Black Business News - October 2012

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Supplier Portal, an online communication tool designed to enhance the relationship between AEG and our partners. The portal is an online and paperless tool that will provide you with: Increased visibility for AEG business opportunities Extended Company Profile in online directory Direct email updates from AEG clients and buyers Easy accounts payable information sharing Increased exposure for MBEs, WBEs, and DBEs It is important that you register your business so that we have the ability to contact you for participation in future opportunities. Suppliers seeking to initiate business with AEG are encouraged to register as well. Registration is simple and we invite you to visit our Supplier Portal at your earliest convenience:

Publisher’s Message Earl “Skip” Cooper, II


s publisher of the Black Business News, and more importantly, an American citizen, I strongly urge everyone who has not already done so to VOTE! It is your job to vote. It is your responsibility, your right, and your privilege. Millions of African Americans made numerous sacrifices to afford us the right to participate in the democratic process of voting for the representation in our governing bodies, from the locally elected officials and issues to the White House. It is no less than an insult to the memories of those who fought for our civil rights not to exercise the right to vote. Just remember this: in an election, every voice is equally powerful and you should not underestimate the value of your vote. Voting is the great equalizer. As a non-partisan publication, we do not advocate that you vote for one candidate over the other. As such, for our African American readers, we would hope that you would not vote for President Obama just because he is Black. However, you can vote for him because you feel he is the best man to lead our country. Supporting an individual just because they share our African American culture and history is not enough. For example, by all accounts Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is an African American, but he is regarded by some as the worst appointed jurist in the history of the United

States, especially from the African American perceptive. Just something to remember as you go about exercising your franchise in the coming weeks. On another note, here in Los Angeles, we would like to applaud the Black Business Association (BBA) for its highly successful 9th Annual Procurement Summit, held earlier in this month of October. More than 300 participants were on hand for the oneon-one business o p p o r t u n i t y matchmaking and the Awards Luncheon. Lastly, from a somber perspective, the Black Business News mourns the passing of Andrew F. Brimmer, the first African American to serve on the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Dr. Brimmer was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs when President Lyndon B. Johnson named him to the Federal Reserve Board in 1966. Dr. Brimmer was a noted economist, academician, and business leader. Harvard-educated, Andrew Brimmer also served on the Tuskegee University Board of Directors from

1965-2010, and as the board’s chairman for the last 28 years, making him the longest serving chairman in the school’s history. A true trailer blazer, Mr. Brimmer will be missed. 

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About the Black Business News… The mission of The Black Business News is to inspire and inform public and private sector industry representatives on the importance of smart small business growth. As a versatile source of socioeconomic development activity, the Black Business News imparts current local, national and international industry trends related to small businesses across the United States of America (USA), detailing greater access to financial capital, management efficiencies, business education, mentors and networks. The goals of the Black Business News include: •

increasing the use of business enterprises owned by USA-based blacks, by advocating for greater access to leading finance lenders and successful business managers. working to merge resources, values, profits, technology throughout the public and private sectors.

balancing major public and private sector contracting methods with positive outcomes of black-owned and operated enterprises.

providing an affirmative influence for emerg-ing entrepreneurs sharing innovative design n and creative cultural content that exposes them to the history of black enterprises and excite them to participate in the USA’s future.

advocating and promoting on behalf of black-owned businesses by promoting the need for expanding an economic foundation that supports an unfettered and self-sustained urban society with USA job creation and economic opportunity, where blacks work, live and operate viable business enterprises.

Black Business News P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-298-5064






CONTRIBUTING WRITERS LaSandra Stratton • Dean Jones • Linda Ware

GRAPHIC DESIGN Sarah Harris • Phallu Morgan

STORY EDITORS Wanda Flagg ▪ Jennifer Marie Hamilton

PHOTOGRAPHY Ian Foxx ▪ Sabir • Narishima Osei


LAYOUT/TYPESETTING Lion Communications Copyright © 2012 by Black Business News All Rights Reserved. The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.

FEATURES… October 2012


Publisher’s Message

GOVERNMENT… 12 14 18 25

President Obama Addresses the UN National Energy Actions Investigation Results In - Congresswoman Maxine Waters Exonerated MBDA-Make It In America Challenge

Entertainment… 36 37

Jackson and Lee, Together Again


“Haute Face” cosmetic line launched

West, Young Slugs Issue New Tunes

Entrepreneurship… 34

BUSINESS… 39 42 44 52 54

GM Bringing Jobs Back to the USA Lindsey Holmes, Evernote Ambassador 100 Year Starship - Outof this World Businesses TV White Space - New Opportunities Ahead Mars Mission - More Future Focus Business Opps

PUBLIC INTEREST/COMMUNITY… 67 68 72 COLUMNS 61/63 - Take A Look! 105 - Books to Consider... 107 - Calendar ACTION ALERTS 2 - AEG Supplier Portal 87 - HOLIDAY SHOPPING SPONSORS 06 - Black Business Association

Law will open door for more GMO in the market Global University, Affordable Education for All Let’s Move and USA Basketball


d Africa’s Best Friend in Washington, DC


Zambia Open for Business


New Peace Deal for Phillipines


50 Cent Ready to Invest in Africa


Cover image - Phallu Morgan

5  October 2012  Black Business News 

profits, technology and people; •

Promoting development and support of minority business enterprises within the domestic and international economies by encouraging and generating greater access to market opportunities and capital;

Providing training for entrepreneurial professional development;

Supporting and contributing to the economic base and progress of the African-American community; and

Developing coalitions that support our political endeavors to effectively achieve public recognition and political influence for African-American business owners.

Over 40 years of service Founded 1970

About the BBA…

Since 1970, the Black Business Association (BBA), a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, headquartered in Los Angeles, has been instrumental in the incubation and development of more than 15,000 African-American businesses. Nationally, we have access and influence with more than 85,000 African-American-owned and women/minority-owned firms via strategic alliances with more than 100 women/minority trade associations in more than 42 states nationwide.

___ Our Mission ___

The Black Business Association’s mission is to advocate and promote the development of African-American owned businesses with the goal of creating a firm economic base that support the self-determination and survival of the African-American and urban community by: •

Identifying and creating financial opportunities for the growth and stability of African-American owned businesses;

Being a community voice that advocates for the success of small businesses;

Being a conduit for the merging of resources, values,

___ Advocacy ___

The Black Business Association maintains very effective working relationships with elected and appointed officials for the support of African-American business development. Locally, statewide and in Washington, DC, we are constantly aware of pending legislation that might affect our member’s businesses, their growth and even their ability to conduct business. When legislation is being considered that affects our mission, the BBA quickly mobilizes to work with key policy makers to support, defeat or modify the bill and pursue the BBA position. As an organization, we are constantly at the helm, securing innovative means and policies that protect our constituency and their business interests. 

Coming Events 2013 February 39th Annual Awards Dinner March 30th Salute to Black Women Black Business Association P.O. Box 43159, Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA Tel: 323-291-9334 Fax: 323-857-4610

• Call 323-291-9334 for information on sponsorship and participation • 7  October 2012  Black Business News 


President Obama Addresses the United Nations

President Barack Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the United Nations in New York, N.Y., Sept. 25, 2012. Sitting on the dais are: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, UNGA President Vuk Jeremić and JeanJacques Graisse, Acting Head for General Assembly and Conference Management. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)


peaking to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama remembered Ambassador Chris Stevens and delivered a defense of both free speech and the spirit of tolerance. The President described Stevens -- who was slain earlier this month in an attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya -- as a man who “embodied the best of America.” “Like his fellow Foreign Service officers, he built bridges across oceans and cultures, and was

deeply invested in the international cooperation that the United Nations represents,” the President said. “He acted with humility, but he also stood up for a set of principles -- a belief that individuals should be free to determine their own destiny, and live with liberty, dignity, justice, and opportunity.” And in discussing the recent attacks on American embassies, President Obama called for a renewed commitment to the idea the United Nations represents -- what he described as, “the notion that

people can resolve their differences peacefully; that diplomacy can take the place of war; that in an interdependent world, all of us have a stake in working towards greater opportunity and security for our citizens.” The President called on the body to reaffirm that our collective futures would be determined by those like Ambassador Stevens, and not, he said, by the forces of violence and intolerance. President Obama described the

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see Obama at the UN on page 13

Obama at UN from page 12

video that has sparked protests and outrage throughout the Muslim world as “crude and disgusting.” But he answered those who have asked why America doesn’t ban what we find offensive. The answer, he said, was our Constitutional protection of free speech. “As President of our country and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day,” he told the General Assembly, “And I will always defend their right to do so.” View his full remarks on YouTube or download the mp4 (2437MB).  2wzA&feature=share&list=UUYxRlFD qcWM4y7FfpiAN3KQ

13  October 2012  Black Business News 

THE WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL ENERGY ACTION MONTH, 2012 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION A secure energy future is vital to an economy built to last. When we use American energy to power our homes, businesses, and vehicles, we create new American jobs, grow new American industries, and safeguard our national security and our economic potential. As demand for energy increases worldwide, our Nation must continue to lead the world in a rapidly evolving energy market by pursuing safe and responsible domestic energy production, promoting efficiency, and developing clean energy and renewable fuels. My Administration is pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy to put energy independence within our reach and power a sustainable, vibrant economy. We took bold action to double our use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal; finalized new standards to nearly double the fuel efficiency of our Nation’s automobiles by 2025; and invested in energy-saving upgrades in homes, public buildings, and businesses across our Nation. These programs spur innovation, make American manufacturers more competitive, and save families money on their energy bills. As we lay the foundation for a clean energy economy, we must also take advantage of the abundant energy resources we have here at home and reduce our dependence on oil imports. That is why my Administration continues to open millions of acres for oil and gas exploration. Today, domestic oil production is at the highest level in nearly a decade, while oil imports have fallen to the lowest level in nearly 20 years. Thanks to pioneering new technologies developed right here at home, America is also now the world’s leading producer of natural gas. As production has increased, it has boosted our manufacturing, dramatically reduced prices, and created more jobs for the American people. Along with advances in renewable energy and increased efficiency, our investments in natural gas can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Moving forward, we will continue to invest in new technologies that put Americans to work in the jobs of tomorrow -- from building advanced wind turbines and long-lasting batteries to developing cutting-edge clean coal technologies and next generation biofuels. We will promote growth and job creation throughout the entire energy sector by further developing our domestic energy resources and supporting our nuclear industry. And we will modernize our electric grid, allowing us to better integrate renewable energy, increase efficiency and reliability, and empower families to make informed decisions about their energy consumption. Finally, we must also harness our greatest natural resource -- the creativity, drive, and entrepreneurial spirit of the American people. Across our country, scientists and engineers are laying the groundwork for the next big energy breakthrough, farmers across rural America are producing homegrown fuels, students are promoting conservation in their communities, and autoworkers are manufacturing the next generation of fuel-efficient cars. If we continue to invest in American potential, I am confident that new plants and factories will dot our landscape and new energy will power our future. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2012 as National Energy Action Month. I call upon the citizens of the United States to recognize this month by working together to achieve greater energy security, a more robust economy, and a healthier environment for our children. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


FACT SHEET: President Obama’s Blueprint to Make The Most of America’s Energy Resources


States. Transitioning to cleaner sources of energy will enhance our national security, protect the environment and public health,

above approach that develops every available source of American energy. This commitment includes the safe and responsible production of our oil and natural gas resources. Today, American oil production is at the highest level in eight years and last year we relied less on foreign oil than in any of the past 16 years. At the same time, the President believes we need to double-down on clean energy in the United

and grow our economy and create new jobs. Over the past few years, renewable energy use has nearly doubled. In fact, in 2011, the United States reclaimed the position as the world’s leading investor in clean energy – but staying on top will depend on smart, aggressive action moving forward.

President Obama’s Plan to Advance Safe Production of

Make a new lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico to move forward on our national commitment to safe and responsible oil and gas development: In his State of the Union Address, the President directed the Department of Interior to finalize a national offshore energy plan that makes 75% of our potential offshore resources available for development by opening new areas for drilling in the Gulf and Alaska. On Thursday, the President will take a concrete step forward to develop our oil and gas resources, announcing that the Department of Interior will hold a new lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. This lease sale will make approximately 38 million acres available, and could result in the production of 1 billion barrels of oil and 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Promote safe, responsible development of the near 100year supply of natural gas, supporting more than 600,000 jobs while ensuring public health and safety: In 2009, we became the world’s leading producer of natural gas. In the State of the Union, the President directed the Administration to ensure safe shale gas development that, according to independent estimates, will support more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade. These actions will include moving forward with common-sense new rules to require disclosure of the chemicals used in fracking operations on public lands. Reducing our dependence on oil by encouraging greater use of natural gas in transportation: The President’s plan includes: proposing new incentives for medium- and heavy-duty trucks that run on natural gas or other alternative

15  October 2012  Black Business News 

see Energy Blueprint on page 16


resident Obama has laid out a Blueprint for an America Built to Last, underscoring his commitment to an all-of-the-

Oil and Gas Resources To Create Jobs, Enhance Energy Security, and Cut Pollution

Energy Blueprint from page 15


fuels; launching a competitive grant program to support communities to overcome the barriers to natural gas vehicle deployment; developing transportation corridors that allow trucks fueled by liquefied natural gas to transport goods; and

supporting programs to convert municipal buses and trucks to run on natural gas and to find new ways to convert and store natural gas. Harnessing American ingenuity to catalyze breakthrough technologies for natural gas: The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) will announce a new research competition in the coming months that will engage our country’s brightest scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to find ways to harness our abundant supplies of domestic natural gas to lessen our dependence of foreign oil for vehicles. The breakthrough technologies they will develop, whether they are for new ways

to fuel our cars with natural gas or a method to turn that gas into liquid fuel, promise to break our dependence on foreign oil for our cars and trucks, allow us to breathe cleaner air, and ultimately save consumers at the pump. To date ARPA-E has hosted four rounds of competitions and attracted over 5000 applications from research teams, which has resulted in

approximately 180 cutting edge projects.

The President’s Commitment to Clean Energy Doubling the share of electricity from clean energy sources by 2035: The centerpiece of the Administration’s strategy is a Clean Energy Standard, or “CES” – a flexible approach that harnesses American ingenuity and innovation, and channels it toward a clean energy future. By creating a market here at home for innovative clean energy technologies, we will unleash the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs and ensure that America leads the world in clean energy.

Supporting c l e a n energy with targeted tax incentives: T h e President supports renewing and extending a number of proven and successful provisions that are crucial to the continued growth of the domestic clean energy sector. This includes tax incentives for clean energy manufacturing, which could create up to 100,000 jobs, and the Production Tax Credit to support investment in the deployment of clean energy technologies like wind and solar. Opening public lands for private investments in clean energy: To enhance energy security and create new jobs, the Department of the Interior is committed to issuing permits for 10 gigawatts of renewable generation capacity – enough to power 3 million homes – from new projects on our public lands by the end of 2012. Securing renewable energy for the U.S. Navy: Securing a safe, clean and reliable energy supply for our nation’s defense forces is essential to carrying out missions vital to the security of the United States. The Department of Navy has committed to adding 1 gigawatt of renewable energy produced from sources like solar, wind, and geothermal to its energy portfolio for shore-side installations – enough to power 250,000 homes. Using existing authorities such as power purchase agreements, the Navy will ensure these energy projects are cost neutral and require no up-front investments by the government. 

16  October 2012  Black Business News 

Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference - 30th Anniversary


he National Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week Conference is the Nation’s premier event for minority entrepreneurs and the public and private sectors. The Conference offers a venue for minority-owned firms to access information, tools and resources to grow their businesses both domestically and internationally. Each year, thousands of minorityowned firms across a variety of industries converge upon Washington, DC to connect with public and private sector buyers, explore avenues for business expansion, and develop thriving

partnerships with firms across multiple industry sectors. This is done through networking events, workshops and issue forums, including: • Business-to-business matchmaking sessions with corporate procurement officials and capital providers; • Global networking events with embassy officials from Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East; • The MED Week Awards Program honoring some of the fastest growing minorityowned firms, entrepreneurs and advocates in the country. 

Date December 5-6, 2012 Venue Omni Shoreham Ho te 2500 Calvert Stree l t NW at Connecticut Ave Washington, DC 20 00 Phone: (202) 234-0 8 700

17  October 2012  Black Business News  usi sine ness ssne news ws net

Rep. Waters Cleared of Charges That Never Should Have Been Brought -2012 Update by Earl “Skip” Cooper, II, Publisher, Black Business News



n September 2012, the House Ethics Committee cleared United States Congresswoman Maxine Waters after an extensive two-plus year investigation that left a lot to be desired and the committee intent very questionable. While many might consider this a vindication, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who many consider to be one of the most powerful women in American politics today, withstood the attacks not only on her character, but also upon those of her family members. However, with being cleared of the alleged improprieties, Congresswoman Water was fully exonerated – not vindicated. The closing of the investigation demonstrated the failure of an overzealous House Ethics Committee that was pre-determined to destroy Ms. Waters’ long reputation as a fearless and outspoken advocate for women, children, the poor and people of color. In August 2010, the Black Business News pointed out that the alleged improprieties of the Congresswoman and her family did not merit the overkill of resources that the Ethics Committee had deployed in its attempt to remove her from power. Now, the Committee has found in fact there was insufficient evidence “to prove violation by a clear standard which is necessary for formal sanctions.” This ruling brings an end to a case that was based on the Congreewoman’s attempts to help underserved African American financial institutions while

majority banks were being bailed out from their mismanagement by the federal government. In addition, it is safe to estimate that the U.S. Government spent far more than $250,000 in pursuing the unfounded charges against Rep. Waters and Congresswoman her family. The Waters with Earl Waters case “Skip” Cooper, II, was headed Publisher, Black Business News for an unwarranted, baseless ethics trial in late 2010, it was discovered by the committee that evidence in the case had been mishandled by staff members. The committee then suspended two attorneys and, at the expense of taxpayers, hired an independent investigator to review its own handling of the Maxine Waters case. Earlier this year, almost two years after the original hearing was scheduled, the investigator concluded that the Congresswoman’s rights had not been violated and the case could proceed, despite the belief that staff members made unauthorized disclosures about the case. In moving forward this fall, the Com-

mittee staged a rare public hearing that brought about an anticlimactic end to the unfortunate matter. Congresswoman Waters did not get the “day in court” that she hoped for, to allow her to clear her name. With the ethics investigation put to rest, Rep. Waters will become the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee upon the retirement of Rep. Bar-

ney Frank of Massachusetts, and possibly its chairman if Democrats retake the House in the November election. Additionally, if Democrats win majority control of the House in November, Waters would be in line to become the chairman of the Committee, which wields significant influence over activities of major financial institutions. All eyes of the Congresswoman’s supporters will be fixed on the outcome of November’s elections. Should the results be favorable, it is certain that this particular payback will definitely come with a pedigree and puppies. 

18  October 2012  Black Business News 


MAXINE WATERS: ADVOCATING AS ALWAYS FOR THE UNDERREPRESENTED First Published in the Black Business News in August, 2010


n response to the announcement (2010) of the U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee lodging formal charges against Congresswoman Maxine Waters for ethical wrongdoing, the Black Business News (BBN) stands behind and supports Congresswoman Waters’ defense of these unwarranted charges. The BBN is confident that once the Subcommittee report is released, and Congresswoman Waters has the opportunity to present the facts, it will be concluded that there were no violations of ethics rules or practices. The panel has stated that it found

evidence of ethics violations committed by Congresswoman Waters, who denies breaking any rules in setting up a September 2008 meeting between Treasury Department officials and the National Bankers Association (NBA), a trade association for minority-owned banks. The allegations against Ms. Waters, centered on the involvement of her husband with OneUnited Bank and the bank’s subsequent receipt of $12 million in bailout funds three months after the meeting, question whether inappropriate assistance was provided in the facilitation of the meeting.

see Congresswoman Waters on page 20

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Congresswoman Waters with husband Sidney Williams

Congresswoman Waters’ husband, Sidney Williams, who had served on the One United board from 2004 to 2008, was no longer on the board at the time of the meeting. Additionally, the meeting was not scheduled to discuss a financial bailout plan for OneUnited Bank, but was held to discuss the impact that the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac might have on minority banks across the nation. Further, Congresswoman Waters, who also serves on the House Financial Services Committee, had arranged ar this meeting as part of her ongoing efforts to advocate on behalf of minority-owned business. Congresswoman Waters was not in attendance at this meeting, nor did she and/or her husband derive direct financial benefit from the meeting. Contrary to what the recent charges against the Congresswoman imply, the BBN believes that Maxine Waters was doing her job - advocating for the un- and underrepresented. In fact, Congresswoman Waters has carried the causes and needs of the downtrodden and often voiceless masses long before

Congresswoman Waters from page 19

she was elected to public office in 1976. We believe that she is in fact do-

The BBN finds it interesting that these allegations are resurfacing now, given that they had been addressed more than a year ago. In fact, they have resurfaced with the only document released last week,

million commitment or 2% of its asset base. “Big whoop.” If it is necessary that these charges against Congresswoman Waters be carried forward, the BBN would also request that the Fed-

which was a year old. Previously confidential reports prepared by the quasi-independent Office of Congressional Ethics have also been released to the press. Additionally we find it curious that the lobbying efforts of AIG, an $850 billion insurance corporation, resulted in its receipt of more than $48 billion in TARP bailout money, with an additional $70 billion committed. The Federal Reserve Bank established another $85 billion in “credit facility” to meet AIG’s credit obligations – more than 20% of its assets. By comparison, OneUnited, a relatively small minority bank of approximately half a billion dollars ($532 million as of March 2010) in total assets, received a $12

eral Reserve be required to provide a comprehensive report of the questionable actions that have led to the largest financial institutions receiving their federal bailouts. It’s only fair. In the meantime, the BBN stands firmly behind the Honorable Congresswoman Waters, who fights for justice and battles unflinchingly against inequity in the financial industry. 


Congresswoman Maxine Waters

ing what each and every elected official should be doing on a daily basis: looking out for the needs of her constituents. In this case, her broader constituency- small and Minority owned banks- were not being considered in the government’s decision making process during the Financial Crisis of 2008. The Congresswoman merely facilitated access for a trade association, the National Bankers Association, so that its members could have their voices heard. Another side note to consider: OneUnited was not the only NBA member to receive TARP funds subsequent to the meeting with the Treasury Department. Fourteen NBA institutions in total obtained such funding, after the legislation passed in October of 2008.

20  October 2012  Black Business News 

Business Development

Building Your Business for Success: The Importance of Ownership


ne of the keys to economic independence for African American business owners is the acquisition and ownership of commercial real estate. By controlling the buildings and land that house the means of generating revenue, an entrepreneur can better attain the goal that underpins what being in business is all about: maximum self-determination. With interest rates now at historically low levels and the economy growing at a slow pace, now is a prime time for many business owners to consider the purchase of commercial real estate. The benefits and drawbacks to commercial real estate ownership vary from business owner to business owner, but potential buyers should educate themselves about the obvious and sometimes hidden benefits to the ownership of a commercial property. Below are some of the major benefits to real estate ownership, versus leasing a commercial space.

Tax Deductions

Added Value To Business

For many Black business owners, a primary benefit of commercial real estate ownership is the tax deductibility of property that can be taken on the interest portion of the monthly commercial loan payment. These deductions can be substantial and each business owner should consult a qualified tax specialist about his or her unique situation.

Unlike some residential loans, many commercial loans are assumable. This makes the business and its real estate much easier for a buyer to acquire, and enhances the value of the business tremendously.

Equity Appreciation On average, commercial real estate properties will appreciate about two to three percent above inflation over the long term. Paying rent provides no appreciation or equity. Quite candidly, the BBA has members who have been paying rent for a decade or more, with no equity accrued and never having positioned themselves to benefit from any hope of equity appreciation. Using some of the most conservative estimates, potential equity appreciation can result in significant financial gains over a period of decades.

A Retirement Fund Through various circumstances, many minority and small business owners will not receive a pension when they decide to retire. In such cases, the equity appreciation on commercial property can be significant. An owner can decide either to sell the property upon retirement to cash in on equity appreciation, or lease the property to another business for a continuous retirement income stream. In fact, in some situations, a business owner may be able to lease out an unused portion of the property, such as a spare office, before retirement for additional income.

No Taxes To Pay On Your Rent When a business leases its real estate, sales tax is paid on the rent paid to the landlord. When you own the real estate there is no tax to pay on the rent. The savings can be significant.

Easy Access To Financing Historically-low, thirty-year fixed interest mortgage rates are now available for owner-occupied commercial properties. Furthermore, there are flexible interest-only options from which entrepreneurs can benefit. In fact, in some instances, with strong financials a business owner may qualify for loan financing up to 100% of the purchase price for commercial real estate. A business owner should consult an experienced commercial mortgage adviser before making an offer on a commercial property, so that in addition to the tangible benefits outlined above, the business owner will have the satisfaction that only comes with property ownership. Truer words have never been spoken: “God bless the child that’s got his own�. The Black Business Association will soon launch a program to assist African American business owners in acquiring commercial and industrial real estate.

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Contact Us | Privacy Policy | America Saves is dedicated to the art and science of moving goods and services to market. This web site is useful to business managers responsible for their companies’ supply chain activities. This information is sponsored by the Southland Partnership Corporation that serves a wide range of supply chain management issues for large and small enterprises. Southland is in place to enhance supplier inclusion through the increased flow of goods and services by providing current information from initial sourcing all the way through to delivery to public and private sector endusers. Southland shares vital information of purchasing opportunities from production planning, order processing and fulfillment, inventory management, transportation, distribution, and professional service requirements. For some, this information on proposal estimating will be a refresher on how to submit an effective pricing plan, however, for other companies this may be just the information to create that winning response. All buyers seek to make the best investment when selecting outside resources. The supplier selection results from demonstrating efficiencies and generating the highest level of customer satisfaction at the most responsible lowest cost. In general all major buying entities look at the strategic, tactical, and operational functions of prospective suppliers. 24  October 2012  Black Business News 


he Obama administration has announced a $40 million multi-agency competition, the Make it in America Challenge, to accelerate the trend of insourcing,

where companies are bringing jobs back and making additional investments here in America. The competition, which is being funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST-MEP) and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA), will build upon the administration’s bottomup approach to strengthening the economy and creating jobs by partnering with state, regional, and local economies. “More and more businesses are

choosing to invest, create jobs, and make things here in America, and this new initiative represents the latest effort by the Obama Administration to build on that trend,” said Acting Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank. “This administration’s top priority is creating American jobs, and through the Make it in America Challenge, we will be supporting business’ efforts to expand here at home. By making competitive investments, the Challenge will help communities across the U.S. accelerate economic growth, attract business investment, and create jobs.” “The modern global manufacturing landscape has changed the way companies do business, but it has also changed the way companies do training,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “This initiative will provide comprehensive assistance to those companies and those communities committed to make it in America through innovative training programs that lead to industry recognized credentials and arm our workforce with the skills employers want to see from day one.” Today’s announcement builds on the administration’s efforts to encourage companies—large and small, foreign and domestic, manufacturers and services firms—to increase investment in the United States. The president’s plan includes eliminating tax

incentives for companies that ship jobs overseas and providing tax credits for companies that bring jobs back, investing in American workers to ensure they have the skills they need, modernizing our infrastructure, and taking action to ensure that American businesses and workers are competing on a level playing field. The national competition will help provide the critical infrastructure, strategic planning, capacity building, technical assistance, and workforce skills training necessary for American communities to be the desired home for more businesses. The challenge is expected to give out approximately 15 awards, depending on the number of eligible applications. To be eligible for an award, projects must encourage insourcing, either through on-shoring of productive activity by U.S. firms, fostering increased foreign direct investment, or incentivizing U.S. companies to keep their businesses and jobs here at home, as well as train local workers to meet the needs of those businesses. A Federal Funding Opportunity will be published by early 2013 which will provide detailed guidelines for submitting an application, including the deadline for applications. 

25  October 2012  Black Business News 


David Hinson, National Director, MBDA

Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Obama Administration Announces $40 Million Initiative to Challenge Businesses to Make it in America

Starbucks Invites You to Help Create American Jobs


hen you donate $5 or more to the Create Jobs for USA Fund you’ll receive an American-made “Indivisible” wristband so you can show your ongoing support. Make your donation online at or visit your nearby Starbucks company-operated store.  30  October 2012  Black Business News 

Honorable Mervyn M. Dymally 1926 - 2012

Honorable Mervyn Dymally with Earl “Skip” Cooper, II, President/CEO, Black Business Association


ervyn M. Dymally, who broke barriers as a black lawmaker in California and in Congress after moving to the United States from his native

Trinidad at age 19, pasted away on in Los Angeles, Califirnia. He was 86 years old. Mr. Dymally became California’s first foreign-born black state

assemblyman when he was elected in 1962, its first black state senator four years later and, in 1974, its first black lieutenant governor. In 1980 he became one of the first foreignborn blacks elected to the House of Representatives, where he served six terms representing Compton, California and other heavily black, low-income areas. He also led the Congressional Black Caucus for a time. His success in winning office was rooted in his work organizing a new black Democratic base in areas around Los Angeles beginning in the 1950s and 1960s. “This was a transformational period,” said Raphael J. Sonenshein, an expert in racial and ethnic politics in Los Angeles and the executive director of the Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs at California State University, Los Angeles. “Between 1958 and 1962, the Democratic Party really came of age in the African-American community in California,” he said. In 1978, he was defeated while seeking re-election as lieutenant governor. In 1980, Mr. Dymally was elected to Congress after two other candidates had split the white vote in a Democratic primary. In 2002, a decade after he retired from Congress, he was elected to fill the same Assembly seat he had won in 1962. He served three terms and lost a 2008 bid for State Senate. Merve Dymally was a committed political icon. He helped African Americans get elected to office throught the United States. 

31  October 2012  Black Business News 

Top Film Star Samuel L. Jackson Reunites with Legendary Film Director Spike Lee for Major Feature Film


by Linda Ware


op Film Actor, Samuel L. Jackson, began his career playing minor roles in the late 80’s in several of Spike Lee’s movies including Do The Right Thing, Schooldays and other timeless films in the Spike Lee roster of classic urban films. Jackson’s breakthrough movie with Spike Lee was the hit film, Jungle Fever, where Jackson played the role of Gator Purify. Spike Lee is best known by far as the most successful African American director in the field of motion pictures, directing more films than any African American in the modern era. Samuel Jackson holds the same position as the most popular and sought after Actor in film. Now, these two top legends have

 Samuel L. Jackson  Spike Lee reunited on the set of production of a new major feature film. Under the direction of Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson is working currently on the set alongside Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen in the motion picture, Old Boy. The film tells the poignant story of a man who is working against the clock to find out why he was imprisoned for 15 years without any memory or official record available or known by the people around him. The film’s suspenseful and dramatic ambience is weaved around the premise of justifying the unknown ...a film production technique that Spike Lee is a master of in terms of

his work in the director’s chair. Jackson is working currently on a second film at the same time starring with Michael Keaton and Gary Oldman (Dark Knight Rises/ Harry Potter) in the current motion picture, ROBOCOP, an action packed special effects driven film directed by Jose Padilha. It is impressive indeed for an actor to be able to manage a schedule as hectic as working two movie sets simultaneously. For that reason, Jackson continues to be the man for the job as the most popular actor in high demand on movie sets throughout Hollywood. 

36  October 2012  Black Business News 

Kanye West Releases “White Dress”, Bungalo Records Star, Young Slugs, is “Cool” By Felicia Michaels

Living a dream come true, he landed a deal with Bungalo Records, Universal Music Group Distribution in Hollywood who has taken on the release of “Cool”. During Slugs recent trip to Miami, he starred alongside Drake’s HYFR star, Stephanie Monique, creating one of the most compelling videos set to be released soon.

Slugs as a rapper is authentically original bringing a “fresh” style to today’s roster of releases. Slugs the actor reflects a budding Samuel L. Jackson in pure development altogether making him a force to be heard and seen on the big screen. We can expect West and Slugs to each debut top music videos this fall season of music releases. 

Quote of Note... “That’s what America is all about. When we get knocked down, we get back up. We come back stronger. And as long as I’m President, that’s what we’ll keep doing.” President Barack H. Obama

37  October 2012  Black Business News 



rammy winning rapper, Kanye West, is enjoying brisk promotions at the launch of his “White Dress” release, a song that is featured on the soundtrack of “The Man With The Iron Fists”, starring Russell Crowe and Lucy Li. Produced by RZA, the full soundtrack album is set for release on October 23rd. West dropped a snippet teaser to the single illustrating his lyrical writing genius with a hook like “I seen you in the club in a tight dress/ But I pictured you in a church in a white dress”. Some speculate that the song is a tribute to his close relationship with popular socialite, Kim Kardashian. Another HipHop star, Young Slugs, is creating unquestionable Hollywood buzz and on screen magic is a resident of Gulfport, MS. He’s a rapper with a unique gift to act on cue on camera.

Music Industry Icon Cassandra Mills Launches “HAUTE FACE”

New High End Urban Cosmetic Line of Elegance and Culture by Linda Ware



usic industry icon, Cassandra Mills, is best known for presenting the chart topping all boy band, COLOR ME BADD, through developing them at Giant/Warner with their hit single I WANNA SEX U UP, selling over 4 million copies and breaking sales records. She has lent her magic touch of success into supporting the careers of various R&B stars from Christopher Williams to Stephanie Mills. She has been featured as one of the industry’s most successful women in entertainment for her track record of signing, charting and pushing top artists across the charts and globe. Ms. Mills is now taking her business savvy and gift for creating hits into the multi-billion dollar industry of the world of cosmetics with the launch of a line that is the first of its kind----an exquisite, elegant, line of urban cosmetics with top of the line ingredients that are facially nutritious with variety of color choices that are hard to find in most lines. With ingredients like Vitamin A, C, E, Aloe and lecithin to pamper the skin, the end result

is a fully made up woman of color emoting a natural look of clear even skin tone and radiance from the inside out. Haute Face cosmetic line was originally launched at the prestigious Saks Fifth Avenue for a test run that garnered rave reviews by women of all cultures. Haute Face’s patented color disc caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey who featured it in a segment she aired entitled Makeup 101. Haute Face’ color disc is designed to match every skin tone of color with 7 unique combinations to choose from. With a variety of colors of foundations and general cosmetics created for women of color, Haute Face creates ease of usage when it comes to choosing makeup accommodating all shades and tones of beige and brown skin color. Haute Face has been tested by women for women with the variety of tester feedback used to enhance the creation to become what it is today-- a top cosmetic product line that meets the highest standards of quality creation, and

choices to choose from. Haute Face is designed to meet the demand and appeal for African American, Hispanic, Indian and all women of color around the world. With the success of the initial test at Saks as well as the interest of Macy’s, Haute Face is set to launch as a product that meets the demands of quality products to promote elegance and natural beauty in the appearance of women of color. Looking at the overall quality of ingredients intrinsic to this beautiful make up line for women of color, it is fitting to say that Haute Face is the Mercedes Benz of Urban Cosmetics with its unique varietal range of color choices while providing the optimum formulas that promote healthy, even toned skin. “I expect Ms. Mills to take Haute Face to the successful heights that she did with the roster at Giant/ Warner Bro., she is truly a natural entrepreneur”, says Robert (Leo) Rodgers, SVP at Bungalo Records/ Universal Music Group Dist. 

38  October 2012  Black Business News 

Hiring in Detroit: GM Moves 1,500 IT Jobs Back Home By Tyler Falk



fter years of outsourcing information technology jobs, one of the world’s largest automakers, GM announced it will hire 1,500 high-tech workers over the next few years in suburban Detroit. This “Innovation Center” in Warren, Michigan is one of four planned in the United States that will employ an estimated 10,000 workers. The other, announced last month, will be in Austin, Texas. The locations of the other two have yet to be announced. “We’re currently seeking the

next generation of game-changers to help us usher in a new age of automotive innovation at GM,” said GM Chief Information Officer Randy Mott. The plan to move IT jobs back to Detroit is part of a larger initiative by the company to reduce outsourcing of IT services by 90%. As Reuters reports, GM will also reduce its data centers from 23 worldwide to two, both in Michigan. Whether this move will make GM a leader in auto tech is yet to be seen, but the company says it expects to see operational cost decrease while

innovation increases.  bulletin/hiring-in-detroit-gmmoves-1500-it-jobs-backhome/1969?tag=nl.e660&s_ cid=e660 Photo: Wikimedia Commons

39  October 2012  Black Business News 

Lindsey C. Holmes, Evernote Small Business Ambassador Shares Her Business and Marketing Tips I use Evernote, Everywhere Mac Windows iPhone iPad Web


I use Evernote for Running my Business I’ve been an Evernote user for three years and in that time, it has changed the way I think; a phenomenal feat for a free tool. In the context of my business, I use Evernote for a combination of marketing and GTD (David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology). Here are some of the reasons Evernote has become invaluable to me:

1. Evernote is seamless. As a business owner, I travel a lot, work from home and in the office. I have a staff of 8 and Evernote helps me manage my workflow, regardless of where I am.

2. Evernote is totally flexible. It has just enough structure to it that I can organize my notes however I want. The more I started using it, the more it helped me with my productivity, and allowed me to actually process information faster. 3. Evernote helps me create. Because I don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to adjust myself to a structured system, I’m able to focus more on the creation process, and organize however I see fit. The tool doesn’t own me, I own the tool.

How I use Evernote for Marketing I’ve been using Evernote to capture and create for years, but recently, I’ve realized its huge potential for distribution. Evernote

Lindsey C. Holmes is the most cost effective marketing tool I use and it has allowed me to completely streamline my process. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Evernote’s sharing features. At my company: • We create Shared Notebooks for all of our events. It’s easy for me to be out in the field and drop something into Evernote and know that anyone that has access to it will see it. I also love the ability to share something with my Twitter and Facebook networks, straight from my Evernote account. I love that I can use one tool to do so many different things. ( portal/16051/16058/Article/629/AnIntroduction-to-Sharing)

• I use Evernote for document

42  October 2012  Black Business News 

see 18 Tips on page 43

Sharing Tips from page 42

storage. I store all of my documents in Evernote, where I can easily edit them, export them as PDFs and drop the edited version right back into the note, where it will always be available to me. • I use Evernote as my distribution tool. I’m able to send emails to my team right from my Evernote account, which makes the communication flow extremely efficient and effective. • My office is completely paperless. I rely on my Doxie scanner and Shoeboxed (a service for digitizing paper and saving it to your Evernote account) for helping me process paper and then get rid of it. (http://trunk. Every new company staff member is trained on how to optimally use Evernote; it’s invaluable to our business!

and more The more I use Evernote, the more uses I find for it. Here are a few ideas: • I take pictures of outfits before trips. This helps me pack whatever is appropriate and know which pieces in my suitcase go with what. • I keep information about my dog, Banks, in Evernote. When we arrive at the vet, I can pull up my dog’s medicine and immediately

photos of them using Evernote. The bottom line is: whenever I come across something that I think could be made easier, I go to Evernote first.

Evernote for networking and events I go to a lot of events. Since I’m a very organized person, I take lots of notes and photos of business cards. I drop them all into a Shared Notebook that other people who may have attended the event might want to access. It takes the stress out of trying to my share notes and tips!  lindsey-c-holmes-evernote-smallbusiness-ambassador-shares-herbusiness-and-marketing-tips

Lindsey C. Holmes is the owner of LCH Business SM & Tech, a digital marketing agency specializing in Social Media Marketing/ Optimization, Digital Public Relations and Mobile App Development. Lindsey uses Evernote to manage her business, collaborate with colleagues, and stay productive on the go. Website: Website: Twitter: @lindseycholmes

43  October 2012  Black Business News 


Evernote for sentimental mementos, serial numbers

provide the vet with all the information he needs. • I have a notebook for my parents and my little sister. These notebooks include photos and even medicine information. If I’m visiting my sister in DC where she lives, and my parents need me to pick something up for them, I’m able to find everything I need in Evernote. • I take pictures of birthday cards. I realize that with Evernote, it’s about the sentiment. By snapping photos of cards with Evernote, I’m able to look at my collection in Evernote much more than if it was kept in a box somewhere. I’ve become a digital hoarder! • I store computer serial numbers in Evernote. To keep my gadgets’ serial numbers handy, I snap

100 Year Starship™ Initiative

New business opportunities in future focused projects The 100 Year Starship™ will make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system to another star a reality over the next 100 years. 100YSS™ will embark on a journey across time and space … If my language is dramatic, it is because this project is monumental. And our team is both invigorated and sobered by the confidence DARPA has in us to make interstellar flight a reality. Mae Jemison, M.D. Leader of 100YSS™


Artist Rendention: Icarus Interstellar

Why? The challenge of traveling to another star system has incredible potential to generate transformative knowledge and technologies that will dramatically benefit the nation and the earth in the near term and the years to come. Taking up the task ignites not only our imagination, but the undeniable human need to push ourselves to accomplishments greater than any single individual. Today, people take very much for granted (but would be loath


he non-profit 100 Year Starship will pursue national and global initiatives, and galvanize public and private leadership and grassroots support, to assure that human travel beyond our solar system and to another star can be a reality within the

enhance the quality of life on earth. We will actively include the broadest swath of people in understanding, shaping, and implementing our mission.

Dr. Mae Jemison next century. 100 Year Starship will unreservedly dedicate itself to identifying and pushing the radical leaps in knowledge and technology needed to achieve interstellar flight while pioneering and transforming breakthrough applications to

to surrender) the benefits space exploration has provided right here on earth. Global positioning satellites (GPS), remote sensing for water, minerals, and crop exploration or monitoring; weather satellites, arms treaty verifications,

high-temperature, light-weight materials; revolutionary medical procedures and equipment; pagers, beepers, and television to remote areas of the world; geographic information systems (GIS) and algorithms used to handle huge, complex data sets; physiologic monitoring and miniaturization; atmospheric and ecological monitoring; and insight into our planet’s geological history and future – the list goes on and on. And remarkable, too, was the accompanying wave of social creativity, artistic expressions, and educational innovation. All in all, technologies created for, and made possible by, space exploration permeate, and are an integral and essential part, of our world and its dramatically improved human quality of life in every country.

Business and Science Opportunities A venture to the stars will require

44  October 2012  Black Business News 

see 100 Year Starship on page 45

100 Year Starship from page 44

the creation of revolutionary energy generation, storage and control systems, advanced propulsion systems, radical advancements in closed-loop, life-support systems, and new insights into human development, health, behavior and training, as well as advances in robotics, automation, intelligent systems, and manufacturing techniques. Programs to establish a human presence on the moon, Mars, or elsewhere in our solar system will be stepping-stones to the stars.

Reality Check?


emphasis on building critical thinking skills, experiential teaching methods, science literacy, integrated a p p r o a c h e s to learning and individual responsibility in achieving excellence. The goals of the foundation are modeled around the teaching principles and life accomplishments of Mrs. Dorothy M. Jemison. Mrs. Jemison-a highly effective, dedicated, educator for over twenty-five years in some of the most difficult schools in the Chicago Public School system-believed that each person can and should be expected to achieve a level of excellence that allows a unique contribution to society. And educators, parents, teachers, school boards, governments, and society at large must foster these achievements. Her formula for “personal excellence” was instilled early in her own highly motivated, successful children and many of the students she taught throughout her career. DJF works to capture and implement the caveats of excellence Mrs. Jemison advocated and translate them into programs to enhance achievement and individual excellence throughout the world. Our return on investment is the creation of a workforce society that understands and appreciates other nations, cultures, and societies. The Earth We Share™ (TEWS) international science camp, DJF’s premiere program, focuses on the mission of the foundation. TEWS is designed to promote science literacy for all students. Students from across the United States and

around the world work together to solve current global dilemmas like “How Many People can the Earth Hold” and “Predict the Hot Public Stocks for the Year 2030.” Other programs including: Shaping the World, an international essay contest; Earth On-Line, Internet Chat Room; a 24-hour International Internet Youth Conference where students are on-line around the globe to discuss issues of importance to their present and future; Listening to the Future, a worldwide survey soliciting youth opinions; and the Reality leads Fantasy Gala that emphasizes adults responsibility to commit to the future today. Seven noteworthy adults were paired with seven dynamic students to share experiences and get a peek into the future! Dr. Mae C. Jemison, former NASA astronaut and the world’s first woman of color to go into space, founded DJF in honor of her late mother with her brother and sister. Dr. Jemison is founder and president of BioSentient Corporation, an innovative leader in real-time monitoring of the autonomic nervous system located in Houston, Texas. 

45  October 2012  Black Business News 


The concept of humans travelling to other star systems may appear fantastical—but no more so than the fantasy of reaching the moon was in the days of H. G. Wells. “The First Men in the Moon” was published considerably less than 100 years before humans landed on the moon (1901 vs. 1969) and the rapid scientific and technological advances were not nearly as great as it is today. But to be sure, the engineering, information management and scientific accomplishments just attempting what at the time seemed highly improbable, have been incalculable in the progression of human knowledge and quality of life. THE DOROTHY JEMISON FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE he Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence (DJF) develops and implements teaching methods, curricula, materials and programs that foster educational experiences resulting in individuals fully able to participate and contribute effectively and beneficially to society. DJF, a non-profit foundation places special

“An Inclusive, A udacious Journ ey Transforms Lif e Here on Eart h and Beyond” propo sal won the De fense Advanced Res earch Projects Agency (DARP A) challenge— to create “a viable and sustainable non-governme ntal organizati on for persistent, long-term, priv atesector investm ent into the m yriad of disciplines n eeded to make longdistance space travel possible .”

GRANTS.GOV LISTINGS The following grant opportunity postings may be found on the Find Opportunities service: DOS Department of State Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs U.S. Embassy Islamabad PAS Grants Program, Modification 8 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=114273


USAID Agency for International Development Afghanistan USAID-Kabul Public Private Innovative Development Initiative, Modification 3 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=129593 USAID Agency for International Development Kazakhstan USAID-Almaty Development Through Regional Cooperation, Modification 5 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=172393 DOT Department of Transportation DOT/Office of Small & Disadvantaged Utilization Notice of Funding Availability for the Small Business Transportation Resource Center Program, Modification 3 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=177273 HHS Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Immunization and Vaccines for Children Program, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178334 DOI Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service

Assessing Management Needs to Enhance Recovery for the Eastern Massasauga, year four Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178353 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE), Phase II Study Investigators (U01), Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178354 HHS Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE), Phase II, Coordinating Center (U01), Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178355 HHS Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement for the Development, Operation, and Evaluation of an Entertainment Education Program, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178356 DOI Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM CA Lassen Land and Trails Trust LLTT Modoc Line, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178357 ED Department of Education Upward Bound Math and Science Program - CFDA 84.047M, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178373

ED Department of Education National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)-Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program-RERCs--Recreational Technologies Exercise Physiology Benefiting Individuals Disabilities, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178393 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Headquarters E.2 Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA (LEARN), Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178394 ED Department of Education National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)-Disability Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program-Disability, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178413 USDOT Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions FY 2012 Bank Enterprise Award Program, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178433 DOI Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service University of California, Davis Species Project, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178453 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Headquarters COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT ON ASTROPHYSICS EXPLORER MISSIONS OF OPPORTUNITY, Grant

46  October 2012  Black Business News 

GRANTS.GOV LISTINGS from page 46 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178473 DOI Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM NV Nevada Ecological Site Descriptions State and Transition Models Development, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178474 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Estimating grizzly bear use of large ungulate carcasses with GPS telemetry data, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178493

DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Developing Chesapeake Youth Corps Network, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178496 DOI Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM WY 2012 Challenge Cost Share Program, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178497 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Signage and Related Interpretive Media Along the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail in Metro DC, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178513

DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service War of 1812 in Southern Maryland: Traveling Exhibit and Traveling Trunks, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178515 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Assisting in Development of Potomac River Segment of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake and Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trails, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178516 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Interns CLI/LCS, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178517 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Development of LandScope Chesapeake, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178533

Irrigation Water Delivery Metering Project, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178573 DOI Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Mark Processing, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178574 DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Technology Enhanced Interpretation Development, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178593 DOS Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Middle East Partnership Initiative Tomorrow’s Leaders Scholarship, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178594 DOI Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service DURHAM DAM, Modification 1 do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178613 DOI Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Chumstick Barrier Removal Phase 4, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178633 

DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Cooperative Agreement for the identification of sites and structures significant in Hispanic heritage, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178553 DOI Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation - Pacific Northwest Region

47  October 2012  Black Business News 


DOD Department of Defense Air Force Academy STEM Outreach to K-12 Schools in Southern Colorado, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178494

DOI Department of the Interior National Park Service Heritage Partnerships Program 3D Digital Documentation, Grant do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=178514

48  October 2012  Black Business News 

How Mobile Can Be A Bridge to In-Store Shopping By: Matthew Creamer


recent Google research project found that 80% of searches on smartphones are spontaneous, as opposed to planned, and nearly half of those are goal-oriented. Often those goals are purchases and, to Jonathan Alferness, this is evidence of mobile’s role as a bridge -- and an extremely valuable one -- from the digital world to the physical one. “We’re starting to drive meaningful value that wasn’t possible on desktop,” said Mr. Alferness, director of product managementmobile ads lead at Google, in a recent interview. “We’re driving users to actual, physical retail

stores to buy something. “ Mr. Alferness, who will be speaking at Ad Age’s Digital Conference later this month, is an eight-year veteran of Google, having spent a lot of that time on its syndicated products and on its desktop search ad business. In his current role, he sees his central priority as “showing to advertisers full value of mobile.” There have been successes, one of which is Google’s Click-toCall ad product, which seeks to put consumers on the phone line with advertisers. But many big challenges loom. “What’s not being done is finding ways to encapsulate all the value being unlocked

in mobile and showing that to advertisers,” he said. To illustrate, he points to desktop search, which in its early days demonstrated its value through all the e-commerce transaction that came through Google Adwords. While Mr. Alferness says that mobile commerce is also a big deal, it’s “a small portion of the overall value users are getting.” One thing that has to happen is a better understanding of when mobile is driving sales in-store, when the retailers can be certain that a customer entered the purchase funnel through mobile search. “That’s the holy grail,” he said.  digital/mobile-a-bridge-storeshopping/237116


49  October 2012  Black Business News 

Tech Tools:

Small Business Collaborative


original articles on a noteworthy small business that’s successful and also doing something extra to add social and community value. We’ll also be announcing Round Two of the Green Side of Business program, which gives one small businesses the chance to

win a $10,000 grant to improve their sustainability. Plus, stay tuned for original videos, infographics, and a top secret event. 

51  October 2012  Black Business News 


o celebrate and spread the word about the small businesses that are thriving in communities across the country, GOOD ( everyone) and UPS (http://thenewlogistics. have teamed to bring you the Small Business Collaborative. For three months starting on Monday, September 24, we’ll be talking about businesses that are helping to transform their neighborhoods (and beyond) for the better. Check out the latest content: The Small Business Collaborative Topic Page (, which has links, conversation starters, and thought-provoking articles from the world of small business. Every other Tuesday, we’ll have

New Broadcast Opportunities Opening Up: TV White Space


by Mari Silbey


ireless technology company Spectrum Bridge has announced a new partner certification program to help manufacturers meet compliance requirements for TV White Space (TVWS) radios (www. pressreleases/12-08-29/Spectrum_ Bridge_Launches_TV_White_ Space_Certification_Program_ to_Help_Radio_Manufacturers_ Navigate_FCC_Approval_Process. aspx). White spaces equipment isn’t expected to be widely available until next year, but Spectrum Bridge clearly wants to give the market a boost, and likely earn some revenue in the process. As a refresher, the term “white spaces” refers to spectrum that was freed up in the transition from analog to digital television. There has been controversy for years

over how the spectrum should be used, with TV broadcasters on one side of the debate, and consumer electronics and Internet companies on the other. However, the Federal Communications Commission determined in 2010 that the spectrum could be used for unlicensed wireless broadband services without any negative impact on broadcast TV signals. That decision paved the way for the first white spaces deployment in North Carolina in January, and wider deployments are expected next year. From the Spectrum Bridge press release, here are the certification support services the company is now offering: • TVWS compliance API: A complete reference design (SDK) to enable rapid development and compliance with FCC rules

defining TV Band Device (TVBD) behavior. The reference design includes an embedded agent and a suite of web pages that can be used for device configuration and status. • Test methods and certification procedures: Provides step-bystep procedures and test methods that can be used for testing and certification. • FCC Part 15 certification support: Spectrum Bridge will facilitate and oversee testing of TVBDs by the Telecommunication Certification Body and subsequently by the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) to ensure an efficient and timely certification process. • Pre-certification audit to ensure compliance with 47 CFR Part 15: Spectrum Bridge will identify and help TVBD OEMs resolve potential problems before the certification process even begins. While white spaces technology has been slow to take off, we could see some real progress in the next 12 to 18 months. In June, the Advanced Internet Regions University, or AIR.U consortium announced plans to deploy white spaces networks on university campuses across the country with limited existing broadband service ( blog/thinking-tech/airu-to-connectuniversities-with-8220super-wifi-8221/12143?tag=content;siucontainer). AIR.U pilot networks are expected to get off the ground in 2013. 

52  October 2012  Black Business News 

New Opps: NASA Already

space station have a wide variety of food available to them, some 100 or so different options, in fact. But it is all pre-prepared and freeze-dried with a shelf life of at least two years. And while astronauts make up a panel that tastes the food and give it a final OK on Earth before it blasts by Ramit Plushnick-Masti, The Associated Press off, the lack of gravity means smell - and taste - is impaired. So the food is bland. On Mars though, there is a little gravity, allowing NASA to consider significant changes to the current space menu. That’s where Cooper’s team comes in. Travel to Mars opens the possibility that astronauts can do things like chop vegetables and do a little cooking of their own. Even though pressure levels are different than on Earth, scientists think it will be possible to boil water with a pressure cooker, too. One option Cooper and her staff are considering is having the astronauts care for a “Martian greenhouse.” They would have a variety of fruits NASA’s Advanced Food Technology Project manager Michele Perchonok (right) and and vegetables - from carrots Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist Maya Cooper try a pizza recipe being to bell peppers - in a hydroponic solution, meaning they would be tested in a kitchen at Johnson Space Center in Houston. planted in mineral-laced water instead of soil. The astronauts would hrough a labyrinth of hallways Red Planet, astronauts will have to care for their garden and then use deep inside a 1950s-era stay there 18 months and then it will those ingredients, combined with building that has housed take another six months to return others, such as nuts and spices research that dates back to the to Earth. Imagine having to shop brought from Earth, to prepare their origins of U.S. space travel, a group for a family’s three-year supply of meals. of scientists in white coats is stirring, groceries all at once and having “That menu is favorable because mixing, measuring, brushing and, enough meals planned in advance it allows the astronauts to actually most important, tasting the end for that length of time. have live plants that are growing, result of their cooking. “Mars is different just because it’s you have optimum nutrient delivery Their mission: Build a menu for so far away,” said Maya Cooper, with fresh fruits and vegetables, a planned journey to Mars in the a senior research scientist with and it actually allows them to 2030s. Lockheed Martin who is leading have freedom of choice when The menu must sustain a group the efforts to build the menu. “We they’re actually cooking the menus of six to eight astronauts, keep don’t have the option to send because the food isn’t already prethem healthy and happy and also a vehicle every six months and prepared into a particular recipe,” offer a broad array of food. That’s send more food as we do for the Cooper said. no simple feat considering it will International Space Station.” The top priority is to ensure likely take six months to get to the Astronauts who travel to the

Building Menu for Planned Mars Mission in 2030s


see Mars Mission Menu on page 55 54  October 2012  Black Business News 

Mars Mission Menu from page 54

that the astronauts get the proper amount of nutrients, calories and

or meat products available. It isn’t possible to preserve those products long enough to take to Mars - and bringing a cow on the mission is not an option, Cooper jokes. NASA’s Mars Greenhouse

To ensure the vegetarian diet packs the right amount of protein, the researchers are designing a variety of dishes that include tofu and nuts, including a Thai pizza that has no cheese but is covered with carrots, red peppers, mushrooms, scallions, peanuts and a homemade sauce that has a spicy kick. To keep this menu going, and get the most out of any research about food sustainability on Mars, Cooper says it’s possible NASA will choose to have one astronaut solely dedicated to preparing the food the Emeril of the Mars mission. Still, since it remains unclear how much time mission planners will want to spend on food preparation, Cooper is also building an alternate pre-packaged menu, similar to how things are done for crews that do six-month stints on the International content.detail/id/563938/NASAalready-building-menu-forplanned-Mars-mission-in-2030s. html?nav=738

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minerals to maintain their physical health and performance for the life of the mission, Cooper said. The menu must also ensure the psychological health of the astronauts, Cooper explained, noting studies have shown that eating certain foods - such as meatloaf and mashed potatoes or turkey on Thanksgiving - improve people’s mood and give them satisfaction. That “link to home” will be key to astronauts on the Mars mission, and there are currently two academic studies looking further into the connection between mood and food. Lacking certain vitamins or minerals can also harm the brain, she said. Already, Cooper’s team of three has come up with about 100 recipes, all vegetarian because the astronauts will not have dairy

Space Station. For this option, though, the food will need to have a five-year shelf life compared with the two years available now. NASA, the Department of Defense and a variety of other agencies are researching ways to make that possible, Cooper said. The ideal, though, would be to combine the two options. “So they would have some fresh crop and some food that we would send from Earth,” Cooper said. One of the biggest obstacles, at the moment, may be the budgetary constraints. President Barack Obama’s budget proposal in February canceled a joint USEuropean robotic mission to Mars in 2016, and the rest of NASA’s budget has also been chopped. At the moment, Michele Perchonok, advanced food technology project scientist at NASA, said about $1 million on average is spent annually on researching and building the Mars menu. NASA’s overall budget in 2012 is more than $17 billion. She is hopeful that as the mission gets closer - about 10 to 15 years before launch - that the budget will grow, allowing for more in-depth, conclusive research. The mission is important: It will give scientists the chance for unique research on everything from looking for other life forms and for the origin of life on Earth to the effects of partial gravity on bone loss. It also will let food scientists examine the question of sustainability. “How do we sustain the crew, 100% recycling of everything for that two and a half years?” Perchonok said. But first things first: None of this will happen without food. 


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57  October 2012  Black Business News 

Celebrate Halloween with Flowers!


Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities.

and smart phone. Pageonce automatically organizes and tracks your money and bills so you don’t have to. See your banks, credit cards, bills and investment accounts in one simple place. Control where your money goes and get important real-time started/moleskine The Evernote Smart Notebook is a paper notebook by Moleskine that’s designed to make it easy to jot down your thoughts on paper, then record, modify, and remember them forever with Evernote. The paper notebook also includes a Pageonce has become the way for consumers to manage their money and bills on the computer

alerts and reminders about bill due dates, overage charges, and even suspicious activity. You can also track your frequent flyer miles, rewards, mobile minutes, text and data usage. Clipix solves the problem we all have of seeing tons of things online each day and never having a good way to save and organize them. How’s it work? You drag a bookmark called the “Clip” button to your bookmarks bar. Then you click it whenever you see anything online that you want to come back to. Everything you clip will be stored in customized clipboards on clipix. Do you get frustrated in airports? Looking for the freshest food or the closest gift shops? Then let GateGuru transform the chaotic and unfamiliar airport environment into a more satisfying experience before and after flights, and during layovers. GateGuru will lead you to the best food, shopping and service options within any airport at the touch of a button.  Submitted by LaSandra Stratton, Chief Content Administrator of the Black Business News.

61  October 2012  Black Business News 


set of Smart Stickers that automatically add digital tags to your notes. When you’re done writing in the notebook, use the Page Camera feature inside Evernote on iOS (iPhone or iPad) to optimize and import notes into your Evernote Digital memory. Every Evernote Smart Notebook purchase includes a complimentary subscription to Evernote Premium for three months.

You can make clipboards for anything, whether it’s articles you want to read, gadgets you’re thinking of buying, gift ideas for family members, or recipes you can’t wait to try. The list is literally endless. Sharing on clipix - you can clip collaboratively with friends on a syncboard™. When anyone on the syncboard adds a clip, everyone else sees it in real-time. You have the ability to group multiple clipboards into a multiboard and rearrange your clipboards.


Take a Look! by LaSandra Stratton Check out what these firms and organizations have to offer for your personal interests, personal wealth building, and business expansion opportunities. Behind OfficeTime’s elegant and deceptively simple interface lies the power to keep track of exactly what you do each day. Rich, visual reporting at the touch of a A unique online community that offers travel insights from an African-American perspective. Much of the content is from the African-American community

itself. Our members are businessfocused, family oriented, socially active and explorers at heart. If you love traveling and have a sense of discovery, we hope you’ll join us.

To fully experience BlackAtlas, try our “Explore a City” feature and see why we are the premiere online destination for the AfricanAmerican traveler. Explore cities in North America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa. On this website, you create a Local Number for each of your international contacts. Local Numbers are yours to keep. Save them to your phone, and dial them anytime. Our patented technology automatically connects the call to the international number. Your

phone company treats this like a local call, so you avoid high international rates. You pay KeKu’s super cheap rates instead. There are no access numbers, PINs or hidden charges. With KeKu, there are no contracts, no fees, and no expiration dates. You get exactly what you pay for and your credit never expires. When you arrive in a new country, purchase a local SIM card or mobile phone – and register that new phone with KeKu. Next, create a Local Number™ — one local to your friends back home – linked to your new phone number. Finally, remember to forward your home or mobile phone number to the new Local Number™. Whenever your friends call you, they’ll be instantly forwarded – and you’ll avoid roaming.  Submitted by LaSandra Stratton, Chief Content Administrator of the Black Business News.

63  October 2012  Black Business News 


button. Easily pause, resume and track multiple projects simultaneously. Track the kinds of work you do and for whom. Keep expenses and detailed notes. The most advanced rounding in the business. And, of course, all the shortcuts and little refinements that make a program a joy to use. Don’t guess with what you want reported. OfficeTime features one click Quick Reporting to instantly see where your time has gone. Then choose more refinement and watch as the report and graphs changes in real time. Fluid reports that change as you watch are a more natural and dynamic way to interact with your data. Reporting is easy and flexible. So you need to round your time to the nearest 15 minutes? No problem? But what if your time is 6 minutes and you won’t want to round down to zero? No problem. What if you resume a time that has

been rounded? No problem. Set it up once and forget about it. If you can imagine a rounding problem, we have its solution. A report of your time is one thing. A visual display of what you’ve been working on (and where you haven’t been working at all) is empowering. See all of your days laid out inside iCal automatically with one-click iCal integration. Your business is unique and your invoices should be too. Template-driven invoice generation makes customizing your invoices to look the way you want them a breeze. OfficeTime offers powerful invoicing for billable hours last month, last week, or any time you haven’t already billed for. Once you’ve made your invoice, OfficeTime handily ticks off the time you’ve billed for and keeps a note of your invoice so you can see exactly what has and has not been billed for next billing cycle. You can even invoice for multiple projects and multiple employee’s time together on once invoice. And don’t just present an invoice, include an optional breakdown of all the time spent, with the click of a button.

A Farm Bill Only Monsanto Could Love


idden among the cluttered news cycle of this election season is a crucial debate about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). September 30 marked the expiration of the 2007 Farm Bill, and the

LET Y CONGRESSIONAL KNOW!!. REPRESENTATIVE 2012 replacement is now sitting in the House of Representatives. It is unlikely that Congress will vote on the bill until after the elections, so food-safety advocates are ramping up their outreach efforts around this issue in advance of any decision. What’s the big deal with the new bill? Most importantly, the House version of the 2012 Farm Bill contains three industry-friendly provisions, numbered 10011, 10013, and 10014. Collectively, they have come to be known as the “Monsanto Rider,” and the name

Organic Consumer Association point to polling that shows nine out of ten American consumers want GMO labeling, and to the strength of the organizing in favor of GMO labeling through California’s Proposition 37 ballot initiative. The Organic Consumers Association and allied organizations like the Center for Food Safety are calling upon their membership base to let their elected officials know where they stand on this issue, through phone calls, letter writing, and protest. “People understand that the GMO foods entering our food supply have not been safety tested,” said Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director at the Organic Consumers Association. “There isn’t enough science backing them, and people want to know when food is genetically engineered. That opinion is very strong, and hopefully members of congress will be paying attention to the widespread opposition, and they’ll connect with voters. Hopefully, they’ll understand that [voters] matter more than the campaign donors.”  news-section2/312-16/13820-afarm-bill-only-monsanto-could-love

67  October 2012  Black Business News 

Community/Public Interest


is entirely appropriate. If passed, this bill would make it more difficult to stem the tide of GMO foods hitting store shelves. These three provisions in the 2012 Farm Bill would grant regulatory powers solely to the United States Department of Agriculture, preventing other federal agencies ffrom reviewing GMO applications a and preventing the USDA from a accepting outside money for further sstudy. The bill would also shorten tthe deadline for approval to one yyear, with an optional 180-day extension. And here’s the kicker: the approval time bomb. If the USDA misses the truncated review deadline, the GMO in question is granted automatic approval. Though the average time for approval of GMO applications is now three years, the USDA has never denied a single one. Environmental activists currently have the ability to delay introduction of an iffy crop by keeping approval held up for months at a time pending further review. If the 2012 Farm Bill is approved with the Monsanto Rider, this tool is removed from the arsenal. Food-safety advocates like the

New Global University to be Both Free and For-Profit by Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

Community/Public Interest


former digital media czar and small town mayor are working together to launch a new fully online university that will be free for students. The two founders, CEO Curtis Pickering and President Scott Hines, said they expect to open World Education University ( at the end of October or beginning of November 2012. Pickering said in a statement that both he and Hines were from “economically disadvantaged backgrounds and products of free college education,” and they “believe that everyone should have this same opportunity.” Pickering received an athletic scholarship and Hines attended the Colorado Springs-based Air Force Academy. Neither has run a school before. However, Hines founded a tutoring service that grew to serve students in districts in 26 states and which he eventually sold. “For us it’s a personal journey,” Hines explained. “We believe those opportunities lifted us from poverty and allowed us to go on to be successful in a number of different areas.” Both now reside in tony Rancho Mirage, CA, a town next to Palm Springs and where Hines serves as mayor. Pickering had earlier sold his interest in a Kansas City-based advertising and digital signage firm. WEU (pronounced “we-you”)

aims to become a comprehensive, degree-granting institution. “We’ve brought together a lot of our industry expertise and built a pretty amazing team of entrepreneurs in both education and technology and have put this team together to attack this enormous problem,” Hines said. The “problem” is educating the “historically underserved populations in high-poverty communities and developing nations,” as well as the “newly disenfranchised middle class who cannot afford the burden of debt associated with a university education.”

The Education Model To address the large number of students the university expects to attract, it will rely on multiple forms of technology, Hines said. The school will use a number of systems “built from scratch,” including two proprietary applications it calls PALS, the Pinpoint Adaptive Learning System, a kind of course management system, and CLA, the Cognitive Learning Assessment. CLA will be part of the admissions process. When students register for courses, they’ll take a “thinking style test,” similar

to Myers & Briggs. “When you take the test, the outcome will tell you what type of cognitive learning style you have,” he explained. “It’s based on a number of different research systems. It really becomes the basis for this adaptive system.” Those results will match up with one of 16 learning outcomes, Hines added, “that will tell you how your brain typically processes, stores, and recalls information. That serves then to inform the artificial intelligence within the system on how to present information to you.... Some people are more visual. Some people enjoy gaming types of content with their education. Some people like it auditory. Some like to read. Some like to interact with peers. We try to present a number of different options for students and personalize that learning experience as much as we possibly can.” see World Education University on page 69

68  October 2012  Black Business News 

World Education University

from page 68

The school will have open enrollment, which means a student can start any time he or she chooses. It also will allow students to progress at their own speed. “We do not subscribe to the Carnegie model. It’s completely outdated and doesn’t take into consideration technology,” Hines said. Each student will be assigned a faculty “mentor” who will facilitate the course and guide the students through. The university will also have “mentor coach instructors and tutors.” But the “superstars” of the faculty are the course creators, Hines declared. These include “notable individuals who bring courses [to us] that may already exist in other institutions or may be developed from scratch.” Those course creators will work with WEU on a

to the top of the list and those that rate the lowest bubble to the bottom of the list and there’s constant feedback coming from the student learners--really our clients and customers.” That continual ranking, he added, “puts a lot of pressure on course creators to develop dynamic classes that are not only informative and based on great information but are also interesting and fun and dynamic.” Upon launch the initial program will include 150 courses in two dozen subjects, running the gamut from art history to criminal justice to English literature to medical billing to pharmacy technician to political science and theology. Hines said the school will also develop a master’s degree program in creative writing and journalism as one of its initial offerings. If the variety of courses sounds like a mixed menu, it’s only what potential students--and industry-have told WEU they want, Hines

WEU about designing a bachelor’s degree in insurance. “Most people graduate with a general business degree and have to go get their insurance licensure and go through on-the- job training.... We want to be responsive to that and design programs in partnership with industry while still having the academic and intellectual input that comes from a trained intellectual. We think there has to be a balance there.” The university has been collecting the contact information for interested students, a list that currently tallies in the “thousands,” he said. The school has also “looked at what the industry needs are and tried to pair that with what we do believe from an academic standpoint is important for people to grasp.” For degree programs, WEU is looking to purchase two accredited colleges, “although we have to get approval from the accrediting bodies before that happens,” he said.

The Business Model

insisted. The roster of subjects appears to grow as new partners express interest in the program. For example, Hines said a large insurance company has approached

see World Education University on page 70

69  October 2012  Black Business News 

Community/Public Interest

revenue-sharing basis. “We reward very significantly those that create the best classes.” “Best” will be defined by student ratings. “The classes that rate the highest bubble

The business model too has multiple arms. Hines said the company behind WEU has developed 30 potential revenue verticals to support the university. “We’re very transparent with our students,” he added. “They understand that it’s corporations and small businesses and grants from foundations that underwrite their education. Though it’s free to students, it’s certainly not free to deliver. It’s quite expensive.” Among the revenue-producing ideas under development:

World Education University

from page 69

Community/Public Interest

• Online advertising tied to individual student interests. “As students progress through their learning, we have tremendous stickiness with the website, because people are there for hours a day, weeks, months, years,” Hines said. Students will be asked to answer marketing questions about themselves, he explained. “You [might] log in and before you get into your studies, you have to answer a question like, ‘Are you an active runner? Yes or no?’ It takes you

two seconds. If you answer yes, you’re a runner, we log that into your profile, so when a Nike or somebody comes along and wants to advertise with WEU and help support free education, those types of ads would only show up on the home pages of students who have indicated that they’re active runners.” • Consumer research and marketing, in which companies pay WEU to administer surveys to its students. This model would be tied to a student point system. “As students do well on quizzes or tests and progress through courses, they earn points along the way. They can also earn points by responding to advertising,” Hines said. “If a student takes one of those surveys, they earn points. Those points are collected in their student profile area. [Then]

they can go to the student union or online student center in our online campus and redeem those points for stuff. For example, we might have a partnership with a national coffee chain that offers a downloadable coupon for a free latte if you achieve a hundred points.” He compares this to Groupon’s deal-of-the-day coupon model. • Publishing of course content. Hines said that some of the faculty members working with WEU “are developing courses for us in exchange for us publishing and marketing their ebooks, which are then available for sale. Students can buy them, or the

general public can buy them. Then we do a revenue share with our professors.” Hines said the university was also in talks with “four different foreign governments about working with them to develop programs and everything from credentialing and diploma-type programs all the way up to post-graduate degree programs, based on the workforce needs of that developing or emerging economy.” But ambitions for dominating postsecondary education worldwide don’t end there. The university is also developing a tablet device, called the “We-Tab,” (http://wetab. mobi/en) which Hines described as a “low-cost ruggedized tablet that can be offered in developing countries, where students can come to a hot spot in their area, upload or download their lessons

for the day or the test they’ve taken, and go back home and work on it.” WEU has joined the Microsoft education partner network and expects to add the components of Office 365 onto those devices. He expected that tablet to be available at the end of 2013 or first part of 2014. For that reason, he said, the website for WEU is being developed with the intent of making it mobile from the moment the school launches. “We are not looking to get rich,” Hines stated. “That was not our genesis of this. We started down the path of being a nonprofit. But nonprofits are only as good as their

last donor dollars. There are only so many foundation dollars out there. We wanted to create a nonprofit company with a non-profit mission but found that putting it into a for-profit model really gave us the flexibility to be innovative and design tons and tons of ways to monetize web traffic to be able to deliver free education. We put just as much thought into our revenue model as we do in how to deliver high quality innovative education. We’re comprehensive and turnkey and sustaining.” He added, “I’ve said, I think we’re either going to be an incredible global phenomenon or we’ll crash and burn hard.”  articles/2012/08/22/new-globaluniversity-to-be-both-free-and-forprofit.aspx

70  October 2012  Black Business News 

City of Los Angeles Business Inclusion Program The City of Los Angeles is striving to increase the participation of small, emerging, veteran, women and minorityowned businesses in City contracts. All City departments utilize the City’s electronic marketplace, Los Angeles Business Assistance Virtual Network (, to post all opportunities subject to advertising. We encourage business owners to register on to receive notifications of contracting opportunities as well as updates on implementing the program. Visit www.losangelesworks. org for additional information regarding doing business in and with the City of Los Angeles.

Mayor’s Office of Economic & Business Policy


Comedy Night Join the Fun! Share the Laughs!

Dribble, Shoot, Score with USA Basketball

Community/Public Interest

Maya Moore, Seimone Augustus and Lindsey Whalen of the Minnesota Lynx.


ith 27 million participants, basketball is the number one team sport in the country! No matter where you live, chances are, you can find a hoop – and other players– in your neighborhood. Following gold medal performances by both the men’s and women’s U.S. basketball teams at this summer’s Olympics, there’s no time like the present to pick up a ball, find a group of friends, and start working the court! Watch the video of the WNBA Champion Minnesota Lynx explain why it’s important to get active ( oAwkIE4&feature=player_embedded). Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, these tips from USA Basketball will inspire you to get


Ten Tips for Getting Involved in Basketball 1. Basketball works multiple muscle groups. The sport involves running, jumping, and lateral movements, plus it’s a great cardiovascular and strength workout that improves your coordination. Be sure to warm up and cool down properly, and have plenty of water on hand. 2. Did you know the first Olympic basketball game was played outside on a clay court in 1936? You can play basketball practically anywhere – as long as you have a ball and something to shoot into! 3. While a typical basketball game is played with five on each side, you don’t need five other people to play: Find one or more partners for

a friendly game of H-O-R-S-E. To begin, Player 1 chooses a spot on the court and take a shot. If Player 1 makes the shot, Player 2 must take a shot from the same spot. If Player 2 misses the shot, he/she receives a letter – in this case “H.” If Player 1 misses the shot, Player 2 can shoot from any spot on the court. If this shot is made, Player 1 must make the same shot, and so on…The game continues until one player receives all 5 letters that spell out the word, “H-O-R-S-E.” On your own, try different trick shots. Shoot over the back of the backboard, from the half court line, behind the back, etc. It will help your overall game and also wow your friends the next time you play with them.

72  October 2012  Black Business News 

see Let’s Move on page 73

Let’s Move from page 72

4. Shooting is only one part of the game. Become quicker and a better dribbler by dribbling while you doing sprints and dribble through an obstacle course. Set up cones or ladders on any hard surface and time yourself as you dribble through the course. Set goals and challenge yourself to improve your times in 3-6 weeks. Jump roping is also a fun way to get faster. Try these 5 jump roping drills to get started ( strength-and-conditioning/5-Jump-RopeDrills-to-Improve-Quickness.htm).

scoreboard. 7. USA Basketball’s Hoops for Troops initiative engages military personnel and their families through programs, events, exhibition games, and clinics around the world. During the 2012 USA Basketball tour, Hoops for Troops touched thousands of military service members and families in Las Vegas, Washington, DC, Manchester, Barcelona, and London. 8. Playing basketball is an awesome way to sharpen your math skills. Practice percentages

by attempting 10 shots and dividing the number of shots you make by 10. Challenge yourself by changing the denominator – try taking 12, 15, or 20 shots instead. 9. Three-on-three is the newest phenomenon in international basketball. To learn more, visit the iHoops 3x3 page. 10. To start a new sport like basketball, kids need their parents and caregivers to cheer them on. To learn more about how you to support the kids in your life, check out these resources from iHoops. 

73  October 2012  Black Business News 

Community/Public Interest

5. From youth ball to adult leagues, there are many opportunities to get involved in basketball. To find a club or team in your area, contact your local YMCA, Boys & Girls Club (,, or your city or county parks and recreation department. 6. Teamwork is key to success in any sport. Follow the lead of the gold medal winning U.S. men’s and women’s teams and make team building a priority. Trust, respect, and communication will earn you points with your peers – and on the

Africa’s Best Friend in Washington By Andrew Westbury and Witney Schneidman


t is hard to imagine a feat more challenging in Washington, DC today than forging bipartisan consensus in the United States Congress. However, over the past twelve months, finding common


Congresswoman Karen Bass

ground and unity is exactly what a small group of legislators have done for what many Americans might find a surprising issue: increasing America’s trade with Africa. Earlier this year, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) mobilized rare, bipartisan support for the “Increasing American Jobs through Greater Exports to Africa Act,” which seeks to triple American exports to the region and is considered by many to be the most significant legislation on Africa in the past ten years. Moreover, when congressional gridlock threatened key provisions of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which enables qualifying African countries to export duty-

free up to 6,400 different product lines to the U.S., a dedicated group of legislators, led by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and John Isakson (R-GA) along with Congresswomen Karen Bass (D-CA) among others, worked tirelessly to save the law from the abyss. Against the odds, the 112th U.S. Congress is making things happen on trade and investment in Africa. Once synonymous with political strife and corruption, Africa today is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projecting nearly six percent growth throughout Africa in 2012. Emerging markets such as Brazil, Turkey, and most notably China have shown that investment in today’s Africa can substantively boost businesses and create jobs for domestic constituencies. Unfortunately, the U.S. has lagged behind these countries just when American markets need it most. Expectations many held for a reinvigorated American approach to Africa under President Obama were heightened by the administration’s new Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa, released in June, which included the promise of a “campaign” to enhance U.S. business in Africa. The decision by the U.S. Commerce Department, weeks after the

strategy’s publication, to reduce its presence to just four Foreign Commercial Service Officers to support American business on the continent sent a contradictory signal, especially when compared to China’s estimated 150 commercial attaches and associated staff in its embassies in Africa. Vanishing budgets, political infighting, and competing priorities are all cited as justification for U.S. government inaction on this issue. In the case of Africa, however, Washington’s most common excuse for dysfunction - a donothing Congress - can decidedly not be used. The onus is now on the U.S. executive and administrative agencies to take the lead from Congress, overcome persistent obstacles, and work to support U.S. companies through better business with Africa. After all, the current level of American exports to Africa supports more than 100,000 jobs in the U.S. Surely this can be increased given Africa’s robust economic growth..  stories/201210100403.html

74  October 2012  Black Business News 

Coming Soon - Afribiz Accelerators™


frican and foreign middle market, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, and micro entrepreneurs find significant challenges in doing cross border business, trade, and investment in Africa. In many African countries, there are government programs to support firms entering foreign markets, but they are insufficient to help a broad base of firms tap African markets. This is the gap Afribiz Accelerators™ addresses. The accelerators are able to help local African firms and

foreign firms grow simultaneously through a unique combination of networks, resources, and clusters while maintaining a socially inclusive business model which engenders positive relationships with government, business, and social sectors in the countries established. The Afribiz Accelerator™ is a for-profit, social enterprise model, which focuses on integrating entrepreneurship/leadership training for youth, economic opportunity development for youth,

social/business network leverage, an incubator/venture accelerator, SME/entrepreneur venture capital fund, and development of an SME/ entrepreneur support industry in each country of operation. Afribiz™ and Afribiz Accelerator™ are the intellectual property of The Afribiz Foundation established in the United States. The first two accelerators are to be established in Congo Brazzaville and DR Congo in 2013. 

African Stock Exchanges, a Safe Bet • • •

• • • •

aspx Ethiopia Commodity Exchange - Ghana Stock Exchange - www. Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) - www. Khartoum Stock Exchange (Sudan, in Arabic) - www.kse. Libyan Stock Market - www. login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fEnglis h%2fPages%2fdefault.aspx Lusaka Stock Exchange (Zambia) - Nairobi Stock Exchange (Kenya) - Malawi Stock Exchange - www. Mozambique Stock Exchange (in Portuguese) - www.

• •

• • • Namibian Stock Exchange Nigerian Stock Exchange aspx Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.stockexchangeofmauritius. com Swaziland Stock Exchange Tunisia Stock Exchange - www. Uganda Securities Exchange

Read the last issue of The Exchange Magazine category/50-free-version.html)

75  October 2012  Black Business News 


• Bolsa de Valores of Cape Verde - (in Portuguese) • Bond Exchange of South Africa - www.bondexchange. • Botswana Stock Exchange • Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres - UEMOA (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) - • Casablanca Stock Exchange (Morocco) - aspx • Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (Tanzania) - www. • Douala Stock Exchange (Cameroon) - • The Egyptian Exchange - www.

Leveraging Zambia to Do Business in Africa



ambia is among the top African countries in which it is easier to do business, according to Greg Marchand, CEO of Gizmos Solutions, an IT consulting and engineering firm in Zambia. It is also expected to be one of the fastest growing countries in the world through 2015. For US firms, there is also the bonus of being able to trade in US dollars. Zambia is a land-locked country with around 13 million people. Being land-locked presents challenges for supply chains, as it can be difficult and costly to get freight into the country. Since supply chains are a critical aspect of doing business, Marchand suggests using supply chains that have been

Downtown Lusaka, Zambia

developed by others. “Zambia was a colony of England and there’s still a lot of government, as well as economic ties. South Africa is a huge trading partner; China is a big

trading partner; India is a big trading partner,” he says. “So, those supply chains have been more established. The more you shift between two locations, the more efficient you’re going to be. America doesn’t have a lot of trade with Africa right now and the majority of commerce between the United States and Africa is in the oil industry.” The nature of Zambia’s geographic, but land-locked, location also presents a major opportunity, Marchand says, “We (Zambia) are actually surrounded by eight countries and we have a total of twelve borders to eight countries, which provides us with a unique opportunity to be a trade hub – for people to bring their products in and maybe add some value.” Zambia is a member of the regional economic community – Southern Africa Development

Hotel near Lusaka, Zambia 76  October 2012  Black Business News 

see Leveraging Zambia on page 77

Leveraging Zambia from page 76

companies interested in entering Zambia. “There’s also a large opportunity in financial services – insurance as well as primary commercial banking,” Marchand says. “I would say an American firm might not want to come in and do retail, but definitely commercial trade, all sorts of commercial support finance; there are some very lucrative businesses in Africa and it’s what fuels the growth in the economy and there are ways to mitigate your risk.” Zambia may present great opportunities, but there are still challenges and risks. Marchand advises, “…the first thing you can do is do your homework, do your research, figure out some key contacts, me being one of them; the reason I founded an American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia is to facilitate trade and investment with Zambia and the United States…The commercial services section of the US Embassy is also a good place to start. I know our economics and political officer (in Zambia) is extremely proactive.” Also, play up the networks in your local area, which may connect you to Africa. For example, a significant number of Africans work and go to school outside of the continent, so university alumni organizations can prove to be useful in exploring business in Africa shares Marchand. The key is to find the network and contacts that can help you navigate and execute successfully in Africa. 

Business Center Lusaka, Zambia 77  October 2012  Black Business News  content/leveragingzambia-to-dobusiness-in-africa


Community (SADC). Even though Zambia has 13 million people, it has access to a market size of over 250 million people in SADC. Besides being a geographically significant hub, Zambia is endowed with abundant minerals like copper, land, and water. China has taken advantage of this abundance to meet its demand for minerals due to growth in sectors like manufacturing. This is indicative of its investment in SADC countries – the largest investments in 2009 were in the resource-rich countries of Democratic Republic of Congo (~$228 million) and Zambia (~$112 million) according to the Ministry of Commerce in China. Marchand also notes that the capital city of Lusaka is considered prime real estate, “Lusaka has been recognized in a recent Citi report as being one of the best investment locations for land in the world. This report basically outlined where good investors are putting their money and Lusaka is number

two on the list…” For US businesses, Marchand points out several opportunities specifically suited to American companies in Zambia and other parts of Africa, “If I look at the IT infrastructure sector, which is [what] I am in, we are in the fastest growing telecommunications market in the world. We have a +20% compound growth rate in cell phone subscribers. Other major G8 countries are building the IT backbone in Africa and that’s going to be something that’s going to be huge down the road… In the power sector, America has not been as much involved as they have been in the oil and gas extractive industry. Thirty percent 30% of Africa has great power and the next 70% is going to be built by somebody,” he says. “We’re kind of missing that boat of developing the next generation of people who are into power generation in Africa. There are some long play, uptake opportunities for American companies to do generation and distribution.” Yet there are other sectors growing and attractive to American

RESOURCES FOR GOING GLOBAL Dear International Executive,



f you have any questions about these initiatives, please contact your local U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist. To find the trade specialist nearest you please visit us.html. Happy Exporting!

Event Name: CHILE: Port Operational Enhancement Technologies Reverse Trade Mission Location: Long Beach Date/Time: October 16, 2012 Register: http://www.regonline. com/builder/site/Default. aspx?EventID=1144430 The U.S. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY is sponsoring a Port Operational Enhancement Technologies Reverse Trade Mission to familiarize Chilean officials with U.S. technologies, equipment and services and best practices related to the development and enhancement of port infrastructure, logistics, operations and security. This Reverse Trade Mission will enable U.S. companies to connect with key decision-makers and learn about the latest developments and project opportunities in Chile’s port sector. USTDA will hold a half-day business roundtable in Long Beach, CA on Tuesday, October 16th, where the Chilean delegates will present commercial opportunities for U.S. firms and participating companies will be able to schedule short one-on-one meetings with members of the delegation. Export opportunities for U.S. companies:

• IT and logistics for integrated management of shipping data and foreign trade • Biometric credentialing • Cargo tracking (including RFID) • Vessel traffic management systems • Integrated command and control centers • Port security technologies • Systems for coordination of rail and truck operations • Port terminal construction and management Invited Organizations: The delegation will include up to seven representatives from the following organizations, as well as a representative from the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service in Chile: • Valparaíso Port Company (EPV) • San Antonio Port Company (EPSA) • San Antonio International Terminal (STI) • Pacific Rail Company – Ferrocarril del Pacífico (FEPASA) • ZEAL Logistics (Port of Valparaíso) ************************* Free Export Event Name: Workshop - Focused on Women Owned Businesses Location: Double Tree Hotel, 2800 Via Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro, California, 90731 Date/Time: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m RSVP To: Jean Coronel at Hear from Representatives from: • Honorable Janice Hahn, Congresswoman 36th District of

California • Trade Development, Port of Los Angeles • U.S. Department of Commerce • U.S. Small Business Administration • LA Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Association • Center for International Trade Development • Los Angeles World Airports • California Manufacturing Technology Consultants (CMTC) Learn about services now available! • How to Export • Identify Markets • Financing & Insuring Overseas Sales • Documentation & Logistics • Sea and Air Cargo Services ************************* Event Name: FREE Export Seminar Hosted by Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano in partnership with The Los Angeles Fair Association and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership Date/Time: Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Location: Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center, 601 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, CA 91768 This seminar will provide information to business owners interested in exporting opportunities and business growth. Come dialogue with a panel of experts on how to take your business global. Pre-registration is required. Register at http://exportseminar. Questions? Call Phylyp Bardowell at (562) 801-2134 FREE ADMISSION

78  October 2012  Black Business News 

see Going Global on page 79

Going Global from page 78


Event Name: Workshops for Export Compliance Professionals in Los Angeles and San Diego Location: Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel, 6101 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Date/Time: Tuesday, December 4th, 2012: 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Workshops and Networking Reception) Cost: $195/Person; ($175 for Chamber, DEC and ICPA members, government, faculty/ students) Link to register: http://export. gov/california/losangeleswest/ tradeevents/workshop/ For more information: Please contact Julie Anne Hennessey at 310-235-7206 and julieanne. or Delia Valdivia at 310-235-7203 and delia. Date/Time: Thursday, December 6th, 2012: 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Workshops and Networking Reception)

Venue: San Diego Del Mar Hilton Hotel, 15575 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar, California 92014-1901 Cost: $195/Person; ($175 for Chamber, DEC and ICPA members, government, faculty/students) Register: http://www.regonline. com/itarsandiego2012 For more information: Please contact Julie Osman at 858-4677037 and This Timely Engaging & Interactive Program Targets: • Evolving regulatory requirements in the context of Export Control Reform with a focus on the International Traffic in Arms Regulations • Dramatic changes as a result of the transfer of items from the US Munitions List to the Commerce Control List • Key areas for managing export compliance, exposure, liability and risk • The potential and sometimes devastating consequences of non-compliance • Best practices, recommended approaches and proven solutions for a variety of real world export compliance challenges and opportunities [NOTE: California Continuing see Going Global on page 80

79  October 2012  Black Business News 


SPACE IS LIMITED ************************* Event Name: A Dialogue on Russia Location: UCLA Covel Commons Date/Time: October 19, 2012 Cost: $45, $20 for students (includes lunch) Link to register: www.eureca. • Engage in a dialogue on the state of Russia’s economy, education, entrepreneurship and IP law. • Participate in discussions on areas for collaboration and investment in Russia’s growing economy. • Panels will offer perspectives for students and entrepreneurs on emerging markets and areas for training and employment. ************************* Event Name: Multi-Sector Trade Mission to South Africa and Zambia Location: Lusaka/Ndola, Zambia, and Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa Date/Time: Nov 26 - 30th, 2012 Cost: $4,350 for small and medium enterprises, $4,900 for large firms, $450 for each additional firm representative. Expenses for travel, lodging, most meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each participant. Link to register: trademissions/SouthAfricaZambia The purpose of this trade mission is to deepen trade ties with South Africa and to explore export opportunities to Zambia. The Commerce Department will help U.S. firms find customers and business partners in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa, and Ndola, and Lusaka, Zambia. Targeted sectors for the trade mission are: Electric Power and

Energy Efficiency Technologies; Equipment and Services; Productivity Enhancing Agricultural Technologies and Equipment; Transportation Equipment and Infrastructure, and Mining Equipment and Technology

Going Global

go to ********************************** from page 79


Legal Education (CLE) Credits are pending for this program] **************************** Export Promotion Magazine Offers Free Korean Translation Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. In addition to free Korean translation, you can take advantage of a special offer: Buy two ads and get the third ad for free (Based on one-time rates. Does not include Showcase section). Commercial News USA reaches more than a quarter million buyers worldwide. Reserve your space in the next issue today. The deadline is July 20th. For more information, call 1-800-581-8533 x 822, go online to, or send e-mail to Follow Commercial News USA on LinkedIn and Twitter @comnewsusa. Sell in 178 Countries for $499 Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce, offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. Now, you can advertise in the USA Product Showcase section of the magazine for just $499. Commercial News USA reaches more than a quarter-million buyers worldwide in print and 23,000 per month online. Reserve your space in the next issue today. The deadline is July 20th. For more information, call 1-800-581-8533 x 822, go online to, or send e-mail to export@thinkglobal. us. Follow Commercial News USA on LinkedIn and Twitter @comnewsusa Read the Digital Edition of Commercial News USA The digital edition of Commercial News USA, the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce is now available online. Commercial News USA, offers exporters an affordable way to promote their products and services in 178 countries worldwide. To read the digital edition,

and international resources to connect U.S companies with international buyers worldwide. If you have any questions about these initiatives, please contact your local U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist. To find the trade specialist nearest you please visit california/ca/socal/index.asp. 

Interested in a Career in International Affairs, Foreign Relations, Trade Promotion and Commercial Diplomacy? The U.S. Commercial Service is looking for dedicated professionals to add to its complement of nearly 250 Foreign Service Officers serving in Embassies and Consulates around the globe. The U.S. Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce is pleased to announce that it will take applications for Foreign Service Officers starting August 2012 and will hold the Foreign Service Officer Assessment in Winter 2012/2013. The competitive assessment process selects the next generation of commercial diplomats to serve in the US Embassies Independence and Consulates abroad. We are looking to recruit a diverse and well-qualified Golden Jubilee pool of candidates able to represent Republic of Uganda the U.S. Government and our country’s international trade and investment interests. To read a detailed description of the position and application process, express We are pleased to inform you that your interest and sign up to receive alerts, please visit http://simplesend. has expanded to new offices. com/simple/t.asp ?S=221&ID=551 71&NL=5996&N Our new location is =69348&SI=2676 in the heart of Downtown LA at 111 & U R L = h t t p : / / w w w. t r a d e . g o v / . cs/employment. asp or e-mail Our address is: CSCareers@trade. Gathers Strategies, Inc. gov.

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80  October 2012  Black Business News 

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African Repatriation is an invaluable online resource for any African national who is thinking about returning to Africa. Our industry articles and specialist editorials provide the latest sector information. Why not find out for yourself and become a part of our growing community today? www.africanrepatriation. com

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81  October 2012  Black Business News 

Multi-Sector Trade Mission to South Africa & Zambia

Agricultural, Energy, Transportation, and Mining Technologies Why South Africa and Zambia?

Apply Now, Space is Limited

SOUTH AFRICA is the most advanced, broad-based industry and productive economy in Africa. SouthAfricaZambia

- South Africa became the newest country to join the leading emerging market group, BRICS.


Nov 26 - 30th, 2012


Lusaka/Ndola, Zambia, and Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa

- In 2011, U.S.-South Africa trade increased 18 percent from its 2009 trade level. ZAMBIA is geographically well placed to become a regional hub as it shares its border with eight countries.

Registration Deadline: Oct. 5, 2012 Cost:

- Zambia was recently ranked one of the fastest growing economies in the world by The Economist Magazine. - Zambia is emerging into focus with a U.S.-Zambia trade increase of 83 percent in 2011 over its 2010 level.

Which Sectors? Electric Power and Energy Efficiency Technologies Productivity Enhancing Agricultural Technologies and Equipment

t $4,350 for small and medium enterprises (<500 employees) t $4,900 for large firms t $450 for each additional firm representative t Expenses for travel, lodging, most meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each participant

Transportation Equipment and Infrastructure Mining Equipment and Technology For More Information:

Why Participate? - Welcome reception at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence - Pre-screened one-on-one meetings with potential partners, distributors, and end-users - Access to South African, U.S. and Zambian government officials

Frank Spector (202) 482-2054 Larry Farris (2711) 290-3316

- Meetings with U.S. Commercial Service industry specialists from U.S. Embassy South Africa and Zambia - Pre-departure briefings

U.S. Commercial Service—Connecting you to global markets.


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hose three words are the mantra of This is My Vote. They represent the most effective way to fight back against voter suppression and to make your voice heard in November. Over and over again we see the impact lawmakers can have on our lives. By registering to cast your ballot and educating yourself on the requirements for voting, you can have the effect on our country that proponents of these these laws are seeking to prevent. Registering to vote takes only 5 minutes. Head to the This is My Vote site, fill out your application, and mail it in today:

Experience Africa in America

Culture, Retail, Entertainment

Fairfax Boulevard between Pico & Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles I know you’ve heard it before but I will keep on saying it: There is strength in numbers. We proved this in Sanford, Florida, and I’ve seen it proven all over the United States in the 100+ campaigns I’ve worked on. I know what can be achieved if our nationwide effort to register voters is successful: Elections will be swung, civil rights and social justice will take their rightful place on the policy agenda, and voter suppression laws will be rendered useless. Don’t overestimate the time it takes to register to vote. It only takes 5 minutes, the same amount of time it takes to send our registration link to your family and friends if you’re already registered. Together, we can have a monumental impact. Register to vote, or send our link to your family and friends: Thank you, Marvin Randolph, Senior Vice President for Campaigns NAACP - 


Registration and Education


Philippines, Muslim Rebels Agree to Landmark Peace Deal


By Rosemarie Francisco and Stuart Grudgings

Philippines President Benigno Aquino announces a historic peace deal October 7.


he Philippine government and Muslim rebels agreed on a deal to end a 40year conflict that has killed more than 120,000 people, President Benigno Aquino said on Sunday, paving the way for a political and economic revival of the country’s troubled south. The agreement begins a roadmap to create a new autonomous region in the south of the mainly Roman Catholic country before the end of Aquino’s term in 2016, giving the Muslim-dominated area greater

political powers and more control over resources. Expectations are high that after nearly 15 years of violenceinterrupted talks, both the government and the country’s largest Muslim rebel group will keep their pledges in the agreement, to be signed on October 15 in Manila and witnessed by Aquino and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. “This framework agreement is about rising above our prejudices. It is about casting aside the distrust

and myopia that has the plagued efforts of the past,” Aquino said via a live broadcast from the presidential palace. The new entity, whose exact size will decided by plebiscites ahead of elections in 2016, will be called Bangsamoro -- the term for those who are native to the region and which Aquino said honored “the struggles of our forebears in Mindanao”. The south’s volatile and often

84  October 2012  Black Business News 

see Peace Deal on page 85

Peace Deal from page 84

NEW OPPORTUNITIES A spokesman for the armed forces, Colonel Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos, said a successful implementation of the deal would now allow the military to focus their resources on defending the country’s territorial rights in a row with China over the South China Sea. The deal could also reap economic benefits as the Philippines defies its reputation as a laggard with strong growth and a resurgence in investor interest. After four decades of conflict, the MILF leaders are ageing and, analysts say, eager to see some fruit from the years of peace negotiations. They said the leadership may be motivated by the prospect of royalties from huge untapped deposits of oil, gas and mineral resources in rebel areas, part of an estimated total of $312 billion in mineral wealth in Mindanao. France’s Total has partnered with Malaysia’s Mitra Energy Ltd. to explore oil and gas fields in the Sulu Sea off Mindanao. The deal is unlikely to have much

immediate impact on the economy of Mindanao, said Steve Rood of the Asia Foundation, citing concerns about the region’s poor infrastructure, education and health services. He said investors should take a longer view in the tourism and agricultural sectors, where Mindanao could become a hub for certification of halal products, those prepared under Islamic guidelines. The global halal industry is valued at around $2.1 trillion. The new entity and its jurisdiction, expected to cover five provinces under the existing autonomous region plus parts of Lanao del Norte and North Cotabato provinces, will be determined through a plebiscite after the passage of the organic law. Presidential peace adviser Teresita Quintos-Deles said the areas to be added had previously voted to be part of the autonomous region. She added the southern cities of Isabela and Cotabato may also be covered by the new entity. The Muslim area will gain powers such as the right to impose taxes to cut central government subsidies, a bigger share in revenues from natural resources and a more active role in internal security. But the Philippine government will continue to hold exclusive powers of defense and security, foreign policy, monetary policy, and citizenship and naturalization. “This framework agreement paves the way for a final, enduring peace in Mindanao,” Aquino said. “This means that hands that once held rifles will be put to use tilling land, selling produce, manning work stations, and opening doorways of opportunity for other citizens.” 

85  October 2012  Black Business News 


violent politics could still hamper the plans. There is a risk that radical Islamic factions could split off from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and carry on fighting in a region that has a history of links with al Qaeda militants. Shortly after the announcement, a breakaway group said it would continue to fight for an independent Islamic state. “We do not care if the government and the MILF reached an agreement. We do not want the Bangsamoro entity or whatever they may call it,” said Abu Misry Mama, spokesman of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement, in the southern city of Davao. The group launched attacks on army positions in the south in August as government and rebel negotiators held talks in Kuala Lumpur, but were repulsed by government troops. Another threat comes from powerful clans who control some areas in the region and may fear a loss of political influence. The MILF and the government still need to thrash out details of their broad agreement in the months ahead as a 15-member commission drafts a law by 2015 to send to Congress. The two sides agreed only that there would be “just and equitable” sharing of resources, which are believed to include large reserves of natural gas. Determining how much power the area will have over law, such as its scope to administer sharia justice, is another remaining challenge for negotiators. Philippine chief negotiator Marvic Leonen told reporters in Kuala Lumpur, where the talks were held, that many hurdles remain and that the agreement was just the

beginning. “Peace processes are not easy. The agreement only heralds a change of the status of the parties vis-a-vis each other, from enemies perhaps to partners,” he said, following the talks that have been brokered by Muslim majority Malaysia. Hopes of peace have been raised in the past only to be dashed, most recently in 2008 when the Supreme Court declared a deal unconstitutional in a decision that set off rebel attacks and a fierce military offensive that displaced 750,000 people. The prospects seem brighter now, analysts say, because Aquino commands strong political capital and has committed to a final settlement by the end of his term.

50 Cent Seeking African Entrepreneurs by Brittney M. Walker


apper 50 Cent is recruiting young entrepreneurs in Africa to be a part of his “Street King” energy drink empire.


He’s searching for new distributors of his energy drink to strengthen his reach and to raise money for starving populations across the continent. “Giving back to hungry children with

every shot we sell is only part of the story. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel across Africa, and one thing I’ve learned is that it is filled with vibrant, young entrepreneurs who are eager to cultivate a sustainable business sector that will fuel growth for their future. That’s why I’m giving African entrepreneurs the chance to bring SK to their country,” 50 said in a statement.

He recently took a tour of Kenya, which was documented by film crews. Unashamed of his ancestral background, the rapper says he is about the growth of Africa and that’s why he’s invested in the continent rather than in Europe or South America. “Everyone thought that we would expand immediately to Europe or South America. But if you know SK, you know the vision has always been to support my roots in Africa,” he said. Learn more at or www. 

One Africa:

Tell the US Government that North Africa is Africa Too!


oin with and support the United Africa Organization’s campaign to petition the U.S. Department of State to include the whole African continent under its Bureau of African Affairs.

Why? The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, currently excludes Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Western Sahara from its agenda. Instead, the aforementioned countries are grouped with the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, together with Iran, Iraq, Israel and others. This artificial distinction between North Africa and the rest of Africa

negatively impacts US foreign policy relations throughout the entire continent of Africa. We unequivocally reject the argument that North African countries are outside the scope of African affairs. North Africa is geographically and historically part of the African continent, and all fifty-three (53) independent African states, including North African countries, are represented in the African Union (AU). It would be far more productive for the State Department to engage with the entire continent of Africa, including North Africa, under its Bureau of African Affairs. We are one Africa, from the Cape to Cairo, indivisible and bound together! Therefore, no square inch of African

land should be excluded from African affairs.

Sign The Petition!!! Go to one-africa-tell-us-state-departmentthat-north-africa-is-part-of-africa and sign the online petition to support this important proposition. Next tell everyone you know to sign. 

86  October 2012  Black Business News 

Black Business News

Happy Holiday Shopping Section

87  October 2012  Black Business News 

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Gallery Guichard Art That Touches The Soul 3521 S. King Drive Chicago, IL. 60653 Hours of Operation: By Appointment Only Andre Guichard 773-791-7003 88  October 2012  Black Business News 

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100  October 2012  Black Business News 

BLACK MEETINGS & TOURISM DIGITAL MAGAZINE How to Do Business with Metro - Monthly Workshop NOVEMBER 13, 2012 9:30am – 12:00 pm TOPICS: x x x x

‹‰Š™ƒ› ”‘‰”ƒ� Environment and Sustainability Business Opportunity �ƒŽŽ —•‹�‡•• —……‡•• –‘”› Small Business Development

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‡–”‘ Headquarters Building 3rd Floor Board Room Â?‡ ƒ–‡™ƒ› Žƒœƒ ‘• Â?‰‡Ž‡•ǥ ƒŽ‹ˆ‘”Â?‹ƒ ͝ͲͲͳʹ Parking is $6.00


he digital version of Black Meetings & Tourism magazine is available on-line. The current issues, as well as archived issues, can be viewed by visiting www.blackmeetingsandtourism. com and click on the image link located on the home page.The digital version is just a small part of BM&T’s expanded on-line presence, which includes a host of new departments, the twice-monthly e-newsletter, an increased focus on leisure travel, and many new marketing opportunities. The newly designed website offers a guest blog page, a video page and a variety of interactive and custom advertising products that will allow vendors direct access to the more than 45 billion dollar AfricanAmerican travel market. ď ƒ

‡–”‘ Š‘•–• ƒ –™‘njŠ‘—” ‘”‹‡Â?–ƒ–‹‘Â?Ȁ„—•‹Â?॥ ™‘”Â?•Š‘’ ‘Â? –Š‡ •‡…‘Â?† —‡•†ƒ› ‘ˆ ‡˜‡”› Â?‘Â?–Š –‘ ’”‘˜‹†‡ ˆ‹”Â?• ™‹–Š ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘Â? Š‘™ –‘ †‘ „—•‹Â?॥ ™‹–Š ‡–”‘Ǥ Š‡ •‡••‹‘Â? ‹Â?…Ž—†‡• ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘Â? ‡–”‘ǯ• …‡”–‹ˆ‹…ƒ–‹‘Â? ’”‘‰”ƒÂ?ÇĄ ˜‡Â?†‘” ”‡‰‹•–”ƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ …‘Â?–”ƒ…– Ž‘‘Â?ÇŚÂƒÂŠÂ‡ÂƒÂ† •…Š‡†—Ž‡• ƒÂ?† ‘–Š‡” ”‡Ž‡˜ƒÂ?– ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?Ǥ ‡–”‘ǯ• ’”‘…—”‡Â?‡Â?– •–ƒˆˆ …‘Â?†—…–• ‘Â?‡nj‘Â?nj‘Â?‡ ‹Â?–‡”˜‹‡™• ™‹–Š ˆ‹”Â?• †—”‹Â?‰ –Š‡ ™‘”Â?•Š‘’Ǥ Ž‡ƒ•‡ Â?‘–‡ –Šƒ– –Š‡ ™‘”Â?•Š‘’ •–ƒ”–• ’”‘Â?’–Ž› ƒ– ͝ǣ;Ͳ ǤǤ

For further questions, please contact Sherman Gay, Ph.D. (HC) at (213)922-3502. ––‡Â?†ƒÂ?…‡ ‹• „› ‘Â?Ž›Ǥ Ž‡ƒ•‡ –‘ ‘Â?›ƒ —”Â?‡” áˆşÂ–Â—Â”Â?‡”•̡Â?‡–”‘ǤÂ?Â‡Â–áˆť ™‹–Š ›‘—” Â?ƒÂ?‡ǥ …‘Â?’ƒÂ?› Â?ƒÂ?‡ǥ …‘Â?–ƒ…– ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?ÇĄ ›‘—” ’”‘†—…– ƒÂ?† ‘” •‡”˜‹…‡Ǥ

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101 ď‚ą October 2012 ď‚ą Black Business News ď‚ą


Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors, LLC M a n a g i n g We a l t h I n t e l l i g e n t l y

WHY OWN GOLD IN YOUR IRA/401k Changing jobs creates a great opportunity for you to switch, or rollover, your former employer’s retirement plan into an IRA. Plus, it usually provides you with more investment options than if you left the money in your former employer’s plan or rolled the money into your new employer's retirement plan. The early 1980s presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy stocks. Today, economic and political conditions appear to offer a similar opportunity in tangible assets such as physical gold. With the global economic environment growing more uncertain, physical gold has become the #1 alternative for IRA, 401k, 403b, and Pension Plans, as well as for non-retirement funds. Gold is produced primarily for accumulation while other commodities are produced primarily for consumption. Gold’s value does not arise from its usefulness in industrial or consumable applications. It arises from its use and historical worldwide acceptance as a store of value. Gold is money. A healthy measure of gold clearly belongs in every portfolio for the “Four Ps” – Personal Purchasing Power Protection. There are six primary reasons why investors own gold: As a hedge against inflation. As a hedge against a declining dollar. As a safe haven in times of geopolitical and financial market instability. As a commodity based on gold’s supply and demand fundamentals. As a store of value. As a portfolio diversifier. According to, on October 15, 2009, Paul Tudor Jones of Tudor Investment Corp, who manages about $11.6 billion out of Greenwich, Connecticut, told its investors, “I have never been a gold bug… but Gold is just an asset that, like everything else in life, has its time and place. And now is that time…Gold appears to be cheap. In our view, gold’s value should increase as its scarcity relative to printed currencies increases.” JAMAAL WILKES FINANCIAL ADVISORS makes 401(k) rollovers easy with just a few simple steps. Please call us at (310)209-8298 or email for a web seminar presentation. Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors is an independent Registered Investment Advisor Phone: (310)209-8330 6601 Center Drive West, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90045

102  October 2012  Black Business News 

From-Jamaal Wilkes Financial Advisors, LLC:

Gone Since March… the Gold Bull Market Is Officially Back By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud


he bull market in gold is 100% back. Wait, how do we know? What does a bull market in gold look like? And even better… how

The simplest, most common measure analysts use to gauge when an investment is in a new uptrend is the “200-day moving average.”

much money can we make? Let me answer those questions for you today… From 2000 to 2011, gold was in an incredible bull market. But after rising for 11 straight years, gold peaked at around $1,800 an ounce in August 2011. It then fell to around $1,600. And for the last 11 months, gold has been downright boring, drifting around $1,600 an ounce. But that has changed… Recently, the Fed essentially told us that it’s willing to print more money when needed. This causes the price of gold to rise… You see, when there are more dollars out there, and the same amount of gold, it takes more dollars to buy an ounce of gold. And gold is finally going up again! It’s in an uptrend.

When a stock (or any other asset) is trading above its average price for the last 200 days, it’s in an uptrend. For the first time since March, gold has risen above its 200-day moving average. So gold is now “officially” in an uptrend. It has been in an uptrend for a couple weeks now, and it appears solid. Why is an uptrend so significant? Uptrends are where you make the big money… Since late 1971, gold has increased at a compound annual rate of 9% a year. But when gold is in an uptrend (when it’s trading above the moving average), your wealth compounds at 18% a year. If you’re interested in the actual numbers… we used month-end data instead of daily data to measure this uptrend. This significantly helps limit “false” signals. see Gold Bull Market on page 104

103  October 2012  Black Business News 

Gold Bull Market from page 103

And we used 10-month moving average as opposed to a 200-day moving average (10 months have roughly 200 business days). Interestingly, there is nothing magical about the 200-day or 10-month period – the results were similar for eight-month, nine-month, and 11-month moving averages. Generally, your wealth compounds at about 18% a year (or more) when you own gold when it’s above the moving average. That’s incredible. The chart above shows what I mean… You’re “in” the trade when it’s green and “out” when it’s red. By using this system, you are a little late to get in and a little late to get out. And you’ll get an occasional false signal. But generally, it’s a pretty darn profitable – and simple – system. Today, gold is above its 200-day moving average for the first time since March. It has stayed above its moving average for weeks. In short, it appears the gold bull market is back… This is good news… Going back over 40 years, your wealth compounded at about 18% a year when gold was in a bull market. If you’ve been looking for the right time to get back into gold – or add to your position – now is that time… Gold is in a bull market again. You want to own it now. 

104  October 2012  Black Business News 

against them. For this ongoing, groundbreaking research, Penningroth has won a MacArthur Fellowship. “In my first book, I wrote about a strange phenomenon: slaves who

Dylan C. Pennington

Books to Consider... The Claims of Kinfolk by Dylan C. Pennington


onventional wisdom suggests that slaves in America were deemed property and, therefore, couldn’t have possessed property of their own. Dylan C. Penningroth, 41, a history professor at Northwestern University, has altered that notion with research showing that slaves established property ownership through extra-legal customs. Moreover, after the Civil War, the children and grandchildren of freed slaves managed to gain legal recognition in a system rigged

owned property in the South,” says Penningroth, referring to “The Claims of Kinfolk” (2003). “Slaves were property, and it’s strange to think of them owning property. “But if you look at records that were left behind after the Civil War, and even before the Civil War, you can see that black people managed to do it. And they managed to get millions of people and judges to recognize that they had property: corn and cows and things like that. “In my current work, I’m looking at freed slaves’ children and grandchildren, and how they managed to carve out space within the legal system to pursue their own interests. They took an incredibly oppressive legal system — this is the Jim Crow era, when (AfricanAmericans) couldn’t drink at the same drinking fountains as whites, when sheriffs looked the other way when people came to lynch them — and they found ways to use the law, rather than get used by the law.” They did so, says Penningroth, by buying property and, in so doing,

forcing the courts to acknowledge some fundamental rights. “They worked themselves to death to get enough money to buy land, but once they buy land, they’re in the legal system. They have deeds.” Though at first glance this might seem like merely a historical curiosity, in fact it points to a people strategizing under oppressive circumstances and setting the stage for expanding their rights in the 20th century. The heirs of freed slaves, says Penningroth, “used the law to build the independent black church. We think of the church as the seed of the civil rights movement, and it was that. But the church was also a legal institution. What’s the difference between the independent black church of the 1960s or the 1890s or the black church of slavery? In slavery, black people didn’t own the building; they didn’t own the robes or hymnals. It was white people who owned that. “When freedom comes, the law permits them to build this religious institution, which is so central to black history. At the same time, building the black church pulls them into the law.” Penningroth has made his discoveries through painstaking research, unearthing court filings, governmental records and other documentation. “By compiling evidence from vast and widely scattered archives,” notes the MacArthur Foundation in its citation, “Penningroth is painting a more vivid picture of relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives, and illuminating the ways communities of slaves and their descendants recognized what belonged to whom.” Penningroth says that the MacArthur grant will enable him see Bookd to Consider on page 106

105  October 2012  Black Business News 

Books to Consider from page 105

to “think bigger” about his field of study, to take his time and “be more ambitious.” But he hastens to add that the sources of his revelations — the records themselves — are in danger. State archives across the country, he says, “are under crazy budget pressure — staff laid off, no money for air conditioning (to preserve documents). “I’m looking at this stuff, and this is our country’s history, and it can slip away, if we don’t pay attention to it.” 

Report From Part One by Gwendolyn Brooks


irst published in December 1972, Report From Part One is not a long, prosy, tedious chronicle, but a poet’s concentrated, evocative summary of her life and the meanings which she has found in it. Gwendolyn Brooks, Pulitzer prizewinner and poet laureate of Illinois, has had a distinguished career as poet, novelist, book reviewer, teacher, and editor. In Report From Part One she tells of her family background, her girlhood, her ‘prentice years, her marriage, her children, her contact with the new black poets, and her journey to Africa. She analyzes some of her poems

and her novel. There are three interviews in which she discusses her art, arts and the community, and her personal life. The “Collage” section is full of brilliant vignettes and reminiscences. Report From Part One is an important contribution to biography, history, and literature. 

106  October 2012  Black Business News 

Calendar November… 16th - 19th Barbadoes Food & Wine and Rum Festival This festival is the epicurean event of the season in the Caribbean and a delicious reason to take a much needed vacation. Go to for tickets and information.

small businesses in force on the 24th and you can take better advantage of the day by using the free tools available at http://smallbusinesssaturday. com. Find marketing materials and info on how to spread the word about SBS.

The registration deadline is October 5, 2012, so go to for information and registration.



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January 2013… USA Pavilion @ INTERMODA 2013 The best way to enter Mexico”s Textile and Fashion Market in 2013 will be through the USA Pavilion in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico. See details at www. or contact Bobby Hines,, 213894-4231, FAX: 213-894-8789

February… 7th-18th Pan African Film Festival Details are available at

April 2013… 8th-9th

24th Small Business Saturday Consumers will be out shopping at

2013 Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference SAVE THE DATE: Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference 2013 at USC Davidson Center, Los Angeles, CA. For more information: 

Fifteenth Annual CARAT Awards Luncheon Recognizing Excellence in Community Development: Bridging the Digital Divide for Small Businesses Tuesday, October 16, 2012, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles Luncheon details are available by contacting Charles Fox 111, the CEO and Creator of FNX TV, First Nation Experience will be this year’s keynote speaker. 107  October 2012  Black Business News 

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