Langley Times, July 25, 2013

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Carnival Fun

Times The Langley

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Langley man in final round of riot charges JEFF NAGEL Black Press

Miranda GATHERCOLE/Langley Times

MAKIN’ A SPLASH! Langley City firefighter drenches 250 kids at once with a fire hose at Al Anderson Memorial Pool’s annual legendary water fight, held earlier this month. The pool was filled to capacity as kids joined firefighters in a massive two-hour water battle.

Aldergrove rec centre costs rise Facility will cost $50 million to build, Township council informed DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter

The Township of Langley will either have to find another $15 million or start cutting features from the planned Aldergrove recreation centre. The news was delivered to the Monday afternoon meeting of council in a consultant’s report. BTY Group of Vancouver estimated the cost of constructing a community centre with a new three-storey aquatic centre and two-storey ice arena at $50.3 million, more than the $35.5 million “spending

should be delayed until the envelope” originally approved by funding issue can be sorted out. council. “Staff would only be confiThe report was the first detailed dent in moving forward at this conceptual design cost estimate time with a total project budget prepared for the project. of approximately $50 million,” The document was filed by RecLeavers said. reation, Culture and Parks director He added staff believe some David Leavers along with his own savings can be found to reduce report. the figure below the consulThe Leavers report said some tant’s estimate, including fundof the increased cost is because ing from other sources such as the consultant measured the gross David federal and provincial grants. floor area of the conceptual design Leavers On top of the new $50 milat 84,000 square feet, up from the lion construction cost estimate, architect’s estimate of 76,250 square Leavers said staff have also identified feet. “It is important to note that [the original another $3 million in “off-site” costs conprojected cost of $35.5 million was based nected with upgrading roads, water and on] this total gross area and these costs sewer connections to accommodate the had not been confirmed previously by a new centre. qualified quality surveyor,” Leavers stated. continued, PAGE 4 The director said start of construction

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Vancouver Police are seeking charges against another 27 suspected Stanley Cup rioters, including a 24-year-old Langley man. It’s the final bulk batch of charges VPD say they’re requesting related to the night of mayhem and violence more than two years ago in downtown Vancouver. A 25-year-old Port Coquitlam woman is accused of punching another woman in the face who tried to protect an unmarked police car in the hours after the Canucks lost the Cup final. Police say the Good Samaritan suffered facial and dental injuries, while the attacker was also caught on video entering The Bay. The Langley man, who was out on bail on firearms charges the night of the riot, may also face assault and riot-related charges. He was filmed kicking another man on the ground in a swarming attack on Granville Street and later was taped breaking into the Bay. Three high school friends from Victoria are expected to face up to 15 charges. “The three were captured on video committing multiple crimes throughout the night, including break-ins to four separate businesses,” VPD Supt. Dean Robinson said. They were later caught by Transit Police on SkyTrain with store merchandise that still had price and security tags attached.


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