100 Mile House
Thirty-six firefighters battle Ainsworth fire
Three local sports groups get gaming funding
Agriculture has history in 100 Mile
SEPTEMBER 12, 2012
• 48 Pages • Two Sections
$1.34 includes HST
Town square support split Carole Rooney Free Press
The public hearing on the Rotary Town Square proposal on Sept. 6 packed council chambers with about 40 people who turned out to speak both for and against the issue. Rotary Club of 100 Mile House president Maureen Pinkney presented her club’s reasoning behind the $400,000 project, none of which is expected to come from taxpayers’ dollars. While some in attendance expressed concerns about costs, she said the $40,000 the local Rotary club is investing is seed money expected to gather further, non-government grants from club affiliations, as well as in-kind donations. The District of 100 Mile House is asked only to maintain the square once it is installed, which Pinkney noted could be as early as May 2013. However, her enthusiasm was challenged by several in attendance strongly opposed to the proposal. It resulted in a debate that became heated at times, causing Mayor Mitch Campsall to bang
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his gavel on occasion to restore order. The owners of two adjacent businesses voiced disapproval of the plan that would see Third Street blocked off at the Birch Street (west) end, and some residents also had concerns. Cariboo Pump & Water spokesperson Gordon Sharpe cited negative affects on his business (at the east end of Third Street) from reduced traffic flow and parking. Pinkney said there are 20 businesses that can benefit from increased foot traffic and highway travellers would be given a greater reason to stop at the town centre. Sharpe disputed that comment, and explained his customers would simply be blocked from using the current vehicle access off of Birch Avenue. “They don’t walk, people in this town do not walk.” BJ’s Donuts & Eatery owner Allen Riley said, “it’s a nice proposal,” but he does not currently support it. His opposition includes reduced parking, restricted freight access from rerouting its parking lot entrance to a narrow, rear alleyway, and a lack of public washrooms. Pinkney explained the club wants to address these concerns, but Riley expressed doubts current schematics for alternate truck routes would work well, and said he wants to see all these issues addressed “year round” before he will consider his See SQUARE… page A3
Monika Paterson photo
Sliding fun... Makenzie Williams was obviously delighted as she exited the bouncy pirate ship slide in the KidsZone area during the South Cariboo Community Fall Fair, Sept. 7-9. The children’s play area was in Lumberman’s Park next to the arena in 100 Mile House and it was well used during the weekend.
Regional hospital board wants to talk health care Ken Alexander Free Press
The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District board isn’t happy with the Interior Health Authority’s (IHA) response to the board’s request to discuss the potential advantages of the whole CCRHD being moved under the umbrella of the Northern Health Authority (NHA). CCRHD board chair John Massier says the board sent letters to both health authorities, and forwarded to the MLAs and the Ministry of Health, on June 19. He explains the letter noted the board’s April 20 resolution to ask to convene a meeting to discuss the rationale for the resolution. Massier adds the board also wants to “begin
the process of exploring the potential benefits of and process of realigning hospital district boundaries if that is ultimately deemed to be in the best interests of the residents of the Cariboo-Chilcotin.” In his July 18 response letter, IHA board of directors chair Norm Embree noted health authority boundary changes are the responsibility of the Legislative Assembly. “Potential changes as you have discussed fall outside the authority of the health authorities,” Embree wrote, adding IHA believes it is inappropriate to engage in a discussion that is inconsistent with its mandate and provincial direction. The CCRHD board discussed Embree’s letter at its Aug. 24 meeting, and Massier says the board members
were generally disappointed with the response. He notes they got similar responses from both health authorities in that boundary changes are beyond their responsibility and is a Ministry of Health matter. The difference with the Northern Health’s response was it values the relationship it has with the six hospital districts it has across the north, Massier says, adding NHA noted how important those relationships are for capital projects, general health care and strategic planning for the future. “I think this was the piece that was missing in Interior Health’s letter. We didn’t get any indication from See HEALTH… page A7