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SD51 budgets budgets surplus surplus for for future future enrolment enrolment drop drop SD51 JIMHOLTZ HOLTZ JIM
GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Grand
In last last month’s month’s budget budget report report In SchoolDistrict District51 51secretary-treasursecretary-treasurSchool Jeannette Hanlon Hanlon indicated indicated the the erer Jeannette district had had aa budget budget surplus surplus ofof district
$1,297,000,though thoughthe theterm termsurplus surplus $1,297,000, wasmisleading. misleading. was “Wedo dohave haveaasurplus,” surplus,”Hanlon Hanlon “We said.“We’ve “We’verecognized recognizedopportuniopportunisaid. tiesfor forefficiencies efficienciesand, and,when whenwe’ve we’ve ties seenthem, them,we wedon’t don’twait, wait,we wetake take seen advantageofofthem.” them.” advantage
Water meter meter debate debate Water opens flood flood of of opens questions in in council council questions
By doing doing so so over over the the years, years, By Hanlon said said the the district district has has been been Hanlon abletotosave saveup upmoney moneythat thatcan canbe be able usedininthe thefuture futureas asthe thedistrict’s district’s used enrolmentdrops dropsand, and,subsequently, subsequently, enrolment everyyear yearits itsbudget budgetisiscut. cut. every projectedloss lossofoftwo twoper percent cent AAprojected
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SeeSURPLUS, SURPLUS,Page Page1010 ••See
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GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Grand
Citycouncil councilcouldn’t couldn’tstem stemthe thetide tideofofpublic publicopinion opinion City duringthe thelast lastquestion questionperiod periodas asseven sevendifferent differentspeakspeakduring ers got got up up toto talk talk about about and and mostly mostly admonish admonish the the ers upcomingwater watermeter meterinstallation. installation. upcoming Theinterest interestcame cameafter afterthe thecity cityhosted hostedan anopen openhouse house The onJan. Jan.22 22about aboutthe thewater watermeters, meters,which whichwill willstart starttotobe be on installedininthe thespring. spring. installed FrankTriveri Triveriwas wasthe thefirst firstspeaker speakerand andhe heproposed proposed Frank that council council should should have have aa referendum referendum vote vote on on water water that meters.AAcrowd crowdofofabout about15 15ininthe theaudience audienceall allcheered cheered meters. whenTriveri Triveribrought broughtup upthe thereferendum. referendum. when Healso alsoquestioned questionedwhether whethercouncilors councilorswho whodid didnot not He liveininGrand GrandForks Forksshould shouldbe bevoting votingon onsuch suchan animporimporlive tantissue. issue. tant Another speaker, speaker, Donna Donna Semenoff, Semenoff, said said she she reprerepreAnother sentedaanumber numberofofpeople peopleininthe thecommunity communitywho whowere were sented concernedwith withthe theradiation radiationcoming comingfrom fromthe themeters, meters, concerned and how how rates rates will will change change for for customers, customers, particularly particularly and thosewho whoare are‘green’ ‘green’and andare aretrying tryingtotoraise raisetheir theirown own those fruitand andvegetables. vegetables.She Shealso alsocalled calledfor foraareferendum. referendum. fruit Semenofftold toldthe theGazette Gazetteafter afterthe themeeting meetingthat thatshe she Semenoff wasconcerned concernedabout abouther herhealth healthand andthe thehealth healthofofother other was residents. residents.
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CraigLindsay Lindsayphoto photo Craig
GrandForks Forksresident residentFrank FrankTriveri Triveri(right) (right)was wasone oneofofseveral several Grand peoplewho whospoke spokeup upatatthe theGrand GrandForks Forkscity citycouncil councilmeetmeetpeople ingon onMonday Mondayagainst againstthe thewater watermeter meterinstallation installationproject. project. ing
CraigLindsay Lindsayphotos photos Craig
Therewas wasaagood goodturnout turnoutatatall allevents events There duringChristina ChristinaLake’s Lake’sWinterfest Winterfestas asresiresiduring dents came came out out toto shake shake off off the the winter winter dents blues.Events Eventsincluded: included:Sno-pitch, Sno-pitch,pick-up pick-up blues. hockey,open openmic, mic,pancake pancakebreakfast, breakfast,frisfrishockey, beegolf golfand andsnow snowsculpturing. sculpturing. bee Sno-pitchwas wasaabig bighit hitininparticular particularwith with Sno-pitch sixteams teamsparticipating. participating.The ThePolar PolarBear BearDip Dip six thelake lakewas wasalso alsopopular popularwith withabout about10 10 ininthe peoplegoing goinginin(Above: (Above:Colleen, Colleen,Victoria Victoria people andKevin KevinGallinger). Gallinger). and was the the third third year year inin the the water water for for ItIt was resident Stefanelli, Stefanelli, who who also also sits sits on on the the resident organizing committee. committee. “People “People used used toto organizing dothis thispolar polarbear bearswim swimyears yearsago agobut butitit do juststopped stoppedhappening happeningso sowe wedecided decidedwe we just wouldstart startititup upagain.” again.” would (Right)Kids Kidsand andadults adultstook tookpart partininthe the (Right) snowcarving carvingfun funoutside outsideofofthe theChristina Christina snow LakeWelcome WelcomeCentre Centreduring duringWinterfest. Winterfest. Lake
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Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,
Second page
FOR SALE Doukhobors win case in court BY OWNER
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Water Meters InstallatIon InforMed CItIzens should deCIde!
The Facts: • City Council has voted to install residential water meters • 1.3 million dollars has been budgeted for the installation • Council is already in the process of tendering out the installation. • The majority of Council members will not have meters at their residence as they live outside city limits. • There have been no town hall meetings to discuss the pros and cons of meter installation. • The Gallery 2 “open house” was held after the fact and almost on the “ eve” of Council receiving quotes for the installation work. • This tight time line has provided insufficient time for citizens to fully grasp Council’s rationale, nor time or opportunity for citizen reaction and input. • 2014 is a municipal election year.
Therefore we, an ad hoc committee for a more democratic process, urge City Council to: 1. Rescind the motion to install residential water meters 2. Follow the time line that was mailed out with utility bills that meter installation will not commence until 2015 3. Hold town hall meetings throughout 2014 focusing on open discussions as to the pros and cons of water meters 4. Debate the issue widely during the 2014 election campaign. 5. Hold a referendum during the election allowing the citizens of Grand Forks to decide the issue. Other BC municipalities have taken the same issue to referendum. If you agree with our view, call or email your Council (250 442-8266 | info@grandforks.ca), sign the petition that is circulating the community and if possible, attend the Feb. 11, 3:00 PM Council Meeting (Old Canpar office building located at: 6641 Industrial Park Way, Grand Forks, BC) to show your support.
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1908 It was reported from Kamsack, Sask., that 100 families of Doukhobors would leave from Saskatchewan for B.C. in early spring to settle there permanently. 1919 The conference of delegates from the Farmer’s Institute passed a series of important resolutions: a protest be sent against the proposed increase of express rates; representation to the government be made for a more equitable method of tax assessment; governments be advised to encourage the settlement of returned soldiers; a request be made that the closed season on bear be eliminated; and the government be asked to continue gopher killing contests by children. 1924 An offer from the Doukhobors was made to purchase from the city some 150 to 200 acres on the Columbia flats at $50 an acre. 1929 Peter Verigin, leader of the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood, wanted to have the Doukhobor area taken out of the Grand Forks school district and his community freed from payment of the taxes paid to the Grand Forks district. 1934 The athletic association officially opened the rebuilt skating rink. The ice area was increased by 3,000 square feet. 1939 The Grand Forks Comets went to Greenwood to play the third game in a six-game series for the Boundary Cup, which Grand Forks had held for the past several years. 1944 The late Lynn McParlon, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. McParlon of west Grand Forks, received a citation along with high award of bravery. Lynn and two other members of the Seaforth Highlanders
received the military medal for their outstanding courage in action. 1949 The Sunshine Valley Co-operative Society, owned by a group of Doukhobors, won their case in Supreme Court and the city of Grand Forks was ordered to grant the society a trade license. 1969 William Percival-Wray was presented a certificate from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in appreciation for his outstanding public service in the Prevention of Blindness Program in this community. 1984 The Hamagami rink: Diane Hanlon, Kim Hamagami, Lori Stoochnoff and Lani Farnworth, beat out nine other rinks in the West Kootenay High School Curling playdowns. 1989 Long delays in starting a $2 million Boundary Hospital upgrading project have forced the hospital board to turn to the community for financial support for a much-needed food delivery system. 1999 The district forest office is banking on a new type of forest tenure to create at least 30 mill jobs in the area. The tenure, part of the Ministry’s Small Business Forest Enterprise Program, was announced last week. The tenure lasts for 10 years and the mill must be located within the Boundary.
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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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Third page
RDKB asks for time on ambulance changes
Also at the meeting, Doreen Olson (second from left) gave a presentation from the South Okanagan Similkameen National Park network at the RDKB board meeting on Thursday in Grand Forks. The group wants to see the provincial and national governments open up dialogue once again about having a national park built near Osoyoos. The board voted to refer the issue to staff.
Grand Forks Gazette
The regional district is asking the province to refrain from implementing any changes to the B.C. Ambulance Service response guidelines on first responder protocols until consultation has been made with local governments to ensure the needs of the local communities have been met. At the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) board of directors meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30 in Grand Forks, the board voted for a recommendation to approve two resolutions to be presented to the Association of Kootenay and Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) regarding fire departments acting as first responders during emergencies. “What happened was, a group of doctors got together and decided they would make the decisions one protocol,” said Grace McGregor, RDKB board chair and Area C (Christina Lake) direc-
Craig Lindsay photo
tor. McGregor said that protocol is different in the cities, where an ambulance is usually five or 10 minutes away, than in the rural areas where you’ve got an ambulance 25 minutes away. The board wanted each community to make their own standards, she said, to be in consultation and create standards for when first responders get called.
POLICE BRIEFS Oliver driver taken to hospital On Jan. 29 at 5:18 p.m., RCMP received a call about a single motor vehicle accident five kilometres west of Grand Forks on Highway 3. “An SUV was on its side in the ditch,” said Staff Sgt. Harrison. “Police attended and found that the driver had gotten a ride from a private citizen to the hospital. Ambulance was on scene.” The vehicle was a 1997 Toyota 4Runner. The driver, a 42-year-old female from Oliver, did not have serious injuries. “The accident was attributed to icy road conditions,” said Harrison. Semi hits black ice At 5:36 p.m. on Jan. 29, police received a report of a semi tractor trailer in the ditch on Highway 3 near East Lake Drive in Christina Lake. “The driver had been travelling west-bound in a Chambers truck, a white 2014 Western Star, towing the tandem chip trailers lost control on black ice resulting in a 360 degree spin,” said Harrison. The trailer ended up down a nine-metre embankment. There were no injuries to the driver, a 39 year-old male from Kelowna. The accident was attributed to the road conditions. Drug bust On Saturday evening at about 9:35 p.m., police apprehended a vehicle they had been advised to be on the look out for regarding an incident which occurred in Castlegar. “Four people were arrested and have been held in custody under charges of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking,” said Harrison. “Twentythree pounds of marijuana have been seized from those individuals.” The investigation is now being conducted by the Kootenay Boundary regional detachment general investigations section. “The four individuals are not from this area,” said Harrison. “They are being remanded into custody and will appear in Castlegar court on multiple charges.”
Large-scale grow operation busted On Monday, Jan. 9 Midway RCMP pulled a vehicle over for a broken headlight. The male provided police with a false name and it was later determined that the male was wanted by police and prohibited from driving. Cpl. Kevin Christensen of the Midway RCMP reported that the following day, in attempting to locate and arrest the male from the previous night, police attended to a residence near Beaverdell and discovered a large-scale marijuana grow operation. Over 1,600 marijuana plants were seized. Police expect arrests and charges to be made in the near future.
“For instance, at Christina Lake we want our first responders called pretty much every call because our tax dollars actually train them,” she said. “That’s what we train them for; we’re a senior community. We’re 20-25 minutes away. So we want a first responder on the scene right away to help out prior to the ambulance getting there. That’s the bottom line.”
CAO talks business planned for 2014 CRAIG LINDSAY
Grand Forks Gazette
Some of the highlights and challenges of the past year, as well as some of the key projects the city is expected to undertake in 2014, were summarized at a recent city council meeting by Doug Allin, city administrative officer (CAO). “We talked today about the budget process,” he told council on Jan. 27. “We talked about what the organization has been working on, which is evolution. Passion leads to success. The local government is a continuing evolution of change. Although planning for the future, delivering services for our customers, we’re in a place of economic policy to ensure the health and well being of our community.” Some of the successes Allin touted were the new city logo and signs, the downtown revitalization, new format for department structure at City Hall, bylaw implementations, open houses for various issues such as the budget and the downtown revitalization, and the Boundary storm drain installation. Some of the challenges the city faced this year were: City Hall building fire and the resulting moves, business continuity, insurance claims and project planning. Allin also touted the city staff’s high morale and team building events such as the Christmas dinner and team golf tournament. “Our team building this year was an incredible success,” he said. “Our group came together. You can see by the high levels of morale in our organization and the level of service we’re providing our customers, the level of pride from our organization. Teamwork is a very important part of how an organization works.” Allin also talked about what’s to come for the City of Grand Forks in 2014, highlighting the water meter installation, the November city council election, the asset management project, downtown revitalization part two and the new fire truck. He also spoke of the multi-utility project that the city will be undertaking that will see work done on three different areas of Grand Forks and comes under the asset management plan. “We’re looking at a grant of about $3 million to get going with the first phase of that project,” he said. Allin’s accompanying slide show featured a plan of the multiutility project as well as the proposed new floor plan for the rebuilt City Hall. Allin summed up the presentation by stating that the organization of the city had gone from a very good operation to a great operation. Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor told the Gazette that Allin was doing a great job since taking over the CAO position about a year and a half ago. “His ability to step back and see the big picture is really important,” said Taylor. “We (at council) get lost in the trivia of daily challenges. To have that administrative overview of what we’ve accomplished in the year is really helpful for council.”
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
your news view
Fountain of information
he water meter debate continues to rage even in the face of city council all but proclaiming it is a done deal. People are showing up to council for the public question period—in the wake of the water meter open house last week—and are still petitioning council to reconsider the project to place a meter on every home in the city. Although those on council believe the majority of Grand Forks residents are in favour of water meter installation, the call by those who appeared in council for a referendum to settle that claim was dismissed. Understandably, there is a cost associated with a referendum, but there is no appetite by elected officials to open up a city-wide vote on what they consider to be an already environmentally sound idea. It is becoming apparent people won’t be able to sway council and dissuade them from instituting water meters. The call has gone out for contractors, and the plans are in place to put them in place. But what people can get out of the process now is to take their articulated fears and arm themselves with information through the city’s website (www. grandforks.ca/public-works/#toggleid-13) which outlines several of the questions repeatedly raised in public forums.
SUBMISSION GUIdElINES Submissions for community news can be dropped off at the newspaper between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, or emailed to editor@grandforksgazette.ca. Please ensure time sensitive material is sent in at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled event. Photos for the community pages can be taken by the charitable organization receiving the donation, though a Grand Forks Gazette photographer is available for individual contributions greater than $1,000 and corporate donations greater than $5,000. Submissions to the community pages will be published in as timely a manner as possible. Every effort will be made to ensure the publication of all contributions, as space allows. If you have questions, please call 442-2191.
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Pete Seeger a reminder of the noble struggle second opinion
ete Seeger died last week. Not very many people remember him these days; he was, after all, 94 years old and, for most of the people who do remember him, just a quaint and easily forgotten relic of American cultural history. Not for me. I was 14 and a ninth grader in an American boarding school in 1960 when I first learned of Pete Seeger and the Weavers, the folk singing group he founded. I was told that they had been blacklisted in the 1950s and still were in the 1960s for singing about issues deemed then to be communistic or un-American: equal rights for minorities, civil liberties, unions, pacifism. At 14, I didn’t know what “blacklisted” meant, so I had to look that up, and then learn what civil liberties were
and what pacifism was all about. As I learned those things and listened to Seeger’s songs like Turn, Turn, Turn, The Bells of Rhymney, and We Shall Overcome, I began to see that there were other ways of looking at the world than the way the majority of Americans did. Than the way those around me did. Pete Seeger opened my eyes. Over the next 20 years, I listened to other folk singers: Woody Guthrie, Odetta, Josh White, among others. Most of them are dead now, or like Joan Baez, they have grown tired of being looked upon as spokespersons for causes and social movements. There are no prominent folk singers today singing songs of peace and justice, unity and collective action to large crowds of enthusiastic supporters. Not on a regular basis. Musicians perform at specific fundraising events, of course, and for disaster relief, but it’s not the same. In Pete Seeger’s heyday there were concerts and dem-
onstrations and continuous calls to action based on broad, social issues, and his songs played an important role in those movements. Unlike some, he never raged at those he believed were the enemies of freedom and justice. He never advocated hatred, and certainly not violence. He just sang songs in the belief that music could unite the common man for the common good, and that once united, they could not be ignored, or oppressed, or victimised. I imagine that in the end he was not altogether happy with what he saw around him. The world is as conflicted as it ever was, and though there have been battles won on behalf of equal rights, the gap between the rich and poor grows wider, and the number of homeless people and poverty-stricken families seems as high as ever. Still, he never gave up or seemed to tire in the struggle against the greed and ignorance of the rich and powerful, or the indifference of the
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smug and comfortable. He just smiled, picked up his banjo one more time and sang. At 92, Pete Seeger marched and performed during the Occupy Wall Street movement, in 2012 he recorded Forever Young with Arlo Guthrie and others in a commemorative recording of Bob Dylan’s songs, and in 2013, at 93, sang with Neil Young, Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp in a rendition of This Land is Your Land as part of a Farm Aid benefit. So here’s to you, Pete. You did more than your share. I imagine down the road someone will write a song about you like they did for Joe Hill and Woody Guthrie. I hope it’s a good one with a great chorus that people everywhere will love to sing because, when the marchers gather at their doors, those bosses and bankers, deniers and despots should be reminded of just whom they’re up against. Jim Holtz is a Boundarybased writer.
Published every Wednesday 7330 Second Street, P.O. Box 700, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 Canada Post Agreement #40069240 Circulation Coordinator: Darlainea Redlack Production Manager: Della Mallette Production Tech: Dustin Lacroix
Publisher: Chuck Bennett
Editor: Timothy Schafer
Reporter: Craig Lindsay
Advertising Representative: Chris Hammett
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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A5
to the editor
We live in a land of abundance, for some To the Editor: An open letter to the residents of our area: As I look outside my window this morning at the heavy snow weighing down branches and bushes, I can’t help but think how the physical trauma of hunger and the psychological burden of not being able to provide for one’s family must weigh on the shoulders of food bank clients. We live in a land of abundance, yet members of our community don’t have the resources to feed themselves adequately nor to provide warmth and shelter for themselves and their families. You can help. You can help with your financial donations, which enable us to purchase fresh products such as produce, meat and dairy. You can help with your donations of nonperishable items, such as canned soups, canned meat, pasta, powdered milk, toiletries, etc. You can help by volunteering your time to help us help the community. We use eight to 10 volunteers every Tuesday and also have other days of the week and month that require volunteers for preparation work. You can help by speaking out. Talk to your local, provincial and national politicians about the need for adequate welfare and disability incomes, about the need for low-income housing, about the need for universal daycare and increased pensions. Talk to your neighbours, friends and coworkers about the need for everyone to know what is happening right here in our community and in every community across the country.
Hunger is a hidden problem that needs to be brought out into the light of day and dealt with as fully as possible. The Boundary Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer registered charity located at the corner of Second and Central in Grand Forks. We are open the first four Tuesdays of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and can be reached by phone at (250) 442-2800. Donation bins are located at Overwaitea, Buy-Low and Extra Foods. We live in a land of abundance, but only for some. You can help. Deb Billwiller, Boundary Community Food Bank
Law of diminishing returns
To the Editor: Ferry rates are increasing at an alarming rate. The cost of mailing a letter keeps escalating. Transit fares are on a steady rise. Politicians seem to believe that if more money needs to be generated for anything the solution is to raise the price. What they fail to realize and understand is, with rising prices, participation drops. People mail fewer letters, there are fewer ferry passengers and people find alternatives to public transit. This is the law of diminishing returns. The alternative to this madness is to reduce the cost; attracting more users and raise the profit level. Will this idea fly with politicians? Probably not, it makes too much sense. David Janzen, Grand Forks
letters to the editor policy • The Grand Forks Gazette welcomes letters to the editor, but we reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, taste, legality and for length. • We require a letter to contain your name, the town you reside in and a daytime phone number (that won’t be published) for verification purposes only. • We retain the right to refuse to publish unnamed letters or ones over 500 words. • If you are a member of a political lobby group, you must declare in your submission. • Please ensure letters are 500 words or less. • The Grand Forks Gazette reserves the right to refuse to publish letters. • The opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of The Grand Forks Gazette. • Mail your letters to the editor to Box 700, Grand Forks, B.C., V0H 1H0, drop them by the office at 7255 Riverside Drive in Grand Forks, or email them to:
Thumbs Up to the sunshine Thumbs up to the city maintenance workers for keeping the sidewalks and trails safe, clear of snow and sanded in a very timely manner. Well done. Nice to have a safe place to walk, run and bike. Thumbs up to Del’s Bistro for the many years of serving up delicious subs, various soups and sweet treats. You will be missed. Enjoy your retirement. Thumbs up and a big thank you to our neighbour who took his tractor and plowed the snow away from the mail boxes. Thumbs down to the railway crossing on Carson Road. It needs maintenance Thumbs up to Peter Matheson for his letter “On being homeless in Grand Forks,” published Jan. 29. Well said. Thumbs down to the person who wrote in because they’ve experienced aggravating noise levels from Interfor. Believe me, I feel for you; however, do you understand that the alternative would be far more deafening to this town? Interfor employs a good number of workers here. Just to be clear, none of my family works there. If Interfor wasn’t here a lot of businesses
would roll up and Grand Forks would become a ghost town. I think that would be far more aggravating than a little bit of noise. A big thumbs up to the Grand Forks jazzercise instructors who are always encouraging, friendly, welcoming and each of them truly wants to help everyone who walks through their door. Thumbs up to the much needed sunshine. Thumbs down. Picture this, I ordered four chicken strips and instead I was given (by standards) two normal sized strips along with a third piece that was clearly sliced right down the center and passed off for my other two strips. I do believe I was clucked. Thumbs up to Barb at Dr. LeRoy’s office. Thanks for helping me to pick out some great frames so that I could transition into my new lenses. Would you like to give a thumb up or a thumb down? Email editor@grandforksgazette.ca with Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down as a subject line. We could publish your anonymous submission. Attacks on specific businesses and people will not be published. Editor’s discretion will always be exercised. Please keep it tasteful.
Book a classified word ad and get the Advertiser
rep for children
NOTICE CHANGE OF PUBLIC MEETING TIME The Regular Meeting of Council Scheduled for
Tuesday, February 11th time has been changed to:
3:00 PM
(following the budget presentation) 6641 Industrial Parkway (Old Canpar Office Building-Downstairs) The Public is both welcome and encouraged to attend
The February Limited Edition is here. Pacific Quartet
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am to 5:25 pm Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 1960 68th Ave. 250-442-0112 • krvintners@gmail.com
Hired Equipment Registration West Kootenay District
The West Kootenay District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is now completing Hired Equipment lists for the upcoming fiscal year.
All individuals or companies who are currently registered through the ministry’s offices in Nelson or Grand Forks will be mailed invitations by the end of January to re-register their equipment for the coming fiscal year. Individuals or companies who were not registered in 2013, but who wish to have their equipment listed, are invited to visit or phone the Nelson or Grand Forks office to obtain the appropriate registration forms.
min of transpo #882
You will be required to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance with minimum $2 million third party liability and a WorkSafe BC clearance letter prior to starting work on any ministry projects. Dump trucks must provide a current weigh slip, front tire size, and manufacturer’s front axle rating. Equipment can only be registered in one area in any given year and must be owned or leased-to-own in order to be eligible for registration. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations for the 2014/2015 fiscal year is March 20, 2014. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or deleting equipment information already listed.
Register by March 20, 2014 at one of these offices: Nelson Office: 310 Ward Street, 4th Floor Telephone: 250 354-6400
Grand Forks Office: 7290 2nd Street Telephone: 250 442-4384
A6 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
Girl Rising Screening in Grand Forks This Valentine’s Day marks the second annual One Billion Rising, an international call to people around the world to address issues of gender violence. To recognize this, the Boundary Women’s Resource Centre will showcase Girl Rising, to shine the spotlight on the transformative power of girls’ education on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at the GEM Theatre. Tickets are available at the door or get them in advance at Boundary Women’s Resource Centre. Call 250-442-5212 to arrange purchase. Tickets: adults: $10, youth (18 & under): $5.
Boundary Regional Hospital Call
Robert J. Ogloff, CFP • 250-442-3164 245 - 72 Avenue, Grand Forks
for appointment
Email your event to production@grandforksgazette.ca with the words “Event Listing” in the subject line; You can also mail it to Box 700, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 or drop it off at our office at 7330 2nd Street – please mark clearly “Event Listing”. Also, please let us know if your notice has new information, or if your event has been cancelled.
sometimes changes so please call Nora first if you plan to drop by. No membership free, but $20 per month or a $5 drop-in fee collected to pay models. For information call gallery 2 at 250-442-2211 or Nora at 250-442-3668. • The Sunshine Quilters of Grand Forks meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Focus on Fibre building on Donaldson Drive. For more info call Kim at 250-442-8802. • Scrabble at the Grand Forks Public Library from 1-3 p.m. • Crib at the Legion Hall starts 6:30 p.m. sharp. • Pioneer Girls/Girls in Action - Gospel Chapel 3:30-5 p.m. Contact Eileen Gobbett at 250-442-2417. • TOPS is the weight loss support group of choice for thousands. Join us and you will see why. Weigh-in is at 8:30 a.m.; meeting to follow, at the Gospel Chapel (7048 Donaldson Drive, Room 302). Questions? Call Frances at 250-442-0638. • Community Learning Place – drop-in – from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Grand Forks Library. Come for help with reading, writing, basic computer, test preparation, citizenship study. This program is a partnership between CBAL and the Grand Forks Public Library. • Kettle River Runners: your friendly Grand Forks running club meets for a group run every Tuesday throughout the fall and winter at 5 p.m. at the aquatic centre. Runs are generally 5 to 8 km in length, and the group splits into runners of similar ability. Further information about club events are posted on our website: www.kettleriverrunners.shawwebspace.ca. Every Wednesday • Bored Room Bistro’s Crib at 7 p.m. at 607 8th Ave., Midway, B.C. Free! • Beginning Jan. 15, 2014 the Grand Forks Choral Society meets to practice at 7 - 9 p.m. in the Grand Forks Secondary School Band room for their spring concerts April 26 and 27. New members are most welcome to join this non-audition community choir until the end of January. For more information, call Kirsten 250-442-8897 or Nanci 250-4423935 or visit www.grandforkschoralsociety. ca. • Senor’s Centre Branch 68 holds Carpet Bowling at 9:30 a.m. • Boundary Healing Rooms - open from 1-3 p.m. at River Valley Community Church, 2826 75th Ave. Affiliated with International
N I T E L L U B BOARD Grand Forks & District Public Library Open hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Book clubs are held the last Wednesday of the month at Christina Lake Village (1:30 p.m.); and the last Thursday of the month at Grand Forks (7 p.m.) Food Bank Needs Items The Boundary Community Food Bank is looking for baby food jars, small jam jars, and 250-ml plastic containers with lids. If you can help, please call 250-442-2800 or bring them to 7419 - 2nd St. – Tuesdays only. OPT (Planned Parenthood) Midway Call Julie 250-449-2887 for more info. Are you caring for a loved one, or experienced the loss of a loved one? Would you like to chat with a person who understands? Call Louise at Boundary Community Hospice, 250-443-2162. Dial-A-Law Dial-A-Law is a free service with information on B.C. and federal laws. Access Dial-A-Law by phone (it’s automated) and on the web to hear or read scripts prepared by lawyers. Call toll-free 1-800-565-5297; on the web, go to www.dialalaw.org. Every Tuesday • Breastfeeding Café, 10 - 11 a.m. Granville Family Centre, 1200 Central Ave. For anyone interested in breastfeeding: a breastfeeding mom, pregnant woman, or grandmother, aunt, sister or friend of a breastfeeder. Come for support, learning, sharing. Call Public Health at 250-443-3150 or Cynthia at 250442-5355. • Chess Club - from 4 - 7 p.m. at the Grand Forks Library. All ages welcome. • Figure Drawing/Painting Group meets 5:30-7:30 at gallery 2. Artists bring their own materials. Easels available. Schedule
February 17 - 21
Mobile Mammogram Clinic
Association of Healing Rooms. Trained prayer teams ready to pray with you. No charge. No appointment necessary. • Drop-in Whist is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1:30 p.m. • Pickle Ball is held at Barbara Ann Park from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. $1 drop-in fee. (Also held Mondays.) Contact 250-442-2604 for information. Everyone welcome. • Free Texas Holdem Poker at the Royal Canadian Legion, 7353 - 6th St. Grand Forks, BC. For information, call Frank at 250-443-2370. 3rd Wednesday Every Month • Rock Creek Women’s Institute meets at 11:45 a.m. for a potluck lunch at a member’s home. New members are always welcome. Phone Mary at 250-446-2454 or Sue at 250-446-2608. 2nd & 4th Wednesday Every Month • The Rumplestiltskein Fibre Arts Guild of Rock Creek meets. Phone 250-446-2431 or 250-446-2406 for more information. Every Thursday • Bored Room Bistro Texas Hold’ em Poker at 6:30 p.m. 607 - 8th Ave., Midway, B.C. Free! • Join the new seniors “fun” singing group. Sing songs from bygone eras at Seniors’ Hall in City Park at 9:45 a.m. Visit, have coffee and sing. Contact Liz at 250-442-5516. Senior’s drop-in fee $1. • Bingo at the Legion! Doors open at 5:45 p.m., game starts at 6:45 p.m. • Opt Clinic (Planned Parenthood) is held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Boundary Medical Clinic. • Drop-in Crib is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1:30 p.m. • The CanCan Troupe practices from 5:30 7:30 p.m. at the Anglican Church on 7th St. Contact Mona at 250-442-2237 or Mel at 250-447-2614. • Pioneer Clubs - Girls In Action (grades 1 7), meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Call Lee Anna Klassen at 250-442-5502. Every 2nd Thursday NFB Films at the Grand Forks Public Library. We will be showing films every second Thursday. 1st Thursday Every Month • King Edward Masonic Lodge meets in Greenwood at 7:30 p.m. Reputed to be the most successful & vibrant “small” lodge in B.C. Want to know more? Like to attend a “no cost to you” dinner either in November or April? Call Peter Smith at 250-442-5769. • Members of Hardy View Lodge Auxiliary continue to meet the at 2 p.m. in the lodge auxiliary room. Following the monthly birthday celebration the auxiliary gathers for a short meeting (except July & August).
The Grand Forks Gazette regrets that there may not be room to publish every item every week; priority will be given to new and timely items. The Gazette also cannot accept annual general meeting notices in “Out and About”. Highlights – Non-profit organizations, book early for this FREE spot. Bookings fill up fast! Phone the Gazette to book your spot – call 250-442-2191.
We welcome new people to join us. For information call Vi at 250-442-5998 or Dora at 250-442-8108. 2nd Thursday Every Month • Welcome to the Dutch Koffie Club at Jogas Espresso Café at 10 a.m. Come and enjoy some camaraderie. For info contact Bertha at 250-442-8466. • Pot-luck is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 12:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Thursday Every Month • Grand Forks Fly Tying Club meets at 7 p.m. at Kingfisher Fly and Tackle Shop. All welcome to join. For information call Lawrence at King Fisher Fly & Tackle 250-442-3011. • The Boundary Peace Initiative meets at 7 p.m. at the Slavonic Centre. Contact Laura at 250-442-0434. 3rd Thursday Every Month • Boundary Women’s Resource Centre Dropin 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We provide referrals, library, information, social time for women and much more. Call for more info 250-4425212. • The Writer’s Guild meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Grand Forks Public Library. Last Thursday Every Month • Adult Book Club meets at the Grand Forks Library at 7 p.m. Call the Grand Forks Library to find out what we’re reading this month. Every Friday • Boundary Bandits Car Club meets at Tastie Treat at 7 p.m. New members welcome. Ownership of an old car/truck is not necessary for membership. Call Jack at 250-4423502. • Youth Group meets at 7 p.m. at the Gospel Chapel (7048 Donaldson Drive) for grades 8-12. For more info call 250-442-5148. • The Youth Group at River Valley Community Church meets at 7 p.m. For information call 250-442-8456. • Narcotics Anonymous (open) meeting is held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (basement), 7252 7th St., at 8 p.m. • Drop-in carpet bowling is held at the Seniors’ Hall in Grand Forks City Park at 1 p.m. • Storytime at the Grand Forks Public Library is held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. All ages welcome, no pre-registration necessary. • Overeaters Anonymous meets at 11 a.m. at St. Jude’s in Greenwood. TBA for Midway. Contact Wendy at 250-449-2809. • “Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?” Al Anon meets at noon at the Catholic Church Rectory 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks. For information call Liz at 250-442-5654 or Lewis G. at 250-447-2668. • Blessings Boutique from noon to 3:45 p.m. at the Gospel Chapel. Contact Karen at 250-443-1295.
1st Friday of the Month • Open Mic –7 p.m. at Kocomo’s in Grand Forks. 250-442-5558. 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month Greenwood Legion Branch #155. 7 - 11 p.m. Karaoke Night. 2nd Friday of the Month • The Grand Forks Wildlife Association meets at the Wildlife Hall at 7 p.m. Members and new members welcome - memberships can be purchased from Peter at the Wildlife Hall. • B.C. Retired Government Employees Association Branch 400 Grand Forks holds a luncheon meeting each month except July and August. All B.C. government retired employees are welcome. For information and location call 250-442-5783. Every Saturday • Adult Knitting Club 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. at the Grand Forks Library. Needles and wool provided, but feel free to bring your own supplies. Donations for this program are gratefully accepted. Let the library know in advance if you will attending this free program. 250-442-3944. • Kettle River Lions’ Meat Draw at 3 p.m. at the Prospector at the Rock Creek Hotel. • Boundary Woodworkers Guild meet every morning for a drop in workshop at around 9:30 am at 8120B Donaldson Drive (the former SPCA site) with a monthly business meeting at 10 a.m. on the 1st Saturday of each month. Prospective members are welcome. • Storytime at Kocomo’s for children 6 and under at 11:30 a.m. Every week a different storyteller. This event is free and held at Kocomo’s Coffee Shop in Grand Forks. • Grand Forks Soberiders AA Group meets at 10 am at First Baptist Church, 2495, 76th Ave. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 250-443-3121. • The Royal Canadian Legion holds a meat draw from 3 - 5 p.m. • Chess Club meets in the meeting room at the Grand Forks Public Library from 3 - 5 p.m. All levels of players welcome. Instruction is available. Second to Last Saturday of the Month Seniors are welcome at 686 72nd Ave. (except month of December) for a vegetarian potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. at the Grand Forks Slavonic Centre. Bring your favourite dish or $6 donation. New members/ guests welcome! Fellowship, card games, shuffleboard, pool, etc. For information call Elizabeth/John at 250-442-2609 or Pauline at 250-442-3440. 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month • The Grand Forks Trap Club meets at 10 a.m. at the Wildlife Range. For more information call 250-442-8424.
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StyLiSh Living! Designer built home overlooking Christina Lake Golf Course. Walk to the 1st Tee from this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 3 car garage home. $499,000.
Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand
www.grandforksgazette.ca A7 A7 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Valentine& Tea Bake Sale st. john’s IN BRIEF
Post service cuts opposed PAT KELLY
Boundary Creek Times
Canada Post is proposing to cut Saturday service at the Greenwood Post Office. News of the plan started hitting the streets in Greenwood over one week ago, shortly after the retirement of long-time postmaster Leona Baird was announced. Speculation was Canada Post would use the opportunity of the personnel shuffle to implement local cutbacks. Eugene Knapik, manager of media relations for Canada Post, confirmed the Crown corporation was considering closing the Greenwood Post Office on Saturdays. “We will be consulting with our employee association on this proposal soon and we will communicate further with the community once we have had that consultation,” he said. Knapik said letter mail volumes were declining and the post office needed to make choices to maintain local service without becoming a burden on taxpayers.
“Our goal is to serve the people in your community when they use the post office most,” he stated. “Our review has determined a very small number of Saturday customers.” On Wednesday, Jan. 22 the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) mailed a flyer to all Greenwood mailbox holders urging them to write to Canada Post to reconsider the decision. “In some communities, Saturday is the only day available for some to do their postal business,” said the union’s flyer. “We need to know if this is true for Greenwood.” The post office counter is currently open from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Access to the mailboxes is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven day a week. In a letter to Deepak Chopra, president of Canada Post Corp., Atamanenko said the move would negatively impact Greenwood. “This presents a hardship for a number of citizens in this small rural community,” he wrote. “Owners and operators of home-based businesses
need to receive and send parcels six days a week.” Those living in Greenwood often work in other communities and do not return home until after normal business hours, said Atamanenko. As a result, they rely on Saturday postal service. “It is important for you to understand that Canada Post provides well-paying jobs in our small rural communities,” he said. “Any job loss as a result of reduced postal hours is felt throughout the community. “It is simply not fair that the restructuring of Canada Post be accomplished on the backs of our rural communities, many of which are already struggling due to these difficult economic times.” Atamanenko urged Canada Post in Greenwood to ensure the customers they served were thoroughly consulted prior to any proposed changes in business hours. Knapik said that Canada Post has no plans for consultation with the community through either a public meeting or contact with local government.
Saturday, February 8th 1:30 - 3:30 pm
A-frame debate
St. John’s United Church 9th Street & Central Avenue
Talk of using the cityowned A-frame building that sits beside the Greenwood Museum for public washrooms has dropped off the radar since council received a letter from Wayne Sargent, chairman of the Boundary Citizens’ on Patrol (COP). Sargent stated in his letter that COP has been active in the Boundary communities since 1997, and has been using the A-frame building for the past three years. “The COP is still using the building and, if required to move, would require another space which has heat, lights and is available 24/7,” he wrote. “Councilors seem to be of the opinion that the COP is dead in Greenwood,” Sargent said in his letter. “We do have one active member in Greenwood and currently are trying to recruit two others.” The group invited the city to name a councilor who would be part of the COP meetings in the future and councilor Colleen Lang was named to the position. — Boundary Creek Times
Admission: $5.00
Meet your friends, enjoy the refreshments
Everyone Welcome
Alex Atamanenko, MP Public Information Session
ataTuesday, February 11 manenko
7:00-9:00 PM Fireside Inn - Castlegar (1810 8th Avenue) Guest Speakers Robert Clegg…………………...JD, LL.M (U.S. Tax) Aleksandr Isakov…………..MS (U.S. Tax). CA, CPA Greg Boos………...U.S. Canada Immigration Law Debbie Perepolkin…Certified Financial Planner In consultation with the Affolter Financial Group For information: 250.365.2792 or 1.800.667.2393 alex.atamanenko.c1@parl.gc.ca
Thank you! from the Boundary Dog Sled Association to everybody who volunteered or came out to cheer the mushers on!
bndry dog sled
A Special Thanks to the Grand Forks Search and Rescue for providing radio communication.
Thanks to our generous sponsors: • Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area C • Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area D • Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area E • Kettle River Veterinary Services • Discover Border Country Realty • Grand Forks Credit Union • Western Group Signs
• Buy-Low Foods • Overwaitea Foods • From the Hearth Bakery • Emcon • Rick and Janet Matsalla • Lia Azhure Inc. • Grand Forks Glass Ltd.
• K. Louise Currier • Interfor, Grand Forks • McEwan and Co. Law Corporation • Ken Smith • John and Marianne Jacob • Everybody who donated to us in time or money
A8 www.grandforksgazette.ca www.grandforksgazette.ca A8
gaz hours
9:30-5:00 FRIDAY
Grand Forks & District Fall Fair Society
gf fall fair
AGM Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, February 18th 7:00 pm at Community Futures Boundary New Members Welcome Grand Forks Wildlife Association
AgfGwildlife M
February 15, 2014 6:00 p.m.
Grand Forks Station Pub Meeting Room (upstairs) • Election of Board of Directors • New business for 2014 New Members Welcome
Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,
Water meter
Continued from Page 1
“I wanted to make sure that the information that was shared with me, and my own concerns were shared with council,” said Semenoff, who has a few fruit trees on her property but would like to have more of a garden. “Since this affects every resident, I see value in the residents having an opportunity to be informed and have a say in this. I believe if water meters are the best thing the residents will figure it out.” She also brought up the point that it seemed like city council was being coerced by the provincial government, which was saying the city will only be eligible for certain grants if they do certain things, such as install water meters. “I would like to see (council) making the best decisions for water conservation and health and being fiscally responsible but I don’t want to see our municipal government cornered where they don’t have access to funds that they have contributed to,” she said. “All of us pay taxes which go the provincial and federal government. I don’t thing it’s fair to restrict our access to grants just because we haven’t decided water meters are the best thing for us.” Doug Allin, chief administrative officer for Grand Forks, as well as Mayor Brian Taylor and council members, answered many of the questions posed at the meeting by residents. Allin said the water meter installation was not something the city was rushing into and that they’ve done a great deal of research.
“Since I’ve been here for the last year and a half, there have been many reports coming in from different professionals on the need for water conservation,” said Allin. “We’ve been talking to the Kettle River Watershed people; we have reports from Kerwood-Lydel that were available; Urban Systems, on the protection of the aquifer, which is one component of it. We have the asset management program which council is working on, which is another component of it. “This project is so multi-dimensional. Council has also heard from the province on this.” Allin said that going to referendum on the water installation project was not something that he had seen before in other communities, mostly due to the technical nature of the project. “This project has been in the public and in council for many, many years,” he said. Councilor Neil Krog told Triveri that water meters were the wave of the future and integral to the city for future funding. “When we apply for any government grants, unless you have some of these processes in place, they won’t even look at you,” he said. Semenoff also pointed out that a previous information sheet from the city indicated the water meters would not be installed until 2015. Allin pointed out that was a typo and the meters would be installed as soon as the city has chosen a contractor from the bidders who answered the request for proposal. “Council has approved the water meter installation for spring of 2014,” he
answered. “The open houses are there. We’re having another open house coming up regarding the water meters. The mock billing process will begin in 2015. “Council, at their purview, will have the ability to initiate billing in 2016 if they feel they have enough information.” Allin said council may put off the billing for one year if they feel they don’t have sufficient information at that time. Councilor Bob Kendal added that the city was not, in fact, billing residents for the water, but for the cost of delivery. “There seems to be an assumption that the city is charging for the water,” he said. “The reality is, there is a cost to operate the system. What this billing is for, to get the water out of the ground and treated, has a finite cost per gallon or litre of water. The reality is you’re not paying per se for the water, but for the system to provide the water.” Kendal said there needed to be a distinction that people need to know that the more water they use, the more cost to get it out of the ground and treat it and deliver it to the resident. Taylor told the Gazette he felt there was strong support for the water meter program by the residents of Grand Forks. “My feeling is there is overwhelming support in the community,” he said. “Clearly, we have to deal with some of the issues people are not understanding. I think it’s more of a lack of understanding about how the system works and how meters work.”
More on this story online @
Saturday, February 8 11 am - 4 pm
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Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A9
Getting things back UNDER CONTROL Living from one paycheque to another, never knowing the extent of your debt, and excessive use of credit cards are all situations that can cause serious problems. In other words, learning how to control your money is an absolutely essential step in getting out of financial difficulty. There is only one real solution to taking control of your financial situation and knowing exactly where you’re headed: a budget. That’s right, this good old method is still the only way to get yourself out of the red and into the black. Knowing how much money is coming in and how much money is going out every month allows you to make wiser decisions regarding your expenses. And when you know your limits, it is much easier to avoid falling further into debt. A sheet of paper and a pencil is all you need in order to figure out the overall state of your income and expenses. On one side note all your sources of income: salary, bonuses, tips, government allowances, etc. On the other side, mark down all your expenses. This will include both the unavoidable (such as rent, heat, telephone, and transportation) and avoidable ones (cable TV, clothes, movie rentals, newspapers, gym membership). Subtract your expenses from your income, and now you know what you have left at the end of the month. Think about saving if you have a surplus. If there is a deficit, ask yourself what expenses you can cut. The Internet is full of sites offering useful budgeting tools for free. Worksheets, calculation sheets, and other tools can help you create a balanced budget. Just remember, though, that in order to gain control of a risky financial situation you will have to be honest — no lying to yourself!
Start early, SAVE LOTS! You can open and contribute to a registered retirement savings plan as soon as you have income to declare. An RRSP is the modern day piggy bank, a financial tool that allows you to accumulate savings at the same time as you reduce your taxable income. The expression “time is money” takes on its full meaning where RRSPs are concerned. The sooner you contribute, the more money you’ll have when you retire. Many people mistakenly believe that it’s better to reduce their debt before starting to save. However, a much better strategy is to balance debt repayment and savings. This means that even if you are carrying a lot of debt, it is still a good idea to begin saving as soon as you start a full-time job. Not all 25-year-olds are thinking about their retirement, but once they realize that the money they put into an RRSP is tax exempt until they make a withdrawal, and that it can even yield a profit thanks to compound interest, then a long-term plan may not seem so irrelevant. What’s more, if you decide you’d like to own your own house, you can use your RRSP savings as a down payment on a first home. This program, called Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP), is very popular — since 1992, more than two million Canadians have become homeowners using the money they had saved in a registered retirement savings plan. When you make an annual contribution to an RRSP, you are building a better future for yourself. So, be sure not to waste any more time!
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Drawing up a budget is the first step in getting out of financial difficulty.
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Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand GrandForks ForksGazette Gazette Wednesday,
CRA tax scam plagues area STAFF
Grand Forks Gazette
A scam involving fraudulent communications purported to be from Canada Revenue Agency has been circulating the area. Occasionally, taxpayers may receive, either by telephone, mail or email, a communication that claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) but is not, said Gordon Sims, RCMP crime prevention officer from the Trail and Greater District Detachment. In all these cases, the communication requests personal information, such as a social insurance, credit card, bank account and passport numbers, from the taxpayer. “These fraudulent communications are also referred to as scams or phishing,” said Sims. “Invariably, the communication argues
Surplus Continued from Page 1 For now, the Ministry of Education has promised that districts like SD51 that are in continual decline will have their budget reductions limited to 1.5 per cent per year, but the districts do not know if that will be maintained in the long term. “We know that we are losing $220,000 or $230,000 each year, so we know that we are
that this personal information is needed so that the taxpayer can receive a refund or benefit payment.” Another common scam refers the person to a website resembling the CRA’s website where the person is asked to verify their identity by entering personal information. “People should not respond to such fraudulent communications,” said Sims. To better equip taxpayers to identify those communications that do not come from the CRA, general guidelines are provided on CRA’s website (www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menueng.html). You will also find examples of a fraudulent letter, emails and online refund forms. If you have responded to a fraudulent communication, please contact the RCMP’s Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at info@antifraudcentre.ca or 1-888-495-8501.
going to have to cut back,” Hanlon said. However, to avoid having to suddenly cut that much out of the budget every year in areas that might affect classroom learning, or cut even more if ministry policies suddenly change, Hanlon said the district began to look for efficiencies that would allow a surplus to be maintained. “We really haven’t taken from the classroom.” “Our class sizes are lower than the average. We have
Volunteers needed David, Ken, Stephanie and Laura meet once a month to talk about how their lives are affected by dementia. They are all caring for family members who are in various stages of the disease. They attend a free caregiver support group offered by the nonprofit Alzheimer Society of B.C. “This is their lifeline,” said Julie Leffelaar, the society’s support and education coordinator for Grand Forks. An estimated one in 11 B.C. residents over age 65 already live with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. That number is projected to double within a generation (25 years). The resulting need for assistance is soaring, and volunteers help ensure that the demand is met. Training is provided, and a one-year commitment is required. For more information and to volunteer, contact Leffelaar at 1-855-301-6742 or jleffelaar@alzheimerbc. org. For more info see www.alzheimerbc.org.
put in additional supports where needed, and we are able to do that because of these surpluses; we really do address the needs in the classroom.” This year, the district used $112,578 of its surplus funds in order to mitigate the reduction in ministry funding. Hanlon said the current surplus will be able to maintain current programs and service levels for at least three more years, and for even longer if more efficiencies can be found.
Credit Union Gives Notice of Election of Directors gf credit union
Our Vision: We will be the first choice for financial services for residents of the Boundary region. We will be seen and acknowledged as a regional asset and builder of our communities. The Nominations Committee of the Grand Forks District Savings Credit Union is now accepting nominations for positions on the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Nominations will close at 5:00pm on Friday, February 21, 2014. No further nominations will be accepted after that date. Members will be voting for three 3 year positions during the six business days April 5 – 12, 2014, inclusive, in the office of the Credit Union. For further information, please contact any member of the Nominations Committee: Jennifer Wetmore, Suzanne Schroeder, Pat Horkoff, Kathleen Gabelmann, or Kelly Thomas, CEO. An information session for interested candidates will be held Saturday, February 15 at 12pm. RSVP to Samantha Vaugeois at 250-442-4004 or email svaugeois@gfdscu.com. Candidate’s packages and nomination forms are available from the Receptionist at the Credit Union during regular business hours or on our website at www.gfdscu.com.
Looking for a new place to put your passion? Consider getting involved
Grand Forks Credit Union (GFCU) has been around for 65 years serving our members – who live near and far. We are a member-owned financial co-operative. Each and every one of our members makes a difference to our well-being – both as a locally owned and operated company and as citizens living and contributing together within our communities. Imagine, if you will, the 19 original founders of our credit union meeting at the Grower’s Exchange one summer evening and contributing $30 each. Granted its charter on August 22, 1949, the Credit Union started attracting attention. Within a year, 50 members had joined and assets were over $400. Today, we are almost 9,000 members strong with more than $210 million dollars in assets providing a full range of competitive financial products and services and continually re-investing into our communities. What would the Boundary be like if the credit union had never been born – or suddenly disappeared today? From the beginning, our job has been to make a way for regular people to access financing to help them live their dreams… originally for farmers and small business. We’ve stayed true to our purpose, continuing in the tradition of the cooperative movement.
Grand Forks Credit Union Tues to Fri 9:30am-5pm & Sat 9:30am-1pm 250-442-5511 • www.gfdscu.com
How do I express my interest to run in the election? If you are interested in becoming a candidate in the 2014 Board of Directors’ Election, please download the Candidates’ Intro Kit which outlines what is required of a Director in terms of time and qualifications. And please email us at info@gfdscu.com to express your interest in having a member of our Board Development & Nominations Committee contact you. What is GFCU looking for in its prospective candidates? GFCU needs leaders who bring with them a broad range of skills and attributes that strongly align with our values and that support and strengthen the current Board’s ongoing commitment to implementing our strategic vision. Did you know…? Credit unions, called by various names around the world, are member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperatives that provide savings, credit and other financial services
to their members. Credit union membership is based on a common bond, a linkage shared by savers and borrowers who belong to a specific community, organization, religion or place of employment. Credit unions pool their members’ savings deposits and shares to finance their own loan portfolios rather than rely on outside capital. Members benefit from higher returns on savings, lower rates on loans and fewer fees on average. Credit unions worldwide offer members from all walks of life much more than financial services. They provide members the chance to own their own financial institution and help them create opportunities such as starting small businesses, growing farms, building family homes and educating their children. Regardless of account size in the credit union, each member may run for the volunteer board of directors and cast a vote in elections. In some countries, members encounter their first taste of democratic decision making through their credit unions.* *WOCCU.org website excerpt
Desired Candidate Profile CHARACTER
• Dedication • Good Judgement • Passion
• Belief in the co-operative principles • Belief in sustainable communities
• Decision Making • Fiduciary Responsibility • Critical Thinking • Ability to use the computer to access information & take online courses
• Proven leader in the community -- willing to take on the role of ambassador, representative, promoter of GFCU • With other boards, community organizations, committees • Understanding of fiduciary responsibility • Familiar with legal requirements related to real, perceived, or potential conflict of interest and the reporting requirements under the Financial Institutions Act • Understanding of GFCU and financial services industry
• To the philosophy and values of a credit union • Prepared to make Grand Forks Credit Union your primary financial institution • To personal development by completing the Credit Union Director Achievement Program • Able to make time commitments by preparing for board meetings and committees
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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Curling SportsCentre Å World Poker Tour Curling 2014 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Draw 15. (N) (Live) Å Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Hockey Curling Curling XXII Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. (N) 24 CH Premier SportsNation (N) (Live) That’s Hockey 2 Nite Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Hockey Curling XXII Winter Olympics Curling. (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre Å PBA Bowling SportsNation (N) (Live) Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Hockey XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. XXII Winter Olympics XXII Winter Olympics Luge. (N) XXII Winter Olympics Sports Pregame English Premier League Soccer Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Hockey XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. (N) Olympics (7:45) XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating. (N) (Live) Å Sports Pregame English Premier League Soccer Record Pardon SportsCentre (N) Hockey XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors Operation Smile Noon News Hour Days Varied The Talk Queen Latifah Young & Restless News (6:00) CTV Morning Live Live With Kelly The View Marilyn Denis CTV News The Social Dr. Phil Bethenny Ellen DeGeneres CTV News at Five XXII Winter Olympics Varied Programs XXII Winter Olympics Varied Programs George S Coronat’n News News News News Olympics Varied CBS This Morning The 700 Club The Price Is Right Young & Restless News Bold The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil The Dr. Oz Show News CBS News (6:00) Morning News Morning Huntley The Doctors Operation Smile Noon News Hour Days Varied The Talk Queen Latifah Young & Restless News News Ella the Wild Kratt PAW The Doozers Rob Robot Ella the Jelly Jam G. Shrinks Clifford PAW Patrol Dragon Ella the Wibbly Pig Dive, Olly Jelly Jam Maya Bee Arthur Jack Wild Kratt Good Morning America Live With Kelly The View Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Chew General Hospital Queen Latifah Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News Jail Å Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Bar Rescue ’ Cops ’ Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Tattoo Tattoo Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. ’ › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. ’ Bar Rescue ’ Tenants Tattoo Tattoo Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants Tenants ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jackman. Premiere. ’ Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Ways Die ››› “X-Men” (2000, Action) Hugh Jackman. ’ ›› “Doom” (2005) The Rock. ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ (6:00) ››› “RoboCop” ’ Varied Programs Hunters Hunt Intl Varied Programs Hunt Intl Varied Programs Criminal Varied CSI Miami Varied CSI: Miami Criminal Varied Criminal Varied First 48 Varied The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Super Evil Sidekick Pokémon Beyblade Monster Squirrel Invasion Almost Flamingo Squirrel Kid Sidekick Rated A Monster Kid Super Evil Sidekick Squirrel Sponge. Varied Parents Sponge. (6:00) Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Mighty Ships Å FantomWorks Å Overhaulin’ (N) Auction Auction How/ How/ Dude, You’re Screwed Salvage Hunters Close Close How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Last Frontier Auction Auction How/ How/ Last Frontier Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners Å How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Salvage Hunters (N) Mighty Ships Å Flying Wild Alaska Overhaulin’ ’ Å Cash Cab How/ Dangerous Flights To Be Announced Auction Auction Airplane Repo Å Last Frontier Deadliest Catch Å Manufact. How/ How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) How/ How/ Bering Sea G. Highway Thru Hell How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Mighty Ships Å Bering Sea G. Salvage Hunters Auction Auction How/ How/ MythBusters ’ Å Dangerous Flights How/ How/ Daily Planet (N) Dude, You’re Screwed Mighty Ships Å Don’t Drive Here Salvage Hunters Auction Auction Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Gold Rush - The Dirt Yukon Men ’ Å Varied Programs Property Property Property Property Kitchen Nightmares 48 Hours Mystery World’s Dumbest... Varied Programs World’s Dumbest... Varied Programs Varied Programs The Office Varied How I Met Paid Prog. 30 Rock Paid Prog. FamFeud FamFeud Minute Minute Law & Order: SVU FamFeud FamFeud Steve Harvey Bethenny Simpsons Two Men Pregnant Pregnant Extreme Extreme What Not to Wear 19 Kids Varied Programs La Femme Nikita Cold Squad Flashpoint Blue Bloods La Femme Nikita Cold Squad Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods (6:35) Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs (12:10) Movie Varied Programs (4:05) Movie ReG Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Wizards Little Manny Pirates Sofia Phineas ANT Farm Wingin’ It Wizards Wizards Good Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Austin Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Millionaire Millionaire Divorce Divorce Judge Judge King King Commun Commun Seinfeld Middle Middle Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Browns Payne Red... Red... Match Match Cash Cab Cash Cab Just for Laughs Gags Parks Big Bang Big Bang Match Match Just for Laughs Seinfeld Seinfeld Corn. Gas Big Bang Parks Big Bang Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied (1:15) Movie Varied Movie Movie AnnaOl Exotic Chef Michael Varied Programs Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Varied Programs Chopped Diners Diners Varied Programs Diners Diners Departures Python Hunters Mantracker Man v Fd Repo Duck D. Duck Toy Hntr Toy Hntr Varied Programs Storage Storage Mantracker Storage Storage Storage Storage Museum Secrets Canadian Pickers M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis Stargate Varied Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis Castle Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Voyager Inner Scare Castle Stargate SG-1 (6:00) Movie Varied Programs Movie Disaster Disaster Varied Programs Eat St. Eat St. Bizarre Foods Sand M. Sand M. Disaster Disaster Varied Programs Mike Big Friend Max Ruby Zigby Toopy Caillou Cat in the Max, Ruby Chugging Thomas Dora... Wiggles LittlePony Big Friend Bubble Octonauts Mike Backyard Toopy Big Friend Cat in the Arthur Wild Kratt Curious Cat in the Peg Dinosaur Sesame Street Tiger Sit/Be Fit Charlie Rose Varied Programs Thomas Super Sid Peg Wild Kratt WordGirl News Business Today Jdg Judy Varied Programs Days of our Lives Katie XXII Winter Olympics Varied Programs News News Pop Quiz etalk Inside-Box Celebrity Saved/ Saved/ Marilyn Denis Cleveland etalk Inside-Box Pop Quiz Kardas Kardas TMZ Dish Nat. The Social Saved/ Saved/ TMZ Cleveland Rachael Ray The People’s Court Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Judge Mathis The People’s Court Friends Friends How I Met How I Met King King Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Varied Programs KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 KTLA News, 9am The Test Jerry Springer Maury KTLA 5 News at 1 Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham Maury Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Walker, Texas Ranger Law & Order Law & Order WGN Midday News Law & Order Law & Order Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Varied Programs Maury Jerry Springer Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham Judge Mathis The Test Maury PIX11 News at 5 Raymond Raymond Two Men Two Men Movie Gadget Gadget Lulu Care Bear Bugs Bunny & Tweety Monster Babar Gadget Gadget Garfield Bobby’s Smurf Chipmunk Scooby Scooby Bugs Bunny & Tweety Wallace Garfield Flintstone Tiny Toon J. Meyer Peter 700 Club My New Mass Varied TribalTrail Varied Wind at My Back Sue Thomas F.B.Eye Touched by an Angel The Waltons Anne of Green Gables Murder, She Wrote EastEnder Varied Tiger Thomas Sid Caillou Martha Super Sesame Street Tiger Clifford Arthur Cyberchas Fetch! WordGirl Wild Kratt Varied PBS NewsHour Business Varied Programs Varied Love Trap Baggage Baggage Sex-City Sex-City Varied Programs Charmed The Vampire Diaries Baggage Baggage Varied Programs Sex-City Sex-City Wicked Tuna Å Nazi Megastructures How To Survive the Do or Die Do or Die Doomsday Castle ’ Nazi Megastructures Locked Up Abroad ’ Ice Pilots NWT ’ Yukon Gold ’ Ice Pilots NWT ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Gangland Homeland Explorer: Narco Bling Security Security Security Security Security Security Wicked Tuna Å Snipers, Inc. ’ Å Lockdown ’ Å Locked Up Abroad ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Snipers, Inc. ’ Å Diggers Diggers Ultimate Survival Life Below Zero Å War Story War Story Museum Secrets ’ Kentucky Justice ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Kentucky Justice ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Doomsday Castle ’ Museum Secrets ’ Diggers Diggers Do or Die Do or Die Security Security Brain Brain Treasures Decoded Do or Die Do or Die Locked Up Abroad ’ Canadian Pickers ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ Doomsday Castle ’ Canadian Pickers ’ Alaska State Troopers Security Security Security Security Diggers Diggers Drugs, Inc. ’ Å Kentucky Justice ’ Doomsday Castle ’ Locked Up Abroad ’ True Crime Scene ’ Drugs, Inc. ’ Å Locked Up Abroad ’
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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Curling That’s Hcky SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å News News Ent ET Howie Millers Rake “Cancer” (N) (10:01) Elementary CHBC News Final etalk (N) Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Saving Hope (N) Law & Order: SVU News News CTV News (N) ’ News Cor NHL-A Season National CBC XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Big Bang Millers Crazy Two Men (10:01) Elementary News Late Sh. (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Howie Millers Rake “Cancer” (N) (10:01) Elementary News Hour Final Waterfront Cities Park Our Part Joanna Lumley The Champagne Safari Cedar Park Our Part News News Ent Insider KXLY 4 Kimmel The Taste “The Sweetest Thing” (N) ’ Shark Tank ’ iMPACT Wrestling (N) ’ Å Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Boitano Boitano Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Boitano Boitano Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Kim of Queens Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Thunder Sam & Boys Japanizi Young Boys Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “Witchslayer” NCIS “Skeletons” NCIS “Bikini Wax” NCIS “Skeletons” NCIS “Bikini Wax” NCIS “SWAK” ’ Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners (N) How/ How/ Last Frontier Moonshiners: Out Moonshiners Å Matchmaker Matchmaker Collec Collec Friends Friends Matchmaker Matchmaker Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang American Idol (N) Rake “Cancer” (N) News Mod Arsenio Hall Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Honey Honey Welcome to Myrtle Missing “Thin Air” Missing ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Missing ’ Å ReG (6:25) “Eve & the Fire Horse” ›› “The Express” (2008) Å (10:10) ›››› “Glory” (1989) Austin Austin Shake It Good Good ANT Wingin’ Debra! Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. ›› “Man of the Year” (2006) Robin Williams. Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Ground Daily Colbert “Who’s Afraid of Virginia” “Man & Woman” ››› “Georgy Girl” (1966) Å ›› “Mister Buddwing” My. Din My. Din Chopped Canada Donut Donut Diners Diners Chopped Canada My. Din My. Din Storage Liquida Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Liquida Storage Storage King Car King Car American Pickers Ancient Aliens (N) Treasures Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers “The Hunters” (2013) Robbie Amell. Inner Star Trek: Voyager Castle ’ Å “The Hunters” (2013) ’ Å “Back to School” (5:00) ››› “Mission: Impossible III” (8:01) ››› “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis. Å Ext. Competitions Bizarre Foods Brew Dogs Å Sturgis Raw Å Brew Dogs (N) ’ Sturgis Raw (N) ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Public-Sp African Americans Charlie Rose (N) Foyle’s War Å Father Brown ’ News Million. J’pardy! Wheel XXII Winter Olympics News Jay Kardashian Party On Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Kardashian E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules House ’ Å News News Two Men Two Men Vampire Diaries Reign “Inquisition” KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama Reign “Inquisition” PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Columbo “Lady in Waiting” Taking Con Super Super Popoff ›› “Meet the Browns” (2008) ’ Scotland Yard Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Out Mag. Masterpiece Masterpiece Mystery! ’ Å (DVS) Style Style Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Cosmo Paid Charmed ’ Å Charmed ’ Å How To Survive Do or Do or How To Survive Do or Do or Megastructures Yukon Gold ’
3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
Jan. Plays E:60 Å XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre Å Curling 2014 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Playoff. (N) (Live) Å Curling 2014 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Semifinal. (N) (Live) Å Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fishn Real Fish. Powerboat Driving TV Noon News Hour (N) Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ››› “The Simpsons Movie” (2007) News App Worst Driver Cash Cab Celebrity Celebrity Movie Canada AM Weekend Marilyn Denis Children Cash Cab Is Written Corn. Gas SportsCentre Å (6:00) Juicebox Å etalk ’ The Social ’ Å NHL Hockey Vancouver Canucks at Toronto Maple Leafs. (N) Å XXII Winter Olympics Hockey, Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing. (N) ’ (Live) Å NHL Hockey Ottawa Senators at Boston Bruins. (N) ’ (Live) Å Lucky Dog Dr. Chris Recipe J. Oliverr All In Men College Basketball Butler at Georgetown. (N) PGA Tour Golf AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Third Round. (N) Access Hollywood (N) Paid Prog. Changers News CBS News Saturday Morning News Lynn Colliar, Welsa Wong, & Jay Janower. (N) Fishn Real Fish. Powerboat Driving TV Noon News Hour (N) Moves Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ››› “The Simpsons Movie” (2007) News Ella the Jelly Jam Upside PAW Magic Bus Maya Bee Wild Kratt Martha Reloaded Finding Animals Animals Parks Parks Frontiers of Waterfront Cities Mystery Gorilla Joanna Lumley Greek Good Morning Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition ››› “Bolt” (2008) Miley Cyrus World of X Games (N) ESPN Sports Saturday (N) McCarver Beer Geek News ABC News Auction Auction Auction Repo Auction Auction Auction Auction Cops (N) Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Crazy Hearts Crazy Hearts Wahlburgr Wahlburgr The First 48 Å Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Wahlburgers Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Alien Parents Chucks Rabbids Sponge. Monsters Sanjay Alien Turtles BeyWar. Pokémon Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! B-Daman Sidekick Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon “Pokémon the Movie: Genesect” Super Evil “Space Twister” (2012) David Sutcliffe. ’ ›› “Hitman” (2007) Timothy Olyphant. ’ ›› “Unknown” (2011) Liam Neeson. ’ Å ›› “In Time” (2011) Justin Timberlake. ’ Å Haven ’ Å “Space Twister” ’ Close Close Close Close Naked and Afraid Salvage Hunters Dangerous Flights How/ How/ Cash Cab How/ Gold Rush “Medevac” Ice Cold Gold Å Airplane Repo Å Mayday Å Real Housewives Matchmaker Vanderpump Rules ’ King of the Nerds ’ Surviving Evil ’ Surviving Evil ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ 48 Hours Mystery ’ Eat St. ’ Eat St. ’ Eat St. ’ Eat St. ’ Obsessions ’ Butt Lift! Paid Prog. Hate Hair? 6 Min Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Old House Focus T25 Stop Pain Glee ’ Å Glee “Born This Way” Trout TV Two Men How I Met How I Met Bones ’ Å Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Lottery Changed, Life Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Lottery, My Life Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Untold Stories of ER Untold Stories of ER Missing “Insomnia” Criminal Minds “200” Missing “Insomnia” ›› “Laws of Attraction” (2004) ’ Å ››› “Intolerable Cruelty” (2003) ’ Å ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) ’ Å Cold Squad ’ Å Castle ’ Å “Dr. Strangelove” (4:35) “Double Indemnity” (1944) (6:55) ››› “The Client” (1994) Å ›››› “Double Indemnity” (1944) (12:25) ›› “The Black Dahlia” (2006) ››› “The Client” (1994) Susan Sarandon. Gravity Phineas Phineas Shake It Good Liv-Mad. ANT Farm Jessie ’ Austin Dog “Cloud 9” (2014) Dove Cameron. Phineas Gravity ANT Farm Good Liv-Mad. Dog Shake It Austin Jessie ’ The Office Atl. Eats Paid Prog. The Office Paid Prog. Browns Paid Prog. College Basketball Kentucky at Mississippi State. (N) College Basketball Auburn at LSU. (N) (Live) Commun Commun Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Middle Middle Cash Cab Cash Cab Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Just for Laughs Match Match At Mid Men-Work Seinfeld Seinfeld Just for Laughs Men-Work At Mid Just for Laughs Å Just for Laughs Å Crossfire “The Heiress” (1949) ›››› “The Maltese Falcon” (9:15) ››› “How the West Was Won” (1962) Carroll Baker. (12:15) ››› “Mister Roberts” (1955) Henry Fonda. ››› “Auntie Mame” (1958) Rosalind Russell. Å Rachael Ray’s Cookery Course Rachael v. Guy Rachael v. Guy Rachael v. Guy Rachael v. Guy Rachael v. Guy Food Food Food Food Chopped Canada ’ Chopped Canada ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Liquidator Liquidator Storage Liquidator Mantracker ’ Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Inner Inner Panic Button ’ Heroes of Cosplay ’ Opposite Worlds ’ Opposite Worlds ’ Face Off ’ Å ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. ’ Å (3:25) ›› “The Mummy Returns” (2001) ’ Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead ››› “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (1995) Bruce Willis. Å Security Security Ghost Adventures (N) Security Security Security Security Airport Airport Extreme Competitions Disaster Disaster Security Security Security Security The Dead Files Å Ghost Adventures ’ Peppa Pig Backyard Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Cat in the Babar Mike Thomas This Is Wiggles Peter Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the MotorWk Greener Woods. Rough Cut Hometime Old House Old House Kitchen Jazzy Chefs Life Cook’s Garden Antiques Roadshow Austria’s Influence Steves Grown Last/Wine Wait... Globe Trekker ’ Premier English Premier League Soccer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Jeopardy! Paid Prog. CSI: Miami Å XXII Winter Olympics Ski Jumping, Biathlon, Speed Skating, Cross-Country Skiing. KHQ News Saturday (N) Å My Boys Cleveland Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Movie Inside-Box Pop Quiz Pop Quiz TMZ ’ Å King Gourmet Phantom Gourmet College Basketball Court Legends Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang ›› “Poetic Justice” (1993) Regina King ›› “Flightplan” Adventure Rescue Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. Animal Coolest On Spot Traveler Munsters ››› “My Dog Skip” (2000) Frankie Muniz. Middle Middle In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Funny Home Videos Matlock ’ Å Law & Order ’ Å Law & Order ’ Å Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Family St. On Spot Raymond Celebrity News Raymond Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Rules Rules ›› “Road Trip” (2000) Seann William Scott. ›› “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. Chipmunk Smurf Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Smurf Chipmunk Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Garfield Garfield Tiny Toon Tiny Toon Flintstones’ Yabba Dabba Do Å Gurbani Punjabi Punjab Gaunda Lamia Quran Peace Words Mehak TV Fursat Gaunda Punjabi Sanjha Mulaqat Made in Watno Dur ’ Virasat ’ Tehlka ’ Masti ’ Aaj Kal ’ Sardari ’ Woodshop Michigan Out Mag. Getaways Woods. Rough Cut Antiques Cooking Martha Cook’s Kitchen Lidia Chefs Life Simply Lawrence Welk As Time... As Time... Antiques Roadshow Nature Å (DVS) Will/Grace Will/Grace Cougar Cougar Rags Will/Grace Will/Grace Cougar Cougar Sex-City Sex-City ›› “There’s Something About Mary” (1998) Å Glam Fairy (N) Å Dirty Sexy Money ’ Dirty Sexy Money ’ Security Security Nazi Megastructures How To Survive the Do or Die Do or Die Ultimate Survival Security Security Nazi Megastructures How To Survive the Life Below Zero Å Kentucky Justice ’ Kentucky Justice ’
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Curling NBA Basketball: Raptors at Clippers SportsCentre (N) SportsCentre News News Ent ET “Avalanche Sharks” (2013) Kate Nauta. CHBC News Final Bones ’ (PA) etalk (N) Big Bang Mike Neigh The Following News News Blue Bloods Å CTV News (N) ’ XXII Winter Olympics Snowboarding, Cross-Country Skiing. (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Undercover Boss News Late Sh. Blue Bloods Å Hawaii Five-0 ’ (5:59) News Hour Ent ET “Avalanche Sharks” (2013) Kate Nauta. News Hour Final Bones ’ (PA) Park Our Part Coast The Village Lewis “The Quality of Mercy” McLaren Change Our Part News News Ent Insider Last Last (10:01) 20/20 (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel Shark Tank ’ Bigfoot Bounty Bigfoot Bounty Police Videos Police Videos Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Ren. Ren. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Ren. Ren. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl (8:01) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 (10:01) The First 48 (11:01) The First 48 The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Assem Japanizi Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys “Flick vs. Flick” Viewers’ choice. ’ Helix “Aniqatiga” Helix “Aniqatiga” ›› “In Time” Haven ’ Å Strike Back (N) ’ Haven ’ Å Dangerous Flights Close Close Dangerous Flights Salvage Hunters Close Close Mayday Å Security Security Stranger--Home Friends Friends 48 Hours Mystery Matchmaker Brainwashed Å Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Bones ’ (PA) Enlisted Raising News Mod Arsenio Hall The Big Day The Big Day The Big Day The Big Day The Big Day Say Yes Say Yes Criminal Minds (N) 19-2 “Deer” ’ Boston’s Finest ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ 2001 “Theo Fleury: Playing Fire” ››› “RoboCop” (1987) (9:45) ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Dog Dog Dog Dog “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3” Good Princess ›› “Minutemen” (2008) Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Lara ››› “Snow Buddies” (2008) Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Spoilers Comedy Now! ’ “From Here” And the Oscar Goes To... Robe (7:15) ››› “Stalag 17” (1953, War) Å Food Food Diners, Drive Guy’s Games Diners Diners Diners, Drive Guy’s Games Storage Storage Storage Storage Ghost Hunters ’ Storage Storage King Car King Car Ghost Hunters ’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawnathon Canada Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn American Pickers Inner Castle “Last Call” Star Trek: Voyager ››› “Splice” (2009) Adrien Brody. ››› “Splice” (2009) ’ (5:00) “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (8:01) ›› “Demolition Man” (1993) Å ›› “The Hills Have Eyes” The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ The Dead Files ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Wash Moyers Call the Midwife Charlie Rose (N) American Masters (N) Å POV ’ News Million. J’pardy! XXII Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å News Fashion Police (N) Soup Pop Quiz Movie Fashion Police E! News Å etalk ’ TMZ Live ’ Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules Monk ’ Å News News Two Men Two Men ››› “Attack the Block” (2011) ’ News Sports Arsenio Hall Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama “Attack the Block” PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. He-Man Ghost. Ninja Ninja Hercules Hercules Flintstones’ Yabba Dabba Do Å He-Man Ghost. Gaither Gospel God’s Gospel Super Popoff theZoomer ’ “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” ’ “Kiss Me Deadly” Antique Roadshow Berry Gordy Smiley Charlie Rose (N) ›› “Kiss Me Deadly” Will Will Cougar Cougar Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Paid Paid Cosmo Gangland Security Security Snipers, Inc. Å Gangland Lockdown Å Lockdown Å
10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
$ 99 each
Signature 12’s or Mega 9’s
3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
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3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports Top 10 SportsCentre (N) XXII Olympics Sports News News Global News Spc’l Continuum True Crime Scene News Borat Haven Å News News Two Men Anger Mike Cleve W5 Å (DVS) CTV News (N) ’ Saving Hope ’ XXII Winter Olympics XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å News Paid Two Men Millers News Closer Burn Notice Å 48 Hours (N) Å The Mentalist ’ (5:59) News Hour Global News Spc’l Continuum True Crime Scene News Borat Haven Å Hope for Wildlife Mega Piranha Heartbeat Waterfront Cities Midsomer Murders ’ Å News Insider Entertainment Ton. Middle ››› “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006) ’ Castle ’ Å Auction Cops ’ Auction Repo Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl (8:01) The First 48 (9:01) The First 48 (10:01) The First 48 (11:01) The First 48 The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Assem Young Boys Japanizi Baby Young Boys Young Boys “Nicky Deuce” (2013) ’ “Space Twister” ›› “Hall Pass” (2011) Owen Wilson. ’ Å ›› “Hall Pass” (2011) Owen Wilson. ’ Å Bering Sea G. Bering Sea G. Yukon Men Å MythBusters Å Yukon Men Å Gold Rush Å ›› “The Vow” (2012) ’ Å ›› “Made of Honor” (2008) ’ ›› “The Vow” (2012) ’ Å Mod Big Bang Mod Big Bang Rake “Serial Killer” The Following News Wanted Animation Dom Untold Stories of Sex Sent Me to the Stories of the ER Untold Stories of Sex Sent Me to the Stories of the ER (10:20) “Intolerable Cruelty” Homeland Å The Mentalist ’ (8:15) ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) ’ Dble Ind “Dr. Strangelove” Scent ›››› “Gone With the Wind” (1939) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Å Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Really Wingin’ “Garfield: Tail” Princess ›› “Zoolander” (2001) Ben Stiller. The Closer Å ››› “As Good as It Gets” (1997) Jack Nicholson. Match Match Gags Gags Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Jeff Dunham Comedy Now! ’ Letter “The Heiress” Å ››› “All the King’s Men” (1949) ›››› “Twelve O’Clock High” (1949, War) Chopped Canada My. Din My. Din The Taste “The Sweetest Thing” Å The Taste “The Sweetest Thing” (N) ’ Storage Liquida Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Top Shot Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Bitten “Bitten” (N) Ripper Street (N) “The Mummy Returns” (2001) (8:15) ››› “The Mummy” (1999) ’ Å Walk The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Walk Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures “National-European” Airport Airport “National Lamp.” Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas Lawrence Welk Keep Up Time/By ›› “Kiss Me Deadly” (1955) ’ Å Artists Den Austin City Limits News Wheel Law & Order: SVU XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Snowboarding, Freestyle Skiing. News Beverly Beverly When Women Kill Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Beverly Beverly When Women Kill Cleve My Boys (5:00) “Flightplan” Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office King Paid Entertainment Ton. Entertainers News News Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Fam Guy Fam Guy News Sports Arsenio Hall Funny Videos Funny Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Dharma Two Men Two Men News at Ten Honeym Honeym 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi “Snow Buddies” Dexter Dexter Gadget Gadget Hercules Hercules Garfield Garfield Toon Toon Dexter Dexter Taur Waqt 4 Punjab Lashkara ’ theZoomer ’ Des-Pardes ’ Aikam ’ Artists Den Jesse Cook Live Austin City Limits Il Volo We are Love ’ Å Globe Trekker ’ Sex-City Sex and the City Sex-City “There’s Something” ›› “There’s Something About Mary” (1998) Do or Do or Security Security Brain Brain Ultimate Survival Brain Brain Life Below Zero ’
Family Day!
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A13
Experience as a Family ■ Try something new this Family Day. It might be as simple as agreeing that everyone observe a no-technology or TV day. If you find your gatherings often involve all the adults sitting around visiting while the youngsters play among themselves and the teens segregate away from both you and the little ones, you’re probably not alone. A family gathering can be a wonderful opportunity for family to hear the latest on jobs, trips, hobbies and health, but if you find your gatherings following the same tedious patterns where one or two family members dominate with the same old stories, this is the year to change it up. Consider adding new experiences to the plans, and making a new and fun tradition out of them. Here are some ideas to get started: Get out and enjoy our beautiful outdoors – no matter what your weather. If you live in a snowy region of B.C., organize a hayride, snowshoe trek, sledding time or ice skating at a community rink. If you don’t have snow in your area, you can travel to find it or consider planning a bike ride, a hike or even hitting a mini-golf course or a driving range. The idea is to bring everyone together in a family activity you’ve never done before.
Plan a meal away from the house – Instead of cooking for the gathering, plan a formal brunch or dinner at a new restaurant. Not only do you experience a new menu together but everyone in your group can sit together and enjoy the meal. B.C. has a widely diverse cultural make up and ethnic restaurants are part of that. Make your Family Day gathering a retreat for all – consider getting your family out of the house and turn your gathering into a festive retreat. Many venues have activities for all ages to enjoy, from winter outdoor fun to refreshing spa services. Think of how much fun it would be for your whole family group to take a yoga class together. Host a family talent show – Everyone has a special talent in your family, so encourage them to bring their talent to your gathering. If you’re really ambitious set up an area to be used as a stage and arrange chairs for audience members. Many living rooms have dimmer switches so play with lighting and lamps so the performance area is in the spotlight. You might want to rent a popcorn machine or ask family members to bring along some treats and snacks. By bringing new activities to your family gathering this year, you’ll be creating many new memories to share in the future, as well as making the event much more enjoyable.
Family Day at Wilgress Lake r d nual 3 An Ice Fishing Derby 2014 Feb. 8, Feb. 9, Feb. 10 Have fun with the family
Over $3,000-plus in prices
Major Sponsors:
★ Grand Forks Home Hardware (downtown) ★ Success by 6 ★ Winnipeg Liquor Store ★ Alpine Taxidermy ★ Neighbours Computers
Supporters: ★ Boundary Metis Community Assoc. (BMCA) ★ Greg Sterling (Wilgress Lake) ★ Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council (BANAC) ★ Canadian Tire - Castlegar & Trail
It’s BIGGER than ever! There will be lots and lots of GREAT PRIZES to be won in each category:
16 & Over 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes
Under 16 Boys: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes Girls: 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes
Tons of raffle draws to be won!
Snow Sculpturing Contest for families
1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes There will be drinks & snacks at the lake!
Free Draws All weekend to be won! Tickets available at the Winnipeg Liquor Store, Super Save Gas, Shell Gas Station, and at Wilgress Lake.
Entry Fees: Family: $25 • Single: $15 - All weekend
Proceeds from this event will be going towards enhancing youth programs in the Boundary Area, such as sports, recreation, arts & cultural programs.
Family Day! 2014
A14 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
Join us!
For FREE Downtown Activites Opening Ceremony for Family Day • Market Street closure with opening ceremonies kicked off by the Mayor and Council • Outdoor hockey game hosted by the Border Bruins • Kettle corn provided by Rotary • Lots of downtown Business participation • Winter golf with Christina Lake Golf Course • Get warmed up at the fire Barrels and enjoy a hot dog with the Grand Forks Fire Department • Kids Area by Boundary Family and Individual Services Society and Success by Six
Pick-up your PASSPORT and collect stamps for each activity you participate in. You could WIN
FREE MOVIES & BOWLING At 1:00 pm, if families feel a little chilly, warm up with a FREE afternoon movie at the GEM Theatre or a FREE game of bowling at Sunshine Lanes Bowling Alley.
NO PARKING PLEASE on Market Avenue between 9 am and 1 pm
Celebrate Family Day! Assorted Books for all Family Members Only
$ 50 Plush Throws Stripes and Dots 50” x 60” Only
$ 99 Sale in effect Saturday, February 8 only.
Purex Double or Ultra Double 12 roll Bathroom Tissue
$ 99
with in store coupon
Folgers Coffee 120 g Only
$ 99
Now Available Dom’s Deodorant Introductory price
Carters 5 piece Baby Set Only
with in store coupon
317 Market, Grand Forks, BC • 250-442-0897
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A15
City Hall News
From Council Chambers Council would like to thank the public that were able to attend the water meter open house. We were extremely pleased with the turnout and the level of interest. There were great questions about the water meter program, the process and what will happen next. All of this information will be used to help the City better meet the needs and interests of our community as we expand the water meter program to our residential customers. Council is currently working on the budgeting process with Staff to determine the Five Year Financial plan and welcomes members of the
public to attend and participate in the process. Council encourages the public to attend the budgeting meetings and ask questions or comment on the process.
REMINDER: The time of the Regular Meeting on February 11th has been changed to 3:00 pm. NOTE: As the Budget process is underway a COTW meeting has been added to the schedule for February 24th at 9am.
2014 BUDGET TIMELINE Due Date(s)
Description of Activity
In Progress
Department Heads
2013 Operating and Capital Budgets Five Year Financial Plan
Nov. 12, 2013
Budget Schedule to Council
Dec. 16, 2013
Financial Plan Schedule review with Council
Jan. 27, 2014
Operations budget presentation by Managers
Feb. 11, 2014
COTW Presentation
Capital Budget Presentations by Managers Strategy session to identify Council’s prioritization of capital items presented by management and direction of new capital items by Council.
Feb. 24, 2014
Additional COTW meeting
Financial Plan Schedule review with Council
Mar. 10, 2014
COTW Workshop
Budget Presentation – Revised Draft version
Mar. 24, 2014
Open Council Meeting
1st , 2nd & 3rd reading Financial Plan Bylaw
Apr. 7, 2014
Open Council Meeting
Adopt Financial Plan Bylaw
2014 FINANCIAL PLAN SCHEDULE UPDATE Left is the updated 2014-2018 Financial Plan timeline scheduled in conjunction with the Committee of the Whole Meetings for 2013 and 2014. The dates are presented to the Committee of the Whole to consider as the 2014 Budget Timeline. Staff has aligned the process with the Committee of the Whole meetings so that discussion may ensue between Council, Staff and members of the public.
Learn all about the Downtown Beautification Plan
Join us at our open house to learn more about plans for Phase Two of the Downtown Beautification Plan. Thursday, February 20 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm Gallery 2, 524 Central Avenue, Grand Forks Council members and staff will be on hand to answer questions, plus you can complete the feedback form and let us know your thoughts on enriching downtown Grand Forks, creating a more vibrant and inviting area for residents and visitors. Can’t make it? Learn more at www.grandforks.ca, where you can read more information about the Downtown Beautification Project, or email us at info@grandforks.ca.
Lisa’s Bistro is hosting Japanese Family Night - enjoy sushi, games and prizes.
Market Street closure with opening ceremonies kicked off by the Mayor and Council Outdoor hockey game hosted by the Border Bruins Kettle corn provided by Rotary Lots of downtown Business participation Winter golf with Christina Lake Golf Course Get warmed up at the fire Barrels and enjoy a hot dog with the Grand Forks Fire Department Kids Area by Boundary Family and Individual Services Society and Success by Six
Thank you to our sponsors:
Phoenix Ski Hill is open from 9:30 - 3:30 and is located at 8000 Phoenix Ski Hill Rd.
The afternoon begins with outdoor activities for everyone at Dick Bartlett Park hosted by the Pines Bible Camp The pool will open from 1-5 for FREE family swim Skaters have the option of using the arena from 1:45 - 3:30 for a FREE skate and FREE Rentals
Phoenix Ski Hill is open from 9:30 - 3:30 and is located at 8000 Phoenix Ski Hill Rd.
A16 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
e’s Valentin
Make Overwaitea Foods your Valentine Headquarters for all your floral needs
Friday & Saturday February 14th & 15th
Dinner for Two Steak & Lobster
Salads to start, a 6 oz Sirloin & 4 oz Lobster Tail each, rice, potatoes, veggies, two glasses of wine & dessert to share.
Buy 2 pizzas
and get 2 free desserts
Wilgress Lake 3rd Annual
No fuss, no muss, we deliver (to Greenwood, Midway & Rock Creek)
Ice Fishing Derby
Re-opening February 1, 2014 Reservations for Valentine’s Dinner highly recommended. Seating is limited.
~ Special ~
Pan seared and baked Beef Tenderloin topped with a marsala wine reduction Roasted garlic mashed potatoes Steamed organic chard Soup or garden salad Special Valentines dessert
Bring in this ad for either
2 for 1 drinks or 15% off your order Coupon good for above dates only
Hwy #3, Greenwood, BC
250~445~6506 309 ~ S Copper Avenue vicdad8@hotmail.com
Fragrance Sets up to %
Herb Garlic Prawn Linguini
Dinner for 2 $ 45
w/choice of Salad Dessert Crepes 2 glasses of wine Coffee or tea
Offer available Friday, February 14 only
Reservations recommended
1460 Central Ave ~ 250-442-5900
– starting at noon –
Crabcakes & Soup or Salad – starting at 5 pm –
2 Can Dine for $40
Lamb or Salmon Filo Violin by Cavan Reservations recommended Friday Night is also Family Game Night Board games & vinyl records
100 g or Collection Heart 89.5 g
Assorted 120 ml
Hershey Pot of Gold 200 – 283 g
330 Central Ave, Grand Forks • 250-442-3515 www.pharmasavegrandforks.com
Value Drug Mart now carries Doodle Bug Chocolates - Handmade with love in Castlegar, BC Sale ends February 15, 2014.
(does not include special orders, lay-aways or repairs)
Masquerade Ball
You could WIN a Sterling Silver Cupid Necklace! Enter to win, with any purchase up to Feb. 14.
Cash Bar Reserve a Safe Ride Home Prizes for Best Costume Evening Buffet
524 Central Ave., Grand Forks, BC * 250-442-2211
Love Locket $ 175 You & Me $ 150 Sparkle of Love $ 225
Available now while supplies last. PANDORA Valentine’s Day gift sets starting at $150. * *Before taxes. While supplies last. See store for details.
Thistle Pot Gifts
337 Market Ave. • Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Some jewelry displayed patented (US Pat. No. 7,007,507) • © Pandora • PANDORA.NET
3rd Annual
2 Saturday, March 8, 2014 8pm to Midnight Tickets to the 317 Market, Grand Forks, BC • 250-442-0897
• Valentine’s Day is believed to have originated from a celebration in Rome during the fifth century. This celebration paid tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic priest. Other historians surmise it was a way to “Christianize” the pagan holiday of Lupercalia, which was a fertility festival. Included in the traditions were boys and girls drawing names from a box and exchanging gifts. • The Catholic Church acknowledges at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. • All of the stories surrounding St. Valentine -- whether they are disputed or not -- paint him as a sympathetic and heroic individual. • Valentine’s Day greetings have been popular from the Middle Ages onward, though they have been usually verbal in nature. • The oldest known written valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. • Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia., while a sparrow indicates a poor man.
Every purchase of $50 or more!
Valentine’s Day facts and superstitions
15% OFF
Mad Dog 20/20
Your Hometown Store with a Big Heart
Boundary Mall • 250-442-5560
gallery 2
Take Your Sweetheart to the Masquerade Ball
Music by
Show your love with FLOWERS Fresh Flowers & Cut Roses
to be spent at any one of these participating advertisers
Ferrero Rocher Heart
Happy Hippo Massage Oils
Lobster Dinner
Salads to start, two 4 oz Lobster Tails each, rice, potatoes, veggies, two glasses of wine & dessert to share.
Ladies’ Valentine’s Luncheon
(Bathrobe, Hair Towel & Mesh Sponge)
Enter at The Grand Forks Gazette (7330 Second Street) The draw will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12
Valentine’s Day
Pot of Gold Chocolate Hearts
Terra Naturals Handmade Jewelry
Claire Burke Candles & Accesories
Name: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________
at the Christina Lake Welcome Centre
D s a ’ y e n i t n e l a V
3 pc Spa Set
Wine & Dine your Valentine
Thursday, February 13 – OPEN MIKE Surf & Turf
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Enter To Win
Sweetheart Breakfast & Lunch Specials too! 250-442-3124 7400 Hwy 3
View full menu at www.boredroombistro.com
Open for Valentine’s weekend February 13, 14, 15 & 16
www.grandforksgazette.ca A17
Also available individually
Midway, BC 250-449-2465
February 8,9 & 10
441 Central Ave. 250-442-2778
at the
Treat your special one to a Sweetheart Pizza
~ Don’t Forget ~ “FOR THE LOVE OF FISHING” Raffles to be won Saturday, Sunday & Monday Pick up your entries at: Winnipeg Liquor Store, Super Save Gas, Shell Gas Station or Wilgress Lake
• Roses by the stem • Mini Roses – 6 “ pot • Gourmet & Designer Bouquets
Bored Room Bistro Valentine’s Special
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
7352 2nd Street Grand Forks •250-442-2213
VALENTINE DINNER at the Royal Canadian Legion
Doors open at 5 pm • Dinner at 6 pm
Providing Fresh Floral Arrangements to Grand Forks & Boundary Area
Jayz Wayz
Can be purchased at the Legion any day after 2 pm. Legion phone: 250-442-8400 Prepared by professional chef
Bob Aguillon & his wife Barb Soup or salad 3 Cheese Chicken Herb Florentine Stuffed Potato & Veggies Black Forest Cake Fundraising dinner for our local branch #59
Floral Art
Jennifer Henderson proprietor/designer 278 Market Ave. 250.584.4149 moonjayzizmine@hotmail.com
A16 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5 , 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
e’s Valentin
Make Overwaitea Foods your Valentine Headquarters for all your floral needs
Friday & Saturday February 14th & 15th
Dinner for Two Steak & Lobster
Salads to start, a 6 oz Sirloin & 4 oz Lobster Tail each, rice, potatoes, veggies, two glasses of wine & dessert to share.
Buy 2 pizzas
and get 2 free desserts
Wilgress Lake 3rd Annual
No fuss, no muss, we deliver (to Greenwood, Midway & Rock Creek)
Ice Fishing Derby
Re-opening February 1, 2014 Reservations for Valentine’s Dinner highly recommended. Seating is limited.
~ Special ~
Pan seared and baked Beef Tenderloin topped with a marsala wine reduction Roasted garlic mashed potatoes Steamed organic chard Soup or garden salad Special Valentines dessert
Bring in this ad for either
2 for 1 drinks or 15% off your order Coupon good for above dates only
Hwy #3, Greenwood, BC
250~445~6506 309 ~ S Copper Avenue vicdad8@hotmail.com
Fragrance Sets up to %
Herb Garlic Prawn Linguini
Dinner for 2 $ 45
w/choice of Salad Dessert Crepes 2 glasses of wine Coffee or tea
Offer available Friday, February 14 only
Reservations recommended
1460 Central Ave ~ 250-442-5900
– starting at noon –
Crabcakes & Soup or Salad – starting at 5 pm –
2 Can Dine for $40
Lamb or Salmon Filo Violin by Cavan Reservations recommended Friday Night is also Family Game Night Board games & vinyl records
100 g or Collection Heart 89.5 g
Assorted 120 ml
Hershey Pot of Gold 200 – 283 g
330 Central Ave, Grand Forks • 250-442-3515 www.pharmasavegrandforks.com
Value Drug Mart now carries Doodle Bug Chocolates - Handmade with love in Castlegar, BC Sale ends February 15, 2014.
(does not include special orders, lay-aways or repairs)
Masquerade Ball
You could WIN a Sterling Silver Cupid Necklace! Enter to win, with any purchase up to Feb. 14.
Cash Bar Reserve a Safe Ride Home Prizes for Best Costume Evening Buffet
524 Central Ave., Grand Forks, BC * 250-442-2211
Love Locket $ 175 You & Me $ 150 Sparkle of Love $ 225
Available now while supplies last. PANDORA Valentine’s Day gift sets starting at $150. * *Before taxes. While supplies last. See store for details.
Thistle Pot Gifts
337 Market Ave. • Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0 Some jewelry displayed patented (US Pat. No. 7,007,507) • © Pandora • PANDORA.NET
3rd Annual
2 Saturday, March 8, 2014 8pm to Midnight Tickets to the 317 Market, Grand Forks, BC • 250-442-0897
• Valentine’s Day is believed to have originated from a celebration in Rome during the fifth century. This celebration paid tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic priest. Other historians surmise it was a way to “Christianize” the pagan holiday of Lupercalia, which was a fertility festival. Included in the traditions were boys and girls drawing names from a box and exchanging gifts. • The Catholic Church acknowledges at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus. • All of the stories surrounding St. Valentine -- whether they are disputed or not -- paint him as a sympathetic and heroic individual. • Valentine’s Day greetings have been popular from the Middle Ages onward, though they have been usually verbal in nature. • The oldest known written valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. • Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia., while a sparrow indicates a poor man.
Every purchase of $50 or more!
Valentine’s Day facts and superstitions
15% OFF
Mad Dog 20/20
Your Hometown Store with a Big Heart
Boundary Mall • 250-442-5560
gallery 2
Take Your Sweetheart to the Masquerade Ball
Music by
Show your love with FLOWERS Fresh Flowers & Cut Roses
to be spent at any one of these participating advertisers
Ferrero Rocher Heart
Happy Hippo Massage Oils
Lobster Dinner
Salads to start, two 4 oz Lobster Tails each, rice, potatoes, veggies, two glasses of wine & dessert to share.
Ladies’ Valentine’s Luncheon
(Bathrobe, Hair Towel & Mesh Sponge)
Enter at The Grand Forks Gazette (7330 Second Street) The draw will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12
Valentine’s Day
Pot of Gold Chocolate Hearts
Terra Naturals Handmade Jewelry
Claire Burke Candles & Accesories
Name: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________
at the Christina Lake Welcome Centre
D s a ’ y e n i t n e l a V
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Wine & Dine your Valentine
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7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Enter To Win
Sweetheart Breakfast & Lunch Specials too! 250-442-3124 7400 Hwy 3
View full menu at www.boredroombistro.com
Open for Valentine’s weekend February 13, 14, 15 & 16
www.grandforksgazette.ca A17
Also available individually
Midway, BC 250-449-2465
February 8,9 & 10
441 Central Ave. 250-442-2778
at the
Treat your special one to a Sweetheart Pizza
~ Don’t Forget ~ “FOR THE LOVE OF FISHING” Raffles to be won Saturday, Sunday & Monday Pick up your entries at: Winnipeg Liquor Store, Super Save Gas, Shell Gas Station or Wilgress Lake
• Roses by the stem • Mini Roses – 6 “ pot • Gourmet & Designer Bouquets
Bored Room Bistro Valentine’s Special
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
7352 2nd Street Grand Forks •250-442-2213
VALENTINE DINNER at the Royal Canadian Legion
Doors open at 5 pm • Dinner at 6 pm
Providing Fresh Floral Arrangements to Grand Forks & Boundary Area
Jayz Wayz
Can be purchased at the Legion any day after 2 pm. Legion phone: 250-442-8400 Prepared by professional chef
Bob Aguillon & his wife Barb Soup or salad 3 Cheese Chicken Herb Florentine Stuffed Potato & Veggies Black Forest Cake Fundraising dinner for our local branch #59
Floral Art
Jennifer Henderson proprietor/designer 278 Market Ave. 250.584.4149 moonjayzizmine@hotmail.com
A18 www.grandforksgazette.ca Classified ads: Classified Book in the Gazette, get the Advertiser for
Monday - Saturday 9 - 5 Sunday Closed • Grocery • Hydroponic • Garden Centre • Fruit & Produce • Locally Grown
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
Rural FortisBC electricity rates will be increasing CRAIG LINDSAY
cutting costs
Grand Forks Gazette
Electrical rates in the rural areas around Grand Forks are set to rise after FortisBC announced it will be raising rates by three per cent this year. Fortis provides electricity to customers in the area immediately surrounding Grand Forks but not the city itself, which buys electricity from Fortis and sells directly to residents at a reduced rate. The B.C. Utilities Committee (BCUC) approved the rate increase of 3.3 per cent, said Grace Pickell, FortisBC spokesperson, and went into effect on Jan. 1. “To continue to provide a safe and reliable electricity for our customers, we have also filed a fiveyear plan with BCUC,” she said. “We are constantly working with BCUC to adjust rates and determine what’s appropriate for our customers.” Pickell said that although Fortis rates are higher than other providers such as Hydro, the company has spent a lot of money to upgrade their infrastructure. “We design and manage our system based on the resources available to us and the needs of our customers,” she said. “Since we purchased the utility in 2004, we have made about $500 million worth of investments in the infrastructure in things such as power lines, transmission lines and substations to make it safer and more reliable for our customers, so
brown ridge pub
“I think it’s important for people to know that our customer’s bills increase by 50 per cent over the winter time,” said Pickell. “(It’s from) people turning up their heat because they’re cold or turning on lights longer because it’s dark out or people using space heaters.” Pickell recommends that people install programmable thermostats to save money. “That way, they can have it set for 20 degrees when they’re home,” she said. “Then it will automatically lower down to 17 degrees when they’re at work or bundled up in bed. That’s a good way to regular the electricity in your home without thinking about it.” Pickell also adds that something most people don’t know about is that phantom power can drain electricity, even when electronics aren’t turned on. “Even when your TV or PVR are turned off, they are still drawing power and that’s called phantom power,” she said. “About 40 per cent of the energy used by electronics like computers and PVRs is consumed in standby mode. “Even though they’re off, they’re using energy to run the clock or for the flashing lights.” She recommends plugging electronics into a power bar and then turning off the power bar when not using the items to stop the flow of electricity. — Lindsay
that’s part of the reason why.” As for keeping your electricity bill down, Pickell says that space heating is the number one energydraining culprit in the home.
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Silver Kettle Village is a great place to live. My wife and I love our spacious, private suite. When we moved in we were very happy that we were able to bring our cat who is very much a part of the family. We both like the meals and I enjoy playing pool; but I’m still trying to find some good competition!
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Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday, Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca www.grandforksgazette.ca A19 A17
Seed planted at library
t’s February, which can mean only one thing: time to start planning your garden! Here’s how we can help: we’ve ordered seed catalogs from a number of different seed companies, and we’ve made these available for you to check out. It seems to make more sense than each of us ordering our own catalog, I think. In related news, our seed library is still up and running—though we are in need of some donations, so if you’ve got any extra packets of seeds around, please bring them in.
New animal control bylaw drafted
Computer workshops Looking to improve your computer skills? We’ve got workshops from Feb. 18- 20, including introductions to computers, photos and digital cameras, and email. Sessions will run from 10:15 a.m. to noon, and the computer lab will be open for practice and questions from 1-3 p.m. Space is limited, so register today! The computer workshop is offered in partnership with the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
Local history I’m happy to announce that we now have a local history section for you to read all about what went on in the Boundary long before I was born. It’s a growing collection, so if you have any books you’d like to donate, we’d very much appreciate it. Downton Abbey Come to our Downton Abbey tea party on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 2:30-4 p.m. There will be snacks, games and fancy hats. Lego Club Come one, come all! We’ll be bringing out our Lego bins on Friday, Feb. 21, from 1-3 p.m., and there will be snacks. Board meeting If last week’s call for new library board members has sparked your interest, you might consider dropping by our next board meeting, on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 4 p.m.
The first step in establishing a new animal control bylaw for the regional district has been taken. The Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) passed first reading of bylaw 1550, combining the old licensing bylaw and created one bylaw, said Elaine Kumar, RDKB director of corporate administration. “It’s been cleaned up and we’ve added a schedule on the back and that’s where our fees are. We’ve improved on our definitions,” she said. Kumar said the definition of a vicious dog has been clarified and the bylaw no longer names specific breeds. The animal control bylaw will be enforced by the animal control officers, which are provided by the Commissionaires who signed a one-year contract with the regional district back in September of last year. The bylaw establishes and sets regulations for a pound and provides for licensing of dogs within the area comprising of the City of Grand Forks, the City of Greenwood, and electoral areas ‘C’ (Christina Lake) and ‘D’ (area surrounding Grand Forks). “I think it really covers the basics,” said Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor, who also sits on the RDKB board and chairs the PEP committee. Taylor said he is fine with the proposed new bylaw although he is eager to hear what the public has to say about it. “After first reading it goes to the community for input,” he said. “We can expect to see some opportunities for the community to comment on it.” The RDKB will hold a town hall meeting about the animal control bylaw on Feb. 11 in Grand Forks. A second meeting will be held on Feb. 26 in Christina Lake at the community hall at 6:30 p.m. The bylaw is also available on the RDKB website, if anyone wishes to comment on it there.
RESIDENTS & PROPERTY OWNERS Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Staff and the Electoral Area ‘D’ Director invite all Area ’D’ residents, taxpayers and interested parties to a Town Hall Meeting to learn about Regional Districts in general, the services the RDKB provides and the proposed 2014 Budget and FiveYear Financial Plan. RDKB Staff will provide information regarding how Regional Districts operate, the governing legislation, what overall regional services are provided and what specific Area ‘D’ services are provided and how much taxpayers pay.
SALE PRICE $ 30 - $45 Reg. $45 - $60 sold in duo sets only
Stylist at StarCuts
Away from the salon Feb. 10-15, 2014
7797 16th St. • 250-442-2585 Cell 250-443-9162
Good Country Music and Great Meals! Sunday from
rc legion
3 - 5:30 p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion at the
Branch 59
Dinner at 5:30 pm
Dave Jackson Dancing! Come out and dance ~ Great music Open to members and guests
Sunday, Feb. 9 Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner with all the goodies ~ $12 per person Advance tickets available at the bar in the Legion lounge
For further info, please call 250-442-8400 and leave a message
Serving the Boundary Country with Award Winning Service for over 36 years
border country
YOU WILL LOVE THE BRAND NEW RIVER ROCK GAS FIREPLACE! Spacious rooms and 4 bedrooms make this Tudor Style family home a delight for your family! Situated on 2.46 Ac just minutes from Grand Forks. Attached double garage, playhouse for the kids, garden space and greenhouse and much more! $347,500 #2390869 Call Sharon 250 442 6396
Located in the Heritage Corridor of Grand Forks. This beautiful home has been tastefully updated; maintaining its old world charm. The hardwood floors have been refinished, upgraded flooring, paint and appliances. $262,000 MLS® # 2390262 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088
SOLD!! Great investment in today’s market. Boundary Creek is across the street for those hot summer days. This 3 bedroom is ready for your personal touches. $49,500 MLS® # 2392471 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088
Purchase 3.8 acres of privacy, located just 4 km up the picturesque North Fork Valley. Treed, private and great views. Use this property to build your dream home or private camping spot. $123,500 MLS® # 2393813 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250 442-7655
GET AWAY FROM THE MADDING CROWD! Perfectly private 51+ wooded acres only 15 minutes from Christina Lake. Two well built cabins, excellent road access. Views that are breathtaking! #2218997 $179,900 Call Sharon 250 442 6396
Great investment in today’s market. Two retail spaces with long time successful businesses and three apartments above with long term tenants. $227,500 MLS®# 24100575 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088
Information regarding Area ‘D’ projects and other Regional District-wide projects will also be presented. Come out and share your comments and views on the 2014 Budget and on what kind of local government services you believe would make Electoral Area ’D’ a better place. When: Where:
Theresa Lenardon, Executive Assistant 250-368-0225 (1-800-355-7352) tlenardon@rdkb.com
Is your pet a star in your household? Make your pet a star in The Gazette! See page 2 for details.
Great hobby farm close to town, updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Privacy fenced yard, sundeck with gazebo, paved driveway, fenced garden area, and hay field. Large barn, outbuildings and possible guest house. A very definite “must see”. $275,000 MLS® #2393724 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 or Val 250-442-7655
This updated townhouse is located within walking distance to recreation center, ball diamonds, skate park, shopping and schools. This unit has been totally updated and painted throughout. This is the perfect opportunity to own your home. $114,900 MLS® #2393834 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088
METICULOUS PLANNING AND ATTENTION TO DETAIL MAKE THIS HOME A PLEASURE! Open plan great room, fabulous master w/full ensuite, walk-in closet and garden doors to huge deck and hot tub! Guest room is just steps from the 2nd bath, and the 3rd bedroom is currently used as an office. Double garage, storage shed, u.g. sprinklers and paved road access at front and rear of this home! $344,900 #2392858 Call Sharon 250 442 6396
DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY! MOST OF THE WORK IS DONE – Commercial ground level is fully rented. Upstairs offers 1 - 2 bed and 6 – 1 bed suites. Newly painted and upgraded inside and out! Deeded parking at rear of building. Potential galore! $399,000 #2394132 Call Sharon 250 442 6396
This house is located just minutes from downtown, features include; eat in kitchen, large lot, one level bungalow, attached garage, outbuilding, and guest cabin. This home would be great for investors, first time buyers or retirees. Solid house at a great price. MLS® #2393276 $112,500 Call Jazz 250-443-9088 Or Val 250-442-7655
A house to call home! This 4 bedroom home is on a large lot with great exposure if you wanted to have a home base business. Large covered back patio, underground sprinklers and a fully fenced garden. MLS® #2393399 $225,000 Call Val 250-442-7655 or Jazz 250-443-9088
A20 www.grandforksgazette.ca www.grandforksgazette.ca A20
Be the envy of your neighbourhood
country road Call Irene to order your beautiful hanging baskets or containers
Phone 250.442.3845 or email: jpankoff@shaw.ca
Events happening for children Sat., Feb. 8: Kids activity area downtown Grand Forks at the Family Day Celebration - presented
FEBRUARY success
by 6
by Boundary Family and Individual Services Society and sponsored by Success By 6
Free movie at the Gem Theatre 1:00 pm sponsored by Success by 6 Tues., Feb. 11: Valentine’s Ball 9:30 to 11:00 at Perley Elementary – presented by the Boundary Child Care Resource and Referral
Thurs., Feb. 13: Early Years Fair
9:30 - 11:30 – West Boundary Elementary School
Fri., Feb. 14: Early Years Fair 9:30 - 11:30 – Hutton Elementary School
Success By 6 supports parents and communities in creating healthy, nurturing environments for our youngest children, so that by age 6, they are physically, socially, and emotionally ready to succeed in school. The goal of Success By 6 is to better the lives of our Boundary area children in our families and enhancing our communities.
Success by 6® is a locally based initiative in partnership with:
Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,
Policy for director absences adopted The new extended absence policy states: directors will continue to receive remuneration until the first day of the month following three months of absence. After that, the director will not receive payment until the first day of the month following their return to duty. The policy does not affect activity-based remuneration such as meeting fees or mileage which would still be paid to the director attending the meeting or event. “That came up af-
Grand Forks Gazette
The director remuneration and responsibility extended absence policy has now been adopted by the regional district board. It was drafted in response to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) having to provide two salaries to Area D directors after interim director Roly Russell stepped in for elected director Irene Perepolkin after she suffered a stroke in January 2012. Need help with government services for children, youth or young adults?
Want to know your rights?
Feel like you are being treated unfairly or not being heard? In government care or in custody?
Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities • Ministry of Children & Family Development • Grand Forks Credit Union
We can help is a proud supporter of this community initaitive
ter we realized that there was no legislation which covered the extended absence of a director,” said Brian Taylor, Grand Forks mayor and representative on the RDKB board as well as chair of the policy, executive and personnel committee. “With director Perepolkin’s situation, she was off for an extended period of time. So we made some internal decisions regarding what our policy would be.” Taylor said it’s not a long-term solution to
Moving from youth to adult services?
A New Mandate
The Representative is now able to provide advocacy for young adults (up to age 24) who have developmental disabilities and are eligible for CLBC services. If we can assist you or someone you care for, contact the Rep:
4.3” x 2.6” Created for: Representative for Children and Youth Reber Creative 250.383.5255
inadequate legislation from the provincial government but it’s something. Also at the same meeting, the board voted to approve a motion that would ask the province to provide clearer legislation that establishes respectful, reasonable and responsible guidance as to how electoral area directors and regional districts are to manage extended absences by electoral area directors due to illness and injury. “The dilemma we faced was that we had a non-elected official (Roly Russell) in a long-term situation,” said Taylor. “He wasn’t being adequately compensated for his time so we were really short changing him. On our side, we need to know how long is too long.” The RDKB board ended up voting for Russell to receive full director’s salary hence both he and Perepolkin are currently being paid for the same position.
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014 7:00
www.grandforksgazette.ca A21 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
Olympics (7:45) SportsCentre (8:25) SportsCentre XXII Winter Olympics Top 10 SportsCentre (N) Jan. Plays Curling Curling 2014 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Bronze Medal. (N) (Live) Å Block Context J. Osteen Canadian Noon News Hour Blow Down Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons › “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) Å News Sunday Morning News (N) Å App The Social Question Period (N) Worst Handyman Kevin Newman Live The Social Movie First Story Steele MasterChef Canada Operation Smile Å Movie ’ Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) Our Vancouver (N) CBC News: Vancouver Sunday (N) George S XXII Winter Olympics XXII Winter Olympics Luge, Biathlon. Å XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Ski Jumping, Luge. (N) ’ (Live) Å CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Bull Riding College Basketball StopAging Backroads Inside Ed. News CBS News PGA Tour Golf AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Final Round. (N) (Live) Å Block Context J. Osteen Canadian Noon News Hour Blow Down Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons › “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) Å News Sunday Morning News (N) Å Ella the Jelly Jam Upside PAW Dino Dan Wild Kratt Little Little Reloaded Dogs Dogs Rivers Rivers Park Our Part Hope for Wildlife Wartime Farm Baroque Å Arthur ’ Good Morning This Week Hollywood NBA NBA Basketball: Knicks at Thunder NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Los Angeles Lakers. (N) Hometime Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Estate News ABC News Muscle Truck Muscle Truck › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. ’ Property Brothers Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Love It or List It Å Income Property ’ Mayne Mayne Mayne Mayne Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. (6:00) ››› “The Rainmaker” (1997) Å ›››› “GoodFellas” (1990) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Å Squirrel Squirrel Pet Shop Valentine Valentine Sponge. Parents Rock Sam & Haunted Thunder Assembly Mr. Young Boys ›› “A Cinderella Story” (2004) Hilary Duff. “Another Cinderella Story” (2008) ’ Å Helix “Single Strand” Beauty and the Beast Helix “Vector” Å ›› “’Til Lies Do Us Part” (2007) ’ Å Helix “Pilot” ’ Å Helix “274” ’ Å Helix ’ Å Helix “Aniqatiga” ’ ›› “’Til Lies Do Us Part” (2007) ’ Å Cash Cab Cash Cab Manufact. How/ Bering Sea G. Highway Thru Hell Dangerous Flights Gold Rush “Medevac” Bering Sea G. River Monsters Å River Monsters Å MythBusters ’ Å Yukon Men ’ Å Intervention Canada Stranger--Home Princess Intervention Canada ›› “The Vow” (2012) Rachel McAdams. ››› “Friends With Benefits” (2011) ’ ›› “Valentine’s Day” (2010) Jessica Alba. ’ Å Obsessions ’ Into Wild Key/David Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Two Men 30 Rock The Office Stop Pain Paid Prog. ››› “Robots” (2005, Comedy) Halle Berry Minute 30 Rock Trout TV Livin’ Two Men Big Bang Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å 90 Day Fiance Å Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ Sister Wives ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ OnceMore Missing ’ Å Person of Interest (N) ›› “Love Happens” (2009) Aaron Eckhart. Missing Å (DVS) ›› “Alfie” (2004) Jude Law. ’ Å ›› “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep. ’ Å Castle ’ Å “Flintstones-Rck” (8:10) ››› “Free Willy” (1993) Å (10:05) ›› “Agent Cody Banks” (2003) Å (11:50) ›› “Johnny English” (1:20) ››› “Peter Pan” (2003) (3:15) ››› “Madeline” (1998) (4:45) ›› “Agent Cody Banks” Gravity Phineas Phineas Shake It Good Liv-Mad. Dog Dog Dog Dog “Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties” Phineas Phineas ANT Farm Good Liv-Mad. Dog Shake It Austin Jessie ’ P. Affairs Atl. Eats Paid Prog. King King Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› “Amistad” (1997) Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins. ››› “The Great Debaters” (2007) Denzel Washington. Cash Cab Cash Cab Match Match Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Jeff Dunham Match Match At Mid Spoilers Seinfeld Seinfeld Jeff Dunham Big Bang Big Bang Spoilers At Mid “The Good Earth” “Dodsworth” (1936) ››› “Doctor Zhivago” (1965) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. Å (DVS) ››› “The Remains of the Day” (1993, Drama) Å ››› “A Passage to India” (1984, Drama) Judy Davis. Å Contessa Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Diners, Drive Rachael v. Guy Diners Diners Diners, Drive Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Diners, Drive The Kitchen (N) Å Top Chef “Finale” ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Storage Mantracker ’ Å Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Pawn Pawn American American Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Swamp People Å Swamp People Å American Pickers ’ Swampsgiving 2 ’ “The Hunters” (2013) Inner “The Hunters” (2013) Robbie Amell. ’ Å (9:45) ››› “The Mummy” (1999) Brendan Fraser. ’ (12:15) ›› “The Mummy Returns” (2001) Brendan Fraser. ’ Being Human ’ Bitten “Bitten” ’ The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Xtreme Waterparks Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Extreme Resorts ’ Xtreme Waterparks Security Security Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Extreme Wild Rides “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” ’ Peppa Pig Backyard Mike Umizoomi Max, Ruby Big Friend Angelina Cat in the Babar Mike Octonauts Babar Backyard Dora... Care Brs Bubble Octonauts Mike This Is Toopy Big Friend Cat in the Barney Clifford Curious Cat in the DragonFly Impact Moyers European The March ’ Å Music Makes a City Extraordinary Women Lark Rise-Candleford Inside Olympia Å American Masters Judy Garland’s story. Å News Invest Meet the Press (N) Tree Fu Pain Free Paid Prog. Jdg Judy Paid Prog. Criminal Minds Å America How to Raise XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Biathlon, Speed Skating, Cross-Country Skiing. ’ Å My Boys Cleveland Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Ice-Coco E! News Celebrity Inside-Box Brave RichKids Kardashian The 2013 Britannia Awards Å Stooges Gourmet Phantom Gourmet Paid Prog. Skincare “One Last Dance” (2003) Patrick Swayze. ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey. White Collar Å CSI: Miami Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å In Touch Larry King Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pain Free Workout AntiAging Sleep Bet. Williams Bloopers Bloopers Who Shot the Daytime ›› “Old School” (2003) Luke Wilson. Å KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 (N) ’ Å In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night In the Heat of Night Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos ››› “Snow Buddies” (2008, Comedy) Å Paid Prog. Wrinkles? Paid Prog. AntiAging Coolest Animal Coolest Animal Alien File Alien File SAF3 “Adrift” (N) ’ News Dr. Steve Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld › “My Boss’s Daughter” (2003) Å Chipmunk Smurf Scooby Doo Movie Looney Looney Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Tiny Toon Garfield Scooby Doo Movie Flintstone Flintstone Garfield Garfield Bugs Bunny & Tweety Copeland Prince Islam Context Tomorrow Beyond Hope Discovery Van Impe Jeremiah Facts Faith Food Life Study Believe Youngren David Hour of Power Å Living Truth ’ Å Arise ’ MotorWk Autoline Contrary Record McL’ghlin Journal Moyers Truth “George Martin” Great Performances “Magical-Tour” Masterpiece Classic Weekend Masterpiece Classic Spy Å Doc Martin ’ Å Love Trap Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Rags Style Style Hollywood ›› “America’s Sweethearts” (2001) Julia Roberts. Å Style Style Hollywood Love Trap Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City “America Sweet” Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Alaska Fish Wars ’ Alaska Fish Wars ’ Alaska Fish Wars ’
3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
Curling SportsCentre World Poker Tour SportsCentre XXII Olympics News News Security Security Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. Obsessions News Block Once Upon a Time (10:01) Castle News News Criminal Minds ’ CTV News (N) ’ Castle ’ Å XXII Winter Olympics Curling, Alpine Skiing, Short Track. (N) (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 The Night That Changed America News Fam Guy Elementary Å 60 Minutes (N) ’ (5:59) News Hour Security Security Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. Obsessions News Block Park Our Part Python Wars Foyle’s War “Plan of Attack” Park Silk Mega Piranha News Carpet Funny Videos KXLY 4 V’Impe ››› “Toy Story 3” (2010) (10:01) Castle ’ Repo Repo › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. ›› “Fighting” (2009) Channing Tatum. ’ Jail ’ Hawaii Hawaii Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Hawaii Hawaii Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Å Wahl Wahl Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers Å Gags Gags Young Boys Young Boys ››› “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” (1998) ’ Å Lost Girl “Origin” Beauty & Beast Helix “Aniqatiga” Lost Girl “Origin” Helix “274” Å Continuum ’ Bering Sea G. Last Frontier Bering Sea G. Bering Sea G. Last Frontier Bering Sea G. Stranger--Home Eat St. Eat St. Collec Collec Friends ›› “Valentine’s Day” (2010) Jessica Alba. ’ Two Men Big Bang Burgers Amer. Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. News TMZ (N) Bones ’ Å 90 Day Fiance (N) Undercover Boss Sister Wives Å Sister Wives Å 90 Day Fiance ’ Sister Wives (N) ’ “The Mirror Has Two Faces” ›› “Love Happens” (2009) ’ Å (8:15) ›› “It’s Complicated” (2009) ’ Å Agent “Flintstones-Rck” “What Planet?” ›› “Johnny English” Å ›› “The Flintstones” Good Wingin’ Wizards ANT Shake It Austin Really Wingin’ ›› “Skyrunners” (2009) Princess Seinfeld The Closer Å Seinfeld “Step Up 2 the Streets” ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson. Gags Gags Match Match Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Just for Laughs Comedy Now! ’ (5:00) “Dodsworth” ›››› “The Great Ziegfeld” (1936) William Powell. Å (10:15) ››› “Anthony Adverse” Rachael v. Guy Cutthroat Kitchen Gotta Gotta Rachael v. Guy Cutthroat Kitchen Diners, Drive Liquida Storage Liquida Liquida Mantracker Å Top Shot Å Ghost Hunters ’ Ghost Hunters ’ The Curse of Appalachian Cnt. Cnt. Appalachian Pawn Pawn Swamp People ’ Opposite Worlds Opposite Worlds “The Hunters” ’ Face Off ’ Å ›› “Cabin Fever” (2002) ’ Å The Walking Dead (7:01) Talking Dead The Walking Dead Comic The Walking Dead Talking Dead Comic Miami Hotspots Security Security Ext. Wild Rides Miami Hotspots Extreme Pools ’ Extreme Pools ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas Masterpiece Masterpiece Well Super Skyscrapers Doc Martin Å “The Making of a Lady” Å News Mark XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Ski Jumping. News Olym Kardashian Brave RichKids Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Kardashian Brave RichKids Cleve My Boys Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mother Mother Rules Rules Commun Commun CSI: Miami Å News News SAF3 “Adrift” (N) KTLA 5 News at 10 Alien Alien KTLA 5 News Sunday Edition (N) Å Funny Videos Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Dharma ›› “Tremors” (1990) Kevin Bacon. Two Men Two Men News at Ten Honeym Honeym Arsenio Hall AntiAg Make Fturama Fturama Gadget Gadget Tintin Tintin Hercules Hercules Fl’stone Fl’stone Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Leading J. Meyer Osteen Beyond Israel Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom’row Super Tribal Masterpiece “George Martin” America Closer Father Brown ’ POV “American Promise” ’ Å “America’s Sweethearts” Style by Style by Hollyw’d Hollyw’d ›› “America’s Sweethearts” (2001) Å Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security
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XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports XXII Winter Olympics Curling. From Sochi, Russia. Curling. News News Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles Vikings News Hour Final NCIS Å (DVS) etalk (N) Big Bang Gold Gold Gold Trophy Person of Interest News News CTV News (N) ’ XXII Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Nordic Combined. (N) (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Late Sh. NCIS Å (DVS) (5:59) News Hour Ent ET NCIS: Los Angeles Vikings News Hour Final NCIS Å (DVS) Hope for Wildlife Frontiers of From Defeat to Emergency Pornographer Frontiers of News News Ent Insider Gold Gold Gold Trophy Killer Women (N) KXLY 4 Kimmel Tattoo Tattoo Ways ››› “RoboCop” (1987) Peter Weller. ’ ›› “Doom” (2005) The Rock. ’ Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Scoring Scoring Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Scoring Scoring Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Japanizi Sam & Boys Young Young Boys Gags Gags Splat Zoink’d! Young Boys Beauty & Beast NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles “Anna’s Storm” ’ Devious Maids ’ Gold Rush - The Dangerous Flights Gold Rush The Dangerous Flights Yukon Men Å Yukon Men (N) ’ Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Money Money Friends Friends Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Dads Å (DVS) New Girl Brooklyn News Mod Arsenio Hall My 600-Lb. Life (N) Addic Addic Addic Addic My 600-Lb. Life ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ 90 Day Fiance ’ Motive “Detour” Motive “Detour” Missing ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ ReG “Goin’ Down the Road” ›› “Lost in Yonkers” (1993) Å ›› “The Outsiders” (1983) Å Jessie Jessie Shake It Good Good ANT Wingin’ Debra! Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Hardball ›› “Head of State” (2003, Comedy) Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Comedy Daily Colbert (5:00) “Around the World in 80 Days” (8:15) ›››› “Friendly Persuasion” (1956) (10:45) ››› “Baby Doll” Chopped Canada Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. Chopped (N) Å Chopped ’ Å Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck Storage Storage Top Shot Å Pawn Pawn Pawn Stars UK (N) Hardcore Heroes Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Star Trek: Voyager Opposite Opposite Worlds Inner Face Off (N) Å Face Off ’ Å Castle ’ Å Behind (5:00) ›››› “Braveheart” (1995) Mel Gibson. Å (9:01) ›››› “Taxi Driver” (1976) Jodie Foster Monumental Mys Mysteries-Museum Museum Secrets Monumental Mys Mysteries-Museum Museum Secrets Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Billy the Kid Butch Cassidy Extraordinary Charlie Rose (N) Frontline (N) Å News Million. J’pardy! Wheel XXII Winter Olympics News When Women Kill Beverly Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ When Women Kill E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules Bones ’ Å News News Two Men Two Men ››› “Attack the Block” (2011) ’ KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Mother Mother Mother Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama (5:00) ››› “Red Dragon” “Attack the Block” PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Con I Pro Crazy Religion Popoff ›› “The Republic of Love” (2003) ›››› “West Side Story” Butch Cassidy Abolitionists Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Billy the Kid Butch Frontline (N) Å Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Paid Paid Security Security Brain Brain Canadian Pickers Security Security Brain Brain Do or Do or
6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports World Poker Tour XXII Winter Olympics Sports News News Ent ET Almost Human (N) Vikings CHBC News Final Parenthood Å etalk (N) Big Bang MasterChef The Following (N) News News Intelligence Å CTV News (N) ’ XXII Winter Olympics Curling, Freestyle Skiing. (N) Å (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Mother Broke Mike News Late Sh. Intelligence Å Mom ’ (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Almost Human (N) Vikings News Hour Final Parenthood Å Animals Animals Hope for Wildlife Wartime Farm The Divine Mi. Architect/Change Hope for Wildlife News News Ent Insider (10:01) Castle KXLY 4 Kimmel The Bachelor (N) ’ Å Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo › “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. ›› “Fighting” (2009) Channing Tatum. ’ Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Sam & Assem Haunted Baby Japanizi Splatalot Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys Fleming (N) Å “Supercollider” ’ Fleming ’ Å ›› “Die Another Day” (2002, Action) Pierce Brosnan. ’ Bering Sea G. How/ How/ Bering Sea G. How/ How/ MythBusters Å MythBusters (N) ’ Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ExExFriends Friends Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang Almost Human (N) The Following (N) News Mod Arsenio Hall Cake Cake Honey Honey Cake Cake Honey Honey Cake Cake Extreme Extreme Boston’s Finest (N) Marshal Law The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Boston’s Finest ’ ReG ›› “Past Perfect” Å ›› “The Bodyguard” (1992) (10:10) ›› “The Wedding Planner” Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Debra! Good Jessie Wizards Princess Browns Payne Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself” (2009) Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang Comedy Daily Colbert GreatMc ››› “Edison, the Man” (1940) Å (DVS) “Angels-Broad.” ››› “The Great Dictator” (1940) Rachael v. Guy Diners, Drive Food Food Diners Diners Diners, Drive Rachael v. Guy Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Top Shot Å Appalachian Cnt. Cnt. Canadian Pickers Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Being Human (N) Inner Castle “Nikki Heat” Star Trek: Voyager Bitten Bitten “Bitten” ’ Being Human ’ “Love Actually” ››› “Love Actually” (2003) Hugh Grant, Laura Linney. ›› “I Think I Love My Wife” Bggg Bggg Airport Airport Security Security Bggg Bggg Airport Airport Lost-Lost-Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) 2012 Grown Antique Roadshow Antique Roadshow Independent Lens Charlie Rose (N) News Million. J’pardy! Wheel News XXII Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Short Track. ’ Fashion Police Rock It Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Fashion Police E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å Law & Order: SVU News Seinfeld Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules News News Two Men Two Men Hart of Dixie (N) ’ Beauty & Beast KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama Beauty & Beast PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Taking Ecstatic! Con I Pro Love La Popoff ›››› “West Side Story” (1961) theZoomer ’ Antique Roadshow Independent Lens One Gantt Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Antique Roadshow Antiques Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Cosmo Cosmo Ultimate Survival Museum Secrets Ultimate Survival Kentucky Justice Life Below Zero ’ Life Below Zero ’
3 4 5 6 % 7 ( 8 _ 10 9 13 * 15 16 17 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 48 , 53 59 60 61 62 67 70 83 91 93
XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. SportsCentre (N) Sports Motoring 24 CH SportsCentre (N) Sports Olym News News Ent ET Bomb Girls Yukon Gold Vikings CHBC News Final etalk (N) Big Bang Arrow ’ Å CSI: Crime Scene News News CTV News (N) ’ Criminal Minds ’ XXII Winter Olympics Curling, Skeleton, Freestyle Skiing. (N) (5:00) XXII Winter Olympics From Sochi, Russia. ’ Å KREM 2 News at 6 Inside Access Undercover Boss CSI: Crime Scene News Late Sh. Criminal Minds ’ (5:59) News Hour Ent ET Bomb Girls Yukon Gold Vikings News Hour Final Frontiers of Waterfront Cities Wild China Waldbuhne 2010 With Renee Fleming Waterfront Cities News News Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Super KXLY 4 Kimmel Nashville ’ Cops Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Jail ’ Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl (8:01) Wahlburgers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Haunted Sam & Boys Assem Young Boys Gags Gags Splatalot Zoink’d! Young Boys Eve of Destruction ››› “Thunderball” (1965, Action) Sean Connery. ’ Å NCIS ’ Å NCIS ’ Å Salvage Hunters Close Close How/ How/ Dude--Screwed Salvage Hunters Close Close Secret Millionaire King of the Nerds Lost-Lost-Friends Friends King of the Nerds Secret Millionaire Two Men Mod Big Bang Big Bang American Idol (N) ’ Å News Mod Arsenio Hall Hoard-Buried Sex Sent Me to the Hoard-Buried Sex Sent Me to the Hoard-Buried My 600-Lb. Life ’ 19-2 “Welfare Day” (8:15) The Listener Homeland (N) ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ (11:15) 19-2 ’ ReG (6:20) “The Captains” (2011) Body ››› “RoboCop” (1987) (9:45) ›› “Timecop” (1994) Å Dog Dog Dog Dog Good ANT Wingin’ Debra! Good Jessie Wizards Princess College Basketball Mod Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Amer. Browns Payne Browns Payne The Match Match Gags Gas Simpson Big Bang Just for Laughs Big Bang MenDaily Colbert (5:00) “Tom Jones” (1963) Cousin ›› “The V.I.P.’s” (1963) Elizabeth Taylor. ››› “Lilies of the Field” Restaurant Buy This Buy This Iron Chef America Diners Diners Buy This Buy This Iron Chef America Dog and Beth Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog and Beth Storage Storage Top Shot Å Cajun Cajun Restoration Pawn Pawn Ameri Ameri American Pickers Swamp People ’ Heroes of Cosplay Opposite Worlds Inner Star Trek: Voyager Heroes of Cosplay Opposite Castle ’ Å (5:00) ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright. ››› “Twins” Extreme Pig Outs Extreme Pig Outs Extreme RVs Å Extreme RVs Å Extreme Pools ’ Extreme Pools ’ Caillou Mike Toopy & Zigby Big Max, Back Dora... Umi Band Max, Thomas PBS NewsHour (N) Super Skyscrapers Stonehenge Charlie Rose (N) Nature ’ NOVA (N) ’ News Million. J’pardy! Wheel XXII Winter Olympics News Courtney Brave Soup Pop Quiz Chelsea etalk ’ Courtney Brave E! News Å TMZ Live ’ Å Law Order: CI News In Store Seinfeld Office Office OK! TV Ent Insider Comics Rules News News Two Men Two Men ››› “Best in Show” (2000) ’ KTLA 5 News at 10 Arsenio Hall Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Parks Parks 30 Rock 30 Rock Sunny Fturama PIX11 News at Ten Arsenio Hall Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Fam Guy Rules Amer. “Best in Show” ’ Dexter Bravo Gadget Gadget Hercules Tintin Toon Garfield Garfield Fl’stone Gadget Gadget Last of the Wine Con I Pro Super Popoff Downton Abbey ’ ›› “The Soul Collector” (1999) ’ Super Skyscrapers Undergrowth Smiley Charlie Rose (N) NOVA Nature ’ NOVA (N) ’ Love Love Sex-City Sex-City Baggage Baggage Style by Cosmo Snapped Å Snapped Å Alaska-Trooper Kentucky Justice Security Security Alaska-Trooper Kentucky Justice Drugs, Inc. Å
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A22 www.grandforksgazette.ca
The Fun Spot FOR RELEASE JANUARY 23, 2014
Los Angeles Times Daily CrosswordPuzzle Puzzle Los Angeles Times Crossword Edited by by Rich Rich Norris Lewis Edited Norrisand andJoyce Joyce Lewis
ACROSS 1 Took in 4 Cartoon huntsman 8 One of the five Olympic rings 14 __ Harbour, Fla. 15 Memo term 16 Jeweled headgear 17 Electrical unit 18 France, in the time of the 6-Down 19 Julio’s partner in wine 20 Sponge 22 The Beatles’ “__ Just Seen a Face” 24 ERA and others 25 Enchant 26 Mark 28 Power units 30 Thought before taking a risk 34 Excessively affected 36 First name in Chicago politics 37 Pathetic 38 Good Friday mo., often 39 Lullaby setting, and a hint to the starts of 3-, 4-, 9and 31-Down 41 Group __ 42 4-Across frame 43 Golden __: Drake’s ship 44 How aspirin is taken 46 Single sock, e.g. 48 “We hold __ truths ...” 49 Superfan 51 Art nouveau, say 54 Musical flip 57 Sumac of song 58 Man of letters? 59 Hard to believe 61 __ B’rith 63 Down Under school 64 Mutual respect 65 Second 66 “Football Night in America” co-host Patrick 67 Envelop 68 List maker
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
Survey gauges Pulse of Kootenay communites STAFF
Grand Forks Gazette
fun spot Last week’s puzzle solved
By Jeffrey Wechsler
69 More than scratch the surface
DOWN 1 Enola Gay payload 2 Lake bordering the Silver and Golden states 3 “Sesame Street” segment with Dorothy the goldfish 4 Combat with one survivor 5 Actress Merkel 6 Pre-Christian Celtic priests 7 Go deeply (into) 8 Citrusy drink 9 Input for a personnel interviewer 10 Carried on 11 “The very __!” 12 “__ la vie!” 13 Figs. 21 Oft-checked item 23 Use as a terminus 27 “I know! Pick me!” 29 Città on the Po 31 “Dolphin Tale” costar
Quote of the WeeK:
Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved
(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
32 Castro of Cuba 33 Neither cool nor collected 34 Food truck offering 35 Non-news page 36 It may precede meat and potatoes 40 Sweepstakes mail-in 45 Sleuthing films canine
47 Got there 48 Semiconscious state 50 Set 52 Island only 2% owned by Hawaii 53 Barely acquiring, with “out” 54 Tampa NFL team 55 Bamboozle 56 “__ la Douce” 60 Pipe cleaner 62 “Now it’s clear!”
The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them. ~Will Rogers (1879 - 1935) Joke of the Week:
A woman got on a bus but soon regretted it. The driver sped down the street, zigzagging across the lanes, breaking nearly every rule of the road. Unable to take it any longer, the woman stepped forward, her voice shaking as she spoke. “I am so afraid of riding with you, I don’t know what to do.” “Do what I do,” said the bus driver. “Close your eyes!”
Readers of the Grand Forks Gazette and Black Press community newspapers across the Kootenay-Boundary will have a chance to win a cool $1,000 for completing an online survey that will help local businesses better understand customers in their community. Black Press has partnered with research company Pulse Research to bring the Pulse of West Kootenay survey to readers, which looks at the shopping plans and priorities of people and their media reading habits. People’s answers will help gauge the current consumer climate to help local businesses craft new ways to serve their clients and customers. Responses will be kept completely confidential; contact information will only be gathered in order to enter the name into a prize draw for one of five $1,000 cash prizes to be given away across the Kootenay-Boundary. The online survey will take about 35 to 40 minutes, erasing the need for people to spend long periods of time on the phone answering questions. “We are very excited to be a part of this service to the business community,” says Black Press group and Gazette publisher Chuck Bennett. “We are pleased to be able to offer this information and are certain it will be beneficial.” The Pulse Research survey has already been successful for businesses. In fact, one client took the results of the research to the bank and was able to secure a loan to expand their business, on the strength of the research. Among the benefits of the study is allowing businesses to identify niche areas of its business, showing potential areas for growth or expansion. Check out Kootenay-Boundary at www.pulseresearch. com/westkootenay to complete the survey and to enter the prize draws.
IN BRIEF Cash Store crunch Late last week the Supreme Court of B.C upheld Consumer Protection B.C.’s compliance orders against Cash Store Financial Inc. requiring the company to comply with the law and refund over $1 million to consumers. People who took out an estimated 68,000 payday loans between Nov. 1, 2009 and March 23, 2012 from The Cash Store and Instaloans, both operated by Cash Store Financial Inc., may be eligible to receive refunds for illegal fees charged for cash cards. The refund process was to begin in late 2012 but Cash Store Financial Inc. applied for a judicial review of Consumer Protection B.C.’s orders. Pending the judicial review process, the court had ordered Cash Store to secure the refund amount of more than $1 million in the event the orders were upheld. Consumer Protection B.C. is now expecting Cash Store to begin the refund process as outlined in the supplemental order, effective immediately. The Cash Store operates an outlet in Grand Forks. A copy of the court’s judgment will be available on the Supreme Court of British Columbia website.
Learn all about the
Downtown Beautification Plan Join us at our open house to learn more about plans for Phase Two of the Downtown Beautification Plan.
city - downtown revite
• Thursday, February 20 2pm to 6pm Gallery 2, 524 Central Avenue Grand Forks Council members and staff will be on hand to answer questions, plus you can complete the feedback form and let us know your thoughts on enriching downtown Grand Forks, creating a more vibrant and inviting area for residents and visitors. Can’t make it? Learn more at www.grandforks.ca, where you can read more information about the Downtown Beautification Project, or email us at: info@grandforks.ca FOR MORE INFORMATION:
Phone: (250) 442-8266 • Fax: (250) 442-8000 Email: info@grandforks.ca • Website: www.grandforks.ca Settle down.
PO Box 220, 7217 4th St., Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A23
Partners in Parenting
Tax session offered for U.S. ‘persons’
Grand Forks Gazette
A public tax information session for those Canadians considered to be U.S. “persons” is being sponsored next week by the region’s MP. Alex Atamanenko, MP BC Southern Interior, is hosting the free session Tuesday, Feb. 11 (7-9 p.m.) at the Fireside Conference Centre in Castlegar. A panel of immigration and cross-border tax experts will address issues related to U.S. tax and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The Canadian government is in negotiations with the Americans on an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to impose U.S. tax legislation (FATCA) on Canadian financial institutions. The agreement may require Canadian banks and other financial institutions to disclose information on accounts held by “U.S. persons” to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Negotiations are being conducted in secret and raise concerns that the IGA could potentially violate Canadian privacy laws. Furthermore, the misinformation and secrecy around FATCA is causing a great deal of public anxiety and anger, said Atamanenko. “Canadians fear for the security of their personal banking information and the security of their savings,” he said. “By providing my constituents with professionals who can offer advice and address their questions and concerns, we may alleviate some of the anxiety and give them the means to make informed decisions.” Murray Rankin, Official Opposition critic for National Revenue, expressed concern at the prospect of a foreign nation unilaterally imposing obligations on Canadian banks. “While we understand the United States’ desire to protect their own tax base, this
should not come at the cost of the rights of individuals residing in our own country,” stated Rankin. The session is free on Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 7-9 p.m. at the Fireside Conference Centre, 1810 8th Ave., Castlegar.
Free camping considered
Computer labs
The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and the Kettle River Seniors have partnered in bringing a 10-computer lab to the West Boundary, in order to offer computer courses for the public. The computer courses advertised will be funded by a New Horizons for Seniors grant, administered by the Kettle River Seniors 102. Please phone Vivien Browne at (250) 528-7433 for information, course suggestions, and registration. Upcoming workshops (all ages): • Tuesday, Feb. 11, 9:30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.: Microsoft Office Excel (afternoon practice); at Midway Library. • Thursday, Feb. 13, 9:30 a.m. (all day): Learning how to create a website; at Rock Creek Medical (downstairs). Information and registration: Vivien Browne at (250) 528-7433. No cost.
Boundary Creek Times
Free camping might be coming back to the Greenwood municipal campground, but on a limited basis. A request by the Greenwood Board of Trade (BOT) that camping in the municipal campground be provided free of charge—with stays limited to two or three days—is being considered by Greenwood council. BOT president Jim Nathorst sent the request to council in a letter dated Nov. 21, 2013. He wrote that free camping would encourage visitors to stay and would support local businesses. He stated that the BOT would share in the costs of the signage used to indicate the availability of alternate camping facilities within the City of Greenwood. Council had considered the request at an earlier meeting by directing staff to get input from the two local motels that offered RV hookup and camping sites. The campground had started as free camping until the owner of one of the motels came to council to complain it was undercutting business. Council then instituted a rate of $5 per night, eventually raising it to $10 per night. But there were problems: payment was on the honour system and people were using the bushes for their bathroom. Administrator Robin Dalziel said he received one phone call and also a letter in response to his queries. Dalziel did not have a recommendation for council. Connie and Rainer Nissen, owners of the Greenwood Motel and RV Park, wrote the letter to council in which they called the BOT proposal a “slap in the face for the owners of the existing RV parks here in Greenwood.” Council agreed to refer the issue to council’s 2014 budget setting meetings which, Kettle reminded everyone, is an open process. “Anybody can come in and give their input,” he said.
More on this story online @
bndry child careElwood Terri-Joy
the panelists
• Robert Clegg (U.S. Tax) Senior U.S. Tax Manager – CanadAmerica Tax Services, Vancouver Island U.S. Personal Taxation •U.S. Estate Tax Planning and Compliance for U.S. Citizens and Non-Residents•U.S. Corporate Taxation•U.S. & Canadian Expatriation Tax Planning • Aleksandr Isakov, BA, MS U.S. Tax Partner – CanadAmerica Tax Services, Kelowna •U.S. Taxation •U.S. Real Estate Transactions •U.S. - Canada Tax Treaty • Greg Boos, Attorney at Law U.S./Canada Immigration Cascadia Cross-Border Law, Vancouver & Bellingham • Debbie Perepolkin CPCA Financial Advisor, Assante
Understanding Preschoolers (AM) Adolescent Sexuality (PM)
Saturday, March 1, 2014 9:00 am - 3:30 pm West Boundary Elementary School, Rock Creek, BC Terri Elwood, MS, SLP; Parent Consultant Authorized Facilitator, Neufeld Institute; insightforparents.ca
$30 Registration includes continental breakfast and catered lunch. $45 for family couple. Phone 250-442-5152 or 1-800-475-2823 for information or visit the BCCRR in the Boundary Park Mall. Registration deadline February 21.
Strengthening Partnerships for Community Development Working together to develop solutions to community problems can produce great opportunities as well as significant challenges. Join us for a day of skill building, discussion, and action planning aimed at supporting the development of effective partnerships and collaboration both regionally and within individual communities. Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Time: 10:00 am – 2:30 pm Location: Community Futures Boundary 1647 Central Avenue, Grand Forks, B.C. Registration: Deadline February 10th. A fee of $20.00 is required to cover the cost of refreshments and lunch catered by Twisted Fork. Seating is limited – Contact: Community Fu registration is restricted to tures Boundar y 250-442-2722 2 participants per organization
Sponsored by: Community Futures Boundary, Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce, SPARC BC, and Learning Initiatives for Rural and Northern BC (LIRN BC)
PRIVATE NOTICE OF PRUNING FortisBC Inc. has contracted Asplundh Canada ULC to manage vegetation near power lines within its service area. This work is necessary to reduce safety hazards near electrical wires and to prevent power outages caused by trees or tree limbs making contact with the lines.
Clearing around the low voltage lines that deliver power to individual residences remains the responsibility of the property owner. For safety reasons, FortisBC encourages homeowners to enlist the help of a qualified professional when pruning near low voltage lines. Over the next few weeks, Asplundh Canada ULC crews will be pruning, treating and removing hazard trees in the FortisBC service area of Grand Forks #1 Terminal Feeder. The work location is described as - North Fork Rd at Brown Cr. Rd. on the North Almond Gardens Rd. on the South - Grandby Rd. on the East and Hwy #3 on the West. Every effort will be made to minimize disturbance to local property owners. If you have any questions about this project, please call Asplundh Canada ULC at
As a by-product of this work, free wood chips will be available in 8 cubic meter loads. If you are interested please call 1-800-663-5860.
Thank you for your cooperation.
relay for life
A24 www.grandforksgazette.ca www.grandforksgazette.ca A24
Automotive Tip of the Week
Higher octane or premium fuel does not give you better gas mileage and/or more power. Sportier cars have higher compression engines which generate more power and require higher octane fuel to prevent detonation. That’s where the myth of “premium = more power” came from. If your handbook says “regular”, use regular.
Call Jasmine for an appointment
Tomkat Automotive 250-442-2289
6785 - 19th St., Grand Forks tomkat4@telus.net
TRANSORB ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS LTD. On behalf of G. Moroso & Associates Inc. - Trustee
joiner sales
DATE: THURS., FEB. 13th –10 AM PLACE: 375 Industrial Drive, Grand Forks, BC Preview: Wed., Feb. 12th 9am to 4pm INVENTORY: Wet and dry transformers; mine skids cabs; (7) VFD cabs; (5) KV motor controls; Wide asmt. of elec. boxes & parts, capacitors, meters, wire, switchgear, breakers, fuses, lightning protection etc. FORKLIFTS: Hyster H210XL, diesel, 182” lift, 20,000# cap., ss; Cat GP45, prop., 10,000# cap., ss, cushion rubber SKID STEER LOADER: Melroe Bobcat TRAILER: 2010 Eagle 20’ flatdeck, t/a EQUIP: Ironworker; shop press; welder; plasma unit; tools, etc. LIVE ON-LINE BIDDING AVAILABLE! Photos & Specs – www.joinersales.com Abbotsford Edmonton PH. 604-308-8040
Wednesday, February February 5, 5, 2014 2014 Grand Grand Forks Forks Gazette Gazette Wednesday,
Getting heart heathly this month
ebruary is Healthy Heart Month in Canada. The Heart and Stroke Foundation chose the month of February back in 1958 to concentrate on awareness and fundraising for cardiovascular disease and prevention. Nine in 10 Canadians have at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Risk factors include smoking, drinking alcohol, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. Every seven minutes someone in Canada dies from cardiovascular disease or stroke. It is easy to see that the risk factors for developing heart disease and stroke are primarily avoidable. Most of us can take an active role in decreasing the dismal statistics by eliminating the bad and increasing the good behaviours. Physical activity is key to unlocking the formula for cardiovascular health and Canadians aren’t getting enough. It is recommended that we accumulate a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. That’s less than 30 minutes a day of continuous walking, biking, dancing, swimming and playing. Statistics tell us that only 15 per cent of adults are meeting the criteria and 83 per cent of kids are lacking the necessary physical activity guidelines for optimal growth and development. An opportunity is available to anyone who wishes to decrease their risk of developing cardiovascular diseases through exercise. There is no ‘one’ activity that is better suited to achieving this goal. Being active means getting up off the couch or out from behind the electronic devices and moving your arms and legs however you see fit. As the Nike slogan so aptly states, “Just Do It.” Of course, winter weather makes it more difficult and limits our ability to participate in outdoor activities. However, with snow comes skiing downhill at Phoenix, cross country ski-
Midway vies for Hockeyville title
z GFREC Report
ing, and even snowshoeing right out your back door. You don’t have to be an expert or have the latest and greatest equipment to give it a try. Borrow, rent or purchase used equipment. Indoor activity There are many opportunities to be active indoors. The Grand Forks Recreation Department offers a variety of group fitness classes, swimming lessons, lap swims and regular public swim and drop-in fitness room hours. We provide public skating at the arena throughout the week, along with seniors, adult and kids’ drop-in hockey sessions. There are community drop-in programs like badminton, volleyball, soccer and dance. If you are an individual or a family with financial limitations and need assistance in order to participate in activities provided by Grand Forks Recreation, come by our office and pick up a leisure access and inclusion application. The access and inclusion program allows those who are financially limited to take part in our programs at a significantly reduced rate. There really is no excuse for the poor statistics when it comes to physical activity. It boils down to a lifestyle choice. Choose to make a personal difference. Do your heart a favour this February and get up and get moving. Please give us a call at 250-442-2202 for information on our Leisure Access and Inclusion Program, as well as February recreation opportunities. You can also visit www.rdkb.com to view the February flyer.
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Midway is going back into the running for a shot at being Hockeyville for 2014. Local organizer Jenny Simmonds has invited local folks to submit stories online about why they think Midway should be Hockeyville. This year the prize structure has been changed, with a total of $1 million going to 16 communities across Canada. “It is time to show how the arena and hockey bring us together as a community—learning about each other, from each other,” said Simmonds. To submit a letter on behalf of the local hockey arena, people can go to krafthockeyville.cbc.ca. There are easy to follow guides on how to write your story and promote your community, as well as how to present a case for making the Boundary Expo Recreation Centre the next Hockeyville arena. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, Feb. 9.
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A25
Jr. girls in tough in Vernon STAFF
Grand Forks Gazette
The Grand Forks junior girls basketball team headed to Vernon on the weekend for a tournament at Clarence Fulton Secondary. The Wolves got to see some tough competition as they battled a pair of big Kamloops schools. First up, GFSS faced a big and strong Valleyview Vikes squad. The Vikes used their superior size and pressure defence to go up 19-2 after one quarter. The Kamloops squad pulled back the reigns a little and GFSS relaxed and managed to score a few baskets before going down 46-14. “We’re just not used to that level of competition,” said coach Craig Lindsay. “They had two talented posts that were a half-foot taller than anyone we had. Plus they have more kids to pick from and get chances to play pretty much all year round. It’s just a different level.” Lindsay said that playing against strong competition is the main reason the team travelled outside the Kootenays for the tournament. “We won’t see teams like that around here,” he said. “It was tough losing by that much. We haven’t lost by more than 12 all season. But it really gave our kids a good look at what it takes to play at that higher level. It’s about speed and aggressiveness as much as anything.” The Wolves lost their second game 40-16 to another Kamloops
squad, Westsyde. This one was a little closer as GFSS trailed by only 15-8 at half time but just couldn’t keep up with the quicker North Okanagan team. “Our defence was rock solid in the first half, we just struggled to make shots,” said Lindsay. “But they just kept coming at us and eventually they started making shots and pulled away.” The Wolves played a familiar foe in their second game, Mount Sentinel from South Slocan. After losing to the Wildcats by two in their last game in early January, GFSS were looking for revenge. The teams played another close one, but this time Grand Forks came out on top 34-31 led by 11 points from Alyssa Makortoff and seven from Keyra Stoochnoff. Simone Chernoff led Mount Sentinel with 10 points. GFSS travels to Trail on Wednesday for a rematch with the J.L. Crowe Hawks. GFSS 50, Midway 11 It was another short squad for the Grand Forks Secondary (GFSS) junior girls basketball team on Wednesday as they travelled to Midway for a game against Boundary Central. Despite having only six players due to exams and injuries, the GFSS Wolves got off to a strong start using tough pressure defence and aggressive rebounding, said coach Craig Lindsay. The final score was 50-11 for GFSS who were led by 13 points from Alyssa Makortoff and 12 points from Riley Steinbach. Charity Starchuk pitched in with eight points.
Michael O’Connor’s Horoscope: now online at www.grandforksgazette.ca
Gr. 8 boys beat Midway The Grand Forks Secondary School Grade 8 boy’s basketball team played their second road game of the month on Wednesday, Jan. 29 and stayed undefeated in the new year, beating Midway 33-26. While it wasn’t the Grade 8’s finest performance to date, coach Sean O’Brien remained impressed. “I have 17 awesome kids on this team so not everyone travels to every away game,” he said. “We had some nerves, some shaky legs out there, with kids being on their first road trip, but this is only better preparing us for the season final.” Wednesday’s game marked a very special moment, for their opponent Midway, being their first home game in 15 years. The crowd was excited, the players were motivated and passionate; it was a real cool sight, said O’Brien. “Our program has had its issues over the past years, of teams folding, lack of commitment from both players and coach, so I made sure our boys respected the moment,” he said. “We congratulated the other players and coaches, and thanked the referees who were teachers volunteering their time.” Once again, the Grand Forks team was anchored by their starting core, with Jackob Boshman finishing with a game high 13 points. Sam Foy dictated the tempo in a very tough battle with the opposing point guard, and Noor Sibat made another three pointer giving him one in every game on the year. However, O’Brien seemed to be more impressed with his bench. “We had five guys who came in and hit a layup or a jump shot at some point,” he said. “Confidence and the depth of our team as a whole were huge.” The Grade 8’s play on Thursday, Feb. 6, when they will look to extend the win streak to three. — Gazette staff
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Grand Forks Downtown Business Association
1 Annual dba
General Meeting Monday, February 24 6:00pm Community Futures Boundary
• Nominations for Directors • Overview of previous year Coffee will be served All Downtown businesses are encouraged to attend.
Kettle Valley Waste Ltd.
Pick-up Schedule FEBRUARY-APRIL Area C (Christina Lake): SUNDAY RECYCLING: no tag needed: Feb. 2, 16, March 2, 16, 30, April 13, 27 GARBAGE: tag-a-bag: Every Week Area D North & West: MONDAY RECYCLING: no tag needed: Feb. 3, 17, March 3, 17, 31, April 14, 28 GARBAGE: tag-a-bag: Every Week Riverside, Downtown (between Granby River and 7th St., both sides of the Highway), Ruckle Addition and Valley Heights: TUESDAY Green Bin collection every week RECYCLING: Feb. 4, 18, March 4, 18, April 1, 15, 29 GARBAGE: Feb. 11, 25, March 11, 25, April 8, 22 YARD WASTE: Feb. none, March 11, April 8 North side of Central Ave (Hwy 3) between 9th St. and North Fork Road: WEDNESDAY Green Bin collection every week RECYCLING: Feb. 5, 19, March 5, 19, April 2, 16, 30 GARBAGE: Feb. 12, 26 March 12, 26, April 9, 23 YARD WASTE: Feb. none, March 10, April 7 South side of Central Ave (Hwy 3) to Kettle River and from 8th St. to Spraggett Road: THURSDAY Green Bin collection every week RECYCLING: Feb. 6, 20, March 6, 20, April 3, 17 GARBAGE: Feb. 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 11, 25 YARD WASTE: Feb. none, March 14, April 11 Area D South: FRIDAY RECYCLING: no tag needed: Feb. 7, 21, March 7, 21, April 4, 18 GARBAGE: tag-a-bag: Every Week
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
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Thank You
Craig Lindsay photo
The Grand Forks Border Bruins lost their second game in a row on Wednesday, Jan. 29 at home after giving up two late goals to the Osoyoos Coyotes to fall 6-5.
The Grand Forks Curling Club would like to thank the following businesses for supporting our Combined Bonspiel:
gf curling
ABH Car Sales CIBC Grand Forks Credit Union Grand Forks Station Pub
Kal Tire Lordco Parts Ltd. Progressive Promotions RHC Insurance Brokers Grand Forks Home Hardware
We would also like to thank our trophy sponsors:
Kevin’s Pro Shop Bartlett Contracting
Alf ’s Excavating Nepa Trucking Classic Design Studio
and the “Draw to the Button” sponsors:
Bron & Sons Nursery
Unifab Industries Ltd.
Thank you also to all the volunteers who helped make
the bonspiel a successful event and “The Wooden Spoon” restaurant for providing dinner and concession food.
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Bruins earn split on road trip CRAIG LINDSAY
Grand Forks Gazette
With a chance to move within four points of fourth place Spokane, the Border Bruins lost a close 4-3 battle Saturday with Golden despite a pair of goals from Jackson Purvis. The Rockets, who have a record of 14-28, were definitely a beatable opponent on Saturday but they were able to hold off GF at home. The Bruins went up 2-0 in the first part of the first half with Purvis, assisted by Michael Rand and Max Newton, scoring at 13:30 and Cam McLellan, assisted by goalie Dominic Stadnyk, scoring a power play marker at 10:42. Braeden Allkins brought Golden to within one at 5:32 of the first. Goals from Nick McCabe in the second period and Ian Desrosier early in the third period put the Rockets up 3-2. Purvis tied the game up at 17:07 of the third period, assisted by Coleton Dawson and Dakota Kittle. Allkins got the game-winner with his second goal of the game at 10:52 with a power play dinger. On Friday, the Border Bruins pulled off a thrilling 6-5 overtime winner over Columbia Valley in Invermere. Jerome Thorne opened up the scoring for the Rockies at 10:09 of the first period.
The Bears than scored four unanswered goals (Mitchell Pearson, Nathan Cory, Brandon Savaia and Dakota Kittle) to take a solid 4-1 lead over CV. Mitchell Rosko (CV) and Kyle Dolly (GF) traded power goals late in the second and early in the third, respectively. The Rockies then scored three straight, from Braeden Farge, Bradly Palumbo and Damon Raven, in the third to tie the game at 5-5 and force overtime. Dolly scored the game winner at 2:05 of the first overtime period with an unassisted goal. Kai McDonald had a strong game in net, stopping 55 of 60 shots in just over 62 minutes. Bear tracks The Bruins have a very important inter-division match-up this weekend with third place Castlegar. GF heads to the Castlegar Complex to face the Rebels on Friday. On Saturday, the same teams face off at the Jack Goddard Memorial Arena. Neil Murdoch Division standings Nelson Leafs BV Nitehawks Castlegar Rebels Spokane Braves GF Border Bruins
G 47 45 47 47 43
W 34 33 19 19 16
L 8 9 23 24 23
T 1 1 2 0 2
OTL PTS 4 73 2 69 3 43 4 42 2 36
GF 226 201 159 139 157
GA 147 125 197 161 191
Deer concerns spur second meeting
A second meeting of concerned Boundary hunters was held Jan. 17 in Greenwood to talk about how to get the government to change course on its proposed three-week open white tail doe season. The hunters feel that the herd count is dangerously low
This week’s schedule: Away: Friday, Feb. 7: @ Castlegar, 7: 30 p.m. Home: Saturday, Feb. 8: Castlegar, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11: Beaver Valley, 7 p.m.
and want the government to listen. Retired guide-outfitter Barry Brandow from Grand Forks gave numbers from a Status of Mule Deer 2013 report. Doing the math the way Brandow laid it out there should be 14,000 to 21,000 mule deer and 20,000 to 30,000 white
Regular Game Tickets
Adult: $7 • Senior/Student: $5 Under 5 FREE
Merchandise border available bruins for purchase
tail deer in the Boundary. “This is prior to the hunting season of 2011,” noted Brandow. “If you travel the roads and live the lifestyle, these numbers are an absurdity.”
More online @
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
www.grandforksgazette.ca A27
Public domain image
Parenting programs starting up in Boundary
To Grand Forks Gazette
As we become new parents none of us are presented with the ‘how to’ manual for parenting. Parents and caregivers struggle with the learning and the volumes of new information and experiences every day. Just when you think that you have the babyhood down pat, along comes toddlerhood, the test of wills, new emerging personalities and a desire for independence running the gamut from ‘I can make my own choice’ to ‘I am still a little one and need reassurance and snuggles.’ Next come the school years, the merging of friends, schedules and the excitement of a bigger world and new learning. Pre-teens bring new fears for parents with the second emergence of ‘I am independent and know what I am doing’ and then adolescence, the great time of transitions for everyone. At times, most of us struggle in parenting. Many parents who participate in parenting programs express huge relief in having the opportunity to talk with other parents who face similar struggles. Parents’ network of friends expands as program participants connect with each other in friendship and support. The Boundary Family Centre offers a wide variety of parenting and support programs for parents and caregivers who want to increase their skills and also look at options for
their perplexing parenting questions, the ‘what do I do now?’ questions that we all face in parenting. A few of the programs that have received great feedback from parents and caregivers include: • Nobody’s Perfect. Families are complex, challenging, and worth every bit of effort. The Nobody’s Perfect parenting program is about finding your way as a parent— even when family life gets messy. Find ideas and support to help you manage today’s challenges and your child’s needs. Discover your strengths as a parent, and build new skills with the support and encouragement of other parents. This program is for parents with children under six years of age and provides assistance with childcare and transportation for parents that need this support. Lunch, dinner or a healthy snack is provided. • Connect Parenting This program focuses on the basic principles of attachment, relationships and child/ youth development. The facilitators help parents strengthen the building blocks of secure attachment and parent skills. When parents understand and feel more confident in their relationship with their child, they can draw on basic learned parenting techniques and work towards shared goals with their children. Rather than finding weaknesses and reasons for past failures in parenting, the Connect program focuses on
meeting parents where they are, recognizing the skills that they possess and moving forward from there. This is a community partnership program with facilitators coming from BFISS, School District 51, FreedomQuest and Child Youth Mental Health. • Ready or Not A program for parents whose children are moving into their ‘tween years. Information about how to talk
with your kids about the hard topics that adolescence brings to youth and family life. Guest visits to the program from community resource people who work with youth. Our parenting programs are provided across the Boundary area. If you have an interest in learning more about one of our parenting programs or having your name on a list to participate
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in a program, please contact us at (250) 4422267 or at info@bfiss. org. Also check us out at www.boundaryfamily.org to learn more about the resources in the Boundary area that are available to your family.
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Contact: Gene 250-449-2422 629-8th Ave, Box 129, Midway, BC V0H 1M0 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................10:30 a.m. For info on Discovering Jesus Groups & Home Groups call the church office.
Sunday is the first day of the week but Saturday is the seventh-day Sabbath Saturday .......................................................................................10:00 a.m. Lutheran Church basement, Grand Forks, B.C. • Call for info: 250-442-8656
Pastor Ken Schauer 509-690-0332 • 7328-19th St. (Across from Arena) Box 1689, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 • 250-447-2562 • 250-442-3959 Sunday Morning Worship ............................................................. 8:52 a.m. Bible Study - Thursday ...................................................................1:00 p.m.
7525 4th St. (behind Overwaitea) • Office 250-442-5815 Senior Pastors: Larry and Elsie Dannhauer Associate Pastors: Richard and Ramona Dannhauer
SUNDAY: Church Service .............................................................................10:30 a.m. Prayer ......................................................................................... 10:00 a.m. Prayertime Wednesdays ..............................................................10:00 a.m.
church directory
401 N. Kimberley, Greenwood, B.C. • Pastor Paul Brandon • 250-445-2111 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.
2495 - 76th Ave., Grand Forks, B.C. Pastor John Siemens 250-442-0057 Office: 250-443-9200 • Web: fbcgf.ca • Prayer Line: 250-442-8016 (Theresa) Sunday Worship ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Children’s Church .........................................................................11:15 a.m. Prayer and Praise ...........................................................................6:00 p.m. Youth Group - Friday ......................................................................7:00 p.m. For the Weekly Bible Studies and for Home Group times please call the office
7048 Donaldson Drive, Box 2528, Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-5148 ; Senior Pastor Henry P. Klassen; Tammy Battersby, Community Care Co-ordinator; Benjamin Jepsen, Associate Youth Pastor Worship Service ...........................................................................10:30 a.m. Youth Activities - Friday ................................................................ 7:00 p.m. SEPT. TO MAY Pioneer Clubs - (girls Gr 1-7) Tuesday ......................................... 3:30 p.m. Brigade - Battalion (boys Gr. 7-12) Wednesday ........................... 7:00 p.m. Brigade - Stockade & Tree Climbers (boys Gr. 1-6) - Thursday ............................................................. 7:00 p.m. Weekly HOME groups, various times and days; also, weekly bible studies for seniors, young marrieds, and college and careers - call the church office for details.
(Same location since 1974) Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evening, Saturday and Sunday by appointment
REFRESH SCHEDULE: Everyone Welcome! Friday, Feb. 7 7 pm: Youth Emphasis Service Speaker: Sid Koop Oh Village
Gospel Chapel 7048 Donaldson Drive Grand Forks, BC
Rev. Simon Shenstone 250-442-5808 Holy Trinity Church, 7252 - 7th St., Grand Forks • Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. B.A.S. Eucharist St. Jude’s, Greenwood • Services 4:00 p.m. on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month St. Mary’s, Kettle Valley • Services 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month
5920 Kootenay Street Oliver, B.C.
A division of Service Corp. International (Canada) ULC
Saturday, Feb. 8 9 am: Men’s Breakfast Speaker: Sid Koop The Amundruds 2-3 pm: Afternoon Session Speaker: Sid Koop 3-5 pm: Underground Café Coffee House Oh Village 7 pm: Evening Session Speaker: Sid Koop The Amundruds
gospel chapel Sunday, Feb. 9 10:30 am: Worship Service Speaker: Sid Koop The Amundruds
SID KOOP is the Director and Founder of “Truth Matters”. Sid is actively involved in youth ministry across Canada. He has been working on a few national youth ministry projects and has a heart for youth in Canada.
Independent/Fundamental/Conservative/KJV Pastor Brett Swope • 250-443-1557 • 275 Market Ave.
Sundays: Adult Sunday School ................................................................10:00 a.m. Main Service .............................................................................11:00 a.m. Bible studies available upon request
Buddhist Meditation & Empowerment Centre Sundays: Meditation and Spiritual Teaching with Master Maticintin ...................................................................11:00 a.m. For directions call 1-800-336-6015 • Westbridge, B.C.
735 9th Ave., Midway, BC • Rick Steingard • 250-449-2252 Sunday Service ............................................................................10:00 a.m.
2826 - 75th Ave. (near Hutton School) Senior Pastor Gabe Warriner • Office 250-442-8456 Sunday Service (Sunday School during service) .........................10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednesday Pre-service prayer ......................................................................6:30 p.m. Service........................................................................................7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting, Friday .................................................................. 7:00 p.m. Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Fr. Marcel Coté • Box 128, 346 Church St., Greenwood, B.C. VOH 1JO Mass - Saturdays.......................................................................... 5:00 p.m.
Rev. Marcel Coté; Box 459, 7269 - 9th St., Grand Forks, B.C. VOH 1HO 250-442-3114 SUNDAY MASS (Grand Forks) ................................................... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday ....................................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday-Friday ....................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Christina Lake Community Hall: Mass.........................................11:30 a.m.
Blending faith-based lyrics with the musical styles of pop & country, the AMUNDRUDS share a message of hope in Jesus wherever they go. They combine great Gospel Music with Christian family values and encouraging testimonies.
OH VILLAGE mixes piano, drums, bass guitar, (plus cello & trumpet) and vocal harmonies creating a unique sound which is a blend of folk, rock, and alternative. The four friends mix individuality and original music to create a down-to-earth sound that is uniquely honest and completely inspired.
4500 Hillview Road, Box 1524, Grand Forks • 250-442-5081 or 250-442-3221 SATURDAY SERVICES: Sabbath School (Bible classes for all ages) ................................. 9:15 a.m. Hour of Worship............................................................................11:00 a.m.
Boundary Pastoral Charge - Rev. Kim Horwood Office: Hours - Mon. 8 - 11 am, Thurs. & Fri. 8 - 3 pm • Phone: 250-442-3311 email: stjohn@telus.net Sunday Services St. John’s - Grand Forks...............................................................11:00 a.m. St. Columba - Greenwood ............................................................. 9:00 a.m. Perley Memorial, Christina Lake.................................................... 9:00 a.m.
A28 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
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Employment Business Opportunities
Coming Events
Lost & Found
Friendly reminder: Grand Forks Thrift Shop drop times are Tues-Sat, 9am-4pm. Please be considerate. Do not drop off items when we are closed. Please no unusable items: no furniture, electronics or parts. Thank you.
REWARD. Ladies Seiko watch, oval mother of pearl face, silver watch band. 250442-8183.
Public Notice: A.A. meetings, Grand Forks Valley Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. MONDAY 8pm. (Closed Study) at Catholic Church Rectory. 7269 9th St.; WEDNESDAY (Men’s Closed) 8pm at Anglican Church rear basement, 7252 7th St; THURSDAY and SATURDAY (Open) 8pm also at Anglican Church. Ph: 250-4423839 or 250-442-8797.
QUALITY ASSURANCE Course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: www.greenlineacademy.com or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.
Travel CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Children Children’s Misc FOR Sale: Baby crib and matching change table; Stork Craft Hollie; Expresso Colour; 2 years old; Includes mattress and trundle drawer: $300 OBO; 250-447-9484
Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2014-2016 BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: fish@blackpress.ca Boundary Community Hospice Association
Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.
Compassionate end of life resources and support. Call
Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance? If YES, call or email for your FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION
and protect your right to compensation. 778.588.7049 Toll Free: 1.888.988.7052 Julie@LawyersWest.ca www.LawyersWest.ca
Lost & Found FOUND: In Grand Forks. Male mature golden retriever/lab type dog. Found near Carson/Danville border crossing. Call 250-442-0679 Sharon. Lost: brass tie clip, Letter J, around city hall. Has sentimental value. 250-442-0486
Employment Business Opportunities ANTI-AGING BUSINESS Goldmine! #1 Baby Boomer Market in US. Prime Turn-key locations available. $12K(min. Invest)=$50K+ Yearly! Call today: 1-888-900-8276. 24/7. EXCITING NEW Canadian Business Opportunity. Available in your area! Min investment req’d. For more info, call 1-866-945-6409.
GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected Territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website www.tcvend.com VOTED BEST side business in Canada. Guaranteed to receive your full investment back. Minimal time required. Pay after machines are installed. Exclusive rights available; www.locationfirst vending.com. 1-855-933-3555.
Career Opportunities START NOW! Complete Ministry approved Diplomas in months! Business, Health Care and more! Contact Academy of Learning College: 1-855-354-JOBS (5627) or www.academyoflearning.com We Change Lives! TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager online! Graduates get access to all jobs posted with us. 33 years of success! Government certified. www.rmti.ca or 1800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking We require long and short haul US capable drivers. We are an Okanagan based company with dedicated suppliers and customers and require drivers to fill their orders. Our short haul drivers primarily service the US northwestern with dedicated runs available and are home regularly, our long hauls drivers service the southwestern US and are home on a weekly basis for resets. We offer: Dedicated Tractors, US Medical Coverage, Company Cell phones, Direct deposit pay with no holdbacks. Dedicated lanes. Rider Policy. All we need from you is US capabilities, border crossing experience and a professional attitude, Class 1 driver’s license and a clean abstract and are physically fit. Please fax or email your resume and abstract with US drivers in subject line to 250-546-0600 or email to parris@ricknickelltrucking.com No phones calls or walk in’s please.
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
Help Wanted MEN - bring your talents, skills & expertise to the Boundary Museum and volunteer to complete building projects & other jobs. Call Bob McTavish 250-584-9000
Help Wanted
Health Products
Financial Services
North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various sawmill positions including Heavy Duty Mechanic (Journeyman or Apprentice). Millwright and Fabricator. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.
WHY YOUR Fat Friends Will Hate You When You Lose Weight! As Seen On TV, RiskFree 60 Day. Toll-Free 1-800804-1381. www.FatLossFAQ.com
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com
Seasonal Farm Labourers Required by RK Fresh Fruit and Garden Centre Ltd. Full time work, includes; picking vegetables & packing. Wages $10.25 per hr. Fax resume to 250-442-5384.
Home Stay Families HOST FAMILIES needed. Northern Youth Abroad is looking for families to host 2 youth from Nunavut/NWT. Volunteering in your community. July/August. www.nya.ca. 1866-212-2307.
Esthetics Services Ears Pierced Professionally. Certified Clinical Esthetician. Call for appt: 250-442-2080
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Cut debts more than 60% & debt free in half the time! Avoid bankruptcy! Free Consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 BBB Rated A+
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
KOOTENAY Optometry Clinic is seeking an Optometric Assistant to work 2-3 days/week plus provide coverage for holidays. This is a floater position that involves working in both Castlegar and Trail. Experience an asset but willing to train. Pay commensurate with experience. Please reply to kocassistant@gmail.com
Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS Fort McMurray & Leduc Alberta Gladiator Equipment Ltd. has immediate positions for Journeyman Heavy Duty, off road Certified Mechanics for work in Fort McMurray and Leduc, Alberta. Excellent wages and benefits. www.gladiatorequipment.com fax 1-780-986-7051. hr@gladiatorequipment.com
FARM LABOURERS NEEDED A well-established local nursery (ornamental tree farm) located in Grand Forks and Midway are seeking motivated field workers. No experience necessary. Training is available. These positions will be required to work out of doors. Work will begin approximately mid-March and run to mid- November. Duties will include weeding, hoeing, digging, pruning and preparing loads for shipment. Applicants must be physically agile. Hours of work are a minimum of 40 hours per week and may extend beyond during our busy season. Wages are $10.33 per hour. Please fax your resume to 250-764-4421 or email Debra at debra.tourond@stewartnurseries.com
Are you out for a walk Thursday evening or Friday morning? Do you have a youth that would like some spending cash? We are looking for carriers to deliver the Advertiser. We would deliver the papers right to your door (within city limits) and you take them from there. If you are interested please contact; Darlainea, Circulation Co-ordinator, Grand Forks Gazette 7330 2nd Street, Grand Forks Call 250-442-2191 Email: circulation@grandforksgazette.ca
Your Best Source For Local Jobs!
We hope to see you join our team!
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Hairstylists The Cutting Edge Hair and Tanning Studio in Creston BC is now offering Hot Head hair extensions. A full set, cut to shape your new look and styled $450. Every 8 weeks extension replacement $70. Call us at 250-428-3488 to book your consultation. It’s worth the drive
www.grandforksgazette.ca A29
Legal Services
Misc Services
Misc Services
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Home owners helper, improvements, etc. 20 yrs experience, motivated, truck, tools, skills, friendly service, great rates, references. 250-442-0838
Jolly Jack Stop N’Shop • •
Mobile & RV Park U-Haul/moving supplies Tues-Fri : 9 am - 5 pm Sat : 10 am - 4 pm Store 250-442-2995 U-Haul 250-442-8778
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
SAMOYED PUPPIES Beautiful Healthy CKC reg’d show quality 8 weeks $1000 pjwarden@telus.net 250-335-3072
SAWMILLS FROM only $4,897 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. Stunning Diamond engagement ring princess cut set with gold and palladium. Diamond is nearly flawless and colorless. Appraised at $4100,selling for $2500, OBO. Papers included. Call or text 250 777-1779
Wooden walnut colour chest of drawers, 42”x36”, $65. 250442-8569.
Affordable Steel Shipping Containers for sale/rent 20’ & 40’ Kootenay Containers Castlegar 250-365-3014 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper? Like New - Guild 4x8 Slate Pool Table, beautiful piece of furniture, never been abused Looking for a Loving Home $6500 New Offers! Kenmore HE Dryer - White Stackable, Front Load - $300 250-365-8286; 250-304-9304 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Houses For Sale
Houses For Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Food Products Naturally raised beef, ready for butchering, call for pricing and details. 250-442-3049.
Three million Canadians have a hearing loss. I’m one of them.
Merchandise for Sale
TV CABINET, 48”x 52”x20”. Opening 29”wx24” deep. $60/obo. 14”&19” TV’s 250442-8180.
Misc. for Sale
Features of the Week
The Hearing Foundation of Canada funds the only nationally coordinated medical research program to find the cause and cure of hearing loss.
MATURE 9.16 ACRE VINEYARD WITH VIEW Highway frontage, and quality 4 bed, 3 bath home. 4 car shop and 2 car garage. Great slope growing conditions for grapes. Very rare property.
To learn more about our programs and how you can help, call 1-866 HEAR YOU, toll free or visit our web site, www.hearingfoundation.ca
MLS # 2394357
SPACIOUS EXECUTIVE HOME With 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality custom built family home complete with a 2 bedroom suite and a studio suite, separate entrances. Hardwood and tile floors. Gorgeous spiral staircase at main entrance. Great value.
Don Harron
399,000 MLS # 2216965
Pete Vanjoff 442-7415 #1 Producer
272 Central Ave. Grand Forks, BC
Misc. Wanted We buy gold! Rings, chains, bracelets, etc. Cash paid by value (weight and karat). Even broken jewelry and scrap gold. Picture ID required. Grand Forks Pawnshop, 225 Central. 250-442-5552.
Real Estate For Sale By Owner Excellent Value! Excellent Location - 7 bdrm house 3.5 bath in beautiful and historic Greenwood, BC. $160K, agents welcome, $5000 commission. Gas heat, fully furnished with beds, linens, kitchen appliances,service setting for 20+, sleeps 20+. 2 bdrm unit, own entrance with rest as rooms or suites, lg kitchen with dining table, seats 8, dining area seats 30, garage for 1, cooler room, workshop, pool table and bar in rec area, yard, suitable for family retreat, small motel or rooming house. Easy access to Midway for SNOWBIRDS, close to Grand Forks. Immediate possession! Contact Greg for appt to view at 778-478-6981 or email: houseingreenwood@outlook.com
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at www.bcclassified.com
Property Management Services
250-442-2711 Toll free: 1-800-567-3199 www.grandforksrealestate.ca
Owners and Prospective Tenants Call
Ken Dodds 250-442-2632
WOW! WHAT A BIG PACKAGE FOR A SMALL PRICE! Manufactured home in adult park close to everything. Has attached workshop, cold room, storage, covered deck & carport. All appliances & quick possession can be yours. Asking $79,000. Make an offer. MLS# 2218561
WHY PAY RENT? Office building located in a high-traffic area in the centre of downtown. Just over 2,000 sq. ft. of office space. $139,500. MLS# 2393844
AFFORDABLE, COMFORTABLE LIVING 2 BR, 2 Baths. 2 x 6 construction, vaulted ceiling, thermal windows. Carport, deck, storage shed. All on an 84’ x 115’ lot in Greenwood. Only $99,900. MLS# 2206271
GRANITE, HARDWOOD AND SLATE are found throughout this superior home. Open concept in this custom built 3 bedrooms plus office rancher. 3 car Heated Garage. $389,000. MLS# 2393947
PROFESSIONALLY REMODELED 3 BR heritage home in downtown Grand Forks. Just blocks to all downtown Grand Forks has to offer. Lots of potential, even possible river view. Move-in ready and completely finished. Great price. $189,000. MLS# 2392091
DON’T PASS THIS ONE UP! This home is centrally located and in walking distance to schools, shopping, parks, has low maintenance yard and is move in ready! $248,000. MLS# 2393910
CHECK THE VIEW from this property. Build a dream home or use commercially, this property has options! $199,000. MLS# 2393649
PERFECT STARTER HOME for a young family. 3 BR home with basement. Large yard. Updated heating system. Bring an offer to your REALTOR® $159,000. today. MLS# 2389106
VENDOR MOTIVATED. 10,000 square foot fenced yard. Lane access. This 2 BR mobile is a great starter property. Close to town. $124,900. MLS# 2216568
HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to enjoy care free living in the heart of Grand Forks . This condo has 2 BR and a nice galley style kitchen. Within walking distance to park, shopping, medical clinic. $115,500. MLS# 2217307
THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME on 1.48 acres has been tastefully renovated. New kitchen, hardwood flooring, sauna, covered deck, not one but two large workshops. Priced at assessed value. $379,900. MLS# 2217635
PRIVATE YARD! View, municipal water and sewer, 3 BR, 2 bath, 1562 sq ft living space on one level, certified wood stove, electric back up, tastefully renovated century home, storage shed, a must see. $198,000. MLS# 2393446
WALK TO ALL AMENITIES! detached shop, fenced private yard, porch and deck, 2 BR, 1 bath, remodelled, municipal water and sewer, come have a look, seller motivated. $219,000. MLS# 2392854
360 DEGREE VIEWS. Almost 25 acres of trees, rolling hills and a fenced pasture. 2008 1 BR Park Model incuded! $267,500. MLS# 2392247
AMAZING PRICE! Beautiful home with flair and style! Many updates on the main floor with a fully finished basement and RV Parking! $299,000. MLS# 2394355
APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET OF RIVERFRONT graces the amazing 54 acre piece of land. Some of the best hay in the valley is grown here. Just north of the Niagra Townsite. $224,900. MLS# 2394464
A SOLID HOME on nearly 13 acres in very private setting just between Christina Lake and Grand Forks. Asking $295,000. Year round Moody Creek runs through it. MLS# 2217304
SPRING IS NEAR Get your house plans ready for this affordable lot Motivated vender ,come make an offer. $65,000. MLS# 2391846
Linda Laktin 250-442-9403
Harry Davy 250-442-0466
Barry Poppenheim 250-449-8276
Cindy Anthony 250-442-7379
Pete Vanjoff 250-442-7415
Ken Dodds 250-442-2632
Pat Ballard 250-442-7616
Gayle Holmes 250-442-7516
Aaron Anthony 250-584-4663
Gary Smith 250-443-1256
Ron Woods 250-442-7636
Tammy Schembri 250-442-9866
A30 www.grandforksgazette.ca
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
Real Estate
Houses For Sale
Auto Financing
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
2005 SRI Double Wide MODULAR HOME 24x44 in Triangle Gardens. 45 years and up. Vaulted ceiling, open plan, bay window, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pantry, low maintenance, gas heat, air conditioning, 5 appl’s, UGS, landscaped, covered deck & carport, other features, must see. 250-442-8676
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS Section 890 of the Local Government Act requires that a Public Hearing be held prior to the adoption of a Zoning Bylaw amendment. TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing respecting Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1539 will be held on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE RDKB GRAND FORKS OFFICE BOARD ROOM 2140 CENTRAL AVENUE, GRAND FORKS, BC
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent E.TRAIL, 2BDRM Gyro park, heat, hot water & cable incl. $650/mo. 250-362-3316 Grand Forks: 1bdrm in clean, quiet building dwntwn. a/c, w/d, elevator. Suit mature adult. Sm pet on approval. NS, RR, $680+ util’s. 250-442-0952 / 250-442-5984. Grand Forks: 2 bdrm apt., N/P, RR. 250-442-2276 / 250442-6800. Grand Forks: Avail March 1st. Very nice 2 bdrm apt close to all amenities. Mature, respectful, clean tenants only with excellent references. $750 + utilities to rent; $113,000 asking price to purchase. 250443-9058
Auto T
Financing d
Dream !
Catcher, Apply 1.800.910.6402
Grand Forks: clean 2 bdrm apt in quiet building. N/P, N/S. Rent negotiable. 250-4422865 / 778-478-9169. Grand Forks: Lg 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, 5 app’s, private 400 sq ft deck. N/S, N/P. $750/m + util. Avail March 1st.250-442-7808. RECENTLY renovated apartments near the Grand Forks Hospital. One bedroom $550 plus electricity. Two bedroom $650 plus electricity. Discount available if you wish to long term lease. Laundry in building. N/S, N/P. References required. 250-584-5052 or mike_de@telus.net TRAIL, well-kept, quiet adult building, walk to Downtown, coin-op laundry, non-smoking. 2Bdrm. available immediately, 1Bdrm. available March 1st. 250-226-6886
Duplex / 4 Plex Grand Forks: 3 bdrm, 6 appy’s, sm balcony, N/P, N/S, near arena. $800/m includes utils. March 1st. 250-365-7231
Misc for Rent Phoenix Manor Retirement Home (formerly Abbeyfield) is taking applications from seniors. Meals, utils & cable all included. $1,350. 250-442-2223.
Better your odds. Visit getserious.ca
Homes for Rent Grand Forks: 2bdrm, rural, lg yard, no indoor pets, NS, RR. $700/m + utils. 250-442-7990. Grand Forks: 4 bdrm, close to town, private yard, avail March 1st, NP, NS, RR, $900/m + utils. 250-442-0065.
Shared Accommodation Grand Forks: 1 bdrm, $475/m. Downtown. 306-7138708.
Suites, Upper Grand Forks: 1 bdrm suite, separate entrance, downtown on quiet street, $600/m + elec, avail now. 250-442-0022.
Townhouses The Gables Housing Society is replenishing it’s waiting list. Apply by googling “BC Housing on line application�, for questions please email j j oy c e 1 . j oy c e @ g m a i l . c o m , or call Jackie at 250-443-0013.
Recreational/Sale 1992 Cardinal 27ft. 5th wheel w/pullout, in very good condition, inside stored, new awning, water heater and pump. $7,300/obo. 250-442-3224
Sport Utility Vehicle 98 Ford Explorer, 4x4, strong V6, 4.0L, A/C, P/W, good winter tires, absolutely mint, $3.450. 250-442-2212.
Trucks & Vans 1991 3/4 ton Dodge Cummins diesel runs good need TLC $2500 OBO 250 551-2397 1991 GMC short box, black, $950/obo. 250-442-5702 96 GMC, SLT, Ex-cab, 4x4, 5.7, great shape, winter tires, $3,450. 250-442-2212.
Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1539 would amend the Electoral Area ‘D’ Zoning Bylaw No. 1299, 2005 by: - adding a new zone “Agricultural Resource 1A“ (AGR 1A) which would allow a “Kennelâ€? to operate as a permitted secondary use. There already exists an “‘Agricultural Resource 1â€?’ (AGR 1) Zone and there would be no changes to it. The new AGR 1A Zone would keep all the permitted uses allowed in the AGR 1 Zone, and adds “Kennelâ€? as a new permitted secondary use. A â€?Kennelâ€? is a building, structure, compound or group of pens or cages where dogs, cats other domestic pets, or exotic pets are, or intended to be, trained, cared for, bred, boarded or kept for commercial purposes. The Area ’D’ Zoning Bylaw permits a kennel in the Agricultural Resource 1 Zone only by rezoning. The Regional District Board of Directors will approve a rezoning to permit a kennel if they consider it is in the public interest. In considering a rezoning application, the Board will consider the proximity of the kennel to other land uses in the area, the potential noise and visual impacts, and other matters they deem relevant. If approved, the proposed amending bylaw will allow a kennel on the subject property (see map below) and rezone the subject property from “Agricultural Resource 1â€? to “Agricultural Resource 1Aâ€? Zone. This zoning amendment is speciÂżc to this one parcel, and does not rezone any other parcels. Applicant: Tom and Karen McKay Location: Lot 16, DL 500, SDYD, Plan KAP140, Portion shown on PL B796 2235 Carson Road, Rural Grand Forks, Electoral Area ‘D’
LiaAzhure AzhureInc. Inc. Lia
Certified General Accountant Certified General Accountant
250-442-0141 250 -442 7157 - 3rd-0141 Street 7157 - 3rd Street
CertiďŹ ed General Accountants 619 Central Ave., Grand Forks, B.C. 619 Central Grand Forks, B.C. Ph: Ave., 250-442-2121
Ph: 250-442-2121
BOUNDARY OUNDARY B APPRAISAL SERVICE Serving Grand Forks &S Boundary Country A PPRAISAL ERVICE 30+Forks Years&Experience Serving Grand Boundary Country Residential Vacant Acreage 30+ Years&Experience Appraisals Residential & Vacantfor: Acreage -Mortgage Applications Appraisals for: -Estate Purposes -Family Disputes -Mortgage Applications Resolution -Estate -Assessment Purposes -Family Disputes Phone: Res-250-442-5199 -Assessment Resolution Cell-250-442-6199 Phone: Res-250-442-5199 e-mail Cell-250-442-6199 – marsda@telus.net e-mail – marsda@telus.net
APPRAISALS APPRAISALS Serving the West Kootenay and Serving the West Kootenay and Boundary Regions since 1993 Boundary Regions since 1993
BRAD McPEEK, D.A.R. PHONE 250-442-7030 PHONE 250-442-7030 ★ Mortgage Refinancing Appraisals
★+Current RealReďŹ Estate Market Evaluations Mortgage nancing Appraisals ★ Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals + Current Real Estate Market Evaluations ★ New Construction/ + Estate/Taxation/Divorce/Appraisals Progress + New Report/Appraisals Construction/ Progress Report/Appraisals E-mail: wkappraisals@shaw.ca
E-mail: wkappraisals@shaw.ca
Christine Brooks %JTKUVKPG $TQQMU Bookkeeping $QQMMGGRKPI Bookkeeping and E-file
Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service E-ďŹ le Agent Income Tax Service Agent Phone 250-442-6781
MemberProfessional of IPBC andBookkeeper SAGE 50 Premier Advisor Certified 20+ years experience full cycle bookkeeping Member of IPBC and SAGE 50 Premier Advisor available 20+Remote/virtual years experience bookkeeping full cycle bookkeeping 250-442-2813 •bookkeeping smithandco@shaw.ca Remote/virtual available 250-442-2813 • smithandco@shaw.ca
7816 Donaldson Dr. Grand Forks, B.C. 7816 Donaldson Dr. 250-442-2523 Grand Forks, B.C. Open Monday to250-442-2523 Saturday
Open Monday to Saturday
BFF! Is OMG! your It’s petyour a star? And FYI: he’s such a QT! Make your pet a star in the Gazette too! The proposed amendment bylaws, staff reports and related information may be examined between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM at the RDKB TRAIL of¿ce, 202-843 Rossland Avenue, Trail, B.C., and between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM at the GRAND FORKS RDKB of¿ce, 2140 Central Avenue, Grand Forks, BC, Monday through Friday, (excluding statutory holidays). Telephone inquiries may be made by calling the RDKB Planning and Development Department, Toll Free, at 1-800-3557352 or 250-368-9148. Email inquiries may be sent to plandept@rdkb.com. Copies of the proposed bylaws will be provided upon request. The Public Hearing is to be held by a delegate of the RDKB Board. A copy of the Board resolution making the delegation is available for public inspection. At the Public Hearing, any person who believes that their interest in property may be affected by matters contained in the proposed amendment bylaws will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions. Written submissions not presented at the Public Hearing must be received by the 2f¿ce of the Director of Corporate Administration (Trail of¿ce) before 4:30 PM the day of the Public Hearing. NO PRESENTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE RDKB BOARD OF DIRECTORS AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING Elaine Kumar Director of Corporate Administration
WEEK How to enter YOUR star: It’s Free! E-mail your digital photos, and a write-up of up to 75 words, to: production@grandforksgazette.ca Please put the words “Pet of the Week� in the subject line, and include your contact information. You can also bring in a photo to our office at 7330 2nd Street.
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today! spca.bc.ca
Grand Forks Gazette Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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7990 Columbia Drive
Located at Boundary Electric
20’ or 40’ Storage Units 8’, 9’, 10’, 20’ & 40’ Containers
Your place or ours
Grand Forks, BC
Home Inspections Brian Blair
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SAW SHARPENING Twisted Teeth Saw Shop Saw, Knife & Tool Sharpening Centre We Sharpen • Carbide & Steel Saws • Planer & Jointer Knives • Handsaws-retooth, set & sharpen • Carbide Router Bits • Drill Bits • Hole Saws • Dado Blades • Paper Cutters • Knives • Scissors • All Garden & Yard Tools • Chainsaws & More
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148 Sagamore Road Grand Forks, B.C. 250-442-2652 www.sagamoreministorage.com
Border Self Storage 7444 19th Street, Grand Forks
Call: 250-442-0534
George Stooshinoff
Certified Sawfiler 3845 Victoria Rd., Grand Forks, BC Phone: 250-442-8359 • Email: gastoo@telus.net
John Billwiller www.snowballventures.com 10545 Granby Rd., Grand Forks
Grand Forks
NOTARY PUBLIC 7215 2nd St., Grand Forks (Across from Fire Hall)
Taxi & Delivery Service – Groceries, Beer, Liquor
Independent living with companionship, support, security, three meals a day and none oĨ the responsiďiliƟes oĨ maintaining your own home. WŚŽĞŶŝdž DĂŶŽƌ ZĞƟƌĞŵĞŶƚ ,ŽŵĞ ;ĨŽƌŵĞƌůLJ ďďĞLJĮĞůĚͿ
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Are you: Busy with little or no time for shopping or running errands? Home bound due to illness or injury? Without vehicle at an inconvenient time? Just don’t want to do the shopping? Call Barb to schedule an appointment to have your errands taken care of! Barb will: Purchase goods, pay bills, etc. Provide itemized receipts. Provide prompt service at the agreed price at the agreed time.
Don’t hesitate! Call today! Serving the Boundary
is resuming his practice in Grand Forks
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2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Grand Forks Gazette
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#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. 1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000 (250) 707-2600
A32 www.grandforksgazette.ca
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600 NOW OPEN
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600
1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
745 Notre Dame Drive 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 851-8700 (250) 542-3000 NOW OPEN
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927
Chapters Entrance (250) 860-8100 Springfield Rd Entrance (250) 717-1511
Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496
Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566
Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880 TELUS KIOSK
Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258