inc. H.S.T.
March 2, 2012
A division of
Vol. 27 No. 18
COMOX VALLEY RECORD Your community. Your newspaper.
Teachers walking off job on Monday
Anti-strike government legislation likely to be passed before then Renée Andor
Improvement Act began in the legislature Thursday, and if passed, the act includes “stiff financial consequences” for “illegal strike action” during mediation, according to a news release from the Ministry of Education. According to the BCTF, these penalties include $475 per day for individual teachers, $2,500 per day for union officers, and a minimum of $1.3 million per day for the BCTF. Stanley said he considers these fines a signal that the Ministry knew teachers would not support the legislation. “They knew that teachers would be offended and very upset by this so they wrote into the legislation fines which are so harsh and so brutal that they’re trying to quash any sense of teachers not following the rules,” said Stanley. “They certainly poured gasoline on the fire.” According to Stanley, if Bill 22 passes before the end of the strike, the strike would be off because of the fines. Abbott said there is no intent to rush the legislation. “Bill 22 is an important and complex piece of legislation that demands careful debate and full understanding by all members of the legislature,” said Abbott. “I understand that emotions are running high, and we do not want to enflame the situation by acting precipitously and rushing through the legislation.” Stanley noted that there are other forms of protest, such as teachers saying no to extracurricular activities, like sports, drama productions, choir practice or after-school band practice. “We’re already getting a strong sense from our members that they would like to have a movement across the province to stop all of that stuff ... so that could have a serious impact on kids and schools forever. “And that’s not where we ... see GOVERNMENT ■ A5
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A dance celebration is scheduled for The Bridge. ■ B5
Two distinguished CIS men’s basketball careers came to an end on the weekend while one more is continuing. The UVic Vikes with Ryan MacKinnon (Highland Raiders) defeated the University of Calgary Dinos with Keenan Milburn (Isfeld Ice) in a barnburner, three-game Canada West quarter-final playoff series. Meanwhile, Trinity Western University Spartans with Calvin Westbrook (Vanier Towhees) lost two straight to the U of Saskatchewan.
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Comox Valley teachers will join their counterparts throughout B.C. for an expected three-day full withdrawal of services beginning Monday. According to Comox Valley District Teachers’ Association president Steve Stanley, teachers will not block anyone from entering schools but will not instruct students. They will be outside of Comox Valley schools and the school board office with signs and informational pamphlets. The BC Teachers’ Federation gave notice of strike action Thursday morning after a provincewide vote Tuesday and Wednesday showed 87 per cent of teachers who voted were in favour of increasing job action. Of the 41,000 teachers in the province, just under 28,000 teachers cast ballots. Stanley pointed out that not all 41,000 members are currently active in the workforce, or even in the country, and said that the turnout for full-time equivalent teachers was strong in the Valley. “In our local we had very high turnout,” said Stanley, adding that almost all full-time teachers voted, and the percentage in favour was very similar to the provincial vote. “We’re very strongly in favour, and the feeling of our members is they’re very angry and they’re very determined to resist Bill 22.” Stanley added that the legislation tabled in Victoria this week was the cause of the high turnout and that if a vote was taken a week ago, it could have been a very different outcome. Ironically, Education Minister George Abbott said Bill 22 “sets a cooling-off period” in negotiations between the BC Public School Employers’ Association and the BCTF. Debate on the Education
LOCAL TEACHERS VOTED for a full strike in a ratio similar to the 87 per cent provincially, said Steve Stanley, president of the Comox District Teachers’ Association. PHOTO BY SCOTT STANFIELD
Here’s the new playing field Record Staff Schools are set to remain open during the three-day teachers’ strike slated to begin Monday, but no instruction will take place. Check School District 71’s website,, for information and updates on Comox Valley schools. Teachers will not prevent parents, children, support staff, educational assistants and school administration from entering the schools. Education Minister George Abbott said “all staff will ensure students are supervised in a safe environment.” However, parents
are encouraged to find alternate child care for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Comox Valley District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is setting up a contact list of secondary students or stay-at-home parents who are interested in offering childcare. Those offering childcare, are asked to give their names, age (if under 20), postal codes and contact information (phone or e-mail) to DPAC. Anyone who can offer childcare services or parents who would like a list of available childcare providers, should e-mail dpac@
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