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In the U.S. and across many other countries, cannabis tourism is on the rise. Global weed tourism is at full throttle and shows no signs of slowing down thanks to lowered travel restrictions, and the implementation of better cannabis policies in several countries across the globe.

There has been a huge shift in decriminalizing cannabis as legal, adult-use recreational consumption becomes the norm, but knowing the rules about purchasing and using cannabis when traveling can be challenging. The rules vary state-to-state and aren’t always easily understand. For example, you could be traveling between states in the U.S. and find yourself moving from a cannabis-friendly state to an unfriendly state rather suddenly. Running afoul of some state’s cannabis use rules can still land you in a bit of trouble, so here are some tips to keep in mind for consuming responsibly in states where cannabis is legal.


Do your research

When researching your trip, and certainly before setting off, you should look at the rules surrounding the specific destinations you’ll be traveling too. While this sounds like common sense, it’s something worth looking into even if you don’t plan on consuming cannabis where you’re going. With it becoming more available and accessible, you’re more likely to stumble across it or see friends with it. Each state has different laws, and you should have at least a basic understanding of what is and isn’t allowed.

Sometimes there’s no substitute for a good ole’ Google – just search “cannabis consumption in X location”. This will then present the local government’s up-to-date rules and regulations.

Smoking or consuming publicly also changes state-by-state, even in states that have legalized weed, it might still be illegal to smoke on the street or in a public space. So, unless you’re absolutely sure you can consume in public view, we advise you to stay cautious and stick to private spaces or cannabisfriendly spaces like a cannabis-cafe.

When researching accommodation, it might be worth considering https://www.budandbreakfast.com/, a similar platform to Airbnb that lists cannabis friendly accommodation.

Focus on the small print

In some states, the total amount of allowable THC per single piece of chocolate (or gummy, or seltzer) is 5 mg and in others, it’s 10 mg. In unregulated states, it could be even higher. We strongly advise reading the fine print before you travel. The allowance, dosage, and how much you can carry at one time differs in each state or by destination. You can’t apply the same approach in each state, especially if you are doing a road trip, or visiting multiple destinations within the U.S.

It’s also worth noting that you should know your limits, as proper dosing is very personal. Many people have a high tolerance and could take 40 mg and only feel mild effects (CRAZY!). If you’re easily affected by cannabis or haven’t used it often, you’ll probably find that 5mg is PLENTY! Your level of tolerance all depends on factors like your age, metabolic rate, body fat percentage, and experience. Start ‘low and slow.’ You can always have another seltzer.

Take extra precautions when flying

When traveling with cannabis products, you need to be especially careful. The legality of these products changes based on your location. For example, nearly all states will allow possession of hemp-based CBD, as it was federally legalized in the U.S. in 2018, but Idaho doesn’t even allow for hemp-based CBD products if they contain any measurable amount of hemp-based THC.

However, if you’re traveling to a state that you know has strict marijuana regulations (ahem, Idaho!), research the state laws before bringing CBD and make sure your CBD products are devoid of THC. Or, at the very least, contain less than 0.3% THC.

When traveling outside the U.S., rules differ on a per-country basis. CBD is illegal in a few European countries and Asian countries. Most African and Middle Eastern countries have banned all cannabis products, CBD included.

The best rule of thumb when traveling with CBD is to research whether your destination (and any countries or states you are traveling through to get to your destination) allow CBD. You should also make sure you thoroughly understand the products in your possession, what they were made from (hemp v.

cannabis) and whether they contain any THC, or are purely CBD.

Don’t drive high

Drug-impaired driving can put you, your passengers, and anyone else sharing the road with you in danger. It’s a serious crime and the penalties associated with driving under the influence of ANY SUBSTANCE, including hemp-based products, can result in heavy fines and jail time across the U.S.

Please, just don’t do it and plan ahead, so you can get home safely.

If in doubt, get an Uber.

Seek out lounges

When it comes to consuming cannabis, your setting can really impact the experience that you have. It’s nice to find a cool place to let loose and enjoy yourself. Many states and cities allow cannabis consumption in designated lounges, restaurants, or bars, offering people a great place to relax and enjoy themselves. These cannabis-friendly cafes and lounges usually serve CBD and THC products like edibles, beverages, and joints, and even allow patrons to consume their own cannabis on-site. Be careful though, as these may be more of a turn-a-blind-eye kind of ‘rule,’ and smoking indoors is illegal in many parts of the US. Fortunately, we make incredibly delicious hemp-based THC+CBD seltzers that bypasses the whole, smoking aspect, so make sure you look around to see if those are available in your area (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Ask a budtender

When in doubt…. Ask. And who better to ask than the person working at the dispensary—as the concierge of your cannabis experience.

They can give you the low-down on the best organically-grown weed, direct you to a local cannabis lounge, and, most importantly, help you find the right experience for your needs. Sure, they’re stoners, but who better to ask some cannabis advise from?

Whether you’re looking for something to help you sleep or you want something to make you feel creative and energized, the budtender will be able to steer you to the best strain and method of delivery.

About Cycling Frog: Launching in January 2022, Cycling Frog offers unique, safe, and fun hemp-based, THC + CBD products to a mass audience. Their flagship range of THC Seltzers comes in a range of flavors, are vegan, 50-60 calories, are federally-legal, and offer 5mg THC per 120z can. Cycling Frog aims to change an entire generation’s perception and access to THC + CBD products in the US.

“F*ck the rules. F*ck convention. F*ck the status quo. We are pushing the boundaries and going into uncharted territory. Join us in paving the way to freely enjoy cannabis as has never been done in our lifetime. Cycling Frog isn’t just a brand. It’s a statement. It’s the belief that cannabis consumption should be normalized. Cannabis should be affordable. Cannabis should be accessible. Cannabis is fun. Cannabis should be enjoyed with the same ease as your favorite sparkling water or beer, and we at Cycling Frog are here to make that happen.”

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