Volume 2/ Issue 2 BLACK WESTCHESTER - SEPT. 2018

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Unapologetically Delivering News To Communities Of Color in Westchester & Surrounding Areas

















PAGES 18-22





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As the first African American woman to lead a legislative conference in Albany, Andrea Stewart-Cousins is getting results

A Champion for Criminal Justice Reform AndreaStewartCousins.com

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Primary Day: Thursday, September 13th

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Passed Paid Family Leave



Raised the Minimum Wage to $15 by end of 2018


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A Historic Leader in Albany Westchester’s Own, Making Us Proud




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FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK Founded in 2014 by DAMON K. JONES AJ WOODSON Published by URBANSOUL MEDIA GROUP 455 Tarrytown Rd., Suite 1318 White Plains, NY 10607 (914) 979-2093 www.BlackWestchester.com




Twitter: @BlkWestchesterM Instagram: @BlackWestchester Facebook: /BlackWestchesterMagazine

Publisher DAMON K. JONES @DamonKJones

Editor-In-Chief AJ WOODSON


Mistress Of Information Brenda L. Crump News Reporters/ Writers AJ Woodson Damon K. Jones Lorraine Lopez (Latino Empowerment) Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Tasha D. Young Rashad Bilal Paul Feiner Pugzie P A’tik Khalil Photographers AJ Woodson Shane Samuels

As Publisher of Black Westchester Magazine (BW), I would like to thank everyone for their support of our efforts to bring information to the people of Westchester County. As we embark on a new chapter for BW, we hope to continue to empower the reader on issues in their communities. Independent media like BW has become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. What many fail to realize is that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which Democracy indeed functions”. This being said, BW will not be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities of being a check and balance system in the political process of the Black Communities of Westchester. BW’s purpose is not only to address the political process that affects the everyday lives of communities of colour in Westchester County. BW’s mission has also been to shine a light on the brilliant culture, morals, values and elegant lifestyle of Black people. It’s time to change the narrative on how Black people are perceived in media. As Publisher of BW, our doors are open to the public. From the publication, the website, our radio show and now the newspaper; our doors are open to the people. We do not do this for any grander position or status; we do it for the people.

A FEW WORDS FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Welcome to the September 2018 issue of Black Westchester

We are both humbled and overwhelmed by the incredible show of love and support we recieved for our One Year Anniversary Issue, four year anniversary of the website and the People Before Politics Radio Show last month and worked hard to follow that up with another important and power issue this month. Joining in to support the Boston Globe’s rally of over 350 newspapers to run editorials promoting press freedom after Trump attacks on media (page 8), we also share an editorial (page 8) pushing back against both Trump and local officials who try to attack and challenge the credibility of the Free Press, especially Independent Media who speak Truth To Power. The first of our double cover stories this month (pages 14-16) was about a young black female business owner to dared to stand up to local government’s attempt to shut her down without due process. This is an important and powerful act that led to a stand off with the city government and the police and an incredible show of support from local officials, community stake holders, local entertainers from not only her city of Mount Vernon but from throughout the County of Westchester, including the County Executive and Deputy County Exec. and beyond! Both Cynthia Turnquest-Jones and Tasha D. Young documented the Unity For Cupcake Cutie Boutique and how one young woman demanded R-E-S-P-E-C-T! The second cover story was a tribute to Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul, Black Westchester style. We also expanded our Latino Empowerment section (pages 18-21) in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15th) and shared the local official’s reactions to the death of Senator John McCain (page 9). Rashad Bilal penned a BW Financial Piece titled; ‘Millennials and Retirement,’ (page 24). And much much more! Thank you to all our supporters, advertisers, distributors, writers, photographers, editors and everyone who had a hand in us bringing you another edition of Black Westchester. Send us Letters To The Editors and your feedback and let us know what you think of this issue and let us know subjects / topics you would like to see us cover in the future by sending an email to BlackWestchesterMag@gmail.com. Peace and Blessings AJ Woodson Editor-In-Chief

Graphic Designers AJ Woodson Paula S. Woodson For Advertising Rates AdvertiseWithBW@gmail.com Letters To The Editor BWEditorInChief@gmail.com

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BLACK WESTCHESTER NEWS #SAVEOURCITY MOUNT VERNON RALLY AT CITY HALL ON THE STEPS OF CITY HALL, ABOUT 70 PEOPLE DEMANDED ANSWERS AND ACTIONS FROM THEIR CITY GOVERNMENT Mount Vernon – #SaveOurCity Mount Vernon rally at City Hall Was A Big Success. #SaveMountVernon organizers Atif Coleman and Jesse Van Lew organized the “rally” Wednesday, August 22nd. It was part of a local effort to bring resistance against the Thomas administration agenda. The #SaveMountVernon “rally” made local headlines, by drawing solutions and attention to the mayor’s wrong doing. It didn’t, however, spur the Mayor to answer any if our questions. Mayor Thomas released a statement, that did not address the protest demands. The rally and protest in the city’s downtown area brought families out in force as parents pushed children in strollers and carried babies evoking the corruption, the retaliatory mentality and poor judgement emerging from this administration, specifically Mayor Thomas. The protest was peaceful and no one was arrested. Some spoke out against the mayor using local police to enforce his illegal plans and actions and criticized Thomas of trying to create a beach in a location where it’s surrounded by commercial property and used for ships back in the 1800s. “Lock him Up,” and. “Impeach Richard Thomas,” chants are becoming louder and stronger day by day. One of the speakers Naz Duncan, a well respected city resident who lost her son, Wilbert Dennis to gun violence spoke from the heart and has been pleading for the mayor to bring closure. The case of Wilbert Dennis has gone unsolved for two years with no arrest. Mayor Thomas said in a statement: “False propaganda cannot change the fact that crime is down 31%, property values are up 10% and our local economy grew by 11% this year alone. People are working, quality of life is returning and Memorial Field is on track to open once we clean up the illegal debris dumped by Ernie Davis.


Haters will hate and I will continue to shower Mount Vernon with love and protection for a brighter future.” Crime might be going down now, but it maybe be going up, after this year’s reports come out. His own sister was just arraigned for a harassment charge for assaulting a Black Westchester reporter. They mayor is facing his own charges and a #GrandLarceny trial. So it seems as if he is adding to the crime rate. Mayor Thomas also had a convicted contractor Michael Figueroa of Figueroa&Sons Contractors come in and without council appoval, hires him to act on his plan to retaliate against his critics, and buisness. Figueroa is responsible for destroying the one good thing left on Memorial Field - Kela Tennis Court. Then on top of that, he approves a lawsuit by Figueroa to get paid for this illegal shutdown and property damage. The lawsuit has not been settled and no payment has been made. #SaveMountVernon demamds are simple. The residents have seen the worst with Thomas, and they won’t put up with it over and over again. They want to put an end to this embarrassment. They are pleading with Council President Lisa Copeland and sit down with fellow councilmembers and discuss a plan of IMMEDIATE action against Mayor Richard Thomas. His administration was given plenty of time to make there “change “ but what we got is a mountain of lawsuits and a pay to play scheme, currently in progress, staring Joe Spiezo. Yes, the mayor is facing multiple legal battles that is causing a major outcry for his RESIGNATION - immediately, so he can privately clean his dirty laundry and the city can move forward without the embarrassment. We got so many lawsuits sparked by this mayor and some of his family and we could be looking at another court case very soon. We got the: #TheRichardThomasTrial - Criminal, Grand Larceny charges. #TheJaceneThomasTrial - Harassment charge. Assaulting a reporter. #TheUrbanRenewalTrial - Reynolds claims the urban renewal has to pay for benefits not the city. #TheKelaTennisCourtTrial - 27 Million suit for the illegal shutdown and damage they did on June 1. #TheMemorialFieldTROTrial - This was initiated to keep the Mayor and his pilgrims from destroying more property. They are currently hand from the field. #TheCleanWaterActTrial - This is because he ignored demands from the state to clean up the water when he was DPW Chairman. #TheMichaelFigueroaTrial - Convicted contractor Michael Figueroa is suing the city for the crimes he committed approved by the Thomas. #TheWestchesterCountyTrial - For control over the Memorial Field project. #TheFireHouseTrial - This case was #solved and the Mayor lost. Over $200,000 was wasted because of Thomas arrogant behavior. For the record, Westchester County is leading the #MemorialFieldProject - NOT the mayor. The mayor has a history of misleading the public. Thomas revealed his own plan to renovate the iconic field recently, without county representation. The mayor has shutdown a bakery, a tennis court, resturants, and other business and all, yes all the owners believe it’s for political reasons. The retaliation in this city is so high, people were afraid that if they were caught protesting against him, they or there family members could loose there city jobs, or risk having there businesses illegally shutdown and ultimately destroyed. The city is under siege by this administration, and the saving grace for #MountVernon is, Lisa Copeland and Andrew Cuomo. If they dont act, then we will have to act at the ballot box in November. Time waits for no man, we gotta act now. Although Andre Wallace has NOT confirmed if he will run for MAYOR, he is considered by many to be a favorite to run and win, if he decides. Mayor Richard William Thomas seems to think he is untouchable and rules this city. He has divided this town, destroyed families livley hoods by destroying there buisnesses, and causing multiple lawsuits. Some feel this is ugly. It’s wrong and it’s not how we want people to see our city - unorganized and corrupted. The next scheduled rally will be held on September 14th, 2018. Please stay tuned for updates such as time and location on our Facebook group Save Mount Vernon or our supporter page Black Westchester Mount Vernon.

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You’ve heard people say it a million times: “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Those people probably didn’t live in Mount Vernon. As anyone who has spent any time here knows, that adage would read, “When we come to a bridge in Mount Vernon, it’s probably closed, and no one knows when we’ll get to cross it.” Fully half of Mount Vernon’s downtown bridges are inaccessible – 3rd Avenue, 6th Avenue, 10th Avenue, and 14th Avenue. The other half are riddled with potholes and virtually impassable at peak times. At least two of these bridges (3rd Avenue and 10th Avenue) have been closed for more than a decade with no clear completion date in sight. To put that into some perspective, replacing just those two very short spans (approximately 60-100 feet each) over the Metro North tracks in downtown Mount Vernon, will take longer than building the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, the Mario Cuomo (new Tappan Zee) Bridge, the Empire State Building, the Erie Canal, the World Trade Center, the Barclays’ Center, and Citi Field – combined! It’s bizarre, unconscionable and, frankly, shameful. As most Mount Vernon citizens know, these bridges are vital conduits for unifying our city. When the MTA built the New Haven line, it essentially split Mount Vernon in two – a North side and a South side. Socioeconomic forces have further divide the city along that same line. In Mount Vernon, the “other side of the tracks” is a sobering reality because it describes two very different and distinct communities.



Phil Weiser first met me when he was a student in Hastings on Hudson and I was a Westchester County Legislator. In 1991 he managed my campaign for Greenburgh Town Supervisor. After I won the race Phil assisted with the transition. He later went to Law School, clerked for US Supreme Court Justice Ruther Bader Ginsberg. Recently, he won a hotly contested race for Attorney General in the state of Colorado and he is now favored to win the election. I bring this up in September - at the beginning of the 2018/2019 school year-- because today’s students will become tomorrow’s leaders-locally and nationally. One of my goals as Town Supervisor is to help prepare today’s students for leadership positions. The town of Greenburgh has a fantastic internship program. This summer thirty six students worked at Greenburgh Town Hall --attending meetings of the Town Board, interacting with community leaders, hosting cable TV shows, producing public service announcements and being guests on my WVOX radio show. They took field trips and they lobbied state lawmakers to repave state roads---even threatening to organize a rally/protest if the state did not react. The regional representative of the NYS Department of Transportation met with the students and discussed the process of getting roads repaved. The internship program is coordinated by Town Attorney Tim Lewis, Town Clerk Judith Beville and myself. A photo of the summer interns is attached. Now that the school year has begun - I’d like to invite students from anywhere in Westchester to consider an internship in my office. Email me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com if you are interested in serving as an intern. You will learn a lot about government and be assigned projects that you find interesting and important. In years past interns have organized bicycle trips from Hartsdale to Washington DC to raise awareness about the importance of cell stem research or to raise funds for the homeless. They have met with US Senators and members of Congress. Other initiatives included organizing an effort to promote food recycling and sponsoring a seminar for students about to attend college- how to defend yourselves. There are other opportunities for students. The Town Board has created student appointment opportunities on our police community advisory board and on the parks and recreation advisory board

and on the parks and recreation advisory board for Greenburgh’s youth. Students are invited to attend meetings of these important official boards and to vote on matters that come before these boards. We have invited students to host their own cable TV shows or produce public service announcements which we also share on you tube. Some students are as young as six years old--we want them to learn early. Xposure, an after school program run out of the Theodore Young Community Center was nominated for two EMMY awards over a year ago. Students - 10 and 11 year olds - host their own radio program and have interviewed nationally known leaders - like Matilda Cuomo. Some students may not aspire to become public officials. Instead, they prefer law enforcement. In August of this year 28 students, as young as 12 years old, graduated from the Greenburgh Police Summer Youth Camp--now in it’s 20th year! The program is modeled after a police academy where youngsters are placed in similar settings similar to that experienced by police recruits. THe seven week course consisted of physical training and classroom instruction in law and other related topics. The students met with representatives of the FBI, the DA, the US Secret Service and other criminal just system agencies. The campers were given demonstrations by specialized police units such as the Greenburgh Police Special Operations Unit. Field trips to local courts, the NYC Police Department Training Academy were organized. And there was a two day trip to Washington DC. Contemporary issues such as alcohol and drug abuse were also addressed and students participated in various role playing scenario’s which illustrated the practical everyday problems faced by law enforcement officers. Campers also received instruction in cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid and Stop the Bleed. The goal of our police camp was to expose young people--many from low income neighborhoods- to law enforcement and to build up their self esteem and building skills. We want them to feel comfortable interacting with the police. In fact, two of our current police officers are graduates of the camp. We want to give our young people the tools they need to become great successes in life. If any reader of Black Westchester is interested in learning more about government they should call me at 914438-1343 (my cell) or e mail me at pfeiner@ greenburghny.com. Your suggestions are also welcome. We want to do more

Having our bridges open will provide our residents with a sense of community; a unifying wholeness. And, it will do much to eliminate the division and sectional squabbling when certain residents are essentially cut off from the rest of their city. For many of them, those railroad tracks may as well be an impenetrable wall. A bit of background here. Mount Vernon’s bridges, 11 in total, are jointly owned by the City of Mount Vernon and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and, as a result of historical agreements with previous railroads, the MTA is largely responsible for maintenance and replacement of them. The city does not have control over which bridges get fixed and/or when. It’s worth noting that many of these bridges date back to the 1890’s and some, unbelievably, still have wooden platforms on which the current road sits. To say that these structures are obsolete and have outlived their usefulness is a mammoth understatement. Yet, there they are. The MTA has slated some of these bridges for replacement over the next few years, while the fate of others is to be addressed at an unknown time in the far future. But, even with the few that are to be repaired sooner, this schedule is too far in the future. These are extremely short bridges. If the political will is there, they could be replaced in weeks. Instead, the MTA’s Capital Plan reveals that they will require 1630 months per bridge. By comparison, when the NYC Department of Transportation wanted to replace the Third Avenue Bridge connecting Manhattan and The Bronx – a 2,800-foot span (roughly 28 times longer than we’re talking about here!) – the entire bridge was built off-site while the old bridge remained operational. The completed structure was put into service in less than 3 months. The complexity of construction is not the issue. This is simply a matter of priorities. Let’s be very clear here, the closures are not just a traffic nuisance; they are creating a health and safety crisis in our community. Montefiore Hospital and Mount Vernon’s Police Department sit just blocks away from the now-closed 6th Avenue bridge. In order to traverse the Metro North track, emergency responders are forced to find longer alternative routes. When minutes and seconds count, this could be the difference between life and death. Those routes are further constricted by closures of the other three downtown bridges. So, at the alternative route, our emergency personnel face traffic bottlenecks. This is a disaster waiting to happen. It creates a wicked probability calculus that boils down to a sad fact of geography: your chance of survival in an emergency situation is dramatically impacted by whether or not you live on this side or that side of the railroad tracks. Here is another point of concern: what if parts or an entire bridge falls onto the Metro North tracks? And, what if this happens while a train is at the point of impact? Beyond the devastation to Mount Vernon motorists and pedestrians, there could be costly damage to property, and catastrophic injury to Metro North commuters and workers. There is little doubt that deferring these repairs is a short-sighted approach. And sadly, it also gives the appearance that these structures are being ignored because they are in Mount Vernon where people of color are in the majority, and the income level is lower than most Westchester neighborhoods. Yet, a bridge failure could and certainly will seriously Mount Vernon, as well as riders in New York and Connecticut. Historically, a lot of hand-wringing and finger-pointing has occurred when questions are raised about why Mount Vernon’s bridges are left to literally rot while those of our surrounding communities are repaired. Despite valid questions and concerns, there is yet to be an answer that speaks to any immediate proposal to fix the bridges. Just holding up the mirror to those responsible and expecting a different result is not going to move these projects forward. Having righteousness on our side is great, but it’s not useful currency when infrastructure fails. It’s not going to get the ambulances to the hospital any faster or the Fire Department to the fire any quicker. We need more than just the moral high ground. In order to rebuild Mount Vernon’s bridges, we need to build some bridges of our own – with the MTA, with Westchester County, with Albany, and with Washington, D.C. Constructive, persistent, and regular dialogue needs to begin immediately and continue until we see concrete results. It is imperative that Mount Vernon’s leadership make this a priority. We must make our case to our partners logically, persistently and in unison. We can no longer merely accept empty promises, instead, we must pursue significant outcomes. We must have a say in setting priorities. Most of all, we need to stop waiting for the MTA to “fit us into” their capital improvement plan. We must take the initiative to make our priority important to them. Lives are in jeopardy! A community is being divided. Our whole city is crippled by stakeholders who ignore our needs and overlook the ramifications of their inaction. It’s time to aggressively engage our partners. If they are not receptive then we need to work harder to make them receptive. We need to persist until real progress is made. We must consistently shine the spotlight on this problem until solved. The issue with Mount Vernon’s bridges is, in some sense, symbolic of the challenges we continually face as a community. Mount Vernon was split down the middle to make it easier for other people’s travel through our city, at the cost of limiting our travel within our city. It’s not too much to ask that those who benefit, to do what is right and necessary on a timeline without further delay. We can choose to hope the status quo changes, or we can engage meaningfully with our partners in New York, Westchester, Albany, and Washington, D.C. to change the status quo. This issue requires full-time leadership. It’s not one we can pursue half-heartedly or inconsistently. Neither can we accept empty promises nor pointless responses. It is a practical problem requiring focused attention, reliable solution and demonstrable results. The consequences of doing nothing could end up being counted in lives lost and not just dollars and cents. Bridge-building must become both our unified goal and our shared expectation of ‘common sense’ solutions. Take heed MTA; Mount Vernon goes on the record… we want our bridges repaired now! - Let’s get to work.

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In a move coordinated by The Boston Globe, more than 300 newspapers joined a nationwide effort to publish editorials on Thursday, August 16th pushing back against President Donald Trump’s ramped-up rhetoric against news media. “This dirty war on the free press must end,” Marjorie Pritchard, the Boston Globe’s editorial page deputy managing editor said in a statement obtained by Black Westchester. “It calls for urgent action by those committed to free speech and the free press to stand against a White House and its allies who are bent on eroding a pillar of an informed democracy.” The 45th President has often attacked some media reports, that hold his feet to the fire, or contradict his opinion or policy positions as “fake news” and called journalists the “enemy of the people,” and “very dangerous and sick.” In July, he blasted The New York Times and The Washington Post as “anti-Trump haters” who “do nothing but write bad stories even on very positive achievements — they will never change.” The late Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill famously declared that “all politics is local,” but that adage has been put to the test

over the past decade by an increased level of national news consumption by an electorate watching cable TV and reading the Facebook pages of friends across the country, the Washington Post wrote February 25, 2017. In the age of President Trump, surging seas of activists on the left and the right are drowning out local issues and forcing senators and representatives to answer locally for every national controversy. But independent media must remember the words of the late speaker of the House and must remain focused on issues of purely local concern. Black Westchester has often been labeled “fake news” and had our credibility challenged by those whose feet we have held to the fire and their supporters. Like the aforementioned media outlets who ran editorials August 16th promoting press freedom to counter Donald Trump’s attacks on the media, Black Westchester joins them and will not be bullied for holding power accountable and informing the public. Whether elected officials like Mount Vernon Mayor Richard W. Thomas or his Illegitimate Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph F. Spiezio III realize it or not our Democracy is dependent on an informed electorate. In many cases, black and brown people and poor people are the least informed. One of Black Westchester missions is to make sure voters are well versed in the issues they will be voting on, as we shed lights on the issues and their actions, that they do not want the public to know about. We are not the enemy of the people, we are the people! “As Publisher of Black Westchester, I have explained many times that The Media is The Fourth Estate,” Damon K. Jones wrote in an editorial in January 2018. “The Fourth Power or the fourth pillar of government all over the world. We take being a source of information for the people seriously. People look to media for the answers; it is not our job to provide the solutions, but to ask the hard questions and present the public with the facts so the public can have informed debates and make informed decisions. It is also our job to hold politicians, especially our Black and Brown Politicians or those elected officials that govern over predominant Black and Brown districts to a level of accountability to their electorate because these neighborhoods are suffering the most.” The University of San Francisco describes Media as the “Fourth Estate.” Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for at least two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. Second, information serves a “checking function” by ensuring that elected representaives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them. In the United States, the media is often called the

fourth branch of government (or “fourth estate”). That’s because it monitors the political process in order to ensure that political players don’t abuse the democratic process. Others call the media the fourth branch of government because it plays such an important role in the fortunes of political candidates and issues. This is where the role of the media can become controversial. News reporting is supposed to be objective, but journalists are people, with feelings, opinions and preconceived ideas. BW stands firm on its Constitutional right to hold elected officials and government appointees accountable. Larger papers such as the Chicago Sun-Times, The New York Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer have published editorials and the list extends to small weeklies, the Globe reported. The Globe wrote: “Today in the United States we have a president who has created a mantra that members of the media who do not blatantly support the policies of the current U.S. administration are the ‘enemy of the people.’ This is one of the many lies that have been thrown out by this president, much like an old-time charlatan threw out ‘magic’ dust or water on a hopeful crowd.” The same can be said about some of our local elected officials here in Westchester County as well as New York State officials as well. BW joins in this coordinated defense of press freedom. According to Historian John Buescher,

Freedom of the Press is…

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution says, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom … of the press.” The Constitution establishes a government with three branches, but it does not establish a press or a media. What it does do is prohibit the government from trying to control what people say, either in the press (and by extension in other forms of media) or outside the press. The core principle is that in the U.S., as distinct from many other countries, the media (and the people in general) are not established or granted rights or status at the discretion or pleasure of the government. Rather, the government’s power is entirely derived from the “just consent of the governed.” The point of the 1st Amendment is to make sure that the government does not overreach itself by trying to limit the basic rights of the people, such as their right to speak freely, including their right to criticize the government. The government does not grant that right. It already exists, no matter what the government might say or do. The 1st Amendment states the consequence of that fact: Congress cannot limit freedom of speech. The Constitution recognizes the press’ freedom as fundamental and prevents the government from infringing on it. Independent media like Black Westchester have become more than a mere institution; instead, the independent


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) board of directors unanimously passed a resolution on Sunday, August 6th, condemning statements and actions by President Donald Trump and his administration that are detrimental to the freedom of the press. The continued attacks and hostile attitude towards the press must cease.

At the national board meeting following the NABJ Convention & Career Fair in Detroit, the board approved the following resolution: “Whereas President Trump or his aides have excluded a reporter from a White House briefing for asking unwanted questions; Whereas President Trump has suggested taking away journalists’ press

media acts as a direct participant in the traditional three-branch system of governance. The Founders attributed this function to the press alone, elevating the institution to a particular position within the democratic process. One of the fundamental responsibilities assigned to the media was a duty to inform citizens about government and public issues; without adequate information, the public would be unable to exercise its sovereign powers. Further, the First Amendment’s protection for the freedom of the press intended to curtail and restrict the general powers granted to the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. Given that no branch under the Constitution could infringe upon the rights of the press under the First Amendment, the Founders revealed their desire that the media should possess a critical role in the new American democracy. What many elected officials and appointees fail to realize that independent media serves a fundamental role in making democracies run efficiently, even though there are frequent clashes. Independent media system thus often “reflects the political philosophy in which it functions, one that cannot be disregarded as a trivial player in the responsibilities in being the checks and balances in the political process in the Black Community. Representatives of BW and their family members have been harassed, threatened, retaliated against and bullied on social media by current elected officials and their supporters for reporting the truth, holding power accountable and informing the public. But as EditorIn-Chief, I state here we - and that includes any writer or representative of Black Westchester - will not be bullied by anyone when reporting the news that affects the everyday resident especially those in the Black community. As a result of Black Westchester’s coverage, there has been an increased public awareness of the actions of elected officials and those in power and how their decisions and actions affect ordinary citizens. We understand the role that we play in public communication, especially about democratic politics, the political process and corporate corruption. Black Westchester is also proud to stand and make our presence known, as we are looked at by the community we serve as a watchdog of government abuses. Under a traditional watchdog role, Black Westchester “keeps the government accountable for its actions or inactions and what role their decisions play in the democratic system” by informing the public through this reporting. Black Westchester will continue to be an advocate for Justice with FACTS and will not be bullied by any elected official, person in power or Illegitimate Deputy Police Commissioner!

credentials because of perceived negative coverage; Whereas President Trump has repeatedly and unjustly labeled much of the news media as “fake news”; Whereas President Trump has described journalists as the “enemy of the people”; Whereas supporting and protecting journalists is consistent with the National Association of Black Journalists, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that takes no position on governmental policies and programs; Therefore, the National Association of Black Journalists rejects and condemns any statement and action by President Trump and his administration that are detrimental to freedom of the press.” In addition, the board discussed conducting a study on President Donald Trump and the media, and reporting the findings by the 2019 NABJ convention in Miami. NABJ is interested in hearing from organizations, educational institutions, individuals and entities that may be interested in partnering. Contact: study@nabj.org. NABJ’s 43rd convention — titled “Driving Journalism, Technology & Trust” — brought together 3,000 journalists, media professionals, students and thought leaders to the Motor City from Aug. 1-5, 2018. Black Westchester is a proud member of both the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and the New York Association of Black Journalists (NYABJ).

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Nelson Mandela’s grandson, Nkozi Mandela slammed Trump as “ignorant” and “arrogant” on Thursday, August 23rd following a tweet where the President implied opposition to a controversial land reform program in South Africa. Trump said late Wednesday evening that he had instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to examine “farm seizures” and “the large scale killing of farmers” in South Africa, echoing a report on Fox News earlier that night that tapped into a common and inaccurate narrative on the far-right that white South African farmers were facing a “genocide.”

The grandson of the former President Nelson Mandela, Nkosi Zwelivilie Mandela lashed out at President Trump for his comments on the expropriation of land with compensation. “President Donald Trump’s unfortunate tweet shows disrespect for South Africa’s sovereignty and our commitment to justice and redress. Once again‚ the United States leadership is on the wrong side of history and‚ like his predecessor President Ronald Reagan who openly supported the brutal apartheid regime‚ Trump chooses to be prescriptive by putting the parochial interest of the minority who benefited from the heinous apartheid system above those of the majority of South Africa’s populace‚” Mandela said reports TimesLIVE – South Africa’s second-biggest news website. Trump, Mandela - a member of the Pan African Parliament - said, would “be better served by dealing with his own domestic challenges and the fundamental issues that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign raises.” Trump claimed that the South African government was “seizing land from white farmers” and warned of a “large-scale killing of farmers”. He was referring to a controversial land redistribution proposals currently under consideration by the South African government.

Trump tweeted in the early hours of Thursday morning: “I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations...

Mandela believes Trump should focus on his domestic challenges instead. “We must tell him that we don’t need his interference in our domestic affairs and that the issue of the return on the land is an extremely sensitive issue as our people were robbed of the land over three centuries of colonial land grabs and six decades of apartheid.” Mandela’s statement echoes the South African government, which tweeted at the president on Thursday. “South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past,” the government tweeted. “South Africa will speed up the pace of land reform in a careful and inclusive manner that does not divide our nation,” the government added in a subsequent tweet.


highest level of politics. But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed. We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this country as a place where anything is possible – and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.

J ohn McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely

Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heartfelt condolences to Cindy and their family.

Barack Obama different backgrounds, and competed at the The 44th President of the United States

“As you go through life, you meet few truly great people. John McCain was one of them. His dedication to his country and the military were unsurpassed, and maybe most of all, he was a truth teller - never afraid to speak truth to power in an era where that has become all too rare. The Senate, the United States, and the world are lesser places without John McCain. “Nothing will overcome the loss of Senator McCain, but so that generations remember him I will be introducing a resolution to rename the Russell building after him.” REP ELIOT L. ENGEL, RANKING MEMBER OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, “Pat and I join in the heartbreak of Americans across the country tonight learning of the loss of John McCain. History will record Senator McCain as one of the great Americans of the 20th and 21st centuries. His legacy is one of dignity, integrity, and tireless service to the country he loved. “John and I worked closely on national-security issues for decades. He embodied the old axiom that politics should stop at the water’s edge. He acted not out of partisan or political concern, but in our country’s interests as he saw them. He was a hero, a statesman, and a friend to all who knew and worked with him. “My heart goes out to his wife, Cindy; his mother, Roberta; his children; and all his family in this difficult time.”


John McCain was an American hero who put serving the nation ahead of politics. He dedicated himself to public service and stood up for his principles. We are a better country because of him, and he will be sorely missed.


Lee and I send all our prayers and condolences to the McCain family, with enormous respect and gratitude for all that he gave to this country.


“United States Senator John McCain’s strength and courage has been an inspiration to our nation. We, regardless of politics, can all admire the work he did for the greater good of our Country. Every journey ends, but not every journey is exceptional. His was an exceptional one. He might have died in his 20s in a North Vietnam prison, but he survived and flourished. To honor his memory, I’m ordering that all United States flags on County property be flown at half-staff.”


Today we lost John McCain, an American hero and a man who believed we should make the most out of the freedoms so many have fought for. Clearly he lived up to his creed. Our country is eternally grateful for his service and leadership. May He Rest In Peace.


WESTCHESTER COUNTY VETERANS AGENCY “John McCain epitomized what it means to be a real American Patriot. This warrior bled red, white and blue in service to our world nation. On behalf of all his military comrades, we salute him and know that the “supreme commander” will bestow on him the highest honors for his exemplary service and his love for America.Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and friends. At Ease John McCain!”

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In every case of public sector or political corruption, there is always a group of people or person behind the scene, most never see, hear of or know exist. In the case of the alleged political corruption of the Thomas Administration is the legal mastermind Arthur ‘Jerry’ Kramer. Mount Vernon Mayor Richard W. Thomas and his adviser and major campaign donor, Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph F. Spiezio have longbeen aligned and intertwined in a corruption of culture with attorney, author, political consultant and lobbyist Arthur “Jerry” Kremer. Kremer is the head of a company called Empire Government Strategies and a senior partner of the law firm of Ruskin Moscou Faltischek. It was also heavily reported Kremer’s company was tied to NYS Senator Skelos’ indictment.

According to an article in the Shelter Island Reporter titled, “Suffolk Close-up: A Long Island web of corruption: According to the federal charge, the senator began working at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in 1994, he has been paid more than $2.6 million, despite the fact that it appears, based on evidence gathered during the investigation, that Mr. Skelos “did not perform any actual legal work” for the firm. An unusual aspect of the firm is what it calls its “government relations arm,” Empire Government Strategies. This is headed by Arthur “Jerry” Kremer of Bridgehampton. A review by Newsday of hundreds of campaign finance, ethics and lobbying records and state contracts involving Skelos, the law firm, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek in Uniondale, and the lobbyist, Empire Government Strategies, shows the intersection of public and private transactions, which good-government watchdogs have said creates the potential for conflicts of interest and is exacerbated by New York’s porous ethics laws. Empire Government Strategies, a registered lobbyist, which the law firm describes as its “government relations arm.” Those clients include real estate, health care and corporate interests. Real estate is one area in which legal clients and state legislation can overlap or in Mayor Richard Thomas’s case city legislation and control of millions of dollars in city property. For example, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was charged in a corruption scheme that in part involves what federal authorities said was a powerful real estate scheme. The Ruskin Law Firm has a history representing major real estate development firms. Their website states, ‘Our nationwide clientele includes owners of shopping centers, office buildings, hotels and resorts, apartment complexes, senior citizen housing, industrial sites, vacant land, commercial and residential cooperatives.’ The website also states that they are heavily involved in the Industrial Development Agency (IDA). Is this a coincidence that the Thomas Administration has come under fire for how he has handled the finances under the IDA and for hiring Universal Engineering Services, a consultant who had inspector in its employment who had served federal prison time for corruption? According to Lohud, Universal - which is paid $150 an hour for its consulting work - hired an inspector who pleaded guilty last year to criminally negligent homicide in the death of a construction worker in Manhattan. In July, the head of Universal, Michael Gianatasio said he fired Procaccino after The Journal News inquired about the inspector’s federal conviction. As a fire inspector in Jersey City, Procaccino had taken $2,500 from the owner of a massage parlor that doubled as a prostitution business to help it get a certificate of occupancy. State ethics law prohibits public officials from engaging in any business or activity in which they have a direct or indirect financial interest that would give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him. The law says officials should pursue “conduct which will not raise suspicion among the public.” The actions of Mayor Thomas has led to an all-out investigation of the New York State Attorney General’s Office. In a section on the law firm’s

website devoted to Mr. Kremer, under his photo is a quote: “Law and politics have always been closely aligned. Many of my clients turn to me for legal counsel, but also for my insights into the political arena, which is a constantly changing landscape.”

Mr. Kremer is a Democrat and for 23 years was a member of the New York State Assembly. According to the New York Times article by Frank Lynn 1988, Mr. Kremer’s resignation had been the subject of rumors for some time, other Democrats said the unusual timing may have been motivated in part by his objections to a new state ethics law and requires fuller financial disclosure.

The article also stated that Mr. Kremer said he might be interested in running for State Comptroller in 1990. But the Comptroller, Edward V. Regan, echoing other politicians, said Mr. Kremer’s possible interest in statewide office was ‘’a subterfuge’’ that was ‘’not to be taken seriously.’’ As a lobbyist, he’s been active in Suffolk County representing, among other clients, the tobacco industry and seeking to block measures advanced by the Suffolk Legislature to restrict smoking. Although a highly active lobbyist, for 20 years he has regularly appeared as a political and government analyst on Cablevision’s News12. Kramer connection to News 12 has many questioning the lack of news coverage Jospeh Spiezio’s involvement in the Mount Vernon city government. The Kramer connection controlled the narrative until it was clear to reporters that many issues that were being reported on Thomas didn’t pass the sniff test when asked by other elected officials. Kramer is also the founder of the 200-member energy policy group the Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance, located at 114 West 47th Street in Manhattan. This is also the company that Mayor Thomas worked as Executive Director for New York A.R.E.A. while he was City Councilman, according to a Huffington Post article. Thomas’ connection with Deputy Police Commissioner, “Confessed Criminal Informant” Joseph Spiezio and the law firm of Ruskin, Moscou, Faltischek under Kramer’s direction, has assisted Thomas in defying local, state and Federal laws. Ruskin, Moscou, Faltischek, is the same law firm that Special Counsel to the Mayor Thomas, Maria Donovan comes from. Donovan - a Queens, New York resident - is also a partner with Kramer with the nyconcon.com an organization that lobbied on issues with the Constitutional Convention. Donovan has also regularly passed out the false malicious information about Councilman André Wallace to various press outlets at press conferences held by Mayor Thomas. Mount Vernon Corporation Counsel Lawrence Porcari was personally hand-picked by Spiezio - who he had ties to when Porcari served as Associate Corporation Counsel of the City of Yonkers (April 2000 - January 2016) - to obstruct any accountability through the city’s law department. Under Porcari, it has been reported by Lohud that the city has failed to be in compliance to many FOIL requests, especially any requests on employee information and has outsourced legal work to Kramer’s law firm. In June of 2016, Mayor Thomas refused to sign payment for the city’s Con-Edison bill. Mayor Thomas publicly announced his intentions of switching contracts from Con-Edison to the New York State Power Authority. What many missed due to the very public civil war in city hall between the mayor vs the city council and comptroller, was a big red flag of conflict of interest and possible corruption. Arthur “Jerry” Kremer, who also serves as Special Counsel to the Mayor, currently chairs the New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance and has served as their government relations counsel.

Also in June of 2016, the law firm of Ruskin, Moscou, Faltischek was hired at $350 an hour as special counsel for litigation against the family of Raynette Turner, who died in Mount Vernon Police custody July 27, 2015. Turner was the sixth African-American female who died in police custody in the month of July 2015, the most notable being Sandra Bland. According to 54-page court filing by the former Mount Vernon Public Safety Commissioner Robert Kelly, submitting a report detailing the criminal case and how he would immediately suspend and file departmental charges against the mayor’s older brother, HenryGeorge Thomas, a fire fighter who plead guilty of federal gun trafficking, would lead to his firing. Kelly was called to a meeting at City Hall with Thomas, Spiezio and Kremer. Kelly claimed he was given back the report and told the mayor “cannot see this until ‘we figure this out”. In the recent meeting between Westchester County, Deputy County Executive, Ken Jenkins regarding the construction of Memorial Field. Mayor Richard Thomas was represented by Kremer courtesy of the Mt. Vernon taxpayers. When Thomas thanked Spiezio publicly the night of his primary victory on News12, it sent a clear signal to state and federal authorities that Mount Vernon governance will never be the same. A simple search of “Joe Spiezio or Joseph Spiezio in Google would produce dozens of pages pertaining to the shady businessman and a trail of destruction he has left up and down the east coast. After Thomas was arrested, arraigned and indicted by the Attorney General’s Office, Speizio and Kramer have been working hard in protecting their investment with high powered attorneys to try to keep Thomas in office to get a return on the money they invested. The exposure of the Spiezio, Kramer, Thomas connection has forced Thomas to downplay the leadership role of his lead advisor and Deputy Police Commissioner, Joseph Spiezio. Unfortunately, its known though throughout all levels of government and political circles that Spiezio runs the city.

What we are witnessing are alleged acts of a corruption syndicate in one of the most dense democratic cities in the state of New York, lead by some of the best political-legal minds in the state of New York. The Thomas Mayorship is something straight out of the novel The Manchurian Candidate a covert takeover of a city government.

Although The Manchurian Candidate is by no means an exact prediction of what is happening in Mount Vernon. In the course of the story, the mechanism used to control the actions of the brainwashed Sgt. Shaw was the Queen of Diamonds in an ordinary deck of playing cards. Whenever Shaw threatens to exert his own independence, a voice on the phone suggests that he pass the time with a little game of Solitaire. As soon as he turns up the Queen, he’s under the thumb of whoever issues a firm command. For Mayor Thomas, he’s not controlled by Queen of Diamonds, but the King of Trash. Right now the King of Trash seems to be running rampant in Mount Vernon unchecked by county, state and federal authorities. The people of Mount Vernon’s basic democratic principles are being “TRUMPED” by a Mayor with a powerful political law firm, headed by Jerry Kremer and a Trashman that is a Unindicted Co Conspirator in the NYS AG’s case against Mayor Thomas. We just cant make this type of stuff up..

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BLACK WESTCHESTER in association with Comrie Enterprises LLC

took several youth from Mount Vernon and Yonkers including Nesta Felix’s New Flew Youth Program to a WNBA New York Liberty Game, Saturday, July 21st at the Westchester County Center for Black Westchester Day!

Nesta Felix and New Flex Youth [photo by Shane Samuels]

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On Friday, August 3rd, I witnessed an uproar at my friend and co-founder of Westchester Black Political Conference’s daughter’s place of business. I witnessed a Facebook live account of him consoling his distraught wife, and at the same time asking building inspectors why there were at his family’s place of business. The officials’ answer was ‘we were told to come here’, ‘by who?’ Damon K. Jones asked, no answer. I watched concerned as I saw how visibly shaken Montika Jones was and I wondered what could be done to show solidarity with my friends. Later that night approximately 10:00pm, I went there to see what was going on.

W ith passion and courage she stood in front of her establishment. Shirley Chisholm with AJ Woodson, Meisha herself and two other women, there was yellow caution tape exclaimed, “America has the laws and material resources it takes to insure justice for all across the door and the women were on one side and a small crowd on the other. See-

At this point Montika left, but shop owner Meisha’ father Damon was still there, along

its people. What it lacks is the heart, the humanity, the Christian love that it would take.” Miesha Stokely the owner of the CupCake Cutie Boutique an establishment located at 8 South 6th Avenue., Mt. Vernon, New York was approached by the Building Department and asked to present the “Certificate of Occupancy.” The Certificate of Occupancy was a temporary certificate which expired. The permanent certificate was yet to be sent to the establishment. She was then directed to close her doors and make all inquiries on Monday morning with the Building Department. Miesha stated she was complying and started to move ingredients out because she had major orders for the weekend to fulfill. She was heavy hearted, confused, and terrorized by the presence of the Mount Vernon Police Department. She stopped in her tracks and decided to stand her ground. Harriet Tubman stated, “I had to cross the line.” Miesha began asking more questions and announced that she will not be going anywhere. Mayor Richard Thomas executed the building department to request for a Certificate of Occupancy and directed for the establishment to be shut down. Miesha called the Building owner for help, because the Cupcake Cutie Boutique are rentors/operators of a unit in the building. The onus is on the building “owner” to show the certificate. Landlords can not rent units without a Certificate of Occupancy. Members of the community were alerted thru Facebook live and a stand off of justice seeking people gathered. Anyone who left the shop were not granted access and if they tried to re-enter they would be arrested. Miesha was embraced as the Mount Vernon community, family, friends and Sorority Sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated reminded her what Nina Simone sang in 1970, “To Be Young, Gifted and Black”, your soul’s intact. She was held high and not seen as a “Strange Fruit” as sung by Billy Holiday, while customers flocked to the CupCake Cutie Boutique and posted comments on social media in support of her understanding—when Rosa Parks refused to get up. Multiple people were her “Bridge Over Troubled Water” as penned by Paul Simon. Many knew that being present could result in them being arrested, which fueled them as they exemplified the quote by Assata Shakur, “It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other.” By Monday morning, August 6th, Cupcake Cutie Boutique remained open after the Building Department issued them a new temporary certificates of occupancy and tenancy. The building department dropped the ball. Mayor Richard Thomas’ office released a statement insisting it was never their goal to shut them down. Miesha stood as Aretha Franklin whispered in her ear... demanding “R-E-S-P-E-C-T”.

ing Damon and AJ inside I proceeded to break the tape, the on lookers told me that if I crossed I would be arrested. It was only then that I fully appreciated the two officers keeping watch. This business was under assault. Why? I don’t know but those on one side of the tape couldn’t cross to enter and those on the other side if they crossed would not be allowed to re-enter the premises. I was arrested with fear and frustration, I stayed on the outside of the tape. I commend the women who showed support the night the Mayor of Mount Vernon, Richie Thomas sent building department inspectors, and later police to close the doors to the Cupcake Cutie Boutique. The women stood their ground and the shop remained open! It was a standoff with police and the people won! I commend the show of support that Meisha got on social media from Black and White women, I commend the business that was generated from the exposure and the pure outrage that citizens had at the attempt to close a private business for what amounted to a paperwork submission by the owner of the building not the shop owner who rents space there. I commend the media coverage and the solidarity shown by other small businesses that this Mayor has shut down, with impunity. But my question is where is the unified body of black women who stand with one another, stating if you do this to my sister you do this to me? We need more of this in Westchester County. Ok black women have been the moral compass of our cities, states and nation from the time of enslavement, through reconstruction, Jim crow, the suffrage movement, the civil rights era, black power movement and womens equality movement. Black women in Westchester County need to unify and support one another. Now is the time of the historical Blue Wave and Black women are the wind behind that wave. Black women are the most loyal voting block within the Democratic Party. Black women voted for Hillary Clinton at an astonishing rate of 93 %, black men, 91%. Not only should elected officials respect the power of the black female vote, they should reward it, with power; power in appointments, and power in influence. One thing black women are beginning to revitalize is the power of community organizing on the national front. Kimberly Wheeler and Peeler-Allen, and Glenda Carr, are co-founders of Heigher Heights, a political advocacy group and PAC, which is in place to identify and support both financially and with boots on the ground, black women who run for office. They have mobilized the Country and their army of black women to support Stacey Abrams in her candidacy to be the first woman Governor in the united States and the first African-American. We have always stood out front as change agents whether we got credit for it or not. So what we saw in Westchester was more of the same but on a much smaller scale than it should be. If one black millenial business owner who is a woman is made to feel intimidated by those in power, all black women should show solidarity. We are in times where fascism threatens our sense if liberty. This environment of authoritarianism literally threatens our lives and livelihood. Make no mistake now is the time to show solidarity with one another. This is our civil rights movement!!!

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Known as The Queen of Soul, Aretha Frankline is the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (in 1987), and an Icon honoree at Billboard’s 2014 Women in Music celebration, She was a revered living legend and one of the most prolific singers of our time. She’s also won 18 Grammy Awards, was a Kennedy Center Honoree, and, for her humanitarian work, earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Aretha’s influence on popular music as a whole is undeniable and well-documented, but her considerable contributions to hip-hop and R&B specifically can be easy to overlook. Aretha was sampled over 428 times not to mention the 373 covers, and 15 remixes of catolog. The list of popular (and more often than not, socially aware) artists who have sampled the Queen of Soul’s music includes Yasiin Bey (Mos Def), Kanye West, Master P, A Tribe Called Quest, T.I., Slum Village, Big Daddy Kane, KRS-One, Whodini, Talib Kweli, Nas, Snoop, JAY-Z, OutKast, Lupe Fiasco, Dr. Dre, and Styles P. One hip-hop group who have always paid special attention to the righteous power songstress brought to her music is Public Enemy. Franklin’s “Rock Steady” was sampled on several PE records, including “MiUzi Weighs a Ton,” “Shut ‘Em Down” and “Night of the Living Baseheads” as well as on the first single “Six Feet Back On The Map,” of my group JVC FORCE’s third album. “[Public Enemy] also understood the history of black music,” Chuck D explained in 2013. When it came to the ‘60s and ‘70s those black music artists were like aunts and uncles to us. ... I felt like Isaac Hayes, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, and Aretha Franklin were family. They were getting played and cosigned by our people in your house... You had to have a respect for these records and for what they meant and where they came from.” Here are just some of the artists who sampled and covered songs by the The Queen of Soul.


Jazzy Belle by OutKast (1996) - Vocals / Lyrics Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat by Dr. Dre feat. RBX and Snoop Dogg (1992) - Vocals / Lyrics 6 Feet Back on the Map by J.V.C. F.O.R.C.E. (1992) - Multiple Elements I’m Housin’ by EPMD (1988) - Multiple Elements How Ya Do Dat by Master P, Young Bleed and C-Loc (1997) - Vocals / Lyrics Miuzi Weighs a Ton by Public Enemy (1987) - Vocals / Lyrics Shut ‘Em Down by Public Enemy (1991) - Vocals / Lyrics Night of the Living Baseheads by Public Enemy (1988) - Vocals / Lyrics Feel This Shit by J Dilla (2012) - Multiple Elements Show Business by A Tribe Called Quest (1991) - Vocals / Lyrics Gittin’ Funky (UK Remix) by Kid ‘N Play (1988) - Vocals / Lyrics Lacefrontin by Wale (2011) - Multiple Elements Rock Steady by Masters of Ceremony (1988) - Vocals / Lyrics Rockhuh! by J Dilla (1996) - Vocals / Lyrics Early Mornin’ Stoned Pimp by Kid Rock ft. Joe C and Tino (Rapper) (1996) - Multiple Elements Humpin’ Around by Bobby Brown (1992) - Vocals / Lyrics Feel the Bass by X-Ecutioners (2002) - Vocals / Lyrics Fuck ‘Em (Insert) by Ice Cube (1992) - Vocals / Lyrics Jazzy Sensation (The Jazz Mix) by Afrika Bambaataa and The Jazzy 5 (1997) Round ‘N’ Round by Tisha Campbell (1993) - Vocals / Lyrics Cowards in Compton by Luke, JT Money and Clayvoise (1993) - Vocals / Lyrics Whodini NYC by Whodini (1987) - Vocals / Lyrics You Haven’t Heard Nothing by Domination feat. Ice-T (1988) Pete’s Theme by Finesse & Showbiz (1993) - Vocals / Lyrics - Vocals / Lyrics The Bidness by Snoop Dogg (2004) - Vocals / Lyrics 1-900 Ste Oreo Type by Professor Griff (1990) - Vocals / Lyrics Turn It Up (Everlasting Loop Version) by Technotronic (1991) - Vocals / Lyrics Daddy’s Little Girl (Alternate Mix) by Nikki D (1991) - Multiple Elements Rock Steady by Wreckx-N-Effect (1989) Pay Back by Roxanne Shanté (1987) - Vocals / Lyrics I’m Doing Damage by T La Rock (1989) - Multiple Elements Rock Steady Graffiti Mini-Skirt by Invisibl Skratch Piklz (2000) - Multiple Elements


(YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE) A NATURAL WOMAN BY ARETHA FRANKLIN (LADY SOUL) ATLANTIC 1967 5 SAMPLES/ 22 COVERS Lovin U by Alicia Keys (2001) I’m a Swing It by House of Pain (1994) (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman by Mary J. Blige (1994) UNTIL YOU COME BACK TO ME (THAT’S WHAT I’M GONNA DO) BY ARETHA FRANKLIN (LET ME IN YOUR LIFE) ATLANTIC 1973 Superstar/Until You Come Back to Me... by Luther Vandross (1983) Vocals / Lyrics We Love You by Lupe Fiasco (2006) Hook / Riff Until You Come Back to Me (That’s What I’m Gonna Do) by Stevie Wonder (1974) Hook / Riff Until You Come Back to Me (That’s What I’m Gonna Do) by Cyndi Lauper (2003)


Joy by Talib Kweli feat. Mos Def (2002) - Multiple Elements My Crew Can’t Go for That by Trigger Tha Gambler and Smoothe Da Hustler (1996) - Vocals / Lyrics


The Gas Face by 3rd Bass feat. Zev Love X (1989) - Hook / Riff Do What I Gotta Do by John Legend (2004)

ONE STEP AHEAD BY ARETHA FRANKLIN - COLUMBIA 1965 - 13 SAMPLES Ms. Fat Booty by Mos Def (1999) - Multiple Elements Taking Forever by Tyrese feat. Mos Def (2002) - Vocals / Lyrics CALL ME BY ARETHA FRANKLIN (THIS GIRL’S IN LOVE WITH YOU) ATLANTIC 1970 - 11 SAMPLES Selfish by Slum Village feat. Kanye West (2004) - Hook / Riff Call Me by Big Sean (2007)- Vocals / Lyrics Spazzola by Method Man, Inspectah Deck and Raekwon... (1998) - Hook / Riff Sweet 16 (All My Ladies) by Kidz in the Hall (2008) - Multiple Elements La 5ème Saiso by MC Solaar (1998) - Multiple Elements SPIRIT IN THE DARK BY ARETHA FRANKLIN (SPIRIT IN THE DARK) RHINO 1970 School Spirit by Kanye West (2004) - Multiple Elements A SONG FOR YOU BY ARETHA FRANKLIN (LET ME IN YOUR LIFE) ATLANTIC 1974 Last Dayz by Onyx (1995) - Vocals / Lyrics The Rise and Fall by Nas (2003) - Hook / Riff

No Respect by Kool Moe Dee (1987) - Hook / Riff Revolutionary Generation by Public Enemy (1990) - Vocals / Lyrics 4 More by De La Soul feat. Zhané (1996) - Vocals / Lyrics This Is My House by Eddie Murphy (1987) - Vocals / Lyrics Bass Game by Finesse & Synquis (1986) - Vocals / Lyrics Respect by The Real Roxanne (1988) - Multiple Elements Mr. Icecream by Teena Marie (1990) - Vocals / Lyrics Respect by T.L.C. (1988) - Multiple Elements Headturner by Joss Stone (2007) - Vocals / Lyrics Covered 17 times including by Kelly Clarkson (2002), Diana Ross, The Supremes and The Temptations (1968), Adeva (1989), Stevie Wonder (1967), Jerry Butler (1968)

IT ONLY HAPPENS (WHEN I LOOK AT YOU) BY ARETHA FRANKLIN - ATLANTIC 1975 Long Island Degrees (Stakes Is High) by De La Soul (1996) - Vocals / Lyrics


The Life by Styles P feat. Pharoahe Monch (2002) - Multiple Elements


A ROSE IS STILL A ROSE BY ARETHA FRANKLIN FEAT. LAURYN HILL (A ROSE IS STILL A ROSE) ARISTA 1998 - PRODUCER: LAURYN HILL Sampled: What I Am by Edie Brickell & New Bohemians (1988) and Super Hoe by Boogie Down Productions (1987) ...more on Aretha on Page 16

Grown Man by New Kids on the Block ft. Pussycat Dolls & Teddy Riley (2008) - Hook / Riff No Problems by Lucci Lou feat. Lil Wayne (2012) - Multiple Elements Thru the Fire by Jon B feat. Scarface (2008) - Multiple Elements


Thru the Fire by Jon B feat. Scarface (2008) - Multiple Elements


The Living Room by Raekwon (2014)


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HERE IS A LIST OF HER 18 GRAMMY AWARDS. 10TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1967) Best Rhthym & Blues Vocal Performance, Female - Respect Best Rhthym & Blues Solo Vocal Performance, Female - Respect 11TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1968) Best Rhthym & Blues Vocal Performance, Female - Chain Of Fools 12TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1969) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Share Your Love With Me 13TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1970) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Don’t Play That Song 14TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1971) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Bridge Over Troubled Water 15TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1972) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Young, Gifted And Black Best Soul Gospel Vocal Performance, Female - Amazing Grace 16TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1973) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Master Of Eyes 17TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1974) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing 24TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1981) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Hold On I’m Comin’ 28TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1985) Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female - Freeway Of Love 30TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1987) Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance, FEMALE - Aretha Best R&B Vocal Performance BY A DUO OR GROUP WITH VOCAL - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) 31ST ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1988) Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance, FEMALE - One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism 34TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1991) GRAMMY LEGEND AWARD 37TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (1994) LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD

While not winning a Grammy, doesn’t take away from the greatness of a

recording artists - some argue Grammy’s do not always go to the best -- but winning Grammy Awards for a recording artist, is like winning a Superbowl, the NBA Championship, The Stanley Cup or the Pennant for a professional athlete. Fans always talk about who has the most championship rings, or Superbowl wins. And while many artists say they don’t care about a Grammy, fans are always talking about how many a recording artist has one. For The Queen of Soul the answer is 18 Grammys and 44 Grammy Nominations. Whle her Grammys do not define her, they are just another example of how great she was. Selling 75 million records doesnt hurt the legacy either Aretha’s first GRAMMY wins came for 1967 for Best Rhythm & Blues Recording and Best Rhythm & Blues Solo Vocal Performance, Female for “Respect.” Franklin received The Recording Academy’s GRAMMY Legend Award in 1991. She was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award in 1994. She has five recordings in the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame: “Respect,” “Chain Of Fools,” “Amazing Grace,” “A Natural Woman (You Make Me Feel Like),” and “I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You.” Aretha was honored as the 2008 MusiCares Person of the Year. The annual Person of the Year gala raises funds for MusiCares, which provides services and resources that cover a wide range of financial, medical and personal emergencies for music people. The Queen of Soul has supported a large number of charities and advocacy organizations, including the NAACP, the Special Olympics, Feeding America, The Rainforest Foundation, and the Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes. She debuted as a GRAMMY performer at the 13th GRAMMYs in 1971, singing Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Franklin has appeared on the GRAMMY stage eight times, putting her in a tie with Whitney Houston for second most GRAMMY performances by a female artist. Born Aretha Louise Franklin March 25, 1942, in Memphis, Tennessee.In the mid-1960s, Aretha was already a well-respected R&B soul singer. But her 1967 recording of the Otis Redding song “Respect,” from her hit album, I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You, went to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and launched her to new heights of mainstream acclaim and popularity. She died August 16, 2018, and while she is gone in her physical form, she left us a wealth of music that will live on forever and she will always be remembered as The Queen of Soul!

46TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (2003) Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance - Wonderful 48TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (2005) Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance - A House Is Not A Home 50TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS (2007) Best Gospel Performance - Never Gonna Break My Faith


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NYS ATTORNEY GENERAL MEET THE CANDIDATES FORUM White Plains – The four Democratic candidates for New York State Attorney General took part in a meet the candidates forum – titled Where They Stand at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester, Thursday night, to share with Westchester residents why they are the candidate to vote for, in the upcoming September 13th primary. The four democratic NYS AG candidates are;

Leecia Eve – former senior policy advisor to U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton; 2006 candidate for Lieutenant Governor of New York,

Letitia “Tish” James – New York City Public Advocate - The Democratic nominee

Sean Patrick Maloney – U.S. Representative for New York’s 18th congressional district (all of Orange County and Putnam County, as well as parts of southern Dutchess County and northeastern Westchester County) and Sean Patrick Malony, Letitia “Tish” James, Damon K. Jones (moderator), Zephyr Teachout Zephyr Teachout – Fordham Law Professor and and Leecia Eve at Where They Stand Candidate Forum [Black Westchester] former candidate for Governor of New York. Black In Law Enforcement’s New York Representative and Black Westchester Publisher Damon K. Jones served as the forum’s moderator. The forum was hosted by Indivisible Westchester, NYC16 Indivisible, Indivisible New Rochelle, Progressive Women of Pelham, Up2Us, the Westchester Women’s Democratic Alliance and the Westchester Black Political Conference.

Former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned on May 8, 2018 after allegations of domestic abuse and withdrew from his then-ongoing re-election campaign. Incumbent Attorney General Barbara Underwood was chosen by the Legislature to complete his unexpired term but is not seeking election to a full term.

The 2018 New York Attorney General election will take place on November 6, 2018. Green Party NYS AG candidate, Civil Rights Attorney Michael Sussman was also in The New York primary election for state and local candidates will take place on attendance, but did not a participant of the democratic forum. Thursday, September 13, 2018.

ALICE WALKER IS COMING TO WESTCHESTER BY AJ WOODSON New Rochelle – In a rare appearance, Alice Walker, famed author of The Color Purple is coming to Westchester for a conversation about her upcoming bilingual collection of poetry, Taking The Arrow Out Of The Heart.

New Rochelle High School and Women’s Enterprise (WEDC) Present

An Evening with Alice Walker

In rare appearance, the remarkable Alice Walker comes to Westchester for a conversation about her upcoming bilingual collection of new poems

TAKING THE ARROW OUT OF THE HEART Translated by Manuel García Verdecia

The remarkable novelist will be appearing at New Rochelle High School in the Whitney Young Auditorium located at 265 Clove Rd, New Rochelle, on Wednesday, October 10, 2018. The event is sponsored by New Rochelle High School and Women’s Enterprise (WEDC). For more information see flyer below or contact Dr. “Tea” Traci E Alexander at talexander@wedcbiz.org or 914-948-6098 ex. 11 Seats are limited! This event will sell out! Alice Walker is an internationally celebrated writer, poet and activist whose books include seven novels, four collections of short stories, four children’s books, and volumes of essays and poetry. She won the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction in 1983 and the National Book Award. Walker has written many bestsellers; among them, The Temple of My Familiar, By The Light of My Father’s Smile, Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992). This novel led to the 1993 book and documentary film Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women, both collaborations with British-Indian filmmaker Pratibha Parmar, and We are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness. (Meditations on spiritual and political issues). Her other novels are: The Third Life of Grange Copeland, Meridian, The Color Purple and Now Is the Time To Open Your Heart. Walker has been an activist all of her adult life, and believes that learning to extend the range of our compassion is activity and work available to all. She is a staunch defender not only of human rights, but of the rights of all living beings. She is one of the world’s most prolific writers, yet continues to travel the world to literally stand on the side of the poor, and the economically, spiritually and politically oppressed. She also stands, however, on the side of the revolutionaries, teachers and leaders who seek change and transformation of the world.

Let’s welcome Alice Walker to Westchester! When: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Time: 7-9 PM Purchase Tickets:


New Rochelle High School Whitney Young Auditorium, 265 Clove Rd New Rochelle, NY 10801

Online: https://goo.gl/VnCDs7

This event supports WEDC’s entrepreneurial training programs and services Dr. “Tea” Traci E Alexander at talexander@wedcbiz.org or 914-948-6098 ex. 11

Seats are limited! This event will sell out!

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any of you may remember the story about Omy Medina Sr. of Puerto Rican descent when we wrote about him and his family a few months back. Omy Sr. suffers from Neurofibromatosis or NF2, a debilitating disorder of which there is no known cure. The disorder is characterized by the development of tumors in the nervous system. Back then, Omy Sr. had already lost his hearing and partial use of his body. His family was in a dire situation, as they were living in a walk-up apartment that was very difficult for Omy Sr. to navigate. He had to crawl up and down narrow steep stairs in order to get in and out of his apartment . Black Westchester got involved and we were able to secure much-needed services for the family, amongst them a Section 8 certificate with the help of the Yonkers Municipal Housing Authority and Yonkers Mayor Spano’s Office. We are happy to report that they have since moved in to a more accessible apartment to cater to Omy Sr’s needs. We have since revisited the family for an update and bring you a real feel good story. Omy Sr. has a son, 7-year-old third grader Omy Jr. Little Omy’s wish is to one day become a Yonkers Police Officer and Omy Sr.’s wish is to one day live to see his son’s dream come true. Unfortunately, there is no telling if Omy Sr. will be able to see his son’s dream come to fruition. Once again, Black Westchester stepped in and took the lead in this sad situation. I reached out to a dear friend and former colleague, Commissioner Charles Gardner and explained the situation. Commissioner Gardner and his team immediately took action. I worked closely with Sergeant Jared Singer and also with Sergeant Dean Politopoulos under the commissioners direction for a couple of weeks. And I am happy to report that on Wednesday August 16th both Omy Sr. and Omy Jr.’s wishes were made a reality. They both reported to the Yonkers Police Departments Community Affairs division on 36 Radford Street in Yonkers. There they were met with Community Affairs Officer Charles Bowen who promptly escorted them both via a YPD patrol car to the Police Commissioner Gardner’s office, where they met and get this, Omy Jr. was sworn in as Police Commissioner for a day by Commissioner Gardner! Omy Sr. could not contain himself as tears tricked down his cheeks. Officer Bowen then proceeded to transport both Omys to all the YPD Division, including but not limited to the Emergency Services Division, the 3rd Precinct, K-9 Division, Bomb Squad, Motorcycle Division, and a host of other divisions. There dreams were made a reality.... Black Westchester would like to thank Police Commissioner Gardner and his amazing team who made both their dreams cone true. May God Bless you, Sir and your men for going above and beyond your call of duty. Enjoy the photos beand remember that dreams can always become a reality!!!

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LORRAINE LOPEZ’ latino empowerment





mar Herrera, a 28-year-old half Cuban and half Nicaraguan, Ossining Trustee is challenging current Mayor Victoria Gearity in a September Democratic Primary in which he hopes to unseat the Incumbant Mayor and become Ossining Village’s youngest Mayor in history. If he wins he will also be the Village’s first elected Latino Mayor as well.

“Ossining is not being equitably represented in the government”, Omar shares on the People Before Politics Radio Show - Episode 181, Sunday, August 26th, when asked by Lorraine Lopez why does he want to run for mayor. Having secured the backing of the Working Families Party and several civic and cultural organizations, such as the Lower Hudson Valley Progressive Action Network (LVHPAN), although, some may say he’s young, Herrera is already a veteran in the political arena, with more than ten years of experience at the local, county and state levels. He became Ossinings youngest ever elected official when he ran and won the seat in 2014 for Deputy Mayor and Village of Ossining Trustee. Herrera, a business and advocate currently works as a legislative aide for County Legislator Catherine Borgia (D/Ossining) and runs his own public relations firm. You can view a list of his achievements to the right. In his nearly thirty years in Ossining, Omar has become a local fixture and a tireless advocate for the residents. Born and bred in ossining, Omar is a product of the Ossining school system and has always lived in the villge and has experienced Ossining from many different perspectives. As a resident, small business owner, activist, volunteer, a member of both the Village Board of Trustees and the Police Commission Herrera has already called for a Moratorium on New Village Developement and advocating for more affordable housing. In a Village which has approximately 50 percent of it’s citizens of Latino descent it should come as a no brainer and a victorious race. But, 35 percent of the Latinos are immigrants, many of them who are undocumented. Herrera stopped by the People Before Politics Radio Show and I must say we were very impressed with his service and his knowledge of all the issues in the Village, as well as his sincere desire to be all inclusive with all the constituents. He’s very vibrant, energetic and has a wonderful positive attitude towards all his goals. We wish him the very best and can guarantee the reader that this will not be the last you will hear of him, as the world is his oyster!

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Month, it is only fitting that I highlight a dear friend of mine and friend to many. Anthony Mele personifies the epitome of service. Of Chestnut Ridge, originally a Nuyorican from the Bronx, has demonstrated good character, life accomplishments, and a commitment to his ideals. A class act.

Anthony Mele is a United Nations vendor, a Federal Firearms Licensee and Defense Trade Broker, Department of State Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Washington, D.C. and holds a Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Counterterrorism as well as a Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Conflict Management. He served in the U.S. Army in a number of prestigious assignments, including the elite 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard); the Intelligence and Security Command, Defense Intelligence Agency; The United States Military Training Mission in Saudi Arabia, and Chief of Staff for Intelligence in the Pentagon. A graduate of of the Defense Intelligence College in Washington, he was decorated for valor and peacetime heroism, receiving the Army Commendatiin Medal, 2nd award, all by the time he was 23 years old! In the private sector, Anthony has held positions and consulting assignments in the arena of international arms trade and has been called upon to contribute his time and talents to countless civic and charitable endeavors and has always given himself unstintingly. He has aided distressed communities plagued by gangs and drugs, mentored youth, negotiated truces between rival gangs in New York and Washington D.C. He has served in the boards of United Way, the International Rotary Club and Mock Youth Courts. He also assisted the President and Tribal Council of the Lakota Sioux Tribes in South Dakota. Currently, Anthony serves as the Chairman of the 65th Infantry Regiment Division Honor Task Force, where for the past 14 years, he has worked on a national scale for the recognition and rights of veterans, ranging from ensuring they receive an appropriate military honor guard funeral service, lost decorations or overlooked awards due them, and serving as their voice in providing testimony before goverment officials, something I have seen firsthand. This compassionate man also visits his fellow veterans in hospitals. Anthony is also the President of the NYS Latino Republican Committee. Throughout his entire period of community service and throughout all the years that I have known him, he has stood constant in dignity, good grace and humor. You would think he sounds like a stuffy man, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Everywhere he goes he makes new friends. Some folks may not agree with all his philosophies, but at the end of the day they do respect him. Rare indeed is his impressive dedication shown for the benefit of others which Anthony has displayed throughout his life. He was recently elevated to the rank of Knighthood by the Priority of Patrick of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem. I call him a friend and I know I can call on him at any time and he will answer my call. For these and many other reasons I am proud and honored to highlight him during this very special Hispanic History Month and will continue with pride to call him my friend.

There is an unprecedented number of Latinos running for political office in the 2018 primaries, but crowded fields - which includes an unprecedented surge of female candidates and more than 400 LGBTQ candidates running for office this election cycle - have toughened the challenge of getting elected for some candidates of color and women. The Primary season kicked off with the Texas primary on Tuesday, March 6th. Dems turned out in droves for early voting in a year when the state has some of the most competitive congressional and statewide races. Democrats stand their best chance in years of regaining control of the U.S. House. But the anti-Trump sentiment that is mobilizing Democratic voters has also crowded the field in several congressional districts where many Latinos are found. And Trump has inspired “outsider” interest, with people outside the political realm jumping into races. “The bar is even higher than I had anticipated,” said Mayra Macias, political director for the Latino Victory Fund, a top Democratic group backing Latino candidates and progressives to get Latino Democrats elected to public office. Founded in 2014 by actress Eva Longoria and Democratic National Committee treasurer Henry Muñoz III, the Latino Victory Fund recently refocused as a progressive organization after initially casting itself as more middle-of-the-road, occasionally backing Republican candidates. But following the 2016 election, the group decided that the leaders of the Republican Party were openly hostile to policies that would benefit Latinos. “Given the political climate and the policy priorities of our community, we’ve got to change. Because the Republican Party turned its back on us,” Latino Victory Project President Cristóbal Alex told BuzzFeed News earlier this year. “We can’t negotiate with the white nationalists and racists that Trump has brought in.” While the group always valued issues like immigration reform, it is focusing on backing candidates who take strong progressive stances on issues including healthcare, education, and raising the minimum wage. The crowded field makes it that much harder to raise money for campaigns, which is already a challenge for many women and minorities. How much money a candidate can raise is often how national organizations track a race and is a factor in deciding whether they back a candidate. “It’s in the primaries where you have national interest groups that have the resources to really effect an election,” Macias said. “With a couple thousand dollars you can really make an impact on some of these primaries.” Sylvia Garcia, a former state senator in Texas, was the early favorite to win the Democratic primary to replace retiring Rep. Gene Green in his heavily Hispanic Houston district, the 29th Congressional District, representing the east Houston-area. In 2002, Sylvia was elected to Harris County Commissioner’s Court. The first Hispanic and first woman to be elected in her own right to the office. There are six others also vying for the seat, including a wealthy health care executive, Tahir Javed, who has a lot of personal money to spend. Garcia and Veronica Escobar — a former county judge in El Paso, Texas, who is running to replace O’Rourke in the House — would be the first Latinas elected to Congress from Texas if they win their primaries and general elections. Things were made even more challenging for Garcia after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., endorsed Javed, upsetting Latino advocates who have backed Garcia, along with other Democrats and Democratic groups. Javed had held a major fundraiser for Schumer so his endorsement was seen as returning the favor. In Massachusetts, state Rep. Juana Matias - a Dominican-American attorney - is seeking to become the state’s first Latina elected to Congress, but first she must get past 12 other Democrats in the primary. The House seat opened when Rep. Niki Tsongas, a Democrat, announced her retirement. Macias, of the Latino Victory Fund, said Matias has “an uphill battle, and we see that in our Democratic seats” being sought by other Latino candidates. In Florida, the race to replace retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican, has drawn nine Democrats and seven Republicans, including several Latinos. The seat is considered a good chance for Democrats to pick up a Republican-held seat. In California, multiple Latinos are running in various races, but with a “jungle primary,” where the top two vote-getters move ahead to the general election, there is a fear among Democrats of splitting the Latino vote. Difficult as it may be to have so much competition, the number of Latino contenders could help draw Latino voters out for the primaries. According to the Pew Research Center, Latino turnout in 2014, the last midterm election, fell to a record low. While a high of 6.8 million Latinos voted that year, just 27 percent of the electorate showed up, compared with 31.2 percent in 2010. Although young Latino voters have not been reliable when it comes to turning out at the polls, Maria Teresa Kumar, co-founding president of Voto Latino, which encourages Latinos to register and vote, said she is seeing energy among younger Latinos this year. For a voter registration program in El Paso, Kumar said her group went to Texas with one full-time staffer and the hope of finding four to six volunteers. It got 15. The group also hoped to register 120 voters in two and a half weeks, but ended up registering 725 people. People for the American Way, a progressive advocacy organization, is hoping that that engagement filters to governor and legislative races, particularly in the state Senate where Democrats need five seats to take control of the chamber in the statehouse. “If there is any time to seize the moment when it comes to the Latino vote,” Ocampo said, “it is this year.”

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The Trump

administration has still not reunited over 500 migrant children with their parents after separating families at the border in recent months, according to a court filing on T h u r s d a y, August 24th

In a status report, the government’s lawyers said that 528 children remained in government-contracted shelters without their parents as of Aug. 20th ― nearly a month after the court-ordered July 26 deadline to reunify separated families. Of the children still separated from their parents, 23 were under age 5. And 343 had parents who were no longer in the U.S. ― because they had been deported, a government official said previously Responding to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of separated migrant parents, the Trump administration said earlier this

month that the ACLU should use its “considerable resources and their network of law firms, NGOs, volunteers, and others” to locate parents who had been deported or released. U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw later said in a conference call that the onus was squarely on the Trump administration. “All of this is the result of the government’s separation, and then inability and failure to track and reunite,” the judge said at the time. “And for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanently orphaned child, and that is 100 percent the responsibility of the administration.” The government has argued that families can only be reunited in their countries of origin. This means that children who have a current asylum claim may have to forfeit theirs in order be reunited with their parents. If their parents don’t want them to lose the opportunity to seek protection in the United States, children will have to navigate the asylum system without their parents, while bearing the weight of continued separation. Parents who may have been misled or coerced into signing away their asylum rights will be left without redress. Already in this lawsuit, the ACLU filed declarations of parents who were pressured by ICE officers to give up asylum claims, or to sign forms that they were unable to read. The affected migrant children were separated from their parents under the Trump administration’s cruel and inhumane and dragonian “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which ripped families apart at the border. Nearly 3,000 children were separated from their parents under the policy. After public outcry, President Donald Trump signed an executive order ending his own policy. Trump’s compromise was to instead detain entire families together.


As the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria approaches, Puerto Ricans feel not only devastated but abandoned


n 1928, Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo was elected to fill the unexpired term of New Mexico senator Andrieus A. Jones, who had died in office. Upon taking his seat on December 7 of that year, he became the first Hispanic-American to serve in the United States Senate. Larrazolo, who was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, on December 7, 1859, was known as a gifted orator and a champion of civil rights. A former teacher and principal, he was devoted to achieving equality in education for Spanish-speaking Americans. At the 1910 New Mexico constitutional convention, Larrazolo was instrumental in securing the inclusion of a provision recognizing the Spanish language for use in conducting public business. His commitment to insuring equal citizenship rights for Hispanics led to his break with New Mexico’s Democratic Party in 1911. In 1918, he was elected as a Republican to the office of governor of New Mexico. His brief, three-month service in the Senate opened the doors for other Hispanic Americans.

A year after Hurricane Maria ravaged everything in its path September 20, 2017, residents of Puerto Rico are still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. The New Yorks Times reported that after spending $3.2 billion, erecting some 52,000 new electrical poles and stringing 6,000 miles of wire from the federal government alone, the Puerto Rico electricity system is not in much better condition now than it was before Maria cut power to every home and business on the island. Even as some of the last customers are reconnected, many billions of dollars more must still be spent to reconstruct the system and fortify the transmission lines that have been so tattered and poorly maintained that when a mishap occurs, the lights can go out on the entire island.now, The government of Puerto Rico is revising the 64-person death toll to an estimated or nearly 3,000 people died as a result of the devastating hurricane -- or almost 1200 more than that of Hurricane Katrina’s death toll -- raising questions about the effectiveness of the federal response to the hurricane and its aftermath. The new estimate it follows several other studies in recent months estimating the death toll surging well past 64 to anywhere from 1,000 to more than 4,000. Even as those studies emerged and Puerto Rico continued to struggle to restore power to the entire island, Trump offers no indication on if the federal response needed will be re-evaluated or examined. Instead, during a visit to the FEMA headquarters in June, Trump continued to lavish praise on federal officials. He declared himself “very proud” of federal officials work to beat back last year’s devastating hurricane season and said “our entire government leapt into action to coordinate the response along with state and local leaders.” DespiteTrump’s rosey accessment, Puerto Ricans are still left feeling not only devestated but also abandoned.

IF CANDIDATES WANT THE LATINO VOTE, THEY’LL HAVE TO WORK FOR IT THE LATINO VOTE MAY BE KEY IF DEMS WANT TO TAKE BACK THE SENATE IN 2018 Democrats and liberals all across America are pinning their hopes on taking back the Senate in the 2018 midterm election, serving as a referendum on Donald Trump’s presidency and as a warning shot to Republicans whose campaigns continue to embrace extremist positions. Check the internet or news outlets like MSNBC and CNN, you hear and see the words “blue wave” embedded in messages decrying Republican positions or celebrating a local Democratic victory. “Blue wave” has morphed into a current catchphrase for those on the left who wish to see Republicans crushed in the midterms. The Mueller investigation, the Cohen and Manafort convictions and the growing anti-Trump sentiment and partisan politics might not be the silver bullets. Trump’s approval numbers havent changed much after the convictions. Democrats desperately need to make a comeback after their 2016 losses. But according to a new study, the increasingly sought-after Latino electorate will need much more than sound bites and one-liners to be mobilized. The study by Latino Decisions, a polling firm known for their independent analysis of Latino public opinion, analyzed the impact of Spanish-language political ads in state-based media markets and compared them to media markets in the same state where such ads were not present. The firm looked at Spanish-language ads from 2012, 2014 and 2016 elections, and noted that such political ads could lead to an increase in Latino voter turnout, primarily if they are deployed early enough in an election cycle.


The Huffungton Post reports, one of the best examples in the study is that of Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto, whose consistent Spanish-language advertisements were vital in defeating former Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) in the 2016 race for a U.S. Senate seat in Nevada. The Nation.com reported, in terms of taking territory from Republicans, the most winnable seats are in Arizona and Nevada, two states with large Latino populations (stemming from the fact that the land on which those states sit used to be part of Mexico, until the United States killed thousands of Mexicans and stole the land in the War of 1848). Hillary Clinton won Nevada in 2016. Arizona was one of the closer contests in the country, with Clinton losing by just 3.5 percent—a margin of 91,000 votes in a state where 600,000 eligible Latinos did not cast ballots in 2016. The article goes on to say, Texas will be another promising pick-up state—where Latinos have more than enough numbers to toss Ted Cruz from office. Despite his Latino heritage (Cruz is a Cuban American in a state whose Latinos are overwhelmingly Mexican American), Cruz has consistently worked against the interests of the Latino community. Democrats have a chance to win big in this year’s midterms by channeling Latino voters’ anger at President Donald Trump’s immigration and health care agenda, but they must be careful not to take the Latino Vote for granted like they often take the African-American Vote. They will have to make a concerted effort to mobilize and convince Latinos their vote will mean something.

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Dear Editor:

It has come to my attention that the Probation Department is proposing that Westchester County build a 76 bed extension to Woodfield Juvenile Secure Detention Services to serve our young people ages 16 to 18. Woodfield is no more than a jail for children. This is counterproductive. All the Juvenile Justice literature and best practices reports point to not having youth in detention, but rather using community resources, pre-sentencing probation, fully trained “Resource “ officers, effective mental health services, community based non-secure detention, etc. The system is obviously not working if the Department of Probation (WCDP) says there is a need for 76 more beds (for a total of 100). In the Westchester County RFP for a subcontract to run Woodfield it says:… ”WCDP aims to successfully address disparity, disproportionate minority representation and youth ending up in secure detention that would better be served through other less restrictive services or systems.” How? Certainly not by building a 76 bed extension. So, let us step back and look at the Juvenile Justice system comprehensively, as it is obviously not functioning properly. Here are a few questions we might ask ourselves: How many “Resource Officers” are there in the schools? Is their role to divert children from the system through community based programs or to arrest? I have heard that since the officers have been in the schools arrests have actually gone up, rather than diverting more youth.

Do we have enough non-secure detention services? (both foster care and nonsecure institutional care), Currently our non-secure facility at Children’s Village is not filled to capacity. Do our Family Court Judges and Clerks have adequate information and training about community services available to divert youth from Detention? Do enough services even exist? Do we have enough psychiatrists and other mental health workers to adequately meet the needs of these young people? What non-secure facilities do we have available for adolescents with a mental illness or addiction? And do we have any foster care non-secure homes in the community? Do we know what crimes the residents at Woodfield Cottage have been accused of? The Annie E. Casey Foundation recommends that we limit the commitment to a juvenile detention facility to those who have committed serious offences and pose a clear and demonstrable risk to public safety. Last but not least, is there an inherent bias in the Juvenile Justice System that increases the chances of youth of color to end up in the Juvenile Justice System? Could we use a data gathering system that would carefully monitor recidivism; track youth success after release, monitor conditions of confinement and examine racial disparities?

It is a known fact that the further a child penetrates the Juvenile Justice system the greater the chance for that child to become a hardened criminal. I believe that Are programs funded by the County directed at Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Westchester can do better by our children. how effective are they? Is the Probation Department adequately staffed to work with Juvenile Delinquents to - Ann Barringer Spaeth divert them from the system? (prior to incarceration) Rye, New York


Dear Editor, It’s extremely scary to know that in the year 2017 children are subject to illegal behaviors by public school administrators. Just the idea is bone chilling, but that is exactly what happened in Yonkers NY. School administrators conducted themselves as nicely dressed thugs while violating state and federal laws against a 17 year old minor and her former teacher. The 17 year old was the physical and emotional victim while the teacher was a victim not in his role as an employee but in his role as a citizen whose Civil Rights were violated. Could anyone in Scarsdale, Eastchester, Pound Ridge, Bronxville or other town in Westchester County imagine school administrators using their authority and influence over your 17 year old to stake out, transport, interrogate and swear your child to silence that such events did not take place? To the everyday person such a scenario is mind boggling and horrifying, but that is exactly what happened last August 2017. Here’s the story. Based on prima fascia evidence numerous administrators of the Yonkers Public Schools District have been named in complaints to the FBI; the New York State Department of Fraud, Waste and Abuse; the New York State Department of Education; the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Education; The United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York for violations of Title 18 USC 1512 Witness Tampering with a minor in a Federal Civil Rights investigation. There are Text messages in which the then 17 year old witness feared reprisal against herself and her brother by Yonkers school and district administrators if she came forward on the issue. The illegal actions were conducted by administrators while on Taxpayer time. In August of 2017, the then 17 year old witness, and recent graduate was spied on, transported, interrogated and sworn to silence about the interrogation and intimidation she suffered at the hands of people who are paid to care for our children, not to harm them or to break the law. The entire scheme and operation was implemented and carried out at the directive of Yonkers public schools hierarchy in a Civil Rights investigation which was being conducted on my behalf for having been banned from attending a 2017 Graduation in my capacities as a Music Teacher and member of the faculty. I was banned because (amongst and including previous complaints against the district) I reported the district for having me unwittingly participate in cheating on the June 2017 NYS Algebra I Regents which after I reported the cheating, was covered up. I have proof in the form of an E-Mail and the name of the teachers and student involved. One of the teachers involved was promoted to administrator a mere two months later. Only in Yonkers. In a recently obtained E-Mail, the attorney representing the Yonkers Public Schools District admitted that Yonkers City government knew about my complaints of the surveillance, transport and interrogation of the witness, and to my shock and horror, not one obligated person responded, yet they had the information. These parties were initially contacted about the witness tampering on February 14th 2018 with subsequent follow up complaints in February, March April, June and July for intervention (and my willingness to participate in a resolution of the matter) but all requests were ignored. I pleaded with Yonkers City officials (and others) to consider what they would do and what action they would demand if the administrators in their school district conducted such a devious and unlawful action against their child. Sadly there were no responses. The text messages revealed that the child felt threatened and fearful for the well being of her and her brother if she came forward. Can you even conceive such a scenario in which a clandestine operation to interfere with a Civil Rights investigation is conducted by public school administrators on Taxpayer time to perpetrate such behaviors upon a 17 year old child? It’s outrageous!! Even more outrageous are the news outlets and public officials who willfully ignored this very serious matter. I proposed to the notified parties that their inaction was because the young lady is African American, and you can take that to the Bank. - Joseph S. Lento, 2014 National Teacher of Arts and Humanities as proclaimed by President Barack Obama and 1999 NYC Teacher of the Year

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Educating girls is essential to healthy and thriving communities. However 98 million girls worldwide are not in school, and barriers to adolescent girls’ education continue to persist. We understand that all girls should have the opportunity to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to break the cycle of poverty, raise healthier families, and help build their communities. “Let Girls Learn Day” in Belize was a four day adventure. Deborah Ann Sewell Managing Director Love Foundation Belize & Cynthia Turnquest-Jones Founder of Tha Brown Urban Mother Partnership “Tha B.U.M.P.” partnered up in Belize, Central America. We met in 1986 at The Westchester Business Institute, graduated with business degrees & continued feeding our minds together at Iona College. I really do not understand how it happened, but we studied, partied, and spent many days on beaches. We never had a plan. We both separately understood the dream, obligation, and power. Love FM New and Music Power live from Belize welcomed Tha Brown Urban Mother Partnership on their Morning Show. This was the kick off to Let Girls Learn Day in Belize. Girls were invited to engage with one another, speak on the importance of education and reading. The Girls received a free bag with supplies: notebooks, pencils, erasers, pencils sharpeners, pens, and a ruler. New books were donated from various supporters, Let Girls Learn t-shirts, and Spanish/English dictionaries. They participated in a STEM challenge and a Nook Tablet was given to four girls, one in each village. These girls exemplified high level in her writing skills and articulation during the science experiment. A mirror was placed in each bag for a discussion about being beautiful while the girls listened to “Beauty in the World” by Macy Gray. We traveled to Ladyville, Belmopan, Dangrega, and Hopkins. These girls were excited and enjoyed themselves. Their conversations about the “chemical reactions” when using water, oil, alka seltzer, and food coloring were critical, creative, and differentiated. Those who were struggling were encouraged to draw and label during the experience. Some of the girls were from the Liberty Children’s Home and all were interested in their future. Margret & David Sewell provided lunch for our girls while we were in Ladyville, Belize community center. Each girl were able to chat and chew on delicious chicken fingers, coleslaw, sandwiches, and a cupcake.

Jahrefa Brown, Ladyville “The water made the pill explode like a volcano.” Melody Williams drew a picture while Kayla’s Roland used text savvy “when I saw all of these things I was like OMG this is cool.” While traveling thru villages I realized that I could not wait to wake up and start a new adventure. We were invited to a Saturday 6:00am Morning Show on PlusTV in Belmopan, Belize with “Fem Cruz”. Fem was interested in how parents can assist children who were struggling and needed to be evaluated. Lee Barry, assisted with the Special Education questions. The girls in Belmopan were brave and wanted more alka-seltzer tablets once they realized that the interaction with various liquids would create effects. Cherene Valerio-Rivero started the group CAYA and her sister leads them. Laisha Pol, Belmopan “I can tell that the alka-seltzer has acid and carbon dioxide.” Kahli Rodriguez, Belmopan “I don’t really care if I don’t get any of the prizes, today was the best prize.” It was a pleasure rocking out at the POWA Productive Organization for Women in Action in Dangrega, Belize which is lead by Michelle Irving. They have a group called “Girl Power”. Let Girls Learn Day in Dangrega, Belize was incredible. Lourdes McKenzie, Dangrega, Belize “I learned that with simple components you can make a beautiful reaction.” Thandiue, Dangrega, Belize “Empowering session, interactive, educational and fun!” Hopkins, Belize was our last stop. Barbara Nunez, Principal at Holy Family Primary School took time out during her summer vacation to gather anxious girls from her school. The girls were waiting under a tree when we arrived and ready to embrace the unknown. Ambria Diego, 11 years old “I liked the activity we participated in and the people that helped us #letgirlslearn thanks to Miss Cynthia and others. Samara Noralez, 11 years old “When you look in the mirror you should always say you are beautiful.” Tuwani Sagasa, 12 years old “They should do this more often so girls can learn more.” Let Girls Learn in Belize created opportunities while Transforming Lives With Love.


like index funds and mutual funds or even annuities with low expense ratios across a wide range of asset classes for diversification.

BY RASHAD BILAL Retirement Savings: How Much? It depends on your goals, lifestyle, cost of living and various other factors. 15 percent: One rule of thumb is to save 15 percent per year. 8 times: Another rule is to save roughly 8 times the amount of your final salary. For instance, if your ending salary is $75,000, you may want to save around $600,000. 70 percent: A third common rule is to replace a minimum of 70 percent of your preretirement income, which is the average income for roughly the last ten years leading up to retirement. Seventy percent is an estimate, but the point is that retirement can be expensive. So that number may be a good place to start in order to maintain your standard of living. Retirement and Financial Priorities Retirement saving is difficult when so many other financial issues might seem like they should have priority. Saving, let alone investing, may not seem feasible as you try to make ends meet. But not saving early for retirement may put you at risk of having to retire later than you want or under less-than-ideal circumstances.

Provided by Rashad Bilal, a financial representative with The Bilal Group LLC, Retirement saving is not on most millennials’ list of top priorities. That may be why courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company many experts expect that millennials will not be able to retire until well into their 70s. FY1096 CRN201809-204893 In fact, according to Gallup’s 2014 Economy and Personal Finance poll, the top financial concerns of millennials are student loan debts, lagging wages, housing and living costs, bills and credit cards/debt and lack of employment. Despite your current expenses, it is not too early to consider retirement planning. And there are some steps you can take to start saving right away. Budget: A budget that prioritizes savings can help you take a closer look BY AJ WOODSON at your recurring and nonrecurring expenses each month to set aside a reasonable amount. And the first step in prioritizing savings? Taking a look at retirement plans eptember 18th marks the three-year anniversary of Yonkers Native, Michael available to you. Nolan being shot in the head around 12:30 a.m. in the parking lot of the Burger King on Central Avenue. The promising baseball prospect who was selected by the OakRetirement Plan Types land Athletics in the 2014 Major League Baseball draft, remained in a coma until he died from his injuries on October 9, 2015. 401(k): Some retirement savings accounts offer good tax advantages and investment Four men in connection with fatal shooting were arrested in March 2016 and opportunities. In fact, many employers offer programs like 401(k)s that contribute to Nashaun Hunter pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of first degree manslaughter and the plans on your behalf. This is a retirement plan that you can start investing into was sentenced in Novemebr 2016 to 25 years in prison. right away. I recent spoke to Donna Nolan, Michael’s mother when she reached out to me because she was moved by the words of Nazarene Duncan who expressed the pain IRA: A traditional IRA is a tax-deferred retirement savings account. This means that she felt over the unsolved homicide of her son, Wilfred ‘Junior’ Francis - who was shot you only pay taxes when you take the money out at retirement. The advantage here 14 times and killed June 11, 2016 - at the Save Mount Vernon Rally (page 6). is that you do not need to pay taxes on any of the dividends, compound interest pay- While unlike Duncan who is still fighting for justice for son, Nolan had seen ments or capital gains you earned over the years until you withdraw your money. her son’s killer brought to justice, but expressed she can relate to the pain Duncan However, for both 401k’s and IRA’s any amount you withdraw before age 59 ½ will feels. Even with having what some what call closure, the pain Naz Duncan feels in typically subject you to income taxes and a 10 percent penalty. her heart still aches Nolan as well. Nolan reached out to me so I can connect her with You may also have heard about Roth IRAs. The difference between the two is Duncan, so she could let Duncan know she is not alone. that traditional IRA contributions are state and federal income tax deductible for every Michael Nolan was the second oldest of four boys in his family. The lefty year you contribute, but you pay income taxes when you withdraw at retirement age. pitcher played for Oklahoma City University and was selected in the 18th round of the Roth IRAs are not tax-deductible, but like traditional IRAs their growth is not taxed. 2014 Major League Baseball draft (552nd overall) by the Oakland Athletics to fulfill a Unlike traditional IRAs, however, your withdrawals at retirement age are not taxed. lifelong dream. He had previously undergone Tommy John surgery, a common procedure for baseball pitchers that reconstructs the ligament in the elbow by attaching it to Invest: In addition to retirement plans, you may want to invest for long-range goals like a tendon from another part of the body. Most recently, he was pitching for the minor buying a house or other major asset. Remember, different investment vehicles come league Arizona Athletics, but has been on the restricted list since June 2014. with different expenses and charges. That is why you may want to look at investments BW remembers Michael Nolan, he may be gone but he will not be forgotten.



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Pastor Shaun Ellison Jones, Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church and CVH Power Ally addressing the crowd “Ossining needs a preservation tool to curtail unscrupulous landlords who focus only on profit and not on community. We represent tenant families who have been neglected because of this insatiable race toward profit. That’s why we have been fighting for ETPA for the past 3 years in the village of Ossining. There is no more time to delay. We are gathered here tonight to send a message loud and clear - that we are ready for the village board to pass ETPA,” Sheila Vereen-Massengale, CVH Power Member-Leader, village of Ossining resident, shares with Black Westchester.

Ossining, NY - Members and allies of Community Voices Heard Power rallied Wednesday, August 29th outside of an Ossining Village Trustee work session to urge the Board to enact the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA). CVH Power also used the opportunity to continue their group canvassing effort effort to educate the public on ETPA. The work session, which was held at the Ossining Recreation Center, was called after a new vacancy study found a 3% vacancy rate in the Village of Ossining, which puts it within the bounds of eligibility to adopt ETPA. The vacancy study was presented in front of the village trustees and mayor. A public hearing and possible vote on the ETPA proposal will be on September 5th. ETPA is a modest form of rent stabilization, already in place in 19 other Westchester towns. If adopted, over 1,200 apartments in Ossining would be eligible for rent stabilization, making it the largest expansion of rent stabilized housing in the state in two decades.

“We are holding this press conference to lift up the urgency of the crisis facing families in our village. Tenants are living with a day-to-day threat that their rents may be raised drastically, while their incomes remain stagnant. ETPA is one part of a bigger solution to this crisis. It is urgent that the village board act on ETPA so we can move on to other critical priorities to make Ossining a strong community for everyone. This is just the beginning,” said Marcela Levin, CVH Power Member-Leader, village of Ossining resident.







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et’s see, there is so much going on locally and nationally, but before I get started allow me to again thank everyone who supported our one year anniversary issue. Ok let’s get to it. I could have actually done the entire issue of everything going on in the past month with the Trump Administration. While he is focusing on building a wall,it appears like the walls are closing in on him. The guilty plea entered by Trump’s lawyer and the conviction of his former campaign chairman brings the number of presidential aides found to have broken the law to five. Since his election in November 2016, Trump’s campaign chairman, his deputy campaign manager, his national security adviser, his personal lawyer and a foreign policy aide have all admitted crimes or been convicted as a result of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation. There are not enough pages to document this political thriller being plated out before our eyes. While President Donald Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort was convicted of fraud, his former attorney Michael Cohen told a federal court that the commander in chief had ordered him to violate campaign-finance laws by paying hush money to at least two women with whom the president had affairs.The crazy thing is this saga is still in its early stages. Then his disrespect of Sen.McCain, revoking security clearences, the good grade he gave himself for his response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, calling a black woman that worked for him a dog, and I could go on, it seems like he can not stop putting his foot in his mouth and the sad thing is he does not even care, even when proven wrong. Mount Vernon lost a couple of people like the lengendary Big Lou and Bill Cappello that will be greatly missed. We will be doing a proper tribute to Big Lou who is being laid to rest the day this issue drops. All that want to share a memory about Big Lou email us at BlackWestchester@gmail.com. I had the Fleetwood Citizens Society write a few words about Bill Cappello who spoke truth to power and informed the community until his dying breath. You can read it on BlackWestchester.com. Both gentleman were very important to Mount Vernon and will be missed.

Everyone remember to get out and vote in the primary this month. Remember the primary is not on a Tuesday this year, it will be on Thursday, September 13th. We have several local, state and national elections including the New York State Attorney General race, which should be a major concern. The 2018 Midterm Election have many implications in the direction the county will go in, make sure you educate yourself on the candidates. Let’s see what else is going on that I didn’t have a chance to get to in this issue, oh yeah, it seems like Jemele Hill is officially leaving her longtime employer, ESPN. Contrary to rumors she was not fired but she is leaving on her own terms and six million dollars richer. ESPN has agreed to buy out the remainder of her out. The agreement is based on a multi-year contract she signed in 2016. Sources who are familiar with her negotiation affirm that she departing from the company on her own terms, having asked to be released from her position back in July, shortly after the ESPY awards. The media personality officially stepped down from her role as of September 1. But Jemele Hill is already focusing on future projects. She and her longtime friend Kelley L. Carter recently launched their own media company called Lodge Freeway Media. Together, they have a vision of providing content in integrity through a woke perspective. She deserves props for not being afraid to speak Truth To Power, whether it be Cowboys owner Jerry Jones or Trump who called for her termination. Despite being warned about speaking up, being suspended and maybe even being threatened to be fired, she never backed down and continued to use her platform to address issues her community was facing.

While we are talking sports, it seems like Odell Beckham Jr.’s patience paid off in a big way. The New York Giants’ three-time Pro Bowl selection, agreed to a five-year extension worth $95 million, including $65 million guaranteed on August 27th. That makes Beckham the highest-paid wide receiver in the NFL. Beckham’s $19 million average salary would top the $17 million earned by Antonio Brown of the Steelers. His $95 million deal also tops the $82.5 million deal receiver Mike Evans has with the Buccaneers... Remember Trent Tucker who spent nine of his 11 seasons in the NBA with the Knicks. Remember his buzzer-beater in a 1990 game against the Bulls, which led to rule against catching and shooting the ball with less than three-tenths of a second remaining. Well these days, Tucker is a spokesperson for Hunger Impact Partners. The Minneapolis non-profit deals with childhood nutrition programs for low-income households in the state. He spent the last five years as director of athletics for the Minneapolis Public Schools before reigning in February. He landed at Hunger Impact Partners, having worked with them a few years ago when he was the keynote speaker at a conference on nutrition... Back to politics, Gov. Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon faced off at Hofstra University debate, Wednesday, August 29th. The Sex In The City star went after Gov. Andrew Cuomo from every angle during the hotly anticipated Democratic primary debate, including interupting him at several points, until Cuomo said will you stop interupting me, Nixon replied I will when you stop lying. Nixon is running a distant second to Cuomo in the polls, but showed she is not going down without a fight. Well that’s it for me until next month, PEACE!!!


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