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There was always this enterta nment bug in him since the early age of 12 years It wasn't until a recent conversation with friends that he remembered he was on a public access kids' television show in Decatur, Georgia "It was at 28 that I had to roll the dice and move to Los Angeles," said Bell He had this rout ne to feed his entertainment needs by making stand-up after his 9 to 5 When he had his ep phany at 28, t was now or never for him to pursue entertainment full-time He laughed jok ngly when he said it would be e ther at 28 or never because he wasn't going to do t at 40
"Bruh, I moved to LA, and with n 10 months, I'm a regular on a show, which is unheard of," sa d Bell when he spoke about his first year in the city of dreams Though he was quickly achieving success at a rate, others can only fathom he st ll wasn't convinced W thin three weeks of his move, he had already booked a national commercial
Tone kept asking h mself if th s early success was just a fluke for him "I kept tread ng l ghtly," said Bell, since he had only started acting compared to the 6 years of stand-up he had done at that point in h s life He didn't want others to believe he didn't know what he was doing, but he wasn t go ng to give up or pass on an opportun ty
"I had to grow up quickly," said Bell when he thought back to when he was first asked to stand up on the road while acting This was a pressure cooker moment for him because he was now doing something full time was new to him (working) and presented with the opportunity to do something he has done for years (stand up) with some of the people he looked up to in the ndustry And in h s usual fash on he took with confidence and determinat on to only succeed Tone laughed when he told them that he only had thirty m nutes of material which they told him to figure out
Tone Bell s journey demonstrates the power of it's always poss ble to start over He shows us that you can literally manifest the destiny you want by having faith and cont nue working towards your goals There are no such things as excuses for h m! When working full-t me, he made t me to perform h s craft When he was new to a city and industry, he dived nto it head first My takeaway from h m is that if I want something, I better go for it with everything I have and leave nothing to chance