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Publications Mail Agreement No. 391275
46th Year No. 15 THURS., MAY 3, 2012
www.northislandgazette.com NORTH ISLAND LIFE Page 12
PAGE 20 A Port McNeill grad is headed to Skills Canada national finals after winning gold in carpentry at B.C. competition.
Newsstand $1.25 + HST CLASSIFIEDS Page 15-17
SPORTS Page 13
Industrial park back in power
The ol’ high-low
Andrew Ashford wheels son Matthew along the seawalk while his wife Adrienne and daughter Emily stroll the stones of the beach in Port McNeill Sunday during the Pitch-In Canada community cleanup. A cleanup was also held Sunday in Port Hardy. More coverage appears on page 12. J.R. Rardon
Gazette staff Quatsino Industrial Park is back in business. The lights at the park — the former site of BHP Billiton mining — were on for the first time in years when Quatsino Chief Tom Nelson and Harvey Rasmussen, owner of Anchor Cove Electrical Enterprises Ltd., recently threw the switch to turn on the power. The day was several years in the making. In 2004 Nelson and his council purchased the 106-acre site from BHP Billiton. Included in the purchase was land, several buildings and a licence to use the foreshore, which includes a deep sea port as well as a barge loading facility.
See page 4 ‘More work remains’
Outcry puts field trips back on track J.R. Rardon Gazette editor PORT McNEILL— Sunset Elementary School students will travel for a pair of popular field trips this spring, but their teachers will remain behind. The weeklong trips — a grade 4-6 excursion to Camp Homewood on Quadra Island May 14-18 and a grade 7 visit to Victoria June 11-15 — were placed in jeopardy after B.C. teachers voted to withdraw services from
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extracurricular activities. Following a hastily called meeting with parents Tuesday evening, administrators at Sunset Elementary School have decided the field trips will take place as scheduled, with administrators taking on supervisory roles. “We are thrilled the kids get to go on the field trips they’ve fundraised all year to go on,” said Rena Sweeney, Sunset principal. Larry Burroughs, the retired former principal of
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Cheslakees Elementary in Port McNeill, will be hired as acting vice principal for a week to lead the grade 7 trip with a group of parent chaperones. Sweeney and Drew Nielson, principal of A.J. Elliott School in Sointula, will share supervision of the Camp Homewood trip. Parent volunteers will also take part on that field trip, which will include grade 5 students from A.J. Elliott and Port Hardy’s Fort Rupert Elementary School.
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“Camp Homewood has been very accommodating so Drew and I can split the week there,” said Sweeney, who noted spring is a particularly difficult time for administrators to be away from their duties for extended periods of time. The field trips were threatened with postponement after the B.C. Teachers Federation, which includes the Vancouver Island North Teachers Association, voted April 17-19 to withdraw services from extracurricu-
lar activities. That vote, approved by 73 per cent of BCTF members, was the latest salvo in a nearly yearlong action to establish a new collective bargaining agreement with the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association, and was a direct response to the government’s passage of Bill 22, the Education Improvement Act. When notified the teachers would not be taking part in the overnight field trips, and that funds raised by the
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students for the trips would be held by School District 85, several Sunset parents reacted angrily. SD85 officials assured the families the funds would be held for the trips, but those trips could be postponed indefinitely if district staffers were unable to travel during the dates scheduled. Sweeney sent a letter home Tuesday with students in the affected class-
See page 5 ‘Parents, principal meet’
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