Grand Forks Gazette, May 07, 2014

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Gazette Grand Forks

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VOL 117 NO. 19

A mother’s journey Page 3

Tax expected to take a hike CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

They say the only things that are inevitable are death and taxes. Which local residents can look forward to more of the latter soon. Council is looking at increasing taxes to residents and businesses in Grand Forks in the upcoming 2014 tax rates bylaw. At the regular council meeting of April 28, council heard three different options for the upcoming tax rate, bylaw 1997. Council then voted for the first three readings of their favourite option at a special meeting on May 5. Council was originally supposed to vote on the first three readings of the tax rate bylaw on April 28 but the city was still waiting for the revised B.C. assessment roll. At that meeting, chief financial officer Roxanne Shepherd presented council with three different options on setting the upcoming tax rate for the city. “It’s always really interesting—we are waiting for the revised (assessment) rolls which come out the last week of April,” said Shepherd. “We are also waiting for the regional hospital district to do their rates before we do our bylaw. Our bylaw (for the tax rate) is due by May 15 so we always have a real small time period to get this done.” Shepherd told council that staff would have preferred to introduce the new tax rate bylaw to the committee of the whole but time would not permit that option. The three options including: a two per cent tax hike across the board; a two per cent increase with a reduced tax rate for heavy industry with an increase to residential or commercial; or no increase at all, which would put the city in a revenue shortfall of $65,753 for the year. In the tax rate bylaw report to council, Shepherd said, “The community charter requires that each municipality approve a tax rates bylaw no later than May 15 for the current year. The tax rates bylaw authorizes the city to collect property taxes for the year. The tax rate bylaw levies rates for municipal, regional district and hospital purchases for each year.” At the special meeting on the tax rate bylaw on Monday, council approved the first three readings of the bylaw with the first option—a two per cent tax rate increase for all. “There was some well thought out debate on options one and two,” said Councillor Bob Kendel. “The majority of council opted for option number one which was an equal tax increase for everyone. The consensus is that we’ve only got a couple of real heavy industries • See TAXES TAKE HIKE page 8

Friday, May 9

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Margie Henderson and Paul Toijonen were at A&W in Grand Forks on April 30 jiving to promote the upcoming ’50s/’60s Sock Hop. Craig Lindsay photo

Get out your dancing shoes CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks is going back in time. Back to the ’50s and ’60s to be exact, so be sure to dust off your leather jackets and poodle dresses because Habitat for Humanity is hosting a sock hop on May 30. To help promote the event, Margie Henderson and Paul Toijonen dressed the part as they cruised to the local A&W and

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did the jive. “We’re here to promote a fundraiser we’re putting on for Habitat for Humanity,” said Henderson. “It’s a ’50s/’60s dinner and dance sock hop. It’s going to be all kinds of fun. There will be jiving and dancing. There will be a silent auction. We’re going to have servers on roller skates serving burgers.” Dave Jackson will be on hand to sing top • See SOCK HOP page 8

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