2 minute read
High School Kaleidoscope - The New Year
By Ananya Lamba, Junior Reporter, Resident since 2015
The Holidays are over, bringing a new chapter in our lives. For high schoolers this means the start of second semester. We made it through the stressful finals in December and rightfully earned our two week vacation! We got to spend time with family and friends, for that is what the holidays are all about. In my case, my family and I traveled to Utah and Tahoe, where I had an amazing time skiing with my family! Winter break is always a time to make new memories that last a lifetime.

Skiing through Squaw Valley over winter break
Before the end of the year, many of our talented students got to show off their talent at the dance show and the choir performance. At the dance show, each dance class presented a few routines.

Dancers bowing after performing in the dance show
The whole show was amazing and I never lost interest! The choir show was another amazing event, where hundreds of students showcased their beautiful voices. The show was filled with holiday songs, getting everyone in the Christmas spirit. I will never forget the chills that ran through my body while listening to their songs.

Singers voices fill the auditorium
Now it is time to prepare for second semester, which brings new knowledge, assignments, and tests. Sadly, the holiday season in over and it is back to school. However, we get to look forward to Martin Luther King Jr. weekend which is coming up soon!

Ananya Lamba attends Monte Vista High School. She loves reading and writing for they allow her to share her thoughts with her readers and explore various worlds. She also has a passion for skiing and ice-skating. For 3 years and counting Ananya has been a member of the Dublin Dolls and Dazzlers Synchronized Skating Team. Her team takes her and her family across the country for competitions, where she has won many awards.