Cranbrook Daily Townsman, February 13, 2014

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FEBRUARY 13, 2014

Fifth annual Family Fishing Derby for Kids with Cancer | Page 3

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Vol. 63, Issue 30

Kenny Rogers aims to make new friends with Cranbrook concert Country music legend looking forward to the intimate surroundings of Western Financial Place

Kimberley votes to save arena C AROLYN GR ANT Daily Bulletin

Kimberley City Council Chambers was packed with spectators on Monday evening as Council deliberated on spending $350,000 to upgrade the ice plant at Marysville arena. In the end, Council voted five to two to go ahead, but not before much debate, some of it quite passionate. After all City councillors had their say in respect to the Marysville Arena vote on Monday evening, Mayor Ron McRae had a few words for the two dissenting councillors, Don McCormick and Darryl Oakley.


Even for an artist who’s had 120 hit singles and sold more than 100 million records over a 50-year career, Kenny Rogers has had a monster year. Rogers is playing Cranbrook on Feb. 26. But in the months leading up to this date, he’s released his 22nd Top 10 country album, got a Grammy nomination along with old friend Dolly Parton, been inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and handed the CMA’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He’s had a novel published, and been awarded an Honorary Masters of Photography. He’s spent much of the past year roaming the planet with his Through The Years World Tour. Western Financial Place in Cranbrook will feature an arrangement where the stage faces the side seating, rather than end to end. This will make for an upclose-and-personal evening, and Rogers is looking forward to it.


See ARENA, Page 4

Gordon Terrace marks 40 years Cranbrook school welcomes the public to celebrate its anniversary Friday with ‘70s flashbacks and school-time memories SALLY MACDONALD Townsman Staff

Kenny Rogers is bringing decades of hit songs to his Cranbrook concert, Feb. 26. “You know, I’d actually rather work those kinds of (smaller) venues, because you can really feel the audience more,” Rogers told the Townsman in an interview last week. “If you

work big venues, what you have to do is play to the front two rows and acknowledge the back 10. But this way you get to see everybody — literally. I turn on the house lights from time

to time and I get a chance to look around, and see who’s there. It’s fun for me to do that, to pick out people. There’s always someone holding a sign that says, ‘Where’s Dolly?’


“It’s a totally different feel, but it’s much more rewarding. There’s a better connection in those conditions, and I just love it.”

See ROGERS , Page 5

Forty years ago, Gordon Terrace Elementary opened its doors in Cranbrook. Now, the busy elementary school is celebrating its milestone anniversary with a look back at four decades of educating young minds. On Friday, Feb. 14 at 11:15 a.m., the school will host a special assembly commemorating the 40th anniversary. Named after long-time Cranbrook fire chief Jimmy Gordon, Gordon Terrace Elementary was built in 1972 at a cost of $184,000 on 25 acres that was originally destined to be a subdivision.


Nine favourites for only $9.99 each! Ends February 28, 2014.


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