Nelson Star, September 05, 2012

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Bre a k i ng n e w s at n e l s on s t a r. c om


Wednesday, September  • 

Photo Doug LePage


Ends Sept 30, 2012

Look insi de Friday ’s Nelson for the T Star he Capit ol Theat Annivers re 25th ary Seas o n Series 2012-20 13 Broch ure.

Vol.  • Issue 

Pride’s technicolour downtown tour See Page 2

The Force is strong at the Capitol See Page 4

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Second bear killed in Fairview

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Nelson Star Reporter

become their favourite activity to do as a couple. “We’re both very busy, but we know with the car shows that we’ll have the whole weekend together doing something we love,” Daughton said. She loves the reaction her pink Dart gets at the shows. She has a life-size Pink Panther stuffed animal she put in the driver’s seat for show and shines and a “Girls Rule!” sign that rests in the window. “The little girls call it the Barbie

Another black bear was destroyed in Fairview last week. This is the second bear in as many weeks that has been dispatched in the neighbourhood. Nelson Police chief Wayne Holland said several residents reported seeing the bear wandering through their yards last Tuesday afternoon. A conservation officer was also called to assess the animal while police provided backup. They tracked the bear until it went up a tree and at about 3:45 p.m. the conservation officer decided to dispatch the bear. “The conservation officer determined the bear wasn’t suitable for relocation,” Holland explained. “It was extremely aggressive, was foming around the mouth and showed

Story continues to ‘Challenger’ on Page 27

Story continues to ‘Easy’ on Page 9


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Balfour’s Lora Daughton stands with her two special rides — a 1972 Dodge Dart (left) and a 2010 Dodge Challenger. The car lover will be part of this coming weekend’s Sam Van Schie photo Queen City Cruise which marks its 10th anniversary with a weekend packed full of street rumbling activities.

SAM VAN SCHIE Nelson Star Reporter


t won’t be hard to spot Lora Daughton in the Queen City Cruise this Friday: just look for her bright pink car. She’ll also be one of the only women sitting in the driver’s seat during the parade down Baker Street. When it comes to collecting and restoring cars, it tends to be a male-dominated hobby. “It’s hard to break into as a woman,” Daughton said. “The guys just don’t believe a woman can love a car the same way a man can.

They don’t think I can understand an engine.” But Daughton has a good teacher — her husband of 30 years. The two of them worked side-by-side on Daughton’s 1972 Dodge Dart in their Balfour home garage. It was Daughton’s husband that introduced her to the hobby. “It was one of those ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ situations. My husband always loved cars and I guess it rubbed off on me,” Daughton said. Each summer, the two of them travel to a handful of car shows around the Kootenays together. It’s


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