Vol 1/ Issue 5 BLACK WESTCHESTER -Dec 2017

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas




PAGES 13-16







Closed Doors: Homelessness In PAGE 11

Westchester County by Laura Case PAGE 22

Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., as seen on day of funeral at Mt Calvary CME Church In Mt Vernon [Photo Courtesy of Family of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr.]






On August 2, 2008, NFL Legend and White Plains native, Art Monk, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Monk would go on to be the only person inducted into the Art Monk, one of the three best Receivers in Pro Football pro football, college football, Westchester sports and White Plains High School halls of history, along with Steve Largent and Jerry Rice fame. “White Plains is where it all started for me,” Monk told Journal News (con’t on page 23)



The holidays are known for conjuring up feelings of warmth and all things wonderful, and singer Jeff Redd did just that in 1991 with his mega-hit song, “You Called and Told Me” – which 26 years after its original release as part of the Strictly Business movie soundtrack still possesses a timeless ability to uplift and elevate the masses to a heightened state of musical bliss. Any conversation about iconic and classic ‘90s R&B music would not be complete without a mention of Redd and his contribution to the musical landscape with his special brand of new jack swing. Black Westchester Magazine spoke with Redd about his latest musical endeavors, the key to his longevity, and what makes the holidays special for him... (con’t on page 27)

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FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Founded in 2014 by DAMON K. JONES AJ WOODSON Published by URBANSOUL MEDIA GROUP 455 Tarrytown Rd., Suite 1318 White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 979-2093 www.BlackWestchester.com

As Publisher of Black Westchester Magazine (BW), I would like to thank everyone for their support of our efforts to bring information to the people of Westchester County. As we embark on a new chapter for BW, we hope to continue to empower the reader on issues in their communities. Independent media like BW has become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. What many fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which Democracy indeed functions”. This being said, BW will not be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities of being a check and balance system in the political process of the Black Communities of Westchester.


BW’s purpose is not only to address the political process that affects the everyday lives of communities of colour in Westchester County. BW’s mission has also been to shine a light on the brilliant culture, morals, values and elegant lifestyle of Black people. It’s time to change the narrative on how Black people are perceived in media.


As Publisher of BW, our doors are open to the public. From the publication, the website, our radio show and now the newspaper; our doors are open to the people. We do not do this for any grander position or status; we do it for the people.

BlackWestchesterMag@gmail.com Twitter: @BlkWestchesterM Instagram: @BlackWestchester Facebook: /BlackWestchesterMagazine

Publisher DAMON K. JONES @DamonKJones

Editor-In-Chief AJ WOODSON


Copy Editor Brenda L. Crump News Reporters/ Writers

AJ Woodson Damon K. Jones Lorraine Lopez (Latino Empowerment) Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Priscilla Echi Penny Graves Paul Feiner Marcus Glover Laura Case Entertainment Feature Writer

Samantha Hunter Photographers AJ Woodson Penny Graves

Cynthia Turnquest-Jones

Graphic Designers AJ Woodson Paula S. Woodson

A FEW WORDS FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Here it is, bam in ya face.... the December 2017 Issue of Black Westchester. We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. First once again let me thank all our supporters, our advertisers and all of our contributors; the writers, the editors, a Special Thanx to Brenda L. Crump who played Part-Time Copy Editor, thank you for the extra pair of eyes. Shout out to Priscilla Echi and Cynthia Turnquest-Jones taking up extra writing duties this issue, freeing me to do handle other things that needed to be done. We decided to dedicate this issue to Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., who was killed by White Plains Police, November 19, 2011 at his home to keep the name alive long after this summary execution falls out of the media cycle and the mainstream press pulls our attention away to elsewhere. We support our brother Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., is this quest for Justice for his father, six year later and counting. There are still too many Black People in Westchester that still do not know what happened, or who believe the police account of Mr. Chamberlain weilding an ax or a hatchet in attack mode and the officers had to defend themselves by taking the life of the veteran, a retired Westchester Correction Officer when they arrived on the scene to assist in a medical call. We dedicate this issue to Kenneth Chamberlain Sr, because those white officers and at least one black officer did not see a Marine Veteran, they did not see a fellow law enforcement profession, a retired correction officer, all they saw was another NIGGER, and that what they called him before they killed him. We dedicate this issue to Mr. Chamberlain to let the White Plains Police Department, the District Attorney’s office, White Plains Mayor Tom Roach, Public Safety Commissioner David Chong, US District Judge Cathy Seibel, Police Officer Anthony Carelli, who fired the fatal shot, but his lawyer said he made a mistake in Federal Courthouse in White Plains Nov. 16, 2016, now-retired Sgt. Keith Martin, know WE havent forgotten and WE, those who support Kenneth Chamberlain Jr, justice and equlity, are not going anywhere and for all the Kenneth Chamberlains out there who we do not read or hear about. Some of the images, language and stories may be disturbing, but until there is Justice for Kenneth Chamberlain, as long as their are injustices against Black and Brown people, Black Westchester will continue to be the disturbance in the sea of your complacency, and We will never stop shaking your waves! We packed in as much as we could in one issue, dealing with homelessness, the Con Con, history that was made in the local elections, a powerful piece on Omy Medina in the Latino Empowerment section, entertainment spotlights on The Lox, Pete Rock and Jeff Redd, Hometown Hero spotlight on Art Monk, Hillary Clinton & the Lybrian Slave Trade, Local and regional news and much more. Like what you see let us know BlackWestchesterMag@ gmail.com or leave a comment on the website or Facebook page. Here it is the December 2017 print edition of Black Westchester, enjoy! Peace and Blessings AJ Woodson Editor-In-Chief

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Fifty-nine years after Willie O’Ree broke the NHL color lines, Kim Davis is named an executive vice president

sponsoring programs through hockey as well as provide a safe, positive and inclusive environment for anyone associated with our League,” said Commissioner Bettman. “We are thrilled to have Kim join the NHL family.” “The impact of sports on community development can be powerful,” said Ms. Davis. “Sport can, and does, make a profound and positive impact on individuals, communities and has the opportunity to drive positive social change. Having had the privilege of advising the NHL on its CSR practices, I’ve experienced an organization that is truly committed to contributing positively to society and fostering inclusiveness. I’m looking forward to advancing the League’s mission and working with Commissioner Bettman and the executive leadership team to help drive the continued growth and success of the NHL.” Ms. Davis’ passion for equity and leadership led her to build the first women of color affinity group at Chase Manhattan Bank, developing a mentoring program for senior women that became an industry best practice in investment banking, and later developing the initial corporate sponsorship model for Women Moving Millions. The Westchester native has been named to The Business Journal’s 100 Most Influential Women and Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business. In 2012, she was profiled with First Lady Michelle Obama in Essence magazine’s “28 Most Influential Black Women in America.

The National Hockey League announced on Monday, Novemebr 27th that Kim Davis who calls New Rochelle home, has been named Executive Vice President, Social Impact, Growth Initiatives & Legislative Affairs. Ms. Davis will join Since 2014-15, African-American fans have had the highest growth rate among the NHL on Dec. 4, and will be based in the League’s New York office, reporting NHL fans, who knew! to Commissioner Gary Bettman and collaborating across the League’s clubs and stakeholders. Ms. Davis is a highly respected leader in the corporate and philanthropic community, and joins the NHL from leading CEO advisory firm Teneo. As a Senior Managing Director, she built and ran the firm’s Corporate Responsibility and Inclusive Leadership practice, advising CEOs and Fortune 500 companies daily. Prior to Teneo, Ms. Davis enjoyed a 20-plus year career at JPMorgan Chase, where she most recently served as Managing Director of Global CSR, President of Hartford native Matt Lauer, the leading morning news anchor on television, the JPMorgan Chase Foundation and as a member of the firm’s Executive Commit- NBC “Today” show host has been fired over sexual harassment allegations. tee. Her responsibilities included leading and managing approximately $300 million in annual giving, employee and civic engagement, and strategic corporate marketing Matt Lauer, a familiar face in morning news as the anchor of “Today” for two decades, was fired from NBC News on Wednesday, November 29th after an employee filed a complaint about “inappropriate sexual behavior took place during the 2014 Sochi $250,000 AWARDED FOR ROUTE Olympics, the network announced. Savannah Guthrie made the announcement at the 119 STREET DESIGN STUDY top of the “Today” show. “We are devastated,” she said. The accusation also noted that The Town of Greenburgh, along with the alleged behavior continued in the workplace after the games, NBC News confirmed. Yonkers Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer the Villages of Elmsford and Tarry- The “Today” show is one of the most popular and most profitable franchises on declared her candidacy Wednesday, town, and the City of White Plains American television. Lauer was the cornerstone of the program for two decades. So his November 30th for the 37th State Senate were the recipients of an intermunici- sudden ouster came as a shock to viewers -- but not as a complete surprise to his “Toseat, vacated by Sen. George Latimer pal grant in the amount of $250,000 day” show colleagues. They knew that multiple news outlets were investigating Lauer’s following his win for Westchester County from the New York State Thruway Au- off-camera conduct. Executive. The New York Times, was in touch with an accuser who then met with NBC thority as part of a Community Ben- “It has been an honor to serve in efits Program Agreement associated lawyers and human resources officials on Monday evening, November 27th. The the Assembly for the last five years and I with the New NY Bridge Project. accuser’s attorney, Ari Wilkenfeld, said in a statement that he and his client met with look forward to bringing that experience to The grant will fund a Route 119 representatives from NBC’s human resources and legal department on Monday at 6 the state Senate,” Mayer said in a state- Complete Street Design Plan focusing p.m. ment. “The values that make our state and on opportunities to update the Rt. 119 “Over the course of several hours, my client detailed egregious acts of sexnation strong—fairness, inclusion, and op- corridor with pedestrian/cycling/vehic- ual harassment and misconduct by Mr. Lauer. In fewer than than 35 hours, NBC portunity for all—are under attack and we ular safety measures. Together with a investigated and removed Mr. Lauer,” Wilkenfeld said. “Our impression at this point need leaders ready and willing to stand up Consortium of municipal representa- is that NBC acted quickly and responsibly, as all companies should when confronted and fight back. This is no time to equivo- tives and local residents, the selected with credible allegations about sexual misconduct in the workplace. It is our hope cate; this is our time to lead.” consulting team will draw from existing that NBC will continue to do what it can to repair the damage done to my client—their She is the second Democrat to studies and plans, public meetings, employee—and any other women who may come forward. While I am impressed by announce a bid after Kat Brezler, a Bernie and technical expertise to pilot and NBC’s response to date, I am awed by the courage my client showed to be the first Sanders organizer, did so earlier last document a practical plan that can be to raise a complaint and to do so without making any demands other than asking the month. submitted for final engineering before company do the right thing. This is how the system should work.” The Latimer seat is one of two July 2018. An investigation ensued on Tuesday, November 28th. A decision was made expected to be filled in special elections This project will result in a de- to terminate his employment on Tuesday evening -- a swift turnaround time. next spring. The other is the seat of Sen. sign that supports high quality access In a memo to employees sent Wednesday morning, NBC News Chairman Ruben Diaz of the Bronx. to the new New York Bridge and ex- Andrew Lack said the complaint, which was made by a female colleague of Lauer’s, Both of those seats, which cur- isting trails crossing Route 119, high- prompted a serious review and represented a “clear violation of our company’s standrently are in Democratic hands, are cen- ways and high volume junctions, as ards.” ack said it was the first complaint lodged against Lauer, 59, for his behavior tral to a plan to bring Democratic factions well as adjacent communities, while since he took over as anchor of the show in 1997, but there was “reason to believe” in the Senate back together. If both seats providing continuous active transpor- it may not have been an isolated incident. stay with the Democrats, there would be tation connectivity, improved safety, “Our highest priority is to create a workplace environment where everyone 32 Democrats in the chamber, enough to and better multi-modal access for lo- feels safe and protected, and to ensure that any actions that run counter to our core form a majority. values are met with consequences, no matter who the offender,” Lack said. cal business and residential areas




The Mount Vernon City School District awarded three invaluable community members with Knight Light Awards at a Board of Education meeting last night. The recipients included former Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow and Senator Jeffrey D. Klein. “On behalf of the District, I want to thank each honoree for their dedication to helping propel the Mount Vernon City School District forward,” said Adriane G. Saunders, Mt. Vernon Board of Education President. “The District has seen tremendous improvements over the last year as a result of their efforts to secure state funding.” The Knight Light Award is presented to members of the Mt. Vernon community that exemplify the qualities of a Mt. Vernon Knight, including courage, justice, mercy generosity, faith, nobility, and hope. The award is intended to spotlight people or groups that have a positive impact on the District and its students. Each of this week’s recipients have contributed to the progress and well-being of Mount Vernon through a variety of projects. “Our top goal is to improve what happens behind the walls in our schools – in the classrooms with the education of our students,” said Dr. Kenneth R. Hamilton, Superintendent of the MVCSD. “But to become excellent at that, we must also be a source of community pride and each of these Knight Light recipients has helped the District work toward those goals.” Hassell-Thompson also secured $400,000 in funding for Little Hands Children’s Center, a daycare in Mt. Vernon. “It’s important to provide our students, our future leaders, with resources that inspire them,” said Hassell-Thompson. “The park at Graham Elementary school provides children with a place to play and explore, which stimulates their creative minds.

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here has been a generational shift nationwide where the younger generation is stepping up to be the new leaders. We saw that locally in Mount Vernon the summer of 2015 and two years later with Andre Rainey and Venessa Agudelo in Peekskill. Andre Rainey the youngest City Councilman in the City of Peekskill in 2015 was elected and will now be the youngest Mayor of the city at the age of 33. Venessa Agudelo at the age of 25 has now broke Rainey record as the youngest City Council in the city of Peekskill.

FIRST ELECTED OFFICIAL OF PORTUGUESE DESCENT IN WESTCHESTER Born and bred in Mount Vernon, NY, Ms. Duarte is a first generation American of Portuguese descent to be elected to office in the City of Mount Vernon, The County of Westchester and first Portuguese American female elected in the State of New York. The number one vote getter in the Mount Vernon Democratic primary and the General Election. She ran in 2015 on the Westchester County Independence Party line and despite not being in the Democratic Prmary in 2015, she recieved over 2000 votes in the General Election. She stayed active and visiable and came back in 2017 to run in the Democratic Primary and along with incumbent Marcus Griffith and Delia Farquharson, Duarte was one of the three candidates endorsed by the Mount Vernon city Democratic Committee. Janice told Black Westchester she is the much needed, new independent and Democratic voice,to move Mount Vernon forward in a new direction. “I want to Thank You Mount Vernon!,” Janice tells BW. “I am humbled because I recognize it took everyone’s vote and support to make Tuesday, November 7th’s General Election a success. A day of pride and of history. The work that must be done requires the help of every Mount Vernon resident.

Rainey, a Democrat, defeated two-term Republican incumbent Frank Catalina, and Vanessa Agudelo, Colin Smith, and Ramon Fenandez were elected to the Common Council with 2,715 votes, 2,655 votes and 1,987 votes, respectively. It’a a New Day and History has been made in Peekskill in what was a very heated race. “Peekskill decided on Election Day, that they liked the success that the Democratic majority has been able to achieve, but wanted a more positive and unifying mayor,” Rainey told BW shortly after his victory. “To those who voted for me and those who voted for the incumbent mayor, I will do everything I can every day to make you proud.” “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Mayor-elect Andre Rainey has already selected and announced the appointment - Unknown (ca. Africa) of a volunteer transition team to work with the city manager and department heads to ensure the new administration can hit the ground running on January 1, 2018. The transition Thank you to everyone! I look forward to your ongoing support as we work team’s primary purpose will be to meet with department heads and city staff to assess together to shape our City with humility, integrity and equity,” Mount Vernon City operations, identify existing challenges that departments are facing, and learn from profes- Council Elect Janice Duarte continues. Janice was the first in her family to go to college. sional staff where they see their department priorities in the coming years. The transition team consists of 13 initial members chaired by current Council members Kathie Talbot and She graduated from Columbia University. 50 years ago her grandparents made the decision Vivian McKenzie. “My number one goal over the next six weeks is to have as much information as to leave Portugal and eventually they came to Mount possible from the professional staff and a clear assessment from experts on the state of Vernon. January 2018, she is one of three who will join the city so that we can hit the ground running on January 1,” said Mayor-elect Rainey. “I City Council to serve along side of Councilman Andre am grateful for the assistance Mayor Catalina has given me over the last two weeks as we Wallace and Councilman Lisa Copeland who joined the begin this transition. The team I have selected has a wide range of experience in business, council in 2016, to help Mount Vernon return to the great finance, development, public safety, management, community relations, recreation, and city it once was and can be again. Black Westchester congratulates and salutes youth services. They also represent the true diversity of Peekskill, which is critical if we want a city that reflects everyone. I look forward to working with this team over these next Janice Duarte for her history making victory! six weeks to get ready for day one.” BW congratulates and salutes Mayor Elect Andre Rainey and Councilwoman Elect Vanessa Agudelo for your historical win along with Smith and Fenandez on your victory. Winning the election was the easy part. Being the change the people of Peekskill voted for is the hard part. All eyes are on you especially because of your age! Make your city proud!

ST. FRANCIS A.M.E. ZION A FEW WORDS FROM GREENBURGH CHURCH IS HOSTING TOWN SUPERVISOR PAUL FEINER HOLIDAY BAZAAR AND including near more affluent neigh- new apartments are built the sen- GOSPEL MUSIC CONCERT borhoods. During my tenure as iors will be moving into beautiful and

The Greenburgh Housing Authority (GHA) is a Public Housing Authority operating in the Town of Greenburgh The Greenburgh Housing Authority provides decent and affordable housing in a safe and secure living environment for low and moderate-income residents. GHA was created in 1952. The Housing Authority opened its first public housing development in 1961. This development funded by New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) was located in the Fairview section of town. In 1973, a second public housing development funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was undertaken in six separate locations. There were three sites located in the incorporated areas(villages) of the town (Elmsford, Ardsley, Tarrytown) and three sites located in the unincorporated areas(Hartsdale-2, Fairview). The Housing Authority has, over the decades received national attention. It was one of the first successful low income complexes placed in different neighborhoods around a municipality

Town Supervisor I have received very few complaints from neighbors who reside near these apartments. Two exciting initiatives have taken place recently impacting housing authority tenants: In November the Town implemented a CDBG grant and built a sidewalk from Secor Road (where one of the Housing authority sites are located) to Saw Mill River Road. This new sidewalk will enhance pedestrian safety --especially the safety of tenants who walk to the bus stop on Saw Mill River Road. The safety of our residents must always be given the highest priority attention. It’s my hope that our new County Executive- George Latimer will restore some of the bus routes that Rob Astorino discontinued. A good public transportation system is important to people who don’t have cars. The Town also has 30 apartments on Manhattan Ave for senior citizens. These apartments are over 40 years old and in bad shape. The Town Board is working with the Housing Authority to build 82 units of affordable senior citizen apartments on Manhattan Ave replacing thirty existing units. Earlier this fall we adopted a local law amending our zoning ordinance to include multifamily senior housing. When the

modern new apartments that will be clean and affordable. Those under 62 who currently reside on Manhattan Ave will be offered a new apartment that is clean with new paint, new tiles and new appliances. The next step: the Housing Authority and developer of the Manhattan Ave apartments will have to secure funding. And, then will have to seek site plan approvals from the town. I am pleased that we’re working together and moving the process forward. Seniors who live in a low income housing complex deserve a great quality of life. These new units, once built, will enable the Housing Authority to meet their financial obligations and to stay fiscally sound. The Town Board and I also want to work with the Housing Authority and modernize all the other existing low income apartments. PAUL FEINER

Mount Kisco -- Saint Francis African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church located at 3 Hillside Avenue will host two fun-filled fundraising events on-site this December. The first is a holiday bazaar on Saturday, December 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The second is a gospel music performance, called “Christ as Concert,” on December 8 at 7 p.m. Just some of the items that will be on hand at the holiday bazaar are baked goods, candles, plants, and handcrafted jewelry and pocketbooks created by local vendors. The event is open to the public. Lunch will be available for purchase. “The bazaar offers local shoppers gifts at lower prices than in stores so that Christmas giving can be a blessing,” said Saint Francis AME Zion Pastor Marva Dolphin. “We’re opening our doors to the community to say come on in. As the oldest African-American church in Mount Kisco, we have a rich history at Saint Francis AME Zion,” adds Pastor Dolphin. “We want to serve as a respite for the community. We want to provide recreational and educational space, where people can put aside the worries of life when they are with us. These fundraisers will help the church fulfill its vision.”

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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The FCC’s upcoming decision of December 14, 2017 on reversing Net Neutrality has Media cross-ownership sparked serious concerns and has gained a ton of media attention on yet another reveris the ownership of multiple media sal of the Obama administration’s signature achievements. What’s not getting enough attention, however, is the FCC decision of November 16, 2017 that has flown under the businesses by a person or radar. It is equally as harmful to us locally, because it allows a single company to own a newspaper, television and radio stations in the same town. corporation. These businesses Known as a media cross-ownership ban, the Republican-led FCC eliminated the restrictions – voted along party lines - reversing a decades-old rule aimed at precan include broadcast and venting any individual or company from having too much power over local coverage. In addition, as part of the vote, the agency also increased the number of televicable television, film, radio, sion stations a company could own in a local market. newspaper, magazine, book To put this repeal in context, the ban was first put in place in the 1970s to ensure that a diversity of voices and opinions could be heard on the air or in print. publishing, music, video The intended consequence was working, or maybe working too well. Because of the ban, we have had the rise of blogs, websites and podcasts that all provide altergames, and various online native, diverse, and competitive viewpoints to traditional media outlets. In Westchester County for example, the Journal News online and print outlets have to work harder now, entities. Much of the debate than say five years ago, to get exclusive local stories. But the larger community benefits from diverse perspectives on the same story from the County Press, Black Westchester, over concentration of media Yonkers Tribune, and Rising Media, to name a few. On the cable front, FiOS 1 News and ownership in the US has for News 12 complement each other in local and regional reporting. Quite frankly, in the age of Fake news, it’s hard to imagine a Rupert Murdock, FOX many years focused specifi- News, New York Post, top-down, one-size- fits- all, politically conservative brand of news in Westchester; or, in any other county, without cally on the ownership of a court fight. But with deep pockets and this FCC rule-change, the scenario of “abridgment of free speech” protected by the First Amendment is now probable. The politically conservative, Koch brothers, $3 Billion merger deal involving Time Inc., (publisher of Fortune, Time, broadcast stations, cable Sports Illustrated and People Magazine) and Meredith Corporation (publisher of Better Homes and Garden, Family Circle, All Recipes) announced on November 26, 2017 -- 10 days after the FCC decision is just the start. stations, newspapers and The writer, a Mount Vernon resident, is a former director of management consulting for The Gartner Group, and a former websites. 2016 congressional candidate for NY 16th CD. He is reachable at dkl@marketvw.com




MONTICELLO, N.Y. – Construction workers at Resorts World Catskills rolled in and installed 2,157 slot machines onto the 100,000-square-foot main gaming floor, reaching an important milestone in the countdown to the much-anticipated March 11 opening of the casino resort. “The arrival of these first pieces of gaming equipment shows that the casino resort’s construction is on target for our March 1 opening,” said Charles A. Degliomini, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs & Corporate Communications of Empire Resorts, Inc. “Seeing these machines installed gives us a glimpse of just how fabulous our gaming floor will look on opening day.” Players will have the choice to play slots that are full-fledged Class III games, some of which are the first to reach the gaming market. Video poker machines will allow players to make decisions. Denominations will range from 1 cent to up to $100. The slot machines – each costing $20,000 to $25,000 – were manufactured by companies like IGT and Scientific Games. Players will be able to play slot machines that display in a glasses-free 3D experience. Other machines, such as Sphinx 4D, will have a 4D presentation, which recognizes a player’s gestures and mid-air haptic technologies to create a multi-sensory player experience. Still others will use a 4K, or ultra-high definition, display.


SPRING VALLEY -- Demeza Delhome, the mayor of a village in Rockland County is no stranger to controversy and is once again making news. He faced jail time a few years back. Well, now he’s back in court fighting to keep his job. “This guy is not a good guy, this guy has done wrong at an extremely high level,” Kenneth del Vecchio, petitioner’s attorney said. “This case is about a guy who runs rough shot against an entire community who consistently violates the rule of law,” Should Delhomme indeed be removed, he would be the second straight Spring Valley mayor whose term ended in disgrace. His predecessor is serving four years in prison for corruption. The trial is the result of a petition. A hearing officer will make a recommendation to an appellate court which will decide Delhomme’s fate. Delhomme is no stranger to controversy, from trying to explain why Department of Public Works workers were sent home during a snowstorm to avoid overtime costs, to spending five days in jail for contempt after violating a judge’s order to open summer camp. The mayor also allegedly used a village owned SUV numerous times to travel to a vacation home in North Carolina. Delhomme is in the midst of an impeachment trial, facing over 40 counts of official misconduct. His lawyer claims the allegations are politically motivated. “A witch hunt, the mayor has been a good government guy all along, there hasn’t been whiff of corruption against him,” said Kenneth Brown, Delhomme’s attorney. Key testimony is being provided by village trustee Vilair Fonvil, who Delhomme claims just wants his job.

Game brands will include Wheel of Fortune; The Goonies; King Kong; Pac Man; The Ellen DeGeneres Show; Elvis; Bart, Homer and the rest of the Simpsons; and Harley-Davidson, among others. Anchorman slot machines will be the first in the Northeast. And, Game of Thrones fans will even have the opportunity to play on a 10-foot tall curved screen. Beautifully situated in the pristine Catskills, Resorts World Casino is part of a $1.2 billion four-season destination resort being developed in the Town of Thompson in Sullivan County, approximately 90 miles from New York City. Resorts World Catskills branded resort casino will include an 18-story casino, hotel and entertainment complex with approximately 100,000 square feet of casino floor, 134 table games, 2,157 state of the art slot machines, a poker room and private gaming salons. Guest amenities will include 332 all-suite luxury rooms, which include 12 penthouse suites, 8 garden suites and 7 two-story villas, two indoor pools, a spa and fitness center — all designed to meet 5-star and

and 5-diamond standards. Guests will be able to choose from over 10 varied bar and restaurant experiences, including fine dining, and an Italian steakhouse created by celebrity chef Scott Conant. Guests can also enjoy year-round live entertainment at the over 2,000-seat event center, casino bars, restaurants and lounges. Expected to open in March 2018, the destination resort in which Resorts World Catskills is located, will also include an entertainment village providing additional entertainment, food and accommodations, and a Rees Jones-redesigned golf course. In addition, the destination resort will include an indoor waterpark lodge.



“Much has changed in the four years since Colin Kaepernick was last on the cover of GQ. Back then he was a rippling superhero of a quarterback on the rise. But a simple act—kneeling during the national anthem—changed everything. It cost him his job. It also transformed Colin Kaepernick into a lightning rod and a powerful symbol of activism and resistance,” GQ Magazine wrote. Former San Francisco 49’ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick has become one of the most recognizable faces of the movement for equality in the United States, which is why GQ chose to put him on one of the four covers for their annual Man Of The Year issue (December 2017) as the Citizen of the Year. Alongside Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman of the Year), Stephen Colbert (Bad Hombre of the Year), and Kevin Durant (Champion of the Year), Kaepernick graces one of four GQ covers with a feature detailing his silent protest against police brutality toward black people in the U.S. To help him reclaim the narrative of his protest amid the harsh criticism CK has faced since first kneeling during the national anthem, the GQ feature combines powerful imagery with accounts from ten of his closest confidants, including J. Cole and Ava DuVernay, that outline why his stance is so important for his community. “Colin also made it clear to us that he intended to remain silent,“ the GQ story reads. ”As his public identity has begun to shift from football star to embattled activist, he has grown wise to the power of his silence. It has helped his story go around the world. It has even provoked the ire and ill temper of Donald Trump.” Kaepernick tweeted Monday, November 13th; that he was “honored” by the distinction bestowed upon him by the magazine. Since beginning his protest last year, Colin has found himself, a QB without a team, leading some to wonder if that repudiation is at least in fact partically politically motivated.

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Between acting, heading a production company, and changing her 4-month old’s diapers, Krystal M. Harris has added a new talent to her career other than writing film scripts… writing comics/graphic novels. Harris, who appeared opposite Algee Smith in the “New Edition Story” biopic on BET, has been tapped to pen the female action/drama graphic novel, The Venomous Five. Set in the 19th century, The Venomous Five is a story of five former slave girls who surpass adversity to become the pride of Japan and the world’s fiercest martial arts warrior heroines. “When I heard the concept I was immediately excited, using our rich history as black people and turning the pain we endured as slaves into a driving force to rise up in power was something that really got my wheels turning. Plus, black female martial arts and fantasy lore… what could get better than that?” said Harris The new graphic novel will bring on several black female illustrators in addition to Harris penning the graphic novel, and will feature illustrations lead by artist/illustrator and mother Julie Anderson. Women of color rarely get opportunities to champion this type of genre. For more info call Michael Daniels at (323) 401-6973, or visit www.thevenomousfive.com

HAITIANS IN ROCKLAND COUNTY ARE FIGHTING TO STAY IN THE US ROCKLAND COUNTY -- People in the Hudson Valley protested in Spring Valley against President Donald Trump’s decision to end Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for Haitians. TPS for Haitians was granted following the 2010 earthquake that caused crippling devastation. The decision allowed Haitians who sought refuge in the United States to stay while their country recovered. Some lawmakers like state Sen. David Carlucci, of New

City, say ending TPS is “inhumane.” “It’s wrong for the Haitian community in Haiti, it’s wrong for the Haitian community here,” Carlucci says. Nearly 60,000 Haitians living in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) will face deportation within the next 18 months, the Trump administration announced Monday, November 20th. Haitians with TPS designation will have until July 22, 2019 to voluntarily leave the country or change their legal status. “The decision to terminate TPS for Haiti was made after a review of the conditions upon which the country’s original designation were based and whether those extraordinary but temporary conditions prevented Haiti from adequately handling the return of their nationals, as required by statute,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a statement. “Based on all available information, including recommendations received as part of an inter-agency consultation process, Acting Secretary Duke determined that those extraordinary but temporary conditions caused by the 2010 earthquake no longer exist. Thus, under the applicable statute, the current TPS designation must be terminated.” “They already come here and Trump wants to keep them out,” Jamar Salvadon told the Journal News. “This country was built on freedom and he wants to deprive people of that. I find that really unfair and hypocritical.” Salvadon, 20, said America is known for taking refugees, so why is it now making them leave? The Obama administration first granted TPS, to Haitians after the nation was ravaged by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in 2010 that killed more than 200,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands. “I am extremely disappointed that the Trump Administration has decided to discontinue the TPS,” state Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee said in a statement. “This decision is unconscionable and goes against one of the most basic American values: offering protection and shelter to our neighbors.”


In an exclusive report titled PEOPLE FOR SALE Where Lives Are Auctioned For $400, CNN released footage from Libya, showing young men from sub-Saharan Africa being auctioned off as farm workers in slave markets. Reynolds goes on to explain that, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was behind the NATO-backed forces overthrow of long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011, which left Libya beset by chaos ever since. The thing was eight years earlier, under President George W. Bush the United States negotiated an agreement with Gadhafi where he would give up his weapons of


Ride hailing company Uber paid $100,000 to hackers who stole personal details of 50 million customers and 7 million drivers to delete the data and keep quiet about the hack, according to published reports. The hack occurred more than a year ago, but wasn’t disclosed until Tuesday, Nov. 21. Privately held Uber ousted its chief security officer, Joe Sullivan, and another employee in connection with the hack and cover up, Bloomberg reported. Dara Khosrowshahi, who became CEO of Uber earlier this fall, said in a statement “None of this should have happened, and I will not make excuses for it.” Khosrowshahi replaced founder and former CEO Travis Kalanick, who was forced out earlier this year amid allegations he oversaw rampant sexual harassment at the company. Kalanick had learned of the hack shortly after it occurred. The incident came at a sensitive time for Uber, which had just settled a lawsuit by the New York attorney general over data security, Bloomberg reported. Now the ride-hailing company has been sued for negligence: The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles, seeks to represent everyone whose information was stolen in the breach. CONYERS STEPS DOWN FROM COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP POSITION AMID HARASSMENT ACCUSATIONS



“Black Africans are being sold in openair slave markets, and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault,” Glenn Harlan Reynolds started off his USA Today Opinion Column, Monday November 27th



mass destruction peacefully, and we wouldn’t try to depose him. And we wonder why North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has no intention of suffering the same fate. While it was a good deal and Gadhafi readily agreed, the Obama administration didn’t stick to it. Instead, in an operation spearheaded by Clinton, the US went ahead and toppled him anyway. “The overthrow turned out to be a debacle. Libya exploded into chaos and civil war, refugees flooded Europe, destabilizing governments there,” Reynolds wrote. “Clinton thought it

was a great triumph, “We came, we saw, he died,” she joked about Gadhafi’s overthrow and adviser Sidney Blumenthal encouraged her to tout her “successful strategy” as evidence of her fitness for the highest office in the land.” Despite the hype about Gadhafi he was loved and empowered his people. Lybia is Africa’s largest oil producer. A portion of Libyan oil sales was being credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens. After the void in leadership, Isis now rules Lybia and Black Africans are being sold as slave in 2017, thank Hillary.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., stepped down as the ranking Democratic member of the House Judiciary Committee on Sunday, November 26th following sexual harassment accusations. The 27-term congressman said he denied the allegations, but was stepping down because of the ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation. “I deny these allegations, many of which were raised by documents reportedly paid for by a partisan altright blogger,” Conyers said in a statement. House Deocratic Leader Nancy Pelosi urged “due process” before reaching conclusions.


CAIRO — At least 305 people were killed when gunmen opened fire and bombed a mosque in Egypt’s volatile Sinai Peninsula Friday, November 24th. Government officials said 128 more had been injured in the attack — among the deadliest in Egypt’s history. The rising death toll included 27 children, officials said. Images from inside the building showed dozens of bodies wrapped in blood-soaked cloth lined up on the carpeted floor Police sources told The Associated Press that men in four off-road vehicles opened fire on worshippers in the al-Rawdah mosque in the town of Al Rawdah. NBC News could not immediately independently verify that account. Two eyewitnesses and a security source told Reuters that the suspected militants targeted supporters of the security forces attending prayers. Citing official sources, the state-run MENA news agency reported that the mosque is largely attended by Sufi Muslims — a form of Islam considered heretical by some conservatives and extremists like the Islamic State group. Around 50 ambulances were transferring victims to hospitals, according to the Ministry of Health. A statement issued by Egypt’s General Prosecutor Nabil Sadiq put the death toll at 305, with at least 128 others wounded. A Health Ministry official told Al Jazeera TV that “there were many people inside the mosque — it’s only a small mosque.” Gunmen shot worshippers fleeing the initial attack, he added.

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OVER 225 BLACK GIRLS AND WOMEN LEARN HOW TO “FLIP THE SCRIPT!” AT SISTER TO SISTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. & COMMUNITY PARTNERS 3RD ANNUAL BLACK WOMEN & THE GIRL-CHILD EMPOWERMENT CONFERENCE WORDS AND PHOTO BY PENNY GRAVES Sister to Sister International, Inc. along with a coalition of leading Black women’s organizations and various community stakeholders recently hosted their third annual collaborative conference entitled “Black Women & the Girl-Child: It Takes A Village: Nurturing the Girl-Child through Collective Impact” at Mercy College. This exciting conference empowered girls and women through a day of enlightenment on how to “flip the script” and make the various systems they face in school and life – work in their favor, giving them a chance to pursue higher education and successful futures. The event also featured a fashion & hair show, networking, shopping with vendors, nutrition tips and fun! When asked if the conference met their expectations some of the participant responses were: “Yes, because it taught me a lot about women and that we should always stand up for ourselves; Yes, I learned about STEAM opportunities for girls; Yes, because it was about elevating black girls.” The morning plenary began with opening remarks and a warm welcome from Cheryl Brannan, STSI Founder & Conference Convener, along with greetings from Timothy Hall, Mercy College President and Dr. Iris Pagan, Director of the Westchester County Youth Bureau. The day continued with various empowering Sister Circles entitled: 1) Promoting STEAM Careers for Success 2) Finding your #Black Girl Magic! 3) Encouraging Parental Advocacy for Today and Tomorrow 4) Treat your Body like a Temple and 5) “Show me the Money .. Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship. The Business & Health Expo featured many community partners and vendors including the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter, Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus, Yonkers Chapter and the Open Door Family Medical Center to name a few, along with vendors offering top fashion and affordable shopping. Carol Wilkinson of News 12, invited “back by popular demand,” served as the Mistress of Ceremonies for the “We Are Flipping the Script” Power Luncheon that featured greetings and inspirational remarks from the Hon. Andrea Stewart Cousins, Senator 35th District and Democratic Conference Leader and the Hon. Arlene Gordon Oliver, Senior Justice of Greenburgh Town Court and Family Court Judge elect. The Keynote Speaker was the dynamic Ms. Kalisha Dessources, Director of the National Collaborative of Young Women’s Initiatives and former Policy Advisor to the Obama White House Council on Women & Girls. Her presentation on the status of black girls and various issues affecting them from lack of inclusion in STEM, school discipline, the criminal justice system, teen and unplanned pregnancy and economic security issues was very informative, relational and received “rave reviews!” At 27 years old, she is not only a former Obama White House staffer, but also a former science teacher and current Yale doctoral student. She is a shining example of a Black girl immigrant who has “flipped the script” and beat the odds! After the power packed luncheon the women and girls retreated back into another round of sister circle sessions which featured doctors, social workers, public health advocates, entrepreneurs and bank representatives, among others. A student participant stated: “While I enjoyed all of the sessions, the best one for me today was the entrepreneurship, because I plan to open a business when I get older.” Cheryl Brannan, STSI founder and conference convener said, “We applaud all of our community partners and look forward to working with them on our on-going collaboration in support of the girl-child and their future success.

While we have all done great work individually, we know we can do more together. Collective work and responsibility have been a tradition in the African community and we are excited about the prospects of our on-going collective impact agenda!” This event was made possible with generous support from our sponsors including Mercy College, Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow, the NYS Department of Health, State Farm, Con Edison, TD Bank and Entergy. About Sister to Sister International, Inc. & The Black Women Girl- Child Initiative Sister to Sister International, Inc., (STSI) is a multi-faceted, tax-exempt 501c (3) nongovernmental organization, established in 1994, that advocates for the advancement of women and families of African descent, with a special focus on education, health & wellness and global affairs. Their programs and activities for youth have always promoted academic enrichment, mentoring, life-skills and global awareness. STSI holds Special Consultative Status with the U.N. Sister to Sister International serves as the backbone of the “Black Women & the Girl-Child” BWGC coalition in Westchester county, established in 2015 that includes over 20 community organizations and stakeholders that address the systemic barriers to success for Black and other girls of color. The coalitions theme is “It takes a Village: Nurturing the Girl-Child through Collective Impact.” Our platform for action is built on the White House Council on Women & Girls of Color, Advancing Equity Reports, 2015 & 2016 by the Obama Administration. For more information on this collective impact initiative contact Sister to Sister International at 914/207-0368 or email stsi@optonline.net visit us on facebook at /sistertosisterinternational and log onto s2si.org.



Baltimore homicide Detective Sean Suiter, 43, was scheduled to testify before a federal grand jury in the case against a squad of indicted officers on the day after he was shot, Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said Wednesday, November 22nd. Davis also revealed that investigators believe Suiter had been killed with his

own weapon, adding that there were signs of a stuggle between Suiter, an 18-year veteran of the BPD, and his killer, who remains at large. Two of the seven officers indicted in March have pleaded guilty to the charges against them. Others have pleaded not guilty. Two have scheduled rearraignments, during which they could change their not-guilty pleas to guilty pleas. One has not entered a plea. The March indictments led Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s office to drop 77 criminal cases that relied on the testimony of the officers. More than 100 other cases are under review. An eighth Baltimore police officer, Sgt. Thomas Allers, 49, of Linthicum Heights, a member of the city Police Department since 1996, was arrested Wednesday, August 30th on nine counts of robbery and extortion in the growing scandal that has engulfed the department’s elite gun task force. The revelation brings together two cases that have sent shock waves through the Police Department and the city as a whole: the federal prosecutions of eight members of the department’s elite gun task force, who are accused of shaking down citizens and conspiring with drug dealers, and the killing of Suiter last week in West Baltimore, the first of an on-duty officer by a suspect in 10 years. Davis said at the press conference that federal authorities have told him “in no uncertain terms” that Suiter was not a target of their investigation into the Gun Trace Task Force. He said authorities have no reason to believe Suiter’s killing was connected to his pending testimony. However many others including journalist and civil rights activist, Shaun King believe he was killed so he could not testify.

The BPD has been under public scrutiny after the Justice Department released a damning report last year that revealed the department had routinely abused Baltimore residents’ civil rights, including unconstitutional stops, frisks and arrests, using excessive force and taking a lax approach to sexual assault cases. In April, a federal judge approved a deal made during the Obama administration between the city and the Justice Department to reform the troubled police department. The Trump administration had requested a delay on the approval of that deal, but it was rejected. Officials tell BW that police have yet to identified a suspect or make an arrest in Suiter’s shooting. Investigators locked the neighborhood down for several days after the shooting to gather evidence and interview potential witnesses. Authorities are offering a reward of $215,000 for information leading to an arrest. Police say Suiter and a partner were conducting a follow-up investigation on a triple homicide in the 900 block of Bennett Place when he saw someone acting suspiciously in a vacant lot and approached. The 43-yearold detective, a married father of five, was shot once in the head. Suiter, a father of five, died the next day. There are new questions about the murder of BPD Detective Sean Suiter. The FBI is trying to enhance what is believed to be Suiter’s final radio call to look for any clues about the suspect who managed to wrestle away Suiter’s gun and shoot the 18-year veteran officer in the head at close range. “We don’t know exactly what he said, but he was clearly in distress,” said Commissioner Kevin Davis. A small memorial now sits at the scene, where some are offering prayers. “He deserved that prayer,” said one person at the memorial. “The family deserved that prayer. Our city of Baltimore deserved that prayer.” The reward for information leading to an arrest sits at more than $200,000. Suiter’s funeral is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29th. Baltimore police are investigating separate shootings that left two men dead and two others injured in a 24-hour period starting Friday, November 24th. The first shooting, at around 10 p.m. Friday, occurred in the 3900 block of Fairfax Road in the Forest Park area.

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I bumped into Sandra Eichenberg age 67 who became a nun in Europe. “I left the order to serve God thru traveling because I felt as though I could reach more. As a nun I worked for the Mission of Mercy which is no longer in existence.” Sandra was trying on a coat when she spotted me gazing at her. She giggled, “What do you think?” I replied with a grin and added, “You look smashing.” Sandra acknowledged that she was homeless, but is now residing in a Senior dwelling. Sandra conveyed of having no family and it just being her. I realized then that the people we were serving were sincerely hungry. They are not just hungry for food. There is an absence of constant love, conversations, stability, a sound education, someone to trust and the list goes on and on. For decades millions embrace the gift of giving during the week of Thanksgiving. Yonkers YMCA under the guidance of CEO Shawn Patterson -Howard hosted their annual thanksgiving dinner on Tuesday, November 28th. Staff and volunteers joined with rapper DMX served 600 plus people and passed out over 400 pair of coats. A traditional thanksgiving dinner was prepared with humanity in the air. People who believe that the deeds of giving are the foundation of the world. Fathers Alive in the Hood founder Kenny Carter went underground for the fourth year in a row. Every four years Fathers Alive in the Hood acquire aid from the Redemption Holy Tabernacle to reach their goal to serve the homeless and hungry. “F.A.I.T.H” was created with the mindset to promote manhood by developing brotherhood and taking back communities thru Love. Underground feeding requires time, a shopping cart, and patience. There are no lines. Just a nod to whisper “I am hungry.” They served 300 plus people. More than 300 people received smiles and a warm meal. In 2015, 43.1 million people lived in Poverty in the United States of America. That means that the poverty rate in 2015 was 13.5%. Food pantries are hosting turkey day where the trimmings and a turkey is given to those who are unable to purchase a holiday meal. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation [Nov 23, 2015], the average price of a 16-pound turkey was $23.04. The most common racial or ethical group living below the poverty line in Westchester county are White followed by Hispanic and Blacks after that. Shocking there are over 350,000 churches in America with an alarming number of over 200,000 homeless people sleeping on the streets. What would happen if all the churches and organizations like the YMCA and F.A.I.T.H fetter as one? The charitable spirit begins the week of Thanksgiving and is then interrupted with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Then returns to “Giving Tuesday”. The United States has a deep concentration on wealthy being grandiose while the poverty level is high and alarmingly bold. These same individuals who are hungry are also hungry in July. Yet you seldom learn about a charitable event surfing our warmer months. Black Westchester would like to encourage all to take time out to give during the holidays as well as on an ordinary days. Here are some suggestions: (1) Volunteer your time and talents: at shelter, group homes, senior center, animal shelter, church. (2) Give: gloves, warm socks, hats, hygiene items, books, food or snack packs. (3) Donate to a charity or charities of your choice. (4) Send hand written notes of encouragement to people.

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Former Westchester DA Janet DiFiore, the late Kenneth Chamberlain Sr & US District Judge Cathy Seibel [Black Westchester] Chamberlain as a human being. Why do I say that? As a representative of a national law enforcement organization, the actions of these police officers are no less than a gang in blue. This gang in blue repeatedly called this retired Correction Officer and Military Veteran a Nigger. In a telephone conversation recorded by the medical alert company, taped the entire encounter from the time the police arrived at his home, officers are heard banging on Chamberlain’s window. “Do not do that. I’m telling you all; I’m telling you all I’m OK,” Chamberlain is heard firmly saying in response to the pounding on the door. A voice of the WPPD then responds to Chamberlain: “I don’t give a fuck, nigger.” Former Democrat District Attorney, Janet DiFiore said the racial slur was used to “distract” Chamberlain but added: “The use of [racial epithets] by anyone, let alone a public servant who is sworn to uphold the public good, is intolerable.” But the District Attorney took no action holding the officers accountable for the racial slur and provided no proof that a racial slur has ever been in any law enforcement manual or training to distract a black person. In essence, the District Attorney devalued Mr. Chamberlain’s life and made a legal excuse for the use of the word nigger by police officers. The shooting of Mr. Chamberlain was a clear overreaction of the White Plains Police Department. The officers using the word Nigger and killing Mr. Chamberlain, all should have been charged with hate crimes by District Attorneys Office and forwarded to the Department of Justice Since the early 1800s, the word nigger was firmly established as a derogative name. In the 21st century, it remains a primary term of White racism, regardless of who is using it. The actions of these White Plains Police officers was reminiscent of White Southern Patrols when charged with lynching black men. Listening to what was said to Mr. Chamberlain

Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was fatally shot on November 19, 2011, in White Plains, New York. Mr. Chamberlain wore the medical alert bracelet due to a chronic heart problem. After his LifeAid medical alert necklace was inadvertently triggered, White Plains Police came to his home and demanded that he open his front door, despite his objections and statements that he did not need help. The police called him Nigger, broke down Mr. Chamberlain’s door, tasered him, and then shot him dead in was suppose to be a call for medical assistance, not a criminal matter. Mr. Chamberlain was a 68-year-old, Black Man, who was a father, retired Marine and a 20-year veteran of the Westchester County Department of Corrections, was a victim of a governmental sponsored Lynching by racist white White Plains Police Officers and one scared black cop who stood by and allowed this ungodly act to happen. The LifeAid recorder, recorded the full encounter between Mr. Chamberlain and the White Plains Police Officers. What is heard on the recording, from a law enforcement professional perspective, was unprofessional and criminal. The gang-like mentality of this band of officers had no regard for any training or departmental policy and lacked the capacity to see Mr.

by these Officers of the Law on the recording gives you a first-row seat to a Summary Execution of a person who has not been accused of a crime, without a full and fair trial. You see how police called for medical assistance do not see Mr. Chamberlain as a veteran or former correction officer but another Nigger to be dealt with. Six years later the family of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. is still seeking justice but finding that even in the halls of federal court, the value of a black life doesn’t matter. The Chamberlain family has looked to the Justice System to no avail when Judge Cathy Seibel has chosen to dismiss any responsibility for the racial actions of the officers as a response team in calling Mr. Chamberlain a racial slur. Mr. Anthony Carelli was a part of that group. Should Carelli had been questioned on the use of the word? Absolutely! White Plains Police disciplined one officer for the use of the word. The officers were recorded saying nigger several times. Judge Siebel had no proof that Carelli didn’t say it. Nigger is one of the most infamous words in American culture. Some words carry more weight than others. But without trying to exaggerate, Nigger has a history of genocide, murder, and terror to black people in the long history of White Supremacy in America. By dismissing the use of racial slurs to be admitted in evidence, Judge Cathy Siebel denies the lack of human compassion for Mr. Chamberlain by White Plains Police and in the institution of Law Enforcement for Black Men in particular. The racial bias that apparently exists without any acknowledgment accountability. Blacks in Westchester have been fooled twice by two White Women in the position of “Legal Authority” and has used the law to devalue black life and give an excuse for racist actions of governmental representatives. What is most disheartening, is the deafening sound of complete silence of Black leadership within Westchester on this issue. The total lack of collective outrage to address this klan like action has given and unfettered pass on our struggles as black people in this county and has sent a clear message that our lives don’t matter because we failed collectively to hold those in charge accountable for a clear racist act.

NOV 17, 2016 - JURY THROWS OUT WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT AFTER JUDGE REFUSE TO LET EVIDENCE IN “After this decision, it’s very clear that the judge gave the city of White Plains the license to kill with impunity,” Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., said outside court. To add insult to injury two day before he 5th anniversary of the killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., after Judge Cathy Seibel refused to let the jury hear the audio of the police calling Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., a NIGGER, and threw out other key pieces of evidence, the jury rejected a wrongful death lawsuit. The federal jury unanimously rejected the claims of battery, assault and excessive force brought by the family of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. against the city and officer Anthony Carelli, who fired the fatal shot. Randolph McLaughlin, the Chamberlain family’s lawyer, said he planned to file a notice of appeal in the case Friday, Nov 18, 2016. The plaintiffs were wrongly barred from introducing some evidence, including testimony that racial slurs were used by an officer during the incident, he argued. “This case has been a travesty from the day Mr. Chamberlain was shot and killed to today,” McLaughlin said. “From the very first day we were in this courthouse, the judge who we were in front of stripped this case. Every major claim we had was taken away from us so the jury could only consider the narrowest of issues. How a police force can break into a man’s home using sledgehammers and axes and then shoot him in his own home is a travesty beyond words.” It was like killing his father all over again Chamberlain, Jr., articulated to BW


shortly after the trial ended.If that wasn’t enough afer the judge refused to let the jury hear and see ket pieces of evidence, she had the nerve to say; “There’s no happy ending for anyone in this case. It’s a tragedy no matter how you slice it. I just hope it brings closure to some people.” Im sorry did she say she hopes it brings some peole closure. She couldnt be referring the family who still have yet to see anyhting that resembles justice in this whole situation. And I hope she is not speaking of Officer Carelli, there will be no closure for him anytime soon because the family is not finished fighting. “The narrative that’s been put out into the media and the press that this was a group of racist rogue cops who beat down a man in his own home without justification has always been very misleading,” Carelli’s attorney Andrew Quinn said. “This case was about, unfortunately, an individual with psychiatric history who was refusing police orders to open his door.” I say that’s sounds about right Mr. Quinn. Quinn said the police couldn’t walk away after Chamberlain failed to let them into the apartment because he was acting “irrationally” and was a threat to himself and potentially other people in the apartment. He was a threat to himself and other people (he apartment alone) so is that why they killed him? And you said the media has always been very misleading!

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ovember 19th marked 6 years since the summary execution of my father, Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. Since that time regardless of any obstacles or criticism I have continued to stay the course, thinking positive in my quest for justice. As always I want to thank all of you who have been supporting my family and I because unlike some of the other cases past and present the killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. has not gotten the strong social media, or celebrity backing that it clearly should have especially now with the country’s heightened sensitivity to police misconduct, brutality and criminality. They say the fight to get justice is a marathon not a race and for family members of victims and even the victims themselves we have had to learn patience. But the sad reality is that many of us will never know what justice looks like and while justice to us is about accountability and fairness as the years pass justice can seem like an unrealistic expectation. We have seen a justice system fail us time and time again, but I guess that’s to be expected as W.E.B Dubois said “A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect.” This is why positive change is so desperately needed and new laws need to be put in place but what will it take to bring about that change? In July 2015 Governor Cuomo signed Executive Order No. 147, which appoints the New York State Attorney General as a special prosecutor in matters relating to the deaths of unarmed civilians caused by law enforcement officers. Although the actual order says that the executive order shall continue until modified, suspended or terminated Governor Cuomo said that he would allow then-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate such cases for one year, while Albany tries to come up with a law creating a permanent special prosecutor. The current system that this nation of ours operates under places no value on Black or Brown life which is why reform is needed but unfortunately far too many people even with all the recent cases of police misconduct, brutality, and criminality still have an it’s not my problem attitude about it. Well at the risk of sounding a little emotional I lost my father; he was taken from me in a senseless murder that did not have to happen by those who swore an oath to serve and to protect. 6 years later and still nothing. They say justice delayed is justice denied and all these adjournments and postponements in our courts only place physical and psychological duress on the families affected by this behavior. I call it going through official channels to give the appearance of justice. This has to change and justice needs to be carried out immediately but for now when it comes to justice let’s just say what I read and that is Justice delayed is NOT justice denied; it’s just delayed and there will be justice.

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NEW DA, NEW COUNTY EXEC, BUT KENNETH STILL FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE FOR HIS FATHE As I stated in my opening words on page 5, we dedicate this issue to the killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., which in itself is nothing less then a crime, but the journey in the search for justice prevents family members from actually getting a chance mourn the lost of their loved one. I tell you I would love to believe in the same situation I would be able to handle myself as Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. The system should be thankful that he has turned his pain into fighting for police reform, not only because of the death of his father, but for everyone else who has lost a familly member at the hands of the police. Real talk a lot of people of color in the same situaton would have a healthy hate for all law enforcement. Instead this brother is working with the police to help build better police- community relationships not only where he lives but anywhere he is invited. LET ME STOP HERE AND SAY THIS IS NOT AN ANTI POLICE ISSUE, BUT AN ANTI BAD POLICE ISSUE, AN ANTI COPS WHO ABUSE THEIR POWER ISSUE! Ok where was I, of yeah, I will refer to him here as Kenny so you know I’m talking about the son, from this point. Kenny went on to become one of the co-founders of an organization called the Westchester Coalition For Police Reform. I have personally witness Kenny comfort others who have lost a family member at the hands of the police and he is always on the frontline to support them in their search for justice. I don’t know if you feel me. Kenny, who is still dealing with not only the sensleless killing of his dad and the lack of due process that has followed but he is out there helping others cop and fight for justice. Again I say they better be glad this could easiler have been on some NWA - F THE POLICE tip. I take my hat off to him and pray I never have to find out if I could handle the situation the way he has. This is what he wrote for Black Westchester in 2015 on the 4th Anniversary of his father’s killing...


Since the killing of my father Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. law enforcement has consistently tried to imply that my father posed an imminent threat to life and well-being and that after exhausting all non-lethal means they had no other choice but to use deadly physical force. We know that in May of 2012 the Westchester County District Attorney’s under the leadership of Janet Difiore came back with no true bill (no indictment) stating that “After due deliberation on the evidence presented in this matter, the grand jury found that there was no reasonable cause to vote an indictment and in addition the racial slur one officer flung at Chamberlain before another cop killed him was done as in an effort to “distract” him. DiFiore then contradicted herself by saying that “the use of (racial epithets) by anyone, let alone a public servant who is sworn to uphold the public good, is intolerable.” Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said that it will review “all of the available evidence” in the police shooting death of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., “to determine whether there were any violations of

the federal criminal civil rights laws” four years later and still no decision. My family and I have since then been permitted to move forward civilly and the great thing about that is it allows my attorneys to ask the questions that may or may not have been asked during the initial investigation and since my attorneys have begun depositions we have found out things that are very disturbing and not in line with what we the people of Westchester County expect from our law enforcement officers. Now we know that on November 19, 2011 officers were responding to a possible medical emergency, not a crime in progress, we know that Mr. Chamberlain came to the door and said he was fine and did not call them. We know that he was under no obligation to open his door and was in fact protected under the Fourth Amendment which is the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures however when you are considered 3/5 of a person this law doesn’t apply to you and places no value on your life whatsoever. We know that Mr. Chamberlain was yelled at repeatedly, cursed at and military service mocked and even called a nigger all of which was captured on life aide audio and now through Federal Depositions we also know that on November 19, 2011 Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was lying injured on the floor when White Plains Police Officer Anthony Carelli shot and killed him. Was it reasonable to shoot Mr. Chamberlain, was there and imminent threat to life at that time; if you are Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. then the answer is yes!!! Law enforcement officers posed a threat to life and well-being and reckless behavior a failure to adhere to policies and no real plan on how to deal with someone that they called emotionally disturbed resulted in the his death. The fight to get justice has got to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I find myself having to defend myself for defending my father all because individuals acting under color of law decided to escalate a situation rather than diffuse it. Spiritually emotionally and intellectually some days the pain is stronger than others and you never know when it will hit you and most times it is in public and you are forced to actively remain composed especially because we know and understand that we are to never allow our emotions to supersede our intelligence. I am asked do I hate the people who murdered my father and that I must hate law enforcement officers and to that I say I do not hate them, we should not hate the sinner, but hate the sin because we are God by nature but it is not our nature to be God meaning that we are all perfectly imperfect. I do however hate the system that these officers are permitted to operate under which places no value on Black or Brown life which is why reform is needed. The government, its officials, individuals and its agents should

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TH CHAMBERLAIN, JR IS THER, SIX YEARS LATER be held to the same rules that enable a fair and equally functioning society (I believe we call that the Rule of Law). I will be the first to admit that we all make mistakes but regardless of any challenges or poor judgments that have been made or faced in our lives we all deserve to be treated fairly and that includes being held accountable for any wrongdoings may have been committed. My objective is to make sure that no one else has to feel what my family and many others have felt through this type of tragedy. Our lives have been put on hold and literally turned upside down. I myself have become so consumed that there is no such thing as normalcy anymore which has caused me to challenge not some but all of my beliefs, and what once seemed like a big deal and was of great importance is now trivial in comparison to what I am dealing with now. So what is my point well its simple in order to hold law enforcement and our elected officials accountable we must hold ourselves accountable, we must stop destroying each other and begin to build with each other, take care of each other, aspire to inspire and realize that the ones that were lost to tragedy at the hands of the police or Black on Black crime could one day be you. by Kenneth Chamberlain, Jr.

MORE REAL TALK WITH AJ WOODSON It is his energy and spirit to continue fighting in his search for justice that is the reason we dedicate this issue to his fathers death. To keep attention on the case, even when mainstream media has moved on. Again I do not know what I would do if I was in his shoes. I do not know what I would do. Do you? I am trying to be proactive because each and everyone of us should not have to wait until the next victim of police criminality or senseless gun violence in the street is your family member before you join the fight. We have to come out strong when Brother Chamberlain calls so we can keep him energized and give him the strengh to continue to fight. If a family member of yours gets taking out by the police tomorrow, who would be one of the first people you reach out for help, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., so why not be there for him. Pats of the back and inspirational words of encouragement are good and Im sure appreciated but Kenny needs us to stand with him. To continue to keep the pressure on. The White Plains Police Dept. need to see increasing numbers of supporters as well as continious pressure from the media. I pray this issue of BW helps energize that!


I have aptly expressed how I feel, shared Kenny’s words and feelings and I felt the best way to end this is with the words of the man himself, the last words of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. I have to admit listening to all the audio this morning in preperation to write this took a lot out of me. If anyone has not heard it for themselves, just go to YouTube and type Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., in the search box and several selections will pop up. Let me start by saying while I have gotten to know Kenny very well, unlike Damon I did not know Mr. Chanberlain at all. I met Kenny after his dad had been killed. But still I could not hel but to be moved listening to the various audio clips. The one thing I hear and shook me the most is this is the voice of a man who knows he about to die at the hands of the police. At one point he picks up a knife while they are trying to knock down his door and says to the Life Aid operator, “I have the right to defend myself.” No matter to what clip you listen to they all have one thing in common, they all have the voice of Chamberlain saying, “Please just leave me alone,” “I’m ok,” “I did not call you,” “I’m fine.” The part that truly shook me the most was when Chamberlain is talking to the Life Aid operator and she asked him to go to the door and open it and let the police know that he is ok, his response was, “I’m not opening the door, they are trying to kill me.” He said it more than once and while the operator and the police both tried to assure him the police were not there to harm him, he was killed 30-45 minute after first saying it. It was a summary execution. A summary execution is an execution in which a person is accused of a crime and immediately killed without benefit of a full and fair trial. But what was this Marine Veteran, this Department of Corrections retiree’s crime? Being Black? I can not get over the fact that the police were called for a medical assistance call not crime in progress call, but I can not tell that from the audio. They would not let the family member who was present speak to him which most likely could have defused the violatile situation which is the police job, not esculation. “Please Just Leave Me Alone,” “I’m ok,” “They Are Going To Kill Me,” were his last words and then he was murdered!

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T o protect and serve has been questioned in many Black and Brown Communities. The misconception and mistrust

plagues streets of the United States everyday with a battle of Blue vs Black. Police and community relationships are currently in the intensive care unit and is in need of a resuscitation. Detective Montika Jones of the Mount Vernon Police Department understands the importance of a healthy relationship with officers and citizens. “There needs to be a bridge where we can meet in the middle,” stated Detective Jones with a smile. She believes that the community in Mt. Vernon will benefit from participating in National Coffee with a Cop day. The twist to this bridge was including cupcakes into the equation. Sergeant Vincent Stufano organized Coffee With A Cop hosted by Cupcake Cutie Boutique. It couldn’t have taken place on a more perfect day. Citizens of Mt. Vernon engaged in conversations and concerns with members from the MVPD. Dr. Cornell West spoke of serving the people with love. Without conversations with both citizens and officers the relationship will continue to be loveless. I eavesdropped on small organic conversations while eating a delicious cupcake. Lieutenant Mike Marcucilli said, “Officers are people. I can not say it in any other way.” Dwayne Morris resident of Mt. Vernon spoke about a park located on Franklin and Madison Avenues. “I am concerned about the traffic,” said Mr. Morris. The cars are speeding and there is a need for a stop sign. Westchester County Executive Elect George Latimer a Mount Vernon native, stopped in to give words of motivation. “When I was a kid the police officer was a friend. Officers knew family members and had heart to heart conversations when sons were in trouble.” He continued by adding that it was extremely important

that “Raise the Age” passed. Raise the Age was a public awareness campaign that pushed for raising the age of criminal responsibility in New York State. Mr. Latimer expressed that, “This gives children a second chance.” Raise the Age was signed into law by Governor Cuomo on the tenth of April. It is slated to go into effect by October 2019. New York State should no longer automatically process all 16 and 17 year old as adults. Officers from 12 months to 22 years on the force were present to chat and chew as they listened to concerns and praises. Officer Henry is in a unique position. She is known as a School Resource Officer “SRO”. She joined forces with the school. “I think it is a good thing. It helps bridge the gap between the officers and the community. Helps with preventing the number of arrest as well.” Officer Henry also have experience with mental health for eight years. She agrees that it lends to her everyday interactions with our youth. “In the beginning there were a lot of why questions when I started at the school. I have now become a mentor.” She explains that students are more open to have organic conversations with her and participate in mediation when there is a conflict. October was anti-bullying month and Officer Henry expressed that Bullying is a web because of the twist and understanding of what bullying really is. There are children who are unaware when they are bullying or being bullied. Sometimes bullying is not bullying and the students have the wrong interpretation. Overall she stipulated that she enjoys her post as an SRO. As conversations continued while hot cocoa and cupcakes were enjoyed the bridge towards building Mt. Vernon was noted.

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SANDFORD’S WINES AND SPIRITS The the Editor, My name is Troy Youngblood and I am the owner of a “potential” liquor store called Sandford’s. We are located at 111 East Sandford Blvd. in Mount Vernon, NY. We have been denied our liquor license based on an unfair decision by the State Liquor Authority. Their decision was based largely in part to there being “too many liquor stores with the City of Mount Vernon”. The State Liquor Authority has allowed the 5 closest liquor stores to protest against us and has honored their protest. The opposing liquor stores are: Fairway Wines and Spirits in Pelham Manor, Colonial Wines and Spirits on Sandford Blvd & Columbus Avenue, Liquor Rush on Columbus Avenue and 3rd Street, Butchy’s on 2nd Street and South 4th Avenue and Rico’s on West 3rd street and South 11th Avenue. My fight is for the Free Enterprise System. The prohibition era ended in 1933 with the start of the FDR administration, yet, the NY State Liquor Authority hasn’t read the memo completely. The government should just stick to what it does best and that is to governing and not interfere in the affairs of business. The Laissez faire approach is always best. I have always opposed governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights. This is where their powers should end. It seems like when the government becomes this heavy-handed, it’s like the various commercials for medications that you see on television, where it cures this, but the side-effects are this, this and that. It makes you think the cure is worse than the disease! Popular Sovereignty, let the people decide on what they want, if the community is willing to support 150 liquor stores, then let there be 150 liquor stores, if the community says that they won’t support 1 then, there will be none, it’s that simple. Communities are able to decide who gets into political office, let them decide on where they want to spend their money, it is as American as apple pie! The facts are this: Sandford’s will be the only black-owned liquor store on the southside of mt. Vernon in a 15 million dollar market that is pre-dominately black



and they want to keep us out. They are using every single excuse in the world to keep us out. We are presently preparing for a NY State Supreme Court Fight for Justice. There must be a complete Reform of the State Liquor Authority and I am calling for Governor Cuomo to remove Chairman Vincent Bradley from his position. It is impossible for only 1 or 2 people to manage a state the size of NY. The Authority should be broken-up regionally, where the decision-makers actually work. In the 1980’s the phone company was broken-up and it produced innovations such as: The Internet, cell phones and gps among other things. The man is incompetent and is not the right person for the job. He clearly has little or no knowledge of business in general and Southern Westchester specifically and he is protecting an oligarchy in Southern Westchester. A tremendous financial investment has been made in an economically-depressed area of Mt. Vernon. 100 full-time jobs and dozens of part-time jobs lay in the balance. The stakes are too high for this community to endure another defeat. We have plans to put a seafood soul restaurant on one side of the liquor store and Sweet Shop on the other. The revenue from the liquor store would serve as the cash cow to finance the other projects.

AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE NEW VISION TEAM Mount Vernon, Election night, we came up short at the ballot, but we ran an unprecedented campaign built on strong ethics and vision. We wholeheartedly thank our families, friends and all of our supporters, we can all be very proud! We have established ourselves as agents of change, and therefore, we have a responsibility to remain active. We cannot fall asleep and we ALL must work harder to forward the need for positive change in our community. We can no longer cheer from the sidelines for the few of us that make the sacrifice of our time, money and energy to support all of us in the community. Staying “Neutral” or “On the fence” is not an action nor an option for positive results. We will continue to work together to make this city better. We don’t have to be politicians to do that, we never were. We owe that to the people who supported us as well as those who did not. That’s the definition of community, and without that, we would have chaos.

Friends, “Change will come”, but only when we all pitch in, be responsive and take a stand. We must stay vigilent and abreast of the issues and make elected officials Note: We become a Mt. Vernon landmark on day one. accountable to us. We will remain active and continue We have received letters of endorsement from Mayor to educate, enlighten and empower the people to seek Richard Thomas and City Council President a NEW VISION for Mount Vernon. We are undeterred! Marcus Griffith. God bless you and God bless Mount Vernon! This problem lays squarely on the desk of Governor Cuomo. He needs to use his executive powers to overrule the negative decision of Sandford’s, inc. serial number 13-00437. If you are for the growth of the Black Business Community within the state of NY, please let our Governor know this by logging-on to www.governor. ny.gov and go to the contact page and send a message to him pertaining to the Sandford’s situation in Mt. Vernon. TROY YOUNGBLOOD OWNER OF SANDFORD’S WINES AND SPIRITS

RESTORING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE POLICE AND COMMUNITIES OF COLOR Dear Mr. Jones, My name is John F. Davis, I’m an eleven-year resident of downtown Yonkers, and I would appreciate being able to speak with you about a possible human interest story for Black Westchester Magazine which is unusual but shouldn’t be. It should be the norm and generally is for white citizens throughout America. A few weeks ago, I attended for the first time the monthly Hudson River Community Association meeting at the Nepperhan Community Center on Warburton St. in Yonkers, and I was impressed with the enthusiastic involvement of all who were present, and encouraged by the positiveness of the dialogue and hope expressed for the general improvement of life for everyone in this area. As you are probably aware, there were many local community leaders present from diverse interests and organization in Yonkers, from City Councilmen Christopher Johnson and Michael Sabatino, and Ms. Symra Brandon for the Democratic Party, to representatives from the Mayor’s office and various Westchester County entities. It was a good showing and an exciting civics lesson. During this evening, there was a particular serious moment when the 4th Precinct’s Capt. Emil Cavorti asked for permission to read a letter from a women whose apartment house had caught fire back in September, and in her letter she voiced a distinct change in her opinion of the police when two young officers came to the rescue of all in her building, putting their lives at risk, by entering the building to be certain that all the residents had exited safely. Another man had evidently

gone down hallways, banging on every apt. door to alert people to the growing fire danger. The two policeman ran to the scene and asked her if everyone was okay and this woman said, “Yes! Everyone was out.” To be certain, the “officers ran into the burning building to double-check. No one responded to their bangs on doors so they (also) assumed all the apartments were clear.” As the officers exited the building, a woman ran up to them saying that her mother was in there with her baby and wasn’t out yet on the street. The two police officers ran back into the building to that apartment and rescued both the grandmother and child. “They were the first to arrive and the last to leave.” The woman who wrote the letter stated, “I am writing this because I witnessed these two men risk their lives for mine, my daughters’ and my neighbors’.” That’s newsworthy enough but for me, here’s the aspect of this compelling story that deserves to be told. The writer says that she had lost faith in the police “long ago” but the actions of these men “restored her hope in the law. She allowed that “it’s the act of selflessness that they displayed that should never go unrecognized or chalked up as just another day at work.” She wanted to express her sincerest appreciation, particularly as a woman of color, for the actions of these two officers, one black and one white, on her behalf and that of her neighbors. As far as I know, no one has done anything on this aspect of the story and I was hoping that, as the publisher of a very important news source for our community, this would pique your interest, and that you would find

this important enough to share with your readers and viewers. In this maddening era of “fake news” and outright lies flowing from the highest offices in our land, denigrating the news media and Fourth Estate; of attacking the good characteristics of our society with general impunity, here was an instance where reason and honesty recognized and lauded courage and humanity, and I think that’s justification enough to share it as best we can. Police should warrant the trust and respect of every citizen, but too often—and there are regrettably too many instances where police have failed in their oaths to serve and protect—that relationship has been inexcusably spoiled. This is one instance where respect and trust is merited and I believe your publishing this moment would help to recognize that, in order to rebuild and maintain trust and respect between both the community of color and the police in our town. If you would permit me, may I come to your offices to present this letter from this woman and the appreciative letter in response from Capt. Cavorti, to briefly discuss this opportunity further, at you convenience? Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely yours, John F. Davis


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any of you first met the Medina family when a few months ago Latino (and others) Empowerment, Black Westchester and Yonkers Voice Central came together to produce a video to discuss their plight and to hold the “powers that be” accountable. Latino Empowerment asked Ben from Yonkers Voice Central and AJ Woodson from Black Westchester if we can all come together to collaborate and help Omy Medina and his family. What happened next was an amazing video produced and taped by Ben and starring and narrated by AJ Woodson. In the video you meet Omy, a proud Puerto Rican man and his lovely family. This was an emegency humanitarian cause for us, cause you see, Omy suffers from a progressive genetic disease of there is no known cure. A disease that has already claimed his mother and two younger sisters. He lost his sister only a year ago. Omy suffers from Neurofribromatosis type 2, a genetic and hereditary illness, leading to tumors in his nerves and inner ear which affects his balance. Omy is already partially paralyzed on the left side of his body. He has already lost his hearing and his sight is compromised due to partial paralysis of his face. In all the years of my humanitarian efforts, I have never met a more determined dad and husband than Omy. Despite all his challenges, Omy is a fighter. He wants to live for his family. Although mobilization is a problem, Omy still takes his little son to Community Policing events, while the child proudly wears his police uniform. His son wants to be a police officer when he grows up and Omy is determined to make it happen. Omy says the police officers are his sons heroes. That is true but what Omy doesn’t realize is that he is his sons greatest hero. His son adores him so much. Omy reached out to me. There was a big problem. You see, Omy can’t walk up and down the stairs where they are currently living. He must sit on the floor and crawl his way down the stairs everytime he needs to step outside. Omy desperately needs an apartment or house on a first floor or with an elevator, avoiding stairs. He needs it to improve his wuality of life and to be there for his family like walking the kids to the school bus stop. Anyone who meets the Medina family instantly falls in love They tried every resource they could and with them.I know we did! They are struggling financially, but in the always ended up in a dead end. I first reached out mist of all their struggles, they still give back to others. They made to Westchester Correction Association who helped sandwiches for the homeless and delivered them on Thanksgiving me obtain school supplies for the children. Then I because they were Blessed with enough food. reached out to Lourdes Rivera from Living Trans We are on a mission now. AJ Woodson called the City of formation church and she immediately sent folks Yonkers Constituent Services Department as well as Westchester over with food for the family. Jeffrey Meyer, a retired Disabled On The Move. t first he received the same response from Eastchester detective who works in a local church all, “we are a referral service, blah, blah, blah” and “we have no au- contacted me and delivered food and gift cards. I thority”. I called bullshit because I had worked for Constituent Ser- reached out to Ghullata House who didn’t even blink vices and The City of Yonkers for over 25 years and I knew things and immediately brought them food and gift cards. could be done. AJ persisted and told them that they would be held They even had the family go to an all inclusive trip to accountable. the Westchester Knicks and Omy was declared fan The three facebook pages, Latino (and others) Empower- of the day! ment, Black Westchester and Yonkers Voice Central went on a mis- Vinny Spano, Mayor Spanos brother and sion to help the Medina family and expose the red tape, beauroc- his wife reached out to the family and brought them racy, and political powers. Section 8 and municipal housing have dinner several times as well as sending a $300 dolyears of waiting lists. We were given the run around that there was lar gift card for Thanksgiving. He has become their absolutely no help for this family in crisis. We sent the video out. AJ living Angel. Love him! A very special appreciation followed up with many ohone calls while stating that he was holding goes to Keith Olsen of the Yonkers Police Departholding everyone accountable. Ben and I made a go fund me page. ment who reached out to Omy and sent officers to We decided we weren’t going to stop advocating for this family until deliver a Thanksgiving meal to the family. Keith also “the powers that be” made something happen. told Omy that he knew that his son would grow up to We held everyone accountable, including The City of Yon- be a police officer. He is correct! Ain’t that the truth! kers who had the power to make things happen and move along. Wait! There’s more! The Yonkers Municipal We discussed it on our “People before Politics” radio show several Housing Authority with the help of our advocacy and times. We were not going to give up on this wonderful family that so WDOTM support have given the family a section 8 desperately needed our help. certificate! What a Blessing considering all their re They are using all their allowances to pay their rent. Many sources is going to rent now. Thank you Mayor Spatimes they all go to bed hungry. How can we let this family down no and MHA!!! These are some of the small miracles when we know we can do what we can to help? and Blessings I see when I embark in a charitable

cause. Makes it all worthwhile! Where are they now? Vinny Spano, Jeffrey Meyer, Ghullata House are still available to help them. And Latino (and others) Empowerment, Black Westchester, and Yonkers Voice are still on our journey to help Omy find housing that he can enjoy the life he has left and help him bring a better quality of life to his family. May I please have a round of applause for Stephanie, his wife who has been the rock of the family? Things are moving along. Little miracles and Blessings here and there. But, the family has yet to find an appropriate home to withstand Omys needs. We won’t stop the advocacy until we see them in a new place where Omy can live the rest of his life giving to his family and living a wonderful quality of life that je so deserves. Please, don’t think because they received assistance that they are ok. Those things are wonderful but only temporary. We need a long lasting solution. If anyone can help the Medina family please reach out to me on facebook. Lorraine Lopez or if you have an apartment or home that can sustain him, please call 302- 345- 3713 or email Omymedina97@gmail.com. It would mean the world to Omy, Stephanie, and their children, Yasmin 14, Natalie 11. and Omy Jr. 7. Lets make a Christmas Miracle happen!

CARLOS BERNARD, A LATINO LEADER IN ACTION After having spent the bulk of my adult life in banking and subsequently, in entrepreneurial roles, this year I decided to re-invent myself. Fortunately, I had several options to consider and ultimately, decided to join a well-known and established nonprofit, The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD). I know I made the right choice and have not looked back. Being a part of an organization devoted to caring for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities is forever challenging. The issues affecting these adults and the resources available are not adequately covered by our national media nor is funding sufficient to cover for proper treatment and care. In my role as a consultant, raising awareness and converting individuals from fans to sponsors and donors is my primary task. We are a nation besieged with an abundance of worthy causes and all our nonprofits are struggling to maintain their organizations and missions alive. Currently, children’s causes and the plight of our veterans are foremost on the minds of many. These deserve to be supported generously! What is discouraging however, is how other less publicized and equally meritorious causes do not receive the attention and nor needed support. I hope this short article touches the heart of some readers who may be interested in learning more about the organization with which I am connected. If so, please view our website: www.iahdny.org or simply call me: 914-220-4390 located at IAHD, 32 Warren Ave in Tarrytown NY. We have offices in Westchester and the Bronx as well as 31 residences scattered throughout both areas. Thank you!

Latino Empowerment

About IAHD: The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD) was created in 1957 in response to a group of parents seeking supports and assistance for their children with special needs. For more info visit https://www.iahdny.org/en

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ARE THE TIDES CHANGING? Tuesday, November 7th was election night. Lots to lose and lots to gain. I found myself, a registered Republican in the midst of hundreds of Democrats. You see, I went to the Latimer headquarters with my Black Westchester and the People Before Politics Radio family, AJ Woodson and Damon K. Jones. As a republican, my heart was with Astorino. When I arrived, I felt a little bit like a fish out of water. I watched as the former County Exec., Andy Spano bought my buddy Damon a drink. That was pretty cool to watch. Then I began to look around and I saw many of my old friends. (I used to be a Democrat). And they embraced me with open arms. Almost like I’ve never left. I received a text from the Astorino camp to keep my fingers crossed. That’s when I knew the Republicans were in trouble. Still, as a proud Republican I held my head high. Took dozens of pictures with my friends the dems. Had a conversation with Chuck Lesnick and Mayor Spano regarding some bad feelings, because I felt they threw me under the bus. Everything squashed, we are cool again. I told Sen. Latimer during his appearance on PBP Radio, Sunday, November 5th, that I have a feel about his race. It had the same feel as the SpanoStewart Cousins race. In my heart, I knew he would win. But as a Republican and a person that genuinely likes Astorino, I didn’t give up hope. I must say that the democrats truly embraced me and for that I am grateful. The highlight of my night was seeing and speaking to Yonkers Democratic Chair Pauline Galvin. She is someone I love, I adore, and look up to. She made my night worthwhile!!!! Ok, so numbers started coming in. It looks like Latimer is the winner and I am about to eat crow. But, I looked around and saw Damon and Brook Jones and I know how much this win meant to them and I was genuinely happy. I was happy for them and for my friend Max. I knew right then and there that I would forfeit my card for them. This election was deep and personal for them and no amount of loyalty for my party was worth it. Now real talk.... I am glad we lost. The republican party in Yonkers and Westchester county is racist. They are an embarrassment. They are the old regime. They see no color but white supremacy. I know! I was part of their camp for 20 years. I’m glad they were defeated! Now it’s time to get with the program! I have to say that I don’t believe Doug Colety is racist, but he follows the money republicans and I don’t blame him. But it’s time to wake up Doug!!! I could easily say that I am going back to the Democratic party who will happily welcome me back. But I wont. I am a Republican and I plan to stick it out to see the changes. Doug, the party has changed. You need to get with the times. The old racist regime has been defeated. If you are a true leader you need to recognize this. It’s time for new Republicans, moderate republicans. Get your head out your ass for Christ sake and start making money moves. You will never win under the Trump regime. Denounce that piece of shit. Revamp the party. Call me, I will help you. But I promise you this.... if you do not make the necessary changes to the Republican party, I will start a Republican revolution and you will lose again. I promise you that. Again, I am so very happy for Damon, Brook, and Max. They won Doug. Its time for you to be on the winning team. Local politic does not equal national politics.

I always say, when Republicans and Democrats agree on something you have to look and analyze it carefully. Unfortunately, for the New York voter this was the case with the Constitutional Convention. The Constitution of the State of New York establishes the structure of the government of the State of New York and enumerates the fundamental rights of the citizens of New York. Like most state constitutions in the United States, New York’s constitution’s provisions tend to be more detailed and amended more often than its federal counterpart. State law requires the question of a constitutional convention be put to voters at least once every 20 years and this past November 7th; we failed a chance for real reform in our political process and true voting equality in the state of New York. Thanks to many misinformed Unions, so-called progressives, and organizations who were bamboozled by the political status quo. There is an old saying, “Trust But Verify,” Unfortunately for the masses of average workers and voters our union leadership failed to verify the information. Many of the unions, especially the law enforcement unions claimed that the Constitutional Convention would lead to the decimation of state pensions. Either they were misinformed, or didn’t do their homework because they were entirely wrong. The fact of the matter is, A Constitutional Convention cannot change the pensions of current employees of State and local retirement systems. They are protected by both the U.S. and State Constitutions. The United States Constitution specifies things states cannot do. One of them is to “pass any law impairing the obligation of contract.” This is known as the “Contract Clause.” The State Constitution provides the membership in a public retirement system “shall be a contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be diminished or impaired.” By declaring membership to be a contractual relationship, the New York Constitution made public employee pensions protected by both the State and U.S. Constitutions. About future public employees – but not current ones – the Legislature already has the power to alter pension obligations, and it has done so on several occasions. A Constitutional Convention has never been needed to do that. Both the State and U.S. Constitutions allow changes in pension rights for future employees. The status quo has used these same unions that suppose to protect the rights of the people to protect the rights of politicians. They failed to understand that their current pension protection because of the 1938 Constitutional Convention, which made membership in the State and local retirement systems a contractual relationship which may not be diminished or impaired. New York Politics, it’s not about the people it’s about the two major political parties remaining in control. The fact is, New York does have some of the worst voting laws in the country. New York has no early voting (unlike 37 states), no Election Day registration (the state constitution requires voters to register no later than ten days before an election), and excuse-only absentee balloting (voters have to prove they’ll be out-of-town or have a disability.) Every year 3 million registered New Yorkers are not able to vote in the state’s primary because they are not affiliated with the Democratic or Republican parties. So in most New York elections is a political scam because an overwhelming number of people who do not vote. New York’s restrictive voting laws have had a devastating effect on younger voters. “Thirty-seven percent of voters under the age of 30—aren’t registered to a political party in New York City,” A Constitutional Convention would have given millions a New Yorkers a right to take part in a real political process through open primaries. The Constitutional Convention would have created more accountability in our New York State political system. The state legislature has failed to represent the need for the people for at least 30 sessions, and two generations of governors. We have elected those that do not have the testicular fortitude to pass common-sense state legislation such as term limits, reforms in ethics, campaign finance, budget preparation, initiative, and referendum. If any state legislator proposes these type of legislation, they already know it won’t pass, it’s just symbolism without substance and good read meat for the so-called progressive base. But Nov 7th, the people HAD a chance but was bamboozled by the same progressive leaders that claim they wanted change but were nothing but Benedict Arnolds for the Status Quo!



“I just don’t understand why you are here with these criminals, and not home with your family?” Words I wasn’t expecting to hear from the corrections officer on duty when I arrived at Riker’s Island Prison on Thanksgiving night to guide my yoga class as I do each Thursday. The prison was quiet like no other time that I can remember. With so few staff on duty, it took a while for an escort to be found in order to bring us to our young men. When we finally made it to the day room the next 90 minutes of yoga and meditation were amongst the most magical that I can remember. We practiced trauma-informed yoga the aim of which is to allow self-acceptance and self-forgiveness. At the end of yoga and meditation, each student took turns sharing what they were most thankful for on this day. The words and gestures would bring tears to my eyes, and make my heart melt. Not long after, I was on my way back home, and yet, felt very unsettled still with the question I’d been asked earlier. Had I, in fact, ignored my family? Was I just being naive and working in vain? I went in search for answers

and reflection has provided me with a few kernels of thought: We all deserve unconditional presence and unconditional love. No matter what our relative wrongs, or our perceived sins, we all deserve for our humanity to be seen and for our emotions and spirit to heal. Unconditional love was the work of prophets and messiahs and yet the world still seems in such short supply. We live in a world where two people can commit the same crime and yet because of the color of one’s skin, or their position of wealth and status, one lands in jail, the other walks free. In my time serving the incarcerated, I have only met future scholars, business leaders, theologians, future husbands and future great fathers. I refuse to discard simply because of someones temporary station in life. So to answer the officer’s question, I was at Riker’s not interested in the “thanks” but passionate about the “giving, giving to those in need. Marcus Glover is a Volunteer Yoga Instructor at Rikers Island

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“Lay down ya wages / I’m wild like Larry Davis” – MC Hood on A Tribe Called Quest’s 1992 classic, “Scenario-remix.”







n November 19, 1986, the most famous shoot out in New York City Police Department history was when they attempted to arrest or assassinate Larry Davis. During that time, he became a symbol the relentless war on drugs for some, but to many black youths, he became a hip-hop hero in the hood and a symbol of widespread mistrust of the police. The infamous shootout between Davis and the NYPD was the talk of every blac household. The NYPD raid of Davis apartment was confirmation to many that police was crooked. The police said that the raid was executed in order to question Davis about the killing of four suspected drug dealers. Davis managed to elude authorities for 17 days before his capture. Davis eventually surrendered to police. At trial, Davis’s defense attorneys claimed that the raid was staged to assassinate him because of his knowledge of the involvement many NYPD police officers in the drug business. On March 3, 1988, after presenting a defense based almost entirely on the assertion that he had been framed, Mr. Davis was acquitted of murder charges of the four suspected drug dealers 16 months earlier. On Nov. 20, a Bronx jury acquitted him of attempted murder of nine police officers. The jury also acquitted Mr. Davis of six counts of aggravated assault in the wounding of six of the officers, one of whom was hit in the mouth and neck by a bullet and forced to retire. But the jury convicted him of six counts of criminal possession of a weapon. Mr. Davis was sentenced to 5 to 15 Years on weapons charges. On December 2, 1989, he was acquitted of fatally shooting a Harlem drug dealer in 1986. After being acquitted for the murder of five drug dealers on March 14, 1991, a jury convicted Davis of firing shots through the closed Bronx crack den door, killing a drug dealer, Raymond Vizcaino, on Aug. 5, 1986. Mr. Davis was sentenced to 25 years to life. In 2008, 41-year-old Larry Davis, who changed his name to Adam Abdul-Hakeem was Stabbed to death in prison.



t least 1,797 Westchester residents were homeless in 2015. The high cost of housing forces many into our shelters and streets. The way they are treated keeps them there. In Westchester, homeless adults without children stay at either county funded residential shelters or drop-ins. Under state law clients at our residential shelters must pay almost all of their income as rent. This makes it hard to afford security deposits, phone bills, medical expenses, and more. But while they have their own issues, residential shelters are open most of the day. They all provide showers, meals, laundry, and limited help finding housing. Drop-ins are only open at night. The two in downtown Yonkers don’t serve dinner or breakfast and have no showers. Their doors shut at 5:00 a.m. Whoever named the New Rochelle drop-in “Oasis” was suffering from a fit of irony. When Oasis runs out of army cots its “guests” sleep sitting up in hard plastic chairs. Oasis has had a long entanglement with the Health Department including a $5,000 fine and findings such as “dead bedbugs” and “roaches in (the) dishwasher.” In 2014 the New Rochelle Fire Department put the building on fire watch after finding out of date extinguishers and no alarms. The ceiling still periodically leaks on people’s heads. It’s parent organization, WestCOP, is slowly paying the county back money Oasis may have misspent in 2010. In White Plains and Peekskill the drop-ins are held at

the same sites as residential shelters: Open Arms, Samaritan House, and Jan Peek. They close later, open earlier, serve meals, and have working showers. But because they often only let clients stay for a month or less many wind up in overcrowded Oasis or on the streets. Drop-in clients receive almost no help finding housing. Some have been homeless for years. Coordinated Entry, a federally mandated project to make accessing supportive housing fairer and faster may change that. But it is too soon to tell. The drop-ins are overcrowded. Our residential shelters are not full. The Grasslands Shelter, our county’s largest, went through much of 2016 half empty. At times as few as 47 people were staying in its 149 beds. Entering a residential shelter requires a referral from the Department of Social Services which for years has alleged that most drop-in clients do not want help. Last year I took a survey showing that many are instead being turned away. In August of 2016 the County Dept. of Community Mental Health took their own survey with drop-in clients. According to them “the people that we interviewed indicated that they were using the Emergency Drop-in Shelter(s) because they were not allowed to enter the formal shelter system.” After this survey a DSS employee was sent to the Yonkers drop-ins and many people were suddenly, miraculously, found eligible. By mid-summer the employee were removed and the placements had again dried up. One possible reason is that residential shelters are more expensive than drop-ins: $4,000 compared to $400-$500 a month per person. I am formerly homeless myself. For years I tried to change the system alone. Last December I found statewide grassroots organization Community Voices Heard and their Westchester Organizer Julia Solow. She helped me to create The Homeless Are People Too, a committee of homeless and formerly homeless people fighting for better treatment. H.A.P.T. won an early victory with the creation


of a shower program at the Yonkers YMCA. On June 27th 2017 we made a presentation about homelessness in Westchester to members of the Board of Legislators. DSS Commissioner Kevin McGuire agreed to meet with us despite disputing poor conditions and claiming that the department has “not had to turn anybody away.”Getting him to actually follow through took an epic saga involving the offices of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and County Legislator Catherine Borgia along with appearances at town halls. We finally had our meeting on August 10th. During it the Commissioner seemed to question the accuracy of the DCMH survey. Armed members of the county police force stood by the door. H.A.P.T. made several requests. The Commissioner refused most, including allowing other nonprofits to compete for Oasis’s contract and meeting with the City of Yonkers around issues happening there. Our request for a list of the requirements to enter a residential shelter got no real response. The department agreed to put the results of shelter inspections on the county’s website, something which hasn’t happened yet. We were supposed to have a follow-up meeting in October but have yet to hear from them. On Wednesday November 1st Community Voices Heard held a County Executive Candidates Forum on Housing Issues. Rob Astorino declined to attend. Newly elected County Executive George Latimer promised that he will review our shelter system and meet with homeless people. There are things you can do to help us now. Have a conversation with a homeless person instead of passing them by. Encourage your representatives to improve the shelter system. If you have been homeless please consider joining H.A.P.T. Every voice counts.

About the Author: Laura Case is the leader of the Homeless Are People Too Committee of Community Voices Heard as well as a formerly homeless person. She can be reached at cinderquil964@gmail.com for questions and comments regarding homelessness in Westchester. The author wishes to thank Zac Chapderlane for his editorial feedback Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe








n August 2, 2008, NFL Legend and White Plains native, Art Monk, along with fellow Washington Redskins teammate Darrell Green, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Upon his induction into the Hall of Fame, Monk received the longest standing ovation in Pro Football Hall of Fame history, lasting four minutes and four seconds when later timed by NFL Films. In 2012, Monk was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Monk would go on to be the only person inducted into the pro football, college football, Westchester sports and White Plains High School halls of fame and was be among those honored Nov. 5, 2015 at a fundraising gala in celebration of the White Plains Youth Bureau’s 45th anniversary. “White Plains is where it all started for me — it’s where I grew up,â€? three-time Super Bowl champion wide receiver Art Monk told The Journal News/lohud. “Obviously I’m honored, and I’m looking forward to coming home.â€?  James Arthur “Artâ€? Monk born December 5, 1957 in White Plains, New York, turns 60 this year, score 68 touchdowns, caught 940 receptions for 12,721 yards averaging 13,5 yards per reception. The White Plains High School alum (class of 1976), Monk now 59-years-old, starred in football and track. He played college ball at Syracuse, where he was an All-American, and was selected to the NFL’s Pro Bowl three times during a 16-year career with the Washington Redskins, New York Jets and Philadelphia Eagles. Monk still has family in the area and over the years has continued to give back to White Plains. He established the Art Monk Scholarship Fund, which awards a $1,000 scholarship to a football player. In the 1980s, he played a role in preserving the Loucks Games, a major East Coast high school track meet. Monk also helped raise money for construction of Loucks Stadium, the school’s main outdoor athletic facility. “I have a lot of good memories about growing up in White Plains and I haven’t been there for about three years now, so it will be good to be back, especially for such a good cause,â€? Monk said. “I know the Youth Bureau does a lot of good work for kids in the city.â€? Monk still has family in the area and over the years has continued to give back to White Plains. He established the Art Monk Scholarship Fund, which awards a $1,000 scholarship to a football player. In the 1980s, he played a role in preserving the Loucks Games, a major East Coast high school track meet. Monk also helped raise money for construction of Loucks Stadium, Art Monk, Rank #18 on NFL.com’s Best NFL draft picks at every position in first round list the school’s main outdoor athletic facility. Monk was ranked the #1 Reciever in Washington Redskin history by BleecherReport.com In 1984, Monk caught a then-NFL record 106 receptions for a career-best in June 2011. 1,372 yards. He caught eight or more passes in six games, had five games of 100 yards or more, and in a game against the San Francisco 49ers caught It is very hard to argue that Art Monk should not be ranked the best receiver in Redskins history. ten passes for 200 yards. That season, he earned team MVP honors and his Check out this guys rap sheet. first Pro Bowl selection. Monk went over the 1,000-yard mark in each of the He was the ‘Skins top pick in the 1980 draft and immediately paid off by being named to the following two seasons, becoming the first Redskins receiver to produce three NFL All-Rookie Team. He also has a few Pro Bowls under his belt. consecutive 1,000 yard seasons. He also became the first Redskins player to Even with all the accomplishments and awards it is Monks stats that really stand out. catch 70 or more passes in three consecutive seasons. In 1989, he was part From 1980 to 1993 he racked up 888 receptions, 12,026 yards and 65 touchdowns. of a prolific wide receiver trio (along with Gary Clark and Ricky Sanders) nickLike I said, it’s very hard to argue that he’s not the best. named “The Posse,â€? who became the first trio of wide receivers in NFL history to post 1,000-plus yards in the same season. During Monk’s 14 seasons with the Redskins, the team won three Super Bowls (XVII, XXII, and XXVI) and had only three losing seasons. He was an All-Pro and All-NFC choice in 1984 and 1985 and was named second-team All-NFC in 1986. He was also selected to play in the Pro Bowl following the 1984, 1985 and 1986 seasons BW Salutes Art Monk a true Black Westchester legend!!!


When it comes to controversial statements, Lebron has never been the one to mince words or cower... “Your Welcome, King of NYâ€? was the shot heard round the world and a chin check to whoever played during his era. It’s set off a firestorm of responses from sports figures to radio host and not one stone was left unturned when it came to the clapbacks! Want to start an argument ??? Call yourself the King Of NY... While in NY.. ... and don’t be from NY.. #HesReadyToArgue đ&#x;‘€đ&#x;‘€ When he’s not stirring the pot, he lends his platform to something far greater than himself. The revolution. He’s been consistently, extremely vocal when it comes to racial injustice. He’s also has never been afraid to call The POTUS out on his shenanigans. His 2016 tweet “U Bum... “ was liked over 1.5 million times and retweeted almost 700 thousand times! He said has absolutely no regrets either. Lebron also stated during a press conference for The Cavaliers while refusing to address The President by name, “The people run this country,â€? he firmly states, “not one individual and damn sure not him.â€? â€œâ€Ś I will lend my voice, I will lend passion, I will lend my money, I will lend my resources to my youth and my inner city and outside my inner city to let these kids know that there is hope, there is greater walks of life, and not one individual, no matter if it’s the president of the United States or if it’s someone in your household, can stop your dreams from becoming a reality,â€? James said. He also called for athletes to boycott Trump Towers at the time. A subtle reminder of the spending power these organizations, minority’s athletes and people as a whole truly posses. Love him or hate him on that court, off court.. He fights for change and equality. Speaking in your face truth to power on the frontline. Kaepernick changed the dinner time colloquialism in the American household. People like James, have no problem fixing you a plate.

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The Watch Night Services in Black communities that we celebrate today can be traced back to gatherings on December 31, 1862, also known as “Freedom’s Eve.” On that night, Blacks came together in churches and private homes all across the nation, anxiously awaiting news that President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation into law. Then, at the stroke of midnight, it was January 1, 1863, and all slaves in the Confederate States were declared legally free. It’s been 154 years since that first Freedom’s Eve and many of us were never taught the African-American history of Watch Night, but tradition still brings us together at this time every year to celebrate “how we got over”.

December 18th is an important day in black history. It was on this day in 1865 that the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — the amendment that abolished slavery — was declared in effect by the then secretary of state, William H. Seward. The amendment reads:


The amendment was passed by Congress on January 31, 1865.


December 6, 1870 Joseph H. Rainey is sworn in as congressman from South Carolina becoming the first Black in the House of Representatives.

FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN TO OWN AND OPERATE A RADIO STATION IN AMERICA BORN DECEMBER 6TH Jesse B. Blayton, Sr. was born December 6, 1897 in Fallis, Oklahoma. Blayton made radio history in 1940 by purchasing WERD in Atlanta and became the first African-American to own and operate a radio station in America. He was also Georgia’s first African-American Certified Public Accountant six years later.


BLACK WESTCHESTER LIST OF KWANZAA CELEBRATIONS Kwanzaa came into existence in 1966, founded by Maulana Karenga, an African-American professor and prominent member of the Black Power movement during the 1960s and 1970s, as a holiday specifically designed to honor African-American heritage and advocate for unity and cooperation. Taking tenets and symbols from many common religious holidays, Kalenga created Kwanzaa as a seven-day observance dedicated to seven principles, observed in ways which showcase African-American heritage. Unlike holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah and Ramadan, Kwanzaa is a cultural — not religious — holiday. It is a cultural celebration for people of African-American heritage. It’s the first holiday to honor African-American culture and heritage. The word “Kwanzaa” itself is a derivation of the Swahili work Kwanza, the name for a harvest festival. In English, Kwanzaa means “first fruits of the harvest,” but the holiday is firmly a winter observance. Kwanzaa is observed from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 every year, with each day of the observation being a day to highlight one of the seven Nguzo Saba — the seven principles. Each of the Nguzo Saba is an idea or a symbol which people can recognize and remember. Each day has a principle, all Swahili words. The first of the Nguzo Saba is Umoja — unity. Six other principles — self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperation, purpose, creativity and faith — follow, designed to unite communities, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. BW has compiled a brief list of Kwanzaa celebrations throughout the lower Hudson Valley. We will continue to update this list on our website BlackWestchester.com so if you know of a Kwanzaa Celebration in Westchester that are not listed please let us know at BlackWestchester@gmail.com so we can add it. Sister To Sister International KWANZAA 2017 Celebration, Yonkers, Dec. 15 at 6:30-9:30 P.M. A Celebration of Family, Community & Culture When: Friday, December 15 at 6:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Where: Nepperhan Community Center, 342 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 (Free Parking on premises) Info: (914) 207-0368 or email: stsi@optonline.net BW Publisher Damon K. Jones and MVPL & The Afrikan Brother & Sisterhood Presents: Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture Dr. Maulana Karenga creator of Kwanza All are invited to Celebrate Kwanzaa! Learn about the history of Kwanzaa and its traditions, Enjoy a special African Dance and Drum performance. Explore our Kwanzaa Marketplace. When: Mount Vernon Public Library 28 S 1st Ave, Mt Vernon, Grace Greene Baker Community Room Where: Thursday, December 14th, 6:00pm Town of Greenburgh’s Department of Community Resources Annual Kwanzaa Celebration When: Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 3:00 – 5:00 PM Where: Theodore D. Young Community Center, 32 Manhattan Ave, White Plains, NY 10607 The African Brother and Sisterhood and The Obey Foundation Community Kwanzaa event in cooperation with The City of Mount Vernon, Richard Thomas, Mayor and the Mount Vernon Dept. of Recreation, Darren M. Morton, Ed.D, Commissioner Guests will participate in celebrating Kwanzaa with African Dance and Drumming. A special award “Grassroots Salute” will be given to City Council person elect, Delia Farquharson When: Tuesday, December 26th at 4:00 -7:00 P.M. Where: Rev. Shelton E. Doles Center, 250 South Sixth Avenue, Mount Vernon Info: For further information please contact Baba Allen Ayers at (914) 837-5769 or Baba Abishai Ben Reuben at (914) 513-6394 Community Kwanzaa Celebration, New Rochelle, Thursday December 28, 2017 Where: 95 Lincoln Ave New Rochelle N.Y. When: Thursday December 28, 2017 at 7:00 P.M Mount Vernon Public Library Children’s Kwanzaa Workshop, December 29th Participants will explore the history of Kwanzaa, and learn the Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba) and the Seven Symbols through storytelling, singing and drumming. Each participant will create a collage using the colors of Kwanzaa. This workshop is led by Clyde D. Herring, a Mount Vernon artist. When: Friday, Dec. 29 at 4:15 - 5;00 P.M. Where: Mount Vernon Public Library 28 S 1st Ave, Mt Vernon in the Children’s Room Info: call the Children’s Reference Desk at 914-668-1840 ext 211 or MountVernonPublicLibrary.org/ Make sure to check the website BlackWestchester.com for updates.

New voices like the Black Lives Matter movement and Blogging While Brown – a group of African-Americans from all walks of life – have made significant inroads into Twitter and Facebook. News sites like The Root, Grio.com and other digital publications and social media communities have maintained the point-of-view style of journalism and coverage of the African-American community that black newspapers like The Defender have historically embraced. - T “Can The Black Press Stay Relevant” by TheConversation.com Black Westchester through out online news magazine, print newspaper and weekly talk radio show we stand on he shoulders of those who held it down before us and we glady carry the torch! Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe





It’s time to reminisce for a spell, and get chocolate wasted with this one here, hiphop heads... This pot of Gumbo goodness right here, will rival anything Bubba in Forest Gump put on a plate! I have access to a hiphop icon with a recipe that turned the hip-hop game on its ear for over 25 years and is still, till this day... good to the last basedrop! The ingredients: First take some World Wide Respected & Connected, add two turn tables and a microphone, a classic catalog and sprinkle in a resume that ensures he will always be protected, as Soul Brotha Number 1. Stir it up in a pot, til it’s nice and hot and what you got is none other, who else could it be, but the Chocolate Boy Wonder himself, the amazingly gifted, Mr. Pete Rock!!! One half of the critically acclaimed group Pete Rock & CL Smooth, that gave us the hip-hop classic They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.) (T.R.O.Y.) in ’92 off the Mecca & The Soul Brother LP. As you can imagine, I had a million and three questions to ask someone who has worked with almost every single hip-hop artist that’s ever influenced this genre as a whole. He is considered of the best hip-hop producers of ALL TIME, and man!!! I wanna know everything !! I wanted to start in 87, I was twelve-ish around that time,

the WBLS days, on Marley Marl’s show is where I first heard him. He had a very distinctive style and sound and the ability to create incredible blends that caused him to stand out amongst his peers. I knew better than to assume that’s where it started for the younger cousin of the late great Heavy D (R.I.P.). He took us back, back to where it began. You were obviously born with an ear for music, I even heard your dad was a dj, how old were you when you began and what was “The Song” you heard that ignited the fire within to want to begin a career in music? “For me, it was ever since I was 3 and I could understand sound. The first songs to influence me were James Brown. Then at 7, it was hip hop, Furious 5, Grandmaster Flash etc, plus around my way in my hood there was a lot of talent. Being around my cousin Heav, we were so inspired by music in general, that’s what inspired what was in me, and he (Heav) was the one who noticed my talent.” I remember you Djing back in 87 on WBLS with another legend in hip-hop Marly Marl, How did you make the transition from DJing to Production? “Heav was the one who push me in everything, Heav & Marley Marl gave me a shot. I was lucky enough to get a shot at an opportune time and take advantage of

the opportunity. I transitioned by just being inspired, DJ Eddie F helped me learn how to use equipment, then once I learned how to use the equipment I just started doing everything on my own. I was still signed to Eddie F, he had the untouchables back in the day. As a producer at first I met CL we got together and made some songs and did our first appearances on R&B records.”

doing music LL Cool J, you know, ones I’ve never worked with.. I’m willing to work with whoever wants to work with me.”

You know I have to ask this, what is your most embarrassing moment as a DJ? “My most embarrassing DJ moment was I was doing a show at the Apollo, every one was in there I mean the place was rocking! Then out of nowhere the record skips! We had to do the song all over! You know, start the whole thing from the beginning . It was still rocking, you just gotta keep rocking, no matter what, keep going.”

You come from an era in hip hop where some would say it’s more authentic than it is now. Do you agree? And do you notice a difference in today’s artist? “Well back then it was no internet it was no nothing like that. The communication was different, everything was real different. Today it’s just updated, people are trying to do more things in hip hop. Back in the day it was more - Real. There should be a mix but it should be more of what’s real in the mix of what’s going on in today’s society.”

What was your go to piece of equipment to use in the 80’s & 90’s to achieve your signature sound, an what is your favorite go to piece now? “I was using all kinds of drum machines in the beginning, I immediately got a good feeling when the SP 1200 came out and learned how to use it, that’s the one I used and based my whole career on. And today I use the mp3 6000 sl” Who was your all-time favorite artist to work with? And who would you like to work with? “Everyone I worked with I had no complaints about, I had fun with everyone I worked with.. Who I would like to work with? Wow.. Ahh let’s see.. I already worked with Kendrick.. I would like to work with.. Hmm.. Rick Ross, cats that are passionate and have love

So you’ve never worked with LL? “No, not yet”

This is a question I’m sure everyone wants to know, how did you achieve such longevity in the game and remain so consistent? “Just loving what I do and staying passionate and keeping that feeling of never forgetting what good music is and what it does for me, my family and my people. And just staying inspired. And a word from my cousin who’s passed on who always said to me don’t ever quit stay inspired. And I chose to keep that as my alma mater and keep it moving.”







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In 1986, young passionate protagonistic Black Brooklyn Love by The Force Md’s, Prince’s When Doves Fly, Filmmaker Spike Lee made his first feature-length film Maxwell’s Pretty Wings, Set It Off, Walter Gibbons with a small budget and big aspirations. The plot was Love Mix, Mary J. Blige’s My Life, Jill Scott’s ‘Living a simple but fresh one in that decade: Lee’s leading My Life Like It’s Golden, and ofcourse the same jazz lady flipped the script on expected gender norms by essence in the background of the film and thats just playing a character with no shame about her sexual Episode 1. You wont be able to prevent ya had from ambition, or her focus on her own pleasure. With its nodding while your are watching the series. black-and-white polish and its documentary-style sto- Just like in Lee’s drectorial debut, the series rytelling, She’s Gotta Have It the film gave the main- centers on Nola Darling played by DeWanda Wise, stream world a glimpse of Black urban life. Now, a of Shots Fired and Underground), a beautiful young new Netflix series has Lee rebooting his 31-year-old struggling Brooklyn artist who follows her own rules. storyline, viewing She’s Gotta Have It through a mod- She states in the beginning of the series that she ern lens. The soundtrack alone makes it a must see, doesn’t “believe in one-word labels,” which is the with a great blend of old and new like Isley Brother’s foundation of her viewpoint on sex and relationBetween The Sheet to Biggie asking ‘Where Brooklyn ships. She’s currently in casual relationships with At, Where Brooklyn At?” Other tracks inclue, Tender three men with radically different personalities: Jamie Overstreet (Lyriq Bent, of the Saw films and Canada’s Rookie Blue) is an older investor and father in a fraying marriage. Mars Blackmon (Anthony Ramos, first to play John Laurens / Philip Hamilton in Broadway’s Hamilton) the the fast-talking, Michael Jordan-loving lighthearted sneaker enthusiast who works at a local bike shop, the role made famous by Lee in the original. And Greer Childs (Cleo Anthony, of Extant and Transparent) the self-obsessed photographer. The film director, producer, writer, and actor who gave us three-plus decades od Spike Lee Joints that repeatedly challenge Hollywood and America with bruising, revelatory portraits of life in this country from the perspective of black people, from regular folks (Do the Right Thing) to polarizing political leaders (Malcolm X) now takes a look back at his auspicious, ambitious debut, bringing She’s Gotta Have It to Netflix as a 10-episode series that broadens the scope of his black-and-white, 84-minute joint. “It was my wife’s idea – Tonya Lewis Lee was executive producer on this. She watches a lot of television. I don’t watch television – I watch sports and the news, that’s about it. But she knows the climate, and her instincts are always right. She had a gut feeling that this would work on TV,” Spike Lee told Rolling Stone Magazine. “We shopped this several places, and people were not feeling it. But it DeWanda Wise stars as Nola Darling, a beautiful young struggling Brooklyn artist who follows her own rules was three African-American women at Netflix – Pauline Fischer, who has since moved on, Tara Duncan and Layne Eskridge – they understood the cultural Brooklyn has changed, but that film’s resonance hasn’t; if anything, as the rest significance of having a film with Nola Darling and Mars Blackmon. Sad to of the world has caught up to the radical independence of Nola Darling played by Tracy say, those other places where I shopped it, there were no black people in the Camilla Johns in the film; her quest to live free, bold, and unencumbered as a black woman room. One of my favorite songs in Hamilton, sung by Leslie Odom, Jr., goes: feels more relevant than ever. The 1986 film climaxes on a brutal scene, before depicting “I want to be in the room where it happens.” And one of the biggest problems a Nola that goes on to live her unattached, artistic existence with or without the men who in Hollywood is with the diversity in the rooms where decisions are made. The try to keep up with her. The 2017 series introduces a millennial Nola Darling, with the same gatekeepers – there are hardly any people of color [in those positions]. So it’s three lovers and the same refusal to be tied down. not a coincidence that Netflix picked up She’s Gotta Have It, because it was I binged watched the entire 10 episodes. Fans of the film will be pleased and the three black women there that said, “Oh shit, we’ve got to do this.”” updated storyline will draw the hard to please millennials. A Must See, streaming now!




I’m truly excited about this spotlight in particular due to the fact they come from my hometown. Back then it was a place stricken by systematic poverty. The residue remains. Doing or dealing drugs is the more popular choice, and catching a two to five is as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich. Yonkers NY in the 80’s and 90’s is the place I’m referring to. Albeit somewhat esthetically different now, back then; It was an impoverished cesspool of too many things to mention with a dark cloud over top. What’s most interesting, it was still a melting pot of creativity and talent. Nothing causes you the create more than hunger for anything. Be it knowledge, different environment, food, love. This became the perfectly dilated birth canal to push forth the lyrical content necessary for this Trinity of talent. Not only have they made it out, they selflessly pour back into the community giving gifts of health. Changing the environment and the people into something better than they themselves found it. That in itself deserves a round of applause. #Salute Unless you’ve been somewhere living under a rock you already know whom I’m talking about.. When speaking of one of the greatest trios to ever bless the game, put some Respect on it *BirdmanVoice*! You know all their verses in all their most popular hits and rap them at ignorant levels. #DontLie #WhosWithMe I had the pleasure of interviewing them individually for a project I worked on and clearly understood why they’re still one of the reigning lyrical demi -gods groups in Hip-Hop. Black Westchester it is my honor to introduce to you a squad that needs no introduction. The masterful wordsmiths: The LOX!!! First of all…. YO stand up!! Second of all, if you don’t know who they are, you should be ashamed of yourself. … Thirdly, if not.. we can not be friends…. for like 12 minutes. ‘Smh’ Speedy history brush up: The group consist of Jada aka “ Mr. Raspy, Jason, Mr. Top 5 Dead or Alive” Sounds like no one in rap. Bar for bar he’s a modern day Rakim ever evolving. You don’t want a one on one with this dude. His first historical 16’s still hold more weight than Escobar. Then you have Styles aka Styles P, The Ghost, The Gangsta & The Gentleman. Arguably one of the hardest across the board. The flow and lyricism…. not a game. The realness either. I wouldn’t press my luck in a dark booth with this one you might quit Rap! Last but far from least, Sheek Louch aka The Silverback I’m just gonna stop right there with the aka’s because that one alone speaks volumes.. his verse on “The Benjamins” will start an argument on who’s was the best… #LetsArgue Their first name way back in the day: “The Bomb Squad” then they became “The Warlocks”

featured on several underground mix tapes. Not long after the incomparable Queen of Hip Hop Soul, Mary J Blige, also a Yonkers native, took a liking to the trio. Mary became very instrumental in leading them to land a deal with none other than the newly named “Brother Love” formerly known as Sean “Diddy” Combs. Now with the name shortened to “The LOX”, alongside their Ruff Ryder family, gained huge notoriety internationally for their tales of realness. D-Block was also born soon after... and the rest is history. Now that you’re familiar, let’s get all into what they’ve been up to! These brothers have their hands into many positive things, one of which is changing physical bodies in our communities. In the midst of a concert they bring the “Barz” out with “Giant The Barfather” himself. A master body sculptor who merges using your own body weight and playground bars. He has a team of masters in their own right called “ The Bartendaz” It’s a “MindUp” movement. Some of their moves defy gravity. Incredible to watch. The LOX are fully on deck displaying how they’ve transformed their own bodies using these techniques. They also live by the mantra “Health is Wealth” owning a string of raw juice bars called “Juices For Life” with Styles P as the founder. First location, 1026 Castle Hill Ave, Bronx and second is one tucked right in their own community, Yonkers NY, located at 211 Nepperhan Ave. Creating change and reinvesting where it’s most needed. Healing you not just externally, but internally as well! Now for what all Hip Hop junkies been waiting to hear about… the MUSIC!! After a major business move deal with Roc Nation, The LOX put out a highly anticipated body of work in 2016 called, “Filthy America.. its beautiful” Songs like, “Hard Life” prod. By Dame Grease and, “Move Forward” prod by DJ Premier show you why you should bow in the presence of Hip-Hop greatness. As if that’s not enough, Mr. Top 5 Jada himself teamed up with longtime ally, another lyrical punchline King, Fabulous for an album call “Freddy vs Jason”. Legends like LL Cool J has already gone viral knocking one of the songs. Styles P also released a banger called “The Seven” with another mic killer who he’s had much success with in the past, the brilliant Talib Kweli. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a few other tricks up their sleeves. Having permanently solidified their spot, you know like I know we will all be waiting!! Keep up on everything The LOX on social media: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @TheLOX

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M oney Earnin’ Mount Vernon native, Jeff Redd, you know the award-winning music mogul, recording artist and entrepreneur who is best known for his mega-hit singles, “You

Called and Told Me” from the Strictly Business soundtrack and “Love High,” he has a new project coming out. But before talking about his new music, we have to revisit the classics. “You Called And Told Me” remains a must-play song on dance floors across country. The 1991 hit was produced by Dave “Jam” Hall was featured on the soundtrack to the movie Strictly Business and will still get everyone out of their seat 26 years later. When the T-ski Valley, Catch The Beat sample drops you cant help but to get up out ya seat. While ”You Called...” may be the track Jeff Redd is best remembered for it was the 1989 Fatback Band cover, “I Found Loving” that first rocked radio airwaves and club sound systems two years earlier...

Although Jeff Redd is well-respected by lovers of New Jack Swing he never found real love from the mainstream. His album, A Quiet Storm was just that and despite being a strong, well-produced mixture of New Jack Swing and great love ballads he never saw the level of stardom for others out in th era like Keith Sweat, Johnny Gill, etc. The music business can be unforgiving and a what have you done lately and out of site out of mind atmosphere. Fairweather fans move on to the next hot thing, but not only has his music stood the test of time, the release of his new project, “I Want You,” Jeff Redd shows real talent doesnt go anywhere and stands as well. Even though you didnt hear any new music from him and he was less visable he was still very active. As a music executive he has been praised for launching the career of the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul, Yonker’s daughter, Mary J. Blige and producing countless other artists such SWV, Bobby Brown, Allure and Field Mob. Redd has received Grammy, American Music, Soul Train, and Billboard awards for distinguished albums for successful artists such as K-Ci and JoJo, Regina Belle, Salt N Pepa, not to mention countless others. He has also contributed to motion picture soundtracks such as How Stella Got Her Groove Back, The Hurricane, Eve’s Bayou. Our Entertainment Feature Writer Samantha Hunter caught up and chopped it uo with Jeff about his key to success and longevity, what the holidays mean to him, his fondest memories of making music, his new project and more. BW is proud to showcase Jeff Redd, a Black Westchester legend who has diversified his portfolio as the owner of an independent recording label, Sol Real Records, and as an author of a soon to be released romance novel and creator of the shea butter product line, Sol Real Butter.

What keeps you passionate about music and wanting to express yourself creatively by way of music? I see music in everything that I do. Music is and always will be a way of life for me. When I worked at General Motors, I would sing all day and listen to the car radios as they came by. When I was an assistant property manager I would remember people by the music I heard coming from their apartments. Music is the fiber of my existence. What do you think is the key to success and longevity in the music business? What have you learned? Relationships can make or break you. I’m still able to get a meeting or have a DJ play my music solely on the basis of the impression that I left. I believe in an old saying that my mother taught me and that is, “you get more with sugar than you get with...” You’ve got a new project out, can you tell us a little bit about it? I have a new single out titled, “I Want You”, it’s a Marvin Gaye remake that I have always loved. I decided to do this particular song because he has been one of my all time favorite singers since he was with Motown records. It is produced by Derrick Ricky Nelson and DJ Sir Charles Dixon. The video is a concept directed by Tony Tone (Double 00 Photography) and Theresa O’Neal (Global Spectrum Group). It is released on my Sol Real Records, LLC label along with Ace Beat Music. What’s next on the horizon for you in terms of projects and goals? I am going to release an entire album around the spring of next year along with a book entitled, “Love’s Game: Lies, Lust, Betrayal”. I also have a scented shea butter that will make everyone rethink moisturizing. How do you strike the work/life balance? It all goes hand in hand to me. My work is my life and my family has been very supportive. It’s a huge sacrifice but I believe that GOD has chosen me to minister to the people through music. What do the holidays mean to you and how do you make it special? The holidays have always been about the kids and the less fortunate. I’ve been able to volunteer my resources for those in need. I don’t wait for the holidays to help others, I do it throughout the year by volunteering my services and donating my time to my community. On Dec.21, 2017 I am having a toy/coat drive for those in need. What do you think is the biggest misconception about you, and what is something you think people would be surprised to know about you? I’ve always been Jeff wherever I go or whatever situation I am in. I walk the streets of my hometown of Mount Vernon, New York every day and connect with my community so there is no misconception. What you see, is what you get! What is one of your fondest memories of making music in the 90’s and being on the music scene? I was just getting in my car after coming from the hospital visiting my friend’s (Jeffrey Ross) mother, we got in my car and when I turned the key I heard my song and my friend said, “Is that a tape?” (This was the time when we had cassette players in the cars) I said “no, that’s the radio” and we both yelled with excitement. I also remember how there were so many people embarking on their careers at that time and how we all were happy for each other. The 90’s were a great time for music and almost 30 years later (by the grace of GOD) we are still relevant and working.



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