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MechieSoCrazy is an individual and artist who exemplifies the personification of man festing one's own destiny From playing basketball n college to gain ng millions of v ews on social media and mus c stream ng platforms he is working his way to being the star he knows he is meant to be
Originally from Wash ngton D C he got his humble starts after graduating college, which wasn't his initial cho ce “I only went because that s what my mom wanted for us and I had a free ride playing basketball,” said MechieSoCrazy He completed his college studies and one year after he nformed h s mother that he wanted to pursue h s dreams of sing ng and dancing She gave him her approval and with that he took flight
He started with working on his brand to gain followers and fans “I took to Tw tter because you know back then Instagram wasn’t that popular I just started posting p ctures of myself and for some reason it took off I can t even tell when that actually happened ” said MechieSoCrazy
MechieSoCrazy wasn t just about posting pictures because as a club promoter he had access to some of the hottest and most attended events in the c ty He used that as opportunities to showcase his lyrical talent “I would do remakes to popular songs I l ked and had the DJ play my track,” said Mech eSoCrazy S nce he already had the mic n hand, he would perform his song in front of the crowd He was fearless and determined to make sure he made some noise
After creat ng his own buzz, he met a gentleman by the name of Russell Webster who put him into a group called 4EY which stands for forever young “He put us in artist development for a year learned how to harmonize I didn't even know what harmon zing was before com ng into the group I was also introduced to choreography because I knew how to groove but I didn't know how to dance,” said MechieSoCrazy He looks back on that t me and s thankful for it because what he learned then s what he still using today as an art st “When I look back at my time during artist development, I'm thankful because now a days labels aren't focused on truly developing the art st They care only about how hot you are on Instagram and TikTok You can tell because some of the ones who get instantly popular you see them on stage w th no stage presence,” sa d MechieSoCrazy
"We weren t on top of the business like we should at eighteen and nineteen years old We were living our dreams and tour ng and opening up for people we looked up to,” said MechieSoCrazy His group was short lived because they trusted a person who took advantage of them like we were so many t mes over for young Black artists When they go their partnership w th Atlantic Records they received the first advancement upfront They didn't see anything from the second advancement because the indiv dual in charge of the group paid himself mult ple times over for h s many and various titles and responsib l ties
Afterwards he had went through a state of depression “I was so depressed I honestly d dn t think ever wanted to do music aga n ” said Mech eSoCrazy It was the fact that he felt like he gave something h s all and it didn't work out in his favor It wasn t just the band it was everything He was in an industry where people promise you the world and rarely deliver t was tak ng a toll on him but thankfully he had a brother who wasn t go ng to let him quit
“By the grace of God my brother flew me to LA He told me I didn't have to worry about bills of money as long as I work out and read every day ” said MechieSoCrazy He took advantage of that because it came at the time when he couldn't afford his current l ving situat on in Atlanta
Mech eSoCrazy said, “The crazy part is I couldn't afford my place anymore and I just got off the reality tv show Ex on The Beach ” He went through nearly $50,000 n less than 30 days fly ng his fam ly out to M ami and renting boats Things got worse because then COVID hit and all the future mon es he thought he was going to make from be ng how confirmed shows and tours all went away
“I felt l ke I was doing everything wrong,” said MechieSoCrazy But during his stay in Los Angeles, he learned the power of manifestat on after reading the book The Secret He w ll tell you that this book saved his life Now he is conc se and aware of the energy he puts out and his m ndset from when he wakes up to when he goes to sleep
“The music you put out now is meant for you to make money forever,” sa d MechieSoCrazy as he explained why he stresses the importance of own ng your own masters and creat vity as an artist He s been through it all in this ndustry and isn't letting anyone else take advantage of his creativity and hard work It s always go ng to be key for him to have ownership fully or a great percentage of what he puts out because he never knows what song and or video will h t, go viral and stand the test of time
He is very vocal on new artists understanding that they have power n th s industry too They don t need to be so eager to s gn any deal give ownership and cred t away “You are the artists and that s your song,” said MechieSoCrazy Yes, they have an obligat on to g ve credit for those who help them create the song but he doesn't want them to neglect themselves when the times comes to the bus ness aspect of things
Mech eSoCrazy is frank and honest He let me know that he only recently understood the power he had when it came to h s contracts and what he was owned “People think I got pa d a lot from when I put like that out because of the mill ons of views and streams I didn't until recently because my new manager helped me go back and look at what was actually owed to me ” said MechieSoCrazy He learned the breakdowns of how much one earns per million streams per platforms He prays that these viral artists understand this and have people in their corner who truly are here for them financially
“While you are sign ng these deals so quickly with the hopes that your future singles and records are go ng to it Your f rst song m ght by one of your b ggest hits and you could potentially s gn away all those prof ts You never know so you have to make sure you do that f rst one the right way ” said MechieSoCrazy