Trail Daily Times, February 28, 2012

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1 8 9 5 Games wrap up

FEBRUARY 28, 2012 Vol. 117, Issue 41



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‘Stop smart meters’ rally planned Wednesday in downtown Trail BY VALERIE ROSSI Times Staff


Neighbours Darcee O’Hearn (right) and Yolanda Ridge are gearing up to host a publishing workshop in Rossland this week that will explore key factors like market research and how to deal with rejection.

Rossland authors share publishing paths BY VALERIE ROSSI Times Staff

The daunting task of getting published has just turned a page with a publishing workshop put on by two Rossland authors. Neighbours Darcee O’Hearn and Yolanda Ridge are delving into their experiences last year – O’Hearn will touch on the benefits of taking the self-publishing route with her first book “Leonard the Larch” in her “Legends of the Forest” series while Ridge delves into the process of getting “Trouble in the Trees” recognized by Orca Book Publishers. “I’ve learned to not take anything personally in the book business because as you can see as we sit in the bookstore, we are flooded with books,” said O’Hearn. “There’s thousands and thousands of people that want to publish their books and that’s why you have to sell yourself and you have to make people think, ‘I need this book.’”

The $25 workshop held Thursday from 7-9 p.m. at Rouge Framing in the former Bank of Montreal building on Rossland’s Washington Street will explore topics to help writers take the publishing leap, including market research, crafting query letters, making the pitch, working with editors, developing a thick skin and dealing with rejection. “Originally when I started getting rejection letters from standard publishing it was devastating for me and it kind of hit my self-esteem pretty hard and even the reviews I was getting were hard to take,” said O’Hearn. But she didn’t let that break her dream of developing educational fun reads. After selling already 800 copies of her first book, O’Hearn is now pleased to announce the second in her series – “Cedric the Cedar” – is set to hit the bookshelf this fall. The picture book follows the story of a Western Red Cedar (Cedric), who’s a fire

control officer set out to save the forest but also highlights the value of natural forest fires. “We really need forest fires – it’s a way of ridding disease and it’s actually a natural occurrence that we shouldn’t always put out,” said O’Hearn, who has a degree in forestry. Beyond having the freedom of tweaking her work through self-publishing, O’Hearn found that her story hit a target audience that didn’t necessarily fit into what other publishers were seeking. The $5,000 spent on the first 1,000 books printed has already been covered by the sales she’s made – taking home about half the retail price per book. Ridge has learned that though she didn’t have to take the lead on marketing and had more time to continue writing the sequel – “Road Block” (released this spring) – profit does not come trickling in as quickly.

Waneta Plaza

A group of outspoken Greater Trail residents plan to make their voices heard on “smart meters” at a province-wide rally held outside the FortisBC building in Trail Wednesday. Sharon Noble, director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, said she hopes Trail’s efforts will spread word on a process other residents of B.C. have already “unwillingly” gone through. “We – Hydro’s customers – did not have that opportunity since Hydro did not have to apply to BCUC (B.C. Utilities Commission),” said the Victoria resident. “People should take full advantage of this and head this off before it can get started.” The coalition has scheduled its rallies strategically on the same day as Pink Shirt Day, a national anti-bullying day. “The purpose of the rally is to tell people that Hydro is intimidating and bullying and it seems to be an appropriate day because Premier Christy Clark called for the Pink Shirt Day to complain about the bullying that’s going on generally in schools,” said Noble. “We support that entirely but bullying in schools and bullying people in their own homes, neither one is right.” While these meters have already been implemented in other parts of the province, FortisBC is finalizing its application to the BCUC for an

See FORTISBC, Page 3

RDKB backs moratorium BY ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has decided to back a Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) motion that called for a moratorium on smart meters until more research is shown. The motion comes after information that the power supplier for the region district, FortisBC, had to put in an application to be authorized to install the meters. Area A Director Ali Grieve brought the resolution to the board of directors meeting last Thursday in Trail.

See FINDING, Page 3


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times



Cloudy Periods

An extremely rare sighting caught this male pine grosbeak feeding on dried berries in the middle of Saturday’s snowstorm on a rural Fruitvale road. Recognized by it large red torso and head, this unwary finch makes periodic winter irruptions into southern B.C. It is the largest and rarest of the winter finches.

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Strong takeout doubles The bidding: East, with 14 points, opens one diamond, his higher ranking and longer minor. He has a perfect two club rebid avoiding notrump with a singleton spade. Even if partner has four spades, a minor is probably a better place to play than one notrump. However, South has other plans with a massive hand that would have been opened two clubs had his opponent passed. If somebody doubles and then bids his own suit, he is showing 16 points or more. Here South doubles then makes a cuebid telling partner


WATSON Play Bridge

he is strong in his next bid. North only gives minimum responses but his spade support should lead to an entry and South knows where all of the missing points are since East opened. The contract: Six spades by South

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The opening lead: The three of diamonds. Minor suit openings are not always lead directive, but with the opponents bidding the majors, a diamond is as good as any lead. West must lead a small diamond to tell partner he has three or more cards in the suit. The play: West wins the ace of diamonds and returns a diamond to South’s King. South cashed the ace of hearts and plays the eight of spades to the ten. He then plays the queen of hearts which East covers and South ruffs with the ace. South plays the seven of spades to the jack, drawing the last trump and runs hearts pitching his clubs. The club finesse is not necessary. The third entry (2 to the 4) to the dummy also is not necessary. The result: Six Spades making 6 for

+1430. Notes: -If East had not covered the queen of hearts, South would have discarded a club. This is called a ruffing



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finesse. -There are other ways to make the contract. The club finesse could be taken and a small club ruffed in dummy.

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Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A3

REGIONAL FortisBC seeking meter approval


FROM PAGE 1 advanced metering infrastructure program in this region. Should the BCUC grant approval, the utility would initiate replacement of existing electro-mechanical and digital meters with advanced meters by 2015. “We still have to go through a very public and transparent process so we are a bit different in that we’re going through the whole regulatory process to even see if we can go forward with the advance metering process,” explained Neal Pobran, FortisBC corporate communications advisor. If given the green light, nearly all of the existing 112,000 meters in the Southern Interior will be replaced with the advanced units. Pobran notes there would be many benefits involved with the switchover including real-time electricity information, theft prevention and improved power outage restoration. While the coalition highlights its concern wireless radiation can have on people with health issues like multiple sclerosis or epilepsy, Pobran remains confident that health experts are claming the devices to be perfectly safe. Protest signs will be on site for those interested in joining the rally on Esplanade Avenue from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesday. For more information on the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters visit,

Another sister for Nelson? BY MEGAN COLE Nelson Star

The City of Nelson could be adding another sister city to its roster. During a presentation by the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce at Monday’s committee of the whole meeting, Tom Thomson said the chamber is looking at the possibility of adding Sandpoint, Idaho to Nelson’s sister cities. “This initiative was originally brought to the chamber as an organization that can take the lead in trying to make this sis-

ter city initiative happen through Whitewater,” said Thomson. “Whitewater and Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort down in Idaho, they’ve got a reciprocal skiing agreement in place now. “We think that there are some good opportunities with Sandpoint, and not to discount the other sister cities because they are very important initiatives, this one I think can have some more economic impact” Nelson has two sister cities: Izushi, Japan and BaieSaint-Paul, Quebec.


Cougar struck by car BY TIMES STAFF A cougar was euthanized after getting hit by a vehicle near Blueberry Creek Monday morning. Castlegar RCMP reported that at approximately 6 a.m. a driver called police after he struck a cougar in the Blueberry/Fairview area. The driver explained he hit the cougar hard and feared it was injured when it ran off. A Conservation Officer was called out and he, along with tracking dogs, located the cougar in the canyon area at Blueberry Creek. The cougar, which had suffered a broken hind leg in the collision, was put down. RCMP could not confirm if this was the same cougar recently spotted in the Blueberry area.


Staff from the Kootenay Savings Credit Union branch in downtown Trail were briefly evacuated Monday morning when a fire alarm sounded. Fortunately, the alarm was triggered during some minor renovations at the branch and the staff soon returned inside.

‘Constituents want more information,’ says Grieve FROM PAGE 1 “I was asked by area residents to bring the issue forward,” she said, adding that the resolution didn’t come directly from here, but from staff. Her suggestion was simply that they discuss it, she said. “Basically, what I’m hearing from constituents is that they want more information and I think that’s a fair request. That’s kind of the reason I wanted to bring it here for a discussion.” Grieve asked for support to write a letter for more information before “something is imposed on us that we didn’t ask for.” Marguerite Rotvold, Midway director, said the resolution was confusing in a way. “The UBCM resolution really

came about because of the government mandating that B.C. Hydro proceed with that,” Rotvold said. “In this area, we’re under Fortis, and Fortis has to apply for that privilege to use smart meters.” She argued that the UBCM resolution pertains to B.C. Hydro and not FortisBC. Rotvold mentioned a resolution from the Lower Mainland that asked for the public to be able to choose whether or not to have the meters installed. “There’s a lot of fear out there and I think this is attempting to address that,” Grieve added in. Brian Taylor, Grand Forks director, spoke against the motion.

“I think it’s general hysteria,” Taylor said. “I think smart meters are part of doing good business, and just like in your municipalities you couldn’t opt out from the sewer or water service in your area, this is something that needs to be done in concert with the whole province, and I think, clearly, it’s hysterical.” Nipper Kettle, Greenwood’s director, sided with Taylor on the issue. “I’m going to vote against the motion as well,” Kettle said. “I think a lot of this is fear mongering by people that do not know the facts.” Grieve shot back that, “Regardless if it’s hysteria fear, if it’s an unknown, let’s put the facts out there and share them with everybody.”

Finding the balance for writing and family FROM PAGE 1 Ridge couldn’t say how many books she’s sold, yet, without receipt of a royalty statement from her publisher at this time, but notes that she takes home less than a dollar of every book sold. Her books geared toward young readers follows Bree, an outspoken 12-year-old girl who has turned into quite the activist – fighting a bylaw against tree climbing in her Vancouver

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townhouse complex in “Trouble in the Trees” and next raising her concerns when a developer wants to put a road through her grandmother’s farm land in “Road Block.” “Bree fights the battles that I wish I always could fight but now I’m fighting them on paper, instead,” said Ridge. “I think it’s an age where you really start pushing the limits and not just blindly following rules but ques-

tioning them.” The woman with a masters degree in scientific counselling spent much time writing research papers before turning to her passion for fiction when she left work to raise her two young children. O’Hearn knows all too well what it’s like to balance such a project all while raising children. “Give it 15-20 minutes a day and you’d be surprised how much you can get

done,” she said. “Whenever you feel compelled to write, keep your file open and that’s how I survived doing this with three kids, working and doing all the volunteering that I do.” The workshop will include treats and refreshments, not to mention a copy of each of the writers’ first books. To sign up for the workshop, visit and find the link to pay online.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times


Labour Relations Board to determine if teachers can launch walkout THE CANADIAN PRESS VANCOUVER - B.C. teachers may be allowed to launch a full-scale strike if the Labour Relations Board approves their application for such job action as the government prepares legislation to impose a contract. A board hearing Monday night will also consider whether a mediator should step into the labour dispute that began last September. Education Minister George Abbott has said after nearly a year of negotiations, the teachers’ union and the province’s bargaining agent are too far apart for a mediator to settle the ongoing dispute. Teachers have so far staged limited job action such as not filling out report cards, meeting with administrators or supervising children in playgrounds. On Tuesday and Wednesday, they will vote on whether to escalate their action and launch a full-scale walkout. The Labour Relations Board must approve their next steps because education is designated an essential service.

Susan Lambert, head of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation, said the union is appealing to parents to contact Abbott and let him know that a negotiated end to the contract is what teachers want. “Please help us avoid what would be the worst-case scenario (and) inflame an already problematic relationship, and that is a legislated end to this round of collective bargaining,” she said. “The last thing we want to do is go out on strike. What we’re trying to do is exhaust every possibility ahead of time. That includes mediation.” Abbott has said while teachers have a democratic right to escalate job action, it would only increase the harm to students and impact their parents. Teachers want a 15-per-cent wage hike during the government’s net-zero mandate for public-sector employees. “The union’s demands, which would add $2 billion in costs for B.C. taxpayers, are not acceptable given the current financial reality,” Abbott said.


City keeps courting WestJet BY KRISTI PATTON Penticton Western News

Penticton is continuing to work hard on catching the eye of WestJet to bring a regional service to the city. A grassroots movement brought forward

a Facebook group, Twitter campaign, an online petition and it now appears a multimedia campaign is in the works by the city. “I don’t want to indicate what we are doing, but we are planning to do something a



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Sinking ship leaves diesel sheen in bay BY PETER W. RUSLAND Cowichan News Leader Pictorial

It is still unknown why a 40-foot trawler sunk in Cowichan Bay late Thursday, or early Friday, leaving a sheen of diesel fuel in its wake, Coast Guard officials say. The vessel’s name is still unknown, and the names of its owners are not being released by the Coast Guard. Those owners are responsible for salvaging the vessel — now being pumped out — and hauling it from the bay, Coast Guard agent Dan Bate told the News Leader Pictorial Friday afternoon. Coast Guard officials earlier said the boat leaked about 200 square meters of oil-diesel into the sensitive bay. But Bate said most of the vessel’s fuel was removed after the boat sunk earlier this week, also for unknown reasons, off Pender Island. “There’s now a light, unrecoverable sheen in Cowichan Bay,” he said. It was unknown if any bay wildlife was affected, Bate noted. The fuel skim will dissipate through wave action and evaporation, he added. The incident was first attended Friday morning by the 47-foot Coast Guard cutter Cape Naden after a call from the bay’s wharfinger.

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little bit out of the box to get the attention of WestJet,” said Annette Antoniak, city manager in Penticton. “We want to make sure Penticton is noticed. We have reached out to different stakeholder groups in the city to help out with that to ensure we get the best and biggest exposure.”


This privately owned trawler took on water for unknown reasons Friday morning and sunk off Cowichan Bay before being towed to near Hecate Park, leaving oil-diesel fuel in its wake.




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Cape Naden left when a smaller Coast Guard pollution-control vessel arrived. It stood down when recoverable fuel wasn’t found in the bay, Bate said. “The owners are awaiting (low) tides to remove the boat.” The owners are also responsible for any cleanup bills, he said. Bate was unaware if Transport Canada is investigating concerning seaworthiness of the partially submerged trawler towed Friday afternoon to just off Hecate Park’s boat-ramp area. The feds noted the vessel is not the derelict Dominion that’s legally sat in the bay for about five years. Bay Director Lori Iannidinardo is still trying to secure funds to pump out Dominion’s unknown volume of fuel, in case it sinks. MP Jean Crowder is pursuing federal legislation to confiscate derelict vessels dotting Canada’s shores, and to take action against their owners.


Investigation under way into chlorine leak THE CANADIAN PRESS

WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C. - An independent health and safety consultant has arrived in the B.C. community of Williams Lake as officials try to determine what caused a chlorine gas leak that sickened 70 people. Williams Lake Chief Administrative Officer Brian Carruthers says officials in the community will also be taking part in the investigation. He says it’s lucky that the exposure suffered by 45 children and 25 adults was relatively minor, but the pool at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation complex will remain closed until it’s determined what went wrong. An adult and a boy remained in hospital for observation overnight after gas used to cleanse the pool water was released into the air while a swim meet was under way. One parent says a smaller pool in the swimming area had been emptied when people began to notice a foul odour and the complex was evacuated. Chlorine gas dissolves into the moisture of the lungs, forming an acid that irritates lung tissue, causing swelling, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, possible chest pain and, in severe cases, bacterial pneumonia.

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A5



Dog lovers across the country want to adopt dog that killed infant THE CANADIAN PRESS


Firefighters work on putting out a fire in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Monday. Dozens of Nunavut students are homeless and without any of their worldly goods after a fire razed an apartment block in the middle of a frigid Arctic night in Iqaluit.


McGuinty’s oilsands comment surprises Redford THE CANADIAN PRESS TORONTO - Alberta Premier Alison Redford says Ontario counterpart Dalton McGuinty is being simplistic for suggesting a booming oilsands is bad news for Ontario. Redford disputed McGuinty’s comments Monday that a strong oilsands industry means a high Canadian dollar, which hurts Ontario’s wellspring manufacturing and export sectors. “This is a false paradigm,�

Redford said in a conference call from Chicago, where she is meeting with business leaders. “We know how the value of the dollar works. It’s in relation to an overall national economy. The reason the Canadian dollar is high is partly because the United States has been going through some economic difficulties. “It’s a very simplistic approach.� Redford also said the

remarks caught her by surprise because McGuinty had not raised the issue previously. Earlier Monday, McGuinty rejected calls from Redford for him to do more to publicly defend the oilsands. He said Ontario would prefer a lower dollar over a growing oil and gas industry in Western Canada. “The only reason the dollar is high, it’s a petro dollar, driven by the global demand

for oil and gas to be sourced in Western Canada,� McGuinty said. “If I had my preferences as to whether we have a rapidly growing oil and gas sector in the West or a lower dollar benefiting Ontario, I stand with the lower dollar.� During the weekend, Redford called on Ontario and Quebec to speak out in favour of the oilsands and the Keystone pipeline linking Canada to Texas.

Liberals take the blame for Toews Twitter attack THE CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA - Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae says one of his staffers was responsible for a series of anonymous Internet attacks aimed at Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. “I was advised yesterday that an employee of the Liberal research bureau in fact is responsible,� the chagrined Liberal leader told the House of Commons. “I want to offer to the minister my personal apology to him for

the conduct of a member of my staff.� Rae says the offending staffer has resigned. Toews said he accepts the apology. Two weeks ago, Toews came under attack on the web over his sponsorship of an Internet surveillance bill. An anonymous Twitter user dished out salacious details of the minister’s divorce proceedings. An effort to track the source pointed to

an origin within the Parliament Buildings. Rae said this sort of attack is unacceptable. “One of the things that make public life difficult is when political attacks become personal,� he said. “I have tried in my political life to make it very clear that matters of personal and private conduct are not to be the subject of political attack or political reference. “I want to say very clearly that we did not

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meet that standard with respect to the establishment of that site by a member of the Liberal research bureau. I want to apologize unreservedly.� Meanwhile, Foreign

Affairs Minister John Baird offered his own apology to the NDP. Baird had accused the New Democrats on Friday of being behind the anti-Toews Internet site.

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AIRDRIE, Alta. - Animal lovers from across the country are volunteering to adopt a pet husky that killed a newborn baby in southern Alberta. At least a dozen people have made requests through the city of Airdrie and many more have sent messages to the baby’s parents. “Euthanizing this dog will not bring that little baby back,� said Ron Pawlowski of Bradford, Ont., a business professor who wants to have the dog moved to his farm. “I know that the whole country shares in this poor family’s grief. If this dog proves to be no further a threat, I hope that the dog can be given a new home.� The two-day-old baby boy was bitten Feb. 15 in the couple’s home in the bedroom community north of Calgary. He died later that night in hospital. A family friend has said the baby was crying in his crib, and the dog was likely trying to comfort him when it bit him once in the head. The female dog had previously given birth to several litters of puppies. The RCMP have said there was no negligence by the parents and there will be no criminal charges. The husky remains in quarantine and is being assessed by an animal behaviour expert. If the family decides it doesn’t want the dog destroyed, the matter will be heard by a provincial court judge March 15. Rob and Rhonda Fradette said in a statement last week that they had been mourning the loss of their new baby and hadn’t discussed whether the dog should be destroyed. The animal had not been aggressive before and went through training and obedience classes. “We will never know what our family pet was thinking nor will we ever know why she did what she did,� they said. The Fradettes are active in the dog sledding community and run a home-based company called Urban Mushers that sells dog-sledding supplies.

1618 2nd Ave., Trail (250) 368-6999






Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times

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Taxing times for B.C. government


efore this week’s budget debate is drowned out by the shouting over the teachers’ dispute, here’s a look at the main points and the arguments unfolding around them. The setting for Finance Minister Kevin Falcon’s first budget is what he dreaded when Premier Christy Clark handed him the job. Recovery is painfully slow, with mining and petroleum growing and forest products struggling to hold and build on gains made in Asia. This and the $3 billion dismantling of the harmonized sales tax moved Falcon to limit overall spending growth to an average of two per cent for the next three years. That means little or no increase to all areas except health care, education and social assistance. Despite holding the line on public service pay and not replacing 2,000 pos-

itions over the next three years, Clark and Falcon had to postpone the elimination of the 2.5-per-cent small business income tax to get to a balanced budget by 2013. And Falcon has again dangled the prospect of raising general corporate income tax from 10 to 11 per cent, but not until 2014. Business experts applauded the hard line on spending, noting the contrast with Alberta’s big spending and Ontario’s big spending hangover. NDP finance critic Bruce Ralston says Falcon’s twoper-cent spending target is “unrealistic,” and the whole program is motivated mostly by two byelections this year and a general election next year. He said the proposal to raise general business taxes is a repeat of his effort to save the HST, and it won’t happen if the B.C. Liberals win in 2013.


FLETCHER B.C. Views B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins made the bizarre claim that it’s an NDP-style “tax and spend” budget, and inaccurately accused Falcon of raising taxes on small business. He also joined the NDP chorus of outrage over ICBC, BC Hydro and medical premium increases. Some other hot topics in the budget: • Selling assets. The big one here is B.C.’s liquor wholesaling monopoly, run out of warehouses in Kamloops and Vancouver. Falcon insists the private

sector does this kind of work more efficiently, and union contracts will be protected in a bidding process. The NDP argues that selling off a monopoly puts this government cash cow at risk, and points to private retail stores with higher prices and lower wages. The proposed sale of 100 surplus Crown properties has raised cries of “selling the silverware to buy groceries.” But land sales are nothing new for governments, and Falcon prefers that to raising taxes. • Carbon tax. The last scheduled increase goes ahead in July, adding another penny on a litre of gasoline, followed by a freeze and review of the whole climate program. Ralston says the climate plan is “in tatters,” along with dozens of other policy areas that are also under review after 11 years of B.C. Liberal rule.

NDP leader Adrian Dix vows to keep the carbon tax and its offsetting personal income tax cuts, direct carbon tax revenues to transit and rural energysaving retrofits, and hike the general corporate tax rate from 10 to 12 per cent to pay for it. • HST. Asked what he would have done as finance minister, Ralston suggested getting rid of the HST sooner. Dix continues to misrepresent the HST as solely a transfer to big business, ignoring the small and mediumsized businesses that have a year left to take advantage of input tax credits. Simon Fraser University economist Jon Kesselman has estimated that poor people will be worse off when the HST ends, while the rest of us will see a very small net benefit. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A7


Painting Calcutta blue


am not making this up. step in making a city safer, They’re going to paint healthier, cleaner and generally Calcutta blue. more user-friendly for its inhabSome firm of public rela- itants,� the newspaper wrote, tions consultants has persuaded tongue firmly in cheek. the West Bengal “(Painting state governCalcutta blue) ment that all officould, with as little cial buildings and doubt, sort out its assets in Calcutta, core problems right down to the chaotic health care, lane dividers on inability to implehighways, should ment pollution conGWYNNE be painted light trol norms, arsenic blue. Taxis and in the water, archaother public seric sewers and garWorld Affairs vices that require bage disposal, bad licenses will also roads, killer buses have get out the blue paint, and for public transport, an airport owners of private property will falling apart and beyond dismal, be asked to do the same, with priceless paintings rotting away tax cuts for those who comply. in public art galleries, to name It’s all about branding, really. a few.� One wonders why more West Bengal got a new govern- cities are not doing the same. ment last year, after 34 years of Maybe they couldn’t afford the Communist rule, and the state’s right consultants. new rulers decided that the capI yield to practically everyital city, Calcutta, needs a new body in my esteem for the colour scheme. overpaid consultants who are As Urban Development employed by unimaginative Minister Firhad Hakim told The governments to “improve their Indian Express newspaper, “Our image.� leader Mamata Banerjee has There is a better way for decided that the theme colour of Calcutta to overcome its reputathe city will be sky blue because tion for chaos and decay. By all the motto of the new govern- means spend most of the availment is ‘the sky is the limit’.� able money on sewers and garCalcuta’s leading newspaper, bage disposal, roads and buses, the Telegraph, was so swept pollution control, art galleries away by the wonderfulness of and the airport – but also restore the concept that it wrote a ful- the city centre. some editorial about it. “Finding Calcutta was the capital of the right colour combination is British-ruled India for two cenundoubtedly the crucial first turies. For much of that time


it was the second-largest city in the British Empire, only surpassed by London. So the centre of the city was full of Georgian and Regency buildings that reflected the city’s power and wealth at that time. Most of them are still there. Calcutta was poor for a long time, so it hasn’t had the money to erase its past in the brutal way that is happening in most other Asian big cities. Almost all Chinese cities have already destroyed their architectural heritage, and beautiful cities like Hanoi are working at it fulltime. But Calcutta’s wonderful buildings are in dreadful shape, and soon it will find enough money to start destroying them wholesale. It would cost more than a vat of blue paint, but labour isn’t that expensive in the city, so it’s cheaper to restore than to destroy and rebuild. If Calcutta started now, it could have a city centre that is the envy of Asia in ten years. Alternatively, the West Bengal government could push the blue business a bit further. After all, nothing exceeds like excess. Why not paint all 14 million of Calcutta’s inhabitants blue, and declare that they are all avatars of Vishnu? That would get everybody’s attention. Gwynne Dyer is a Londonbased independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

The Harper government pension follies An editorial from the Hamilton Spectator. How fitting. Right around the time that Sun Life Financial releases its annual Unretirement Index, which suggests only three in 10 Canadians expect to be fully retired by age 66, the Harper government takes to the road to make the case for public pension benefits being unsustainable. Is there a message here? Perhaps that raising the pension benefit qualification age from 65 to 67 is in keeping with the average expectations? We’re not seriously suggesting there is any collusion here, only that the timing of the two things is ironic. Most of us are feeling increasingly anxious about what our retirement years hold, financially at least. Many private and some public plans are under pressure, many running deficits. Household income is stagnant, but the price of goods and services is not, meaning average Canadians are further behind now than a year or two ago. Senior governments are wrestling with massive deficits and questionable expectations around when their respective deficits can be curbed. And the international financial scene continues to be volatile, threatening retirement nest eggs.

But we don’t have to sit quietly while the Harper government continues to manufacture a fake crisis around Old Age Security, which currently pays most Canadians about $508 monthly, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement paid to those at the lowest end of the income scale. When the OAS crisis was created by Harper at the World Economic Forum in Davos, reaction was quick and critical. Pension experts were unanimous in refuting his claim that OAS/GIS are not sustainable. The government’s own actuarial tables supported that position. The Parliamentary Budget Officer joined the chorus and was promptly labelled as “unreliable� by the finance minister. So the Harper brain trust switched strategies, handing the odious challenge of selling this fake crisis to Human Resources Minister Diane Finley. At the Canadian Club in Toronto, she painted a picture of an economy awash with frail and expensive seniors relying on a shrinking and taxed workforce of younger Canadians. Now it’s not just OAS/GIS that are unaffordable, but the entire social safety net, so naturally younger Canadians are at risk if they don’t jump

aboard the Harper juggernaut. It’s a shameful way to discuss and promote public policy - pitting insecure younger workers against retirees - but it might work. Self-interest, enlightened or otherwise, is a powerful catalyst. But it doesn’t change the central reality: Increasing the age of OAS/GIS eligibility is not necessary. It will penalize the most vulnerable among us, because the benefits are most important to people with the least amount of money and retirement savings. It will force more poor retirees, such as those receiving disability benefits, onto welfare and other provincial programs, which will effectively download Ottawa’s costs onto the provinces. The Harper government could choose to reduce or even revisit its shockingly expensive purchase of new jet fighters. It could scale back its massive expansion of prisons, which will also result in higher costs for provinces. Both these things yield savings on par or greater than the OAS/GIS rollback, but the government appears determined to erode retirement lifestyles instead, a case of misplaced priorities if ever there was one.




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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times


OBITUARIES WILLIAMS (NEE MACDONALD), EILEEN — peacefully at home on February 21, 2012. Mom was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia on March 23, 1915, to Dr. Ralph E. Macdonald and Florence Anne (Bent) Macdonald. After the Halifax Explosion of 1917, which Mom always said “blew her family west”, the Macdonald Clan settled on Maple Street on Kits Point in Vancouver. Mom spent her early childhood there with her beloved sister, Ethel, and numerous cousins. When her father’s health deteriorated and he was advised to find a drier climate, the family moved to Rossland where she spent her school years. She became an accomplished dancer, particularly in ballet, and at school memorized an astonishing amount of poetry and Shakespeare which she was forever after able to recite at will. She was taught to ski by Trygve Nora and toured extensively through the back country around Red and Granite Mountains long before they were developed as ski hills. She told many stories of those days, including toboggan rides down the road from Rossland to Trail and her friendship with a local character, BlackJack Macdonald (no relation) - she actually saw BlackJack’s gold, a local legend of a missing fortune in gold coins. She was the first woman to climb Old Glory on skis and to ski down, and always liked to refer to Old Glory as “my mountain”. When her family relocated to West Point Grey in Vancouver and World War II broke out, Mom was one of the first 150 Canadian women to join the WD (Women’s Division) of the Royal Canadian Air Force. She trained in Centralia, Ontario, and was posted first to Summerside, PEI, and then to Claresholm Alberta, as Flight Lieutenant Eileen “Wee Mac” Macdonald. In her later years, she enjoyed travelling to WD reunions to reconnect with her wartime colleagues. After the war, Mom returned to the Rossland/Trail area to teach Pro Rec and skiing. She met and married W.O. “Windy” Williams in 1948. They honeymooned at Yodel Inn, Dad’s cabin near the top of the Squaw Basin Trail (now Reno’s Run) and spent much time touring and skiing in the local mountains. They settled in Warfield in 1948 and raised two children, Wake and Karen. When Dad retired from Cominco in 1965, Mom went back to UBC to complete her teaching degree and began teaching in the Trail school district. During her career she taught first

Writer co-authored ‘Bears’ books

at J.L. Crowe and Rossland Secondary Schools, then found her true calling as school Librarian at Central and MacLean Elementary Schools. After Dad’s passing in 1979, she retired from teaching in 1980 and began to do some travelling: a culturally interesting cruise to Alaska aboard a Russian cruise ship, several WD reunions in eastern Canada, jaunts to the Northwest Territories with Elderhostel and to visit her son in the Arctic communities of Rankin Inlet and Cambridge Bay, and around B.C. in her half-ton truck and camper with her Scottie dogs Mac and Flora. For many years, Mom volunteered as a driver for Meals on Wheels, continuing well into her late eighties, delivering meals in some cases to people quite a bit younger than she was! At the same time she also wrote for and co-edited the seniors’ newsletter, “The Best Years”. As she got into her nineties, she was herself supported by Meals on Wheels, Home Support and the Bridges program at Columbia View Lodge. The family would like to thank everyone involved with these organizations for the kindness and the care that they gave our mother. In her last few years, Mom was also wonderfully cared for by April Cashman and her colleagues Stacy Prince, Elaine Robataille, and Monica Averill, who were instrumental in supporting us in Mom’s care so that she was able to stay in her own home. Our sincere thanks to them as well. Mom was pre-deceased by her husband, Windy, and sister, Ethel, and is survived by her children, Karen and Wake, her nieces, Lucy Quinn and Pat (Dr. E.K.) Murakami, her great-nieces and nephews Mark, Kathy, Julie, Paul and Doug, and her “adopted” children, Len and Heather Seymour. There was a family remembrance held on February 25, 2012 in Hope, B.C. A drop-in remembrance of Mom’s life will be held on March 31, 2012 from 1 to 4 pm at her home at 410 Forrest Drive in Warfield. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the charity of your choice. A poem written by Eileen’s sister, Ethel (Macdonald) Quinn, to explain to Eileen’s nieces why there was no need to worry during the war: AUNTIE’S IN THE AIR FORCE Bombing squadrons don’t appear Things like that can’t happen here In our hearts there is no fear Auntie’s in the Air Force Blacked-out windows, stuffed-up cracks Imminence of war attacks Can’t send shivers down our backs Auntie’s in the Air Force If in the night the sirens blare wouldn’t feel the least bit scared We know the country’s well prepared With Auntie in the Air Force We love you, Mom, and we will miss you.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PHILADELPHIA - Jan Berenstain, who with her husband, Stan, wrote and illustrated the Berenstain Bears books that have charmed preschoolers and their parents for 50 years, has died. She was 88. Berenstain, a longtime resident of Solebury in southeastern Pennsylvania, suffered a severe stroke on Thursday and died Friday without regaining consciousness, her son Mike Berenstain said. The gentle tales of Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear and Sister Bear were inspired by the Berenstain children, and later their grandchildren. The stories address children’s common concerns and aim to offer guidance on subjects like dentist visits, peer pressure, a new sibling or summer camp. The first Berenstain Bears book, “The Big Honey Hunt,” was published in 1962. Over the years, more than 300 titles have been released in 23 languages - most recently in Arabic and Icelandic - and have become a rite of passage for generations of young readers. The characters’ stories also appeared on television, including a series produced by Canadian company Nelvana. Canadian director Shawn Levy has said in recent years that he was working on a big-screen adaptation with Nelvana. “They say jokes don’t travel well, but family humour does,” Jan Berenstain told The Associated Press in 2011. “Family values is what we’re all about.” Stan and Jan Berenstain, both Philadelphia natives, were 18 when they met on their first day at art school in 1941. They married in 1946, after Stan Berenstain returned home from serving as a medical illustrator at a stateside Army hos-


Jan Berenstain works on art for a Berenstain Bears book in Solebury, Pa. Her son Mike Berenstain said she died Feb. 24. pital during the Second World War. During that time, Jan Berenstain worked as a draftsman for the Army Corps of Engineers and as a riveter building Navy seaplanes. Before their family of bear books was born, the young couple had already built a successful career in periodicals. A cartoon series they produced called “All in the Family” ran in McCall’s and Good Housekeeping magazines for 35 years, and their art appeared in magazines including Collier’s and The Saturday Evening Post. Stan and Jan Berenstain created hundreds of books until Stan Berenstain’s death in 2005 at the age of 82.

No winner has come forward to claim massive lottery jackpot THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HARTFORD, Conn. Could somebody be carrying a $254 million lottery ticket and not even know it? Did they buy the ticket while passing through the state and forget about it? Or is the winner of the biggest jackpot in Connecticut history taking time to consult first with a financial adviser? The search is still on for the winner of the Nov. 2 Powerball drawing, with billboards across the state urging the ticket holder to step forward and end the mystery. The person who bought the ticket at an undisclosed location in Fairfield County has six months to claim the prize, which ranks as the 12th biggest jackpot in Powerball history. If no winner comes for-

ward by April 30, the money would go back to the states that fed the pot. At convenience stores across southwest Connecticut, rumours have been swirling about unlucky souls who had the winning combination - 12-14-34-3946, Powerball 36 - only to lose the ticket. But a spokeswoman for the Connecticut Lottery Corporation said that nobody has contacted headquarters so far to make a claim. “We’re on a kind of holding pattern until they come in,” spokeswoman Linda Tarnowski said. Lottery officials have urged people to check their Powerball tickets through messages on billboards and display screens at 2,700 retailers across the state. Although nearly two

weeks have passed since the drawing, Tarnowski said there are countless possible explanations for the delay. “You really don’t know. Someone could have gone in with a group and they’re waiting to split it up. Maybe they’re talking to a financial adviser or attorney. It could be they’re waiting for a new tax year,” she said. “You just hope that it is someone in the state of Connecticut who has it.” The $254.2 million prize is by far the biggest lottery jackpot ever in Connecticut, where the previous record was a $59.5 million Powerball jackpot in June 2005. The winner can claim a $254.2 million annuity paid over 29 years or a lump sum of nearly $152 million in cash.

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Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A9



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FEBRUARY 29, 2012 7:30









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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times

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KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Ed. Access H. Big Bang (:31) Rob Person of Interest The Mentalist Å News Letterman News News Ent Insider Wipeout Å Jimmy Kimmel Live Grey’s Anatomy News Nightline PBS NewsHour (N) Chihuly in Hotshop Prime Suspect Å MI-5 Å The Golden Apple Awards Å Profiles News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel 30 Rock Parks The Office All Night Awake “Pilot” News Jay Leno (5:59) News Hour (N) Ent ET The Exes (:31) Rob Bones Å Awake “Pilot” News Hour Final (N) Big Bang Two Men Big Bang Two Men American Idol The finalists are revealed. News 30 Rock Sunny (:36) TMZ CTV News (N) Å etalk Big Bang Big Bang Whitney Criminal Minds The Mentalist Å CTV News CTV News Parks Undersea Canada The Queen’s Palaces (:05) Movie: ››› “Super Size Me” (2004) Cola Conquest Å NHL Hockey News Jeopardy! The Nature of Things Cat Crazed National Stroumboulopoulos ET Ent Awake “Pilot” The Exes (:31) Rob Bones Å News Hour Final (N) Ent ET Family Family Restaurant: Im. Chef Hunter Å Family Family Restaurant: Im. Chef Hunter Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å (:01) The First 48 (:01) The First 48 (:01) The First 48 Reba Reba Funny Home Videos The Show Naked Reba Reba Jim Melissa Funny Home Videos Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront iCarly Weird Weird Weird iCarly Mr. Young Funny Home Videos Laughs Splatalot Weird Mr. Young Caillou Mike Max, Rby Toopy Cat in the Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Beat Band Chugging Rolie Po Thomas ReG (:25) “Family of Strangers” Å Movie: ›››‡ “Coal Miner’s Daughter” (:05) Movie: ›› “Rock Star” (2001) Å NY Ink (N) Å Cellblock 6 NY Ink Å Cellblock 6 Tattoo School Å Extreme Forensics Instant Instant Instant Instant Friends Friends Friends 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Instant ET Johnny T Detention Drama Mudpit (N) Vampire MAD Futurama Fam. Guy American Chicken Fam. Guy Dating Storage Storage Carnivore Carnivore Storage Storage Storage Storage Carnivore Carnivore MonsterQuest Å (5:00) Movie: ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) Al Pacino. Å Movie: ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) Å Battle Castle (N) Museum Secrets (N) Trashopolis “Berlin” Ancient Discoveries Battles BC Å True Crime Scene Laughs Corn. Gas Just for Laughs Å Simpsons Laughs Corn. Gas Big Bang Comedy Comedy Daily Colbert Tripping Tripping Todd Todd Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Next Tripping Tripping Todd Todd Jessie Jessie Shake It Good Deck Good Really Me Wingin’ It Princess So Raven Ned’s Zoey 101 Browns Payne Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Movie: “Shattered” (2007) Pierce Brosnan. Movie: “Poseidon” (5:00) Movie: “Tora! Tora! Tora!” Movie: ›››‡ “From Here to Eternity” (:45) Movie: ››› “In Harm’s Way” (1965, War) Å iMPACT Wrestling (N) Å MMA Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å GTTV Entourage MMA Entourage Wrecked Wrecked Trucker Trucker Dangerous Drives Wrecked Wrecked Trucker Trucker Pass Time Ride Mighty Planes MythBusters Å Daily Planet Mighty Planes Mighty Planes MythBusters Å Real Housewives Tori & Dean: Home Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Tori & Dean: Home Movie: “Demons From Her Past” (2007) Å Flashpoint The Mentalist Å Criminal Minds Å “Demons From” NCIS: Los Angeles › “Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York” Lost Girl Å Movie: ›‡ “Punisher: War Zone” (2008) Love It or List It Property Candice Undercover Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Love It or List It Sportsnet Central NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks. (N) Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Central UFC NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Portland Trail Blazers. (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å NCAA Games of the Night Score G-Night Score G-Night Score G-Night Final National The Nature of Things National National The Nature of Things National Direct (N) CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National New Music Videos Late Night Pop Up Saturday Night Live Lyrics! Buffy, Vampire Slayer Pop Up Jewels



Barb Blatchford .................................. 200

MARCH 1, 2012 7:30






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MARCH 2, 2012 7:00




KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Ed. Access H. Undercover Boss (N) A Gifted Man (N) Blue Bloods (N) Å News Letterman News News Ent Insider Shark Tank (N) Å Primetime: What 20/20 (N) Å Sports Nightline PBS NewsHour (N) Wash. Need Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live Profiles Charlie Rose (N) News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel Who Do You Grimm (N) Å Dateline NBC (N) News Jay Leno (5:59) News Hour (N) Ent ET House Å A Gifted Man (N) Ringer (N) Å News Hour Final (N) Big Bang Two Men Big Bang Two Men Kitchen Nightmares Å News 30 Rock Sunny (:36) TMZ CTV News (N) Å etalk Big Bang Undercover Boss (N) Grimm (N) Å Blue Bloods (N) Å CTV News CTV News Parks Rivers A History of Scotland Ballykissangel (N) Poirot Mr. Shaitana, a rich man in London. Ancient Clues Å News Coronation Street (N) Jeopardy! Marketplace (N) fifth estate National Stroumboulopoulos ET Ent House Å Ringer (N) Å A Gifted Man (N) News Hour Final (N) Ent ET Gotta Eat Ice Cold Diners Diners Diners Diners Gotta Eat Ice Cold Diners Diners Diners Diners Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Sweet Home Alabama “The Secret” (N) ER Vets Pet Hero Sweet Home Alabama “The Secret” Are You Smarter Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront iCarly Boys Victorious Big Time Movie: ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Å Mr. Young Boys In Real Life Å Caillou Franklin Max, Rby Toopy Cat in the Max, Rby Yo Gabba Yo Gabba Beat Band Chugging Rolie Thomas Kicking “Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat” Movie: ››‡ “Clean” (2004, Drama) Å (9:55) Movie: “Half Nelson” Å Fifty Pills Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings (N) Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Å Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Å Canadian Pickers Canadian Pickers ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show King King King Instant ET Detention Ben 10 Justice Justice Justice Star Wars Futurama Fam. Guy American Chicken Fam. Guy Dating Conspiracy Carnivore Carnivore Storage Storage Conspiracy Carnivore Carnivore MonsterQuest Å “Godfather III” The Walking Dead Comic Book Men Movie: ›‡ “Mimic 2” (2001, Horror) Å The Walking Dead Outlaw Bikers Å Outlaw Bikers Å Canadian Pickers Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Outlaw Bikers Å Outlaw Bikers Å Laughs Corn. Gas Laughs Laughs Simpsons Laughs Corn. Gas Big Bang Pants Good C...tales C...tales Being Human True Blood Å Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Next (:15) True Blood Å Todd Phineas Austin Jessie ANT Farm Movie: “High School Musical 3: Senior Year” (:15) Movie: “Gotta Kick It Up” Zoey 101 Browns Payne Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Movie: ›› “Poseidon” (2006) Josh Lucas. Movie: “Wimbledon” (5:00) Movie: ›››‡ “The Right Stuff” (1983) Å Movie: ›››› “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) (:15) Movie: “2010” Ink Master Ink Master Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction NASCAR NASCAR Racing Trackside NASCAR Racing Dave Despain AMA Supercross Man vs. Wild Å Mayday Å Daily Planet Man vs. Wild Å Greatest Know-It-All Mayday Å Intervention Canada Parenthood Å Bubble Wrap Kids Intervention Canada Parenthood Å Kitchen Nightmares Smash Å Elvis The Listener At the Concert Hall Way Off Broadway Smash Å Lost Girl Å Alice A woman tries to escape Wonderland. The Firm Å Movie: ››‡ “The Kingdom” (2007) Å Love It or List It Undercover The Closer (N) Å Movie: ››› “Unfaithful” (2002, Drama) Richard Gere, Diane Lane. Hockey Sportsnet Connected UFC Live “Alvez vs. Kampmann” (Taped) Sportsnet Connected Central UFC Hockey NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Edmonton Oilers. (N) Å SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å WWE SmackDown! University Basketball WWE SmackDown! (N) (Live) Å G-Night Final National Doc Zone Å National National Doc Zone Å National Direct (N) CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National (5:00) “Panic Room” Metal Evolution Å Russell Saturday Night Live Lyrics! Buffy, Vampire Slayer Metal Evolution Å

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A11



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MARCH 3, 2012 7:30









News Paid Prog. Grey’s Anatomy CSI: NY Å CSI: Crime Scene 48 Hours Mystery News Closer News Cindy C Entertainment ’Night Wipeout Å 20/20 “My Extreme Affliction” (N) Å Movie: “The Fog” Big Band Vocalists Superstars of Seventies Soul Live (My Music) Å The B-52s With the Wild Crowd Austin City Limits News Millionaire Criminal Minds Å Smash Å The Firm (N) Å Law & Order: SVU News SNL (5:59) News Hour (N) 16x9 (N) Å The Celebrity Apprentice “Getting Medieval” Ultimate Engineering News SNL Big Bang Two Men Big Bang Two Men Q’Viva! The Chosen “Episode One” Å News Wanted Alcatraz Å CTV News (N) Å W5 (N) Å (DVS) Flashpoint CSI: Crime Scene The Borgias CTV News CTV News (:05) Hope for Wildlife Attack-Bees Heartbeat “Toss Up” Midsomer Murders Å Canada Rivers NHL Hockey NHL Hockey Buffalo Sabres at Vancouver Canucks. (N) HNIC After Hours Seeking News Hockey 16x9 Å The Celebrity Apprentice “Getting Medieval” Ultimate Engineering News (:35) Saturday Night Live (N) Restaurant: Im. Iron Chef America Eat St. Eat St. Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. Iron Chef America Parking Parking Billy Billy Billy Billy Parking Parking Parking Parking Billy Billy Reba Reba Hammer Employee Pick Pick Movie: ›››‡ “Fly Away Home” (1996) Jeff Daniels. Fly Away Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom (N) Big Hits-Drms Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom (N) Big Hits-Drms Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Movie: ›› “The Pink Panther” (2006) Å Mr. Young Boys Splatalot Splatalot Max, Rby Big Friend Franklin Toopy Waybuloo Rolie Po Yo Gabba Yo Gabba Sesame Street Rolie Po Thomas Cat-Roof (:25) “The End of Silence” (2006) Movie: ›› “Twelfth Night” (1996, Comedy) (:15) Movie: ›››‡ “Hamlet” (1996) Å Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Cake Walk King King Drew Drew 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Cake Walk Instant Instant (5:00) “Shorts” (2009) Movie: ››› “Ice Age” (2002) Å Crash Movie: ›› “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” (2001) Å Python Hunters Å Mantracker Å Python Hunters Å Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons The Godfather Saga (:13) The Godfather Saga “The Godfather” compilation. (:25) The Godfather Saga (Part 3 of 4) Godfather Movie: ››› “The Reader” (2008) Kate Winslet. Å Rem. Pawn Pawn American Pickers Vietnam in HD Å LOL :-) LOL :-) Comedy Comedy Simpsons Simpsons Russell Peters Corn. Gas Corn. Gas Kids/Hall Cmdy Inc. Being Human Å (:15) Movie: ›› “Outlander” (2008) James Caviezel. (:45) Movie: ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Å Good Really Me Wizards Deck Sonny Kings Movie: “High School Musical” (:38) Movie: “Daddy Day Care” (5:00) Movie: “GoldenEye” (1995) Movie: ››› “Tomorrow Never Dies” Movie: ››‡ “The World Is Not Enough” (1999) “Some Like It Hot” (:15) Movie: ››› “The Glenn Miller Story” (:15) Movie: ›› “Rock Around the Clock” “This Is Spinal Tap” “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man” Surviving Disaster Surviving Disaster Ways Die Jesse James-Man Jesse (5:30) AMA Supercross Racing St. Louis. (N) (Live) AMA Supercross Racing St. Louis. ArenaX Greatest Know-It-All American Chopper Gold Rush Greatest Know-It-All Flying Wild Alaska American Chopper Four Weddings Housewives/Atl. Intervention Canada Project Runway Four Weddings Four Weddings Movie: ››‡ “Nine” (2009) Daniel Day-Lewis. Å Movie: ››‡ “Rent” (2005) Rosario Dawson, Taye Diggs. Å Hamlet 2 Rizzoli & Isles Å The Firm Å Movie: ›› “Arctic Blast” (2010) Å Movie: ››‡ “The Book of Eli” (2010) Movie Movie: ›› “Catch and Release” (2007) Sam Jaeger Movie: ›› “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009) Catch ATP Tennis THE BIG TIME Å UFC Live “Alvez vs. Kampmann” Å Sportsnet Connected Poker: European Curling SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å Winter X Games SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å University Basketball Score Now Å Hockey Saturday Å G-Night Score G-Night Final National One/One Nazi King Å National Issue National One/One Nazi King Å National Issue CTV News Weekend CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National MuchMore Countdown Å Top 100 Big Tunes Movie: ›››‡ “Shine a Light” (2008) Å “Shine a Light” Å


# $ % & _ ( + , ` . / 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P ø




MARCH 4, 2012 7:30









KREM 2 News at 6 60 Minutes Å The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) CSI: Miami (N) Å News The Unit News Explorer Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Desp.-Wives (:01) GCB “Pilot” News Van Impe Peter, Paul Celtic Thunder Voyage Å Celtic Woman -- Believe Å MI-5 Å News Mark Few Dateline NBC (N) Celebrity Apprentice The Celebrity Apprentice (N) Å News Paid Prog. (5:59) News Hour (N) Burgers Cleveland Simpsons Napoleon Fam. Guy American The Good Wife (N) News Block Bones “Finder” Å Burgers Cleveland Simpsons Napoleon Fam. Guy American News TMZ (N) Å Sunny CTV News (N) Å Once Upon a Time The Amazing Race Desp.-Wives (:01) GCB “Pilot” CTV News CTV News Canada Inside the Vatican Monarch of the Glen Lewis A young woman is murdered. (N) Å “Super Size Me” (5:00) › “Old Dogs” Heartland (N) The Don Cherry Story II (N) Å (DVS) National News fifth est. Burgers Cleveland The Good Wife (N) Simpsons Napoleon Fam. Guy American News Block Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Top Chef: Texas Gotta Eat Ice Cold Dinner Party Wars Chopped “My Way” Sweet Genius Å Gotta Eat Ice Cold Storage Storage Breakout Kings Å Breakout Kings Å Storage Storage Storage Storage (:01) Breakout Kings Funny Home Videos Employee Employee Pick Pick Reba Reba Hammer Hammer Funny Home Videos Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom (N) Big Hits-Drms Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom Big Hits-Drms Movie: ›› “Aliens in the Attic” (2009) Å Mr. Young Mr. Young Boys Indie Weird Weird Survive Survive Max Ruby Big Friend Franklin Toopy Waybuloo Rolie Po Backyard Dora... Sesame Street Rolie Po Thomas Movie: “The Scorpion King” Å (:35) Movie: ›››‡ “Excalibur” (1981) Å Movie: ››› “Wolfen” (1981) Albert Finney. Hoard-Buried Addiction Addiction Hoard-Buried Addiction Addiction Complusive Lottery Changed Intervention Canada King King Drew Drew 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Intervention Canada Intervention Canada Johnny T Detention Drama Mudpit Vampire R.L. Stine Crash Futurama Chicken Archer Crash Futurama Descending (N) Mantracker Å Python Hunters Å Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons Dudesons The Walking Dead (N) Comic Book Men (N) The Walking Dead Talk Dead The Walking Dead Talk Dead Comic Book Men Movie: ››› “Road to Perdition” (2002) Tom Hanks. In a Name Pawn Pawn Movie: ››‡ “The Quick and the Dead” 22 Min 22 Min Comedy Comedy LOL :-) (N) LOL :-) Picnicface Jon Dore Corn. Gas Corn. Gas Kids/Hall Cmdy Inc. Grimm Å Supernatural Å Movie: ››‡ “Blindness” (2008) Julianne Moore. Å Movie: ››› “The Crow” (1994) Good Debra! Wizards Deck Sonny Kings Movie: “High School Musical 2” (:45) Movie: “The Cheetah Girls” “Dick & Jane” Movie: ››‡ “Yes Man” (2008, Comedy) Movie: ›››‡ “The Truman Show” (1998) The Closer Å “Sunday in NY” Movie: ›››‡ “Awakenings” (1990) Å (:15) Movie: ››‡ “The Temptress” (1926) (:15) “Sans Soleil” “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man” Surviving Disaster Surviving Disaster Ways Die Ink Master Å Entourage NASCAR Victory L. Mercedes-Benz SPEED Center NASCAR Victory L. Wind Tunnel Car Warriors Pavlopetri: City MythBusters Å Drain-Great Pavlopetri: City MythBusters Å Drain-Great “The Blind Side” Matchmaker Debt/Part Debt/Part Debt/Part Debt/Part Real Housewives Real Housewives Unforgettable Å Movie: ››‡ “Serendipity” (2001) Å Movie: ››‡ “Mona Lisa Smile” (2003) Julia Roberts. Ballet Royal Pains Å Movie: “The Hunt for the I-5 Killer” (2011) Lost Girl (N) Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Lost Girl Å 13 Going My House Love It or List It Property Brothers Movie: ››‡ “The Skeleton Key” (2005) Kate Hudson. Psychic Poker: European Canucks UEFA The Ultimate Fighter UFC Wired Å Sportsnet Connected Skiing Curling SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å SEC Storied Å SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å Bellator Fighting Score Games of the Night Score G-Night Score G-Night Final National Movie: ›› “Teenage Paparazzo” (2010) National Movie: ›› “Teenage Paparazzo” (2010) CTV News Weekend CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National Celebrates Soul Pop Up Pop Up Metal Evolution Å VH1 Divas Celebrates Soul Å T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny

Karen Siemens Notary Public UÊ,i> Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÊ/À> ÃviÀÃÊÊÊÊÊUÊ ÀÌ}>}ià ÊÊÊÊUÊ i>ÃiÃÊÊÊÊÊÊÊUÊ7 à UÊ ÌÀ>VÌÃÊ vÊ*ÕÀV >ÃiÊEÊ-> i UÊ* ÜiÀÊ vÊ ÌÌ À iÞ 1331 Bay Avenue, Trail, BC /i \Ê­Óxä®ÊÎÈ{ £Ó{£ÊUÊ >Ý\Ê­Óxä®ÊÎÈ{ ä Çä



Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times

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# $ % & _ ( + , ` . / 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C


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MARCH 5, 2012 7:30














KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Ed. Access H. How I Met Broke Girl Two Men Mike Hawaii Five-0 Å News Letterman News News Ent Insider The Bachelor “The Women Tell All” (N) (:01) Castle Å News Nightline PBS NewsHour (N) Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wishes Fulfilled Getting the most out of life. Å Leading Kindness Charlie Rose (N) News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel The Voice “The Battles Begin” (N) Å Smash (N) Å News Jay Leno (5:59) News Hour (N) Ent ET House “Changes” NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Å News Hour Final (N) Big Bang Two Men Big Bang Two Men Alcatraz Alcatraz’s most violent brothers. (N) News 30 Rock Sunny (:36) TMZ CTV News (N) Å etalk Big Bang The Voice “The Battles Begin” (N) Å Smash (N) Å CTV News CTV News Parks Dogs Rescue Our Part The Queen’s Palaces (:05) The Last Supper Cola Conquest Å John McCrae’s War News Coronation Street (N) Jeopardy! Mr. D (N) Mosque Redemption Inc. National Stroumboulopoulos ET Ent Hawaii Five-0 Å House “Changes” NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final (N) Ent ET Top Chef: Texas Top Chef: Texas Pitchin’ In Pitchin’ In Top Chef: Texas Top Chef: Texas Pitchin’ In Pitchin’ In Hoarders (N) Å Intervention (N) Å Intervention “Zeinah” (:01) Hoarders Å (:01) Hoarders Å (:01) Intervention Reba Reba Funny Home Videos Laughs Hammer Reba Reba Jim Melissa Funny Home Videos Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront iCarly Mr. Young Mr. Young Mr. Young iCarly iCarly Switched at Birth Laughs Splatalot Weird Mr. Young Caillou Big Friend Max Ruby Toopy Cat in the Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Beat Band Chugging Rolie Thomas ReG (:25) “American Boyfriends” Å Movie: ›››› “The Last Picture Show” (:10) Movie: ››› “Dazed and Confused” 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Hoard-Buried Wipeout Canada Wipeout Canada King King King Drew Drew Drew Instant ET Hole/Wall Total Dra. Stoked 6TEEN Vampire 6TEEN Futurama Fam. Guy American Chicken Fam. Guy Dating Repo Swamp Carnivore Carnivore Storage Storage Repo Swamp Carnivore Carnivore MonsterQuest Å “National Lamp.” Movie: “National Lampoon’s Vacation” Å Movie: ››‡ “The Jerk” (1979) Å CSI: Miami Å Hairy Bike Hairy Bike Canadian Pickers (N) Weird or What? Vietnam in HD Å Ancient Aliens Å Life After People Laughs Corn. Gas Just for Laughs Å Simpsons Laughs Corn. Gas Big Bang Larry the Cable Guy Daily Colbert The Secret Circle Being Human (N) Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Next The Secret Circle Being Human Deck Wizards Shake It Good ANT Farm Wizards Warthogs! Wingin’ It Zoey 101 So Raven Ned’s Princess Browns Payne Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Movie: ›› “Dead Man on Campus” (1998) Movie: “Flubber” “Room at the Top” (:15) Movie: ›››› “The Entertainer” Å (:15) “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning” “Horror of Dracula” Surviving Disaster Ways Die Movie: ›››‡ “The Fugitive” (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford. Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ride Ride Car Warriors Monster Jam Ride Ride Car Warriors Pass Time Ride Dirty Jobs (N) Greatest Know-It-All Daily Planet Mighty Planes Greatest Know-It-All Dirty Jobs (N) Four Weddings Project Runway Princess Princess Four Weddings Project Runway Housewives/NJ Criminal Minds To Be Announced Flashpoint The Mentalist Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds NCIS: Los Angeles Movie: “The Woodcarver” (2012) Å Rookie Blue NCIS Å NCIS: Los Angeles Love It or List It Property Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Love It or List It (N) Undercover Sportsnet Connected Skiing Ski TV From Deer Valley, Utah. UFC Sportsnet Connected Central UFC Curling SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å Winter X Games SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å (:15) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) Å Eastbound & Down WWE Monday Night RAW Å G-Night Final National The Diamond Queen National National The Diamond Queen National Direct (N) CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National New Music Videos Late Night Pop Up Saturday Night Live Lyrics! Buffy, Vampire Slayer To Be Announced


# $ % & _ ( + , ` . / 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P ø




MARCH 6, 2012 7:30




KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Ed. Access H. NCIS “Thirst” NCIS: Los Angeles Unforgettable Å News Letterman News News Ent Insider Last Man Cougar The River (N) Å Body of Proof Å News Nightline PBS NewsHour (N) Great Performances Å Il Volo Takes Flight Å Moyers & Company Charlie Rose (N) News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel Decision 2012 (N) The Biggest Loser (N) Å News Jay Leno (5:59) News Hour (N) Ent ET NCIS “Thirst” NCIS: Los Angeles Wipeout Å News Hour Final (N) Big Bang Two Men Big Bang Two Men Raising Daughter New Girl Breaking News 30 Rock Sunny (:36) TMZ CTV News (N) Å etalk Big Bang Whitney Cleveland The River (N) Å Unforgettable Å CTV News CTV News Parks Wild Heart Hope for Wildlife Monty Don’s Italian (:05) Movie: “Paper Promises” (2008) Å Hope for Wildlife News Coronation Street (N) Jeopardy! Mercer 22 Min Arctic Air (N) National Stroumboulopoulos ET Ent Wipeout Å NCIS “Thirst” NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final (N) Ent ET Chopped Å Chopped Å Gotta Eat Ice Cold Chopped Å Chopped Å Gotta Eat Ice Cold Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Reba Reba Funny Home Videos Laughs Employee Reba Reba Jim Melissa Funny Home Videos Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront iCarly Boys Boys Boys iCarly Mr. Young Funny Home Videos Laughs Splatalot Weird Mr. Young Caillou Babar Max, Rby Toopy Cat in the Max, Rby Backyard Dora... Beat Band Chugging Rolie Thomas ReG (:25) Movie: ›› “The Kid” Å Movie: ››› “Jungle Fever” (1991) Å (:15) Movie: ›‡ “The Fan” (1996) Å 19 Kids 19 Kids Couponing: Holiday My 600-Lb. Life Å 19 Kids 19 Kids Couponing: Holiday Addiction Addiction Debt/Part Debt/Part Debt/Part Debt/Part 3rd Rock 3rd Rock 3rd Rock Frasier Frasier Frasier Instant ET Hole/Wall Total Dra. Stoked 6TEEN Mudpit 6TEEN Futurama Fam. Guy American Chicken Fam. Guy Dating Saw Dogs Dark Side Carnivore Carnivore Storage Storage Saw Dogs Dark Side Carnivore Carnivore MonsterQuest Å “National Lamp.” Movie: “National Lampoon’s Vacation” Å Movie: ››› “WarGames” (1983) Matthew Broderick. CSI Miami Pawn Pawn American Pickers (N) Pawnathon Canada Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Life After People Beast Legends Å Laughs Corn. Gas Just for Laughs Å Simpsons Laughs Corn. Gas Big Bang Tosh.0 (N) Key Daily Colbert Movie: ›› “Almighty Thor” (2011) Å Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Next Movie: ›› “Almighty Thor” (2011) Å Deck Wizards Shake It Good Jessie Kings Deck Wingin’ It Zoey 101 So Raven Ned’s Princess Browns Payne Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Movie: ›› “Flubber” (1997) Robin Williams. “Forbidden King” “Talk of Town” (:15) Movie: ›› “Public Hero No. 1” (1935) Movie: ›› “Public Menace” Movie: “The More the Merrier” Ink Master Å Ink Master Å Am Dig Ink Master Å Am Dig Ink Master Å Am Dig Auction Dumbest Dumbest My Ride My Ride Ride Ride Dumbest Dumbest My Ride My Ride Pass Time Ride Gold Rush (N) Flying Wild Alaska Daily Planet Gold Rush Flying Wild Alaska How/ How/ Bubble Wrap Kids Housewives/Atl. Mamas Mamas Bubble Wrap Kids Housewives/Atl. Housewives/NJ Movie: “Walk All Over Me” (2007) Å Flashpoint The Mentalist Å Criminal Minds Å “Walk All Over Me” NCIS: Los Angeles Movie: “Jodi Picoult’s Salem Falls” (2011) The Firm Å Rizzoli & Isles Å NCIS: Los Angeles Love It or List It Property My House Property Brothers Undercover Boss All for Nothing? (N) Love It or List It Sportsnet Central NHL Hockey Dallas Stars at Vancouver Canucks. (N) Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Central UFC Curling SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å Goose Å SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre Å (5:00) Court Surfing Å NCAA Games of the Night Score G-Night Score G-Night Final National fifth estate National National fifth estate National Direct (N) CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National CTV News National New Music Videos Late Night Pop Up Saturday Night Live Lyrics! Buffy, Vampire Slayer To Be Announced


Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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Athletes shine on big stage BY THE VERNON MORNING STAR VERNON, BC - Greater Vernon’s 2012 B.C. Winter Games have been declared the best yet. Three days of intense competition, incredible athletic ability and an overwhelming Games spirit came to an end Sunday. “Without a question, these are the best B.C. Winter Games that have ever been held,” Kelly Mann, president and CEO of the B.C. Games Society told Vernon-Monashee MLA Eric Foster prior to the closing ceremonies at the Wesbild Centre. Athletes, both those proudly wearing their medals and even those heading home empty-handed, were beaming as they left with some unbelievable memories. But no smile could beat that of VancouverSquamish biathlete Hunter Sones, who was presented the WR Bennett Award for Athletic Excellence. “Wow,” said the speechless 13-year-old, donning the prestigious award which includes a $2,500 scholarship as well as three bronze medals. Sones is just one the 1,145 athletes, 292 coaches and 160 officials who took part in the 15 different sports. The Kootenay contingent finished seventh overall with 14 medals including five gold, two silver and seven bronze. Salmo’s Justine Gould grappled to a bronze medal in Judo U-48-kilogram class, and Fernie’s Nik Dunn won gold in the 90-kg. class with Liam Teetzel taking bronze in the 66-kg.



Grade 8 basketball wizard Nick Desjardins goes in for a lay up against a Mt. Sentinel defender. The Crowe teams all get set for playoffs this week with the Grade 8 boys team traveling to Slocan Wednesday.

Trail teams jump into March madness BY TIMES STAFF

Highschool Basketball

The Trail Men’s Basketball Association starts shooting for the championship trophy as playoffs get underway this week. In what has been one of the closest seasons in TMBL history, it took the last week of play to determine the top four seeds and the playoffs are stacking up to be just as exciting. Last night the fourth and fifth place teams, Castlegar Realty and Adrenaline Adventures tipped off in an elimination match. The winner moves on to play first place Northport Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the J. L. Crowe gymnasium while the loser takes a seat in the bleacher. The second place Mota Automotive plays third place Rock Island at 7:45 p.m. The consolation and finals wind up on Mar. 7 with the consolation final going at 6:30 p.m. and the finals at 7:45 p.m.

It’s a frantic week in high school basketball. J. L. Crowe Grade 8 boys travel to South Slocan for a six-team playoff tournament at Mount Sentinel Wednesday while the Crowe Grade 8 girls will host half a dozen teams on Thursday with action starting at 9 a.m. in the Crowe Gym. The Junior Girls and Boys also hit the road for Friday and Saturday games. The boys tip off at L. V. Rogers in Nelson in a seven-team round robin tournament while the girls are at Stanley Humphries in Castlegar. The J. L. Crowe Senior boys team were in tough against a strong opposition in Grand Forks on the weekend. Nelson’s L. V. Rogers are off to the AA provincials after capturing the AA West Kootenay Zone tournament. The high school hoops squad defeated David Thompson Secondary of Invermere 64-49 in the final on Saturday afternoon.

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Trail’s Daniel Merlo came close to a podium with fifth and sixth place finishes in the sprint and five-kilometre Nordic ski events. Fernie’s Andrea Byrne led the Kootenay Zone 1 team with four medals - two gold in the juvenile freestyle skiing and combined events, as well as two bronze in the moguls and dual moguls. Kootenay Archers won the most medals with a total of six. Darby Dean of Kimberley and Cranbrook’s Krista Pitney each won gold and silver medals and Graeme Black of Cranbrook picked up two bronze. While the athletes are the real stars of the Games, Greater Vernon was also shining. From the thousands of volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to the committee who has spent the last two years preparing for the event, the Games would not have been possible without them, said Foster. “Congratulations on staging the best B.C. Winter Games ever,” proclaimed Foster. The Thompson-Okanagan zone secured 80 medals, ranking second in medal standings just under Vancouver-Squamish with 81. Placing third was Fraser Valley with 72 medals, Vancouver Island-Central Coast claimed 52 medals, CaribooNorth East earned 43, Fraser River Delta went home with 36 medals, the Kootenays 14 and North West won 11 medals. For full games results visit With files from the Trail Daily Times

Koshey commits, Jones’ lead Bobcats BY JIM BAILEY Times Sports Editor

Trail native Steve Koshey has committed to the University of Alabama-Huntsville for the 2012-13 season. Since being traded from the Trail Smoke Eaters during the 2010-11 season, the Surrey Eagle defenceman has put up 65 points in 86 games and currently sits in fifth place among BCHL defensemen in points. During his career in the BCHL, Koshey has 27 goals and 104 assists for 131 points in 212 games. Surrey head coach Matt Erhart, was very excited about the Eagles latest commitment. “Since getting Steve last season, he has been an integral part of the Eagles . . . We are excited of his opportunity at Alabama Huntsville.” Koshey will join five former BCHLers at UAH, including former Eagle Jeff Vanderlugt. Alabama last made it to the

NCAA tournament in 2010. “I would like to thank the Surrey Eagles and the coaching staff for their commitment and hard work in helping me obtain an NCAA Division I scholarship. I have become a complete player in my time with the Eagles and am looking forward to furthering my hockey career at Alabama Huntsville.” Surrey moved into the top 20 of the Canadian Junior Rankings last week and currently sit in 17th spot in the nation. Connor and Kellen Jones of the Quinnipiac University Bobcats are heading to the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference playoffs after beating Brown 4-1 and tying Kevin Limbert’s Yale Bulldogs 2-2 in NCAA Division 1 hockey on the weekend. Quinnipiac wraps-up the regular season with a 9-8-5 mark, while Yale goes to 10-102 in league play. With the fifth seed clinched, Quinnipiac will

host 12th seed Brown on March 2-4 in a best-of-three series. Kellen picked up two goals and two assists in the Brown win while Connor added a goal and an assist in each game. The Montrose twins lead the team in scoring, Connor with 35 points and Kellen with 30. Line-mate Matthew Peca also factored into all Quinnipiac goals; the three have quickly become a formidable force in ECAC hockey. “I thought me and the Joneses had great energy this weekend,” Peca said in a release. “We played off each other well and generated a lot of offense. I think everyone wanted the bye, but we’ll re-focus on Brown for next weekend.” The tie against Yale cost the team a first-round bye as they finished the season deadlocked with Colgate for fourth, but head-to-head matchups relegated the Bobcats to fifth place.

See ST.DENIS, Page 14


Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times


Canucks make deals at deadline Hodgson dealt to Buffalo THE CANADIAN PRESS


The Atom A West Kootenay championship tournament hit the ice in Beaver Valley over the weekend. Spokane beat Grand Forks handily in one semi-final while Nelson advanced after squeaking by Rossland/Trail in overtime. In the final, Nelson led the Chiefs in the middle of the third 6-4 but Spokane came back to tie it and eventually win 7-6 in a shootout.

St. Denis scores in OT FROM PAGE 13 The top four teams receive byes to the next round. “Yesterday was a huge win for us as a team,” Connor said. “We played great, especially on the power play. Tonight’s game was a tough one. I feel like we should’ve won. It’s nice to get a point, but we all wanted a victory.” Sixth seeded Yale will play against the 11th seeded Princeton Tigers in an Ivy League matchup. Former Smokie captain and Fruitvale native Limbert anchors the Yale blue line

and is in his fourth year with the Bulldogs. The Penticton Vees forward Travis St. Denis scored the doubleovertime winner against the Merritt Centennials Sunday to extend the Vees record-setting pace to 36 consecutive wins. With less than a minute to go in the second OT, the Trail native finished a play from Mario Lucia for the 2-1 win, the closest any team has come to ending the streak. St. Denis has 32 goals, 45 assists for 77 points on the season, seventh in the BCHL.


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BC Winter Games Final Medal Standings


Zone Van-Squamish (5) Thomp-Ok (2) Fraser Valley (3) Van Isl-Cen Coast(6) Cariboo-N. East (8) Fraser R. Delta (4) Kootenays (1) North West (7



Trail Smoke Eaters

Sil 30 26 16 20 17 14 2 2

Br Total 17 81 30 80 30 72 19 52 13 43 14 36 7 14 3 11


Merritt Centennials Wednesday, February 29 =ifog\c[ Jiq_l

Gold 34 24 26 13 13 8 5 6

Coastal Conference GP W L T OTL Pts x-Surrey 54 34 11 2 7 77 x-Powell River 54 35 15 2 2 74 x-Cowichan 56 33 16 1 6 73 Coquitlam 54 32 18 2 2 68 Nanaimo 54 24 21 0 9 57 Alberni 54 19 31 2 2 42 Victoria 55 20 34 1 0 41 Langley 53 17 30 1 5 40 Interior Conference GP W L T OTL Pts t-Penticton 54 49 3 0 2 100 x-Merritt 55 30 17 2 6 68 Prince George 55 30 19 2 4 66 Chilliwack 53 28 21 1 3 60 Vernon 55 27 25 1 2 57 Westside 56 20 27 2 7 49 Salmon Arm 55 16 32 0 7 39 Trail 53 11 37 1 4 27 t-clinch league title x-clinch playoff berth


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The Vancouver Canucks acquired a forward from the Columbus Blue Jackets, but it wasn’t Rick Nash. Instead, the Stanley Cup finalist landed Sammy Pahlsson for two fourth-round picks. Pahlsson, 34, a former Stanley Cup champion with Anaheim, registered two goals and nine assists in 61 games for Columbus this season. He’s due to become an unrestricted free agent in the summer. The Canucks also dealt rookie forward Cody Hodgson and defenceman Alexander Sulzer to the Buffalo Sabres in exchange for forward Zack Kassian and defenceman Marc-Andre Gragnani. Hodgson and Kassian are both former firstround draft picks. Andrei and Sergei Kostitsyn are together again. The Montreal Canadiens dealt winger Andrei Kostitsyn to Nashville Predators for a 2013 secondround pick and conditional fifth-round selection ahead of the NHL’s trade deadline. Sergei Kostitsyn is a defenceman with the Predators. The Kostitsyn brothers played together with Montreal from 2007 to 2010. Andrei Kostitsyn is earning US$3.25 million and will become an unrestricted free agent July 1. He’s struggled recently and has 12 goals and 24 points in 53 games this season. Montreal also claimed tough guy Brad Staubitz off re-entry waivers from Minnesota. The 27-yearold had no points and 73 penalty minutes in 43 games with the Wild this season. Montreal wasn’t the only Canadian team making a deal prior to the 3 p.m. ET deadline. The Ottawa Senators acquired Matt Gilroy from Tampa Bayfor fellow defenceman Brian Lee.

Gilroy, a former Hobey Baker Award winner as U.S. university hockey’s top player, has two goals and 15 assists in 53 games with the Lightning this season. Gilroy carries a cap hit of $US1,000,000 and is scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent July 1. Lee, 24, has five goals and 23 assists in 167 career games with the Senators. The Winnipeg Jets claimed defenceman Grant Clitsome off waivers from Columbus. The 26-yearold had four goals and 14 points in 51 games with the Blue Jackets. The Toronto Maple Leafs acquired right-winger Carter Ashton from Tampa Bay for defenceman Keith Aulie. Ashton was selected 29th overall by Tampa Bay at the 2009 draft and has 19 goals and 16 assists in 56 games the AHL’s Norfolk Admirals this season, Ashton has 19 goals and 16 assists. Aulie, 22, has split time between the Maple Leafs and the club’s American Hockey League affiliate this season. The Edmonton Oilers shook up its blue-line, acquiring Nick Schultz from the Minnesota Wild for Tom Gilbert. Schultz is a more defensive-minded player than Gilbert and had spent his entire career with the Wild. He has three points (one goal, two assists) in 62 games this season. Gilbert had 17 points (3-14) in 47 games for Edmonton this season. In other deals, the San Jose Sharks acquired forwards Daniel Winnik and T.J. Galiardi from the Colorado Avalanche for forward Jamie McGinn and two prospects. Also, Tampa Bay landed veteran defenceman Mike Commodore from Detroit Red Wings for a conditional 2013 seventh-round draft pick.

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Saturday’s Games Westside 5 Trail 4 Surrey 4 Alberni 3 Prince George 4 Salmon Arm 1 Nanaimo 2 Victoria 1 Penticton 2 Merritt 1 OT Cowichan 4 Langley 0 Powell River 4 Vernon 2 Sunday’s Games Alberni 4 Langley 3 OT Penticton 4 Prince George 1 Upcoming Games Tonight Surrey at Langley 7 p.m. Salmon Arm at Chilliwack 7 p..m. Wednesday Merritt at Trail 7:30 p.m.

KIJHL Saturday’s Games Beaver Valley 4 Spokane 3 OT Nelson 2 Castlegar 1 Fernie 4 Golden 2 Kimberley 6 Creston 3 Sicamous 8 Revelstoke 5 Princeton 2 Penticton 1 Kamloops 4 North Okanagan 3 Osoyoos 9 Kelowna 3 Monday Games unavailable at press time Upcoming Games Tonight Beaver Valley at Spokane 7 p.m. Castlegar at Nelson 7 p.m. Fernie at Golden 7:30 p.m. Kimberley at Creston Valley 7:30 p.m. Kamloops at North Okanagan 7:30 p.m. Revelstoke at Sicamous 7 p.m. Osoyoos at Kelowna 7 p.m. Princeton at Penticton 7 p.m.


All Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OL N.Y. Rangers 60 39 15 6 Pittsburgh 62 36 21 5 Philadelphia 61 34 20 7 New Jersey 61 35 22 4 N.Y. Islanders 62 26 28 8 Northeast Division GP W L OL Boston 60 37 20 3 Ottawa 64 33 23 8 Toronto 62 29 26 7 Buffalo 62 27 27 8 Montreal 63 24 29 10 Southeast Division GP W L Florida 61 29 20 Winnipeg 64 30 26 Washington 62 31 26 Tampa Bay 62 28 28 Carolina 62 23 26

Pt 84 77 75 74 60 Pt 77 74 65 62 58

OL Pt 12 70 8 68 5 67 6 62 13 59

WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OL Pt Detroit 63 41 19 3 85

St. Louis Nashville Chicago Columbus

62 38 17 62 36 19 64 33 24 62 18 37 Northwest Division GP W L Vancouver 63 40 16 Colorado 63 32 27 Calgary 62 28 23 Minnesota 62 28 25 Edmonton 61 24 31 Pacific Division GP W L Phoenix 62 32 21 San Jose 61 32 22 Dallas 63 33 26 Los Angeles 62 28 22 Anaheim 62 27 25

7 7 7 7

83 79 73 43

OL 7 4 11 9 6

Pt 87 68 67 65 54

OL Pt 9 73 7 71 4 70 12 68 10 64

Today’s Games Ottawa at Boston, 7 p.m. Florida at Toronto, 7 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at Washington, 7 p.m. Nashville at Carolina, 7 p.m. Detroit at Columbus, 7 p.m. Montreal at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Vancouver at Phoenix, 9 p.m. Philadelphia at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Wednesday Games Pittsburgh at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Toronto at Chicago, 8 p.m. St. Louis at Edmonton, 9:30 p.m. Buffalo at Anaheim, 10 p.m. NHL Scoring Leaders (Not including Monday Games) GP G A Evgeni Malkin, Pit 55 37 41 Steven Stamkos, TB 62 43 32 Claude Giroux, Phi 57 23 49 Jason Spezza, Ott 64 28 42 Henrik Sedin, Van 63 13 53 Phil Kessel, Tor 62 31 34 Erik Karlsson, Ott 63 14 51 Daniel Sedin, Van 62 28 35 Joffrey Lupul, Tor 62 23 39 James Neal, Pit 62 30 31 John Tavares, NYI 62 25 36 Jordan Eberle, Edm 57 27 33 Ilya Kovalchuk, NJ 56 25 35 Marian Hossa, Chi 63 24 36 2 tied with 59 pts.

PTS 78 75 72 70 66 65 65 63 62 61 61 60 60 60

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A15


Wife should not encourage daughter’s dependence Dear Annie: My wife and I have been married for 20 years. She has a grown daughter from her first marriage. I watched “Lori” grow up and love her as my own. My wife always has been fiercely defensive of Lori. I can’t say anything remotely negative or critical about her without risking a big argument. Even the suggestion of having Lori help around the house or clean up her room would cause a fight. Lori is a good kid, but she has never wanted for anything. My wife makes no secret of the fact that Lori comes first in her life. Lori is now in her early 20s and is a senior in college. Even though she is taking only two classes a week, she doesn’t have a job and is unmotivated to get one. My wife makes all kinds of excuses for her. Meanwhile, we pay all of her expenses, including her rent.



Marcy Sugar & Kathy Mitchell

I’m disabled and on a small fixed income, and my wife is selfemployed. We struggle with our finances while Lori lives a carefree life. It is causing friction in our marriage. We tried counseling, but my wife refused to discuss anything related to Lori and quit going. Lori calls her mother every hour, and my wife encourages it. Lori has no other friends, and all of my wife’s attentions are focused on her daughter. I get very little. Is this normal behavior? -- Concerned for Our Future Dear Concerned: No, it’s not normal for a college-age daughter

to have no friends but Mom, and for a mother to encourage so much dependence. Such an enmeshed relationship is not only bad for your marriage. It also is crippling for Lori. Instead of helping her daughter learn self-reliance, Mom is being selfish by holding Lori so close that she deliberately prevents her from becoming an independent adult. We hope you can make your wife understand that this is poor parenting and in no one’s best interest. Dear Annie: What is the etiquette when you go to someone’s home and it’s overly hot in the summer and too cold in winter? A lot of my friends’ homes are uncomfortable for me, and I have been asking them to adjust their thermostats. A trusted pal recently told me she thought this was rude, especially when it doesn’t trouble other guests. She suggested I wear layers and tough

it out. What do you suggest I do? -- Too Hot or Too Cold Dear Too: Wear layers and tough it out. Etiquette says you don’t get to tell your friends how to heat and cool their homes. And if you are the only one discomfited by the temperature, the problem is you and not the thermostat. Please see your doctor for a checkup. Dear Annie: I had to smile at the letter from “Road Worrier.” When we started to get calls that our 92-yearold father was driving through stop signs and red lights and running into cars in the parking lot, we gave his car keys to his caregiver and said she’d take him where he needed to go. When he died, I sent his suit to the funeral home. I later got a call saying they found a car key in the pocket. Later, we spoke to Dad’s neighbor, who said when the

caregiver would go to church on Sundays, my father would come out of the house five minutes later, put his walker in the backseat of the car and drive off. He’d return 15 minutes before the caregiver came back.

We don’t know where he went for those four hours, but we’re glad nothing happened to him or anyone else. When they started to close his coffin, I put that key back in his pocket and told him, “OK, Dad, now you can

drive Mama all over heaven.” -- L.A. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to



Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Friday. SOLUTION FOR YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU


Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times


YOUR HOROSCOPE By Francis Drake For Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) An exciting day! (However, it also is mildly accident prone.) Spontaneous trips and detours will stimulate your activities today. Bright ideas are flowing. Enjoy conversations with new faces. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your ideas about earning money or handling your financial resources are original and clever today. You might want to write them down, because you’re thinking outside of the box! GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The Moon is in your sign today dancing with Uranus. This is bound to attract new introductions to you. Expect to meet someone unusual, perhaps in a group setting. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You’re restless! Just accept this, and break free from your routine. Someone in

authority might ask you to do something unexpected. Stay flexible. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Surprise opportunities to travel or explore further training or education might fall in your lap today. Others will meet people from different cultures and unusual backgrounds. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) You will be in the public eye today, especially with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Be aware of this. Quite likely, it will be something out of the blue! LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Unexpected opportunities to travel or explore new avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law are likely today. Your window of opportunity will be brief. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Gifts, goodies and favors

from others can come to you today. However, act quickly, because these opportunities won’t last long! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Partners and close friends likely will surprise you today. Someone might demand more freedom or more space in the relationship. (Actually, that someone could be you.) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Your work routine might

be interrupted by computer crashes, power outages, fire drills and staff shortages today. Be prepared to cope as best you can. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) This is a mildly accidentprone day for your children or kids in your care. Be extra vigilant! On the bright side, this is a creative day for artists or anyone working on artistic projects.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Stock the fridge, because unexpected company might drop by where you live today. Small appliances might break down. Allow extra time for everything, because something unusual might occur. Be ready to do damage control. YOU BORN TODAY You have the distinction of looking younger and more youthful all your life. (Many of you









will live to a ripe, old age.) Because you truly care about the welfare of others, people easily like and admire you. This year, something you’ve been involved with for about nine years will diminish or end in order to make room for something new to enter your world. Exciting! Birthdate of: Dinah Shore, singer; Henri Richard, hockey player; Antonio Sabato, Jr., actor.

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A17

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times


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Help Wanted HHDI RECRUITING is hiring on behalf of Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Alberta based oilfield services company is currently hiring;


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HD MECHANICS 3rd or 4th apprentice or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanics with their Red Seal and CVIP License to work in Red Deer & Hinton. Please call 250-718-3330 or Fax: 1-888-679-0759 For more information or send your resume & current drivers abstract to: West Kootenay Mechanical a mechanical contractor has an opening for a Controller. Responsibilities include but are not limited to managing the day to day accounting operations A/R, A/P, payroll, CCRA remittances and monthly reporting of the financial statements to the owner. Qualified individuals will be pursuing or have an accounting designation and a minimum of 5 years experience. Please email resume to:



Income Opportunity


EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings for men & women. Easy computer work, others positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.

1-800-222-TIPS HOME BASED Business. We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.

Trades, Technical WEBCO LEDUC - division of Sun Media, requires Full-time Heatset/Coldset Journeyman Pressman. 15 unit Goss Community. Competitive rates and benefits. Email resume: WEBCO LEDUC - division of Sun Media, requires Full-time Heatset/Coldset 1st & 2nd Pressmen. 15 unit Goss Community. Competitive rates and benefits. Email resume:


Health Products HERBAL MAGIC - With Herbal Magic lose up to 20 pounds in just 8 weeks and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Start today call 1-800854-5176.


Continuing Education Upcoming Courses: Restricted Firearms: Mar 3 Traffic Control Flagging: Mar 3 & 4 EFA with CPR C: Mar 3 CPR HCP Recert: Mar 6 Tai Chi Chuan: Mar 6 – Apr 10 Spanish Level I: Mar 7-21 Digital Cameras II: Mar 7 Digital Cameras Travel & Video: Mar 8 TFSA: Mar 8 MS Project 2007: Mar 8 TO REGISTER FOR COURSES, PLEASE CALL NELLA AT 250.364.5770

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll-free 1-877-5563500

Please remember to recycle your past issues of the Trail Daily Times

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale


Financial Services IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Medical Health AIDAN’S FOOT CARE. Mobile qualified foot care nurse. $40./treatment. (250)231-9945

Business/Office Service DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.

Painting & Decorating Garth McKinnon 364-1218

Journeyman Painter Merchandise for Sale

Medical Supplies CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991

1st Trail Real Estate 1252 Bay Avenue, TRAIL (250) 368-5222

OPEN HOUSES Bella Vista Estates

Sat, March 3 12-2pm Bella Vista Estates starting at

MLS# K206950


Sat, March 3 12-2pm 1460 Third Ave Trail $149,900

Easy, Affordable Living, Low Strata, No Maintenance

Quality Home

MARKET ANALYSIS? What’s your house worth? Call today for a Free Market Evaluation.


ting New Lis

MLS# K205398

MLS# K205510

Fruitvale $335,000

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

Bring ffers Your O

MLS# K210284

Fruitvale $287,500


Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490


A Super ent Investm

MLS# K205620



Gerry McCasky 250-231-0900

MLS# K204267

MLS# K205706



Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

MLS# K210501



Patty Leclerc-Zanet 250-231-4490

Walk park to the


Fred Behrens 250-368-1268

MLS# K202462

MLS# K207019



Fred Behrens 250-368-1268



Gerry McCasky 250-231-0900

MLS# K197493

Fruitvale $139,900 Rhonda van Tent 250-231-7575

Thinking of a Real Estate Career?

ting New Lis

MLS# K200362


MLS# K210797

Beaver Falls $349,900

MLS# K206771


Trail $109,000

Trail $66,500

Gerry McCasky 250-231-0900

Gerry McCasky 250-231-0900



Rob Burrus 250-231-4420

Join the Coldwell Banker TEAM! We offer: • Self-Paced Pre-Licensing Course • Excellent Starter Package

Call us at 250-368-5222

Trail Daily Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012 A19

CLASSIFIEDS Merchandise for Sale





Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

Cars - Domestic

MEDICHAIR SCOOTER Deluxe, never been used. Asking $3,000. 250-365-2535 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

SUNNINGDALE, 1bdrm. bachelor or bachelorette. TV cable included, free use of washer and dryer. Private entrance. $500./mo. 250-3683055

E. TRAIL 1bd, small house no yard f/s laundry facilities 250368-3239

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

E.TRAIL, 4bdrm. $875./mo. +utilities. Application & ref.req. N/P. 250-368-8375

1998 Dodge Stratus exc cond. 4dr 4cyl new tires, lady driven, $2100 OBO 250-364-1156 2011 BMW 335D 29,000km, snows&summers on rims, leaving country $49,000 250.231.1841

STEEL BUILDINGS for all uses! Spring Deals! Make an offer on sell-off models at factory and save thousands Now! Call for Free Brochure - 1-800-6685111 ext. 170. STEEL OF a deal - building sale! 20X24 $4798. 25X30 $5998. 30X42 $8458. 32X58 $12,960. 40X60 $15,915. 47X80 $20,645. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

Real Estate Houses For Sale E.TRAIL, 2217 2nd. corner lot 60x100, 4bd.,1.5bth, carport near amen., u/g sprink., ctrl.htg/ AC, appls incl., lam. flrs, lg.yd/grdn. 250-364-0415

TRAIL, beautiful, spacious 1bdrm. apartment. Adult building, perfect for seniors/ professionals. Cozy, clean, quiet, comfortable. Must See. 250368-1312 TRAIL- clean 2 bed ($650) & studio ($450) units avail 1 March, coin op w/d, parking 250-231-1242 WANETA MANOR 2bd $610, 3bd $760 NS,NP, Senior oriented, underground parking 250-368-8423

TRAIL, 3 bedroom, 4 appliances, near Gyro Park, ns/np. $950. 250-364-3978 W.Trail Spotless 2bdrm. F/S. W/D. N/P. N/S. $675. 250.231.1716


Auto Financing Need A Vehicle!



Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.

Duplex / 4 Plex

Scrap Car Removal YOU’RE APPROVED Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equipment. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent


W.TRAIL, 2bd., wdfs, good parking location, $670./mo. +util. Avail.Apr. 250-368-8620

Houses For Sale





Over 4,000 sq.ft. with 4 bdrms, 3 baths, plus a full size 1 bdrm inlaw suite. All on 5 acres of land.





These properties don’t come up very often. This 4 bdrm home is on over 19 acres of farmland, overlooking the Pend d’Orelle River.

Attention Àrst time home owner! This great 3 bedroom Sunningdale home is ready for you. All the work is done!

FACTORY DIRECT WHOLESALE modular homes, manufactured homes, and park models. New homes starting as low as $37,209, 16 wides $49,183, and double wides $70,829. or 877976-3737 The Home Boys.




$249,500 RE




Apt/Condo for Rent 1 bedroom apt. large w/balcony in Sunningdale. Cable, heat, laundry incl. NS and No Pets. $750/month. Call 250231-2033 to inquire/view. CASTLEGAR, 3Bdrm. apartment, f/s. $750./mo. 604-5124178 E.TRAIL, 2Bd., avail. Mar.1st. Heat/ cable incl. $600./mo. ground floor. 250-367-9247 E.Trail Spotless 2bdrm. Carport, laundry, N/P, N/S. $675. 250.231.1716 ROSSLAND, 1bach. apt. Golden City Manor. N/S. N/P. Subsidized. 250-362-3385, 250-362-5030.

$479,500 W NE



East Trail

Location, location, location! This cutie patootie is so close to Gyro Park, hospital and river!

Large 2 bdrms on the main Áoor with private deck. Bonus 2 bdrm mortgage helper downstairs. Minutes to Gyro Park!

$242,000 -SA

All the mechanical updates have been done, including high efÀciency furnace, plumbing, wiring, A/C, windows, fencing, UG sprinklers. Just move in.


Fabulous 4 bedroom family home in a subdivision of newer homes. Huge yard!




East Trail


Mobile Homes & Parks

1148 Bay Ave, Trail



ROSSLAND brand new, 2200 sq.ft. 4bdrm 2.5bath, $150 per sq. ft. 250-362-7716

Just call our office at 250-368-8551 ext 206. Please allow 2 days notice to process your request. Thank you.

Come on down to Trail and don't worry about the snow.

All Pro Realty Ltd. G TIN LIS

Do you require an interruption in your newspaper delivery?


Beautiful, Clean and Well Maintained Well maintained 2 & 3 bedrooms townhouse 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments for for rent or purchase Rent Located by the Columbia located in Shaver’s River in Glenmerry Bench Adult and Seniors oriented, No pets and no No Pets and No Smoking smoking Reasonable Rents, Reasonable prices Come and have a look Phone 364-1822 Phone 250-368-6761 or 364-0931. or 250-364-1922

Rossland, Close to downtown 1bd on main, plus large loft, WD, F/S large flat yard, $600/mo 362-5843, 364-8282

Houses For Sale


Going on Vacation?

Very well maintained 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with lots of upgrades. Carport & garage.

Fruitvale A terriÀc 3 bedroom full basement home at a great price on a fantastic lot in a super location. New kitchen, good parking!



Columbia Heights


Beautifully reno’d and decorated home. 3 bdrms, new electrical, plumbing, windows, doors, back yard and so much more. A must to see.

Wayne DeWitt ext 25 Mario Berno ext 27


Spacious 5 bedroom 3 bath home located on 2.79 acres. New kitchen, large deck, valley views. Perfect for the growing family.

1 1/2 storey 3 bdrm 2 bath home located on a large lot with fenced backyard. HW Áoors, Ànished basement. Good location.



$160,000 E ON






Dawn Rosin ext 24 Tom Gawryletz ext 26

Excellent value! This small 1 bdrm home is in a great location close to Gyro Park and has fantastic parking (double garage).


An excellent 5 bedroom house in a great location in East Trail. Lots of Upgrades plus a shop!

Park Siding Own your own piece of privacy. Small 3 bdrm home on 1 acre, located 10 minutes outside of Fruitvale.


$69,500 RE





$249,000 ! OP SH BIG

The last 2 half duplex lots in Waneta Village. Flat, serviced and ready to build on.

$248,900 ING ILD BU LOT



Denise Marchi ext 21 Keith DeWitt ext 30


A building lot in Sunningdale!!! A 40x100 lot on a quiet street with lane access. Excellent location!


A solid 2 bedroom full basement home with fantastic hardwood Áoors, new bathroom, new windows - no stairs. Call today - excellent retirement home.



$149,900 S


Thea Stayanovich ext 28 Joy DeMelo ext 29


Only 4 years old and in a beautiful location, close to rinks, parks and school. Plus an 800 sq ft. shop!

East Trail





Large 5 bdrm, 2 bath family home with vaulted ceilings and fenced yard. Located in beautiful Montrose.



‘Like New’ best describes this mobile home in a choice park in Genelle. Nothing to do here, just move in & enjoy!

Super development potential in a nice residential neighbourhood in Rossland. 100 x 150 lot with 3 bedroom home

Too irresistible not to view. 3 bdrm character home close to the school, park and pool!




The income from the 2 suites will pay your mortgage. You get to live for free in the 3 bdrm house!




East Trail


Waneta Village


East Trail




2,600 sq.ft. with 4 bdrms, 2 baths, huge kitchen, open Áoor plan and amazing views!

East Trail

$89,500 E 5B





Waneta Rare Ànd! 14.7 acre hobby farm plus large family home, barn and shop. Beautiful property in a unique micro climate.









Priced to sell! 3 bdrm home with full basement on a 50x150 lot in a great location. Plenty of upgrades started, just needs your Ànishing ideas.




Great value here. Over 1600 sq. ft. on main Áoor. No stairs, 3 baths, 3 bedrooms. Below assessment. Call today! /allprorealtyltd


Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Trail Daily Times



Town wins ‘best tasting water’ title THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. - A panel of media judges says the tap water in Greenwood, B.C., is the best tasting municipal water in the world. Greenwood won the top municipal water prize Saturday at the 22nd annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting in Berkeley Springs, W.V. It’s not the first time a local community has been recognized for its tap water. Montrose and Beaver Falls water won silver medals at the competition in 2008 and 2009 respectively. St. Henry, Ohio, won the best municipal water in the United States award. The best bottled water prize went to Jackson Springs Natural Premium Spring Water of Manitoba. Esparanza of Tesanj, Bosnia, was the best sparkling water winner. Claire Baie of Oak Creek, Wis., won the best purified drinking water award. The judges rated waters for appearance, aroma, taste, feel and aftertaste.


Granite Mountain set against a blue sky backdrop made for a picture perfect view of the Monashee mountain range on Monday.




OPEN HOUSE Saturday March 3 12-2pm

2055 Phoenix Avenue, Rossland


Convenient East Trail location with off-street parking and several upgrades.

New construction with NO HST!! This 4 bedroom /3 bath home is situated on a sunny 60x100 lot and features an open floor plan with 3 bedrooms on the main floor and 1 down. Black walnut hardwood and heated tile floors, gas fireplace, large rec room.

Call Terry 250-231-1101

Call Mary A (250) 521-0525

1345 Columbia Avenue, Trail



1250 McLeod Road, Fruitvale


3 bdrm renovated home with new kitchen, heated floors, new windows, doors and blinds on a large landscaped lot close to all amenities!!

Call Darlene (250) 231-0527 or Ron (250) 368-1162

1973 2nd Avenue, Rossland

1216 Columbia Avenue, Trail

Built in 2009, this compact charmer is perfect for single, couple or empty nesters that want modern open concept, low maintenance living. Home features vaulted ceilings, heated garage, private yard and comes with New Home Warranty. Call now before its gone.

Perfect family home close to schools and downtown. 5bdrm, 3 bath, 60x100 lot, built in 1995, double garage, in ground sprinklers, walk-in basement, large rec room, immaculate with fresh paint throughout, brand new roof, surfaced deck and room for everyone!!

Cute well maintained home. Features 2 bdrms, hardwood and laminate floors, tasteful decorating and numerous updates. The property is fenced, nicely landscaped and has a single car garage Trail’s riverwalk is just across the back lane.

Large 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with updated flooring, paint, trim, gas fireplace, covered deck with hot tub, underground sprinklers - fenced level yard - double carport and more - Call your REALTORÂŽ now for a viewing.

Call Deanne (250) 231-0153

Call Christine (250) 512-7653

Call Art (250) 368-8818

Call Mark (250) 231-5591

For additional information and photos on all of our listings, please visit

3955 Red Mountain Road, Rossland


View 1.4 acres on Red Mountain’s doorstep. Potential for future subdivide to build a multi-unit complex or increase density (buyer to verify with City of Rossland). The home features great views from every window, large open living and dining rooms, 3 bdrms, huge deck and cozy wood stove.

Call Mary M (250) 231-0264

Call Mary M (250) 231-0264

948 Glover Road, Trail

3D-1009 Mountain View Road, Rossland

Landlord alert! Close to downtown, these 2 suites are fully tenanted. Investing in your own back yard just makes sense! With today’s interest rates, this is a win-win opportunity!

Now this is value! Over 1,500 sq. ft. of living space in this fully furnished 3 bdrm condo at Red Mountain. Call for your viewing today!


SOLD $319,000


This family home has a terrific floor $545,000 plan with large living and dining rooms, Home on 9.93 acres with gourmet kitchen, sun-room, large kitchen, master bdrm with new carpet & paint, and birch hardwood ensuite on main and 3 bdrms and den up. floors. 6 bdrms, 3 baths with amazing The plumbing and electrical have been views. Call you REALTORŽ for your updated. Don’t miss viewing this terrific private viewing. property

1292 – 3rd Avenue, Trail

531 Turner Street, Warfield


202 Kootenay Avenue, Tadanac

244 – 2nd Avenue, Rivervale





Call Tonnie (250)-365-9665

Ron Allibone

Christine Albo

Terry Alton

Cell: 250-512-7653

ext 39

Mark Wilson

Art Forrest

ext 30

Cell: 250-231-5591

Darlene Abenante ext 23 Cell: 250.231.0527

Call Richard (250) 368-7897

Tonnie Stewart ext 33 Cell: 250-365-9665

Cell: 250-231-0153


ext 42

Mary Amantea

ext 26

Cell: 250-521-0525

Cell: 250-368-1162

ext 45

Cell: 250-231-1101

ext 48

Mary Martin

Cell: 250-231-0264

ext 28

Richard Daoust

Cell: 250-368-7897

ext 24

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