January 2010
In This Issue‌ Help on the Road To Recovery Job Creation Aid for the People of Haiti Realistic or Symbolic: Small Business Inclusion
Pres. Obama Has His... You Get Yours! Black Business News
Now On Sale! A commemorative limited-edition magazine, unlike any other special tribute issued to recognize the election of Barack H. Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America, has been published by the Black Business Association.
To order your copy, call the BBA office at (323) 291-9334 or email to: mail@bbala.org
Hurry! Buy Your Copy Today - Quantities are limited!
President’s Message Earl “Skip” Cooper, II President/Chief Executive Officer
Realistic or Symbolic Small Business Inclusion
he Black Business Association (BBA) is one of the oldest minority business advocacy groups in the country, having come into existence forty years ago in Los Angeles, California. Establishment of the BBA fostered the birth of other, similar Los Angeles- based organizations including the Asian Business Association and the Latin Business Association. Each of these vital associations operate with a common mission to assist business owners in fair gaining access to contracting opportunities and operating capital, overcoming the challenge of minority disenfranchisement. Even with the many success stories of longstanding BBA members who have obtained access to very lucrative contracts and large capital, such growth is still overshadowed by the widening economic parity gap between non-minority firms and black-owned and operated firms. There are real reasons for the widening gap of disparity, and the one that is most telling lies within the American corporations themselves. An appalling management practice of supplier programs operating from a posture of symbolism still exists, instead of including minority firms in a realistic extension of supply opportunities. Currently, the nation’s 4 million minority-owned and operated firms generate $660 billion in annual revenues and employ roughly 5 million people. From the 2002 Census data, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce, cites that if the country were to ever reach economic parity for small minority business, those businesses would potentially generate more than $2.5 trillion in annual revenues, cre-
ate 16 million new jobs, and contribute more than $100 billion in annual taxes. In a capitalistic economy, using entrepreneurial parity is a logical economic benchmark to reveal how enterprise ownership contributes to the U.S. economy at a rate comparable to the number of owners’ percentage of the U.S population. For example, although African Americans are just over 12% of the adult population in the United States, comparisons to all U.S. firms show black-owned business are slightly above 5%. Also, the black-owned businesses have gross revenues of 1% and an employment rate just under 1% compared to all U.S. enterprises. The U.S.A.’s economic downturn revealed the disturbing trend of numerous major corporations abandoning black-owned business as viable suppliers. Part of this seeming “black business phobia” can be seen on the waning outreach landscape as it is conducted by corporate America. From advertising promotion to procurement fairs, corporate representatives have delivered a more symbolic approach versus a reality-based advancement toward parity for small business utilization in supply chain management. Very often the limitations on outreach efforts have become the excuse for why major corporations are unable to invite greater minority participation, or why few to virtually no buying opportunities exist for black-owned and operated business enterprises. Program symbolism is clearly seen where mid-level managers sing their own praises about their personal diversity/inclusion position, but in reality perform with a diminished spirit in making consistent buyer-seller connections with black businesses.
This kind of activity is characteristic of corporate gatekeepers who view minority business development as more of a rhetorical statement and a gesture of goodwill than a genuine commitment. I am hard pressed, as my observation of the rhetoric continues to widen, to easily identify examples of open access to contracts in the private sector. Our membership feedback indicates that some mysterious, predetermined level of inclusion is apparently too high for black companies to be afforded the chance to deliver on commodities and/or service needs. Perhaps there is some truth to the rumor that a well working corporate supplier development program is rare to non-existent with most of America’s private corporations…? For that reason and more, the 36th Annual BBA Awards Dinner is dedicated to showcasing two legislative wizards who have championed the growth of small business. The winning formula for small business has proven to be the steadfast support provided by legislative initiatives that push the public and private sectors together, to better engage minority firms. Therefore, please accept our invitation to formally recognize the HONORABLE MAXINE WATERS, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, as we present her with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Additionally, a Special Recognition will be paid to the HONORABLE JEROME HORTON, Member-Representative of the 4th District, California Board of Equalization. The Annual BBA Awards Dinner will take place during Black History Month on February 25, 2010. Visit our website for details, www.bbala.org. &
3 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Over 40 years of service Founded 1970 CORPORATE PARTNERS Black Business Association P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-291-9234 mail@bbala.org www.bbala.org
PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx ▪ Sabir • N. Osei
LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2010 by Black Business Association. All Rights Reserved.
Ted Davis, Chairman IsComp Systems, Inc. Nathan Freeman, Vice Chairman Figueroa Media Group, Inc. Eugene Jones, Secretary NVA Financial Group, Inc. Kevin M. Caliup, Treasurer AIA/E-World Strategy Narishimah Osei, Parliamentarian Osei & Associates Gwen Moore, Director GEM Communications Candida Mobely-Wright, Director Voices, Inc. Angela Walton, Director Melador Technologies, Inc. Angela Reddock, Esq., Legal Counsel
AEG American Honda Motor Company AT&T Bank of America The Boeing Company California Lottery Citibank Coca-Cola Enterprises Comerica Bank Department of Water & Power Donald Sterling Corporation Fannie Mae HSBC IBM Kaiser Permanente LAEDC Los Angeles World Airports Northrop Grumman Corporation Raytheon Company S.C.R.P.C. Sempra Energy Southern California Edison Swinerton Builders Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. Turner Construction Company Union Bank of California USBank Verizon Walt Disney Company WellPoint Wells Fargo Bank Lyceum Management Services, Ex Officio Hollis Smith, Ex Officio Paulette Williams, Ex Officio
In This Issue… 3 President’s Message
Realistic or Symbolic Small Business Inclusion
5 Accessing Stimulus Funds 6 President & Mayors Discuss Job Creation 7 Help For Haiti 10 No More “Too Big to Fail” 19 Decade of Learning 20 Obama’s First Year in Pictures 31 Estate Tax Update 35 Search Engine Optimization 38 Africa Focus Bank of Zambia Congresswoman Waters Aids Haiti Dual Citizenship for Tanzanians
STAFF Earl “Skip” Cooper, II, President/CEO Kesha Vontreese, Administrative Consultant Brett Byers, Special Projects Consultant Steven Turner, Economic Development Editor
African American Unity Caucus Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs Black Women’s Network California Black Chamber of Commerce California Council of Black Chambers The Greenlining Institute Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense & Education Fund National Black Business Council The National Association of African American Chambers of Commerce The National Black Chamber of Commerce Pan African Film & Arts Festival Recycling Black Dollars
45 SBA News
Training Programs for Disabled Vets and Women Entrepreneurs
45 ATM Cards at Risk 63 Calendar Columns
29 - Take A Look! 47 - Books to Consider...
BBA Action Alert
16 - Health Care Reform-Contact Your Senator Now
Cover image - www.recovery.ca.gov
4 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Accessing Stimulus Funding Opportunities: New Tools for Small Businesses Office of Small Business Advocate The Office of Small Business Advocate is pleased to provide new tools for small businesses to look for opportunities for contracting as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the federal stimulus program). The brochure and PowerPoint documents referenced below may be found at www.recovery.ca.gov in the “Road To Recovery - Resources” section of the website. First is a PDF of a new brochure that details how small businesses can find, prepare, and compete for ARRA-
funded projects. We are providing the PDF so business organizations and service agencies may make copies to distribute to small business owners widely throughout the state. This, we hope, will ensure that every small business will have the information they need to help them take advantage of this singular opportunity. Secondly we have developed a PowerPoint presentation of the information in the brochure. Third is the latest copy of OSBA’s Stimulus News Digest. In addition, we are pleased to announce that the Governor’s stimulus page, www.recovery.ca.gov, now has
a front-page link to a separate small business page. The materials may also be accessed from the BBA website at www.bbala. org. & Marty Keller, Director Office of Small Business Advocate Governor’s Office of Planning & Research 1400 10th Street Sacramento CA 95814 916-445-9874
5 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Excerpts from
Remarks by the President to the U.S. Conference of Mayors Focus on Job Creation
wo years ago, I addressed your gathering and I outlined a new strategy for urban America that changed the way Washington does business with our cities and our metropolitan areas. And since taking office, my administration has taken a hard look at that relationship -- from matters of infrastructure to transportation, education to energy, housing to sustainable development. My staff has traveled around the country to see the fresh ideas and successful solutions that you’ve devised. And we’ve learned a great deal about what we can do -- and shouldn’t do -- to help rebuild and revitalize our cities and metropolitan areas for the future. So the budget that I’ll present next month will begin to back up this urban vision by putting an end to throwing
money after what doesn’t work -- and by investing responsibly in what does. Our strategy to build economically competitive, environmentally sustainable, opportunity-rich communities that serve as the backbone for our longterm growth and prosperity -- three items: First, we’ll build strong regional backbones for our economy by coordinating federal investments in economic and workforce development -- because today’s metropolitan areas don’t stop at downtown. What’s good for Denver, for example, is usually good for places like Aurora and Boulder, too. Strong cities are the building blocks of strong regions, and strong regions are essential for a strong America. Second, we’ll focus on creating more livable and environmentally sustainable communities. Because when it comes to development, it’s time to throw out old policies that encouraged sprawl and congestion, pollution, and ended up isolating our communities in the pro-
cess. We need strategies that encourage smart development linked to quality public transportation, that bring our communities together. (Applause.) That’s why we’ll improve our Partnership for Sustainable Communities by working with HUD, EPA, and the Department of Transportation in making sure that when it comes to development, housing, energy, and transportation policy go hand in hand. And we will build on the successful TIGER discretionary grants program to put people to work and help our cities rebuild their roads and their bridges, train stations and water systems. (Applause.) Third, we’ll focus on creating neighborhoods of opportunity. Many of our neighborhoods have been economically distressed long before this crisis hit -for as long as many of us can remember. And while the underlying causes may be deeply-rooted and complicated, there are some needs that are simple: access to good jobs; affordable housing; convenient transportation that connects both; quality schools and health services; safe streets and parks and access to a fresh, healthy food supply. So we’ll invest in innovative and proven strategies that change the odds for our communities -- strategies like Promise Neighborhoods, neighborhood-level interventions that saturate our kids with the services that offer them a better start in life. Strategies like Choice Neighborhoods, which focuses on new ideas for housing by recognizing that different communities need different solutions. And, by the way, we’re also see Mayors on page 9
Photo Legend: Cockwise: First Lady Michelle Obama speaks to the Mayors on health issues; Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama; Oakland’s Mayor Ron Dellums talks with Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama
6 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
state.gov OR Call the Embassy’s Consular Task Force at 509-2229-8942, 5092229-8089, 509-2229-8322, or 509-2229-8672
When contacting any of the numbers or using the emails above, please include the following information: • The full name, date of birth and passport information (if known) of the persons in Haiti you are trying to contact. • Their contact information in Haiti; telephone numbers, email address, hotel name or address (if known) • Your name and contact information, and your relationship to the person in Haiti (parent, spouse, friend etc.) • Any special or emergency circumPresident Barack Obama talks on the phone with Haitian President René Préval in the stances. Oval Office, Jan. 15, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) For All Nationalities and Locations Use the Person Finder tool on the Help For Haiti website, n January 12, 2010, a massive an initiative set earthquake struck the nation up by Google to of Haiti, causing catastrophic help concerned damage inside and around the capifamilies and tal city of Port-au-Prince. President friends find about Obama has promised the people of and report on Haiti that “you will not be forsaken; you www.whitehouse.gov their loved ones will not be forgotten.” The United States whereabouts and Government has mobilized resources well-being. and manpower to aid in the relief effort. For more information about locating Here are some ways that you can get To Ask For or Provide Information About U.S. Citizens in Haiti: friends and family members, visit the involved. • Email the Task Force at Haiti-Earth- State Department’s Haiti Earthquake Donate quake@state.gov OR website. • Contribute online through Clinton• From the U.S. or Canada, call 888BushHaitiFund.org. 407-4747 (Other countries, call For Federal Response • Text “QUAKE” to 20222 to charge 202-501-4444) Info a $10 donation to the Clinton For U.S. Citizens in Haiti Seeking AsFor information on how each federal Bush Haiti Fund (the donation will sistance or Reporting Their Status/ department and agency is responding be added to your cell phone bill). Whereabouts: to the earthquake in Haiti visit the Help • Find more ways to help through • Email the Embassy at ACSPaP@ for Haiti website. & the Center for International Disaster Information.
Help For Haiti
Get Information about Friends or Family The State Department has several resources for inquiring about the welfare and whereabouts of friends and family in Haiti:
Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers
7 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
How “Open Gov” Datasets Affect Parents and Consumers Posted by Vivek Kundra, Chief Information Officer
he Administration recently issued the Open Government Directive to hardwire the values of transparency, participation and collaboration into the DNA of the Federal government. Around here, we call the general effort “Open Gov.” You can learn more about it at www.WhiteHouse.gov/open. As part of the Directive, federal agencies have answered the President’s call by democratizing hundreds of high-value datasets on every aspect of government operations. While this is meaningful for the technology community and transparency advocates who have been working on this issue for years, the data released will have direct impact on the daily lives of the American people. Here are three examples to consider: Parents can make better decisions when buying a car seat for their newborn because the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released data rating child safety seats for ease of use, simplicity of instructions and vehicle installation features Consumers can make intelligent decisions when buying a car because the Department of Transportation released details behind automobile safety and crash ratings gathered during crash and rollover tests conducted at their research facilities As Norm Eisen mentioned in his earlier post (which has a few other good examples), entrepreneurs, researchers and healthcare professionals can access Medicare Part B data to analyze the cost, volume and types of services delivered to meet the needs of Medicare beneficiaries because the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released data that used to cost $100
and was delivered on CD-ROM, for free via Data.gov The Obama Administration is committed to unlocking public data to drive innovation by tapping into the ingenuity of the American people; increase agency accountability; and change the default setting of Washington to be open, transparent and participatory. For far too long, government data has been locked within the four walls of Washington and confined to a selected group of people. President Obama has said, “information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset.” This is why, on his first full day in office, the President charged agencies to harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online. To institutionalize a culture of open government, on February 6, 2010 we will launch a public dashboard to provide an ongoing assessment of the Executive Branch’s progress against the Directive. You’ll be able to find that at www.WhiteHouse.gov/open. &
Mayors from page 6
expanding the successful Race to the Top competition to improve our schools and raise the bar for all our students to local school districts that are committed to change. (Applause.) That’s what we’re doing to bring jobs and opportunity to every corner of our cities and our economy -- focusing on what works. And that’s what all of you do each and every day. You’re not worried about ideology. Obviously all of you are elected so you think about politics, but it’s not in terms of scoring cheap political points; you’re going to be judged on whether you deliver the goods, or not. You focus on solving problems for people who trusted us with solving them. And that’s a commitment that all of us who serve should keep in mind. As long as I’m President, I’m committed to being your partner in that work. We’re going to keep on reaching out to you and listening to you and working with you towards our common goals. And I want to start that right now by taking some of your questions. But first I think all these cameras are going to move out, so you can tell me the truth. (Laughter.) All right? Thank you. (Applause.) & www.usmayors.org www.whitehouse.gov
Quote of Note... “We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But a new year has come. A new decade stretches before us. We don’t quit. I don’t quit. Let’s seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.” President Barack H. Obama
9 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary January 21, 2010
President Obama Calls for New Restrictions on Size and Scope of Financial Institutions to Rein in Excesses and Protect Taxpayers ------President Obama joined Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve; Bill Donaldson, former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Congressman Barney Frank, House Financial Services Chairman; Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Banking Committee and the President’s economic team to call for new restrictions on the size and scope of banks and other financial institutions to rein in excessive risk taking and to protect taxpayers. The President’s proposal would strengthen the comprehensive financial reform package that is already moving through Congress. “While the financial system is far stronger today than it was a year one year ago, it is still operating under the exact same rules that led to its near collapse,” said President Barack Obama. “My resolve to reform the system is only strengthened when I see a return to old practices at some of the very firms fighting reform; and when I see record profits at some of the very firms claiming that they cannot lend more to small business, cannot keep credit card rates low, and cannot refund taxpayers for the bailout. It is exactly this kind of irresponsibility that makes clear reform is necessary.” The proposal would: 1. Limit the Scope - The President and his economic team will work with Congress to ensure that no bank or financial institution that contains a bank will own, invest in or sponsor a hedge fund or a private equity fund, or proprietary trading operations unrelated to serving customers for its own profit. 2. Limit the Size - The President also announced a new proposal to limit the consolidation of our financial sector. The President’s proposal will place broader limits on the excessive growth of the market share of liabilities at the largest financial firms, to supplement existing caps on the market share of deposits. In the coming weeks, the President will continue to work closely with Chairman Dodd and others to craft a strong, comprehensive financial reform bill that puts in place common sense rules of the road and robust safeguards for the benefit of consumers, closes loopholes, and ends the mentality of “Too Big to Fail.” Chairman Barney Frank’s financial reform legislation, which passed the House in December, laid the groundwork for this policy by authorizing regulators to restrict or prohibit large firms from engaging in excessively risky activities. As part of the previously announced reform program, the proposals announced today will help put an end to the risky practices that contributed significantly to the financial crisis.
President Obama: “Never Again
Will the American Taxpayer be Held Hostage by a Bank that is ‘Too Big to Fail’”
he President of the United States proposed what he called “the Volcker Rule,” named after one of the fiercest advocates for financial reform over the past year, and who has been particularly focused on addressing the issue of banks being “too big to fail.” He also proposed addressing one of the clearest issues leading to the financial crisis of the past years, namely banks that stray wildly from their core
with a direct message for banks that might object to these changes: “I welcome constructive input from folks in the financial sector. But what we’ve seen so far, in recent weeks, is an army of industry lobbyists from Wall Street descending on Capitol Hill to try and block basic and common-sense rules of the road that would protect our economy and the American people. So if these folks want a fight, it’s a
at some of the very firms claiming that they can’t lend more to small business, they can’t keep credit card rates low, they can’t pay a fee to refund taxpayers for the bailout without passing on the cost to shareholders or customers -- that’s the claims they’re making. It’s exactly this kind of irresponsibility that makes clear reform is necessary”. The President went on to explain the reforms he was proposing in more detail: “First, we should no longer allow banks to stray too far from their central mission of serving their customers. In recent years, too many financial firms have put taxpayer money at risk by operating hedge funds and private equity funds and making riskier investments
President Barack Obama meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board Chair Paul Volcker in the Oval Office January 21, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) mission: serving their customer. Having met with Paul Volcker this morning, and having last week proposed new fees on Wall Street to ensure the taxpayers get their money back, the President came
fight I’m ready to have. And my resolve is only strengthened when I see a return to old practices at some of the very firms fighting reform; and when I see soaring profits and obscene bonuses
to reap a quick reward. And these firms have taken these risks while benefiting from special financial privileges that are reserved only for banks.
11 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Too Big To Fail on page 15
12 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Don Thompson, President & Chief Operating Officer, McDonald’s USA
s President and Chief Operating Officer, Don Thompson, sets the global strategy and directs operations for the nearly 32,000 McDonald’s restaurants in 117 countries. He leads the worldwide senior management team as they drive business results to create value for McDonald’s and its shareholders.
Previously, Mr. Thompson was President of McDonald’s USA, with the responsibility for strategic direction and overall business results of nearly 14,000 restaurants in the U.S. Mr. Thompson began his career with the McDonald’s Corporation in 1990 as an electrical engineer. He has held a variety of key leadership positions within the company including Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Division President. Prior to his role as President, Mr. Thompson helped lead the crucial reorganization of the US business which is
now in its fourth year of unprecedented positive sales growth. Mr. Thompson’s career and success is founded in his passion for relationship building with McDonald’s Owner/ Operators and Staff to grow the business, enhance brand stewardship and employee pride. Mr. Thompson is also active throughout the business community. Nationally, he sits on the Board of Directors for Exelon Corporation. In Chicago, Mr. Thompson serves on Mayor Richard Daley’s Task Force on the Employment of People with Disabilities, and the board of the Goodman Theatre. Thompson is also a member of the Executive Leadership Council and mentors several individuals on the importance of being a leader in their community. Mr. Thompson is passionate about providing educational opportunities for young people. He is on the board of the Johnnetta B. Cole foundation and served as Chair of the 2007 Chicago Youth Centers Gala. He also served on the Salvation Army Steering Committee for the Ray and Joan Kroc Community Centers and is a former board member of the San Diego Ronald McDonald House Charities. Mr. Thompson has also been recognized by many organizations for his leadership in business, the community and as a role model. He received the 2008 Corporate Executive award from the Trumpet foundation and Black Enterprise magazine recently recognized
Mr. Thompson as Corporate Executive of the Year for 2007. He was also celebrated by the Chicago American Diabetes Association as Father of the Year. Mr. Thompson received his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and has since accepted the Purdue University Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering Award along with being named a Purdue University Old Master Fellow in 2006. In July 2008 he received an honorary doctorate degree from Excelsior College in Albany, New York. A proud family man, Mr. Thompson and his wife Liz have two children and reside in the Chicago area. &
•Contracting Information •Employment Opportunities •Links to Sponsor Websites •Event Announcements •Resources:
• President’s Message • Financial Management • Meeting Management • International News • BBA Publications • Other Information
13 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
14 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Too Big to Fail from page 11
Tuesday, Feb. 9th “For everyone interested in doing business with Metro”
Our government provides deposit insurance and other safeguards and guarantees to firms that operate banks. We do so because a stable and reliable banking system promotes sustained growth, and because we learned how dangerous the failure of that system can be during the Great Depression. But these privileges were not created to bestow banks operating hedge funds or private equity funds with an unfair advantage. When banks benefit from the safety net that taxpayers provide –which includes lower-cost capital –- it is not appropriate for them to turn around and use that cheap money to trade for profit. And that is especially true when this kind of trading often puts banks in direct conflict with their customers’ interests. The fact is, these kinds of trading operations can create enormous and costly risks, endangering the entire bank if things go wrong. We simply cannot accept a system in which hedge funds or private equity firms inside banks can place huge, risky bets that are subsidized by taxpayers and that could pose a conflict of interest. And we cannot accept a system in which shareholders make money on these operations if the bank wins but taxpayers foot the bill if the bank loses”. Read the White House fact sheet on page 10 for detailed information and visit www.whitehouse.gov. &
Watch & Support the Africa Channel! Time Warner • Channel 176 Don’t have the Africa Channel in your area? Call Time Warner at: 1-888-8922253 and ask that the Africa Channel be broadcast to ALL regions of California. For information on the Africa Channel visit www.theafricachannel.com or send an e-mail inquiry to info@theafricachannel.com.
15 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
ACTION ALERT! Let Your U.S. Senators & Representatives Know How You Want Them To VOTE! Write, call or e-mail your federal representatives today! Give voice to your opinion. The citizens of this nation need a comprehensive health care plan. Pass legislation that includes a Public Insurance Option and No Insurance Industry Buyout. Find congressional contact information at: www.house.gov and www.senate.gov.
The Africa Channel Launches in the Bay Area
omcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSK, CMCSA), the nation’s leading provider of entertainment, information and communications services, has announced that it is launching three new diverse channels in the San Francisco Bay Area as part of its “World of More” programming rollout, and that it has completed its recent Bay Area digital upgrade of customers from analog to digital. The new networks are The Africa Channel (Channel 297), art and culture network Ovation TV (Channel 270) and English-language Latino network Sí TV (Channel 477). All three channels, representing Comcast’s ongoing commitment to offer more choice and diverse programming to its customers, will be available on the Digital Classic service level across the San Francisco Bay Area to both residential homes and businesses. “Comcast is excited to offer three unique networks, in The Africa Channel, Ovation TV and Sí TV, that will serve the diverse and sophisticated tastes of Bay Area residents,” said Elaine Barden, Vice President of Marketing for Comcast in California. “These are just the latest of the more than 80 new channels we’ve delivered to Comcast customers with the completion of our digital migration in the Bay Area and our ‘World of More’ programming initiative.” “The Africa Channel is delighted to broaden our relationship with Comcast to bring this unique network to San Francisco’s Bay Area,” said Bob Reid EVP and General Manager of The Africa Channel. “Our continued expansion across the country marks an important milestone for the network and we’re
excited to bring the culture, beauty and lifestyle of Africa to a growing audience of U.S. viewers. We think our broad and entertaining mix of programming will be especially popular among residents of the Bay area.” “The Bay Area is one of the most culturally rich regions of this country and Comcast subscribers will find Ovation TV programming is very well-suited to their lifestyles,” said Ron Garfield, EVP, Ovation TV. “We are thrilled that Comcast chose to support the arts by adding television’s only arts and culture network to their lineup.” “Bay Area residents will appreciate The Africa Channel’s rich and diverse slate of programming never before seen in the United States,” said Assembly Member Sandré Swanson (DAlameda County). “Comcast is to be commended for extending the reach of this network which provides an entertaining and enlightening window into modern-day Africa.” The channel additions are made possible by a digital migration called “The World of More” that Comcast began in 2009 and has just completed in the Bay Area. Under the initiative, Comcast offered digital upgrades to Standard Cable customers to migrate from analog to digital, and converted channels 31 and above to a digitally delivered format. Comcast’s digital upgrade reclaimed analog bandwidth to allow the company to provide more products and services to customers, such as faster Internet speeds, more channels and more ON DEMAND content. Comcast now offers more than 100 HD networks in the Bay Area, as well as dozens of international and multicultural language
channels For more information about Comcast’s programming, customers can call 1-800-COMCAST or visit http:// www.comcast.com.
About Comcast Corporation Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) (www.comcast.com) is one of the nation’s leading providers of entertainment, information and communication products and services. With 23.8 million cable customers, 15.7 million high-speed Internet customers, and 7.4 million Comcast Digital Voice customers, Comcast is principally involved in the development, management and operation of cable systems and in the delivery of programming content. Comcast’s content networks and investments include E! Entertainment Television, Style Network, Golf Channel, VERSUS, G4, PBS KIDS Sprout, TV One, ten sports networks operated by Comcast Sports Group and Comcast Interactive Media, which develops and operates Comcast’s Internet businesses, including Comcast.net (www. comcast.net). Comcast also has a majority ownership in Comcast-Spectacor, whose major holdings include the Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey team, the Philadelphia 76ers NBA basketball team and two large multipurpose arenas in Philadelphia. Comcast’s California Region, based in Livermore, California, serves more than 2.4 million customers in Northern and Central California. Comcast em-
17 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
ploys more than 7,000 local residents across the region.
About The Africa Channel The Network’s premiere on September 1, 2005, marked a milestone in U.S. television history. For the first time, American audiences were able to experience the daily successes, celebrations and challenges of people living throughout Africa, all via a general entertainment network. The Network
Black Business News International Edition To be added to the International Edition mailing list or advertise in the publication send an e-mail request to:
mail@bbala.org View the International Edition at www.bbala.org and www.yudu.com Search: Black-Business-News-International
is broadcasted in the United States through national distribution deals with the four largest cable MSOs in the country, Comcast, Time Warner, Cox and Charter, as well as other cable systems. It’s distributed in the United Kingdom by BSKYB. The Channel is also available in the Bahamas, Trinidad, Jamaica and Barbados, West Indies, Bermuda. The network was founded by longtime television industry executives James Makawa, Jacob Arback and Richard Hammer. Partners include former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young and his company, Goodworks International; Weller/Grossman Productions; NBA stars Dikembe Mutombo and Theo Ratliff; Williams Group Holdings; and former U.S. Senator Donald Stewart. For more information, visit www.theafricachannel.com. Contacts: Comcast: Bryan Byrd, 916-5152821, bryan_byrd@cable.comcast. com The Africa Channel: Sunny Helali, 323-965-1990 x.311, shelali@lippingroup.com. &
2010 Events
March •Salute to Black Women April •Trade Mission to Washington, DC June •Salute to Black Music Entrepreneurship August •40th Year Anniversary Dinner November •Utilities Procurement Exchange Summit & Awards Luncheon • Call for information •
The Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. has officially received the building permit and can begin construction. The letters to President Obama, Speaker of the House Pelosi and Secretary of the Interior Salazar sent by the King Memorial supporters truly made a difference. All of this would not have been possible without YOU - our dedicated and committed supporters! Everyone at the Foundation appreciates you so much for all of your dedication and the tremendous support you’ve displayed. We cannot thank you enough for supporting us. We are extremely excited about all of the wonderful news. Now it’s “Countdown to Completion.” Contribute to the completion of the King Memorial at www. mlkmemorial.org.
18 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
to supplement the courses 2010-2020: A Decade of Learning mayBooks be found and ordered from many
Start a Program of Life Long Learning Today Source: //bulletin.aarp.org January-February 2010
ow that you can learn just about anything online, have you structured your Life Long Learning
plan. Whether you are an aspiring student seeking the right path or some help preparing for a test; an experienced career person looking to advance on your job or to retain your job; a stressed out job seeker needing a bit more education to qualify for that desired position;
a home-based business operator ready to expand your skill-base; or simply eager to learn more about any topic you are passionate about - there is a source of knowledge for you somewhere on the Internet and much of it is available at no charge - FREE. Years ago the Internet started paving the way for learning online by schools and organizations that charged tuition for access to their courses. But Elearning is different. Though it doesn’t earn you credits, it does allow you to learn pretty much anything on your own schedule, without spending any money of class fees.
Tools and Tips You may need to invest in your computing and communication systems to take full advantage of the e-learning offerings. High-speed Internet connection (cable, DSL, fiber-optic, etc.) is preferred. Dial-up service is generally too slow to effectively download some to the very large files. Media Play-back software such as QuickTime, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or Apple iTunes may be required for some of the file formats in which information is packaged. T h e s e software packages are available for download at no charge in their basic formats. Most offer advanced features for a fee. Portable media players will enable you to take your learning with you and free you from the desktop monitor. Review the current offerings of smart-
phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) available now. They come equipped to handle audio and video files. Some even double as e-readers.
Internet stores including www.Amazon. com, www.AbeBooks.com, www. Academicsuperstore.com, www.Allbris.com or any of the major booksellers. Prices vary and used books are often available. Some of these sites also offer software and hardware for purchase at reasonable prices. Digital books are available at //LibriVox.com.
Seeking Knowledge Well its time to put your search enging skills to work. Start your ‘seek’ by entering terms that relate to your interest area in the ‘Search bar’ of your Internet browser and click on the ‘Go’ button. There will hopefully be a wealth of sites to search through to find what you are looking for. If your search results in a display of more sites than you can or want to deal with, change your ‘Search Term’ just enough to reduce the number of sites that will be displayed - “palm” to “palm tree”. Service sites managed by organizations supporting the Life Long Learning concept offer directories to learing sites. Using these directories will help
you locate the learning you are looking for - Open Culture (www.openculture. com) is one such directory. Other information service sites have their offerings available in searchable directories making it easy to find a presentation on your topic of interest. iTunesU (www. apple.com/education/mobile-learning), an online university, offers 100,000+ educational video and audio files. YouTubeEDU (www.youtube.com/edu), the education channel for YouTube, offers content from a wide variety of universities and other institutions. //videolectures.net offers lectures presented at conferences, seminars and workshops
19 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Life Long Learning on page 25
Congratulations to the President and First Family on the Completion of their First Full Year of Service to the People of the USA 1
Photo Legend: 1) President Barack Obama receives the Nobel Prize medal and diploma during a ceremony in Raadhuset Main Hall at Oslo City Hall. 2) President and Ms. Obama attend Nobel Prize festivities. 3) President Barack Obama signs an autograph during a working lunch with Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng in Shanghai, China, Nov. 16, 2009. 4) President Barack Obama greets State Assembly Leader Karen Bass and other guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House during a holiday reception, Dec. 14, 2009. 5) President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on the first day of his term. 6) President & Ms. Obama honor fallen service people at Arlington Cemetary. 7) President and Mrs. Obama with 2009 Kennedy Center honorees. 8) President Barack Obama with the members of the President’s Cabinet. Visit BING to see a brief profile on each member of the cabinet. www.bing.com/visua lsearch?q=U.S.+politicians&g=politicians_in_office& FORM=pgbar1#toc=2&v=2&tc=22 9) First Family Official Portrait. 10) President Obama speaks to the United Nations Assembly. 11) Sidney Poitier, Actor, expresses appreciation
see page 23 3
20 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
7 1
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama with 2009 Kennedy Center Honorees in the Blue Room of the White House. From left; First Lady Michelle Obama, Mel Brooks, Dave Brubeck, Grace Bumbry, Robert DeNiro, Bruce Springsteen, and President Barack Obama. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
upon receiving a Presidential Freedom Medal. 12) First Family arrives in Accra, Ghana. 13) President Obama welcomes NBA Champions, the Los Angeles Lakers, to the White House. 14) President Obama delivers his first State of the Union address. 15) President Obama tours a pyramid tomb in Egypt.
16) President Jakaya Kikweti of the Republic of Tanzania in discussion with President Obama at the White House. 18) President Barack Obama looks at the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit presented to him by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at the start of their bilateral meeting at the King’s Farm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The medal is Saudi Arabia’s highest honor.. & (Official White House Photos)
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24 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Life Long Learning from page 19
held around the world. The Research Channel (www.researchchannel. com) is the outlet for video presentations from a consortium of reseach and academic institutions. Search for online learning options at your favorite (or desired) university website. Most universities have offered online education services for many years and have proven course offerings available for free and for a fee (you may earn college credits by taking the fee-based courses). The Massachusetts Institue of Technology (MITOPENCOURSEWARE - //ocw.mit.edu) has nearly 2,000 academic courses available online. Harvard University offers a site, //athome.harvard.edu/, with multimedia-rich programs from science to the
arts. The University of CaliforniaBerkeley offers //webcast.berkeley. edu. This site offers access to courses, lectures, debates, symposiums and special events. Some of the so-called “How To” sites offering instructional learning options for technology insights, business management and lifestyle issues include: Hewlett-Packard’s Learning Center (//h30187.www3.hp.com), WonderHowTo (www.wonderhowto.com) and Howcast (www.howcast.com). A few of the little known general information sites are TEDTalks (www. ted.com), Nobel Prize Winners (//nobelprize.org) and Forum National Network (//forum-network.org). Other general interest and lifestyle information may be found by searching sites like the Food Network (www. foodnetwork.com), Epicurious.com
(www.epicurious.com), National Public Radio (www.npr.org), Brigham Young University (www.byu.edu -
for genealogy studies and research), www.History.com, and the BBC. The study of languages, cultures and history is not limited to well-known univesities and colleges. Many culture-specific sites offer information and courses to their special interest groups. The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (www.ascac.org) provides links to sites offering information and courses exploring the 6,000+ year history of the African people. Seek this special interest knowledge by entering a topic of interest - Yoruba - in the Search bar.
Personal Health Here are three noteworthy websites offering information on personal and family health: WebMD’s (www.webmd. com) Videos A-Z library, which has thousands of videos, catalogued by topic; www.HealthCentral.com also offers a Video Library; and the University of Maryland Medical Center’s Health Library (www. umm.edu) includes reference materials, a Health Calculator and an Audio/Video Library which offers interviews with UMMC experts, patient success stories and surgical webcasts.
One Money Making Opportunity The plethora of smartphones and PDAs now on the market has resulted in a bustling industry for the development of applications (Apps) to expand the usefulness of the handheld units. Stanford University (www.stanford. edu) offers a course in application development for the iPhone - Computer Science 193P. Online viewers see the same lectures as the classroom students taking the 10-week course. Opportunities for Apps programmers with technology companies are increasing. However, an independent App developer may earn income by creating and then marketing Apps directly to handheld mobile unit users. If there is a feature you want on your handheld device, take the course, write and test your App, then offer it to the public through the App catalog market of the target de-
vice. Good fortune may follow for those willing to take the challenge.
Uncle Sam Wants You - To Learn Many of the agencies of the federal government offer online learning and information resources. Of interest to the business community will be the websites of the Small Business Administration (www.sba. gov), the Minority Business Development Administration (www.mbda. gov) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (www.usda.gov). Visit these
sites (and other agency sites) to access business focused training from preparing a business plan to operating an import/export business. Life Long Learning is also a theme of President Obama’s thrust to raise the achievement level of American citizens and reclaim the nation’s leadership position in science and technology. In support of his American Graduation Initiative (www.whitehouse.gov/ blog/Investing-in-Education-The-American-Graduation-Initiative), the president presented a $50 million package to Congress that includes funds to develop new “open online courses” at community colleges around the nation. The proposal has been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives but is stalled in the U.S. Senate.
This education package represents our stimulus dollars at work establishing a foundation for long-term achievement of any American citizen seeking personal growth and expanded capabilities.
The Active Learning Culture Take an active part in all aspects of the Life Long Learning Culture. Educate Yourself: Identify your ar-
25 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Life Long Learning on page 29
Sable Images, Inc. African-American Memorabilia, Antiques & Collectibles
able Images, Inc. at 4343 Crenshaw Blvd. has closed its doors, after twelve years as a pillar in the Los Angeles community. However, Sable Images will continue to be dedicated to collecting, preserving, and exhibiting artifacts that provide African-American images during various periods of American history. Sable Images will continue to sell memorabilia through community events and on the Sable Images Internet Store. Visit www.sableimages.com for additional Sable Images services, a calendar of exhibits, and great discounts.
“Knowing Our Past Shapes Our Future” “Reminiscence of the Past can Inspire a Family’s Present and Future”
•Pending Confirmation: Artists Show, Thursday - Monday, 2/18 - 22, Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw Mall, 11am - 9pm For information on Sable Images “ArtiFacts” Presentions and Traveling Museum Exhibits, contact: Gail Deculus-Johnson 323-296-8665 e-mail info@sableimages.com. &
Caltrans Construction
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El Camino College offers the training and advising you need to enhance your ability to bid for and WIN state highway construction contracts. Now is the time to get bid ready with assistance in the areas of procurement, personnel, cash flow, marketing and more!
Appointments with a business advisor are available at the SBDC at no charge to you. For more information, call the SBDC at 310.973.3177.
Upcoming Sable Images Exhibitions: •Black College Expo, Saturday 1/23/10, L.A. Convention Center, 9 am - 6 pm •San Diego Black Film Festival, Thursday - Sunday 1/28 - 31, Horton Plaza, 11am - 9pm •Pan African Film Festival, Friday Monday, 2/12 - 15, Fox Hills Mall, 11am - 9pm
Be sure to attend the free Economic Stimulus event on Thursday, November 19, 2009, in the City of Compton to learn more about stimulus opportunities available from Caltrans and other state and federal agencies. Visit californiasbdc.org for details.
Small Business Development Center Hosted by El Camino College 13430 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 310.973.3177 southbaysbdc.org
•L.A. Association of Black Personnel, Tuesday and Wednesday, 2/23 - 24, Temple & Main Street, 10am - 2pm
27 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Life Long Learning
Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities.
www.amazon.com Amazon’s new e-reader, the Kindle DX, features a 9.7” screen, an e-ink screen that reads like real paper; displays in 16 shades of gray for clear text and sharp images, holds up to 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents, and offers the ability to download books in over 100 countries via international 3G wireless tools. NEWS: Download software to access Kindle books on your PC.
The Health Care Reform Bill is now in conference between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Make Your Opinions Known to Your Congressional Representatives.
www.boxbe.com Boxbe filters and prioritizes your email to reduce e-mail overload. With an organized inbox, Boxbe makes it faster and easier to view, answer and send e-mail. Boxbe is free and integrates directly with Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Google Apps and AOL Mail. If you don’t use these, Boxbe offers a public forwarding address.
www.smallstep.gov This website offers tips, information videos, pamphets and games to help Americans improve their overall health. Visit SmallStep Kids and/ or SmallStep Adults for the info that is right for you and your family members. This website is operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (www.hhs.gov). &
from page 25
eas of interest or need and seek out the sources offering the information you desire. Support the Education of Others: Share the information provided here and the information you will garner as you search the Internet for learning sources. The young and the ‘seasoned’ among us need to know about Life Long Learning opportunities and how their lives may benefit from taking advantage of this world of knowledge. If you posses knowledge and experience that you could share, then use the e-learning information provided to find out how to package and offer your insights to the world. Support proposals like the American Graduation Initiative by letting your local and national government elected representatives know that you want affordable, high quality learning opportunities available to all Americans. & Many of the links to sites referred to in this article may be found in the AARP Bulletin at //bulletin.arrp.org in “How to Learn Just About Anything Online...For Free”.
Submitted by LaSandra Stratton BBA member, Chair of the BBA International Trade Committee.
29 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Estate Tax Update: The Federal Estate Tax is Dead…at Least for Now. Presented by Percy E. Bolton, CFP® Facts Both the federal estate tax and the federal generation-skipping transfer tax (a separate tax on property given to grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.) are repealed for 2010 (unless Congress enacts legislation to reinstate them, retroactive to January 1, 2010 or otherwise). Both taxes are scheduled to return in 2011 at levels that applied prior to 2001; that means a $1 million exemption and a top tax rate of 55% (in 2009, the exemption was $3.5 million and the top rate was 45%). The federal gift tax remains in effect with a $1 million lifetime exemption, and the top tax rate is 35%. The step-up in basis rule that allowed heirs to inherit property with a fair market value as of the date of death of the decedent has been modified. For 2010, the basis for inherited property is the lesser of the decedent’s basis (carryover basis) or its fair market value on the date of death. But, $1.3 million of estate property is afforded a step-up in basis, and up to $3 million of property passing to a surviving spouse receives a step-up as well.
What’s Next? It’s anyone’s guess what Congress will do next. Some believe quick action will reinstate the taxes at 2009 levels (see above). Others believe Congress will proceed cautiously in an attempt to enact serious reform. In either case, any reinstated tax may or may not be made retroactive to January 1, 2010. Needless to say, planning under these circumstances is challenging, at best.
The Fallout If your estate plan assumed that an estate tax would be imposed in 2010,
it may no longer carry out your intentions; it may not provide adequately for your spouse, and it may not meet your overall tax objectives. Here are some steps you may want to take. See your estate planning attorney about the possible need to revise your will, trust, and other estate planning documents, especially if they include formula clauses. A formula clause expresses certain bequests in terms of fractions or percentages in order to eliminate or reduce estate taxes. You may also need to see your estate planning attorney about these documents if you live in a state that imposes its own estate and/ or inheritance tax, or if your documents
include multi-generational planning. Organize your records and get your pare n t s / grandparents to organize theirs. The modified carryover basis rules impose strict reporting requirements, including supporting documentation and penalties for noncompliance. & Percy E. Bolton Associates, Inc. Percy E. Bolton, CFP® 1127 East Green Street Pasadena CA 91106 866-610-5559 percy@percybolton.com www.percybolton.com
You made it happen! Before the Voters FIRST Act, California lawmakers were charged with drawing their own legislative and Board of Equalization districts. But California voters changed all that when they authorized the creation of the Citizens Redistricting Commission (Commission) in the November 2008 General Election. Now YOU can apply to serve on an independent Commission that will draw district boundaries for the state Senate, Assembly, and Board of Equalization. Please check out General Information and the Application and Selection Process at http://wedrawthelines.ca.gov for details on this historic and exciting opportunity for YOU to help draw the lines. Check back frequently as new, updated information will continually be added. If you need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the Commission selection process, please contact us, toll free, at 1-866356-5217 or send a letter or e-mail specifying the accommodation you are requesting to votersfirstact@auditor.ca.gov. General information is available in six other languages: Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
31 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
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You are proud. You are committed. You are a leader. You are an ethnically diverse business owner, and you deserve a bank that can help you fulfill your dreams. Union Bank of California’s Business Diversity Lending program recognizes this and offers a variety of smart financing options and flexible, less restrictive lending requirements.Whether you need short-term financing to help run your day-to-day operations, or long-term financing for new equipment or building improvements, your dream of running a successful business is well within your reach. Invest in you ®
To see if you qualify, stop by your local branch, call 1-888-818-6060, or visit unionbank.com/diversebizloans Crenshaw Branch: Karen Smith, Branch Manager, 3501 W. Jefferson Boulevard, (323) 737-3483 Ladera Heights Branch: Renee Givhan, Branch Manager, 6719 La Tijera Boulevard, (310) 342-1779 This is not a commitment to lend. Financing subject to credit and any applicable collateral approval. Other restrictions may apply. Eligible borrowers must meet all criteria for the Business Diversity Lending program. Financing available to businesses located in California, Oregon or Washington.Terms and conditions subject to change. ©2008 Union Bank of California, N.A. Member FDIC
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The Health Care Reform Bill is now in conference between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Make Your Opinions Known to Your Congressional Representatives.
33 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau
We are excited to inform you about the reestablishment of the Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau with Mr. Mishael Israel as Executive Director of Rainbow Push/Citizenship Education Fund Los Angeles. Mr. Israel’s responsibilities at Rainbow Push LA relate directly to the implementation of economic, social, and education initiatives, as well as growing the office to become a strong voice for our constituents and Trade Bureau Members. As an entrepreneur, Mr. Israel remains steadfast in spearheading supplier diversity, business education, and building solid relationships with trading partners. Rainbow Push LA is implementing two important projects for our Trade Bureau Members and we need your updated contact information. •An inaugural Trade Bureau meeting in mid-September •Connecting our Trade Bureau members with our Trading Partners for the purpose of doing business Rainbow Push LA is committed to connecting our members to new opportunities that will not only bring us through the recession, but beyond it. Our innovative ideas are expressed through powerful programmatic pieces that are designed with everyone in mind. Please use the information below to contact the Los Angeles office to request a contact information form that may be completed then faxed or e-mailed to us. The information will reconnect us with you and will aid Mr. Israel in his upcoming meetings with corporate trading partners. Regina Black, Office Manager Rainbow PUSH/CEF Los Angeles New Address: 1313 W. 8th Street, Suite 232 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Office Number: 213.483.3500 Fax Number: 213.483.3577 Email: rblack@rainbowpush.org Website: www.rainbowpushla.org
Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers 34 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
The ABC’s of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by Zeke Camusio for startupnation
hat business owner doesn’t want to see his or her website at the top of Google? We know that if we make it to the top, we can exponentially increase traffic and inquiries from prospective clients. In fact, many businesses that are lucky or skilled enough to be at the top of Google can barely handle all the business that Google is sending them. So, the question is, how do you get there? How do you climb all the way to the top? There is so much information about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) out there that it’s hard to focus and not feel overwhelmed. The goal of this article is to demystify SEO for you. I want to make the core of SEO crystal clear for you in easy-tounderstand terms, so you’re no longer confused about SEO and you have a roadmap forward. Part 1: Keyword Research The first part of SEO involves choosing the right keywords for your campaign. If you choose the right keywords, the ones that your target audience is using when they search on Google, you are creating a strong, solid and sustainable foundation for your SEO campaign. If you choose the wrong keywords, you’ll spend the next months wasting your time and money. So make sure you get this step right. Characteristics of good keywords include: •Relevant to your offer •High search volume •Action-oriented (as opposed to research-oriented). A keyword like “computers” is most likely to get a lot of visits from people doing research. A keyword like “Dell X105 prices” is a lot more likely to bring you people
ready to buy. Part 2: On-Site Optimization The second part of SEO involves optimizing your own site with the inclusion of the keywords you have decided to target. The following are some of the places on your website where you
should put your keywords: •Page titles •Meta tags (not very important anymore, but it doesn’t take a long time and you will get a small gain) •H tags (H1, H2, etc.) •Your URLs •The body copy You also need to make sure your site is built right. Among other things, this means: •Avoid frames •Use DIVs instead of tables for layout •Avoid 100% Flash sites •Don’t put your text in images •Make sure you structure your pages and folders right •Make sure search engines can follow your links (avoid Flash links and JavaScript links if possible) •Use keyword-rich anchor text for your links Part 3: Content Creation Once you’ve optimized all the content on your site, it’s time to create new, robust, compelling content. Create amazing content so people tell their friends about it and their friends correspondingly link to your articles. The search
engines feed on content and reward high quality links, so create as much relevant content as you can and make sure it’s of great quality. And, don’t forget to include your keywords here and there whenever it makes sense. Part 4: Link Building The most important factor that determines which websites rank at the top of Google is inbound links (from outside of your own website). Make sure that: •You get a lot of links from external sites (Easy, low-hanging fruit would be to get links from your business partners.) •Those links contain your keywords in the anchor text •You get as many links as possible from high-authority sites (you can check the PageRank of a site or its Compete.com ranking to make sure they are high-authority sites) •You get as many links as possible from sites related to yours •You get as many links as possible from blogs covering topics in which your target audience is interested •(You link to your own pages from within your website using your keywords, too) Conclusion I hope you now have a much better idea of what SEO is and what it involves. I also hope you realize this is just SEO 101, and that there’s a lot more to SEO than this. I actually collaborated with StartupNation in creating the Google Rocketship eBook Series (3 eBooks in total), and encourage you to read the entire series to learn much, much further about how to get top rankings on the search engines. Have fun optimizing your site, and I’ll see you at the top of Google! &
35 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Source: www.startupnation.com
Announcing the Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business Program Including new opportunities for minority, women, veteran and disabled veteran owned small businesses Ever wonder: How can I access stimulus dollars? or How can my small business work with the state and federal government to participate in “shovel ready” projects? You are invited to the Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business events that will help you get answers to these questions and assist you in finding out how stimulus projects can help you be better positioned to survive and grow through the current economic downturn. When:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. sign in begins at 8:15 a.m.
Thursday, February 4, 2010 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. sign in begins at 8:15 a.m.
Crystal Hotel 123 East Artesia Boulevard Compton, CA
Riverside Convention Center 3443 Orange Strett Riverside, CA
What: Hosted and presented by the California SBDC’s and L.A.-based nonprofit Business Matchmaking, the Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business program is a free half-day session designed to give small businesses a leg up in procuring government and corporate contracts. The program will feature panelists who can offer participants an up-to-date, insider’s perspective on what the buyers are looking for, if their business fits the government and corporate contracting standards, and how businesses can position themselves to have greater accessibility to stimulus dollars. Cost: FREE event including continental breakfast, pre-registration is required Who should attend: Start-up entrepreneurs and growing small enterprises that either do not have or would like to grow relationships with government and corporate buyers How to sign up: Register online at http://californiasbdc.org/stimulus or call (707) 826-3919 for more information. Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business has been made possible by underwriting from sponsors HP, American Express OPEN and American Airlines. Business Matchmaking specializes in small business procurement with a track record of facilitating more than 70,000 face to face buyer-seller meetings throughout the country. California Small Business Development Centers provide free business consulting and low-cost training for thousands of California small businesses annually. Go to www.businessmatchmaking.com or www.californiasbdc.org for more information.
37 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Congresswoman Maxine Waters We Smooth Out Volatility: An Acts to Spur Aid, Interview with the Honorable Caleb Fundanga, Governor, Bank of Zambia Relief for Haiti International:
by Stephen Williams for African Banker
he Bank of Zambia is responsible for executing monetary policy and also has a regulatory and supervisory role overseeing the country’s commercial banking sector. Zambia’s banking sector has expanded rapidly of late with the entry of a number of new players including Ecobank, Access Bank and UBA from West Africa as well as South Africa’s First National Bank, bringing the total number of institutions
operating in the country to 17. Another new addition is the UK’s AIM-listed Investrust Bank scheduled to open half a dozen branches in the country. According to governor Caleb Fundan-
ga, this renewed interest in Zambia’s financial sector is due to the favourable economic environment that has been created in the last few years. Since the 2004 launch of the country’s Financial Sector Development Plan, specifically tasked to address weaknesses in the Zambian financial sector and, in particular, to improve access to financial services and products in a country where probably two out of three adult citizens are unbanked, the banking sector has flourished. For its part, the Bank of Zambia has adhered to a tight monetary policy in order to control inflation and facilitate a broadening of private sector credit. That has
allowed foreign direct investment and the economy to post strong growth. Arguably, this did more than anything to help Zambia weather the worldwide economic downturn reasonably well,
ongresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-35) has announced that she is introducing legislation to cancel Haiti’s debt to multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which now stands at $664 million. During a press conference with the Congressional Black Caucus, Congresswoman Waters said, “I am introducing legislation to require the United see Haiti Relief on page 55
even though its impact was profound. According to the Bank of Zambia, capital flows suddenly dried up following the global collapse in October 2008, with FDI falling from $1.32bn in 2007 to $939m in 2008, and portfolio investment recording a $6m outflow in 2008 compared to an inflow of $42m in 2007. While both these trends appeared to reverse during the course of 2009, Fundanga is under no illusion that, despite a more positive global outlook towards the end of last year, the effects of the crisis may not have completely worked themselves through the economy. Yet the IMF has, in general, approved of the strategies Zambia employed in response to the economic downturn. It stated: “Zambia’s fiscal policy has struck the right balance between highpriority infrastructure spending to promote medium-term economic growth
38 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Bank of Zambia on page 59
Dual Citizenship For Tanzanians and Others by Mkinga Mkinga
he law to allow Tanzanians to hold dual citizenship should finally be enacted by the end of the year, Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Minister Bernard Membe has announced. Speaking in Dar es Salaam at an International Organisation for Migration (IOM) meeting, Mr. Membe said research conducted on the proposal had established that the new law would not harm the country. “The government is regretting locking out Tanzanians overseas during the 49 years of our Independence, while some African countries have been granting dual citizenship to their people,” Mr. Membe said. Tanzanians living abroad will receive the news with jubilation, as they have for many years campaigned for the introduction of such a law to enable them to belong to both their host countries and their motherland.
“Tanzanians will no longer have to renounce their citizenship, and the same will apply to foreigners wishing to take up Tanzanian citizenship, if their countries of origin allow that.” Many have complained that lack of such a law disadvantages them, as it denies them opportunities they could access if they were citizens of the countries where they work. Mr. Membe explained that the issue had taken many years to conclude because the ministry did not wish to “rush such a sensitive issue”. He added: “We decided to conduct a thorough research
“A FEW NOTES ON AFRICA” Senegal Offers Land to Haitians President Abdoulaye Wade said Haitians were sons and daughters of Africa since Haiti was founded by slaves, including some thought to be from Senegal. “The president is offering voluntary repatriation to any Haitian that wants to return to their origin,” said Mr Wade’s spokesman, Mamadou Bemba Ndiaye. The recent earthquake killed tens of thousands and left many more homeless. Buildings have been reduced to rubble, the distribution of aid is slow, and people have been flooding out of the devastated capital, Port-au-Prince. “Senegal is ready to offer them parcels of land - even an entire region. It all depends on how many Haitians come,” Mr Bemba Ndiaye said. “If it’s just a few individuals, then we will likely offer them housing or small pieces of land. If they come en masse we are ready to give them a region.” The spokesman emphasised that if a region was given, it would be in a fertile part of the country rather than in its parched deserts, the Associated Press news agency reported.
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African American Owned Firm Markets South Africa Trade Shows Gathers Strategies, Inc. (www. gathersstrategies.com) is the US representative for EMS, a trade show management company based in South Africa. Gathers Strategies will handle all of the arrangements for US-based firms ready to exhibit in or attend the upcoming SAITEX and Africa’s Big Seven trade shows. These truly international marketing events provide the exhibitor and the attendee access to trade-ready businesses from all before introducing this law, which deals with the basic rights of a person.” The research had enabled the government to establish that dual citizenship “is not bad, as some people were trying to depict it”. The minister went on: “On the contrary, there will more benefits for the
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39 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Dual Citizenship 41
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Dual Citizenship from page 39
mensely to their host countries. Therefore, he said, the enacting of the law would enable them to also assist their motherland without any hitch. Mr. Membe said the ministry had already started to move to tap the great economic potential of the Tanzanians overseas. After receiving the report, the ministry established a special department to deal with the affairs of those in the Diaspora. “Everything regarding how to deal with the Tanzanians living abroad is almost ready. We need to fully utilise their skills and wealth to push forward our development agenda,” he said. The Dual Citizenship Act, the minister added, would give those abroad the right to adopt the citizenship of their host countries while maintaining their Tanzanian nationality. Under the current law, a Tanzanian who adopts the citizenship of another country is automatically stripped of his nationality. Minister Membe said they had directed all the country’s embassies and high commissions overseas to register all Tanzanians to enable the government to have full information and data on the nationals living abroad. Speaking to reporters at the meeting, which brought together experts from various ministries, embassies and some Tanzanian experts working in the UK, Mr. Daniel Mwasandube, a quantity surveyor based in Britain, said many Tanzanians had opted to leave the country in search of better lives. He said most of them “are very patriotic but lack of supportive laws”, such as the one granting dual citizenship, has blocked them from serving their country better. “Many Tanzanians cannot land high paying jobs abroad, though they have the qualifications, simply because employers look for people who hold the passports of those countries,” he said.
I n preparation for the introduction of dual citizenship, the Law Reform C o m mission w a s tasked to conduct a national study a n d gather t h e President Kikwete public’s views. In 2006, the commission recommended amendments to the relevant laws so that Tanzanians can also enjoy dual citizenship. According to the ‘Final Report on the Introduction of Dual Citizenship in Tanzania’, the commission chaired by Judge Anthony Bahati, said the issue deserved “a positive and forwarding-looking consideration”. The commissioners said it was high time Tanzania adopted dual citizenship because in a globalised world, the country could not develop without interaction with other nations. Dual citizenship, according to the commission, was desirable as it conferred benefits both to the country and nationals desiring to hold the citizenships of other countries. “A person with dual citizenship has greater flexibility in his choice of where
to live and/or work,” reads part of the report. But the members of the commission also recommended that national identity cards be issued first before adopting the system. Once it becomes law, Tanzanians will no longer have to renounce their citizenship, and the same will apply to foreigners wishing to take up Tanzanian citizenship, if their countries of origin allow that. &
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42 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
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Skimming Scams: How to Prevent
Crooks from Stealing your Money at the ATM Ron Dicker for www.walletpop.com
Thieves don’t need sticky fingers anymore to take your hard-earned cash. They’re getting your ATM to spit it out for them. And they’re doing it a rate that might make hiding your loot under the mattress is the smartest move you can make. ATM skimming, in which crooks gain access to the PIN encoded on the magnetic stripe of your debit or credit card and withdraw at will, is going to be one of the top forms of fraud this year, according to a BankInfoSecurity report published in Consumer Reports. It was last year, too. Remember that RBS WorldPay debacle in which hackers made off with $9 million by withdrawing from ATMs worldwide at the same time? And, according to BankInfoSecurity’s report, officials in Maryland, Illinois and Georgia are investigating skimming schemes that have netted at least $120,000 from consumer’s accounts. Robert Siciliano, the security consultant to Intelius.com and a frequent TV guest expert, offers up some tips on keeping your money yours when you withdraw it from a machine. The number one rule, he says, is don’t feel safe. “Recognize that this is a major problem that will keep getting worse before it gets better,” says Siciliano. The following should be practiced at all times when you approach an ATM. Your savings depend on it. •
Scan the machine to look for any devices on the face of it where you slide your card through. If anything looks out of place, says Siciliano, “grab it, pull on it, see if you can pull the face of the card slot off. If it’s protruding, chances are it’s an ATM skimmer.” Look for small wireless cameras that are hidden. “If there’s a brochure holder protruding from the face
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of the ATM machine, see if there’s a camera in there. It could be recording your keystrokes.” Watch out for a side view mirror that looks out of place. Mirrors are required by law so you can spot if someone is peeking over your shoulder, but an extra mirror can re-reflect your key strokes into the eyes of a thief. Be mindful of disguised gizmos, such as an apparent stereo speaker that actually serves as a camera or mirror for the crooks. Like a poker player protecting his hand, cover your PIN and type with your free hand to prevent spying. “Ninety-five percent of the time you’re going to be in good shape,” says Siciliano.
He also recommends checking your statements online at least once every few weeks (more often is better) to ensure that you’re not stuck with the debt. Many credit card companies put you on the hook if fraud is not reported after 60 days. Some banks charge you debit card withdrawals after just a week of being undisputed, he said. Withdrawing from ATMs at convenience stores and other unregulated places also poses more risk, he said, because the owners and others have access to pin codes and can sell them or take out the cash themselves. &
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alik’s Books has closed operations in the Baldwin Hills Mall. Malik’s is now operating as an online bookstore. Malik’s is now available to serve our customer’s needs 24/7 via the world wide web with bigger deals and a larger selection. We will remain as active in the South Los Angeles community as we have always been. Please visit us at www.Malikbooks.com and/or www.autographbooks. com. For other information give us a call at 818-564-5694. If you want to coorespond with us, send letters to Malik’s Books, 3939 Crenshaw Boulevard, #324, Los Angeles, CA 90008. Thank You again for all your support and patronage over the years and visit us on the Web. &
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Books to Consider... As our nation and our communitites begin to rise up out of the economic recession, it may be an opportune time to look back at some of the basics for achieving lasting business success. Here are some books to consider. The Baron Son: Vade Mecum 7 by William R. Patterson, Vicky Therese Davis, & D. Marques Patton. The Baron Son was written as the ethical road map to wealth, power, and success. It is the story of a young boy who loses everything and through struggle finds the secret to become the richest, most powerful person the world has ever known. The reader learns alongside three scholars as the Baron recounts his story of detriment and triumph while conveying “Supreme Principles” that will guide one and all in their journey to success. Each chapter of the book details how some of the most prominent individuals are able to ethically establish and maintain
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William R. Patterson their positions. It is an important work because it puts the main character in the position of many readers who are forced to find a way to change the condition of their lives when they have absolutely nothing – no money, no resources, and no idea of where to start. It answers the fundamental question of how money and human nature really work. &
47 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
The Second Shoe Is About to Drop on the Banks By Jeff Clark
“I live in luxury and I haven’t made a mortgage payment in almost two years,” Don bragged. He sipped his chardonnay, leaned against the country club’s bar, and shared with me the story of his real estate prowess... “I paid $3.4 million for the house in 2006, and it was worth every penny at the time. It’s 6,700 square feet with a pool and a one- acre lot. I’m on the hill overlooking the fourth fairway, and I can see all the way to [the next city] from my bedroom window,” Don continued. “Wachovia Bank loaned me $3 million, and the developer took a second for $400,000. I don’t have any skin in the game – so to speak. I made my mortgage payments for a while, but when prices started to fall, it just didn’t make sense anymore. I mean, why should I pay anything when I’m the only one with nothing to lose?” “But,” I asked, “hasn’t the bank tried to foreclose or force a sale of the house out from under you?” “Ha!” He crowed, and his tone emphasized the naiveté of my question. “Why would they do that? The house is worth less than $2 million right now. So if the bank forecloses, it’ll have to recognize a $1 million loss. And if it writes my loan down by that much, how many other loans do you suppose it’ll have to write down? It can’t force a short sale [where the bank sells the house for less than the loan amount] on me either because it’ll have to take care of the second note holder by offering him something just to get out of the way. So Wachovia is screwed. It’s cheaper for them to let me keep living there for free. And the best thing is, I can more than afford to pay off the entire loan right now.” Don let out a sinister kind of chuckle, like a man who just squashed a bug and got some warped sense of delight from doing it. “Wow,” I responded. “There used to be a time when being a deadbeat was frowned upon. But you seem to wear it as a badge of honor.” “Listen,” Don turned aggressively and pointed his index finger at me. “You think I’m the only one doing this? You think I’m the only one taking advantage of the situation? I’ll bet half the people in this room are doing the exact same thing.” He waved his arm across the bar. “And the other half are thinking about doing it.” “Besides,” Don continued, “banks have been screwing people like us for so long it’s about time they got a taste of their own medicine.” His words hit me like a Louisville Slugger across the forehead. We no longer live in a time where men are bound by honor to repay their debts. As sad as it is, people feel justified welching on their agreements. And the banks have played a big role in this transition. They charged 29% interest on credit cards while paying 0% interest on savings. They knowingly lent money to people who could not afford to pay it back. They used taxpayer-funded bailouts to pay million-dollar bonuses to their corporate elite. And they shipped all of their service-center jobs overseas. Let’s face it: The banks most of us do business with today aren’t like the Building and Loan George Bailey operated in It’s a Wonderful Life. Our banks are faceless, nameless, brown bag institutions whose only concern for the customer is to make sure he pays the $10 monthly account service fee. It is that business practice that has fostered the resentment of people like Don and made him feel justified breaking his agreement. Like it or not, agree with it or not, Don’s opinion is gaining popularity. And as that sentiment grows, it is likely to provide the weight that pulls the second shoe down onto the industry. Best regards, Jeff Clark
Provided by: Jamaal Wilkes, Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors
Economic Development Credit Analysis March 3rd-5th 2010 Downtown Los Angeles This hands-on course presents an overview of business financing tools and available private financing options, as well as how the public sector can complement bank financing. Learn how to read financial reports, financial statements, balance sheets and profit and loss statements. Course participants will perform credit analysis by determining how well a company buys and sells to make a profit. Also, they will learn how to determine if the company pays its suppliers on time, collects its receivables, and controls costs to make a profit. Enroll now to understand the basics of structuring deals for small businesses that often combine public and private sector financing programs.
Course Highlights: Business credit analysis; Balancing the sheet; Profit & loss statement; Small business lending programs; Structuring loans; Overview of real estate financing
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54 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Haiti Relief from page 38
States Secretary of the Treasury to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States within the multilateral financial institutions to cancel all of Haiti’s remaining debts, and I hope all of my colleagues will support it. Canceling Haiti’s debts will free up the country’s meager resources, allowing it to begin meeting its immediate and long-term needs.” The Congresswoman is also circulating a letter among her colleagues seeking support for further debt relief for Haiti. Congresswoman Waters has been a longtime advocate for the fair treatment
partnered with The Coalition in Solidarity with Haiti in Los Angeles to rally the local Haitian community and share information about the U.S. government’s response to the disaster and how to help. She also voted yesterday to help earthquake victims in Haiti by offering an immediate tax benefit to Americans who make charitable contributions to aid the region. This bipartisan legislation, passed unanimously by the House of Representatives, will allow individuals to claim any donations to the relief effort as an itemized deduction on their 2009 tax return, instead of waiting to claim it on their 2010 return. “I have been moved and inspired by the outpouring of support from America
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www.bbala.org •Black Business News monthly publication •Black Business News/ International - quarterly publication of the Haitian people. Just last year, she secured $1.2 billion in debt relief for Haiti from these very multilateral institutions. Congresswoman Waters said, “We were able to accomplish debt relief for Haiti last year, believing it to be an important step forward so the country could focus on investing in health care, education, and infrastructure vitally important to the Haitian people. However, we now know that not only will all of Haiti’s resources be needed to deal with this disaster; the international community will also need to continue to make urgent and sustained donations to the country.” Congresswoman Waters recently
for the Haitian people,” said Congresswoman Waters. “This bill acknowledges the many Americans who have donated millions of dollars to charitable organizations, including through wildly successful texting campaigns. I believe that this important change to the 2009 filing laws will inspire more Americans to donate to Haiti during its critical time of need, and I encourage them to do so.” The House is also expected to pass H. Res. 1021, a resolution expressing condolences to, and solidarity with, the people of Haiti. Congresswoman Waters is an original co-sponsor of the resolution. &
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Bank of Zambia from page 38
and diversification, and safeguarding macroeconomic stability. The authorities have scaled back investment and recurrent spending while protecting priority social spending.” This has served to reassure investors, and along with improvements to the country’s investment climate and ease of doing business – it is now rated second only to South Africa in the SADC region – the country appears to be making steady progress towards its Vision 2030 aspiration of becoming a prosperous middle-income country. Nevertheless, while remaining optimistic about the continent’s prospects,
Fundanga believes that in order for Africa to continue reducing poverty on a sustainable basis, it has to continue to retain open economies, expand regional markets and integration, and expand the reach and benefits of the market economy. As he told a forum organised by the World Bank in Taormina, Sicily, in October 2009, “One of the greatest dangers now facing African economies is the risk that the economic crisis might trigger significant policy reversals that undermine important institutions such as the government, as well as the central bank. It is important that in Africa, the
critical work of consolidating fiscal positions and improving the governance arrangements and financial management of public resources is sustained.” When asked whether this consolidation of the fiscal position meant a continuation of inflation targeting, Fundanga quickly corrected the supposition that his policies involved inflation targeting, in the classical sense, in the first place. “Our monetary policies have, in fact, been to target aggregates such as the growth in the money supply, using our reserves,” he explained. “At the beginning of each year, the Minister of Finance indicates what he thinks is the desired level of annual inflation. During the course of the year we work out a programme, which ensures that the
gregates to using short-term interest rates. Zambia’s Minister of Finance, Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, in the 2009 budget, had signalled this shift, and Fundanga pledged that it would be followed through. “That is similar to classical inflation targeting, anyway,” Fundanga explained. “The advantage of short-term interest rates is that the central bank can indicate which direction we want the economy to move. If you want to tighten credit, you increase the cost of borrowing and ultimately influence the rates obtainable in the credit market; if you want to ease up, you reduce the rate applicable and it will filter through the system.” Fundanga added an interesting explanation as to why the decision had
growth of the money supply is consistent with that desired rate of inflation. This, of course, is also based on the projected rate of growth of various sectors of the economy and the like. Now, obviously, that is another way of targeting the growth of inflation but it is not ‘inflation targeting’ in the classical sense. It’s a bit different.”
been made to use short-term interest rates to control the rate of inflation – they helped the markets to understand the intentions of the government’s monetary policies. “Under the current framework, the monetary policies we are using are so-called indirect instruments. When the commercial banks don’t have enough liquidity, they hike up their interest rates and liquidity will eventually turn up, but when people don’t see what is happening, it’s like an invisible hand – but we want a visible hand. We want the commercial banks to know what the central bank intends.
Tweaking the policy However, the governor was able to confirm to African Banker that there would be a shift in the Bank of Zambia’s policy, moving away from targeting inflation by using monetary ag-
59 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
see Bank of Zambia page 61
Bank of Zambia from page 59
tion, with the exchange rate shadowing the commodity’s price on international markets. From reaching a record price of $9,000/t in July 2008, copper fell to $2,900/t by the end of that year only to more than double, to over $7,000/t, by December 2009.
Relying on the market With copper accounting for some 70% of Zamb i a ’s e x port earnings a n d more than a Dr. Caleb Fundanga, Governor, Bank of Zambia third o f In saying this, I should add that I don’t believe the current framework hasn’t the country’s GDP, the wildworked. We have reduced inflation to ly fluctuating price is clearly single digits and speaking personally, I a concern to Fundanga. have a lot of respect for the present re- Was copper, in effect, holdgime, but at the same time I am always ing the country’s economy looking for something that is more ef- hostage? Fundanga responded to this fective than what I am practising at any question saying: “Copper is very important to our economy but our strategy, certainly as far as the exchange rate is concerned, has always been to rely on the market. “This was amply demonstrated when the copper price went down, our foreign exchange earnings given time.” However, the volatility of the world’s fell and the kwacha’s [Zambia’s curcopper price presents one of the coun- rency] exchange rate depreciated. We try’s biggest challenges and directly im- might have been expected to intervene pacts the prospects for containing infla- to support the kwacha at a certain lev-
el, but we have always viewed our role in the Bank of Zambia as just to help the market to move smoothly from one equilibrium to another. “We have to meet the huge demand for foreign exchange which might affect the economy in a very volatile way, and we provide just a little bit of liquidity so that the daily movements are small, but we don’t try to affect the trend, only the short-term movement. Similarly, the banks are free to determine their base rates but they are guided by the issuance of government securities that can serve to withdraw excess liquidity in open market conditions. “I can tell you that recently there has
been a very high demand for government securities and that has served to lower the yield rates [on government issued bonds]. The rates fell from around 13% to 7%, and that has influenced the banks to also lower their lending rates. “But to return to the question of the copper price determining our fiscal policies, before the economic crisis and sharp fall in the copper price, we were intervening in the foreign exchange market, to buy excess dollars and increase our reserves of foreign currencies. During the two quarters of the crisis, we were able to sell more foreign currency to provide liquidity, so you can clearly see that our role has been to smooth out the volatility. And that experience indicates the importance of building up reserves. If we had not built up our reserves, perhaps the value of the kwacha would be very different today.” &
61 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
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Thursday Blues
Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers
2560 S. Lincoln Blvd. Marina del Rey North East corner of Washington & Lincoln
“LA Times Magazine favorite cajun food”
Order Via the Internet Wines of the Black-Owned wineries of South Africa. Register at TheArtfulGrape.com. The Artful Grape will do the rest. The wines will be delivered to your door.
62 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Calendar February… 3rd-4th
Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business Program Get help in finding out how stimulus projects can help you be better positioned to survive and grow through the current economic downturn. Time is 9am to 1pm. 3rd: Crystal Hotel, Compton. 4th Riverside Convention Center, Riverside. Register online at http://californiasbdc.org/stimulus or call (707) 826-3919 for more information..
ings with U.S. Commercial Services officers stationed in 14 nations. UCLA Covel Commons. RSVP to Carlos Valderrama at cvalderrama@ lachamber.com or call 213-580-7570.
3rd-5th Economic Development Credit Analysis This hands-on course presents an overview of business financing tools and available private financing options, as well as how the public sector can complement bank financing. To attend this exceptional course contact one of the following organizations: California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), International Economic Development Council (IEDC), and the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC).
CalTrans District 7 Procurement Fair This purchasing event starts at 10am and goes to 2pm. Meet business representatives, learn about contract opportunities and more. 100 E Main Street, Los Angesles. For information call 323-897-0597 or send e-mail to thomas.knox@ dot.ca.gov.
BBA Salute to Black Women: Women’s History Month Conference & Luncheon To honor Black Women who are making history through their struggles for equality, contributions to arts, sciences, education and humanistic causes, success in business.Omni Hotel, downtown Los Angeles, 8:30 am to 3 pm. For information call 323-291-9334.
Pan African Film Festival - Opening Gala Information on the Oopening Gala and the entire schedule of the annual film festival is available at www.paff.org.
BBA Procurement Trade Mission to Washington, DC This trade mission offers face-to-face contact by business owners and managers to learn from and market to federal government agency procurement officers. For information call 323-291-9334.
25th 36th Annual BBA Awards Dinner Special honorees are the Hon. Maxine Waters and the Hon. Jerome Horten. Held at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in recognition of “Black History Month” to honor African American businesses along with our corporate partners and other majority corporations, government agencies and individuals most supportive of the growth and development of the BBA and African American businesses. For information call 323-291-9334.
March… 3rd-4th
the world of music. For information call 323291-9334.
August… 40th Anniversary Awards Dinner Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Black Business Association 1970-2010.
September… BBA Black Business Day Recognition of the advancements made by the African American business community over the last 40 years. For information call 323-2919334.
November… BBA 7th Annual Procument Exchange Summit The annual business development event includes One-on-One matchmaking sessions with utilities and corporate buyers, business development workshops and the Awards Luncheon. For information call 323-291-9334. &
For a complete listings of events around Southern California visit SAVETHEDATECENTRAL.com
Send your event notice to:
May… World Trade Week Symposium and Exposition To educate our business community regarding opportunities in international trade through discussion, exhibits and networking sessions. For information call 323-291-9334.
2nd Annual Americas Business Forum - Creating Jobs Through Exports The forum aids small businesses ready to conduct internatinal trade in the Western Hemisphere, Highlights will include country briefings, best practices workshops, one-on-one meet-
Business of Black Music Conference & Awards Dinner A celebration of culture of music and an examination of the business of culture. Includes recognition of pioneers and leaders in
63 T January 2010 T Black Business News T www.bbala.org
Calendar at mail@bbala.org.
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Payment type: check/money order—make payable to: Black Business Association Mail to: P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA For information Call: 323-291-9334 Email: mail@bbala.org Website: www.bbala.org
Reach Thousands of African American Entrepreneurs
U.S. Sm
all Bus
ess Adm 2007 A inistra tion WARD W “Journ alist of INNER! the Yea r”
YOUR LINK TO AFRICAN AMERICAN BUSINESS OWNERS The Black Business Association, SBA 2007 Journalist of the Year, is pleased to invite you to be an integral part of our publication, Black Business News - Your Link to African American Business Owners. The Black Business News is the ofÀcial voice through which public and private entities advertise contract and business opportunities available to African American entrepreneurs. Gain access to a highly afÁuent target market via outreach and advertising opportunities. • Outreach to Black Businesses • Advertorial/Feature Story Advertising • Profiles and Business Listings • Classified Ads and Bid Opportunities
Black Business News
Our readers are BBA members, Black business owners, corporate buyers, prime contractors, community organizations and elected ofÀcials, who all turn to the Black Business News for business development news and information to take their business and project efforts to the next level of proÀtability and success!
In Th vember 2008 is Iss ue…
5 Co ver S tory: we g Wher o e do Barack from h er Obam USA. a, 44th e? Preside 6 Bla nt of the ck Bu si Profi ness le Succ Dicker ess 9 Fo son Employee reclo sure Benefits $8.68 R 31 Sm Billion Settleme elief nt. all Bu sin Adm inistr ess Online Train ation
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The H o ent-E norable B ar lect o f the U ack H. O bama, nited States of Am er
Ad Type Measurements Full Page 10.25”x12.75” Half Page 10.25”x 6.75” Half Page 5.00”x12.75” Quarter Page 5.00”x 6.75” Eighth Page 5.00”x 3.00”
For detail advertising rate information contact: Advertising Services at 323-291-9334 E-mail: mail@bbala.org
Choose to care. Choose to celebrate. Choose to dream. At Comerica Bank, we choose to care about the dreams and visions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We choose to celebrate equality and diversity among all people, and we’re dedicated to ringing the bells of freedom. Choose to celebrate the dream with us.
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