Vol 1/ Issue 6 BLACK WESTCHESTER - Jan 2018

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas







There are some musicians that believe the accoutrements of success speak to why they have arrived. MICHELLE You have some that confidently lead with “how” they obtained what they’ve accumulated when conversing with piers. STYLES BERNARD BY PRISCILLA ECHI PAGE 26 914 SPOTLIGHT:

For others.. they believe what they’ve learned along the journey to the destination is what speaks for who they are. Then you have those who don’t have to say a word. God given gifts speak for them and serve as a real time generational blueprint that reflect the past, present, and future all in one. You can actually feel them and tell their cup #SHALL run over until the end of time. I call those.. The Chosen. I’ll get back to that in a minute. #StayWithMe (Continued on page 14)







“ e are honoring Damon for keeping it REAL, with his internet commentary that addresses the issues that affect the African-African comunity and people of color,” Mrs Karen Richardson said as she introduced Damon K. Jones and invited him to come up get his Person of the Year Award from NYPD Retired Grand Council of Guardians, Sunday, December 3, 2017 at Antun’s Catering Hall located at 96-43 Springfield Boulevard, Queens Village, New York.



“I’m honored and humbled to be Man of the Year by the NYPD Council or Retired Guardians,” proudly proclaims Jones. Black Westchester congratulates and salutes Damon K. Jones for all the work he does for some many in the pursuit for justice and equality... (continued on Page 16)


By Robert Baskerville Ph.D. PAGE 21


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FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Founded in 2014 by DAMON K. JONES AJ WOODSON Published by URBANSOUL MEDIA GROUP 455 Tarrytown Rd., Suite 1318 White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 979-2093 www.BlackWestchester.com

As Publisher of Black Westchester Magazine (BW), I would like to thank everyone for their support of our efforts to bring information to the people of Westchester County. As we embark on a new chapter for BW, we hope to continue to empower the reader on issues in their communities. Independent media like BW has become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. What many fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which Democracy indeed functions”. This being said, BW will not be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities of being a check and balance system in the political process of the Black Communities of Westchester.


BW’s purpose is not only to address the political process that affects the everyday lives of communities of colour in Westchester County. BW’s mission has also been to shine a light on the brilliant culture, morals, values and elegant lifestyle of Black people. It’s time to change the narrative on how Black people are perceived in media.


As Publisher of BW, our doors are open to the public. From the publication, the website, our radio show and now the newspaper; our doors are open to the people. We do not do this for any grander position or status; we do it for the people.

BlackWestchesterMag@gmail.com Twitter: @BlkWestchesterM Instagram: @BlackWestchester Facebook: /BlackWestchesterMagazine

Publisher DAMON K. JONES



Editor-In-Chief AJ WOODSON


Copy Editor Brenda L. Crump News Reporters/ Writers

AJ Woodson Damon K. Jones Lorraine Lopez (Latino Empowerment) Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Priscilla Echi Paul Feiner Rashad Bilal Malcolm Clark Entertainment Feature Writer

Happy New Years Everybody, welcome to the January 2018 issue of Black Westchester. Can you believe it’s 2018? 2017 was a very eventful year, nationally and locally and a great year for Black Westchester thanks to all of you. As I start off every month I would like to thank all our supporters, all who believed in us since day one, when the naysayers were saying why do you want to backwards and go print when the industry is trying to get away from print. All your letters, and messages of encouragement telling us to keep doing what we do, especially when we came uder attack andour credibility questioned, you continued to ride with us. We starting the year off big with a great Mary J. Blige interview by Priscilla Echi and once again we would like to congratulate our publisher Damon K. Jones for being selected Man Of The Year, well deserved my brother. I’m not going to talk to much here, except to say thank you to everyone who plays a part in us bringing you this monthly newspaper and putting together our weekly radio show, we appreciate all you do! Enjoy the new issue and feel free to hit us at BWEditorInChief@gmail.com and let us know what you think, what you like to see, your feedback is not only welcomed it is encouraged! Peace and Blessings AJ Woodson Editor-In-Chief

Samantha Hunter Photographers AJ Woodson

WWCynthia Turnquest-Jones Graphic Designers AJ Woodson Paula S. Woodson

For Advertising Rates AdvertiseWithBW@gmail.com Letters To The Editor BWEditorInChief@gmail.com

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coco bread federal express. If you send it now it will be warm. The imperfectly formed pastry shells that break apart to reveal a thin and flaky crust, each layer more tender and pliant until you reach the hefty beef center, mingled with onion, allspice, and chili pepper. The Beef Patty. “We had Bronx Day in Albany. I wanted everyone to understand how it felt to taste a beef patty. I called Lowell and he made it happen,” explained Assemblyman Carl Haste. “We sat for hours and laughed about the time he appeared on Undercover Boss. This is a guy who did something for his community. Remember family, this is not for us to know why because God knows best.” Mayor of Mt. Vernon shared how Lowell gave him priceless advice about raising sons. “At the time I just had my first son and Lowell spoke of how he raised his sons to help those who comes from behind you.” Lowell was a member of the first African-American Greek-lettered organization known as Member Boule or Sigma Pi Phi. Sigma Pi Phi was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 15, 1904. When Sigma Pi Phi was founded, black professionals were not offered participation in the professional and cultural associations organized by the white community. Boule means a council of noblemen. Lowell was a part of a fraternity with notable members like W.E.B. DuBois, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Arthur Ashe, and Thurgood Marshall. Raising funds to empower the children of the poor was a mantra for Lowell. David Patterson former Governor of New York was friend of Lowell Hawthorne and his family is also from Jamaica. “Golden Krust is found at Costco, Stop n Shop, and Grand Central Station. NYC Department of Education served beef patty’s today in all schools in honour of Lowell. I must say he was outstandingly successful. Who had the ability to help others. I am inspired of all of those achievements. I remember him for his charity and his desire to educate the generation behind him.” Mr. Patterson paused. “By the way there were no tax problems that this family ever had and we will continue with the Lowell shadow of a great spirit.” This is a man who lived to give. His father Efrain Hawthorne known as “Papa” often said follow me as I follow Christ. Lowell was a spiritual man and a man of God. He spoke of Gods goodness and mercy. Making positive difference in the lives of so many people in this community. Lowell was known for his acts of generosity and how he treated those who really were in need. There was a girl who lived in Jamaica. At the age of 4 she had a blood disease causing her to walk with a bow legged. She was not wealthy, she was not famous, but she was a child of God. Lowell arranged for her to receive medical help. She came to the United States to establish a relationship with a doctor that Lowell spearheaded. She underwent several operations on her legs as he encouraged her at her bedside to be strong. Each visit Lowell made sure that he put a little something in her hand. She didn’t have a clue as to who Lowell was. The nurse in the hospital pointed out that she must have been important because the President of Golden Krust was visiting her. Lowell made sure that his daughter Monique was a part of this little girls recovery. Monique would also visit the Little Girl for encouragement. She is now 18 and walking well. His impact will not be forgotten. “Lowell was a big deal” according to Fred Smith from Jamaica Tours. As the wake came to a closing the Fellowship sang “Goodbye for now as you fly above the clouds.”

It is well with my soul played as the casket closed. The alter was invisible due to an abundance of flowers. Grace Baptist Church was bursting with family, friends, politicians, Pastors, and well-wishers. It was a celebration of the life of Lowell Fitzgerald Hawthorne known as the “Patty King”. He was recognized as a man, husband, son, father, friend, and boss. There was another side of Lowell many got to learn of at this tragic time. He was a Jamaican hero, a philantropist and entrepreneur of one of the top franchisee in the United States of America. The Patty King is the CEO & Founder of Golden Krust. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. spoke of grief on behalf of the Bronx community for the tremendous lost. He continued with fondness about Lowell, “I am proud to have called Lowell a Bronx boy, a business man of the boogie down Bronx, and proud to call him a friend. This man is someone who took a vision and made a business out of it. He not only put food on the table of those who brought the product. But put food on the tables of those who were employed by him.” Ruban Diaz Jr was ceaseless in his speech. He continued. “Lowell was stimulating the local economy with 120 plus stores. This is a man who was at the top of the business leaders. He was not only building the Bronx, but was building the economy in places like Brooklyn, Westchester, and Queens.” The church said Amen as Ruban left the podium. Stanley Dennis owner of a Brooklyn Golden Krust shares that Lowell paid for his journey from Jamaica, gave him a position in the warehouse, and the opportunity to buy a store. This story is parallel to many who stood to pour their hearts out in love of Lowell Hawthorne. Present was also Congresswoman 9th Congressional district of New York Yvette D. Clarke, a Brooklyn native proud of her Jamaican heritage spoke of Lowell. She said she was scheduled to be in the chambers voting, but bidding Peace to Lowell was more important. Ephraim Hawthorne the father of Lowell owned a bakery that served family recipes in Saint Andrew, Jamaica. This can be traced back to fifty years ago. Lowell followed dads footsteps, migrated to America, and opened the first Golden Krust in 1989 on Gun Hill Road in the Bronx. What is it about this Jamaican Patty? Something delicious with an iced “Tomorrow is another day.” cold D&G Cola Champagne. My brother Victor Turnquest Jr. went to Alabama State University and we would have many conversations about food he misses. Lowell Fitzgerald Hawthorne (May 1, 1960 - December 2, 2017) Black Westchester Magazine honours a hero! One day he called and said can you please send me a beef patty and


NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - A team of college students is getting attention from internet companies and Congress after developing a browser extension that alerts users to fake and biased news stories and helps guide them to more balanced coverage. The plug-in, “Open Mind ,” was developed earlier this month during a 36-hour problem-solving competition known as a hackathon at Yale University. The winning team was comprised of four students: Michael Lopez-Brau and Stefan Uddenberg, both doctoral students in Yale’s psychology department; Alex Cui, an undergraduate who studies machine learning at the California Institute of Technology; and Jeff An, who studies computer science at the University of Waterloo and business at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario. That team competed against others to win a challenge from Yale’s Poynter Fellowship in Journalism, which asked students to find a way to counter fake news. The team’s software, designed as an extension for Google’s Chrome browser, will display a warning screen when someone enters a site known to disseminate fake news. It also will alert a reader if a story shared on social media is fake or biased. But it does much more than just warn. The plug-in uses existing sentiment analysis technology to analyze any story that might appear in a newsfeed, identifying the major players and any political slant. It then can suggest to the reader other stories on the same topic that have an alternate viewpoint. “So let’s say there is an article that is very pro-Trump on a topic,” said An. “We would then try to give you something more left of center. We can go out and find for you that alternative article.” The extension also collects browsing data and can show a user a graph that indicates whether they have been reading stories from just one side of a political spectrum. It curates a news feed for that user, showing alternative stories to the ones they have been reading. The idea, said Lopez-Brau, is to help get people out of the habit of associating on social media only with people who share their viewpoints and reading biased news coverage skewed toward their beliefs. “Social media sites grow bubbles,” said Lopez-Brau. “They make it extremely easy for people to only follow people with similar interests, so often there is no real opportunity for them to be confronted with an opposing viewpoint. They’ve allowed us to silo people off at a distance.” The team’s prize for winning the challenge will be a meeting this spring with members of Congress. Facebook, which was one of the sponsors of Yale’s hackathon, also is interested in talking to the students as part of its ongoing work to solve the same problem, said Ruchika Budhraja, a Facebook spokeswoman. “We’re building products, many of which are very similar to what the students came up with at Yale,” said Budhraja. “We have something called “Related Articles,” which helps people discover articles on the same topic when they share an article.” The two Yale students plan to create a research project using the extension, tracking the browsing history of volunteers to try and determine if the plug-in actually changes browsing habits. “The solution is not to just tell people if something is fake or not,” said Cui. “The solution is to develop a kind of a news auto-immune system.”

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The new tax reform package signed into law earlier this week by President Trump will have a serious impact on your County taxes - namely the capping of the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction at $10,000. To help combat this bill’s deleterious impact, Governor Cuomo has issued an Executive Order that allows for early payments of some of next year’s taxes.

SLEEPY HOLLOW, New York – Phelps Hospital’s Healthy Life series offers the community a wide range of programs on health-related subjects as well as numerous health screenings and support groups. All events are free and take place on the Phelps campus, 701 N. Broadway in Sleepy Hollow unless otherwise noted. The Phelps Healthy Life Calendar for January follows:

The County Executive is responsible for getting the tax warrants to the Board of Legislators through the following process: The Westchester County Finance Department computes and creates annual tax billings, known as tax warrants, for the cities and towns in Westchester for the County portion of property taxes. There is one tax warrant for both the County’s general operating budget as well as the special districts budget (water, sewers, etc.), but both must be calculated independently. This Finance Department responsibility is mandated in the Westchester County Charter, and usually they must be prepared by Feb. 1 of each year for submission to the County Executive. The County Executive reviews and approves the tax warrants and submits them to the Board of Legislators who formally enact the yearly tax legislation. The tax warrants are then signed by the Chair of the Board of Legislators and delivered to all cities and towns in Westchester. The cities and towns, per county charter, collect the county portion of real estate taxes and guarantee the full amount to the County.

Thursday, January 11 - The Breakfast Club, designed especially for seniors, includes a free breakfast, a presentation on a healthy lifestyle topic and a light exercise program. The group meets monthly except for August and December. The group meets from 8:30-10:30 am, in the Cafeteria (G Level) at Phelps Hospital, 701 North Broadway in Sleepy Hollow. Call 914-366-3937 to register.

For prepayment of property taxes, all of this must be in done in the 4 business days remaining in 2017. With the late adoption of the 2018 budget due to the County Executive’s veto and our subsequent override, the Finance Department has even less time to send the tax warrants to each municipality for collection. For cash basis taxpayers, pre-payment has to be made in 2017 in order to claim this deduction. You should always consult your tax advisor on these issues. Remember - the County portion of your property tax bill is roughly 15% of the total bill you pay. Other local governments in our area — towns, villages, school districts, and so on — are also looking at ways to facilitate prepayment, and many of them have reached out to their constituents. You should check with them to see if you can prepay those taxes. The advisability of prepayment depends on your individual circumstances, so please check with your financial advisor to see if prepayment is for you.

Thursday, January 11 - Osteoporosis Support and Education A free monthly group program for individuals with osteoporosis, providing education on nutrition, exercise (weight-bearing, strengthening and balance) and activities of daily living. The sessions are held from 10:45 – 11:30am, the second Thursday of the month in the Boardroom (C Level) at Phelps Hospital, 701 North Broadway, Sleepy Hollow. Call 914-366-2270 to register. Friday, January 12 - Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group Caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Join us and receive the emotional, educational and social support needed to successfully care for someone with dementia. Sponsored by Phelps, The Alzheimer’s Association and the Visiting Nurse Association of the Hudson Valley, at Phelps Hospital, 755 North Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, Room 545 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Call 914366-3937 for more information or to register. ewoods@pmhc.us Tuesday, January 15 - Senior Steps offers health screenings for seniors on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 - 11:30 am. At Phelps Hospital, 701 North Broadway, Sleepy Hollow. For more information, call 914-366-3937. Updated calendar listings are available at www.phelpshospital.org.

On Facebook at www.facebook.com/phelpsmemorialhospitalcenter and on Twitter While the ability to pre-pay your 2018 County taxes seems unlikely, the Board of Legisla- at www.twitter.com/phelpshospital tors will remain available until the last business day of the year to process and sign any tax warrants that are sent to us from the Executive branch.


Greenburgh is an economically and racially diverse town of 88,400 surrounded by more affluent, less integrated communities. One of our high schools - Woodlands Middle/High, has 500 students. Though high-performing, with a 95% 5-year graduation rate, many people view Woodlands unfavorably. Some do because of images formed in the 1980s when Woodlands’ middle and high school each had high crime and on-site drug clinics. Others have stereotypes because 92% of Woodlands students are people of color and 54% are economically disadvantaged. I think the stereotypes are wrong and that there are lots of positive things happening at Greenburgh schools. What can be done? My office has been working with the Greenburgh School district and with Dr. Tahira Chase, Superintendent, for a few years on a joint initiative. Our goal: to revamp Greenburgh’s K-12 schools to better prepare students for technologyfocused jobs. Our dream is to create a nationally recognized model at Woodlands attracting Greenburgh’s brightest

students. Karl Bertrand, one of the best grant writers in the region has been very helpful trying to help us come up with a proposal that could become a national model. We have formed a team of town, school and community members to come up with an exciting initiative. Our plan is to create a FastTrack Technology Scholars Academy for Woodlands students. Fast-Track participants can graduate with a Regents diploma, nationally-recognized technical skills and certifications, practical experience working in teams using technology and high-end tools to solve real-world problems, extraordinary extracurriculars, professional mentors, internships, exposure to cutting-edge industries like genome-sequencing and quantum computing, and demonstrated ability to work in teams, to lead, and hope to also partner with local colleges. We’re applying for grants and meeting frequently trying to turn this dream into a reality. There is no need for Greenburgh residents to transfer their children to private schools when the school district offers students great programs, classes and training for jobs. Our community is located in a great technology hub, just 30 minutes from Manhattan. We are the home for a fast growing biotech company Regeneron. We have BOCES and many high

tech professionals who want to volunteer and help us develop this project. Greatness awaits if we seize the moment. We want to prepare Woodlands students for high end technology careers so spectacularly so that Woodlands is envied by school districts from around the country. We want Greenburgh parents to consider themselves fortunate to have such a model educational opportunity available to their children. By September 2019 we want to open the Academy in a reconfigured and renovated wing of Woodlands. Students will learn how to build, test and repair robots. Scholars will be taking a rigorous combination of college AP classes, intriguing technologyfocused electives and handpicked GCSD instructors trained and coached by BOCES, and standard courses infused with technologyrelated content and skills. When they graduate from Woodlands they will be qualified for high paying jobs. They will have advantages over students from more affluent schools. This is just one initiative that the town is taking to prepare our youth for great futures. Town Clerk Judith Beville, Town Attorney Tim Lewis and I have sponsored a very successful internship program. This past summer students produced

and hosted their own cable TV shows and interviewed leading members of the community. Last year students enrolled in our Xposure after school program were nominated for two EMMY awards. They host their own xposure radio program. And--they are only 10 and 11 years old! Students are appointed to advisory boards by the Town Board and are exposed to government services. We also have a police summer youth academy --students work with the police during the summer months. The town has already hired some of our past graduates as police officers! Have a great 2018. I welcome your continued input so we can do some great things. PAUL FEINER

Greenburgh Town SupervisorW

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A digital divide is a socioeconomic imbalance regarding lack of access to information and communication technologies. Typically, the imbalance refers to communities of different socioeconomic levels and demographic categories. With the repeal of Net Neutrality, this imbalance will only grow worse. In Westchester, those communities look like Mount Vernon, Yonkers, Peekskill, and parts of White Plains and New Rochelle. These communities are facing challenges from dwindling school aid to

rising taxes that place economically disadvantaged households in danger of falling below the poverty line. Few places see the culmination of these factors than Mt. Vernon, NY. with a median income of $49,000 (Westchester County: $79,000). As a result, these children are struggling to close the divide and lag their peers. Too many of our young people don’t have access to the same digital educational opportunities that their peers do; lack of computers, tablets, and high speed internet in their homes, make it harder for them to keep pace with homework and projects for school. When it comes to employment and college applications, they are further limited in their access. The repeal of net neutrality casts a large shadow over these functions. The digital divide doesn’t only hurt the younger generation, but also our seniors who are having to learn how to navigate a world that is rapidly changing. Net Neutrality will make it harder for seniors who on a fixed income to afford their bills, connect with their community, check on their family and health. In many respects, the digital divide and net neutrality are intertwined. In a society that has come a long way from the restrictive access of the Jim Crow south to the oppressive and disproportional war on drugs, we are now facing a crisis in the Information age where the only limit to technology is access. If you look around the country, in communities such as Chattanooga, TN, which was the first city in the US to have a city-wide gigabit-per second fiber internet network, you will see how embracing the internet and closing the digital divide can save lives, revitalize cities, create jobs and boost educational success. Recently, the Mayors of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, White Plains and Yonkers joined together with the Westchester County Association’s Smart Growth for Gigabit Initiative to make these technologies more accessible. This is a good first step in leveling the playing field, however, there is much more that needs to be done. The fight for Net Neutrality is not over and under the leadership of NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who is leading the charge against the FCC to protect Net Neutrality and close the digital divide the future is still bright. To quote NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman “We can’t stand by and watch one of the greatest tools for democracy ever created be turned into a private playground for the rich.” Therefore, we all must fight to close the gaps that divide us and keep the internet free, fair and open to all. Malcolm Clark is a 27-year-old, Mount Vernon native. He has his bachelor’s degree in Political Science and works in the New York State Senate.



EDGING OUT PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP 17 PERCENT TO 14 PERCENT, I’m sure President Donald Trump considered it Fake News when he woke up and found ot he is the second-most admired man in the world among Americans, joining a small group of incumbent presidents who failed to win Gallup’s top distinction while in office. Trump’s predecessor, former President Barack Obama, and vanquished general election opponent, Hillary Clinton, retain their titles as the man and woman Americans most admire, according to the Gallup poll released Wednesday, December 27th. Obama edged out Trump, 17 percent to 14 percent, to win his 10th mostadmired title. He won the year he was elected president, each year in the White House and his first year out of office. Only former President Dwight Eisenhower has won Gallup’s most-admired title more times than Obama has. (Eisenhower was so named 12 times). Clinton narrowly bested former first lady Michelle Obama, 9 percent to 7 percent, retaining her honor for the 16th consecutive year. The former first lady, senator, secretary of state and Democratic presidential nominee has won 22 times overall, the most ever. Hillary Clinton was named the most admired woman for the 16th consecutive year and has held the spot 22 times total, more than Eleanor Roosevelt who held the Gallup title 13 times. Other names high on the lists include: Pope Francis, Rev. Billy Graham, John McCain, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Warren, Angela Merkel and Queen Elizabeth II. In the 71 years Gallup has conducted the most-admired poll, the current president has won the top title 58 times. Presidents besides Trump who did not secure the title include Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. A quarter of Americans surveyed could not name a man or woman they admire most, Gallup reports. Nine percent named a relative or friend as their most admired man and 13% did so for their most admired woman. Trump joins Harry Truman (1946-1947, 1950-1952), Lyndon B. Johnson (1967-1968), Richard Nixon (1973), Gerald Ford (1974-1975), Jimmy Carter (1980) and George W. Bush (2008) as presidents who didn’t finish first despite holding America’s most powerful position. Each aforementioned president had approval ratings well below 50 percent. Trump has an approval rating of around 38 percent as of Tuesday, December 26th, according to Gallup’s daily tracking poll. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll in October found that 38 percent of Americans approved of Trump’s job performance, while 58 percent disapproved. That number was the lowest job approval rate of his presidency, NBC reported at the time. This year’s survey marked one of the relatively few times that the incumbent president was not picked as the most admired man, according to Gallup. The question has been asked since 1946 — the only year it wasn’t asked was in 1976 — and of those 71 times the incumbent president was chosen 58 times, according to Gallup. Republicans were much more likely to name Trump than Obama, with 35 percent picking him and 1 percent picking Obama. Democrats picked Obama over Trump 39 percent to 3 percent, according to Gallup. The results are based on telephone interviews conducted between Dec. 4-11 with 1,049 adults nationwide

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TAMIKA D. MALLORY IS AMSTERDAM NEWS’ 2017 WOMAN OF THE YEAR “My heart is beyond full...The #nyamsterdamnews has been a permanent fixture in my home since I was a child. There was a time when mainstream media would not cover my work (we still struggle to get coverage for certain “below the grassroots” work). I have always depended on the Amsterdam News team @newspapergal1909 @nayabaarinde1 @joba347 to include my voice in stories and promote our activities. Of all the coverage I’ve received, there is a special place in my heart for the #blackpress and this cover is incredible! THANK YOU FAMILY” Tamika Mallory wrote on Facebook.

“Powerful” is the word activist Tamika D. Mallory says sums up what 2017 means to her. This year, the 37-year-old was thrust further into the spotlight for her work as national co-chair for the Women’s March and continuing the fight for social justice. “Within a year we were able to have one of the most historic moments for women in U.S. history, which was incredibly powerful,” she said “People didn’t believe that we could keep the movement going from the march. We have been able to do that.” It was January 21, 2017 when Mallory stood before an international audience as the African-American face of the Women’s March on Washington. She spoke before more than 1 million people in Washington D.C. and a total of 5 million worldwide who witnessed the power of women coming together in the aftermath of the inauguration of President Donald Trump. The moment is now documented as the largest single-day protest in U.S. history and Mallory was at the forefront. Her face has graced the covers of magazines, including Essence and Glamour. She was also named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. “This year was full of power struggle and we’ve been extremely committed and victorious in so many ways,” she said. “When asked this question of who or what inspired you, I have to acknowledge this women right here my sister Tamika Mallory,” Kenneth Camberlain Jr., shares with BW. “You are truly an Inspiration and more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life. So congrats on being WOMAN OF THE YEAR it is well deserved.”

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SURROUNDING AREA NEWS LONG ISLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND AN ISLAMIC MOSQUE WORK TOGETHER TO CARE FOR PEOPLE ON CHRISTMAS DAY Westbury United Methodist Church and the Islamic Center of Long Island joined in an act of service and fellowship by providing a Christmas feast, good cheer and gifts to some 200 children and their families, Monday, Dec 25th at Westbury United Methodist Church, 265 Asbury Avenue, Westbury from 12:00 noon to 2:30 p.m. This was the 12th Annual Christmas Day Community Luncheon Celebration demonstrating a show of unity of these two faith traditions for one common purpose....caring for members of the shared community who are in need. Bound together in the belief that love is the greatest moving force, the members of the Islamic Center and Westbury United demonstrated that love of their neighbors as they love themselves is more than just a belief, it is a practice. Believing that they are called to be instruments of positive change, two families of worship joined hands, voices and hearts to answer the call to uplift the marginalized and help restore human dignity within their own community. Working together and identifying common ground, this act of service is a joy which is being shared to defy those that seek to divide people based on their religion and/or faith. They hope by showing the joining of these two faith traditions, will lead by example will in turn insure that hope will not be extinguished by hate.


Erica Garner is still in critical condition after suffering a heart attack on Christmas Eve. According to an update posted December 27 on Garner’s official Twitter page, she also suffered major brain damage due to lack of oxygen. “Please say prayers for my sister in the struggle Erica Gardner, daughter of Eric Gardner. NY1 reported Our sister is currently in a coma,” BW Publisher Damon K. Jones shared when he heard the Erica Garner and BW Publisher news. Erica Garner, Damon K. Jones [Black Westchester] 27, daughter of Eric Garner—the 43-year-old Staten Island, N.Y., man who was killed in 2014 when New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo restrained him with an illegal choke hold—is in a coma after suffering a heart attack on Christmas Eve. Emerald Snipes shared her sister’s condition on Facebook:

Erica, a mother of two, is reportedly unable to breathe on her own, the New York Daily News reports. Esaw Snipes-Garner, Erica’s mother and Eric Garner’s widow, said that her daughter’s heart attack was brought on by a severe asthma attack. This is the second heart attack the 27-year-old activist has suffered; the first one occurred after she gave birth in August to her son, Eric, named after her father. It was then that doctors discovered that Erica had an enlarged heart. “[She] is still with us,” Snipes-Garner told the News. “She’s fighting. The doctor says she has a strong heart.” Stay tuned to BlackWestchester.com for more on this developing story!



Katz’s plan, currently in the initial stages, involves constructing two underground stations and excavating over 2 miles (3 kilometers) of tunnel beneath downtown Jerusalem and under the politically sensitive Old City. The project would extend Jerusalem’s soon-to-open high-speed rail line from Tel Aviv to the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray. The route will run close to — but not directly under — the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where tradition holds that Jesus was crucified and buried, and a contested holy site known to


Former NBA player and and often outspoken ESPN sports commentator Charles Barkley has pledged $1 million in funding to help Black women in Alabama to start a business. He said his pledge was part of a thank you to Black women for their support of Doug Jones, the Democratic Senate candidate who pulled off a major upset against Republican Roy Moore. Barkley, however, insisted that women who want to start a restaurant or hair salon do not qualify. “It means start ups,” he said. Kenny Smith, another commentator for ESPN, like many others did not like Barkley’s remarks. “Why couldn’t you just leave it?” Smith asked. “Why did you have to do an under-handed, backhand joke? It was so good and serious.” “I like to have fun,” Barkley replied. But many Black women across the country found the remarks to be insulting, as if he were implying that Black women don’t know how to be innovative. Others are don’t understand what is wrong with starting a restaurant or hair salon, as both represent multi-billion dollar industries. But Black women in Alabama who do have the type of start-up ideas that Barkley wants to fund are ecstatic. However, he hasn’t yet announced how they can submit their business plans. The application process is expected to be announced in early 2018, so the best thing interested entrepreneurs can do for now is to keep checking his official web site at www.CharlesBarkley.com and wait until he makes his next announcement.


tation minister is pushing ahead with a plan to dig a railway tunnel under Jerusalem’s Old City, passing near sites holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims — and ending at the Western Wall with a station named after President Donald Trump. Jews as the Temple Mount



and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Previous excavations by Israel near the holy site — the spiritual epicenter of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — have sparked violent Palestinian protests. Because of those sensitivities, the proposal will likely meet with heavy resistance from the Palestinians, neighboring Arab countries and the international community. Katz, a senior Cabinet official who also serves as Israel’s intelligence minister, is a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is seen by many as his likely eventual successor as head of the Likud party. Transportation Ministry spokesman

Avner Ovadia said Wednesday the project is estimated to cost more than $700 million and, if approved, would take four years to complete. Katz’s office said the minister advanced the plan in a recent meeting with Israel Railways executives, and has fast-tracked it in the planning committees. Katz said a high-speed rail station would allow visitors to reach “the beating heart of the Jewish people — the Western Wall and the Temple Mount.” He proposed naming the station after Trump “for his brave and historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital” earlier this month.

CAIRO — At least 305 people were killed when gunmen opened fire and bombed a mosque in Egypt’s volatile Sinai Peninsula Friday, November 24th. Government officials said 128 more had been injured in the attack — among the deadliest in Egypt’s history. The rising death toll included 27 children, officials said. Images from inside the building showed dozens of bodies wrapped in blood-soaked cloth


Award-winning talk show host Tavis Smiley is defending himself against recent sexual misconduct allegations after PBS has indefinitely suspended the distribution of his show. He initially posted a video message on Facebook where he said, “I have never groped, coerced, or exposed myself inappropriately to any workplace colleague in my entire broadcast career, covering 6 networks over 30 years,” he said in a Facebook post. Then, he did a live interview on “Good Morning America”, Smiley said, “I’ve never groped, I’ve never coerced” female staffers into sexual relations “in 30 years over six different networks.” He admits having relationships with women who worked for him, but says that he can eaisly prove they were consensual “with letters, cards, gifts and, certainly, photographs.” “PBS made a huge mistake here. They need to fix it. They need to correct it,” he said. “I’m going to do anything to protect my reputation.” But a PBS spokesperson responded to his comments, saying, “PBS engaged an outside law firm to conduct an investigation immediately after learning of troubling allegations regarding Mr. Smiley. This investigation included interviews with witnesses as well as with Mr. Smiley. (Continued on Page 21)

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s we start a new year, as Publisher of Black Westchester (BW), I want to thank all our supporters for supporting our publication, website and radio show. It is not an easy task informing the people, but it is something that is overdue in our communities, and we are truly blessed to have this opportunity to serve the people. What is unfortunate we are better received in our communities than those who claim to lead our communities. Whether you’re a Party Chairman, Community Leader or a few Black Elected Officials, it seems in the age of Black politics in Westchester County, there is still a need for a pure Democracy that is dependent on an informed electorate. In many cases, Black people are the least knowledgeable when it comes to the political process and how it affects their community. One of BW’s missions is to make sure the public is well versed in the issues in their community, and how many of these issues, good or bad can be used as a guide to how they see themselves in the political process in their communities. As Publisher of BW, I have explained many times that The Media is The Fourth Estate, the Fourth Power or is considered the fourth pillar of the state all over the world. We take being a source of information for the people seriously. People look to media for the answers; it is not our job to provide the solutions, but to ask the hard questions and present the public with the facts so the public can have informed debates and make informed decisions. It is also our job to especially hold our Black politicians or those elected officials that govern over predominant Black districts to a level of accountability to their electorate because these neighborhoods are suffering the most. The University of San Francisco describes media as the “Fourth Estate.” Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for at least two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a “checking function” by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who have elected them to office. Mount Vernon Mayor Richard W. Thomas and his brother, failed Council Candidate, Steven Butch Thomas have publicly referenced to BW as “Fake News” because of their disagreement of the positions that BW has taken in the past. The point of the 1st Amendment is to make sure that the government does not overreach itself by trying to limit the fundamental rights of the people, such as their right to speak freely, including their right to criticize the government. The government does not grant that right. It already exists, no matter what the government might say or do. The 1st Amendment states the consequence of that fact: Congress cannot limit freedom of speech. The Constitution recognizes the press’ sovereignty as fundamental and prevents the government from infringing on it. Instead of understanding these constitutional fundamentals, many Black politicians or so-called leaders revert to ignorant Trump-style tactics of name-calling that does not solve the pressing problems in our communities. Independent media like Black Westchester Magazine have become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. The Founders attributed this function to the press alone, elevating the institution to a particular position within the democratic process. One of the fundamental responsibilities assigned to the media was a duty to inform citizens about government and public issues; without adequate information, the public would be unable to exercise its sovereign powers. Further, the First Amendment’s protection for the freedom of the press intended to curtail and restrict the general powers granted to the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial

Given that no branch under the Constitution could infringe upon the rights of the press under the First Amendment, the Founders revealed their desire that the media should possess a critical role in the new American democracy. What many Elected Officials and appointees fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequently clashes. Autonomous media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which it functions, one that cannot be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities in being the checks and balance in the political process in the Black Community. BW stands firm on its Constitutional right to hold Elected Officials and government appointees accountable. We will not cower to Elected Officials even in the face of retaliation or threats. In 2017, many residents had witnessed the outlandish responses of representatives of the Thomas Administration when we ask the question, is his Deputy Police Commissioner Illegitimate? Deputy Police Commissioner Spiezio went on a Facebook tirade attacking Black Westchester, in addition to his attacks against me in particular but failed to address his legitimacy as Deputy Police Commissioner of MVPD. Mayor Thomas and Spiezio even launched a feeble attempt to retaliate against me by trying to fire my wife, who is a Mount Vernon Police Detective, all to retaliate against me, to keep me quiet and stop Black Westchester from reporting the buffoonery in Mount Vernon City Hall. As you can see, that didn’t work! Even Councilwoman Lisa Copeland has publicly spoken negatively about BW because of an editorial about her colleague Councilman Marcus Griffith. The Mt. Vernon Democratic Party voted to ban campaign advertising from BW because they didnot like our articles. These are Black people trying to punish Black Media for telling the truth about Black community issues that they are in direct control of. This is how Black people genuinely treat each other! This same group of socalled Democratic Black leaders and Elected Officials do not protest or refuse an interview by News 12, the Journal News, Patch, Yonkers Voice, Yonkers Tribune, the Daily Voice, the Mount Vernon Enquirer or any other media counterparts, who are mostly white-owned. It is a concentrated effort to isolate BW, the only Black owned and operated media source, with the exception of The County Press. But that fact of the matter; they are separating themselves and showing their real hypocrisy. Regardless of their issue with us, our doors are always open. Myself, Editor-In-Chief, AJ Woodson or any writer, reporter or representative of Black Westchester will not be bullied by anyone when reporting the news that affects the everyday resident, especially those in the Black community. As a result of Black Westchester’s coverage, there has been an increased public awareness of the actions of Elected Officials and their decisions and how those decisions affect ordinary citizens. We understand the role that we play in open communication, especially about democratic politics and the political process. Black Westchester is also proud to stand and make our presence known as we are looked at by the community we serve as a watchdog of government abuses. Under a traditional watchdog role, Black Westchester “keeps the government accountable for its actions or inactions and what role their decisions play in the democratic system” by informing the public through this reporting. It is not our job as a media outlet to only write about the good things that happen in the municipalities of Westchester or anywhere else, or promote your propaganda and ignore what’s wrong, even if it has been wrong for so long, many think it’s right. Until we are all willing to have the hard conversation and deal with what’s wrong, we will never be able to move forward. It is the mission of Black Westchester Magazine to do our part in this process and to be the fourth estate informing our people.

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I have been wanting to do a BW Business Spotlight on Trusco Building Supply & Garden Center or awhile. Ever since the above picture when the 4th Avenue Merchants Association was doing a beautification of South Fourth Avenue between Second and Third Streets. Frank got a call and donated a truckload of mulch and topsoil without hesitation or reservation. I was impressed by the donation but even more so by the person, I really got know Frank that day. Then I actually visited his business located at 47 Grove Street, he gave me the nickel tour. I had no idea a business like this was located in Mount Vernon and all the products and services they supplied, everything from Quickrete, to LeHigh Cement, Libertystone Retainings walls/pavers, Techo-Bloc, Capitol Pavers/Walls, Logan Clay Flues, Cultec Drainage Systems, Bricks, Blocks Tools, Hancor Pipe, Sand, Gravel, Mulch/Topsoil, Bluestone Flagging & Treads, Durock,Plywood and 2x4’s (not pressure treated) just to list a few, basically just about anything you can get from the big corporate chains like Home Depot or Loews. I saw everyone coming through to pick up their mums, fertilizer, grass seeds, peet moss, bales of hay and flowers, herbs and Perennials and Plants and ofcourse in the winter time, they have all the rock salt you need for commercial and homeowners. After comparing prices, he is less expensive than Home Depot for bags of salt, yes you heard me right. What pushed the idea of doing a business spotlight back to my mind was the bench he donated for Shamoya McKenzie at Graham so she will always be remembered. It is these types of thankless gestures that made me want to spotlight this particular business. In the first major blizzard on 2016 one of the city trucks that was clearing the streets got stuck and Frank was there to the rescue, with his truck. Its that type of selflessness we wanted to highlight. Frank will never tell you these stories and much more that he does, but BW felt he deserved

the credit so we will brag on him since he is too humble to do it for himself. These are the type of local business we all need to support. Back to the bench for Shamoya, he never asked for any acknowledgement or to be honored by the School district, He was moved by her loss and wanted to do something to honor her memory that would last forever. Black Westchester proudly spotlights and salutes Frank Trolio and Trusco Building Supply & Garden Center. Stop by & visit their showroom or call (914) 668-1274 for a delivery of all your masonry & landscape needs! Tell them Black Westchester sent you. They are located at 47 Grove Street. check out theirwebsite http://truscosupply.com/ to see what products the carry and services they provide. We have to support our local busnesses especially those who invest back in our community. Trusco Supply is one of those businesses and we start off the year spotlighing them.

At Trusco Building Supply, we carry bagged and bulk sand, gravel,mulch,Sweet Peet mulch,Topsoil and premixed cements in bags (sand mix/5000mix/mortar mix). We also have bluestone & limestone treads. We carry paving stones and retaining walls for all your residential & commercial needs. We also cater to the landscape contractor and carry a full line of landscape products, Products such as fertilizers, grass seed, peat moss, & bales of hay, flowers,herbs and Perennials as well as Plants!!

We also carry a full line of tools from Ames, Venice, Marshalltown, Stanley, G-Force & Plumb tools. Here Are Some Of The Products We Carry. Quickrete, LeHigh Cement Libertystone Retainings walls/pavers Techo-Bloc Capitol Pavers/Walls Logan Clay Flues Cultec Drainage Systems Bricks, Blocks Tools Hancor Pipe Sand, Gravel, Mulch/Topsoil Bluestone Flagging & Treads Durock, Plywood 2x4's (not pressure treated) We Also Offer Bulk Rock Salt for pick up or Delivery,

and carry rock salt and calcium in bags 47 Grove St, Mt Vernon, NY 10550 - (914) 668-1274 http://www.truscosupply.com/ Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe





COUNCILMAN ANDRÉ WALLACE Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe





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There are some musicians that believe the accoutrements of success speak to why they have arrived. You have some that confidently lead with “how” they obtained what they’ve accumulated when conversing with piers. For others.. they believe what they’ve learned along the journey to the destination is what speaks for who they are. Then you have those who don’t have to say a word. God given gifts speak for them and serve as a real time generational blueprint that reflect the past, present, and future all in one. You can actually feel them and tell their cup #SHALL run over until the end of time. I call those.. The Chosen. I’ll get back to that in a minute. #StayWithMe Music as a feeling. It’s ageless. Timeless. Barrier-less. When you have the ability to tap into a feeling, be it good or bad; you will cross pollinate listeners from all demographics who connect to you regardless of cultural comfort zones. My generation has had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of one of these prodigious talents. Hailing from my hometown of Yonkers NY, most women from here become products of the environment. In fact, for a young girl from Slobaums, she pulled off what’s seemingly impossible. I remember being a rebellious teen and my best friend and I would stay out late to sneak into two clubs in Yonkers, “Brown Eyes and Authurs. It’s where I first saw the iconic songstress. My Sister Rhonda and brother Cloud would allow a turned head for us to hang for a few, but big sis Vikki wasn’t having it and would run us home. I could tell immediately at first sight there was definitely something different about her. Little did I or the world know the vicissitudes she’s endured would allow her to mellifluously canvas our hearts with tunes that last forever. When she sings, you can literally feel her emotions stand up out of the speaker.. Unrepentantly real lyrics, classic sure of herself two step, beautiful face and figure to match, Mary J Blige impaled the industry. Songs like Love WIthout A Limit or “.....Oooooooooo baby, not tonight... I don’t wanna fuss and fight “ from the song All Night Long off her first debut album What’s The 411 were the soundtracks to ours. Mary J belted out tunes aching with regret or needing love to some of the hottest hip hop tracks past and present. Most were put together by another musical giant whom we all know now as Brother Love (Formally known as “Diddy”). It wasn’t just that she did it.... For the first time out of all that were called; Mary J Blige “The Chosen” was

For the first time, out of all that were called; Mary J. Blige “The Chosen” was one of the few that made it believable. You believed her when she sung “If you look in my life and see what I see...” or “...All I really want, is to be happy...” Do not front! You sung it in your living room like you paid to do a remake of the video yourself! If you were bold enough (and lord knows I definitely was) you even dyed your hair blonde! #DontLie #WhosWithMe (SIP to Slick Rick from WP that convinced me to do it at EK’s studio. I was 14 at the time my mom wanted to kill me!!! Lol) Not only did Mary make us feel liberated we were and still are deeply inspired. She’s brave, and vulnerably transparent about all the things we as women go through. Every last one of her albums I can remember exactly where I was, who I was with, and how I was feeling. Or what her music made me feel. Mary has managed to become one of the few that create music that crosses generations and embraces everyone. In life you either rise to the occasion or run the other way. Experiencing most of her relationship issues in the public eye, MJB has met every single challenge nose to nose. This latest masterpiece rightfully titled Strength Of A Woman is just that. The Queen Rising. That’s all she’s ever done. Fearlessly. Once again Mary has passionately turned her pain into power, becoming the anti-venom for when life bites. I wanted to take the time to introduce you to some of my favorite cuts off the new album, it’s definitely MJB in her bag once again! Black Westchester, it is my honor to give you an inside look at the new album from the incomparable, Queen Mother herself.. The Amazing... Mary J Blige!!!!! (Clap for about 15 minutes while standing YES GAWD she’s worthy!!!) “Love Yourself” featuring Kanye.. All I can say is Yes GOD!!! I love the fact that she’s reminding us of what we already know but always need to remember. Loving yourself is the quietest yet strongest revolution ever. When your taken through the Fire, THIS is what will pull you to the other side. She says this love will save you. God knows I concur 1000%. She confidently strides across this beat with words of wisdom for every soul. Kanye doesn’t disappoint either! Definitely adding to the message. One of my favorites on the album. “Set Me Free”. Ummmmm ( looks around and pivots back and forth in chair) if there where only women in the room listening I would walk around as a serial high fiver!! My goodness! This is what I mean by unrepentantly real lyrics. This is as transparently authentic as it gets. *Drops Mic* “It’s Me” First of all... For one.. the beat!! FIREEE! For two... Mary I’m going to need you to stop speaking for us like this.!! (next page)

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OUL.. MARY J. BLIGE My goodness!! Jesus take the wheel and why you taking this way!!! It’s to real! All of us male and female alike have said to ourselves “ Is it me..??” Your given the cold shoulder as of its either difficult to love you or they’re distracted by something OR someone other than you! I’ve learned when routine changes so does relationship. This definitely speaks to the core of the things we tolerate. The red flags that should be deal breakers that we often overlook when blinded by how we feel! “Smile” I love this song... !!!! That moment someone makes you smile after all you’ve been through. You don’t know about yesterday or tomorrow but for right now.. it’s priceless what they do for your spirit. Can I get a AMEN!! Mary and Prince Charlez deliever the color of hope on this piece. “Strength of A Woman” This song speaks to the “Yes I Can” in every woman on earth. Our tenacity, resilience, the “I Am” scripted in our DNA. The no matter what I will make it happen by any means with or without you! This song should be played to wake up any woman that is worn down from the fight of life. Remember who you are and all that you possess! “Hello Father” This is so NEW YORK!!! West Side Highway,taking it down vibin out!! THIS is why she reigns!! There is NO ONE hands down that can bounce on a HipHop track like MJB!!!! And the message...Amaze-balls!! I would review the whole album but you need to go add this to your catalogue yourself! Mary is more than stratospheric numbers and heartache therapy, She’s authentically magnetic! A treasure unchanged by the industry or its jargon. With over two decades by our side, Mary has managed to remain true to the “feeling” of music... She showed us how to be fly, and true to yourself without comprising who you are or where your from. It’s a gift to be hand picked by God and the YOUniverse to do just what she does! I am so proud to be represented by such an inspirational indomitable force of nature. Mary might bend but she never breaks. Many feel they are called... but this woman of strength right here, is definitely one of The Chosen.


For three decades, Yonkers native, Mary J Blige has not only more than lived to the title, The Queen Of Hip-Hop Soul given to her by Puff Daddy, she has been the voice of the hood, soundtrack for generations of sistahs going through it and has created a body of work that surpasses time. Don’t call it a comeback, she’s been here for years and have graced the stage and records with some of the greats of our generation. For her part in combining hip-hop and soul since, the early-1990s its subsequent commercial success, Blige received the Legends Award at the World Music Awards. Blige also received the Voice of Music Award from music publishing company ASCAP. Her music has been the voice of inspiration to women worldwide in both struggle and triumph. Blige made Time magazine’s “Time 100” list of influential individuals around the world in 2007. She has released 11 studio albums and made over 150 guest appearances on other albums and soundtracks. Winner of nine Grammy Awards, and recipient of thirty Grammy nominations, eight of MJB’s albums have reached multi-platinum status. My Life, in particular, is considered among the greatest albums ever recorded according to Rolling Stone, Time, and Vibe. As of 2015, Blige has sold more than 50 million albums and 15 million singles worldwide. Today, Black Westchester take a look at some of MJB’s greatest hip-hop collabos. Each one takes you back to a place in your life when you can remember exactly where you were, what you were going through or dealing with and how in her sharing her pain, joy or whatever she was facing at the time helped many of us get through what we had to deal with. Such a feat is rare in today’s black music. Check it out 22 Mary J. Blige’s Hottest Hip-Hop Collabos. All I Need To Get By - Method Man feat Mary J. Blige (1995) Hip-Hop’s Marvin and Tammy. This is my personal all-time favorite hip-hop collabo not just by the Queen Of hip-Hop Soul, but fav period! All That I Got Is You - Ghostface Killah feat Mary J. Blige (1996) A Hood Classic! Real Love (remix) - Mary J. Blige feat The Notorious B.I.G. (1992) From Mary accapella intro to the first base drop, put this on at any party and watch the dance floor fill up, This is one of the tracks that gave Mary the Queen Of HipHop Soul rep, add B.I.G. and you got an official club banger, peace out to Brooklyn. Can’t Knock The Hustle - Jay Z feat. Mary J. Blige (1996) This will always be a classic, third off Jay Z’s debut disc, Reasonable Doubt, Jay Z and MJB is always a recipe for success... check out live performance on the David Letterman Show in 2008 Wyclef Jean featuring Mary J. Blige - 911 ft. Mary J. Blige A duet many didn’t see coming including this writer, but another powerful collaboration Ludacris featuring Mary J Blige - Runaway Love (2006) This is an inspiring but sad song about girls living abusive, empty lives with emotionally absent parents, talking about how everything will be better if they all run away together and leave behind painful memories What’s The 411 - Mary J. Blige feat. Grand Puba (1992) The birth of Brook-Lynn, this is the joint that truly gave birth to the Queen Of HipHop Soul. Y.O. & Now Rule. All I can say Mary J & Grand Puba together are very special. Mary J. Blige featuring Lauren Hill - I Used To Love Him (1998) Track #9 From Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill, Come on you can’t go wrong with L Boogie and Mary, what!

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Continued on page 22





“As the haters continue to hate, God is continually showing me who’s really in charge. On December 3, 2017, I received the Man of the Year Award from the New York City Police Council of Retired Guardians,” Damon K. Jones shared with Black Westchester. “This is a great honor to be recognized by our elder Black Law Enforcement Professionals who have paved the way and sacrificed, so we are able to wear this blue uniform and badge or be able to take the test. This award is a confirmation that what I say and do as a representative of Black Law Enforcement is in line with the mission and purpose of what our elders have intended for what Black Law Enforcement should represent...”


s the power invested in me as the EIC, I congratulate and celebrate my brother Damon K. Jones, the publisher of Black Westchester, for being selected the NYPD Council of retired Guardians Man of The Year. They say a picture is worth 1000 words so instead of filling this with alot of words trying to capture the essence of Damonn K. Jones, I share a brief pictorial presentation to show the MAN OF THE YEAR doing what he does best. Fighting for justice and equality, being the voice of the voiceless, speaking truth to power for the common man. An often thankless job that all too often puts a target on your back. But despite that fact, Damon K. Jones never lets that prevent him for representing the people. America’s nightmare, an educatedBlack Man who will not be silenced, unbrought and unbossed, a FREE MAN like Morgan, an example that one man can make a difference, an inspiration for a new generation. Once again I congratute and salute my brother, the 2017 MAN OF THE YEAR!

with Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner

It was a very emotional night. Being honored by the NYPD Retired Council of Guardians, I couldn’t help but remember and honor Roger Abel, who was a former President of NYPD Guardians and NE President of the National Black Police Association. It was a humbling experience to meet so that have worked and stood side by side with Roger. He was my mentor, my teacher, friend and gave me the foundation to speak truth to power from a Black Law Enforcement prospective and I am grateful for his sacrifice and leadership - Damon shares.

When you roll with Law Enforcement legends like the legendary one and only Frank Serpico... Serpico says there is no such thing as a bad cop. Either your a Cop or a Crook in blue, no in between!

“I wanna take this opportunity to say congratulations to my brother Damon K. Jones for receiving the Man of Year award from the NYPD Council of Retired Guardians Inc.,” Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., shared. “Brother you speak when others choose to say silent around injustice and affecting SpeakingTruth To Power on our People Before Politics positive change this is well deserved.....” show, Radio, every Sunday night 6-8PM

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“My husband received the man of the year award, given to him by NYC Police Council of Retired Guardians,” Montika Jones shared with BW. “The award was well deserved and could not have been given to a better person.” ac·tiv·ist, noun a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth. Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion of the day or who it offends!



Everyone who knows me, knows I feel there is a song to capture the moments and memories of our lives. The song that comes to mind when I think of Damon is the fist-pumping, politically charged anthem “Fight The Power,” by Public Enemy that many will remember as the theme in Spike Lee’s classic, controversial 1989 film, Do The Right Thing. “The song Fight The Power is beyond me & the crew.The point of the song is a call to making change eventually not just applauding the thought,” Chuck D tweeted. 28-years-later, Damon K. Jones embodies that beat, the energy, that message and Chuck D’s Master Of The Universe voice, as a one man press conference and fighter for justice, with Fight The Power playing in the background as his personal theme song. First let me take this time to congratulate my brother, Damon K. Jones for this prestigious and well deserved Man of The Year Award, from the New York City Police Council of Retired Guardians. These three and half years it has been a pleasure working with you on Black Westchester and People Before Politics Radio. You my brother are a movement by yourself and it has been an honor to add my pen to your movement. To document history in the making and for future generation to see and hear. Because he does not hesitate to speak truth to power especially when it’s not popular. He dares to public speak on what many feel but wouldnt dare to step out of their comfort zone say. Whether it’s standing with the wrongfully incarcerated and working with their family members to help get them released, standing with victims of police criminality, standing with fellow law enforcement who have been victims of police criminality to standing with a white correction officer who was attacked by a black inmate, if there is injustice you can see him there, speaking up against it. A proud and unapologethic free Black Man, who will fight on the side of right beyond color or creed. Damon is often critized for his no nonsense, take no shit attitude, but when those very people who criticize him go through it, guess who is the first person they call to help them fight their battles. There is so much more I coud write, but I have a feeling this wont be my last chance to big up my brother. Keeping FIGHTING THE POWER!

“George Bernard Shaw a Irish political

activist, once stated, “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live”. This is Damon K. Jones; There are few people in law enforcement who would take the stand

that Damon K Jones would take, whether it’s standing against police brutality (criminality) and corrupt politicians to giving turkeys during thanksgiving and toys for young people for the Holidays. The man constantly speaks truth to power and is in full knowledge of the facts. He constantly try’s to motivate people to fight for what’s theirs and encouraged them to educate themselves on their rights. In our many discussions Damon would say to Brother Mitchell, The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. It is truly a honor and privilege to know and to have worked with my brother Damon K. Jones and the future holds a world full of possibilities for Damon K. Jones,” Anothony ‘Olskool’ Mitchell

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Dr. King said, “Every man must decide whether A Philantropist is one who makes an he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the active effort to promote human welfare. If you darkness of destructive selfishness.” Altruism mean- search the web you will find a list of great ing unselfish regard for, or devotion to the welfare of Philantropists, but if you comb the streets of others. The journey of unselfish regards has been Yonkers you will bump into a group of Good documented for decades in the Bible, newspapers, Samaritans who humbly serves the people. and award shows such as Emmys and Oscars. “The holiday season is difficult for those The Bible spoke of the Good Samaritan. who are without family, mourning the loss of a Love your neighbor as yourself was the segue of a loved one, struggling with depression or feel parable told by Jesus in Luke 10:25–37. There was left out and left behind” said CEO Shawyn Pata traveler who was disrobed, beaten, and left half terson-Howard. You can join her and her team dead alongside the road. The parable continues with of Good Samaritans who creates moments to explaining how the first two people, a priest and then make someone smile. The YMCA of Yonkers a Levite comes by, but both avoid the man who was was buzzing once again on an ordinary night. disrobed, beaten, and left half dead alongside the Smiling faces. Children laughing. Parents eating. road. Finally, a Samaritan a person who is generous Conversations of who prepared this mouthin helping those in distress happens upon the traveler. watering meal seemed to be the buzz for the The Samaritan is the one who had mercy on him. evening. On an ordinary day you will bump Lady Gaga, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, into State Senator Andrew Stewart-Cousins, Alicia Keys, J. K. Rowling, and Oprah Winfrey Founder Cheryl Brannan of Sister to Sister Inare described as Philantropists, who are not- ternational, Inc., and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano ed for giving cloud nine figures of monies as serving alongside students from Yonkers, Mt. high as thirty five billion dollars to those in need. St. Michael Academy, and local churches. Your evenings or early mornings will be heart felt with gratitude with the YMCA of Yonkers. You will either serve sweet mashed potatoes dripping with melted marshmallows, support an elderly with picking a coat they need, or guiding a young child to pick their favorite toy or bicycle. Shawyn expounds, “The present is to be able to serve and fellowship with the community. Taking the opportunity to sit and have extended conversations with so many is a gift. You are provided with a chance to inspire individuals who despite life changing setbacks maintain their smile, dignity and love.” The cloud nine of giving is a journey to the heart. A priceless gift from the soul. For more information to volunteer and become a part of the YMCA of Yonkers contact 914.963.0183 located at 17 Riverdale Ave Yonkers, NY 10701 or email info@yomca.org or visit www.yomca.org

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THE PASSING OF MR. LOWELL HAWTHORNE This is my response to the passing of Mr. Lowell Hawthorne, I hope you will publish it, it may be helpful to others. As I sit to write this response, I have tremendous sympathy for the family of Lowell Hawthorne, I want to extend my sincere condolences to his entire family as they begin to grapple with his sudden loss, under such tragic circumstances. By all accounts, Mr. Hawthorne accomplished the American Dream in the creation of the Golden Crust Franchise. I am very proud as a fellow Jamaican of his accomplishments. As a recently elected Councilwoman in the City of Mount Vernon, I wonder what will be the impact of his death on our city and the Diaspora. As a licensed clinical social worker I wonder what happened, and what can we learn from this tragedy? Suicide is an act of last resort, the victim of suicide is convinced that there are no options, all hope is lost and the only means of escape is death. These thoughts can come from a seemingly rational mind, or they can be the result of a brain that is experiencing a mental health crisis. In reading one account of this story, I gleaned that Mr. Hawthorne was behaving in a bizarre or strange manner in days leading up to the incident. The report indicated that he was mumbling and talking to himself. This apparent change in his behavior was clearly a signal that his mental status had changed. Whenever there is drastic change in behavior and the person appears stressed or anxious, seek professional help. When that person has access to a gun or other means of harming themselves, seek immediate help, which means calling 911 and having that person transported to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. Mental illness is real. I have no knowledge that Mr. Hawthorne had, or was ever diagnosed with a mental illness. What I do know however is that we, all of us, are just one stressor away from a mental health breakdown. When the stressors in our lives exceeds our ability to cope, then that stress can, and often does, cause individuals to break. The research is clear, approximately 1 in 5 persons are either diagnosed or diagnosable with a mental health condition. What that suggests is that either you or someone in your immediate family is affected. In healthy family systems, we have compassion for others, and

if we are really healthy, we have compassion for ourselves. This brings us to the subject of judgment and the stigma that exists around mental illness. For this discussion, the source of the stress is insignificant. Whether the stressor is financial, family, relationships, work or illness, the impact is often the same. Does the individual possess the coping skill to deal with the problem? By his own account, Lowell Hawthorne has overcome his fair share of problems, he and his family members rose from relative poverty to build a successful business, employing hundreds of people. That could not have been an easy feat. He helped to raise four children. He was generous, and gave back to the community, to honor his parents. Lowell Hawthorne achieved a high level of success in his 57 years. So what happened? This stressor was too much for him, he could not see a way out. His ability to cope was overwhelmed? Was his perception of his reality distorted? Had he expressed any thoughts of suicide in the past? Had he ever attempted suicide before? There are many who believe that asking someone about thoughts of suicide will encourage them. Nothing could be further from the truth. If someone expresses thoughts of wanting to hurt themselves or others, we should take it seriously, we are obligated to explore it and seek help. This death is a great loss to our community. I feel for the family members and encourage them to seek professional help in dealing with this trauma. You bear no guilt. I encourage all of us to be mindful of those in our network. If you identify, new, strange behavior that causes concern, seek help immediately. We must get beyond the stigma that often hinders folks to seek help. Mental illness is really no different than a physical illness, our society has done us a great big disservice in promoting the stigma. Let this passing be a lesson for all of us. Suicide is preventable and there is no shame in seeking emotional help to deal with stress.


Rest Well Lowell Hawthorne. Sincerely, Delia M. Farquharson, LCSW Councilwoman, City of Mount Vernon


W elcome to 2018! Here’s to looking and feeling better in the new year. For me, that includes paying more attention

to the foods that I intake and instituting more of a meat-free, plant-based diet, wearing a little less black and incorporating more color into my wardrobe as well as pieces that make me look good and feel good, and taking care of my natural hair and embracing the beauty of it. If you’re on that same page and are searching for stores and establishments to make these goals achievable, look no further -- I’ve got you! Check out these three black-owned, Westchester-based businesses that will get you on your way to bolder, better you.


Jolo’s Kitchen is a vegan restaurant devoted to making healthy organic dishes for it’s patrons. The original café-style location contains a rotating hot food bar menu paired with a juice bar, while Jolo’s Restaurant is a dine-in establishment with a bar and gallery. You can always check to see what events and performances are being held at the venue by following @jolokitchen. A gift card from Jolo’s Restaurant will be perfect for anyone you would like to give the gift of good health. Jolo’s Kitchen 412 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10801 www.joloskitchen.org 914-355-2527 Jolo’s Restaurant 49 Lawton Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-336-2626


Weezie D. offers everything from women’s clothing to jewelry, handbags, scarves, and hair accessories, and is Westchester’s a premier one-stop shop for trendy women of many ages. Weezie D. opened in 2005 in Bronxville, New York and just celebrated its 12-year anniversary this past October. The quaint boutique shop has been named Best of Westchester in the Ladies Clothing Store category for three years –2014, 2015, and 2017. The shop participates in community service including its Holiday Toy Drive benefiting Providence House in New Rochelle. Throughout the year it also hosts several “Sip & Shop” events for local non-profit organizations and donates proceeds of sales to each organization. The shop’s mantra is “Get out of the Box and Into Weezie D.” Weezie D. 15 Park Place, Bronxville NY 10708 914-337-1008 www.weezied.com


SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is a Private Studio located in downtown White Plains that offers private sessions with Diane Da Costa, owner celebrity, Master Stylist/Curly Textured Expert & Author of the book, TEXTURED TRESSES. SimpleeBEAUTIFUL offers full hair analysis on natural hair and transitioning for curlies and naturalistas. Clients can schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with all scheduled appointments. With over 30 years in the beauty industry, Diane offers customized curly and straight precision cuts, custom-blended color and her own SimpleeBEAUTIFUL Restorative Oil H2O steam treatments for all types and textures. Diane created a heatless, quick-drying method using DYAKIM Microfiber Towels and Turban, which she co-created and are sold in the salon and online at www. dyakimstyle.com Diane also offers blow-outs; smooth-outs & ceramic styling, natural textured styling, and hair extensions, (straight, wavy, curly, Afro textures and crochet curls. Visit Saturday and Sunday for their CurlyTexturedBar express services: blowouts and textured styling with available apprentice stylists and trainees. SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is a Sodium Hydroxide-free salon that offers alternatives to relaxing and texturizing with non-chemical botanical texturizing and certified keratin smoothing treatments using luxury products infused with butters, soy, botanicals and essential oils. Diane offers private sessions in New York City twice a month and SimpleeBEAUTIFUL is open Wednesday thru Sunday in Westchester. SimpleeBEAUTIFUL, White Plains Plaza 445, s-17 Hamilton Ave, White Plains, NY 10601 914-246-1692 www.simpleebeautiful.com

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By Lorraine Lopez

T hree Kings Day, Feast of the Epiphany, or Dia de los Reyes is a christian holiday celebrating the three Magis visit to the New Born King to welcome Him and deliver gifts

on January 6th. The 3 wise men, Melchior, a Persion scholar, Casper or Jasper, an Indian Scholar, and Balthazar a Babylonian Scholar, traveled from the east following the Star of Bethlehem or North Star, to deliver gifts to the newborn Son. The star lead them to the manger where they knelt down and delivered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Today Three Kings Day is celebrated by Latinos all over the world on January 6th of every year. In Mexico the folks serve “Rosca de Reyes” a sweet bread decorated with candied fruits to symbolize jewels and a baby Jesus toy inside. Whomever gets the slice with Jesus has to hold a “Dia de la Candelaria” in February. In Spain, children put a wish list on top of their shoes before bed and wake up with candy and gifts on, around, and/ or in their shoes. Three Kings day is celebrated all over Latin America, the Caribbean, and in Spain. In Westchester County, many celebrate in schools, churches and centers. Organizations such as The Weschester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association and 100 Hispanic Women hold toy drives for the less fortunate children, while at the same time teaching folks about the customs. I remember in Puerto Rico, my sister and I put hay in a box and slid it under our beds and we woke up to the hay gone and in its place some presents. Baking “ Rosco de Reyes” is a tradition as well as leaving shoes under the bed or outside the door. Whatever does not fit in the shoes is left right next to it. Grass is always left for the camels. A traditional holiday meal may contain pasteles or tamales these days. But one thing we Puerto Ricans and other Latinos can guarantee you is that there will be a Paranda and a celebration with festive music as well as good food for all, including the hay for the camels. The party is not over for us on New Years, so keep that Coquito flowing! Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año Nuevo, Y bien Dia de los Reyes!!!


The Westchester Hispanic Law Enforcement Association would like to thank everyone who came to support our Toy Drive. We collected over 400 plus toys! Our Law Enforcement Family came out big time. Members from the following PD’s were present, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Hastings, Bronxville, Larchmont, White Plains, Mt. Vernon, Westchester County PD, Westchester SOA, Westchester COBA (my COBA good friend Officer Jesus Quinones), Westchester Probation, Yonkers CLSA, Latin American Motorcycle Association, Yonkers Police Auxiliary Police, Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assemblywomen Shelley Mayer, Judge Walter Rivera, Yonkers Hispanic Advisory Board Carmen Gomez Goldberg, Yonkers Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Grace Borrani and Ed Edwin Aponte, Special thanks to Mayor Mike Spano for donating toys, Thompkins Mahopac Bank Rebecca Polanco, Maricelly Velez-Delgado of the Westchester County Executives Office, Mt. Vernon Councilwoman Janice Duarte, Executives Office, Gordon High

School students and teachers for huge toy donation, and The Yonkers Whiskey House for their $1500 Toy Donation. Thank you all for your unselfish support. But most of all, I would like to thank WHLEA Board for once again stepping up to the plate this year! We have been busy all year with our community almost non stop. Gilbert Lopez, Hector C, Awilda Alvarado, Frank Oliveri, Edward Martinez, Angela, Wanda Y. Negron, Jessie, Paul, Melvin, Luis, Vanessa Rodriguez Muniz, Pete, You guys make all of this happen. I am proud to be your Presidente! Thank you once again, I am proud to be your Presidente! WHLEA along with Mayor Spanos Hispanic Advisory Board will be donating over 250 toys to the children of 102 families that have relocated to Yonkers

due to Hurricane Maria. WHLEA has also collected and donated over $18,500.00 to the hurricane relief. Sergeant Hector lopez, the President of WHLEA will be on Black Westchester’s People Before Politics Radio Show on Sunday, January 14th to discuss WHLEA outreach and issues.

THE LATINO EFFECT BY EMILIO CRUZ As I drive around our beautiful County, I can’t help but notice how much it’s changed. I never imagined 26 years ago how much the landscape would change. The New Rochelle Mall was replaced with New Roc City. Huge Towers went up in New Rochelle and White Plains. The Yonkers Water Front project and CrossCounty Shopping Center have gone through amazing transformations. Yes! A lot has changed! But throughout all that change there has been one constant. Latinos! Yes! Latinos. We continue to relocate to, work and reside in Westchester County! And our presence is crucial. Latinos have and continue to fuel the development of this County. Presently Latinos or Hispanics account for a quarter of the County’s population. (Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy) That is highly significant. It’s probably the main reason Latinos can own or operate more businesses here. When I began my career as a Tax Professional here (26 years ago) there were already many Latino Businesses. But Latino owned businesses have more than quadrupled since then. I am proud to say that personally, as business a consultant I have worked for, help start and developed many Hispanic owned businesses in Westchester County. Even I, opened a business of my own (Real Tax Service, Inc.) in the Ridge Hill Shopping Center. If you need help with a tax problem, filing your taxes, opening a business or just need information on any related subject, feel free to reach out to me at jaycru@ me.com. I’ll be happy to help. Check out our website at www.realtaxservice.net. You’ll receive “Real Tax Help”. On the other hand, recent public perception paints Latinos in a negative light. Especially those who for some reason or another find themselves here without documented status. But nothing could be further from the truth. Most if not all Latinos are hardworking people on one level or another. And those who are undocumented are no exception. They too play a significant role in our County. Latinos have great work ethic and do jobs other won’t. They are also consumers who in some parts carry local businesses. As far as income taxes go, The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) estimates that the undocumented file tax returns using IRS Individual Tax ID Number (ITIN) and pay a substantial amount in taxes (over $1 Billion). They even help fund Social Security ($12 Billion per year) although don’t benefit from such because of their status. I could personally attest to this since I prepare tax returns for some. When we consider all these factors we could clearly see how undocumented, documented, and natural Latinos are making a major contribution around here. There should be no doubt as to the positive impact all Hispanics or Latinos make in our area. I just got back from Franklin, North Carolina where I attended classes to keep up my tax practice. It’s a small but beautiful town with a gorgeous setting. The leader of the class and owner of the Software Company is now celebrating the company’s 40th anniversary. He told us that his next project is working on attracting big businesses to the area of Franklin. You see, he’s not happy that people native to the area leaving this beautiful area due to a lack of opportunity. Look around our County. We have schools, parks, transportation, hospitals, medical offices, law firms, big stores, small stores, restaurants, shopping centers and so much more. And now, we are even attracting high tech companies. Who owns, leads and staff most of these? Latinos! Latino or Hispanics are at the helm of many of these companies. No doubt that we can clearly see how Latinos have affected the progress of Westchester County. So, let’s prepare so we could continue to participate and contribute in taking Westchester County in to the next era. Let’s make it so that every local Latino or those who continue to move in from other parts can flourish. Let’s continue to help Latinos be a big part of the success Westchester County enjoys. Emilio Cruz, Real Tax Service, 73 Market St / STE 376, Yonkers, NY 10710 - Ridge Hill Shopping Center. Real Tax Service | Tax Preparation | Mamaroneck, NY Emilio Cruz is one of the most trusted tax preparation professionals in Mamaroneck, NY. When tax day is around the corner, call (914) 837-9521! realtaxservice.net

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After spending decades pushing a war on drugs and terrorism which made people of color the target of police forces both at home and abroad, the past few weeks have seen the Republicans storm the airwaves of television and talk radio like modern-day Paul Reveres, sounding shrill warnings, now that it is President Trump who is ensnared in a law enforcement investigation that threatens his presidency: “The Police State Is Coming! The Police State Is Coming!!” Although the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was properly authorized, revelations that some senior FBI agents on Mueller’s team of crack investigators expressed dislike for Trump in private communications have been seized on as proof that probe is nothing but a “witch hunt.” Last week, Fox News took this campaign to discredit the investigation to a new, dangerous height, insinuating that a “coup” was afoot in Washington. GOP officials and right-wing commentators have sought to frame their efforts to scuttle the Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a heroic, lastditch effort to protect the civil liberties and the political process against an out-of-control, legal Leviathan. This kind of posturing would be laughable, were it not for the fact that our very democracy is at stake. In reality, the ugly truth is that the Republican Party were the driving force behind the construction of the police state as they rode to power in Washington on the “Southern strategy,” the effort to garner the support of white voters by deliberately fanning fears of black criminality. John Ehrlichman, the former domestic adviser to President Nixon who later gained infamy after being convicted in the Watergate Affair, acknowledged the Machiavellian calculations behind the Republican-led war on drugs: “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” Ehrlichman revealed in an interview with Harper’s Magazine in 2016. “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”[1] A massive prison industrial complex has metastasized within our borders since then. With some 2.1 million people currently imprisoned—more than 700 prisoner for every 100,000 civilians—the United States is by far the largest police state in the world. Bigger than that Russia. Bigger even than that of Communist China—a nation whose population is roughly four times the size of ours, but nearly a million less prisoners. Thanks to Republicans appetite for punitive law and order policies, America long ago ceased to be the land of the free, and the home of the brave. For anyone wasting away in the American gulags that were constructed under the direction of the Republican Party, the hypocrisy of GOP leaders warning of a police state is inescapable as the iron bars through which they watch the partisan battle over the fate of the investigation. It is doubtful any of the self-proclaimed champions of civil liberties now fulminating on the airwaves of right-wing media ever had a second thought about unleashing America’s police forces on entire communities of color across the U.S. Aren’t these the same people who continue to uphold the constitutionality of “stop and frisk” policies that condone random checks of residents by police to see if they’re carrying illegal guns? And the authority of police officers to stop people for merely engaging in “furtive” behavior? Aren’t theses the people who don’t say word about all the doors that get kicked in everyday by narcs doing warrantless, no-knock searches? Or about the surveillance of Muslim community by interagency task forces? No: what critics of the Mueller investigation are objecting to isn’t the use of heavy-handed police tactics. If that were the case, Republicans would never led the charge the American police state has waged upon the civil liberties of America’s largely black and Latino underclass. Rather, what’s being objected to here is the fact that the powers of the nation’s police forces have been turned against the cabal of white men gathered around a president who is clearly a racist demagogue. It would be a grave error for the American people to acquiesce with Republicans efforts to build a Red Wall of silence around suspected criminals just because they’re now sitting in the Oval Office. The threshold for determining that there is grounds to conduct a criminal investigation of the President and his campaign staff for criminal wrongdoing shouldn’t be any higher—or lower—than that which the cops on the beat use Remember the Central Park 5?

BY ROBERT BASKERVILLE PHD Well, right now, President Trump and his associates are getting a host of procedural protections that were denied to the bunch of poor Black and Latino young brothers who were framed by the NYPD during the 1990s, only to end up serving years in prison, largely because of the racial hysteria Donald Trump whipped up after the grisly killing of a white women in Central Park in the 90s. Moreover, the bias that some FBI officers evinced toward the Trump candidacy pales in comparison to the bias so many white officers across this country harbor towards people of color. Indeed, just a few months ago, The Intercept published an expose on the infiltration of America’s police forces by white supremacists.[2] Here’s the real question that needs to be asked of Republican party: why aren’t FBI agents who dislike the President’s personal comportment and policies able to put aside their personal biases and conduct an objective, dispassionate examination of the facts in the same way that racist cops who use the “N” word in texts, and emails and social media pages are said by these same Republicans to be able to do? Unfair investigation?? Hardly. Let’s call it for what it really is: a desperate stratagem to save a corrupt President and his campaign aides from jail cells that were originally constructed with African-Americans and Latinos in mind. Special Counsel Mueller ought to exercise the same latitude in investigating possible wrongdoing in Washington as local police use when investigating possible wrongdoing in their local bailiwick— wherever it may lead: be it the doors of the projects, or the steps of the White House. [1] Dan Baum, “Legalize It All: How To Win The War On Drugs,” Harper’s Magazine, April 2016. https:// harpers.org/archive/2016/04/legalize-it-all/ [2] Alice Speri, “The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement,” The Intercept, January, 31, 2017. https://theintercept. com/2017/01/31/the-fbi-has-quietly-investigatedwhite-supremacist-infiltration-of-law-enforcement/

TAVIS RESPONDS TOContinued ALLEGATIONS from page 9 The inquiry uncovered multiple, credible allegations of conduct that is inconsistent with the values and standards of PBS, and the totality of this information led to today’s decision.” PBS later released another statement saying: “Tavis Smiley needs to get his story straight. First, today on Good Morning America, Mr. Smiley acknowledged he has had multiple sexual encounters with his employees… This contradicts his Facebook post from last week, where he cited only one previous relationship with an employee…” In addition to the suspension of his show, his sponsorship support with Walmart and his relationship with Hay House Publishing is also in jeopardy. Tavis Smiley says the media is painting with “too broad a brush” on stories of sexual misconduct, allegations of which led to his firing at PBS. “The media is painting with too broad a brush,” Smiley told the Associated Press on Tuesday, December 26. “We have lost all sense of nuance and proportionality in how we cover these stories.” Smiley, the longtime host of his self-titled show on PBS, said the network made a “huge mistake” in his initial suspension. He acknowledged that he had had consensual sexual relationships with subordinates, but denied the accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against him. Smiley told the AP that by speaking publicly about his relationships with female co-workers he could help the media differentiate between his case and other allegations of harassment, assault and rape that have brought down prominent lawmakers and media personalities in recent weeks. Smiley’s firing comes after longtime media personalities, including PBS’s Charlie Rose, have been fired over sexual misconduct allegations.

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MAN OFTHE YEAR Continued from Page 17




Continued from Page 15

Mary J. Blige - Love @ 1st Sight ft. Method Man (2003) ‘what you thought you wasn’t gonna see me, You can’t spell Mary J Blige without a JB’ Method Man aka Johnny Blaze once again joins the queen for another classic hip-hop/ R&B collabo. This track also reunited MJB and Puff as well and gave us another club banger with the dancing Mary in the video that we come to love and hadn’t seen in a while. Smif n Wessun and Mary J Blige - I Love You (Remix) This is how we do, everyday all day, Smif n Wessun & MJB don’t play as they ride the Issac Hayes, ‘Ike’s Mood’ and DJ Hollywood’s ‘Hollywood’s World’ samples nicely I Can Love You - Mary J. Blige feat. Lil Kim (1997) From The Share My World album, Queen B & The Queen Of Hip-Hop Soul together, the epitome of the ride or die chick! This was when Kim was on top of her game. Not Today -Mary J Blige ft Eve Off the Barbershop Soundtrack, The Queen of Hip-Hop Soul and the Pitbull In A Skirt... nuff said! Mary J. Blige - You Remind Me ft. Greg Nice MJB and Greg N.I.C.E reminds us of a love we once knew, yes Mary it’s you... Mary J. Blige featuring Lauryn Hill - Be With You (Remix) (1994) From ‘My Life,’ Lauryn Hill’s verse on the remix... The dopeness before the Fugees and having her own name. L-mahogany and Mary “On the microphone it’s do or die, Brothers be like oh my..” Mary J. Blige featuring Lil Wayne - Just Fine (Treat Me Right Remix) 2008 The official remix produced by Swizz Beatz sampled “Treat ‘Em Right” by Chubb Rock and features Lil Wayne and Swizz Beatz on background vocals. I’ll Do for You - Father MC feat Mary J. Blige (1990) From back up singer and dancer, to hip-hop royalty. It was only a matter or time before she took center stage and captured our hearts forever. Reminisce (Pete Rock Remix) - Mary J. Blige feat CL Smooth (1993) More of a remix than a collabo, it’s the tenth track off the Pete Rock Invented The Remix album but it didn’t matter cause when the Mecca Don and the Queen collabo, my God, it’s gonna make ya head nod! Mary J. Blige - Mr. Wrong ft. Drake (2012) Three decades later, Mary J. Blige shows she is truly the Queen of The Hip-Hop Collabo! Mary J. Blige featuring Craig Mack - You Don’t Have To Worry (Remix) (1993) Prod. by Money Earnin’ own Eddie “DJ Eddie F.” Ferrell and remixed by Tony Dofat for the Who’s The Man soundtrack

“I’ve been running all weekend and I’m quite tired, but when the NYC Police Council of Retired Guardians honor my Brother as Man of The Year I get there!!!! I Love my Brother Damon K Jones, he has the Communities back at every level!!!” - Chris Lat

Grand Puba featuring Mary J Blige - Check it Out (1992) Well here some reel type ish, Grand Puba with the singer, Give thumbs up cause I’m glad I could bring her... A Smooth and funky joint reuniting the legendary Brand Nubian emcee Grand Puba, with the future Queen, Mary J. Blige Kendrick Lamar feat Mary J. Blige - Now Or Never (bonus Track) (2012) A modern hip-hop sound with just the right balance of a 90’s





M y name is Dennis Richmond, Jr. and I am the Founder and Director of the New York- New Jersey HBCU Initiative (The NYNJ

HBCU Initiative). For the past three years, since the age of nineteen, I have been, “beating the drum for HBCUs” a tagline that I DENNIS RICHMOND JR (NYNJ HBCU INTIATIVE) picked up from former Claflin University Professor Patricia H. Koger. WITH STUDENTS FROM GRADY HS IN BROOKLYN In other words, I have been speaking to students across the country about the benefits of higher education. The NYNJ HBCU Initiative serves communities across New York and soon to be, New Jersey, to educate students about HBCUs, assist students with college essays, and help students find scholarships. In today’s day and age, we need HBCUs. We need to have the HBCU talk in conversations across New York because too many people aren’t. Historically Black Colleges and Universities are the reason that blacks have been able to make the strides that they have in America. There was a time in this country where majority of black men and women could only attend HBCUs. Of course, prior to the 1960s, these institutions were not known as HBCUs. They were schools where the young Colored or young Negro men and women attended to get an education. HBCUs have educated people like Zora Neale Hurston, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thurgood MarDENNIS RICHMOND JR (NYNJ HBCU INTIATIVE) shall. When we speed up to more recent times however, according WITH STUDENTS FROM BROWNVILLE ACADEMY to a 2015 HBCUBUZZ article online, titled, 37 Noteworthy HBCU Alumni in Entertainment, Toni Braxton, Randy Jackson, Wanda Sykes, Lonnie “Common” Lynn, Samuel L. Jackson, Shawn “Diddy” Combs, Spike Lee, and Oprah Winfrey have all attended an HBCU as well. The point that I’m trying to make is that greatness comes out of black colleges across the country. People in New York need to stop being scared to talk about HBCUs. There are no historically black institutions in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut, therefore any Tri- state area student that wants to attend one of these fine institutions, must go out of state.

That’s where one problem lies in the HBCU conversation in New York. Many college counselors and guidance counselors want students to attend institutions that are in state, so students can save money. That’s fine, but are our black students staying in these institutions and graduating from these institutions? Not only that, but are our black students comfortable at these institutions? Another problem in the HBCU conversation in New York, is that many people say that these institutions are not as good as PWIs. Some even think that HBCUs are easier than other institutions on students. All colleges have courses that require less or more work. This isn’t an HBCU thing, this is a college thing. I’m sure that a senior level physics class is much harder than a freshman level algebra class. Also, different professors teach differently. Meaning, even though there may be one professor whose course is “easy”, that doesn’t mean that all a student’s courses are easy. America is rapidly changing. With that, people must understand that not all change is good. We need to ensure that our children, our black children, will always have a voice and always be represented in the best way possible. What better way to teach students about culture than sending them to an HBCU? And yes, ladies and gentlemen, HBCUs are diverse. Too many people think that HBCUs are these militant, all black, “fake” schools that make black students hate white people. That’s not the case at all. What HBCUs do, is reassure students, no matter where they’re from and what they look like, that they are special, important, and have a voice. Who better to stand up for justice across America than students? As a student, you are supposed to question the world. That’s why, I will always be a student. I know that I have a lot to learn, but I do not mind dispelling myths regarding

About the Author: Dennis Richmond Jr., is a Claflin University School of Humanities graduate. The Yonkers resident is the Founder and Director of the New York - New Jersey Historicially Black College and University Initative (The NYNJ HBCU Initiative). Dennis received his Bachelor of Arts in African ad African-American Studies and plans to earn a master of arts degree in Public Policy ad PhD in Africology. Dennis Richmond Jr., is currently a member of the National Action Network, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, the New York Urban League, and the NAACP. Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe




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JAN 12, 1948 Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad was born Of all figures in Black Consciousness, few were as controversial as the former Supreme Captain of the Nation of Islam and Chairman of the New Black Panther Party. Minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad was a towering intellect, a true warrior of Pan-Africanism, and a courageous visionary. He dared to speak truth to power in the face of his critics and adversaries, and ultimately gave his life in the service of a free and redeemed African peoples.



January 9, 1866

Shortly after the end of the Civil War, Fisk University the historically black university, is founded. Fisk is the oldest institution of higher learning in Nashville, Tennessee.

Arguable the Trial of The Century. Everyone can remember what they were doing and where they were during this trial. Opening statements began in late January and the proceedings in Los Angeles wore on until early October 1995, like a real life soap opera, when Simpson was acquitted of charges that he murdered his former wife, Nicole, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The Simpson trial was enduring and unmatched in status among high-profile murder cases. As I point out in 1995, the Simpson’s trial remains “a standard against which other sensational murder cases are measured and invariably found wanting. No murder trial in the United States since 1995 has matched the Simpson saga for mania, duration, infamy, and unrelenting media attention.”

January 29, 1926 Violette Nealy Anderson becomes the first Black woman lawyer to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.





Kasseem Dean, the multitalented record producer/ songwriter and husband of Alicia Keys, better known as Swizz Beatz, graduated from Harvard School of Business, in November. The Grammy award winning producer has just reached another accomplishment. His goal was to further his academic career and further is education.

Swizz Beatz cut his teeth as the young producer who crafted DMX’s “Ruff Ryders’s Anthem” at the tender age of 17. Several hits and business endeavors later, the famed producer has now added another hyphen to his name: Harvard University graduate. Congratulations are in order for Swizz Beatz, who officially earned a degree from Harvard University on Thursday, November 16. He was enrolled in the Harvard University Business School’s Owner/President Management program and shared a heartfelt message on his social media about reaching this milestone. “Today is graduation day,” he wrote under an old picture of his younger self dressed in a blue cap and gown. “In life we must keep graduating until the end. When I say we must graduate I’m talking about on all levels not just school. He noted that while he isn’t receiving a Master’s degree, he’s still proud of his accomplishment. “This moment is special to me and my family, because many people look up to me and they use my drive to thrive.” On his last day of class, he celebrated with bottle in hand and revealed he’d be continuing his education, saying: “I’m taking more classes even when I graduate because the knowledge don’t stop. The fun don’t stop. Just because you wanna get your education, that don’t mean you can’t still be cool, can’t still have fun....Whoever tell you that you don’t need to be educated, they must not be educated themselves.” Black Westchester congradulates and salutes Swzz Beatz!

Charles Deslondes was one of the slave leaders of the 1811 German Coast Uprising, a slave revolt that began on January 8, 1811, in the Territory of Orleans. He led more than 200 rebels against the plantations along the Mississippi River toward New Orleans.

LIFE INSURANCE: 3 INCOME TAX ADVANTAGES Most people probably don’t consider their life insurance policies when tax season rolls around. Perhaps they should. Life insurance, in particular whole life insurance, can help you and your beneficiaries avoid a hefty bill for the tax man. The advantages outlined here are particular to permanent life insurance, including whole life insurance policies. It’s possible for other kinds of insurance to have some of these features as well… but it’s not a given 1. The death benefit is generally paid out income tax free.

That’s a pretty straightforward advantage for your beneficiaries. Life insurance policy payouts can be pretty hefty and avoiding a major tax bite can be consequential. By contrast, the government will typically tax most retirement plan proceeds when taken by beneficiaries. There are instances where federal and state estate taxes can kick in on the proceeds of a life insurance payout, depending on particular circumstances. If your life insurance policy is part of a large estate, talking to a financial professional might be worthwhile.

2. The total cash value accumulates on a tax-deferred basis.

BY RASHAD BILAL There are a couple of ways that Steve could access his policy cash value during retirement: First, He has a cost basis in his policy of $132,840 (the total premiums that he paid). He could take a partial surrender of the cash value from his policy up to this amount, and it would be income-tax free. In addition, Steve has the option to borrow against his cash value at any time. The amount borrowed will not be taxable as income, even if it is in excess of his cost basis.

Whole life insurance builds up cash value over time as you pay premiums. This is money Careful, though. A certain class of policies receives less favorable tax treatment than what is that grows without the IRS taking a bite. And it can become an important nest egg for your described above when taking loans and distributions and may be subject to a penalty tax. future. Also, tapping into the cash value of a life insurance policy reduces its value and death benefit and increases the chance the policy will lapse. And if a policy lapses with an outstanding loan 3. You can access the cash value of the policy on a tax-advantaged basis. in excess of the cost basis, it’s taxable. Money borrowed or taken from the cash value of a life insurance policy is not subject to taxes up to the “cost basis” – the amount paid into the policy through premiums. Again, if you are thinking of taking a distribution it might be worth checking in with a financial To understand how this works, take a hypothetical case of “Steve,” who bought a whole life professional about your particular situation. policy in 1980.

Provided by Rashad Bilal, a financial representative with The Bilal Group LLC, courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Get Black Westchester Delivered To Your Home For $25 a year - www.BlackWestchester.com/subscribe










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When you exude raw talent in so many areas it hard to choose which avenue is best. When your amazing at all you do; who says you have to choose???? She’s not only gorgeous inside and out, she has an extraordinary track record! I’m not just blowing smoke people.... You will soon see how it supports my contention she has a legitimate claim to the title I’ve given her “Jill of all trades”! Let’s start by examining a key element to her talent supremacy: her staying power and solid relationships have lasted over 2 decades, most which have turned into clients. Just to name drop a little something, Kate Moss, Monica Brown, Angie Martinez, Kim Kimble.. I’ve become one myself! It speaks to the depth and breadth of her Midas touch that’s beyond her ability to create. Looking at another important aspect, shes the eldest to a family that has more talent in their pinky toe than 92% of the globe. Some might argue that because of who her sister is (The incredible Mary J Blige) that has a lot to do with her success. The reality is people have options, and she has her own magical powers that seems to draw everyone in! When I first met her, it was her smile and genuine spirit that won me over. When I say we danced the night away on my birthday THAT is an understatement!! Shout out to the Legendary DJ Jazzy Joyce who kept us moving and grooving! I have a two step that would rival her sisters, being she’s the observant mom of the pack she immediately fixed my shirt that was slightly disheveled and unbuttoned. She’s the one that’s not going to allow you to slip on her watch. Which clearly speaks to why she can take on the huge task of being her sisters manager. Handling that level of stardom is not easy. A job that she does effortlessly and is extremely proud of. The daughter of a praying mom (Mrs. Cora) that is known to cook a southern bell under the table, it was her goal to look out for and after all her younger siblings. (I am formally claiming being the 4th sister so I can get a Thanksgiving plate next year lol) #WhosWithMe For decades she’s been a known quantity in the music industry and most of the world. Creative genius by nature, this music and fashion lover has an incredible pen game! Her discography includes: My Life (Mary J Blige), I Gotcha (Case), I Can Love You (Mary J Blige), Seven Days (Mary J Blige), Be Happy (Mary J Blige), Falling In Love (Faith Evans) And many others! She also has production credits as well! What makes her accomplished in these areas is in my opinion is her humility. She doesn’t lead with that. For the most part, it’s all about God and family for her. She loves her husband of 20+ years Xenos DaCosta, her beautiful children, and all her siblings deeply and it shows. Latonya has an amazing jewelry line called “FabHoops”. The popularity is skyrocketing at an exponential rate. Whatever your rocking, LBD will ensure your accessory game is on point! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!! The nostalgia resonates deeply, reminds me of the bamboo and door knocker earring craze from the 90’s!! Everyone should own at least two pair! #InMyLLCoolJVoice Latonya has been so successful she has now expanded to bracelets and dresses! I think it would be a great idea for me to raid her closet in the near future while I still have the chance!


For Latonya Blige DaCosta to legitimately own the title of “Jill Of All Trades” you’d think it’s enough that she’s an excellent Manager, Prolific Writer, and Jewelry Designer. What sets her apart and snatches the title is her ever growing following. Her affectionate fandom evolves with her every step of the way. Whatever she touches, they are right there. I love her bold approach to challenging what we believe is the “Norm” career wise. Living life according to her own rules and what makes her happy. That’s the true meaning of success. I describe her as an organic upstanding soul. What underlines her popularity is her devotion to all she does. One of her best friends Michelle related a revelatory anecdote about Latonya. “She’s always been a creative giving spirit, she puts her best in all she creates. Knowing her, when you buy one earring she’ll give you two” Guess what happened when I bought one? She gave me two! In this age of entrepreneurialism, when most are squeezing as much as they can and giving so little, it’s refreshing to patronize someone who is so dedicated to making you “The Client” happy. I’m looking forward to witnessing the success expand beyond what anyone of us can fathom! Black Westchester make sure you support Latonya Blige DaCosta, she is definitely a “Jill Of All Trades” and represents us with the utmost class and grace! Purchase Fab Hoops: www.Fabhoops.com Follow Latonya Blige DaCosta on social media: FaceBook: @LatonyaBligeDacosta,Twitter: @LatonyaBlige Instagram: @Latonya_Fab and @Fabhoops




your ready to “ Laissez les bons temps rouler” this damsel’s creative fingers is just what the doctor orderd to paint the town whatever color you desire! Her father hailing from New Orleans, her mother fresh out of Brooklyn, already having given birth to an older sister, gave birth to another daughter and raised them in Yonkers NY.. Take a seat... This is about to be some real good gumbo! And by the way, she cooked me some that was out of this world! (Mush *her nickname* I know your reading this I’m going to need some more lol) #WhoWithMe Octobers very own vivacious libra who not only refused to become a statistic, she took the talent she was blessed with and used it to put others in a position to make money. If your “That Girl” you stop here regularly to keep your tresses intact. Her clientele ranges from celebrities & professional athletes to common people that trust their coif maintenance to the best.. Known for having “growing hands” she still give you a cut that’s unquestionably a step above the rest. But before we jump the gun, let’s take a step further back into her younger years. Growing up in Yonkers she was a part of the “IT” crowd. Her best friend is none other than the Queen of hip hop soul Mary J Blidge and writer extraordinaire and FabHoops CEO Latonya Blidge!! Look.. I can stop right there and drop the mic we already have the rue tasting like everything, and everything is rue ( sorry couldn’t help myself ..lol ) !!! But... Let’s drop some seafood in!! She is also the cousin of the masterful Yonkers MC and Juices For Life business owner Styles P!! Now I can leave it right there and your going to insist the flavor can’t get any better... but it does! See.. The trick to a good pot of gumbo is not just having excellent ingredients, but the long and slow process that intensifies the flavor. Her journey and how she pulled it together is what’s most pleasing to the palate.

Thrust into prime time in her late teens at the height of her besties Mary J Blige’s career they were everywhere doing everything! Although having the time of her life, deep in her subconscious she often wondered what her own gift was. Soon after she received an unexpected blessing to attend cosmology school. Not only did she pass, she graduated valedictorian of her class! With new found knowledge for hair care she kept her eye fixated on the prize, owning her own establishment. Before I give you any more details there is nothing better than hearing it from “That Girl” herself. Black Westchester it is my absolute honor and pleasure to introduce someone who has become one of my best friends Michelle Styles Bernard.. First of all I just love you and your energy!! Michelle : Hello Hello Hello Everyone!! (We both laugh)

I want to get right in to it... I want to ask you everything women want to know about hair.. What is one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to haircare ?? Michelle: Don’t trim it.. if I don’t trim it it’s going to grow .. Why are girls so scared of trimming their hair ???? Michelle: Because a lot of women have been through bad experiences, when you go to someone and ask for a trim and it’s a cut. You’ve been damaged that way as far as trusting your haircare specialist. The best way to look for a professional is to look for reviews.. This is a time in our lives when everything is on the internet and people are able to Yelp and give reviews, that’s the first step in trying to find a good professional that will give a proper trim. A proper trim should be every 6-8 weeks and that hair will GROW GROW GROW down to your back! Pruning promotes growth and split ends will go right up your hair shaft like a run in your stocking. That’s the best way I can describe it. Your hair is growing even as we speak but you won’t see the length unless you prune it. Wonderfully put! So your saying seek and destroy?? Michelle: Yes. You have to prune it. It’s like cutting grass when you cut it, it comes up nice If you don’t cut the grass it comes up like weeds and you can see through it. It should look like a carpet nice and thick. The key is to have ends that look like a paintbrush. Continued on Page 26

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MICHELLE STYLES BERNARD Continued from Page 26 Well alright Michelangelo!!! That’s a great point!! (We both laugh) Michelle: When you have your hair down your back and it look nice and trimmed it’s going to perform for you whether your natural or relaxed. The key is to trim. What are some of the best haircare products women can use..? Michelle: I like this product line called A&G. It’s promoted more for Caucasian hair but it’s for everybody’s and it works remarkably. You can purchase it at Ulta Beauty or the internet. What I love most about the products is they have a huge give back to Africa. Which I always want to deal with product lines and professionals that have a great give back. When you give you receive. They even have a men’s line. They have everything from soup to nuts! I swear by it. That’s wonderful!! I agree 100%!! What’s the best technique to go from untreated with color to color? So many women are scared to embark on that journey because they’re fearful of the damage that can be caused by it.. Michelle: My first suggestion is to go to a professional! No home boxes !! (We both laugh!!) That is the beginning !! A professional will ask the necessary series of question in example .. Are you relaxing? Is your hair natural? Some clients that’s colored before will say I haven’t colored in two months, I ask the questions because that color is still there and it will affect the color I apply on you “if” you’ve had previous color. If you qualify to get color, it depends on your levels whether you want to extract color out of your hair or put color in. Deposit means a rinse or a demi and those are darker colors.. Demi means I’m putting color into the hair, which is a semi permanent. Now if your going for blondes, reds, and your a brown base then we’re extracting color. The peroxide brings up levels. There’s seven levels to everyone’s hair. It’s hard to tell a non-professional about the levels which is why it’s imperative to seek a professional. For a lot of women who don’t know what is a silk press?? Michelle: It ain’t nothing but a blow dry and wrap (We both crack up laughing) The only reason I know is I did hair for 15 years a lot of women don’t know and are scared of how it sounds.. I wanted us to clarify.... I have one last question.. To those who are unable to seek a professional because its unaffordable, what’s the best tips to take care of your hair at home? Michelle: Clairol has a fabulous hotline. With their line you can call in to get actual advice from a professional. But you have to be totally honest about your hair history and they an help you! That’s amazing! Michelle I thank you so much for educating us with your haircare tips they were very informative!! Love you and I’ll be in for my trim!! For all of you who are wondering where to go the address for the shop is : 388 Tarrytown Rd, White lains ny 10607 Suite 109 & 405 You will receive the most professional service from Michelle or any one of the stylist! Michelle is the owner, Stylist Cassandra, Bunny, and Vera are equally as talented. You will walk out looking and feeling like “That Girl”!!! Stop by and tell them I sent you!! Creative Fingers Website: www.creativefingershairsalon.com Follow Creative Fingers on social Media: Instagram: @Cfhairsalon, Facebook: @CreativeFingers, @MichelleStylesBernard -

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