Red Deer Advocate, July 15, 2013

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Red Deer 1913 — 2013 Create Celebrate Commemorate


CFL Lions douse Esks B1

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling tries ‘detective’ work B7



MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013



Water quality rated poor


BY LANA MICHELIN ADVOCATE STAFF Poor water quality in the Red Deer, Medicine and Blindman Rivers was identified as a priority concern in a State of the Environment report compiled by Lacombe County. The three rivers, as well Haynes and Whelp Creeks, were found to contain water with high nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as more bacteria, parasites and pesticides than is desirable under Alberta Environment’s surface water guidelines. A “poor” rating is given when guidelines are exceeded significantly, water quality is considered impaired and “well below desirable levels,” or worst quality. These finding were not a surprise to Lacombe County’s environmental co-ordinator Blayne West — or to many residents of the county, who identified water quality and habitat preservation as their top environmental concerns in public consultations.

Please see WATER on Page A2

Photo by LANA MICHELIN/Advocate staff

Emily Thomson works on a mural of sunny Greece for the exterior of the Amphora Restaurant on Little Gaetz Avenue. Colourful murals inspired by Japan and Greece will hopefully build “community” in downtown Red Deer. See story on Page A3.

Senior wins reprieve over big gas bill METER FINALLY FOUND TO BE FAULTY AFTER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION BY CRYSTAL RHYNO ADVOCATE STAFF An 81-year-old Alix area senior who won the fight over a $3,789 gas bill is now warn-

Photo by PAUL COWLEY/Advocate staff

Sid Morris with a gas bill in excess of $3,700.


ing others to take a closer look at their The federal regulator conducted an inbills. vestigation and concluded the register on In January, Sid Morris said he re- the meter was defective. ceived the shock of his life when he The report said the three left digits opened his power bill to find he used on the register are able to free wheel, more gas in that month than the entire which could result in erratic meter previous year. readings. Morris said Now Morris would Chain Lakes Gas like to see a Measure‘NOT THAT I WANT TO BE Co-op Ltd. told him Canada phone MEAN TO CHAIN LAKES BUT ment that this period was number printed on “consistently cold,” THEY THOROUGHLY SCREWED all gas bills to protect “estimated extremeothers like him. UP.’ ly low” and that he “Not that I want had used the gas “if to be mean to Chain — SID MORRIS it went through the Lakes but they thormeter.” oughly screwed up,” “Yet my rural said Morris. neighbour’s gas bill did not increase or in“Why in the world they would go to an creased very little during this period,” said engineering firm that is no near as qualiMorris. fied as Measurement Canada, I have no The meter was sent for testing at an ac- clue.” credited meter shop under Measurement Sven Sorensen, Chain Lakes Gas Co-op Canada, a federal regulator. Ltd. general manager, said the company The report showed the meter was in sent the meter to an accredited meter shop working order. under Measurement Canada. Morris did not believe the unit was work“All gas meters get tested to meter ing properly and continued to put up a shops,” said Sorensen. fight. “Measurement Canada only looks at one In March, he worked out a deal with in a million. It’s just the accredited meter the company to take off a third of the shop didn’t find what Measurement Canada bill because the firm said there was a did.” remote chance that something was not Morris has been credited with the gas working. that he did not use. Morris sent the company a certified Measurement Canada recommended that cheque for the one-third and he received a the average consumption from the previdisconnect order in response for March 25. ous three years during the period of Nov.1 A few weeks later, an inspector from through Jan. 31 to be used to replace the Measurement Canada saw a news report billing consumption for the period of Nov. about Morris’s high gas bill and contacted 1, 2012, through Jan. 31, 2013. him.



Showers. High 14, low 10.

Two sections Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8,A9 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B8-B11 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A10 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1-B6


HIGH RIVER — The Alberta government says it will pay to help flood victims rebuild outside flood zones or protect their homes from future floods, but it warns the offer won’t be the same the next time rivers rise. The province announced on Sunday that it would provide funding from its disaster recovery program for homeowners to rebuild or relocate to new locations outside flood risk areas. There will also be funding available through the same program to protect buildings within a flood fringe area with infrastructure such as berms, or by raising a house. But the government says homeowners in a flood fringe who do not implement mitigation measures to protect against a one-in-100year flood will not be eligible for the same assistance if there’s another flood. Premier Alison Redford has already announced an initial $1 billion to kick-start recovery from devastating floods that hit the province last month. The government says it will introduce legislation this fall to forbid municipalities from approving new developments in floodways, and it says anyone whose property is in a floodway will have it noted on their land title. “We want to give Albertans with flooddamaged homes the information they need to make choices to get their lives back on track,” Municipal Affairs Minister Doug Griffiths said in a news release. “We also want to ensure we’re spending responsibly and doing everything we can to prevent flood damage like this from happening again.” The province says land that’s made available by Albertans moving out of flood risk areas would be used for municipal flood mitigation infrastructure or for recreational use such as picnic areas, parks, cycling and hiking paths. The region that was hit by the recent flooding also suffered serious but less destructive floods in 2005. A government report completed the next year recommended that development on flood plains be restricted.

See FLOOD on Page A2





U.S. President Barack Obama urged Americans to respect the decision of jurors on Sunday following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. A11

The romance and heartbreak of being Albertan were experienced by one Red Deer family within a span of days. A7

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