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Aaron Jennings is the breakout star from “Grand Crew” on NBC He plays the character of “Anthony Holmes” “It’s been a blast playing Anthony I think he represents many Black men who don t get portrayed as much in network television,” said Jennings “Anthony” sn’t your typ cal Black man portrayed on telev sion He has a very neurotic and sophisticated nature but, simultaneously is a Black man on his own Aaron said, “to quote the pilot; th s character has layers on layers to him ”
“I thank Ph l Augusta Jackson (Creator of “Grand Crew”) all the time for this show and the opportun ty to play a character such as Anthony,” added Jennings
But could we mag ne Aaron playing any other male character on the show?
I asked Aaron whether this role felt like it was made for h m He told me he actually came in init ally to read for “Noah” and then tested for “Wyatt” Aaron said, “It was nteresting for me because I had read, and tested for other roles all the while trying to f nd my rhythm ” Once he began working through all the character work and development for “Noah” and “Wyatt” he was presented with an opportunity to read for “Anthony” “I finally found my groove after a wh le with “Anthony” and real zed that we are actually pretty sim lar,” said Jennings
Th s is the testament to continue showing up and working on your craft You hear that all the time, but Aaron’s journey just to secure the role of “Anthony” s one that many others probably would have felt defeated by or given up on Remember, he showed up for the same show for three different characters - w thout guaranteeing one of them would be his
“I think we all are playing heightened versions of ourselves on the show,” said Jennings After recogniz ng how many personal traits he and his costars shared with their respective characters, he had more comfortab l ty to show more of Aaron in “Anthony” From there, it was smooth sailing for him Aaron said, “I have fallen increasingly in love w th “Anthony” as time has passed ”
Aaron continued,” I got the role meant for me ”