Back to work Teachers expected back in class after three days of strike. PAGE 7 Dogs let loose Four more off-leash parks considered around community. PAGE 18 Senses stimulated Symphony highlights city’s reliance on water. PAGE 5
Nationals take centre court PAGE B1
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VOL. 23, NO. 134
SFN plans legal action over water BY CHRIS HAMLYN THE NEWS BULLETIN
Throat-slashing suspect sought BY CHRIS BUSH
Police in Nanaimo are searching for a suspect who slashed the throat of a 23-yearold Canadian Armed Forces reservist waiting for a bus. The attack happened Tuesday at about 10:40 p.m. at a bus stop on Fifth Street near University Village shopping mall in Nanaimo’s Harewood district. “He was standing there when another male approached and struck up a conversation with him,” said Const. Gary O’Brien, Nanaimo RCMP spokesman. “After a few minutes, without provocation or warning,
[the suspect] produced a knife and slashed him across the neck.” The assailant ran off through the mall parking lot. The victim stumbled to a nearby restaurant where staff called 911. The man was treated at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital for a single slash wound to his neck that required several stitches and was released. “It’s our belief, based on the tone and nature of the conversation the suspect had with the victim, that our victim was assaulted because he was employed with the Armed Forces,” O’Brien said. ◆ See ‘RESERVIST’ ‘ /6
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The Snuneymuxw First Nation is proceeding with court action as the City of Nanaimo tries to secure a future water supply. The city is entering negotiations with Nanaimo Forest Products to explore potentially purchasing water from the Harmac mill system. While city council intends to confer with Snuneymuxw before any deal is signed, it is not prepared to give the band a veto over any decisions. As well as a potential deal with Harmac, the city is looking at building a $60-million dam in the Nanaimo Lakes watershed. Nanaimo’s existing water supply infrastructure has the capacity to provide safe drinking water for 100,000 people. That population number is expected to be reached by 2020. The city’s water demand is estimated between 40-50 megalitres daily. Nanaimo Forest Products operates the Fourth Lake Dam and is entitled to about 330 megalitres of water per day. The proposal upset the Snuneymuxw First Nation, which is challenging the lawfulness of the existing water licences granted to Nanaimo Forest Products by the provincial government decades ago. At a Feb. 6 news conference, Mayor John Ruttan gave Chief Douglas White III a commitment the city would not enter into an agreement without Snuneymuxw First Nation approval. ◆ See ‘FIRST NATION’ /4
LEANING INTO ER SUPPORT More than 200 people perform Half-Moon pose as they take part in the Yoga for Life fundraiser for the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital emergency department, held Saturday at John Barsby Community School. The event, led by Moksha Yoga studio founder Ted Grand, raised more than $6,000. For more images from the fundraiser, please see page 7. RACHEL STERN/THE NEWS BULLETIN
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