2551 ACRES 2551ACRES $6,998,000
Located27km South west of Rockglen,SK
46quarters deeded&7 crownleasewith 2yard sites
Manages 600 cow/calfpairs and100 replacement breedingheiferscomfortably
2017homewithmeat processingbuilding
Heated shop,quonset,barn &2 more homes
-50xOpenHeifers (baby-breedingage)
EQUIPMENTSALE -Sat.Sept.23at1:00pm
EarlyConsignments: JD7520,FEL,JD260Skidsteer, NHTM115FWA,KuhnVT156FeedWagon, 18’GooseneckStockTrailer
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Includesland, buildings,andall ca�le handlinginfrastructure andequipment
Westlock,AB (780)350-8916
Holden,AB (780)385-8819 StPaul,AB (780)787-0129
GrandePrairie,AB (780)512-4705
Torrington,AB (403)559-6059 Drumhellar,AB (403)361-0490
Lethbridge,AB (403)758-3147 MedicineHat,AB (403)525-4247
Southern Alberta Adviser www.farmpressmedia.com A2 Monday, August 21, 2023 Ph(403)380-6602 or 1-800-763-4721 2847–2Ave.N. Lethbridge,AlbertaT1H6S2 LethbridgeLtd. COMMUNICATIONS GROUP The Ultimate WirelessIntercom for yourfarmingoperation! KENWOOD MOBILERADIOS Startingat $369 (780)986-5548orTollFree1-888-601-6611 www.starlinesales.com 3906-84Avenue,Leduc,AB. StarLine EquipmentSalesLtd. DIAMONDSHELTERS/GRAINVACS CHIEFGRAINBINS/TRAEGERPROGRILLS DIAMONDSHELTERS EndwallsforDiamondShelterscanbewoodormetalclad. Ourownpolyethylenecoveredendwallprovides a durable andattractivefinishtoyourDiamondShelter. 22-38 ft. Wide FreeStanding orPonyWall Style •40-120wideanylength GRAIN EQUIPMENT HAYSTORAGE HOG OfferingOver24Yearsof ExperienceBuildingShelters CHIEFWESTLANDFARMBINS • Corrugatedsteelsidewalls • TITAN“W”Stiffeners • StandardG115galvanize coating • Standardeasyaccessdoors SPECIAL BOOKINGPRICES forcompleteChiefbin andextension packages. • 13’Highdischarge boomfor B trains • 3300 - 4000bu./hr. • Dustseparation system • 20ft.steelhose and14ft.poly hosestandard CONVEYAIRGRAINVACS RAYMAKSKIDSTEERATTACHMENTS NEW! TRAEGERWOODPELLETGRILLS SHOW SPECIALS INEFFECT IN LEASING AVAILABLE SELLINGALLCLASSESOFCATTLE EVERYFRIDAY@10:00A.M. BossFeedsMineralTubDealer. CallDougforthebestpricing! STAVELY, ALBERTA P:403-549-2120 GeneralManager: RobBergevin403-625-7171 GETOURTEAMOFPROFESSIONALSWORKINGFORYOU! FieldRep KimCochlan 403-625-1035 FieldRep BillPerlich 403-540-1884 FieldRep JustinPerlich 403-635-5310 FieldRep LorneDepaoli 403-652-0344 FieldRep JoePerlich 403-635-0310 FieldRep TomBarr 403-627-7400 office@foothillsauctioneers.com www.foothillsauctioneers.com ANNIVERSARY SALE FRI., AUG. 25 @ 10A.M. Featuringover 800 Yearlings & over200Calves BullsandCowstofollow Liveweight & video FORSALE- 24ft.FreeStandingPanels, withorwithoutgates. Calltoparticipate! 1-877-463-8256 www.versaframe.ca HEADOFFICE(Nisku,AB) (780)979-0325 Holden,AB (780)385-8819 StPaul,AB (780)787-0129 LocationsacrosswesternCanada NORTHERNALBERTA Westlock,AB (780)350-8916 SOUTHERNALBERTA Torrington,AB (403)559-6059 Drumhellar,AB (403)361-0490 Lethbridge,AB (403)758-3147 MedicineHat,AB (403)525-4247 PortageLaPrairie,MB (204)871-5251 Leask,SK (306)466-7921 Biggar,SK (306)948-3776 Lumsden,SK (306)731-2066 FortSt.John,BC (250)794-6618 MANITOBA BRITISHCOLUMBIA SASKATCHEWAN “Assolidastheproductswesell.” Decker,MB (204)412-0234 GrandePrairie,AB (780)512-4705 Morris,MB (204)803-5852
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WehavesalesEveryThursdayin August&September
Facilitiestofeedandwater4000head,wecanholdupto2000head undercoverincleanpens.Theweatheriscausingchallengesfor producers.Contactustoseewhatoptionsbestsuityouroperation.
TuesdaySeptember5th at1:00pm
Sellingallclassesofsheep ConsignToday!
SEVENPERSONS Machinery&Equipment
FridaySeptember15th at10:00am
Located:1/2mileEastofSevenPersons,AB.,southsideofHwy#3 (JunctionofHwy#3andHwy#887)
WednesdaySeptember27th at10:00am
Located:3milesEastofLethbridge,AB.,1/4mile SouthontheBroxburnRoad
Thesesaleswillbehighlight:Tractors,Trucks &Trailers,Seeding&Tillage,Irrigation,Haying &Harvest,ConstructionEquipment,Livestock Equipment,Shop,RV,Lawn&Garden,andMisc. Visit perlich.auction formoreinfoonthesesales!
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MondaySeptember25th at11:00am–MedicineHat,AB
Visitourwebsite perlich.auction foracompletelistof theseupcomingsales!
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SaturdaySeptember30th at11:00am
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Southern Alberta Adviser www.farmpressmedia.com A4 Monday, August 21, 2023 “ProfessionalOnsiteAuctionManagement” TDOWNTRAILERSLTD. BROOKSAB./403-362-5252/403-793-4715/ www.tdown.ca auctions.tdown.ca 2023EBYMaverickPunchPanel 24x7’1”StockTrailer 2023EBYRuffneck26x8 SlatsideStockTrailer 29 18 7 th A v e N , L et h b ri dg eA B .T 1H 5C6 ✓ Min er al ✓ Co mpleteF eed s ✓ CustomSu ppl ementsandFormulation ✓ Calf Feed ✓ Westway®L iq u id Feed ✓ Gr ob er ®Mi lk R ep lacer Est.2019 ✓ Cr ystalyx®Mine ra l Tu bs ✓ DS VNo rt hStar®ForageS ee d ✓ S elek t ™ HealthProdu ct s ✓ Si la geInoculant ✓ HayBro keri ng Giveusa ca llor ch e ck outourw eb sit e: Di rk Vand erKooij:403-8 94 -824 1 Shane Tr ott er : 40 3-3 08 -1 70 2 Ty lerT ro tte r: 403-6 34 -74 22 NickCla rke: 40 3-3 17 -1 14 6 www.d ia mondnu tritio nservices.ca
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Friday,Sept8th at1:00PM
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December11th at10:00AM
Wednesday,November15th andNovember22nd, RegularCowSaleshavebeenadded startingat9:00AMRegularFridaySaleswillstilltakeplaceat9:00AMasusual.
EverySaturdayat12:00PMStartingNovember11th toDecember16th, IncludingtheBSSASpecialBredCow&HeiferSaleonDecember2nd
LazyMCSignatureSeriesFallBull&BredHeiferSaleat1:00PM November29th
Southern Alberta Adviser www.farmpressmedia.com A8 Monday, August 21, 2023
December6th 66Ranch10thAnnualBull&BredFemaleSaleat1:00PM December13th Lachie McKinnon, Field Rep LachieMcKinnon,FieldRep 403-362-1825 Art Paetkau, Field Rep ArtPaetkau,FieldRep 403-793-4716 Diane Van Essen, General Manager DianeVanEssen,GeneralManager 403-915-7156 Erik Christensen, Asst. Manager ErikChristensen,Asst.Manager .......... 403-363-9942 Sam McKinnon, Field Rep SamMcKinnon,FieldRep 403-793-1731 Colter Ellefson, Field Rep ColterEllefson,FieldRep 403-376-7024 Justin Hok, Field Rep JustinHok,FieldRep 403-866-3867
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Itemsavailabletoview August14thtoAugust17th from9amto5pm
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Day1OFFSITEITEMSwillbeclosingon August23rd startingat10am
Day2ONSITEITEMSwillbeclosing August24th startingat10am
PickupDays: August25thand26th from9amto5pm. Arrangementscanbemadeotherwise. CLOSEDSUNDAYS
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Join us for Joinusfor
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WeconductAlberta’sLargest1-dayFarmMachineryConsignmentAuction 4timesayear.Sellingfarmequipment,cars&trucks,lawnandgarden,recreation vehiclesandshopequipment.Whetheryouhave1pieceoracompletelineof machinery,wehavethefacility&theexperiencetobringyoutopdollarforyourequipment.
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WWW.LINDSTRAND A UCTIONS.COM ONLINETIMEDHARVEST CONSIGNMENT AUCTION CAMROSE,ALBERTA Visitourwebsitetoregisterforouronlinetimedauction WWW.LINDSTRANDAUCTIONS.COM Ph:780-672-8478 ATLINDSTRANDAUCTIONSSALESITE,2MILESNORTH OFCAMROSEONHIGHWAY833.(47321Sec,Hwy833) CONSIGNNOW!! ABLicense#312728 LINDSTRAND AUCTIONS L TD . 54th Annual BIDDING STARTS MONDAY,AUG.28TH ANDBIDDINGENDSFRIDAY, SEPT.1ST Publication Dates: 2023 Toll Free: 1-888-703-0587 info@farmpressmedia.com Press Media.com FARM AG Central & Northern Alberta AD Southern Alberta MB Manitoba SK Saskatchewan AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman FarmLIFE Manitoba FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman www.farmpressmedia.com Advertising Deadline 11 Days prior to publishing Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AD SK AD MB AG AD MB Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SK AG SK AG AD MB AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AD SK AD MB AG AG Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AD SK AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SK AG AD MB SK AG AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. NOVEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AD MB AD Sun.Mon.Tues.Wed.Thurs.Fri.Sat. DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AD MB AD AG SK AG SK AG AD SK AD SK AD MB AG AG AD MB AG AG AD SK AG MB AD SK AG SK AG SK AG SK AG SK AG
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BROOKS DaleStroeder 403-793-9990
RobTams 403-382-7275
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ClarenceArcher 403-866-4517
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ChallengerMT965E $439,000 Case500Quad $335,000
Fendt714 -2013-6000hrs $175,000 Fendt 724-2018-3065hrs $249,000 JD7220 -2004 $64,900 Fendt924 -7140hrs $169,900 CaseIHMagnum280 -2016-3520hrs $229,000 MasseyFerguson275 -LeonLoader $17,500 MasseyFerguson8680 -Frt&rearduals $199,000 JD7430Prem –2008–6700hrs $124,900 JD7430Prem–2007 $149,000 FT930 –10,779hrs $129,900 FT930 –7650hrs $239,000 FT716 –2019–3568hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $289,000 FT718 –2019–3567hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000 FT718 –2015–2388hrs $249,000 FT724 –2019–3500hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349,000 BALERS MF2956A -2020-HayConditioner $62,000 MF2956A (2020)-2942bales $58,500 AgcoHesston4900 (1994) $29,000 NHBR7090 (2011)Mesh&Twine . . $27,500 NHBR7090 -twineonly $19,900 JD560M -2022,450Bales $78,900 JD560M -2022,1349bales-SileageKit $89,450 JD560M -2020,5550Bales $72,000 JD560M -2020,5526bales $74,900 NHBR780 $17,000 NHBR780 $13,900 MF2856A -2012 $34,900 MF4900 -1998. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,900 MF2956A -2014–9630bales $36,500 MF2270XD –2022 $279,000 KuhnLSB1290 -2017-11087bales $89,900 MF956 –2005–Autocycle $11,500 KubotaBV4580 –2019–Mesh&Twine $49,900 Case2388 $38,900 Case2188 -w/pick-up,fieldready $33,900 Case1680 $17,500 MF850 (1981)–24’draperw/airreel,P/Uheader $5,900 FendtIdeal8 (2020)–Warranty $629,000 MF8570 $59,900 JDS780 –2020–766enghrs $525,000 JDS690 –2016–1215enghrs $249,000 JDS690 –2015–1365enghrs $235,000 FendtIdeal8 –2021–686enghrs $539,000 FendtIdeal8 –2021–686enghrs $539,000 FendtIdeal8 –2021–728enghrs $539,000 HEADERS JD740FD -2018 $104,900 MacDonFD140 -2022 $149,900 MacDonFD135 –5tochoosefrom $127,000 MF8200-35F $24,900 MF5100 –36’ElecFore/Aft–TransportKit $17,250 SKIDSTEERS,EXCAVATORS&TELEHANDLERS DitchWitchRT100 $174,000 KUBOTASVL75 100hrsDEMO . . . $84,900 KubotaSVL90-2 –2015 $94,000 KubotaSSV75 –2022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,900 WINDROWERS CaseWD1903 -15’Discbine&35’Draper $110,000 Premier2952I (2006)-2494hrs $34,900 Hesston6450 (1982) $4,900 MF9220 –2008–30’CentreDeliveryDraper $59,900 MF220 –1560hrs $28,000 HAYRAKES VermeerVR1428 14Wheel $34,000 SitrexQRX14 14Wheel $23,500 KubotaRA1042 SingleRotor $10,500 KubotaRA2584 TwinRotor $54,900 SITREXMKE14 14Wheel $34,400 KUBOTARA2071 -TwinRotorVario $29,900 ACREAGEEQUIPMENT KubotaZD1211 -189hrs,72” $21,500 KubotaZD1211-72 -325hrs $20,000 KubotaZD1021-60 -107hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,000 MF1010 $7,800 CubCadetRZT54kw -2012-54”CUT $5,995 CaseIHFarmall45C -Loader $39,900 KubotaL3400 –440hrs-Multipleattachments $34,900 MFGC2310 -Rototillerincluded $19,900 SPRAYER&FLOATER Terragator8400C --2021-warranty $475,000 Rogator1300C 132’AluminumBooms,1600gal,661hrs $589,000 FEEDMIXER Jaylor5750 $74,500 Jaylor5650 $74,500 Jaylor5575 $57,900 Jaylor5425 $54,500 FarmAid430 $17,500
BunningLowlanderMK4150X -166tonnescapacity $74,900 BunningLowlanderWidebody180 -39,680lbscapacity $109,000 SEEDINGANDTILLAGE Wil-Rich4400 $9,800 FlexiCoilSYS95 ValmarOnly $9,500 Edwards40’ $6,750 Case4600Cultivator $5,500
DISC&MOWERCONDITIONERS MasseyFerguson1375 –NewCutterBed $34,900 MF1393 $52,000 KubotaDMC8540T (2017) $31,500 Hesston1375 $29,900 Hesston1365 $24,900 KUBOTADMC8540 –2016–RollerConditioner $39,900 KUBOTADMC8032 –2017-FrontMount $28,900 HAY&FORAGEHANDLING: JBSDSileageWagon $22,900 CaseIH8610 $5,500 RoundBaleHauler $3,500 KNIGHT3450 $3,450 ROCKPICKER: SchulteRS320 $21,900 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
BOBCATS770,2018,92hpBobcatdiesel,1433 hours,selectablejoystick,,A91optionpackage,cab enclosure/heater/air,highflow,twospeed,sound reduction,deluxeinstrumentation,hydraulicbucket position,autoridecontrol,airrideseat,radio,power bobtach,offsetrims,7-pinattachmentcontrol,engine blockheater,camera,strobe 86,900
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Here are some thoughts on which to chew your cud.
Grass sucks in CO2 through photosynthesis, cows eat the grass and burp out CH4 which turns back into CO2.
You see, it’s a natural “biogenic cycle” and one that has been around as long the estimated 100 million buffalo and other ruminants have roamed North America.
Hollywood has jumped on the anti-cattle train telling us that we must, we must, we must get rid of the cows and livestock to save the planet. But what’s really going on here and what’s really at stake/steak?
The first point I would like to make is two thirds (~3.4B Ha) of the agriculture land on the planet will NEVER GROW A CROP. This land is primarily used as pasture for grazing animals. These grazing animals are excellent a converting cellulose into milk and meat which supports billions of lives. So, if you simply say kill all the grazing animals what purpose will that land serve? Would not the domesticated animals be replaced eventually by other ruminants? Where will a large part of the world population get their essential protein from?
Now it is important to acknowledge that there is an important role that livestock plays in greenhouse gas emissions and there are many reduction strategies being adopted in North American and elsewhere. Understanding the behavior of different greenhouse gases, especially methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), is crucial in addressing climate change.
We need to understand that YES, CH4 (Methane) is about 28 times more potent in terms of trapping heat in the atmosphere BUT we must also recognize that (according to Iowa State) it has a half life of about 10.5 years verses a half life of CO2 (carbon dioxide) of 120 to 200 years or more. Think about that. 10.5 years verses 120 years.
it is crucial to understand that the carbon-methane cycle within livestock dynamics is biogenic, forming an almost balanced loop. Cattle consume plants that absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. They convert these plants into energy, and ultimately produce methane as a waste product, which, over time, oxidizes back into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, continuing the cycle. Hence, a simplistic way to interpret this cycle is that the emissions from cattle would increase if, and only if, the overall cattle population increased.
Pragmatically, looking at this model, the only way cattle could make more greenhouse gas was IF there were more cows.
But, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the number of beef cows in the United States peaked in 1975 at approximately 45.7 million head. As of 2021, the beef cow inventory is approximately 31.2 million head. Same news in Canada with its beef herd peaking in 2005 at 14.8 million head and
now below 13 million. In dairy the US herd has declined from 18 million head in 1960 to currently below 9 million and from 1.42 million head in Canada to now below .94 million.
So, this is kinda cool…more milk with fewer cows. Looks like progress to me.
While North America’s cattle population has decreased, farmers have concurrently made substantial technological advancements and management strategies to further reduce methane emissions. Genetic selection has improved traits like growth rates and feed conversion efficiency, resulting in healthier, more productive cattle. These advancements can minimize methane output because faster-growing animals spend less time eating and thus, produce less methane.
Additionally, evolutions in feeding practices and dietary modifications can also reduce methane emissions from cattle. Some feed additives and changes to diet compositions can lessen the methane produced during digestion. For example, feed rich in easily fermentable carbohydrates can help promote propionate production in the rumen (part of the stomach), which naturally reduces methane generation.
Manure management systems have also marked significant progress. Techniques like manure anaerobic digestion not only decrease methane emissions but also provide a renewable energy source—biogas. This operation encapsulates manure in a closed system where bacteria break it down in an oxygen-free environment, producing biogas made up primarily of methane, which can replace fossil fuels for heating and electricity.
Therefore, the relationship between livestock and greenhouse gas emissions is considerably intricate. While livestock directly contribute to methane emissions, the reduction in cattle population, combined with improved farming practices and technologies, has helped to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in livestock farming significantly. Nevertheless, constant and proactive efforts are required to continue these advancements and practices for reducing emissions further, ultimately contributing to the global fight against climate change. The agricultural sector—with all its complexities—plays a vital role in this collective endeavor.
Robert Saik is a professional agrologist and certified agriculture consultant. He is an author of FOOD 5.0 and The Agriculture Manifesto and CEO, of AGvisorPRO anappthatconnectsthoseseekingagriculture advice with experts who provide answers. You can reach Rob by downloading and connecting to him on AGvisorPRO
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Southern Alberta Adviser www.farmpressmedia.com A20 Monday, August 21, 2023 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 12 3456789 10111213141516 LabourDay 10am Day2Western Canadian Video Sale @LethbridgeLodge 10amDay1Western Canadian Video Sale @LethbridgeLodge 10am Day3Western Canadian Video Sale @LethbridgeLodge 5pm South CountrySelect Horse Sale @Carston,AB 9am AnniversarySale Early BirdCalf Sale 2pm BuffaloHillsQH Sale @Arrowwood, AB 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings 17 18 19 20212223 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings 24 2526 27 28 29 30 9am All-Breed Calf Sale 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings Pleasecheck www.livestock.ab.ca formoresale listings andupdates.
SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 34567 891011121314 1516 17 18 19 2021 9am Charolais-Influenced Calf Sale 9am Calf Sale Featuring Charolais &AngusCalves Thanksgiving 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings 9amRegular Sale Feat.Thanksgiving Calf &Yearlings Sale 2223242526 27 28 9am Angus-Influenced Calf Sale 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings 29 3031 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calves &Yearlings 9amRegular Sale Featuring All-Breed Calves &Yearlings 9am All-Breed Calf Sale FeaturingAngusCalves Halloween Thursday CalfSalesstartat 9AM
SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 234 567891011 1213141516 17 18 9am All-Breed Calf Sale Remembrance Day 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calvesand Yearlings 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calvesand Yearlings 1:00 Bred Sale Feat.Willabar Ranch Dispersal &Burton Cattle Co.Dispersal 1pm Bred Sale 1pm EliteBred Female Sale 19 202122232425 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calvesand Yearlings 1pm Bred Sale 26 27 28 29 30 1pm Bred Sale CandorInvestments Optimization Bred Sale 9amRegular Sale FeaturingAll-Breed Calvesand Yearlings 9am All-Breed Calf Sale Watchourwebsite forBredSaleListings andDetails! www.livestock.ab.ca 1pm Bred Sale
FORTMACLEODAUCTION POBox1330•FortMacleod,ABT0L0Z0 Phone1-403-553-3315 REGULAR CATTLESALES Tuesdays@9am www.livestock.ab.ca
AllanLively 403.627.7776 JustinKeeley 403.627.6534 Ryan Konynenbelt 403.892.6534 Cody Sawley 403.652.0684 DarrenShaw 403.892.4493 BearLightbown 403.634.4486 SteveQuinton 403.653.7228 FrankJenkins 403.627.6700 JayNelson 403.652.0402 SkylerMcBride 403.815.5867 Dylan Bates 403.627.6546 ColinMcNiven 403.793.1699
306.735.1341 WESTERNCANADIAN Calf&YearlingVideoSale THURSDAY, FRIDAY,& SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14-16 Three-DayEvent! 80,000headexpected! SandmanSignatureLethbridgeLodge
Matt Lait 403.581.7592 Jason Slomp403.635.1473 Matt Nelson403.332.1003 SK:William Beierbach
SK: Dan Sawley
SK: Jared Parsonage