4 minute read
Getting to Know: Scott Sturgill
Local Entrepreneur, Family Man, Born Leader
Scott Sturgill is a homegrown leader. Sturgill was raised in Seminole County and graduated from Seminole High School. He then went on to earn a Business Administration degree from Flagler College. Sturgill's career began with a boutique investment firm in Lake Mary. Knowing that he “wanted to control his own destiny,” in 2006 he purchased a safety products supply company. The company was sold in 2009. In 2010, Sturgill and his mother started Durable Safety Products in Longwood. The business is now headquartered in Sanford, where Sturgill serves as the CEO.
Family is important to Sturgill. Even though his parents divorced and remarried, they encouraged a tight-knit family. Sturgill is the proud father of sixteen-year-old Sofia, who is in the Health Academy at Seminole High, and twelve-year-old Alyssa, who attends the Pre-IB Program at Sanford Middle School.
As a fourth-generation Floridian, what are the most positive changes you’ve seen in the Sanford area? I have witnessed Sanford go through the revitalization of downtown, from the Riverwalk being brought to life along with developing the SR-46 corridor out to I-4, but the thing that impresses me about Sanford the most is our community. We have had our share of tragedies—from the tornadoes in 1998 to Trayvon Martin—but the Sanford community always comes together, and we grow as a family.
Other than being the father of two teenage daughters, what is your greatest accomplishment? I have enjoyed building our company, Durable
Scott Sturgill

Safety Products. We have been able to support the Sanford community, with sponsorships for various community organizations to serving as the Board Chair for the Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce for two terms.
You donate your time to many charitable organizations. Which organizations, how do you serve them, which one holds the greatest meaning for you? Since 2012, I have served with the AdventHealth System, having first started with their Foundation Board for Seminole County. I served for three years as Board Chair and then transitioned from the Board to a Community Advisory Council. I helped establish the Baby Place Fund with a few other Board Members, which raises money to help new mothers and babies in Seminole County. The Baby Place Fund helps to supply everything from car seats to prenatal vitamins, to diaper bags, and we even assist with bereavement services. We also support the Altamonte Baseball Academy and The Multiple Sclerosis Society.
You are running for office. What experiences do you have that will help you be an effective congressman? To be an effective congressman, you have to know your community and what issues are important to all of the residents that you are representing. I am the only candidate who was born and raised in the district. I am operating my business in the district, and I have relationships with many business owners who are telling me what they need to help grow their businesses. One of the areas that they have asked me to focus on is workforce development and the need for more workers in the skilled trades industry. I understand the school system and the education that our kids are receiving, as I am the only candidate who has kids in our school system. We need to focus on addressing mental health with our kids, as they have had to make significant adjustments from the Covid pandemic.
We need leaders in Washington who have actually run a business and been forced to make tough decisions. As a business owner, I make
Scott Sturgill with daughters Sofia (left) and Alyssa
decisions every day that are not always the most popular, but they are the right decisions for the company. We must start implementing solutions that are going to help fix the economy, secure the southern border, fix our education system, and keep our community safe by supporting our law enforcement and first responders. I am willing to take on the tough issues, and if elected I will serve for a few terms, as I believe that this should not be career.
You state that you “are ready to bring the solutionsourcountryneeds.”Whichsolution willbeyourfirstpriorityasacongressman? My number-one priority is addressing the economy and the rising inflation. The rising gas prices and food costs are impacting everyone, so we must go back to being energy independent and make sure that the citizens of the United States of America always come first.
Please share an idea you have regarding the promotion of economic growth for the country and for your district. To promote economic growth for the country, we need to commit to bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and focus on the abundant resources that we have to be energy independent. We need to develop a tax system that is simple and creates an equal playing field for everyone. We also need to work on eliminating regulations that are hampering business growth and keeping citizens from starting their own businesses. room for growth, especially in Volusia County. We need to encourage corporations and entrepreneurs to relocate here by promoting our “A-rated” school systems, no state income tax, great weather, business-friendly local governments, and showcasing our natural resources from Lake Monroe to the beaches. n