Nelson Star, October 16, 2015

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Civic Arena upgrades done See Page 15


“It is my goal to work hard to reach your goals”

Continued on page 11

Continued on page 4

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Murder on the Canadian will star (front row) youth actors Sara Hurst, Tucker Bingham, Evan Forst and (back row) adult performers Eli Geddis, Ty Wright, Darren Fuss, Sydney Black, Lisel Forst, Mackenzie Hope, Sarah Ley, Molly Strachan and Jeff Forst. The play will have its world premiere Oct. 22 at the Capitol Theatre, and will run until Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. Will Johnson photo

Capitol to host world premiere of Murder on the Canadian

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just kind of rude to everybody. It’s fun when you can be someone you’re not. You can be someone completely different than how you are actually.” Forst said Wilson’s show has a universal appeal, and captures a nostalgic part of childhood. “My brother is a teacher and he’s always loved the books. He was teaching them at his school when he heard from Eric, who Googled Nelson Youth Theatre. It all came together.” While Wilson worked on the script, Forst met him to talk through the logistics of telling

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GREG NESTEROFF Nelson Star When Canadians go to the polls on Monday, it will be 25 years to the day since Green Party leader Elizabeth May addressed the second Get High on Nature conference in Nelson. May was actually at both the 1989 and 1990 environmental forums by that name, hosted by the Nelson school district. May, at the time a lawyer and executive director of Cultural Survival Canada, delivered speeches with the theme “The Challenge of Survival.” In the first year, Nelson Daily News reporter Kathleen Rodgers wrote May’s “emotional speech … had students on their feet, giving their own views about the planet’s future.” “The crowd applauded enthusiastically when she called for ‘sustainable development that meets the needs of the present, without sacrificing the needs of future generations. If we constantly buy stuff and buy stuff and buy stuff … we won’t feel very much better at the end of it.’” May branded Canada the “world’s worst energy waster” but urged students to “stay cheerful,” recycle, use transit, conserve energy, and write to government ministers. “Don’t worry if the letter you get back is manifestly stupid and misses the point,” she said to laughter. “It’s been counted.” At the end of her speech, May asked conference participants to imagine the year 2050, “flying through the sky like an eagle and seeing clean air with no smog below, swimming through the sea and seeing clean water and schools of fish and dolphins with no sewage outfalls or driftnets, strolling through the forests and seeing beautiful lush growth with many wild animals.” She received a standing ovation. The following year May moderated a panel discussion and delivered a similar address that again closed with what freelance reporter Bonny Klovance called “an emotional visualization activity which took participants through the world of the future which was environmentally sound.” That last part sticks out in Michael Jessen’s

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The federal leaders’ Kootenay connections

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Vol. 8 • Issue 30

Pink pumpkins for Brooke Malakoff See Page 13


WILL JOHNSON Nelson Star artway through the process of adapting Eric Wilson’s 1976 novel Murder on the Canadian for the Capitol stage, Cedar Street Productions’ Jeff Forst received a copy of the script with some tweaks and adjustments from an earlier draft. Wilson was soliciting his feedback. “The ink was fresh on it, basically, and I was like ‘Eric Wilson is asking me questions about his material? This is surreal’,” said Forst, a long-time Wilson fan. “These are books I read as a teen, when I was roughly the same age my son is now.”


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Which works out nicely, because Forst has cast his son Evan in one of the youth roles alongside his friend Tucker Bingham, who will play kid detective Tom Austen. The two spend much of the play bickering while Austen tries to solve the case. “I’m a kid from Winnipeg who wants to be a detective,” said Bingham. “We’re on this train having a good time and suddenly this lady, Catherine Sinclair, is dead. Then it’s about us trying to figure out what happened.” Evan plays abrasive sidekick Dietmar Oban, and told the Star he relishes the opportunity to play such an unlikable character. “I’m

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