HEALTH & SAFETY TRAINING 58% of fatalities resulting from falls from a height in the construction industry were from roofs and ladders. Half of these involved falls of less than 4 metres. Safe Work Australia ^ / 13 73 23
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Blackwoods Training has joined with National Safety Council of Australia to become Australia’s leading Work Health and Safety training provider with an extended offer of Work Health and Safety (WHS) training courses available. •
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Commonwealth Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training* Jurisdictional Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training* Safety for Leaders* Health and Safety Committee* Auditor Training – OHS/WHS Internal Auditing Training & Lead an OHS/WHS Certificate IV Work Health and Safety* Diploma in Work Health and Safety*
Blackwoods delivers nationally recognised competency based training, with qualified trainers and facilities throughout Australia in association with Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Provider No: 21897. Training courses can be tailored to include relevant material that will meet the specific needs of a particular industry or company whilst ensuring that all legislative requirements, including Australian Standards, are met. Training courses are designed to comply with the VET Quality Framework (VQF) to ensure relevance, fairness and validity of training and assessment. PUBLIC TRAINING We provide public training venues in every Australian state and territory. Our training venues provide a comfortable, safe and controlled learning environment.
ONSITE TRAINING Training can also be conducted onsite in selected areas. Minimise downtime and provide practical experience within a framework that is relevant to employee tasks and environment with our purpose built mobile training trailers.** ONLINE TRAINING We offer a range of training courses that can be accessed and completed online allowing students to complete courses in their own time, minimising disruption and time off the job. Online theory based courses can be a prerequisite to completing the practical component of some VQF based courses.
We deliver nationally recognised training courses - visit
Blackwoods blended learning combines online courses with face-to-face learning. The goal of online learning is to provide a more efficient and effective learning experience by combining delivery methods. Online learning allows for the delivery of Nationally Recognised Training whilst reducing lost time in production hours; thus minimising the impact of training on operations. BENEFIT OF EXPERIENCE
All Blackwoods trainers have a formal Training and Assessment qualification and are recruited from a wide range of industry backgrounds including: Emergency Services, Military and Mines Rescue, Transport and Logistics and Construction. They offer a wealth of hands-on practical experience and a passion for sharing their knowledge.
In 2013–14 the construction industry again accounted for 9% of the workforce but accounted for 12% of work related fatalities. - Safe Work Australia^
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• RIIWHS202D Enter and work in confined spaces*
• Warden & Building Evacuation – course includes units PUAWER008B Confine small workplace emergencies, PUAWER002B Ensure workplace emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented and PUAWER005B Operate as part of an emergency control organisation*
• MSAPMPER205C Enter confined space – course also includes units MSAPMOHS217A Gas test atmospheres and MSAPMPER200C Work in accordance with an issued permit* • RIIWHS401D Supervise work in confined spaces • PUASAR025A Undertake confined space rescue – course includes units PUAFIR207B Operate breathing apparatus open circuit, PUAFIR316 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident, PUASAR022A Participate in a rescue operation and PUAEME001B Provide emergency care
• Fire Extinguisher – course includes unit PUAWER008B Confine small workplace emergencies*
• MSAPMOHS217A Gas test atmospheres*
• MSAPMOHS205A Control minor incidents
• MSAPMOHS212A Undertake first response to fire incidents
• RIIWHS204D Work safely at heights* • PUASAR032A Undertake vertical rescue – course also includes units PUASAR022A Participate in a rescue operation and PUAFIR215 Prevent injury • Heights incident first response – course includes units PUASAR022A Participate in a rescue operation, PUAFIR215 Prevent injury and PUAEME001B Provide emergency care BREATHING APPARATUS: • MSAPMOHS216A Operate breathing apparatus* • PUAFIR207B Operate breathing apparatus open circuit PERMITS: • RIIRIS201D Conduct local risk control • MSAPMPER300C Issue work permits – course also includes RIIRIS201D Conduct local risk control • PUAFIR215 Prevent injury • MSAPMPER200C Work in accordance with an issued permit
• Chief Warden & Building Evacuation – course includes units PUAWER006B Lead an emergency control organisation and PUAWER007B Manage an emergency control organisation*
FIRST AID: • HLTAID003 Provide first aid* • H LTAID006 Provide advanced first aid – course includes unit HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation • HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation* • HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support – course includes unit HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation • HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation • UETTDRRF06B Perform rescue from a live LV panel – course also includes unit HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation GENERAL SAFETY: • Manual Handling – course includes unit TLID1001A Shift materials safely using manual handling methods • MEM15004B Perform inspection
• BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety*
• MSAPMOHS205A Control minor incidents (Initial spill response)
• BSB41415 Certificate IV OHS to Certificate IV WHS Bridging Course • BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety* • BSB51315 Diploma OHS to Diploma WHS Bridging Course NATIONAL UNITS OF COMPETENCY: • R ehabilitation & Return-to-Work – course includes unit BSBWHS407 Assist with claims management, rehabilitation and return-to-work programs • WHS Management of Contractors – course includes unit BSBWHS408 Assist with effective WHS management of contractors • WHS Hazard ID and Risk Management – course includes unit BSBWHS404 Contribute to WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
• TLID2003A Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING (ERT): As one of Australia’s leading Emergency Response Training companies, we provide broad based and specialist training to ERT teams in the areas of Vertical Rescue, Confined Space Rescue and Road Crash Rescue. Contact Blackwoods on 13 73 23 for more information. * Indicates a core offering ** Mobile trailers not available in all locations. Note: Course information correct at time of printing. For up to date information, please refer to our website. Not all courses available in all locations.
• Assist with Responding to Incidents – course includes unit BSBWHS406 Assist with responding to incidents
^ Statistic sourced from Safe Work Australia website - Construction Industry Profile, published May 2015. Information accessed on Monday 18 July 2016. (
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