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WEDNESDAY, March 7, 2012
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◆ Webcam P. 2 ◆ Editorial P. 4
VOL. 35 NO. 02 $1.34 inc. GST
Breaking the ‘code of silence’ By Jonas Gagnon Caledonia Courier
Spring forward
Don’t forget Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend. At 2 am the clocks jump forward and steal an hour of peaceful sleep.
Town Hall meeting Town Hall Meeting in the Community Centre, Monday March 12, from 6:30 - 8 pm, at the FSJSS, old gym. People of all ages are encouraged to come out and learn about proposed developments for the Community Centre, share your thoughts, and discuss the project with neighbours and friends. Refreshments will be provided.
Increasing helmet usage The Canadian Ski Council released new survey results showing that 83.1% of Canadian skiers and snowboarders now wear helmets on a regular basis when they are skiing and snowboarding. Helmet usage has increased this winter from 79.9% in December, 2011. Previous results from the annual 2010/11 National Consumer Profile and Satisfaction survey had shown that helmet usage among all skiers and boarders last season had reached 74.7%, increasing from 67.3% in 2006.
Kwah Hall was filled with people and a somber air on Saturday, February 25. “We were overwhelmed by the turnout,” said Eileen Bjornson, Fribjon Bjornson’s mother. People from all over the province, as far south as Vancouver according to Bjornson, crowded the hall, leaving people to stand at the back. “Turnout was higher then expected,” said Reuban Blackwater, Nak’azdli band manager. At the hall there was a short speech by Fribjon’s parents, a slideshow in memory of Fribjon and a speech by the family of Perry Sebastian, who is currently missing. About 600 people attended, according to Bjornson. The line of people on the walk nearly stretched from the Kwah Hall to the march’s destination. As the line of people turned the corner at the historic site the tail end of the
Fribjon Bjornson’s family, (from left) Parents Fred and Eileen Bjornson and sister Amanda, stand in front of a banner they stuck in the snow in front of the house where Fribjon was found. Photo by Jonas Gagnon
march was still moving across the highway from Kwah Hall, causing a small backup on the highway. “We had to block traffic temporarily,” said Blackwater. The walk ended at the Lower Rd. house where
Fribjon Bjornson’s body was found. There Fribjon’s family ‘washed’ themselves in the smoke of a small smudge, which was followed by a cleansing of the house with the same smudge, a Carrier tradition meant to help Fribjon’s spirit
leave the house. During the ceremony Nak’azdli drummers played and sang. But it was more than just British Columbians affected by Bjornson’s desire to speak out against violence. In an age of digital com-
munication the desire to speak out against violence made it’s way across Canada in the form of small, more personal protests. “I had many people contact me on Facebook that they were lighting candles as far away as
Toronto,” said Bjornson. The walk was organized by Bjornson as a way of giving voice to the community to combat the fear and lethargy in the community. “That’s what bothers me the most, the code of silence that everyone keeps,” said Bjornson. Bjornson has become frustrated by the quietness of her son’s case, and the dead ends she’s seen stall other cases like it. The dead air surrounding these events frightens her. “This feels dangerous, this lack of doing anything,” said Bjornson. So she’s putting out the call to all member’s of the community. “It’s up to each and every one of us to make sure (this country) is safe,” said Bjornson. With this explosion of people making their voices heard Bjornson is looking to the future, and an awakening in communities. “I hope something good comes from it,” said Bjornson. More pictures page 3
Caledonia Classic Sled Dog races By Jonas Gagnon Caledonia Courier The last weekend of February offered mixed weather for the Caledonia Classic, but despite the snow flurry on Friday the race went off well. “The event was fantastic,” said Craig Houghton, one of the event organis-
ers, and a musher in the distance events. The weather offer both a challenge and great pleasure over the course of the weekend. “Friday was a white out on the lake,” said Houghton. “But Sunday was basically perfect conditions.” People of all ages,
from eight to in their fifties, came to race. And they came from all over north-western Canada to what Houghton refers to as one of the premier dog races in the province.” With mushers from all over the province and volunteers from all over the world, courtesy of UNBC’s eco-tourism pro-
gram, the event drew a global crowd. But it was the local volunteers that made it happen. “Our community support was excellent,” said Houghton. Dog races, because of the distance, can be difficult for spectators, but Joanne Vinnedge kept the
spectators up on what was happening with the help of some good binoculars and a good microphone. “As dog races go, it’s one of the most spectator friendly,” said Houghton. And while mushers were out competing for a place, the politicians were there competing for smiles.
Mackenzie Mayor Stephanie Killam, MLA John Rustad, Nak’azdli Band Manager Reuben Blackwater, Emily Colombo Economic Development Officer for Fort St. James and Regional District Councillor Tom Greenaway all showed up for the politicians race, Continued on page 6
Emergency room closure By Jonas Gagnon Caledonia Courier The doctor shortage hit hard last week with the closure of the hospital emergency room. “We, as a council, are extremely disappointed that we are unable to find a solution,” said Mayor Rob MacDougall. As of last week, with the dearth of
doctors in town, Northern Health has scheduled the closure of the emergency room for the entire month of March, except for the weekends of March 17 and 24. Though council is disheartened by the closing they are continuing to work with Northern Health to try to alleviate the problem. “We’ll continue to do whatever we
can to make sure it doesn’t effect the community too much,” said McDougall. If additional doctor coverage is found in the interim the emergency room will open back up. The emergency room is the only department affected by the closure. Anybody who needs emergency attention can call 9-1-1 and will be transported to the next open emergency
department in Vanderhoof and Prince George. However, once discharged it is up to the individual to find their own way home. Mayor and Council is working closely with Northern Health, and Dr. Stent and his staff to rectify the situation. “We’re asking the community to be patient as we work towards a solution,” said MacDougall.