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Proudly serving Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin since 1930
VOL. 82. No. 20
$1.34 inc. HST
From generation to generation Monica Lamb-Yorski photo
The Watoto Children’s Choir entertained residents at Retirement Concepts Seniors Village in Williams Lake on March 2. With enthusiasm, energy and colourful attire, the choir presented its youthful love of life and experiences in Africa to the audience.
Spring ahead Sunday Whether it snows this weekend, one thing is for certain, spring is around the corner. Daylight savings time takes place on Sunday, March 11 at 2 a.m. People are reminded to move their clocks forward an hour Sunday morning or Saturday night.
Inside the Tribune NEWS A2 Parents show support in strike. SPORTS A9 Locals place high at B.C. Games. COMMUNITY A17 Potato House showcased in play. Weather outlook: Cloudy/ chance of flurries, freezing rain today, high of 5 C. Cloudy Friday, high of – 4 C.
Assault charge recommended against constable Monica Lamb-Yorski Tribune Staff Writer The Abbotsford Police Department has concluded its investigation of an incident involving the arrest of a 17-year-old girl in Williams Lake Sept. 10, 2011. According to a news release from the Abbotsford Police Department sent out Wednesday morning, that girl sustained injuries while in the custody of the Williams Lake RCMP. After a thorough examination of the totality of the circumstances, the Abbotsford Police are recommending a charge of assault against a Williams Lake RCMP officer. No charges are being recommended against the teenager. In September, Martina Jeff sent a letter of complaint to the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, accusing RCMP Const. Andy Yung of assaulting her daughter Jamie Haller. Shortly after, Jamie told the Tri-
bune she was punched in the face several times by an RCMP officer while she was handcuffed in the back of a police car. Jeff, in her letter, said she watched the officer “put his whole upper body in the car” and punch Jamie. “I was close enough to see the movement of his arms, as he was striking her,” the letter says. On receiving phone calls from both the Abbotsford and Williams Lake RCMP detachment Wednesday morning about the recommended charge of assault, Jeff says she was speechless. “It took my breath away,” Jeff said, adding she hadn’t been able to reach Jamie to let her know because she was out snowmobiling. Since the incident Jamie has quit attending school, quit her job, and has been a lot quieter than normal, her mom said. “It really fouled up her schedule, but I’m hoping when she gets the news about the charges, it will help,” Jeff said, adding every
time they discuss the incident her daughter gets teary. During a press conference held at city hall Wednesday, Supt. Rod Booth, acting commander for the North District BC RCMP, said it would be inappropriate to provide detailed comments while Crown counsel conducts its review of the report. Booth, however, said it was necessary, given the seriousness of the allegations, to advise the public on the action the RCMP has taken. “On Sept. 10, 2011 at approximately 10:15 at night, members of the Williams Lake RCMP responded to several 911 calls reporting a possible assault in progress involving a highly emotional, distraught female. All on-duty members responded to this call, which resulted in the arrest of 17-year-old female,” Booth said. Following the incident concerns were raised about her treatment by a Williams Lake detachment constable, he said. “A public complaints investiga-
tion was initially initiated by the commander of the Williams Lake detachment, Insp. Warren Brown. However, the decision was made to request an independent external investigation to be conducted by the Abbotsford Police Department,” Booth said. He said the RCMP then invited an impartial First Nations observer who was chosen following consultation with the teen’s family. The observer’s job was to monitor the independent Abbotsford Police Department investigation. Jeff says the observer was a chief from Canoe Creek who she asked to help out. Booth says that as a result of a communication misunderstanding concerning roles and responsibilities of the independent investigation, the Williams Lake detachment submitted a report to Crown counsel, which resulted in charges being approved and then laid against the 17-year old. See OFFICER Page A2