Cranbrook Daily Townsman, August 06, 2015

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Proudly serving Cranbrook and area since 1951

Vol. 64, Issue 150

Unidentified man in a coma discovered in Invermere


The Canadian Wildlife Federation Summer Institute is taking place in the region over the next week. There are 13 educators from the Toronto area attending and they are all from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, which is located in Central Ontario. On Tuesday, the group was at the College of the Rockies for a culinary class and other events.

Institute brings educators to Kootenays

Youth in custody; drugs, cash seized Drugs and Substances Act was obtained and executed which resulted in the seizure of a half ounce of cocaine, 86 Fentanyl pills and $4,000 in cash. “The Crime Reduction Unit continues to be busy and diligent in working to keep illicit drugs off the streets of Cranbrook” said S/Sgt Dubnyk.

See DRUGS, Page 3




AUG. 18

an Wildlife Federation education manager. McLeod said the idea behind it is to give the participants an educational and cultural appreciation of the area that they’re visiting. He said since they are in the mountains this time, they are highlighting aspects of the Rockies that are unique to the region. “So they are gaining an appreciation,” he said. “We were out at the St. Mary’s Band reserve and Joe Pierre did a great talk with them and so they olf ay G Leagu nd

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A 16-year-old Burnaby youth was taken into police custody following the execution of a drug search warrant on July 31 in Cranbrook. Police said that the Cranbrook/Kimberley Crime Reduction Unit received information on a suspected drug trafficker residing in a local motel. A search warrant under the Controlled


It’s been a busy week so far for the participants of the Canadian Wildlife Federation Summer Institute which is right now taking place in the region. The nine day institute gives educators a chance to learn about the cultural and geographical aspects of a region — this time it is the East Kootenay. “The purpose here is to work with educators —educators from all over the country,” said Randy McLeod, Canadi-


Columbia Valley RCMP are seeking information about an unidentified male discovered in Invermere on the evening of Saturday, Aug. 1 by people who were walking by. The man, who appears to be in his 20s with short black hair, was injured with serious head injuries. The male was brought to Invermere & District Hospital where he was treated before being transported to Foothills Hospital in Calgary in a coma. There was no identi-

fication on the male. A bike was discovered in the ditch, which is believed to belong to him, and is described as a black, 27-speed Norco Kokanee mountain bike with front and rear suspension, disc brakes and a red metal bike lock. The male had a green and black backpack and brown Dakota boots. “We are at a loss,” Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac said. “It’s unknown if bike accident, assault or car accident.” Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Columbia Valley detachment at 250-342-9292.


NICOLE TRIGG Columbia Valley Pioneer


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were totally exposed to the Ktunaxa language and culture and history out there as well.” This trip is unique because all of the educators are from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, in Central Ontario. They are also partnered with the College of the Rockies. McLeod said on Tuesday afternoon the group was off to a culinary class. “So you can see there’s a wide variety of things we’re doing over the course,”

McLeod said. The group ranges from a kindergarten teacher to a grade 11 science teacher. Educators apply to be part of the institute group and then there is a selection process which he said is based on simple criteria. That criteria includes: relevance to the applicant’s program, applicant’s aims, whether the experience will be used as resources for the applicant’s classroom.

See TORONTO, Page 5

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