NEWS: Skeena geologist sizes up a record mining year.
SPORTS: HSS Junior Girls team crowned zone champs.
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Huckleberry to invest over $100 million Mine will run to 2021 By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
CN workers install new track and pile spilled coal after a coal train derailled Feb. 21 about 25 km west of Houston. Dozens of flatbed trucks hauled in pre-made track sections to get Prince Rupert line reopened on Feb. 24.
CN cleaning up after coal train derails By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Sylvia Sommer was home last Tuesday afternoon when she heard a strange sound—a train engine blowing its horn. Seconds later, she heard a crash of metal on metal as 46 loaded coal cars derailed off a Canadian National
train a few hundred metres from her house. No one was injured in the crash, which happened near a rail bridge roughly 25 km west of Houston between Dockrill and Emerson creeks. B.C. environmental officers said last Wednesday that it appears no spilled coal
“They’ve made a mess of everything.”
i d bi h d or train debris had damaged either creek, nor the nearby Bulkley River. According to B.C. law, CN has hired an independent en-
- Sylvia Sommer vironmental consultant to do a follow-up study. But although CN crews worked overnight to sweep the
rail bed, install new track and reopen the line in about 36 hours, Sommer said she’s been told by CN that the full clean up could take weeks or months. “My property is a hell of a mess,” she said. “I have property on both sides and they’ve made a mess of everything.” See TRAIN on Page 2
Huckleberry Mine will see more than $100 million in spending this year as workers prepare to dig deep and extend the mine’s life to 2021. S p e a k i n g Thursday to the Houston Chamber of Commerce, Vice General Manager Bryan Deagle said Huckleberry’s 2012 budget will cover everything from a new tailings dam to major equipment and camp upgrades. “It’s a huge investment by our ownership,” Deagle said Owners Imperial Metals and the Japan Group are banking on the long-term, he added, noting that this year’s $100-million capital plan exceeds the mine’s annual revenues. Huckleberry’s extension plan got a green light in November, when a committee of B.C.’s “dirt” ministries and area First Nations permitted the company to log some 70,000 cubic metres of timber and build a new tailings pond. That timber contract went to loggers at Tahtsa Timber and to the Houston Forest Products sawmill,
“ “It’s been quite a ride for everybody at the mine.”
- Bryan Deagle
Deagle said. Deagle said several earthworks companies have already bid on the contract to build a clay and rock dam for Huckleberry’s new tailings pond. “We want to take time to make sure we do everything right,” he added, noting Huckleberry’s strong record on water management and the tough lessons learned from leaching at older projects like Equity Mine. “I don’t think there was a great understanding in those years about ARD [acid rock drainage] and other issues,” he said. “Right off the bat, we committed to preventing issues like that.” Aside from the new tailings pond and a few new camp buildings, Deagle said the mine site will basically stay the same size—about 4 km long and 2.5 km wide. See MINE on Page 2