BW April 19, 2019 Issue

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas


APRIL 19, 2019














Eric Vassell (father of Shaheed) addressing protestors at rally in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, April 4, 2019 [Black Westchester]




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APRIL 19, 2019

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APRIL 19, 2019



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APRIL 19, 2019


Keep Yonkers moving forward. “All Yonkers residents should have the same shot at success. That means, no matter where you live, you deserve a quality public education, crime-free streets, good paying jobs and affordable housing!”


Democrat Shanae Williams has been dedicated to public service her entire career, helping her community in any way she can.

At the State Assembly, she learned the inner workings of government. Working for the mayor, she brought that home to Yonkers. And as your Yonkers City Councilwoman for District 1, she has taken it to a new level.

Since taking office, Shanae has worked tirelessly to improve our quality of life by improving our public education, making our streets safe, and bringing jobs to our local economy. Her leadership means results.

VOTE | JUNE 25 | DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year -

APRIL 19, 2019



FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Founded in 2014 by DAMON K. JONES AJ WOODSON Published by URBANSOUL MEDIA GROUP 455 Tarrytown Rd., Suite 1318 White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 979-2093



Twitter: @BlkWestchesterM Instagram: @BlackWestchester Facebook: /BlackWestchesterMagazine

Publisher DAMON K. JONES @DamonKJones

Editor-In-Chief AJ WOODSON


Mistress Of Information Brenda L. Crump News Reporters/ Writers AJ Woodson Damon K. Jones Donatella Montrone Lorraine Lopez Zachery Gates II Charles Becco Marvin Church Cynthia Turnquest-Jones

As Publisher of Black Westchester Magazine (BW), I would like to thank everyone for their support of our efforts to bring information to the people of Westchester County. As we embark on a new chapter for BW, we hope to continue to empower the reader on issues in their communities. Independent media like BW has become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. What many fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which Democracy indeed functions”. This being said, BW will not be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities of being a check and balance system in the political process of the Black Communities of Westchester. BW’s purpose is not only to address the political process that affects the everyday lives of communities of colour in Westchester County. BW’s mission has also been to shine a light on the brilliant culture, morals, values and elegant lifestyle of Black people. It’s time to change the narrative on how Black people are perceived in media. As Publisher of BW, our doors are open to the public. From the publication, the website, our radio show and now the newspaper; our doors are open to the people. We do not do this for any grander position or status; we do it for the people.


elcome to the April 19, 2019 Issue of Black Westchester. For the next few months we will now be releasing the paper on the 15th of the month instead of the first of the month as you may have noticed in March. Calling all candidates running in the June 25th Primary in Westchester County who would like a 30-minute timeslot to appear on the People Before Politics Radio Show in the months of May and June to inform the voters why they should vote for you. If you are interested in appearing on PBP Radio, contact us ASAP at Blackwestchester@gmail. com so we can get you on the calendar. Anyone who know any candidates running please share this post with them asap. We would like to have every candidate running in Westchester but there are only so many slots available between now and the June 25th primary. So first come first served. Thank you to all our supporters, advertisers, distributors, writers, photographers, editors and everyone who had a hand in us bringing you another edition on Black Westchester. Send us your feedback and let us know what you think of this issue and let us know subjects / topics you would like to see us cover in the future by sending an email to Peace and Blessings

Photographers AJ Woodson Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Graphic Designers AJ Woodson Paula S. Woodson/ PS Visually Speakin’ For Advertising Rates Letters To The Editor

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APRIL 19, 2019

TASHA DIAZ RUNS FOR YONKERS 3RD CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT LATINO ORGANIZATIONS COME OUT AND ENDORSE TASHA DIAZ AT FUNDRAISER BY AJ WOODSON YONKERS, NY – Jefferson Terrance Tenants Association President, and community leader announced her candidacy for the City Council District 3 seat in Yonkers, March 22nd. “I am so excited to announce that I am running for City Council District 3,” Diaz tells Black Westchester. “I was born in Yonkers, I have lived here all my life. Not only that, I raised my kids here, and I believe firmly in our duty as a community to take an active part in our government.” Tasha Diaz is well known for her position as the Jefferson Terrace Tenants’ Association President but also because of the community outreach programs she has started over the years. She has worked with vendors to provide food to the homeless and hungry in Yonkers and the surrounding cities. Most recently, she partnered with FedEx to provide over 300 toys to underserved kids. “I have made it my mission to provide services to help my Yonkers neighbors,” said Diaz. “I have created partnerships and used my relationships to address problems central not only to the people in my district but across Yonkers and in surrounding cities.

Tasha can also be seen as a recurring guest co-host on Black Westchester’s weekly talk radio show, People Before Politics Radio on Sunday nights and has interviewed several guests including Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano. On PBP Radio, she has made a name for herself in the county. Her experience on the talk radio show interviewing elected officials and covering local politics has helped her to understand the ins and outs of how our government works. She has made it her mission to make it work for her community. Now Tasha is running for City Council to expand her work in the community. Her mission is simple. “Provide the people of Yonkers with quality full-time representation, and work on the issues that are affecting our people the most,” she shares with BW. “…from her great work of feeding the homeless and the Seniors many times a week, from being a tenant advocate and president of the tenant association,” Council President Khader said about Diaz at her fundraiser. “I know Tasha and I can work hand in hand together, our values are similarly aligned. I’m proud to call Tasha a friend and on January 1st I’m going to be proud to call her my colleague on the City Council as we maintain the democratic majority. Tasha, you got this, stay true, stay level and I look forward to lifting your arm on victory night.” Diaz was endorsed by endorsements from the Westchester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association (WHLEA), the Yonkers Hispanic Federation Chamber of Commerce, Yonkers Latino Youth, Salsa Legend Willie Colon, Yonkers

Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce and Yonkers City Council President Mike Khader at her WHLEA hosted fundraiser held for her at the Yonkers Whiskey House located at 2211 Central Park Ave, Thursday, April 11th. “I just want to start out by saying thank you for coming out to support me,” Tasha Diaz said addressing the crowd of supporters. “I’m very humbled and I appreciate every endorsement I received tonight. And I will start to work on day one to make sure there is a positive change in Yonkers. I’m just happy to say you put your faith in me, I will be the woman to get the job done.” She recieved a great turnout despite her event taken place the same time as CE Latimer’s State Of The County addressThose in attendance in support of Mrs. Diaz included Westchester County Department of Corrections 1st Deputy Commissioner Louis A. Molina, Yonkers City Council President Mike Khader, WHLEA President Eddie Martinez and VP Sgt, Hector Lopez, former Yonkers City Councilwoman Lorraine Lopez, Black Westchester Editor-In-Chief AJ Woodson, Yonkers Tribune Publisher Hezi Ariz, Carmen Gomez Goldberg of the Yonkers Hispanic Advisory Board, Yonkers Hispanic Federation of Commerce Chairman Edwin Aponte, Pedro Alvarez –Yonkers Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce, County Legislator candidate London Reyes, Yonkers Mayoral candidate Ivy Reeves and several others. Tasha Diaz will face Former Yonkers City Councilman Dennis Robertson and Subomi Macauley in the June 25th Democratic Primary.


Civil rights attorney Michael H. Sussman, Esq. contacted Black Westchester to share his endorsement for Judge Melissa A. Loehr for Westchester County Court Judge in the June 25th Democratic Primary. On June 25, 2019, Democratic Party voters in Westchester will have the chance to select an outstanding, progressive lawyer as one of their two candidates for County Court. County Court judges handle felony cases, the most serious crimes brought to trial by the District Attorney’s Office. These cases often raise significant legal and constitutional issues. There are four candidates running and the top two vote-getters will represent the democratic party on the November ballot. I am strongly endorsing Melissa A. Loehr for this position and would love it if you would spread the word through your various networks. Judge Loehr is running in a four-way primary against three men. One of her opponents switched to the Democratic Party about five years ago and has spent his entire career as a prosecutor. Judge Loehr has served as a City Judge in Peekskill for more than two years and has had a long career as a Public Defender in the Bronx. This experience highly qualifies her to serve on the bench and she is a person of integrity and conviction. Judge Loehr’s words follow: “In order for society to progress, courts need to consider individuals and their unique circumstances, and respond with empathy, fairness, and equal justice. Judge Melissa A. Loehr is a candidate in the Democratic Primary for Westchester County Court. She is the first woman to serve as a sitting Judge on the Peekskill City Court. Judge Loehr has worked as a Public Defender at the Legal Aid Society since 2001, protecting our constitutional rights, while resolving collateral issues involving immigration, housing, employment, mental health, and rehabilitation for her clients. Judge Loehr has a heritage of public service, civic involvement, and community building, with a creative world perspective. As a lifelong Democrat, Judge Loehr will bring your Democratic values to Westchester County Court. Judicial Philosophy: The goal of our judicial system is a protected and fair society where those who break our laws get an opportunity -- through either punishment or rehabilitation -- to make good. A progressive judge strikes the proper balance.” ON JUNE 25, 2019 ELECT JUDGE MELISSA A. LOEHR IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY FOR COUNTY COURT JUDGE. Thanks for your consideration. Michael Sussman, Esq.

Mount Vernon. – Freshman City Councilwoman Delia Farquharson files a lawsuit against Democratic Commissioner Reginald Lafayette, Republican Commissioner Douglas Colety and Democratic Deputy Commissioner Jeannie Palazola and the Board of Elections, for denying her the opportunity to run for mayor in Mount Vernon in deprivation of her first and fourteenth amendment rights. Claims she is being blocked from appearing on the ballot because of her Jamaican heritage. Council President André Wallace, who is also running for mayor of Mount Vernon is of Jamaican heritage, as well. Councilwoman Farquharson received a letter from the Westchester County Board of Elections, Monday, March 25th that her name will not appear on the ballot as a candidate for Mayor of Mount Vernon in the June 25th Democratic Primary. In the letter, the BOE state they determined the petition filed on Tuesday, March 19th was ‘not filed timely.’ In a video days later, Councilwoman Farquharson addresses her petitions, the letter she received from the Board of Elections, Chairman Reginald Lafayette’s conflict of interest and what she feels is an attempt to keep her off the ballot in the June 25th Democratic Primary for Mayor of Mount Vernon. On our radio show, the Black Westchester Power Hour on WVOX, Monday, pril 1st, Councilwoman Farquahrson called in and said she believes this is a form of voter supression. “You do not have to go Down South to see voter suppression, we have voter suppression right here in Westchester. What they are trying to do me is a form of voter suppression.” Her lawyer, Pierre Gooding informed Black Westchester via email after our initial story on, that in adition to the 985 signatures she turned in on March 19, “She resubmitted 1500 plus new petitions at the required time.” In the lawsuit, Farquharson sites a July 25, 2015 article ‘Reggie Lafayette Controls Mt. Vernon Politics,’ where two-time candidate Maria Carballo claimed in the interview that Lafayette made both of her runs for office (once for School Board and then for City Council) difficult. While the councilwoman has vowed on social media she will not give up and she will be on the ballot, she faces challenges from opponents and may have to wait until this lawsuit plays out before she gets a confimation whether she will be on or off the ballot. We texted Commissioner Lafayette for a quote on this story but did not get a reply before we went to press. Stay tuned to for more on this developing story.

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APRIL 19, 2019







Westchester County- Peter W. Sherrill, “The Unknown Black Republican” and former Presidential Candidate in 2016, launches his new book, “The Life of a Black Republican in Trump’s America,” which gives damning, and extremely alarming information into the heart of the Republican Party’s largest donor and major financier to the 2016 Trump Campaign. Sherrill’s whose latest offering was released, Friday, April 19, 2019, tells Black Westchester he is “absolutely” and “seriously” eyeing a 2020 Presidential run, “Absolutely AJ,” Sherrill tells BW. “In 2016 there were just was too many Republican candidates to be heard.” Sherrill stopped by People Before Politics Radio, Sunday, March 17th to promote his book and tease about the 2016 Trump campaign financier who he says is the largest donor in the Republican Party, now controls and threatens our entire “Democracy” through his generous donations to the Party while promoting extreme right-wing fascist agenda under the guise of conservatism. Doing the PBP Radio interview, Sherrill told listeners they had to buy the book to find out who the one he refers to as “The Puppet Master,” who has been able to remain anonymous. Now the book is available on Amazon Prime. Sherrill dedicates his new book to the late Senator John McCain, who he believes was “The last Republican Senator with any “Decency, Integrity, or Courage!” Sherrill, previous director Homeland Security (2003-2008), leaves us with these two questions, as he explores a 2020 run. First and foremost, “How can the Party which once championed Emancipation Proclamation, now champion Donald Trump and white nationalism?” Secondly, “How much longer will the American Taxpayer be forced to finance the wars, bailouts and tax cuts of the Elite?” Sherrill, a once lifelong Democrat proudly switched to the Republican Party in 2011. “To find out more information about “The Puppet Master” and how he is controlling our Senators, Judges, and our “Democracy, “GOOGLE IT,” says Sherrill, or pick up a copy of his new book on Amazon Prime! While I do not think this county is ready for a Black Republican President, his book makes for a good read. Can he avoid being another “puppet’ if elected?


White Plains - Former People For Bernie’s National Digital Director Katherine Brezler is the latest to enter the White Plains Common Council race. Kat as she is known previously ran for the state Senate following the election of George Latimer as Westchester County Executive, She dropped out of the Senate race when she decided to support Democrat Shelly Mayer, who was elected to the Senate. Brezler will face off against three candidates endorsed by the White Plains Democratic City Committee in February – incumbent Councilwoman Nadine Hunt-Robinson, who was first elected to the Council in 2014, as well as Victoria Presser and Jennifer Puja in the June 25th Democratic Party primary in a race for three seats on the White Plains Common Council. Two incumbents, Milagros Lecuona who ran for mayor of White Plains in 2017 and Dennis Krolian, will not be seeking reelection. Lecuona and Krolian have both endorsed Brezler. Brezler, who turned 37 in March, is a first grade public school teacher in New York City. She has taught in Yonkers and the Bronx. She organized parents in their right to refuse the state’s standardized testing, as well as the “College not Combat” initiative to decrease military recruiters’ access to high school students. She has been a part of the advocacy movements for such other issues as Medicare for All, the New York Health Act and the legalization of adult-use cannabis. Brezler has been endorsed by the Working Families Party and labor unions and progressive organizations, including the CSEA Local 860/1000, the Westchester Putnam Building Trades Council, the Alliance of South Asian American Labor, the Hispanic Democrats of Westchester and the Westchester/Putnam chapter of Working Families Party. “I want to thank everyone that contributed to getting us on the ballot. Our filing shows the grassroots power that this campaign has,” Brezler shared with Black Westchester. “It’s not as exciting as a presidential election, but should be, because land use and development issues affect us right in our own backyard.” Brezler will appear on the People Before Politics Radio Show, Sunday, June 2nd. PBP Radio will be interview several candidates in Westchester running in the June, thoughout the months of May and June.


Greenburgh - The Town Board is considering a local law which would regulate the locations in the Town that Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) [such as vapes, electronic cigarettes, etc.] may be sold and in the manner in which these items may be displayed. The local law would: (1) prohibit the sale of ENDS products within 1,000 ft. of any public or private school, playground, park, or library Town-wide; (2) allow the sale of these products as accessory uses in permitted retail establishments provided that no ENDS or ENDS components or parts shall be stored, exhibited, or displayed in windows of the premises and provided that all ENDS or ENDS components and parts shall not be accessible to the public without assistance of authorized personnel; and (3) allow the sale of ENDS products as a primary use in the GI and LI Districts provided that no ENDS or ENDS components or parts shall be stored, exhibited, or displayed in windows of the premises and provided that all ENDS or ENDS components and parts shall not be accessible to the public without assistance of authorized personnel. The local law seeks to limit the siting of such facilities frequented by youth in light of the known health concerns that are correlated with tobacco products. An interesting WebMD discussion on this issue. What do you think? Please e mail me at I’ll share your comments with the Town Board. Paul Feiner Greenburgh Town Supervisor


Mount Vernon - State Senator Alessandra Biaggi (34th District) and County Legislator David Tubiolo (District 14), in conjunction with Fleetwood Neighborhood Association (FNA) and Fleetwood Citizens Society (FCS) hosted a ‘Fleetwood Town Hall Meeting,’ Wednesday, April 17th at the Riverside Memorial Chapel located at 21 W. Broad Street. “We discussed several county and state issues and how we’re getting results for the neighborhood of Fleetwood,” Legislator Tubiolo shared with Black Westchester. “We were happy to answer several questions from the people, thank you to everyone who attended.” Sen. Biaggi echoed Tubiolo’s sentiment; “A government that works well is defined not as one that responds to fires as they flare up. But provides a vision and direction,” Biaggi shares with BW. “The time is always right to do what is right! Happy to join David Tubiolo in Fleetwood tonight to discuss issues at our Town Hall!” Several topics were discussed and the two elected officials answered all questions. “Special thank you to State Senator Alessandra Biaggi for always standing up for the people and fighting non-stop for us in Albany!” Legislator Tubiolo shared in closing. Check out Sen. Biaggi on People Before Politics Radio, Sunday, April 28th at 6:30PM.

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APRIL 19, 2019

April 28, 2019 3pm – 7pm NO HATE. NO FEAR. At YWCA, STAND AGAINST RACISM is a national opportunity for communities across the United States to unite their voices to educate, advocate, and promote racial justice. This year the Yonkers, YWCA invites you to our FREE screening of “I am not a racist…am I” followed by a full panel discussion. Location: Yonkers, YWCA 87 So. Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701 Time: 3pm – 7pm

Through this annual campaign, we invite the community to have a conversation and take a stand against racism. For more information please contact 914-963-0640.

YONKERS Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year -

APRIL 19, 2019




that will believe and proselytize the rhetoric of our oppressor. These are infiltrators of the black community. It is their job to preach rhetoric to misinform the masses of those who don’t know. It is our job as conscious black people to call them out, expose the devil in our mist because a lie told long enough, without correction, becomes the truth. This is the case of Candice Owens and her fairytale, fake historical account that the National Rifle Association was created as a civil rights organization and trained Black people PROSTITUTION OF WHITE SUPREMACY WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF BLACK to arm themselves. Ms. Owens stated this MILLENNIALS IF THEY FAIL TO KNOW HISTORY - BY DAMON K. JONES historical fallacy in an interview on Fox News. By no means that this is any defense of the Democratic Party. Yes, they have their issues of institutional racism. But, if your black, and you pimp old lies about black peoples struggle, I don’t care what side of the political aisle you are on; if you lie in public, you should be checked in society. Before we get into the historical facts of the NRA. This article is not about the fundamental rights of individuals to carry firearms. This article is about addressing Candice Owens bald-faced lie on the relationship of the NRA and the Black struggle in America. First, I think Candice Owens is Koo, Koo for coco puffs. A female Stepping Fetched, who’s has immersed herself in a white wing con game that the Massa ice is colder. Second, I give her credit that a black woman would sit on national television and tell a bald-faced lie with so much honesty in her face. Third, I honestly feel bad that she has sold her soul so early in life to vomit telling bold face historical lies to influence young people and some foolish old black people that these traditional biased institutions. Now that we got that out of the way let’s address historical facts that just a google search would expose Ms. Owens irresponsible and false account of the NRA. The sad thing a just Ms. Owens statement is that anyone could only do a straightforward search to find out she’s not telling the truth. Just go on the NRA website, and you’ll see that there is no mention of the NRA organized over the concerns of Black People and the civil rights movement. The website states: Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,” according to a magazine editorial written by Church. Psychology professor’s article: A January 2013 article by psychology professor Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College in Grove City, Pa., not only doesn’t support Alford’s claim, it disputes it. Throckmorton noted that the NRA’s website makes no mention of the KKK or getting guns in the hands of newly freed slaves. He said he found no evidence in the early charter of the NRA, or the biographies of the founders, either. There is no mention of helping or assisting free slaves to fight the KKK. Brief histories of the NRA by The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post contain no remarks of the NRA helping Black people. Ms. Owens wants us to believe that the NRA was benevolent to blacks to bamboozle black people into believing that racism is a nonexistent factor in the belief and policies that organizations like the NRA support. History also proves Ms. Owens wrong on the NRA’s stance to support of Gun laws in the 1960s. According to UCLA Law Professor, Adam Winkler, in contrast to the NRA’s political opposition to gun control in today’s America, the organization fought alongside the government for stricter gun regulations in the 1960s. The NRA played a role to keep guns out of the hands out of Blacks in the ’60s in response to the growing racial unrest and the awakening of the Black Power Movement. As racial tensions in the nation grew. The NRA was especially threatened by the Black Panthers, who was photographed and, on the news, carrying weapons in public spaces exercising their right to carry firearms because it was legal in the state of California, where they were based. The Panthers’ methods provoked an immediate backlash. The day of their statehouse protest, lawmakers said the incident would

speed enactment of Mulford’s gun-control proposal. Mulford himself pledged to make his bill even more stringent, and he added a provision barring anyone but law enforcement from bringing a loaded firearm into the state capitol. In a later press conference, then-Governor Ronald Reagan said he didn’t “know of any sportsman who leaves his home with a gun to go out into the field to hunt or for target shooting who carries that gun loaded.” The Mulford Act, he said, “would work no hardship on the honest citizen.” No historical evidence supports Ms. Owens claims that the NRA fought for gun rights for Black People. But here’s an unknown fact. According to Winkler. The Black Panthers were “innovators” in the way they viewed the Second Amendment at the time. I stress of focusing on the idea of self-defense in the home, the Black Panthers brazenly took their weapons to the streets, where they felt the public—particularly African-Americans—needed protection from a corrupt government. “These ideas eventually infiltrated into the NRA to shape the modern gun debate,” explains Winker. As gun control laws swept the nation, the organization adopted a similar stance to that of the activist group they once fought to regulate, with support for open-carry laws and concealed weapon laws high on their agenda. So basically, the NRA stole the idea and concept of the Second Amendment from the Black Panthers, the same organization NRA plotted with Ronald Reagan to keep from having firearms. Ms. Owens also failed to do her due diligence to find out or just blinded to the fact that the NRA is not so generous or sensitive to families of victims of gun violence. In the wake of many mass murders across the country, the organization has had no response. According to a Daily News report, months after pretending to empathize with a Harlem mother, Mrs. Jackie Rowe-Adams whose two sons were victims of fatal shootings. The National Rifle Association’s CEO Wayne LaPierre was a no-show at a rally against gun violence in Harlem, New York which NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and Rep. Charlie Rangel attended. Mr. LaPierre gave his word to work with Harlem mothers that children have been killed by gun violence. “I feel it’s disrespectful of him to say he was going to work with Harlem mothers, and he never answered any of our calls,” Jackie Rowe-Adams told the Daily News. “That is rude and unforgettable and unforgivable.” Has Ms. Owens forgotten; the that the NRA has remained silent on the shooting of Philando Castile? Castile, a Black man, was shot and killed in a Saint Paul, Minn., suburb last summer by a Falcon Heights police officer, after telling the police officer he had a license to carry a firearm. The one chance the NRA gets to support a black man for legally carrying a firearm, even after cries of Black NRA members, the NRA remained silent. As Black people, we have to question with the many Black national gun clubs like the National African American Gun Association or the Black Owners Association. Why would Ms. Owens pick the National Rifle Association? Why would she pick an organization that has no history in support of Black people and have the unmitigated gall to lie on national television her choice and the history as it relates to black people and our struggle? Malcolm X gave us the answer decades ago! Malcolm X explained the actions of Black leaders in his pivotal speech “The Ballot or The Bullet.” In the speech, Min. Malcolm X warned Black America by stating, “That same white man knowing that your eyes are wide open will send another negro into the community telling you to support him so he could use them to lead us astray…We are still not hearing him!

DISTRICT ATTORNEY IS MOST IMPORTANT ELECTED GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL THAT BLACK & BROWN PEOPLE CAN VOTE FOR! Every District Attorney that’s in this association should be voted out of office. The District Attorney is elected by the people and they must do the work for the people within the law. The DA Association wants to challenge the Commission on Prosecutor Conduct. They do not want to be accountable to the people. Then we vote they asses out of office! WAKE UP! Local district attorneys are seeking to stop the creation of a new prosecutorial misconduct panel created by New York state lawmakers. The District Attorneys Association of the State of New York on Monday, APRIL 1st, filed a legal action seeking to block the commission’s formation and calling the law that governs the panel unconstitutional. The week before, Democratic Govenor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation creating the commission to investigate prosecutors for allegations of professional wrong-doing. District attorneys argue the commission violates the separation of powers by infringing on their independence as elected prosecutors. bill to create a misconduct panel passed last year but was shelved after prosecutors demanded changes to the legislation. Lawmakers tweaked the bill, but prosecutors say the changes didn’t go far enough.

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APRIL 19, 2018

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APRIL 19, 2019





New Rochelle – The Westchester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association (WHLEA) and Salsa Legend Willie Colon held a fundraiser in support of New Rochelle District 1 City Council candidate Martha Lopez, Thursday, March 29th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Escape Latino located at 969 Main Street, in New Rochelle. “Muchisimas gracias to the Westchester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association (WHLEA) and Salsa Legend Willie Colon for your support and endorsement,” Martha Lopez shared after the event. “This was one unforgettable night. WHLEA slays political fundraisers. ¡Si se puede!” Close to 100 residents, local Latino law enforcement, elected officials and supporters of Martha Lopez including Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkins Westchester County 1st Deputy Commissioner Louis A. Molina, Mount Vernon Council President André Wallace, President of WHLEA Eddie Martinez and Vice President Sgt. Hector Lopez and several others came out in support of New Rochelle City Democratic Committee District 1 nominee, Martha Lopez. “It was an honor to support Martha Lopez for New Rochelle City Council District 1,” Commissioner Louis Molina shared with Black Westchester. “Martha is an amazing person that represents the heart and soul of America. I’m proud to call her a colleague, friend and look forward to calling her Councilwoman Lopez. Martha is an inspiration for us all.” “I had a great time at WHLEA’s fundraiser for Martha Lopez,” Councilman Wallace shares with Black Westchester. “And Willie Colon was amazing. I was my pleasure to come out and support the future New Rochelle Councilwoman.” Those who came to Meet and Greet and Salsa Legend Willie Colon were entertained by the Live Jazzy Salsa of Carlos Jimenez and his Quartet throughout the night. Willie Colon joined the quartet and dazzled the crowd with his bass trumpet. “New Rochelle created a community for me,” Lopez shares with BW. “It has been my home base for the past 14 years. And I can’t think of a better place to further my commitment to public service than New Rochelle. It’s why I’m running for New Rochelle City Council to represent District 1.” Martha is the Assistant to the Westchester County Executive for Immigrant and Community Affairs, and has previously served as the County’s Director of Hispanic Affairs. Martha’s community involvement has encompassed accessible housing, after -school education, and the performing arts. Martha resides in New Rochelle with her husband and two sons.

Willie Colon with Carlos Jimenez and his Quartet at Escape Latino in New Rochelle [Black Westchester]

Salsa legend Willie Colon [Black Westchester]

Martha Lopez and Willie Colon [Black Westchester] Martha Lopez, Mount Vernon Council President André Wallace and Serapher Conn [Black Westchester]

Martha Lopez with members of WHLEA including Pres. Eddie Martinez, Vice Pres Hector Lopez and WCDOC 1st Commissioner Louis A. Molina [Black Westchester]

Admiral Michelle Howard, then vice chief of Naval Operations (right) Rear Admiral Annie Andrews, commander, Navy Recruiting Command (left), and retired Rear Admiral Lillian Fishburne stand on stage during a Navy Recruiting Command’s change of command ceremony in Tennessee. This historic photo of the first three African-American female admirals in the Navy was taken Sept. 4. 2015. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Scott Bigley).

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Westchester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association P.O. Box 1292 White Plains, NY 10602 (914) 207-6595




Executive Board

Board of Directors

Sgt. Hector Lopez 1st Vice President

Sgt. Angela Osorio Sgt. Frank Corona Ret. Ofc. Pete Huff P.O. Paul Cavallo P.O. Awilda Alvarado P.O. Ricardo Martinez

Det. Gilbert Lopez Treasurer Sgt. Nelson Cruz Recording Secretary

I’m here for you, Yonkers.



Let’s Stand Together to help Inspire, instruct and Help create the Future Leaders of Law Enforcement. Become a member of the most respected Law Enforcement Association in Westchester County. SAVE THIS DATE, OCTOBER 18th, 2019 WHLEA DINNER DANCE!

Det. Frank Oliveri 2nd Vice President

APRIL 19, 2019

Yonkers is my home. Yonkers residents have a lot at stake this election, and no one knows more than I do how we can move Yonkers forward. It has been my mission to be a leader for my community and I will work day and night to give you the government you deserve.”

Tasha Diaz

JUNE 25 TASHA DIAZ Trustees P.O. Herick Vasquez Robert Foti Lillian Martinez

Advisors FOR COUNCIL Ret. Ofc. Keith Guerra

Jessica Ferreira-Cavallo Corresponding Secretary Sgt. At Arms Hector Cartagena

Chief Counsel Larry Delgado Wanda Negron

Paid for by Friends of Tasha Diaz

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APRIL 19, 2019






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APRIL 19, 2019





ost Americans inherently placed their trust in the police and the judicial system which encompasses them. Loss of that trust could create civil unrest and chaos which is why many believe, the judicial system protects the integrity and the establishment of the police. Even in cases when they should not. As taxpaying citizens, we pay police salaries and depend on them to maintain law and order, enforce vehicle and traffic laws, protect property, and to provide first responder services. In media publications, one often reads about police misconduct; however, the reader is left to ponder the fate of the officer? Were the officers ever disciplined, arrested, or terminated, was there any accountability for the misconduct? What you’re about to read should force you to examine your trust and the perception you have inherently placed in the system of policing. As told to me by an anonymous twenty year veteran of The White Plains Police Department, two City of White Plains Police Officers, Lieutenant James Parlow, the former PBA Treasurer, and Robert Riley, the former Union President allegedly misappropriated WPPBA funds in excess of Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars! At the time of this article, neither officer had received any criminal charges or departmental charges! “I can’t believe this guy worked next to me and was stealing our money, come on bro,” said source in regards to Parlow’s action. On March 27th 2019 an emergency Union meeting was held at The Brazen Fox, where an unconfirmed “verbal” agreement made between the two alleged disgraced officers and Union leadership was explained to the members. Only five members sought to press criminal charges against their brothers, the others did not! The mood within the department is that of confusion, numbness, and disbelief? Apparently imitating “The thin Blue Line”, these men were given leniency by their fellow officers and the police management. Both men had high status in the union, Parlow being a Lieutenant! He has allegedly filed his retirement papers (pension will be public record) and has resigned. Riley who joined the department in August of 1999, allegedly will be kept working in an administrative assignment until he reaches his “twenty”. Once eligible, he is allegedly expected to file retirement papers and resign. Both men will receive NY State pensions! The unconfirmed agreement allows each officer one month to pay the union the missing funds, and it not believed to be any interest added on the repaid money? The White Plains PBA strongly desires to keep the actions of their “brothers” free from documentation which could be later substantiated, and out of the press. The department has had its share of black eyes and sweeping incidents under the rug; the “questionable” shooting death of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., the assault of Officer Michael Hannon by Chief Anne Fitzsimmons and later his forced resignation, Officer Jeanette Parra’s sexual harassment lawsuit, and the assault of Officer Michael Suben by a Police Lieutenant on September 15th 2018. This would be just another black eye for an already disgraced police department. It is alleged and believed that Parlow will take money from his retirement (deferred comp) to repay the amount he misappropriated, which is alleged to be over six figures. Riley is alleged to be taking out a home equity line or mortgage to repay the funds he misappropriated, which are alleged to be between forty and sixty thousand dollars. The alleged crime of grand larceny was committed, and most likely be left unpunished. The question the public needs to ask is why these police officers aren’t being charged criminally? Could the average American citizen embezzle or misappropriate this kind of money from a non-police union and not be held criminally accountable? Even with an offer of restitution, would a corporation in the private sector allow an employee to retire and collect a pension after such criminal action? The answer would undoubtedly be no, they would not. Civilians would be held to the highest extent of the law and so should the men and women in Blue! This is not the first incident associated with the White Plains Police and the misappropriation of Union funds! Between 1993 and 1994 John Fitzsimmons (former) Westchester DA PBA President, was alleged to have stolen PBA funds (see arrest paperwork below). John was, and still is, married to WP Police Chief Anne Fitzsimmons. In my opinion, and not out of the realm of possibility, the WCDA PBA may have made some “agreement” with him as well. Ironically, decades later, now the cities Top Cop, Anne Fitzsimmons, may be turning a blind eye to her own officer’s misconduct which allegedly mimicked her own husbands! Our Police should be held to a Higher standard, not given preferential treatment. How much longer will we continue see this is our society. The PBA incidents reported for this article are just further proof that the police cannot and will not Police themselves, especially in The City of White Plains New York. If the police will turn a blind eye to misconduct in their on union, one shouldn’t be alarmed when misconduct/criminality is tolerated and swept under the rug, with regards to everyday policing! Keanu Reeves makes an honest quote in the 2008 film “Street Kings” playing the role of a police officer which appropriately explains the behavior. “It doesn’t matter what happen, all that matters is how or if we (the police) write it up!” The residents of White Plains should demand better from their police.


For almost five years Black Westchester has written about the highly contentious and problematic relationship that district attorneys and police departments currently have between one another in this country. All too often these highly compromising relationships work in unison with one another to protect problematic, negligent and downright abusive cops, as well as the corruption in the police department. Our current district attorney in Westchester County ran on prosecuting corruption but has not shown himself to be more than a male version of his predecessor Janet DiFiore. At least DiFiore did prosecute two Yonkers cops, but it was more to cover herself because she prosecuted several cases where these officers were involved, if you call being sentenced to 8 and 20 weeks of weekends in jail a prosecution. But Anthony Scarpino continues to turn a blind eye to police corruption like the highly publicized illegitimacy of former MVPD Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Spiezio. Several complaints have been filed but Scarpino refused to do what the residents have elected him to do - prosecute corruption as he promised. You read the Zachery Gates II story about the White Plains Police Department. We have received several calls from those close to the department that told us we haven’t even scratched the surface when the story ran on The claims of corruption are not limited to Mount Vernon, Yonkers and White Plains, this week we got calls about the Eastchester Police Department confiscating nine guns from the widow of a deceased EPD officer and not receipt or documentation given to the widow until a year later and some of the guns have gun missing from police custody. On the day of her husband’s death two EPD Lieutenants Kiernan (also head of internal affairs) and Hunter entered her home and confiscated 9 firearms and her deceased husbands Westchester County pistol permit. A receipt for said items were never issued to her which is unheard of in law enforcement. She continually requested a receipt of some documentation because of her fear of being liable for unaccounted firearms. Finally, after almost a year, she received report 1799-19 which is very disturbing. 2 firearms are reported as stolen or missing. 2 firearms are listed as unknown origins. The EPD also informed her that her husband’s pistol permit was not turned over to the Westchester County pistol permit division until March 2019. It is supposed to be done immediately. Also, firearms have unknown makes, models and serial numbers. Like every other case, we will be looking into the story and making sure Scarpino’s office gets the information, but as with many other cases like the few aforementioned cases, we do not expect much from the DA’s office. With thirty-seven years of combined experience as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and as a Judge in and around Westchester County for thirty years, the voters expected more from their Chief Law Enforcement Official in the county. He is obviously qualified so one has to ask why he can’t seem to put a case together against Spiezio despite the plethora of information he has been provided. Whether it’s incompetence, ineptitude or just plain submissiveness, Westchester County District Attorney Anthony Scarpino failure to investigate, indict and prosecute corruption has given individuals like Spiezio carte blanche to steal from the taxpayers of Mount Vernon. He dropped the investigation of Spiezio’ possession of a city-owned car even after he is officially no longer affiliated with the MVPD and why a vehicle paid for by the city is in his name. Spiezio gets richer while the residents get poorer and Scarpino continues to turn a blind eye and dropped

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APRIL 19, 2019







Lorna Vassell (mother of Shaheed) surrounded by protesters demanding justice [Black Westchester]

Hundreds of people rallied in Brooklyn on Thursday, April 4th to call for justice for Saheed Vassell, a

34-year-old father who was shot 10 times and killed by the NYPD, Wednesday, April 4, 2018. Activists, community leaders and local politicians joined the family in Crown Heights, Brooklyn on the one year anniversary of Vassell’s murder to address their disappointment with the decision of the NYC Attorney General Latisha James not indicting the four officers who murdered Saheed Vassell. On Friday, March 29th, Attorney General Letitia James’ Special Investigations and Prosecutions Unit (SIPU) released its report into the death of Saheed Vassell. Over the course of the investigation, SIPU found that the officers’ actions were legally justified and that there was no adequate evidence to warrant criminal prosecution against the officers involved. In order to prevent another tragedy, and to promote the public’s confidence in how local law enforcement responds to such occurrences, the Office of the Attorney General outlined the following recommendations: 1. 911 operators and police dispatchers should receive comprehensive critical incident training. 2. The NYPD should review and reform its public information policies and practices regarding which facts it should release to the public in police-involved uses of force. Attorney General Tish James released the following statement: “The death of Saheed Vassell was a tragedy, and I extend my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. The Special Investigations and Prosecutions Unit is committed to providing thorough and transparent investigations. We urge the New York Police Dept. to implement our recommendations.” ‘There was no justice given to his family when Letisha James told them, that the investigation was closed and there was no indictment...” one protester stated on the bullhorn to the crowd. Eric Vassell, Saheed Vassell’s father, expressed outrage about the attorney general’s decision—which, he said, was delivered in an “impersonal and dismissive” telephone call. The timing, he added, was also shortsighted.

Brooklyn Community Advocate and NYS Assembly Candidate Anthony Beckford and Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. [Black Westchester]

“For this decision to come less than a week before the anniversary of Saheed’s death, while we are in deep mourning and grief, was insensitive to the many injustices our family is already suffering,” Eric Vassell said to Black Westchester. “Many questions remain unanswered.” Brooklyn Assemblyman Charles Barron, a vocal leader of East New York was also among those outspoken about AG Tish James’ decision. “We know you made history as the first Black female to be elected NYS Attorney General, you also just made history as the first black female Attorney General not to indict officers who killed a Black Man.” Baron and others vowed to keep putting pressure of AG James to charge the officers who killed Shaheed. Organizers held signs with “facts” about Vassell’s death: “Fact #1: Saheed was a father, son, brother and beloved member of his Crown Heights community,” said one female protester who read the facts one at a time, with supporters repeating each fact after her. Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., - son of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. who was fatally shot by White Plains police on November 19, 2011 in his home - spoke in support of the Vassell family nd their search for justice. “In 1857, a Chief Judge stated a Black Man has no rights by which a white man is bound to respect and 162 years that decision still rings true today, because time and time again, we have seen a system fail Black and Hispanic women, men and children,” the Police Reform Activist and Community Leader who continues to fight for justice for his father shared with Black Westchester. “We can no longer ask for change, we must demand it and while marches, rallies and protests are fine, we must also put those in office, who have our best interest at heart and not base on the color of their skin. The time has come to unite against a system designed to divide us. I beleve in the power of the people and will continue to stand in solidarity with the family of Saheed Vassell.”

More supporters [Black Westchester]

Lorna Vassell (mother of Shaheed) [Black Westchester]

Eric Vassell (father of Shaheed) [Black Westchester]

Protesters holding signs of Shaheed’s shooting [Black Westchester]

Protesters demanding Justice For Shaheed [Black Westchester]

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APRIL 19, 2019


SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019


irls in Politics in Westchester County! is a workshop was held at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Tarrytown, New York on April fourteenth. The program was a one day intense full day initiative. Nathalie Riobe sponsored The Girls in Politics Initiative (“GIP�) a program created and administered by the Political Institute for Women. With the assistance of local community programs such as Jack and Jill of Rockland County, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, The LINKS, Girls Inc., Black Westchester Magazine, and Tha Brown Urban Mother Partnership fifty girls were introduced to the world of politics and the functions of the United States government. The GIP programs introduce girls ages 8 to 17 to politics, policy, the work of the United States Congress, parliamentary governments and the work of the United Nations. So far they have hosted GIP programs in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The Girls in Politics Initiative was founded in 2011 by Kimberly Mitchem-Rasmussen, she is also the Founder of the Political Institute for Women. The Political Institute for Women is an education organization that offers non-partisan courses to political candidates, professionals working in the political sector, advocates, advocacy organizations and political organizations. To request a private or customized event contact Girls in Politics Initiative Global Headquarters 655 15th Street NW., Washington, DC 20005 (202) 606-1457 ext2 email

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APRIL 19, 2019





Dozens of supporters, elected officials and organizations gathered in the Yonkers Whiskey House (2211 Central Park Ave) to Tasha Diaz‘ first fundraiser, Thursday, April 11, 2019

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APRIL 19, 2019

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APRIL 19, 2019



THE CHANGING ENERGY PARADIGM IN SOUTHERN WESTCHESTER COUNTY BY MARVIN CHURCH Recent developments in energy policies will eventually redefine the types of 1. As a consequence of New York State’s plan for clean energy, Con Edison anenergy New Yorkers will use in their homes, businesses and industries. The initial nounced that after March 15, 2019 they will no longer accept applications for new impact is now being seen in Southern Westchester County. gas customers in Southern Westchester. 2. Indian Point that now provides approximately 24% of Westchester County elecSO, WHAT THEN HAS CHANGED? tricity will close in 2021. On December 17, 2018, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a plan to source 100% of New York State’s electricity from renewable energy by the year Con Edison’s abrupt decision to disallow any new gas customers either for new or 2040. In conjunction, New York State Public Commission pledged to reduce green- existing residential, commercial or industrial customers has created a substantial enhouse gases 40% by the year 2030 and 80% by the year 2050. Greenhouse gases ergy deficit in the area. New building owners have halted development plans. And, are produced when fossil fuel like gas, coal and oil burn. This new clean energy initia- existing building owner’s who may have planned to switch from expensive oil to the tive means New Yorkers will rely less on fossil fuel and more on forms of renewable much cheaper gas are left in a lurch. energy. WHAT ARE THE SOLUTIONS? WHY ARE FOSSIL FUELS BEING PHASED OUT? New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) is the state Fossil fuels which includes oil, natural gas and coal is widely used in New York State agency charged with promoting and providing financial incentives for renewable enfor home energy. Fossil fuels exist in limited amounts and are formed from the fossils ergy. To that end, NYSERDA and Con Edison have partnered to develop a suitable of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Consequently, fossil fuels are and affordable renewable energy protocol for Southern Westchester customers by not renewable forms of energy. Alternatively, renewable energy or non-fossil fuels adopting a number of non-pipe solutions that are being used successfully overseas include solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, nuclear energy and other and in other parts of the country but are not as well-known in Westchester. These innewly innovated energy generation systems. These types of energy can be limitlessly clude air source heat pumps, geothermal/ground source heat pumps, combined heat available and are considered clean energy because they do not produce greenhouse and power systems, variable refrigerant flow, fuel cells, hydronic distribution systems, gases into the atmosphere. It is greenhouse gases that cause air pollution. solar, wastewater management systems, wood pellets, air to water heat pumps and other types of innovate systems. NYSERDA has also formed a community outreach HOW DO NEW YORKERS NOW GET THEIR ENERGY? and educational unit for Southern Westchester: The Heat Smart Campaign Team is In 2017, New York State derived 28% of its energy from renewable sources. In a mat- comprised of renewable energy professionals and community organizations. ter of about a decade, New York will be expected to increase its source of renewable energy to 40% and in two decades 100% of its electricity must come from renewable WHAT ABOUT THE COST TO CONVERT TO RENEWABLE FUEL? sources. Currently, nuclear energy accounts for one third of New York State electric- Believe it or not, but there are structures in Westchester County that still use coal for ity and is considered an important source of non-fossil fuel energy. This despite the heating. In Mount Vernon alone, 59% of the homes were built before 1950 and may community outcry about the long-term potential for harm when Indian Point Nuclear still be using heating oil. It is reported that more than 72% of Westchester’s entire Power Plant in Westchester County was reported to have failed. building stock still uses fossil fuel for heating. The conversion from fossil fuel to renewable energy will not be cheap, and while NYSERDA will offer financial incentives WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SOUTHERN WESTCHESTER COUNTY? there are costs that will likely be borne by property owners. For low to middle income Two significant events will take place in Southern Westchester (everywhere south property owners those costs may seem substantial to the point of even being prohibifrom Ossining, on the west, to Bedford on the east), that will hasten its path to renew- tive in some cases. able energy: WHAT’S NEXT? Firstly, NYSERDA and Con Edison will perfect the allowable financial incentives so that energy customers will buy into renewable energy programs. Particular attention is being given to energy customers who may be unable to assume conversion costs. Secondly, The Heat Smart Campaign Team will begin its education and community outreach drive in the affected area. As of this writing, neither NYSERDA nor Con Edison have announced a program roll-out date.

Courtesy of NBC News

Marvin Church can be reached at He is a Mount Vernon resident and has worked as an energy consultant for over 20 years identifying effective energy solutions and financial options for low, middle and market-rate customers. Marvin is a principle partner in Comrie Enterprises, LLC that is a NYSERDA Multifamily Existing Building Partner and a Energize NY Partner. He is currently a member of the Heat Smart Campaign Team where he campaigns for sufficient financial incentives for property owners who might find the cost of renewable energy solution prohibitive. And, Marvin is also a member of the Westchester County Sustainability Committee where he speaks to the concerns of the low to middle income communities.

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APRIL 19, 2019


On Thanksgiving Day, my Tio Herbert Gonzalez gathered the attention of my family to announce that I was no longer a member of the Republican Party, and am now an active member of the Democratic Party. He even mentioned that I helped elect New York State’s first African-American Attorney General in Letitia James. The entire Colombian side of my family shouted in joy, and my Tia Empe told me that I will find more peace in my Labors as a Democrat. I remember her telling me that God will assist my actions in supporting the individuals in society that are trying to fix issues that are affecting the Latino Community, as opposed to trying to mobilize individuals in the Republican Party that fail to prioritize our issues. I was told that my biological mother who passed away when I was four months old would be very proud of me and that I should empower myself with the wisdom of my time as a Republican to help repair the damage being done on a non-partisan level. On Saturday; November 17th, 2018 I was given the prestigious honor of being named a New York State Top 40 under 40 Latino Rising Star by the Hispanic Coalition of NY Inc. At our ceremony at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, the organization’s President & CEO Monica Miranda called upon us to empower our fellow members of the Latino Community with the tools needed for them to achieve their definition of success in America. She called us the future leaders of the Latino Community who must now help her carry the burden of cultivating more leaders for the State of New York. Being at that ceremony as one of the only two honorees out of Westchester County (the other being Janet Fry, Deputy Executive Director of the Community Resource Center in Mamaroneck, NY), sitting next to a fellow honoree in Eliezer Rosario-Caliz from the City of Buffalo, furthered my reassurance that I am on the right side of history. Hearing the strides that fellow members of the Latino Community are

making throughout New York motivated me to not only keep going but to take things to the next level. As many of you may already know, Jim Killoran no longer serves as our County’s CEO for Habitat for Humanity but has continued his service through another Non-for-Profit called the Fuller Center for Housing, named after the founders of Habitat for Humanity, Janet and Millard Fuller. I wouldn’t be the environmentalist I am today without the opportunity and growth Jim gave me through Habitat for Humanity. With the help of my friend Cyril Singh, we have started a nonprofit called SASE World Inc., also known as Students About Saving the Environment. We aim to raise the level of consciousness among students across curricula in environmental affairs. I am also in the process of creating a Student Network for the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County Inc., the first student network in the organization’s 54 years of existence. In Albany, there was a common tune amongst all the honorees. We were all concerned about the future of the Latino Community in an America where hate and bigotry are being emboldened through the office of an elected official who is supposed to bring our nation together. Dog-Whistles are being used to dehumanize fellow Americans, peaceful protests of injustice are now resulting in our professional athletes being blacklisted among their respective sports, and apparently, wind turbines cause cancer. I wasn’t always the way I am today, nor have I always been aware of environmental stewardship being my true passion. I can only hope to empower others by showing them how far I have come. The issues currently plaguing our nation are bigger than politics. From our crumbling infrastructure, the impending disaster from climate change, failing healthcare system, and even our falling global ranking in academic performance. However, at this moment in American history, the only political party dedicated to addressing these issues federally and locally in Westchester is the Democratic Party. Federally, I see Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D) (a 2017 Top 40 under 40 Latino Rising Star for the Hispanic Coalition of NY Inc.) staunchly advocating for a Green New Deal. She is well aware of the freight chain that is climate change. She’s also aware of the issues on environmental health, the flooding on our East Coast, and the series of droughts on our West Coast. On a State Level, I see Senator Shelley Mayer (D) advocating for our public-school system as our State Senate Education Committee Chair. As a product of the public school system for the City of New Rochelle, it is truly an honor to support her as a member of her Youth Advisory Council. Lastly, on a local level, I see our County Executive George Latimer (D) create a Climate Crisis Task-Force to help our County mitigate the effects we WILL face from Climate Change. He is committed to picking up the slack due to our President’s apathy toward addressing this impending global disaster. I am a proud member of the Climate Crisis Task Force, serving on the Committees on Air and Water. My father, Roussel Presendieu never hesitates to remind me of the sacrifices members of my family have made for my American Dream. From him studying under a candle in Haiti to qualify for a 1977 Student Visa to come to America, or my Mother Luz Mercedes Presendieu-Cuesta holding two full-time jobs while taking ESL courses to better assimilate into American society. Life isn’t about where you go, it’s about where you came from. True wealth in America is generational, meaning that we all have a moral responsibility to hand the next generation a society that is better economically and ecologically. As a young leader for the Latino Community, I can only hope to serve as a role model. To tell people to never allow mistakes from their past to discourage them. Also, to not allow people from their past inhibit their future.


Cop Watch Activist Jose Lasalle standing with Frank Graham, father of Ramarley, Feb. 2, 2016 in front of the 47th precinct in the Bronx on anniversary of Ramarley’s death, just two months before LaSalle was arrested for videotapping police stopping and frisking two men in the Bronx. [Black Westchester]

Founder of the South Bronx Copwatch Patrol Unit, Jose LaSalle was awarded $860,000 after he accused the police of false arrest, imprisonment, and conspiracy. The city also settled a second lawsuit with LaSalle involving an arrest by 46th Precinct officers. That was for $65,000. So in all, he was awarded $925,000 in March. The 48-year-old South Bronx native known for shooting videos of police misconduct filed two $500,000 lawsuits in April 2016 against the NYPD for retaliatory arrests on two separate occasions, after he recorded officers arresting people in his neighborhood

In September 2015, Jose LaSalle was assaulted and falsely arrested for video recording St. Barnabas Hospital security and police assaulting a family members of a young Latino who was assaulted and arrested earlier that day. LaSalle, says the cops took his camera and erased videos. September 2014 Jose LaSalle, then 44, tells BW the cops grabbed his camera, threw him against a fence, cuffed him and strip-searched him on Sept. 28 in the Bronx. The cops took his camera and slapped him with a summons for jaywalking. LaSalle has been videotaping police officers since 2011 to document any misconduct. He began wearing body cameras long before the Police Department outfitted officers with them. He said officers claimed he had a police scanner and even joked that they should hit him with a gun charge. LaSalle said exclusively to NY1 his recording equipment saved him from being convicted on trumped up charges. “Lucky for me that I was able to record all of this,” he said. “I think I would have been doing a bid upstate right now without the audio.” Police accountability advocates gathered in front of the Bronx District Attorney’s office, Wednesday, April 3rd in solidarity with the Copwatcher, as he demands that Bronx DA Darcel Clark re-open an investigation on the officers who perjured themselves to falsified charges against Jose LaSalle followed by a march to the Psa7 precinct and demand that the officers involved are fired. He is also going to ask the U.S. Justice Department to look into the case, because the officers weren’t charged or disciplined for their actions. The city and NYPD did not respond to our request for Jose LaSalle, leader of Copwatch, holds a sign about the comment. settlement he won 03 Apr 2019 [M Stan Reaves]

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APRIL 19, 2019




COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: ELENA GOLDBERG VELAZQEZ, ESQ. Elena Goldberg Velazqez, Esq. (“Ms. Velazquez”) is a 2019 candidate for Yonkers City Court. Ms. Velazquez was raised in Yonkers, her husband and her have chosen to raise their family here in Yonkers. Ms. Velazquez is an active member of the Bar and a civic leader, seeking to lend her knowledge and skill set where needed. Presently, Ms. Velazquez is a Principal Appellate Court Attorney at the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, located in New York County, and has worked at the Appellate Division for nearly a decade. Since 2017, Ms. Velazquez has served as a New York City Small Claims Arbitrator where she presides over and decides contract disputes, landlord-tenant matters, and personal injury matters. Previously, Ms. Velazquez worked at Soto, Sanchez & Negron, LLP, a boutique law firm in Yonkers handling civil disputes, bankruptcy proceedings, and criminal matters. Ms. Velazquez has also worked at Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman Dicker, LLP, in White Plains, New York. Ms. Velazquez has served the legal profession and her community in various capacities since being admitted to the New York State Bar. Most notably, Ms. Velazquez is the Past President of the Puerto Rican Bar Association (“PRBA”), and has served the PRBA in many capacities, some of which are: Chair of the Women’s Committee; Treasurer; Recording Secretary, and the Chair of the Continuing Legal Education Committee (“CLE”). Through Ms. Velazquez’s diligent efforts, the PRBA was one of the first affinity bar associations to become a New York State Accredited CLE Provider. Ms. Velazquez is also a member of her alma mater, CUNY School of Law Board of Visitors, and past Vice-Chair of that Board. Ms. Velazquez is also a member of the New York State Bar Association Diversity Committee and was a co-chair of the Judicial Diversity Sub-Committee. Ms. Velazquez is also a member of the Yonkers Lawyers Association and has served as a CLE speaker for the Yonkers Lawyers Association. Ms. Velazquez is the founder and President of the Tuckloc Neighborhood Association, an active community group where she resides. She is also a past Board Member of 100 Hispanic Women of Westchester. Ms. Velazquez earned her J.D. from CUNY School of Law and her B.A. from Syracuse University. Ms. Velazquez is a proud alumnus of the Ursuline School. Ms. Velazquez has a unique professional experience as a court attorney and private practitioner. If elected, Ms. Velazquez seeks to be a fair and impartial Judge. Ms. Velazquez will maintain integrity, be independent and maintain the utmost dignity of Judicial Office.

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APRIL 19, 2019

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APRIL 19, 2019





“This is not who we are!” It’s a cry that reverberates around America with every Trump malfeasance – the plaintive chorus of decent Americans: heartfelt, genuine and utterly deluded. America has always shown the world exactly “who we are.” The only ones who haven’t noticed are Americans themselves. Americans share a national ideology – the belief in our exceptionalism. It’s perhaps the only thing that unites us – the belief that America is the greatest country on Earth, and that Americans are truly blessed, superior to all other beings. When Vice President Mike Pence stood at a lectern addressing a room full of white people about America encamping on the Moon in five years’ time and said, “America doesn’t do second place,” he expressed a belief shared by most Americans: “We’re the best, and we know it.” Challenge this at your peril, for there is no greater impudence than to suggest America is anything but. Americans believe God has bestowed upon them a unique set of freedoms denied the rest of humanity, and that their “free country” is the envy of the world. A global study by Freedom House – an independent watchdog that publishes an annual report on freedom around the world measured in terms of civil liberties – finds that Norway and Finland top the list, sharing first place. So while the Land of the Free may not “do second place,” it does “58th place” where civil liberties are concerned, according to findings. Under the Trump administration, America is experiencing an “accelerating decline in political rights and civil liberties,” but Americans like Pence never let the truth stand in the way of propaganda, and if you repeat something often enough people will believe it. The truth is, America has a long, shameful history of corruption, coverups and crimes against its own – namely people of color – which many white Americans conveniently overlook. Arguably the best way to measure the greatness of a country is by how it treats its people, and America has always been a failure in that respect. It has always been an imperious oppressor of the only Americans who can rightfully stake a claim on American soil, like the Oglala Sioux, for example, who even today are relegated to life below the poverty line on reservations whose housing often lacks basic amenities, and where teen suicide is 150% higher than America as a whole. The government’s policy of forced sterilization of Native American women during the 1960s and 70s made considerable progress towards the genocide of indigenous peoples. Exact figures aren’t known – especially as America is adept at rewriting history – but it’s believed that by 1976 as many as 50% of Native Americans were sterilized without their knowledge. They’d go into hospital for routine surgery and would come out with a missing womb, or a tubal ligation. White Americans rarely share collective pride in the nation’s heritage; they never celebrate or honor their indigenous roots in any real way. They do, however, often ridicule indigenous peoples, like the cocksure Covington school teen in a MAGA hat who squared up to a Native American elder by the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during an anti-abortion rally. The fact that Nathan Phillips was beating a tribal drum should have immediately inspired respect; instead, it induced a Catholic-school lad to act like a pompous prig. When in 2002, the Central Park Five were released from prison after serving 12 years for a crime they never committed, Americans suddenly had to face the full extent of corruption in the NYPD. It was a racially charged case that changed New York irrevocably – not least because video footage of the boys confessing to the brutal gang rape of a white woman aired on every network, fuelling the narrative that black men are inherently prone to criminality. Many column inches were dedicated to the alleged scourge of black boys

“wilding” in our cities. One voice in particular lobbed the molotovs that stoked that narrative: Donald J. Trump. The casino owner paid for full-page ads in New York’s major newspapers calling for the boys to be put to death. His incendiary rhetoric was blamed for much of the backlash against the boys’ families – and the death threats. When DNA evidence exonerated the five and the full picture was revealed – forced confessions, threats and a staggering stitch-up orchestrated by the Manhattan District Attorney, perpetuated by bent cops, meted out in a miscarriage of justice disturbing not only for its pure racism but for its scale – Trump doubled down and poured scorn on due process. The framework in which such a travesty was even possible is rooted in decades of pervasive corruption, requiring the complicity of legislators at the highest levels. That one case alone encapsulates “who America is” – a country whose system of justice is so corrupt there is always someone more corrupt at a higher level to ensure the corruption of the corrupt continues unimpeded. All his life, Donald J. Trump has made the most of such a system. He is rotten to the core, but he certainly didn’t create corrupt America; rather, corrupt America created him. When reports started to surface of widespread ballot tampering in many Jesus states, and mysteriously faulty voting machines causing long lines at polling locations in African-American districts, the pockets of rage that erupted around the country were not nearly as loud as the deafening silence among white Americans who’ve come to accept voter suppression as the American way. Racism is stitched into the very fabric of American society – it’s a tenet of fundamentalist America, which Trump courts to his very great advantage. From school segregation, which is still practiced though unconstitutional, to redlining, a discriminatory practice that impedes people of color from home ownership by denying them access to bank loans, to statistics which show that black Americans pay more for car insurance than their white counterparts, these insidious policies are the result of a concerted effort to ensure opportunity is denied to people of color. Racism and corruption exists everywhere, but the difference between America and other civilized nations suffering acts of racism is that American legislators seek to enact policies that disproportionately hinder anyone right-of-center on the color chart; great nations such as New Zealand do not. When the Trump administration started caging children at the Southern border, many Americans rightly became outraged at the inhumanity, unable to countenance that their homeland, which professes “freedom and justice for all,” could be capable of such cruelty. Perhaps those same Americans didn’t notice when North Dakota law enforcement fired rubber bullets and tear gas at the indigenous peoples protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016. They were caged in cells made of chain-link fence, their arms numbered with marker pens. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement: “Marking people with numbers and detaining them in cages, on the bare concrete floor, without being provided medical care, amounts to inhumane and degrading treatment.” America has a long history of perfecting the pop-up concentration camp – it’s just that Japanese-Americans don’t remind us of it nearly enough. America’s Japanese internment camps of the Second World War are considered one of the “most atrocious violations of American civil rights in the 20th century.” So when Americans cry “this is not who we are” at the Trump administration’s racist and inhumane policies, it’s because they cannot see that Trump is a product of the nation in which he was raised – just like the Covington lads. Trump is as American as apple pie. He embodies exactly “who we are.” The Mueller investigation came to what seemed like an abrupt halt after two years, followed by the announcement of no further indictments and a brief summary by Attorney General William Barr (the Trump-appointed Republican mopper-upper of Iraq-Gate) claiming Mueller’s report totally exonerates Trump. There was no collusion! It’s certainly cause for celebration in Trump’s circle jerk. So much winning. The hopes of many millions of decent, law-abiding Americans were suddenly dashed – the hope that truth would win, and that the nation would finally be on the right side of impeachment proceedings. But there won’t be any impeachment proceedings, because Donald J. Trump is the boss of everydamnedthing. He has absolute impunity to do just as he pleases, whenever he pleases – and we have only ourselves to blame. If we, white Americans, were not such puffed-up blowhards, in love with ourselves and bewitched by a belief in our own amazingness, and if we truly lived up to the tenet that we are “indivisible, one nation under God,” the rampant corruption and racism that grips America might not have galloped to the point of giving us a president who is arguably the most corrosive and degenerate American on this waking earth.

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APRIL 19, 2019





We were in talks to have Lauren London in our film, the Director wanted Nipsey to possibly play Snoop Dogg and our music people were trying to work him into the films soundtrack. Everything was looking great…………. ………..Sunday, March 31st, I was in New York for an art Gallery @Moma and somewhere between sculptures chronicling the War in Syria by artist Simone Fattal and a mountain of meat at a Colombian steakhouse in Long Island City my phone went dead. By the time I got a charge I received, texts and vm’s from my partners in Los Angeles that quickly filled my inbox with the worst news that I heard in years: Nipsey Hussle was SHOT AND KILLED. Not only was he murdered, but he was murdered in front of the same piece of property that he endeavored would later revitalize his hometown of Crenshaw, Los Angeles. In the hours following the shooting my sources called to let me know

t was Late May 26, 2018, I was in LA to work on our feature Film ‘Stranded on Death Row,’ the Rise and Fall of Suge Knight and Death Row Records.’ Our Executive Producer ‘Dre’ scored us all access passes to the ‘Welcome to the West Coast’ Music Concerts feat the Luniz, Mozzy, East Siders and the Headliner Nipsey Hussle. Citizens Bank Arena was sold out, wall to wall with fans and well wishers anxious to see their favorite artists. To keep it 100 it was the first time outside of work that I went to a rap concert. I didn’t go there to work a tricaster, wasn’t there to hold a camera…I was there as a fan and supporter of one of my favorite Rappers Ermias Davidson Asghedom; the man known world wide by his stage name Nipsey Hussle. When I got word that he was about to be in the building I quickly left the stage and headed towards the artist entrants and ‘got in line’ with the rest of his people who formed a gauntlet of supporters. On his stroll by I said wassup and told him my partner and mentor Ryan Combs with whom Nipsey did a film with (Wrath of Cain feat Ving Rhames) was also in the building…. My memory is a bit fuzzy from there but under his low cut eyelids he acknowledge me and prepared for his set. In the Spring and Summer of 2018’ ‘Last Time that I Checc’d’ became our Official Song of the Year; a musical war cry that signaled a transition from obscurity to ascension in our professional lives.

There has been a very troubling history of well to do men of color who met their untimely end while trying to help the people of their home – Premiere Patrice Lumumba was assassinated in the DRC, Thomas Sankara was betrayed by his own friend and confidante Blaise Compaore,’ Malcom X was assassinated by men he once called brothers in Harlem, even JESUS was killed by his people in Jerusalem. If JESUS isn’t your cup of tea, maybe Louisiana’s own Lil Boosie will do it for you. During an interview with Vladtv Boosie famously said these words “Hell no I’ll never live in Baton Rouge again” “When you the only one riding in Bentley’s and foreign cars …you become a target” “Where ever you from you get hated the most” “Most rappers die in they own city, it’s a fact”


I retired from the City of Yonkers, that Nipsey’s murder was possibly due to infighting within his circle. Why are righteous, and talentedhen of color under the the I wasmen given the constantly honor of receiving

I have no idea if this is true or not…What we do know is that Nipsey tweeted this out….. threat of violence and death at the hands of their own? prestigious Key Tothoughts The City fromsought then to Mayor Despite the prophetic words of JESUS and Boosie’s Nipsey defy Phil Amicone. In my years of service had the odds by reinvesting in the community that spawned him. With the help of hisI busireceived countless awards and proclamation ness partner David Gross) Nipsey brought the Plaza on Slauson and Crenshaw in the cities ‘opportunity zone’ and erected his flagship store organization ‘Marathon Clothing.’ by basically every I can think of According to Forbes Magazine, thetruly ideagrateful was to create a businessfor interest and I am and honored each there that would make it easier for venture capitalist to funnel money into low income and every one. But, the Key to the City is aa areas. The long term plan was to eventually flatten the property and redesign it into bit different. It’s the highest honor a person mixed use luxury space for residential and commercial properties. can (Science, receive Technology, from a cityEngineering or municipality. This Nipsey even opened a Stem Mathematics) facility to address the black communities disproportionate focus on entertainment key represented to me all the hard work Iand put athletics. According to Nipsey: into working and representing the City Of “In our culture, there’s a narrative that says, ‘Follow the athletes, follow the enterYonkers. told me I did something good. If you think about it, it kinda fits……Whoever shot him, knew where he would be, tainers,’” he said. “And that’s cool but thereIt should bethat something that says, ‘Follow That all the love and hard work I put into the specifically targeted him (shot 5 times; once in the head), somehow got close enough Elon Musk, follow [Mark] Zuckerberg.’ I think that with me being influential as an artand the rest of the city was noticed to shoot him and members of his entourage. Chart topping rapper YNW Melly (Murder ist and young and coming from Southside the inner city, it makes sense for me to be one of the on my Mind) was just accused of killing two members of his own clique so it seems people that’s waving that flag.” and appreciated. It told me that I made a differlike a plausible theory. However I’m not police so like everyone else I’m waiting for ence, especially in the minority community. It told more information. Now that Nipsey’sme dead who will carry onsomebody. this legacy? that I indeed was Through Not long after I received the news an unknown man on rapper @thatscinco’s What Black celebrity will champion the cause to make excellence in a unfortunate events, the series of moves and live claimed to have shot Nipsey in an overtly braggadocious way. In the clip below an math and science a priority in the black community? Key was lost. A couple of us, including Council unknown man who may or may not be gang affiliated, walked up to Nipsey and asked During an interview with the Breakfast Club in February 2018 Nipsey revealed that him….’What’s braccin’ (a corruption of crip lingo ‘what’s craccin’) which is a diminu- he was doing a documentary onPresident Dr. Sebi, a Mike holisticKhader, healer who to cureEditor Aids AJclaimed Woodson, tive nomenclature when spoken to a Crip. Essentially a man claimed to shoot Nipsey but was later sued by the state of Ny for said 1985. However, likemyself a good all -In-Chief of Claims Black in Westchester and simply for being a Crip….which is the silliest and laziest shit I ever heard of. The Hollywood movie Dr. Sebi beat his case against the state of New York and successaskedcharges MayorofSpano if claims. he would be so kind notion of shooting someone of Nipsey’s status for simply belonging to another gang in fully defended himself against Federal the same as to issue me a replacement key. I knew 2019 seems almost like a caricature of gang culture; like something from a half assed A celebrity rapper doing a documentary on a now deceased alternative medi-it was a tall order. But, I needed to have that subplot from sitcom Law and Order. I don’t know, you be the judge. cine man shouldn’t ruffle any feathers right? But in the Interview below Nipsey said this documentary mighteverything cost him histo If half of me Dr. back. It meant Let One thing for sure is that he’d been warned that doingKey means forSpano big pharma, which would be aa that Nipsey is dead Sebi’s claims were true then thattell you big all,losses Mayor is a stand-up guy, Entertainer’s from Michael Jackson to Lisa Left Eye and I can’t stop think- strong motivator to kill someone.class act and showed that he listens. Without ing about what his Lopez, Steven Seagall, John Travolta and Eddie Murphy were all clients of Dr. Sebi. any hesitation, hemedicine said heDr. would absolutely Regardless of your thoughts on alternative Sebi had natural death means for not order a new one for me. He didn’t have to, could only Crenshaw, but remedies that people believed in. Any spotlight on Dr. Sebi and his practices that did. pharmaceutical companies leverage but he So, Sunday, December 2nd,over AJ the millions of people potentially upend the stranglehold provocateur @brotherpolight a teary all over the world who ailing patients. Even social media Woodson, the host of People (through Before Politics have had his diabetes cured by Dr. Sebi. were influenced by eyed video posted yesterday) claimed Radio to and someone very dear to my heart, Nipsey’s philosophy presented methe a message new KeyoftoDr. the City micourwill spread Sebi’s on Business, Black Now that Nipsey’s gone who tesy of Mayor Spano on the air, complete Empowerment and raculous cures? Will this amazing documentary ever see the light of day? The most troubling aspect of Nipsey’s death is the legacyon that’s left behind in with Phil Amicone’s name it just like the Community Building.; How could we have an honest Today we won’t talk the minds of impressionable youth lastaround one! the So,country. I just want to take a moment to of education, finances and investment when most about Nipsey’s affili- conversation about the importance thank Mayor Spano so very much for his kind ation with the Rolling of our youth only see success in the field of entertainment, sports or drug dealing? and generous act. told the Mayor it just During the civil rights movement of the 60’s theIbastard children of that Malcom X, 60’s Crips, we won’t would mean the world to me and he heard talk about the 10 year Martin Luther King Jr and the Black Panthers fueled a drug war and gang culture that about howmany we gotother here as a cultureI and me. people For that and reasons am journey to the launch still haunts us today. You ask most at thefor fallout fromSpano Saddam Hussein’s execution of his first studio most people couldn’t tell you. Look grateful Mayor and I’m indebted to the death of one man destabilized an entire region album ‘Victory Lap,’ after the first Iraq War. Look at how him. Thank you Sir, and may God Bless you. for almost 2 decades…….Now think about this, what are the results of the murder, we won’t even talk about his grammy nomination for said album….Today we will talk imprisonment and marginalization I now feelLeaders complete!!! Oh, One andcan I would be reof Black in America? only wonder. about everything wrong with Nipsey’s death and the potential fallout. miss if I didn’t address the haters. This is a R.I.P Ermias Davidson Asghedom, may we meet again. During times of uncertainty I often fall back on my Christian upbringing and I replacement key, get it?. Lots of love to all!!! believe JESUS said it best when he said Charles Becco is a film writer who has written such films as “Guns” starring 50 Cent “Prophets are honored everywhere except in their own hometowns, and “Tapestry” featuring Stephen Baldwin. He is also the associate producer for the among their relatives, and in their own households.” Mark 6:4-6 upcoming “Death Row” Movie which highlights the life of Music Mogul Suge Knight.

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APRIL 19, 2019













APRIL 19, 2019

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APRIL 19, 2019



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APRIL 19, 2019

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