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Tone Bell s an actor, comedian, and host doing it all One of the hardest-working men in Hollywood who isn't stopping anytime soon Fans fell in love with him even more, this year as he hosted Netflix s newest reality show Drink Masters I had the opportun ty to speak with h m about th s recent project and h s overall career in entertainment
In Drink Masters, Tone Bell captivated aud ences w th his genuine and relatable approach to the contestants "People don't see me crying after elimination," said Bell Instead during the six and a half weeks t took to f lm the series, Tone became interested and learned something personal about all twelve mixolog sts He said even h s assistant would call h m after particular eliminations I see you got emotions with that one
Tone said "I treated this role differently than most hosts on reality shows because I didn't just stick to creat ng bonds w th the judges I wanted to do something different and bond w th the mixolog st too This is these people's livel hood "
Viewers couldn't get enough of Tone as a host It had them and him going back home mixing drinks as if they were m xologists "Let me fat wash these lemon pepper wings and see what I can come up with " said Bell jok ngly as we talked about how people became inspired after b nge-watching the show But, of course, none of us knew what fat washing meant before the show
"I m not as dumb as I look on the show somet mes " said Bell Many need to learn that he comes from a 7-year corporate background working for Anheuser Busch which he was able to br ng to the show But to make it more exc ting and relatable for the aud ence he would ask fundamental quest ons that may seem so simple and silly to some But he did th s because he knew th s would be the first experience for many v ewers in the science and terminology beh nd mixology So, Tone said, "how do I make someone at home not feel dumb for not knowing "