Grand Forks Gazette, March 09, 2016

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VOL 119 NO. 10

Pee wee champs! Page 21

Different versions of document discovered CRAIG LINDSAY

Grand Forks Gazette

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The city is citing a clerical error as the reason why two seperate versions of the same document were released to the public. A CBC Radio story, which broke last week, revealed that there were two different versions of a Freedom of Information (FOI) document from a meeting on Dec. 2, 2014 where Grand Forks Mayor Konrad asks for and receives the Neptune Technology Group water meter contract. Both versions of the document state that on Tuesday, Dec. 2014 Mayor Konrad met with then-acting CAO Diane Heinrich; then acting corporate officer Sarah Winton; then-manager of operations Roger Huston; and building and bylaw officer Wayne Kopan. In both, Winton states: “Prior to Roger and Wayne joining the meeting, Diane and I (Winton) sat with the mayor at which time he requested to see the Neptune contract. Diane advised the mayor that she could provide the contract for his viewing, minus any proprietary information. She further advised him that he could be in a potential conflict of interest if he looked at the full contract. “Mayor Konrad advised Diane that he was in no way in a conflict of interest situation and that as the mayor he had every right to look at the full contract. Diane said that she would provide the contract for him to review and left the meeting to get the contract.” The first version, which was released to an FOI request from a citizen on Jan. 26, 2015, ended with: “She (Heinrich) returned with Neptune’s contract and handed it to the mayor, who took it, keeping it in his position [sic] for the next few days while he read it.” The second version, which was released to an FOI request from CBC in January 2016, omitted that and ended with, “Once Roger and Wayne joined the meeting there was discussion regarding: mayor advised that Neptune was in breach of contract because they had not used a certified plumber to install meters or had a supervisor

Rebel yell silenced With almost 500 people in the Jack Goddard Memorial Arena, the Grand Forks Border Bruins claimed this Game 6 win over the Castlegar Rebels to advance to the division finals against Beaver Valley. Game 3 of that series played last night (Tuesday) after press time, and continues to Game 4 tonight (Wednesday) at the Grand Forks arena. See story page 20. Erin Perkins photo

Copies of two versions of notes regarding a meeting on Dec. 2, 2014 have surfaced as a result of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests nearly a year apart. The top document shown at left is the version released Jan. 29, 2015; the one below it is the version released Feb. 24, 2016.

• See DOCUMENTS page 10


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