Health Care Our bottomless health care system. p6
MRSS students complete Epic Project. p5
Gardening The importance of being dirt(y). p27 Friday, March 2, 2012 · Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows · est. 1978 · 604-467-1122 · 50¢
Pair remain in jail until extradition hearing by Phil M elnyc h u k staff reporter Two Maple Ridge residents facing conspiracy to commit murder charges in India in connection with the 2000 death of their daughter and niece, Jaswinder (Jassi) Kaur Sidhu, will stay in jail until their extradition hearing in the next few months. B.C. Supreme Court ruled Friday that Malkit Kaur Sidhu, 62, mother of Jaswinder, and Surjit Singh Badesha, 67, Jaswinder’s uncle, both of Maple Ridge, will stay in detention. The pair was arrested in January under the Extradition Act. Federal prosecutor Deborah Strachan, acting on behalf of the Indian government, said given the nature of the charges, the onus is on the accused to make the case for release. See Jassi, p14
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
Teachers protested in front of Liberal MLA Marc Dalton’s constituency office on Dewdney Trunk Road in Maple Ridge on Wednesday.
Teachers start strike Monday Schools open, but no classes in session by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f staff reporter
n the digital hereafter, your virtual self will linger online. See story, p3
B.C. teachers will walk off the job Monday as their contract dispute with the provincial government escalates. Teachers voted 87 per cent Wednesday in favour of striking after the B.C. Labour Relations Board ruled they could take part in a three-day walkout. More than 32,000 of the province’s 41,000 teachers took part in the strike vote, held Tuesday and
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Wednesday. Local schools will be open during the walkout. However, with no classes in session, district superintendent Jan Unwin is urging parents to keep their children at home. “It’s a safety issue,” she said. With just a skeleton crew of administrators, educational assistants, and custodial staff working, Unwin said she’s concerned about staff’s ability to supervise students should they come to school. “The schools will be open. The doors will be open and you can come on in, but we can’t provide students with instruction,” she said. “It’s not really appropriate [for
students].” However, students will not be turned away, she added. Ac c o r d i n g to the LRB’s ruling, teachers won’t be allowed to picket, so Abbott school district employees won’t have to cross picket lines to come to work on Monday. The district’s StongStart early education centers will also remain open, as will school-based daycares. The three-day walkout could
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be cut short, however, by pending legislation from the Liberal government. Bill 22, introduced Tuesday, will take away teachers ability to strike, ending their ongoing job action, and imposes strict penalties if an illegal strike occurs. However, Bill 22 still needs to be enacted, and Education Minister George Abbott said that could take until next week, giving teachers an opportunity to legally walk off the job before the bill becomes law. “We are truly disappointed by the union’s decision to hold a three-day strike beginning next week,” Abbott said Thursday. See Strike, p14
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