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Friday, February 12, 2016
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Canyon country Things were done a little differently at country star George Canyon’s concert Monday night. The Pictou County man answered questions from the audience and asked them to pick from a list of songs, which he then performed during the first half of his show. After the break, Canyon played songs off his recently released album, I Got This. Carlie Connolly/News staff
Hundreds pack meeting to oppose Fourth Street condo plan Council moves forward on controversial project, citing need for density Carlie Connolly News staff
The Town of Sidney has decided to move ahead with a controversial development that could see a four-storey condo built on Fourth Street. Around 200 residents showed up at Tuesday’s public hearing, which forced the meeting to be moved from the town’s council chambers to Sidney’s fire hall. A vast majority of the crowd was opposed to the project, citing concerns such as parking and the size of the proposed development. However, council decided to go forward with the development.
Mayor Steve Price said council has been trying to encourage a broader range of housing in the town. “We can only have so many $1 million, $2 million homes, and if we don’t try to provide a broader range of housing, then our town would virtually die, because everybody (can’t afford) that price range,” Price told the crowd. “That’s why we lowered it and it has worked.” The original proposal for the multi-storey building at the corner of Fourth Street and Oakville Avenue was for 17 residential units and commercial space on the ground floor. The plans were later revised to 11 units by developer Norm Verbrugge of Norman Homes after council sent the plan back. Council had heard concerns about the proposed building’s height, lack of parking and exterior design. Among the most vocal opponents of the plan have been its direct neighbours Sue and Ken Groom.
The Grooms submitted a petition with 371 signatures asking council to vote against the zoning amendment application. “This current zoning is our security blanket to protect our real estate investment, our home, my home,” said Mr. Groom, later adding, “I want you to know I don’t feel my real estate investment is safe here.” A small minority of people in favour of the development also voiced their opinion at the meeting. Sidney resident Phil Wooster said the design is attractive and could increase the values of surrounding properties. He encouraged council to approve the development as well as similar projects. “We’ve got an aging demographic, (aging) necessitates this type of housing within walking proximity to services and amenities, and the core of Sidney is where that’s going to happen,” he said. After council heard from the public, the developer spoke on his plan for the
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approved development. Verbrugge said after staff came to him suggesting a three storey building, he crunched the numbers but couldn’t make it work. “For the amount of square footage we can do, for the value of the finished product in this location, the numbers simply don’t work,” he said. “It was a financial no-go.” Coun. Cam McLennan spoke in favour of the development, noting the location of the building is an area that can accommodate higher density housing. “At the end of the day, it’s in the downtown core,” he said. “I’ve measured it -- it’s 212 feet from Bevan Avenue, and that’s pretty close to the downtown core. Bevan is growing. We have to grow, we’ll continue to grow.” Verbrugge said he anticipates construction will begin this summer.