BBA News NOVa '09

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November 2009

In This Issue‌ 6 Financial Regulatory Reform

14 Save Energy, Save Money 16 6th Annual BBA Procurement Exchange Summit 34 African Union Addresses Climate Change 45 SBA Aids Disabled Vets/Women Entrepreneurs

Pres. Obama Has His... You Get Yours! Black Business News SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE LIMITED EDITION

Now On Sale! A commemorative limited-edition magazine, unlike any other special tribute issued to recognize the election of Barack H. Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America, has been published by the Black Business Association.

To order your copy, call the BBA office at (323) 291-9334 or email to:

Hurry! Buy Your Copy Today - Quantities are limited!

President’s Message Earl “Skip” Cooper, II President/Chief Executive Officer

Collaboration: An Economic Stimulus Plan of Action


he Black Business Association (BBA) conducted its 6th ANNUAL PROCUREMENT EXCHANGE SUMMIT this month in Los Angeles. I wish to commend this year’s corporate participants who were part of the summit, in particular those carrying out supplier outreach as part of their standard product and service sourcing process. The BBA thinks highly of purchasing management personnel who seek to best affect the optimal small business relationship building outcomes and actionable purchasing opportunities for black enterprises. The BBA sees effective supply chain management as the most critical stimulus component of socioeconomic development. Socioeconomic development was emphasized during the event by featuring the progress of the AFRICAN AMERICAN SUPPLIER ENGAGEMENT COLLABORATION (AASEC), where the BBA is a founding and organizing member. The AASEC was formed as an economic stimulus collaborative combining the work experience of more than 75 years between the BBA, CALIFORNIA BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, and NATIONAL BLACK BUSINESS COUNCIL. By concentrating the enriched background of the AASEC members it provides added value to the California utility corporations’ sourcing teams seeking to do business with black-owned and operated enterprises. As for the destabilized economic conditions many enterprises are just now experiencing, unfortunately these conditions echo a lingering economic envi-

ronment ever so familiar to the AASEC. This is why our respective business associations established and deliver interrelated mission and advocacy guidelines that individually and collectively work to stimulate small business spending and capital investment in the same. This business collaborative is functioning right in concert with the BBA’s Procurement Exchange Summits resulting from our mutual business models. The AASEC ranks this busi-

ness summit as the most significant one-day event available in Southern California, principally matched by the investor-owned utility purchasing management professional partnerships. Basically, after you take the loaded labor expense of utility firms, procure-

ment has an enormous amount of leverage on many sides of conducting business because roughly 50% of its revenue is reinvested in procuring goods and services from external business enterprises. Where our federal government’s stimulus plan is reigniting the domestic and global economies, we find it still very necessary to encourage the public and private sectors to include diverse black enterprises in their respective operating efficiencies and product delivery plans. In view of that, procurement departments have the most fundamental stimulus available and unless black enterprises are included in that recognition, it moves the pendulum ever so much closer toward ineffectual exclusion. Which is why we coordinate such event as an integral component of the prescribed economic transformation, taking into account that every purchasing management personnel is influential in the buying decisions of major organizations. Purchasing professionals critically impact the socioeconomic landscape, which is a paramount condition for achieving a positive and rapid economic turnaround. The BBA values the high level of investment power afforded purchasing management professionals and getting through these unprecedented economic times places a greater emphasis on extending real opportunities for our members all in the course of our Procurement exchange summits and the ensuing follow-up periods. Optimistically, there appears to be a collective

3 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see President’s Message on page 44

Over 39 years of service Founded 1970 Starlett Quarles, urban X marketing

In This Issue… 3 President’s Message

Collaboration: An Economic Stimulus Plan of Action.


Black Business Association P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-291-9234




PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx ▪ Sabir • N. Osei

LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2009 by Black Business Association. All Rights Reserved.


Ted Davis, Chairman IsComp Systems, Inc. Nathan Freeman, Vice Chairman Figueroa Media Group, Inc. Eugene Jones, Secretary NVA Financial Group, Inc. Kevin M. Caliup, Treasurer AIA/E-World Strategy Narishimah Osei, Parliamentarian Osei & Associates Gwen Moore, Director GEM Communications Candida Mobely-Wright, Director Voices, Inc. Angela Walton, Director Melador Technologies, Inc. Angela Reddock, Esq., Legal Counsel

STAFF Earl “Skip” Cooper, II, President/CEO Kesha Vontreese, Administrative Consultant Brett Byers, Special Projects Consultant


AEG American Honda Motor Company AT&T Bank of America The Boeing Company California Lottery Citibank Coca-Cola Enterprises Comerica Bank Department of Water & Power Donald Sterling Corporation Fannie Mae IBM Kaiser Permanente LAEDC Los Angeles World Airports Northrop Grumman Corporation Raytheon Company S.C.R.P.C. Sempra Energy Southern California Edison Swinerton Builders Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. Turner Construction Company Union Bank of California USBank Verizon Walt Disney Company WellPoint Wells Fargo Bank Lyceum Management Services, Ex Officio Hollis Smith, Ex Officio Paulette Williams, Ex Officio

5 Financial Reform Aids African Americans 8 Obama’s 10 Things 10 Recovery Through Retrofit 11 Save Energy, Save Money 13 Memorial Construction Approval Granted 14 Health Care Reform Near 16 6th Annual BBA Procurement Exchange Summit 21 California’s Water Package 25 NASA’s Administrator 34 Africa Focus President Obama Meets with Presient of Botswana African Union Addresses Climate Change New U.S. Ambassador to the African Union

AFFILIATES African American Unity Caucus Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs Black Women’s Network California Black Chamber of Commerce California Council of Black Chambers The Greenlining Institute Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense & Education Fund National Black Business Council The National Association of African American Chambers of Commerce The National Black Chamber of Commerce Pan African Film & Arts Festival Recycling Black Dollars

45 SBA News

Training Programs for Disabled Vets and Women Entrepreneurs

55 Calendar



29 - Take A Look! 49 - Books to Consider...

BBA Action Alert

Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers

15 - Health Care Reform-Contact Your Senator Now

Cover image - White House Photo 4 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

President Obama arrives in the Roosevelt Room in the White House for a meeting with the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (Tribune photo by Nancy Stone)

Obama Financial Regulatory Reform Plan Fights for African Americans: Enforcing Common Sense Rules of the Road for Consumers, Investors African American Families and the Subprime Crisis In 2005 and 2006, the height of the subprime lending boom, more than 53% of loans sold to African American borrowers to purchase homes and more than 49% of refinancings by African Americans were higher price loans. [Federal Reserve, “Higher Priced Lending and the 2005 HMDA Data” (September 2006); Federal Reserve, “The

2006 HMDA Data” (December 2007)] African-American borrowers were over 3 times more likely to receive higher price loans to purchase homes and over 2 times more likely to receive higher price refinancing loans than non-Hispanic whites in 2005 and 2006. [Federal Reserve, “Higher Priced Lending and the 2005 HMDA Data” (September 2006); Federal Reserve, “The 2006 HMDA Data” (December 2007)] Borrowers who were sold subprime loans, including African Americans, have come under severe stress during the recent financial crisis and are at high risk of foreclosure. 46% of outstanding subprime loans sold in 2005 and 54% of such loans sold in 2006 are in foreclosure or no payment has been received for 60 days or more. [McDash Online Core Database data (September 2009); Treasury analysis.] Growth in African American homeownership reported to have reversed.

Based on an analysis of Census data, the Pew Hispanic Center reported that “[b]lack householders raised their homeownership rate from 41.9% in 1995 to 49.4% in 2004. By 2008, the black homeownership rate had decreased to 47.5%””—still significantly short of the 74.9% homeownership rate for whites in 2008. [Pew Hispanic Center, “Through Boom and Bust: Minorities, Immigrants and Homeownership,” 5/12/09] African American Families Deserve Clear Rules and Strong Enforcement About half (48%) of African American and other minority households carry a credit card balance, with a median balance of approximately $2,000. [Federal Reserve, “Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,” (“SCF”)]

5 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Regulatory Reform on page 6

Regulatory Reform from page 5

40% of African American and other minority households have mortgages and other debt secured by residential property, such as home equity lines of credit. The median amount owed is approximately $113,000. [SCF] 49% of African American and other minority households have installment loans, such as student loans and auto loans. The median total balance on such loans is approximately $12,000. 36% have student and other education loans and 51% have auto and other vehicle loans. [SCF]. African American and other minority households invest in the financial markets, including for retirement. 39% of African American and other minority households have retirement accounts with a median amount of approximately $25,000. [SCF] 16% of African American and other minority households do not have bank accounts, compared with only 4% of non-Hispanic white households. Families without bank accounts are often forced to turn to costly alternative financial services, such as check cashing, where there has been no federal supervisor to enforce fair rules of the road for consumers. [SCF] African Americans, among other minorities, are more likely to use payday lending services. Based on analysis of the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances, the Center for American Progress reported that “[t]hirty-eight percent of families who had borrowed a payday loan within the last year were nonwhite while just 22 percent of families who did not take out such a loan were non-

white…. Additionally, payday industry data indicates that African Americans make up a larger share of payday customers than of the general population.” Payday loans can carry high costs for families already living on narrow margins. [Center for American Progress, “Who Borrows from Payday Lenders,” 3/2009]

African Americans, have equal access to responsible financial services. The agency will enforce fair lending laws that protect African Americans from discriminatory lending practices. The agency will also be required take into account the impact on access to credit before establishing new consumer protection rules.

Reform Will Benefit African Americans

Check Cashing, Payday Lending, and Other Alternative Financial Services For African American Families Forced to Turn to Alternative Financial Services Such as Check Cashing and Payday Lending: The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will establish for the first time robust federal supervision and oversight over alternative financial service companies such as check cashers and payday lenders. The agency will be able to combat abusive and predatory practices that harm consumers, helping families avoid hidden fees and keep more money in their pocketbooks. Bank Accounts For African Americans without Bank Accounts: In a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve, a significant fraction of households without bank accounts said that they did not have a checking account because they did not like dealing with banks (25%) or because the service charges were too high (12%). The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will be able to rein in practices that may drive some African Americans away from banks—including by stopping banks from enrolling customers in expensive overdraft programs without their consent. [SCF]

Financial literacy Empowering African Americans to Make Smart Financial Choices by Promoting Financial Education and Finan-

Too many responsible African American families have paid the price for an outdated regulatory system that left our financial system vulnerable to collapse and left consumers without adequate protections. The Obama Administration’s plan will promote financial stability and protect African American families from the unfair practices that contributed to this crisis. The plan will establish a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which will set clear rules of the road and ensure that financial providers are held to high standards. cial Literacy: The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will promote consumer financial education and financial literacy, with a dedicated office focused on ensuring that the agency’s expertise and research are used to help raise awareness, educate, and empower consumers to avoid unfair practices and make smart financial choices. Access to Credit Expanding Access to Credit for African Americans: One pillar of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency’s mission will be ensuring that traditionally underserved communities, including

6 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Mortgages see Regulatory Reform on page 7

Regulatory Reform from page 6

For African Americans Who Want to Buy a Home: The piles of forms needed for a regular mortgage can be overwhelming and many brokers have taken advantage of that confusion to give borrowers loans they didn’t need or couldn’t afford. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will have the ability to consolidate and simplify—into plain language—two overlapping and sometimes inconsistent federal mortgage forms. The agency will be able to adopt rules requiring brokers to take steps to offer borrowers loans they can afford. Credit Cards For African Americans with Credit Cards: The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will enforce a new law signed by President Obama to ban rate hikes on existing balances. For African Americans who have used credit cards to get by when times are tight, the law will give them clarity on the interest rates they are charged. Overdraft For African Americans Caught by Unexpected Overdraft Fees: Many households are automatically enrolled in overdraft programs. These programs can hit consumers with costly overdraft fees for even the smallest purchases. For example, the FDIC found that the average overdraft charge for a single purchased item—like a $2 cup of coffee—is $30 at banks with assets over $1 billion. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency would be able to give consumers a real choice as to whether to join expensive overdraft programs so that they are not unknowingly charged unnecessary fees. [FDIC, “FDIC Study of Bank Overdraft Programs” (November 2008) at Table IV-3] Student Loans For African Americans Who Must Take out Loans to Go to School: For students who need to take out loans to cover the costs of higher education, such as attendance at historically black colleges and universities, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency will

be able to fight unfair practices and require lenders to follow fair rules of the road and to give students the information they need to make smart choices. Saving and Investments During the height of the financial crisis, over the last three months of 2008, Americans lost five trillion dollars in household wealth. [Federal Reserve, “Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States: Flows and Outstandings Second Quarter 2009” (9/17/09), Table B.100] Protecting African Americans’ Retirement Security, Savings, and Investments: In the wake of the Madoff scandal, it is clear that all investors need better protection from fraud and unscrupulous actors. The Administration’s proposed legislation strengthens investor protection through the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by: • Raising the standards for brokers and investment professionals so that they have a fiduciary duty and are required to act in the interests of investors when giving advice • Requiring mutual funds to disclose costs and risk factors to investors prior to selling a product, instead of after it is purchased • Creating a permanent Investor Advisory Council to the SEC—so the government will hear about the needs and interests of real investors • Increasing protections for those who uncover financial frauds & Survey of Consumer Finances - www.



he websites shown on Page 20 of this issue provide links to inside information on both the Economic Recovery process and the Health Care Reform process. Be an informed and involved citizen. Use the information in the Black Business News to make a difference in your life and in the welfare of our communities and our nation. &

2010 Events

February • Black Business Awards Dinner - 40th Anniversary of the BBA March • Salute to Black Women April • Trade Mission to Washington, DC May • World Trade Week Conference & Trade Expo June • Business of Black Music Conference & Awards Dinner September • Black Busines Day November • Utilities Procurement Exchange Summit & Awards Luncheon • Call for information •



Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers

7 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

One Year Later: Ten Things President Obama Has Done Since Taking Office Anthony Asadullah Samad, Ph.D.


ne year ago this week, the United States of America witnessed the people take its government back from ideological tyranny, greed and anti-intellectualism. The election of President Barack Obama was a worldwide event. A signal to the world that America, at last, had overcome it’s last taboo (at least publicly), race. Graveyards all over America with generations of three centuries of racialized pasts either roared, “Finally,” or rolled over in amazement that this could happen here of all places. One year later, the nation is a lot more sober with the reality of what change really is, and what was necessary to bring change about. The most amazing thing about the past year is the short memories everybody seems to have about how bad things really were. People seemed to have forgotten that the economy was in a freefall, two misguided wars were draining the U.S. treasury and we had little goodwill to be found anywhere around the globe. All guns were pointed at us, and no calvery in sight. Everybody thought Barack Obama was the better candidate. Everybody agreed that Barack Obama should be elected President. But NOBODY was going to call it, bet the farm on it, or even say it, above a whisper, that Barack Obama would be the next President--until they saw it with their own eyes. The reality of America’s situation, however, is that no matter who was elected President, the country was in trouble. And that’s exactly how it’s gone down. The ignorant (who are not really ignorant-just still mad), the foolish, and the partisans all want to suggest that President Obama hasn’t done anything in the 10 months since he’s been Presi-

dent. They even want to blame the outcomes of this week’s elections in Virginia and New Jersey as a referendum on the job Obama is doing. Like things were just going to turnaround because Barack showed up. It’s simple-minded

TEN: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off

President Barack Obama greets Louvon Harris, left, Betty Byrd Boatner, right, both sisters of James Byrd, Jr., and Judy Shepard, center, mother of Matthew Shepard, following his remarks at a reception commemorating the enactment of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) and disingenuous to suggest nothing has been done. So, let’s look at (at least) ten things President Obama has managed to achieve within his first year (that’s not over yet):

a 70 story building. The inertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldn’t even step in front of a boulder coming

8 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Ten Things on page 29

Procurement Trade Mission to Washington, D.C.

Black Business Association 6 National Black Business Council California Black Chamber of Commerce 6 National Black Business Association

BBA 6 NBBC 6 CBCC 6 NBBA Supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration/Los Angeles District

The Trade Mission that Targets Federal Contract Procurement Dollars for Your Business!! PARTIAL LISTING OF FEDERAL AGENCIES

Department of Transportation Department of Defense General Services Administration Department of Agriculture Housing and Urban Development Veterans Administration Department of Energy Department of Commerce

APRIL 2010 Washington, D.C. q Send Me Information on the Trade Mission TODAY!

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Black Business Association P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 Tel: 323.291.9334 6 Fax: 323.291.9234 6

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“Recovery Through Retrofit” Report Unveiled


“An aggressive program to retrofit American homes and businesses will create more work, more savings, and better health for middle class Americans.” Existing techniques and technologies in energy efficiency retrofitting can reduce energy use by up to 40 percent per home and lower total associated greenhouse gas emissions by up to 160 million metric tons annually. Retrofitting existing homes also has the potential to cut home energy bills by $21 billion annually. Yet, despite the real energy cost savings and environmental benefits associated with improving home energy efficiency, a series of barriers have prevented a self-sustaining retrofit market from forming. These barriers include a lack of access to information, financing and skilled workers. The recommendations and actions

ice President Biden today un- Century economy,” said Vice President veiled Recovery Through Ret- Biden. rofit, a report that builds on the “And, thanks to the Recovery Act’s foundation laid in the Recovery Act to unprecedented investments in enerexpand green job opportunities and gy efficiency, we are making it easier boost energy savings by making homes for American families to retrofit their more energy efficient. Joining the Vice homes - helping them save money President today were Nancy Sutley, while reducing carbon emissions and Chair of the White House Council on creating a healthier environment for our Environmental Quality; Steven Chu, families.” Secretary of Energy; Hilda Solis, Sec“This report builds on the foundaretary of Labor; Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; and Karen Mills, Administrator of the Small Business Administration. At a Middle Class Task Force meeting earlier this year, the Vice President asked the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to develop a proposal for Federal action to lay the groundwork for a self-sustaining home energy efficiency retrofit industry. In response, CEQ facilitated a broad interagency process with the Office of the Vice President, eleven Departments and Agencies and six White House Offices to develop recommendations for how to use existPresident Barack Obama Vice President Biden. The Vice President is responsible for the Middle Class Task Force. ing authority and funding (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) to accomplish this goal. These recommendations are described tion laid in the Recovery Act to expand in this Report have been carefully dein detail in the Recovery Through Ret- green job and business opportunities signed to help overcome these barriers rofit Report. for the middle class while ensuring that and to leverage Recovery Act funding “Recovery Through Retrofit is a blue- the energy efficiency market will thrive to help ensure that the energy efficienprint that will create good green jobs - for years to come,” said Nancy Sutley, cy market will thrive long after the Rejobs that can’t be outsourced, and jobs Chair of the White House Council on covery Act money is fully spent. that will be the cornerstones of a 21st- Environmental Quality. see Retrofit on page 12

10 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Weatherization: Saving Money by Saving Energy By U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Dr. Steven Chu


’ve always been a bit of an energy efficiency nut. I’ve made it my mission to cut the utility bills at every home we’ve owned. Long before I learned about the risks of climate change, I was fanatical about energy efficiency because I’m cheap. Whenever my wife and I move into a new home, I check the attic for adequate insulation. I look for leaks around doors and windows and install a programmable thermostat if needed.

by making their homes and appliances more energy efficient while increasing comfort. We are making a major down payment on this effort through the President’s economic recovery plan. First, the Recovery Act expanded tax credits for energy efficiency upgrades to your home. If you purchase and install certain energy-efficient windows, insulation, doors, roofs, or heating and cooling equipment, you can receive a tax

their property tax bill. The homeowners might pay an extra $400 per year on their property tax bill but save $500 a year on their utility bill. Since the financing would be attached to the property tax bill, both the savings and the loan payments stay with the house if the owners decide to sell. Finally, for low-income families who are hit hardest by high utility bills, the

In our latest home, I’ve also insulated our water pipes with inexpensive foam from our local hardware store and painted mastic sealant on the seams of the air ducts. When our hot water heater needed replacement, we installed a tank-less water heater which decreased our summer-time gas use by 50%. In the summer, we found that setting the thermostat at 77 - 78 degrees and a gentle breeze from a fan was all that is required to be comfortable. So far, we are on track to cut our utility bills by about half compared to the previous owner, but we are doing more. Our home has two large skylights that funnel too much heat out in the winter and let too much heat in the summer. We intend to replace these older windows with modern widows with five times the efficiency. Taking these steps is called “weatherization.” I would rather call it “saving money by saving energy.” Over the next several years, we want to help millions of American families seize the same opportunity to cut their utility bills

credit for 30% of the cost, up to $1,500. For example, if insulating your attic costs around $1,600, you’ll receive a $480 tax credit, and you could save up to $200 on your utility bill each year. Second, we are launching an innovative new effort called “Retrofit Ramp Up” that will simplify and reduce the cost of home retrofits by funding pioneering programs that reach whole neighborhoods and towns. If we can energy audit and retrofit a reasonable fraction of the homes in any given residential block, the cost will be greatly reduced. Programs such as these will decrease barriers to saving money: inconvenience, inertia, and inadequate information. We want to make home energy efficiency upgrades irresistible and a social norm for homeowners. This effort could offer homeowners innovative ways to finance the upfront investments they can’t afford on their own. For example, homeowners might receive a loan for an energy improvement and pay back the principal and interest over time via an assessment on

Recovery Act provides $5 billion for home weatherization. This is the largest single investment in home energy efficiency in U.S history. This program is creating jobs now, putting money back in the pockets of hardworking Americans, reducing our environmental footprint, and making these homes more livable. However, some people - including me - have been frustrated that the program started off more slowly than we’d hoped. It took a few months for states to develop their plans and for the Energy Department to ensure those plans met the highest standards of accountability. We also used this time to work with the Labor Department to establish standards that guarantee these jobs pay a fair wage. States and their local weatherization agencies also began training this new workforce and buying millions of dollars in necessary equipment and materials, like caulk guns, insulation blowers, and service vehicles. We are taking the care and time necessary to

11 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Weatherization on page 12


funding and have begun to double and triple their home energy efficiency efforts. Workers are being hired, homes are being improved, and families are being helped.

from page 11

make sure these taxpayer dollars are well spent. Those purchases are creating jobs. A good example is an insulation machine manufacturer called Krendl in Delphos, Ohio. Because of Recovery Act-driven purchases, Krendl has expanded its workforce by 30 percent, and one of Krendl’s distributors, Applied Energy Products, Inc., increased its staff by almost 60 percent. Here’s more good news: •

All 50 states have received 100% of their Recovery Act weatherization


In September, we estimate we weatherized 15,000 - 20,000 homes - the fastest pace in the 30 year history of the Weatherization Assistance Program. We expect to be weatherizing 20,000 to 30,000 homes per month soon.

This effort has already created or saved thousands of jobs, and the pace of hiring is accelerating. The Department of Energy and our partners have an aggressive training and technical assistance proHomes (2009).

from page 10

Some recommendations in the report include: • Provide American Homeowners with Straightforward and Reliable Home Energy Retrofit Information: Consumers need consistent, accessible, and trusted information that provides a reliable benchmark of energy efficiency and sound estimates of the costs and benefits of home energy retrofits. • Reduce High Upfront Costs, Making Energy Retrofits More Accessible: Access to retrofit financing should be more transparent, more accessible, repayable over a longer time period, and more consumer-friendly. • Establish National Workforce Certifications and Training Standards: A uniform set of national standards to qualify energy efficiency and retrofit workers and industry training providers will establish the foundation of consumer confidence that work will be completed correctly and produce the expected energy savings and benefits. Such standards should incorporate healthy and environmentally friendly housing principles, as outlined in the report titled, the Surgeon General’s Call to Action To Promote Healthy

Proper certification and training standards will ensure that retrofitted homes are healthy homes. Consistent highlevel national standards will spur the utilization of qualified training providers that offer career-track programs for people of all skill levels, promote and expand green jobs opportunities and facilitate the mobilization of a national home retrofit workforce. “As Secretary of Labor I’m working to help build the clean energy economy of tomorrow by investing in our workers today,” said Secretary Solis “Training for green jobs can empower workers to climb the career ladder, sustain a family and provide a secure retirement. Through Recovery through Retrofit, we’re committing to meet the needs of workers, employers and homeowners, so we can shape our clean energy future into one that supports working families and is inclusive of the diversity of our nation.” “I am proud to join my colleagues today in announcing Recovery through Retrofit,” said Secretary Donovan. “It will allow us to work closely together to remove barriers to creating more energy efficient homes for American families. This initiative will not only lead to cost savings for homeowners and reduce negative environmental impact, but will also be a powerful vehicle for economic recovery by creating quality

gram to continue to invest in green workforce development. We’re training a workforce and building a home energy efficiency industry that will be a crucial part of America’s new, clean energy economy. As states, utilities and private companies increasingly pursue home energy efficiency in part because of the innovative incentive programs I described earlier - we will have the capacity to help millions of Americans lower their utility bills. Energy efficiency is simply good economics. It will save you money. It will create jobs. It is a way for you to personally decrease your carbon emissions and help save our planet. Published: in the Huffington Post middle class jobs and lasting neighborhood benefits. This is another demonstration of HUD’s commitment to creating jobs for the new economy in high growth industries by encouraging and investing in “green” building and energy retrofits.” “This initiative will not only result in considerable cost savings for homeowners on their energy bills, but also put resources in the hands of green sector small businesses who will in turn create good-paying jobs in communities across the country,” said SBA Administrator Mills. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, who was unable to attend this event due to travel added, “This is the Recovery Act at work. Communities will benefit from good jobs, families will benefit from lower energy bills, and we will all benefit from reduced air pollution and a growing green economy. Our Energy Star program can help families cut up to 30% off their energy bills -- saving the average household more than $700 a year through efficiency investments. EPA is proud to be working with all of our partners to help people save money when they need it the most, and build a new foundation for prosperity through a growing green economy.” The Department of Energy today also announced $454 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment

12 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Retrofit on page 23

Martin L. King Jr. Memorial Construction on National Mall Approved At a ceremony with Harry E. Johnson, Sr., President of the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc., Christine King Farris, sister to Martin Luther King Jr.; EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and members of the Black and Hispanic Caucuses, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today signed a permit allowing construction of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the National Mall. “Dr. King is one of America’s greatest heroes - a Nobel Peace Prize winner who inspired America to live up to the meaning of its creed of freedom, justice and opportunity for all people,” said Secretary Salazar. “It is fitting and appropriate that we honor Dr. King’s extraordinary life and legacy with a memorial here on the National Mall, alongside the timeless landmarks of American democracy and freedom. May this sacred ground help us draw strength from Dr. King’s courage, dedication and sacrifice, and inspire us to always seek a more perfect union.” “I am excited to move forward with construction and share that we are in the home stretch of the fundraising campaign to build this national memorial to Dr. King,” said Harry E. Johnson, Sr., President of the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. “I call on all Americans to participate in our Build the Dream: Countdown to Completion phase of the fundraising campaign by donating $1 or more to become a part of history.” Now that Secretary Salazar has signed a construction permit, the nonprofit Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. can proceed with construction of the memorial. The new memorial will be situated adjacent to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and in a direct line between the Lin-

coln and Jefferson Memorials. Dr. King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream Speech” at the Lincoln Memorial in August, 1963. Congress passed Joint Resolutions in 1996 authorizing Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to establish a memorial honoring Dr. King to be built in Washington, D.C. The ceremonial groundbreaking took place on November 13, 2006, and the memorial is expected to be completed in 2011. The design of the four-acre memorial includes the use of water, stone and trees to symbolize Dr. King’s call to America for justice, opportunity and hope for all people. “Dr. King’s dream is America’s dream,” Salazar said. “This new memorial honoring him and his legacy will help us share this dream - and America’s story - with future generations.” Dr. King, a Baptist minister, dedicat-

ed his life to promoting civil rights and opposing discrimination and segregation. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. In his “I Have a Dream” speech, he challenged the conscience of the nation to finally live up to the ideals upon which it was founded, helping to convince Congress to pass landmark laws, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In 1964, he became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end segregation and discrimination by peaceful protest and other non-violent means. King was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004. Congress established Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a U.S. national holiday in 1986.

The Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. has officially received the building permit and can begin construction. The letters to President Obama, Speaker of the House Pelosi and Secretary of the Interior Salazar sent by the King Memorial supporters truly made a difference. All of this would not have been possible without YOU - our dedicated and committed supporters! Everyone at the Foundation appreciates you so much for all of your dedication and the tremendous support you’ve displayed. We cannot thank you enough for supporting us. We are extremely excited about all of the wonderful news. Now it’s “Countdown to Completion.” Contribute to the completion of the King Memorial at www.

13 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

House of Representatives Votes on Health Care Reform

us to the very cusp of building what so many generations of Americans have sought to build -- a better health care system for this country. Millions of Americans are watching right now. Their families and their businesses are counting on us. After all, this is why they sent us here, to finally ood afternoon, everybody. I industry bureaucracies. confront the challenges that Washingjust want to say a few words The National Farmers Union supports ton had been putting off for decades -about the landmark vote that this bill because it will control costs for to make their lives better, to leave this the House of Representatives is poised farmers and ranchers, and address country stronger than we found it. to take today -- a vote that can bring the unique challenges rural Americans I just came from the Hill where I talkus one step closer to making real the face when it comes to receiving quality ed to the members of Congress there, promise of quality, affordable health care. and I reminded them that opportunities care for the American people. And the AARP supports it because like this come around maybe once in a For the better part of a year now, it will achieve the goal for which the generation. Most public servants pass members of the House and the Sen- AARP has been fighting for decades through their entire careers ate have been working diligently without a chance to make as and constructively to craft legisThe U.S. House of important a difference in the lation that will benefit millions of lives of their constituents and American families and millions Representatives voted in favor of the life of this country. This is of American businesses who urHealth Care Reform. The bill is their moment, this is our mogently need it. For the first time ment, to live up to the trust now before the U.S. Senate. ever, they’ve passed bills through that the American people have every single committee responplaced in us -- even when it’s hard; essible for reform. They’ve brought us -- reducing the cost of health care, pecially when it’s hard. This is our mocloser than we have ever been to pass- expanding coverage for America’s sement to deliver. ing health insurance reform on behalf niors, and strengthening Medicare for I urge members of Congress to rise of the American people. the long haul. to this moment. Answer the call of hisNow is the time to finish the job. The Now, no bill can ever contain everytory, and vote yes for health insurance bill that the House has produced will thing that everybody wants, or please reform for America. Thanks. & provide stability and security for Ameri- every constituency and cans who have insurance; quality, af- every district. That’s an fordable options for those who don’t; impossible task. But what and lower costs for American families is possible, what’s in our and American businesses. And as I’ve grasp right now is the insisted from the beginning, it is a bill chance to prevent a future that is fully paid for and will actually re- where every day 14,000 duce our long-term federal deficit. Americans continue to lose This bill is change that the American their health insurance, and people urgently need. Don’t just take every year 18,000 Amerimy word for it. Consider the national cans die because they groups who’ve come out in support of don’t have it; a future where this bill on behalf of their members: The crushing costs keep small Consumers Union supports it because businesses from succeedit will create -- and I quote -- “a more ing and big businesses secure, affordable health care system from competing in the globfor the American people.” al economy; a future where The American Medical Association countless dreams are deand the American Nurses Associa- ferred or scaled back betion support it on behalf of doctors and cause of a broken system nurses and medical professionals who we could have fixed when know firsthand what’s broken in our we had the chance. current system, and who see what hapWhat we can do right now pens when their patients can’t get the is choose a better future First Lady Michelle Obama discusses health care reform from care they need because of insurance and pass a bill that brings a woman’s point of view in a video available at

Remarks by President Barack H. Obama


14 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

ACTION ALERT! Let Your U.S. Senators Know How You Want Them To VOTE! Write, call or e-mail your federal representatives today! Give voice to your opinion. The citizens of this nation need a comprehensive health care plan. Pass legislation that includes a Public Insurance Option and No Insurance Industry Buyout.

Find congressional contact information at: and

15 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

BBA’s 6th Annual Procurement Exchange Summit


frican-American business owners gathered for the sixth annual Procurement Exchange Summit and Awards Luncheon that was held on November 5, 2009 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles. The Procurement Exchange Summit is one of the best opportunities in

Southern California for networking, learning and participating in oneon-one matchmaking sessions with procurement executives from utilities, telecommunications, financial institutions, major corporations and government agencies. The Summit includes business de2




velopment workshops along with the procurement exchange sessions. The Wells Fargo/BBA workshop - “Knowing Your Banker: What You Need to Know About Securing Financing in the Midst of an Economic Downturn” - was designed to aid business owners to prepare their business finances to pursue the best lending programs available to them. Southern California Edison moderated a session to assist business owners in identifying “What Procurement Opportunities exist in the State of California through the Stimulus Bill?”

Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2009 A Proclamation By the President of the United States of America Our Nation's strength rests on the ingenuity and creativity of the American people. Across our country, almost 4 million minorityowned firms exemplify this spirit as they create jobs, develop new products and services, and promote community and economic development. The growth and expansion of these businesses is an increasingly critical part of our economic recovery and long-term prosperity. At a time when too many Americans are facing extraordinary economic challenges, supporting the development of minority-owned enterprises will help accelerate the revitalization of our economy. Of the 630,000 minority-owned employer firms, these businesses are providing employment and stability to 4.7 million workers while renewing urban neighborhoods and rural communities. They represent a key component of future growth for our economy. Minority Enterprise Development Week is an opportunity to commemorate the tremendous value minority entrepreneurs and their employees bring to our economy and our Nation as a whole. They embody the timeless American values of hard work, integrity, and optimism. They also serve as role models to countless children who want to start their own business or reach their personal goals. Through their accomplishments and example, these leaders affirm that, with determination and commitment, every American can achieve his or her potential and live out their dreams. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States do hereby proclaim August 23 through August 29, 2009, as Minority Enterprise Development Week. I call upon all Americans to celebrate this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities to recognize the many contributions of our Nation's minority enterprises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.

BARACK H. OBAMA About MED Week In collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration and public and private sector partners, MBDA commemorates minority entrepreneurship with the National MED Week, the largest federally sponsored activity. leading up to the National MED Week Conference, regional MED Week events are held throughout the United States.






The 2009 awardees included: Worldwide Technology, Business of the Year Award; Brenda J. Curry, Curtom Building and Development Corporation, Outstanding Entrepreneur Award; Danny Griffin and Robin Kirkskey, co-owners of Wingstop franchise, Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Award; Dr. Frank S. Greene, Chief Executive Officer of New Vista Capital, Busi- 10 ness Lifetime Achievement Award; Assemblyman Mike Davis, Legislative Trailblazer Award; and Sonya Dukes, Senior Vice President and Di- Corporation, Pacific Gas rector of Corporate Supplier Diversity, & Electric Company, Wells Fargo Bank, Supplier Capacity Orange County Transit Builder Award. Authority, Los Angeles Leading sponsors of the Procurement World Airports, State of Summit included: Southern California California, Department of Edison, Wells Fargo Bank, and Brandon General Services, Turner Supply Company. Supporting sponsors Construction, Los Angewere: Comerica Bank, US Bank, Sem- les Department of Water pra Energy, California Water Associa- & Power, Kaiser Permation, Northrop Grumman, Verizon, NBC nente, AT&T, Metro, MetUniversal, Caltrans, American Honda ropolitan Water District.









Photo Legend: 1) Clarence Scott, Founder/President, Brandon Supply Corporation. 2) Joe Alterete, Manager, Supplier Diversity, Southern California Edison. 3) Roy Jasso, VP Community Development, Wells Fargo Bank. 4) (l-r) Brenda J. Curry, Curtom Building Development Corporation, BBA Outstanding Entreprenur Award Recipiant, Billie Greer, Director, Office of

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. 5) (l-r) Dean Jones, Strategist, Southland Partnership Corporation and Rosalind Pennington, NBBC President. 6) State Assemblyman Mike Davis. 7) Don Kincey, Comerica West Incorporated, Community Development and Public Affairs 8) Vince Craney, Supplier Diversity Manager, Southern California Edison discusses opportunities during one-to-

one match session. 9) Demond Richardson, VP, Sourcing Manager, Wells Fargo Corporate Supplier Diversity accepts the Supplier Capacity Builder Award for Sonya Dukes. 10) Former State Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally. 11) City Councilwoman Jan Perry, 9th District. see Procurement Summit on page 30

Ten Things

Water Package from page 29

from page 21

the change, but some in America. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought they’d never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasn’t ready to selfdestruct.

and Protection For groundwater protection and cleanup. $1.25 billion Water Recycling and Water Conservation For water recycling and advanced treatment technology projects as well as water conservation and water use efficiency projects. Total: $11.1 billion &

Not bad, for less than a year in office. People need to stop complaining that he hasn’t done enough. Obama was elected President. He wasn’t elected Jesus. Like Al Sharpton said on Meet The Press this weekend, “we now realize that Obama doesn’t walk on water, but he’s still the fastest swimmer in America.” &

Economic Recovery & Health Care Reform Websites


he websites shown here provide information on the American Economic Recovery Process and on the national Health Care Reform Process. Monitor the nation’s recovery and reform life cycle for yourself. Remember - to take an active part in your government; Let your representatives and government agency leaders know what you expect, what you thing, and how you will vote. The President of the United States • National Economic Recovery • Track Health Reform • Middle Class Task Force • Council of Economic Advisors • U.S. Department of Education • U.S. Department of Energy • U.S. Department of Commerce • U.S. Treasury • Federal Communications Communications/ARRA • • California’s Economic Recovery • Caltrans •

TSA Secure Flight Information Secure Flight is a program to provide uniform watch list matching by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to enhance the security of domestic and international commercial air travel through the use of improved watch list matching. Under the Secure Flight program, airlines will be required to collect Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD) including a passenger’s full name (as it appears on the passenger’s non-expired government issued ID), date of birth, gender, and TSA issued Redress Number (if available). TSA is implementing Secure Flight in phases. Airlines working closely with the TSA will begin collecting SFPD from customers at the time of ticket purchase in the Fall of 2009. For more information, visit www.

•Contracting Information •Employment Opportunities •Links to Sponsor Websites •Event Announcements •Resources:

• President’s Message • Financial Management • Meeting Management • International News • BBA Publications • Other Information

20 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

A Comprehensive Water Package For California Water is the lifeblood of California. Without clean, reliable water, the state cannot build, cannot farm, cannot grow, prosper or create jobs. This historic water package puts California on a path towards long term stability that promises future generations safe and reliable drinking water by investing in Delta sustainability and ecosystem restoration, water storage and conveyance projects and conservation efforts.


overnor Schwarzenegger fought for and won a bipartisan water package for all Californians. After three years of working towards upgrading California’s water system today there is an historic compromise that will ensure a safe, clean and reliable water supply for California. hThis plan will meet the historic water supply challenges California is facing. California’s population – 38 million residents and growing – depends upon water infrastructure originally built for 16 million and is facing extreme challenges: environmental change, courtordered restrictions and years of continued drought. This package meets these challenges. hCalifornia’s lack of water has significantly damaged California’s economy – this package will help change that. Crops have been plowed under, unemployment in some of the state’s agricultural centers is in the forties and housing and business projects have stalled – this comprehensive package will help California families, farmers and ranchers, business owners and workers have the water to continue to grow and thrive in this state. This historic compromise will ensure California has a safe, reliable water supply for decades to come. The $11.1 billion comprehensive water package includes increased water storage, improved conveyance, delta restoration, better ecosystem protection, first-time

groundwater monitoring and ambitious conservation targets. hIncreased Storage will make our water supply more reliable year-to-year. More groundwater and surface storage will allow California to capture excess water in wet years to use in dry years. ZCalifornia did not have the infrastructure to capture much of the stormwater from the 2006 floods so it simply washed out to the ocean. With this package California can capture those millions of acre-feet of water and be able to draw upon that supply to help ease future water supply problems. hImproved local water conveyance will reduce water shortages. By investing in local conveyance projects throughout the state that improve water management and regional interconnectivity, this plan will help water districts work together to prevent shortages to California’s communities and take pressure off of the Delta. hA restored Delta ecosystem will allow California to take control of its own water systems. The federal court re-

strictions on Delta pumping are hurting California. A restored ecosystem will see those restrictions lifted, providing California with a cleaner and more reli-

able water supply. hGroundwater. For the first time California will collect data on groundwater levels to help us better manage our water supply. This package also invests in groundwater clean-up - ridding it of chemicals and other contaminants to help protect the public’s health and restore local supplies. hConservation is a must in California. This water plan includes a strong focus on conservation – establishing a statewide target to reduce urban per capita water use by 10% by 2015 and 20% by 2020. Finally voters have the chance to invest in the future of California. The historic $11.1 billion bond passed by the legislature will go to the voters for approval in November 2010. Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010: A Breakdown $455 million Drought Relief For drought relief projects, disadvantaged communities, small community wastewater treatment improvements and safe drinking water revolving fund. $1.4 billion Regional Water Supply For integrated regional water management projects up and down the state and for local and regional conveyance projects. $2.25 billion Delta Sustainability For projects that support delta sustainability options – levees, water quality, infrastructure and to help restore the ecosystem of the Delta. $3 billion Water Storage For public benefits associated with water storage projects that improve state water system operations, are cost effective, and provide net improvement in ecosystem and water quality conditions. $1.7 billion Watershed Conservation For ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects in 21 watersheds including coastal protection, wildlife refuge enhancement, fuel treatment and forest restoration, fish passage improvement and dam removal. $1 billion Groundwater Clean-up

21 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Water Package on page 20

22 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

(l-r) President Barack H. Obama, Natasha Obama, First Lady Michelle L. R. Obama and Malia Obama. The 2009 official portrait of the First Family of the United States of America is available on the White House website at Click on the “flickr” link to locate the image.

Retrofit from page 12

Act for energy efficiency efforts nationwide. The Department is now accepting applications for a new $390 million “Retrofit Ramp-Up” program that will deploy innovative approaches to energy efficiency building retrofits. These Recovery Act funds will help create new partnerships to deliver energy bill savings to entire neighborhoods and towns. Bringing energy retrofits to whole neighborhoods at a time will simplify the process for homeowners and significantly reduce costs. When applied on a national scale, the program could save billions of dollars annually in utility bills for households and businesses and create thousands of jobs across the country. In addition, the Energy Department announced $64

million in energy efficiency funding for cities, counties, and Indian tribes. “The Retrofit Ramp-Up initiative is designed to slice through the barriers identified in this report - inconvenience, lack of information, and lack of financing - and to make energy efficiency easy and accessible to all,” said Secretary Chu. “We want to make our communities more energy efficient, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood -- eventually expanding to entire cities and states. We can literally bring energy efficiency to the doorsteps of the American people.” Separately, the Department of Energy will accept state proposals to use State Energy Grant or Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant funds for Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) pilots. This is an innovative model which allows communities to provide financing to homeowners to install renewable energy systems and

retrofit buildings that can be paid off over time on their property tax bills. Today, the White House is announcing a “Policy Framework for PACE Financing Programs” developed through an interagency process to ensure that effective homeowner and lender safeguards are included in PACE programs. & Retrofit Full Report:

23 T November 2009 T Black Business News T


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24 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

President Obama Appoints First Black Administrator at NASA From and “NASA Administrator Charles Bolden grew up in the segregated south and became a fighter pilot in the Marines, and then an astronaut. Administrator Bolden has orbited the Earth more than 400 times. Each time he broke away from gravity’s hold, he shattered stereotypes. As the new head of NASA, the first African American to hold this post -- (applause) -- Administrator Bolden is going to lead our nation’s exploration of the moon, Mars and beyond.”

School in 1964 and received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Bolden earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical science in 1968 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. After completing flight training in 1970, he became a naval aviator flying more than 100 combat missions in North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, while

stationed in Namphong, Thailand. After returning to the U.S., Bolden served in a variety of positions in the Marine Corps in California and earned a master of science degree in systems management from the University of Southern California in 1977. Following graduation, he was assigned to the Naval Test Pilot School at Patuxent River, Md., and completed his training in 1979. Bolden’s many military decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He was inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame in May 2006. &

First Lady Michelle Obama

Caltrans Construction

Money for You Can



ominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate, retired Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Charles Frank Bolden, Jr., is now the twelfth Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). As Administrator, he leads the NASA team and manages its resources to advance the agency’s missions and goals. This marks the beginning of his second stint with the nation’s space agency. His 34-year career with the Marine Corps included 14 years as a member of NASA’s Astronaut Office. After joining the office in 1980, he traveled to orbit four times aboard the space shuttle between 1986 and 1994, commanding two of the missions. A resident of Houston, Bolden was born Aug. 19, 1946, in Columbia, S.C. He graduated from C. A. Johnson High

El Camino College offers the training and advising you need to enhance your ability to bid for and WIN state highway construction contracts. Now is the time to get bid ready with assistance in the areas of procurement, personnel, cash flow, marketing and more!

Appointments with a business advisor are available at the SBDC at no charge to you. For more information, call the SBDC at 310.973.3177. Be sure to attend the free Economic Stimulus event on Thursday, November 19, 2009, in the City of Compton to learn more about stimulus opportunities available from Caltrans and other state and federal agencies. Visit for details.

Small Business Development Center Hosted by El Camino College 13430 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 310.973.3177

25 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

End Of Year Tax Relief: Charitable Giving Time


reminder: It’s that time of year again. Yes, It’s to give, it’s time to help. What you say. The economy is down. I don’t have any spare change. That may seem true today but when it’s time to pay taxes in April you will remember that you passed up the opportunity to reduce that tax bill even a little bit. Over the past few years the Black Busness News has included references to non-profit organizations in both the monthly and the international editions. This article recaps some of those entries to give you a head start on your giving. In addition, we remind you that you may support the work of the Black Business Association by sending in a donation or by becoming a member. Visit our website at to donate and/or join. You may also use the membership form near the back of this publication to join the BBA. Mail your membership (or donation) to P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA.

Education Africa Visit the Education Africa website to review the wide range of education projects conducted throughout South Africa including the Walter Sisulu Scholarship Fund. There is also information on donating to Education Africa -

The Greening Soweto Legacy Project Johannesburg City Parks is seeking donors to enable the City of Johannesburg (South Africa) to achieve its target of planting 100,000 street trees by 2010 as part of making a New Soweto. Donations should be sent to: Johannesburg City Parks, c/o Greening

Soweto 2010, P.O. Box 2824, Johannesburg 2000 South Africa -

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Monument The Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. has officially received the building permit and can begin con-

struction of the King Memorial on the Mall (see page 13). Your contributions will make this dream a reality. Visit the memorial website to take the virtual tour of the national monument and contribute as a Founding Sponsor online

Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention Lott Carey provides HIV/AIDS prevention education, care and support under their HIV/AIDS Initiative. Rev. Lott Carey rose from enslavement in Virginia to the leadership of a pioneering missionary team to Liberia in 1821. Learn about and then support the missions by visiting the website - www.lottcarey. org.

Dikembe Mutombo Foundation, Inc. The Dikembe Mutombo Foundation is dedicated to improving the health, education and quality of life for the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The DMF foundation has established The Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital and Research Center

in Dikembe’s hometown of Kinshasa to provide special care to the nation’s

poorest residents and train its health professionals with the latest innovations in health care. Learn about the work of the foundation and make a contribution at the website -

Save Africa’s Children Save Africa’s Children (SAC) is an African-American organization founded in 2001 by Bishop Charles E. Blake (CGIC), to provide direct support to children affected by HIV/AIDS, poverty and war throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. SAC has assisted over 400 orphan care programs in 21 African nations, reaching over 200,000 AIDS-affected children. Help them continue their good works - www.saveafricaschildren. org.

The Gondobay Manga Foundation The Gondobay Manga Foundation‘s “Reach One Million” campaign is committed to providing access to food, education, chemically-treated bed nets to fight against malaria, and clean drinking water to one million children in Sierra Leone, where 70 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty. The foundation has completed the Chief Foday Golia Memorial School near the village of Njala Kendema in the Bagbwe Chiefdom the school services 300 children. Donate to this program through their websites and www.

Africare Africare helps Africa. A leader among private, charitable U.S. organizations assisting Africa, Africare is also the oldest and largest African-American led

27 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Charitable Giving on page 41

28 T November 2009 T Black Business News T



Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities. is the premier destination for savvy advice, thoughtprovoking analysis and expert discussion at the intersection of technology, business and life. The content covers decisions that reach from the boardroom to the living room, SmartPlanet. com is the place to go for innovative insight and ideas that impact the world around you.

Ten Things from page 8

at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition. NINE: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before. EIGHT: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money up to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about “cash for clunkers” but the automakers aren’t laughing. They’re thanking him. SEVEN: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Aftghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say he’s making war, not peace. Well, at least he didn’t destabilize a whole re-

New environmental and energy laws and policies will create of tens of thousands of new jobs in California. This FREE downloadable guide provides: Profiles of 200 green jobs currently in California; Details on 45 job types for high school grads, many paying over $25 per hour; Information on job training and placement programs; and Listings of valuable apprenticeship programs.

developing a breakthrough technology to transform algae into bioplastics and intends to launch a new family of algae-based resins that will complement the company’s existing line of Compostables® & Hybrid ®resins. NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: This new line of products is creating a need for companies that will be able to provide algae in vast quantities. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Patient Advocate On his Facebook page, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Patient Advocate, the Los Angeles Laker basketball team legend discusses his medical condition and provides links to websites providing details about the condition. Using technology to help others manage their health effectively. & The company, a manufacturer of proprietary bio-based sustainable plastics, has announced that it has been

Submitted by LaSandra Stratton BBA member, Chair of the BBA International Trade Committee.

gion on a false premise. It better than what we had. SIX: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadn’t shown in a while. FIVE: President Obama closed the prisoner “torture camp” at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was against our own traditions. The threats may have been real, but the charges were not (if there were charges at all). His next challenge is what to do with the detainees. FOUR: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future. Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting

emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. It’s what any President should be encouraging but Obama’s so popular, he was accused of trying to “socialize” or “prothelitize” the children. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States can’t speak to school children because their parent’s views conflict. TWO: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. He’s doing it, despite villification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this. ONE: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody can see

29 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Ten Things on page 20

Procurement Summit


from page 19

12) Anthony Piazza, America Honda Motor Company discusses opportunities during one-to-one match session. 13) (l-r) Earl “Skip� Cooper, II, President/CEO, Black Business Association, Roz Pennington, Ann Marr, Human Resources Director, Worldwide Technology, WorldWide Technology, Pat Watt, Board Member California Black Chamber of Commerce, Ted Davis, Board Chair, Black Business Association. 14) Robin Kirksey, Co-Franchise Owner, Wingstop and award winner. 15) (l-r) Barbara Sullivan, President, Sullivan International and Pat Watt. 16) (l-r) Workshop attendees Willie Fann, Recycling Black Dollars and Candida Mobley-Wright, Voices, Inc. and BBA Board Member. 17) BBA member Ben Benjamin talks with company representatives. 18) Metro representatives discussing contracting opportunities.

19) Danny Griffin, Co-Franchise Owner, Wingstop and Young Entrepreneur award winner. 20) Dr. Frank S. Greene, Chief Executive Officer of New Vista Capital accepts the Business Lifetime Achievement Award. &


FREE! Market Research for Selling to the Government by Mark Amtower for


here is some good, free research that you can do on your own, and it will pay dividends. In fact, there is freely available, useful information available on most government web sites that can help you when selling to the government. In the government market, “transparency” is the word of the day. There is a fair amount of publicly available information if you know where to look. In this article we will take a look at one of my favorite tools and do a “walk though” of how to use it. As the best known way to sell to the Federal government is through GSA Schedules (Reference: Get Started in Government Contracting with GSA Schedules), you should uncover the GSA Schedules-related money trail in order to identify viable opportunities for your company to sell to the government and to understand which companies to keep your eye on and potentially learn from. For several years the GSA Schedule Sales Query has been available if you knew where to look: http://ssq.gsa. gov.

When you go to this page, simply click on “Create Report” from the menu on the left side. This will take you to a form that asks for your name, company, etc. Don’t fill this out, just click on “Proceed.” This will take you to a page with 11 report options. I normally focus on #10 – “Total by Contractor for a Specific Schedule and Fiscal Year.” So I select that and click on “Generate report.” You need to know the Schedule you are searching for, because the screen will ask you to select the Schedule for which you want a report. I selected 71I for this article (office furniture). I also get to pick for which fiscal year (FY) I want the report (2003-2009). As FY 2009 is not complete, I chose FY 2008.

Now you need to select the format. There are three choices: text file for importing, text file for printing, and excel spreadsheet. I always choose excel. Then I click “Create report.” On the next screen you are asked to read the disclaimer and approve. Do so. If you don’t accept, you don’t get the report. Depending on the report (some are larger), you can wait up to 2 minutes for the report to be delivered. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “RIGHT Click Here to Download Report.” I now have a report of all 369 vendors on Schedule 71I and how much each made in FY 2008. I also have the total reported sales for Schedule 71I of $945,562,280. Scrolling through the list I can see the top five vendors on this Schedule are Herman Miller ($140 million), Haworth ($103 million), Knoll ($88 million), Kimball ($62 million) and Hon ($57 million) – indicating the top 5 vendors took over 40% of the revenue on this Schedule. It is not uncommon for the top 5-10 vendors in any one category to dominate the sales, but this does not mean you should not play. It means you should try to take marketshare away from the smaller players. When I am doing research, I usually run reports across multiple years to see who is growing GSA marketshare, who is losing GSA marketshare, and to see if there are any new players worth watching. Note the difference between “GSA marketshare” and “government marketshare.” GSA is only one way the government buys. Those growing or shrinking on GSA may be using other government contracts, and not all contracts are as easy to follow as GSA. This is especially true for higher-end products and services. If you want information on other contracts particular companies are using, go to the compa-

ny web site. Most companies list all of their government contracts so government employees visiting the site know how best to access the product or service. With that said, though, GSA sales are a pretty reliable barometer to determine who the players are and where they fit as far as sales go. Make the Schedule Sales Query part of your government arsenal. Get Started in Government Contracting with GSA Schedules The ubiquitous GSA Schedule (aka, having a “GSA number”), in fact, is probably the most recognizable Federal contract. The GSA Schedule (www. is a government-wide federal contract (GWAC in B2G parlance). It is also an indefinite-delivery indefinitequantity (IDIQ) contract, which means it is open for anyone to buy from, but no one is required to use it. It is a 5-year contract, with three 5-year renewal options. In effect, it is a hunting license that allows you to pursue Federal business once you have a GSA contract. The Schedules fall into 40+ separate categories, which cover virtually any and all business products and services. All told, over 12,000,000 commercial items are available through the GSA Schedules and there are over 19,000 contract holders. Some compa-

31 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Free Research on page 33

Free Research from page 31

nies hold more than one GSA contract, so it is estimated that there are about 14,000 companies with GSA contracts. Examples of GSA Schedules are: • Schedule 36 The Office, Imaging and Document Solutions; • Schedule 48 Transportation, Delivery and Relocation Solutions; • Schedule 51 V Hardware SuperStore; • Schedule 58 I Professional Audio/ Video, Telemetry/Tracking, Recording/Reproducing, and Signal Data Solutions; • Schedule 67 Photographic Equipment—Cameras, Photographic Printers, and Related Supplies and Services (Digital and FilmBased); • Schedule 69 Training Aids and Devices, Instructor-Led Training, Course Development, Test Administration; • Schedule 70 General Purpose Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services; • Schedule 71 I Office Furniture. In FY 2008 (federal FY runs from Oct 1 – Sept 30), the Schedules accounted for $36,610,320,837, or less than 9% of the total contract dollars spent by our favorite Uncle (over $450 billion). If it is less than 9% of the total, why is the GSA Schedule so popular? Reasons For Securing a GSA Schedule First and foremost, it is a very easy contract for any federal employee with

buying authority to use, including those outside contracting and procurement offices. Line managers and those with federal small purchase (SmartPay) credit cards use the GSA Schedules frequently. All federal agencies can purchase from the GSA. Second, it is the easiest contract to obtain, and if you learn how to sell from it (sales do not automatically occur) you have a great way to start your government sales program. Third, for government buyers, using the GSA is much faster than issuing a solicitation on their own. A Schedule purchase can be completed with three phone calls (three quotes, then a “best value award”), while a solicitation may take the better part of a year. A Schedule purchase also requires no posting by the buyer at Fourth, and most important to StartUpNation readers, is that the GSA Schedules are frequently used to help meet small business set-aside goals. Federal agencies are supposed to spend 23% of their respective dollars with small businesses each FY. Getting Started So how do you actually get started? Start with research. You can start at the GSA Schedules e-Library. Using keywords, lookup your product or service here and get a feel for which other companies are selling similar products and services via GSA contracts. If you want to find out the economic food chain for a specific Schedule (each Schedule

represents a product or service category), you can run reports through the Schedule Sales Query (SSQ) tool at . The SSQ will show you exactly how much money each contractor made during either a specific quarter or an FY, and the tool goes to 2003. It also lists all the companies in each category, so you can see who is using the Schedule and who is not. The next step is pursuing and obtaining the contract. Remember what I wrote in the first paragraph – this is potentially a 20 year contract. I do not suggest you submit and negotiate this on your own. Like any other contract, if you do not have experience in this specific area, you will not get the best contract possible. In fact, you may end up with a contract that you have no desire to sell from. It has happened many times. GSA does offer a free online course on GSA Schedules, and I recommend you take it. But after taking the course do not delude yourself into thinking you know enough to negotiate your own Schedule. One reason you need further advice before proceeding is once you have a GSA Schedule, you are required to rebate GSA .75% of all Schedules’ sales on a quarterly basis. Having a contract is not free – when you sell from it, you pay GSA on a quarterly basis. Negotiating the best terms, conditions and pricing with GSA is an area I recommend all companies use outside help for – select a company or consultant that does nothing but negotiate Schedules. &

33 T November 2009 T Black Business News T



Understanding the Costs of Adaptation to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change Outline of Seminar Presentation by The Deputy Chairperson of African Union Commission, Erastus Mwencha 1. OVERVIEW For the last 7 years Africa’s growth rate had picked up momentum with average growth rate of 5.5% - Africa’s future was full of promise and hope. Then came the external shocks that hit the continent, one after the other. First was the energy, food, financial and economic Erasus Mwencha, crisis. Climate Deputy Chairperson, change has crept African Union Com- in slowly over the mission years, but now it has began to manifest in full force. As we all know, Africa has not contributed to the problem, but Africa can be part of the solution. Warming of the climate system is

therefore unequivocal, as is now evident from observations. • Therefore adaptation to climate change is both a moral and survival imperative; • Adaptation is about development, but development under uncertainty, where capacity to manage risk determines progress; • Required is a new vision of how to do development under the pressure of new and increased risk. 2. MANIFESTATIONS AND STATISTICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA a) Impacts of climate change in 2030 could be 2.7% of GDP in Africa. b) 25% of Africa’s population to experience water stress by 2020 (75-250 mil people). c) Agriculture • Reduction in food production (rain see Climate Change on page 41

Michael A. Battle, Sr. is Ambassador to the African Union


ichael Anthony Battle, Sr. arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on September 21, 2009 to take up the position of the United States Ambassador to the African Union. Since 2003, prior to taking up his current appointment, Dr. Battle served as the President of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia. He was committed to academic excellence in training leaders, teachers, pastors, and preachers with an exceptional dedication to serving the church and society. He strived to produce world citizens and has implemented a program that emphasizes the important links between the U.S. churches and other non-profit organizations, corporations, foundations, and government entities. Dr. Battle received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity College, a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Howard University. Additionally, he completed the Institute for Educational Management (IEM) at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, the Millennial Leadership Institute, sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities; and the William R. Harvey Leadership Institute at Hampton University. After graduating he continued to be involved in the collegiate system holding the position of Vice President at Chicago State University from 1998-2003, Associate Vice President at Virginia State see Ambassador on page 37

34 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Remarks by President Obama and President Ian Khama of Botswana after Meeting PRESIDENT OBAMA: Hello, everybody. I just want to welcome President Khama to the Oval Office and to make a brief statement about Botswana and its relationship to the United States.

Although Botswana is not a large country, it is truly one of the extraordinary success stories in Africa. Since the mid-’60s it has moved on a path of good economic management and outstanding political governance. And as a consequence you have seen extraordinary improvements in living standards over the last 40 years in Botswana that really are an envy for much of the rest of the continent. Not only has Botswana shown itself to be an outstanding success, but it’s also been a great partner to the United States. And our governments have cooperated extensively throughout the years. President Khama I think has been showing his own extraordinary leadership in helping to move his country forward on a range of issues, from how to deal with the HIV/AIDS crisis


Fanti to Tamale, tribal interaction was forced on Ghanaians. A young Fanti who’d been stationed in Tamale for four years would

Celebrating the Vision of the Honorable Kwame Nkrumah ‘Born Sept. 21, 1909 (although his autobiography states Sept. 18), in the former Gold Coast, now known as Ghana. From 1957 to 1966, Nkrumah served as president of Ghana until he was overthrown. Spending his final years in exile, Nkrumah died on April 27, 1972, in Bucharest, Romania. Hailed by many for being ahead of his time with his vision for a unified Africa, he is remembered for his dream of a “United States of Africa.”’. ‘In my opinion [Nkrumah’s greatest legacy is] breaking our tribal barriers. In his quest for panafricanism, he had to first break tribal barriers before breaking national distinctions. By transferring civil servants to places in the country that they had no tribal link to, e.g. sending an Ashanti to Accra, a Ga to Koforidua and a to addressing economic development to dealing with some of the regional problems that exist. On each of these areas I think Botswana has bee a real leader. And so we just want to express our appreciation for the outstanding work that successive governments in Botswana have been to able to accomplish. We are grateful for the friendship between the people of the United States and Botswana. And I’m looking forward to continuing that strong partnership in the years to come. So, welcome. PRESIDENT KHAMA: Thank you very much. I certainly passed on my appreciation to President Obama for having had the opportunity to meet with him and to share views about the bilateral

sooner or later look for a spouse and marry out of his tribe. SEE YOU ON THE CONTINENT. &

cooperation that we have had between our two countries -- areas on trades, areas on health, and also to share how both countries are tackling this current economic downturn. And we also had the opportunity to talk about environmental issues, climate change and the upcoming Copenhagen summit. And lastly, also about regional issues and how we can try and go about entrenching democracy both in the mindset and the way we go about all our activities on the continent, the African Union in particular. And I would just like to thank you, Mr. President, once again for having given me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you. Thank you very much. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. &

35 T November 2009 T Black Business News T


“Focus on Africa: U.S. Conflict Resolution Policy Towards Africa – Lessons for the Obama Administration” Friday, November 20th, 2009 10:00AM – 12:00 PM Location: Capital Hilton Hotel 1001 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036

Hosted by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Founder and President, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

MODERATOR: Mr. Mark C. Clack: Senior Advisor, KRL International PANELISTS Mr. Omer Ismail: Enough Project Hon. Barbara Lee: U.S. Congresswoman (Invited) Ambassador Howard Jeter – Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Ms. Emira Woods: Co-Director, Foreign Policy In Focus – Institute for Policy Studies H.E. Faida Mitifu: Ambassador – Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo


U.S. Ambassador to AU from page 34

University from 1996-1998, and University Chaplain at Hampton University from 1976-1996. Additionally he served for 20 years as a Chaplain in the United States Army Reserve, and after key assignments from Battalion to Division Level, retired with many military honors and the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1997. His military education extends through Command and General Staff College (C&GSC). Among many notable achievements, Dr. Battle has to his credit serving as Vice President of the American Committee on Africa from 1994-1998, participation as an Election Observer in 1994 for the first Free Election in South Africa, and liaison between the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference and The South African Council of Churches. In addition to his Ambassadorial position, Dr. Battle also served as chair of The Robert W. Woodruff Library of The Atlanta University Center, was a member of the UNCF Institutional Board of Directors, the Atlanta Rotary Club, 100 Black Men of Atlanta, and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Congressional Forum Steering committee. He also chaired Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin’s Advisory Committee for Sustainable Atlanta and held positions on the Atlanta Regional Council of Churches, Atlanta Urban League, the Atlanta Fulton Family Connection; member of the 2008 Class of Leadership Atlanta, member of the CF Foundation Board of Advisors, and served on the Board of Commissioners for the Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and has been elected to the 2012 Class of the Association for Theological Schools (ATS) Board of Directors. Dr. Battle holds lifetime membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Dr. Battle has authored books and publications on topics related to ecu-

menism and the Black church. Among them are: “Hampton and Black Ecumenism”; The African American Pulpit; “The Historical Significance of The Hampton University Ministers’ Conference”; “Because”: A Devotional Commentary on Psalms 40; The African American Devotional Bible; “Unity As-

AU Commission Chairperson, Dr. Jean Ping (left), receives credentials of US Ambassador to the African Union. sures Strength”; From One Brother To Another; “The Dynamic Tension In The Black Church”; Heritage: African American Readings for Writing; The History of the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference: An Experience in Interdenominational Cooperation; The African American Church at Work ; “How Far Have We Come Since King”; The Journal of Black Sacred Music; “The Kerygmatic Ministry of Black Sermon and Song”; The Journal of Black Sacred Music; Voices of Experience; and “Liberation According to Martin Luther King and James Cone.” He was con-

tributing author for “What Does It Mean to Be Black and Christian; Introduction to Wisdom of the Sage: Conversations with the A.C.D. Vaughn Senior Statesmen, 1996-2005 Hampton University Ministers’ Conference; and contributing writer for The Unique Issues for Racial/ Ethnic Presidents in A Handbook for Seminary Presidents, editors G. Douglass Lewis & Lovett H. Weems Jr. Dr. Battle is married to the former Linda Ann McClure and has three grown children. &

Black Business News International Edition To be added to the International Edition mailing list or advertise in the publication send an e-mail request to:

37 T November 2009 T Black Business News T View the International Edition at and

What is “Pass It On!� ???


n a few weeks Africare will launch an exciting new campaign to connect you to people overcoming major challenges impacting the African continent-- issues like unsafe drinking water, food insecurity, and the growing

number of children orphaned by AIDS. Our new “Pass It On!� campaign will carry these messages around the world through a series of powerful testimonies and unique stories told directly by the individuals who see, work with, or benefit from Africare’s assistance on the ground. The stories come from more than 20 African nations, covering a variety of key issues. They all carry positive messages of growth and empowerment on the African continent! Beginning September 1st, Africare will introduce you to a new story— once

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a month for 16 months— from a child, grandmother or Africare staff member who will “have something to tell you� about the important work Africare is implementing on the ground. Each will be packaged in a format that is ready to “pass on� to a friend or someone you know through video, social network, and even your phone! And if you live in Washington, DC, you’ll see our stories on buses and in Metro stations across the city. Sign-up to receive the messages and support the “Pass It On!� campaign using this special link - news/enews_signup.php. Learn more about Africare’s current projects, long history and esteemed leaders at their website - www.africare. org. &



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38 T November 2009 T Black Business News T







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Climate Change from Wilson on page 34

fed agriculture of up to 50%) therefore increased poverty. d) Sea level-rise in coastlines – risk areas coastlines. e) Changes of ecosystem. • Extinction of species f) Poverty and instability due to shortage of food and land degradation. g) Increased morbidity due to droughts and floods - health, burden of disease: climate change already caused over 55,000 deaths/year due vector disease and diarrhoeal diseases; Already Malaria is spreading to high-altitude areas. h) Migration due to lack of pasture for farmers, poverty and conflicts. (Failed states). 3. KEY ISSUES ARISING THEREFORE... a) Cost of climate adaptation in Africa is at least $1 billion now. b) Economic assessments relate to different users and uses. c) Reliable finance...for effective solutions. d) Many entry points for adaptation. Adaptation requires greater investment in generating and managing information and knowledge. e) Adaptation planning should became a key imperative and not a marginal activity;

Charitable Giving from page 27

organization in the field — and Africa is Africare’s specialty. Africare works in partnership with African communities to promote health and productivity. Africare has worked in 36 African countries offering programs that address needs in: •Water resource development •Environmental management •Literacy and vocational training •Microenterprise development •Civil-society development and governance Support their work by donating at

f) Surveillance is a prerequisite for planning; g) Adaptation should be driven by national agenda and no one size fits all; h) New types of institutions or new institutional arrangements required; i) Leadership for coordinated strategies. 4. COSTS OF ADAPTATION • Delayed adaptation costs today will mean increased adaptation costs in the future. • Provision of financial resources for implementation of adaptation measure is critical for Africa. • We must not be bogged down by inconclusive studies on adaptation costs. There are climate change impacts that are already happening and are visible to all of us. • Predictable financial mechanisms on climate change. • Europe has taken the lead in mitigation and we hope that it will also take the lead again adaptation. 5. ENTRY POINTS FOR ADAPTATION Start with the urgent needs ▪ Understanding vulnerability and impacts ▪ Improving natural resource management ▪ Reducing disaster risks Build capacity; learn by doing ▪ Learn from pilot actions

Scale up ▪ Strategic protection ▪ Anticipate migration 6. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW There is sufficient evidence for action: we should not wait until we know everything. ▪ Project level: Screen each project for an opportunity to promote climate adaptation and reduce future impacts ▪ Policy level: Establish a national and regional framework for action ▪ Pathways: The most important strategic decisions are ones that enable a switch to a different pathway for development. 7. CONCLUSIONS • Scale: Match need and responses to the scale of growing numbers of people and ecosystems in danger • Speed: Waste no time because climate change is happening faster than predicted • Focus: Manage risk, build the resilience by reducing vulnerability • Integrating efforts: Consider at the same time risk reduction, adaptation, mitigation and human development goals. &

Leon H. Sullivan Foundation The Foundation promotes the political, entrepreneurial and intellectual leadership of the African Diaspora and friends of Africa, and advocates on behalf of Africa and the world’s vulnerable people. A key program of the foundation is the International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH), started in 1981 by Rev. Leon H. Sullivan. IFESH is devoted to facilitating sustainable development to the nations of sub-Saharan Africa through economic development and education. View the history and details of all of the programs of the Leon H. Sullivan Foun-

dation and support their work at www. &

41 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau

We are excited to inform you about the reestablishment of the Rainbow PUSH LA Trade Bureau with Mr. Mishael Israel as Executive Director of Rainbow Push/Citizenship Education Fund Los Angeles. Mr. Israel’s responsibilities at Rainbow Push LA relate directly to the implementation of economic, social, and education initiatives, as well as growing the office to become a strong voice for our constituents and Trade Bureau Members. As an entrepreneur, Mr. Israel remains steadfast in spearheading supplier diversity, business education, and building solid relationships with trading partners. Rainbow Push LA is implementing two important projects for our Trade Bureau Members and we need your updated contact information. •An inaugural Trade Bureau meeting in mid-September •Connecting our Trade Bureau members with our Trading Partners for the purpose of doing business Rainbow Push LA is committed to connecting our members to new opportunities that will not only bring us through the recession, but beyond it. Our innovative ideas are expressed through powerful programmatic pieces that are designed with everyone in mind. Please use the information below to contact the Los Angeles office to request a contact information form that may be completed then faxed or e-mailed to us. The information will reconnect us with you and will aid Mr. Israel in his upcoming meetings with corporate trading partners. Regina Black, Office Manager Rainbow PUSH/CEF Los Angeles New Address: 1313 W. 8th Street, Suite 232 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Office Number: 213.483.3500 Fax Number: 213.483.3577 Email: Website:


Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers 42 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

43 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

President’s Message from page 3

movement with using supply chain proficiencies as a recognized source for socioeconomic development and affirmative community transformation. Without help, small business legislation will not reconcile black-owned business disparities, where inclusive supply chain management is logically the most advantageous and useful component of socioeconomic development. Supplier parity is the best means of cutting costs and increasing revenues for all concerns, where the BBA and AASEC member organizations are stanch advocates for placing purchasing on the main stage of economic stimulus strategies and hopefully, somewhere part of our collaborative efforts we can help build strong relationships that work to better engage long-term socioeconomic achievements. A prime example of seeing how supply chain management can positively effect economic change is practiced by the Verizon Communications Corporation whose employees fully appreciate the value of small business enterprise. Verizon has provided positive encouragement to the BBA to help grow the AASEC and work to expand its outreach through the Internet by supporting the growth of the bid opportunities on the BBA website, Encouraged by this support, the AASEC captured a wide range of supply chain management issues for large and small enterprises and addressed it on the, a web site that is dedicated to the art and science of moving goods and services to market. The AASEC realizes the importance of investing money on technology, especially in lean times to enhance efficiencies. Our web site visitors are business managers responsible for their companies’ supply chain activities, where the helps buyers quickly identify black-owned suppliers applying a straight forward online directory. AASEC programs consistently give confidence to its members to effectively build economic outcomes through being the most responsive and respon-

sible bidder on all proposal requests. This is why the BBA wholeheartedly supports the AASEC and remains committed to socioeconomic supplier inclusion, thereby making the annual procurement exchange summits an exceedingly responsible and sustainable long-standing event. &

Rosalind “Roz” Pennington, President NATIONAL BLACK BUSINESS COUNCIL (NBBC) Dean L. Jones, C.P.M. AASEC Project Manager Southland Partnership Corporation

AASEC Member (Nonprofit) Organizations: Aubry Stone, President CALIFORNIA BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (CBCC) Earl “Skip” Cooper II, President BLACK BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (BBA)


Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers


Comedy Night Join the Fun! Share the Laughs!

44 T November 2009 T Black Business News T


SBA, Six Universities to Offer Business Training For Iraq/ Afghanistan Disabled Vets Training offered at UCLA Anderson School of Management and SBA Adds New Training Tools to Increase Opportunities for Vets


he U.S. Small Business Administration has announced a threeyear agreement to expand and deliver entrepreneurship training for service-disabled veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The agreement with SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development will support the expansion of the year-long Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV). The expansion of this innovative management training and mentorship program will maximize small business programs for veterans, service-disabled veterans, reserve-component members, and their dependents or survivors. Additionally, SBA has launched a new online contracting tutorial on, as part of its ongoing efforts to expand services to veterans and service-disabled veterans. Vet-

Alberto G. Alvarado, Director Los Angeles SBA District Office

erans and military spouses who own small businesses can utilize this free online course to learn how to identify and take advantage of federal contracting opportunities. “At this important time, with veterans returning from foreign soil in increasing numbers, we at the SBA are working to ensure they have the resources to successfully start and run their small businesses. As a result of the leadership skills they develop during their service, veterans over-index in entrepreneurial activities,” SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills said. “Our commitment is to honor that service by helping our nation’s veterans – especially those who return

home with disabilities – fulfill the American Dream. Initiatives like the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp and our online training courses give veteran business owners the tools they need to grow, be competitive, and create jobs.” Working with Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management, the University of Connecticut School of Business, Mays Business School at Texas A&M, UCLA Anderson School of Management, Florida State University’s College of Business, and the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University, SBA’s grant and other assistance will significantly expand the see Disabled Vets on page 47

New Online Training Course for Women Entrepreneurs Women who own small businesses will be able to use a new online U.S. Small Business Administration training course to learn how to identify and take advantage of federal contracting opportunities. The new training course, Winning Federal Contracts: A Guide

of federal contracts and believes better training opportunities are central to meeting this government-wide goal. “Federal contracts can provide unique opportunities for women entrepreneurs and small business owners to grow their businesses and create jobs,

for Women Entrepreneurs, is part of an ongoing government-wide initiative to promote opportunities for womenowned businesses in the area of government contracting. This free online tutorial is a practical and easy to use guide that walks a woman-owned small business through the contracting process. SBA is committed to ensuring that women-owned businesses receive at least 5 percent

particularly during these tough economic times,” Administrator Karen Mills said. “It’s also a win for federal agencies, by contracting with women-owned small businesses; they are working with some of the most innovative and dynamic companies in the country.” The SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership oversees a national network of more than 100 Women’s

45 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

see Training Course page 47

SBA Training Course

from page 45

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Disabled Vets

Business Centers (WBCs) that provide education and training to help women start and grow small businesses. In addition, the SBA has 68 district offices and other resource partners throughout the country available to train and counsel women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs seeking government contracts. “This online training course makes critical information and training available to an even wider array of women entrepreneurs and small business owners,” said Ana Harvey, assistant administrator for SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership. “SBA wants

to help ensure they have the tools and resources they need to compete for and win federal contracts.” The Winning Federal Contracts course is designed to help women entrepreneurs learn about the federal procurement process and to prepare them to compete for contracting opportunities. The self-paced guide uses audio and script to provide information about contract rules, how to sell to the government and where to find contracts. The Winning Federal Contracts course is available on SBA’s Web site at or directly at www.sba. gov/fedcontractingtraining. It is indexed by subject matter, and includes direct links to additional contracting resources. &

from page 45

reach and impact of the EBV initiative and help maximize economic opportunities for U.S. veterans with disabilities. More information on the business training program can be found at http:// The expansion of SBA’s entrepreneurship training initiatives builds on SBA’s support for veterans through its Patriot Express loan program. In less than two-and-a-half year’s time, this pilot loan initiative has supported nearly $400 million in loans to more than 4,700 veterans and spouses looking to establish or expand their small businesses. As a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which raised loan guarantees to 90 percent and temporarily eliminated fees, the number of Patriot Express loans increased by more than 20 percent this year over 2008. Local SBA district offices have a listing of Patriot Express lenders in their areas. Details on the initiative can be found at To learn more about additional opportunities for veterans available through the SBA, please visit and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at &

47 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

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Books to Consider... As our nation and our communitites begin to rise up out of the economic recession, it may be an opportune time to look back at some of the basics forr achieving lasting business success. Here are some books to consider. Success Runs In Our Race: The Complete Guide to Effective Networking in the African American Community by George Fraser. Fraser shows how to network for information, for influence, and for resources. Readers will learn, among other things, how to cultivate valuable listening skills, which conferences blacks are most likely to attend when looking to build their business network, and how to effectively circulate a résumé. This is an information-packed bible of networking that also seeks to inspire a social movement and a rebirth of the “Underground Railroad,” in which successful African Americans share the lessons of self-determination and empowerment with those still struggling to scale the ladder of success. Mr. Fraser is also the author of Race For Success: The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks In America; and CLICK: Ten Truths for Building Extraordinary Relationships. Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?: How Reginald Lewis Created a Billion-Dollar Business Empire by Reginald F. Lewis and Blair S. Walker. This book is based on Reginald Lewis’s unfinished autobiography. It reveals a vivid portrayal of a proud, determined, intellectual business man who settled for nothing less than excellence from himself and those around him. Be re-educated in the art of negotiation, business strategy, and finesse. Be reinspired to dream big and work hard. &


Malik’s Books Online

alik’s Books has closed operations in the Baldwin Hills Mall. Malik’s is now operating as an online bookstore. Malik’s is now available to serve our customer’s needs 24/7 via the world wide web with bigger deals and a larger selection. We will remain as active in the South Los Angeles community as we have always been. Please visit us at and/or www.autographbooks. com. For other information give us a call at 818-564-5694. If you want to coorespond with us, send letters to Malik’s Books, 3939 Crenshaw Boulevard, #324, Los Angeles, CA 90008. Thank You again for all your support and patronage over the years and visit us on the Web. &

Malik’s Books • • 818-564-5694

Give the Gifts of Knowledge, Inspiration, Entertainment. Shop the

Black Book Stores!

Eso Won Books

African American Books 4331 Degnan Ave., Leimert Park, Los Angeles

“Give Books as Gifts to Friends & Family” Check out our unsurpassed collection of books, music, video, children’s books, and games!

Holiday Gift Giving Time Christmas Graduation Kwanzaa 323-294-0324 • // for Calendar of Events

49 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Zizini Safaris, Inc. Zizini Safaris provides the traveller with an unsurpassed and memorable experience of a lifetime in Tanzania. We share with you the beauty of Tanzania; its rich natural resources, warm, friendly people, and a wealth of cultural experiences; offer the opportunity to gain an appreciation of the flora and fauna of these beautiful lands, which will evoke the need to protect and enhance these experiences for today and future generations.

Zizini Safaris, Inc. 466 Old Craigville Road Centerville,MA 02632 (866) 948 ZIZI (9494)

Tuesday, Dec. 8th “For everyone interested in doing business with Metro”

Listen to

KDEE 97.7FM Watch & Support the Africa Channel! Time Warner • Channel 176

Don’t have the Africa Channel in your area? Call Time Warner at: 1-888-8922253 and ask that the Africa Channel be broadcast to ALL regions of California. For information on the Africa Channel visit or send an e-mail inquiry to

The California Black Chamber Foundation’s Radio Station

LIVE on Your Computer

VERACITY REALTY, INC. “Dedicated to Truthfulness” Let us see what we can do for you in both Commercial & Residential finance!


Jonathan Thompson, Commercial Broker Phone: 800-455-2142 Cell: 323-309-2885

Rhonda Thompson, Residential Loan Officer Phone 800-455-2142 Cell: 323-387-9439 CA Dept. of Real Estate, Real Estate Broker: 01781216 *APR: Includes appraisal, title insurance, escrow, points & other loan cost is 6.487%

Four Season’s Production Multi-Cultural H Multi-Purpose Multi-Functional H Multi-Faceted Manufacturing, Productivity, Growth & Expansion Economical H Globalization H Empowerment

“We’re Fired Up and Ready to Go”

Open Supplier Certification Process The Verizon Communications Corporation is seeking to identify a greater share of African American-owned and operated businesses to match to potential operating contracts. The data base that Verizon procurement management personnel are instructed to review is the California Public Utilities Commission Clearinghouse.

Entrepreneurial Business Development Diversified H Subdivision H Product-Mix & Creating Jobs Across America City by City H State by State National and International Trade Exchange

“Yes We Can” “Something New and Excitingly Different on the Horizon” Commercial


Genell Brown, Artist Designer

Our Community Source Contact: Keasha L. Charles

888-988-8551 Phone & Fax

BBA members wanting to expand market opportunities with a telecommunication company should consider completing a supplier certification application. To obtain an application go to the Internet web address and visit the supplier diversity page for an online application. The BBA encourages all members to participate in this process that works to create greater opportunities for all African-American owned and operated firms. Last year the California Verizon Company reported an annual spend with African American owned suppliers in excess of $40 million.

51 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Lucy Florence Culture Center

3351 W. 43rd St. Leimert Park Village Los Angeles, CA 90008

Shop our boutiques Enjoy our Cuisine Exquisite Venue for your Special Event ……

Tinashe @ the Boardroom inside Lucy Florence

We are open daily! 1-6pm

Tote & Satchel HANDBAGS, beautifully restored, one-of-a-kind vintage HANDBAGS, the hottest DESIGNER SHOES, Cuff links, sterling silver jewelry, and Italian handmade Murano glass JEWELRY.


Relax Do Business with BBA Member Shop, Eat, in Businesses & Advertisers Little Ethiopia Experience Africa in America

Culture, Retail, Entertainment Fairfax Boulevard

between Pico & Olympic Los Angeles

Leimert Park Village An African American Cultural, Retail, Foods & Entertainment Center. Degnan Boulevard between

Crenshaw & Leimert Blvds. 43rd Street-43rd Place, Los Angeles

52 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

A Royal Blend of all natural West African herbs and fiery spices

Bernahu Asfaw or Getahun Asfaw 323.291.4267 Before you grill, before you bake,

323-938-8827 or 323-938-8806 Fax: 323-932-6047 •

Buy King’s Pepper

and Shake, Shake, Shake!

1041 S. Fairfax Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019

Open 7 days a week 11am - 11pm

Uncle Darrow‛s High Noon-2pm Every Thursday


Come by for lunch and relax to blues and jazz from our house band!

533 N. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles Nira Levy Maslin, CEO

Open Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm


Rooibos Tea House African Red Tea Imports

Locations: Downtown Culver City: 9537 Culver Blvd. 310-202-5453 City of Compton: 2600 E. Alondra Blvd. 310-638-7871

Thursday Blues

2560 S. Lincoln Blvd. Marina del Rey North East corner of Washington & Lincoln


Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers

Order Via the Internet Wines of the Black-Owned wineries of South Africa. Register at The Artful Grape will do the rest. The wines will be delivered to your door.

53 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

“LA Times Magazine favorite cajun food”


Calendar December… 4th

World Cup Final Draw Broadcast on ESPN2 and at ESPNZones Coverage of the broadcast of the Final Draw for teams playing in the FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa will shown on ESPN2. The broadcast can also be viewed at ESPNZone restaurants across the USA. Join your friends at ESPNZones to cheer for your team. For information go to, and

4th-6th TANCon 2009, Freetown, Sierra Leone TANCon is the world’s sole event of its kind for entrepreneurs of African descent. The target audience includes entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 business leaders, venture capitalists, investment bankers, government policy makers and other entrepreneurial ecosystem organizations. Our theme this year is “Virgin Territories: A New Market for Innovative Investment” to reflect the growing number of African entrepreneurs in business today, and to showcase to the world Africa’s limitless intellectual and economic capital. Event details are at:

10th FDIC Contracting Information Seminar “Doing Business with the FDIC” Continuing challenges in the financial services industry have impacted the FDIC’s contracting opportunities and processes. Because of high public interest the Black Economic Council is

hosting a “Doing Business with the FDIC” seminar in Los Angeles on Dec 10th, 8:30 am-3:00 pm, at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel Los Angeles, 6101 W Century Blvd. For information contact 323-291-9334.

10th 13th Annual Holiday Dinner Young Black Contractor’s Association, Inc. Holiday Dinner will be held at the Carson Community Center, 801 E. Carson Street, Carson, CA On Thursday, Dec 10th, 5:30 pm-11:00 pm. For information contact 310.603.9222 or ybcainfo@



procurement officers. For information call 323291-9334.

May… World Trade Week Symposium and Exposition To educate our business community regarding opportunities in international trade through discussion, exhibits and networking sessions. For information call 323-291-9334.

June… Business of Black Music Conference & Awards Dinner A celebration of culture of music and an examination of the business of culture. Includes recognition of pioneers and leaders in the world of music. For information call 323-291-9334.



36th Annual BBA Awards Dinner Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Black Business Association 1970-2010. Held in recognition of “National Small Business Week” to honor African American businesses along with our corporate partners and other majority corporations, government agencies and individuals most supportive of the growth and development of the BBA and African American businesses. For information call 323-291-9334.

March… BBA Salute to Black Women: Women’s History Month Conference & Luncheon To honor Black Women who are making history through their struggles for equality, contributions to arts, sciences, education and humanistic causes, success in business.For information call 323-291-9334.

BBA Black Business Day Recognition of the advancements made by the African American business community over the last 40 years. For information call 323-2919334.

November… BBA 7th Annual Procument Exchange Summit The annual business development event includes One-on-One matchmaking sessions with utilities and corporate buyers, business development workshops and the Awards Luncheon. For information call 323-291-9334. &

For a complete listings of events around Southern California visit

Send your event notice to:

April… BBA Procurement Trade Mission to Washington, DC This trade mission offers face-to-face contact by business owners and managers to learn from and market to federal government agency




Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers

55 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

If you’re having trouble making your house payment, you’re not alone. Call us. We may be able to help. If you’re a Countrywide mortgage customer having a difficult time making your house payments, call one of our specially trained Home Retention Specialists. Countrywide wants to help you to keep your home. The sooner we can talk, the sooner we can try to help.

Call Countrywide Mortgage Help: 1-888-200-5872 Reference number: 222 5 AM – 9 PM PT, Monday – Thursday 5 AM – 7 PM PT, Friday

Equal Housing Lender. © 2008 Countrywide Bank, FSB. Member FDIC. Trade/service marks are the property of Countrywide Financial Corporation, Countrywide Bank, FSB, or their respective affiliates and/or subsidiaries.



Do Business with BBA Member Businesses & Advertisers



56 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please complete then submit this form with your payment. Please type or print. Name: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone: E-mail: URL: Type of Business: W/MBE Certified by:


Year Established:

NAICS Codes: Briefly describe your products and/or services

New membership Renewal Membership

Select Type of Membership Regular Member-$200 annual dues 51% African-American owned, Voting membership

Corporate Member-$2,500 annual dues Major corporation, Non-voting membership Associate Member-$100 annual dues Non-business owner, Non-voting membership Student Member-$25 annual dues Full-time registered student, Non-voting membership Amount enclosed $ Payment type: credit card Visa MasterCard Card #: Signature Fax Payment to: 323-291-9234

Exp. Date


Payment type: check/money order—make payable to: Black Business Association Mail to: P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA For information Call: 323-291-9334 Email: Website:

Reach Thousands Leaders in Business and Government YOUR LINK TO BLACK BUSINESS ENTERPRISE and the AFRICAN GLOBAL ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (GAEC) The Black Business Association, SBA 2007 Journalist of the Year, is pleased to invite you to be an integral part of our publication. Black Business News - International. The Black Business News is the official voice through which public and private entities advertise business and investment opportunities, gain access to a highly affluent target market via outreach and advertising opportunities.

Black Business News International Edition


ional Ed

Black B usiness News

•Outreach to Black Businesses in the USA and around the world •Advertorial/Feature Story Advertising •Profiles and Business Listings •Classified Ads and Bid Opportunities


Serving the Glob al African

Econom ic Comm unity


Fall 2008 USD$5.0 0


e Giving: opportu nit EO ing, and ies in health, ed Y charitable more. ucation, hous-

Our readers are BBA members, Black business owners, corporate buyers, prime contractors, community organizations and elected officials, who all turn to the Black Business News for business development news and information to take their businesses to the next level of profitability and success!


ism indust : Investment in Africa ’s all across ry is active, vit al and is tourthe con evident tinent.

Feature Ar “Strateg ticles: ie Engage s For Construc m tisve African ent with the Diaspora ” “Diaspor a Engage Remittan m ces & Be ent: yond” Investm en t Pr of the Re public of oƤle: Moyo Dis Ug

Don’t be left out of this door-opening publication.




nal Dire



e Invest

Reserve Your Ad Space Today! Call 323-291-9334 • E-mail: Special Offer: 50% Discount for Regular Financial BBA Members


Rev. Leon

R. Perry , III in Gh see Corp

ana with

rece ving page ntly orpaned twins 21

orate Gi

Advertising Opportunities Full Page Color w/Feature Story Full Page Color Full Page B/W Half Page Color w/Feature Story Half Page Color Half Page B/W Quarter Page Color Quarter Page B/W Box Ad Color Box Ad B/W Business Card Ad RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE

1x $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,250 $1,000 $ 750 $ 500 $ 350 $ 350 $ 250 $ 125

2x $2,250 $1,800 $1,400 $1,200 $ 875 $ 725 $ 450 $ 300 $ 300 $ 225 $ 100



$1,600 $1,300 $1,150 $ 825 $ 700 $ 400 $ 250 $ 250 $ 200 $ 80

$1,400 $1,200 $1,100 $ 775 $ 675 $ 350 $ 200 $ 200 $ 175 $ 60

Ad Type Full Page Half Page Half Page Quarter Page Eighth Page Box

Measurements 7.50”x10” 7.50”x 5.0” 3.75”x10” 3.75”x 5.0” 5.0”x 3.0” 2.25”x 3.0”

For more information contact: Earl “Skip” Cooper, II at 323-291-9334 E-mail:

58 T November 2009 T Black Business News T

Choose to care. Choose to celebrate. Choose to dream. At Comerica Bank, we choose to care about the dreams and visions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We choose to celebrate equality and diversity among all people, and we’re dedicated to ringing the bells of freedom. Choose to celebrate the dream with us.

Crenshaw 3825 Crenshaw Boulevard Los Angeles

El Segundo 2321 Rosecrans Avenue El Segundo


Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender.

Wilshire-Crescent Heights 6301 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles

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