Black History Month Magazine 2015

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Queen of British Soul Beverley Knight No Colour Bar: Black British Work In Action 1960-1990 Tonya Bolton - the power of plain speaking

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Tel: 020 3 105 2161 PUBLISHER: Ian Thomas EDITOR: Omar Alleyne-Lawler CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Shirin Aguiar-Holloway, Adam Lowe HEAD OF ADVERTISING: Ayana Joseph PROJECT MANAGERS: Ruby James DESIGNED BY: Becky Wybrow, Angela Prichard CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: Chloe Cousins, Nicola Bailey, Dr Wanda Wyporska, Pauline Henry, John Stevenson, David Ruebain, Luke G. Williams


Featuring Prime Minister David Cameron; Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party; Tim Farron MP, Liberal Democrat Leader; Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister of Scotland; Adam Afriyie MP; Boris Johnson The Mayor of London


Chloe Cousins, Youth worker, LGBT Youth North West


BHM’s pick of upcoming events around the country


British Soul Queen and star of Memphis the Musical


BHM’s pick of upcoming events around the country


24 ATL’S SAFER SCHOOLS INITIATIVE Dr Wanda Wyorska champions ATL’s Safer Schools initiative




On any one day there are more than 57,000 children living with foster families in the UK

32 AN ADOPTION JOURNEY Suzanne and Jay

34 WHAT BHM MEANS TO ME John Stevenson

Black History Month interviews Eric Huntley who co-founded the publishing company Bogle-L’Ouverture with his late wife Jessica



Freeman to slave, and back again

Nicola Bailey, head of Human Resources at Cheshire Constabulary, talks to Black History Month about diversity and equality within Cheshire and becoming a diversity champion for 2015


38 BISHOP SAMUEL AJAYI CROWTHER 40 THE EQUALITY CHALLENGE UNIT Advancing equality and diversity in universities and colleges


Black History Month interviews Glenn Ligon President Obama’s favourite artist




Pioneering Pugilist

The power of plain speaking

Black History Month Speaks with Chief Superintendent Rowland Moore from Black History Month Diversity Merseyside Police




A lunch with Composer Joy Sigaud

Why do you call yourself black?



Welcome to Black History Month 2015


elcome to this year’s National Black History Month Magazine. This October we have an exciting range of events taking place across the country to entertain, inform and inspire. We have launched the new community Black History Month portal where you can find a complete list of events that are going on in your area, although Black History Month Magazine would not be the same without some of the best listings inside! We have also launched the Diversity Dashboard where you will be able to see organisations and companies who are our Black History Month Diversity Champions for 2015. This year, we have an interviews with British Soul Queen and star of MEMPHIS Beverley Knight; Eric Huntley the social campaigner who co-founded with his late wife Jessica the publisher Bogle-L’Ouverture. We also delve into the mindset of some truly great achievers such as Whitehouse artist, Glenn Ligon and Scratchylus who’s song “Reset the Mindset” has been voted Black History Month song for 2015. We are also is working with the Equality Challenge Unit to help advance equality and diversity in universities and colleges. In truth, we feel that this year’s magazine the most well rounded and most memorable issue we’ve created to date and we hope you will agree. Also we will be updating the Black History Month website all year round with the latest events news and community events and listings. If you would like to email me with your comments and suggestions please do at O mar Alleyne-Lawler Editor

“If you know your history, then you would know where you’re coming from” Lyric from Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley


Message from Prime Minister David Cameron Black History Month has proven over many years to be a unique and valuable celebration of the African-Caribbean community and their immense contribution to Britain. By highlighting their stories, we are able to reveal the vital role those individuals have played in shaping our society. But Black History Month is not just about learning from the past, but also a time to unlock tomorrow’s opportunities. Over generations, we have built something extraordinary in Britain - where people can come with nothing and in one or two generations can rise as high as their talent allows. The African and Caribbean community embodies that spirit. Members of the community

are at the top of every field in Britain - from leaders of multi-million-pound businesses, to sportsmen and Members of Parliament and Government Ministers like Sam Gyimah in the Government I lead. I value our longstanding partnership with the Caribbean and that is why I was delighted to be the first British Prime Minister to visit Jamaica and Grenada for over a decade. I look forward to building on this relationship in the years to come, based on our shared interests, challenges and values. I would like to thank the many people who have made this month such a bright and vibrant event. I wish you all a successful month.

Message from It’s a real honour to be asked to contribute an article introducing Black History Month 2015. Black History Month is a chance to celebrate the vital contribution of generations of black and minority ethnic communities to Britain’s culture, economy, politics, sport, health service and more. In doing so, we help to inspire young people of every background to know that they can do anything, and be anything, they set their mind to. As a Liberal, one of my most deeply held beliefs is that everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their ambitions and become anything they want to be.


Message from Jeremy Corbyn MP Britain is a diverse country and our Black communities – African, Arab, Asian and Caribbean – have all made a massive contribution to our country. Black History Month recognises that is an opportunity to learn more about the history and heritage of our communities. It was Labour governments that brought forward the Race Relations Acts of 1968 and 1976, and the Equalities Act of 2010. Like many Labour activists I am a lifelong campaigner for equality, peace and human rights, and was once arrested for protesting against apartheid. Labour is steeped in the history of campaigns of equality and liberation. In politics and in too many other areas of public life there remains an under-representation of Black people due to the legacy of racism and discrimination. Black History Month celebrates both the struggles that have led to the advances we as a society have made, and makes us think about how today we can advance the causes of equality, peace and human liberation. I look forward to learning more from Black History Month 2015 and encourage everyone to seek out events in their local community, as I have in my borough. Let’s come together to learn from one another.

Message from Nicola Sturgeon MSP Too often we take for granted the diversity and stories that have helped shaped Scotland’s history. From the historic efforts of individuals and organisations who worked to abolish slavery, to the African, Caribbean and Asian people who have made Scotland’s culture immeasurably richer. Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the black/minority ethnic men and women whose contributions have meant so much to Scotland for generations. While exhibitions, walking tours, concerts and speaking events are taking place across Edinburgh and Glasgow throughout the month I’d encourage those who can’t attend to take a minute and celebrate the people who have triumphed against adversities of racism and inequality, yet are often forgotten or ignored from our history books. Best of luck to everyone involved in this special month. Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister of Scotland

Jeremy Corbyn MP Leader of the Labour Party

Tim Farron MP So many of the people who we will remember this Black History Month embody this ideal. People like Winifred Atwell, the first black artist to have a number one single in the UK or John Kent the first black police officer. People like Mary Seacole, the pioneering nurse who overcame prejudice in order to go and treat sick and wounded soldiers in the Crimean war. To me, part of the importance of Black History Month is that it reminds us of the invaluable work of so many black and minority ethnic men and women, who have fought discrimination and injustice to secure freedoms and opportunities for future generations. Congratulations to everyone who has put together such an exciting programme of events in October and my best wishes for a successful Black History Month. Tim Farron MP, Liberal Democrat Leader

Affinity Sutton is supporting Black History Month 2015 Our ‘Stance’ network is committed to ensuring that anyone from an ethnic minority or culturally diverse background can progress as far as they want within Affinity Sutton. BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 05


Message from Adam Afriyie MP British Citizenship is to be treasured The 2015 General Election marked the 10th anniversary of my election into Parliament. Things have moved on a fair bit since then and it’s clear to see that parliament and politics is making steady progress towards a post-racial age. Yes, I’m an optimist. Non-white Britons are playing significant roles in politics as MPs, councillors, Ministers, advisers, party workers and activists – think Sam Gyimah, Kwasi Kwarteng and James Cleverley to name just a few. It all seems a far cry from my childhood, where my siblings and I were lovingly “dragged up” by my mother in social housing in South London at a time of open hostility and when few expected that a kid like me would ever amount to much. Times have changed. Britain is now among the most diverse and tolerant countries on the globe. Whether you go into business, sports, medicine, teaching or any other career, the opportunities are increasingly available. In the UK, if you work hard, push yourself and get into work that suits you, then you can make it. We are fortunate to live in a free, tolerant country with a fast-growing economy that provides opportunities and prosperity to those who seek it out. I am extremely proud to be British; and I would urge everyone here, regardless of background, skin colour, gender or disability, to take pride in their place in British society. For me, Britain is a nation of social mobility: full of opportunity and possibilities. The increasing success of Britons of all colours and backgrounds shows that we are heading rapidly towards a colour-blind society. Those of us from non-white backgrounds therefore need not ask what our country can do for us, but how we can take up the opportunities open to us and make our contribution to its ongoing success. The message of this year’s Black History Month should reflect that not only have the mix of different communities in the UK helped contribute to the shaping of a tolerant, open and prosperous society but that there has never been a better time to be British, regardless of your background. We must treasure our British citizenship and make the most of it for ourselves, our families and for our country. Adam Afriyie is the MP for Windsor and was the first black Conservative MP elected to Parliament.

Message from Boris Johnson London’s diverse black communities play a huge role in the cultural and economic life of our city and have been part of the capital’s history for centuries. So as we mark Black History Month, it is important to celebrate the significant contribution that they make to the capital’s prosperity. Here in London, we will be hosting the brilliant Africa on the Square celebration on Saturday 10 October, and inviting everyone to come and enjoy a vibrant array of African talent, cuisine and fashion in a special day of festivities. At City Hall, we will also be hosting a special Black History Month event on Thursday 29 October focusing on the 50th anniversary of the Race Relations Act in the UK and exploring the issue of equalities and their importance to London. There will be something for everyone this Black History Month and I urge all Londoners to take advantage of what I’m sure will be another marvellous opportunity to explore the rich heritage and traditions of the city’s black communities. Wishing everyone a great month. Boris Johnson, The Mayor of London

Bone Railroad by Adam Lowe I will clutch your bones together into a coral palace at the bottom of the sea. I will sing hymns to celebrate you in the vault built from your ribcage. The stained glass I will blow from your dreams. Who cast you down here like a bone railroad from Africa’s west coast to the Americas, the Caribbean? Whales will worship you. I will come down and sit upon your coral throne, and remember who you were. I will unearth your stories, find the ships that discarded you, and sink them all. ABOUT THE POET - Adam Lowe is a writer and performer with roots in Leeds and

St. Kitts. He is LGBT History Month Poet Laureate and was selected as one of 10 exceptional Black and Asian poets mentored under The Complete Works project, which seeks to promote diversity in poetry. His mentor on the project was Patience Agbabi. In 2014, Adam toured the UK and USA as part of Tangled Roots, a live literature show and book of memoir that explored the true stories of Britain’s mixed and multi-racial families. By day, Adam is Marketing Associate at Peepal Tree Press, the world’s biggest publisher of Caribbean literature, which also specialises in Black British and South Asian books and supports Black British writers through its Inscribe programme. His 2012 chapbook, Precocious, was a reader nomination for the Guardian First Book Prize.


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Black History Month: a time to discover our history

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Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service values the benefits that differences between employees can bring to our organisation. We are currently seeking the widest range of applicants from the broadest mix of cultures, backgrounds and lifestyles for roles as Firefighters (full-time and on-call), Control Room staff and Support staff. To be a full-time firefighter you should live in Bedfordshire, or within 10 miles of it’s border, be fit, over 18, have four GCSEs, be able to swim and have a full driving license (and no pending issues). Visit our website to find out more about our Positive Action Events.


Black History Month is a time for us to discover and explore our histories, to examine and reflect on what life is like now, and to build hopes and dreams for a brighter future. It’s a time to discover and honour people who fought for and laid the foundations for the rights and freedoms we are entitled to today, and to be inspired by those who have gone before; raising our aspirations for the people we would like to be. However for Black lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people, Black History Month has for too long been a time during which we have been left 12:34 behind, with our histories untouched. The Black community knows too well the argument that we are not all the same; that we are in fact a people of many colours, faiths, beliefs, cultures and yet so rarely do we highlight intersections of our identities when it comes to sexuality and gender identity, nor do we celebrate the lives of and achievements made by Black LGBT people. This year I am determined to inspire people to look deeper into Black history. In creating the LGBT Black History Month youth work resource, my hope is that people will be inspired by the lives and work of Black LGBT people and allies featured in the pack and to venture off into discovery, uncovering contributions past and present from Black LGBT communities to our country and our world. Our histories are vast and rich; from pre-colonial notions of gender and social structures, same-gender loving relationships and families, to our LGBT siblings fighting for our rights and our lives. People like Marsha P Johnson who was instrumental in the LGBT liberation movement and Bayard Rustin for whom without momentous events in the Civil Rights Movement would not have occurred. Let us honour our siblings from the UK too: Linda Bellos who was one of a small team who introduced Black History Month here; Barbara Burford, Lord Waheed Alli, Justin Fashanu, Pratibha Parmar and Ted Brown, to name but a few people whose names should be as known to us as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Black LGBT people have existed since the dawn of time. We would not be here without them. Let this not be forgotten. Chloe Cousins, Youth worker, LGBT Youth North West






MEMPHIS THE MUSICAL Until 31st October

Winner of four Tony Awards® in 2010, including Best Musical, MEMPHIS has exploded into the West End and is now London’s hottest new destination! MEMPHIS has an original score by Grammy® Award-winner and Bon Jovi founding member David Bryan and book by Joe DiPietro. Inspired by true events from the underground dance clubs of 1950s Memphis, Tennessee, MEMPHIS follows the fame and forbidden love of a radio DJ who wants to change the world and a club singer who is ready for her big break. Join them on their incredible journey to the ends of the airwaves – filled with laughter, soul and rock ‘n’ roll! Starring the Queen of British soul, multi-award-winning recording artist Beverley Knight (The Bodyguard) as club singer ‘Felicia Farrell’ and multi-platinum recording artist Matt Cardle (X Factor) as radio DJ ‘Huey Calhoun’, MEMPHIS will leave you feeling exhilarated by its explosive blend of electrifying music, soaring emotion and roof-raising energy. Shaftesbury Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8DP Tel: 020 379 5399 For tickets and information visit

The National Army Museum is visiting the Black Cultural Archives heritage centre in Brixton during the October half-term school holiday. Come along and discover your hidden family histories relating to African and Caribbean soldiers who took part in the First World War. See objects from our Collection such as regimental badges from the King’s African Rifles and the West Indies Regiment. The week will culminate in an archive call-out day, asking for material relating to the First World War, together with a celebration of music and film. Black Cultural Archives, Brixton, London SW2 1EF

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Queen of British soul Beverley Knight has been one of the UK’s most consistent artists of the past 15 years, scoring several top 10 albums, including the platinum-selling Voice: The Best of Beverley Knight. She has sold over a million albums in the UK along the way, including four gold certified albums. Beverley is currently starring in Memphis the Musical in London’s West End. She plays Felicia Farrell, an underground singer in her brother’s bar during the late 1950s and 1960s in Memphis, Tennessee, in America’s deep south. Black History Month got to speak with her about the part, her career and her role in the fight against racial and LGBT discrimination. BHM: First, congratulations on your outstanding performances in Memphis. You were a complete joy to watch and you are certainly one of the standout performers in what is a very strong cast. How are you finding Memphis? Being front and centre each night must be something you enjoy, but just how much hard work goes into each performance? BK: It is hard work, requiring way more concentration than a concert as from curtain up to curtain down you are portraying someone else. You can’t float in and out of improv the way you naturally do in a gig. I love it, I love the focus, the discipline and the team spirit. BHM: You have been playing Felicia Farrell for almost a year now. Are you saddened that your time in Memphis is coming to an end? BK: Very saddened. This show is one of the most loved in the West End, and I love Felicia’s fight and drive. A gift of a role to play. 10 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015


British Soul Queen and star of Memphis the Musical:

Beverley Knight BHM: What was it like taking on a role that has such strong historical and emotional links for Black people in terms of racial discrimination? BK: I researched the historical setting as much as possible. I knew a lot of the post-reconstruction era of the South, the setting up of the Jim Crow laws and the birth of the Civil Rights Movement. These were already imprinted in my brain as I made it my business to know these events long before the West End called. Let’s face it, we were never not going to learn it in school, were we?! The fact that the knowledge I had was integral to playing Felicia was a bonus. What really prepared me was going to Memphis and seeing the history before my eyes. Beale Street where “race music” (later rock ‘n’ roll) was born, the recording studios there where that music exploded from the underground, the museums that detail what life was life for Black people in Memphis at the time. That changed me. Permanently. BHM: In the past you have been very vocal against racial and LGBT discrimination, even being a performer at UK Black Pride. Are you involved in any Black or Gay Pride events in the near future? BK: I hope so! Black Pride was ages ago now, we are overdue another one! Someone talk to Haringey Council and get it sorted for Finsbury Park! I’d love to do another Love Music Hate Racism festival. The last one I did was with the wonderful Wretch 32, a long time ago. BHM: Nonetheless, your work with charities is partly what earned you your MBE in 2007, alongside your contributions to music. How is progress on your upcoming studio album? BK: The album is slated for spring of next year and is coming along beautifully. I intend to record it at the end of January 2016, so time is ticking, but I write where and when I can, around my show schedule. BHM: Your career seems to be making a resurgence since singing in the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Paralympics. Are you enjoying this second wind of success? BK: It doesn’t feel quite that way to me as it would to you, as I have not stopped working. I recognise the uplift in my profile though, and I am so chuffed and grateful to still be of interest to people 21 years after it all began!

The difference is that you are seeing more of me now because theatre understands the importance of marketing and advertising throughout a show’s life, not just at the beginning. So you are greeted with pictures of me everywhere! You CANNOT launch a show without multi-millions, and show investors are willing to spend what it takes to get shows up and running, in the way a record label simply cannot and does not anymore. Unless you are a huge global act. The prominence of all the posters etc. feeds into the general media. As we say in Wolverhampton “funny, ay it?!” BHM: You’re also preparing for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Cats in October, just days after finishing up Memphis. Most people struggle with perfecting one role, so how on earth are you managing to prepare for two roles at the same time? BK: You have to do what you have to do! I need to be ready to play Grizabella. I need to be on point as I believe I will be the first Black Grizabella in the history of the show in the West End. If it goes well, the doors are open for others to play this and other roles which don’t have to be colour-specific. Whether you like it or not, hailing from a minority group and stepping into the spotlight means you end up in some way representing that minority. It is in everyone’s interests that I prepare well.

BHM: Clearly a sign that you are an ultimate professional. Finally, what tips do you have for Black musicians now that you have dabbled into both Independent and Labelled record releases? BK: Be who you are. Not the vision (or worse still, the stereotype) of what a label, the media or the public expects. It is not easy, but if you want a career in music, it is the only way to go. People will love you, then despise you (“she’s a sell-out!”) then love you again when you are true to you. I’ve been there, went through it and shook it off. I don’t know a successful Black artist who has not experienced that in their career. Be disciplined. The champagne lifestyle is a front. Smoke and mirrors. Behind the scenes is real graft. Jay-Z and Dre did not become moguls by quaffing champers every day. Don’t be fooled. Grab every opportunity to play live so you can build a following, a loyal one. Careers are built over time. Shooting stars burn out very quickly. BHM: Thank you for your time and for being an icon in both Black British music and musical theatre. Memphis the Musical is running at Shaftesbury Theatre until Saturday 31st October 2015. Beverley Knight’s last performance as Felicia Farrel in Memphis will be Saturday 17th October 2015. For tickets and information visit BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 09




Friday 9th - Saturday 10th October

Friday 16th October

After a decade of dazzling performances to packed audience, in Edinburgh and London, Classically British returns to its home The Tabernacle, London W11, as part of Black History Month. Artistic director of the Mark Elie Dance Foundation and Portobello Dance School, born and bred in West London, Mark Elie has both nurtured and inspired young people to look at classical dance with fresh eyes. His motto of “diversity and access for all, no matter your shape, size or colour” has a joyful ring. Classically British aims to shine light on Black female dancers and the scarcity of them in our British ballet institutions. Those in the audience will be tantalised by a work in progress, Ballet Belle, nspired by the story of Dido Belle, the illegitimate child of an English captain, who grew up amongst the aristocracy in Kenwood House, London. There will also be new dance pieces by the Classically British Company. The evening will feature a guest appearance from Vincent Hantam, the first non-white male dancer to perform with Scottish Ballet in 1975, who will be presenting two new pieces of work, with the Classically British dancers.

A new production of acclaimed novelist Alex Wheatle’s debut play SHAME AND SCANDAL arrives on stage at London’s Albany Theatre for two nights only. A co-production by London-based Break-Thru and Ithina Productions, this dark comedy is directed by Lunga Yeni and stars Curtis Walker. SHAME AND SCANDAL is the tale of an affluent Jamaican family consumed with keeping their financial legacy intact. Brimming with twists and turns, this dark comedy set in 1960s Jamaica, sees the prodigal son Michael’s return home with his power-hungry fiancé Sophia. Milton and Diana put the young couple through their paces. As life-altering secrets are revealed, tensions mount and they all battle to keep what they fxeel they rightfully deserve. The cast includes Curtis Walker whose many credits include YOUNGERS E4 as Milton Lawson; Coren Lawrence whose credits include STRICTLY BINGO as Sophia Banton; Russeni Fisher whose credits include HANSEL & GRETEL at Theatre Royal Stratford East as Michael Lawson and AshFanti as Diana Lawson. The Albany, Deptford, London SE8 4AG. Tickets: Standard tickets from £15 (concessions available) Box Office: 020 8692 4446

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Venue: The Tabernacle, Powis Square, London W11 2AY Dress rehearsal: Doors 1.15pm. Tickets on the door £5 (cash only) Main show: Doors 6.30pm, show 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (cash only) Tel: 07947 484021


NO COLOUR BAR: BLACK BRITISH ART IN ACTION 1960-1990 10th July 2015 - 24 January 2016

An innovative look at Black British cultural identities, heritage and creative voices – and the struggle Black British artists faced in making their voices heard from the 1960s to the 1990s. This six-month long, purpose-built multi-media exhibition and events programme takes its impetus from the life works of Eric and Jessica Huntley and the Bogle L’Ouverture Press, a publishing house as well as a pioneering Black bookshop and cultural hub they founded in 1968. Bogle L’Ouverture’s output and work promoted, and was shaped by, de-colonisation and the fight against discrimination. Bogle L’Ouverture’s bookshop will be physically recreated in the Gallery to provide a multi-sensory, interactive installation alongside works by notable artists of the period, including Eddie Chambers, Errol Lloyd, Denzil Forrester, Sonia Boyce, Keith Piper, and Sokari Douglas-Camp. The realisation that Britain was changing forever is no better articulated than through the lens of the pioneers of what was to become Black British cultural heritage. The Huntleys were the publishing powerhouses that spawned a dynamic generation of cultural and political leaders, whose stories are told and celebrated for the first time in the UK at this fascinating exhibition.

Stunning Exhibition 2015 sees the 10th Anniversary of the Huntley Archives at the LMA, and ‘No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960-1990’ will be a fitting marker and visual record of the socio-cultural dynamics spanning the three decades, epitomising FHALMA’s mission of bringing the archive alive and sharing its importance with modern day audiences. At the heart of the exhibition will be a recreation of the Bogle-L’Ouverture Walter Rodney bookshop, created by renowned artist and curator Dr Michael McMillan (West Indian Front Room) and sound and visual specialists, Dubmorphology. Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in a stunning multi-sensory, multi-visual experience including works of art, sculpture, photographs, paintings, letters and other artefacts from more than 25 prominent Black artists during this period including Eddie Chambers, Sonia Boyce, Denzil Forrester and Chila Kumari Burman. Influenced by the emergence of newly independent African and Caribbean states, global liberation struggles, the fight against unfair discrimination and an insistence on dignified citizenship within Britain, these artists found expression by way of ‘creation for liberation’. The exhibition will explore these struggles and celebrate their contribution through four powerful themes: ‘Elbow Room’, ‘Broad Shoulders’, ‘Clenched Fists’ and ‘Open Arms’. Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AE Tel: 020 7332 3700 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 13


No Colour Bar, But a Baton of Social Progress

Several tinted windows, two curved glass doors and a security team fit for a role at Gatwick Airport separate Guildhall Art Gallery from the barbarity of a gladiatorial games stationed just outside.


his space, currently housing the No Colour Bar: Black British Work In Action 1960-1990 exhibition, is fitting when you consider that a building destroyed in the Blitz has now been rebuilt and houses art created by the people our government wanted to help rebuild Britain after World War Two. Inside, I was to meet Eric Huntley. Once an important part of the People’s Progressive Party in what was formerly known as British Guiana


(now Guyana), he and wife Jessica came to the UK in 1956, after Eric’s incarceration in 1955 for leaving his Guyanese village without permission. Now in Britain, his newfound freedom would allow his once-oppressed ideals of independence and equality to be heard, ultimately changing the tide of Britain’s colonial rule in the West Indies. But before he, his wife and a group of friends changed the power dynamic of the British Caribbean, there were several years of political and social struggle. “We were campaigning almost every week,” Eric tells me, nodding his head. In the space of 12 years, the Huntleys would find another effective way to have their message heard: become a publisher and sell, or at least give out books and leaflets at rallies. By 1968, this ideal had become a reality and

now the Huntleys had something a little more substantial than a weekly picket rally - a bookshop and a publisher: Bogle L’Ouverture which took residence in the front of their family home. “Until about ‘76 or ‘77 it was in the front room of our house. It wasn’t well-advertised and only people who knew it was there could come in and know it was a bookshop.” When I asked how, his response was simple. “We kept the curtains up so it looked like a house.” Despite appearances, the Walter Rodney Bookshop was not an entirely covert operation. Students, teachers and the general public began flocking to the shop not just to purchase books, but also for the social and intellectual elements. By the end of 1968, the Rodneys had begun working on a paper with a Jamaican exiled scholar, Walter Rodney. “Never underestimate the power of the media. The


media is a powerful weapon,” Eric warns. It is a powerful warning too. The collection of Rodney’s papers which delivered whilst in Jamaica found themselves in the publication of ‘The Groundings With My Brothers’. Upon the book’s release in 1969, many considered its publishing a revolutionary and even at times, inflammatory, exposé of colonial attitudes in the Caribbean and how they should be challenged. Others found it to be a relevant and much needed spotlight being shone on the fragility of a new government, one which had been left deliberately weakened by its ex-colonial master. What this proved to be was more than a case in which someone sought to have their exile overturned. Now, it would be the building block for a presidential charge less than a decade later and Eric Huntley’s Bogle L’Ouverture was involved. The success of Rodney’s paper and the subsequent publications meant a cloud of suspicion loomed over the Huntley home. So when a nosey curtain-twitching neighbour called the council to complain that a commercial property was being operated from a residential address, Eric, Jessica and their children would be forced to do things differently. This force of hand is what prompted the re-opening of their bookshop in 1978. Once in a commercial dwelling, Eric and Jessica found more sturdy ground with their ‘revolutionary’ titles. “I don’t like the label left wing. It has too many connotations. If someone labels you left wing it creates the image that you agree with everything the left wing does. There are

We were campaigning almost every week progressive and reactionary people. The left can do bad things too. So don’t label me a left wing person. I can critique the left, just as much as I do the right.” It is this sort of language which makes me understand why Eric Huntley and his publishing company Bogle L’Ouverture were so prolific and influential. This determined and very individualistic approach to what they were doing meant that writers, poets, speakers, intellectuals and allies found a voice in Bogle L’Ouverture, setting the seed of influence which would sprout in the coming months and years. And in the time of blossom, it had become evident that Bogle L’Ouverture was a symbol, a flagrant reminder that things were changing at a rapid pace in a conservatively-minded Britain. No longer were high streets dominated by white-only businesses; the Race Relations Act of 1965 made sure of that. Now, the Walter Rodney bookshop was one of hundreds of shops owned by Black and other ethnic minority citizens, so naturally it was attacked by the National Front. “They used to leave dog faeces at the front of the shop,” Eric chuckles. It is a strange response to something many of us would consider vile and revolting. “They must have

thought it would scare us away. But I’m still here today. It was difficult. The police never got involved. If you went down to your local police station, sometimes they said it was a domestic thing, or they simply weren’t interested. So we banded together with the community. We would help each other. Clean a shop if it got attacked, that sort of thing.” This community spirit kept the nowrenamed Walter Rodney Bookshop. It was dedicated to Rodney after his assassination whilst running for Guyanese Presidency in 1980 - relevant and in the interest of the people. This could not be anymore true when the Huntleys began offering legal advice to the young men and women caught up in the frequent yet regularly unsubstantiated ‘Sus’ stop and searches, and again for the days and months following the 1981 Brixton Riots. It is easy to gloss over the very subtle and background achievements Eric Huntley has been involved in with his wife and Bogle L’Ouverture. For this reason painting Eric Huntley as a historical figure is difficult. Perhaps this is because of the way we are expected to understand what a ‘hero’ is. We very regularly take note of the front man in the theatre, but forget that the stage is built for the cast to perform on. Eric Huntley is such a person, building the stage in the form of supporting performers and speakers by making their literature a public interest. Of course, how far the influence of a book reaches is impossible to gauge. Aside from the success of the author, how do you know how many people the book has actually changed? How do you know how many conversations it has spawned? The stage on which Huntley’s work supports is influential whilst being almost untraceable. Follow the trail of Linton Kwesi Johnson’s career and you will find that it begins by being signed to Bogle L’Ouverture. If you follow the conversations

of Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’, you will find Bogle L’Ouverture is its first publisher. When you look at partnerships for Notting Hill Carnival, Eric and Jessica Huntley are within the magical six degrees of separation from the event organisers and liaison officers. Just take a look at some of the speakers at almost any anti-colonial rally between 1972 and 1990 and you will find yourself at least one reference to at least one speaker, writer or affiliate with Bogle L’Ouverture. So perhaps it is difficult to fathom that in 1989, the Walter Rodney Bookshop, whilst remaining a successful publishing house, communal space and bookshop, was forced to close due to rising rent and a surge in ‘big-publisher’ reading material. Eric said: “It meant we had more time to do demonstrations.” In a way, everything that happens to him which seems bad, whether that is being incarcerated for a year, almost being kicked out from his home or being attacked by the National Front, it not only strengthened his resolve, but his ability to revolutionise more minds in the process. “The struggle never ends. There is always something to fight for,” he tells me with a muted smile on his face. Eric’s smile then dissipates and his follow up statement explains why: “It’s sad we have to continue fighting.” It is clear that Eric has enjoyed his time spent challenging injustice. You get this from the way he formulates most of his answers because there is a slow, calculated pause between his answers, even after his lips twitch to give an indication that he has a first answer ready. “So who were your influences when you were growing up?” I ask him, hoping that there are even bigger subjects to explore in the anti-colonial debate. Yet as he takes his moment to think, to pause and hold back an answer, his lip does not twitch. He stands still, looking up into the top right of his peripheral vision. “There isn’t one really.” I can believe him. Guyana, as it was then, was a notorious black spot in which international communication was very difficult to be accessed amongst the common people. Coupled with the fact Guyana was firmly under the thumb of the British Military, this meant that external and more radical influences were strictly controlled, if not already in prison. “I read things by Marx and Lenin.” Eric tells me casually. It is said in a way in which the respect he holds for the ideologists is clear, yet their influence over his decisions and personal ideology has been minimal. My final question is: “So to whom have you given the mantel over?” It is designed to once again discover a name which may be involved with the anti-colonial debate. His answer surprises me. “You!” he exclaims joyfully. “The next generation. I am passing on the baton.” And in my befuddlement, I realise I had no further questions. No Colour Bar: Black British Work In Action 1960-1990 is currently in exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery until 24 January 2016. BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 15


Black History Month Diversity Champion: Cheshire Constabulary Nicola Bailey, head of Human Resources at Cheshire Constabulary, talks to Black History Month about diversity and equality within Cheshire and becoming a diversity champion for 2015. BHM: It’s really great that Cheshire Police is supporting Black History Month this year by becoming a Black History Month Diversity Champion for 2015. How important is diversity at Cheshire Police? NB: It is so important that one of the six priorities within Cheshire’s people strategy addresses increasing the representation of protected characteristics across the force. To successfully police in Cheshire we believe that we need a workforce that reflects the diversity of Cheshire across all levels and which will bring benefits from the skills, creativity and the understanding that mix brings. Having a diverse workforce will inevitably assist policing by building relationships within the different community groups within Cheshire, enabling us to provide a better service and make the Constabulary more accessible to those communities who may feel a bit wary of the police service as a whole entity. The population in Cheshire has become increasingly diverse, however the recorded number of people from protected characteristics remains low, for example black and minority ethnic (BME) representation is at 3.15%. Cheshire currently has less than 1% of officers from a BME background compared to 5% nationally and we recognise this as a key priority BHM: You are recruiting at the moment. What vacancies do you have and what sort of people are you looking for? Do candidates have to be living in Cheshire? NB: The police staff opportunities within Cheshire Constabulary are vast and we welcome all members of the community to come and join our police family. Police staff roles cover many areas of the organisation: finance, HR, forensics, communications, IT, investigations, vetting office, witness and victim care, and many more. Some roles include specific qualifications or equivalent relevant experience as part of their minimum eligibility criteria, so ensure you have researched the role and criteria thoroughly before you apply. We are also constantly recruiting for the Special Constabulary. Special Constables have the same powers in law as every other police officer. You wear the same uniform, you carry the same equipment and you work 16 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

alongside regular officers. Contrary to popular belief, Specials exist, not as a substitute for the regular police, but as an important complement to the existing force and to the local community. Although you won’t be paid, your training and duties will give you unique experiences, new valuable skills, plus a wonderful sense of achievement of doing something worthwhile for your community. It is also an excellent ‘try before you buy’ opportunity for those who wish to pursue a full time career in policing. We pay expenses so you will not be out of pocket for giving your time to us. As a Special Constable you will be working as part of a team and the experiences you share by working closely together can lead to lasting friendships. You will learn more about life and human nature than most people will ever see. Some join to gain experience and skills to assist with their long term career plans to be a regular officer. Others join to give something back to the community and most stay for many years due to the satisfaction they get from the role. Due to representation of BME staff within Cheshire being low compared to the national average, we actively encourage BME applicants from outside the county to apply for a role. Most police staff roles are based at Cheshire Constabulary headquarters in Winsford, so ideally applicants would be in comfortable commuting distance from HQ, or the Local Policing Unit in which they are based. Cheshire has been one of only a few forces who have had active PC and PCSO recruitment campaigns during 2014/2015 and through 2015/2016. Whilst we don’t currently have an open recruitment campaign for PC and PCSO’s, we encourage people to keep an eye on the website. BHM: What has Cheshire Police done to embrace diversity in the last 12 months? NB: We mentioned earlier about Cheshire’s plan to address under representation across the ranks and police staff structure. Our People Strategy’s three-part plan to focus our efforts on achieving a workforce that is representative of the communities we serve. The ‘Join us’ aspect has been heavily addressed in the last 12 months and there has been extensive activity and initiatives put in place to try and accomplish this goal. As well as attending

local colleges and university career events, the Positive Action team has visited local mosques, temples and attended various community events to promote the force as an employer. We have put on specifically targeted workshops and seminars for female and BME applicants to offer support and advice throughout the recent PC and PCSO recruitment campaigns. The ‘Stay with us’ aspect of the People Strategy has been tackled by putting into place a ‘Buddy Scheme’ for new recruits. The scheme provides the opportunity for new recruits, particularly those with protected characteristics, who have any work related questions to have an independent contact within the force in which they can confide and find support. A buddy also acts as a point of


contact to provide a better overview of Cheshire Constabulary as a place to work. The Force is also currently developing initiatives which specifically support the career development of officers and staff with protected characteristics. Having a protected characteristic won’t give an applicant an advantage in any recruitment or promotions process, support is offered to every internal or external applicant. However there will be additional targeted initiatives to try and address underrepresentation through the ranks and staff grades. BHM: What advice would you give to anybody considering a career in policing? NB: We would advise those who are interested in a career in policing to speak to a range of police officers from their local policing unit to get a perspective from them and to also speak to sergeants and possibly inspectors. Similar to most forces, Cheshire Constabulary has a dedicated Facebook and Twitter account which is used to engage with the public about current force news and events. It is worth following these accounts as they also publish information about recruitment campaigns for Police Staff, officers and PCSOs. It may also be useful to consider applying to be a Cadet or Special Constable to get an introduction to policing. Attend any recruitment seminars or workshops that are available to you for the frontline roles. It is an incredible opportunity to increase your knowledge of

the role, recruitment process and ensures you get all the support you will require through what can be a challenging and rigorous process. To apply to Cheshire as a Police Constable, you must now hold or be working towards the Certificate in Knowledge of Policing (CKP) qualification, so it’s worth researching what College of Policing (COP) accredited course providers are in your area, enquiring about what is involved in the courses, the cost and what financial options are available to you. BHM: Will you be attending any local Black History Month events? NB: Absolutely. This year Cheshire is working alongside O.C.E.A.N, a local charity community

group who provide a voice for ethnic minorities in the Cheshire East area. The group aims to reduce social isolation, enhance wellbeing in the community and encourage cohesion between all different ethnic minorities, by providing a centre for the whole community to belong and use daily. Representatives from Cheshire Constabulary have had an input in planning and will attend an O.C.E.A.N event to celebrate Black History Month on 10th October in the function room at Crewe Alexandra Stadium. The aim of the event is to celebrate the differences of the ethnic minority groups by way of exhibition, music, dance and stalls which promote the local services available for the community.

CHESHIRE CONSTABULARY IS NOW RECRUITING We are currently recruiting for Police Staff roles and also the Special Constabulary. Someone who serves in Cheshire Constabulary is part of an organisation with a proud and formidable history and would be expected to maintain the high esteem in which the public holds the Force. A diverse team works more effectively to solve problems, provide a rich variety of approaches and a more innovative way of delivering lasting solutions. We are not yet fully representative and are addressing this imbalance through a variety of initiatives. We fully encourage individuals from underrepresented groups to apply to join our policing family. The selection procedure itself is no different; it’s based purely on merit.

Police Staff For all the Police Officers and PCSO’s out on the street, there is support for them in the background. Police Staff help achieve the key aim for Cheshire Constabulary of public confidence; by providing excellent customer service to all those that come into contact with the police. Special Constabulary Being a volunteer police officer is a unique opportunity to do something special for yourself, your community and your employer. This exciting and enjoyable role gives you invaluable experiences and training that you can use throughout your life to achieve your personal or professional goals. As a volunteer police officer, you will need to contribute at least 16 hours per month, at a time that fits into your life. No two days will ever be the same, and you have the opportunity to be part of something bigger, be faced with challenges you never thought possible, gain a real sense of achievement and make a difference.

There are many ways in which you can join our policing family. For more information, please have a look at the jobs page on our website: For further information or for any queries, you can contact our Positive Action team: positive.action@




ENCOUNTER AND A COLLISION WITH GLENN LIGON Glenn Ligon may not yet be a household name, but his work so far has grabbed the attention of President Obama, and he has received various awards in the US. Now in Liverpool until 13 October, I met him at the launch of his new exhibition in TATE Liverpool to get to know the man behind the canvas. BHM: Your work regularly touches on subjects such as race, sexuality and identity in a way many agree is not vulgar. Is this a conscious effort you make in your artistic process? GL: Art is always a place where there is exploration for things that society doesn’t want to talk about or see. So it’s the job of artworks to uncover and be conscious of things that are difficult. For me, art has to say something but it also has to engage on a number of different levels. So the formal issues around forming a piece of art are very much fused with the context of the work. BHM: With your previous work having made it to the White House, do you feel a new pressure when you are conceptualising future pieces? GL: It plays no part. I only met the President once actually. It was backstage at a fundraiser, but it was very clear what art he had. He actually knew


about the set of prints they had as well. And he said: ‘Well, they had to rotate it out because the light was too strong in the room and I really miss it.’ I thought: “The President of the United States has a lot of other things to worry about other than a set of prints in the hallway.” Then I thought, ‘No, he is serious. There really is art and when it’s not there, he misses it’. BHM: Are there are any Black or LGBT artists or authors that you are currently looking forward to work with in the near future? GL: I want to think more about Delaney because I just admire his work and I’ve just read through his biography and he had a very interesting career working with Baldwin. In terms of literary figures, I’ve been very interested in Sun Ra. Now whether Sun Ra was gay or not I’m not sure, it’s hard to tell. But that’s interesting too, to be such an ambiguous figure. So I want to think a bit more about that.


BHM: You’re also not afraid to change how you do things. How have you been able to project your message even after you have change the method through which it is being delivered? GL: At a certain point you get good at doing things and that’s when it gets boring. That’s not enough for me. That’s kind of dull. My work is all about words. So it was a natural place for my work to go. But when you begin to be afraid to make things because you are successful in one area, then you’re just making for the market. So I’d rather push myself into areas I’m uncomfortable with. I once had someone interview me and they were talking about the Malcolm X piece and I was explaining that it was some kid’s art. She said, “Why is this art?!” So I say to her: “If your child brings home a drawing, do you not put it up on the fridge with a magnet?” BHM: Did you ever worry about only ever becoming posthumously famous? Or did you just want to be an artist and not have to worry about doing a second job? GL: I wanted to be an artist and I had a secondary job. I worked at a law firm proofreading in the middle of the night. That was how I made my money for the first seven years after college and then I got a grant. Not a huge grant and I had to make a decision. I could keep working or I could save this money and say, “I’m going to take three months off and see what happens.” I did that. I started to get into shows and I realised I didn’t need to go back to work, so you don’t know what’s going to happen, you just have to keep on making the work. BHM: What do you want to accomplish by bringing all of these pieces together? Do you have an underlying message? GL: I wanted to show that an artist is in dialogue with other artists and they don’t work in isolation. The show is supposed to make that explicit by bringing together all the work that is influential to me. So civil rights images, Black Panther images that is part of the cultural context of America which generates all this work I’m making. It’s a complicated narrative for the viewer but anyone can still say, ‘It’s a nice-looking bit of work.’

Glenn Ligon’s work will be on display in TATE Liverpool’s permanent collection. ‘Encounters and Collisions’ will be around until 18 October alongside the work of Jackson Pollock and Geta Bratescu.

At a certain point you get good at doing things and that’s when it gets boring Glenn Ligon. Photo by David Seidner, 2012; photo courtesy of Luhring Augustine Gallery.



Black History Mont Champion Merseys Can you tell us about Merseyside Police? Merseyside is a metropolitan police force as Liverpool is our major city. We have 4,000 Police Officers on the force and 2,000 support staff. As an area we cover 5.5million people who live in five major areas; Liverpool, St Helens, Wirral, Knowsley, and Sefton and we deal with all sorts of crime from firearms offences to child exploitation and burglaries.

Black History Month Speaks with Chief Superintendent Rowland Moore from Black History Month Diversity Merseyside Police


What made you want to become a police officer in the first place? When I was younger, no more than 5 or so, I had a police car which you could pedal and a police bike as well. I don’t know if it had any effect but as a BME (Black and Mixed Ethnic) officer, it might be a bit cliché to say but I wanted to make a difference in the communities in which I lived and worked. Some people call it ‘Public Service Motivation’ and for me, as a vocation- yes I get paid to do it, but it’s the motivation of doing the public a service. The money is not what sets my boat alight and I’ve been doing it for 33 years, soon to retire. Describe your best day on the job. That’s an impossible question because I’ve had so many good days. I suppose some of the best days, personally were when I got promoted. But on the job, there are times you catch a burglar in the act or arrest people who do terrible, terrible crimes and those

feel really good too. But then there are sad days that have good moments in them. Comforting people who may have just heard the worst news in their life, for example or being there and helping a victim feels good too. It’s not all about making arrests, but the humanitarian aspect to the job as well. What advice would you give to someone considering a career in policing? Do it. I didn’t join till I was 23 you see, but some of my colleagues joined when they could at 18. Don’t sit around and just think about it; do it. People will tell you things; you will read things and have your own experiences. People might say ‘I’ll never join the police. They’re no good, they’re this, and they’re that.’ But my argument has always been, ‘don’t sit and shout about it- change it from the inside’. Sometimes holding a demonstration makes change, but the biggest change usually comes when someone makes a change from the inside. How important is to increase diversity in the force? In Merseyside, we have just under 4,000 officers but only 20% is female and only 132 are BME. In our support staff, out of 2000 only 32 are BME - it’s not proportional to the area. Merseyside has a 5.5% BME population, but only 3.3% are in Merseyside Police. And despite the good work our Officers do, it’s difficult at times


nth Diversity yside Police to take the test, a lot of Special Constables get the position because there is a very high success rate. By then you will have had the training, you understand the policies, and you know the people, so volunteers are what Merseyside Police are looking for.

What recruitment opportunities are there currently available? Sadly, because of the austerity measures we are not looking for regular Officers, but we are recruiting Special Constables. These people will have the same training, the same powers as a regular Officer but they don’t get paid a salary. The expenses are covered, so things like food and travel they don’t have to worry about. So when it’s time

What type of person are you looking for? People who understand that you don’t call the police to bring them around and have a cup of tea. People call the police when they are in crisis. Merseyside police need people who are willing to save lives and put their own on the line. People who will run towards things when others are running away, people who can help, but who can also take control and have a constitution of steel. You don’t


What major challenges do you see the Police having to tackle over the next 5 years? The biggest issue Police Forces will have to deal with in the future are the austerity measures. Currently our cuts mean we now share a control room with the Fire Service and soon the Ambulance Service will be moving in too. Soon Police Forces all over the country will be reducing from 74 to much smaller numbers, grouping together with other Forces just to stay alive, so that will be the biggest problem we face.



need this in spades, even if you have a small amount of this within you; we will bring it out. You will be amazed at what you can do with a little bit of support. When I joined I didn’t know I could do all that- but I could.



when you’re going into communities and you don’t have the Officers who understand the community the same way as someone from that area and Policing isn’t about guesswork. As Merseyside’s population increases, the Police Force needs to grow accordingly.


Are you ready for a new challenge? If so, the Special Constabulary might be a perfect opportunity for you. Merseyside Police is currently seeking special constables, who as trained volunteers will support and work alongside their local police.

acting on them and working together with others as part of a team. Skills which could help you in your day job.

Volunteering for a minimum of 4 hours per week (or 16 hours per month) you will be involved in all aspects of policing, enjoying a variety of roles and performing duties such as; patrolling local areas and events, crime prevention initiatives, presenting evidence in court and performing house-to-house enquiries.

So, if you think you’ve got that special something, why not come along to one of our open events to find out more.

As a Special not only will you make a real difference to people’s lives across Merseyside, but you will also gain invaluable skills and experience, such as solving problems and issues in local communities, making decisions daily and

If you have a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010, which is under represented in the force and require positive action support, please email outlining the support required.

Visit to book a place at our next event.



A Lunch with Comp They say good work is it’s own reward. Perhaps Musician and Philanthropist Joy Sigaud would agree, having donated her earnings from her highly anticipated “One Night At The Palace” which took place at the Orangery, Kensington Palace in September.


oy, who began learning to play the Piano at aged 4, followed the family tradition of being a musician and love of music from her Father and Grandfather who both played several instruments including the Harp, Organ and Classical guitar. However, to reach the heights of entertaining Royalty, foreign diplomats and members of our high society - it is almost hard to believe Joy had taken several breaks before returning to the keys. “I started playing the piano aged 4 and took my first grade exam a year later. I loved all kinds of music from a very early age but my mother did not allow me to play pop music, however, my father who could play simply by hearing a piece would entertain me with ragtime and ska beat whenever she was out. I developed a complete dislike for the Mozart minuets and endless scales that I had to learn in those days and when my elderly wheelchair bound piano teacher could not teach anymore my piano lessons came to a halt.” It would be ten years before Joy would take to the Piano for an ill-fated second time at the age of 14. “The problem that time was is that


when you are fourteen, there are so many other things that seem interesting to you.” Joy’s third and far more successful attempt at picking up the Piano would be attributed to a rendition of Tchaikovsky in B flat minor whilst at a friends house one summer. It took me four hours to learn to play the first few bars. Notes upon notes upon lines, I had never seen such music and had to hear what it sounded like! I struggled relentlessly and loved every minute. That was the day I fell in love with classical music - I might add here that no piano teacher I had has ever allowed me to even attempt to play that piece” Joy’s success can be attributed to a number of reasons. Firstly, her talent on the Piano is one that amazes even herself due to her own admission that she is not classically trained, or has completed many of the exams someone takes to be proficient in the piano. Instead, Joys talent has been nurtured by several teachers who have developed this proficiency through the enjoyment of learning, offering Joy the chance to learn music rather than exam pieces - making Joy Sigaud an almost unencumbered

in the way she plays and composes music. This does not take away from the excellency of Joy’s work. Her lack of formal training does not mean she is a weak Pianist, unworthy of the time dedicated to her by Royalty, foreign diplomats and members of high society. Instead, it offers to us a success story; one in which I was personally inspired since Joy’s success is not reliant on a piece of paper which validates her, but one in which validation is found through her hard work and achievements.

It took me four hours to learn to play the first few bars. Notes upon notes upon lines, I had never seen such music and had to hear what it sounded like! At her most recent concert, performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra, Joy made donations to Alpha Boys School in Jamaica who have said “this substantial donation will enable us to integrate an entire music programme into the curriculum”. The donation made to Rainbow


poser Joy Sigaud Trust Children’s Charity “will service 3 families with a terminally ill child for an entire year”. It is through hearing Joy’s story that I find a well wishing from Buckingham Palace no surprise. The story of a Musician and Composer who found success through forging her own path, one which defies convention to eclipse expectations, is a story that inspires me personally and anyone else fortunate enough to hear her story.



Dr Wanda Wyporska champions ATL’s Safer Schools Initiative The unique position of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) in and around our school network means that its Safer Schools initiative not only tackles long-standing playground problems such as bullying and racism, but also ones we are learning about such as FGM, Islamophobia and sexting. BHM had the chance to interview Dr Wanda Wyporska to find out about ATL and its new initiative.

issues that affect teachers in education. I also respond to government consultations and do a lot of campaigning in terms of working with charities and other organisations, as well as dealing with issues in schools. For example, I might go and talk to a school about trans issues and how they could help their trans pupils. I go wherever and whenever I’m needed.

BHM: So tell us a bit about yourself. WW: I am the lead quality professor at ATL and have been here for three years. I’ve always been involved in different aspects of quality of work ever since I started out as a journalist and then went into campaigning.

BHM: What are the objectives for ATL’s Safer Schools network? WW: I set up the Safer Schools network because I knew that a lot of the teachers and education staff were struggling with issues in the classroom, whether it was FGM (female genital mutilation) or bullying, which is obviously a big problem, or racism. I wanted teachers and education staff to have a one-stop shop where they could go and find out any information they wanted and know that it was from reliable partners. So I started work with a lot of organisations like the NSPCC, Stonewall, Schools Out and LGBT History Month. We put those resources onto our safety schools network so that teachers and education staff can just say ‘Okay, I’m going to look at this’. There are lesson plans and model plans on how to deal with things and its really just to give them help.

BHM: Can you tell us about your role within ATL? WW: I am responsible for a wide range of the quality issues so I produce briefings on quality

BHM: It is evident that equality and diversity are very important to you. What was your inspiration? WW: Being a mixed race Polish, Caribbean


and English woman who grew up in the North, in Chester, I was one of three BME people in an all-White school. I’ve always had that feeling of fighting for the underdog, of really trying to help people and fighting injustice. It sounds a bit corny to say fighting injustice like fighting a superhero or something but you do see a lot of injustice and people being treated in a way that’s different. I just wanted to play a small part in trying to do something about that. BHM: So do you have any Black History Month heroes? WW: There are a lot of Black heroes out there, but for me the real heroes are the people who came over here to a new life to a country where, let’s be honest, people didn’t really want them and didn’t know how to treat them. They just got on with living their lives, finding jobs, getting accommodation and doing the best for their children. Whether that was 30, 40 or 50 years ago, people are still doing that now. They are the heroes. BHM: Will you be attending any Black History Month events? WW: I should be coming to your event at the Guildhall and I’m really just finding out from your excellent listings where there will be events so I’m hoping to attend a few. BHM: Thank you very much for your time.


What Black History Month means to me BY PAULINE HENRY


lack History for me is about celebrating the achievements of the “Black” race, all we have accomplished, and all we have come through from the dark days of slavery and oppression. As a Jamaican and a musician, Black History Month gives me the opportunity to reflect on the roles Jamaican have played in the uprising against slavery, and on how music was used as a form of escapism to help alleviate the reality of suffering which we later came to identify as the “Blues”. One of the most influential political figure in the fight against slavery was Marcus Garvey, by all accounts a small man with big dreams. A Jamaican political leader and founder of the Black Star Line ship, which promoted the return of Africans to their ancestral lands, Marcus Garvey was also a staunch proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, and founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Marcus Garvey

“Long before we were even conscious of our own degradation, Marcus Garvey fought for our national and rational quality” - a quote from the first President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah. Marcus Garvey’s philosophies and opinions were so far reaching that the Ghanaian flag was later adapted in memory of the Black Star line Ship and all it stood for. Dr Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Bob Marley all took inspiration from Marcus Garvey’s movements and philosophies. Bob Marley, for instance, another famous Jamaican musician and philosopher, quoted parts of Marcus Garvey’s speech in his well-known ‘Redemption Song’ when he sings: “Emancipate yourselves 26 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind.” This is taken from Marcus Garvey speaking in Menelik Hall in Sydney, Nova Scotia in 1937. The Maroons too are a proud part of Jamaican history, in the run up to freedom. When runaway slaves banded together and subsisted independently they were called Maroons. The Maroon communities faced great odds to survive against white attackers, in addition to the challenge in obtaining food for subsistence living, and to reproduce and increase their numbers. As the planters took over more land for crops, the Maroons began to vanish on the small Islands. Only on some of the larger islands like Jamaica were organised Maroon communities able to thrive by growing crops and hunting. The Maroons gained in power and, amid increasing hostilities, they raided and pillaged plantations and harassed planters until the planters began to fear a massive slave revolt. Maroon communities emerged in many places in the Caribbean but none were seen as such a great threat to the British as the Jamaican Maroons. Jamaicans are known for being very proud and fearless. As we are in the throes of London Fashion Week, other famous Jamaican

warrior queens come to mind, musician and fashion Icon Grace Jones, and supermodel Naomi Campbell. Finally, when I think of Black History Month, I think of music. Music is my passion. I too have moments of doubt and fear, but compared to the pain and anguish my ancestors endured they pale in caparison. As I contemplated Black History Month and recited the Psalm, I asked myself. ‘What songs did the slaves sing to sooth their broken hearts, their shattered dreams, their ripped apart families, when there seemed no hope or justice in the world and even perhaps that God had forsaken them’? More importantly, what song would I sing? I started to sing as if I had been there in slavery. Just like that, the 23rd Psalm took on a new meaning in song. I decided to record it with a piano rendition by Le’Voy Wilson. I hope you find it as calming as I do. The song is also dedicated to all the brave soldiers, activists and people who really put their lives and families on the line, and to my all-time heroine, Rosa Parks, the lone voice in the crowd. Free download available now Pauline Henry is a musical artist.


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Across the Atlantic, reggae is a regular staple of the musical chart in the Caribbean. Yet Scratchylus has also found success in North America and the UK, building a healthy following who flock to see him at Notting Hill Carnival. BHM met Scratchylus and fellow performer Empress Reggae ahead of the release of their upcoming album, Changes.


BHM: ‘Our Story’ has been chosen as the song for Black History Month 2015. How do you feel about that? Scratchylus: First and foremost, thank you very much, Black History Month, for choosing this song. So it’s beautiful that the song is going to be put on Black History Month IN Black History Month and I’m very excited. BHM: You have had success in Jamaica, North America and here in the UK. To what do you credit your success and what advice do you have for up and coming Black musicians? Scratchylus: First and foremost I have to give credit and glory to the Almighty Jah Rastafari, for keep giving me strength, the wisdom, the knowhow and the humbleness to go through this journey. But I accredit it to the fact that all the music that we do is all live music. So my message to the musicians is to get back into the live music. Live music has an effect and it brings out the right frequency, it makes it more receptive. Live music means that your music will have longevity. Music you hear

from a computer, comes on today and is forgotten about tomorrow. Another thing is to listen to ALL music. Don’t be narrow with your ‘mindset’. There is always something that influences a recording artist. Read books and biographies about recording artists. See what they have to go through, know their ins and outs. Find someone who really believes in you. If they don’t believe in you, you really have to believe in yourself and then you can go through. BHM: You are also in the process of creating a university tour. What message do you have to bring to our 18-23-year-olds? Sratchylus: Well, see, people don’t think before they act. If you think before you act you will save yourself a lot of stress in the future. Just think things through and about the outcomes. It’s like on a computer, you get a flowchart with probabilities. So think like a flowchart and try and make decisions that are advantageous to you. And do your best work. Especially if you are spending your mum and dad’s money to come to university, you best do your best work.


“When Carnival comes around, you see everyone has a smile on their face. It’s the only time I see everyone happy. Carnival lifts their spirts. Everyone gets along at Carnival.”

BHM: You have both performed at this year’s Notting Hill Carnival. Tell us what Notting Hill Carnival means to each of you as musicians and what it means to you as people of Jamaican heritage. Empress Reggae: I’ve been going there since I was a baby really. Every time I go I get the reggae vibes. In England you don’t really get the Reggae vibes a lot and in Carnival you get Jamaican people bringing Jamaican culture and it makes a nice experience for me. Scratchylus: Carnival is a chance for people to see Caribbean-style, food and music for the first time in their life if they don’t go on holiday. When Carnival comes around, you see everyone has a smile on their face. It’s the only time I see everyone happy. Carnival lifts their spirts. Everyone gets along at Carnival. As a performer, Carnival is the first time people will experience mine and Empress Reggae’s music first hand. BHM: What has the reception been like having Empress Reggae perform with you? Scratchylus: The reception has been

overwhelmingly positive. I get people come up to me and say ‘I love what you are doing with your daughter. Keep it going!’ As far as my daughter is concerned, she is learning as we go. Sometimes we get shouted at really harshly when we are recording, but sometimes it’s just the way it is. BHM: Empress Reggae, you have performed alongside Marcia Griffiths and at events such as Redbones International Women’s Day. Where do you see your career in ten years’ time? Empress Reggae: Well, when I get older I want to be a teacher. A lot of people ask me, ‘How

can you teach and do your music at the same time?’ I just tell people I want to teach my music in schools, I want to teach my music in universities. BHM: Are you working on any upcoming albums to accompany your first lbum ‘Reset The Mindset’? Scratchylus: We have a new compilation coming out called Changes and it should come out in November.

Scratchylus is currently planning a university tour. The upcoming schedule and links to his first album, Reset The Mindset, can be found on his website



All about...

Fostering On any one day there are more than 57,000 children living with foster families in the UK. There are now more children than ever coming into care, with almost 6,000 more in care on any one day now than there were in 2007. Around two-fifths of the children in care are aged 11 to 15, and finding people with the right skills to look after teenagers is now the top priority for fostering services.


ostering provides a safe, secure and nurturing family environment, either short- or long-term, and allows children to keep in contact with their own families if they wish. Children come into care for a whole range of reasons, including a family member’s short-term illness or a parent’s depression, or drug or alcohol misuse. Some children may have been abused or neglected. Foster carers can give families a chance to sort out their problems by providing children with a home and supportive family for as long as they need. When a child is taken into care, the local authority (or Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) in Northern Ireland) becomes responsible for his or her welfare. Social workers then work with families to make the home a safe place for a child – with the aim that children and parents can be reunited.


Fostering is a way of offering children and young people a home while their own family is unable to look after them. It is often used to provide temporary care while parents get help sorting out problems or to help children or young people through a difficult period in their lives. Others may stay in long-term foster care, some may be adopted, and others will move on to live independently. About 70 percent of children in care in the UK live with foster families. Foster carers are child care experts working alongside a team of professionals providing children with the highest standard of care. Fostering is not easy but offers the opportunity to make a huge difference to the lives of the 30 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

children who need it. Fostering can be a very rewarding experience. Fostering is often a temporary arrangement, and many fostered children return to their own families. Children who cannot return home but still want to stay in touch with their families often live in long-term foster care. Often children will return home once the problems that caused them to come into foster care have been resolved and that it is clear that their parents are able to look after them safely.


You can, if you can provide a safe, secure and loving home. Foster carers are urgently needed in all parts of the UK and people from all backgrounds can apply. Many foster families have their own birth children, you do not need to be married or own your own home, and families of all ethnicities, languages and religions are needed. You do not need to have particular skills and experience to be a foster carer – fostering agencies are usually happy to train people who have commitment, enthusiasm and the right outlook. Good foster carers like children, are patient and calm, and prepared to support children through difficult times and emotions.


There is no upper age limit, although an agency would expect you to have a level of stability and security in your life, and to have the health and stamina to be able to care for somebody else’s child.


You can foster children as a single person or as an unmarried or married couple. The local

authority will want to know if your relationship is stable and long lasting and can provide the kind of parenting experience that these children need.


You can foster if you are lesbian or gay.


It is important for fostered children to have a stable family life without any preventable disruption, such as a foster carer becoming seriously ill due to a long-term health condition. For this reason, all prospective foster carers have a full medical examination by their GP. Being overweight should not rule you out as long as it does not cause you to have serious health problems which could affect your care of a child. Agencies may be concerned about placing young children or those with health conditions, e.g. asthma, with carers who smoke, due to the risks of passive smoking.


People who have a conviction, or have been cautioned for specific criminal offences against children, or some sexual offences against adults, are not able to foster. Other convictions do not automatically rule people out.


You do not have to be wealthy to foster. Carers receive an allowance, and in some cases an additional fee, to cover the cost of caring for foster children. There is a recommended national minimum fostering allowance in some UK countries – BAAF or any fostering agency can give you the details.



Studies show that it is in the child’s best interests to be cared for by a foster family which shares as many aspects of their culture, religion and ethnic origin as possible. This can help the child to have a positive sense of their own identity. However, agencies will look at how you could support a child of a different culture, religion or ethnicity to yourself.


Applying to a fostering agency. Fostering is essentially a local service helping children to return home to their birth families, where this is possible. If you are interested in fostering, you should contact your local authority (HSCT) or a neighbouring one to find out what is needed in your area. You can also apply to an independent fostering service. At this stage, you may be visited by a social worker or invited to a brief meeting to find out more about fostering. If you and the service agree that you might be suitable to foster, you will fill in an application form, and when this is accepted, the assessment process begins.


Fostering is a major decision with implications for you, the children and your family. Because of this, the fostering assessment process is very thorough. Many services run preparation and

training groups for prospective foster carers. These groups give you an opportunity to learn about the fostering process and the rewards and challenges of fostering, as well as the chance to meet experienced foster carers and to hear about their experiences. A social worker will also meet with you individually. The whole family will need to be involved: if you have birth children, they will need a chance to think about what fostering will mean for them. Confidential enquiries will be made of your local authority and the police, and a medical report will be needed from your GP. The fostering panel for the local authority or service to which you have applied will consider a report on your application and recommend whether you should be approved as a foster carer or not and what the terms of your approval should be. The assessment process usually takes about six to eight months once it starts.


Once you are approved, you will be allocated your own social worker who will offer ongoing support, supervision and help. He or she will now start looking to match you with a child. If your agency feels that you are suitable to foster a particular child, they will approach you with more information to find out if you are interested. If everyone agrees that this would be an appropriate match, the child will come to live with you.


You will receive regular visits from social workers to check all is going well, and will be involved in meetings about the child’s welfare with a number of professionals, and contact with the child’s birth family. Foster carers also receive ongoing training and have annual reviews to ensure they remain suitable and motivated to care for children and to consider any changes in the terms of their approval, for example, to increase the number of children who can be placed from two to three. There will also often be the opportunity to attend a local support group of foster carers. Other support available from your agency may include professional or legal advice, therapeutic support, and help with facilitating contact between the child and their birth family.

COULD YOU FOSTER OR ADOPT? Whether you choose to foster or adopt, being a parent changes your life. If you’d like to find out more please get in touch. Visit our website:





Suzanne and Jay


uzanne, 38, is a black British mum who works full time as a school chef. She has always wanted to be a mum and, sadly, following a number of miscarriages, she turned her mind to adoption. Suzanne is keen to tell her story because she hopes that more black people will start thinking about adoption. There are often many preconceptions. For example, some people think that you will be ruled out if you are disabled, if you are gay, if you are a couple but unmarried, if you are single, if you are on a low income, if you are an ‘older parent’…but this is untrue. Suzanne is particularly a champion for black adopters. “So many black people think about adoption and say ‘no I can’t because I’m on my own or because I don’t have enough money’. But it can still happen for you because they do seriously look at you for who you are and what you can offer the child. Once you show that you can fit the child in your life, it happens.” With around 4,000 children currently in the UK care system waiting to be adopted, she wants to encourage more black people to go for it. Suzanne is lucky that her family and friends make up a supportive and close-knit support network for her, with many living close by, including some of the nephews who now dote on her son Jay. Suzanne is also proof that people aren’t ruled out of adoption because of their financial


situation or needing to work. “You don’t have to be on mega bucks. I’m certainly not and I work full time.” Suzanne advises families to be open and honest with their agency about their financial situation, especially in the current economic climate, with many families facing uncertainties. Once Jay was placed with her, Suzanne’s agency paid her an adoption allowance so she could stay at home and look after Jay for a year. If you want to adopt, you just need to have a tenancy or lease that is secure – and lots of energy, love and understanding. Suzanne also wants to promote adoption amongst black families because she feels ethnic, cultural and religious identity is an important part of a child’s self-identity. With black boys waiting the longest for an adoptive family, it is important that more black families come forward and consider adoption. These days, the majority of children waiting to be adopted have been removed from their birth family through a court process, following concerns around neglect or abuse. Young Jay’s adoption story is therefore an unusual one. He is a ‘foundling’, and was abandoned as a baby. The story made the local news, and amazingly, Suzanne saw Jay in the news on TV, but she did not know at the time that Jay would be her son one day. Suzanne finished the adoption approval process and immediately began searching for a child within the pages of Be My Parent. And then, she was told that her agency had indeed found a match for her. Miraculously, the child was little Jay, whom she had seen on the news six months earlier. Suzanne wanted to meet Jay straight away, but that special day took a few weeks to arrive, which was all in all just over six months after Suzanne begun her adoption journey. Suzanne describes her first emotional meeting with Jay at his foster carer’s house. “I was apprehensive about whether I would actually love him and feel everything that I thought I would. But for me it all clicked into place, which I was surprised


NATIONAL ADOPTION WEEK 19th-25th October 2015

‘Jay is the best thing that’s happened to me’ about.” Two weeks of introductions followed. Then the day came for Suzanne to take home eleven-month-old Jay forever. “He’s been the best child I could ever hope for and imagine. On day seven, he called me ‘Mum’.” This was Jay’s first word. Suzanne’s story is even more unusual in that Jay was under the age of one when he was placed with her. There are some babies who are waiting to be adopted in the UK, but very few. The average age of a child at adoption is around three years and ten months, and many of the children who wait the longest for a family are black, as well as children over the age of four, brothers and sisters and those with physical or learning disabilities. When asked how adoption has changed her life, Suzanne pauses: “From the moment Jay stepped into my life, I haven’t been happier. I live for him. I feel like I’ve had him from the moment he was born, he feels no different.”

If you’re reading this advert then you’re probably at the start of making one of the biggest decisions of your life, the decision to add to your family or to become a parent by caring for vulnerable children. Why choose TACT? There are a number of ways to support vulnerable children and young people. This includes voluntary adoption agencies and independent fostering agencies as well as local authority fostering and adoption services. However, as the largest charity of our kind in the country, we: Have abundant experience and have been providing fostering and adoption services for over 12 years Have earned an excellent reputation with hundreds of local authorities that place their children with us, so we can offer our foster carers and adopters a wide choice

Offer services that are rated by Ofsted as ‘good’ or higher Provide a sensitive and efficient service from a professional, experienced team and access to our own 24-hour fostering and adoption support service Deliver excellent training, which includes individual, group, and personalised learning with access to specialist staff such as our own play therapist If you’d like more information about being assessed for adoption, please visit our website or for fostering, please visit We would also welcome a call from you on 0808 159 3494 to speak to a member of our dedicated carer recruitment team.




For me, every single day is Black History Day and allows me to get a greater sense of my role and purpose within the African diaspora.


lack History Month in Britain is yet another avenue of awareness, especially for my non-African friends. It is a nationally celebrated platform to trumpet the achievements and successes of Africans on the African Continent, in the UK and the territories of the Caribbean, within Europe and in North America. Black people have been instrumental in every aspect of our daily lives. Black History Month reinforces the fact that Garrett Morgan, the man who invented the traffic light and the gas mask, was the son of ex-slaves in America. Black History Month informs us that the African-American physician and surgeon, Charles Drew, pioneered methods of storing blood plasma for transfusion and organised the first large-scale blood bank in the USA. In the realm of modern computer technology, Black History Month tells the story of Alan Emtage, a Black Barbadian who created Archie, the world’s first internet search engine. 34 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

Closer to home, Black History Month boldly declares the sterling achievements of the Windrush generation, those stalwart men and women who came to England from the Caribbean in the immediate post-WW2 period to better their lives and assist in rebuilding Britain. Among the best exemplars of that generation is Professor Geoff Palmer, the Jamaican-born botanist, who is the UK’s only professor of brewing and distilling, and whose research has revolutionised the malting industry.

African-derived people alike, the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the less savoury legacies created by European conquest and institutionalised racism. These legacies have retarded our progress toward the realisation that regardless of our racial origins, we all belong to the same human family. Black History Month should nevertheless illustrate to nonAfricans the richness and truly astounding contribution that African culture and civilisation has brought to our planet.

Black people have been instrumental in every aspect of our daily lives Black History Month gives pause for rightful perspective, a truly socio-historical prism through which the totality of our experience can be positively refracted. More crucially, though, Black History Month gives non-Africans and

As we take a backward glance at the sweep of history which has left us with an exhaustive litany of achievements, Black History Month is also an occasion to think of the needs of our African community in the UK as we proceed into the future.

Given the astounding and unprecedented degree of technological progress that human civilisation has made in the 20th Century, the 21st Century must become the African Century. It means that our young people must be well-versed and skilled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); we must be at the forefront of the professions and research in this exciting area indeed defining and shaping it. Approximately 30,000 jobs in engineering are unfilled every year in the UK. Our young people of African descent should be the ones readying themselves to fill these skill gaps. Black History Month is an opportunity for us to globally strategise, organise and mobilise for the new dawn. Originally from Barbados, London-based John Stevenson is a science communications specialist and a freelance writer and broadcaster.



here are many routes into teaching. All of these will involve studying for a degree as well as some time spent on school placements. There are many reasons why teachers enter the educational profession and whilst the motivating factors are highly personal for those who undertake teacher training, one theme always remains, the passion to enrich, positively affect and educate the lives of others. The desire to influence children from all different backgrounds and communities by teaching, making an impact on lives now and in the future is a powerful force which attracts many educators to the profession and is the highest calling. The rewards of teaching are endless and teachers are in a unique position of being able to empower children from all backgrounds with equal opportunities, which in turn helps communities and greatly impacts on others. In essence, the ‘snow ball’ effect is born, the influence of a wonderful teacher reaches far beyond one person. Teaching is a career and a highly skilled and worthwhile profession that gives all those who teach the ability to learn and progress within their specific areas of education. It is not just a way to earn a salary and offers diversity, it always provides challenges and high satisfaction levels. Teachers are role models and leaders who carefully shape the skills of children, ultimately affecting how their future develops and eventually what they become. Always acting as the ‘expert’, but importantly being an approachable mentor and guide. By sharing knowledge, enthusiasm and energy, those who teach are a powerful force on individuals and communities and by teaching their specialised subjects, encourage and directly shape the learning of children and young people. If you want to teach in state primary or secondary schools in England, Wales or Scotland, you need to complete one of the following types of course successfully: • •

explained If you are not a graduate, you can apply through UCAS. for 3 or 4-year undergraduate degree courses that provide QTS or the TQ. If you are a graduate or expect to have a degree by September 2016, the UCAS Postgraduate Teacher Training is open for applications from 21 November to 31 October 2015 for Professional Graduate or Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) courses in England and Wales and for Professional Graduate Diploma of Education (PGDE) courses in Scotland. Most of these courses are full-time and last one academic year, but the Course types section provides information about the different kinds of course provision. In England you can take a PGCE or QTS course based at a university or college, or take a school-based course run by groups of schools that have formed school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) consortia. University and college courses normally include lectures at the institution and schoolbased training in at least two of their partnership schools. Primary teaching courses include at least 18 weeks of school-based training and if you are taking a secondary teaching course, you will spend a minimum of 24 weeks training in schools.

SCITT consortia run their courses almost entirely within their member schools. Each consortium will offer training in primary or secondary schools. You will usually be based in the ‘lead school’ and undertake teaching placements at other schools within the consortium. Teachers in the schools act as mentors to organise and monitor your training. Most SCITT consortia run courses that have been validated by a university or college for the award of their PGCE or QTS. You may be required to attend some lectures at this university or college as part of your schoolbased course. There are currently no SCITT consortia in Wales or Scotland, but some consortia in England may use schools in Wales to deliver their training. All PGCE courses in Wales and PGDE courses in Scotland are based in universities or colleges of higher education.

an initial teacher training (ITT) course in England or Wales that gives you Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) an initial teacher education (ITE) course in Scotland the gives you the Teaching Qualification (TQ). BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 35 33


Where to train Deciding where to do your teacher training can seem like a difficult task because there are so many training providers to choose from. You may wish to remain close to home or decide to live in a different part of the country: your choice may depend upon training providers’ facilities. In England you can take a course based in a university or college or in a consortium of schools. Whatever your criteria, it is important that you research training providers and their locations before applying. Which is the best training provider? There is no one training provider which is perfect for everyone: different places suit different people, so it depends upon your preferences. How do I choose the right route? Anyone wanting to teach in England must complete initial teacher training (ITT). There are many different types of ITT – the route you choose to take will be specific to the age group and/or subject you’d like to teach. If you’d like to teach a subject to an advanced level, for example, you could be more interested in secondary teaching, rather than primary. You can complete your ITT alongside a degree, straight after a degree, as a part-time course alongside work, or as a full-time course, including employment-based routes. The option that is right for you will depend on your circumstances.

University-based training If you already have a degree, consider a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE). A PGCE course mainly focuses on developing your teaching skills, rather than the subject you intend to teach. If you do not currently have an undergraduate degree, you can complete a Bachelor of Education (BEd) or Bachelor of Arts (BA)/Bachelor of Science (BSc) with qualified teacher status (QTS) course. These courses enable you to study for a degree and complete your initial teacher training (ITT) at the same time. Both postgraduate and undergraduate courses are available at universities and colleges throughout the UK. Postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) If you already have a degree, consider a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE). A PGCE course mainly focuses on developing your teaching skills, and not on the subject you intend to teach. For this reason, you are expected to have a good understanding of your chosen subject(s) – usually to degree level – before you start training. Undergraduate ITT courses To become a teacher, you need to hold a degree and complete a course of initial teacher training (ITT). If you don’t have a degree yet, an undergraduate ITT course will enable you to study for your degree and complete your ITT at the same time.

THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE FACULTY OF EDUCATION The University of Cambridge Faculty of Education offers PGCE courses to graduates wishing to train to teach in primary or secondary schools. The courses are taught in partnership with local schools with trainees spending at least 50% of their course working with teachers and children across the East Anglia region. The Faculty of Education is committed to admitting the best students, regardless of background, social or ethnic origin. We particularly welcome applications from sections of the communities which are under represented in the teaching profession. The University may seem intimidating to some applicants but in reality staff at the Faculty are very approachable. We are keen to recruit able trainee teachers that reflect the diversity of society; what matters to us is your enthusiasm and aptitude for the subject you want to study here! 36 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

There are two types of undergraduate ITT which lead to qualified teacher status (QTS). These are: • Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) with QTS - This option allows you to specialise in a certain subject (for example, maths, physics, chemistry or languages), while gaining your honours degree and QTS. • Bachelor of Education (BEd) - This is an honours degree course in education. BEd degrees are available for both primary and secondary teaching, but are a particularly popular choice for those who are interested in teaching primary school children. School-based training If you’re a graduate and want to complete your training in a school environment, consider school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT). SCITT programmes are designed and delivered by groups of neighbouring schools and colleges. Taught by experienced, practising teachers, and often tailored towards local teaching needs, all SCITT courses lead to qualified teacher status (QTS). Many, though not all, will also award you a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) validated by a higher education institution. If you prefer to spend more time training in the classroom, putting theory into practice and gaining confidence through increased contact with the school environment, then a SCITT programme is a good option for you.


School Direct School Direct is an exciting new training route for top graduates. Your school will have a job in mind just for you when you finish your training. School Direct places are available in some of the best primary and secondary schools across England and programmes generally last for one year. Financial support is available throughout your training. Successful completion of the programme will lead to the award of qualified teacher status (QTS). School Direct programmes may also include a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE). There are two separate School Direct training options: • School Direct Training Programme is for high-quality graduates who want to be part of a school team from day one. You may be eligible for a bursary of up to £20,000 or a scholarship of £25,000 to support you while you train. • School Direct Training Programme (salaried) is an employment-based route for high- quality experienced graduates with at least three years’ work experience. You will earn a salary while you train. Teach First Teach First’s employment-based training is designed to help participants become effective teachers and leaders in challenging schools. Entry requirements Undergraduate degree Route - To get onto a

subject required to obtain a GCSE at grade A* to C. Training providers are responsible for assessing your knowledge of English, mathematics and, if applicable, science. They may be able to ascertain that you have the required knowledge of these subjects from your qualifications or work experience. Some training providers may ask you to take their own equivalency tests in English, mathematics and/or science to assess your knowledge.

degree course, you will usually need at least two A levels and at least five GCSEs (A-C). Universities may accept other qualifications such as an Access to Higher Education course. Check with course providers for their exact requirements. PGCE Route - Before you can start a PGCE course in primary, middle years or secondary teaching you must have: • a degree awarded by a UK university or college or a recognised equivalent qualification • and be able to show that you have • the knowledge of English required to obtain a GCSE at grade A* to C. • the knowledge of mathematics required to obtain a GCSE at grade A* to C. If you want to take a PGCE course in primary or middle years teaching, you must also be able to show that you have the knowledge of a science


Post-compulsory and further education courses Before you start a course for post-compulsory or further education teaching in England or Wales, you must have a degree awarded by a UK university or college or a recognised equivalent qualification. You do not need to have GCSEs at grade C or higher in English, mathematics or science as standard entry requirements for these courses, but some training providers may ask for one or more of these qualifications. Visit the training providers’ websites to find out the specific entry requirements for their courses before you apply. When to apply UCAS Postgraduate Teacher Training is open for applications from 21 November to 31 October 2015. You can choose when to apply but it will depend on when your chosen training providers open their programmes. If you are applying through the Undergraduate degree route you should also apply though UCAS.

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BISHOP SAMUEL AJAYI CROWTHER Freeman to slave, and back again


ince its formation in 1532 under King Henry VIII, the Anglican Church has been a prominent part of English society, having been involved and working closely with the government on various laws since the beginning. This means we are not a secularist society like France or America. It may surprise you then to learn that out of the 97 archbishops that there have been, the first Black archbishop in the Anglican Church was ordained in 2005. This is the current Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. But the Anglican church has not always been so closed-minded, as the


first-ever ordained Bishop and the last Black bishop to get close to the illustrious position of archbishop was Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther in 1864. Born in today’s Oyo State, Nigeria, Ajayi was a Yoruba who also identified with the Creole ethic group from Sierra Leone. Yet Nigeria was a ripe picking spot for slavers in the early 1800s, and at the age of 12, Ajayi and his family were captured along with his village. Once captured by the Muslim Fulani slave raiders, he was soon sold off to Portuguese slave traders later in the year 1821.

However, before Ajayi would become another statistic, the British Royal Navy boarded the slave ship, and he was taken to Freetown, Sierra Leone, where he was released. His time in Sierra Leone led Ajayi towards the Anglican church where he was cared for by missionaries and was taught English, two things which helped him to convert to Christianity. During his rebirth by baptism he changed his name in homage to a vicar, Samuel Crowther. It is speculated that his choice of name was to reflect and acknowledge the work of Samuel Crowther, a pioneer for the Church Mission


Society (CMS), the same people who looked after him after his release, as well as his work in England where he was Vicar of Christ Church in Newgate, London. A year after his baptism, Ajayi’s interest in languages compelled him to move to England where he began to attend the school in St Mary’s Church, Islington, London. The following year, 1827, he returned to Freetown and became the first student of the new school, Fourah Bay College, an Anglican missionary school where he studied Latin, Greek and Temne, the language used by the largest ethnic group (the Temne) in Sierra Leone at the time. After his studies, Ajayi began teaching at the school. Sometime between the years 1828 and 1841, Ajayi married a schoolmistress who was also rescued from the same Portuguese slave traders who planned to sell him. The similarities between them did not end there. Asano, Ajayi’s wife, was also brought to Serra Leone and was looked after by the church mission, which helped her to convert, changing her name to Susan. Now a married couple, his family grew with each of them having their own impact on African history. One of his sons, Dandeson Coates Crowther, became Archdeacon of the Niger Delta. His son-in-law, Thomas Babington Macaulay, was, at the time a highly respected writer who not only supported interracial unions, but also sought to teach the English language in India. Sadly, however, his marriage was later annulled by British law, meaning that in many of his biographical works, he is considered as having never been married. Their son and Ajayi’s grandson, Herbert Macaulay, however, would later grow up to be one the first Nigerian nationalists and played important roles in ending British colonial rule in Nigeria. Ajayi’s work in Nigeria did not stop at being a teacher. Later becoming a close friend with Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, an influential politician, mariner, philanthropist and industrialist in the colonised Lagos, Crowther and Davies opened ‘The Academy’. This was one of many social initiatives in which Crowther became involved, which focused on social interaction as well as being a centre of ‘public enlightenment’, a scheme devised under colonial rule to teach Nigerians in Lagos about British life. In 1841, Crowther was selected to join a missionary expedition to Niger by James Fredrick Schon. The aim of the mission was to spread commerce from colonised Nigeria into Niger, as well as teach agricultural techniques, spread Christianity and help bring an end to the slave trade in the area. The success of the mission was universally praised by the Anglican Church, where Schon wrote to CMS commending Crowther’s usefulness and ability and even recommending they prepare him for a more formal role in the church. Soon

after the expedition was complete, Crowther was recalled to England where he was soon trained as a minister and ordained as Bishop of London. By 1843, Crowther returned to Nigeria where he opened his own ministry alongside Henry Townsend in today’s Ogun state and began translating the Bible into the Yoruba language. These were not his only projects, however, as he was also compiling the Yoruba dictionary. In 1843, a grammar book on which he started working during the Niger expedition of 1841 was published. This was soon followed by a Yoruba version of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. Having completed the dictionary, he also began work on compiling a vocabulary book of the Yoruba language which also featured a number of local proverbs which he eventually published in London in 1852, which prompted him to begin coding other languages too in his free time. Another expedition to Niger in 1854 and yet another in 1857 delayed Crowther, yet he still published a primer for the Igbo language in 1857, a third for the Nube in 1860 and a full vocabulary language book of Nupe in 1864. Later that year, Crowther was ordained the first African Bishop of the Anglican church and was consecrated on St Peter’s Day 1864 by Charles Longley, the Archbishop of Canterbury at Canterbury Cathedral. By the end of the year, sometime between June and December, Crowther was given a Doctorate of Divinity by the University of Oxford. Eventually completing the Yoruba Bible in the mid 1880s, Samuel Ajayi Crowther had established himself as not only a prominent figure in East Africa, but also a respectable figure in both the Anglican church and the wider academic community with his work in linguistics before his death in 1891.

Samuel Ajayi Crowther had established himself as not only a prominent figure in East Africa, but also a respectable figure in both the Anglican church and the wider academic community Source: Celebrating the Life and Legacies of Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther (the first African Anglican Bishop, ca. 1809-1891)



Equality Challenge Unit Advancing equality and diversity in universities and colleges

“Universities need to be bold in valuing diversity. We’re proud to support Black History Month and equality and diversity in education.”

Cedric Frederick Governing Body Equality and Diversity Champion, Canterbury Christ Church University


Equality Challenge Unit was formed in 2001 by Universities UK to advance equality and diversity in Higher Education. Since then, ECU has developed into an independent organisation, delivering a number of programmes which directly support universities in tackling inequality relating to both staff and students in universities. ECU provides universities with information, advice and guidance on all equality issues including race, gender, and disability to name a few. ECU has traditionally been funded through a number of other higher education sector bodies including Universities UK, GuildHE, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, the Scottish Funding Council and the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland. The funding ECU receives in Scotland also extends to further education colleges. One of ECU’s best known initiatives is the Athena SWAN charter, which was initially created to address the underrepresentation

of women participating in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics), but has since expanded to cover Business, Arts, Humanities and Law, and focuses on all types of gender equality issues. Now in its tenth year, Athena SWAN has become a nationally recognised symbol of a university’s commitment to gender equality in the UK and its success has recently been emulated in Australia where the scheme has been rolled out for the first time. Following in the footsteps of Athena SWAN’s success, earlier


this year, ECU announced it would be piloting its first ever charter that recognises advancements tackling racial inequality within higher education. ECU’s Race Equality Charter aims to inspire a strategic approach to making cultural and systemic changes that will make a real difference to minority ethnic staff and students. It focuses on: • Professional and support staff • Academic staff • Student attainment, diversity of the curriculum and progression of students into academia In the last academic year, ECU ran a pilot of the Race Equality Charter, and in August announced that 8 institutions were successful in achieving the award. They were: • De Montfort University • Kings College London • Kingston University • Royal Holloway University London • UCL (incorporating the Institute of Education) • Staffordshire University • University of Hertfordshire • University of Manchester

Upon conclusion of the pilot, ECU undertook an extensive evaluation with a view to enhancing the Race Equality Charter in time for its full launch in January 2016. ECU is currently in the process of appointing patrons for the charter and will host a formal awards ceremony and launch event at the beginning of next year. At the start of 2015, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) announced that, due to changes in the funding environment, it would no longer be in a position to fund ECU’s work from 2016 onwards. Due to the critically important work that the organisation carries out on behalf of the higher education sector, ECU confirmed that it would continue on its mission of advancing equality and diversity by becoming a subscription-based organisation, and from 2016 onwards, higher education institutions could pay an annual free which would allow them access to ECU’s resources, advice services, the Athena SWAN charter and the Race Equality Charter. ECU’s Chief Executive David Ruebain said ‘2016 promises be a landmark year for ECU.

Supporting Black History Month


iversity and inclusion is high on the agenda at King’s. We are aware that we must strive to become a more welcoming and inclusive place for all staff and students, if we are to become the sort of university to which we aspire. We have a broad programme of activities to support this goal and are now one of only 8 universities nationally to hold the coveted Race Equality Charter Mark Award which recognises our race equality work.

To find out more visit:


Each year we offer a targeted leadership and development programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees. The programme finds ways staff can harness their unique talents in their roles. Making the most of the opportunities different cultures bring to the workplace. To find out more email or visit: equality BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 41


‘Equality Challenge Unit is the higher education sector’s definitive national body for promoting equality and diversity in the UK’

Our new subscription model will give subscribing institutions an increased role in driving our work forward, and we will soon be announcing a new programme of work and delivery plan that will significantly raise the level of discussion on a number of key equality and diversity issues within the higher education sector. I am particularly excited about the future of our Race Equality Charter and look forward to ECU supporting institutions in advancing racial equality through their engagement with the programme’. In November, ECU will be releasing its annual statistics report. This publication provide a full breakdown on the makeup of students and staff in higher education institutions, and delivers a thorough analysis of a number of protected characteristics. The reports are widely used throughout the sector and contain important information on issues such as the attainment gap between Black, Minority and Ethnic (BME) and non-BME students, the percentage of BME staff in university senior positions, and a large number of other statistics relating to gender, disability, religious belief, age and sexual orientation. Equality Challenge Unit is the higher education sector’s definitive national body for promoting equality and diversity in the UK. It is committed to supporting the needs of higher education institutions in ensuring that universities are truly inclusive working and learning environments, and will continue to act as the sectors partner in equality and diversity into 2016 and beyond.

Can I transform my potential into a career? Course you can.

You can find out more about Equality Challenge Unit at By David Ruebain Chief Executive of Equality Challenge Unit

Find out about the University of Opportunity Visit: #courseyoucan


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Equality Challenge Unit Supporting Black History Month 2015 Advancing equality and diversity improves the staff and student experience for everyone working and learning in universities and colleges. Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education institutions across the UK and in colleges in Scotland. Our approach is evidence-based, using research to identify and change practices that unfairly exclude, marginalise or disadvantage people. This evidence supports institutions to remove barriers to progression and success for all staff and students.

Making a difference:

• We support universities and colleges to improve experiences and outcomes for all students whatever their background • We work to raise the profile of equality and diversity and embed inclusive practice • Our projects and programmes encourage transformational change that has a real impact on staff and students. • ECU’s race equality charter mark is a catalyst for change, helping universities to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students.

Find out more: Online: Twitter: @EqualityinHE Email: Phone: 020 7438 1010


LJMU Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Conference Wednesday 4th November 2015 “Is Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Yesterday’s Debate?”


he aim of the day is to review the past 5 years since the Equality Act 2010; the impact both positive and negative on diversity, equality, and community cohesion and to consider what positive changes could be made for the future. The outcome of this event, we expect, should inform the equality and diversity agenda locally and nationally. As everyone will appreciate, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is a fast changing scene, and timely to review the past and see whether we have the right direction for the future. This is clearly important in the field of higher education. The conference would explore the way forward and given the difficult terrain we have invited expert guide. This popular event has in the past brought together Directors and Managers from public, private, voluntary and Higher Education sectors; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion specialists and practitioners; and offices responsible for student support and academic quality. LJMU Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive will open the event followed by the keynote speech from Robin Allen QC. The University Executive Director to the Vice Chancellor on Strategic Initiatives, Professor Phil Vickerman will coordinate the question and answer

times. The conference will be chaired by Sir Bert Massie LJMU Governor and Equality Champion. To register for this conference, please visit and search for LJMU Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Conference. Registration will close on Fri 16 Oct 2015 Places are limited and subject to availability. For queries about this conference, please email LJMU Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Conference Wednesday 4th November 2015 Holiday Inn, Liverpool City Centre, Lime Street, Liverpool, L1 1QN

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Commitment to an inclusive community that celebrates diversity is at the very heart of the University of Portsmouth. Understanding and accommodating the needs of all our students is essential to our continued success, and the University provides a wealth of support to students with disabilities. We’re not just a great place to study, but to work too. Our staff development programmes support teaching, research and personal and academic development, offering real career progression Discover more at: opportunities.

Our history is rooted in Borough Polytechnic, created in 1892 (with a student body of 2,083) ‘to promote the industrial skill, general knowledge, health and well-being of young men and women.’ Over a century later, our commitment to improving social mobility and serving our local communities remains unchanged. The University now educates over 18,000 students, from more than 130 countries. 57% of our student body are women and 52% are from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds. Famous alumni include: • Sir Trevor McDonald (a former Chancellor) • Donna Herdsman (businesswoman) • Baron Victor Adebowale (founder of the charity, Turning Point).

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What does Black History mean to me?


still remember my first talk about black history. I was sitting in the living room as the evening news came on and I had not bothered to climb out of my school uniform. On this particular day, as my mother asked me what I learned in school, I made one, fleeting, off-hand comment about the work of Florence Nightingale. My mother meanwhile, who was still in the kitchen preparing dinner at this point, washed her hands and sat me down on the sofa. I remember feeling as if I had done something wrong, that something in my Florence Nightingale story was bad or I had accidently mispronounced a word and swore. It was in that moment that I had ‘the talk’. No, not about the birds and the bees, but the talk about how history is written by those in power and how those in power had written history to forget about us. The talk that every account in history has more than one side and to know about the other, we would have to find it out for ourselves. Now as a young boy I never wanted to believe that an entire race of people had no documented History. Where were the Black People throughout the History I had learned about in school? Was being Black new? In the coming months and years, I would learn that being Black was as old as humanity itself. Science dictates that our collective Human History stems from African descendants millions of years ago, yet History tells us that the documented segments of Black history is also millions of years old. Ultimately, I was being led to believe a lie, that Black History only truly started somewhere in the 1700’s with the Atlantic slave trade. However, putting the words ‘Black’ and somewhere on the timeline of Human History.





For me, it is more than just recognising or remembering the achievements of Mary Seacole, W.E.B. Du Bois or Huey P Newton. It is more than learning about the influence and critiques of Louis Farrakhan, Malcom X or Rev. Martin Luther King Jr, because time and time again, History has shown itself to be both an account of what happened, as well as the proud identity of the people who live in its consequences. History is a source of pride for many people because it forms a part of their identity. British citizens do not feel proud of their nation, just because of 65 medals at the 2012 Olympics, it is because of something deeper. There is pride in knowing your country made healthcare accessible, ‘won’ World War Two, had an almost world dominating empire and a 600 year old democratic government. History is more than Medieval Kings and the feudal system and it is more than a blueprint on what we build our societal norms. History is a source from which we create our identities. So, in the absence of Black History for Black People, there is ultimately an absence in understanding about our identities. Our lack of Black History is the biggest signifier of political injustice and racial inequality. It is the reason why having a Black partner can be the reason you are socially ostracised. It’s why we have self-hating black people who find no fault in shaming and degrading Black women for being Black, but will defend a woman’s choice for bleaching her skin or going to surgery in order to make her facial features more ‘European’. It’s why we can romanticise the life of Rappers when an overwhelming majority have

‘Black History Month is a reminder that we are not new, we are not useless and that we are all, people of importance.’

not finished school well or live a criminal lifestyle and call it ‘Black Culture’. This self-sabotage is one of the biggest shames I believe Black History Month can help to begin to change, because a our own lack of knowledge has created a lack of respect and understanding from the world community. For example, having an Afro is immediately considered a fashion choice rather than a political statement or a sign of embracing natural beauty- two things the Black Panthers stood to advocate with the hairstyle in the 1960’s. Nigerians are reduced to 419 scams instead of their immense wealth generated by their domestic film industry, an economic powerhouse which currently dominates that of Hollywood. Meanwhile, the Caribbean is being reduced to citizenship scammers who target white women on holiday, unaware Haiti, a Caribbean Island was the first place in the world to abolish slavery. However, the biggest and saddest reduction is our association with Africa and poverty, ignoring the fact Africa has over 80,000 millionaires and that 49 of the 54 African countries are looking or have found oil deposits since 2010. Black History Month is a platform for our voices to be heard. It’s a place where we can begin to learn our value to our localised communities, the nation’s we populate and our world history. Black History Month is a catalyst for learning, self-discovery and international recognition. Black History Month is a reminder that we are not new, we are not useless and that we are all, people of importance.


Why we need more black blood and organ donors


t may seem strange to be asking for more black donors specifically. Surely we just want all donors? A unit of blood, a kidney – surely it doesn’t matter who it’s from. As long as it’s from someone and there’s always someone else, always a donor, so we don’t have to think about it. Not yet, not until something happens. Actually, there isn’t always someone else. Last year there were only 20 black organ donors but there were more than 600 black people on the transplant waiting list. And there are more people currently living with Sickle Cell Disease in the UK than there are active black blood donors. This is why we need more black blood and organ donors. Black patients often require highly matched blood and organs, and donors with similar ethnic backgrounds are more likely to be a close match. Black people are more likely to suffer from Sickle Cell Disease. Sickle Cell Disease is a genetically inherited blood disorder in which the oxygen carrying red blood cells are more likely to alter their shape and cause problems such as bone pain. There is no cure for Sickle Cell Disease and patients with this condition often require regular blood transfusions. Blood from donors with a similar ethnic background gives the best match and outcomes in the long term.

Sarah Whyte People from the black community are also more likely to need an organ transplant as they are more susceptible to illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes and certain forms of hepatitis, all of which may result in organ failure and the need for a lifesaving transplant. Kidneys are allocated according to many factors, with blood and tissue type amongst the most important and matching is likely to be closer when the ethnicity of the donor and recipient are closer. With not enough black



Press officer at NHS Blood and Transport

organ donors, black patients are over represented on the transplant waiting list and will wait, on average almost a year longer for a kidney transplant than a white patient. So, how do we change this? How do we increase the number of blood and organ donors from black communities? The first step is to think. Think about becoming a lifesaver. Think about how you would feel if your mum, your dad, brother, sister, wife, husband or child needed blood or organs. Then you sign up. Simple. Go to and to register to be a blood or organ donor. To donate blood you need to be generally fit and healthy, just a regular person with a motivation to do something good. One blood donation can help to save or improve three lives. Anyone can join the Organ Donor Register. Donating your organs after you die can help save or transform up to nine lives. After you join the Organ Donor Register please make sure you share your decision with your family. Black history is not just about the history that passes, it’s about the history we make. Change the odds for Black patients, help ‘Be There’ for them.


Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Sickle cell disease and Beta Thalassaemia major are serious, genetically-inherited blood disorders which affect haemoglobin and its oxygen-carrying capacity. Sickle cell disease is the name given to a family of conditions. The most serious type is sickle cell anaemia (Hb SS). Symptoms include pain known as a ‘crisis’, severe anaemia, susceptibility to infections and damage to major organs. Beta Thalassaemia major is caused by a defect in the normal haemoglobin gene, which prevents the body from producing haemoglobin. The result is severe anaemia, and people need life-long treatment with regular blood transfusions for survival, and medicine to clear excess iron from the body. Carriers for a haemoglobin disorder are healthy. They have inherited one unusual haemoglobin gene and one gene for normal haemoglobin A. Carriers are unaware of their status unless they have a specific blood test and they will never develop a haemoglobin disorder. But the gene is still there in the background, and they could pass it on to their own children. Anyone can be a carrier of a haemoglobin disorder. It tends to be most common among people whose ancestors come from Africa, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, some parts of India, Pakistan, south and south-east Asia and the Middle East. This is because carrying a gene for a haemoglobin disorder may give partial protection against malarial infection, so in 48 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

places where malaria has been widespread, the genes have become more common. Carriers can still get malaria, and should always protect themselves when travelling. Where both parents are carriers, there is a one in four (25%) chance that their baby could inherit both unusual haemoglobin genes and have a condition that requires treatment. Since 2008, all pregnant women in England (and the baby’s father where the woman is identified as a carrier), are offered screening for carrier status. All newborn babies are offered

screening for sickle cell disease as part of the newborn blood spot (heel prick) test. Sickle Cell &Thalassaemia Antenatal Screening Programme The sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme require women to be offered antenatal screening by 10+0 weeks of pregnancy. This is supported by the National Screening Committee and the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, which state that women should access antenatal care by 10+0 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagram shows the chances (for each pregnancy) of two carriers parents having a child with a Sickle Cell or Thalassaemia disorder.


In fact, early access to antenatal care is generally preferred by women. Offering screening early in pregnancy One of the reasons for encouraging early booking for antenatal care is to facilitate timely screening of the baby’s mother and father. Prenatal diagnosis (to identify if the baby has a haemoglobin disorder) should be offered by 12+6 weeks of pregnancy, if the woman/couple require it. This is really important, as it allows the couple sufficient time to make informed choices regarding the pregnancy. There is a known link between when screening is offered and uptake of prenatal diagnosis (PND). An early offer of screening is linked to a greater uptake of PND. This is confirmed by evidence from research conducted within the UK population. Early screening is challenging to achieve, given the variation in the practice of booking women for antenatal care throughout England. However, since the establishment of targets to measure the quality of the screening programme, some hospitals have been working hard to improve early booking of women for antenatal care and screening. Testing at other times Blood tests for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia can be offered at any stage in life. It is helpful for people to know their carrier status before they plan a family. The test can be done by either a GP or at a specialist Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia centre.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Public Health England Sickle Cell &Thalassaemia Screening Programme Email: Sickle Cell Society UK Thalassaemia Society Patient information and resources


COULD YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Greater Manchester Police are hiring and need individuals with diverse skills from diverse backgrounds. We have limited vacancies in the following paid roles, Call Handler and some specialist roles; we are also keen to recruit to our volunteer roles, including Special Constable. Special Constables are volunteers who IN their spare time, provide assistance to the regular police force, dealing with a variety of incidents and interacting with our diverse communities. Working with the local Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Special Constables are trained to assist regular officers and increase the effectiveness of local police initiatives. For all our roles you should be keen to help and support our public, and be committed to delivering excellent customer service. Thriving in a team situation, and being able to respond to challenges is key, together sound practical skills including communication and problem solving. For some roles, customer service experience and good IT skills are required.

For all vacancies being able to speak an additional language that is reflective of GMP’s communities will also be beneficial. Greater Manchester Police are committed to ensuring that the make up of our workforce is reflective of the communities we serve. We recognise that having a diverse workforce makes us more approachable and relevant to the public. To find out more about any of these opportunities and to see if you meet our minimum eligibility criteria, please email us quoting ‘Black History Month’ before the end of December 2015 at Please note: we are only looking to recruit people who reside in Greater Manchester area. Please Quote Black History Month



by Luke G. Williams

BILL RICHMOND - Pioneering Pugilist


f you asked someone to identify the most significant sportsperson in Black History, responses would vary: the majority would probably cite Muhammad Ali, while others might make a case for Jackie Robinson or Jack Johnson. Yet the undisputed founding father of Black sporting endeavour is none of the above. In fact, to trace the life of the first Black sporting superstar, we must travel to 1760s America, during the turbulent days leading to the American War of Independence. Bill Richmond was born into slavery on 8 August 1763 in Staten Island, an outpost of the British colonies to the southwest of Manhattan. By the end of his remarkable life, Richmond had left his origins as a slave far behind and earned unprecedented acclaim for a Black sportsman. Richmond did not achieve such fame in revolutionary America, but within the unlikely environs of Georgian England. It was boxing that enabled Richmond’s rise to prominence, a sport that united the lower and upper classes like no other leisure pursuit. So famous was he during the 19th century that his life was referenced in works of literature by writers such as William Hazlitt, Thomas Moore and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, while his likeness appeared in popular prints by artists such as Richard Dighton and Thomas Rowlandson. Richmond’s eventual life as a celebrity in England would have seemed utterly inconceivable when he was born. The youngster’s slave master was the Reverend Richard Charlton, rector of St Andrew’s Church in Staten Island, who, in an example of the hypocrisy typical of this period, saw no moral contradiction between gospel values and slavery. The arrival of the British military in Staten Island in 1776 proved pivotal for the teenaged Bill, who endeared himself to General Hugh 50 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

Percy, an English soldier famed for his kindness. Percy persuaded Charlton to release Richmond from slavery, brought the youngster to England and paid for him to be educated and then apprenticed to a cabinetmaker in York. At this stage the Black population of Britain was larger than many might imagine. Many Black citizens had arrived after being promised freedom in return for fighting against the rebels in the War of Independence. Sadly, life for these new arrivals was usually characterised by poverty, with little prospect of advancement within a society hidebound by a strict social and ethnic hierarchy. The well-dressed, literate and self-confident Richmond was an inevitable target for bigots. The

regularity of the racial abuse he suffered while growing up was recounted by the leading boxing writer of the day, Pierce Egan, who described several occasions when Richmond became embroiled in brawls after being insulted, once after he was labelled a ‘Black devil’ for being in the company of a white woman - probably a reference to Mary, who later became his wife and bore him several children. On such occasions, Richmond would answer these taunts in the time-honoured manner of many an English gentlemen - with his fists in a makeshift boxing ring. By handing out a series of severe beatings, he taught his abusers, in the words of Egan, that it was wrong to discriminate against a man on “account of his country or his colour”.

Richmond’s reputation for his unique mixture of gentlemanly manners and imposing physicality soon spread. By 1795, he had moved to London, where he was employed by Lord Camelford, an aristocrat with a quick temper but generous heart. Several times Richmond visited prize fights in Camelford’s company and in January 1804 he issued an impromptu challenge to experienced boxer George Maddox. The seasoned Maddox was not the sort of boxer a novice should face in his first major contest, though, and Richmond was defeated. A less determined man would probably have quit boxing but, after Camelford’s death in a duel, Richmond returned to the sport. Having discovered an aptitude for teaching, he began training and seconding other fighters and was soon a regular attendee at the Fives Court, London’s leading pugilistic exhibition venue. By 1805 Richmond was on the comeback trail, defeating Jewish boxer Youssop and vanquishing contender Jack Holmes to secure a contest against highly-touted Tom Cribb. Unfortunately, Cribb and Richmond’s counter-punching styles resulted in a dull bout, which Cribb won, leaving Richmond in tears. The contest solidified a grudge between the two men, which would last years. Richmond didn’t box again until 1808, when several quick wins helped him land a dream fight - a rematch with Maddox. The contest, in August 1809, demonstrated Richmond’s mastery of ‘boxing on the retreat’. He battered Maddox mercilessly, earning the admiration of spectator William Windham, MP, who argued the skill and bravery on show were as impressive as that displayed by British troops in their triumph at the Battle of Talavera. Richmond’s winnings enabled him to become landlord of the Horse and Dolphin pub near Leicester


Square. It was here that he probably met Tom Molineaux, another former slave. Richmond immediately discerned Molineaux’s pugilistic potential and put his own boxing career to one side to train him, with a view to a challenge against Cribb, who was now champion. Under Richmond’s tutelage, Molineaux demolished two contenders before squaring up to Cribb at Copthall Common in December 1810. It was an epic contest, and one of the most controversial bouts in boxing history - Cribb won, barely, amid the chaos of a ring invasion and whisperings of a long count that had allowed the champion longer than the allowable 30 seconds to recover in between rounds. Molineaux, many maintained, had been cheated.

‘Richmond was not only the first Black sportsman of significance, but also one of the greatest.’ Historians disagree about whether the alleged bias shown to Cribb was motivated by racism, nationalism or fears on the part of Cribb backers that they would lose their wagers. Certainly, before the fight there was nervousness about the prospect of a Molineaux victory, with the Chester Chronicle claiming that “many of the noble patronizers [sic.] of this accomplished art, begin to be alarmed, lest, to the eternal dishonour of our country, a negro should become the Champion of England!” A rematch was inevitable but, by the time it happened in October 1811, Molineaux was past his best. Cribb won with relative ease and Richmond and Molineaux’s relationship was promptly severed. Having lost money brokering and betting on the fight, Richmond had to give up the Horse and Dolphin and rebuild. He became a member of the Pugilistic Club (‘PC’), the sport’s first ‘governing body’, and returned to the ring against Jack Davis in May 1814, despite the fact he was now fifty years old.

A handsome victory against Davis encouraged Richmond to accept his riskiest challenge yet - a contest against Tom Shelton, a fancied contender around half his age. After suffering a horrendous eye injury early on, Richmond wore Shelton down after twenty-three pulsating rounds, leaping over the ropes with joy to celebrate the defining moment of his career. “Impetuous men must not fight Richmond,” Egan declared, “as in his hands they become victims to their own temerity … The older he grows, the better pugilist he proves himself... He is an extraordinary man.” Such achievements warranted a title shot, but with Cribb inactive, Richmond opted for retirement instead. His position among England’s leading pugilists was assured; he twice exhibited his skills for visiting European royalty and was among the most respected and admired of pugilistic trainers and instructors. Even more remarkably, Richmond was one of the pugilists selected to act as an usher at the coronation of George IV in 1821, earning a letter of thanks from Lord Gwydyr and the Home Secretary Lord Sidmouth. For a Black man to be given such a role at an event symbolic of white privilege was astonishing, particularly considering slavery wasn’t outlawed in the British Empire until 1833. Touchingly, Richmond’s former rival Cribb became a close friend in the last years of his life, the two men often conversing late into the night at Cribb’s pub, the Union Arms on Panton Street. It was here that Richmond spent his last evening, before he died aged 66 in December 1829. Cribb planned to deliver a eulogy at Richmond’s funeral, but he was prevented from attending due to severe illness. A copy of the words he wrote has survived, though - using wording that is painfully clumsy to modern sensibilities, Cribb made a plea for racial tolerance, while also lauding Richmond’s character and conduct. Cribb’s insistence that all men were equally human flew in the face of mainstream opinion at the time, reinforcing Richmond’s remarkable achievement in earning fame during an age when understanding of non-white cultures was almost non-existent.

For this reason, as well as for his impressive feats in the prize ring, Richmond was not only the first Black sportsman of significance, but also one of the greatest. An appropriate epitaph for a man who combined the heart of a warrior with the temperament of a gentleman can be found in the words Richmond himself used when tutoring one of his many pupils. “A gentleman,” Richmond emphasised, “only uses his hands to defend himself, and not to attack; we call the pugilistic art, for that reason, the noble science of defence.”

Luke G. Williams is the author of Richmond Unchained: the biography of the world’s first black sporting superstar, published by Amberley. He maintains the Bill Richmond blog Link to book:



Tonya Bolton - the power of plain speaking The National Black History Month tour tackles taboo issues around sexual and domestic abuse.

The first thing you notice about writer and performer Tonya Bolton is that she’s a plain speaker - great fun and charming too, but she pulls no punches. For speaking the truth has had life-changing consequences for Bolton through her one-woman show Holy & Horny which celebrates sensuality and spirituality while tackling taboo issues around sexual and domestic abuse within Black and Asian communities. And by speaking the truth about her own experiences Bolton, a former assistant pastor with the Kingdom of David Church, has changed the lives of others who have watched her powerful production. It has given them the confidence to speak out about issues they have buried in their hearts for years, often leading lives blighted by needless shame. Bolton sees silence as the enemy. She says: “By speaking the truth we become leaders of our own lives. We drive change and we realise our dreams. “By me speaking the truth, it has encouraged others to do the same 52 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

- and that’s the greatest gift I could give to myself and my community. “Following the play’s first sell-out regional run in 2012, a man in prison for rape wrote to me, while women have told how it helped them to leave an abusive marriage or face up to the fact they have been raped by someone within their own family. “For many it’s a light bulb moment about something they have been in denial about. I’ll admit that, although the play is extremely funny, there are some uncomfortable scenes.” Bolton felt driven to write Holy & Horny when she discovered that Black and Asian women are the least likely to report any sexual or domestic abuse. The play also highlights that women of faith shouldn’t ignore their sexuality or sexual health. Actually performing the play is both physically and mentally exhausting, as Bolton plays no less than 20 different characters, including Sheila, the play’s central figure, who is a frustrated Christian woman. Delve back into Birmingham-

born Bolton’s childhood and you find the roots of her writing and acting talent. As virtually the only Black girl in an all-white private school, Bolton, who has a Jamaican father and a Cuban mother, received her own fair share of racist abuse, often being hit by teachers for no real reason. “It made me realise for the first time the power of difference,” said Bolton. “I remember being very angry with the world for a time, including my parents, and we became estranged. I left home at 15, but thankfully, my play has brought us back together and we are so close now.” Bolton suffered a long abusive relationship between the ages of 15 and 25 and was raped when she was 18. Writing, she says, saved her life, and she went on to put herself through university, gaining a degree in English and gender studies, before studying for an MPhil in theological studies and an MA in screen writing for film and television. By founding ICU Transformational Arts - an acronym for Impacting


lives, Creating healthy mindsets and Unlocking potential - Bolton has managed to combine Holy & Horny, and also her other play, Hidden, with significant educational outreach work, officially known as Breaking the Silence, an empowerment programme for girls. Hidden, which is also a solo play, focuses on vulnerable girls between the ages of nine and 16, who are groomed and sexually exploited by older men and perhaps self-harm. “There is so much information about grooming, but very few preventative programmes,” explains Bolton, who was recently announced as the 2015 winner of the Marsh Trust Award for outstanding achievement in work with children and families. “Out of 4,000 girls around the country who have taken part in the Hidden outreach programme, 35 per cent have since come forward with stories of abuse.” Meanwhile, Bolton is busy preparing for her final farewell tour of Holy & Horny this October and November with four performances

a week, before taking the play to New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta next year. Bolton will be staging Holy & Horny at Fairfield Hall in Croydon on October 8 and the Drum arts centre in Birmingham on October 10, while also performing at well over a dozen different venues from Sheffield, Nottingham and Manchester to Enfield and Portsmouth. Next year she will be staging her latest production called Man Up, aimed at empowering boys. There’s no stopping Bolton, despite the setback of the Arts Council turning down her funding request. “Some artists make the mistake of relying too much on funding,” she smiles. “Not me – if I have a dream or a goal I will achieve it by any means necessary.” Now that sounds like plain speaking. To book to see the last ever UK performances of Bolton’s extraordinary play visit: BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 53


Careers with The British Transport Police Black History Month got to speak with PS Questions for British Transport Police’s Ps Elwyn Jones about her career and BTP’s commitment to increasing the number of BME and women within the force. Can you please tell us about British Transport Police? British Transport Police is the national police force for the railways which includes the London underground system, Docklands Light Railway, the Midland tram system, Croydon Tramlink, Sunderland Metro and the Glasgow Subway and the Thames cable car. We cover more than 10,000 miles (16,000kms) of track, more than 3,000 railway stations and depots and look after six million passengers a day and account for more than one billion passengers annually. British Transport Police can trace back its history to 1826, three years before the Metropolitan Police Act was passed and the modern British Transport Police (BTP) was formed by the British Transport Commission Act 1949. We currently employ more than 2,900 police officers and 1,500 support staff including Police Community Support officers (PCSO). The force headquarters is based in Camden, North London. We have recently restructured and are now divided into four divisions with A and B division based in London and the south of England, C division covers the Midlands and west of the UK and D division in Scotland. 54 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

BTP is mainly funded by the train operating companies (TOCs) which accounts for 95 per cent of the annual budget contributions and is also part funded by the government. We were also the first police force to use dogs and to have employed the female police constables. In the summer of 2011 the then Secretary of State for Transport announced the creation of the first BTP Armed Unit with a capacity of 100 police officers. When in the rail environment, all BTP officers have the same powers and privileges as a Home Officer police force constables and can also act as police constable outside their normal jurisdiction when called upon to assist both on and off duty. We are actively working towards creating a work force that reflects the communities we serve and are a place where people feel valued and respected. This is achieved by valuing diversity and promoting equal opportunities to all and is at the heart of our vision, mission and values. BTP strives to recruit the best calibre people with the best possible attitude. Why did you decide to become a BTP officer? I decided to become a BTP officer after meeting a member of the force for the first time during my previous career in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and was impressed by what I saw and learnt about British Transport Police and what they represented. I have always had a sense of duty and a concern for the protection of the vulnerable and felt I was able to fulfil my ambition and career goals by joining the force which

offered the opportunity to police in a specialist environment covering the entire length of the UK. It promised to be both challenging and rewarding, with lots of opportunity to progress and develop my previous skills and experience in my last role. What do you enjoy most about working for the force? Being a national force and working on the national rail system means I get to travel throughout the UK across other policing boundaries whilst offering the same level of service to all members of the community. Being a frontline police officer means I am able to see a job/call for assistance from the start to the finish, giving you a greater sense of ownership of your investigations. Adding to this you get to work with other police colleagues from the Home Office police forces and I can count previous experience with both the Metropolitan Police, City of London Police, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, Dorset and more recently Avon and Somerset Police to name just a few. During my duties I have been on the frontline at some of the major sporting events held in the UK recently , including football, major concerts (at the O2 Arena) demonstrations, pride events, London Marathon and events in Hyde Park as well as a number of state visits by foreign dignitaries. My most memorable being the visit of the President of the USA some years ago. A testament to this was the way we also contributed to the policing of the recent G8 summit in Wales in 2014 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 and soon to include the Ruby Union World Cup 2015.


BTP is looking to recruitment more women and people from minority ethnic communities into the force. How important is it to have a diverse force within British Transport Police? Diversity within the police service is an important issue that affects all serving police officers and leadership of the police service and the government. I think it’s vitally important that the police service reflects the community in which we serve and, given that the railway accounts for more than six million passengers a day, I would suggest we need to be as diverse as those customers who call on BTP for assistance. This also includes our stakeholders, partners and businesses that use the railway and therefore must reflect in our visible numbers. BTP’s reputation as a positive equal opportunity employer could be damaged if it does not reflect the community concerns and this will enable us to enhance our reputation by providing the right level of service to match the demands of our minority customers and, ultimately, should give greater confidence to those service users.

community based skills is helpful and any public sector working which involves working with other people, while not essential, is desirable. We have a positive equal opportunity policy within BTP to ensure all applicants are treated fairly and we welcome applicants from all areas of the community regardless of age, race, colour, religious belief, martial status, or gender and sexual orientation. You are recruiting at the moment. What opportunities are there currently available? They are currently more than 550 opportunities to join BTP this year with many different roles to choose from including police officer, a transferee from another police force, as a PCSO or Special Constable. By joining us you will be providing specialist policing across the country, and will work in a unique environment and deal with rewarding challenges that you won’t find in any other police force.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in policing and applying to BTP? A career in policing is both rewarding and challenging and to, assist anyone who is looking to forward their career path in the police, I would suggest a good level of communications skills and some level of resilience is required. To gain this experience any working knowledge of

You will have a competitive salary with London weighting for those in the London area and a generous benefit package including: • Up to 28 days annual leave for police staff and up to 22 days for police officers which increases over time in service. • Cycle to work scheme and the child care vouchers scheme are just a few of other supported benefits.

What type of people are you looking for? The way our police officers and staff works sets us apart. Therefore we are always looking to have people who are friendly, open and engaging, people who are required to deliver an exemplary customer service focus, both internally and externally, who have ambition and drive and are looking to develop their careers and deal with unique situations that will be challenging and also rewarding. In essence we are after talented individuals who share our passion for good customer service and for a job well done. Are you likely to be recruiting in other areas at later dates? During the coming 12 months we are likely to see an increase in demand for more visible front line police officers, PCSOs, Special Constables and support staff. With HS2 in the not too distant future we will see further demands for the services of BTP and I have no doubt that this will offer further opportunities to those who may wish to consider a career with the force, but currently not able to do so for any number of given reasons.

Why join BTP You’ll be providing specialist policing across the country. This is your opportunity to work in a unique environment and deal with rewarding challenges that you won’t find in any other police force.

We’re recruiting

Join us and make a difference

Become one of our world class specialists helping the nation’s travelling public get home every day safe, secure and on time. What we do British Transport Police (BTP) is a specialist police force and a vital player in the growing rail industry. Our specialism is what makes us unique, keeping us at the cutting edge of modern policing. The railway lies at the heart of Britain’s communities, commerce and industry. More than six million people travel on the country’s railway every day and hundreds of thousands of tonnes of freight movements take place every year. We help to ensure all this takes place within a safe and secure environment – one free from disruption and the fear of crime.

You’ll be joining some of the best people in their field. You’ll share their enthusiasm for exemplary customer service, both internally and externally, and be able to make the most of your good commercial acumen. We’ll reward your ambition and drive with the expert training you need to excel and to protect six million people every day. Your career development opportunities will be second to none with the possibility of taking on more responsibility, transferring to specialist units or choosing to go on secondment. You can expect your salary to be competitive and your benefits to include: • Up to 28 days annual leave for police staff and from 22 days for police officers • Cycle to Work scheme and season ticket loan • Financial services benefits via Police Mutual • Childcare vouchers

There are four different ways to join the frontline of BTP: • • • •

Police Officer Transferee Police Community Support Officer Special Constable

We also have a range of police staff roles to support our operations. Staff ensure our officers can meet all the challenges they face. This takes leadership, policy development, national strategic planning, monitoring, quality control and advice functions.

Find out how you can join us on our journey BTPCareers


It’s the way our police officers and staff work that really sets us apart. We have a friendly, open and engaging style. We also pride ourselves on the help we provide to vulnerable people and the way our specialist skills help us to minimise disruption and enable train operating companies to keep the network open for business. We are striving to create a workforce that reflects the communities we serve. Valuing diversity and promoting equal opportunities is at the heart of our vision, mission and values. We recruit the best calibre people with the best possible attitude.



Why do you call



yourself black?

‘Why do you call yourself black, when it doesn’t take into account your white heritage too? Why not celebrate both?’ I was once asked. This was quickly following a discussion of why Black History Month was needed - ‘There isn’t,’ this person said, ‘a White History Month!’ I’m always reminded of something my mother used to say when people ask me this (and I have been asked multiple times): ‘People can tell you have white heritage, but unless you identify your black heritage, they’ll overlook it. I don’t want to pick you up from school and have your classmates ask who the black woman picking you up is.’ You see, this is what used to happen-often. When people saw my mother with me as a child, they assumed she was the nanny. People often see a photo of me and don’t immediately see a black person. I’ve often been assumed to be white - not because I look particularly white, mind, but when they haven’t seen me at all. And why is that? Well it’s simple, really: because in Western culture, white is the ‘default’. Our culture and our society centres white experience and privileges whiteness so that white is ‘normal’ and everything else is ‘other’. As a young mixed-race person growing up in the 90s and 00s, I never saw my people and my heritage reflected in popular culture. The people I read about in the history books or in the novels we read in class were overwhelmingly 56 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

white. Every now and again, a wellmeaning teacher would introduce a topical book to showcase the lives of the ‘others ’- and invariably, these were books about racism, or poems about how important it is that we don’t call each other mean names.


of white people - in culture, in the workplace, in the academy. Our stories shouldn’t be whitewashed. Our truths and realities should be reflected in art and the media. The narratives we see should be diverse and honest, and as nuanced as any others. That way,

‘Until history and culture reflects black and ethnic minority lives fairly, Black History Month is needed.’

But that, in itself, is also problematic. Our primary story shouldn’t be one of oppression. We should mark oppression and memorialise our pasts, but we also need to move forward, and look up to brighter futures. We need to reflect the everyday, human lives of black and ethnic minority people across the country. Not to ‘normalise’ (a word which is rather fraught) but to ‘usualise’: black people are all around us, have made an important contribution to British life, and are as everyday and human as everyone else. Black History Month, then, was something of a rallying call and a lighthouse in the fog when I was younger. It was a moment just a small moment, all things considered - where I could learn about, celebrate and memorialise black lives and black achievement. Black History Month is largely embraced in the education system in the UK, and that’s an important thing. It puts discussions of equality, social justice and empathy into classrooms. It helps provide a space for the minds of tomorrow to explore difference - and togetherness - in a place of learning, which lends such conversations legitimacy. Ideally, every day would be a black history day, in much the same way that every day is white history day. The legacies of non-white people should stand equal to those


there would be no need for Black History Month as it is now - we’d simply have our stories presented fairly, among the stories we already see, and every day.

George Colthurst, the first Essex black officer who joined in 1968

Black History Month, as a positive step to redress the imbalance in which stories are seen and which stories are overlooked, is absolutely essential. Until history and culture reflects black and ethnic minority lives fairly, Black History Month is needed. Until ‘white’ no longer means ‘normal’ or ‘default’, and until a black face in history books is as unremarkable as a white face, we have to continue to make this moment for ourselves - and for those who would learn from it most.





For a fully comprehensive list of all national Black History Month events across the UK in 2015 please visit the national Black History website


LISTINGS Mad Professor and Channel One Tour Fri 16 Oct BASS 15 in association with PUNCH TOURING presents two pioneers of the Roots / Reggae / Dub sound come together to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of UK Soundsystems. Channel One meets Mad Professor for a BASS 15 special. The Rainbow venues, 160 Digbeth High Street, Birmingham B12 0LD. 10pm-3am. £7-10. Tel: 0121 772 8174.

BASINGSTOKE Artist Talk – Spoken word artist Victor Richards Sat 17 Oct An exciting, entertaining, inspirational talk and performance from poet Victor Richards. Popley Fields Community Centre, Popley Way, Basingstoke RG24 9AE 6.30-8.30pm. BACCA Annual Black History Month Celebration Sun 18 Oct Basingstoke African and Caribbean Catholic Association (BACCA)’s Annual Black History Month celebration takes place at St Bedes Church. St Bedes Church, Popley Way Basingstoke RG24 9DX. Basingstoke Caribbean Society & Friends - Annual Black History Month Celebration Sat 24 Oct The Basingstoke Caribbean Society & Friends’ Annual Black History Month Celebration features live music, a dominoes tournament and a story hour with Miss Lou. Popley Fields Community Centre, Carpenters Down, Popley, Basingstoke RG24 9AE. 5pm till late.

BIRMINGHAM Simply Soweto Encha Wed 7 Oct Unstoppable rhythm, invincible singing, daring dance. Simply Soweto Encha inspire with a unique blend of old and new school a cappella arrangements. Simply Soweto Encha combine Zulu, Xhosa and Tswana songs with gospel, soul, jazz, doo-wop and R’n’B. mac Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham B12 9QH. £13/£11 concessions. 8pm. Tel: 0121 446 3232 Panomundo Part 1: The Evolution of the Steelpan Thu 8 Oct A 40-minute documentary, which looks at the history of the steelpan by tracing its roots in Trinidad and Tobago to having a global influence. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 6pm Rita Dove and Guests at the Birmingham Literature Festival Fri 9 Oct Former U.S. Poet Laureate and a Pulitzer Prize winner Rita Dove comes to the UK for a rare poetry performance this October. Her most recent poetry collections are Sonata Mulattica and American Smooth. 58 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

Juliet Kelly Studio Theatre, Library of Birmingham, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2ND. 7.30pm. £12. Tel: 0121 245 4455. event/rita-dove-and-guests Trevor Noah-Lost in Translation Sat 10 Oct Following his sell-out debut tour of the UK with the critically acclaimed show The Racist, Trevor Noah is back with his brand new show Lost in Translation. His sharp wit, intelligent commentary and unmistakable charm have established him as one of the foremost young comedians of his generation. Symphony Hall, 32 Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA. £18. 8pm. Tel: 0121 345 0600. trevor-noah-lost-in-translation/ Sathnam Sanghera: Writing Begets Writing - Birmingham Literature Festival Sun 11 Oct Sathnam Sanghera will talk about how his book Marriage Material was itself inspired by the novel The Old Wives’ Tale by Arnold Bennett. This event looks at the process of one piece of writing inspiring another. TICKETS £8 / £6 (concessions) 1:30pm-3pm, Studio Theatre, Library of Birmingham, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2ND, Box Office 0121 245 4455 event/sathnam-sanghera-writingbegets-writing/ Inspired by Ghandi: Pop-Up Readings at Birmingham Literature Festival Mon 12 Oct Mahatma Gandhi is a towering figure

in history, whose philosophy of non-violence, passion for equality and socio-political intelligence continues to be an inspiration for many. Come and experience readings, in various Library locations, of some of the winning entries from Sampad’s Inspired by Gandhi international writing competition, which invited writers aged 8 to respond to and reflect on Gandhi’s life, philosophy and vision. Between 5pm-7pm. Free performances Library of Birmingham (meet in foyer), Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2ND. For more information ring Sampad 0121 446 3268

Juliet Kelly Spellbound StoriesBirmingham Jazz Fri 16 Oct One of the best female voices in the UK today, Juliet Kelly will be performing her new Spellbound Stories collection inspired by novels by authors including Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith and Alice Walker. Performing with Nick Ramm on piano, Oli Hayhurst, double bass and Eddie Hick, on drums. The Red Lion UAB, Warstone Lane, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham B18 6NG. £5-15. 7.45pm. Tel: 07887 526435. Children’s Cultural Collage Workshop Sat 17 Oct An exciting opportunity for children aged 5-11 years old to create collage using different cultural patterns from around the world. A fun morning for all the family to join in with as part of Black History Month. Winterbourne House & Garden, University of Birmingham, 58 Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2RT. 11am-12pm/

Writing Home - Birmingham Literature Festival Thu 15 Oct The West Midlands is the second most ethnically diverse region in the UK. Join writers and translators who will read from their work and debate how as a region we can encounter more literature from other cultures. Ikon Gallery, 1 Oozells Square, Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2HS. 7-8.15pm. £6-£8. Tel: 0121 245 4455. event/writing-home/

Black History Month Community Market Sat 17 Oct An opportunity to showcase small entrepreneurs who offer products and services to local people and communities. A vibrant market place displaying hand-made arts. Promoting products for good health and wellbeing. Refreshments available. All are Welcome-something for everyone. Laurel Road Community Sports Centre, Laurel Road, Birmingham B21 9BP. 12-5pm. Tel: 07757612788.

New Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies Thu 15 Oct The New Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at The Drum embraces the ethos of Stuart Hall’s directorship of the original Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham and seeks to analyse the problems facing Birmingham’s communities through forging a working relationship with those very citizens. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 7pm.

Moving tu Balance: African Holistic Dance Sun 18 Oct African holistic dance is a spiritual practice a vehicle for inner change and a tool for liberation. Develop mindfulness of the body and a feeling of wellbeing through creative movement and traditional African/ Caribbean dance in a safe supportive space. St Barnabas Church Centre, High Street, Erdington, Birmingham B23 63Y. £30. 2-5pm.

LISTINGS Handa’s Surprise Tue 20 Oct An interactive story session by Library Staff for children under 5 years of age and their parents/carers. Based on the children’s picture book by Eileen Browne. Sutton Coldfield Library, 45 Lower Parade, Sutton Coldfield B72 1XX. Free places are limited and must be booked. 11-11.45am. Tel: 0121 464 2274 CREME Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference-Diversity & Enterprise: New Research & Practice Tue 20 Oct The Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs (CRÈME) is proud to announce its 19th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference. Following on from the success of the past 18 years, this year’s conference promises to be the key event in its field, showcasing the very latest research and evidencing how it makes a real difference to practitioners and entrepreneurs from all communities. Fazeley Studios, 191 Fazeley Street, Birmingham B5 5SE. 9.30am-4pm (conference), 6-10pm (gala dinner). 0121 415 8362. Abominable Crime Wed 21 Oct The Abominable Crime is a documentary that explores the culture of homophobia in Jamaica through the eyes of gay Jamaicans who are forced to choose between their homeland and their lives after their sexual orientations are exposed. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. £4/£3 concessions. 6.30-9pm. ‘Race, Media and the Police’: The Black Police Association National Conference 2015 Wed 21-Fri 23 Oct This conference will have guest speakers including Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Yvonne Mosquito. Banqueting Suite Council House, Victoria Square Birmingham, & Tally Ho Banqueting Suites, Pershore Road, Birmingham B12. 6-10pm. Afro Mio Wed 21 Oct Afro Mio is a harmonious blend of rich vocals borne on a wave of rhythmic conga and melodious African guitar and kora. Ben Pathy is one of the founder members of Afro Mio, which means “My Africa”. He is a singer, author and composer from Angola, specialising in traditional African music, Rumba, Soukous, Kizomba and Salsa. Bramall Music Building, Concert Hall, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. 7.30pm. blackhistorymonth

The Outstanding Achievements of the British Indian Army Fri 23 & Fri 31 Oct The talk delivered by Jahan Mahmood of Balsall Heath Forum, will explore the contribution of Hindu, Muslim and Sikh soldiers during the First and Second World War. A slideshow and original exhibits of items from both world wars will be on display to support the talk. Danford Room Collection of West African Art and Artefacts, Danford Room, 2nd Floor Arts Building, University of Birmingham B15 2TT. 5.30pm. blackhistorymonth From Scratch - Birmingham Jazz Fri 23 Oct The band led by Ralf DeCambre and Mark Hamilton will explore the sounds of Caribbean jazz and its rich and unique musical heritage in Birmingham and beyond using their repertoire of soca infused jazz. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. £10/£5 concessions. 7.45pm. Tel: 07887 526435. Anansi Life Fri 23 Oct Anansi Life commemorates and represents the experiences of the black diaspora. It aims to do this by creating an intimate and polished evening for the stories of that community to be told through a variety of performance arts and discussions. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 7-9pm.

Lovers Rock Monologues - BASS 15 Sat 24 Oct BASS 15 and The REP present three living legends who transformed the sound of UK Reggae, Carroll Thompson, Janet Kay and Victor Romero Evans. The Lovers Rock Monologues brings the sound of timeless music from the 80s into the theatre for one night only. Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EP. £10. 8pm. Tel: 0121 236 4455 or 0121 224 7444. BEX Live: For the People by The People Awards & Hair Stare Awards Sat 24 Oct A gold standard of excellence event that recognises the accomplishments and provides profile and visibility for outstanding business owners, professionals and members of our community. Categories on the night include; best hair salon, fashion designer, young entrepreneur plus many more. Hilton Birmingham Metropole, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham B40 1PP. £35. 7pm till late. Fashion Show with Live Artists and Dinner Sat 25 Oct Zipporah International Promotion presents a night of sophistication with J.A.C - ATTIRE Designs and fashion by an array of established and upcoming designers. The entertainment is a showcase mix of music for listening pleasure, and just to help your evening get even better, the taste of the finest Caribbean food to

tantalise your taste bud. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 6.45pm-12am. Tel: 0785 247 1975 or 0121 333 2400. £20/£15 concessions. I Live...Because You lived Service of Commemoration Sun 25 Oct Reverend Canon Eve Pitts believes ‘this service is long overdue; many of us have forgotten, some of us would rather not remember and some of us are ashamed (of the past) we have to remember them. I think it is time to give them dignity, they weren’t just slaves, and they were peopleour ancestors.’ Will include spirituals, poetry and dance Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Birchfield, Birmingham B20 3DG. 3pm. Tel: 0121 356 4241 Marcus Miller plus support Wed 28 Oct Best known for his work with jazz legend Miles Davis, Marcus Miller’s resume is brimming with over 500 recording credits on albums across the entire musical spectrum. His signature mix of infectious funk, jazz and soul is guaranteed to rock the house. Town Hall, Victoria Square, Birmingham B3 3DQ. £25. 7.30pm. Tel: 0121 345 0600. 3 The Hard Way Thu 29 Oct Derives from Jamaican culture where male DJs would respond to each other’s sets in collaboration and competition. The idea was adopted by UK dub poets led by Linton Kwesi Johnson in the 80s. Jean Binta Breeze, MBE, Lydia Towsey and Shruti Chauhan will once again re-appropriate the format to explore politics, diversity and gender-now across three continents and three generations. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 8-10pm. Black Soldiers & The First World War Thu 29 Oct This event is aimed at those who are involved in projects and initiatives focused on the African and Caribbean contribution to the First World War. The event will provide a platform to network, share information and explore potential areas of interest and future collaboration. Hosted by Recognize Black History & Culture featuring guest speakers. The Library of Birmingham, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2ND. 2-4pm. Who Polices the Police Thu 29 Oct Sean Rigg died in a caged area in BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 59

LISTINGS Brixton Police Station in August 2008 and the Independent Police Complaint Commission (IPCC) is called in to investigate. Sean’s family begin a four year struggle to investigate the death themselves and in the process ask ‘Who Polices the Police?’ Using powerful testimonies, poetry and a political analysis of police violence the film explores the tactics of the IPCC and, through the family of Sean Rigg, challenge its claim that it is independent of the police. Meanwhile the deaths the IPCC oversees continue. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. £4/£3 concessions. 6.30-9pm. Illustrated talk - Ikon and Vanley Burke Thu 29 Oct Referred to as the “Godfather of Black British photography”, Vanley Burke also a dedicated archivist and collector of objects relating to black culture in Britain. Ikon Gallery’s recent exhibition presented the entire contents of Burke’s flat in Nechells, Birmingham. In this illustrated talk Vanley and Ikon’s Head of Learning, Simon Taylor, explore his career. The Barber Institute of Fine Arts (Lecture Theatre), Birmingham City University, Curzon Building, 4 Curzon Street, B4 7XG. 6.30pm-8pm. Blackness in Britain: The Black Special Relationship, The US Influence on Black British Thought Fri 30 & Sat 31 Oct Blackness in Britain will bring together some of the top scholar from Britain and the United States to discuss the state of Black Studies. Keynote speakers include Professor Patricia Hill Collins. Birmingham City University, Curzon Building, 4 Curzon Street, B4 7XG. Paul Robeson One Man Show - World Tour Fri 30 Oct Stogie Kenyatta performs this powerful, poignant, entertaining, heartfelt and humorous One Man Broadway Show. Bramall Concert Hall, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. £10/£5 concessions. 7.30pm. Power in Poetry 2015 Sat 31 Oct Power in Poetry 3rd year anniversary, is a dedicated diverse mix of Poets from around the globe, to raise awareness of, and participation in, poetry. Poets will be More Culture, Yussef Hamed Marcia Calame, Panya Ban Joko and Spicy Fingers, plus many more. Tickets: £10 (£8) The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. £10/£8 concessions. 7.30pm. 60 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

Oliver Samuels in Divorce Papers Sun 1 Nov Following his huge success of Dolly House in 2014 Jamaica’s king of comedy Oliver Samuels is back with another blockbuster for Black History Month 2015. Divorce Papers tackles a serious issue while laced with humour. New Alexandra Theatre, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DS. £25.75-£27.75. 6.30pm for 7.30pm start. Tel: 08448713011.

Malcolm X RACE 50 Exhibition Fri 2 Oct - Fri 8 Nov Using Malcolm X visit to Smethwick in 1965 and the introduction of the Race Relations Act as themes, photographers have produced portraits of members of the public (young and old), community leaders, activists, political and religious figures and business leaders, in response to the notion of race relations over the past 50 years. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. Cultural Engagement Danford Collection of West African Art and Artefacts Every Fri 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 Oct The Danford Collection of West African Art and Artefacts celebrates

Paul Robeson

the extensive cultural traditions and artistic expression of countries in West Africa. As access to the collection is generally by appointment only, don’t miss the chance to explore this hidden gem. Danford Room, Room 224 (2nd Floor), Arts Building, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT. 9am-4pm. Admission free; booking is required. Tel: 0121 414 6750 Maya Angelou’s Celebrated Works-Special Collection Thu 1-Sat 31 Oct This Special Collection will include her celebrated autobiographical books including I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, through to her poems including On the Pulse of Morning written for Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, Phenomenal Woman and And Still I Rise. I-Lounge, Main Library, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. 9am-4pm. The Qur’an Manuscript (exhibition) Until Sun 25 Oct 2015 An opportunity to see view the Qur’an manuscript which is among the earliest written textual evidence of the Islamic holy book known to survive. This gives the Qur’an manuscript in Birmingham global significance to Muslim heritage and the study of Islam. The Bramall, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT. New Forms by Joy Baines Until 31 Oct Joy Baines art encompasses figurative mixed media collage relief sculpture and paintings on canvas or wood. The selected pieces within this exhibition, reference her keen interest in music and movement.

The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 9am-6pm. Tel: 0121 333 2444. Black Pioneers 1-31 Oct The stories of six inspirational black men and women who overcame prejudice and adversity to become pioneers in their respective fields. Birchfield Library, 3 Trinity Road, Aston, Birmingham B6 6EJ. Tue 10am-1pm, 2-5pm. Thu 12-7pm. Fri 10am-1pm, 2-5pm. Sat 9am-5pm. Tel: 0121 464 0653. Black Pioneers 1-31 Oct The stories of six inspirational black men and women who overcame prejudice and adversity to become pioneers in their respective fields. Aston Library, 99 Whitehead Road, Aston, Birmingham B6 6EJ. Mon 1-5pm. Tue 10am-1pm, 2-5pm. Thu 12-7pm. Sat 9am-4.45pm. Tel: 0121 464 0753. Black Pioneers 1-31 Oct The stories of six inspirational black men and women who overcame prejudice and adversity to become pioneers in their respective fields. Tower Hill Library, Tower Hill, Birmingham B42 1LG. Tue 10am -1pm, 2pm-6pm. Wed 9am-1pm, 2-4pm. Thu 9am- 1pm, 2-4pm. Sat 10am-1pm 2-4pm. Tel: 0121 464 0653. Black Pioneers 1-31 Oct The stories of six inspirational black men and women who overcame prejudice and adversity to become pioneers in their respective fields. Hansdworth Library, Soho Road, Birmingham B21 9DP. Mon 9:30am-1pm, 2-5pm. Tue 9.30am-1pm, 2pm-5pm. Thu 12pm-6pm. Sat 10am-5pm. Tel: 0121 464 0653. The History of Birmingham Carnival 1-31 Oct Using displays and children’s activities on The history of Birmingham Carnival 1984 to the present day. For more information on children’s activities please contact the Library directly. Yardley Wood Library, Highfield Road, Birmingham B14 4DU. Mon 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Tue 9am -1pm, 2-5pm. Thu 12:30pm-6.30pm. Fri 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Sat 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Tel: 0121 464 2110. The History of Birmingham Carnival 1-31 Oct Using displays and children’s activities on the history of Birmingham Carnival 1984 to the present day. For more

LISTINGS information on children’s activities please contact the Library directly. Stirchley Library, 8 Bournville Lane, Birmingham B30 2JT. Mon 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Tue 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Thu 1pm-7pm. Fri 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Sat 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Tel: 0121 464 1534. The History of Birmingham Carnival 1-31 Oct Using displays and children’s activities on the history of Birmingham Carnival 1984 to the present day. For more information on children’s activities please contact the Library directly. Druids Heath Library, Idmiston Croft, Birmingham B14 5NJ. Tue 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Thu 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Fri 9am-1pm, 2-4pm. Sat 10am-2pm. Tel: 0121 303 7171. The History of Birmingham Carnival 1-31 Oct Using displays and children’s activities on the history of Birmingham Carnival 1984 to the present day. For more information on children’s activities please contact the Library directly. Selly Oak Library, 669 Bristol Road, Birmingham B29 6AE. Mon 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Fri 9am-1pm, 2-5pm. Sat 10am-4pm. Tel: 0121 464 0403. Short Poetry Competition 1-19 Oct The theme of this year’s competition is Inspiring Change and we are inviting you to write a poem about someone who has inspired and influenced your life. It could be a family member, friend or a well-known individual. No more than 200 words. Age categories: Under 12s, 13-17 and over 18s. Style and word limit: Any style but no more than 200 words maximum. Closing Date: Monday 19 October 2015 at 5pm. The winner in each category will receive a prize. Entries should be emailed to blackhistorymonth@ with the Header title stating Poetry Competition 2015 with your name, email address, contact/ mobile number and the age category you wish to enter. Main Library, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. Short Story Competition 1-19 Oct Write a short story-it could be autobiographical, based on an historical or contemporary figure, humorous, serious, topical, but it must have a reference to some aspect of Black History Month and be no more than 800 words. Age categories: Under 12s, 13-17 and over 18s. Closing Date: Monday 19 October 2015 at 5pm. The winner in each category will receive a prize. Entries should

be emailed to blackhistorymonth@ with the header title stating ‘Short Story Competition 2015’ with your name, email address, contact/mobile number and the age category you wish to enter. Main Library, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT.

Martin Luther King

Crossing Boundaries Thu 8, 15, 22 Oct A looping video projection on to the exterior of the Watson Building examining diversity on campus at the University of Birmingham; looking back at its past, exploring its present and questioning its future. Created with a mixture of archive footage and s using moving text/quotes. The Watson Building, Edgbaston Campus, Edgbaston Red Zone (look for School of Mathematics). 5.30pm-8pm. Panomundo Part 1: The Evolution of the Steelpan Thu 8 Oct A 40-minute documentary, which looks at the history of the steelpan by tracing its roots in Trinidad and Tobago to having a global influence. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Birmingham B6 4UU. 6pm. Young Drum Family Learning Day Thu 29 Oct View this portrait exhibition of local people and have your own portrait taken to be shared online. The family learning day explores key themes, such as legendary leaders and the 50th Anniversary of Race Relations Act. Drop-in workshops include dance, music, film, photography, visual arts and drama sessions for children and young people, and making classes for parents. The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU. 11-5pm. Tel: 0121 333 2444. Paul Robeson One Man Show - World Tour Fri 30 Oct Stogie Kenyatta performs this powerful, poignant, entertaining, heartfelt and humorous One Man Broadway Show. 7:30pm. Bramall Concert Hall, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. £10/£5. concessions. Tel: 0121 414 8710. Blackness in Britain: The Black Special Relationship, the US Influence on Black British Thought Fri 30-Sat 31 Oct Blackness in Britain will bring together some of the top scholar from Britain and the United States to discuss the state of Black Studies. Keynote speakers include Professor Patricia Hill Collins.

Tickets - ranges depending on circumstances. Birmingham City University, Curzon Building, 4 Curzon Street, Birmingham B4 7XG. World Craft Fair Sun 1 Nov World Craft Fair is born out of necessity to help celebrate and showcase new and established creative artist from the creative field. The World Craft Fair will celebrate the culmination of the Black History Month with a reflection of African and Caribbean craft complimenting a world of culture. Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham, B4 7XG. 10am-4pm. Tel: 07877824119.

BRISTOL Blood Donation Sessions – Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Donors Needed Throughout Oct Your blood is special and needed in your community. Less than 1% of our blood donations come from Black Communities. Please register and book your appointment today. Bristol Donor Centre, Southmead Road, Southmead, Bristol, BS10 5LX. Mon, Tue & Thu - 11.15am - 7.15pm. Wed & Fri - 8.15am - 4.15pm. Alternate Suns - 8.15am – 4.15pm. Tel: 0300 123 23 23. Hall of Fame Throughout Oct Various locations around UWE’s Frenchay campus will be decorated throughout Oct with images of prominent black historical figures as well as UWE Alumni. To find out more

information about the event and when they will be held please visit the website. University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY. 7pm-9pm. Scene It Cinema Mon & Weds throughout Oct UWE will be showing a number of films throughout Oct relating to black history. This will be held at Frenchay campus. To find out more information about the films and when they will be held please visit the website. University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY. 6.15pm whatson/blackhistorymonth AFRIFEST 2015 - An Audience with Selma Sat 3 Oct AVF introduces Selma – a chronicle of Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. Followed by a Q&A session based on excerpts of the biography of Malcolm X exploring the theme of voluntary and forced migration from the shores of Africa to the depths of the North Sea at present. Malcolm X Centre. 6pm – 9pm. £3 (all proceeds raising funds for Ebola Orphans and Survivors Campaign). Tel: 07862729407 Namvula Sun 4 Oct “Bright, bold and vivid” (fRoots) sounds from the Zambian afro-folk performer whose material “[switches] from breathy balladry to stomping jazz-rock” (The Guardian) in one set. Namvula has shared the stage with artists like legendary South African trumpeter BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 61

LISTINGS Hugh Masekela and sitar player Anoushka Shankar. The Lantern, Colston Hall. 7.30pm. £10.75-£12.90, incl. booking fee.

the book please contact the library on 020 7926 0705. 6.30pm – Tate South Lambeth Library

Celebrating Black achievement in the sciences with Ujima Radio Every Mon in Oct (5, 12, 19 and 26 Oct) This year At Bristol will sponsor Ujima’s Old Skool Cruising Show every Mon during Oct from 4-6pm on celebrating Black achievement in the sciences. Join the G-Man and his team with on-air live science demonstrations, special guests, features and great music. At Bristol community and diversity matters. and Ujima 98FM. 4-6pm. Festival of Fun and Active Ageing Sun 5 Oct As part of the Celebrating Age Festival we welcome older people from all social and ethnic backgrounds to the Festival of Fun to promote social cohesion with a cultural exchange and the chance tolearn about and celebrate diversity within the community. Somali Resource Centre, Barton Hill, Settlement, Ducie Rd, BS5 0AX. 10am - 3pm. Tel: 0117 914 6671. Project Zulu Gala Concert Tue 6 Oct The incredible Sithobelumthetho Primary School choir return from the Madadeni Township, South Africa to provide Bristol with another evening of awe-inspiring talent. Performing their traditional Zulu songs and dances the choir will also be joined by Bristol’s famous Gurt Lush Choir and UWE Big Band. Colston Hall. 7.30pm - 10pm (approx.). £8.60-£12.90, incl. booking fee. and shows/project-zulu-gala Saun & Starr (Daptone) Tue 6 Oct New York label Daptone “has excelled with the philosophy of late bloomers and overlooked artists” (Paste), giving artists like Charles Bradley and Sharon Jones their chance to shine. Now Daptone releases Look Closer, the debut from Saundra Williams and Starr Duncan Lowe – former backing singers for the aforementioned Ms Jones. The Lantern, Colston Hall. 8pm-10.30pm (approx.). £12.90, incl. booking fee. The Lost Child – Tate South Lambeth library book group special Thu 8 Oct Join the reading group to discuss The Lost Child, Caryl Phillips’ latest novel. Inspired by Wuthering Heights, Phillips’ Heathcliff is the child of an African former slave. For a copy of 62 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

Minet Cinema Classics present `Stormy Weather’ (1943) Fri 9 Oct Stormy Weather (US 78 min)). This American film, directed by Andrew L. Stone, is considered the best African-American cast Hollywood musical. Starring: Lena Horne, Bill Robinson, Cab Calloway, Katherine Dunham, Fats Waller, Fayard Nicholas, Ada Brown and Dooley Wilson. 2pm - Minet Library Autobiography of Malcolm X – Brixton Radical Reads book group special Fri 9 Oct Join the reading group to discuss the Autobiography of Malcolm X, his remarkable autobiography, completed just before his murder in 1965. Not only is this an enormously important record of the Civil Rights Movement in America, but also the scintillating story of a man who refused to allow anyone to tell him who or what he was. For a copy of the book please contact the library on 020 7pm 7926 1056. Brixton Library Black Georgians: The Shock of the Familiar Opens Fri 9 Oct A new exhibition that reveals the everyday lives of Black people in Britain during the Georgian period, 1714-1837. A rich array of historical evidence that goes beyond challenging the preconceptions of Black presence in Britain pre-World War II. This is a critical historical enquiry that questions what we understand of Englishness and paints a picture of Black people’s daily lives fraught with oppression and restriction alongside a degree of social mobility and integration. Opening times: Tues to Sat, 10am to 6pm. Black Cultural Archives, 1 Windrush Square, SW2 1EF Free admission.

Lambeth Caribbean family history Surgery Sat 10 Oct The Black Cultural Archives opened in 2014 in the heart of Lambeth, giving a special acknowledgement to the individuals and families who came to Lambeth seeking a better life and to contribute to the economy of Britain. S I Martin is one of the UK’s foremost researchers specialising in the experience of Britain’s Black communities. He will be available to answer questions on a one-to-one basis on family history and give advice on starting your family tree. Drop in to see him – bring along your family photos and stories and maybe you’ll be in the Black Cultural Archive! 2pm - Waterloo Library African Heritage Edutainment Festival Sun 11 Oct Whether you are interested in furthering your knowledge about African and Caribbean heritage, or you are simply looking for an entertaining day out, the African Heritage Edutainment Festival 2015 is for you! Bring the whole family along, we guarantee that there is something for everyone. We have handpicked some of the most inspiring local artists, musicians, poets, performers, and fashion designers to showcase their talent and provide you with a truly unforgettable experience. You will be spoilt for choice with a diverse selection of delicious traditional African and Caribbean food stalls as well as an African arts and crafts market. Kennington Park, SE11 4BE

See Me Now Thu 8 Oct The event includes screening of the short film “See Me Now”, followed by a panel discussion around the issue of underrepresentation/lack of visibility of black community members in the arts/media industry. The event ends with a fashion show showcasing the work of emerging designers from UWE alongside established local designers. Arnolfini, Auditorium, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 7pm – 9pm. Donations

welcome. Tel: 07946386124 uwe. Diversity in Our Communities – A Conversation Evening Thu 8 Oct We would like to invite people from all communities living in Bristol to come and take part in an informal open space meeting about diversity in our communities’. Whether you bring with you stories of personal experience, or questions it would be lovely to have you join us. Cameron Centre, Cameron Walk, Lockleaze, Bristol BS7 9XB. 7.30pm – Celebrate Black History Month Dinner & Dance Thu 8 Oct Avon and Somerset Black Police Association (BPA) in association with The Bristol Manifesto Team invites you to Celebrate Black History Month Dinner & Dance. Price includes rum punch and buffet dinner. Harveys Cellars, 12 Denmark Street, Bristol BS1 5DQ. 7Pm-Late. £20. Tel: 0117 929 4812 or 07767361549 Celebrating and recognising Black History in the UK Fri 9 Oct We’re inviting you to submit a poem/ letter about someone that has inspired you to make a change in your life. A selection of the poems/ letters will form part of Poetry Trail that will be displayed across the Equality and Diversity website, newsletters and publications throughout Black History Month. Closing date for entries is Fri 9 Oct. Entries to: blackhistorymonth@ The Outsider – Are You In or Are You Out? Sat 10 Oct Come share your moments, stories and experience on exploring the themes of being “the Outsider”. Then see it played back by the Black Women’s Playback Theatre Company using drama, music and song. Come join in and watch improvised theatre for an entertaining afternoon. Horfield Quaker Meeting, Hall, 300 Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8PD. Doors open 2pm, start 2.30pm-3.45pm. £5/£3 conccession (children under 12 yrs). Tel: 07971 520366. Positive steps to positive action Thu 15 Oct Bristol BME Voice and the Bristol Manifesto for Race Equality steering group invite you to an event that will update on the Manifesto for Race Equality. Additionally you can find out what agencies are doing to improve employment and training

LISTINGS opportunities for BME communities through positive action. Phoenix Social Enterprise, Russell Town Avenue, Bristol BS5 9LT. 2pm – 4pm. Free booking essential for catering. Tel: 0117 9099949 / Akua Naru Fri 16 Oct With classic boom bap hip-hop sounds, socially conscious rhymes, and jazz-soul elements, Akua Naru has accumulated rave reviews across the world. With links to the 90s hip hop era and acts such as Lauryn Hill & The Roots, Akua Naru and her band have a reputation for grabbing audiences and hyping crowds. The Lantern, Colston Hall. 7.30pm 10pm (approx.). £12.90, incl. booking Forward to Freedom Tue-Sat, until 16 Oct ‘Forward to Freedom’ explores the fight to end apartheid, across Britain and here in Bristol. Discover how the British anti-apartheid movement, including Bristol’s Action for Southern Africa group, campaigned to support the people of South Africa in their struggle against oppression. Bristol Record Office. Tue to Fri 9.30am – 4pm, Sat 10am – 4pm, open until 7pm on the first two Thus of each month. Donations welcome. and Renewal Choir - Gospel Workshop Sun 18 Oct Come and share the Gospel experience with a performance and gospel singing workshop with Renewal Choir, one of Bristol’s favourite community gospel choirs. Arnolfini, Auditorium, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 3.30pm-6pm. Donations welcome. / Bassekou Kouyaté and Ngoni Ba Tue 20 Oct “The best rock’n’roll band in the world” (The Independent) turn up the volume for latest offering Ba Power. Led by Malian lute master Bassekou Kouyaté, Ngoni Ba create “an extraordinary array of sounds from a spindly metallic plinking to a grinding bluesy roar” (The Daily Telegraph). Colston Hall. 8.30pm - 10.30pm (approx.). £16.50, incl. booking fee. bassekoukouyate-and-ngoni-ba/ Author’s talk: Roger Griffith’s My American Odyssey: From the Windrush to the White House Wed 21 Oct Roger will discuss his book and

Bassekou Kouyaté and Ngoni Ba growing up in 1980s England, and travelling around America, sharing the cultural, historical and emotional, links between the two. The book is an evocative combination of travelogue and social commentary, celebrating African-Americans, West Indians and Black Britons, from their roots of origin to today. Bristol Central Library, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TL. 6.30pm – 8pm. Tel: 07770-266311. The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution Fri 23-Thu 29 Oct A vibrant, living and breathing chronicle of the pivotal Black Panthers movement. Stanley Nelson’s documentary goes straight to the source weaving rare archives with the voices of the people who were there from the police and FBI informants to those who remained loyal to the party and those who left it. Watershed, 1 Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5TX. 8.50pm – 11pm. £9/£6.50 concessions/£4.50 (24 or under). Tel: 0117 9275100 Diversity Month in Dundry View Fri 2-Sat 31 Oct Diversity Month in Dundry View celebrates the journeys and stories of the residents that make up Dundry View. Our exhibition documents the heritage of our families reflecting the amazing culture that has been introduced to Bristol as a result. Zion Community Art Space, Bishopsworth Road, Bedminster Down, Bristol BS13 7JW. Various times. Celebrating Somali Cultural Heritage - Somali Festival Bristol Sat 31 Oct The festival will feature poetry, comedy, play and conversations with well

renowned Somali artists and thinkers from the UK and abroad including: Anab Guled. Abdirahman Barwaaqo, Prof Cawo Abdi, Ugaaso Bocoow, Ibrahim Hersi Hurre and a new Somali produced and directed play titled Struggle. City Academy, Russell Town Avenue, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9JH. 12pm - 10pm. Tel: 0117 939 6648. author/bswnbristol

CUMBRIA Wordsworth Goes West Fri 16 Oct Come along to the Rum Story in Whitehaven for an evening of poetry, conversation and maybe even some music! Rum Story, Whitehaven. 7pm. Tel: 01228 511115. Campaigning Then and Now Tue 20 Oct A roundtable discussion with the Wordsworth Trust and AWAZ (Cumbria) in the Reading Room at the Wordsworth Museum in Grasmere. Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere. 7-9.30pm. Tel: 01228 511115.

ILKLEY Of Mutability: Jo Shapcott and Zaffar Kunial Sat 3 Oct A feast of poetry with Forward, Costa and National Poetry Prize winning poet and Professor of Creative Writing at Royal Holloway, Jo Shapcott. Shapcott‘s work, surreal, scientific and with a vein of sardonic humour, offers frequently surprising angles

on the everyday. Today she reads with the Festival’s Poet in Residence, Zaffar Kunial, a Faber New Poet and former Wordsworth Trust Poet in Residence. Kunial’s debut pamphlet, Faber New Poets 11, was published in 2014. Wildman Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 3.45pm. £5/£3. Tel: 01943 609539 A Medieval Islamic Library, Lost and Found: Fozia Bora Sat 3 Oct In Egypt in the 1100s, Sunni general Saladin deposed the Shi’ite ruling family and in the aftermath, the famed royal library was dispersed. Saladin deliberately destroyed the intellectual legacy of his predecessors. In this lively exploration of medieval Islamic politics and book culture, Fozia Bora examines the legends generated by the episode, and traces the survival of this world-renowned collection of literary treasures. Church House, Ilkley All Saints Parish Church, Ilkley LS29 9DS. 4pm. £6/£4 concessions. The Raj at War: Yasmin Khan Sat 3 Oct Yasmin Khan, writer, historian and Associate Professor of History at Oxford, examines the important contribution and overlooked lives of ordinary Indians on the home front in WWII. Khan’s first book, The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan, won the Royal Historical Society’s Gladstone Prize. Her latest, The Raj at War, is a people’s history of India’s experience of the Second World War. St Margaret’s Hall, Queen’s Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9QL. £6/£4. Tel: 01943 607015 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 63

LISTINGS Never the Twain? Sat 3 Oct At first sight, it might seem that Razwan Ul-Haq and Christina Longden have very little in common. But a serendipitous meeting at a Yorkshire literature festival founded a new friendship between two authors; one that embraces Islam, Christianity, class and culture – as well as injecting plenty of comedy into their writing styles. Part of Ilkley Literature Festival’s Untold Stories strand. Church House, Ilkley All Saints Parish Church, Ilkley LS29 9DS. 7.45pm. Nine Lives Sat 3 Oct One man and a suitcase filled with the past, uncertainty, high heels, African dancing shells and hope. Outed, Ishmael seeks sanctuary in the UK, but is this evidence enough? As he waits to hear his fate, Zodwa Nyoni threads humour and humanity together to tell the personal story behind the headlines. Ages 12+. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 8pm. £7/£5 concessions.

Education Room, Manor House Museum, Castle Yard, Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DT. £7/£5 concessions. Tel: 01943 600066. Poetry Banquet Mon 5 Oct Join Poet in Residence Zaffar Kunial and Apprentice Poet in Residence Beverley Nadin at a ‘word banquet’. Enjoy the delicious South Asian buffet, hear some of Zaffar and Beverley’s work, and share your own poems or try reciting someone else’s! If you would like to read, please come 15 minutes early and let Zaffar know. The price includes a two-course buffet. Panache Restaurant, 19-21 Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DR. 7.30pm. £15. Tel: 01943 609798. Lively Minds Coffee Morning Wed 7 Oct A talk about Lewisham’s black history Suitable for: Seniors 10.30am to 12 noon. Manor House Library 34 Old Road SE13 5SY

poet and playwright Rommi Smith and actor Damien O’Keeffe. This is followed by input from Professor Mike Tooby, Senior Research Fellow at the Henry Moore Institute, who is developing a participative visual arts exhibition involving people of diverse backgrounds and celebrating the potential for challenging new perspectives. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. £5/£3. 7.30pm. Gourmet Food and Premium Indian Lager Tasting Evening Thu 8 Oct Aagrah restaurant hosts a unique evening with Executive Chef Mohammed Aslam, MBE, who’ll be explaining all about the spices used to make the meal served on the night. A beer expert will also be on hand to talk about Lal Toofan, a premium full-bodied lager which perfectly complements hot and spicy Indian cuisine – and there will

Zaffar Kunial

Forgotten Soldiers of Empire: David Olusoga Sun 4 Oct WWI was a multi-racial, multinational struggle, fought in Africa and Asia as well as Europe but four million non-white soldier’s stories have remained in the shadows. David Olusoga, British Nigerian historian, documentary maker and BBC producer, describes how Europe’s Great War became the World’s War, exposing the era’s racial obsessions, which dictated which men would serve and to what degree they would suffer. St Margaret’s Hall, Queen’s Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9QL. 7.30pm. £5/£3. Multi-lingual Mushaira: Gathering of Poets Sun 4 Oct Enjoy Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, and Gujarati poetry readings – with English translation. We’ll be welcoming some of the most prominent South Asian poets in the North. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 1pm. Try the Art of Translating a Poem Sun 4 Oct ILF’s 2015 Poet in Residence Zaffar Kunial leads an inspiring workshop for anyone who’s ever wondered how to go about translating a poem. Working from a word by word translation (provided), try your hand at getting to the heart of the original and bringing it to life in English. No language skills needed. For all levels. Please book in advance. 64 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

A New Africa Breaks Free: Alex Perry Wed 7 Oct 25 years after Live Aid, Ethiopia’s first yuppies are traders on an electronic food exchange and cash is becoming a thing of the past. Newsweek contributing editor and former TIME correspondent Alex Perry takes a vivid look at how the world gets Africa wrong, as he explores a continent rising to become an economic and political titan. 7.30pm. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. £5/£3. A Journey with T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land: Mike Tooby, Rommi Smith and Damien O’Keefe Thu 8 Oct A multi-layered event exploring the resonances of Eliot’s iconic poem with

be some special poetry surprises! Aagrah, Units 8 10, The Moors Shopping Centre, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9LB. 7pm. £45. Tel: 01943 600628. Poetry Alive! Open Mic and Networking Event Thu 8 Oct Celebrate National Poetry Day at the annual open mic and networking event for poets from across the Yorkshire region. Catch up with other writers, and share your pamphlets and chapbooks. Hosted by Poet in Residence Zaffar Kunial and Apprentice Poet in Residence Beverley Nadin. Sign-up for the open mic is at 1.45pm prompt. Ilkley Moor Vaults, Stockeld Road, Ilkley LS29 9HD. Tel: 01943 607012.

Dying to Better Ourselves Uncovering the Carribbean’s Hidden Histories: Olive Senior Fri 9 Oct The popular Caribbean migration narrative starts with the ‘Windrush Generation’, but from 1850–1914 people from the Caribbean were lured to Panama by the promise of lucrative work on the canal and railway. Jamaican writer Olive Senior tells the compelling story of the Caribbean rite of passage of ‘Going to Panama’ – and reads from her short stories. St Margaret’s Hall, Queen’s Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9QL. 7.30pm. £5/£3. Words on the Edge – Poetry Workshop: Zaffar Kunial Sat 10 Oct A look at borders and edges in poetry. An edge is potentially both an end and a beginning and in this workshop Zaffar Kunial, Festival Poet in Residence, encourages you to explore how words might occupy edges and borders and the vital, sometimes surprising, role of line endings. Education Room, Manor House Museum, Castle Yard, Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DT. 2pm. £8/£6 concessions. Tel: 01943 600066. Indian Voices of the Great War: David Omissi Sat 10 Oct David Omissi’s much lauded Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers’ Letters, 1914–1918 is an anthology of letters to and from Indian soldiers on the Western Front. Using translated extracts in the reports of the British military censors, Dr Omissi, Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Hull, shows how people on the margins of literacy made imaginative, effective use of writing, even under impossibly restrictive conditions. Wildman Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 3.30pm. /£5/£3 concessions. The Unknown Becomes Known: Annapurna Indian Dance Company with Ian Clayton Sat 10 Oct Annapurna Indian Dancers pay homage to the Indian servicemen of WWI. India – which in 1914 included Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal – sent 1,105,000 personnel to support the British Empire. 74,000 troops died. The evening reveals this story of race, religion, empire and culture, with strong bearings on the present. Narrated by writer and broadcaster Ian Clayton. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 7.30pm. £5/£3 concessions.

LISTINGS Renaissance One presents Caryl Phillips and Robert Antoni Sat 10 Oct Caryl Phillips’ new novel, The Lost Child, is a story of orphans and outcasts inspired by Wuthering Heights. Born in St Kitts, he grew up in Leeds and teaches at Yale. Trinidadian, Bahamian and American, Robert Antoni is the author of five books and recipient of the OCM Bocas Prize. His new book, As Flies To Whatless Boys, is a richly comic historical novel. Concert Hall, Clarke Foley Centre, Cunliffe Road, Ilkley LS29 9DZ. 7.30pm. £7/£5 concessions. Tel: 01943 607016. The History of Egypt: Joann Fletcher Sun 11 Oct Professor Joann Fletcher, presenter of BBC2’s Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of York, brings the history and people of ancient Egypt alive. Today she reveals how women became pharaohs and how the ancient Egyptians built the first Suez Canal. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 5.15pm. £6/£4 concessions. Razwan Ul-Haq: Meditation and Arabic Calligraphy Sun 11 Oct Explore meditation and calligraphic art through traditional Arabic calligraphy materials with artist and author Razwan Ul-Haq. Use breath control techniques as a way to explore the line and plasticity of Arabic script. Knowledge of the Arabic script is not necessary. For all levels. Please book in advance. Education Room, Manor House Museum, Castle Yard, Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DT. 2pm. £12/£10 concessions. Tel: 01943 600066. Ilkley Soroptimists: Sharing Stories, Changing Lives Sat 14 Oct ‘There’s nothing interesting about my life’… Challenges, opportunities, reflection, laughter and tears: everyone has a story worth telling. Get an insight into the lives of others through stories and conversation. Church House, Ilkley All Saints Parish Church, Ilkley LS29 9DS. 7.45pm. Blake Remixed by Testament Fri 16 Oct World record-holding beatboxer and acclaimed rapper Testament mixes together UK hip-hop and the iconic poetry of William Blake. Celebrating one of the great counter-cultural voices in British literary history, Blake Remixed (made in collaboration with DJ Woody, Scratch DJ World Champion) fuses

music, storytelling and interactive video to create an original and exciting piece of theatre. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 7.30pm. £6/£4 concessions. Fiction Masterclass – Make it Memorable: Leone Ross Sat 17 Oct What makes a piece of prose stand out? Using key tools and tips, Leone Ross challenges you to look at the detail of your work – the senses, the adjectives, the verbs and nouns – to tease out more original and memorable phrases and imagery. Education Room, Manor House Museum, Castle Yard, Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DT. 1.30pm. £15/£10 concessions. Tel: 01943 600066.

The Lightless Sky – Escape to a New Life in Britain: Gulwali Passarlay Sat 17 Oct ‘To risk my life had to mean something. Otherwise what was it all for?’ At the age of 12, Gulwali Passarlay fled the war that was destroying his home in Afghanistan. Travelling alone, mostly on foot, Gulwali was ejected from nine countries before somehow making it to Britain, where he was fostered, won a place at a top university and was chosen to carry the Olympic torch in 2012. Wildman Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 7.30pm. £5/£3 concessions. Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Mon 12 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults Suitable for: Adults 6pm to 7.30pm Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP Black History Discovery Session Computer-based learning session focusing on key figures in Black history Tue 13 Oct Suitable for: Families 2pm to 3pM Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU. Booking information Tel: 02083149113 Email:

Closure: Short Stories from Black British Writers Sat 17 Oct Closure is a new book of themed short stories from internationally renowned and new Black British writers. Leone Ross, Nana-Essi Casely- Hayford, Lynne Blackwood, and last year’s SI Leeds Literary Prize winner Mahsuda Snaith will be reading their stories. Chaired by Jacob Ross. This event also launches the 2016 SI Leeds Literary Prize for unpublished fiction by Black and Asian women. Wildman Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 5pm. £5/£3 concessions. John Agard: Roll Over Atlantic Sat 17 Oct Join Caribbean-British poet John Agard, winner of the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry, in this quirky revisioning of the notorious New World Enterprise of Christopher Columbus. A voyage in verse, performed against an evocative soundscape of Atlantic murmurings. A one-man show that mixes the tides of cabaret and calypso with mischievous satirical wit. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 7.45pm. £6/£4 concessions.

Black History Month Song and Storytime Special Thu 17 Oct Special Storytime session featuring Caribbean songs and rhymes, with “Grandma’s Saturday Soup” Story and Activity Suitable for: Families 10am to 11am Torridon Road Library Torridon Road, SE6 1RQ. Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: Black History Month Children’s Craft Sat 17 Oct A special craft session themed for Black History Month Suitable for: Families 2:30pm to 3.30pm. Torridon Road Library Torridon Road SE6 1RQ Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: torridonlibrary@ Black History Month Craft – African Weaving Sat 17 Oct Join us for this session where we will be making our own Africa inspired weaving. Suitable for: Children 2:30pm to 3.30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month

Mon 19 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. 19 October 6pm to 7.30pm Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP. Booking information Tel: 020 8314 9705 Healing the Wounds of Slavery and Oppression Sat 24 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. 12pm to 1pm Torridon Road Library. Torridon Road SE6 1RQ Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: Black History Month Craft – Mississippi Blues Sat 24 Oct Join us for this session where we will be making our own simple instruments inspired by early Blues pioneers and African instruments. Suitable for: Children 2:30pm to 3:30pm Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Mon 26 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. Suitable for: Adults 6pm to 7.30PM Booking information Tel: 020 8314 9705. Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP

Book Launch with Gertrude Badejo Tue 27 Oct Local author Gertrude Badejo will be talking about her new children’s book “Shola” 2pm to 3pm. Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU. Booking information Tel: 02083149113 ‘Lewisham at 50’ Black History Month Collecting Day Fri 30 Oct Celebrate Black History Month and the 50th anniversary of Lewisham by bringing an item which helps tell the story of your life within Lewisham from the last 50 years. Suitable for: Adults 10am to BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 65

LISTINGS 12:30pm. Torridon Road Library Torridon Road SE6 1RQ. Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email:

Jackie Kay, award winning poet and Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Newcastle. For intermediate and experienced writers. Please book in advance. Room 1, Rombalds Hotel, West View, Wells Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JG. 2pm. £15.00/£10.00 concessions. Tel: 0844 387 6184.

‘Lewisham at 50’ Black History Month Collecting Day Fri 30 Oct Members of Lewisham’s BME community are invited to come along to a collecting session bringing items from their personal collections 2pm to 4:30 Suitable for: Adults. Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU Booking information Tel: 02083149113 Book Launch with Gertrude Badejo Fri 30 Oct Join us at Forest Hill Library, where local author Gertrude Badejo will be launching her new book ‘Shola’ 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Black History Month – Yetunde: The Life and Times of a Yoruba girl in London Sat 31 Oct Author Segilola Salami reading from her new book Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Booking Information: Tel: 020 8314 9705 Email: downhamlibrary@ Black History Month Quiz Sat 31 Oct Join us for this session where we will be testing your knowledge of Black pioneers and civil rights activists. 2:30pm to 3:30pm Forest Hill Library Dartmouth RoadSe23 3hz The Book of Memory: Petina Gappah Sat 17 Oct Zimbabwean born writer Petina Gappah won the Guardian First Book Award for her collection An Elegy for Easterly. In her debut novel The Book of Memory, the mesmerising story of an albino woman languishing in a maximum security prison in Zimbabwe, where she has been convicted for the murder of her adopted father. But who was he and why does Memory feel no remorse? St Margaret’s Hall, Queen’s Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9QL. 2.30pm. £5/£3. Tackling Literacy through Stories: Aamir Darr Sat 17 Oct How do you promote a love of reading, raise educational attainment and provide an inclusive platform for cross cultural understanding? Come and hear about the innovative project that utilises fabulous books and a dazzling network of authors 66 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

LEEDS Inspiration Portrait Exhibition Runs from 5 Aug to 29 Oct A collection of 14 large, vibrant, multicultural portraits along a 26 metre wall in an open public space to coincide with Black History Month. Atrium Gallery St James University Hospital, Atrium Gallery Bexley Wing, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF.

Jackie Kay and artists to embed a lifelong passion for the written word. Coach House, Rombalds Hotel, West View, Wells Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JG. 2pm. Tel: 0844 387 6184. Putting Poetry in the Frame Sun 18 Oct Poet Rommi Smith, curator Nigel Walsh and Ilkley Literature Festival Director Rachel Feldberg discuss their involvement in Creative Case NORTH Explorations, an experimentation on the theme of the Creative Case for Diversity. Rommi Smith also reads work inspired by the project which brought art and poetry together – and put hidden voices back into the frame. Wildman Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 4pm. £3. Jackie Kay and Zaffar Kunial Sun 18 Oct Currently Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Newcastle, Jackie Kay has published five acclaimed collections of poetry for adults, including The Adoption Papers, which won the Forward Prize, a Saltire Award and a Scottish Arts Council Book Award. Tonight she reads with Festival Poet in Residence Zaffar Kunial, a Faber New Poet and former Wordsworth Trust Poet in Residence. Concert Hall, Clarke Foley Centre, Cunliffe Road, Ilkley LS29 9DZ. 7pm. £6/£4 concessions. Tel: 01943 607016. Building Blocks of Narrative Fiction: Jacob Ross Masterclass Sun 18 Oct Jacob Ross examines the building blocks of narrative and shows you ways to produce strong, memorable stories as well as drawing on key story

structures to develop your own writing. You’ll be offered fresh, productive ways of understanding both character and story development. Come prepared to discuss the challenges you encounter in your own writing. All levels. Room 1, Rombalds Hotel, West View, Wells Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 9JG. 11am. £15.00/£10.00 concessions. Tel: 0844 387 6184. A Thousand Cranes: Origami Stories Workshop Sun 18 Oct Join the star of Me and My Cat?, Kumiko Mendl, to make some origami and hear the tales of Princess Moon, The Ogres of Belching Hill and The Hidden Treasures. Three Japanese stories on one mountain told with paper, imagination and fun. Adults do not need a ticket. Ages 5+. Education Room, Manor House Museum, Castle Yard, Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DT. 3.30pm. £5. Tel: 01943 600066. A Thousand Cranes present Me and My Cat? Sun 18 Oct Calling all junior detectives! Join Detective K as she sets off on an exciting and hilarious adventure, full of mysterious clues, golden rules and strange events. Will she solve the mystery in time? A fast paced, action packed story for all the family. Based on the book by award winning Japanese children’s author and illustrator, Satoshi Kitamura. Wharfeside Theatre, Ilkley Theatre, Weston Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 8DW. 1pm. £6/£4 concessions. Jackie Kay Masterclass Sun 18 Oct An unmissable masterclass with

My Leeds My Culture: Closing Party Sat 17 Oct My Leeds My Culture is an exciting exhibition which highlights the impact of African and West Indian influences on Leeds’ music, sport, history, faith and fashion. This youth-led community curation project aims to show the link with The Leeds Story at every point, exhibiting items that are very much part of our community, both as Leodisians and of African history. Leeds City Museum, Millenium Square, Leeds, LS2 8BH. 11am-2pm.

LEICESTER Valerie Bloom, MBE: Author, Poet and Performance Poet Wed 7 Oct Valerie has written a number of poetry collections and novels, run writing courses, led workshops and has had residencies worldwide. Her writing is heavily influenced by her Jamaican background – she begins most performances with a crash course in Jamaican Patois, so that non-speakers can enjoy the Patois poems even more! Highfields Library. 11am – 2.30pm. Tel: 0116 299 5494. Round Midnight (1986) Wed 7 Oct A tribute to the great Black musicians who lived and performed in the famed Blue Note Jazz Club in Paris in the 1950s. Dale Turner, an old alcoholic American saxophonist is rescued by Francis Borler, a young French fan. The two men, divided by culture and experience, become fast friends, united by their passion for music. Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. T£5

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LISTINGS Osian Roberts/Steve Fishwick Quartet Wed 7 Oct Drawing on the classic sound of 50s and 60s hard bop recordings, Osian Roberts and Steve Fishwick’s long standing partnership has produced a number of exciting records since its formation in 2002, including a collaboration with the late great pianist Cedar Walton and a recent sextet album recorded after a week long stint at Dizzy’s Club Coca Cola in New York City. The Y. 8pm. £14/£12 concessions. Tel: 0116 255 7066 Invictus (2009) Thu 8 Oct Invictus tells the true story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) during his first term as President joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon) to help unite the apartheid-torn country and win the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. £5. Black Georgians: The Shock of the Familiar Opens Fri 9 Oct A new exhibition that reveals the everyday lives of Black people in Britain during the Georgian period, 1714-1837. A rich array of historical evidence that goes beyond challenging the preconceptions of Black presence in Britain pre-World War II. This is a critical historical enquiry that questions what we understand of Englishness and paints a picture of Black people’s daily lives fraught with oppression and restriction alongside a degree of social mobility and integration. Free admission. Opening times: Tues to Sat, 10am to 6pm. Black Cultural Archives, 1 Windrush Square, SW2 1EF Red White Black and Blue (2012) Fri 9 Oct This documentary follows a group of students from south Los Angeles as they travel the world to play Rugby. A sensitive take on a rough game where off-pitch tragedies contrast to on-pitch success in this uplifting and insightful film, which will be followed by an after show discussion. Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. £5. Thriller Live Mon 12 Oct – Sat 17 Oct Direct from London’s West End, Thriller Live is a spectacular concert created to celebrate the career of Michael Jackson. Experience over two hours of non-stop hits from pop to rock, soul to disco in a show that pays homage Jackson’s legendary 68 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

live performances and innovative dance moves executed with flair, precision and passion. De Montfort Hall. Mon – Thu 7.30pm, Fri 5pm & 8.30pm, Sat 4pm & 8pm. £19.50 - £32.50. Tel: 0116 233 3111. The Workers’ Educational Association presents: Kerry Young Book Talk Tue 13 Oct Born in Jamaica to parents of Chinese-African heritage, author Kerry Young’s novels ‘Gloria’ and ‘Pao’ both explore the turbulent political changes and personal stories of those living in Jamaica during and after the Second World War. Shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award (2011), East Midlands Book Award (2012, 2013) and the Commonwealth Book Prize (2012), this is a unique opportunity to hear Kerry read from and discuss her latest novel and the impetus for her work. Free, book in advance. WEA 101 Hinckley Road. 2.30pm. Tel: 0116 255 6614. Jazz on a Summer’s Day (1960) Wed 14 Oct Set at the historic Newport Jazz Festival in 1958, this documentary features performances by Thelonious Monk, Sal Salvador, Anita O’Day, Dinah Washington, Chuck Berry, Louis Armstrong and Mahalia Jackson to the backdrop of the city and the shoreline. Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. £5. 2Funky Arts presents: ILUVLIVE Wed 14 Oct The UK’s premier homegrown live music night,’ showcasing new local and national talent! Having previously featured the likes of Emeli Sande and Naughty Boy, early on in their careers, ILUVLIVE prides itself on being one step ahead of the urban scene. The Music Café. 8pm-12am. £5. Raising Public Awareness of Sickle Cell Anaemia Disease and Thalassaemia Sat 17 Oct Professor Simon Dyson (Professor of Applied Sociology De Montfort University), NHS (Leicester) Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Unit and Leicester Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research (OSCAR) discusses screening, testing and the associated myths of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia. Highfields Library. 1-4pm. Tel: 0116 299 5494. She Called Me Mother Sat 17 Oct This original piece of drama written in the Trinidadian Vernacular poses questions about Evangeline’s life and what it means to be elderly and

Shivi Ramoutar

homeless in our society today. Upstairs at the Western. 7.30pm. £12/£10 concessions. Shivi Ramoutar: Contemporary Caribbean Cooking Tue 20 Oct Shivi was born in Trinidad to culturally diverse parents and brought up between there, the heady heights of New York, the grassy fields of the English countryside and the eclectic buzz of London. With the help of her adventures, Shivi has made it her culinary mission to twist these classic Caribbean dishes and ingredients from her childhood into her own vibrant, fresh and easy-to-make delights. Highfields Library. 5pm. Tel: 0116 299 5494. Somali Lullabies: Literature event with Maryan Anshur Wed 21 Oct (St Matthews Library), Mon 26 Oct (Highfields Library) Bring little ones along to this session and hear how traditional lullabies from all over Somalia have been collected together in a new publication from Leicester’s Quirky Press. We will talk about the lullabies in both Somali and English and, if you want to, sing along with them. St Matthews Library / Highfields Library. 11am-12pm. Tel: 0116 299 5494. Bird (1988) Wed 21 Oct Clint Eastwood brings a lifelong love of jazz to this gripping story of pioneering saxophonist Charlie ‘Yardbird’ Parker, winning a Best Director Golden Globe Award. Forest Whitaker stars in this compassionate biopic exploring Bird’s soaring skill and destructive excesses, and paints a vivid portrait of the jazz world in all its complexity.

Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. £5. The West Indian Regiment in the Great War Sat 24 Oct An afternoon talk on the role of the West Indian Regiment in the First World War by Dr Richard Smith, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London. New Walk Museum & Art Gallery. 2pm. Wahala: West Indies vs Africa Comedy Show Sat 24 Oct One of London’s hottest comedy events is coming to Leicester! Hosted by Will-E, Team West Indies will battle Team Africa in an awesome line up featuring Curtis Walker, Slim, Travis J, Aurie Styla, Ade, KG Tha Comedian & A Dot. Athena. £15-£20. 8-11pm. Hitsville UK Motown & Soul Revue Sat 24 Oct The Hitsville UK Motown and Soul revue will feature an evening of classic soul, Motown and northern soul music from the Northern Light disco and extra special live performances from the ‘Sultan of Soul’ - Mr. Soulman Knight. The Crows Nest. 9pm until late. Stormy Weather (1943) Wed 28 Oct Inspired by the life story of dancer Bill ‘Bojangles’ Robinson, which it also stars, Stormy Weather is considered by many as a retrospective showcase of African American entertainers, including the talents of Lena Horne, Cab Calloway, Katherine Dunham, Fats Waller and the Nicholas Brothers amongst others. Phoenix Cinema. 7pm. £5.

LISTINGS Writing East Midlands presents: I Have Found A Dream... Blog Hop Thu 29 Oct Whose words have moved you to tears, to action, to love? Who has inspired you to write, to stand up and be counted, to find a voice or give a voice to others? Join us at our blog hop to share with us the Black writers, poets, playwrights, social commentators and journalists who mean the most to you. 10am-12pm.

Community. This black tie event includes a documentary viewing, exhibition, complimentary meal, booklet, debate and awards evening for the few that inspired many. Hosted by Bizzi Dixon from BBC One’s The Voice UK. African Caribbean Centre. 6.30pm ‘til late. £5 on the door.

The Holy & Horny Farewell Tour Thu 29 Oct Following an incredible sold out National tour catch Holy & Horny’s final UK dates before touring internationally. This hilarious, powerful and deeply moving play celebrates spirituality and sensuality. Join actress and author Tonya Joy Bolton as she explores thought provoking concepts of race, gender, culture and sexuality. Ages 15+. The Y. 7.30pm. £12.50/£10.50 concessions. Tel: 0116 255 7066.

Monsters and Angels: Is genocide part of human nature? Thu 15 Oct For the 132nd Roscoe Lecture, to commemorate Black History Month, Rebecca Tinsley will present Monsters and Angels: Is genocide part of human nature? Journalist and human rights activist Rebecca has worked in nine African countries, and founded Waging Peace and Network for Africa. Together with her husband Henry, she was asked by President and Mrs Carter to start the Carter Centre UK. Dr Martin Luther King Jr Building, Albert Dock, Liverpool. 2-4pm. Tel: 0151 231 3668.

Soul Legends Fri 30 Oct It’s all aboard the soul train for the show of the year. Embarking from soul’s heady 60s origin, steaming, non-stop, through to the present day with everyone’s favourite 70s and 80s dance classics. Singers and musicians include special guest Gwen Dickey of Rose Royce. De Montfort Hall. 8pm. £23.50-£25.50, £21.50-£23.50 concessions. Tel: 0116 233 Leicester Windrush Documentary Premiere ft. Chris Goldfinger Sat 31 Oct Hear the story of some of the pioneers that created Leicester’s Caribbean

Rebecca Tinsley


LONDON The Empire Needs Men (Exhibition Tour, Workshops) Mon 28 Sep – Sun 18 Oct (Enfield Town Library), Tue 20 – Mon 31 Oct (Edmonton Green Library) In 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to the First World War, resulting in 37 million casualties and the disintegration of two empires. But what does this have to do with Africans? The Empire Needs Men Exhibition charts the WWI from an

Karen McCarthy Woolf African perspective with a range of workshops open to all. Workshop: Sat 17 Oct, 2pm, Enfield Town Library, 66 Church Street, Enfield, EN2 6AX. Workshop: Sat 31 Oct, 2pm, Edmonton Green Library, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton Green, N9 0TN.

African Water Bottle 7 Oct Join us for this session where we will be decorating water bottles in an African style. Suitable for: Children10 October 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road Se23 3hz

Art Exhibition: Double Exposure by Sango Nghembe Thu 1 Oct This exhibition of artworks includes double-edged exposure, abstract images, deliberately merged portraits, nature and landscape by Sango Nghembe. Nghembe is a local photographer well known for his photographic exhibitions within Haringey Libraries. Suitable for families. Wood Green Central Library, 187-197A High Road, Wood Green, London N22 6XD. 9am-7pm weekdays, 9am-5pm Sats, 12-4pm Suns. Tel: 020 8489 2543.

Ziggy’s World Jazz Club – Club Create Culture Night (Nightlife) Wed 7 Oct Afrojazz-inspired vocalist and BBC Broadcaster Jumoké Fashola returns to Ziggy’s, with The Condition of Being A Woman. Jumoké’s music meshes her Nigerian and London roots with contemporary songs, connecting the ancestral to the modern. Jumoké tells her own story - a longing to find a way to express what it means to be a modern BritishAfrican woman and world citizen. Dugdale Centre, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS. 7.45pm. £14.50 (£13.50 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680

Paint a beautiful necklace using traditional Masai patterns Thu 1 Oct 4pm, Sat 3 Oct 11am A free craft activity for children and their families. As part of Black History Month, this workshop will be working with African-inspired themes. Use your own creativity to produce beautiful designs. These workshops will take place twice a week during Oct. St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Road, Tottenham, London N15 5PU. Tel: 020 8489 2543. Black History Month Craft Peacock Fan Sat 3 Oct Join us for this session where we will be making our own Peacock style fans. Forest Suitable for: Children 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ. Lively Minds Coffee Morning 7 Oct A talk about Lewisham’s black history. Suitable for: Seniors 10.30am to 12 noon. Manor House Library 34 Old Road SE13 5SY

Kadija Sesay and Friends: In Celebration of National Poetry Day Wed 7 Oct With readings from award-winning poet Karen McCarthy Woolf, Selina Nwulu with her debut collection, SABLE Poet-in-Residence Patricia Foster and Dorothea Smartt introducing new Panama poems. Plus the first limited edition copies available of a dynamic new SABLE LitMag will be available on this date. The Barbican Library, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS. 7pm. The Femmetamorphosis Thu 8-Sat 10 Oct The Femmetamorphosis, written by actress Sharron Spice, is a comedy drama which looks at the transformation of several women from different social classes and backgrounds during a lingerie party. Their attitudes change and friendships are formed, uniting the women with a common goal in order to help one another. BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 69

LISTINGS Boney M Sat 17 Oct Bony M’s high energy, sing-along show features outrageous costumes and dazzling dance routines. Boney M’s insanely catchy disco songs include ‘Daddy Cool’, ‘Sunny’, ‘Ma Baker’ and the double A-side ‘Rivers of Babylon’/’Brown Girl in the Ring’ and of course the disco stomper ‘Rasputin’ (aka ‘Russia’s Greatest Love Machine’). Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, Edmonton N18 1PJ. 7.45pm. £22 (£21 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680

Minoli Salgado All done with laughs, farce, drama and comedy. 7.45pm. £15/£13 concessions (£14/£12 online). An Evening with Sinha and Salgado Sun 11 Oct Two highly acclaimed debut novelists read and discuss their work, telling stories that move between South East Asia and Britain. Drawing Room @ 54, 54 Turners Mill Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1NN. 6.30pm. £3 (includes refreshments). sinha-salgado-drawingroom54. Lover’s Rock Sun 11 Oct Presenting three of the biggest names in Lover’s Rock: Janet Kay, Carroll Thompson and Victor Romero Evans perform with a live band. Referred to as ‘romantic reggae’, lover’s rock is celebrated as a uniquely British take on reggae, fusing the sounds of Jamaica with those of US soul, creating a genre that defined a generation. Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, Edmonton N18 1PJ Box office. 7pm. £24 (£23 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680 Black Tudors: Africans in Renaissance England Wed 14 Oct Explore the lives of over 200 Africans living in Tudor England, including John Blanke, Henry VIII’s black trumpeter, Resonable Blackman the silkweaver, and Mary Phyllis, the Moroccan basket-weaver’s daughter. Dr Kaufmann will explain how they arrived here, 70 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

what occupations and relationships they found and how they were treated by the church, the law courts and the other inhabitants. Eastbury Manor House, Eastbury Square, Barking, IG11 9SN. Nearest tube: Upney, District Line.7.30pm. £7, includes a glass of wine. Tel: 020 8227 2331. The Holy & Horny Farewell Tour Thu 15 Oct Following an incredible sell-out tour, catch Holy & Horny’s final UK dates before touring internationally. Described as ‘Hilarious, powerful and deeply moving’, Holy & Horny is an inspirational one-woman show celebrating spirituality and sensuality. Join actress and author Tonya Joy Bolton as she explores thought provoking concepts of race, gender, culture and sexuality. Dugdale Centre, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS. 7.45pm. £16/£14 concessions (£15/£13 concessions online). Tel: 020 8807 6680 Ballet Black: A Triple Bill Wed 14-Thu 15 Oct Cassa Pancho’s company of Black and Asian classically trained dancers returns with a triple bill of exciting works by Kit Holder (Birmingham Royal Ballet) and Will Tuckett (Royal Ballet). Award-winning choreographer Mark Bruce makes the Company’s newest narrative ballet, Second Coming, inspired by Yeats’ poem of the same name and also the obscure ambiguities of Grimm’s fairy-tales. Millfield Theatre, 7.45pm. £16/£14 concessions (£15/£13 concessions online). Ages 7+.

Careers Seminar Wed 21 Oct This is an opportunity for young people aged 15-18 to find out about the career journey of professionals from a range of industries. How often do young people get the chance to do so? This promises to be an exciting and inspirational evening. Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. 6.15-8pm. Places are limited, so please email careerservice@enfield. by Fri 2 Oct to register. Legend – The Bob Marley Experience Thu 22 Oct One of reggae music’s most beloved artists, the late, great Bob Marley, once famously played Edmonton in 1971. Millfield Theatre celebrates the brilliant and evocative music Bob Marley gave the world; music that stretches back over nearly two decades and still remains timeless and universal. Legend comprises

Bob Marley

seven great musicians and singers dedicated to his life and music. Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, Edmonton N18 1PJ. 7.45pm. £22 (£21 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680.

Laura Fish Black Her-Story: Readings and conversations Thu 23 Oct Novelist Laura Fish (Strange Music), and poets Dorothea Smartt (Reader, I Married Him and Other Queer Goings On) and Kadija Sesay (Irki) are renowned for their literary inventiveness, their activism, and the new perspectives they create in writing that centralises black women’s lives. The George Wood Theatre, Goldsmiths, University of London, SE14 6NW. 6.30pm. Jackson Live Sat 24 Oct With his mesmerising, energetic and dynamic performance, tribute act Ben will give you a taste of what it was like to experience Michael Jackson live in concert. He’s got the look, the moonwalk and the voice! With his

LISTINGS incredible live band and dancers, Ben will evoke the undisputed King of Pop in a true Michael Jackson spectacular. Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, Edmonton N18 1PJ. 7.45pm. £21.50 (£20.50 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680.

poets, performers, and fashion designers to showcase their talent and provide you with a truly unforgettable experience. You will be spoilt for choice with a diverse selection of delicious traditional African and Caribbean food stalls as well as an African arts and crafts market. facebook/ AfricanHeritageFestivalLondon Kennington Park, SE11 4BE

The Bronze Woman Monument

Judith Jacob’s Yabba Yabba Sun 25 Oct Judith Jacob hosts her intimate chat show. Her guests include Javone Prince from E4 cult comedy show Phone Shop and star of The Javone Prince Show; Duchess of Comedy Glenda Jaxson, winner of the Best Female comedian award at the Black Tie Comedy Awards in 2009; and Jak Beula, British entrepreneur and creator of the board game Nubian Jak will be joining the line-up. Dugdale Centre, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS. 7.30pm. £13.50 (£12.50 online). Tel: 020 8807 6680. Black Women in Leadership Tue 27 Oct The topic of the day will be a discussion about the impact of African women and their diverse cultural contribution to society from a political, business and leadership aspect. Join us for what promises to be both an interesting and stimulating evening. Contact: Roland Thomas on 07948963228 or roland.thomas@ to book your place. Dugdale Centre, Thomas Hardy House, Executive Suite, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS. 6.30-10pm. Tel: 020 8807 6680. The Determined and the Damned Wed 28-Thu 29 Oct Travel back and forth in time through the historic Parish of Edmonton and explore the very different lives of two very determined women. Over 400 years ago, Elizabeth Sawyer, maker of medicinal potions, was accused of witchcraft. 70 years ago, Gladys Aylward, a working class missionary, travelled to China and had remarkable adventures. These epic stories will be performed by the talented inter-generational group InterACTion. Dugdale Centre, 39 London Road, Enfield EN2 6DS. 1pm and 7.45pm. £10/£5 concessions (£9/£4 concessions online). Age 8+. Black Voices in Britain: Then & Now A Celebration of Black Literature and its Influence on British Life Sat 31 Oct An evening of ‘edutainment’ with Zena Edwards, Akala and Margaret Busby. Through a series of presentations in song, rap, talks, discussion and poetry, the event will show, by bringing alive

In Celebration of Cecile Nobrega - Founder of The Bronze Woman Monument Sun 11 Oct Come and learn about the life, work and legacy of Poet and Campaigner Cecile Nobrega. There will be poetry and a live performance from renowned Saxophonist, Lascelles James. Presented by Empressjai. Kennington Park, SE11 4BE

extracts from some of the published narratives, how Black people, including ‘ordinary locals’ - then and now – have striven to rise above obstacles to flourish and make notable contributions to British life. Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, Palmerston Road, London N22 8RA. 5.30-10pm. £10/£8 concessions/ £5 children (£15/£10 on the door). Tel: 020 8373 6352. Email: Make and Colour an African Mask Thu 8 Oct 4pm, Sat 17 Oct 11am A free craft activity for children and their families. As part of Black History Month, this workshop will be working with African-inspired themes. Use your own creativity to produce beautiful designs. These workshops will take place twice a week during Oct. St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Road, Tottenham, London N15 5PU. Tel: 020 8489 2543. The Lost Child – Tate South Lambeth library book group special Thu 8 Oct Join the reading group to discuss The Lost Child, Caryl Phillips’ latest novel. Inspired by Wuthering Heights, Phillips’ Heathcliff is the child of an African former slave. For a copy of the book please contact the library on 020 7926 0705. 6.30pm – Tate South Lambeth Library. Minet Cinema Classics present ‘Stormy Weather’ (1943) Fri 9 Oct Stormy Weather (US 78 min)). This American film, directed by Andrew

L. Stone, is considered the best African-American cast Hollywood musical. Starring: Lena Horne, Bill Robinson, Cab Calloway, Katherine Dunham, Fats Waller, Fayard Nicholas, Ada Brown and Dooley Wilson. 2pm - Minet Library Lambeth Caribbean family history Surgery Sat 10 Oct The Black Cultural Archives opened in 2014 in the heart of Lambeth, giving a special acknowledgement to the individuals and families who came to Lambeth seeking a better life and to contribute to the economy of Britain. S I Martin is one of the UK’s foremost researchers specialising in the experience of Britain’s Black communities. He will be available to answer questions on a one-to-one basis on family history and give advice on starting your family tree. Drop in to see him – bring along your family photos and stories and maybe you’ll be in the Black Cultural Archive! 2pm - Waterloo Library Lambeth African Heritage Edutainment Festival Sun 11 Oct Whether you are interested in furthering your knowledge about African and Caribbean heritage, or you are simply looking for an entertaining day out, the African Heritage Edutainment Festival 2015 is for you! Bring the whole family along, we guarantee that there is something for everyone. We have handpicked some of the most inspiring local artists, musicians,

From Samba to Carnival with Anthony Bailey Tue 13 Oct Lambeth Black History Month and Celebrating Age festival welcome elders to an afternoon of fun, dance and history. Join Anthony Bailey and friends on an exploration of the history of Carnival from Africa to the Caribbean and South America and enjoy fantastic Carnival dance and refreshments. Event organised with Age UK Lambeth. 2pm – Tate South Lambeth Library

Anthony Bailey Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Sat 19 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. 19 October 6pm to 7.30pm. Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP. Booking information Tel: 020 8314 9705 Black History Month Song and Storytime Special Tue 15 Oct Special Storytime session featuring Caribbean songs and rhymes, with “Grandma’s Saturday Soup” Story and Activity Suitable for: Families 10am to 11am Torridon Road Library Torridon Road SE6 1RQ. Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 71

LISTINGS Create a Colourful African Headdress Thu 15 Oct 4pm, Sat 24 Oct 11am A free craft activity for children and their families. As part of Black History Month, this workshop will be working with African-inspired themes. Use your own creativity to produce beautiful designs. These workshops will take place twice a week during Oct. St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Road, Tottenham, London N15 5PU. Tel: 020 8489 2543. Lambeth Caribbean family history Surgery Sat 17 Oct A second opportunity to explore your family history with SI Martin. Drop in to see him – bring along your family photos and stories and maybe you’ll be in the Black Cultural Archive! 2pm - West Norwood Library Black History Month Children’s Craft Sat 17 Oct A special craft session themed for Black History Month Suitable for: Families 2:30pm -3.30pm. Torridon Road Library Torridon Road SE6 1RQ. Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: Black History Month Craft – African Weaving Sat 17 Oct Join us for this session where we will be making our own Africa inspired weaving. Suitable for: Children 2:30pm to 3.30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ

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NOW YOU KNOW The Memoirs of Allan Charles Wilmot WWII Serviceman and post-war Entertainer

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NOW YOU KNOW The Memoirs of Allan Charles Wilmot WWII Serviceman and post-war Entertainer

Allan Charles Wilmot Allan Wilmot – Now you know Mon 19 Oct Meet Allan Wilmot, a Caribbean author who celebrated his 90th birthday in August and who has lived in Lambeth for nearly 60 years. Allan will be in conversation with Mr Arthur Torrington and will give an illustrated talk on his new book, Now You Know about his service for Britain in World War II and his unique career as an entertainer 72 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

in the 1950s and 1960s. This event is organised in association with The Friends of Durning Library, refreshments will be available for a £2 donation 6.45pm (7.15pm start) - Durning Library. Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Mon 19 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. 19 October 6pm to 7.30pm. Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP. Booking information Tel: 020 8314 9705 The Color Purple – Minet library book group special Tue 20 Oct On the 30th anniversary of the film version of The Color Purple, join the reading group to discuss the classic, Pulitzer prize-winning novel that made Alice Walker a household name. Set in the deep American South between the wars, The Color Purple is the classic tale of Celie, a young black girl born into poverty and segregation. For a copy of the book please contact the library on 020 7926 6073. 6.30pm – Minet Library Weave a Paper Basket Thu 22 Oct 4pm, Sat 24 Oct 11am A free craft activity for children and their families. As part of Black History Month, this workshop will be working with African-inspired themes. Use your own creativity to produce beautiful designs. These workshops will take place twice a week during Oct. St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Road, Tottenham, London N15 5PU. Tel: 020 8489 2543.

Suitable for: Families 2pm to 3pm Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU. Booking information Tel: 02083149113 Email: Black people in Lambeth’s 18th Century parish registers Thu 22 Oct It can come as a surprise to dig into the archives and discover that there was already a small black community living in Lambeth in the 1700s. Jon Newman from Lambeth Archives shows how the evidence of local parish registers allows us to recover something of these people’s histories and to reveal a population of freed slaves, servants, runaways and the occasional African royal celebrity. Free, booking is essential, 1pm. Black Cultural Archives, 1 Windrush Square, SW2 1EF Minet Cinema Classics present ‘Sing your Song’ (2011) Fri 23 Oct Sing Your Song (US 104 min) surveys the life and times of singer/actor/ activist Harry Belafonte. From his rise to fame as a singer, inspired by Paul Robeson, and his experiences touring a segregated country, to his provocative crossover into Hollywood, Belafonte’s ground breaking career personifies the American civil rights movement. 2pm - Minet Library

Lively Minds Coffee Morning Wed 7 Oct A talk about Lewisham’s black history. Suitable for: Seniors 10.30am to 12 noon. Manor House Library 34 Old Road, SE13 5SY African Water Bottle Wed 7 Oct Join us for this session where we will be decorating water bottles in an African style. Suitable for: Children10 October 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Mon 12 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. Suitable for: Adults 6pm to 7.30pm. Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP Black History Discovery Session Tue 13 Oct Computer-based learning session focusing on key figures in Black history.

Black Stock Films presents: Looking for Claudia Jones Fri 23 Oct When her political beliefs became too hot to handle in Cold War-era America, the government branded Claudia Jones an “enemy of the state”, imprisoned and deported her. This compelling documentary profiles a dynamic civil rights activist whose legacy of politics, culture and Black self-development in Britain remains unmatched to this day. Dir. Nia Reynolds. Film running time 50 mins followed by Q&A. Tickets £7 on the door Brixton Library Brixton Oval, London SW2 1JQ. Tel: 020 7926 1056

Claudia Jones

Fresh Dressed preview screening Sat 24 Oct Join us for an exclusive screening of streetwear documentary Fresh Dressed. The critically acclaimed film features interviews with Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Diddy and Pusha T chronicles the history of streetwear from baggy jeans on the corner to multi-million dollar clothing company. 2pm.Rio Cinema, Dalston. Fresh Dressed panel discussion Sat 24 Oct As part of the “History of Fresh” weekender, we’ll host an exclusive panel discussion with some of the most prominent streetwear experts experts (including representatives from the London College of Fashion, as well as Wale Adeyemi MBE, founder of B-side and Marc Hare, founder of Mr. Hare) to talk through how the UK took the style from America and made it their own. Rio Cinema, Dalston. 3.40pm. St Martin’s Community Black History Celebration Sat 24 Oct St Martin’s Community Centre would like to invite you to their Black History Month celebration; the theme is going to be the past, present and future and everyone is very welcome. 4pm to 8pm Tel 0208 674 3038/ 0208 674 3040 or email St Martin’s Community Centre, Abbotts Park, Upper Tulse Hill. SW2 3PW The woven stories of the Kente cloth Sat 24 Oct Many different stories can be unravelled from African Kente cloth. Here the stories of the cloth will be unwrapped for you in the traditional oral technique of a Griot (storytelling). The workshop will also consist of a short film and animation to reveal the history and art of Kente. You will have the opportunity to create your own print on a t-shirt, learn to wrap

LISTINGS yourself in traditional cloth and have a portrait taken. (All for Free) 2pm to 3.30pm - Durning Library Small Island – Upper Norwood library book group special Sat 24 Oct Upper Norwood Joint Library’s Book Club will be discussing Small Island by Andrea Levy. For Levy people retain great dignity - however small their island. For a copy of the book please contact Rita at the library on 020 8670 2551.Time 2.30pm – Upper Norwood Library An immersive night of fashion and music Sat 24 Oct The first day of the “History of Fresh” weekender is closed with a night of fashion and music, and a fashion presentation exhibiting London’s upcoming streetwear designers. Free to attend with a film stub from the earlier screening of “Fresh Dressed”. Rio Cinema, Dalston. 5pm – late. Free entry will film ticket. Healing the Wounds of Slavery and Oppression Sat 24 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. 12pm to 1pm Torridon Road Library, Torridon Road SE6 1RQ Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712. Email: torridonlibrary@ Black History Month Craft – Mississippi Blues Sat 24 Oct Join us for this session where we will be making our own simple instruments inspired by early Blues pioneers and African instruments. Suitable for: Children 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ We Are Parable x Got Soul “Dressed up” Sun 25 Oct The “History of Fresh” concludes in conjunction with London’s only Neo Soul lounge/club night organisers Got Soul with a “Dressed Up” party. Playing classic Hip Hop jams from many of the artists featured in the documentary. Come dressed up in your freshest gear! Juno Bar, Shoreditch. 6pm-12am Adult evening movie – Themed to Black History Month Mon 26 Oct Come along for a free film screening for adults. Suitable for: Adults 6pm to 7.30pm Booking information Tel: 020 8314 9705. Downham Library 7 9 Moorside Road Bromley BR1 5EP

Pegasus Opera

Book Launch with Gertrude Badejo Tue 27 Oct Local author Gertrude Badejo will be talking about her new children’s book “Shola” 2pm to 3pm. Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU. Booking information Tel: 02083149113 The Politics of Race: The Black British Response to South African Apartheid with Dr Elizabeth Williams Tue 27 Oct Join us for an evening of discussion on how Black Britons, fighting racism in British society, identified and expressed solidarity with Black South Africans during the Apartheid years. Dr Elizabeth Williams will introduce her new book, the first book to examine the British support for the anti-apartheid movement among Black British communities. Williams tells the story of the compassion, commitment and anger at injustice within our Black Communities. 7pm - Streatham Library, Lambeth Pegasus Opera showcase ‘Let the music in’ Wed 28 Oct Located in the heart of Brixton, Pegasus Opera Company is a registered charity and is the UK’s leading professional multiracial touring Opera Company, performing at leading venues such as Sadler’s Wells, The Barbican, the Queen Elizabeth Hall South Bank, among many others, nationally and internationally. They will perform an excerpt of their latest production Let the Music in a combination of your favourite Opera songs. Come and enjoy, join in and let out your inner diva! Performance, Q&A and a little help from the audience. 7pm - Brixton Library, Lambeth

Look How Far We Have Come – Film Screening and Discussion Thu 29 Oct History consultant Kwaku examines the question of equality for young people. Look How Far We’ve Come features interviews with David Lammy, Dawn Butler, Dianne Abbott and Sam King MBE about their experiences in the movement towards equality. This will be followed by a discussion. Ages 14 years plus. 5pm- Tate South Lambeth Library (Ages 14 years plus) Create a Collage of an African Scene Thu 29 Oct 4pm, Sat 31 Oct 11am A free craft activity for children and their families. As part of Black History Month, this workshop will be working with African-inspired themes. Use your own creativity to produce beautiful designs. These workshops will take place twice a week during Oct.

St Ann’s Library, Cissbury Road, Tottenham, London N15 5PU. Tel: 020 8489 2543. ‘Lewisham at 50’ Black History Month Collecting Day Fri 30 Oct Celebrate Black History Month and the 50th anniversary of Lewisham by bringing an item which helps tell the story of your life within Lewisham from the last 50 years. Suitable for: Adults 10am to 12:30pm Torridon Road Library Torridon Road SE6 1RQ. Booking information Tel: 0208 314 3712 Email: ‘Lewisham at 50’ Black History Month Collecting Day Fri 30 Oct Members of Lewisham’s BME community are invited to come along to a collecting session bringing items from their personal collections 2pm

Dianne Abbott BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 73

LISTINGS to 4:30pm Suitable for: Adults Catford Library Laurence House 1 Catford Road SE6 4RU. Booking information Tel: 02083149113

Battle of the Minds

Book Launch with Gertrude Badejo Fri 30 Oct Join us at Forest Hill Library, where local author Gertrude Badejo will be launching her new book ‘Shola’ 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ Black History Month – Yetunde: The Life and Times of a Yoruba girl in London Sat 31 Oct Author Segilola Salami reading from her new book. Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ. Booking Information: Tel: 020 8314 9705 Email: Black History Month Quiz Sat 31 Oct Join us for this session where we will be testing your knowledge of Black pioneers and civil rights activists. 2:30pm to 3:30pm, Forest Hill Library Dartmouth Road SE23 3HZ

MANCHESTER The Phantoms of the Congo River Until 10 Apr 2016 Nyaba Ouedraogo photographic exploration reminds the viewer of the development of Colonial Africa, and the rich history of the people who live on the Congo’s banks; referenced against Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’. Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. 10am-5pm. Tel: 0161 275 2648. The Privilege Line Fri 2 Oct The purpose of the Privilege Walk Activity is to learn to recognize how power and privilege can affect our lives even when we are not aware it is happening. The purpose is not to blame anyone for having more power or privilege or for receiving more help in achieving goals, but to have an opportunity to identify both obstacles and benefits experienced in our life. Ages 14+. University of Manchester, Oxford Road, M13 9PR. 6-8pm. Cheryl Martin: Alaska Sat 3 Oct A playful, joyful, visual and aural experiment, taking you into one Black woman’s experiences as a lesbian’s pre-menopausal descent into suicidal 74 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

depression – to her triumphant emergence. Touchstones Rochdale, The Esplanade, Rochdale, Lancashire OL16 1AQ. 1-2pm. Tel: 01706 924492. Ages 13+. Struggles in Manchester before and after the 1945 Pan-African Congress Sun 4 Oct Africans have lived in the Manchester area at least since the late 18th century and have struggled against racism and for freedom and independence for their countries of origin for at least the past 100 years – perhaps culminating in the 1945 Pan-African Congress, which was held in Manchester. Working Class Movement Library, 51 The Crescent, Salford M5 4WX. Tel: 0161 736 3601. Diversity in Wartime Britain Sun 4 Oct Meet Professor Wendy Webster and the researchers behind the powerful new display at IWM North, Mixing It: The Changing Faces of Wartime Britain, to hear stories of people who came to Britain during the Second World War. Imperial War Museum North, Quay West, Trafford Wharf Road, Stretford, Manchester M17 1TZ. 2pm. Afro Solo UK Tue 6 Oct Barrie Olkachookwu George shares moving, funny and sometimes shocking memories of growing up Black in Wythenshawe from 1962. Forum Library, Forum Square, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5RX. Tel: 0161 935 4000.

Spotlight on Pan-African Congress in Manchester – Handling Session Wed 7 Oct AIURRRC share collection items to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the 5th Pan-African Congress in Manchester. Archives +, Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. 12.30-1.30pm. Afrofutures UK Sat 10 Oct An exhibition and conference presentations by academics and makers, exploring the intersection of futurism and the black experience; through art, performance and technology. MadLab, 36-40 Edge St, Manchester M4 1HN. 10am-6pm. afrofutures-uk-2015/

Manchester M2 5PD. 12.30-1.30pm. Slavery and Suffrage – William Cuffay’s Story Thu 15 Oct This Black History Month discover more about the life of Radical Hero William Cuffay. This performance explores the horrors of the slave trade and how it fuelled the Industrial Revolution. Meet William Cuffay, son of a freed slave, who became a Chartist leader and campaigned for the right to vote. Ages 9+. People’s History Museum, Left Bank, Manchester M3 3ER. 1.15-2pm. Suggested donation £3.

The Different Voices of Nina Simone – Poetry Workshop Tue 13 Oct Highly acclaimed poet Shirley May facilitates two workshops on: ‘The Different Voices of Nina Simone.’ Workshop One: 1-2.30pm. Workshop Two: 3-4.30pm. Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. Please book online.

The 1945 Pan African Congress 70th Commemoration Event Fri 16 Oct The PAC45 Foundation commemorates the 70th anniversary of the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester, 1945, in a three day international conference. International Pan African scholars and activists with conference delegates will reflect on the legacy of 1945 and the future of the Pan African Movement. Various venues in Manchester, see the conference website for further details.

Spotlight on Slavery – Handling Session Wed 14 Oct Come and see material from the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre and Archives+ collections about the slave trade, both in Manchester and nationally, on the Handling Table. Archives +, Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square,

Magnet Theatre presents Tree Sat 17 Oct All the way from South Africa, Tree tells the story of a hungry man who wants to eat a peach. Tree is like an illustrated children’s book, brought to life and filled with beautiful images and song by the award-winning Magnet Theatre who have performed all over South Africa and internationally. We follow the tree’s journey through the

LISTINGS seasons and its growing relationships with animals and humans. Z-Arts, 335 Stretford Road, Hulme, Manchester M15 5ZA.11am and 2.30pm. £8/£6 (concessions). MLF15: Young Identity – Battle of the Minds Sat 17 Oct Young Identity, Manchester’s brightest young orators, present their own take on the curriculums of education and knowledge, teaching their lessons of life and sharing playground parables. Between lunchtime punch-ups, discovering self-worth and devising a failsafe plan to avoid PE, our poets think out loud about what they know and where they learned it from. Contact Theatre, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6JA. 8pm. £11/£6 concessions. Tel: 0161 274 0600. The Forgotten World War: World War I in Africa Tue 20 Oct A talk by Marika Sherwood to mark Black History Month. France and Britain wanted to take over Germany’s colonies in West, South and East Africa. The wars were fought almost exclusively by many thousands of African troops officered by whites. Did Africans gain anything? Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford M5 4WX. 2-3pm. The Axis Slam: InnaVoice/ Beatfreaks/Ciaran Hodgers Tue 20 Oct The Axis Slam is back – and now with even more poets! Join 12 competing poets as they fight for your points to win the cash prize and crowning title of Axis Slam champion. Joined by two dynamic and exciting collectives, Inna Voice and BeatFreaks from Manchester and Birmingham, this is going to be the biggest and best Axis Slam to date. Manchester Metropolitan University, 70 Oxford Street, Manchester. Tel: 08432080500. Spotlight on Black History – Handling Session Wed 21 Oct Come and see material from the Archives+ collections about Black History in Manchester. Archives +, Manchester Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. 12.30-1.30pm. Black Lives Matter: Celebrating Black History Month 2015 Wed 21 Oct What is Black History Month? Why do we need to celebrate it? Dr Miranda Kauffman will offer a historical perspective on these questions. You will also hear an inspiration talk by Professor Alan Rice on the achievements of Black personalities in Manchester,

whilst participating in a thoughtprovoking discussion of intersectionality with artist Marcia X. Manchester Metropolitan University, 70 Oxford Street, Manchester. 3-5pm. Tel: 08432080500. You Hide Me – African Art in British Museums Wed 21 Oct This evening event includes a screening of two short films exploring African Art in British museums and the impact of colonialism on cultural traditions in African countries: Challenging Neo-Colonialism (22 minutes), You Hide Me (20 minutes). The film screening will be followed by panel discussion and Q&A. Manchester Central Library (Performance Space, Ground Floor), St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. 5.30-7.30pm. Wordsmith Showcase Thu 22 Oct Four secondary schools students perform original poetry alongside poet and singer Zena Edwards and MC and singer King Burga. Z-Arts, 335 Stretford Rd, Manchester M15 5ZA. 5-6.30pm. £6/£4. Tel: 0161 226 1912. The Relationship Between Manchester and Slavery Fri 23 Oct Dr Natalie Zacek is a Senior Lecturer in American History. Alongside other researchers she ran the Soldiers, Slaves, and Rebels: Currents of Black Resistance in the Tropical Atlantic, c. 1760-1880. Summer Research Institute. She will be exploring the relationship between the city of Manchester, the cotton industry and Slavery. University of Manchester, Oxford Road, M13 9PR. 5.30-7.30pm. Legacies of British Slave Ownership Sat 24 Oct This free workshop will explore the legacies of British slave-ownership in the north of England. Artist Lubaina Himid will showcase work from ‘Cotton.Com’, formerly displayed at the Whitworth Gallery for the Cotton: Global Threads exhibition (2012). Manchester Central Library (Performance Space, Ground Floor), St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. 9.15am-4.45pm.

open mic night presents exciting new musical talent from across the city. Union House, Blue Bar, Norwich. 7.30-10pm.

Closure celebrate the vibrant culture and heritage of Brazil. Ages 7-10. Z-arts, 335 Stretford Road, Hulme, Manchester M15 5ZA. 10am-12pm. Closure: Contemporary Black British Short Stories (Book Launch) Thu 29 Oct As the narrative mode across cultures and time, the short story form wings from oral “folktales” to myths of origin, from parables of caution to contemporary narratives of disclosure, disquiet and discovery. Closure is the first Black British short story anthology in 15 years. Readers on this launch night will include Desiree Reynolds, Jennifer Makumbi, Muli Amaye and Pete Kalu. Free (over 14s to adults). Three Minute Theatre, Affleck’s Arcade, 35-39 Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JG. 7pm.

NORFOLK Moroccan Shikat Dance Workshop with Sarah Malik Sun 4 Oct NOD and Norfolk Black History Month present these traditional Moroccan folk dance workshops with internationally acclaimed Moroccan dancer and teacher Sarah Malik. Silver Road Community Centre, Norfolk NR3 4TB. 2.30-4.30pm. £20. Open Mic Night Mon 5 Oct Hosted by the African Caribbean Society and Live Music Society, this

African-American Cinema Evening Course - Cinema Plus Tue 6 Oct-Tue 10 Nov Explore the history, development and cultural impact of African-American cinema through a range of films made by and about black Americans. This six-week evening course will survey African-American cinema’s major concerns and forms across the 20th and 21st Centuries. With tutor Dr Chris Lloyd. Cinema City, Norwich. 7-9pm. £60/£50 concessions. Arts & Crafts at UEA Wed 7 Oct Come and join the University of East Anglia Pride event in celebration of Black History Month. There will be arts, crafts, tea, cake and discussions around mental health and wellbeing. Union House, Bookable Room 6, Norwich. 5-7pm. Radical Women in the Black Freedom Struggle Wed 7 Oct Dr. Becky Fraser and Dr. Nicholas Grant, Lecturer in American Studies (History) at UEA examine the invaluable contribution women made to the black freedom struggle in both the United States and South Africa. Free and open to all. The Vernon Castle room, 3rd Floor, Millenniums Library, The Forum, Norwich. 5.30-7.30pm. The First Wed Club Wed 7 Oct Norwich’s multi-Arts multi-genre Performance Club welcomes the Anna Mudeka band for a NBHM special. For more information or to book your 15 minute session, please go to Platform Twelve, 12 St Benedicts Street, Norwich. 8pm-12am. Donations welcome.

Anna Mudeka band

Brazil to Manchester: A Journey Through Capoeira Mon 26 Oct-Fri 30 Oct Using the different elements of Capoeria, young people will learn to play the Afro-Brazilian martial art of Capoeira, developing the skills to perform this visually distinct art. They will make African instruments and learn how to play them, sing in Portugese and create art work to BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 75

LISTINGS Selma Thu 8 Oct A chronicle of Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. In 1965, an Alabama city became the battleground in the fight for suffrage, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s (David Oyelowo) efforts culminated in President Lyndon Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Venue TBC. Rotaract Club of UEA Society. 7pm. Robert Cray with special guest Shawn Jones Sat 10 Oct Legendary guitar musician and singer-songwriter Robert Cray returns to Norwich following No. 1 chart success with his 2014 studio release In My Soul. Previous accolades include five Grammy wins, 15 Grammy nominations, and multi-platinum selling albums. Theatre Royal, Norwich. 7.30pm. £8-£29.50 + booking fee. Magdalen Street Celebration Sat 10 Oct Magdalen Street Food Festival is part of the Magdlaen Street Celebration on 10th Oct 2015. Come and celebrate the rich diversity of the area and the colourful dishes that come with it. Sample international cuisine and chat to the inspiring people who bring Magdalen Street alive with curry, Turkish soup, coffee and tea, polish delicacies and much much more. Magdalen Street, Norwich. All day. African & Caribbean Market Sat 10 Oct The African & Caribbean Market takes over St. Thomas’ Church Hall. Organised in conjunction with The African


“Sexual identity, culture, and race”: Being LGBT+ in the Black community Wed 14 Oct How do you identify yourself? And, what is the most important part of your identity? Is it your sex, your race or ethnicity, your sexual orientation, your class status, your nationality, your religious affiliation, your age, your political beliefs? Guest speaker: Tommy Snipe. Union House, Bookable Room 6. 5.30-7.30pm.

Emporium, and as part of Black History Month Norfolk, there will be a fabulous variety of stalls selling products from across the African continent, delicious Jamaican food, and some amazing acoustic music. Church Hall, Earlham Road, Norwich NR2 3RG. In the heat of the night Sun 11 Oct African-American Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs (Sidney Poitier) is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie (Rod Steiger), the racist police chief of tiny Sparta, Mississippi. After Tibbs proves not only his own innocence but that of another man, he joins forces with Gillespie to track down the real killer. Franks Bar, 19 Bedford Street, Norwich NR2 1AR. Exploring East Asian cultures Mon 12 Oct Come and explore East Asian culture and language. This event is hosted by Chinese Students Society Association, Japanese, Korean Society, and Vietnamese Society. Union House, Bookable Room 1, UEA. 7-9pm. Norwich Jazz Club - Norwich Jams for BHM 2015! Mon 12 Oct The jam session has deep roots in black history. It is where the creative essence of jazz originates. Norwich celebrates the jam session in BHM 2015! Maddermarket, Theatre Street, John’s Alley, Norwich NR2 1DR. 8pm. Portraits of the Entrepreneurial Spirit: A show of paintings by Danny Keen Mon 12 Oct-Fri 23 Oct Jamaican artist Danny Keen shows

Danny Keen a selection of portraits including Mary Seacole the nurse and businesswoman, as well as three major new works created especially for the venue in the Start Up Lounge, City College. Start Up Lounge, City College, Ipswich Road, Norwich NR2 2LJ. Week days only. Malcolm X Tue 13 Oct A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the ‘50s, he became a Black Muslim and then a leader in the Nation of Islam. Union House, Bookable Room 6, UEA. 7-10pm. Reading Group Wed 14 Oct This event is hosted by the Literature Society and will explore Black History Month-inspired readings and book reviews. Union House, Bookable Room 5, UEA. 1-3pm.

Fuel presents Racheal Ofori: Portrait Wed 14 Oct A frank, fun and provocative look at the trials and tribulations of modern life seen through the eyes of a young black woman. Inspired by Racheal’s own experiences, Portrait uses music, poetry, humour and dance to examine identity and role models and challenge cultural stereotypes. Norwich Arts Centre. 8pm. Ages 12+. This land is your land, this land is my land Wed 14 Oct Folk singer Odetta Holmes music has been called the “soundtrack of the Civil Rights Movement”. Her work inspired musicians from Bob Dylan to Joan Baez. Bridget will explore Odetta and the Folk Movements contribution to the civil rights straggle in her talk “This land is your land, this land is my land”. The Vernon Castle Room, 3rd Floor, Millenniums Library, The Forum, Norwich. 6pm. Water Justice Seminar Thu 15 Oct This water justice seminar, “A Sudanese case study: Social and cultural impacts of the Merowe dam”, explores the social and cultural impacts of dams in developing countries. Guest speaker: Azza Dirar. Union House, Bookable Room 1, UEA. 5.30-6.30pm. Charles William Dambudzo Marechera Sun 18 Oct Come and celebrate the live and achievement of Charles William Dambudzo Marechera Zimbabwean novelist,poet and civil rights activist and the winner of the prestigious Guardian First Book Award. Clover Hill Village Hall, Norwich. 5-7pm. Black History Month – Day of Dance! Mon 19 Oct Young people in rural Norfolk will be invited to attend a day of workshops which will teach skills in dance with spoken word and physical theatre. They will be offered this exciting


LISTINGS experience to learn, be inspired and have fun and will have the opportunity to perform their new-found talents in front of family and friends in an informal studio sharing! Church St, Litcham, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE32 2NS. Tel: 07795433640.

projects of Paris and is slowly turned out of her shell by her three sassy neighbors. As she falls further under their bravado and volatile energy, she begins making brave and foolish choices. Franks Bar, 19 Bedford Street, Norwich NR2 1AR.

A reflection on: ‘Nana Yaa Asantewaa –Queen mother of Edweso (1840 - 1921) Tue 20 Oct In the age when most people tend to think women are objects for male objectification, Yaa Asantewaa bucked this notion. Yaa Asantewaa was a successful leader, farmer, mother, an intellectual, a politician, human right activist and Commander-in-Chief of the Asante Army. St. Peters Park Lane (by the old Methodist Church), Norwich NR2 3EQ.

Love Music Hate Racism Gig: Solidarity with the migrants Mon 26 Oct Our music is living testimony to the fact that cultures can and do mix. It unites us and gives us strength, and offers a vibrant celebration of our multicultural and multiracial society. Racism seeks only to divide and weaken us. Blue Bar. 8-11pm.

Climate Justice Wed 28 Oct As a form of environmental justice this lecture will explore climate justice as a fair treatment of all people and freedom from discrimination with the creation of policies and projects that address climate change and the systems that create climate change and perpetuate discrimination. Union House, Bookable Room 1, UEA. 1-3pm. Walnut Tree Shades - Norwich Jams for BHM 2015! Wed 28 Oct The jam session has deep roots in black history. It is where the creative essence of jazz originates. Norwich celebrates

Modou-NDiaye-Cissokho - This is Senegal Fri 23 Oct Dreams Music presents This is Senegal, featuring Modou Ndiaye Cissokho & The Golden Kora Band, with Abdoulaye Samb and Sefo Kanuteh. The Charles Burrell Centre, Theford. 12-4pm. £1 Entry fee- All welcome *Drumming from Age 8 to 80+. Info: Swinging at the Cotton Club Sat 24 Oct Take a step back into 1920s New York City and through the doors of Harlem’s hottest nightclub, The Cotton Club! 7.30pm. £21.50/£19 concessions. Girlhood Sun 25 Oct Marieme joins an all-girl gang in the

Leroy Joneswith Katja Toivola, Dave Archer, Ferg Ireland Pedro Segundo and Giacomo Smith Wed 7 Oct Leroy Jones legendary New Orleans jazz trumpeter is appearing accompanied by Katja Toivola, Dave Archer, Ferg Ireland Pedro Segundo and Giacomo Smith. The Concorde Club, Eastleigh. 9pm. Dear White People Thu 8 Oct An entertaining and honest film depicting black life in the so- called “white” world from the perspective of four black Ivy League college students. Harbour Lights Picture House, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TL. 9pm.

Narrative of the Life of Sojourner Truth Wed 21 Oct An exploration of the life of Sojourner Truth, formerly enslaved in early 19th century New York, who became something of a radical in the mid-19th century campaigning for rights on the basis of race and gender and was active in the campaign after emancipation for African American female suffrage. The Vernon Castle room, 3rd Floor, Millenniums Library, The Forum, Norwich. 6pm. Cowboys of Colour: Black Lives in the West and the Western Thu 22 Oct The American Western has almost always depicted its iconic heroes as tough-talking, rough-riding, six-shooting, grizzled, solitary and, overwhelmingly, white. This paper will explore the reality of the black western experience. The Vernon Castle room, 3rd Floor, Millenniums Library, The Forum, Norwich. 6pm.

Black History Month launch event with guest speakers Stephanie Pitter and David Neita. Live performances from spoken word poet Adisa and singer song writers Olushola and Ebonie G. The Hub City College Chapel Rd, Southampton SO14 5GL. 11am.

Lemar and Nya King’s Tribute to Whitney Houston Fri 9 Oct Lemar appears alongside Nya King as a tribute to the late, great Whitney Houston. The Concorde Club, Eastleigh. 9.30pm. Evan Christopher with Django a la Creole Wed 14 Oct Evan Christopher appears with his band Django a la Creole. The Concorde Club, Eastleigh. 9pm.

Winifred Atwell Paris is Burning Tue 27 Oct This documentary focuses on drag queens and LGBT people living in New York City, including the “house” culture which inspired Madonna’s “Vogue”. Touching on issues of racism and poverty, the film features interviews with a number of renowned drag queens, including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija and Dorian Corey. Union House, Bookable Room 6, UEA. 7-10pm. Winifred Atwell: Jazz Piano, Hit Singles, TV Personality of the 1950s Wed 28 Oct Winifred Atwell was a Trinidadian pianist who enjoyed great popularity in Britain and Australia from the 1950s with a series of boogie-woogie and ragtime hits, selling over 20 million records. She was the first black person to have a number-one hit in the UK Singles Chart and is still the only female instrumentalist to do so. The Vernon Castle room, 3rd Floor, Millenniums Library, The Forum, Norwich. 6pm.

the jam session in BHM 2015! Old Post Office Court, Norwich NR2 1NG. 8pm.

Evan Christopher

OLDHAM Forward to Freedom Mon-Sat, 26 Sep to 24 Oct Forward to Freedom tells the story of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement and its campaigns to support the people of South Africa in their fight against apartheid. The AAM also campaigned for freedom for Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola, and against South Africa’s attacks on its neighbours. Gallery Oldham, Oldham Cultural Quarter, Greaves Street, Oldham OL1 1AL. 10am-5pm. Tel: 0161 770 4653.

SOUTHAMPTON Black History Month Southampton Launch Event Thu 1 Oct

Black Plaque Presentation Thu 15 Oct The Black Plaque Presentation is in honour of Red Cross Volunteer Mae Street-Kidd. Royal South Hants Hospital, Mary Seacole Wing (Healthy Bites Cafeteria), Southampton. 11am. Black Fri 16 Oct First showing of the short film Black - a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of The Million Man March. The Stage Door 78, West Marlands Road, Southampton. 8pm-9pm. BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015 77

LISTINGS Soul 45: Blaxploitation on Rotation 3 Fri Oct 16 Soul 45 presents Blaxploitation on Rotation 3 – screening some of the best and worst films of the Blaxploitation era (films directed by white men, starring black actors) set to a live DJ soundtrack. The Social, 21 Lower Banister Street, Southampton. 8pm-1am.

Benjamin Zephaniah

Tomb Security from the Predynastic to the Pyramid Age Sat 17 Oct Egyptologist Reg Clarke gives his lecture to the Southampton Ancient Egypt Society. Oasis Academy, Lordshill. Doors open 1.30pm. Lecture begins 2pm. Yoruba women’s Choir Fri 23 Oct 10 singers and a six-piece band create a stunning show that leaves you breathless from the minute they arrive onstage. Turner Sims Theatre, Southampton. 8pm. Godfrey Brandt, Chords and Lyrics 2 Fri 30 Oct Join critically acclaimed poet Godfrey Brandt for an evening of spoken word and jazz! Combining guitar and voice, he will perform some of his most-loved poems, including ‘Freedom of Me’, ‘Bassettois’ and ‘Burger Bathos’. A number of other poems from his celebrated anthologies, Madiba and Other Poems and Barbara al Sole, will also be featured. Mettricks Tea and Coffee House. £5 plus booking fee. One World Fair Fri 30 Oct One World Fair showcases the cultural diversity of the city through food, interactive stalls and workshops. Southampton Solent University Conference Centre, Sir James Matthews Building, Guildhall Square, Southampton. 2pm-5pm. The Real Thing Fri 30 Oct The UK’s own 1970s disco pioneers The Real Thing still whip up the crowds from the minute they hit the stage. Eddie, Chris and Dave give their all to such favourites as ‘You to Me are Everything’, ‘Can’t Get by Without You’, ‘Whenever You Want My Love’ and ‘Can You Feel the Force’. The Concorde Club, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9HQ. 9.30pm. Voice FM Every Tue from 6pm to 8pm During Oct veterans of the Southampton music scene Don John and Jim Baker 78 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015

at Voice FM will host a show chronicling the history of soul music followed by an hour-long show about other forms of music of black origin. Voice FM. 6-8pm.

TEES VALLEY An Audience with Benjamin Zephaniah Sat 24 Oct Benjamin Zephaniah – Britain’s most filmed, photographed and identifiable poet – combines poetry, music and political activism and is surely Britain’s only poetry professor to have fan clubs around the world, and to have once been number one in the Yugoslavian hit parade! Benjamin will speak about his career, his poetry and his dyslexia and to ask him questions. Teesside University. 4-5pm. Book now:

WALES Hidden Pressence Exhibition 1-31 Oct The Hidden Presence project aims to extend people’s understanding of 18th Century Monmouthshire gentleman Nathaniel Wells, son of a slave owner and a slave. It explores the importance of his life in the context of contemporary society, looking at issues such as slavery, migration, cultural heritage, belonging and the social history of Wales’ international trade links. Customs House, 57 Bute Street, CF10 5AJ. Hidden Now Heard – Mencap Lecture

Fri 9 Oct A lecture discussing the oral histories, artefacts and interactive exhibits that provide a personal history of life for people with a learning disability during Hensol’s use as a long stay hospital between 1927 and 2003. St. David’s Uniting Church, Gelliwastad Rd, Pontypridd CF37 2BW. 7.30-8.30pm.

WOLVERHAMPTON From Windrush to Grime: The Rise of the Black Community in Wolverhampton Sat 10 Oct Since the 1940s the people who came from the Caribbean as part of “the Windrush generation” have made a vital impact on Wolverhampton, Bilston and the surrounding area. Cultural historian Patrick Vernon OBE will be giving an overview of the legacy of the Caribbean community in the city, important milestones in its development, and its lasting contribution to the character of the area. Wolverhampton Art Gallery. 2-3pm windrush-grime-rise-blackcommunity-wolverhampton A Charmed Life Sat 20 Oct A Charmed Life is about the life of Jamaican airman Eddie Martin Noble, whose life had a major impact on Andrea Levy’s classic, ‘Small Island’. Featuring archive film footage and images of the Caribbean in the 20/30s, plus interviews with Eddie Noble, the film examines issues around colonisation of the Caribbean, racism in the RAF during WWII, the colour bar and racial inequality in

post-war Britain. Lighthouse Wolverhampton. 4pm. join-calls-to-celebrate-windrushday-every-year

YORK Shade matters Tue 13 Oct In the decades preceding and following independence, African-Jamaican children learned through a variety of overt and covert, verbal and non-verbal practices the complex meaning of race and skin colour in their society. Based largely on anthropological studies, memoirs and contemporary fiction, these papers explore skin bleaching and colour politics. Room P/L001, Physics, University of York. Free, but book online at york. public-lectures/autumn2015/ shade-matters. 6.30pm.

Patrick Vernon OBE

Diamond Jewels are delighted to support Black History Month 2015 The contribution of Britain’s diverse Black communities has made a tremendous impact on our thriving multicultural society. We wish to thank the tremendous team at Sugar Media and Marketing for their amazing work in promoting Black History Month to the wider community.

Diamond Jewels, Suite 23, 33 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8DL E: | T: 0207 831 0391 |

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