3 minute read
Fremantle Community Legal Centre
What does your recruitment/ interview process consist of?
Students share their expression of interest accompanied by a resume and cover letter. Depending on the volume of applications, select students will be invited into the centre for a discussion with the lawyers as an opportunity for students to assess whether the CLC would be the right fit for them. This will be followed by an introduction day where volunteers are selected.
Roughly how many positions are available for students in 2021?
Between 8 and 12 depending on the number of active internships being supervised. This number is also dependent on the number of student volunteers that choose to continue with the CLC.
What attributes do you look for in an applicant?
Applicants should have great people skills, strong research skills, ability to adjust to different areas of practice and a strong commitment to justice and equality for all people before the law. Furthermore, students should have a willingness to learn and time management skills.Experience is not a requirement for the role.
What advice do you have for students looking to apply
Just encourage people to do it. Putting yourself out there!
Gosnells Community Legal Centre
Suite 1, 2232 Albany Hwy Gosnells WA 6110 (08) 9398 1455
Family Law, Criminal Injury Compensation, and Residential Tenancy Law
The Gosnells Legal Centre is a non-for-profit, non-government community-based organisation that promotes basic human rights, including housing, income, equality, freedom and dignity. This is done by a variety of support services to resolve legal, economic and social issues. We provide legal service to underprivileged people in the South West corridor of Perth.
Which areas of law will clerks be exposed to?
Students will be exposed to Family Law, Criminal Injury Compensation, and Residential Tenancy Law.
What are the skills/benefits of taking a position at your CLC?
Volunteering will provide general experience for students hoping to find employment in the legal feed. Students would be exposed to a wide variety of legal areas and services. This will assist students to decide which areas of law they wish to tackle in the future.
What kind of tasks are student volunteers expected to undertake?
Initially, students will be required to undertake administrative tasks and absorb the culture of the Centre. Eventually, they will be assigned to individual lawyers and be delegated legal tasks.
Do you provide opportunity for courtroom/advocacy work?
There are opportunities to assist lawyers who attend court. Gosnells Community Legal Centre has a duty law service based at the Armadale Magistrates Courts and appears at the Family Court. Volunteers who are assisting in those areas will have the opportunity to shadow lawyers to court.
Do you offer any opportunity for graduates looking to do their Practical Legal Training?
Yes, currently there are 3 graduates undertaking their Practical Legal Training.
Roughly how many positions are available for students in 2021?
The Gosnells Community Legal Centre is looking for 12 volunteers in 2021.
How can students apply?
Students interested in applying should submit an expression of interest form through our website (https://gosclc.com.au/ volunteer/). Opportunities are generally limited to intakes at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year with the next intake taking place in July.
What does your recruitment/ interview process consist of?
From the expression of interest, candidates will be contacted and asked for a comprehensive CV. Candidates will then be interviewed by one or two in house lawyers.
What attributes do you look for in an applicant?
We are looking for law students that are interested in social justice. The Centre is looking for penultimate and final year students.
What advice do you have for students looking to apply?
The recruitment process is fairly competitive. Students interested in being successful candidates are encouraged to conduct research and demonstrate interest in the area.