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MARCH 27, 2013
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RBC banker Louise Mayes, dressed as singer Elton John, lip-synched his hit song, “Bennie and the Jets,” at the 10th Annual Bankers’ Variety Show at 100 Mile Community Hall on March 23. The sell-out performance, with a cast of local bankers, kept its audience roaring with laughter and raised more than $10,000 for South Cariboo charities.
2013 budget pleases local MP Cathy McLeod points out benefits to her riding
Carole Rooney Free Press
On March 21, federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced another deficit budget for the Conservatives. Revenues for 2013/14 are forecasted at almost $264 billion, with spending at about $283 billion – leaving a $19 billion deficit. Some critics say deficits and borrowing are catching up with taxpayers even with a budget that keeps total expense increases at less than one per cent. However, Kamloops-ThompsonCariboo MP Cathy McLeod says it is “a great budget for the economic environment that we are in.” A key aspect of Economic Action Plan 2013 is moving back to a balanced budget, she explains.
“We certainly see what happens The Canada Job Grant program in Europe and other countries adds an excellent focus to really ... when your fiscal house is not in move our training to where we need order.” the jobs.” Flaherty projected the deficit It will provide up to $15,000 per will drop to $6.6 billion in person, McLeod says, add2014/15 and become an ing government estimates $800-million surplus in 130,000 Canadians will 2015/16. access training at various The Canada Job Grant institutions this year. program will see a partnerThere will also be support ship between the federal for Aboriginal youth with government, the provinces special challenges in findCATHY and employers to replace the ing jobs, she notes. MCLEOD current labour market agreeThe MP adds the Tory ments. They will focus on government has pledged where the jobs are most essential. another 10 years in funding infraWhile it isn’t new money, McLeod structure when the current program says it is an “important focus” of the runs out in 2014. existing dollars. In the past, she explains, many “I really like the shift in connect- years could pass before a new ing Canadians with available jobs. infrastructure spending program
would fill the gap left by another long gone. “We heard from the municipalities that it was absolutely critical that we not let a number of years lapse, and that we have a program that was available. “We’ve made a commitment to infrastructure that’s going to be $70 billion over the next 10 years.” The regional districts and municipalities have “frequently and repeatedly” suggested the gas tax be indexed, and particularity more flexible in terms of how they can use it, McLeod explains. “We listened to our ... local governments and have responded with a very significant infrastructure program.” Continued on A4