GUVNA B Rapper, Author, Broadcaster, West Ham supporter and very proud Dad
Isaac Borquaye was born 13 June 1989, in London to Ghanaian parents from Accra. He is better known as Guvna B, and is a rapper, author and broadcaster from Custom House, London. He has released ten albums, two books and has produced segments for the BBC and is a football pundit for Sky Sports News’ Good Morning Transfers. He is also a staunch West Ham fan. In January 2013, Guvna B launched his own urban clothing brand, Allo Mate. He has also appeared on television to discuss topics that affect young people from underprivileged communities. He is currently on tour, but found the time to speak to BHM 2021 Magazine...
What is your family background? My parents are from Accra in Ghana, and they came over to England in their early twenties. Me and my brother were born in England. Were you interested in writing and performing at school? I actually became interested in writing and performing in primary school, and I did well in my English classes, but I struggled with my behaviour. One day when I had been sent out of class, my primary head teacher told me you are so good at English, why don’t you try to concentrate in class and develop your skill set there. It was the very first time anyone had told me that I was good at something, so I then started to take writing seriously. What reaction did you get when you told your parents you wanted to become a performer and writer? They were really supportive, but coming from a poor African family, my Mum want me to have better opportunities than they had. Therefore, she said get a degree first, so I studied Business and Journalism at got my degree at Hertfordshire University. After that it was OK to pursue writing and my music. How did you get your first big break and what was it? It was at an album launch party I did with my local youth group, when I was just 17 years old. 800 people turned up for the launch and I was shocked and surprised. Someone from Black Grape Productions came, who at the time were handling comedian Eddie Kadi and YolanDa Brown and said they would really like to become my manager. Within 12 months I had won my first MOBO award and was touring with Tinie Tempah. What medium do you enjoy the best… live singing or writing? I guess the writing, as you have to first write lyrics, as that’s the stage before you sing them or rap them. I also have to write books and TV links and scripts for documentaries.