Peninsula News Review, July 04, 2014

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PENINSULA It’s never too late

At 84, Sidney resident Bruce Easson learning to swim for his granddaughter, page 3 Black Press C O M M U N I T Y




Lott exhibit opens Saturday

North Saanich artist Sheena Lott opens her show, Coast, in Oak Bay on the weekend, page 13

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Oh, Canada! Devon MacKenzie/News staff

Sidney Sister Cities Association volunteers were all smiles during the Canada Day parade Tuesday morning. For more photos from Sidney Days - the Town’s celebration of the nation’s birthday, turn to pages 4 and 5.

Panhandlers face fines, property seizures Updated Sidney bylaw will allow police, town officials to seize and sell obstructing items Steven Heywood News staff

Panhandlers in Sidney had better behave themselves or face new fines and potential seizure of their belongings. The Town of Sidney adopted a revised streets and traffic bylaw June 23 following debate over the distress caused by panhan-

dlers in the downtown area this spring. In the bylaw, fines of $65 to $130 could be levied against anyone who obstructs a sidewalk, impedes pedestrian traffic or causes an object to be an obstruction or a nuisance. Additionally, the bylaw states that a municipal official or police officer may seize the property of a person “unlawfully occupying any

street or other public place in contravention.” The possessions, continued the document, can be impounded until their owner pays the Town the costs associated with the seizure. If the items are not collected in 14 days, and after a five-day advertising period, the Town will be able to sell it to recoup their costs.

The bylaw also states that a person cannot solicit in a specific location for more than two hours continuously or cumulatively, within a 48-hour period. Enforcement is only listed as fines. Councillor Melissa Hailey noted that the bylaw is somewhat ironic in that it would fine people who are unlikely able to afford them. She added, however, that if people

want to help others, they should do so with charitable programs set up to target them directly. Coun. Kenny Podmore added the Town is acting on public feedback on the issue and Coun. Tim Chad noted the Town is following the province’s safe streets act. PLEASE SEE: Council has stepped up, page 7

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