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Test your Knowledge –MAYbe you know the answers
By Aly Baker, Bloomers Publicity
May is when the flowers bloom, the average daytime temperature reaches the mid 70’s, and outdoors is the place you want to spend your time. It is the start of a long season of fun. In keeping with the idea of “fun”, all the questions below have something to do with the word May, how many can you answer.
What is the birth flower for the month of May?_______________

In the 1960’s TV series The Beverly Hillbillies what was Granny’s granddaughter’s name? _____________
What insurance company features a character called Mayhem?__________
Name three vegetables or herbs that should be planted in May___________
What song by Rod Stewart has “May” in the title?
Name three characters that were in the Andy Griffith show Mayberry RFD.
What is the name of the ship that carried the Pilgrims from
England to Plymouth Massachusetts? _________________
What word signals distress? ____________
What is a popular brand of mascara? _________________
What is the best month to join the Blackhawk Bloomers Garden Club?____________
If you would like to learn more about the Blackhawk Bloomers Garden Club or become a member of this fantastic organization, please contact Rose Gogarty at rosegogarty@gmail.com
Answers: 1. Lily of the Valley 2. Elly May Clampett 3. Allstate, 4.carrots, radish, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, melons, all herbs 5. Maggie May, 6. Andy Taylor, Opie Taylor, Aunt Bea, Thelma, Barney, Goober, Otis 7. The Mayflower 8. Mayday. 9. Maybelline 10. Any month, but especially MAY.