Peninsula News Review, May 07, 2014

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PENINSULA Lion, Bear and Fox

Writing to deadline

Mary Winspear Centre’s summer concert series starts May 29, page 7

The deadline approaches for the 2014 Saanich Peninsula Writing Contest, page 3 Black Press C O M M U N I T Y




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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gateway project takes off Victoria Airport Authority, Town of Sidney partner on proposed commercial site along the Pat Bay Highway Steven Heywood News staff

Mayor Larry Cross is enthusiastic about a partnership with the Victoria Airport Authority to create a gateway to Sidney and the south Island. The Town of Sidney and the Victoria Airport Authority announced on May 1 a partnership to develop 10 acres of land next to the Pat Bay Highway. The municipality and the VAA have signed a memorandum of understanding on a proposal to develop a commercial/industrial site south of Beacon Avenue West, between the highway and Galaran Road. Cross says he wants to see a portion of the land used for a tourist information centre that will help draw travelers off the highway and into his community. “It’s to be the gateway to SidLarry Cross ney and the rest of the Island,” he said, noting that the proposal will go well with a planned pedestrian highway overpass, linking the west and east sides of town. “This is our dream,” Cross said. “Sidney will be the gateway, as we have been all along with the ferries, airport and Gulf Islands. “It means we can draw more people into our town off of the highway.” Don Denton/News staff

Please see: Town, VAA to share lease revenues, page 4

Stelly’s Secondary’s Alynn Dagg, left, and Belmont’s Katie Rufh fight for the ball during Ryan Cup soccer action on the University of Victoria playing fields. Stelly’s advanced to Tuesday’s Ryan Cup final against Oak Bay.

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