est Local Campground
Best Place for Mountain Biking
Best People-Watching Spot
est Place to Walk, Jog or Hike
Best Place to Swim Outdoors
est Autoo Se Servicing erv rviicici icin ing ing
Best Financial Planner Best Banking Institution
Best Romantic Parking Spot
Best Appliance Repair Shop
BBest Be est PPlumbing lumb mbin bin i g an aand nd Heat HHeating eattin ing Bu BBusiness usisin siness
Bes Be Best st Asi Asian ian an Food Foood
est Lunches chhes es
BBest est Pa es Pasta ast sta sta
est Sunday day Buffet / Brunch
Best Place to Walk your Dog
Best Carpet Cleaners Best Electrical Contractor
Best Catering Business
Best Esthe
Best Travel ell AAgency geenc nc ncy
Best Fitness Centre
Best Insurance Agency
BBe Best est Pati es PPatio Pa atitio RRe Restaurant est stau auraant nt
BBes Best e t Martini es
BBest est Na es Nachos ach chos os
Best Medi Mediterranean diite terrrra rran anea ean Fo Food ood od
Best Restaurant
Best Chicken Wings
Best Toy Store
Best Bike Shop
Best Outdoor Garden rden Centre
est Music Store
Best Lighting Store ore
Best Pet Supply Store
Best Place ce to ge get et TTi Tires irrees
est Place for Kayaking
Best Place to Meet eet for Co CCoffee offffeee
est Carpet Cleaners
Best Electrical Contractor ontracttor oorrBBest eesst Ca CCatering atteering Busine Business eesss ss
est Fitness CentreBest Marine Supplier
BBest esst Pl Plac Place acce to to bbuy uuyy a UUsed sseed Ve VVehicle ehhiiclcle BBest est Lo es LLocal oca cal al Cam CCampground Ca am mppgr g ou ound undd BBest est Pl es PPlace lac ace ttoo W Walk aallk yyo your ouurr DDog ogg
Best est Ins Insurance surannccee AAgency ggeenc ncy
Best est Fis Fishh and ChipsBest DDesserts eesssseert rts
Best Be st SSports poort r s Ba Barr
Best Ha Hamburgers amburg am r er erss
BBest Be estt SSushi usshi h
Best Be st RRestaurant esta es taur ta uran antt
Best Kids’ Clo Clothing oth t inng SSt Store toorre
est Art GalleryBest Flower Shop
Best Customer tomer Service S Store
Best St Store toorre ttoo BBuy uuyy BBoo Books ooks oo kss
est Home Building Supply Store
Best Housewares sewarees / Linen Store
NEWS Best Sto Store ore re ffor oorr LLadies aaddiees We W Wear aTHE ar r BBest eesst M Mu Music uBULLETIN usi sisic SSt Store tor ore
BBest e t Fu es FFurniture rnititur rn ittuurre St SStore tor oree or
BBest est Ou est es Outdoor utdooor GGa Garden ard rdeen en CCentre eenntr tree
Best Be stt LLighting ight ig httiinng St SStore tor oor2010 re
Best Sewing / Notions otions Store Best Wine-Making Store
Best Be stt SShoe hoee St ho Stor Store orre
est Local Campground
Best Place for Mountain ountain Biking
BBest estt Pl es Plac Place a e fo ac forr a Picn PPicnic Pi icn cnicicic BBes Best esst Pl PPlace acee fo ac forr Ka Kayaking ayyaaki kingg
est Roofing Company est Pub est Lunches
Best Romantic Parking Spot
Best Plumbing and nd Hea Heating ating Business
Best Asian Food Best Pasta
est Sunday Buffet / Brunch
BBest eesst AAp Appliance pppllia ianc nce Re RRepair Repa eppaaiirr SShop hop ho
Best Gas Bar
Best Travel Agency
Best Ta Tanning ann nnin ing Sa SSalon alo lon
BBest estt M es Me Mediterranean edite edi iterrrrrraanneeaan Fo FFood Foo ood od
est Furniture Store
Best Outdoor Garden rden CCentre entre
est Music Store
Best Lighting Store ore
Be Best est Fl es Floor loor ooor CCo Covering ove veriring ng SStore torre to
Best Place to Buy Seafood od od Best Pet Supply Store
Best Place ce to ge get et Tires
BBest estt Je es JJewellery wellllller we erry SSt Store torre
Best Place to buy produce
est Place to shop
Best Sporting Goods oods Store Sttore
Best Place to buy a Used Vehicle Best Local Campgrou Campground ndd
est Place for Kayaking
Best Place to Meet et for Coffee CoffeeBest Best Place to Walk your Dog
Best Esthe Estheticians heetiticicia cian ans
est Fitness CentreBest Marine Supplier
Best Mass MassagesBest ssag a esBest Roofing Company
Best est Insurance ce Age Agency g nccy ge
Best Place to Dance ncceBe Best est PPlace laace c ffor oorr LLive ive Ba iv BBands anddsBe Bestt LLiv Best LiveTheatre iveT iv eTheeat eT a ree
Best Pizza
Best Na Nachos
Best Med
Best Romantic Romantic Res Restaurant
Best Floor Covering St
Best Place to Buy SSeafood
Best Store for Mens’ W
Best Jewellery Jeewellery Stor Store re
Best est Fish and ChipsBest Desserts
BBest Be est st SSports p rt po rts ts Ba BBarr
Bes Best Place to buy a Used Vehi BBest Place to Walk your Dog
Best Place for Live Bands
Best Deli
Best Fish and Chips Chipps
Best Pies
BBest est Flower Shop
Be Best est st HHome oom me BBu Building uiilldi d ng n Supply Store BBest Be est st PPlace lace to Buy Meat
BBest Be est est st SStore ttooore ree ttoo bu bu Tools buy
Best Hamburgers
BBe Best est st FFin Financial innanncic all PPlanner lann la nner e
Best Pizza
Best Place for Birthday Partiess
Best Lunches
Bes Best st AAsian st sisian Food FFoo od oo
BBest est Pa PPasta asta
Best Patio Restaurant
Best LiveTheatre
Best De Desserts
Best Se Seafood eafood
Best Da Day-care Centre
Best Store to
Best Optical Store Best Sewing / Notions Store
Best Stor
Best Pa Paint Store
Best People-Watch People-Watching hing Spot
Best Place for a Picnic
Best Romantic Park Parking Spot
Best Best Be s Banking Institution
Best Gas Bar
Best Travel Agency
BBes Best esst Fa FFamily ami milily ly RRestaurant essta taur u an ur antt
Best Martini
est Art GalleryBest Flower Shop
Best Customer Service Store
Best Kids’ Clothing Store Best Store to Buy Books
Best Kids Restaurant
Best Playground
Best Furniture Store
Best Outdoor Garden Centre
Best Toy Store
Best W Wine-Making Store
Best Appl Best Beau Best Tann
BBest est French Fries
Best Fast
Best Nachos
Best Med
BBe Best stt SSunday u da un day d y BBu Buffet uffffet ffeett / BBru Brunch unc nchh Best BBe st SSus st Sushi ushi hi the Be BBest stt RRestaurant e ttaur es taaur uran antt an BBes Best esst Chi est CChicken Ch iccke ken k Bulletin nW Wi Wings ing ngss BBest estt Romantic R ti Re RRestaurant t t As voted by readers of Nanaimo News
Best Day-care Centre
Best Kid
Best Housewares / Linen Store
Best SeafooddBBest estt Ste St Steak eak ak
est Place for Birthday Parties
Best Steak
Best Customer Service Serrvice Store
Best Plumbing and He Heating eat ating Busine Business ess s
BBest Be est st PPub ub ub
Best Linge Best Second H
Best Place to Dance
Best Place to Swim Outdoors
BBest est Au est es AAuto uto to SServicing ervi ervi er vicicicing ingg
Best Vege
Best Bike Bike Shop
A celebration of Harbour City favourites
est Carpet CleanersBest Electrical ContractorBest est Catering Business
est Bakery Best BreakfastsBest Deli
Best Fast
Best Marine Supplier
Best Place for Mountain Biking
Best Place to Walk, Walk Wal Jog or Hike
Best Fr French Fries
BBest est Place to buy produce
BBest Be esstt VVegetarian eegget e ar a ian Food
BBest est LLiLingerie es inngger in e ie SShop hop ho
BBest eesst st Sec Se Second econ cond co nd HHand and St an SStore oorre re
Best FFa Family am miillyy RRestaurant eesstaaur urant
Best Place to Meet for Coffee
BBest Be est Breakfasts
BBes Best estt Ar es Artt Ga GGallery alllleerry
BBest Be st SStore st t ree ffor to or M or Mens’ eennss’’ W Wear eeaar
Best Ta Tanning Salon
Best Nachos
Best Bike Shop
Best Best es Travel AAgency gennccy ge cy
Be Martini Best Be
Best Beau
Best Insurance Innsurance Agency Age
Best Martini
Best Toy Store
Best Appl
BBest Be est st Fitness Centre
Best Patioo Resta Restaurant aurant
Best Playground
Best Place for a Picnic
Best Ga Gas Bar
Be Sporting Goods Store Best Be
BBe Best est PPlace laace ttoo get a Tattoo
BBest est es st Ro RRomantic oma mannttiicc RRestaurant eesstaur tauurraannt ta
Best W Wine-Making Store
Best Esthe
BBest Be estt BBakery aakkeerry
Best Chicken Wings
Best Ca Catering atering Busin Business
Best Fast Food
Best Restaurant
Best Pa Paint Store
BBe Best est s Carpet Cleaners Best Electrical Contractor
Best French Fries
est Kids Restaurant
est Place to get a Tattoo
BBe Best esstt BBeauty eeaaut uty Sa SSalon alo lon lon
Best Stor
BBest est Ba BBanking Bank anking Ins Institution stiittut st tuuttio tio ion
BBest e t PPet es et Supply Store
Best Be st PPla Place lace la ce ttoo sh shop hop o
Best Kid
Best Store to
BBe Best est st RRomantic omantic Park Parking Spot
BBest est Toy Store
Be Best estt PPla Place laace ttoo ge gett Ti TTires irees
Best Family mily Res Restaurant staurant
Best Sushi hi
est Vitamin / Health Food Store
BBest Be stt VVitamin ititam tam amin / HHealth e ltlh Fo ea Food oodd SSto Store torre to re
Best Day-care Centre
BBe Best est est st PPeople-Watching eopplleeo eop e-Watchhing Spot
BBest est CCh Chicken hiicckeen Wi W Wings ing ng ngs
BBest est es st Pl PPlayground lay aygr grround gro n
est Store to buy Tools
Best Financial ancial Planner P Best Banking Institution
Best Best Sewing / Notions Store
BBest esst Ki KKids ids RRestaurant esta es taur urannt
Best Optical Store re
Best People-Watching Spot
Best Optical Store
BBest esst St SSteak tea eakk
Best Housewares / Linen Store
BBest Be st Place to Buy Meat
Be Best est DDesserts esserts
Best Customer Service Store
BBest esst PPa Patio atiio RRestaurant ati estaurant
est Place to Buy Meat
est Auto Servicing
Best Flower Shop
BBe Best eesst Li LLiveTheatre ivveeThhea eatr tre
BBest Be est st SSeafood eafo ea f odd
Best Place for Birthday Parties
BBest Be s AAsi st Asian siiann Food Foo oodd BBes Best est Pa Past Pasta sa st
Best Day-care -care Centre C
Best Place ce to Sw Swim wim Outdoors
Best Pizza zaa
BBest eesst PPl Place lac lac acee to to SSwim wiim OOu w Outdoors uttddoooors rs
Best Be st LLun Lunches unch un ches ch es
est Place for Birthday Parties
est Place to Walk, Jog or Hike
BBe Best eesst Pi PPies ies es
BBest est Fi est es FFinancial Fina ina nan anc ncia ial al PPl Planner lannnneer
Best Be s PPub st ub
Best Sun Sunday nda d y BBu Buffet uffffet e / BBrunch runncch ru
Best Tile Sto Store oorre
BBest est Fishh aand nd CChips hipps hi
BBest Be est st PPlumbing luumb m in i g an aandd He Heating eattinng Bu BBusiness ussiinneess ss
Best Seafood foodBe Best est Steak
Best Paint Store
Best Be est s DDeli eli
BBest Be Bes est st PPlace lace la ce ffor oorr M Mountain oouunt ntai ain Bi Biki Biking iking kingg
BBe Best est st AAuto utto Serv SServicing Se erv rvicin iccing ing in
Best Ma Mas MassagesBest ssagesBBBeest ssa ss st RRoofing oofi oo ofif ng CCom Company om mpa pany ny ny
BBest est Pl Place lace acce fo forr LLive ivve BBands ands ds
BBe Best esstt SStore torree ttoo bu to tore bbuy uy TTo uy Tools ooolls
BBe Best eesst Pl PPlace accee to W ac Walk, alkk,, JJog al og oorr HHi og Hike ike ike ke
BBeesstt EEstheticians Best sthheetiticicician sth st anss an
BBest esst PPlace est lace to Dan Dance nce ce
Best Home Building Supply Store
BBest est Li es LLingerie ing nger erie ie SShop hop hop ho
BBest eesst st Se SSecond Seco eccoond nd HHand aannndd St Store tor ore re
Best Marine Supplier
Best Vegetarian Food
Best Art Gallery
Best Store for Mens Mens’Wear Mens’ Wear Bestt Jewe JJe Jewellery ew weellllerry SSt Store tor ore
Best Place to Dance nceBes Best st Place forr LLive iivve BBa Bands and and ndsBe nds BBest st LiveTheatr LiveTheatre re re
est Bakery Best BreakfastsBest Deli
Best Floor Covering Store
BBe Best esstt Place to bu buy uy pr prod produce odduc uce
Best Sporting Goods oods Store Sttooorre
BBest esst st BBreakfasts reak re akfasts ak
Best Romantic Restaurant
Best Place to Buy Seafood
est Place to shop
Best Pizza
BBest Be est st PPlace laccee ttoo ge la get et a Ta Tattoo attooo
Best Baker Bakery ry
est Furniture niture Store
est Pies
BBe Best est Ta TTanning anning Salo Salon on
BBest est Fa FFast ast FFood oood
Best Playground
est Place to get a Tattoo
Best Beauty Salon
BBest est French Frie Fries es
Best Sushi
est Vitamin / Health Food Store
Best Gas Bar
BBest e t FFamily es amiilyy RRes Restaurant e ta es taur uurran at
est Kids Restaurant
est Pies
Best Place to Meet for Coffee
est Roofing fingg CCompany om mpany panyy est Pub
Best Place for a Picnic Best Place for Kayaking
Best Vege
Best Bike Shop
Best Floor Covering St
Best Place to Buy Seafood
Best Store for Mens’ W