Peninsula News Review, August 28, 2015

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Tryouts for Peninsula Singers

Bottles and buzz cuts

6722 Bertram Place (at Keating Cross Rd.)


You don’t have to dress up in order to sing with local vocal ensemble, page 14

Sidney’s Heather Ancelet is once again raising money for the Tour de Rock, page 3



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Fire hall borrowing jumps by $1 million

Extra cash sought to refine final design work in 2016 Steven Heywood News staff

One million dollars has been added to the overall estimated cost of Sidney’s proposed community safety building, increasing the amount the municipality will be seeking to borrow next year. This raises the projected cost of the building to $10 million. Andrew Hicik, Sidney’s director of corporate services, says the added million is contingent on the town being successful in getting permission from the electorate to borrow the entire amount. The municipality is planning on using the counter petition process to seek voter assent to borrow the money, which Hicik said is still anticipated to be only up to $8 million. That means if 10 per cent of the electorate do not petition the municipality against the borrowing plan, Sidney could enact a borrowing bylaw to get the entire amount. Hicik said the proposed community safety building is estimated to cost between $5 and $8 million. The extra $1 million — approved by council Aug. 10 — would ensure the Town has money to refine its final community safety building design. Hicik said the $10 million includes breathing space should cost estimates for the project come in higher than anticipated. The building is being planned to replace the existing fire hall on Third Street, potentially incorporating the B.C. Ambulance Service and other community-based emergency services. Please see: Counter petition on borrowing is expected, page 8

Carlie Connolly/News staff

Superintendent Keven Elder says School District 63 (Saanich) is expecting an increase of 200 students in its enrolment figures at the start of the 2015/2016 school year on Sept. 8.

school enrolment looking up As children go back to school Sept. 8, the District sees small growth Carlie Connolly News staff

School District 63 (Saanich) will see an increase of around 200 students when children head back to school next month. The District is crediting this small turnaround in projected enrolment to a change in demographics within the Saanich Peninsula and Saanich communities. Keven Elder, Superintendent of School District 63 says the increase was unexpected.

“We had projected to be down in enrolment as we have been,” he said, noting demographics studies have shown a trend toward declining enrolment. “... We thought we’d be down by around 100 students but we’re going to be probably 200 students more than we anticipated, so it puts us back into a growth mode, which we haven’t been in for many, many years.” This year’s back to school date is Sept. 8 and the schools are in a good place, he said, in terms of facilities ready to go

and a program to upgrade technology for students. This year, Elder said the District is most excited about security on the labour front. Prior to the last school year, the District saw its teachers go on strike over a contract dispute with the province. Elder said it’s always better to go into a school year with certainty on that front for everyone. Please see: Students go back to school, page 4

Kenda Tatton

Sidney resident Insurance Broker since 2009

656-0111 •

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