Williams Lake Tribune, September 20, 2013

Page 1

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September 20, 2013

BCRA FINALS Brianna Billy wins Pee Wee Barrel Racing title

Page B3

Volume 24, Issue 37

GIBRALTAR MINE Vice-president Dave Roleau and Gibraltar host grand opening

Page A3, A9

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Angie Mindus photo

Family nurse practitioner Sandi Lachapelle, TRU North nursing program co-ordinator Rhonda McCreight and fourth year nursing student Michelle Young are thrilled about the upcoming opening of the TRU Health Centre at the Williams Lake campus. The new primary health clinic, which is a partnership between the university and Interior Health, will provide students and the public another point of access to the health care system as well as open learning opportunities for nursing students like Young.

TRU North to open public health clinic

Angie Mindus Staff Writer It’s official. Thompson Rivers University (TRU) North and Interior Health are opening the first health center of its kind in B.C., right here in Williams Lake,

where students and the general public can access a full-time family nurse practitioner for many of their health care needs. For the women who helped make the clinic possible, it’s a dream come true. For the community, it will mean greater access to the health care system

and possibly less time waiting for help at the ER. “We are very excited about this,” says Rhonda McCreight, nursing program coordinator at TRU. “There is no other university setting with this type of clinic in the province, maybe even the

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country. “It’s really just a perfect because (at TRU North) need healthcare, we need learn about healthcare and need to teach it.”

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See HEALTH Page A3

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