago, To Be Announced In Los Angeles, To Be Announced In Houston, To Be Announced In Atlanta, To Be Announced In Washington, DC, To Be Announced For information contact: adey@africansymposium.com

The African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM) aims to encourage sustainable economic growth and employment by supporting African diaspora entrepreneurs. ADM entrepreneurs are individuals with demonstrable connections to or experience in Africa, and who have innovative and high impact start-ups or established businesses on the continent. Information about ADM and past winners can be found at www. diasporamarketplace.org. Dress: Business Attire | Bring a photo ID About ADM III: http://www.diasporamarketplace.org

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African Stock Exchanges • Bolsa de Valores of Cape Verde - www.bvc.cv (in Portuguese) • Bond Exchange of South Africa - www.bondexchange. co.za • Botswana Stock Exchange www.bse.co.bw • Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres - UEMOA (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) - www.brvm.org • Casablanca Stock Exchange (Morocco) - www.casablancabourse.com/bourseweb/index. aspx • Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (Tanzania) - www. dse.co.tz • Douala Stock Exchange (Cameroon) - www.douala-stockexchange.com/index_us.php • The Egyptian Exchange - www.

• • •

• • •

egx.com.eg/English/homepage. aspx Ethiopia Commodity Exchange - www.ecx.com.et Ghana Stock Exchange - www. gse.com.gh Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) - www. jse.co.za/Home.aspx Khartoum Stock Exchange (Sudan, in Arabic) - www.kse. com.sd Libyan Stock Market - www. lsm.ly/_layouts/membership/ login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fEnglis h%2fPages%2fdefault.aspx Lusaka Stock Exchange (Zambia) - www.luse.co.zm Nairobi Stock Exchange (Kenya) - www.luse.co.zm Malawi Stock Exchange - www. mse.co.mw

• Mozambique Stock Exchange (in Portuguese) - www. bolsadevalores.co.mz • Namibian Stock Exchange www.nsx.com.na • Nigerian Stock Exchange www.nse.com.ng/Pages/default. aspx • Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.stockexchangeofmauritius. com • Swaziland Stock Exchange www.ssx.org.sz • Tunisia Stock Exchange - www. bvmt.com.tn • Uganda Securities Exchange www.use.or.ug Read the lastest issue of The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke/media-center/ecommunique/exchange-magazine/ category/50-free-version.html

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Thursday Blues at Uncle Darrow‛s High Noon-2pm Every Thursday

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www.uncledarrows.com 95  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


About HRA Expo (www.hraexpo.org) The HRA Business Investment Expo & Conference, now in its sixth edition promoting business development & investment, has established itself as the premier and the largest network event gathering high profile government officials, private sector, investors, NGOs, bankers, funders, entrepreneurs to discuss investment opportunities, form partnerships, share experiences, knowledge, passion and commitment to promoting sustainable development in the Caribbean. The 2015 Business Expo will broaden its reach to include other Caribbean Diaspora businesses and investors interested in investing in emerging markets. This year's key topics and theme will address global development solutions to the regions pressing problems around Energy and agriculture; other sessions will include social business and investment opportunities in infrastructure, technology, Tourism and improving Diaspora engagement strategies. Exhibitor Registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9xrotnzb140aa05&oseq=&c=&ch=

Visitor Registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9wp9y2ude7f4524&oseq=&c=&ch= 96  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819


Returning to Africa? African Repatriation is an invaluable online resource for any African national who is thinking about returning to Africa. Our industry articles and specialist editorials provide the latest sector information. Why not find out for yourself and become a part of our growing community today? www.africanrepatriation. com

Career Opportunities in Africa Search and apply online for the latest vacancies in Africa with African Talent. We provide candidates and employers with the tools and resources needed in today’s competitive job market. For employers, we offer numerous options to feature your jobs in Africa and for candidates, reviewing the most recent job vacancies in Africa is a fast, easy process. Uploading your CV is simple and takes just a few moments. www.africantalent.com 97  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819





One Africa:

Tell the US Government that North Africa is Africa Too!


oin with and support the United Africa Organization’s campaign to petition the U.S. Department of State to include the whole African continent under its Bureau of African Affairs.

Why? The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, currently excludes Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Western Sahara from its agenda. Instead, the aforementioned countries are grouped with the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, together with Iran, Iraq, Israel and others. This artificial distinction between North Africa and the rest of Africa

negatively impacts US foreign policy relations throughout the entire continent of Africa. We unequivocally reject the argument that North African countries are outside the scope of African affairs. North Africa is geographically and historically part of the African continent, and all fifty-three (53) independent African states, including North African countries, are represented in the African Union (AU). It would be far more productive for the State Department to engage with the entire continent of Africa, including North Africa, under its Bureau of African Affairs. We are one Africa, from the Cape to Cairo, indivisible and bound together! Therefore, no square inch of African

land should be excluded from African affairs.

Sign The Petition!!! Go to www.change.org/petitions/ one-africa-tell-us-state-departmentthat-north-africa-is-part-of-africa and sign the online petition to support this important proposition. Next tell everyone you know to sign. 



Cameroon President Calls for Greater Help to Fight Boko Haram By Moki Edwin Kindzeka

Cameroon's President Paul Biya addresses reporters following his meeting with French President Francois Hollande at the Elyse Palace in Paris, Jan 30, 2013.


ameroon is calling for international support and a coordinated response against Nigerian militant group Boko Haram. Cameroon's President Paul Biya appealed to the diplomatic community after the release of a Boko Haram video message threatening his country. During a meeting Thursday with diplomats serving in his country, Cameroonian President Paul Biya said a key agreement for Nigeria's neighbors to set up a regional force to coordinate the fight against Boko

Haram has not been implemented. He said the international community should have mobilized to fight terrorism that he described as a threat to peace and stability in all countries of the world. Biya said the African Union and other international organizations should have proposed a global response to this global terrorism threat. He added the distance that separated a country from the conflict zone was not a sign of safety. He said jihadist and Boko Haram terrorism could only be dealt with

by handling the issue globally and from an international perspective. Boko Haram began its violent insurgency in 2009 in northeastern Nigeria. The group has killed thousands since then, and last year seized control of territory in Nigeria's Borno and Adamawa states. Cameroon shares a boundary with Borno, and soldiers have clashed with Boko Haram militants along the border. Cameroon has gradually built up its forces in the border region and last month President Biya or-

100  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Madam Inonge Wina, Zambia's First Female Vice-President


epublican President Edgar Lungu, Zambia‘s newly-elected president on Monday in Lusaka, appointed Inonge Wina as the country’s first female Vice President Leadership reports. Wina is the widow of MMD chairman Arthur Wina. She also

becomes the first female VicePresident in the history of Zambia. Lungu said the new Zambian vicepresident was a unifying person in the governing party who stood with Lungu when the party was divided into factions following the death of President Michael Sata last October.

“She stood up for the party and a unifying factor; she is a mother and she will bring a breath of life to the government,” he said. 

dered his air force to attack the militant group for the first time. That provoked Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau, to threaten Cameroon with the same fate that has befallen Nigeria. Algeria's ambassador to Cameroon, Toufik Milat, described the threat as "empty." He said Cameroon should not feel that it has been abandoned in its fight against Boko Haram, because terrorism doid not know any frontiers and needs international solidarity to defeat it. He added that

Cameroon should not bow to empty threats or give the terrorist group any breathing space because it had so far fought with determination and success. President Biya has vowed to go after the group until it is totally wiped out. But the war is taking a huge toll on Cameroon's economy, especially in the north, which relies on Nigeria for 80% of its basic necessities and as a market for agricultural products that are now stockpiling. Biya told the diplomats he appreciated the assistance of the United

Nations, Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia, and the United States, but he did not specify the type of assistance Cameroon has received. 

www.toptrendnaija.com/2015/01/ meet-inonge-wina-zambias-firstfemale.html

www.voanews.com/content/ cameroon-president-calls-forgreater-help-to-fight-bokoharam/2590463.html http://hopeforafricaonline. com/2015/01/08/cameroonpresident-calls-for-greater-help-tofight-boko-haram


Ebola Brings West Africa Economic Development to a Halt By Moki Edwin Kindzeka Christmas shoppers flock to a market despite concerns over Ebola in Monrovia, Liberia, Dec. 23, 2014.

1.8% negative growth, which is very serious," he said. "And, again, Sierra Leone alone too is going to lose six percentage point growth, from close to about 12% now coming to just less than six%, which is really an issue.” Odusola says Guinea’s economy is not on a par with the other two countries. But, it too is expected to record a negative growth rate in 2014.

Economic impact


new study by the United Nations Development Program (www.undp. org) finds the Ebola epidemic is dramatically setting back prospects for economic development in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The study urges recovery plans for West Africa’s three Ebola-affected countries to begin now and not to wait until this deadly disease is contained Over the past 10 years, Liberia and Sierra Leone have enjoyed a so-called peace dividend. After years of civil war, the prospect of economic development in these countries was looking up. A similar situation had begun to unfold in Guinea after years of unrest. Then Ebola struck and these bright scenarios came crashing down. The chief economist at the U.N. Development Program's Regional Bureau for Africa, Ayodele Odusola, says the devastating

impact of Ebola has caused a breakdown in trust between these governments and their people.

Weak health systems Mr. Odusola says that one of the reasons it is so difficult to contain the deadly virus is because the people no longer believe what their leaders tell them. He says other reasons include the fragility of the countries' health systems, a lack of health care workers, and cultural practices that often accelerate the spread of Ebola. He says the Ebola crisis will have a serious and long-lasting impact on these countries' economies. He says the outlook is particularly bad for Liberia and Sierra Leone, which have been among the fastest growing countries in the world over the past 10 years. “For instance, Liberia is going to record its first negative growth trend in 2014, which we estimate to be something as high as minus

The UNDP report finds the Ebola crisis in West Africa has resulted in job losses, rising food prices, and agricultural disruption. It notes that sharp drops in the use of health and education services are likely to increase poverty, child and maternal mortality, and facilitate the spread of HIV/AIDS and malaria, particularly for the rural poor. Though the Ebola epidemic is far from over, Odusola says recovery programs must begin now and not wait until the crisis is over. “If you wait until that, the longterm impact will be so serious for these three countries to manage," he said. "Apart from the fact that we devote strategic attention to address the root causes of this crisis, the Ebola crisis, we need to really have specific plans… to look at the key sectors that are badly affected, especially farming, farming activities and a host of other ones…There should be substantial support to farmers, incentives for them to really go to the farm and plant so that there will be a harvest in the next harvesting season to take care of the shortages over the past one year.” The report calls for an immediate effort to revive local economies and to provide social safety nets for the most vulnerable, such as orphans and women who have no livelihoods.  w w w. v o a n e w s . c o m / c o n t e n t / e b o l a brings-west-africa-economic-developmentto-screeching-halt/2597874.html

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Cultural Interiors West &

Cordially Invited Cultural Interiors West 5573 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 Experience our exciting array of products from Cards to Cupcakes, African Masks, Asian Teacups, Healthy Herbal Teas, Gourd Purses, Candles, to Furniture

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Hope to see you soon!!! In the meantime visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/pages/CulturalInteriors-West/140688362658236

JJ’s Belizean Cuisine 2618 W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 1-323-293-2926

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Eso Won Books African American Books 4327 Degnan Boulevard Leimert Park, Los Angeles

Give the Gift of Books and Music Come see our unsurpassed collection of books, music, videos, children’s books, and games!


www.esowonbookstore.com ďƒ” //esowon.booksense.com for Calendar of Events

Books to Consider...

The Other Wes Moore


es Moore is a youth advocate, Army combat veteran, social entrepreneur, and host of Beyond Belief on the Oprah Winfrey Network. His first book The Other Wes Moore became an instant New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. Born in 1978, Wes and his sisters were raised by their widowed mother. Despite early academic and behavioral struggles, he graduated Phi Theta Kappa in

by Wes Moore

1998 as a commissioned officer from Valley Forge Military College, and Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins University in 2001, where he also played football and earned a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. He then became a Rhodes Scholar, studying International Relations at Oxford University. After his studies, Wes, a paratrooper and Captain in the United States Army, served a combat tour of duty in Afghanistan with the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. Wes then served as a White House fellow to Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice. He serves on the board of the Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), The Johns Hopkins University, and founded an organization called STAND! that works with Baltimore youth involved in the criminal justice system. Wes is committed to helping the parents, teachers, mentors, and advocates who serve our nations youth. A portion of all book proceeds for “The Other Wes Moore” are being donated to City Year and the US Dream Academy. www.amazon.com/The-Other-Wes-Moore-Fates/ dp/0385528205/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0 2Y8XWNDGMH36V5TKSQ8

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The Work: My Search for a Life That Matters by Wes Moore


he acclaimed author of The Other Wes Moore continues his inspirational quest for a meaningful life and shares the powerful lessons—about selfdiscovery, service, and risk-taking— that led him to a new definition of success for our times. The Work is the story of how one young man traced a path through the world to find his life’s purpose. Wes Moore graduated from a difficult childhood in the Bronx and Baltimore to an adult life that would find him at some of the most critical moments in our recent history: as a combat officer in Afghanistan; a White House fellow in a time of wars abroad and disasters at home; and a Wall Street banker during the financial crisis. In this insightful book, Moore shares the lessons he learned from people he met along the way—from the brave Afghan translator who taught him to find his fight, to the resilient young

s students in Katrina-ravaged Mississippi who showed M him the true meaning of grit, h tto his late grandfather, who ttaught him to find grace in sservice. Moore also tells the sstories of other twenty-firstc century change-makers w who’ve inspired him in h his search, from Daniel L Lubetzky, the founder of K KIND, to Esther Benjamin, a Sri Lankan immigrant who r rose to help lead the Peace C Corps. What their lives—and h own misadventures and his m moments of illumination— r reveal is that our truest work h happens when we serve o others, at the intersection b between our gifts and our b broken world. That’s where we find the work that lasts. An intimate narrative about finding meaning in a volatile age, The Work will inspire readers to see how we can each find our own path to purpose and help create a better world..  www.amazon.com/The-Work-Search-Life-Matters/ dp/0812993578

2015 Book World Prague

Exhibit 5 Titles at the 2015 Book World Prague for $200

The U.S. Commerce Department is pleased to offer an opportunity to exhibit titles in our fourth annual Catalog Show at the Book World Prague event, which takes place May 14-17, 2015.

We will help you gain and maximize your exposure in the Czech market and match your titles with interested publishers. No need to travel, just send us your catalogues and titles, and we will exhibit them for you. Czech Publishing Market A nation of avid readers, the Czech Republic ranks among the world’s top countries in terms of the number of titles published annually per capita. Translations account for more than one third of the total Czech book production, and its share continues t o rise, ranking Czechs among the world’s top consumers of translated texts.

Best prospects for U.S. publishers in the Czech market:

Contemporary American literature Social and Human Sciences Thrillers and Suspense books Spiritual and Self-Help Books Parenting, Family and Child Rearing Children’s book series for ages 9-11


Cost to register is $200 for up to 5 titles, and $40 for each additional title

Deadline to register is March 31, 2015

By exhibiting titles in the Prague Book Fair Catalogue Show, you will receive:


Inclusion in the Prague Book Fair catalogue Targeted list of contacts Online promotion through our U.S. Embassy website Post-show follow-up and trade leads provided to U.S. participants

For registration: Bobby Hines US Export Assistance Center – DownTown Los Angeles Bobby.Hines@trade.gov Tel: 213-894-4231, FAX: 213-894-8789

For information about the Czech market and Book World Prague:

Jana Ruckerova US Commercial Service in Prague, Czech Republic Jana.Ruckerova@trade.gov Tel: +420 602 419 134

Calendar January 2015

6th Annual Business Investment Expo & Conference - Haiti The expo and conference will be held on the 15th-16th at the Karibe Convention Center in Petion-Ville, Hait. Visit www.hraexpo.org for details.

February 1st-7th Black Fashion Week USA

of the mission are to provide interested U.S. businesses with an opportunity to visit, experience and gain first-hand information about Angola and the many possible trade and investment opportunities this dynamic market holds, as well as to promote U.S. partnerships and investments in Angola. Kindly contact Mrs. Maria da Cruz Gabriel by email (mdgabriel@usangola.org) for detailed information.

28th BBA's Salute to Black Women The annual program includes business development workshops, a vendor faire and the awards luncheon featuring the BBA's unique Dessert Buffet. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala.org. www.blackfashionweekusa.com




Black Business Association Annnual Awards Dinner The BBA's salute to African American business men and women past and present and to the corporate and govenment entities that chamption the Black economy will be held on February 28th in Los Angeles. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala.org.

Trade Mission to Chica This trade mission to China will

March 20th-28th Direct Trade Mission to Angola The U.S. - Angola Chamber of Commerce is conducting a trade mission to Angola, March 20 28, 2015. The main objectives

promote t U.S. U S clean l technology t h l products and services in the areas of green building/construction, energy efficiency, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) and environmental technologies in

support of the Smart Cities-Smart Growth theme. To participate, please visit the mission website to apply: http://www. export.gov/ChinaMission2015.

25th 12th ANNUAL AFRICAN GOODWILL AWARDS & INDUCTION CEREMONY This will be an exciting event that will showcase great African cultures and honorable achievements in the humanitarian community at the Concourse Hotel LAX. We are always grateful for the work and sacrifice of people of goodwill for the less privileged. For information on the organization or participation and sponsorship of the event visit www.africanfocus.org.

June Salute to Black Busic Awards Dinner T h e BBA's annual a highllighting of the o importance o f Black music and d culture lt to t our economic i viability. For particiation information contact the Black Business Association at mail@bbala.org. 

122  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

Resources Media Africa Interactive Multimedia Press/Content Agency in Africa www.africa-interactive.com Africa World Press Books www.africaworldpressbooks.com African Vibes Magazine www.africanvibes.com The African World www.theafricanworld.tv Africast TV www.africast.tv AllAfrica http://allafrica.com Black Wall Street Times http://bwstimes.com Black Business News Group www.blackbusinessnews.net Black Press USA www.blackpressusa.com BridesNoir www.bridesnoir.com CuisineNoir www.cuisinenoirmag.com DiasporaVoice www.blogtalkradio.com/diasporavoice Publish Africa http://wow.gm/publishafrica Rock Me Africa //rockmeafrica.com

www.causecast.com www.causecastfornonprofits.com Continental African Chamber of Commerce www.continentalacc.org Pan African Film Festival www.paff.org United African Organization http://uniteafricans.org Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce www.zambiausachamber.org

Investment/Development Africa Reports www.africareports.com African Development Bank www.afdb.org African Export - Import Bank //afreximbank.com/afrexim/en AfrigadgetTV www.afrigadget.com The Exchange Magazine www.nse.co.ke YouTube Educational Channels http://teacherswithapps.com/197-educational-youtube-channels-know Ventures www.ventures-africa.com

U.S. Government

Organizations Africa Leadership Forum http://africaleadership.org The African Union www.au.int/en Black Business Association www.bbala.org CauseCast

Commerce Department www.doc.gov International Trade Administration http://trade.gov Minority Business Development Agency www.mbda.gov Small Business Administration www.sba.gov State Department www.dos.gov White House www.whitehouse.gov

123  January 2015  Black Business News  www.blackbbusinessnews.net  1-323-291-7819

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