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Victoria Foundation’s Vital Signs report shines light on region’s success and struggles Page A3
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Festival promoter seeks greater city support Jennifer Blyth Victoria News
The producer of several major downtown Victoria festivals is calling on the City of Victoria to increase its support for free family festivals held in the city. “This isn’t a matter of wanting the city to spend more money on festivals as much as where the city directs arts funding it already has”, John Vickers, executive director of the Victoria International Busk“I just want ers Festival Society and the Victoria Chalk Festival, said fairness and right in a news release. “When you have an event now the Buskers like the free admission Busk- Festival doesn’t ers Festival that requires year-round effort to produce, receive fairness.” $9,000 in direct funding just – John Vickers doesn’t cut it, particularly when you consider just how much arts funding the city distributes.” Vickers said the 10-day Buskers Festival injects millions of dollars into the local economy, attracting both locals and visitors. However, it receives much less city funding than similar programs in cities like Halifax and Edmonton, and less than local summer programming at Beacon Hill Park’s Cameron Bandshell, for example, through Vickers said when he attended, he saw few people at the venue. “Why aren’t we supporting mass public arts events that are really making a difference in our downtown?” he asked.
It’s race weekend! Catrin Jones is the local favourite in this Sunday’s Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon. Last year’s women’s winner, Jones has won the marathon twice in the last four years. The big race starts at 8:45 a.m. on Menzies Street next to the B.C. legislature. Marathon weekend consists of four races: marathon, half-marathon 8K road race and children’s race. More than 11,000 runners are expected to take part. For more on this weekend’s events, please turn to Page A3.
PLEASE SEE: Festivals draw thousands, Page A5
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