B.C. Views BCTF indoctrinating our kids. p6
Ridge mayor’s family home preserved. p3
Sports Pitt wins 2nd AAA Fraser Valley title. p25
www.mapleridgenews.com Wednesday, March 7, 2012 · Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows · est. 1978 · 604-467-1122 · 50¢
Turley not guilty in Raymond death by Ph i l M e lnych uk staff reporter
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
Wooden soldiers Brianna Tonks performs the tap routine Parade of Wooden Soldiers during the Peggy Peat School of Dance Showtime 2012 Preview Show at The ACT in Maple Ridge on Sunday. See a slideshow of the event @ mapleridgenews.com.
Victoria Turley said little to the media Friday after being found not guilty in the death of Shannon Raymond, the Maple Ridge teenage girl who died after ingesting alcohol and ecstasy. But later, through her lawyer David Milburn, Turley said Raymond’s death was an “absolute tragedy – and her sympathies lie with the family.” Turley was acquitted before a packed and emotional Supreme Court in New Westminster. With the courtroom divided into supporters from either side, sobs and hugs followed the decision for several minutes. Justice Sunni Stromberg-Stein ruled that Turley’s behaviour, in not seeking medical help, but tending to Raymond throughout the night, was not a marked departure from what a reasonable person would do. See Trial, p11
Teachers ask trustees to take stand Want school board to request repeal of Bill 22 by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f staff reporter
Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
Teacher Pat Girard holds onto her hood outside Pitt Meadows secondary on Monday.
The Maple Ridge Teachers’ Association is asking local school board trustees to take a stand against a proposed bill by the Liberal government that would force teachers back to work and end their job walkout. Local teachers and their coun-
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ask the Ministry of Education to repeal the bill, should it get passed. Board chair Mike Murray said trustees will be discussing the matter and making their decision Wednesday. However, he wouldn’t share whether he personally planned to support the MRTA’s request. “I joined a team, and I need to speak with the rest of our team before we make a decision,” he said. Although the local school district is a member of B.C. Public
School Employers Association, the government’s bargaining agent in the contract dispute, Murray said the district is not a party to the contract negotiations. “In all of our minds, students are first and foremost,” said Murray. “We regret it’s gotten to this point.” The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Board of Education has previously called on the provincial government to take part in mediation with teachers to settle the ongoing contract dispute. See Teachers, p4
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terparts across the province walked off the job on Monday as their contract dispute with the provincial government escalated. Education Minister George Abbott introduced Bill 22 in the provincial legislature Feb. 28, which would force teachers back to work, and impose strict penalties if an illegal strike were to occur. However, the bill is still working its way through the legislature, and has yet to be enacted as law. The MRTA sent a letter to the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Board of Education, requesting trustees
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